The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 06, 1895, Image 1

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    0(jtibb. "CONSOLIDATED 1882.
. BT
JohhMichell Editor and Proprietor
Profeeniipnal Cards.
I Physician and Surgeon,
Vnnma over Dalle Nmtlonal Bank. Office hours, 10
a m to IS m, and from 2 to 4 p m. Real
dence West End ol Third Street,
Attorneys at Law
. Ttm". ? and 48 Chpman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Attorneys at Law.
AH lees! end collection business promptly at
tended v. Clsims apiinst the government a ;c.pec-
laliv. Room! 24. SO. ZD auu II, nraiiKin
Portland, Orern.
Physician and Surgeon,
Booma 8 mod 4, Chapman Block, The Danes, Ore.
Practical TJentist -
mn. rwor a a Ttmwn'a rrocenr. Second St.
All ork guaranteed to (five atisf ction and all the
latest improvea meiaoaa utwi iu ucuuu wiwuuvw
Attorney at Law
Office in Schanno'a trainding, np stairs. The Dalles,
WASCO LODGE. NO. 16, A. r & A. n. Meets
first and third Monday of each month at 8
I Meets ui Masonic llau ue tnira neanesua
jaaoh month at 8 P il.
COLOMBIA LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. . P. Meets
J every Friday evening u iawo cioca, m a. r.
Hall, comer of Second and Court street. Sojourn
er brothers are welcome. U. CLoroH, Sec y.
TORIES DSH1P LODGE. NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Schao
no's building, corner of Conn and Second streets.
Sojourning brothers are cordially invited
D. Vacs, K. K. and 8. F. MfiNEFEE, a
V V will eet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
at the readlne- room. AU are inraea.
J V I T4nod CamD. No. 59. meets every Tuesday
-vening of each week at 7:30 o'clock, in A. Keller's
flrll. All brothers and sojourning brothers are
nvited to be present.
COLUMBIA CHAPfER, CD. O. E. P. meets in
Masonic hall on the second and fourth Tues
day evenings of each month. Visitors cordially in
vited. MBS. MART S. MYEiU.W.M.
Mas. Elbaxo rionsKK, Secy.
I to KKeller's Hall every Thursday evening at 7:30
'dock. r-AiLi B.BCJ(1, jb. w.
' W. 8. MTSRg, Financier
NO. Si. O. A. R. Meets
I every Saturday at 7 JO P. M
In H.. or r. uau.
OP L. K- Meets every
K. of P. Hall.
Priday afternoon in
VfTASCO TRIBE. NO. 18, 1. O.
R. M Meets
every edneaday exenine in K. of P. Ball
' JT Sunday eveniae; in Keller's Hall
' .iP I- 9. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n K.
H. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of
aca mouth at 7:30 P. M.
p.tnr Services everT saotMitn u 11 a. a.
"' P. M. Sabbath school immediately after tne
morcing service. Prayer meeting every Ihursday
eveniliS at S r. Ja. -
-m SL CHURCH Ker. Jso. WHrsua, Pastor.
ft I Services every Sunday moming and evening.
AlVndav School at 1830 o'clock P.M. A cordial invi
tatioe extended by both pastor and people to all.
Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
If. m. istinaay acneoi atter bhmuuis m .
O Past
Mass at
t petrr'S OHUKCH Rev. Father Bkobdoiobt
tor. Low Hass every ounaay bii a.a
xuku -
100 A.M. Vesnenat 7 f. at.
rT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
P Fifth. Bey. Eli D. Sutcliffe, Rector. Services
averr Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. M., Sunday
school at M0 A. M. Evening Prayer on inuay a
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ray. J. W. Jasmins, pas
li tor. preaching everv Sunday afternoon at t
a'plnek in the ConioeEational churc. All are cor
dially invited
and Union. Elder J. H. Miller. Pastor. Serv
ices every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Pkm maetimr on Wedneadav eveninirs at 7:80 P. M,
Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. All are cordially
Real Estate, Loans and Insarance.
Agent for the Scottish Union and National In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
80.000,000. - .
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Past Office The Dalles, Or.
(Register U. 8. Land Office, 16901884.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall's Block Main St.. Vancouver. Clark Co., Wash.
-a r 4 Second street next door east at
X t4 The Dalles Nat Bank
laving- rast onened in business, and having a full
assortment of the latest good in my line, I de
sire a auarv ut wo fiuuuu pwiwa
Pars Oisarrr Pols will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from u to itt prunes a
nnnth No atarvmg sickness or inlnry; no public-
it. Th build ud the health and beautify the
ootnplexion, leaving no wrinkles r flabbmesa. Stout
abdomens sna aimcan oreatmnv aureij micrau.
Htt fcXPsiHlSlE!vT but a acientifl. and posi
tive relief, adopted only after years of ezperlencet
All orders supplied direct from our office. Price
ti.00 per package or three packages for 86 00 by
mau posipaia. xesumoniais ana parxicuian imuw
All CorresjpeBdesiee Htrtetly Conflden
tle.1. PAUK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
ttpatpv t. vnnir
s a I J1II1IL AJ. ilUUilt
-Manufacture oftand dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse,
A Worbi ;nrssiteed; to lve Hat
fketlasi JOHN PASHEK
ml. n '. TlT nmnTi nrti- a Trl il ATI
iuc 1 luciuuttui-i iauui
f ults Made to Order ud a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes Cleaned on the Shott
ed Notice -
l Cer.Tbird and Wsulsisisrtom Sts.
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria i
Navigation Co
Fieignt and PassGuger urb
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
rontorll hetween the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
nA irw-ks u'ith Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Steamer Keguiator ior 1 ne iaucs.
One way....
Round trip..
.(2 00
3 00
Freight Rates Creatly Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered beiore
5 p. m. Live stocK snipments solicited.
Call on or address,
General Agent
Pfaciicai :. Walcf
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,' Etc.
Alwava keen on sale the latest and beet styles o
Time-pieces, Diamond Kings. Bow-knot Klnrs, ou-
verware, etc., etc.
162 Eecord Ptreft. rut dcor to A
Williams fc o.'
I am now prepared to deliver
Boslyil Qoal
To any part of tbe city for $8.25 pe
ton. This is much cheaper than wood
and a great deal more convenient. Ap
ply to
EE. Lyttle,
"Agent for O. R & N. Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCashPrice for
Hav and Gram.
SDeCjaj prjces t0 Cash Buvers
'Charles A. Baldwin & Co. J
New York.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received
un lavuraoio terms.
Bonds and Investment Securities.
'Dally Financial Letter Mailed on Application.
il a u u iL n n n
The Sun.
The 'first of American Newspa
pers,. CHARLES A. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American
Spirit. ' These first, last, and all the
time, forever.
Daily, by mail, $6 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail,. '-$8 a year
The Weekly, a year
The Sundhy Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper
. . in the World.
Price 6c a copy. By mail. i2 a veaf .
Address TBE TJK, Mew Tork.
(3aeeet'or to P. KEE7T a CO.)-
Dealer in
i(s nub
Artists' Material and Painters' 8nyn?iP9
All orders for paintiog, papering and
kaliominicg promptly attended to .
A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk
Seeds Just Arrived.
White Clover Onions
Red Clover
. Turnips
Onion Sets and Flower Seeds.
A. KELLER Prop'r
am p.'epared to furnish families, nctals and res
caprants witn tar cnoicest
Bread, Gates and Pies.
FresA Cysters Serred in Every Style,
Second Street. Next door to The Dalles
tionai Bank,
Gigar Factory
Opposite the Implement Warehouse
the Beat Brands mannfact-
nred, and ordeaa from all ports
of the country tilled on the shortest notice
Tbe reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR
has become nrmly estarliahed, and tbe de
mand for the home manufactnaed article i
increasing every day. A. ULBICfi & SON
Commercial Excnanos
F. W. SHVERTOOTfl, Prop.
First-class Wines, Liqoors and Cigars j
Always on Hand . '
Corner Second and Court Streets.
. Tha Dalles, Obegon.
S ample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines.
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And AU Kinds of tbe
Andrew Yelarder.
In A- llflllPC!
Address; Lock Box 181.
Children Cry
' Castoria. Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archer, SL D.,
Ill South Oxford Sc., Brooklyn, S. T
" I iw Caetor'a in my practice, and find It
tpeci&Uy adapted to affections of children."
Axsx. Robebtsoh, M. D
105? U Are., New forli
From rwr9"PJ knowledge I can say thai
ihstiori lea. tnott excellent aedlcloe tor cluj.
Ins." pa. Q. O. Osgood,
Jewell, Mass.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Rtnmnph. Dian-ncea. and Feveriahr.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Cuatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
The Daites National Back
..Z. F. Mcodj;
M. A. Moody
Cashier, ....
General Banting Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
pieeb wm,
Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts.
mm k gorsoh, mn
Succeseonjto George Ruch.
The Cheapest Place
thi DALUB roa
All Kinds of Groceries,
We respectfully solicit
a ah of the public pat
ronafre and shall endeavor to .(rive entire lauszac
and shall endear
ton to our customers Do to pin sd new.
pioneer SODA mE
Manufactures th Beat Article of
Soda, Sarsapaiilla and Ginger Ale
Leans Orders With Andrew Keller,
Best, Kentucky Whiskey
'Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes
of Wines.
English Porter Ale and Milwaukf
Beer always on band.
MCIIXZXX. Beceivsr-
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
days for
tort'acd every Five
For fuH! details call oa O.
K. 4 N. Agent at THE
DALLES, or address
W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aft,
Portland, Oregon.
Umatilla House Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays, returning alternate days,
leaving Moro at 8 a. m., arrivinp- at The
Dalles at 1 p. ra. .
Were laillid by Brazilians.
Boston, March 29 The Maine schoon
er Isaiah Stetson ai rived yesterday from
Brazil and Cnba with a cargo of sugar.
Captain Traak reports that while at St,
Catherine, Brazil, the crew of four men
was get upon "while on shore by Brazilian
aoldiers and so badly cut that two died
immediately, and one left in the hospital
there was not expected to live. Tbe fourth
received a Blight stab in the back.
Tbe affair Occurred December 16, on
which dale tbe men, Fred Jensen, Ingall . Charlna J-.'I-.jjgon" and Nels
Johnson, obtained permission to go
aahor. Tbat oigbt word was received
tlmt tbe men bad got into a flgbt, and an
investigation found the men in a badly
need up condition. The three first named
were terribly injured, each bsring five or
six terrible wounds. Ktnscbott and
Johnson died soon after being found
According to the story, the men fell i
with some sirls and were talking with
them when a party of soldiers came along
and ordered them to clear out. finally
the soldiers drew their daggers and fell
upon tbe sailors, who were unarmed, and
made short work ot tbeqj.
Captain TraBk saw tbe American con
cul, and he notified tbe American mini'
ter at Rio. The Brazilian government
offlciuls are very friendly to Americans
and took the mutter up at once. It was
understood that some of tbe soldiers had
been fonnd. but it could not be verified
before tbe schooner sailed.
Officials Pleased.
Washington, March 29 The report
that tbe Spanish eovernment is taking
steps in tbe Alliance afiair, and that tbe
commander of tbe offending Spanish
cruiser has been relieved, and orders sent
other Spanish commanders in Cuban wa
ters to observe the requirements ot inter
national law and restrain from improper
interference with ships of tbe United
Slates or other foreign nations, has caused
much gratification in official circles
Although the state department declines
to admit tbat these matters have been
communicated, so it comes either through
United S'ates minister lay lor, at Madrid
or Sen or Mornaga, the Spanish minister
Dunuy de Lome, tbe new minister to
the United States, will probably sail from
Cad z on the Spanish man of-war which
will carry General Campos to lavsna
April 8. Tbe vovace will consume from
14 to 18 days, it is thougbt be will not
reach Washington until May 1
The retirlns minister, Aluruaga, bad a
confernce yesterday with Gresham. It
had no reference either to tne MUante
affair, or to tbe protest made bv the min
ister against filibustering expeditions from
tbe United States against Uuba. It was
merely a social call, and only significant
as emphaeing the incorrectness of tbe
statements tbat Muruaga was no longer
acceptable to the United states govern
ment. -
Armenian Outrage.
London, March 29 Tbe Earl of K m-
berley, secretary of state pot foreign af
fairs, in receiving a deputation of the
Armenian Association, expreeeed warm
sympathy with tbe object of tbe associa
tion, and said tbe government was doing
its best to make tbe inquiry into the out
rages in Armenia as thorough and search
ing as possible. He added an independent
report would be made by European rep
resentatives. Tbe main object ior view
wss to secure in future protection for the
wives, property and lands of Armenian
Cbrtetians. In this object, he was glad
to say, Great Britain baJ tbe co operation
of France and Kutsia, botn ot wbicb coun
tries weie convinced of tbe necessity for
relorm. One of tbe cbief problems is how
to bring about tbe results desired without
raising in an acute form tbe eastern ques
tion, He thougbt tbe time opportune, lor
dealing with tbe matter in such fashion as
to avoid danger. When the time came
Ter action tbe government will not be
fonnd wanting. In conclusion, tbe Earl
of Kimberley said tbe government was
pledged to take steps to bring about a
reform in Armenia.
Indians Crowded Out -
Washington, March 29 Tbe secre
tary of the interior today recommended
to the attorney general of the United
States that an investigation be made and
legal proceedings instituted against cer
tain settlers along a portion of tbe Co
lumbia river, in Oregon and Washington,
who are charged with mistreating the
Yakima Indians in regard to their fisbing
privileges. In the treaty with these in-
ditns, made in 1855. for their lands, a
provision was inserted givln tbem tbe
right to take fish from the river at all
usual and accustomed places in common
with citizens of Oregon and Washington,
which were then. territories.
Eucllsb. Press Connaent.
London, March 29 CommentiDg on
the present aspect of the Auglo-French
situation, the Globe says: "England can
safely call qpon tbe world to judge
whether the should face France's
deliberate provocation in Africa and
The PM MaU Gautte says: "France
now knows her advance into tbe Nile
valley will be regarded as an act of hos
tility." Tbe Star says: '-The government's
latent menace to France is tne frmt of tbe
new spirit which has unhappily crept
into the liberal foreign policy."
Admiral Ito's Report.
London. March 29 A Tokio dispatch
says tbe Japanese admiral, Ito, reports
from the Island of Pescadores tbat on
March 23 the fleet bombarded tbe north
west forts of tbe island, and next day
landed a force which captured tbe north
ern and eastern batteries, with the guns
of the warships supporting the attacking
party. He intends attacking Makong
and Lushing Eo at once. The flagship of
the French fleet, be says, is watching op
Policy of Use Powers.
London, March 29 The Timet' corre-
pondent in Berlin says be has excellent
authority for tbe statement tbat Germany,
England and- Russia coincide in their
views ot tbe policy to be pursued, by tbe
European powers in tbe east. He 'alls lo
cite a single fact, however, to show why
Germany should decide or has decided to
depart from ber invariable policy ot qop
interference in oriental affairs, merely for
tbt, purpose of aiding Eogland in Asia.
. Ber Bights Hot Beeogalaed;,
Paris, March 29 Only tbe Journal de
Debati of all the newspapers ot the city
comments today upon the utterance of
Sir Edward Grey, parliamentary secretary
of foreign affairs, in the British bonse. of
commons. It says: "In regard te tne
Upper Nils, France can only recognize
tbe rights of Turkey abd Egypt and no
otner. me proclamation of England's
viama mere aoes not constitute a title
May wo Too Far.
London, March 2d Tbe Giole, com
menting on tbe published Armenian
reports, says: "There is serious danger
of the English losing their brads over
this matter, and forcing the government
into taking action which . they will
bitterly regret,"
Tbe News Confirmed.
Washington, March 29 Ths news
that an unconditional armistice bas been
declared by the emperor of Japan was
confirmed at tbe Japanese legation, where
it was stated a cablegram to this effect
bas been received from tbe boas govern
Far-Seeing Jupaa.
London, March 29 The Shanghai
Mercury says that Japan is operating
against China at several different points
concurrently to strengthen ber hands in
view of a probable armistice,
Armistice Vectored.
Tokio, March 29 Tbe emperor of
Japnn baa declared an unconditional ar
mistice. The Mat Fisheries.
Washington, March SO It is under
stood that tbe effort made toward tbe
close of tbe last congress to secure an in
ternational commission for tbe consider -tion
of the seal question, with a view to
preventing tbe annihilation of the species
will be revived at the beginning of next
session, wben it is believed tbat congress,
having more time to consider tbe matter.
Will be favorably disposed toward action.
It was urged wben tbe bill was before
congress last session tbat there was great
danger If tbe present regulations were al
lowed to remain in forco another year
tbat there would be very few seals leit to
protect, but this view is not pressed
now, and tbe opinion is expressed thst
even after this year's crop of pelts shall
be harvested there will be sufficient
nucleus remaining to allow of rapid IB
crease in case those left are sufficiently
protectee ,
Tbe commission now proposed is to be
composed of delegates from Japan and
Kussia, as well at this country and G cat
Britain, and tbope who pressed the ques
lion upon congress -at us last session
contend tbat it is poesible to secure tbe
assent of all these nations. United States
authorities are especially anxious to se
cure and extend the clossd season, so as
to embrace AugUBt and, if possible, Sep'
tember also, as well as May, Jane and
July. This extentioo of time would, they
say, insure tbe protection of the mother
seals until the young were old enough to
take care of themselves,
A Decision A flee tine Ore son Lands
Washington, March 30 The secretary
of the interior has overrated a former de
partmental decision In tbe case of the
Willamette Valley & Cascade Mountain
Railway Company vera as Chapman,
wbicb held tbat the company's failure to
respond to settlers' publication of notice
le submit nnal proof, precludes tbe com
pany hereafter msking objection to the
allowance of such an entry, this
doctrine was held to be contrary to tbe
supreme court decision, and a similar de
cision in tbe esse of Brady vs tbe
Southern Pacific railway is overruled
This action is taken in disposing of tbe
appeal cae of the Willamette valley
Company vs George W Hogan, involving
lands within tbe limits or withdrawal
made for tbe cent fit of tbe ruad, and
Secretary Smith emphasizes tbe import
ance of making selections to satisfy
grants as speedily as possible, in order to
restore to settlement and entry tne sur
plus remaining in tbe limits of with
Those Unruly ttlrla
Cbtcaoo. March SO Rosie Scbrair, the
leader of the insubordinate inmates of tbe
Illinois Home for Juvenile Female
Offenders, during tbe last riot, Thursday
night, was put in a atraigbtjacket this
morning, the restraining article being
brought to tbe institution for that pur
pose, fiosie bas bad iron bandcuDs on
ber since tbe last outbreak, but they did
not curb ber mischievous spirit. If the
atraigbtjacket Is found to be ineffective
id tbe case or tbe most tronoiecome to
mates and tbe necessity arises for more
of tbe insane asylum restrainera, tbe
management will use tbem freely until
order and discipline are fully restored .
Mrs. Mondy, an experienced matron, who
was appointed to succeed Mrs. Drayton,
as superintendent ot tne Home, nas
resigned, after 24 hours of official ex
perience with tbe girls Her place was
filed last night by Mrs. Amlgb, who
wss housekeeper at the Erring Woman's
Refuge here. Other cbangea will be
made in tbe management of tbe institu
tion with a view to stopping the frequent
The Cuban Revolt.
Madrid, March 30 AU Cuban pre
fects baye resigned.' They will be re
p'aced by military officers.
It is reputed tbat General Antonio
Maceo, the insurgent leader, bas landed
in Jamaica, and tbe rebel leader Henry
Brooks bss left Cuba for New York. It
is stated Caiman Gracia is also trying to
leave tbe island.
The appointment of Marshal Martinez
Campoa to the command of troops in
Cuba has been received with great satis
faction in tbat island.
Death of Abe Gross.
Tacoma, March 80 About 9 o'clock
this morning Abe Gross, one of tbe best
known merchants in the northwest, was
found dead In his room, on tbe top floor
of tbe Grose block, with a bullet hole
through bis bead and a 38 Smith-Wesson
revolver between his legs. Tbe pillow on
which bis bead rested, and tbe lower part
of bit face were covered with blood.
He had been in the habit of arriving at
the store before ibis hour, snd as be did
not show up, a clerk went up to call him.
Receiving no answer the clerk returned to
tbe office. An hour later another call was
made for Abe, and bis brother Morris be
came alarmed, and accompanied by Book
keeper Edgar White went up stairs and
opened tbe door. Stretched out on the
bed was tbe coipte in ma night clothes.
On the Winnebago Reservation.
Pkndeb, Neb., Mareb 80 Trouble on
the Winnebago - reservation over tbe
Floornoy Cattle Company losses, bidt
fair to result in bloodshed today.
Sheriff Mulhn went out on the reservation
last night and returned today with a
white man under arrest, who resitted tbe
ndian police in ejecting settlers, and at
once returned to tbe agency to arrest tbe
Indian police for whom be bas warrants.
It is believed tbe police will resist and
tbe outcome is waited here with great
anxiety. Captain Beck, tbe Indian agent
bas been instructed from Washington -to
swear In all tbe men necessary to elect
tbe settlers, but what move may be made
today U not known.
The Trouble Probably Over.
Omaha, March 80 A special from
Pender says the sheriff returned there
tonight from the Winnebago reservation.
He saja tbat tbe deputy United States
States marshal reported to baye gone
there to swear in more men did not show
up at Winnebago today, but is somewhere
On the reservation, serving notices on
lessees to vacate. He says, however, tbat
Captain Buck advised him not to attempt
to arrest any of the Indians, and ai$o that
Beck threatened to arrest blm, but did not
do so He claims tbat there no siona nf
trouble, and seems ol tbe opinion thni till
talk of Back intenrMog to eject leases by
iiuKiiiiiiua. lue report Of his ar
rest caused tne citixens tc talk of risin
a company to rescuo Vim, out all is quiet
French in Madagascar.
Paris, March 30 Duchesne, in com
mand of tbe main force of tbe French
expedition in Madagascar, has issued an
order to the troops, erj iioiDg them to re'
spect tbe persons and property of natives
ana tne foreign residents, and to treat all
tbose peaceably disposed in a friendly
manner, and their euemies, on being dis
armed, justly ana Irlendly.
Will Sot Leave.
Armour, S. D , March 30 -A dispatch
was sent yesterday to the department of
tbe interior at Washington, by General
J A Smith, superintendent of the Yank
ton reservation, stating tbat be was nn
aoie witn nis smau lorce ot Indian do.
lice to dislodge the squatters who refuse
to leave tbe reservation.
Why Japan Agreed to Stop.
Paris, March 31 The Journal de$ De
bati sajs toat tbe China-Japanese armis
tice is due to tbe exbantion ot Japanese
monetary resources and tbe injury done
to ner trade snce tne beglnmn? of bos.
tilities. The paper believes that Japan
will find it harder to turn ber victories
to account than it bad been to gain tbem
Labor Riots.
Brussels, March 81 Twenty persons
were seriously wounded in tbe rioting at
Rena.x, At tbe meeting of the council
of industry the "masters conceded all de
mands made by the men, but the feahof
further disorder continnei,
Bismarck's Birthday.
Friedbichbuhe, April 1 Bismarck's
natal day was ushered in with bright
Since early morning the trains have
been arriving here loaded with visitors
from all parts of tbe empire desirous of
congratulating Prince Bismarck on bis
birthday. Among them was a deputation
from the Zeydlitc Cuirassiers regiment,
of which tba prince is honorary colonel,
one was composed of university professors
and another of senators from Lubeck and
By 8 o'clock five trains, each bringing
about 1000 people, bad arrived from
Hamburg, in addition to great numbers
of people who flocked here by various
country rotds.
The railroad station was hung with
garlands, flags and Cbiness lanterns. A
deputation 4000 strong from tbe nnirersi
ties of Germany took up positions in front
ot the palace this afternoon and, when
Prince Bismarck appeared be was greeted
with deafening cheers. Tbe spokesman
of the students' then read an address nf
congratulation and presented the - ex
chancellor with a gift subscribed for by
tbestudents. Bismark, replying, thanked
tbe students for their greetings, and said
'If we have succeeded partly, we ought
to thank God, and not complain. Man
proposes, God disposes. Let us guard
what we bare. We mean to keep fast
bold upon tbe tterman empire as it is
Alter thanking bis visitors, the prince
converted with several and returned to
tbe house amid a fresh storm of cheers.
Tbe dispatch ot congratulation wbicb
Zmg Oscsrof Sweden and Norway sent
Prince Bismarck alluded to the latter at
tbe creator of German unity.
Empeior Francis Joseph of Austria, tel
egraphed bis congratulations today.
The Boiler Exploded.
Wobubn, April 1 Just before 7 this
morning one of the boilers in tbe Con
necticot tannery exploded with ternflo
force, killing five men and injuring six
Tbe dead are: John Parker, foreman
Patrick Lally, fireman ; Frank McMahon,
night foreman ; Patrick McGonagle, oiler,
and Samuel Traoy.
Toe injured are: John Kenny, John
Tracy, Patrick Riley, William Rioebrass,
James Dixon and Octavius Saunders.
Patrick Riley died at the bospitahat
12 :40 p. m , making tbe sixth victim. Tbe
seven men missing have bee a located
Tbev were tot iniured.
There bad been trouble with the boilers
for some time, and early this morning
John Parker, the foreman, was called to
the boiler-room to see if it could be fixed
It was found the water supply could not
be satisfactorily adjusted, bat this was
remedied. Five minutes before 7 Parker
entered tba boiler-room and ordersd tbe
whistles to be blown to start tbe works.
Tne rope attached to tbe whistles was
pulled and instantly there was a fearful
explosion. Tbe big iron smokestack on
the boiler-house was blown high into tbe
air and fell across tbe roof ot tbe shop
and tbe tall brick chimney fell into tbou
sands of pieces, crashing Into tbe engine-
room beneath it.
Men burned from all parts of town and
tbe work of removing tbose buried noder
tbe ruins was commenced immediately.
Piteous cries of tbe Injured pinned under
tbe debris urged tbe rescuers en to rapid
work, and In a short time the bodies of
four men bad been removed and six in
jured bad beea taken out.
The President informed, '
Washington, April J The president
this morning received a representative
delegation of Cblcagoans in behalf' of
leading citizens of Chicago, irrespective
of party affiliations, to invite him to a
public reception to himself and Mra.
Cleveland, as an expression of apprecia
tion of bis steadfast, preservation of a
sound national currency," Members oi
tbe delegation were: William T Baker,
president of the Chicago board of trade:
George W Smith, ex-pretident of tbe
Union League Club; John A Roche, ex-
mayor; T W Harvey, ex-president of the
Uom.merciai L'lub; David Kelly and
Henry O Bobbins. Toe president ex
pressed bis gratification, but gave no as
surance ol bis acceptance, saying bis
duties might require bis presence In
Washington for to roe time.
Meateneedte the Mine.
Washington, April 1 It is said at the
Japanese legation tbat tbe young Japa
nese who shot Li Hung Chang will
probably be sent to tbe mines of Northern
I japan to serye bis life sentence. The lo
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
cality is much like Siberia. Unofficial
reports of tbe sentence make no reference
to bis trial or conviction. It is under
stooa there baa been a civil trial, as a
military would bsve resulted In death
Dr. Scriba's report on Lt Hong Chang's
wound is regarded by the Japanese lega
tion as assuring recovery. Scriba ia one
of Germany's most noted surgeons, who
oas entered into service id Japan.
Identity Yet ra Known.
Rahwat, N. J April 1-Inquiry
among the colored people in this place
regarding the probable identity ot the
woman whose mutilated body was found
at Waverly place and Sixth avenue, New
Yotk, 8undsy morning, and near whose
body was fouod a bit of paper indicating
that abe may be from Rahway, shows the
only person answering tbe description of
the murdered woman who is missing is
fearl Ivory, recently employed by a fam
lly on Elm avenue. A yonog colored
man, supposed to be frr m Newaik. fre
quently called to see ber here. An effort
Is being made to trace ber to Newark
Battle With Moonshiners.
New York, April 1 A special from
Little Rock, Ark., says; Deputy United
States Marshal Johnson snd a posse of
six men fought a gang of moonshiners in
tbe mountains of Hempstead county
early yesterday morning. After the
smoke bad cleared away the posse found
tbe bodies of two of the outlaws, captured
tbirYi alive, and took possession of an
illicit plant capable of making 20 gallons
of whiskey a day. Hill and Bellamy, of
tbe posse, received serious wounds. Four
moonshiners escaped.
Acsln en the Mtaud.
Scranton, Pa., April 1 In tbe Anna
Dickinson conspiracy cue today, ths
plaintiff was again recalled, and testified
relative to a bundle of letters she bad
written while in the Danville asylum, es
peclally regarding tbe one addressed to
her brother, Rev. Dickinson, of Los An
geles, Cal. Sbe then gave another dra
matic .recital of ber incarceration in tbe
asylum, donog which sbe wept several
times. Owing to tbe illness of tba wife
of a juror, the case was adjoured until
Count Ito's Report,
Tokahama, April 1 Colonel Ito's offi
cial report of tbe capture of tbe Pescadore
Is'ands says: "Makung castle was not
taken until two engagements were fought.
The Chinese lost three killed and 60 prls.
oners. Tbe Japanese lost one killed and
18 wounded.
A Peealar Case.
Thomas Nevins, a Brooklyn merchant,
from whose spine a remarkable growth
was removed a few weeks ago, died
at the Seney hospital Wednesday
afternoon. Ever since tbe operation bis
life bss been ebbing away. He was 88
years old, prosperous and robust, till
nearly three months ago, when be com
plained of sharp pains in. the thighs and
groin, and bis friends concluded tbat in-
some over exertion aa abscess bad formed.
An operation was performed and a male
child eight incbea long and perfectly
lormed was found imbedded in tissues.
The doctors said Nevins waa one of twins,
and tbat before birth tbe embryo of the
other child bad become entangled in bit
own. Tbe doctors believe tbat all bit life
Nevins bad sustained the life of bis Im
prisoned brother. Then, in some way,
the connecting ligamenta were broken
and tbe death of tbe baby ensued.
Fighting Against Odds
Tbe Baker City Democrat is in receipt of
ths fallowing appeal for help from F. W.
Conly, publisher ot tbe Weekly Tribune,
Callaway, Nebraska: 1
'Some time ago we sent ont a number
ot letters to members of the craft, ssking
tbat each one contribute an amount whioh
tbey would not miss, (if not more than ten
cents,, to assist us in keeping our bead
above water until a crop can be raised in
this drouth-stricken rgion, and. consider
ing tba small number of appeals sent out
we can not complain of tbe response. Bat
the late blizzard and consequent harder
times admonish as that we must not forget
our obligations to our family at long as there
is a tender, responsive heart to appeal to.
xou will readily see that we have nothing
but our paper to depend upon, as our farm
the past three crop seasons wss a parched
desert, and the loss of advertisements con
sequent upon paralyzed business leaves nt
almost nothing, as ths drouth destitution
multiplies delinquent subscribers, prevents
those who would from paying np, and
others from subscribing..
I am ths oldest newspaper man in Cus
ter county, having published the first Dem
ocratic paper, Cutter County Democrat,
in Broken Bow, in 1834, and have never
bad to suspend. Added to my desire to
keep my family above want, I have tbe am
bition, common to all newspaper men, to
stay in the field. Next te tha comfort of
my family is my desire to tee ray paper
weather the storm.
"I have labored industriously for 26 years
a printer, sines I was 12 years old, snd
my ambition is to dia in the ranks, but I
am not ready to die yet."
Treasurer's Rep ait
Tbe following is the monthly report of
the city treasurer of receipts and expendi
tures of the water commission during the
month of March:
March 1 To cash ou hand per
13,277 f8
6 To cash from Chas Al
lison s note
40 UO
933 00
1 to SO To eah I J Norman
water rents.
Sll.iSl 88
March 1 Br warrant No 4S....
SS 00
75 00
6 00
13,260 00
S 00 1S.S87 01
Br warrant No so....
By varraatNo 47....
S By warrant No 48...
a Br warrant No SI...
SS4 88
March It City warrant No 909
St 00
10 ft)
County warnt No sua
41 00
March SO Total cash on hanl..
sa si
Respectfully submitted,
1. 1. Bubget, City Tress.
NO. 32
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find tbe
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
A Saooosafnl Flung.
Yesterdsy afternoon at Oregon City,
Uapt. Webb made tha shcot of the Willam
ette falls very successfully. Bs wss en
closed in a barrel, the head screwed down,
and it wss put in tbe water, wben it toon
wsshed over the falls rato ths turbulent
element below. Nothing oould bs seen of
bitn, and. the barret was watched with
breathless anxiety until tbe smooth current
of tbe river wat reached, when it wat caught
by soma men in a boat and aafaly landed en
tbe bank. Ths bead of tba barrel wat
qnickly removed and Capt Webb came out
in good condition except being wet and feel
ing somewhat faint for lack of air. He was
in tbt barrel about eight minutes, and dur
ing tLat time Lis was sustained nndst
great difficulties. Of eon its, if the barrel
had been caught and held by a projecting
rook in sny plaos whiob oould not bs reached,
fatal oonsequenoes would bars resulted. Aa
it was tbt barrel, after floundering around
in the rapid t a few minutes, was safely
brought to ths short and its prssioos freight
released from bis perilous position. The .
teat waa witnessed by a largs crowd of peo
ple from Portland and other oitiea, and
thers were fully 5000 people on the rocks,
buildings and other places in Oregon City
watching ths aqustio performance.
There Is Blood oa the Moon
Tbe Manitoba trouble over the public
school question Is liable to lead to blood
shed, says an exchange. Premier Green
way seems to be satisfied with existing
school facilities in Manitoba and belieyes
all would work harmoniously If tbe
priests would keep their hands off. Tbe
Catholics on the other side claim the
right to educate their children according
lo the dictates of their own conscience
and the priest, being their spiritual ad
viser, has a right to protest against tbe
present system. Thus you see the picture
on both sides. The Orange Lodge, of .
Manitoba, now in session, by a resolution,
calls upon all good men, be they Catho
lics or Protestants, Jews or Gentiles to
support no candidates for the house of
commons or legislature who do - not
openly and unqualifiedly pledge them
selves to determinedly oppose any and all
attempts towards the closing of the pub
lic schools, and imposing upon them and
their children the accursed system of
sectarian or separate schools.
A Case For Charity.
A family named Blanches, living in Sa
lem, and consisting of a mother and sevsn
children, and the aged mother and father of
Mr. Blanobet, who are nnabla to work, are
in a starving condition, aaya tbe Post. They
moved to Salem about fonr years ago from
Eugene, and as long aa the fatbsr supported
tbem everything went all right, bus times .
got hsrd and work gava ont, Tba father
went to Canada, their old horns, some time
ago, and has not beea beard ot ainoe. There
are seven children in the family, the oldest
being a boy of 17, who it unable to teems
work, snd the youogett a babe of leas than
year. The mother baa to support her
parents and children by washing, and at
present has but 70 cents a week that the
can depend npon. Tba larder it empty,
and tbe little ones areou the verge of star
vation. Land Transfers.
March 29 State of Oregon to H W
Wells; sw qr of te qr tec 23, tp S a, r 14 e;
Msrch 29 United States to Horatio W
Wells; s faf of ne qr and nw qr of ne qr
sea 27, tp 5 1, r 14 t; oath purchase.
March 29 Sams to heirs of George F
Wells; t bf of it qr see 85, tp 6 s, r 14 ;
oath purchase, . ,
March 30 Same to William D Richards;
ss qr and s bf of sw qr sec. 27 tp 1 n, r 14 e;
certificate of register.
March 30 Anna Flynn to Margaret E
Flynn. lot 2, bl 27, Cats addition to Dalles
Uty; SI. '
March 30 Margaret Flynn to Anna
Flynn: let 4 bl 27, Gates addition to Dalles
City; SL
Highest Honor World' Fair.
K pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Prtf
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adultttant,