The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, May 18, 1895, Image 3

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    SATURDAY MAY 18, 1865
- i
From Jaruiry 10th to July latoi toe prewot year
tbslrass-slorirrAi vitl ha furnished to tuh
serib n for $l-fiO in .deance; with the Weekly On
mum . i 00: American AgrieultuoaUtt 42.2ft
81. Loots Semi-Woe y Qlobt, Democrat 12.00. MlUHELL,
' '
From WedaesJav's Dsliv.
The river is about on a standstill,
An adjourned meeting- of the com'
mon council will be held this evening.
Mrs. B. E. . Moody, of Portland, is
visiting Mrs. W. H. Moody of this
city. .
ine run oi saimon last mgnt was
very fair, and our wheelmen hauled in
quite a number.
The city jail had no occupants last
night, and the recorder's business was
very light this morning.
The Columbia Packing Co. of this
city shipped a number of cattle this
morning to the Cascade Locks.
- Mr. J. H. Sherar, who has nearly
completed the new road around the
Currant creek hill, is in the city.
There were two carloads of hogs
shipped today from the stockyards of
B. E. Saltmarshe & Co., of this city, to
Hon. Robert Mays returned yester
day trom a trip, tnrougn tne southern
part of the county looking after his
- stock interests.
jn early one tnouaana people were
present at the closing session of the
Christian Endeavor convention at
Salem on Sunday night.
J. W. Howard, county commissioner
of Crook county and T. S. Logan, a
prominent stock man of that county,
- are in the city on their return home
from Portland.
Mr. Hiram E. Mitchell, son of Sen
ator John H. Mitchell, is in the city
today. We acknowledge a pleasant
call. He is in business with his father
. in Portland.
Upon petition of 537 citizens of Ben
ton county the county court in session
there last week ordered that the sheriff
be allowed only one deputy at $o0 a
month, the - county clerk only one
.deputy at $30 a month and the recorder
' a deputy at $10 a month, just half the
jormer allowance.
The delinquent tax roll has been re
turned to the sheriff with an order at
tached that a levy be made 'upon the
' real property of those who have not
. paid their taxes, and that the same be
sold to satisfy the unpaid taxes. The
sheriff is allowed sixty days in which
to accomplish this.
The special train from Yaquina Sun
day morning almost ran over a deer
standing on the track a few miles this
side of Summit. The sleek creature
bounded off into the bushes barely in
time to escape being caugnt by tne cow-
catcher. It appeared fascinated by the
Approaching engine, and only moved
wnen tne engineer began vigorous
- whistling. .
' The people in the Willamette val
ley who worked to get a fish ladder in
the falls at Oregon City, will not be
pleased to learn that the work is all
undone by strewing nets in the river
below the falls so it is almost impossi
ble for fish to get over. Tne law es
tablishing the ladder was not more
tfaan half made, or it ' would prevent
.this netting of fish."
-The committee on International
Delegates at the recent meeting of the
. Christian Endeavor societies at Salem
reported the following names, as those
.chosen in committee, to represent the
Webfoot-Endeavorers at the great
- Boston convention in July, towit; Rev.
-George E. Hawes, of Portland; A. R.
Ruthford, of Oswego: Miss Lena Holt,
of Eugene; Anna Smith, of Hood River
.and Anna Thompson, of Portland.
Salem does not like the appellation
that has been erven it since the eon.
teal over the branch asylum has begun
The Statesman says: "It is to be re
gretted the attorney for the board in
the so-called branch asylum case so far
- forgot himself as to refer in his brief
to the beautiful, generous, hospitable
CaDiifll - City as the .'Salem hog.'
Such Htartiinz arsrument CO never yet
made an inroeessjon upon a judge of
the court."
Exchange: One -.constantly runs
across curious bits of superstition
Just now Seattle is talking of the hoo
doo in a cane. The stock was made in
the Deer Lodee penitentiary and from
there sent to Seattle. Already one of
its owners has had bis wages cut, an
other lost CltSO on tne street at mgnt,
another was put on trial for stealing a
diamond, and three who baye carried
the stick are now serving sentences at
Walla Walla. :
The annual meeting of the Oregon
floneers will be held at Portland June
4th. William Galloway, of Yamhill
county, will make the annual address,
and T. T. Geer, of Marion county; the
occasional address. Mrs. Robert A.
Miller, of Oregon City, a pioneer
daughter, will prepare a paper for the
-evening meeting, treating particularly
of woman's experiences in crossing
the plains and in pioneering. William
JEapuB has been selected as grand mar
shal and Rev. D. B. Gray, chaplain.
' - The play tonight will be "The Light
ning Rod Agent or "Paradise Lost."
Mr. Senter Payton will take the lead
ing part, and this is a sufficient guar
anty that it will be well rendered. He
will be supported by the members of
the company, every one of whom is an
artist. This play is full of fun, and as
Mr. Payton will be the comedian,
there is no 'doubt that it will amuse
and entertain all who attend.
ond and Union streets, formerly occu
pied as a drug store. Ice cream and
cake, 15 cents; with strawberries, 25
Dan Maloy, of Lake county, had the
misfortune to lose 150 head of sheep
one night last week. '. He had just fin
ished shearing,- and concluded to dip
before lambingr. It rained hard all
night, and the sheen were chilled to
Mr. E. C. FitzPatrick, stock in
spector, arrived in the city today from
Antelope. He says so far as he has
examined the cattle in this county
they are in a healthful condition, and
there is very little scab among young
In the vicinity of the Warm Springs
reservation . crickets are becoming
quite numerous, and the Indian farm
ers are fearful that this year will only
be a repetition of former ones, when
their crops have been entirely de
stroyed by these insects.
The Aid society of the Congrega
tional church will give an apron sale
and sociable at the house of Mrs Wil
son on Union street Friday evening.
May 17th, at 8 o'clock. An art gallery
will be on exhibition of interest to
those who value the things of olden
Mr. E. H. Merrill, who was a dele
gate from this city to the Sunday
school convention recently held in
Portland and the meeting of the so
cieties of Christian Endeavor in ses
sion at Salem returned last night. He
was tne correspondent for tne TIMES -
Mountaineer during his absence.
The run of salmon has not been very
good during the season, and very few
have been caught. Last year they be-
fan to crowd the river about the 2d of
une, and continued until the season
ended. There is yet time for a good
run before tne close season
place, and fishermen are hopeful.
One week from next Sunday The
Dalles Orchestra Union band will give
an excursion and picnic to the Cascade
Locks on the Beyulator. Round trip
tickets can be purchased from any
member of the bam1 for 50 cents. Ar
rangements, have been made for
amusements on the grounds at tne
According to the computation of Mr.
Henry Garnett, the well-known statis
tician, the wealth of the United States
in 1880 was $43,642,000,000, or an aver
age of $870 to each inhabitant; in 1890
it was $62,600,000,000, or about $1000
to each inhabitant; and at both dates it
was greater than the wealth of any
other nation. He goes on to show that
5 per cent of the total wealth of the
country is owned by millionaires; ' 27
per cent by people worth from $100.-
000 to $1,000,000 each; 37 per cent, the
largest percentage, by those worth from
$1000 to $10,000 each; and 6 per cent
by those owning less than $1000 each.
The Sew Rood Being Condtracted
Overcome the Obstacles to Travel in
That Fart of the Country.
In a conversation .with Hon. Robert
Mays this morning, who has just re
turned from a tour of the southeastern
portion of the county, and who spent
some time with Mr. J. H. Sherar and
his graders on the new road over Cur
rent creeK hill, we glean several im
portant facts in connection with this
lmDrovement. That portion of the
route from Orant county to The Dalles
has always been the most ditncuit, and
freighters have been forced to camp
there for days before they could haul
their loads over tne tocks ana ciay,
which rendered it almost impassable.
For some time the necessity of a new
e-rade at that DOint has been apparent,
and the merchants "of .this city sub
scribed $1000 for the work. - The peo
ple of Antelope have also made liberal
donations for the same purpose. A few
weeks ago Mr. J. H. Sherar, with a
force of eighteen men, began the task
of making a road around the hill,
and has so far succeeded that
in two weeks he will have as good
grade at that point as there is any
where. He has had eighteen Indians
at work, and has expended about $1300.
Sunerintendins- the grading himself.
he has camped on the ground with the
men, and supervised every iooi mar,
has been graded. He has given his
time and labor free, and is determined
to finish the work he has begun.
When finished the grade will be over
four miles lonsr. and will have been a
more difficult piece of road to have
constructed than that down the Tygh
hill, which cost over-$4000. The two
most important reads leading from
this citv ar6 those to Crook county and
to Canvon Citv. and on the latter of
these is the Current creek hill. This
road is of the greatest importance to
citizens in the southern portion of the
countv. who are isolated from The
Dalles, and have no other way than
this to reach a market. They are
heavy taxpayers, and should receive
sufficient consideration from the
county court to have a sum appropriate
to finish the work begun. Mr.
Sherar is a thorough road-builder, will
give his time and labor until the grade
is completed, and is determined to fin
ish the work he has begun and to
make it as good a road as there is in
the county. .
! known of the deceased prior to hi
arrival in Baker City, about a year
sinnA. Ha had but little to sav regard
in? his naat life, other than that he
served for three years in the United
States marine hosDital services He
was a native of Maryland, and Mb only
relative is a brother, who lived in Cin
cinnati. Ohio. The deceased bore his
sufffirinir with the greatest fortitude.
and during the 10 aays between the
day of the fatal shooting and the hour
that death relieved him not a word of
eomnlaint was heard to nass his lips
He remarked that he bore no ill will
against anyone, and was at peace with.
Proceeding! of the Adjourned Meeting
BU1 Allowed, Etc.
An adiourned meeting of the com'
mon council was held at the recorder's
office last eveninc at 8 o clock.
- . . . , i
Present Mavor Aieneiee ana a iuii
board, except G. C. Eshelman and H
L. Kuck.
Retjort from the committee on streets
and public property was read in refer
ence to matters reierroa to tnem ana
The following claims -which had been
audited were ordered allowed:
Warren Walters. - labor. $ 1 50
Dalles E. L. T. & P. Co..' fire dept
lights 6 40
St. Arnold & Schoren, labor 12 50
Maier & Benton, mdse 1 00
Dalles E. L. Co.. office lights 5 40
Fred D. Hill, type writing 50 00
Wm. Brown, labor 2 00
J. Hocan do 5 oO
J. Like do 3 00
W. R. Brown do 3 50
Dalles E. L. Co., light poles 6 27
Mays & Crowe, mdse 60
Gunning & Hockman, labor 2 10
A petition from the board of fire
delegates, asking the council to pass
an ordinance prohibiting the burning
or depositing rubbish in any of the
streets cr alleys from the 1st of May
to the 1st of October was read and re
ferred to committee on fire and water.
There appearing no further business
the council adjourned."
Oregon' City MlnUrprize: An adver-
. wneuicuib in sua Sjuuauc i cauo. - a ho
best grades of ranch butter, 22 cents
mr hrinlr; pimmpff butAr t.h vnrv
finest, 40 cents per brick." This dis
played advertisement is a silent but
1 strong argument in favor of the
.establishment of creameries. It ' is
much more profitable for farmers to sell
milk to a creamery, and thus dispense
-wiui muca worn suiu worry in masking
Dutter ior market under adverse con
.ditions. From Thursoan Daily.
' Mr. J. O. Douthitt, of Crook county,
-was in the city yesterday purchasing
supplies. ; .
Mr. Arthur Hodges, clerk of Crook
county, was in the city last night en
route to Salem.
Mr. M. B. Biggs, a leading attorney
of Prinevile, was in the city yesterday.
He left this morning for Salem.
Mr. Durrell, of Independence, ar
rived in the city on the boat last even
ing. He is en route to Antelope.
Jndge Bradshaw returned yesterday
from holding a term of the circuit
court for Crook county at Prineville.
Mr. Henry Fiege is in attendance on
the grand lodge of Odd Fellows now
in session at Salem. He la a delegate
from Columbia lodge in this city.
Hon. A. A. Jayne, district attorney,
was in the city - yesterday. He came
down from Prineville and left last
night for his home at Arlington.
Another day of calm and quietness
in tne recorder's court. jno arrests
were made last night,and consequently
Tka no jtiM rrtmi rtnt airAHrr mnmknii
liw u a uuiuvu w w v jfinjoi'iiiooir
ing tonight. He has a very important
measure to present at the close of the
prayer service.
From information received from
points on : the- upper Columbia and
Snake rivers it is likely that there will
be a continuous rise in the river for
the next few days.
Mr. E. B. Dufur returned yesterday
from a visit to Sherman county. He
;4ays the late rains have done a great
-deal of good to grain crops, and farm
ers are expecting a bountiful yield.
Mr. Otto Koehler, one day last week,
in driving his band of sheep from the
Deschutes to Chenoweth creek, lost
jixty head by them eating a pois
oned weed in the edge of the timber
on Bear creek. .
The ladies of the Cavalry Baptist
church will give a sociable this even
ing in the brick building, corner Seo-
From Fndivs Daily.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and per
fect in proportion and appeapance.
Mr. E. Montgomery, of Prineville,
was in the city yesterday, en route to
A party went out today to the pet
rified forest in tbe wagonette, and
will examine that curiosity.
Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw returned yes
terday from a three weeks' visit to
friends in the Willamette valley.
Matinee to-morrow afternoon at 2
o'clock, East Lynne children 10
cents,radults 20 cents. No reserved
Smith Bros, will not give their soriee
Saturday evening on account of the
Payton Comedy company occuping the
The Eight Mile Republican club
have selected J. E. McCormick and H.
Ryan as delegates to the State League
convention. . . .
A fruit dryer is being erected by one
of our orchardists of the capacity of
3000 pounds of green fruit a day. The
dryer is the one that Mr. C. E. Chris-
man patented.
The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro
motes the growth of the hair, and re
stores its natural color and beauty,
frees the sjalp of dandruff, tetter, and
all impurities.
The most remarkable, cures of scrof
ula on record have been accomplished
by Hood's SarsapariUa, This medicine
is unequalled for diseases of tbe blood.
Take only Hood's,
At the matinee tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock the thrilling play of East
Lynne will be rendered at tbe opera
house. Prices 20 cents for adults;
Children, 10 cents. No reserved seats.
Sheriff Combes, of Crook county, ar
rived in tbe city yesterday en route to
Salem, having in charge O. M. 'Bart
lett, who was found gtiily of larceny
and sentenced to one year in the peni
tentiary at the recent session of the
circuit court held at Prinevile.
A Visit to the FubUc Institutions Located
at the Beat of Government.
Salem, May 14, 1895.
Klitor Tivts-M ot.isibk.:
After the Christian Endeavor con
vention had adjourned your corres
pondent remained over in Salem and
visited some of the state institutions.
Among other things in the state
house, with its many interesting feat
ures, we were shown the original copy
in manuscript of the constitution of
the state of Oregon. Visiting the
dome of the building we had a very
nice view of the city and surrounding
We visited the penitentiary with
quite a number of delegates, and were
shown through a part of the. building.
At the asylum for the insane we had
the pleasure of a short visit with our
old friend and townsman, Ed Patter
son, who is an attendant here.
The asylum for the blind, we learned,
contained seventeen inmates, and were
shown the' books, maps and other;
things used in training those who are
afflicted in that way. The children all
appear happy and go about the . house
and grounds in what seems to be a
very remarkable manner. We were
favored in hearing and seeing a little
girl read from a book prepared for the
blind. We were then taken to where
the children are making hammocks,
and were shown specimens of their
work. Here we met Charley Finch, a
Accident at The Locks.
C. C. Hobart, superintendent of the
Oregon state portage railway at the
Cascade locks, has reported to the state
board concerning a serious accident
that occurred there on the 14thr In
letting the cars down at the lower in
cline, the wire cable gave way where
the coupling link, attaches it to tne
car and a box car was precipitated into
the river. No one was injured, but the
car may prove nearly a total loss, as
the current is so strong it is next to
impossible to tow it to any point where
it can be removed from the water with
out great labor and expense. The in
cline is quite steep and great caution
is used, but the accident is one oi tnose
that cannot be foreseen. The superin
tendent fails to state the contents of
the car.
Prospectors at Burns.
A Burns dispatch of May 12th says:
A party of eight Portlanders are
camped south of town enjoying a much
needed rest, having come over the road
from The Dalles. Thev are well out
fitted with teams, wagons, tools, arms
and provisions, and are Intent on pros
pecting and finding gold. The object
ive point is north and west of Harney
lake. The party is under the leader
si in of Charles Devine, an oid pioneer
and prospector, whose two sons are
with him. Devine was chief wagon- i
master for the Major Stein expedition i
in 1861, and has a thorough knowledge ' Jjhns u
oi the topography or the rdarney coun
try. He is an enthusiast, and confi
dent that he can locate rich placer
diggings during the summer.
Forty-Cent Wheat.
Frysoeodlngs or commtsoWiflW Court,
Bill Allowed, Ktc
The bonds of George T. Prather,
supervisor district No. 26 and B. F.
tiwit'c No. 24, were approved.
The road petitioned for by J. E.
Tecs: and others was declared to be
ouoiic highway.
In tne inatter of the F. H. Stanton
road action was continued.
License granted to a. W. Patterson,
of Antelope precinct, to sell liquors in
less Quantities than one quart.
Tne same granted to J. u. xunney
of the same precinct. -
W. Lndy, iewis acnaaewitz and
George iorstel appointed viewers and
m. b. Snarp surveyor of a county rou
petitioned for by R. R. Hintoh ano
others to meet ac beginning of and lo
cate said road.
J as. Patterson, M. Kennedy and Jaa
Woodcocir. appointed viewers and K. F.
Snarp surveyor of the Knowles . road
to meet on a date to be named and lo
cate said road.
The road petitioned lor by D. E.
Hurst ana otners declared to tie
county road and public highway,
The same action nao on the road
petitioned- for by E. Bothweil and
Viewers appointed and E. F. Sharp
surveyor of a county road petitioned
for by William tirooKhouse and others.
W. H. Williams, w. J. Davidson
and John Darnielle appointed viewers
and K F. Sharp surveyor on the road
petition of Alex. Stracnan and others.
license granted to u. v. Lane to
sell liquors in Antelope precinct upon
applicant filing treasurer's receipt.
The road mentioned in the petition
of John Monroe and others declared a
county road and public highway, the
proceedings bavmg been regular. -
In tbe matter of. the application of
W. French, clerk authorized to issue
new warrant for six dollars in lieu of
piece partially destroyed.
The ioiiowing bills were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn for the
A Cuiticlii, Ju- r d- uitcourt 0 03
c Martin, xp--ruiir ax rolls (. ae i) 184 7.
1 HO d U. & K.ra itl 26 00
1 Have . O A. K. ruef for Hunt HO CO
Ho e I Kg If. salary deputy aheriff luu 00
simeuo B uu, salary deputy clerk i6 oO
L, uiibcr . sji.ry aeputy ciere , 60 UO
M Kelav. sal ry uuu.uv el- rk lot) 6o
ass A Prutbomue, supplies sheriff's of-
Uea vpa sou) 67 25
V arr.sou ttro iiyssorvi-e, collecting;
taxes, pas el in 00
Jobu I raua, c stable fe s 84 25
K II bir.iie. Justice lees 7 65
Glass rruJnome, egd nlanks 4 15
Oia A .-'rudhoniuje. iouutain pern, passed. 6 00
Geo. U Jiaru.nJ a Co.. sta..ouary lor offi
cers .. 47 86
Met lb Uvkc t. Journal 1 50
1 e Irvine Hodsuu Co, sup lies Herlu office S i
11 LichCeiiuinUert.BeliCtiuic jury 2 00
Tmaa-MOUAT lass, s eauieut blanks.... 15 GU
If a Wukeue d, ba.ance on ioimer bill 4M 0J
The new vegetable shortening !s
the most popular food product of
the day. Its use means good food,
good health and a goodly saving
in the end. Since the introduc
tion of Cottolene, lard has no
longer place in food or kitchen.
serves every purpose of lard, and
serves it without grease, odor or
indigestion. Those who have
given Cottolene a fair trial never
go back to lard. Be sure and get
the genuine. Don 't let any dealer
palm off any of the many worth
less imitations on you.
Sold la S and s pound palls by
all grocers.
The N. K. Falrbank
ClUeKo,New York
nin.ei a Boie. ru. ., " 25 4
A - Blow is -u, rupp.ies ' . 0 40
isss Pruduumme, suppli: cl rk i ffije. 81 96
Majs ft uruwe. uppiies 27 05
AM- imam c; supplies 5 OO
W a Kirby, supplies 8 5
chrouicM?, s atton ry tursuenff ii 00
Chiisuian & Corson, Mippiies 2 50
Tbe t - Co , useof pbjue 2 26
U a Campbell, supplies 1 46
M, appraising county road 2 40
U Kerns, appraisiug clu ty rud. 2 40
r C Brosius. lutalleal attemjaijoe 12 00
8 00
2 00
2 00
4 00
6 80
17 85
2 40
8 UO
16 00
15 .0
2 10
16 00
12 40
2j 25
W. M. Chambers, a grain merchant
nf 'PiillTn.'i.n anAA.lrino tJ ft &nfi1rp?mnn
very bright boy from The Dalles, a son j Beeieu) representative of wheat, said:
of Mark Finch. Charley has been in
this institution for several years, re
turning home to visit his parents dur
ing vacations. We asked him some
questions in history, to which he gave
correct and ready answers.
Our stay in Salem has been a very,
pleasant one, and we were royally enr
tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs;
Branson. A Delegate.
There will be a soldiers' reunion and
camp fire on the night of July 3d at
.Lexington, Morrow county, and a
grand celebration on the Fourth, under
the auspices of Rollins post of Morrow
county and Arlington post of Gilliam
county. A grand time is expected,
Ayer's Hair Vigor restores natural
color to the hair, by stimulating a
healty action of the scalp. This prep
aration also produces a vigorous growth
of the hair, and gives it a beautiful
lustre and youthful appearance. Rec
ommended by physicians, clergymen
and scientists.
As tbe strength of a building de?
pends. upon tbe solidity of its founda
tion, so health depends upon the con
dition of the blood. To expel impur
ities and cause the vital fluid, to be
come vigorous and life-giving, Ayer's
SarsapariUa is the most powerful and
eff ective medicine in use
n apron sale and social ble will be
given at the residence of Mrs. E, M,
Wilson on Union street this (Friday)
evening at S o'clock by the Ladies' aid
society of the Congregational church
of this city. In connection with the
sociable there will be an art exhibition
which will be of great interest to all.
An Astoria dispatch of May 16th
says: William Matbena, a lad of 10
years .-suffered a fractured leg today
by being run over by a handeur on the
Bay itanway company's motor line.
With a number of other boys, he was
amusing himself in running the car
alone; the track, and while endeavor
ing to jump aboard, met with the acci-
Atrt 'Dm 1 nr. maa tannlklv lanaimtjlil
A suicide club has been formed by
the ladies of Beecher hall at the unir
versity of Chicago. They refuse to
give the name of the members, and de
clare that as they drop out of this
world their names will be learned.
The officers of the society embrace a
master of ceremonies, director of cor
tege, deviser of new. methods, connois
seur of pol&yos, soother of conscience,
guardian o"i the knife, tostmistress to
the dead, composer of epitaphs and
halo modiste.
The play of Joshua Whitcomb at the
opera house last night attracted a very
good audience, and the wit of the
unique character was fully brought
out. Mr. - Payton has firmly estab
lished his reputation as a comedian In
this city, and his name is alone suf
ficient to attract a full house. This
evening tne beautiful and romantic
Irish comedy in four acts, entitled
Kathleen Mavonrneen," will be
put on the boards, and this should
be an unusually attractive play.
The play will be followed by the
laughable farce of "Dodging for a
"Ths Ugbtaing Rod Agent."
There was a good audience at the
opera house last hight to witness the
rendition of this thrilling drama. The
parts were all well taken, and Senter
Payton in the dual character of John
Scranton detective and ICG. Hooper
lightning rod vender, could not be ex
celled. He is an artist in any role he
may take, and will always amuse and
entertain an audience. Lucy Payton
has that naturalness in representing
the rollicking school girl that makes
one pleased with her acting. She
enters into, the personation with so
much spirit that leads the audience
almost to believe they rre witnessing
a scene from real life instead of an '
artistic delineation of a stage character,
The other members of the troupe are
good, and keep up the interest in the
play. To-night the "Old Homestead"
will be played, and this will unques
tionably be an attraction that will fill
the open house. .
i The Newport Conference,
The Eugene Quard says:
"The conference of the business
men of tbe valley towns with the engi
neers sent to Newport to make a thor?
ough examination of the harbor, as to
the feasibility of making further im
provements by extending the jetties
seaward, was very successful so far as
known, but what their decision will be
remains to be told when their report is
made to the war department. The
statistical reports furnished from the
different towns no doubt made a deep
impression on the minds of the engi
neers and will greatly influence them
in favor of future improvements of
Yaquina harbor. One great drawback
to this enterprise is the small volume
of water in the Yaquina river, which
is lacking in force to do the scouring
of tbe channel after tbe jetty worn is
completed. This is tbe opinion pri
vately -expressed by Major Post, but
may not be conBioered in their final
decision. The general" impression
formed by all who conversed with th
engineers is that a favorable report
will be made to the war department."
Religious Insanity.
' An exebansre has the following1;
"Newton Blagg, a rancher of Chat-
toroy. Wash., sometime ago observed
that his wife, who takes a deep interest
in religious matters, was losing her
mind. A close watch has been kept
on" all her movements in the hope that
ber aberration of mind would prove
only temporary, but she steadily ber
came worse. A few days ago she start
led ber husband by declaring that she
had been commanded by the Lord to
offer up their youngest child for sacri
fice, and she wished an altar prepared,
where she would slaughter the inno
cent child to appease the wrath of tbe
Almighty, The thoroughly frightened
husband at once came to the conclur
sion that delay woulc" be dangerous,
and, leaving bis wife guarded,. came in
and swore to an insanity complaint.
She will be examined, and if found in.
sane will be sent to Medical Lake,"
Excursion to Multnomah Falls,
The Redmen's Social club of this
city will give an excursion to Multno
mah Falls on J nne 2d, stopping en
route at Oneonta Gorge a cleft in the
mountains several hundred feet high
and only a few feet wide and return
ing to the pionio grounds at Cascade
Locks at or near the nopn hour, where
tbe afternoon will ie spent. Parties
from Heppner, Arlington and Grant
will join the excursionists at Tbe
Dalles, and from Portland will meet
the train at Multnomah Falls. This
will undoubtedly be the grandest pic
nic of the season, and the opportunity
to view the great natural phenomena
oi Multnomah rails and Oneonta
Gorge will be an opportunity of which
an snouid avail themselves.
Water Bonds Sold.
I. H. Crnthers was in the city yester
day examining the acts of the council
regarding the disposal of Pendleton's
water bonds, says the Tribune. He
represents the firm of Morris & White
head, of Denver. Portland and Rut
land, V t., and -before he left last even
ing he had closed a business transac
tion which transfers the bonds, orig
inally purchased by a private individ
ual and held as collateral by the Com
mercial National bank, of Portland, to
the above named firm. The bonds
were issued June 1. 1887, for $30,000,
bear a 7 per cent rate of interest paya
ble semi-annually, and were to run for
20 years. Interest to the amount of
$1030 is due in June.
The Baker County Homicide.
The Baker county coroner's jury
found that the killing of John Preston
by Thomas Goldwortby was deliberate
and unjustifiable. Samuel Rowe, who
witnessed the shooting at the Virtue
mine on the night of May Its testified
that after Preston had fallen some of
the men suggested that Goldwortby be
lynched. Preston said feebly, "Boys,
don't do that; he must be crazy,"
Goldworthy was in a very bad humor
the evening of the shooting, and
seemed determineed to provoke a
quarrel with Preston. But little is
Wheat is worth 38 cents a bushel
at any station iq the Palpuse country
free on board cars. We have conr;
traoted half a million bushels of the
coming crop at 40 cents per bushel-,
and are contracting all we can get at
that price. Our offer to contract It
at that price has been .-the means of
largely increasing the acreage in the
Palouse country, over what it other
wise would have been. ' This increased
price for wheat is going to be a won
derful help to the Palouse country this
fall, and times will be much better
than they were last year."
Mining; in Qrant County.
We copy the following from an ex
change: "On the John Day river and
pn Dixie creek, near Prairie City, con
siderable placer mining is being car?
pied on and some very rich quartz dis?
ooveries have recently been made on
Dixie creek) about six miles north of
Prairie City, Two ov three quartz
mines were worked on Dixie creek a
few years ago, but were for some rea
son abandoned. They are now being
reopened and give promise of being
valuable properties. At Canyon City,
near the John Day river, a great deal
of work is being done in the old pla
cers, and there are also some promis
ing quartz developments in that
Farmers Encouraged.
Farmers throughout the northwest
are encouraged py tjie advance in
wheat, and beleive there will be some
profit in harvesting the coming crop.
Sales about Walla Walla have lately
been made at 38 cents per bushe, which
is 10 cents better that was at the
beginning of the seasqn. Tbe present
price is said to allqw a small margin
over the cost of production. When
the market was at its strongest last
week, a large amount of wheat was let
go iq Eastern Oregon and Washington,
and some qf this grain is now finding
its way to tide water.
A J rJcitfba u. u awiur jury
WK Meuefue, aaisi.inr drawing Jury
W H Abippie, assisuuurawiii Jury
J K'"'" torviues as asaeasur
W U tiirn e, ju tic fees ' .-.
Jjhu i rati, .o-istablj lees ...
John ilstvs, apris ug ounty road.
WarKer, s s; Kobrrtson, use of team ,
Mcstou invert, elu.q .e it tax tM
11 i.oui,. M. 1, prof ssionai berues ,
Giass A fruUUuiijttie, supplies sne-uTe odice
M.s o.. Jt Lrygert, Urn iiuxe-, c irk's omce. ..
K a Bi.uie, Jas ice fees
Juh ti raua. cusiabie le..........
A M K-Iy, uiakuw uunsoript l 00
Ouibr A Jseiieiee, costs iu appeal esse 60 00
lie iiistu., tueuiuiiie tur kne tf uo
tluimer. ooard and lodirW Mrs Oaids 26 50
Chns Ueibuiaii, v,e luir county road...,,,.
naus LA(t, tiewuis onuniy rea-
Wa luxer am, view! .taouny .oad....,
K 11 Birnie, justice fees passed
Jouu ir.u,wiistate fees, passed ,.w
s Ja Bsiduiu, set vices r ad supervisor
M 11 1 usb n., oraud and I agin; umpbell..
J Wuiie, uuor stamp
K JiCjOseu ft o., suppises.,.. ........... ..
K B Ho id, eiuress services
tales Oil, Water Works, aa er 10 0J
aiestun a Uvp rt, jui frraeut tile boxes 21 ?8
lutvcup art a Co.. image lumber 28 27
a K atou justice fees, patied 0 85
Wm uiisan. ju uce fee-, passed 10 aO
Waite lrry. jutce lee . passed 6 50 :
C M j isuos fees pxs ed. SKI
4 00
4 00
4 00
8 95
16 26
10 6'
69 i7
1 50
8. 00
2 JU
The Steamboat Norma to be Taken to the
Lower Snake.
La Grande Chronicle.
Captain W. P. Gray and crew went
up to Huntington Tuesday, whither
they were sent by Jacob Kamm, of
Portland, to take the steamer Xiorma
down to Pasco. This is a great under
taking and will be watched with inter
est by all steamboat men in the north
west. Compared with it. the br in cine
of a steamboat down over the Cascades
is an easy task. The Norma, which is
a large sternwheeler, was built at
Huntington in 1891 by Mr. Kamm, and
was intended for trade between Hunt
ington and the Seven Devils territory.
She made only two trips and was then
laid up. Mr. Kamm finds that he can
put her to good service on the lower
Snake, whereas the boat is useless 'at
Huntington. At any rate it is worth
making the trial.
The Snake river, between Hunting
ton and Lewiston, is at the low stage
of water, an almost continuous stretch
of rapids and eddies. The river is
navigable at all stages only from
Riparia to Le wis ton, and as Lewiston
is 200 miles below Huntington, it will
be seen that Captain Gray has no easy
task before him,
The Norma is being strengthened in
every possible manner for the trip and
win proDaDiy mage tne start the last
of this week. Should she make the
trip successfully she will be run In op
position to the O. R, & N, boats on the
lower Snake,
nKLLEOAR In San Fiandsoo, May Tth. Mrs. Mia.
mm Alien 'eurgar, itrtsi aoout u sears.
CANNON Near this city, on Mill creek. May lath,
Aona L., infant daughter of Mr. and Mis J. K
isnnoa, aired 4 mouths and 2 days.
Cheap California Wines.
We have on sale at our sample
rooms, corner second and . Court
streets, the best grades, of claret, zin-
landel, port, hock and other brands of
California wines, which we will deliver
to any part of the citv cheaoar than
any California wine house in the coun
try, ihese wines are direct from Cali
fornia vineyards, and are of the best
quality of any in the city.
STUBUNG& Williams.
MoSl Growers
I will be in The Dalles during the wool season rrf thin nf. rvt
buy all kinds of wool, in any quantities, at the hfc-ht. marirot r, hJ
before selling or shipping. s. looses.
For Over Fifty Yssars.
AN Old and Well-Tried Rem
edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
has been used for over fifty years by
1 1 1 1 - M . . . i . . . . - I
uiimuus oi motners ior tneir children I
while teething, with nerfect sunceaa.
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold bv dime
gists in every part of the ., world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
Is Incalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
tane no otner Kind.
Notice to Water Consumers.
The Water Commissioners hare
ordered that the rules concerning the
use of water for irrigation be printep
uuu uostea upon tne gates oi consum
ers so that all may understand what
the rules are. This has been done aa
ordered. The great waste of water
heretofore and the limited buddIv.
make the enforcement of thes rules
absolutely necessary. All consumers
will please take notice of these mom.
lations and in case of a violation of
the rules the water will be at once
shut off and a charge of $1.00 will be
mauvoeiore again maicing the con
nection. I. J. Norman.
On and after Aoril 1. 1805. the nH
i i , . . ' . -
ui uunwHnutHiig wm oe 9z.w per head,
iu we piaces oi tne undersigned:
st. arnold & shoren,
George Thompson,
J. L. Thompson,
Gunning & Hockman,
Lane Bros.
Wm. Youno.
and don't be imposed npon by buying a remedy tha
requires you to do o, as it rs nothing more than a
substitute. In tbe sadden; stoppage of tobacco yon
must have tome stimulant, and in most all cases, the
eflect of tbe stimulent, re it opium, morphine, or
other opiates, leaves a far worse habit cootrac-
ted. Ask your druggist about
B ACO - CUHO. It ia
purely vegetable. Yoa do no
have to stop using tobacco with
BACO.CURO. It .ill
notify you whn to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease. Your svstem will he as iV.
from nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron clad written
guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price
jl.oo perbov or 3 boxes (30 days treatment or guaranteed cure 1 ti to. For sale bv all
druggists or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS
FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and Droofe free.
Eureka Chemical & M'fg Co., La Crosse, Wia.
W. Horkics., 8upt.
8t. Paul, Minn., Sept T 18M.
Eureka rbemiotl aim UTg Cl., L Press's, Wis.
var -irs i nave nean a 100a eo niuwi
rean to twentr clira a mrularls 1
MJMi me mil. 1 give up tne use r
''an, ' "No-To- an." and varii-u
"Paco-Cure." Three wesksairo todav I UmmSM I nsl iv amir n ..m am
., v, . , ... per.en ntaiui, anu us numon orarlrur 11 sotnoto. whtck arerv Inns..
smoaer iuut appremab a. Has eombUur Me na I .. a . :
..11 : j - ' : Tm m wniiir wonaemii. us
o4 today
r learned of your
nsl sr mrsej
can fully nvonunead it.
Yours very tnly,
C. W. Hoaaioa.
" m t "rrrrrrinrrrYTTTrrrvwuvw u w-
wr t-f I a n ' . I
" usi xcsvca
of the action ot
medicines, or vegeta
ble compounds, upon
the stomach, and tests
in many hundreds
of cases, Ion? ago
convinced Doctor
R. V. Pierce,
Chief Consulting
Physician to tbe Invalids' Hotel and Surg
ical institute, aunaio, jn. y.. that all cases
When Baby was Rick, we (rave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cied for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Cat aria.
Chen she bad Chudren,sB gave them Castors.
Teachers' Certificates Q ranted,
Tbe following applicants secured
certificates at tbe last examination:
First Grade Agnes LeDuc.
Second Gpads Mollie Punlap, Tbos,
B. Cnastain, Hat tie Stern we js, Nellie
Hudson, O. H. Kerns.
Third Grade Miles Kinney, Angle
Phillips, Ada Cfinard, Alma Taylor,
G, A. Brock, Evelyn Newman, Bessie
Hastings, Omer Butler, Hattie Allen,
"The Cold Kins;,"
Tbe presentation ot this drama at
the opera house last evening attracted
a fair audience, and every part was
well assigned. Mr, Seater Pay ton as
Dan McGlnty was excellent, and It
fully demonstrated tbe fact that he Is
a master of the dramatic art, both In
tragedy and comedy. His support vas
very good, and there was not a poor
niece pf acting during the entire per
The Opening Will be Pelayed for Three
Months and probably Longer.
The Statesman had advices from
Washington relative tq the qpening of
the Nei Perce Indian reservation
which quote the commissioner of In
dian affairs as saying that he does not
know when payments will be made.
Continuing, he says: "I presume
that It will require from sixty to
ninety days to write and record the
patents and have them ready for trans
mission to the agent ' for delivery.
Action upon the remaining one-third
of allotments has been ' suspended
awaiting the returns of certain sur
veys which United States Deputy Sur
veyor Briggs was instructed tq make
)ast summer. I have no Information
as to when ' such returns will pe re
ceived. Taking everything into oqn
8ideration, I do not believe it possible
to open the surplus lands in tbe iNex
Perce reservation to settlement within
the next three months, and It may be
that a much longer period will be re-
? uired to complete the necessary pre
Stanton G. Fisher, formerly agent at
Fort Hall, has been appointed agent
of the Nez Perces,
of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint com a re cured permanently if the
right treatment were given. In support of
his belief4 that he had discovered an altera.
iive extract which he called "Golden Med
ical Discovery," that would cure these dis.
eases, he collected from all parts of the
country the evidence of those who had
used his medicine, and he has asked the
public to investigate for themselves, as he
would be glad to furnish the names and
addresses of thousands of people who have
used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. All interested should send for a little
medical treatise on Dyspepsia, Chronic pi
arrhea, "Liver Complaint, " Biliousness,
Constipation and Pi)es, published by the
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. V., and mailed on receipt of sis;
cents in one-cent stamps. This book also
contains the photographs and testimony of
many persons who have suffered from dis,
eases of the digestive organs, ' . . '
Thomas Fletchr, of Oijlo Station, Fair.
Ju Co., Va., writes 1
" 1 eanereq tne tern.
Pay the County Debt.
All county warrants reeistered orlor
to Sept. 1, 1891, will be paid If pre-
Buvwi aii my omce, corner inird and
wasblngton streets, The Dalles, Ore.
interest ceases alter May 10, 1895.
Wm. Mich ell,
County Treasurer.
On the road between Bakeoven and
this city, a pocket book containing
notes and valuable papers. The owner
can have the same by calling at this
omoe, identifying pocket boob: and pay
ing for this advertisement.
Tax Notice,
Those who have not paid their taxes
will be charged only 1 per cent, addi
tional until May 2ath; but after that
date the list will be published, and ex
tra cost will be added,
T. J. Driver.
- Sheriff.
Wood! Wood! Wood!
Oak, fir and slab wood at' mlnlmun
rates, bend us your order from the
nearest telephone.
Jos. T. Peters & Co.
a Large Invoice of
Boys' Youths' Misses'
Children's and Infants'
Of Handsome Shapes, Good Material and
Very Comfortable; which, together with our
many other lines, we will self at very reason
able prices. Come and See them.
une or more rurnished bed rooms
with yard adjoining. Apply at this
office, -
Or La Grippe, thoriah occasionally epi
demic, is always more or less prevalent.
The best remedy for this complaint
Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
l4st Spring, I was taken down with
La Grippe, at times I was completely pro,
trated, and so fllffleiik was my breathine
that my breast seemed as if confined In ar
Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I liepin
taking It than relief followed. I could not be
lieve that the effet woqld be so rapid and the
eurs so complete. It Is truly "a wonderful med
iclne." w. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. D.
Cherry Pectoral
The Murderer of James George Took His
Pwa Life.
Biker O'y Dem crt.
The murder of James George and the
wounding qf I. A, Lurchin, near Spar
ta last Jfepmjary ny yeorge vy, unamr
berlain, was thought at the time to be
the act of an insane man, and the es?
cape of the murderer without leaving
behind him any tpaoe of his where
abouts, although diligent inquiry bad
beet) instituted to apprehend him, gave
strength to the theory that perhaps
Chamberlain had taken his own life
after the perpetration pf his horrible
This has proven trne. On Tuesday
last about midday, a boy by the name
of Colton, living in the vicinity of the
scene 01 tne murder, was out on tne
hills searching for a magpie's nest. He
came to a heavy undergrowth or large
bush and in separating the branches
with his hands came upon a rifle rest-'
ing, point upward, in tbe lories 01 a
limb. Looking still father be found
the dead body of Chamberlain, The
suicide had evidently rested the rifle on
the branch, with the muzzle pointed at
nis. head, and nulled the trlererer. An
examination of the body showed that
the. bullet had entered the head just
above tbe left eve. tearlnsr away tne
whole top of the head and scattering
brains and hair over the ground near
where the body lay.
The finding of tbe body was made
known to residents of Sparta and yes
terday an inquiry was instituted ac
cording to law.
Laqd Transfers.
May 13 Dalles City to Chas, Alli
son t lot 4, block 34. Gates' addition to
Dalles City; $2T5.
May 14 Edmund P. Martin to Alex
ander F. Martin; nw i sec 10, tp 5 s, r
13 e; $250,
May 15. Martin Wing and wife, to
Jacob Spath; n , of n e J seo, 16, town
4 south, range 12 eist; $330,
May 16. M. V. Harrison et ux to
A. S. BloweA; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 25, 26, 27
and 28, block 1, Waucoma addition to
Hood River; also bloik 2 and lot 1
blook 4 town of Parkhurst; alsq Jots 1
2, block 4. Winans' addition to' town
of Hood River, $500.
fire at Tia Locks.
Yesterday afternoon, at the Looks.
the scow used bv Dav Bros, in haullnz
rock to the works, caught fire from a
spark from the engine used in working
a derriok, A bucket brigade was
formed and the flames were soon under
control, Considerable damage was
done to the boat; but the full extent
could net be ascertained.
bit tortures for ten
Ssrs with what your
r. Pierce's Common
Sense Medical Advis.
er describes as 'Cas.
tralgia ' (pain in stom
ach). I employed our
nomc-ooctor toolc ft
dozen bottles of parse
Earilla with no bene
t; then I took one
half dozen bottles of a
celery compound with?
out any benefit : then
eight bottles of iron
tonic, yet I was no bet?
ter; this was in 1889,
I then took six; bottles
rmm nj u-n or ur. rieror s ooiaea
Tsoe. BLBTCqsn, Bso.. Medjcai Discovery,
wkic mode a 9tm man of me. I am now fifty,
fwo years old. and for the past five years I have
worked very hard on my farm. It is impossible
for me to say too much for the Coldes) ffrji'iat
Discovery.' "
(No. of Bank 8UL
at The Dalles, in tbe SUti of Orozon, at the oloss of
business, Hay 7, 1896.
Loans and discounts, ,
verdraitt secured and unsecured....
u. -. wolds le secure circulation
Pf- miums on U. 8. bonds
Stocks, Securities, etc.
BaoMne house, furniture, and fixtures..
One from National Banks loot reserve
aife'it) 1M9 19
CREHT bhrghins
Trimmed Hats 75 Cents and Upwards.
Washington Street
t ra
6,07 98
. 12,600 0)
1,600 00
, 6 667 70
1,681 85
letter Advertised.
The following ia the Hat of letters
remaining in The Dalles postoffloe un-
called for Friday, May, 17, 1895, Per
sons calling for these letters will please
give the date on which they were ad
Adams, O, Adams, J. W,
Blummell, May Coon, James
Doak, Asa Dun kin, L, A,
Easterbrook,Mabel Graves, Chas
GUI, H. C. Johnson, H. H,
McClain, Andrew Pme, G (3)
snort, Wm. C, (2)
Tideman, John
Wigard, Geo,
Zealle, Clara
Ross, Mrs. Emma
Smith, Effie
Vansent, Bell -Wilson
& Son
J, A.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With local applications, as they can
not reaoh the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to cure it you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh cure is taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by one of the best physicians in
this country for years, ana is a regular
prescription. It is composed of the best
tonics kno.wn, combined with the best
blood purifiers, acting directly on the
muoous surfaoes. The perfect com
blnatlon of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results
in curing Catarrh. Send for testi
monials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
. Sold by all druggists, price 75c.v
Due (rn Mate Banks and Rankers . 863 34
One rrom approved reserve atretiU 794 01
Cheeks and other cash items 10 U
Nntt uf oth r National Bank - 70 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels, and
cents IS SO 1
Specie ., W4Z9I 93
l.sira .lender notes 10 0 14 ,301 96
Redemption fund with U 8. Treasurer (6
percent, of circulation)..... 662 60
Total..,.. titeeil St
Capital stock paid in 60,000 00
Surplus fund 16,000 00
uuiurtaea pronts less expenses sna taxes
paid 6 Ml 78
National Bank notes outstanding. ...... U,r60 00
vur. w outer .auonai "miss , 94 10
Individual deposits subject to check. .... 41 ,636 07
lie maud pertincates of deposit 23,469 98 I
TiTt Ha,&U M
State of Oregon 1
County of Wasco'
I. J. M. Patterson. Cashier cl the shore-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the sbove statement
is erne w wis oes 01 my anowieoge ana neuer.
J. M. Psmasua, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th dsy
01 stay, lauo. ' rsain mkkkck,
. Notary Public for Oregon,
Cobblbct Attest: J. 8. Scnancc, )
. Gau.A. iisas. Directors.
Ed. M. tVlLUAMS, I
Great Shirt Sale
Commencing Tuesday and continuing for the Entire Week.
and Be Convinced.
Ada lavlstrators Notlo.
To ail ytktnm it may concern: .
uTl -K is h reby given that tbe nodersicned
b'S b- en duly appoint! sdmiulstrator of the
estste of Mrs. Sarah Mars, late oi Dalles City,
Wasco ounty Or son. and bow deceased All ner-
sons havlns claims agrainst sttd estate, will present
tbe ssme duly verined, to me at the otSos of Out u A
venerea. Dulles Out Ore 00, within six months
from the date tbi notice.
Dalles City, March 7, 1896.
Administrator of the estate uf a. rah 8tes. de-
Wholesal and retail manufacturers of and dealers in .
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
Tents, and Wagon Covers.
AxtdA.ll Artlels leapt txt Klratt OlsiM Hrrws Shop.
Opposite Moody's Warehouse)
Farm for Sale
of land suitable for fruit; 60 acres
under cultivation: only three miles
from The Dalles, on Mill Creek road.
Call on or address. H. C. Nielsen.
The Dalles, Oregon, or B. Nielsen, on
the premises, next to Urquhart's ranclu
(Sooosssor to P. KRKXTJA.CO.;
Dealer n
of (isrsstesd parity, by a capable staff of experienced dispensers. All tha
latest pharmacentlcstl preparations kept In stock. Prices will be) foond as low
as la consistent with the supply of Orst-claas drags.
Apothecary and Chemist.
DEUTCHE APOTHEKE. Telephone No. 15.
Jhrf rV tV
"UllBU fflflFTa
Oik anb
Aris8' Materia! and Painters' 8a on'!
Cascade I,oek$ and Bonneville
All orders for painting, papering and
kalflominlng promptly attended to
Has Been Postponed Until Jane 2nd.