The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, July 27, 1895, Image 2

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JULY 27, 1895
The Republicans of the country
never more nearly united on national
-issues than they are at present, and
they will enter the campaign next
year with the brightest hopes of sue
rceSsrFcr over-thirty years Democracy
has not been able to retain power
: only a few years, when, by some ill
' advised - legislation contrary to its
pledges the people have become dis
appointed and given the reins of gov
ernment to, Republicans. This was
true in 1888, when Mr. Harrison was
elected, and history will repeat itself
in 1896. ' The platform of principles
upon which Mr. Cleveland was elected
in 1892, and the promises made during
- that campaign, have all been violated
by the Democrats. They have nothing
on which they may hope to gain public
favor, and the record they have made
during the past three years has been
destructive to American progress and
"American industries. The elections
during the past "year have fully de
monstrated the fact that the Demo
cratic party no longer retains the con'
. fidence of the people, and a restoration
to the old policy of protection is an
anxiously desired.
'. The Republican party will stand on
the platform of 1892, and the principles
enunciated then will insure them vic
tory at the ballot box. It is useless for
t Democrats to Bay that the tariff is a
dead issue. This is not a fact, and the
people are more strongly in favor of
protection than ever before. The
.'American Economist has secured the
opinions of 101 senators and represen
tatives in congress, and of a large
number of the editors of prominent
newspapers in all parts of the country.
'. all ot whom believe In the necessity
for a tariff revision along the line of
protection to American industries.
' There are letters from three congress
men of Kentucky who declare them-
selves to be protectionists, and they
. are joined by three from -Tennessee,
four from Missouri, one from Texas,
. two from West Virginia, and a senator
- from Delaware. Of the newspaper
; opinions there are letters from the west
' and south, quite as pronounced in favor
of the protection idea as any from New
, England. - ' -
' Since the recent state elections and
the partial revival of business because
-. the people. have taken courage and are
preparing ' for the the good times
' coming, Democrats have credited it to
the operation of the Wilson bill. But
they will not be successful in making
. the public believe this delusion; for
' manufacturers, artisans and laborers
fully realize what followed the change
in 1892, and from the Republican vic
tories at the different state elections
know that next year there will be a
restoration of the old party in all the
; elective- branches of government.
From?ts inception theRepublican-party
has favored protection, and they have
. had no reason to change their adher
ence during the -present Democratic
- control of national affairs. There
"does not seem a possible chance to de
feat the Republican party next year,
and, whether the standard bearer is
' McKinley, Reed, Lincoln, Harrison or
- Allison, the nominee of the national
convention will be president of the
United States for the four years follow
ing March 4, 1897. ;
their fellows, and furnished them with
the current neighborhood news. Now
there is a constant stir and excite
ment, and, to keep abreast with the
times they are taxed to support 4aily
papers. When they go to town now
they are forced to wear "store clothes,"
and are jostled -and jammed by the
crowds on the streets. In pioneer days
life was calm and quiet in its flow
as the meadow stream; now there are
turbulent currents and rapids, that
force one.. to use pluck and
energy to keep on the surface.
The comparison might be continued
almost without limit, between "now"
and "then," and the disturbing ele
ments to a quiet existence have all
been brought about by people coming
west and making homes here. Some
undoubtedly prefer the bustle of active,
energetic business life to the quiet
days of auld lang syne, and these are
no doubt the active factors that build
cities out of hamlets; that mature
schemes for the construction of rail;
roads, inaugurate manufacturing in
dustries and furnish attractions and
mean9 of support for an increase of
population. They undoubtedly help
to develope resouaces, and are the
meanj of increasing the wealth of com
munities and individuals. Without
them there would be no advancement,
and the world today would be where it
was a thousand years ago. Oregon
has many of these desirable factors of
enterprise and development; but a
few of the old mossbacks still remain,
and are a dead weight to the progress
ofanvcitv. -It is to be hoped that
our executiveand secretary- of state
are not of this number; but are active,
enterprising citizens, who desire to
see Oregon take her place"as one of
the great commonwealths of the
nation, and earnestly desire all the
accessions possible of desirable classes
of people.
We have been shown a Washington
. dispatch . of a late date in which it is
stated that the secretary of the interior
. has instructed the attorney general to
direct the U. S, district attorneys in
Oregon and California to proceed crim
; inally against trespassers on the
forest reservations of the United
States. As yet we have not heard of
. any action having been taken, and
considered that the flockmasters would
. not be disturbed after Senator Mitchell
had called upon the secretary of the
. interior and induced him to make a
. rescission of the order. The pastures
- on the foot hills of Mt. Hood furnish
. excellent feed for sheep 'during the
summer season, and no other is avail
. able to sheepmen during that part of
the year. Early In the winter sheep
are driven out of the mountains and
-, taken to the home pastures. The
wool industry is an important one in
.' Eastern Oregon, and especially in the
'' counties bordering on the Columbia
river. ; Cultivation of the land has
- destroyed many natural pastures, and
those engaged in wool-raising are
s forced to go long distances to find
grass: While, there may be some ar
gument in keeping the Cascade res-
' ervation free from grazing flocks for
' the benefit of huntsmen, yet the ex-
port of wool is of greater benefit to
, Oregon than anything furnished by
sporting clubs in killing game. It
may be royal amusement for residents
of cities to have natural parkB in which
' they can hunt bear, deer, cougar and
other wild animals; but these should
not be set apart to the detriment ot the
- producers of such a staple article as
I wool. We. hope our delegation in
Washington will see that this law is
' repealed at the ; next session of. con
gress, and that pasture lands, which
have become very scarce in the last
. few. years, are not further dim
'- inished by setting apart wild tracts
for huntsmen to follow the chase.
The East Oregonian, in commenting
on the habit of "gossiping" on scan
dal mongers, says:
"Of course, no decent person will fail
to despise a scandal monger. He is
beneath notice and deserves electro
ocution. But on the other hand, the
scandal monger is impotent when at
ttampting to tear down the reputation
of one whose character is founded on
real virtue and guided by principle."
.This is correct as a general rule, and
there is no more despicable person
than he or she who attempts to pry in
to the affairs of others. Still there are
such people in every community, and
they delight in every species of filth
and nastiness that may float in - social
gutters and sewers. They will read
with the greatest avidity the columns
of disreputable newspapers, and spend
hour after hour in gloating over the
nasty details of social wrecks and
never pay the least attention to solid
articles that have a tendency to de
velop and expand the mind and make
the mental faculties more competent
to place themselves in touch and sym
pathy with the advancement of the age.
The immunity from this scourge which
this community enjoys is a subject for
congratulation, and gives editors and
others a free range to condemn it in
scathing terms.
Further on in the same article our
esteemed cotemporary has the follow
ing: .
, "A good man or woman' should be
sufficiently in the confidence of the
community in which he or she lives so
that this confidence will repel insinua
tions against character. Unless this
be true there is a radical defect, and
one that should be remedied. Study
to discover that defect rather . than to
find means to contradict the false as
These remarks are true in a general
way; but there have been some very
notable exceptions. Of course, every
man or woman who have been careful
in their character-building exist in a
different atmosphere from the common
slanderer or gossip vender, and should
be far above them; but the insidious
poison instilled 1 by thewhispered re
port or the sly innuendo often has its
effect in communities upon those who
are the least susceptible to criticism,
Like jealously, scandal frequently
makes the meat upon which it feeds,
and always loves a shining mark. In
a venerable book we are informed that
John the Baptist came neither eating
or drinking and people said he had a
devil; , but Christ ate and drank with
publicans and sinners, and they said
he was a glutton and a wine-bibber.
So, it seems, that the same status of
society existed two thousand years ago
as does now. There has not been
much improvement or retrogression in
this regard, and in the future it will
continue in the same groove.
The Ea4 Oregonian may- be correct
in its deductions that there must be
some radisal defect in characters who
become victims of gossip; but we can
not imagine what was the matter in the
two cases mentioned, except that their
pure lives created envy in the hearts
of the vicious. - There is little perfec
tion in human nature, and if the in.
junction of the Savior were followed
to pick out the mote in our own eye3
before we attempted to discover the
beam in our neighbor's the . world
would be purer and better.
The debate in Chicago between
Hon. R. G. Horr and Mr. Harvey, the
author of "Coin's Financial School,"
has created considerable interest all
over the country, and each day's dis
cussion is read in the daily papers
with increasing concern. On the
question of the unit it has been clearly
proved that the silver dollar was
adopted by act of congress of 1792 as
the unite of value; but from a letter of
Jefferson and also from'a statement of
the director of the mint in Phil
adelphia it is further shown
that there was a gold unit in
circulation from the beginning of our
existence as a sovereigh state, and
this was acknowledged in all com
mercial transactions. The. attempt
of the founders of the republic was to
establish bi-metallism; but the people
being accustomed to the silver dollar,
and it being of convenient proportions,
it was the popular unit or measure of
value. Mr. Horr made one point that
was acknowledged by Mr. Harvey and
must be endorsed by every reasonable
man, and that was a unit must be
stable, and cannot be at a discout or a
premium, no more than a yard as a
measure can increase and diminish.
In 1806. President Jefferson instructed
his secretary of state to stop the coin
age of dollars at the mint, and restricted
them o the issuance of half-dollars,
quarters and dimes. For this reason
only 1300 silver dollars were issued
from 1806 to 1840, and in 13-13 congress
took action and established a gold do!
lay as a unit: bat on account of its
smallness it was never popular
and the mints stopped issuing them.
The reason that Mr. Jefferson stopped
the minting of dollars was that silver
in bullion became more valuable than
the coin, causing the dollars to be
melted up and the country to suffer for
the want of this circulating medium,
From a fair, unprejudiced view of the
matter, one is forced to the conclusion
that, although the act of congress pro
vided that the silver dollar should be
redemption money and the unit of
value, yet in commercial transactions
and the mints of the United States
there were two unita recognized one
of gold and the other of silver. Statu
tory provisions cannot control busi
ness transactions, and the merchant
and dealer will always place the
greater confidence in that coin which
fluctuates the least, and which will in
sure the higher degree, of certainty
and stability in business. This is es
pecially true of the commerce between
nations. ,
f ent immediately for the protection of
settlers. The peril is very imminent,
and the news of a bloody battle may
be expected any day. There are
only forty settlers In the vicin
ity of Jackson Hole, and there are
200 determined Indians opposed to
them. The white men will sell their
lives dearly; but without aid from gov
ernment troops they may all be butch
ered by the savages.
. Holmes, the insurance defrauder, is
suspected of two more murders than
those heretofore laid to" his charge,
and the number now reaches nearly a
dozen. In considering this matter
allowance must be made for the preju
dice against the man because of his
attempt to defraud the insurance
company, and which undoubtedly the
company interested has spared no
pains to increase as much as possible.
There is no Question that Holmes is a
villain; but he has not been guilty of
all the mysterious murders that have
been committed in the country during:
the past few years. It is a principle of
human nature that, when a man has
started down hill, everyone should
give him a kick to accelerate his mo
mentum, and we believe this is the
case with Holmes. When the matter
comes before the courts we are satis
fied that he will be acquitted of many
of the crimes that have been laid to
his charge.
A dispatch today says the Astoria
railroad is a certainty, and The Dalles
can send greetings to the city by the
sun-down sea. She has always been
a good friend to an open river, and
now that this is nearly realized our
people may rejoice in her good
fortune. Railroad connection with
the Willamette valley means many
things to Astoria, and when this is
completed the city at the mouth of the
Columbia will start on an era of unex
ampled development. With the jet
ties finished any ship may enter the
Columbia, and when that river is rid
of its obstructions to navigation the
productions of the Inland Empire can be
marketed at Astoria as well as at Port
land. The great ships that enter the
river can receive their cargoes direct
when there is rail communication with
the Willamette, and craft can trans
port wool and wheat from the upper
navigable waters of the river of the
west to tidewater - without breaking
The free silver movement seems to
be waning, falling into the "sere and
yellow leaf," as it were, says the HillB
boro Independent. Just a few short
months ago they were going to "hold"
up the nominating conventions of both
old parties on a sixteen-to-one plank.
The latest manifesto is to the effect
that they will not press the matter
further, in the Republican convention,
than to secure the adoption of a plank
pledging the nominee, if elected, to
sign any bill affecting toe country's
financial system, and also to approve
the pensiou. bills, Nicaragua ship
canal, annexation of Hawaiian islands,
and other issues of permanent import-
Mr. Harvey has a most difficult task j likely to 8ecure thi,. The president
taxes an oain to support) tu couhliuu
tion of the United States, not the fads
of any set of politicians. The dele
gates to the Republican national con
vention will have better judgment
than to adopt a platform pledging a
presidential candidate to renounce a
constitutional function.
to perform in bis attempt to prove that
the act of 1873, demonetizing silver,
was a conspiracy, and passtd congress
by fradulent means. Mr. Horr will
keep him closely to all points, and he
will have no opportunity to evade the
proof of any statement he may make.
Perhaps this debate may not furnish
conclusive evidence to any one regard
ing the truth or falsity of the assump
tion of partisans on these great ques
tions; but the people wtll have facts ;
before them, and from these every in
telligent man can form -conclusions.
The collapse of the silverites in both
parties is plainly discernible, and they
will be forced to return to the parent
fold of the Populists for shelter.
It is manifestly true, as Col. Watter
son says, that the Democratic party
needs new leaders; and it is also badly
in want of men to do the following.
The confirmation of the sale of the
Oregon Pacific by the supreme court
will place that road on its feet again,
and it is hoped under new manage
ment it will be a great factor of devel
opment of the state. Oregon cannot
have too many railroads, and this one
will be a great feeder for valley towns.
The latest dispatches say the grave
of Strambuloff has to be guarded from
the fury of the people of Sofia. There
apparently was some other cause for
his assassination than that he was
attempting in the line of patriotism to
save his country from being governed
by either Russian, German or other
foreign influence.
The success of the Conservatives in
Great Britain may change the -aspect
of European affairs. For many years
the Liberals have devoted their whole
attention to the advancement of the
people at home without much concern
about the strength of the empire
A Democratic exchange says that 38
new woolen mills have been projected
or established during the past year,
and this is an increase of 100 per cent
over the last year of McKinleybm.
Our cotemporary should not forget
that the Mcmniey law was sua in
operation when the "change" was de
manded by the election of Cleveland.
and that manufacturers prepared for
free trade by closing their mills and
discharging the operatives. The elec
tions during: the past year have em
phasized the demand of the people for
a restoration of the government to the
policy of protection, and factors have
taken courage and are preparing for
changed conditions. Business men
usually exercise foresight, and do not
wait for a threatened disaster to hap
pen before they make preparations for
it, or for favorable circumstances to be
inaugurated without being in readi
ness to reap the benefit from them
This is a complete explanation of the
recent revival in business. Men are
simply eraining confidence and courage
for the good times in prospect in the
Some Princeton professors and
students, making geological observa
tions in the x eiiowstone parir, are re
ported to have been captured by the
Bannock Indians who are on the war
path,, and it is feared they will have
little respect for the culture and refine
ment of the college men. No doubt
the examination of the remains of the
different geological periods on the
headwaters of the Yellowstone would
materially aid the advancement of
science; but if the Pnncetonians had
hired some miners to bunt up the
specimens they could have had a very
pleasant time in practicing rowing
and batting within the limits of civili
zation, and would have been enjoying
Many Able-Bodied Bannocka en Route for
Jackson's Hole.
POCATELLO, Idaho, July 23. At the
Bannock Indian agency, 13 miles north
of here, those in authority do not be
lieve the trouble in Jackson Hole
country can possibly reach a final set
tlement nov without more bloodshed.
Almost every able-bodied Bannock
has decamped for the scene of the
From the most trusted police it is
learned that many Indians who are
apparently returning to their homes
have said they were taking their
sqiiaws and papooses home to the
reservation, and then they would re
turn to "see the white men of the
Jackson Hole country."
Agent Tetors is making a trip
through the Jackson Hole country on
Things are Serloos.
Denver, July 23. A special to the
Times from Cheyenne. Wyo., says
Governor Richards received a message
at noon todav from Adiutant-General
Stitzer. who is in the Jackson Hole
recrion. investiiratiner the Indian
trouble, indicating that a 6orious state
of affairs exist there. The settlers
have abandoned their crops and are
moving their families out of the
country. The Indians from Fort Hall
and other reservations are reported
coins: into the country All mountain
oasses are in their control.
Definite information is awaited by
the state authorities as to the success
of the Intian police in inducing the
hostiles to return to their reservations
before sending' state troops to the
scene of the trouble.
The correspondent says that these
articles ask particularly, where the
Monroe doctrine applies now. They
desire to see - it used'--as political
medium in settling this question.
The Snbeldy All Beady. ... ' .
Astoria. July"23.-Much good feel
ing was occasioned here tonight by
the receipt of a dispatch from A. B.
Hammond, stating that he will leave
for this city tomorrow night to com
mence work on the Astoria-Goble rail
road. The subsidy matter was closed
up this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and a
few minutes later Mr. Hammond was
telegraphed that the subsidy commit
tee was ready for him, with the result
above stated. -
Cut HI Throat on a Circular Bait,
CHEHALI9, July 24. Walter O.
Eggan, a Swede laborer - about 32
years old, this afternoon took -i novel
way of ending his life at the Doern
becher factory. He deliberately
stooped down and placed his throat
over a circular saw that was in motion.
His head was almost cut from the
body. He was insane, and came from
Portland two months ago. He has a
family living at Davis and Eighth
The Students Safe.
New York, July 23. B. Forsythe
Little, father of B. Forsythe Ldttle, ir.,
one of the party of Princeton students'
now in Wyoming, received the follow
ing dispatch today from captain a. m.
Anderson, of the United States army,
in command of the troops at x eiiow
stone Park:
"Fountain Geyser, Wyo., July 23.
The Princeton party is all right, and
has had no trouble. Everybody is
here and all are perfectly Tueii.
(Signed), A. S. ANDERSON,
Wyoming's Governor Complains of In
difference at Washington.
Cheyenne, Wyo., July 23. In con
versation today Governor Richards
said he believed the Indian police
would be able to arrest all the Indians
now off their reservations, and if they
experienced any difficulty the regulars
would be ordered out to assist them.
"The Indian trouble must be settled
ouicklv." said the eovernor, "and un
less the Washington authorities take
decisive action I will order out the
state troops to arrest all roving Indians.
I am determined the Indians shall be
made to respect the laws of the state
as well as their white neighbors.
"The authorities at Washington are
careless in reeard to correspondence
on the subject. My predecessor, gov
ernor Osborne, wrote a letter to the
interior department, relating- to the
Indians killing same last summer.
That letter was never answered, and
neither was one I wrote last month."
Ended in a Cloudburst.
Connellsvtixe, Pa., July 23. Tie
heaviest rain storm in this vicinity
culminated last night in a cloudburst,
resulting in an immonse loss, of prop
erty. So far as Known no lives were
lost, but hundreds were placed in
danger and all the people in the path
of the storm have not yet been heard
dubrant declared innocent.
He Was Said to be Overcome by Escaping
Santa CRtrz. Cal., July 24. W. F,
Barrett surrendered himself to the
sheriff this morning and acknowledged
that be was the murderer of Blanche
Lamont and Minnie Willians. He
went to the sheriff's office and said he
did not want to see Durrant hanged
for crimes of which he is innocent.
He said he knew he would be found
sooner or later, and so resolved to sur
render himself.
District Attorney Linsday was sum
moned, and to him Barrett told his story
He said ne was wording at the Berlin
restaurant on r olsom street, near
Fourth in San Francisco, when he saw
Minnie Williams, Blanche Lamont
and Durrant on a street car. Barrett
says he immediately took a fancy to the
girls and tried to make their acquain
tance. He boarded the car, and wben
Durrant and the girls alighted he fol
lowed them. Durrant and Miss Lam
ont entered the church, Miss Williams
remaining outside. Barrett en tered the
church unseen and hid behind a pew.
The gas was escaping, and Durrant
went to the roof to stop the leak. Miss
Lamont walked to the rear of the
church, where Barrett says he seized
and attempted to assault her. To pre
vent her screaming he choked her.
She dropped limp and lifeless to the
floor. Fearing Miss Williams would
be a witness against him, Barrett
says he crept up behind her and stabbed
her with a 'knife he had taken
from the restaurant. He says Durrant
had been overcome by gas and was
dazed. Barrett says to hide the crime
he carried both bodies to the belfry.
While in the church he said he beard
Organist Kin? plavinc. After com
mitting the crimes, Barrett returned
to his lodgings. Fearing the police
were after him, Barrett came to Santa
Cruz, . where - he was employed one
week as a waiter. He resembles
Durrant slightly. He has. been
locked up pending examination as to
his sanity. He talks rationally, is 26
years old and a native of San Francisco.
He looks the picture of despair. .
The district attorney says Barrett
is undoubtedly insane. After the con
fession Barrett mistook the supervisor
for Rev. Dr. G. Gibson, pastor of
Emanuel church, and apologized for
causing him trouble. Barrett spends
his confinement in singing songs 'at
the top of his voice. The confession
is inconsistent with all theories of the
Barrett, in reply to a question, stated
Durrant was too overcome with gas to
see him. -
Cavalry From Fort Robinson for Jack-
, " v Hole.
' Washington, July 25. General
Vincent-; acting adjutant-general,' has
received a telegram from Brigadier
General Coppinger, saying hennas or
dered four troops of cavalry from Fort
Robinson, Neb., to proceed at once to
Jackson Hole, and he goes there in
person to conduct the military opera
tions. Fort Robinson is the nearest avail
able cavalry station, as Forts Russell
and Washakie are garrisoned with
infantry. As foot troops are not of
great service in Indian campaigns, it is
not believed they will be called into
No New Developments.
Denver, July 25. A special to the
Times, from Cheyenne, Wyo., says:
Governor Richards was advised today
by Adjutant-General Stitzler, who is
at Market Lake, that there are no
new developments in the Indian stua-
tion at Jackson Hole.
General Coppinger has requested
Major Reynolds, of the Fight infantry,
at Fort Russell, to accompany him on
the expedition. Fifty-three pack
mules and six packers will join the
Fort Robinson troops who are expected
to pass here at 6 o'clock this evening.
Scene About the Ctlca Mine at Angel's
' Camp.
Angel's Camp, Cal., July 23. The
vicinity oi the utica mine nere resem
bles a deserted battlefield, with the
dead and dying lying around. Scores
of men are stretched out, while those
most seriously affected are being con
veyed to the company's hospital. In
attempting to remove the bulkhead of
the Utica north shaft, 50 or 60 men
were overcome by the escaping gas.
As one man would fall another stood
ready to take hia place. Finally the
bulkhead had to be blasted out, and
the gass is now issuing in such volumes
that no one san go near.
The water in the stickle compart
ment of the mine is about 50 feet
above the 800 level and it is believed
the fire is extinguished, although this
is not certain. Flooding practically
ceased this morning. Granting that
the nre is out, it win take fully a month
to pump tne water out oi the stickle,
Ansel's Camp will not recover from
the effects of the catastrophe for a long
time, as hundreds of men with fam
ilies are thrown temporarily out of
effects of a cloudburst,
abroad. On she contrary the first J ing themselves much more than they
object of the Conservatives will be to
strengthen the country in its foreign
relations, and there is unlimited
power in the great ' empire when
aroused to action.
The remark is credited to Governor
Lord and . Secretary of State Kincaid
that '.'Oregon has enough people now.
These gentlemen may have made this
assertion; but it is not generally be-
lieved. If they did it is not far differ
ent from a statement made at a meet
ing of the board of trade of this city
- a few years ago, when a prominent
citizen said that Wasco county .had
enough population, and should not in
duce any more people to make their
homes in this portion of the state.
We have no doubt there are very many
"residenta - of Oregon,-. who anxiously
wish for. a return -of the; old times,
when there, were njrailroads and but
..-One or two newspapers. Life to them
then was one' continuous., picnic, and
"they were not troubled by any of the
many annoyances that are inseparable
from the advance of civilization. If
: they desired to visit, a neighbor a few
miles distant they went to the stable
and saddled the "old horse, and made
the trip -leisurely. Now they are
forced to be on time if they want to
make a journey; because the train will
not wait forvthem. It was usually a
safe method of travel and did not pro
duce any bad effects on the nerves as
the modern lightening express does.
The week night meeting at the school
house or attendance at church on Sun
. days gave them all the opportunities
they wanted to see and converse with
There is a man in California who has
confessed to the murders of Blanche
Lamont and Minnie Williams in the
Emanuel church iu San Francisco, and
who has voluntarily surrendered him
self to the authorities. His story is
not generally credited, and very many
believe him insane. While every one
desires the brutal murderer of these
girls punished for the crime, yet no
one wishes, to see Durant hanged if he
can prove his innocence. It is a rea
sonable proposition that no sane man,
who is not guilty of murder, would make
a false confession of the crime simply
to undergo the punishment or to make
himself notorious. Very few sane men,
who could commit such a heinous of
fense as to take the life of another
without provocation, have a sufficiently
susceptible conscience to acknowledge
guilt. They usually die protesting
their innocence, and this will follow
as a natural sequence of their vicious
lives The' inurder of these girls was
carefully planned, and gave evidence
of having been concocted by a man of
more than ordinary intelligence. From
appearances it is very doubtful if the
man who lives in Santa Cruz has the
mental capacity to commit the deed
and carefully cover his tracks as he
has done, if bis story is to be believed.
But the case is on trial, and, notwith
standing the - revolting details have
been published in the press, we are as
sured Durrant will have all possible
opportunities to prove his innocence.
He is defended by able counsel, who will
watch every point, in his favor, and
who will attempt to save him from the
gallows even if he is guilty.
Holmes, the insurance defrauder,has
rivalled Durant for acts of brutish cru
elty. Evidence is very strong that he
has killed seven persons, and there
may. be more victims yet. It is strange
that these two men could play the vil
lain so long without being detected.
and yet the generality of men claim to
be good judges of human nature. If
the world has progressed in regard to
morality, yet there are many rascals
still alive and apparently prosperous.
There is an old saying that two Rus
sian generals have never been con
quered, and these are Gen. December
and Gen. January. The great Napo
leon was defeated by one of them, and
they are trusted guardians of the coun
try. In Cuba they have another een
eral who is almost equally successful,
and his name is Gen. Fever. The re
ports from the island say he is causinar
great havoc among the spamsh troops
wno are not acclimated, and perhaps
ne win no as mucn ior cuoan independ
ence as the patriot army.
The visit of Mr. Carlisle's private
secretary to this state is of no particu
lar significance, except that we hope
he has formed a favorable opinion of
Oregon, and will not be remiss in ex
pressing it when he arrives east. He
left for Boise City last night, and no
doubt had an agreeable trip up the
Columbia on the boat. - We are al
ways pleased to have eastern visitors.
and are satisfied that we can properly
entertain them, and are not afraid of
any fair report they may make of our
climate, soil or resources.
A decision has . been rendered by
Judge Bellinger giving Oregon and
Washington concurrent jurisdiction
over the Columbia river, and that nei
ther has exclusive jurisdiction. The
laws of Washington permit fisher
men to use their nets and wheels every
day in the week, while in Oregon all
fishing must cease on Sundays.- This
gives fishermen in the neighboring
state a decided advantage over those
in Oregon, and until both legislatures
pass a uiiiform statute the prestige
will remain. Where the interests are
common, as they are in the fishing in
dustry, the statute, in one state should
conform to that of the other. Both
states should prohibit fishing. on Sun
days, or the Oregon law should be re
pealed. -
There is a report from Market Lake,
Idaho, that a fight occurred at Jackson
Hole between the Indians and settlers,
in which twenty of the latter were
killed. This news has not been con
firmed, and It is hoped it is not true.
If it is a fact it is another charge of
carelessness against the department at
Washington, as both the governors of
Idaho and Wyoming have telegraphed
the situation of affairs, and the urgent
necessity of government troops being 1
are now. Hut it is hoped that the
Bannocks have not taken them into
their wigwams and afforded them an
opportunity to study the manners and
customs of the primitive red man from
dally intercourse and close proximity.
It is very likely that the Princeton
men are in a country where they can
not communicate with their friends.
and are safe and sound in body and
The discontented Bannock Indians
who are now at large will soon be put
back on the reservation, and they have
caused more fright than damage. An
Indian will remain such, notwithstand
ing his environment, and he may be
educated to read, write and dress like
a white man; but he delights in enjoy
ing the greatest freedom at times, and
not being confined within the limits of a
reservation. During such times all
the elements in his wild nature are
given free rein, and he is liable to hurt
any one against whom ne has tne least
r -V .
grievance, vjur guveruiuoai ana una
sufficient experience to deal with In
dians intelligently, and mere is no
reason why they should roam at large
threatening and alarming tne settlers.
If the intention is to civilize them they
should be taught that the nrst princi
ple is restraint, and this should be en
forced by the military arm of the gov
ernment if necessary. These Han-
nocks became tired of the peaceful life
on the reservation, and took a summer
outing according to their primitive
idea. They refused to obey the order
of the agent, and as a result some of
them were killed. Now the rest are
angry, and It may take U.S. soldiers
and a few more deaths before they will
behave themselves properly. They
will be subjugated, however, and resist
ance will be useless.
Town Flooded and Ballroad Washed
Away. '
Bradford, Pa., July 23. A cloud
burst occurred here last night, and all
raiiroans and tneir orancties have been
blocked by washouts and bridges swept
away. It is impossible to reach Scott
dale, where the worst trouble is
The water fell in sheets. The
Mount Pleasant accommodation train,
was chased by the storm. Five min
utes after it passed the track was under
water, as were t rick coke works here.
Boulders weighing hundreds of
pounds were rolled down the hillside
by the storm. The county bridge over
Gauley run was torn away and swept
against tne .Baltimore umo Drldge,
tearing it out.. The tracks here are
covered with mud.
uozens oi iarm animals ' were
drowned In the rush of water, which
receded almost as rapidly as It came.
Houses in creek bottoms were flooded
five and six feet, and narrow escanes
i rum ueacn occurred, w recking crews
are wonting at tne oeoris. .
He Says the Indians Would Begin Fight-
ins at Noon Today.
Denver, July 24. A special to the
Times, from Cheyenne, Wyo., says:
Early this morning Governor Rich
ards sent the following message to the
secretary of the interior:
"Will the federal government take
the matter in hand of returning the
Bannocks to the reservation, or will
Wyoming be expected to do so?
Please write." ' . " .
An answer was received at noon to- '-
day as follows:
"liovernor Kiohards: Your tele
gram and one from Agent Tetor, have
been transmitted to the war depart
ment witn tne request that united
States troops be sent to protect settlers
and return tne Indians to the reserva
tion. John M. Reynolds, acting
Governor Richards received the fol
lowing from Adjutant-General Stitzler
"Market Lake. Idaho. Julv 24.
Governor W. A. Richards: I met the
Indian captain of police in Teton basin
yesterday with 35 horses, hurrying out
witn an possioie speed, and saw- him
again at 11 o'clock last night. He says
he cannot control the Indians, who
will tight the settlers at noon today.'
The government bavine- de
cided to send troops to return the
Indians to the reservation and protect
the settlers, the state troops will not
oe caiiea out.
Ordered to Return.
Washington, July 25. Commis
sioner Browning has forwarded a dis-
patcn to Agent re tor, at tne fort Hall,
Idaho, agency, instructing him to
order the Indians to return to their
reservations, quietly and peacefully
Deiore the military detachments
reach there.
Agent Tetor sent a reply stating he
had sent trustworthy Indians to deliver
the message to the Bannocks in the
The Examination of Holmes' House Continues.
Chicago, July 25. In the basement
of Holmes' charnel house todav
several more bones and small pieces of
dress goons were round, one of the
bones found, a shoulder-blade, was
apparently that of an adult. The
other socket bone was small and ap
peared to be th at of a child. The police
Dy tneir discovery today were- con'
firmed in the belief that the 'skeletons
being uncovered were those of the
missi n g Mrs. Connor and her daughter.
Mrs. W. L. Loyd, told the police today
iiuab tne iiiusBiug uaugnter oi fat uuin
lan, Holmes' ex-janitor, is with her
grandparents, . near . South .Haven
Mich. -
The police, after an extended inter
view with Mrs. Doyle, became con
vinced that she would be an important
witness. She disclaimed any partic
ular knowledge of the case, but in an
unguarded moment remarked that the
picture of the Pietzel children-published
in the Chicago papers were
good ones. , She acknowledged that she
knew tne iamiiy slightly.
Mrs. Pat Quinlan, the wife ' of
Holmes' ex-ianitor, was found todav,
What evidence she will be able to give
against Holmes the police refused to
In talking to a reporter Mrs. Dovle
said one of the prettiest women who ever
came under Holmeo' influence is also
missing. Her name was Miss Cig-
grann. sne was originally from in
diana Mrs. Doyle was on the point
oi giving iurtner information when
the police curtly ordered her to cease
William L. Doyle, the woman's hus
band, a mason and contractor, said
that in the latter part of 1891 he rented
the flat in the Holmes block that had
been occupied by the missiDg Mrs,
Connor her - daughter. He and his
wife became acquainted with Holmes
and Minnie Williams. Doyle said that
the Connors' disappearance dated
from 1891 instead of 1893, as has been
This WeYnown Brewery is now turninz out the best
Beer and Forer east of the Cascades. The latest appliances
for the manuiavV,re of ood healthful Beer have : been intro
duced, and oulyho first-class article wi 1 be placed on the
The DalieS
i : . I- -
3e I
V .!
second Street. I
- - . n -st . -' 7n
Of Dry Goods, Clothing:. Boots
and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
At Less Than Cost
Will Be Sold Regardless of Cost
Call and det Prices and Be Convinced. " '
No Trouble to Show OoodS. ' , -
J. P. mcingrnV.
J don't be imposed upon by baying tentedy tat
requires you to do o, as it is nothing mor? 'than s '
substitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco )roa
must hare some stimulant, and in most all cases, (ha
effect of the. stimulenl, he it opiusv morphine,, or
other opiates, leaves a far won habit contrac
ted. Ask your, druggist 1 about
UACO . CDHO. -It to
purely vegetable. -'Yost ip no
have to -stop nsing tobacco wiU
BACO - CDB( . It will
notify you wbn to stop and your deslie for tobacco will cease. Your system will be as free
from nicotine as the day before you took your 6 ret chew or smoke. An iron clad written
guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded ' Price
Jl.oo perboor3boxes (3o days treatment or guaranteed cure.) $2,50, For sale al
druggists or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS
Booklets and proofe free.
Eureka Chemical ft M'Pg
Co., La Crease, Wis.
Not Probable That as Warship WiU be
Sent to the Isthmus.
Offlo ot THE PIONEKB PRK8S COMPANY, 0. W. Boanes, 8opt. "' '
8t. Paul, Mina., Sept. t UN. :
Eurekt flbemictl nnMT Co., L Crossw, Wis. ...
Dear sirs I tun been a tobaxb (lend tor many tmts, and daring; th. put two yews kin sssoksd fif
teen to twenty etga a regularly every day. sly wool Dcnrws system beeaae asTeeted, uaiil my phrsKUa '
toMme I muwtinnp tbe useof tobMOO for Um Urn being;, at least. I tried the M-oU d "fceeie
Our," "No-To- -c," and Tartnus ottter reme lee. but without oooees-, antU I aeel entally learned ot your
"SwvCate." Three weeks wo today I oommenee I usljir tout prjpvmtlon, wd today 1 4 lor mysett
eomp'etoly cured; I m In perfect health, and the horrible onvinig; for tobeeco, which rery Inyeterats
moker fully appreciates, tuu completely left me. ' I consider your "(Uoo-Curo" simply wonderful, sad:
can fully racommeod It. ... Tours Tory tnly, C W. Hoaam. -
; The lone Highwayman,
Klamath Falls Or.. Julv 23.
Local detectives hereabouts who have
been at work on the capture of the
staererobber. who has been until latelv
so regular in his Klamath Falls-Ager
stage "'hold ups," think they have the
man. At any rate Sheriff A. A. Fitoh
and James Engle arrived -vesterdav
f ri i ,- -
evening irum jroicepama, wnere tney
arrested a young man known as Watt
Pierson, who is now in the custody, of
ueputy uuitea estates Marsnal S. T.
Summers. Piersons resides at Kano,
a 8 mall place on the Klamath Falls-
Aerer stage road, and. it is claimed, on
the night of one of the robberies he
was absent from borne and was seen to
return early in the morning. He will
be glren a preliminary trial.
The assassination of M. Stambuloff,
the prime minister of Bulgaria, was
considered of political significance by
very many, as that country has been
(he scene of Russian intrigue for many
years. It is supposed the czar is at
tempting to control affairs to his own
interest, and every movement is
watched with the Greatest concern.
From affairs that have occurred since
the death of the Bulgarian statesman
u appears mat ne was very unpopular,
and was guilty of acts of cruelty that
would place one's life in . jeopardy
in any country. It is undoubtedly true
that the king is not possessed oi tnose
elements of character that would make
him a strong monarch, and it is very
questionable if he does not manage his
little kingdom at the behest" of the
great power of the north; but the ten
ure oi omce oi a man witn tne dispo
sition of Stambuloff would be very un
certain in any country, and his life
might pay the penalty of his cruelty
at any moment. The world eanqot his
governed as it was a half century ago,
when tvrants appeared to enjoy Imrnu-
nitv for anv act of oppression of which
thev mleht be eullty. Now they fre
aently meet their just deserts, and no
. - JJ j i
One mourns tneir suuueu uoiuu, wuou
they become the victims of a pistol
shot or tne stao oi a jenue.
For Holmes' Arrest.
Chicago, July 23. Arthur Mammer
tooK out a warrant tnls afternoon be
fore Justice Richardson for H. H,
Holmes. The charge is murder, and
mammer says ne Deiieves nis aunt,
Mrs. Connor, was killed bv Holmes be
tween August 1 ana .November 1, 1893,
uurinf tne ponce examination of
U. hi. htoimes' nouse todav. a portion
of a woman's wrapper, torn and
stained, was found. The nature of the
stains could not be determined and an
analysis will be made. Hidden under
the rubbish was a barrel and in it.
buried among broken crockery and old
tinware, was the dress. The house
was surrounded all day by a crowd.
England Appropriates Trlnldado Island.
NEW YOHK, July. 23. -A Herald dis
patch fron Buenos Ayres Bays;
A correspondent in Rio Janerlo tele
graphs that advices to the English
legation there declare. that England
claims the island of Trinidade as her
own. une cargo oi coal, it Is reported.
has landed on the island alreadv. In
view of this it was decided by Brazil's
cabinet to formally protest, and a mes
sage to that effect was at once sent to
Brasll's minister In London. Fierce
articles have appeared in the Brazil
ian papers denouncing England for
her appropriation of territory belong
ing to Brazil, as that country affirms.
The Killing; of Settlers and Indians Con
firmed Alarm Felt.
Chicago, July 24. A special from
t-ocateiio, iaano, says: -
The Indian war has broken out in
earnest. Union Pacific . Engineer
Robert Fitzpatrick, who pulled the
northbound freight into Pocatello last
night, confirmed the. report that the
cannocK Indians KUlea a settler, his
wire ana cniia, in tnn salt river vallev.
and that the white men pursuing the
Indians, killed six of them before thev
escaped to tne mountains.
Mail carrier Vail, who arrived at
Montpeller from Star valley, also told
tne same story. -
1 be excitement among tbe settlers
in northwestern -Wyoming over the
tnreatenea uprising oi tne .Bannocks
and Shoshone Indians is growing more
intense daily. Thev are leaving their
rancnes in large numoers ana gatb )r
ing at favored points for mutual pro
tection in case. the Indians return to
seek vengence for the death of their
brother braves.
The story of the killing- of three
whites and six Indians is spreading
alarm at a rapid rate.' Innumerable
pleasure parties have given up contem
plated trips into the mountain country,
which abobnds in snort of all kinds.
this season. The settlers, too are be
coming thoroughly aroused, and if they
are not soon protected by government
troops, they will take the field in pro-
wvuuu ui taeir own nomes ana lives.
It is aiso stated that the foraging
caanocKs are seeding supplies OI gov
ernment rations forwarded by those re
maining at tne reservation, and that
700 Shoshone bucks from the Wind
river reservation have started to aid
the Bannocks. Further news from the
Indian country is anxiously awaited.
Low Prices
On a Cash Basis.
The only way to sell goods at low rates and make
profit these times is to make quick sales for cash. ' This
13 my motto, which I shall follow, and hope to succeed
thereby - . '.
Washington, July 25. The appre
hension of serious trouble on the
isthmus of Panama, owins- to the
strike of the railway employes, was
considerably relieved by the receipt of
a teiegram toaay irom unitea states
Uoosul-Creneral vifquain, at Panama,
stating ' that the governor . of the
province of Panama had assured the
consul-general of his ability to main
tain order there. It is- therefore im-
dTspaaiheedtouTek Stock First Class Qoods
assume a mora threat aninc aarvwr. than I . )
they are at present. The United
States steamship Atlanta has quitted
tbe Florida coast, where she has been
lying off the port of Key West for a
week past, and arrived in Havana
yesterday, so it would be available for
service at uoion II it is deemed neces
sary to send a war ship there. Some
mystery is made at the depart
ment ox tne Auauua's mission on tbe
Cuban coast, and no one will say what
ner aestinauon is. mere ls.bowever,
reason to believe that, as a result of
the special cabinet meeting held in
Prices Down to Bedrock
We buy cheap and give our patrons the benefit of our
bargaina. Having purchased the business , of II. H.
CAMPBELL, we are in the field for business, and
would be pleased to see old and pw patrons, and of all
ages and conditions. - .
W A. Johnston
KbS 131 Washington St.
tne r lonaa coast and tbe West Indies
without a naval vessel, and has ordered
the Atlanta to remain on the watch to
bead off the filibustering expedition
which the Spanish ministir reported
was about to clear from some point in
mo unitea orates ior vuoa. .
The 0r0 Fine Wine Soom&
Searching- for Traces of the Boy.
Indianapolis, Ind., July 25. De
tective Geyer. of Philadelphia, who is
here searching for some trace of How-
ara netzei, worked all day among the
rental agencies. He thinks Holmes
rented a house in this city in which he
killed the bo v. Gever intends to atav
here until be has thoroughly searched
tne city, ne iouna notning today.
Extradition of Holme.
TORONTO. July 25. The verdlot of
toe coroner's jury in tbe case of tbe
Pietzel children was laid before the
attorney-general today, and proceed-
lnirs ior tne extradition oi Moimea will
be at once followed np. " .
Best Grade California Wines and Brandies iD'.flie City
A Passenger Train Held Up on the
Shore Road.
Toledo", July 24. Shortly after mid
night train Mo. 37. on the Lake Shore
road, which, had attached an express
car which' runs between Buffalo and
Chicago, was stopped at Reece's
switch, midway between Archibald
and Stryker, 44 miles west of this city.
Tbe engineer saw tbe switch was
turned, and turned on the air brakea.
Several shots ware fired at the cab,
one of which put out the headlight.
When the train stopped four robbers
went to the express car and ordered
Messenger. C. B. Nettlemen, of Buffalo,
to open the door. Nettleman refused.
and the robbers threatened to blow up
the car, Nettleman then came out
and the four men entered the car.
Tbey seaured the contents of the local
safe, amounting to about $150, and
then went at the big safe which con
tained considerable money. ; -
Since the Lendallville robbery the
express company has supplied its cars
with dynamite-proof safes and this
safe stood the test of four dynamite
cartridges fired by the robbers. Dis
couraged, they jumped from the train
and disappearea. '
Too Tired to Smile
Weak, Weary and Worn
Dizziness, Impure Blood -Cured by
Many weak and worn-out womea
know jnst what this means. In totally
unfit condition
for work, they
force themselves
through the daily
routine of duties,
almost too dis
couraged to even
look for relief.
But it is to be
found in Hood's
which makes the
blood pore, builds
np the nerves
makes the weak
strong and gives
Vo. .90, Second door from.
Tbe corner of Court Street . .
Y v
San t Francisco t Beer i Hall
F. LKMIiK. Proprietor.
Urs. Wm. Smith
Xrw Talk City.
cheerful spirit.
wihsTTsnffflTed stars than tongas can
tell from ditslness and severs pains in my
head. I also felt so low spirited that X
often said I wished Lw dead. A friend
suggested that I try Bood's Sarsapexflla,
I gars it a trial end was more than sur
prised to what a great chugs cams
STM ms after I hid taken the first bottle.
I felt better right away. I hare now taken
" parilla
nearly five bottles
and am happy tossy
entirely eared.
I ami
X would advise
saffsrinaTon soeonnt of impure blood to
try Hood's Saraaparina. It will cure." Mas.
Wx. Sktth, 81S E. 8SthSt N. T. City.
Hood's Pills become tits favorite eatiurtts
With vtryoBS who tries tbe Be. per hex.
r " " Corner Thlrdan4 "Washington Street.
, Bacon,1 Dried Beef and ToDgues,
Cured Hams
And the Best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and
Veal Cutlets In the Market. . .
Orders Delivered to Anv Pert of th Citi
Fresh Vegetables on Sale at tbe LowestlMces.
i I