The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 24, 1895, Image 3

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    SIB S I
'rzS rr
We ask you to a Store Full!of Good
We have Bought Carefully, Bought
Every Department is Op and Doing
1 ';-&&0
y 1 ' ' '
i - .
l; SATURDAY AUjGUST 24, 1895
delinquent Tax List
By Virtue of a warrant issued out of the County ,
Court of the State of rrgon for the County of J
Wasco, and to me directed bearing date July 12th, i
1895, commanding me to seize and sell all the goods ;
and chattels of such delinquent taxpayers whose names
appear on the furcguing (following) list, or so much'
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of
taxes so changed; together with the cost and expenses
of collecting. vj
Now therefore. I. T. J. Driver, Sheriff and Ex-li
Officio la Collectost in and fur Wasco County.1
V State of Oregon, in obedience to said warrant, wilLji
r. ii . . l -1 rv-l j C C- . I . . nr
on itionuay, ocing inc viu vay ui ocuicmucr. i.-vo.r
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon f said day, 1
at the front door of the Court House in said County
and State, offer for sale the following described lands ;
as set forth in said tax list, being and lying in said j
Wasco County Oregon. - . i
August 0th, 1895. .. , ' ,, .
Annexed a acqpy of saidrarrant: ' j
State op Oregon,
- County of Wasco.
wn m t -n 01. rjr j wwnv
State qf Oregon, Greeting:
;- Ia the name of the State of Oregon:
.You are hereby commanded to collect
- the taxes by seUare and sale" of the
goods and chatties of such delinquent
Tax-Payers whose names appear on
the foregoing following list, and if
noc do lonna, wen upon we reai
property aa set forth in the foregoing
- following tax list, or so much thereof
as may be necessary to satisfy the
amount of taxes so charged, together
with the costs and expenses of collect
ing, and that you pay over all moneys
so collected to the Treasurer of said
County, as by law you are directed,
and return this . warrant together
with the aforesaid tax list with entries
: thereon of all payments made to you
J to the County Court of said County,
' within sixty days from the date hereof.
' In Testimony Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and seal of said
... County Court this 12th day of July, A.
D. 1895. A. M. Kelsay,
County Clerk.
-" By Simeon Bolton, Deputy.
1890. .
Atwater,"J E, personal prop- '
erty; total tax 13 eta
- : -. .1891.
Alexander. RM. personal prop- .
erty; total tax. 9 1 63
Alexander, Ki w , sw t sec zo, o s,
12 e .'
Adams, M C, si nw J sec 28, 1 n,
13 e
Allen, Albert, personal property
Anderson, J A, personal prop
erty. Adams, W C, n i n i sec 32, 1 s,
14 e...
Abernethy, Frank, e t sw i, w i
se, seo 2, 2 s, 12 e...
Alkire. Mrs. e ne i. sw i ne i.
6 25
10 00
1 40
90 00
9 25
5 00
neX seiBec22,ln,14e 2 50
Adams. James, personal prop
erty ....$ 17 56
Adams, W C, n i n i sec 32, 1 s,
14e.. 12 05
- Allen. Walter, personal prop
erty.... 1 60
a Hums. nw I. see 28.
ln,13e 10 12
Abernethy. Frank, ei swi, wi
so sec 2, 2 s, 12 e 5 05
Adams, J W, se I sec 9, 2 s, 14 e 2 00
Alcorn, W A, Hood River Park,
lots 40, 44, blk 1 45
Abraham, Sarah. Hood, River
Park, lots 22, 23, blk 3. 45
Archbishop Gross, Trevitt addi
tion Dalles City, lots 10, 11, 12,
si blk 6.,, 120 00
Allen, W A estate, sw i seo 30,
HlmMe 14 70
Adams, Will C,ninei,n se
860 32,18,14 e.... 20 36
are sole
"Sweet &
Abernethy, Frank, e sw i, w
sei, sec 2, 2 s, 12 e..
Alkire, Mrs Julia, e ne i, sw i
ne i, ne 1 se i, seo 22, 1 n, 14 e
Anderson, Pete, Military addi
tion Dalles City, lot F, blk 52,
343 blk 81
Ayers, M F estate. Dalles City,
lots 11, 12, blk 4
Allery Rock, e i nw i, n i ne I,
sec 6, 1 s, 12 e
. . 1890.
7 99
10 00
13 50
60 00
.11 50
Barter, Richard, personal prop
erty !
Brovlea. David, personal prop
.$ 4 25
erty 3 25
Burke, Geo E, buildings 10 00
Borthwich & Fraine, buildings
at Cascades 25 00
Boy, W H, E & W add to Hood
River, lots 25, 26, blk 1 1 25
, ' 1891.
Bone, Isaac, personal propertyS 3 33
Bmrke, Geo E, personal property 25 00
Bickford, Edward, s i sw , w i
Be i sec 20, 4 b, 13 e .-. 12 50
Brookhouse & Son, e 1 nw i, sw
i nw i, w i sw i, sec 22, 2 s,
13 e; se i, e i ne i, sw i ne i,
Bee 16, 2 s, 13 e; se i sw isec
10, zs, ise.... iiu zo
Bartes, Franois W. E fc W add ,
to Hood River, lots 39 and 40,
blk 7 125
Brown, Walter. E & W add to
Hood River, lots 45, 46, 47, 48,
: blk 2 50
Butler, Eben, personal property 4 13
Buckley, Honora, Military add
Dalles City, lot 11, blk 111 ... . 1 00
Baldwin, Jas J, w i nw i, ne i
nwi,nwinei,seo8,2n,12 18 75
Brooks, N H, personal propertyS 10 35
jttaxter, lizzie, personal prop
erty.. 21 35
Brown, A J, personal property 2 15
Blanton, L P, personal property 3 95
Blaser, Nicholas, n i ne i sec 6,
1 s, 14 e; sw t, sw t ne t, see
32. 1 n. 14 e 32 20
Barnard, Thos W, Military add
Dalles uity," lots i,J,a. anai
blk 70 4 15
Brown, Walter, E & W add to
Hood tuver, lots 40, 40, i, a,
blk 6 2 10
Bartes, Francis, personal prop
erty! .V.. ...v.. 140
Bennett, A S, 100x120 ne corner
blk 9, Trevitt add Dalies uty 124 a
Bender, Elizabeth, Hood River
Park, lot 25, blk 2 25
Bangs, J E, lots 4, 5, 6, 10, 11,
12, 14, 15, Z7, 3U, 31, Ai, , JO,
36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 46, 47, blk 1;
lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 47, blk 2; lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 31,
34, 40, 41, 45, blk 3; lots 2, 3, 4,
7,10,11,13, 14,15, 16,17,18,
19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, -.
33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46,
47, blk 4; all of blks 5, 6, 7, 11,
13, 14, ia, 10, 17, IB, iv, zw, zi,
22; all Hood River property. .
16 10
13 00
2 69
Bergeron, Ed, personal prop
erty $
Burlingame, E, personal prop
erty Beezley, Jos estate, sw i, n J n i
ne i, s i sw i, seo 13, 2 s, 13 e
Bourland, O M, sw i, nw i, ne i
seo 3, 2 s 14 e. .
Bradley, J L and T M, se i nw t
seo 18, 1 s, 14 e
Butler.C C, personal property
Brainard, Mrs MO, ai sec 11,
1 n, lOe
Blgbee, B S. sw i sec 30, 4 s, 13 e
Brown, Walter, E & W add to
Hood River, lots 45, 46, 47, 48,
blk C
Badder & McKenzie, personal
Brittain, M, personal property
Butts, W H, ne i sec 4, 3 s, 13 e
Borders, Chas A, Slmms DLC
Vol F 114, Vol K 415, about 3
acres; Bigelow bluff lot 4, w i
5. blk 32
Baldwin, J C, Gates add Dalles
City, w J of lot 45, and in
Trevitt's add 100x126 se cor
ner of blk E....
Brooks, I F, in Waucoma, lots
20, 21, 24, 25, blk 4
Bangs, J Bt Rood River Park,
alf blks 6,6,7,11,13, 14, 15,
18 90
31 68
64 47
19 62
21 15
13 60
1 95
14 50
2 36
23 30
60 00
72 00
1 30
agents for.
Royal Worcester
16,17, 18,19,20,21,22........
Bolton, Daniel heirs of, Dalles
City lots 3 and 4, blk 2
Baldwin, J, w i nw I, ne i nw i,
nw i ne 1 sec 8, 2 n, 12 e .
Bowman, E, E & W add Hood
15 60
14 50
1 30
I 30
10 90
3 51
1 30
5 18
22 50
2 50
"6 25
6 25
25 00
5 00
62 50
37 50
2 75
1 75
3 00
12 85
- 88
4 10
25 63
II 62
1 62
30 69
8 10
26 05
4 22
9 85
29 90
.2 10
10 10
8 22
-- 45
I 9 40
21 53
Kiver, lots 9 and 10, bin 6....
Bartes, Francis, E & W add to
Hood River, lots 39 and 40,
blk 7
Balrd, Nate, Baird's add to An
telope (unsold lots).
Brown, H, personal property. . .
Boyd, W H, E & W add to Hood
River, lots 25 and 26, blk 1. . .
Crowley, Dan, 4 lots in Ante
lope $
Cordes, Peter, lot in Hood River
and i acre in Franklin
Closter, Richard, personal property....-
Cates, John, Bigelow bluff add
Dalles City, lot 2, blk 5. .... .
Chambers, Mrs Wm, Military
add Dalles City, lots D, E. F,
blk 23, and lots G, H, I, J, K,
blk 22......
Carey, J B, lots 1 and 2, sec 35,
3 n, 9 e
Corum, Harrison, w i ne , nw i
sw , se t sec zd, z n, ia e 9
Cloutman, Therese, Bigelow blf
add, lot 7, blk 5
Chronicle Pub Co, personal
Cates, Mrs E A, Laughlin's add
Dalles City, lot 6, blk 4, s i
sw i Bee 26, 1 8, 13 e; n i nw i
sec 36, 1 s. 13 e
Crabtree, DP, aw i sec 26, 4 s,
13 e : .
Craft, Jacob, personal property
Coffenbury, I M, personal prop
erty Chandler, Fred, personal prop
erty i
Cockerllne, M J, Mill site Boyd
Chandler, E N, house and lot in
Cates, John, see records Vol E,
179, lot 6, blk 4, and Laughlin
blf lot 6, blk 2, and Bigelow
blf lot 1. 2. 3. blk 1
Crowley,Dan,4 lots in Antelope
Carnes, Helen, Bigelow blf add
lot 9, blk 22
Campbell," Harvey, personal
Carroll, Abner, s i sec 10, 5 s,
13 e
Crowley, Dan, house and 4 lots
in Antelope
Candianl, Dr C F, personal
Campbell, W J, s i sw i nw i
sec 13, & n, 10 e. . ,
Cooper, W, w ne i, o $ nw i
sec 15, 2 n, 9 e
Cram, W S, personal property
Comes, Helen, Bigelow blf, lot
9, blk 22....
Campbell Bros, personal prop
erty.. Campbell, S G, nw nw sec 13
Cockerline, M J, Boyd Mill site
Chaffey, Frederick, Hood River
Park, lots 32, 33, 36, 37 ...... .
Chase, F, Hood River Park, lot
41, blk 1
Clark, Cin C, Hood River Park,
lot 13, blk 3......
Collins Gabella & Chas B, Hood
River, lots 24 and 25, blk 1. . .
Campbell, J W, part of nw i sec
13, 2n, 10 e 9
Campbell, H G, personal prop
erty Cantrell, W R, e t ne i, o i sw
i, seo 10, 4 s, 13 e.
Candiana, Dr C F, house at Cas
cades, sec 10, 6 s
Carroll, Abner, s i sec 10, 5 s,
13 e
Carr & Goldsmith, n se i sec
22, 2 n, 10 e
Carter, N W, E & W add Hood
River, lots 17 and 18, blk 7. . .
Crehan, William N, E & W add
Hood River, lots 39 and 40 blk
Cartwright, Theo, nw i sec 18,
In, 15 e..
Chapman, A N, nw i se t, sw i
ne i, Be nw i, and lots 1 and
2 in sec 30, 2 n, 13 e; Military
add Dalles City, lots C, D, E,
F, blk 15
Campbell, S G, nw i nw i sec 13
2n, 10 e
Clements, E M, Dalles City, lot
22 42
26 00
6 72
10 00
1 95
1 30
12 60
32 66
9 60
the Best, and
and E ager to
Orr" Pants, Overalls and Shirts
Cooper r Mrs J D, Gates addition
Dalles City, lot 8, blk 24 36 00
Cloutman, Mrs Theresa, Bige-
low blf add, lot 7, blk 5 6 00
Campbell, Bros, personal prop
erty 45 00
Capps. Mrs Nancy, swi ne i, s i
nw t, nw i se i, sec 32, 5 s 12 e 3 15
Condon, Wm, Dalles City, lot 8,
D1K1U Ill li)
Decker, John, n i sw i, nw i se
i, se t nw t, sec 20, 1 s, I4e..a 20
Dufur, A J Sr, money tax 25 00
Der thick, A B Sr, personal prop
erty.... 1 38
Dufur & Watklns, Bigelow's '
add Dalles City,two-fifth int in
lots 9 and 10, blks 7 and 9 2 56
Dunham, Mrs P M estate,
Laughlin add Dalles City w 4 .
blk 6 3 75
Dunn, W H, property in Bige- '
low add Dalles City. 22 ou
Dalles Pub Co, personal prop-
erty 13 ou
Drake, R V, se i sec 30, 1 n, 14
east ....$ 6 32
Dickerson, Jas A, e i sw i, w i
se J, seo 34, 1 s, 17 e 12 50
Donovan, John, improvements
at Cascades 13 70
Doak, C, personal property. . 7 92
Dow, Mrs J B, personal prop
erty 7 50
Dalles Fish Co, personal prop
erty Jb zo
Denton, T M, e Colwell dona
tion land claim aw
Diall & Lane, Baird's add Ante
lope, lot 2, blk 2 13 30
Durbin, Matilda, n i sw , ex
cept platted part 01 Antelope,
sec 32, 7 s, 17 e 10 90
Denton, T M, e i Colwell dona- .
tion land claim 12 (Jo
Dow, Mrs J B, improvement on
lot 11, blk 21, laugnlin's add
Dalles City ... 8 20
Doak, A C, personal property. . 3 75
jjouson, jonn, n 1 nw t, ne t
nw i, nw I ne , sec 34, 2 n,
10 e 10 10
Dickenbach, B J, lot In Hood
River Park ......... 45
Drake, R V, 160 acres in sec 30
In, 14 e $ 16 17
Damowers, Eugene, sw i sec 6, .
5 s 12 e . 940
Delk' j"T,' "lots'i" and 2,' blk 'ii
2d add Hood River. 29 60
Delore, B, personal property. . . 6 09
Dowell, Frank, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, E
6 W add Hood River...,,.. 1 95
Davis, Marcus J, lots 13, 14. 15,
16, blk 10, E&W add Hood ,
River 3 25
Dodson, John, w i nw 1, ne 1
nw i nw i ne ,sec 34, 2 n, 10 e 8 40
Devoy, Edward, lots 43 and 44, -
blk 2 E & W add Hood River . 1 30
Denton, T M, w i w i Colwell's :
donation land claim 31 50
Dunn, W H, lot 6 and e i lot 5,
Bigelow blf add blk 32. ....... 21 00
English, James, personal prop
erty.. $ 3 25
Evans, G S, personal property. . 1 12
Emeric, Milton, heirs of, e i ne
isec6,ls,13e 10 00
Emerson, C W, personal prop
erty.. .4 3 48
Ellis, WE. blk 3, Erwin& Wat
son's add Hood River. 1 25
Erwin, Jane A, E & W add
Hood River, lots 11 to 18 blk
6, 40 to 46 and 7 to 16 in blk 7,
.1 to 22, and 27 and 28 blk 8,
and 1 to 32 in blk 9, 15 to 20 '
and 43 to 46 in blk 1, 25 to 32
and 45 to 58 blk 3, 11 to 21 and
34 to 48 in blk 4, 11 to 20 and
25 to 48 blk 5, 3 to 12 bin 2, . .
7 50
2 50
Erwin, R R, property in E &
W add to Hood River
Ellis, W E,.lots 21 and 22, E &
W add to Hood River $ 1 40
Esping, Harry M, lots 4, 5, 16,
17. Thompson's Add Dalles
Cltv 5 50
Emeric, Milton, heirs of , e 1 ne .
isec6, 1 s,13e..... 10-10
Elliott, T M, lot 13, blk 1, Hood -River
Park , 25
Emery, Alice E, personal prop
erty 164 90
Elliott, J P, lot 16, blk 1, Hood - '
River Park 25
in Variety Large Enough to Allow Ample Choice.
Show You These New Things.
Elliott, WE, lot 17, blk 1, Hood
River Park
Elliott, E G, lot 12, blk 1, Hood
River Park 25
Eddy, John, nw i sec 28, 1 s,
12 e S 6 30
Everett, Abby L, E&W add
Hood River, lots 35 and 36,
blk 1 1 30
Ellis, W E, E & W add Hood
River, lots 21 and 22, blk 3.. 1 30
Emeric, Milton heirs of , e i . ne
i sec 6, Is, 13 e 15 20
Edwards, Mary L, Laughlin's .
add Dalles City, lot 4, blk 9. . 24 00
Ehrlsman, John J, nw i sw i,
sw i nw i, sec 28, 1 n, 12 e. . . . 8 14
Elliott, E G, Hood River Park, .
lots 12, 13, 10, 17, DiK 1., ami
Farrls, John W, se i sec 28, 5 s,
12 e. $ 1 90
Fllloon Bros, Laughlin's addi
tion Dalles City, building. . . . 112 25
Fancy, J E, house and lot on
Fourth street 10 00
Frederick, E, nw i sec 22, 2 n,
12e.. ..!... S 850
Fish & Bardon, personal prop
erty 112 50
Fleascheaur, Albert, personal
property 7 50
Farrelly, Mary A, Laughlin add
Dalles City, lots 5 and 6, blk 5 15 00
1892. .
Frazer, Hulda, tract south blk 8
First add Dufur, Vol 2, p 563. .$ 5 50
Fredenburg, A, tract of 160
acres in sections 21 and 24, 1
n, 12 e... .' 8 05
Ferguson, L E, 81x108 n side Al
ford Ave, w of B. F. Laugh
lin, Vol. P, 487 12 42
Fleck, R C & Co, personal prop
erty 5 65
Farmer, Hugh, Military add,
lot K, blk 29... 12 40
Farrelly, Mary A, Laughlin's
add Dalles City, lots 5 and 6,
blk 5.... 22 10
Fisher, Jos, Bigelow add Dalles
City, lot 11, blk 8 8 30
Finch, Pernecia, Military add,
lot D, blk 15 1 10
Feak, James, s i ne , n J se i,
sec 13, 2n, 10 e 29 40
Ferdinand, M, swi sec 22, 1 s,
- 12 e, 9- 40
Friedley, Arthur, nw i sec 2, 1 s
15 e,;.. 16 48
Ferris, S E, Bigelow bluff add
Dalles City, lots 5 and 6r blk
4, and swi sec 24,5 s, 12 e... 29 63
Fkher, Godberson & Co, per
sonal property......... ...... 9 30
Fredenburc A. s i se sw
i. sec 21, In, 10 e...i 8 40
Frizzell, Wm, lots 1 and 2 and
: s i se i, sec 34, 2 n, 8 e, and .
tract L Lowe donation land
claim "94 00
Farley & Frank, Laughlin add
lot 9, blk 18... 365 75
Fisher, li A, Military add Dallas
City, lots A, B, C. D, E, F,
; blkll2........ 2 25
Fegel, Lewis (Mrs Gillgard)
Military add, lots E and F. blk
84. 2 25
Ferguson, L E, tract in Bige
low's donation land claim ,
Vol P, page 47. -38 00
Faulkner, M, Dalles City, lot 5
blk l..;i.. ....... ............ 240
Fisher. Jos. Bicelow add Dalles- .
City, lot 11, blk 8 . 7 50
Foreman, E, s i nw ir n i sw iP
sec 7, 2 s, 15 e :37 60
1890.. :
Graham. David.tract consisting-
of 32 acres in sec 33, 2 n, 13 e.P 12 50
Garrettson, W E, personal prop
erty 61 25
Gebhart, Lewis, house and lot.
in Dalles City .61 25
Gilhousen, W E, personal prop
erty....... 8 50
. 1891. .
Gibson, F E, personal property 2 75
GJisan,. E F. personal property - -6 85
Glisan, Al, personal property.. 3 50
Gray, N, e ne i sec 21, 4 8, 12 e
andwinwiseo22,4sl2e.. '27 50
Gosser, Geo, personal property 75
Glenn, -H D, Gates add Dalles
City, lots 5 and 6, blk 14, and
Laughlin add Dalles City lots-
A, 4, W, lAIV WW IVI V
blk 6 -ai 25
and Manhattan
Goldstein, Louise estate of, tract
of land in sec 33. 2 n, 13 e
Geary, Richard, Military add
Dalles City, lots B, C, D, blk
77 7 50
Gamble, W B, s i sw i, nw i sw
i, swi nwi, sec 36, 1 s, 8 e.. 10 00
Goldbug, Isaac, E&W addi
tion Hood River, lot 13, blk
10 1 00
Goldbug, Malcolm, personal
property 1 00
Gordian, Wm, nw i ne i, e i nw
i, swi nw i sec 27, 1 n, 13 e. . . 37 50
Goodfellow, Fred, nw qr sec 29
In, 10 e ..$ 10 10
Gibbons, J J, e hf se qr sec 4, 2
n. 10 e....... 17 10
Grant, Allen, personal property 98 30
Garrettson, W E, personal prop
erty 43 30
Gilman, Alice M, Bigelow bluff
add. all of blk 33 27 ou
Geary, Richard, Military add,
lots B, C, D, blk 77 8 30
Gee, Hop, personal property 12 65
George, David, personal prop
erty 5 60
Green, Elmer, n hf sw qr, n hf
nw qr, sec 10, 2 s, 13 e - to
Gamble, W B, s hf sw qr, nwqr
sw qr, sw qr nw qr, sec 3b, 1 s
8 e - 7 60
Gerson, H, w hf se qr, sec 31, 3
n, 10 e 6 30
Greenbaum, Jesse, lots 18 and
19, blk 10, Hood Kiver 4o
Gibbons, John, e hf se qr sec 4,
2n, lOe 20 61
Gilhousen Bros, personal prop
erty 51 50
Glisan, E T, personal property 13 07
Gamble, W s, s bi sw qr, nw qr
sw qr, sw qr nw qr sec 3b, 1 s,
8 e , 7 50
Goodfellow, Fred, nw qr sec 29,
in, 10 e 0 40
God berry, Isaac, E&W add
Hood River, lots la and 19 blk
, 10 1 30
Geary, Richard, Military add
Dalies Jity, lots a, d, oik
77 - 9 00
Gee Hop, personal property ' 12 00
Gray, Nealy, personal property 6 30
Greenbaum, Jesse, E&W add '
Hood River, al) except lots 21
and 32 In blk 5 1- 2 60
Hill, Mrs H J, Laughlin blf add
Dalles Uity, lot 0, biK 4 9 b 00
Huntington, J M, part of blk 14
In Dalles city. Bee vol k,
paere 299. Also lot 2 in blk 2 7 75
Hope, Mrs Agnes, personal,
property 18 50
Hendrickson, C H, part of At-
well donation land claim 12 uo
Hill, Marshall, one lot in Bige-.
tow blf add Dalles City 10 00
Herbert, Geo, s hf sw qr, n hf
nw qr, sec 26. 1 s, 13 e; Mili
tary add. lot A. blk 11 30 63
Hendry, J A, two lots in Tack-
man .add o io
. 1891."
Humbert, C B, personal prop
erty 1 do
Hayes, Wm, personal property 4 12
Hiilstrom, John, 80 acres in sec
2, 2 n, 10 e 6 25
Hurst, D E, personal property 3 88
Hunter, T M, personal property 4 63
Huntington. J M. Neece and
Gates add, lot 2, blk 2 2 50
Hill, Mrs M A, personal prop
erty 3 63
Huntington, May B, Dalles City
Kihti?u leet Boutn siae sevenin
street, lot 14 8 75
Hacrhenv. J H. Military addition
Dalles City, lot t; oik 01 1 20
Hall, Rosa, E & W add Hood
River, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blk 6. 1 88
Hudson. Viola. E&W add
Hood River, lots 7 And 8, blk 6 1 35
Ham, Julia A, tract ia nw qr
nw ar sec 3. 2 n, 10 e: se qr se
or sec 12, 2 n, 10 e $ 3 70
Haser. Margaret, all of blk 6 in
Antelope 11 05
Hemnhill. Archie, personal
tororerty 9 05
Howes. E D. 10 acres in tp 2 n.
10 e ----- 5 15
Hershey, S O, house at Cascades 6 90
Hurst, W J, personal property 15 30
Hachenv. J H. Military add. lot
F. blk 51 140
Henderson, O N, Thompson's
addition Dalles City, lot 0,
blk 14
Hall, E E, aU of sees 3, 8, 9, 10,
and nw qr of sec 17, and nw
qr and w hf sw qr sec 15, and
se qr sec 5, and sw qr, s hf se
qr sec 4, all in tp 1 n, 14 e 215 05
Halvor, Geo B, part of Crate's
donation land claim, tp 2 n,
13 e- 12 UO
Hall, Rosa R, E & W add Hood
River, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, blk 6 2 10
Howard, Missouri, E&W add
Hood River, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, blK
2 - 2 10
Hartman, Mary E, E & W add '
Hood Kiver, lots 20 and 20,.
blk 4 and 21, 22 blk 5 2 10
Harnett, D H, E & W add Hood
River, lots 47, 48, blk 2 1 40
Hudson, Viola, E&W add to
Hood River, lots 7, 8, blk 0.. 1 40
Harvey, A H, E & W add Hood
River, lots 31. 32, blk 1 1 40
Hurst, Chas F, E & W addition
Mood iuver, lots 4a, 4b, 4, 40,
blk 6 140
Hagan, J D, Military add Dalles
City, lot F, blK i 1 40
Hull, Walter, Pleasant View
add Hood River, lots A, a,
blk 8. -- 4 15
Had daman, D D, s hf se qr, nw
qr se qr, sw qr ne qr sec 18, 2
s.l4e 4 60
Herke, T J, nw qr sec 12, In,
12 e a zo
Herke, Kate, swqr sec 12, 1 n,
12 e 9 20
Hutchinson, Samuel, e hf ne qr,
s hf nwqr, sec 13, In, 9 e- 6 90
Hughes, John, s hf sw qr, s hf
se qr, sec 32, 1 n, u e - ou
Hall, H, Hood River Park, lot
37, blk 10 25
Hamilton, Harry, Hood River
Park, lot 25, blk 2 25
Hersel, Alma, Hood River Park
lots 24, 25, blk 3 40
Hall, Geo W, nw qr sec 6, 1 s,
14 e 12 bo
Hurst, Wm, personal property 5 28
Halght, Walter, personal prop
erty u
Hvman, M, personal property . . 4 37
Harwood, C H, sw qr se qr, se
or sw ar, sec 24, 2 n, 10 e 10 W
Hood River Manufacturing Co,
personal property to ou
Howe, H L, 30 acres In sec 3, 2
n. lOe 10 ao
Heald, Mrs Mary, nw qr se qr
sec 2, 2n, lOe 62 40
Hanich, Oscar, personal prop
erty - w J"
Henson, Ezra, nw qr n hf sw qr,
nw qr se qr, sec 16; ne qr 'Sec
17; e hf ne qr, e hf sw qr, sec
18. all in tp 3 s, range 14 e 39 27
Haynes, Mrs L, second add Du-
tur, w nt oik o o 10
Haynes, A F, nw qr sec J9, 2 s, .
15 e 47 52
Harnett, D H, E & Wadd Hood
- River, lots 47, 48, blk 2 1 30
Hudson, Viola, E&W add to
Hood River, lota 7, 8, blk 6- 1 30
Harvey, A H, E & W add Hood
River, lots 31 and 32, blk 1 1 30
Holmes, Sadie M, s hf se qr sec
17, 2 n, 12 e-,- 6 30
Hall, E E, all of sees 3,8,9, 10
and nw qr sec 17 and nw qr,
w hf sw qr sec 15 and se qr
sec 5 and sw qr, s hf se qr sec
4 all in tp 1 n, 14 e 205 75
Hogue, C R, Military add, lots
F andG, blk 83 1 50
Haeeney, J H, Military add, lot
F, blk 51- 1 50
Hill, T L, Military add, lot L,
blk 7 1150
Hartman, Mary E, E & W add
Hood River, lots 25 and 26,
blk 4, and 21 and 22, blk 5 1 95
Holdman, John, s hf sw qr, s hf
seqr sec 32,1 n, 12 e 4 20
Hake, J P, and Katie, w hf sec
12, I n, 12 e 10 50
Hadaman, e hf se qr, nw qr se
qr, sw qr ne qr sec 18, 2 s, 14 e 4 20
Hifrenbotten. Mrs E. Thomp-
son's aao, lot o, oik a a w
Isenberg, first add Hood River
south, blks 2andR. -- 9 12 65
Irvine, Frank, lots A, B, C, D,
. E, Military add Dalles City
blk 98 3 35
' ' ' 1890.
Johnson, JM, personal property 4 32
c" . , , . 1 11 a a rrk
Jackson & Renoe,personal prop
erty Tar-tann .T TT. lnta 11 and 12. blk
12 50
20, Gates add Dalles City 18 75
Jackson, F M, nw qr sec 30, 2 n,'
11 e 14 03
Jeffers, Mrs C L, lots C, D, E, F
and u, blK oo, ana n, i, oik jx
Military add
Johnson, Hollis C, lots H and J,
blk 80, and hf of H, I, J, blk
fiS. Militarv add
21 25
3 12
7 50
Jackson, Helen B, lots 7 and 8,
blk 20, Gates add
Johnson, Lydla, E&W add
Hood River, lot 18, blk 3
Jones, J W, e hf se qr, nw qr
se qr sec oz, i n, o e, ana sw
qr nw qr, nw qr sw qr, e hf sw
qr sec 10, 1 n, 8 e
16 25
Johnson. J M. 320 acres of land$ 10 30
Johnson, Mrs J JU, personal
Jackson, J B, personal property
T,Vina V.loanniv an nr nan 27. 1 n
7 60
3 55
13 e 13 65
Johnson, Hollis E ( A G Johnson
. n- -w 1 11 ni Will
agent) lots a, i, dik oo, mm-
tary add 2 10
Johnson, Mary neirs oi, ww
H, I, J, blk 82, Military add-
Jackson, Helen B, lots 7 and 8,
blk 20, Gates add Dalles City
3 38
9 65
Johnson, H H, sw qr nw qr seo
21, and w hf sw qr sw qr seo
20. all in In. 14 e 15 96
Johnson, Josie I, ne qr blk 6 in
3 13
32 59
3 28
4 00
Johnson, J M, e hf w hf and w
hf e hi sec 10, 2 s, ia e
Jackson, W F. personal prop-
At.1T . -a a
Junny, John, personal property
Jensen, jNeis c, io a., ui "i
Militarv add - .
Jeffers, Clara L, lots C, D, E, F,
J, blk 28, Military add 15 00
Jacobsen, E, personal property 72 75
Jackson, Helen B, lots 7 and 8
on nota aAt ... 30 00
Johnson, W, lot 3. blk 4, Laugh-
lin add Dalies city w
Johnson, F F, s hf sw qr, nw qr
sec 13, 2 n, 10 e -- 4 80
Jackson, Mrs J M, nw qr sec 28,
1 s, 13 e 4 20
Johnson, Mary E ( A G Johnson,
. agent) lots ax,J, oik c, .mil
itary add
Johnson, H C (A G Johnson,
agent) lots H, I, blk 83, Mlll
Itary add
4 50
1 50
Kelsay, B, personal property. -.$ 18 75
Kistner. J A, personal property 2 10
Klstner, Avery M, do 195
Kna?gs, George do 10 w
KlineT Mrs S E, lot 9, blk 3,
Gates add 25 00
Kline, Sam, personal property 10 W
Kistner, P M, personal property!
Kimsey, Pierce do
Kelsay, A ' do
rrit a -p 1n. ft. blk 3.
3 13
4 93
6 25
Trevitt add Dalles City 37 50
Kline, Sam, personal property 5 00
Kimberland, Mary, lots C, D, I,
J, blk 19, Military add ; 6 2o
Kiss, Mrs Sophia, lot 3, blk 9,
Dalles City ------ 12 50
Keenan, T J, ioi r , dik mil
itary add
King, Libbie, lot 5, block 4,
Laughlin blf add
Kelly, Jas K, lots 2, blk 14, 7,
8 75
7 50
blk li; u ana io, o, i,
3, blk 5; blks 44 to 70 inclu
sive; tract of 46 acres, tp 1 n,
13 e, and 67 acres in sec 10, 1
n, 13 e - 251 90
Kennedy, Alfred, 18 acres in sec
4, 1 n, 13 e, and lots 5 and 6,
see 9, 1 n, 13 e; all of blk 10;
lots C, D, E, F, blk 11; K, L,
blk 12; G,H,I,blk20; A, C,
D, blk 35, D. G, H, I, J, blk
U: all In Militaryadd $ 18 27
Kramer, Henry, lots D, E, P,
blk 23, Military add
irimooTr pMrpaa. Laueblln add
. 16 65
to Antelope, 80x150 ft, and
barn, house and two lots
Kirkham, T. L, personal prop
erty 9 05
3 10
Kirkham, Chas, personal prop-
Kelslj, R A, personal property
Kelly, Jas K, tract of land con
taining 67 acres in sec 10, 1 n,
7 60
6 65
. .13 e; also tract containing 40
acres. See records, lots 3, 6, '
9. 12, blk 31; 1, 7, 10, blk 30;
11, 12, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 10, blk 28;
. all of blks 9, 26 and 27; lots 1 ,
2, 7, 8, blk 12; 9, blk. 8; 4, 5
and 9, blk 23 .-108 10.
- v - 1893.
Knightly, A J, personal - prop- - -
erty.-- . - 6v 50 '
Keller, FG, personal property 6 20
Kimsey, Pierce, property in An- .
telope ... 14 89
Kreft, Paul & Co, lot. A, blk 54, -
Military add 11 SO
Kramer, Henry, lots D,.E, F, ... .
blk 23, Military add 16 50
Keeveny, Jno,lot"3,blk4,Neece ..
add Gates add 9 00
King, Libbie, lot 5 and part of
lot 6, blk 4, Laughlin blf add 13 50
Koestner, Philip, lots 5 and 6,
blk B, Bigelow add .1 50
Kline, Sam, personal property 12 00
Knaggs, Mrs, lot 3, block . 12,
Dalles City 24 00
Kelsay, Wm & Son, sw qrsw qr
sec 12, 6 s, 17 e - Ill 04
Kaaker, W T, lots 5 and 6, blk
2, E& W add Hood River-.. ; 1 30
Kennedy, Alfred, lots & and A, -
seo 9, 1 n, 13 e; lot 6, sec 4, 1 .
n, 13 e; In Militaryadd all of . ,
blk 10: lots C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, Ljblk 11; lot F, blk .
20; lot A, blk 29; G.H.I, J,
K, blk 38; D, G, H, I, J, blk
64; A, B, C, blk 21 44 25
Lombard, lot 1, sec 15, 1 n, 15 e; .
lots 4, 5, 6 and s hf ne qr sec
24, 1 n, 15 e .--.1 12 M
Lawrence, Geo, personal prop- .
erty -- 9 85
Leech, Harvey, ne qr sec 2, 3 s,
17 e: 1 7
Larson, John H, personal prop
erty - 10 00
Lauer, C F, building on Fourth .
street ..-. io w
1891. .
Lake, W, lot D, blk 7, Cascade
IjOCKS... '
Lvncb. J J. personal property 16 75
Luchlnger, Mrs Ann, lots 9 and
10, blk 21. Laugnun addition
Dalles City 17 75
Lamby, Matthew, lots C and D,
blk 20, Military add-.. 12 50
Larsen, J H, personal property 5 00
Lewis, W McD, s hf nw qr, s hf
ne qr, ne qr ne qr seo 19, 5 s,
12 e; n hf nw qr, nw qr sw qr
seo 20, 5 s, 13 e; w hf se qr, se
qr nw qr, ne qr sw qr seo 21,
5 s, 12 e 75 00
. 1892.
Lewis, Chas, tract of land in w
hf sw qr sec 32, 7 s, 17 e .$ 2 75
Luchinger, Ann, lots 9 and 10,
blk 21, Laughlin add Dalles
City 27 60
Logan, Mrs J A, part of lot 1, '
blk 2, Bigelow add, and parts "
of lot 11 and 12, blk 1.. 22 10
Lakin, O A, Hood River Park
lot 22, blk 10 25
Larsen, Henry, Hood River -
Park, lot .21, blk 10 : 25
Ludlow, W A, E & W first add '
Hood River, lots 21, 22, 23, 24
blkl 115
Linsworth, Lucie, Hood River
Park, lot 10, blkl. 25
Lane, C V, Baird's add to Ante
lope, lot 2, blk 2 69 M
Lower, L, ne qr seo 6, 1 n, 13 e 8 18
Larsen, Jno, personal property 91 02
Larkins, Daniel, nw qr sec 30, 7
s, 18 e , 28 9
Linton, Jno, pergonal property 15' 99
Lucas, Geo W, n hf ne qr, e hf
nw qr, sec 28, 4 s, 13 e 17 64
Lewis, Charles, tract 209x209 In - -
n hf sw qr sec 32, 7 s, 17 e-w 2 75
Luchinger, Ann, Laughlin add
Dalles City, lot 10, blk 21. -24 00
Lauer, C F, personal property 1140
Lemison, Jas, lots F, G, blk 100 -
Military add - " 1 50
Lyle, Wm. personal property,, 7 88
Lai Tai, Balrds add to Antelop.
lot 8, blk 1 ,.. f I 2
1890.'v,y:t:'.; .'
Monroe; Jno, personal property! , 3 25
Mosier, Mrs Martha, personal
property-. -.-..i-.?ji.'. 125.
Mosier, J H, in Jonas Mosier;
donation land claim,7B2 acre 62 $0
Mt Hood & Barlow Wagon Road .
Co, personal property .. 28 13
Continued on page 4. :