The Times-Monntaiseor SATURDAY .....MARCH 23, 1S35 ITEMS US BEKP From Wednesday's Dairy. The Regulator had a fall list of passen gers tins morning. . Mr. E. L. Bovnton. of Polk county. but formerly a resident of Kingsley, is in town today. The steamship rates between Portland . and San Francisco have been redaced to $12 cabin passage and $S steerage, in- eluding meal and Derm. ffarper'n and Scnbner't are on ' sale at M. T. Nolan's- news depot. These are very interesting monthlies, and the pre sent numbers are replete witn excellent articles. - ;- Mr. JH. T. xuflan will open a grocery tore in in corner lormeriv occupied by A: L. Newman, fie bas ordered a cbolre stock of goods, and will be ready for . business to a few days. . The Walla Walla Statesman says the cold weather has not damaged trult in that vicinity. This is contrary to inform tlon received from, what we considered trustworthy sources, and we gladly make tne correction. At the stockyards of R. E. Saltmarshe a vs. ia lais city yeeierueiy two canoaas of cattle were slapped to Troutdale. They were from the Malheur country, and were in fine condition for beef. The equinox has passed, and fine weather may be : expected hereafter. Eastern Oregon sunshine is equal to a gold mine to a plutocrat or a free coin age bill to a eilverite to cure either of ia grippe, despondency or malaria. The small pox scare has sub-ided, and Mr. S, Monohan was discharged from the pest house today by the attending physician, Ur. Hollister. He has been ' quarantined for several weeks, and, aside ir m snfferinir the pains and dis comforts incident to the disease, bas been ostracised by the community, It is not expected that he will be marked but slightly, and at present there are only a tew signs mat ne was a victim of tne loathsome disease. Mr. W. E. McLeod, the only son of Mr. A. McLeod, of Kingsley, died at Grass Valley last Monday of lung fever. The remains were brought to his par ents' residence at Kingsley yesterday , and will be buried in the cemetery at that place today.. He was a young man about 26 years of age, honest and industrious, and bad a large number of friends in tnat and other portions ot tne county. Three hoboes were arrested bv the no lice force this morning and placed io jail pendi.'sr ineir trial by tne recorder. Tnev wfiv'Very quietly pursuing thi-r voca tion when interrupted by tne executive officers of the municipality. The streets - need cleaning, and a gang 01 dozen or more of tramps, at work with pick or shovel, gives tne city an air ot business activity and appear, quite, ornamental and useful. . ' Mr. M. Z. Donnell was handed a patent this morni"K by the clerk in the U a. land office that bad been granted to his father on January 19, 1870. There is'0 record of the patent other than the orig inal document, a d for that reason it is very valuable. - Furthermore, it was ' granted to lion. Z. Donnell, who has been dead for many years, before Martin was ushered into existence, and on this account be prizes it highly. From Thursday' Dally. Mr. A. C. Alloway lett oo the boat this morning oa hort viait to Portland. Mm Era Heppner laft on the boat thi morning on a tuit to her grandmother in Portland. June 7th and 14 b of the daily issues of tha Tiuk3 Moustauixib are missing fro a. th Aim w tni odsce. V will give 25 cant piece for one or both of the number. Tha Tmis-MoUlfTAlNSER has lately ra oeived a full aeiu ot Da Vinne type, the lateat at vie manufactured by type founder. and all jub-work from tbia otboe will be ol the moat artiatio aeaign. Commissioner Butta, not satisfied with oleamna the streeta of mod had the three tram pa ander hia control sweep them fre from all dust, and tne portion oo whiob work bas been done are as clean almost aa par lore. . . The Bob White quail ordered from Kan aaa have arrived at Wail Walla and (wen turned looae on Mill, Spring and Cotton wood creek. . Altbongb eighteen dozen . were ordered, owiog to the eareless Way the? were packed, only 28 arrived alive. . Mr. Le Ballitter will have an opening of apron millinery good next Taeeday and Wednesday. She invitea all her irieads to com and examine her good, consiatiog of the lateat. patterns in beaoear, and also the moat fashionable abade and color in trimming. The extenaive aawmill and box factory of the S. P. D. L. Co , of Q aot' Pass. Io eated at Merlin, togrtber with a large quan tity ot lumber, wa totally d atroved on tne morning of the 20th inst. The fire atarted aboat 4 o'clock, and; aa the plant had not been running it ia supposed to bare beeo the work of an tnoendlary. The lost is heavy, and there wa no ininranoe. - There were four bobop arretted by the arato.hmao laat mgnt. Tney were foona plymgs their vocation, and were oaptorad by the police and placed in the Jail. One Of them managed to escape the vigilance of the oity marahal, regained his liberty and ia still at large. Tne other have kept tbem. eelvea b .ay on tne street, ander the oon trol of Commiuioner Batta. In the Etat End there were two lively runaway thi moromg; bnt the damage done waa not anmoieot to form a tirat-o as item. The horses ran for a diatanoe of two block bnt the wagon were not bioken aud no one waa injured. The exoitement for the time being waa very intense, but oir camstaujea intervened to (top the animal in their mad career and spoil a firat-olaia opportunity tor the pencil pother to chron icle a good item. " realize that it wa largely doe to hia judg ment and snggejtions that the disease wa confined to the original patient. The Dalles literary society will hold it regular weekly meeting this evening at the Cong-egatiooal church. from the dis cussion the time will be spent in quotations from Drydeo. - Mis Katie Mason, of Island Citv, Union oounty, wa married to Mr. Beu. F. Smith on March 27th. The bride'a lather ia well known throughout Eastern Oregon from The Dalle to the Rocky menntain. Y. Jndd. of Pendleton, who ha inst returned irom a six months' tour, thiuka wool will open lower this year than latf. He ia in the wool butioea lareelv. and says (Jrrgon wools are io big demand compared with wool from other sections. Bro Ireland, of the Mora Observer savss Do the pssky U. S. engineers intend to out obstacles in the way of completing the locks aad canal at the Cawadet? Do they propose to wait another 80 year to see h-tber we have a recurrence ef the noo 1 of 1894? A yer's Cbery Pectoral possesses powerful healing qualitie, which manifest them selves whenever this remedy is e uployed in colds, coughs, throat or I ing troubles. Its anodyne and expectorant effects are promptly realized . It is a chemical success and a medical triumph. Messrs. A. M. Kelaav and J. E. Phirman have set ont thi9 spring so far about 6300 trait trees on their farm three miles below the oity Thi ia a delightful place for an orchard. The soil is feitile. it is well shel tered from prevailing wind, and there is an abnndanoe of water for irrigation. Bead Ayer'a Almanac wbioh your drug gist will gladly band you, and note the wonderful cures of rheumatism, catarrh, scrofula, dyspepsia eczema, debility, hu mors and sores, by the. use of Ayer'a Sar sapariila. the only Saraaparilla admitted at the World's Fair." A moral re'orm wave is awaepina over Portland. Pubi c gambling has Lean ato 'te4, and it ia proposea to compel the tocial evil to seek more is ird haunts. Thi sadden moral spaam ia a product of the hard tircei, and while it will aceomplnh some lasting good, most of the result will be of a tempo rary nature.. W. A. Beal, of Wells, confirms the tp port of the sale at Well of a pool of 18,000 bushels of wheat. The price realized was 40 cent net at Well for laat year's wheat, and 44 for whoat of the yar preceding, ou which storage bad been paid. Mi. B-al had 1400 bushels ef last . year's and 1487 buahela ot storage wheat. Mr. Win. McCracken, of Tfgh ridge, brniaed his hand a few days ago by osirg a hovel, and gangrene afflicted the spot. Wednesday the man came to Dirfur and Dr. Dietrich dressed the injured member. He a determined to aave the hand from ampu tation if poaeible, and believes hy constant treatment this may be accomplished. Newport, aocordin? to the statement of State Superintendent Irwin, will be the scene of the next state teachers institute. it arrangements ran be marie for hotel ito- oairinodatioo. The institute will proba bly transpire io July or August, The meet ing, together with the annual meeting fo tbe Oiegpn Press Association will help swell the multitude that will visit that famous reaort this rammer Pend eton Tribune: Sheriff Hsuser hB beed absent teyeral day on busiueat oon oecel with his otEoial position. He is ex pected home from Ciffornla this morning. accompanied by Sid Lannug, a J ail breaker horn Union ooa n'y, who escaped laat tall. 3 eriff PlfT, of Uoion. baa been notified, and will take c'la-g? cf the prisoner whom i&r Houaer is believed to have captured near Maryiville. Tbe tint extension of the Oregon Pacific will be to Independence piairie, twelve miles east of tbe present terminal, where it will cornect with a wagon road from Prine ville aud command the trade of Eastern Oregon. Valley connection will also be maae in due time, if th6 deoision of the upreme court i favorable. Thi is tbe plan mark id ont by the purchasers, and hopes are entertained that it will be earned out. Ooyernor Lord received an invitation aome days azo asking that hi excellency appoint delegate to . oomsponl with the Amerioen Mexican Exposition Co. Yeatar day be appointed tha following people to act a such: Hon. Henry Failing, Portland) Hon. I. T. Ai person, Oregon Oity; Hon J. B. Waldo, Maoieayj Hon. C. C Beekman, Jacksonville! J. W. French. Tbe Dalles) Nathan Pierce, Milton, and Samuel Elmore, Astoria. Mr. Hammond, one of the contractor of the Astoria rat roid. ia reported aa having' atatt d that it waa inrposiible for 'blna aud bis associate to float either the a took or bond, aud if tbe road ia built this year it mUit be done by private funda. Thi la very diooursgipg for tne city at the mouth of the Columbia; but it ia only a queation of a little time before tbe Kaport of Oregon will take the podtion in the trade ot the northwest that looation bat destined ber to ocanpy. Tbe O. R. 4 N. Co., always alert to the welfare of, their pationa, have decided to discontinue the mixed passenger and freight train leaving Portland in the morning and returning in the evening, and substitute a regular passenger train which will run daily, including Sundays: Leaving Portland at 8 A. kt.,arriving at The Dalle at 12:15 P. at. and returning to f ortland at 0:30 t. at About April 16tb tni train will carry an elegant observation ear, and low rate for the round trip will be placed in tff;ct. In connection with the eontroyeray be tween Dr. Driver and the Oregon Secular Union, the Newberg Independent oootains the following: "It would be a source of considerable aatiafaotion to a good many paeple of Oregon if Dr. Driver, who is con tinually receiving' oballenites to diaens nine religion topio with a member of the Oregon Secular Union, whatever that may be, would accept tbe invitation and either talk the everlasting daylight out of tbem. or quit bragging so muoh about bis ability Nevada, or thm Lost MLae This p ay attracted a crowded' house last night, and long before the curtain raised every seat wss occupied. Every part was well takes, and from tbe first aot to the last tbe greatest interest was manifested. The part were as well delineated as if the aotors were professionals, and we see no reason why this drsmatio olub ahonld not make this a specialty and give performance throughout the country. Worthy of par ticular mention was the make np of each particular character, and iu this regud the amateurs were equal to prafessionala. Com parison ia invidious, aud tbe manner in whiob each trait of oharaoter waa repre sented wa worthy of the highest com mendation, Tbe hero was finely portrayed, so was tbe scheming villain, aod tbe rol licking oharaoter of the wit and humorist. Folio wio g i a synopsis of the play aud . a oast of the oharaoters: Act I. Basted' Balm Toe arrival of Moselle and Agnes Jerden geta in a hurry For a willing mate in an ugly tun nel, give me Navada Ob daddy, my heart is breaking. Act II. Agne find her brother Tom nukes a discovery Silas strikes for home- Nevada' dream Jube'a got the bead on him The Angel' trip Lookee out for pun tee. Act HI. Jnhe stays too long down dar Bank's broke Vermont a fairy Say dad where' my paint point was you looking for dis For further pirticulars see small bills Then call ou me The truth at last A nngget you bet. ''Nevada'', The Wa"d-rer... Vermont, An old Miner. . . . Tom Carsw. A Young; Miner. ment is made. Furthermore they want the Ulaod of Formosa. This means that Japan (about the sizs of Montana) receives an ad dition to her territory the size of Maine. Formosa i as yet but little known; tbe Chi nese with their imperfect weapons and lack of tactics have never been able to subjugate the wild tribes of the interior whioh re mains up to the present a terra incognita. Tbia island is rich in tropical products, and although oyer 1600 miles south of the Jap anese capital, it ia destined toon to become a rioh jewel in tbe imperial diadem of Dai Nipon, Dandr Wok, A Youn; Miner Jerden, A Detective Silas Steele, Missionary ot HeJth. Jube. A Black Mintr... Win Kye. A Chinaman ..H. LONSDALE ... M. T. Nolan N. Sinnott U. Sinnott , F. U. n ...J. Hampshire J. Hartnet Charlie , airs. O. C. lllakely .Hiss Myrtle Michell . . Misa uoae Michell Mother uertin. Agues rainea. . . Mowda. A Walt We are highly pleased that our lo?al tal ent acquitted themaslves so admirably a tbey did in tbia difficult play, Erery lover of the legitimate drama who were present laat night could not fail to be pleased with the personations of characters, and the art ist in thi particular hia a more difficult role to feel than he who simply uses hia brush and pencil. The actor has not only tb be agreeable to tbe eye of the intelligent listener, but also has to satisfy bis intellec tual discrimination. Cnaraoters are not studied today simply because they repre sent tbe costumes and range of thought as tbey existed in the days of Shakespeare, Qocthe, Knowles. Satridal and Bulwer Lytton; bnt as they are representatives of an artlitio and even scientific presentations of a range of being that appeal to a culti vated discernment of the. particular type. With no flattery we can truthfully say that the members of The Dalles dramatic trjnpe are connoiseurs in this line. Portland's Population- The Evening Telegram says: Com plete census returns from 54 precincts in the city show a total population in these precincts of 62,500, of which 16, 300 are legal voters. The portion of the city not included in the returns lies in the business district, where there are many hotels and lodging-houses, the In habitants of which will swell the list considerably, and Assessor Greenleaf es timates the completed returns from the entire city will show about 75,000 resi dents. The returns from 54 precincts show 1500 more persons than the census of 1890, which gave the population of the districts now in the consolidated city as 61,000. The increase in the population on the East Side has been about 100 per cent.according to Assessor Greenleaf's estimate, and in some localities eyen more. In the outlying precincts, be tween Mount Tabor and Sunnyside, out side Of the city limits, the increase since 1890 has been greatest. In precinct 64 the population has increased from 400 to 1700, and at Montavilla fro n 200 to 1400. A large increase is Bhown at Woodstock and other additions contiguous to the city limits. Portland proper has more than held its own, with a probable increase of 10 to 16 per cent. Another fact shown is that the vacant houses on the West Side are three to one as compared to the East Side. A Brabeman Killed. We take the fetlowing particulars of the tragic death of a brakeman ou tbe Southern Pacific from the Ashland Tid- iut : Fred Whitcomb, a brakeman in freight Conductor Elder's crew, which started from Ashland for Koseburg with "31" at about the usual time last night, was in stantly kiiiea as tne train was passing the siding at Leland station, beyond Grants Pass, at an early hour thii morn ing. From tunnel 9 to Leland the brake men on the freights have to remain on top of tbe train to watch their brakes, etc.. on the down grade. There was no freight to be left at Leland and none to take cm and no stop was made. When Wolf Creek was reached Whitcomb was missed and tbe train pushed back to look for him. Reaching Leland Whit- comb's body was found beside the track and near a box car that waa on the end of tbe siding. Tbe side of his head was crushed in, both arms broken as also a shoulder, Indicating that death had been instantaneous. The supposition ia that Whitcomb was on his way to the caboose at the rear of the train, and was climbing down the side of a car to get on to some flat cars that were next behind when the train came to the sideing and tbe box car on the siding struck him with the results told. is is it , This is the new shortening of cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. It is an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re fined beef suet. You can see that Massacre at the Cascades- - Pendleton Tribuue. Thirty-nir e years ago yesterday occurred the Indian massacre at the Cascades, Ore gon. Perhaps to only one man residing in Pendleton thoughts of the anniversary and the terrible Northwest Indian war of 18S5-6 recurred. The scenes were fresh in the mind of Judge Siabop, who ha reason to vividly recollect the devastation of the In dian durii.g that war. In speaking of the Cascades massacre je.-tjrday he said: "Thirty-nine yeara ago todays large band of Yakimas, Klickitit and other Iadian tribes killed 16 white men and women at the Caaoade aod for two daya held posses sion of tha aettlement. There were 30 or 40 houses at the upper lauding and 8 or 10 a mile below at toe middle landing, where the - block house stood. Every one who could escape Add to tbe brock bouse aod ought refuge there. Jay Switzler just escaped with bis life. He was nsaily caught and the Indian were after him, shooting a they ran, and ha aped over that ground at tbe rate of a mile a minute until ha reaobed the block house. All but a few aoldiera bad gone away from thi point to .guard other.', and the Indians, seeing their oppor tunity, besieged tbe town. In two days Colonel Wright, who, with about 500 men of the Ninth regiment. Second dragoon aod Third artillery, had atarted for Walla Walla, returned, hanged eight or nine In diana, put the rest to flight and relieved the situation. My house was burned with sev eral other. Phil Sheridan, whom I wa with during part ot the tight, tried to make a landing on the" aecmd day of the maa cre, bat waa driven away by tb fighting Indian," New Time Card- . -.The following schedule on the O. R. & JT. Go's line went into effect today: No. 1 west bound arrives at Dalles 3 :10 a. M. ' Leavej Dalles 3:15 a. m. No. 2 east bound arrives at Dalles 11 p. m. Leaves Dalles 11 :0 p. Jf. No. 8 east bouiid arrives at Dalles 12:15 P. al. No. 7 west bound leaves Dalles 2:16 P. M. No. 24 east bound leaves Dalles 1 :30 p. M. Coach attached. , No. 21 west bound arrives at Dalles 11 :05 P. M. Coach attached. . Thus giving us through passenger train service from Portland to Heppner day light run, leaving Portland 8 A. M. arriv ing at Heppner 10 P. if. Train 2 arriva ing at Dalles at 1 p. u. also carries pass engers. Trains 7 and 8 will have obser vation cars In addition to regular coaches and will make regular passenger train time. " :'- - Tbe Sentiment Prevailing . A commercial man representing a wholesale firm in Portland had a diffi cult time yesterday in securing orders, until he was made acquainted with tbe situation. It seems the firm which he represented had given Us proxy in a share of stockbf the D. P. & A. N. Co., which it owned, to an enemy of the pre sent board of directors, and the-people considered this equivalent to a desire to sell the boats to the railroad company. This aroused the ire of the community, and the Portland firm cancelled the proxy before it could do any business. After this several orders were taken. This shows that our citizens are in ear nest in supporting the boat line,' and that tbe low freight rates from this, city to seaboard now enjoyed will remain. A Handsome Memento During the last session ot the legislature Hon. Qao. W. McBrid assisted the wiys and mean committees very materially in framing the appropriation bill. Tne chair men of these committees on Saturday gave Senator MoBrlde a pleasant surprise when they raided bis office and presentei him witn a goia oaage. n is in an ape some what like a ahield and crowning it is a star in tbe center of which ia .a diamond, node, this being a acrolt bearing the inscription: "NATIVE. SOW OF OREGON." From this down ia the shield proper sunoun ded to its thoulcler by a beautiful wreath of embrossed gold audio the center a miniature reproduction of the great seal of the state 'of Oregon, bearing the well known announcement of her coat ot arms: "SHE FLIES WITH HEE OWN WINGS " On tbe reserve side of tbe medal, wbioh is also finely finished, is tbe inscription: "Hon. George W. MoBride. Compli ments of I. L Patterson (senate) and J. A, Wright (house) Eighteenth Biennial Ses sion, 1895." Tbe whole ia mounted with a pin, whioh allows it to be worn upon the coat 1 pel, aod Senator McBride takes great pleasure in putting it there. Is clean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, andeconomical-asfar superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fair trial will convince you of its value. Be sure and get tbe genuine. Sold in three and five pocsd pall by all grocer, ftlade by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Chicago, Kew York, Boston. The Dalles Real Estate Association The above association is prepared to m. r it i V r liiKc a ust oi an ana anv Kina oi real estate for sale or exchange, wherebv the seller will have the undivided assistance of the following Real Estate Agents! organized as an association for the pur pose of inducing immigration to Wasco arid Sherman counties, and generally I stimulating tne sale ot property. CORR6SPONDENC9 SOLICITED C. E. Bavard. T. A. Hudson. I. G. Koonu & Co.. Dufur & Hill. I. M. Huntington & Co.. N. Whealdon. Gibons & Maraen, U. V, Rowland; or to F. D. Mill, secretary ol the Association, THE DALLES, - OEECONl J. 0. WK FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS - DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. PABST CELEBRATED BEER FRENCH'S S10CE. - 171 Second Stbeet, THE DALLES, OREGON. IF. MK0XZD ission aod Forw 391, 393 and 39G SECOND STREET (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Generl Com v is I i EH Perkins Oonsig-nmehts Solicited Letters Advertised The following is tho list of letters re. maining in Tbe Dalles postonice uncalled for Saturday, March 30, 1S95. Persons call, ing for these letters will pleao give the date oo which they were advertised: WILL LECTURE.. AT THE First Baptist Church THE DALLES Thursday, April 4 Prompt Attention to those who favor me wih . thoir pi'.:i 1 1 r Barkmain, J D Briti, W L , Browo, A!dm Depu, t Elwsrdfl, Misa E Foster, Mr L Haskell, Geo Johnson, Jonney Johnson, J f Lvons, M J Pence, Minnie Robinson, Lloyd Rothey, Mrs E J Ryao, .f J Stark, Frank v Waskenten, K Waters, Ohas F Fire in a Tent. A sheepherder, whose name is unknown, bad a rough experience with fire at hia camp near Pilot Rosk a few days ago. He was living in a tent in whiob were all his per sonal effects. During the nipht time, the tent caught fire from tbe remains of tb fire be had used to cook supper, and there was a lively blaze in progress, before tbe aleep ing man waa given an intimation that there was any danger. When be awoke, be was at first atupeSed and before full control of his sense was obtained the olotbipg be was wearing ignited. Personal oontaot with the flames thoroughly aroused him.and be made a hasty esoape. He was oompelled to roll on tbe ground to extinguish tbe fire iu bis garments, and then In a badly burned oon dition and with insufficient clothing walked to Pilot Rook to secure medical attendance and shelter for the remainder of the night. The man suffered considerably from severe burn inflicted that night. ' His en tire outfit was burned. . Berry, G Brickie, Geo T Brown, W P, Depo. Mr Mira Elliot Jas Hastings, Mrs Kate Harriman, A D Jordan, Mrs Le, Oscar 0boro, Mrs E Riley, A Robers. Mrs Robinson, Mrs Justin 2 Sullivan, Mrs J U Sun Ward, EM J. A. Crcwiew, P. M. SUBJECT: Philosopliy of Wit and ilainor He is considered tbe most philosophical , the most humorous aud the most enter taining orator on tbe platform today. His lectures are both instructive and amusing, and everr one will feel better physically aod mentally by attending tbem. MEECHAFI TAILORING MR. PAT. FAGAN, At hia establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streeta ia prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits Laiesi Hews From me Ofieni f.orx. From Friday's Daily. " A cool Bopnr blow today. City election will take place at Dufur Monday. A heavy frost oovered the ground this morning. Capt. John W. Lewis, ia visiting friends in Portland. Mr. A. B. Jones, of Hood Rivsr, waa io tbe oity today. Mr. A. J. Bn'gham, of Dufur was in town yesterday. Mr, A. H. Varney, is spending a few dtys in Portland. Staars were pat on this week between tbia city aod Moro . ' Hood' Fills cure nautea, sice baadaobs, indigestion and bdiousness. 25a. Mr. Viotor Moretti. th artist, left en the Sttndaior tbi morning for Portland. Wanted, a situation by a woman to do general bouMWork. App y at tbia offioe. La grippe in a vary virulent form baa prevail -tl at Dufur for tbe past few week. Tne Bohna hotel at Dufur bas been sold toT. 8. Striokland, who took pot session yesterday. Tbe recorder's court was vary quiet this morning, and no oases were ou tbe docket or adludicmtion. Dr. Hollister, wife and daughter Florence left on the afternoon train today on a abort Visit to Portland. It i reported that Neil McLsol is aboat to lease bis hotel at Goldendal and make 'Bala his future borne. Mrs. Sophia Sandrook and daughter Lena returned last night from a winter' sojourn at bar old home in Missouri. Dr. Dietrich, of Dufur, arrived In tbe eity last evening. He waa in attendance oo tbe drill of the Hospital oorps dt tbe armory. Lat Thursday a cattle train of twenty three ears, made up from Union, North Powder and Baker City, left tbe latter place for tne east. Dandruff forms when the glands of the skia are weakened, and if neglected. bald Bees is rare to follow. Haill's Hair Rm newer is tb best preventive. If yon need a good mtdicine to purify your blood, give nerve strength and build np your entire system, take Hood's Saraap suilla. It - prevents sioknesss by making pure blood. F;eok Keaaler, a subject of tb German emperor, declared bia intention ander oath today of becoming an American oitisen, and tbi was done in legal form betore th county clerk. Now that tbe ernsade of Ignorance is as a end over "smallpoc in Tbe Dalle," says the MorO OaWser, ptruap eyea the foolt who burnrd tbe peat bouse, and those trors than idiots who eoaopsUed Dr. Hollister to . sHsit tbe patients under eficial escort, may to no so. A dispatoh announces the death of tbe oldest United State pensioner, David Mo- Coy,, of Redlandf, Cel., aged 104 yeara. Hoaea Browo, of Grant s faes, Uregm , sad 108. sucoeeds to the benor. ' This again call atteotioo to tbe fact that persona more frequently attain the age of 100 vears oo the Pacific coaat tban in the Etst. There are a good many person in Oiegon who have finished a century, ani it would testify to tb nealthfulness of our c imate if a list of these aged people were oompiled, . Do you know of anj ? At the meeting of tbe state medioal board in Portland yesterday one of the applicants, wbo l 1 not receive a certinaate, was eiyen a paper on whitn was printed a series of questions relativo to anatomy. He carefully adjuated his glasses and peered oloaely at tbe conundrums he wss expected to solve. After lookirg tbem oyer for a few minutes, he took off hi- g'.asseo, put oo his coat aod walked out. To Dr Carl, one of the beard. be said io passing; "There aiu'c a dang one of those qutgtiocs I can anawer, except one." "And which ia that?" asked Dr. Carll. "Why, tht one marked 10, asking what is the constituent part of bone. That's alum. Everyone knows that,' and the disgusted applicant walked out of tbe room Xad Transfer- March 26 Hood River Townslte Com pany to Nicholas Blllen ; lots 1 and 8, blocK 4, town of Hood River; $500, -. March 28 A U Stranaban and Maggie Stranahan to E O Moouey ; lots 7. 8 and 9, block 6, Waucoma; 475. March 26 Maud Fowler to Irene Rice; ne qr of nw qr, sw qr of ne qr and n bf of ne qr, sec 22. tp 1 s, r 1" e ; $1000. March 26 William T Meeks to C A and W L Bryant; claim No 2, sw qr oi tec 28, tp 2 n, r 12 east'; also, claim it, sw qr see 28, tp 2 n, r 12 east ; mining deed; $IM. . March 27 Alvens Straube sod husband to Charles Straube; lot K, block 20, Ft Da les militiry reserve; $50. Maroh 27 United States, to Robert B Gilbrsth; awqr' see 85, tp 1 n,.r 14 east; homestead. - Put Hie Eye Ont. Viotor Keller who gvts his age at 67, for eight years a resident of Canyon City, was riding ou a flat oar, loaded lumber over tbe O. R. to N. road between Baker City aud Huntington ca Sunday afternoon, aays tbe Herald. When the train under full speed, was passing a farm boase about three mile east of Darker, a lad standing near tbe track hurled s atone about the aize of a ben's gg with full force at the passen ger, who wa alone oo the lumber car, un -observtd by th train crew. Unfortunately th atone struck tbe old gentlemen in the left eye, knocking bim down and destroying the sight of th eye forever. His oondition waa aot ouworred till th train bad run evarai miles. Cattle At Omaha. The South Omaha Daily Stockman con tamed last week a record of sale in South Omaha stookyarda of a bunob of Umatilla county cattle. Tbey were from the ship ments from Echo, of Jesse Meore, Lloyd & Saylor and Nye to Dillion, wbioh were sold mostly to Portland parties and then sent east by tbe Union Meat Company. Tbe aale record ahowed: One steer, 1060 pound, $3 per 100; 49 steers, 1221 pounds eaoh, S4 10; 24 steer, 1260 pounds, $4 85; 164 ters, 1267 pounds, $4 35; 109 steers, 1208 pounds, $4 20. Thete steers sold at Echo for $3 per hundred and when weighed for i the buyer averaged 1300 pounds. It will! be noticed that tbe weight ' waa reduoed during transit 83 pounds in tbe 164 lot, and from that to 92 pound in tbe 109 lot. The weight of the Oiegon cattle waa above tbe average of all oattle offered oo tb day tbey were sold, and the prioa paid waa on the average several pointa abov what waa re corded in tbe ale of other lota of eattle on tbe sams day. - . ' A Pendleton cattle buyer asserts to the Salt Oregonian, that wheat-fed oattle of Eastern Oregon are bringing aa good figures aa soy and in some cases fancy prices, even wben sold beside the oorn-fed steer of Kansas and Nebraska. . Gnua . fed eattle will soon be moying oat and shipment will be made continuously until late in the fall Cattlemen are hoping for bright aunshina to oause rapid growth of grass. Death of Mr- Gexity- Mr. T. H. Gerity, whose death we men tioned yesterday, married a few years ago a daughter of Mr. Geo. W. Lucas at Wa- mic, and Sheriff Driver as soon at he re ceived the telegram announcing his sad demise sent word to Mrs. Genty 'a rela iyes at Wamio. In this community Mr. Gerity 'lived for many years, and was lghly respected for many excellent traits ot character. He worked in the O. R. & N. Co'a shops when the lull force were employed, and from here went to La Grande. During the last year he has re sided at Albma, where he was at work in the Terminal shops. . , . . . Steam Dye Work- Two young men, Messrs. Lynch and rlnyder, have started steam dye works in this city, and are entitled to a share of the public patronage." They are thoroughly acquainted with the business, and all work turned" out by thorn will be war ranted. This is an enterprise that has been needed for some time, where persons may have their old clothes recolored and repaired so that they may be used during bard times. .Tbey baye employed a com petent tailoress, who will superintend the repalnng department. . Business bas been very good with them, and they expect to do a good trade during the spring and summer months. ' and beautiful tbe woman wbo keeps at a distance tne com plexion beantifiers, paints and powders, wbicb soon ruin tbe face. A healthy glow to the skin, a face without wrinkles, and sparkling eyes, will be yours if yon keep the system and the snecial internal organs in good condition. The young girl, or wo man, often grows pale, wrinkled ana uun, eats little, everything wearies her, she com plains of herself a aching and sore and as sleeping poorly. Often she is troubled with backache, or a tender spine, with a bearing down weight in the abdomen, or at periods she may be irregular, or suffer extreme pain from functional derangement. Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., in his long andaotive eaperi ence, met many cases of this kind, for which ha used a prescription which waa found to cure such difficulties permanently in ninety tiekt tier cent, ot all case. Having oroven so successful, Dr. Fierce put his "Favorite Prescription " on the market, and it is to-day old more largely than any other medians sdt uw ill oz woman. For all functional derangements, displace ments, ulceration, inflammation, and the catarrhal drain from the lining membranes of the special internal organs of women, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription reaches tbe origin of th trouble, and corrects it. Mh. Mait Cane of FrankfbrU FnnUm Oh. -lit-, writes: A lew yean ago i tooa coia, which resulted In female trouble, and aftected my wnoie system, aocm a PEASE-ln this dty, March 27th, to the wife of Mr. E. C. Pease, a daughter. Deafness Cannot Be Cured ' By local applications as they caDnot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by au iuflaxed condi tion of the mucous lining of tbe eustach ian tube. When this tube is inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and wben it is entirely closed, deafness is tbe result, and unless tbe in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which it nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tSold by Druggists, 75ct Fruit Eauch FOR SALE of 106 Acres Consisting Located five miles from The Dalles, entire or in portions to suit purchasers. Will be sold Also 120 ACRES OF'PRAIRIE LAND Ten miles west of The Dalles. Sale will be made on easy terms. Apply at this omce, feba3-tf. D. LYNCH. G. W. SNYDER. THE DHLLES Steam Dye worKs Second St., opposite Mays & Crowe's, LYNCH & SNYDER, Props. A Boy Drowned- Th Eugene Guard baa th following in regard to a fatal accident in th Willamette river below Eagena City, which happened Tuesday: ' Mr. Reinmano, in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Kiat, with two teams, had oroased tha nver on to iSmonson isl and, three mile down tb riyer from this oity, and were returning aboat 0 o'clock Tuesday eyaning when tbs accident oc curred. Mr iit was driving ths Usm in th lead and Mr. Reinmano and hi ton were in tbs wagon in tbe rear. In orossmg tbey got a ittle too far down the river and mused tbe ford. Kiat's wagon was heavy and he got oat all right, bat Seinmann'a wagon want to pieoe aa aoon as be got into deep water. Us and his son were npon the seat 'and wben the wagon went to pieces, the wster being swift, the boy was earried away, but the father managed to eliog to the remaining parts of tbe wagon and tbe horses finally straggled to th shore. . As Mr. Kist's team reached the shore be heard oriea behind him and looking around aw bia brother-in-law's team atrngslicg in th water and beard the piteous calls of the little boy, wuo waa being earried down the stream, for help, bat be coald not swim and waa powerless to render assistance. Neither the father nor son coald swim. They Played Witn a Revolver. A" most appalling aooident happened Monday afternoon at Wilbur. Tbe two youngest sons of William Jones, bnsiness man aod member of tbe town conned, were playing with a 38-oaliber revolver, when it exploded, causing th .death ot Jay, tbe younger of the two. Tbe ball entered hi stomach, and lodged against the skin on hi back, where it' waa removed a few hours later by Dr. Yonnt. The little fellow lived until 7 o'clock next morning. Just a week previous Mr. Jjnes buried bis "eldest daughter, Mary May, aged 16, the first death which aver oooarred in hi family. Tbi aooident, coming so soon, make it doubly sad, and casta a gloom over the en tire community. - Terms of Pi Al vices received at Washington disolose tha terms apon which the Jsps will consent to give np their chase of the Chinese hordes. First of all the snug sum of S2dO.00O,00O ia asked to pay the expenses, tbe harbors of Port Arthur and Woi-ba-wei remaining J aeeapud by her armies until Dual settle- WSQIRHIIJTHEfi KJoN. mw- A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, " confidential statement to us i "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said Diat I too, would soou die. and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not die. I would never b able to walk, because i was so weak and puny, A gatliertu- formed and broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and a'heIed "d threw out pieces of bone. If 1 hurt myself so as to break the akin, it was sure to become a runuing sore. 1 bad to take lots of medicine, but nodnne haa lone nie so much good a Acer's oaSnp, AYER'O Sareaparilla Cared other, will curt 70a For Over Fifty Tears- Ait Old and Wbll Teied Remedy Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup ha been nssd for over fifty years by million of mother for tbeir ohildran while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind oolio, and is the. best remedy for Diarrheal. Is pleas ant to tbs taste. Sold oy druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-live oents a bottle. It value ia incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mra. Window' Soothing Syrup, and take ne other kind. '' NEW TO-DAY. g;i! Watsoa, mwMm 1 1 9tuvgai. v r 1 ir-rw year aro. I took chills. had one or two a month; tbey were iui weaken ing. Had pain ia my aiaca,more frequently ia left side; gradually grew worse until, finally, I had to take to bed. I had a bad cough and eouiant rest. I cam., tnenced taking your I medicine, took it about fbar month, taking Pierce's Favorite Pre- Mm. Can, acription and five of hia "Golden Medical Dis covery." My weight has increased, and I is Baer aaa stouter wan a nave sor years." Urs. Pambnrn's Death- Tbe coroner's jury returned 'a verdict of destb by exposure and. dissipation in the ease of the death of Mrs. Peter Pambarn, at Athens, Saturday night, bet the officers are collecting evidence to present to the grand jury fastening tbe guilt on some one for oaosing the death, Mr. Pambarn Sat urday evening started for her boms on ber ranch, and ia laid to have beeo under tbe influence of liquor. Sunday morning ber body was found on the bank of a (mall atream within tb eity limits " of Athena. She bad been drowned in two feat of water, and dragged from tbe stream, as marks on tbe bank ahowed. The woman was a no torious oharaoter, known in every town in the county, and remembered by every po liceman for 16 years past. When Baby was sick, we ffaTe her Oaaiorla, When she waa a Child, she cvied for Castorla, When she became liim, aha clnug to Caeori, . P?bosbhadC2ir-drea8ratbwa-itortsj. . SHERIFF'S SAXE. BY ytrtua of as execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of tbe State ot Oregon tor Wao uouuty, on we zna aay ot Maren, itttfo,upon a Jo men. ana aearee uuiy maae. rendered ana entered tnsreln Dy saia court on Lbs 18ih day of February a. u. iova, in ui suit enuusa entries K. saint S r. T. J. Watson truatea. T. J. May Q. Watson and D. M. McLacblann defendants; ana so me airoctea ana aauyerea, i aia on the X7tn day ol March J896, levy ut ou, and will sell at pub lic auction, to the highest blader, for cash in hand, on Monday, tbe SStb day of April, 1S9S, at t o'clock In tb atternoon of said day. at tha front door al th county court house, in Dalles Citv, Wasco County. to-wit: Lota six (6), seven (7), eight (8) end nine (B), in section twenty-six (26), la township three (S) aorta, ui raugv sen LVf was as sua vr uiamexce Meri dian, in Oregon, says and accept ng therefrom ths following tract containing Sre acres: Beginning at tbe northwest corner of said lot eight (8) In said sec tion twenty-six (16), township and rane aiorecaid, tne saia initial point oeing tne center ot said section, running thence south 160.91 feet; thence east ISO! feet; thence north 160.91 feat; thenoe west teet, to the p aoe of beginnlnr. tbe tract of land he tbv levied upon and to be sold hereunder containing 76 163 acr s. ail lying and being situated in said Wasco County, Stat of On-gon, or so muoh thereof a shall be au tcient to settle tb sum of SU27.81 with interest thr ren at the rate of 10 per c -nt per annum ainos the 18th day of February, 186, to gether with the sum of 100,00 attorneys fees, and sue runner sum at iz vo costs oi said suit. Taken and levied upon aa tne property ol T. J. Watson, trustee, T. 1. Watson and Mav O. Watson defend ants herein, and to ecttl said aum of 91127.81 with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum rinoe February 18th, i486, and the sum of 1:00.00 attor neys fees, and the sum of S12 S3 costs of suit, in lavor of Cnarlca g. Gill. n!a ntiff. as ordered and da. oreea Dy our swa circuit laurt, togetbsr itb ac cruing coetsand expenses of sale herein. Given under my band, and dated at Dalle City, vregen, uui zoui aay ut aiarcu, A- u . lgyo. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Deputy. Ladies' and Genu' clothing chanted, dyed and re paired; also sided clothing restored to iu original color aad made to look like new. Mailed order called for and ddiTcred. Branner's Restaurant SECOND STREET Three Doors From Court. MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOURS ONI 25 CTS. A MEAL. Say8 the Japanese are wiping the ground with the Chinese, and . ' . I HARRIS), THE VTHIi Ia-doing more effective work and Is Slaughtering High Prices To suit the financial depression. I have now double room, and am preparing for a new stock . of goods. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes For Everybody Young and old, big and small. N. HARRIS U r f T 9 O COLLHTERHL BKNK ilJJLS O knd HUCTION ROQ7W . Opposite Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Livery Stable on Second St. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT M SOLD Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables. I AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY From 11 to 2 o'clock. I will tell any goodi or. property placed with me at reasonable commlsslou Give me aoall. R. B. HOOD. Tha . Tabla r Furnished with tb BEST tb market afford OTBTBR8 will be served In any styla donna; tb season. J 8 8CHEKCK, J If PATTERSON CfcsMer. THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. THE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars AU brand ot Imported Liquor, Ala and Porter, ' , and .Genuine Key Weat Cigar. A fall lis o( CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES welre-year-old Whisker, strictly enra, lor madldual pnr- uoiumwa juvwerrjoser oo oraufoi. THE DALLES, OK Malt Liquor. 04 Second Street Successors to SCHENCK m AND ' BEALL, bankers ...... Transacts a Regular Banking Business Buysnd'sall Exchange. i Dissolution Xotlo)- NOTIOE I harsbjr given that the partnership heretofore exislstinr between Tho. W. (lad der and Kenneth McEenoe, under th style or Arm of f adder A McKenile, is tnls day dissolved bv mutual consent, aiid that the same buanaas will be carried ou by Toos. W. Badder, who will receive all debts owing- to and pay all th debt of tb late part nership. THOMAS W. BADDER, - KENMKTS H'KBNZIC, Bated at Cascade Locks, Or., March ii, 1896. MISS AIMEE NEWMAN Collections carefully made and promptly accounted lor. tiraw on xiew ion. Ban rnacueo ana fort. leoa Dlreotor i D t Thompson, Ed M Williams,' Jlfchenck, Oeorg Liebe. H M UeaU. COAL! COAL! NEW DRUG STORED FRESH DRUGS AT M. Z. DonnelFs Store. NOT? A Knotty Point Income tax collectors are in doubt what course to panne in cases where married couples live apart without having been legally divorced or separated. - Tbs law requires the husband to make returns- of the gross income or his immediate fam ily, including his own income, his wife's income and the income ot minor child ren, and from tbe amount the $lu00 ex emption may be made. ' Hat in case the husband and wife live apart the lumping ot incomes might not be practicable. The wife might not enable her husband 40 make the returns the law requires. anh party might claim the $1000 exemption If the law should be pronounced uncon stitutional, there would be a ruling npon these disputed points, and the parties considering themselves aggrieved will appeal to the courts. The income tax is not, however, likely to last long enough to have all its knotty points straightened out, . I TeaGher of Piano Music Cor. Fourth and Union Streets -Ihe; dalle S, - - - OREGON Administrator" Notlee, To all xkm it may eonctrn; i OTUK is htrebv given that tha uoderaiamed XI bas been cmiy appointed aflmlalatrator of the estate of lira. 8a rata Star, late of Dalles City, Wasco county Oregon, and now deceased. All per son havtos; claims against said, estate, will preaent the same duly veriHed, to m at the omce of DufU' A kenefee, Dalles City Oreaon, within six muntha from tbe date of thi notice. Dalle Oity, Maroh 7, 1895. J. P. McINEEKY, Administrator ol th estate of Hunii Staes, da. Smr3t. -TBS Wellington, Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Goal 1S, sacked and taeeity. delivered to any part ot Stockholder' Meeting. . NOTIOB I hereby riven that there will be a Stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company at th Chronicle bail on Saturday, April , 1886, at t o'clock r. u., for the purpose of electing seven director, and transacting- such other business a may properly some before said meeting. By order of the president. - O. J. PAULEY, Secretary. Tb Dalle, Ore., Feb. 8, ISM. Help Wantod- W ACTED. Ad Intelligent active maa or lady to .travel for reliable bouse with expenses paid. Salary 1780. Advancement for faithful and success ful work. Setereno. Endow self-sddresasd stamped envelope. Secretary, Lock Drawer P. Chicago. Moody's Warehouse THE JACOBSEN Book and Mm Company . vaaua or Books and Notions,: Pianos ind Organs STATIONERY. PI AJVOfS and Organs sold on easy monthly paymeata and all COMPETITION w ar prepared to meat. Pallor address 16? Second Strt The DaJJe, Qr WHY Leave your orders for Groceries. Cord wood and War ner's Butter with us? We carry a complete line of. Groceries and fill all orders promptly. We have just received a full stock of Garden and . Grass Seeds. '; TCHIER & BENTON. The'One Price Cash House, fc DIBECTLl NORTH OP KETHODUT CBOBOB. ... J. P. IcIIEMY, DEAIiERlIN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Cajs, Boots and Shces, &a Agent.for th Butterick Pttorns; also (orthrHall Bafaar Drt Forma