13 SATURDAY... JUNE 29, 195 - THE SPHERE OF WOMAN. There are very few in this world who are stisfied with the condition in which nature or their own acts have placed them. The millionaire is forced to be guarded by policemen to protect his life against anarchists, and perhaps enjoys less peace and happiness than he who toils unceasingly with his hands for his daily bread. On the other hand, the wage-earner imagines that his lot is the most grievious of any of the ill-fated mortals who are doomed to eke ' out an existence on this globe, and is continually complain ing, about the hard lines that encom pass him. If it were possible for these two classes to change places for a short time perhaps each would be more con tented with life; but as this cannot be done, each must bear his part patient ly. The toiler must enjoy life by being contented with his environment, and, if the rich man cannot live in peace and comfort, he should dispose of his wealth or emigrate. This world hs large enough for all, and may be a very desirable place in which to live . if people would only think so. But aside from these there is discon tent because of the natural sphere in which the supreme being has placed people. One man is dissatisfied because he was born black, red or yellow in stead of white, and perhaps there are some who would prefer being black in stead of white. Complete happiness is not to be found, and perhaps never will be while life lasts and conditions vary. Of all the discontented beings the new woman appears to head the list. The professions have been opened to her. and she has the privilege of matriculating at all the universities but there is an old book, and one very much venerated, that has not placed - her in as high a position as modern civilization has accorded her. This book is the Holy Bible, and the mod em woman comes forward and says this must be changed. There must be another translation that will give wo men some of the honors which have heretofore been erven man. The lat est revision of the Hebrew and Greek texts i9 considered very correct, and a committee of women, however much . they may be actuated by a sense wrong done them through all ages past, cannot change these without do ing violence to the intent and mean ing. As a moral guide this old book is above all others; but it was written ' in a very barbarous age, and is a truth ful portrayal of the customs and habits . and thought of a people who had not enioved the benefits of the civiliza tion that then prevailed in some coun tries. Any alteration of the pages . that treats of the condition of woman at that time would be a base fabrica tion, and would undermine the reputa tion for truth which the old book en joys. Among all uncivilized people the male was always considered the ruler. the controller and the manager of all . affairs, social, political and religious. and it is true in a great measure this age of the world. The women of the Bible have many - excellencies of character, which are not found in any contemporaneous history. From the histories of Mother Eve to Mary Magdalene, the graces of womanhood are set forth in this book in an admirable manner. The affec tion of the mother, the devotion of the wife, and the higher moral qualities of the sex are truthfully recorded. The mother of Moses hiding him in the bullrushes to save his life is " beautiful example of maternal af fection, and worthy of imitation even by the coming woman. Buth, declar ing that "where thou goest I will go; thy people shall by my people, and thy God my God," could there be a more ennobling: picture of the love of wife portrayed by pen? Then ' Queen Esther, petitioning: the king for the amelioration of the Jews, affords the finest example of patriotism ever given in any book. Coming down to New Testament times there are given -in the sacred pages the beautiful char acters of Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and Martha, the sister of Lazarus, and none more ad mirable have ever adorned the history of any people. The stories of Zen obia, Cleopatra and Boadecia are repulsive to the idea of refine ment, and conple the holy name of mother with lust, revenge and murder. The Bible exalts the re lation of wife and mother, and places woman in the highest sphere of human existence. It surrounds the mother with love, and gives to the ordinance of marriage its greatest sanctity and rids it of all the contaminating degra dation of lust. If the woman of the nineteenth century would pay more at tention to the sanctified relation of marriage, blessed by God for the per petuation of the race, and be willing to enter it as a sacred duty to human ity, there would be less unhappy fam ilies and courts would have fewer di vorce cases. Woman reigns in the paradise of the affections; she is the mother of the race; her glory should be offspring, by which she signifies her - obedience to Deity and comprehension ' of the exalted sphere that nature de signed her to occupy. There has been and will be discon tent; but it should not exist among women. If they will follow the Bible idea, and pattern after the examples . of mothers and wives the race will be reformed to a higher plane of existence; but if they continue to decry motherhood, and make tne marriage relation simply a commercial contract, then lascivious- ness will increase, and the few progeny tnat come into existence tnrougn ac cidents will be devoid of all principles of honesty and chastity. in associated. It is a mistake that Crom well was descended from plebeian ancestry. His father was Sir Thomas Cromwell, and his mother traced her descent from the Stuarts, the royal family of Scotland. Being of a re ligious turn of mind, he allied himself in early life with the Puritans, some of whom settled in Massachusetts and furnished the basis of the sturdy char acter of the New England . emigrants. He was intensely religious, and gave more attention to the extreme justice of the Old than to the mercy incalculated in the New Tes tament. Cromwell, unlike Napo leon, was not ambitious. What he did he believed to be in accordance with the will of God, and not for his own aggrandise ment. There was not a single act upon which he did not ask the blessing and guidance of God Almighty. His troops were invincible, and, go ing into battle with a psalm on their lips these old Puritans surmounted every obstacle. It cannot be denied that he established the constitutional rights of Englishmen which had been ruthlessly trodden under foot by the Stuarts. The Bill of Rights, which he forced Charles I. to sign, has been the palladium of liberty in the old coun try and in America. Our own citizens owe a debt of gratitude to Cromwell, as well as the inhabitants of the British empire. The glory of Crom well's conquests resounded through Europe, and there was not a poten tate that dd not tremble at the sound of Cromwell and his Puritans. But he was a bigoted sectarian, and he had not the ' least sympathy with any who were opposed to him in relg ious belief. He believed that God was only favorable to those of his own faith, and any kind of cruelty to those opposing was in accordance with the divine command. The Scottish Preb byterians he pursued with unrelenting vigor, and Irish Papists he slaught ered as he would rats or mice. Hume, with the pessimism incident to skepticism, has denounced him the greatest hypocrite of the age. Macauley is his apologist, and so is Carlyle. John Milton, the modern Homer, defends him, and eulogizes his actions. His character is uniaue. and is susceptible of the severest censure as well as the most laudatory praise. In his family rela tionshewas pure as driven snow a loving father, an affectionate husband and a steadfast friend. His word was never violated, and whatever promises made were fulfilled to the letter. But he was austere to those who differed with him, and had no sort of liberality or charity to those who had diverse religious opinions. Still he guaranteed and maintained the greatest freedom among sectarians, and Englishmen enjoyed the full priv ilege of worshiping God according to the dictates of their own conscience. Lamartine condemns him for the exe cution of Charles I and the massacre of the Irish papists. The former mer ited his fate by his violations of the English constitution, and his death was simply justice to an outrage peo ple. The latter cannot be justified, and the only apology that can be of fered is the blind bigotry that pre vailed during the latter part of the fif teenth and beginning of the sixteenth century. The world has grown more liberal in this era; but we should not judge men of a superstitious period by the same rules as those of an enlight ened age. Acts which would be con scientious and honest in the one would be brutal and reprehensible in the other. There can be no doubt that Oliver Cromwell was a great man, worthy of a prominent place in the history of the world. He was a man of strong characteristics, . and had many of the elements of Napoleon, but was not actuated by the same jellfish motives as the little Corsican tie gave liberty to England and re stored the constitution to the empire; but he was' merciless to his enemies and uncharitable to religious oppo nents. In the light of this age, as a predominant character in a dark epoch of the world, he is entitled to. a momu- ment from the British people, and we believe thelrish members of parliament pursued a wrong course when they permitted their desire for revenge for wrongs suffered over three hundred years ago to be tneir controlling motives for action in parliament. DIPLOMAT AND SOLDIER. The young Kaiser of .Germrny is a diplomat as well as a soldier, says an exchange. He glories in army ma neuvers and keeping the German army what it was created when his grand father won great victories: he talks of peace, but he surrounds himself with all the glories of military power. He has kept Europe in a state of expec tancy more than any other ruler be cause he has shown the same love for organizing armies and for dramatic display of military pomp that charac terized the great Napoleon and made him feared of all Europe. But the kaiser has also some-of the diplomatic sense that was conspicuous in : Na poleon. He does not court war with a nation over which Germany has once triumphed, so long as the terms of peace made by Germany are allowed to remain in force. It must have been a disappointment to the French radicals when the French war ships were given the greatest honor among the guests at the Kiel celebration. The league of patriots of Paris half-masted flags when the government accepted the invitation of Germany to take part in the celebra tion at the opening of the Kiel canal. Some of the conservative French statesmen regretted that the invitation had been received, and blamed their ambassador at Berlin for not prevent ing its being sent to Paris. There was uneasiness all over France, and in fact throughout Europe, for fear some thing might occur at Kiel that would offend France. . But Kaiser WilhelnT showed excel lent diplomacy and captured the hearts of the French representatives and sea men by the attention shown to the French gunboats, the German bands playing the "Marseillaise" and thou sands of German soldiers and citizens cheering the French naval vessels as they passed. The Frenchmen cannot hold aloof from any one who sings the "Marseillaise," and to hear this mat" tial air played by German bands while German soldiers saluted the French tri-color and cheered the French ves sels and the French soldiers and -seamen on board, was a welcome from Ger many that no Frenchman could resist or fail to regard with the greatest good will and enthusiasm. The German emperor seems to have successfully engineered a great fete, in which he was the central figure, and while surrounded with all the pomp of military display he made it the great est demonstration of force and good will to his ancient enemy and most sensitive neighbor. In this he showed diplomacy of a high order. Germany is more in dan ger of a breach with Russia than with any other power. Russian aggression is more liable to interfere with Ger many's domestic and foreign policies than with those of any other European power, except England. The canal is for commercial advancement, but it is also for naval advantages, to guard against an attack from both Russia and Farnce, at the same time to di vide the German navy. But, while preparing for every advantage of war, the Emporer of Germany also employs diplomacy to keep on good terms with the French nation, which has no cause for -trouble with Germany except the remembrance of the loss of Alsace and Lorraine. There has been noth ing in the demonstration at Kiel more significant than the attention shown to in the delay which it will cause; but the conservatives know that they cannot retain power, and will be forced to relinquish it soon and abide the result of an election. EDITORIAL NOTES, These last days in June are too warm for much political excitement. Even silver men are trying to keep cool. One faction of the California De mocracy is still in favor of free silver, and the other is not. Both will come together on a platform in favor of honest bemitalism. Nine teachers in the public schools of Portland have been discharged be cause they were Catholics. The A. P. A. is very strong in that city, and this is undoubtedly the result of its influ ence. A Washington dispatch -says that Chauncey M. Depew is going to marry again, and that the lady is worth $8, 000,000 and an orphan. If the contract has been made, doesn't Mr. Depew de lire to sublet it? Almost any one would give a million dollars bonus. American capitalists, who are nego tiating in China to secure the 200,000, 000 taels bonds, stand a very good chance of being successful. As Cleve land's last bond sale was taken by foreigners, it is simply "getting even" that our citizens secure investments elsewhere. Good news is wired from Washing ton. For the first time for many months the receipts at the treasury have been in excess of the expendi tures, and this, notwithstanding the fact that the income tax has been de cided to be unconstitutional. Very evidently business is reviving, and better times may be expected. Through the power of the pen more than any other influence new commu nities are formed, latent resources are developed and capital brought face to face with opportunity. The newspaper is the forerunner of wealth, though unfortunately wealth seldom runs after a newspaper, unless it has an ax to grind or a grievance to ventilate. The Mora claim on Spain is $1,500,- 000. If Spain would give Uncle Sam a warranty deed for the little island and $500,000 in good silver dollars, it would be a go, and would in the end save Spain many millions. From this on Cuba is going to be a costly luxury to Spain. It has reached "the parting of the ways," and Spain cannot turn back the hands on the dial. Some of the Democratic papers,even of Ohio, are treating the candidacy of John R. McLean, of the Enquirer, as "a joke." Just why is not apparent. McLean would, as senator, be such a Democratic improvement as to be not able.. He is a man of business, always successful; a man of brains, a man of large integrity; modest, humane and a liberal giver to charity. He has not only not asked office, but has modestly declined when his friends have pushed his name before the public, and de serves honest treatment. Death may lurk in every passing baeeze, or drive his chariot in the storm. A pesky little blow fly in Prescott, Ariz., made its nest in the nose of a man who had dislocated his ankle, and was forced to remain in the sun for several hours. Soon screw worms developed in the nostril, and death resulted to the poor fellow in the most horrible manner. Perhaps this man had faced the grim monster in many terrible shapes, to be at last conquered by a little insect that could be destroyed by a stroke of the finger. The Mazamas,the mountain climbers of the northwest, will make the ascent of Adams on July 10th, and a correct measurement of the bight will be taken. Prof. Lyman claims that it is a thousand feet higher than Hood, and Oregon must disprove this or her glory i will have departed. These warm davs. I TELEGRAPHIC. DESTROYED BY FIRE. Bonding Congress Occupied by Chilean Burned. Washington', June 25. Minister Strobel, at Santiago, has sent the state department the following: "I regret to report the destruction by fire of the building occupied by tne bouse oi con- gress. The edifice was regarded as the finest in Chile, and but little of the furniture or archives were saved. The loss is estimated at about $1,000,- 000 in United States gold without considering the archives, which can never be replaced. The building was begun in 18o7. but was not dedicated until 1876, during the presidency of Frederick Errazuris. - "While there are rumors that the fire was the work of incendiaries, it seems to be more naturally the result of ac cident. There were several lighted stoves in the building, which probably caused an explosion by escaping gas. "The government has called for plans for a new building, notifying congress that on their completion it will ask for its reconstruction. An extra session of congress, called to consider the financial question, is now being held in the state university." Julius Negbaur, an American citi zen, 65 years old. was found dead in a small hotel May 4. Minister Strobel buried him, and took charge of his effects, $69 in Chilean currency, and a little clothing. The minister is seek ing information as to his antecedents. AMERICANS IMPRISONED. United States Minister McKinney's Beqnest for Their Release Denied. New Yerk, June 25. A special to the World from Colon says: Governor Velez, of Cartagena, and United States Minister McKinney have had a tilt. Mr. McKinney, while on the way here from Bogota, found two Americans, an engineer and a conductor on the Car tagena railway, incarcerated at Carta gena for running over and causing the death of a native woman. McKinney asked for their release. Upon his re quest being refused, he threatened to invoke the aid of his government, and pressed his demand as the American minister to Colombia. Governor Velez said Mr. McKinney was at the moment only a private gentleman, without locus standi, because on quit ting Bogota his duties as minister fell upon the locum tenens. The governor thereupon ordered the prisoners into closer confinement. PERILS OF SEAL HUNTERS. Story of Privation and Suffering Told by Resetted Seamen. San Francisco, June 25. James Townsend, a seal hunter; William Runbeck, his boat-puller, and Gus Johnson, a boat steerer, who shipped on the sealing schooner, Alia, were among the crew of the schooner Sophia Sutherland which arrived frou. Hako date last night, and they tell a story of suffering and privation in an open boat on the sea in which they were obliged to live for nine days before help came. While out hunting, 20 miles off the northern end of Japan, they lost sight of the vessel in the fog, and after a perilous trip to land, were not per mitted to go ashore. A native police man insisted that they must keep three miles from shore, and much against their wishes the men put to sea in a small boat. Before departing, however, the sailors gathered a quan tity of mussles in the surf, and for the next nine days, during which they were afloat, mussles constituted their only food. At last the sailors were permitted to land at Hakodate, where they obtained assistance from the American consul. THE NICARAGUAN COMMISSION. Ita Work Progressing Rapidly Honors Accorded the Members. . Washington, June 25. A mail re port received at the state department from Colonel Ludlow, dated Rivas. France by Germany, and the good feel-i the cool sides of both of these peaks I Nicaragua, June 2, shows that all is ing manliest by tne representatives oi . look very inviting, ana almost anv one truing- won wnu mo tuuiiumniuu, would loin tne Mazamus and be cer trying to escape to the United States. Woodward told the officer on the .Ewlhat there .ire 11,000 rebels about Holguin. There was a rumor in Banes when" the Ely left, that two other United States correspondents had bean arrested near Santiago. The authorities have ordered all correspon dents to leave the country immedi ately. Lost Bis Hand. Albany, Or., O. A. Archibald and C. E. Hawkins, of this city, went fish ing up the North Santiam yesterday. They were riding in a buggy, Haw kins holding a loaded shot gun. The buggy ran into a chuck hole, throwing Hawkins partly out. The gun fell upon the axle and was discharged, blowing Hawkins' right hand off, and sprinkling both their faces with shot. Hawkins was brought to Albany and had his hand amputated. Accident to a Corvallis Man. Sacramento, June 25. A young man, J. E. Jacobs, from Corvallis, Or., fell from a train in this city this morn ing, and the wheels cut off one of his arms. He was token to the county hospital. The Plague at Foo Chow. Washington, June 26. The United States consul at Foo Chow, China, re ports the appearance of the Hong Kong plague there. He says it is al ready established as an epidemic, but is so far confined to the city proper. He adds: "Symptons unmistakably stamp it as the plague, and in the in fected districts within the city rats are dying in great numbers, just as has been the invariable rule wherever the plague has shown itself in the past. In a city like Foo Chow it is impossible to prevent the spread of contagious diseases or even to mitigate the suffer ings of the victims." His Leg Polled off. Tillamook, Or., June 26. One of A. J. Anderson's legs was caught in a pulley yesterday and pulled off at the knee. The remaining part of the leg was amputated at the thigh, but Mr. Anderson was so badly injured that he died this morning. Mr. Anderson owned the sawmill near this place, in which he was working at the time of the accident. both nations, when the emperor of Germany and the president of France were toated in the same speech by a German officer on a French warship. THE BRITISH CRISIS. PROTECTION ABROAD. A WORLD CHARACTER. One of the circumstances leading to the dissolution of the Roseberry min istry was the defeat of the bill appro priating a certain amount for the erec tion of a monument to the great com moner, Oliver Cromwell, which was strongly opposed by the Irish mem bers. The government has given signs of weakness for some time past, and the vote on tne uromweii monu ment sealed its doom. From these oc currences, and from which such an im portant effect has resulted, the charac ter of Cromwell becomes of great in terest. ' There is no more important epoch in the history of England than that relating to the arbitrary sway of Charles I, when the constitution was ruthlessly trod under foot, and Eng lish liberty was only a name. At this time a unique character, Oliver Crom well, assumed s position in history second' to no one with whom the minds of the British people have been it is not possible lor tnis govern ment to guarantee the safety of the American missionaries in the interior of China, says the New York Sun. They have asked for protection against mobs, but we know of no way in which it can be given to them. They are in the interior by sufferance, not by treaty right. All that can be done by us is to request the Pekin government to grant them such favors as it may have the power to grant, for the sake of international comity. We certainly cannot sustain the missionaries' peti tion that this government shall ask the Chinese authorities to prevent the circulation of books inimical to Chris tianity. A request of the kind could neither be made by us nor granted by China. We have hundreds of books in this country against the Chinese re ligions, and the missionaries in China preach against these religions. The Chinese have as much right to print books against Christianity as we have to print books against Taoism, Con fucianism, or Buddhism. The Christian missionaries in China, American or European, have suffered but little from the Chinese, even dur ing the war with Japan, when the hos tility to all foreigners was more active than usual. We had news, a while ago, of the destrction of a few small mission buildings in the interior, but the disturbance was promply quelled by the native authorities. The rumor of the killing of a number of mission aries in April last, or in May, was without foundation. The Pekin gov ernment has done all that was in its power to secure the safety of the mis sionaries, even in those provinces to which they are admitted by courtesy rather than by treaty right. The good offices of this government in their behalf have been exercised at Pekin for many years, through many administrations, and no service can we rendered other than has been rendered; and this will surely be continued so long as there 1b any need for it. ' The United states is tne only coun try in the world that as soon as a debt was incurred at once proceeded to ma ture plans for its earliest possible pay ment. The rapid reduction of Its war debt has been the wonder and admir ation of the world, and while it has in less than thirty years paid about $2,- 000,000,000 of this debt, England has not materially reduced the debt of the United Kingdom for 50 years. There can be no doubt that the Sal isbury ministry will not be able to maintain control of the government, and that soon there will be a dissolu tion of parliament and a new election ordered. For a time at least the Lib eral party has suffered defeat; but it is not at all likely that the Conservatives will be more successful, for the house of commons is unquestionably in favor of the reform policy that have been inaugurated for a number of years past in the politics of the British nation. It may be true that the Lib erals have made mistakes in some measures they have introduced; but public sentiment is in their favor, and the victory of their opponents will be temporary. The . advancement of Great Britain in the last half century has been due to Liberal policy, andJ there will be no retrogression. On the Irish home rule bill the lords were the obstacle that could not be sur mounted; but the next success of the Liberals will be the death knell of the house of peers. Its power must be curtailed, as it is a constant menace to the progress of British democracy. There can be little improvement in the empire, if every act passed is liable to be nullified by this body of legislators who do not represent the people, and only the aristocratic element of gov ernment. The throne '-amounts to nothing. There has not been any power exercised by it for long years, and it simply exists as a venerable monument of antiquity. When Vic toria surrenders the crown and her place is filled by Albert of Wales he will have little to do with legislation. He is very liberal in his views, and it is presumed will wear his honors more like a president than a king. Royalty can never regain its former position and prerogatives in England. It will exist, perhaps, for ages; but simply as a figure-nead, and not as an influence upon legislation. In accepting the premeirship, under the present circumstances, Salisbury has displayed considerable courage, and it will be interesting to see how he will manage the task assigned him. He will not have a majority on any measure he may propose, and very likely the first step of the new govern ment will cause a dissolution of parlia ment. Then an election will be or dered, and British sentiment will have an opportunity to express itself at the ballot box. It is very probable that the Liberals will be returned, and the same policy pursued that have been under Gladstone and Roseberry. Home rule should be granted to Ire land and to other parts of the empire. This is in the line of advancement. and will eventually be accomplished. Of course the defeat of Roseburry has caused delay in carrying out the pro gramme; but this will again be pushed forward, and perhaps more vigorously and on more substantial lines than before. The history of the Liberal party is not yet complete. It repre? Bents the advanced sentiment of the British people, and will be again trusted With the reins of government. There are reforms which should be made, and the democracy of the em pire will watch every opportunity to see that they are inaugurated. The late cricia may have been unfortunate con' tent to live in the region of perpetual snow while the thermometer cavorts around the 100 degree mark in lower altitudes. John L. Sullivan's benefit at Madi son Square Garden, New York, last night, was a financial success; but the Metropolitan Job -Printing Company, who had an attachment against the box office receipts, was not successful in collecting its bill. John L. had sold the privilege of the show to "Par son" Davies for $5300. Sullivan, al though he has stopped slugging, still true to the elements of his char acter, and if he has auit beating men with his fists, he still "beata" them by means of legal quirks. The former is the more reputable practice of the two, Whether the Cuban struggle is mer itorious or not the fact cannot be de nied that the revolutionists have many sympathisers in the United States. Spain, in tne treatment oi ner colo nies, has never pursued a liberal pol icy, and Cuba is the only one in South America tnat sne now retains, wnen. at the beginning of the century, her flag floated over nearly half the conti nent. Cubans may not be proper per sons to govern tnemselves; but Span iards are considered tyrannical, and any opposition to that country will al ways meet witn iavor witn tne Ameri can people. Municipalities rarely appreciate what they owe to brave firemen, who frequently risk their lives to save the Drooertv of their neighbors. A case in point happened in Minneapolis last hight, when six of these brave fellows went down to aeatn in tne names or a burning building, while trying to get control of the fire. The dispatch states that several others were injured, and mere may oe more dead in tne ruins. Minneapolis should erect - a monument to these heroes, and the families of the unfortunates should have substantial evidence of the grat itude oi tne people, - The Democratio state convention at Louisville has endorsed Mr. Cleve land's and Mr. Carlisle's views on the money question, and the free silver men have been badly defeated. From all appearances the silverites will not be received into the Democratio or Republican folds, and will be forced to ally themselves with - the Populists. A few months ago they appeared in vincible, and it was thought they would have a large following in both organizations; but in every public convention so lar tney nave been ig nored, and are very lonely outside tne Populist camp.. This is an age of progress: but advancement is not in the line of a depreciated currency or a fluctuating circulating medium. The committee on celebration have made all necessary arrangements, and the 4th of July, 1895, will be a grand event in the history of The Dalles. Everything necessary to insure the en? joyment of visitors have been done by tne gentlemen comprising tne com mittee, and they are entitled to con siderable praise for their untiring and intelligent efforts in this direction. This city, which is soon to enjoy an open river to the sea, can afford to give a premonition of the glorious future that awaits her in the accomplishment of this project, by hurrahing loud and long, and giving other demonstrations of joy on this the 4th of July the last that will precede the event. The three leading Mormons of Salt Lake arrived in Portland yesterday, and were visited at the Hotel Portland by citizens of the metropolis. These dignitaries were President Wilford Woodruff, first counselor; Hon, George Q Cannon and Second Counselor Joseph F. Smith. All of these men were pioneers of the faith in Utah, J .1.1 1. 11 -A.A I still possess bodily vigor and mental activity. Whatever may be said of some of the doctrines of the church of Latter Day Saints, their habits of life are free from many . of the excesses prevalent among other classes, and thav fraauentlv attain a ripe old age. respected and beloved by the believers in tne dogmas. that the health of the party has been ex cellent; that the climate changes have not interfered with the work and that the Nicaraguan government has ex tended every attention and courtesy, and has tried to make their stay agree able and profitable. The commission was not finding its task an easy one. It had just returned to Rivas, June 1, from an inspection of the western division of the canal from Brito to Lake Nicaragua, and was about to inspect the eastern division, leaving Rivas on a steamer, Juue 5, going into the woods at Ochao, and then traversing the jungle on foot over the canal route to Grey town no small undertaking in a tropical climate in the wet season. Colonel Ludlow expected to reach Greytown between June 25 and July 1. While the board was at Granada the party was invited to visit the capital, and were taken on a special train to Managua, where the president gave them a special reception, receiving them with great courtesy and placing at theirv disposal the government steamer and tree use oi tne teiegrapn line Three Boys Drowned. Seattle, June 25. Three bright looking boys, varying in age from 16 to 11, were drowned in the bay just south of the Oregon Improvement Company's coal-bunkers at 4:15 o'clock today, while playing on a boom of logs owned by the Stetson ' & Post MUl Company. It was the saddest case of the kind recorded in many years, and the sight attending the rescue of the bodies, the attempts to resuscitate them, and the grief of the parents when the news became known, will be remembered for many days. Those drowned were Louis F., Blanohard, aged 16, the stepson of J. Harry Hed rick, freight agent for the Oregon Im provement Company; Albert Birket, aged 12 years, and Willie Birket, aged 11.-both sons oi Albert M. Hirket, proprietor of the Atlantic house, cor ner of Washington and Commercial streets. An Officer Killed. RrrzvTLLE, Wash., June 25. Yes terday shortly after noon L. A. Con lee, a constable and detective for the Cattlemen's Association at Sprague arrested Alfred bimes, Known as 'Messe James," who has been wanted here for some wee les lor cattle-stealing. The arrest was made at Sprague, and the officer started with his prisoner for Ritz ville on horseback. This morni ng tne body 01 tne constable wasiound by farmer in tne middle oi toe road about five miles from Ritzville, rid dled with bullets. He had been shot three times through the heart, once through the head and once through the hip. Simes, after the shooting. escaped, taking the two horses. He was seen about 6 p. M.,- going north towards British Columbia. This morn ing the body of coniee, after a cor oner's inquest, was brought to Ritz ville and prepared for shipment to Sprague, where he has a wife and two cniidren, . SILVER MEN WORSTED. Beaten on Every Proposition at the Louis ville Convention. Louisville, June 26. Exciting scenes attended the meeting of the Democratic convention today. After discussing for an hour and a half a motion to substitute the minority report on credentials for the majority report, the call of the 119 counties began. The vote resulted, 443 ayes, 425 noes. There was loud cheering by the Clay men, and the Hardin men rushed to the platform, charging false counting and fraud. This caused a tumultuous scene, which was finally checked by crowding Senator Lindsay through the fighters to the front of the platform, when he opened another hot contest by present ing the majority report of the com mittee on resolutions. This report, which was signed by nine of the 13 members of the committee, indorsed the administration, and expressed un diminished confidence in the Democ racy and patriotism of Cleveland and Carlisle. The names of the president and secretary of state were received with cheers. A minority report was then pre sented by ex-Congressmen Ellis, which favored the coinage of gold and silver into legal tender dollars, receivable on terms of exact equality. Ex-Govenor McCreary made a strong speech for the majority report, and was followed by John S. Rhea, who denounced Cleveland and Carlule in bitter terms. Senator Blackburn also favored the minority report, and warned the con vention against indorsing Sherman instead of Seffrson. After further speeches a viva tom vote was taken, which resulted in an overwhelming majority against the minority report. The silver men, however, demanded roll call, and this was ordered at 2:30 P. M. RUSSIAN EXILES ARRESTED. Charged With the Murder of a Sacra mento Conple. San Francisco,' June 26 The local detectives, assisted by a well-known detective from Sacrameato, have cap tured three men whom, they feel cer tain, were implicated in the cruel murder of F. W, L, Weber, the TELEGRAPHIC. Drowned in the t'mpqua. ROSEBCRG, Or., June 26. A. G. Os borne was drowned tonight, about 8:30, in .Umpqua river, while bathing in Farquar's swimming park. Osborne and Milton McFarland were in the water. Osborne had swung and drop ped from a rope attached to a spring pole about 20 feet from 3hore and had started for the shore, when he sank, McFarland diviug after him. Drag ging was at once commenced and the body recovered after being in the water 45 minuts. All efforts to resus citate him were useless. Mr. Osborne was married only a few months ago to Miss Grace Abrams, at Eugene, and came to Roseburg and engaged in business. He was 24 years old. His wife is now in Salem and has been notified of his fate by wire. A Rich Discovery. Redding, CaL, June 26. William Murray, who has a mine at the junc tion of Kosh creek and Pitt river, about 60 miles northeast of here, brings news of having discovered the richest mine in this country. He says it is the original "Lost Cabin" mine, which has been searched for during the past 30 years. He has- discovered a lode 800 feet wide and 400 feet high, impregnated with iron and which bears gold and silver to the value of from $75 to $150 per ton. The range where this mine was discovered is a continuation of that upon what is the great Lost Con fidence mine, or what is generally known as the Iron mountain, it was recently sold to an English syndicate for $400,000. Former Port lan tier Killed. Valparaiso, June 26. Lester Du bois Howser, an American citizen. who came here from Spokane, Wash., was murdered Saturday about a league from Quilfue. a town that is close to this city. The news of the murder has just reached here. The killing of Howser, who at the time of his assassination was on his way to nearby mines to pay off the men, took 1 i 1 1 J TO END A TARIFF WAR. France Treaties to Revising Commercial With Switzerland. New York, June 27. A special the World from Paris, says: "M. Hanatoux, the minister of for eign affairs, has introduced in the chambers of deputies a bill modifying tne commercial relations between France and Switzerland. The bill is to put an end to the tariff war. The modification takes the form of a reduc tion of the French minimum tariff on watches, clocks, machinery, cheeses and silks, but manufactured cotton is excluded. Not only Switzerland, but all countries Having commercial treat ies with France containing the 'most favored nation clause,' will be bene fited by the reduction. Since the rupture of commercial relations with Switzerland in 1892, France has lost 14,600,000 francos, or $2,520,000 annu ally. Switzerland's loss is much less. The new agreement is due to the energy of M. Barroc, the French am bassadoc- to Berne. The bill will probably be ratified by the chamber speedily. Charles Borgeax, an emi nent Swiss jurist consul, says that Switzerland is much less willing than France to accept a new treaty, since a new commercial equilibrium has been secured with other outlets, chiefly German and Swiss products. The French government at Paris is carry ing on a strong campaign in favor of the measure. Even if the arrange ment is oenniteiy concluded, trance will have difficulty in , ousting the Germans. Immediately after the rupture, in 1892, the Germans exerted themselves to secure the Swiss trade i and completely succeeded. I "The minister of the colonies, M. Chautemps, has been obliged to ask for an additional appropriation of 10,- 000,000 frances, because of unauthor ized expenditures recently detected in Tonquin. "Alexander Dumas, the author of 'La Dame aux Camelias,' was married today to Mme. Regnier de La Breuvere. The bridegroom is 55 years old. "Mme. Edwards, director of Le Matin, the most modern and enterprising of the Parsian journals, has retired from journalism." LED BY AN AFRIC1AN PRINCE. An Expedition Leaves Chicago for Centra Africa. Chicago, - - June 27. Commodore Bonnge,. who claims to be a young African prince, and a dozen people, mostly from this city, left last night pioneer grocer of Sacramento, and the on a journey of 12,000 miles to Central latter's wife, in last December. The Africa. Their mission, they say, is prisoners are Russian exiles from partky. to convert the natives to Chris Siberia, and it is said that John Kobo- tianity, and to collect diamonds for loff, one of the trio, will soon be tnemselves. charged with the murder of Mr. and '. The leader and backbone of the en Mrs. Weber, , terprise is Rev. A. C. Scott (colored), According to the story of Ruloffski, a Methodist minister of Fairview, one of the prisoners, on the night of Mich., but the originator of the trip is December 29 the four made an unsuc- 1 Commodore Bonnge, who claims to be cessful attempt to garrote a citizen 1 a son of the king of Bonnge. in the IN A SPANISH DUNGEON. A New York Correspondent Charged With . Being a Cuban Officer. Boston, June 25. Frank R. Wood ward, a correspondent in uuba lor a New York newspaper, is in a Spanish dungeon for visiting an insurgent eamp. Me was unaer surveillance and tried to escape on the British steamer Ely, which has arrived here from Barnes, Cuba, but the Spanish guards recognized nun and tnen tnrust him into prison. He is to be taken to Gib- ara for trial. Woodward arrived at Barnes from the interior, June 16, the day- before the Ely sailed. His horse was nearly dead from fatigue, and both man and horse were covered with mud. This was what aroused Spanish suspicions. Woodward was very ill. He had a lot of nqtes detailing the strength and movement of the rebels. The Span ish took them.1 -Woodward asked Captain Donovan to immediately notify the press of the United States so as to bring his arrest to the notice of the state department, for he feared the papers the Spaniards seized will be used against him - The Spaniards, it is understood, will charge him with, being a rebel offi-' near the state capitol grounds. They then resolved to rob some dwelling. The Weber residence was just oppo site the capitol, and they selected ft as being the easiest of access in the neighborhood. ' They reached the rear yard by means of a side door, and then went up the back stairs to the porch just off the kitchen. The Webers lived in the second story of the building, the store below. A window was pried open which Koboloff picked up on the porch, and three of the party entered wniie tne iourtn stood guard on the porch, Weber bad been awakened by the burglars, and, leaving his bed, went to ascertain the cause. Kobo loff, according to Ruloffski's story, stepped behind a door, and when the old man passed, struck him on the head with the hatchet, felliog him to the floor. Several more vicious cuts com pleted the murder. Mrs. Weber must have heard the noise in the rear, for she followed her nusband, only to meet the same fate. The murderers, then helped them selves to everything of value they could find and departed. ANXIOUS FOR THE END. Dissolution of Parliament Conservatives. Desired by LONDON, June 26. Replying to Henry Labouchere, member for North atnpton, in the house of commons today, Right Hon. Akers Douglas, the conservative whip, said his party was anxious for the dissolution of parlia ment at the earliest possible moment, and hoped to be able to make a state ment on the subject Monday next, He moved new writs for an election be issued in the case of East Manchester, West Bristol, St. George's, Hanover Square and West Brimingham. repre sented respectively by A. J. Balfour, the new first lord of the treasury; Sir Michael Hioks-Beach. chancellor of tne exchequer: George J. Goshen, first iora oi tne admiralty, and Joseph vuaiuuenam, nrst secretary or state M 1 1 , . . . ior tne colonies, wno nave to be re elected upon their appointment as cabinet ministers. The mention of Cnamberlain's name was received with cries of "Judas" from the Irish oenones. THE ACCIDENTS OF A DAT. Five Persons Killed by Lightning During aa'AIabama Storm. Birmingham, Ala.. June 26. Five persons were killed by lightnlnc dun. injj a luuuuor storm tnrougQQnt tne state today. Thomas and George Washington were killed while taking shelter under a tree near Falkland; Liigntning struck; tne bouse of James BucKney, at Lincoln, killing him and seriously injuring his wife. William Methvine and his wife were driving near Smith's mills, when their hn o-o-w was crushed by a tree that had been struck by lightning. Methvine was killed, and his wife received inlurioa from which she died soon after. LONDON. June 26. Apeverethiindnr storm has raged in many parts of Great Britain and Ireland today, and much damaged has resulted. Lightning struck a tree in the agricultural show at Darlington, killing two persona and injuring three others. Two miners returning from work were killed by ligbtning sear Normandie. 1 Congo conntry. aix years ago be came to tnls coun try. At that time he was unable to speak a word of any language but his native tongue, but now. after a oourse brof studies, he is able to speak English and uerman nuenuy. wnen ne came here he had a pocketful of diamonds, and he says there are more where they came from. The party seems to be well supplied with money. They also carry with them a case of rifles, a large lot of six- snooters and thousands of rounds of ammunition. They went from here to Montreal, from which city they will sail to Liverpool. STRUGGLE WITH FIRE. Heavy Loss of Property In San Francisco's " ' Lumber District. San Francisco, June 27. Some thing like $2,000,000 worth of property was destroyed by fire in tne lower part of the city tonight. Almost three entire blocks, covered with dwellings, lumber-yards and expen sive manufacturing plants, went up in smoke despite the efforts of the- fire men to suodue the flames. A little while before 6 o'clock the fire started in the rear of Carrick, Williams & Wright's box factory, Fifth street, be tween Bryant and Bannan. By 9 o'clock the two blocks bounded by Bryant and Buxome, Fourth and Fifth streets, were reduced to piles of glow ing embers. Then to complete the ruin, the fire lumped Fourth street fanned by a stiff breeze, and licked up the western half of two blocks divided by Bannan, between Third and Fourth. f ortunately the breeze which pre- yaiid during tne nottesr part or the conflagration died away or more of the town would have been burned. The water pressure wag not suffi cient for the drain made upon it by the full complement of engines, and in some places the fire was left to burn itself out. Everything possible was done by the department, . but the blaze was too fierce for the fighters, GREET BHRGHINS IN MILLINERY. Trimmed Hats 75 Cents and Upwards. c MRS.PHILLIPS Washington Street MERCHANT TAILOMlG MR. PAT. FAGAN, At his establishment on Second street, next door to C. Lauer's Meat Market, Is prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits f J. 0. MHCK French's Block, 171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. PABST CGL6BRHT6D BEER Fine Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. DON'T STOP TOBACCO ITS INJURIOUS TO STOP SUDDENLY anJ don't be imposed upon by baying remedy tbs requires you to do o, u it nothing more than a substitute. In the sudden stoppage of tobacco yon must have some stimulant, and in most all cases, the effect of the stimulent, tie it opium, morphine, or other opiates, leaves a far worse habit contrac ted. Ask your druggist about UACO . CUHO. It it purely vegetable. You. do no have to stop using tobacco with BACO-CUKO. It will notify you whn to stop and your deslie for tobacco will cease. Your system will be as free from nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An Iron clad written guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Pnce Jl.oo per bo or 3 boxes (30 days treatment or guaranteed cure ) $3.50, For sale by al druggists or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofe free. Eureka Chemical k M'Pg Co., La Crosse, Wi. Offioeof THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY, C. W. H"X!CK, Supt. : Er.k,Ch.mIcJoMT,0,.,IACr.W).. Dasr Sirs I have hem s tobaico lend lor may years, and darimr the put two reus hire smoked SI teen to tweotr ri(r s raralarly eve-v day. My wuo'e art n system bee ne aflected, unUI my phyvetaa told me I mu girt up the utd of tootoeo. t.ir th time twins', at lout. I tried the w-oall d "Keelev Oure," "No-To-xao,' snd various other rente lee, but without soeoes-, until I seal eiully learned of your "Baoo-Cure." Three weekeaeo today I ODmnvmcal usl r vour pr-pirt on, nd tolay I e-mal ler myeelt oomp'etelr eurad; I em In perfect health, and the horrible eravina: for tobtoco. which every Inveterate moker fully appreciates, hu eomlete.y left me. 1 eooeider your "BjOo-Cuto" simply wonderful, sod can fully recommend it. Yours very tpily, C. W. Hoaaiox. GEORGE RUCH. PIONEER GROCER (Successor to Chrisman & Corson.) A FULL LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY, GROCERIES Again . at the old stand I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. . Free delivery toany part of the city. THE GERM A NI A STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, liquors and Cigars . '". All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of . CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BR iff DIE J .- Twelve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal pur poses. Malt Liquor. Columbia Brewery Beer on draught. 94 Second Htreet. TIIF3 13 A.JL.L.E, OK San I Francisco i Been Hall F., LlSMIlJE. Ii-oprletor. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. ON SIMES' TRAIL, Three Posses In Close Pursuit Re ward for his Capture, Ritzvelle, June 27. Great excite ment is felt all over this section of the country over the killing of Constable Conlee by Alfred Simes, near this city Monday, Stockmen are so wrought up over the atfair that there lauaoieto net oiooay Dame snouid they come across any of the gang who matte todcy ora tneir rendezvous. A mass meeting- of citizens wag held at Sprague yesterday, and $500 reward is puaranteea tne caDturer or simes. It is expected the county commssion ere will offer $1000. Tne last intelligence received was that Simes was seen near James Mur phy's ranch, in Whitman county, yes terday morning, and mat two posses from Sprague and one from Colfax passed there two hours later, riding oara oa tne tnu. - a is tnaugnt dimes wm De caugnc Deiore long and sum marily dealt with. Wood I Wood! Woodl Oak, fir and slab wood at minimum rates. Send us your order from the nearest telephone. JOS. T. XTETER8 CO. DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS CL7Z of Bvimnteed parity, by capable stall of experleneed dispensers. All the - latest pharmaceutical preparations kept In stock. Prices will, be found as law as is consistent with the snpply of flrat-elass drags. M. Z. DONNELL, Apothecary, and. Chemist. DEUTCHE APOTHEKE. Telephone No. 15. UaOiOFVC COLLTTTERHL BKNK nUUU O hnd HUCTION R007-T Opposite Ward, Kerns & Robertson's'LiTcry ble on Second SI SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT M SOLD Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuable?. AUCTION . EVERY SATURDAY fto ,11 to 2 O'flOCK. I will sell any ' goals or property placed with me at asonaMe coranil.sjba Girameacall. R. B. HOOD. I