r WIIvIvIAM MICHBIvL Undertaker and Embalmer Office Corner Third and Washington Streets. Residence Corner Fourth and Washington Streets., Removal SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 1895 Delinquent Tax List Continued from page J Mahley, C C, personal property McGinty, Jas, Military add fract part of blka 77 and 78 -- Munger, Geo C, personal prop- erty McLaughlin, P, s hf nw qr sec -' 5jlB,13 e 4 13 1.25 8 75 5 00 ..: 1891. Mathews, Wm, personal prop erty.. 25 00 Monroe, Levi.personal property Mathoit. D, lot 7, blk 9, second addition west Hood River. Mosier, Mrs M J, lots in Mili- 6 63 tarv add.. 11 50 3 88 Moody, W D, personal property Michelbach, estate of, lots 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; part M 1.11- I x rPaaAT.;- r i arA donation claim; 8 hf s hf. lot L, blk 6 70 00 Mason, Jno heirs of, nw qr sec 12, Is, 14 e 12 50 Morgan, Geo P 1-27 block 12, Thompson add...... 125 "Mclrvine, Jake, personal prop- - r- erty. 4 13 McDonald, M N, personal prop- " - ertv 13 75 McKalvey, G W, personal prop erty McKnight Bros, personal prop erty McLeod, Neil, w hf nw qr, ne or nw or. nw ar ne or see 28, 6 20 56 25 2n, 15e '25 00 MosUr, J 11, 762 acres in J u Mosier donation land claim. . 53 40 15 00 jacr ananart.ua, u-ii ui uik. i Laughlin add Dalles City McCully. Emma H, hf interest In lots C, D, blk 83, and H, I, J, K, blk 82, Military add. . . . Mt Hood & Barlow Wagon Road 1 37 McNeil, Tom, personal property 2a 00 McDonough, J H, imp on e side lot 5, blk 4, Dalles City 75 00 Miller, C S, nw qr nw qr, se qr - nw qr sec 2, 1 n, 15 e 25 00 1892. Maupin. Perry, one acre In An telope $ 6 50 Maxwell, M, property in Ridge way....: .. 149 50 Moodv, W li, personal property z zo Mosier. J H. 762 acres in J H ' Mosier donation land claim.. 58 50 Mosier. Mrs J M. lots E, F, G. H, blk 6, Military, add.. 830 Monroe, Jno, e Hi ne qr sec. 24 and w hf nw qr, sec 19, all in tp 2 n, 10 e 5 30 Monroe, Levi.personal property 75 More-an. Geo P. 1-27 of blk 12, Thompson add 1 40 Mixer. W H. E & W add Hood River 1 blk 3 1 40 Morgan. X M. w hf nw qr see 22. In. 13 e 200 Middle ton, J H, 50 acres in sec 29, 2 n, 10 e in Belmont, lot 7, blk F, and lots 7 and 8 J, K, blkB 2 40 Mcintosh, Hannah, E & W add ' Hood River, lots 23 and 24,blk 8 140 McCully, Emma H, lets D, E, blk 83 and hf of lots H, I, J, blk 82. 2 45 VT.li'&i.lnnrl F.lla. lota 11 and 12. blk 10,- Laughlin add Dalles City 6 90 McDonough, J H, i of blk 6 in tit 97 95 McKamey, Jas heirs of, se qr ne 0 1 n 1Q a ft (K McGinty, Jas, lots E, F, blk 77, and all of blk 77 Military McClure, Mrs Amelia, balance of taxes 60 McKenzie, Kenneth, personal property... 24 00 Morton, U &, personal property ot oo Mulholland, Clara N, e hf ne qr, ehf seqr, seclO, 1 n, 10 e... 9 20 Miller, Chaa S, nw qr nw qr, se i nw nr with toll bridge, sea " tnJS.e.ii........... ...... 23 00 FHRLEY 5 FRHNK (G. J. FARLEY, Manager.) J-JA.VE removed their large stock of Saddles, Harness, Etc., to their new building opposite the Diamond Mills, East End, Second Street, where they will offer the best bargains ever given in this city in all articles in their line of goods. Being under small expense in their new location they will give their customers the benefit of low prices in Harnesses of . All Kinds, Saddles, Strap Work, Etc. In fact we can give our patrons the lowest prices in goods that have have ever been offered East of the Cascades. - ' . "" Remember tlie Place, Opposite the Diamond Mills, Second Street. FHRLEY St FRHNK. The Dalles Or., August 3, 1895. ONE REMIND For being short of cash is close buying, you probably spend more for groceries than you do for other living - expenses. Would it not be well to look to this special item? You do not expect the grocery man to sell , goods for cost; that is unreasonable, but trade where you can get THE BEST GOODS (they are the cheap est) for a little above cost. You are respectfully invited to call and see J. B. CROSSEN, the Grocer, about this, who has The right goods Sells them right Treats you white. Groceries. Crockery. ; McCormack, w hf . ne qr sec 4. 6 s,12 e 3 70 Meicher, F H, lot 2, blk 10, Hood River Park . 25 iMetzger, J G, lot 4, blk 36, I Hood River Park 25 Malarkey, J C and Mary E, e hf 8eo23, ln,9e 1150 Merriman, B, lot 48, blk 2, Hood Kiver fark zo 1893. Martin. D, nw qr sec 2, nw qr sec 2; all in 5 s, 13 e 16 80 McKenzie Kadder, personal property 12 00 Mcmnnon, J m, e ni ne qr sec 26, 8 s, 19 e; nw qr nw qr sec 25. 8 s. 19 e: se or seor sec 23. 8 s, 19 e 10 50 Miller. W E and F W. personal property.... 10 34 MUler, Thos, personal property 21 78 McCown, Wm C, e hf ne qr and aw or ne ar ne ar se ar. sec 26. 3 s, 12 e 16 27 Moade, J N, personal property 7 23 Marx, Nicholas, s hf se qr and nw or se or and w hf nw or. sec 7. 3 s, 14 e 34 02 Murohv. J C. sw or. sec 1. 8s. 16 east 38 42 Monroe, Jno n hf nw qr sec 19, 2 n. 10 e-. and e hf ne ar. sec 20, 2 n, 10 e - 16 80 Monroe, Levi, personal prop erty 7 97 Maupin, Perry. 1 acre in An telope - 5 45 McFarland, Ella, lots 11 and 12, blk 10, Laughlin add Dalles City $ 36 00 McGinty, Jas, lots E and F, blk 7a, all of bin 77 Military add. l oU McCully, Emma H, lots D and " IS, blk 83, Military add 1 oo May, T J, e hf e hf iw qr sec 15, 1 n, 14 e; all of sec 16; e hf n hf sw qr sec 17; w hf se qr sec 21; nw qr nw qr sw qr, nw qr ne qr sec 22; n hf ne qr, sw qr ne qr, e hf nw qr, se qr nw qr sec 28, all in 1 n, 14 e 114 85 Morgan, Geo P, e hf lot 7, blk 12, Thompson add-- 1 25 Mann, Jane B, lots 8 and 9, blk 13. Thompson add ..- 5 00 Morgan, X M, n hf nw qr sec 22 1 n, 13e 16 33 Michelbach, estate of, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; sw cor se qr sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; lot 1, blk 6 and 66 feet off s side blk 9, Trevitt add, and 84 ft from sw cor blk 6, Trevitt, being 50 ft on Fourth st by 112 ft deep - 475 50 Mack, J O, lots 3, 6, 7, 10, mee- low oil add 149 zo Moorland, J C, lots 1 and 2, sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; e one-sixtn inter est lot 1, sec 4, 2 n, 13 e 9 00 Mooney, Elizabeth, lots K and L. blk 46. Military add- 3 00 1 50 Moseby, G F, lot B, blk 36, Mil itary add. Morris, J W, s hf se qr, ne qr se qr, se qr ne qr sec 14, 2 s, 12 e 8 40 Miller, Chas, nw qr nw qr. se r nw qr witn toll Dridge, sec , 1 n, la e 21 00 Muzzy, Dwight, 20 acres, more or les, sec o and , l n, id e 1890. 7 50 Nooney, E, property in Military add .$ 3 75 Nevius, Col E W, personal prop erty:.; 1891. 6 25 Nix, Wm, lots 1 and 2, blk B. Jiigelow addition 8 3 2o 1892. Nealeigh, J D. Gi acres in Ben son donation land claim $ 2 85 Nesson, P, lots 3 and 4. blk 1 Mood Kiver 5 15 Nix, Wm, lots 1 and 2, blk B, Bierelow addition-. . 4 15 Neabeck, Wm, sw qr sec 6, 3 s, id e a 55 Nace, S, e hf ne qr sec 23, 3 s, 13 e 5 60 Nerval, Henry, lots 44, 45, 48, blk 4, Hood River Park 70 Nicholson, Emma, lot 26, blk 1, Hood River Park.- 25 1893. Nolan, Jno, 'personal property Neal, Milt, lots in - Dufur Neabeck, W H, sw qr sec 6, 3 s, 13 e Newton, ER, personal property 6 50 11 60 11 97 8 62 Y MASONIC BUILDING. Nace, S, e hf ne qr sec 23, 3 8, 13 e : .5 25 Nealeigh, J D, 6i acres in Ben son donation land claim 3 60 Newgard, Annette, lot I, blk 2, Military addition 1 50 Nichelsen, Martin, lot F, blk 25, Military addition 5 25 Nix, Wm, lots 1 and 2, blk B, Bigelow addition 3 00 1890. dinger, E S, house and lot in Hood River $ 7 50 1891. Osborne, D F, personal propertyS 3 08 Odell, Jas A, personal property 2 25 O'Donnell, Jno, s hf sw qr lots 3 and 4, sec 34,3 n,8e 1125 1892. Ostrander, W H, personal prop erty ...$ 2 95 O'Donnell, Jno, 8 hf sw qr and lots 3 and 4, sec 34, 3 n, 8 e . 10 10 Osmers, Daniel, lots G, H, I. J, K, blk 80; lot G, blk 82, Mili tary addition 5 50 dinger, E S, first add Hood River 5 50 1893. dinger, E S, lots 7 and 8 blk D, Hood River $ 11 40 Oatman, H B, nw qr ne qr sec 34, 3 n, 10 e - Olinger & Bone, lots 7 and 8, blk A, Hood River Osmers, Daniel, lots G, H, I, J, K, blk 80; lot G, blk 82, Mili tary addition 9 20 31 42 8 25 O'Donnell, Jno, lots 3 and 4, 8 hi sw qr sec 34. 3n. 8 e 10 00 us borne, l) t , personal prop erty 4 04 71 50 O'Neil, Jno, sw qr sec 32, 2 n, 14 e 1890. Phillips, W T, lot 6, blk 11. liigelow add $ 12 50 1891. Pool, Wm, personal propertv$ 132 43 t-erry, mrs ijettie J, lots 1U and 11. blk Z. Waucoma 7 00 Patterson, David, nw qr nw qr sec o, i 8, n e, s ni seqr se qr sw qr, ne qr se qr, sec 31, 1 n, 14 e 5 93 Parrish, Lodusky, e hf lot 9. blk 8, Bigelow add 2 50 Patterson, K K, s hi se qr, s hf sw qr, sec 26, 1 s, 12 e 10 00 Pomade, T C, w hi lot 9. blk 8. Bigelow add.... 2 50 Pieper, Tneodore, lots 1 to 10, blk 1, E & W add Hood River 3 75 Puitler, A F, lot 19, blk 2, E & W add Hood Kiver Perry, Mrs Rosa, lotF, blk 29. 62 00 Military add 5 1892. Puitler, A T, lot 19, blk 2, E & W add to Hood River ! Picrott, Chas, lot 12,-blk 3, E & W add Hood River Patterson E E, e hf se qr, s hf 70 85 sw qr, sec 26, 1 s, 12 e 10 10 Phillips, Mrs E J, personal property 70 Phillips, E W, n hf se qr sec 17, Z n,12e 7 60 Patterson, William, -personal property 3 00 Patterson, David, on 160 acres land 10 60 Patterson, Burt, personal prop erty 1 45 Page, J K, lots 5 and 6, blk 4, liigelow bit add to Dalles vJitv 11 05 Phelps, Julia A, lots 4, 5 and 6, bin zu, (iates add to Dalles City - Purser, James W, lots G, H,I, J, blk 27, Millitary add 4 15 Paddock, J W, lot 40, blk 8, Hood Kiver Part 25 25 Pocock, A, lot 12, blk 2, Hood Kiver Parfe Pocock, Elizabeth, lot 13 blk 2, Hood Kiver Partt 25 ' 1893.- Pilkington, J B, nw qrec 34, 3 n, 10 e ... Z3 ao Pub,.R, ehf neqr sec 11,2 n, 10 e 16 00 Patterson, Nels, personal prop-' erty 3 oo Painter, M C, personal property 6 87 Patterson, Mrs Jane, nw qr nw or. sec 6. 2 s. 13 e .- ... 7 50 Peabody, Frank, lots 1, 2, 3 and ne qr sw qr, sec 10, z 8, io e. . 14 40 Patterson, S W, lob 23, blk 1, Antelope 73 76 Glassware. Pitcher, G A, se qr sec 30, 4 s, 13 e. 13 60 Porter, D, w hf ne qr and se qr nw qr, sec 27, 5 s, 12 e 11 08 Powell, H L, sw qr sec 14. 1 s, 12 e, and lot 3, blk 1, Dalles City 14 75 Phipps, Jno, w hf sw qr, sw qr nw qr, sw ni ne qr sec o, z s, 15 e Phillips, E W, n hf se qr sec 17. 40 2n, 12e 6 50 Patterson, David, s hf se qr, se qr sw qr, ne qr se qr, sec 31, 1 n, 14 e .-. .. 26 46 Patterson, Wm,- part of Talbot Lowe donation land claim, sec 35, 1 h, 13 e 28 40 Payette, Louis, personal prop erty Phelps, C W, personal property Purdy, A J estate, Simms dona tion land claim, Vol G, page 32 25 499, 4 acres 27 00 Phirman, J H, se qr sec 8, 1 n, 12 e Pallett, C W, ne qr sec 20, 1 n, 10 e Pollock, Thos, sees 1 and 2, 2 n, 10 e Portland Ice Co. all n of O R & 9 40 8 40 3 90 N Co's R R tract, 8 hf nw qr, sec 26, 3 n, 10 e , 52 00 1893. Quinn, John, ne 'qr sec 11, 6 's, 12 e; ne qr ne qr and sw qr se qr and s hf ne qr in sees 9 and 1U, 0 8,12 6 , $ 50 1890. Rodman, W B, personal prop erty S 5 00 6 00 1 Robards, D L,personal property Robertson, Robt, lots 47 and 48, blk 1, E & W add Hood River 1891. Ruff ner, P M, personal property$ Richmond, Addie, lots 5 and 6, blk 5, Laughlin add Dalles 1 25 1 25 1 City 12 50 Kosenblenth, Herman, lots 33 and 34, block 7, E & W add Hood River 1 Robertson, Robert, lots 47 and 48, blk 1, E & W add Hood River 1 Robinson, E C, lots 25 and 26. 25 25 blk 9, E & W add Hood River Rogers, Alex estate of, all of sec 3, 8 s, 17 e; n hf se qr sec 23; se qr n hf sw qr sec 22; all of sees 21 and 25, nw qr sec 26; all of sec 27; s hf a hf and nw qr sw qr, w hf nw qr sec 34; s hf nw qr sec 36; nw qr sec 35, all in tp 7 s, 17 e; lots 6 1 25 1 and 7, tp 1 n, 13 e 115 23 1892. Rosenblenth, H, lots 33 and 34, blk 7, E & W add Hood RiverS 1 40 Kosenthal Bros, ne qr se qr sec 27, In. 12 e 13 80 Rosooe, R A, w hf of lots 11 and 12, blk 7, Bigelow add. . . Robertson, Robt, lots 47 and 48, blk 1, E & V add Hood River 16 65 1 40 Robins, E C, lots 25 and 26: blk 9. E & W add Hood River. . . . 1 40 Russell, A K, lots 1, 2, 11, 12, and hf of lots 3 and 10. Baird add Antelope 3 75 Rodney, W B. nw or sec 27. 4 s. 13 e..... U60 Kooper, it (J, n hi se qr,-sw qr ne qr, ne qr sw qr, sec 7, 7 s, 16 e; sw qr sw qr, n qr sw qr, n hf se qr, sec 16; n hf nw qr, sw qr nw qr, nw qr ne qr, sec 20; nw qr nw qr sec 18; ne qr ne qr, sec 28; se qr nw qr sec 29; ne qr sw qr sec 33; s hf se qr sec 17, all in tp 7 s, 16 e Ring, Mrs A M, personal prop- 140 60 eny y Regan, Jno, personal property 60 Reichlein, F A, se qr sec 4, 2 s, 13 e; n hf ne qr sec 9, 2 s, 13 e 11 15 Kagsdale, W R, personal prop erty i 3 90 Richmond, C L & Co, lots 10 and 11, blk 18 and lot 1, blk 10, Laughlin add Dalles City 23 55 Richmond, Adeline, lots 5 and 6, blk 5, Laughlin blf add. . . . Remington, J E, lot 5, blk 13, 16 55 i nompson add Ross, Valentine, se qr sec 17, 1 n13e.....: Renig, Mike, lots 3 and 4, blk 6 90 6 05 B, Bigelow add 5 50 Kawson, w w, se qr sw qr, se qr se qr, sec 15, 1 n, 13 e. . . . . 7 10 Robertson, Mrs Wm, personal -property ..7. 4 00 Round Prairie Water Ditch Co (Geo Noble, Sec) 2 30 ". " 1893. Remington, J- E, nw qr sec 28, 1 n, 15 e $ 10 50 Reichlein, F A, ne qr sec 4, e hf se qr sec 9, all in .2 s, 13 e. ... Rock & Gate Creek Ditch Co. . Russell, A K, lots 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, blk 2, Baird's. add Antelope. . Roberts, J D, n hf ne ar sec 28. 24 10 15 75 24 1 5 45 1 s, 13 e 11 Rodman, W B, nw qr sec 27. 4 s. 12e....: 10 50 Robins, E C, lots 25 and 26, blk 9, E & W add Hood River Robertson, Robt, lots 47 and 48, blk 1, E & W add Hood River Rosenthrall Bros, ne qr 66 qr 1 30 1 30 21 00 6 50 80 50 1 sec zt, i n, iz e., Remington, J E, lot 5, blk 13, Thompson add Reno, Mrs Geo, seqrneqr.se qr se qr sec 16, 2 n, 12 e 19 20 Kicnmond, Adeline, lots 5 and 6, blk 5, Laughlin blf add. . . . Renig, Mike, lots 3 and 4, blk B, Bigelow' add . . J Ryan, Henry, personal property Robinson, Jno, sec 9, 1 n, 13 e. . Reed & Monger,- hf sw qr, 8 hf se qr sec 16, 2 n, 12 e. Rogers, estate, nw qr nw qr sec 9, 1 n, 13 e; lot 4, sec 4; lot 5, sec 5, all in tp 1 n, 13 e. Robinette, Mrs T J, one acre in Simm's donation land claim. . 31 50 6 00 3 42 21 50 14 50 75 00 11 24 99 1 Ross, Valentine, se qr sec 17, 1 n, jus e... i so . 1890. -Story, J L, nw qr se qr, se qr nw qr sec 36, 2 n, 12 e; lots 11 12, blk 20, Gates' add .........$ Sing Kee, personal property. .. Smith, W L, personal prjwrty Sears, L' A, personal property. . ' ... .'.1891. ... .. 7 50 6 00 2 88 5 Of Spoonimore, G M, personal property ...... ( .8 1 75 Scott, David, swqr ne qr sec 12. . 6 s, 7 e 5 00 Schmidt, G C, ne qr sec 1,- 7 8, 16 e; e hf sec 36, 6 s. 16 e: w hf e hf sec 6, 7 s. 17 e 27 73 bayer, wm Si, personal prop erty....-.-. 6 25 3 25 5 00 Sharp, J W. personal property Smith, Chas, nw qr se qr sec 20. 2 n, 10 e........ Story, J L, se qr nw qr, nw qr se qr. sec db, z n, iz e; iiates add, io'ts 11 and' 12. blk 20. . 8 25 Smith. Mrs M J. lot 2. blk 2. Trevitt add Dalles City. . 20 00 spurrier, w Hi, in rseuview ado. Dalles Jity, all of blks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8............. ...... 50 00 Simpson, Albert S, lots 27, 28, 29, 30 E & W add Hood River Steis, Jno, s hf nw qr, nw qr nw qr sec 6, 1 n. 15 e 1 88 6 00 Smart, Joseph, n hf nw qr, sw qr sw qr sec 5, 1 n, 14 e Stinson, A S, lots 27, 28, 29, 30, blk 2, E & W add Hood River 6 00 1 25 Stevens, E M, n hf sw qr. n hf se qr sec 20. 1 n. 10 e 10 10 scott, David, ne qr sec 12, 6 s, 17 e 5 05 Swift, A J, (agent Three Mile Ditch Co). . . '7.7. . .7. .7.' 3 45 Stricklin, Mrs E estate of, 12' acres of land 11 50 b togs dill, Asa, personal prop erty 8 25 bpoonimore, G W. sw qr sec 26, 2s, 13e 21 45 bpoommore, G M (Geo Spooni more, agent). ....... . . . . .7. . . ' 255 Seneceal, Jas. personal property 6 15 Shepherd, Jno estate, 40 acres of land. 1 50 Snipes & Kiherslyj lot 11, blk 5, j-augmin aaa Danes mty . . . 1892. , 223 10 Schutz, E, personal property .8 2.30 Shackelford, MraRoxie, lots G. 1, jl, J, n, u, oik 71; an blks 43 and 44; lot .3, .blk 6, Mili tary add 32 DO Skibbe, F.W.L.lots'5'ami 6, blk 14. Lautrhlin add Dal 1 pa C.it.rr 20 70 Simpson, Mrs Alma, property in uanes jny Smith, J N, se qr nw qr, sw qr 9 35 ne qr, ne qr sw qr, nw qr se qr sec 9, 1 n. 12 e. 30 80 Stegman, D E, nw qr, n hf sw qr sec zz1 n, iz e; e nf nw qr and w hf se qr sec 15, 1 n, 12 e. : 2125 Snipes, B E, sees 2, 11, 12 2 n, 12 e; iota 1, z, a, sec iz; 1, z, 3 Calls Attended To Day THE TimesMountaineer Publishing House 1$ the Place to Go When You Want a First - All Kinds of Posters Either in Plain Black or in Colors , , ; and 4 sees 7 and 8, 2 n, 13 e; lot 6, blk B, Trevitt add; w hf lot 7, blK 4, Dalies tJity. Stinson, Al S, lots 27, 28, 29. 30, .... 214 blk 1, E & W add Hood River 2 10 Smart, J, n hf sw qr, sw qr sw qr sec 5, 1 n, 14 e 6 Savage, Dora, lots 29, 30, 31, 32, block 10, E & W add Hood River 1 Shotwell, G W, n hf sw qr, s hf nw qr sec 22, 1 s, 15 e 5 Smith, Chas, nw qr se qr sec 20, 2 n, 10 e 5 25 Smart, H U, lot J, bin 9, Mili tary add oliitors Company, s hf se qr, ne qr se qr, se qr sw qr, sec 20, Is, 14 e Saxe, R, personal property Snow, Reuben, s hf sec 36, 2 n, 8 e Steinfels, Morris, ne qr se qr sec 36, 3 n, 10 e; Idlewilde Hood River 3, 4, 5. 6, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, blk 2.' Sabin, R L, lot D, blk 7, Cas cade Locks.. Sweeney, Melva M, lot 18, blk 1, Hood River Park. Sullivan, Thos, sw qr sec 3, 2 s, 14 e Snipes & Smith, all of blks 47 and 48; A, B, C, D and A, B, C, D, I, J, K, L and A, B, C, D, E, H, K, L and G, H, L, Military add; blks not given ' 1893. 1 40 42 34 11 11 1 7 20 20 Shoemaker. B F. personal prop erty 4 37 Spris-al. E F. part of sec 27. 3 n. 10 e 2 30 Stearns. F A. se qr se qr sec 34. 3 n, 10 e 9 20 Straub, H C, e hf sw qr, w hf se qr sec 9, 2 n, 10 e.. 25 88 Stranahan, W E, personal prop erty .. 6 20 Senecal. Jas, ne qr se qr, se qr ne qr sec 8, 2 a, 13 e 13 91 Staats, W H. personal property 12 25 Shoemaker. J H. personal prop erty .- o 12 Stewart. A W. personal prop erty. 4 08 Schmidt. G, all of sec 1, 7 s, 16 east. s -bo Smith. Chas. nw ar se qr sec 20 2 n, 10 e 4 70 Savae-e. Dora, lots 29. 30. 31, 32. IS a. w add uood Kiver 1 00 Stimson, Albert E, lots 27, 28, 29, 30, blk 1, is & vv add ttooa River I 30 Stewart, Jas, personal property Smart, Jos, n hf sw qr, sw qr sw ar sec 5, In, lie......... 57 .70 64 Stricklin, Mrs E, s hf ne qr, se qr ne qr sees 6b ana 60, 4 s, 11 east 9 45 Stevens. E M. n hf sw qr, n hf se qr sec 20, 1 n, 10 e 15 20 Story, Mrs J L, 8 ni nw qr, nw qr se qr sec rfo, a n. iz e; lots 11 and 12, blk 22, Gates add.. 41 CO Snipes, B E, Gus Smith dona tion land claim, sees z, 11, iz, 2 n, 12 e; lots 1, 2, 3, sec 12; lot 34, sec 2; lots 1 and 2 in Josiah Marshe's donation land claim; part of lot 6, blk 3, Trevitt add; w hf lot 7, blk 4, Dalles City; bnipes & bmitn's. Mill Bite 234 00 Spencer, Mrs, lots A, B, C, D, E, F, blk 102, Military add 12 00 Shown, Staoy, -personal prop erty Simpson, Alma C, lots 7 and 89, 'J80 10 blk 2: 3, 4, 5, blk 2, Fulton's add Dalles City 130 00 Smith, Jas, lot 9, bit 40, Dalles City. Savage, Otis, lot 10, blk 7, Dalles City Sharp, Miss Grace, personal property 1 80 61 00 1 04 Sharp, P T, personal property Stegman, Henry, personal prop erty......: SimnnBon. Jas. personal prop 2 34 .. 21 52 erty 3 08 Simmons. K K. IOC ZJ. D1K-1. Hood River Park , za 1 1890. .. Taylor, Zach, personal property! 20 75 Treemain, Mrs E O, personal property...... z xi Thomas, John, n hf ne qr, ne qr nw qr sec 36, 1 n, 12 e; e hf e hf sec 16, 1 n, 12 e; lots E and F, blk E; lots G and H, Mili tary add, part of Laughlin add. Dalles City.. ..... ...... 17 58 Coffins, Caskets, Prices to Suit the Printed on Short Notice Taylor, Mrs Emma C, personal property 15 80 Taylor, JN ma, property in Xack- man's add Dalles City -. . . 2 1891. Thompson, J, personal propertyS 1 25 Thompson, R R, e hf Thomp son's donation land claim, 1 n. 10 70 30 05 13 and 14 e; i interest in lots 1 and 2, sec 33, 2 n, 13 e; i in terest in lot 1, sec 4, 1 n, 13 e 21 Thompson & Fargher, personal property 15 rayior, j m, ail 01 sec lb, 1 n, 14 e, and e hf, n hf sw qr sec 17; se qr, e hf sw qr sec 15; nw qr, nw qr ne qr, nw qr sw qr sec 22; n hf n hf, se qr nw qr, sw qr se qr sec 21, e hf nw 80 95 qr sec 28, 1 n, 14 e 112 50 The Solicitors Loan & Trust Co (C W Richie, agent) lots A, B. C, J, K, L, blk 83 20 The boncitora Loan and Trust Co, s hf se qr. nw qr se qr, ne 0 15 25 35 ' qr sw qr sec 20, 1 s, 14 e 15 1892. ' Talbot. G E. lots 33 and 34. blk 2, E&W add Hood River.... 8 140 Thompson, R R, e hf Thomp son's donation land claim, 1 n, 13 and 14 e; one-half interest in lots 1 and 2, sec 33, 2 n, 13 e: lots 7, 10, 11. 12 and 13 in Bigelow blf add. . 13 Trippeer, Jos, personal property 14 Thompson, Walter E, 22 acres ofland 7 Tucker, R J, personal property 2 Thompson. Thos. lot G. blk 88. Military add 1 The Dalles Ice Co (W S Cram, agent 16 Teague, K HJ, personal property 4 Thomas, Holly C, 8 hf se qr, nw or se or. se ar sw ar. nw qr sec 26, 1 n, 13 e 10 Turner. Mina, half acre in bimms donation land claim.. b Tavlor. J M. lots G and H. blk 23. Military add 11 Teague. E C, 66 qr seo 4, 1 s, 12 east jo Taylor, F P, personal property 6 Tibbetts. Harry, lot 43, blk 3, Hood River Park 1893. Topar, Jno, n hf sw qr, s hf nw or. ne hf nw qr, w hf ne qr sec 4. 2 s. 13 e 8 25 20 The Solicitors lxan and Trust Co, a hf se qr,ne qr se qr,se qr sw qr sec 20, 1 s, 14 e; lots A, B. C. J. K. L. blk 83, Military add 42 60 Taylor, Z, nw qr sec 32, 7 s, 17 e 134 20 lane, John, personal property 12 Zb Tavlor. Eunice J, lot J, blk 3. Military add vio 00 Taylor, Jas M, lots u- and a., blk 23, Military add 16 50 Taylor, J R, lots G, H, I, J, K, blk 27, Military add 4 50 Talbot, G K, lots 33 and 34, bit 2, E & W add Hood Kiver 1 30 Thompson, Emma, lots 1, 2, 3. 4. blk 3. hi & W add uooa River .- 1 95 Teairue. E C. se or sec 4. 1 8. 12 east. 40 Taylor, O D, e hf ne qr, e hf se qr sec 7, 1 n, li e; 10 ds 1, z, 4, sec 8, in, 13 e; lots 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, and s hf se qr sec 3, 1 n, 13 e; e hf ne qr, e hf se qr sec 18, 1 n, 13 e; w hf w hf ne qr sec 17, 1 n, 13 e; fractional part of blk 11 in Dalles City proper; lots 7 and 8, blk 24, Bigelow blf add. ' See book O, jpage. . 519 McDonald, property. ...... 275 85 .-..1893. Unknown Owner (See Max -' 4 Blank) lots 1, 2, 3, block 1. Dalles City 459 1892.- Vanderbilt. C J. se or seo 32. 1 s. lo e ao Votrt. G W. lots 37. 38. 41. 42. blk 10, E fc W add nooa Kiver 2 w . 1893. . Vanderbilt, C J, se qr seo 32, 1 8, 15 e 28 20 Vause, Florence, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 12. Gates add... 60 00 Vogt, F, lot 6, blk 3 (26 ft off n end) Danes uity uu Vogt, G W, lots 37, 38, 41, 42, 7 blk 10, ti es w aaaition nooa River 2 60 tt . . Vi . A . V aw am V se qr sw qr sec 18, 2 n, 12 e. . . 8 25 Robes, Linings and Undertaker's Goods! .Picture Frames or Night Legal Blanks of 75 1890. " Wells. A R, personal property! Whitcom, Dr wells, house and 50 PRINTING lot in Dufur 5 63 Wong, Dick, personal property 7 00 Wasco Lodge, A F&AM, Ma sonic building, cor of Third and Court streets, Dalles City 125 00 Welch, J W, n hf ne qr, s hf se qr sec 2, 1 s, IZ e. 10 00 1891. ' Whitlock, L R, personal prop erty $ 10 50 25 00 Wagner. J H, personal property 8 Watson, Wm, personal property Wiedner, Frank, personal prop erty Winchell, Virgil, 8 hf sw qr, sec 18, 2 n, 11 e Wilson, J F, personal property Welch, J W, n hf se qr, s hf ne qr sec 2, 1 n, 13 e 2 88 2 88 9 37 4 13 00 10 00 Watson, Martha E, lot A, blk 36, Military add. Wilson, Mrs R J, lot 7, blk 7, Bigelow blf add ... . Wilson, Lida E, lots 8 and 9, blk . 6, Bigelow blf add Wilson, Mrs L V, personal property- Wilcox, Alva,- personal prop erty --. Wingate, Dora C, lots K and L, ; blk 75, lots D, E, F, blk 34, Millitarv add ..... : 00 1 88 7 50 3 95 9 00 6 00 80 70 Wilson, Ben, personal property-f.3 1892.. ' - ' Ward, Thos, lots 23 and 24, blk , 9 E & W add to Hood River. .$ Weller, Gus F, 8 hf nw qr, n hf sw qr sw qr ne qr and nw qr se qr sec 34, 1 8 14 e Watt, Alex, 2 acres at Cascades Woodward, J D, se qr sw qr and lot 3 in sec 33, 3 n, 8 e.-- 1 40 40 25 13 5n 10 7 60 Wickham, J, n hf ne qr, nw qr se qr, sec 20, 2 n, lOe Watson, W P and T J, 59 acres 10 3 85 uo in N C Donation Juana uiaim and 34 lots in Waucoma - .26 Williams, Lewis, land in Mili Oo tary add 1 90 Wilson, W H, lot 5, blk 26, 10 90 Gates add 32 25 Watkins. Geo. Neece and Gates 25 add to Dalles City, part of blk 7, lots 4 and 10, blk 4, Bigelow hlfadd 10 75 Wallace, N W, Laughlin add to Antelope, lot 6 oik z, ana se ar sec 32. 7 8 17 e 49 45 Wallace, Mrs S T, hf lot 9, blk 1, Bairds add to Anteiope Wright, A R, lot 46, blk 3 Hood River Park Wright, Z T, lot 47, blk 3, Hood River Park Watta, Amelia, lot 48, blk 1, Hand River Park 39 55 25 Watts, L W, lot 45, blk 1, Hood River Park --- 25 Wolfram, Franz, lot 9, blk 2, Hood River Park 25 25 Wright, Beatrice, lot 23, blk 1, Hood Kiver park - 1893. Watt & Callahan, personal prop erty $ Watt. Alex, personal property 13 25 12 95 Wermer, Geo, e hf sw qr w hf se ar sec 34, l n, 10 e 12 60 Wehman, Martin, se qr ne qr, sec 30, and nw qr, n ni s nr, sec 28. all in 2 s, 14 e 61 83 Williams. P C, se qr sec 22, 1 n, 14 e 25 20 Wiseman and McLennan, per sonal property . - 81 42 Wallace, Mrs N W, lot 6, Bairds add to Antelope Wallace, N W, s hf, se qr, sw 33 09 qr, se-qr-se qr, sw qr seo zb, 7s. 17 e ..... 82 84 Woodbr.Jge, W F. hf ne qr, se qr nw qr, ne qr sw qr sec zo, a s, 16 e 13 62 Wakerlig, H, personal prop erty . Walsh, Jas, sw qr, Bee 34, 1 s, 14 e Welch, Pat, personal property WhealdoD, Mrs N, part of blk 25 2o 13 18 60 75 14. Dalles City . 27 00 Williams, Rebecca, w hf, lot 7, blk 15, Laughlin add Dalles City. Watkins, Geo, lot 4, blk 4, lot 1 21 00 blk 3, Bigelow blf add, part of lot 1, blk 7, Neece and Gates add 36 00 Wood, Jno, lot G, blk 40, Milli tary add 1 50 6 00 Williams, Geo, lots G and H, blk 51, Millitary add.. Made to Order. Times. All Kinds. Class Job of J Wilson, H W, lot H, M 2, Millitary add- i 8 00 Wasco County Sun . 15 00 Williams, Louis, personal prop 2 50 erty ..... .. A V Wallace, J W, lota 22 and 23, blk 1, Waucoma 13 00 Ward, Thos, lots 23 and 24, blk 9, E&W add Hood River 1 30 Walker, Thos, lots 23 and 24, blk 2, E & W add Hood River 1 30 . . ' n. . . . HA , nt II.. w aiKer, 1 ait iou at sou ou, vi. 9, E & W add Hood River 1 80 Watson, T J, sw qr nw or im 31, 3 n, 11 1; lots 6 and 7, part of 8 and 9, se qr seo 26, 3 n, 10 e; one-half int in lots 1, 2, 3, . 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 0, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, .... -; . 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, . . blk 4; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, blk 6; 7V;, lota 13 and 14, blk 1; all ln Waaeoma .-4. a- 63 40 Watson, W P, one-half Int: in--...f lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 14, ,;i5, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, blk 4; iott 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 6, and IS, 14, blk 1 ' Waucoma .... li BO Wickham, R F, n hf nw qr, ay , qr nw qr, nw qr sw qr seo 8, 1 s, 12 e ... 10 ; ? 1892. - ' i Young, S L, personal property! 28 15 ..1 . . . .'. ..,.-1893.,-..,.::;-.-.T Yettie Bros, personal property!. , 59 Yarseley, Jno, n . hf ne qr, seo 29;ehf Be qr sec 20, 6s,15e..' 13 6 1 . . . ... . .. Ti j driver, Sheriff and Ex-Offioio Tax Collector 60 60 of Wasco County. , -. - 30 Mr. GlmUto at Barn. . When relieved from the affairs of state, Mr. Gladstone finds no pleas are so greet as his home life at Ha warden. There his family are gath ered together, and . the great man romps and plays with his grandchil dren as though he never knew what it was to be blamed for everything that went wrong in aH Great Britain and her colonies. Mr. Gladstone is a wonderful scholar, a busy writer and speaker, but the little Gladstone chil dren know him best as a good, kind grandfather who is fond of fan. He, too, would prefer to enjoy their com- 35 80 r 7 rather than to be surrounded England's great men at an all night session of parliament . His other recreations are walking and this is really very funny chop 25 25 ping down trees.. Our great George Washington, according to tradition, had a like fondness in his youth, but by the time he became president he had probably outgrown such fancies, Mr. Gladstone, however, is an expert woodman, and though he doesn't de stroy valuable cherry trees he goes out with his ax and takes the keen est pleasure in felling trees in Hsr warden park. Harper's Young Fso- ... FinM RBflUkata. ' 'At a private dinner in F"g'im4 I tali the very best story I could think of." aan Channcey M. Oepew. ' "It was greeted With a little laughter. Next day I met my host on the Strand. He advanced to me smiling, began to laugh aa he graaped my hand and aaid: 'Do yon know. Da- pew, that was a capital thing von apt off last night capital? And do yon know nave jnst this minute been thinlHng what a capital thing i was? . The point r tne jok Has just come to ma' :'I said.. .-Why. It moat hare traveled k yon on freightrtraln.' . : 44 'My dear Mr. Depew,' said tbtf Eng. ttahman; '1 aware yon 1 have not seeu say freight train.-) jusore you 1 haveat pon honor.' " '. - " ...;; . Mr. Depew told this story tosn Eng uahman who had been in America for long time. One of the offioera of the Central road was with him in Mr. Da pew's office when the story was told. The Englishman gave a courtesy laugh, a forced and feeble "ha. haf - Whaa be turned into Duval's office and the door of the president's, room, had been shut he remarked anxiously, "1 aayr what the blazes did Depaw maaa -by that fnigb$ WrN,w York WorJA "