YS7 Mft MOUXTAIWEEB. Volume XXXV THE DALLES. OKEGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 30. 1895. CONSOLIDATED 1882. NO. 32 riMK-MOC.TAlSIEKK, " XIII 3-. 1221 PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY- John Michell Editor and Proprietor Professional Cards. Q C. HOLLI8TER. " Physician and Surgeon, Boom over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10 m to IX m, and from i to 4 pm. Kesl dence Wait End of Third Street, JUFUR MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law Room .2 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalle, Ore. J"0LPH, NIXON at DOLPH, . Attorneys at Law. : All legal and collection business promptly at tended to. Claim, afralcst the government a pec lalry. Rooms 21. 26, 26 and 27, Hami'ton huildlnr, Portland, Oregon. j SUTHERLAND, M D, CM Physician and Surgeon, Room 8 and 4, Cbapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. yYir. TAOKMAN Practical Dentist Offlr Over A. A. Brown's erocerv. Seron- St, All work guaranteed to give atfsf ctinn and all he lte lmprored methods useo id aenui operation A. 8. BENNETT. Attorney at Law Office in 8ehanno' buindlng, up stairs. The Dalle, Oregon. HOCIETIPJ. 1TTASUO LODGE. NO. 16. A. F St A. M. Meet VV drat and third Monday of each month at 8 P.M. fTTRK DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. NO 6, 1 Meets In Masonic Hall the third Wednesda) each month itSP . NOLCMBli LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. . P. Meets V; every Friday evening at 7:30 n'cloe-, in K. of P. Ball, comer of Hecoud and Court street. Sojourn ds brothers are welcome. H. Cloooh, Sec v. ITiBlEKDSHlP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Hoet ff evnrv Monday evening at 8:00 o clocK, in scnan no's bulldlmr, corner of Court, and Second streets. BoJntirpiDir brothers are cordially invited D. Villas, It. K. and 8. F. MENEFEE, C. TTTOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION V T will meet every Friday afternoon at s ocjock at the readlne- room. All are invited. n ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt, ill Hood Camp, No. W, meets every Tuesday -veunuj of each week at 7 JO o'clock, in A. Keller's tlau. All orotners ana sujourauig- urwvumv mv nvited to be present. COLUMBIA CHAPPER. V. D. O. E. P meets in j Masonic hail on the second and fourth Tues day evenings of each month. VlMtnrs cordially In. Tiled. MBS. MART S.MYER6.W.M. Mas. Eutasoa ussrh. Secy. rpEMPLK LODGE, NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meetl I in KKeller's Hall every Thnrsdav evening at list. "Book. PAIL KREFT. M. W. W. S. Mvmia, WnanoHr I AS. KE8MITH POST, NO. S2, O. A. R. Meets I evert Saturday at 7.80 p. M. in K. of P. HalL B. OF L. K. Meets every K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon In YI7ASCO TRIBE, KO. IS, 1. O. R. M. Meets V V every Wednesday etening in K. of P. ball GE8ANO VEKEIN HA RMONIK.-Meets every Sunday evening In Keller's Hall JJ of P. Ball the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P. M. THE CHlBCHKs. bMwlT BA1T1ST UBUHVU B. ; U. Ilium, 1 Pastor. ' Services every Sabbath at 11 A. At. f. St. OaOUaui KWU iuiuiouhiiwj mm vm V. morning service. Prayer meeUng every -mursosy fl.UU. mm m . - -H E. CHURCH Kev. J ho. whims, raster, VV I Services every Sunday morning and evenins. Sunday School at 18:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial in ti tatioc extended by both pastor and people to all. -ONGttBOATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.O.Coiti i Pastor. Ssrvioes every Sunday at 11 A. U. and P. JL Sunday School after morning service. T. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Baoroassr Pastor. Lost Mats avery Sunday at 7 A. M High at 1030 A.M. Vaepsrsat 1 P. M. CSV. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite O Fifth. Rev. Ell D. SutcUfle, Rector. Services very Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P M., Sunday ebool at 90 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday el 7 aw P. M. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rsv. 1. W. JnrUM, pas tor. Preaching every Sunday afternoon at- o'clock in the Congregational enure Alt areoor- dially invited l A I.VARY BAPTIST CHURCH- 'orner Seventh j and Union, Elder J. H. Miller, Pastor Serv- Ices every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:80 P M, Sunday school at 9:4a A. M. All are cordUUy welcomed. j KOONTZ, Real Estate, Loans and Insarance. Agent for the Scottish Union and National In surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 80,000,000. Valuable Farms naar the City to sell on easy Omos over Post OSes The Dalles, Or. JOHN D. GE0GHEGAN, (Register U. 8. Land Office, If 90 1884 .) Business before United States Land Office a Specialty. WaO's Block Main et.. Vancouver. Clark Co., Wash. C. F. STEPHENS SEALER IN EY GOODS, . GENTS' FURNISHINGS HATS, CAES, BOOTS SHOES -f - y4 8eond street next door east of X The Dalles Nat Bank laying nst opened in business, and having' a fall assortment of the latest goods In my line, 1 da. aire a share of the publlo patronage C F STEPHENS. FAT PEOPLE. Pask Obssitt Pills will reduce your weight PF.RXA.HKSTLV from It to 16 pounaa . mouth. No starving sickness or inlury; no public ity. They build up the health and beautify the complexion, leaving no wrinkle nr flabbiness. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved, jgty KJLPC.RlllEJIT but a acientifle and poai Mva relief, adopted only after years of experience. All order supplied direct from our office. Price a ,00 per package- or three package for 5 00 by snail postpaid. TestimoniaJ and parUcnlar (sealed Ail CorTajpnder Strletly Cesflles tial. PAKK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass HENBILKUCK, Manufacturer orfand dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Voodv Warehotae, THE DALLES, OREGON A Work (OaarMtoea; to lv Sat. iflirtloa JOHN PASHEK The Merchant i Tailor Suits Made to Order snd a Fit Guaranteed Clothes Cleaned on the Shoit eil Notice atttr CorTbird aa4 Waahiagtea 8ts "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Nayigation Co THROUGH Freignt sna PasssnssrLine Through Daily trips (Sundays ex cepted) between the Dalles jand Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting with bteamer Kegulator tor 1 he Dalles. PASSENGER RATES: Ooe way 5 00 Round trip 3 00 I Freight Rates Creatly Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, -day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered belore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. (Jail on or address. General Agent THE DALLES. - OREGON- HAKBI LIEBE, Practical Walter AND DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Etc. Always keeps on sale the latest and beet style o lime-pieces, inamona Kings, Bow-knot Bran, sil verware, etc., etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 162 Bttrrrl r?tre. rot ecu 'f & Williams I'o.1 1! TkE DALLES, OREGON GOAL! GOAL! I am now prepared to deliver Boslyn Coal To' any part of tbe city for J8.25 pe ton. Tbis is mnch cheaper than wood and a great deal more convenient. Ap ply to E E. Lyttle, Agent for O. R Sr N. Co I R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THK . East EDfl STOCK MS, IXX FAT THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Gram. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. A- A. BROWN LL ASSORTMENT mm iiw mm, AND PROVISIONS, Soecial Prices to Cash Buvers 170 SECOND STREET. ,1 I ania mjha V nanes a. Baldwin & to. J BANKERS, 40 and 43 wall street, NEW YORK. Accounts of Banks and Bankers received on favorable terms. Bonds and investment Saeeririn. f Dally Financial Latter Mailed on Application. , ICOKRBSPONOKMCK SOLICITED. 1 The Sun. The first of American Newspa pers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, tbe American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, $C a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $S a year The Weekly, $1 a year The Sundhy Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the World. Price 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year. Address THE SCBf, New York. w. vause (Successor to P. KRETT 00.! Dealer in Mflllpappr, Paiirts, Oils anb ArtiPts' Material and Painters1 SubD'ipg Aeent for MASURYS LIQUID PAINT All orders for painting, papering and kalaominicg promptly attended to . BULK SEEDS A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk Seeds Just Arrived. KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS White Clover Onions Red Clover- Carrott Millett Turnips Alfalfa Beets Beans Peas Onion Sets and Flower Seeds. J. B. CROSSEN, GROCER. IREGGN : BAKERY -AND- A. KELLER Prop'z ua xpftred tofnrnieh famllletia ootali -tod rei Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh Cysters Serred Id Every Style. eeand.Street, Next door to Ti Dallas tlonal Bank, THE DALLES Cigar Factory SECOND STREET Opposite the Implement Warehouse FACTORY NO. 105 CIGARS nrt the Beat Brands tnannfact nred, and ordeaa from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice Tbe reputation of THIS LIAISES has beoome firmly established, and the de mand for the home mannfaotuaed artiole i moreasing eyery day A. TJLE1CH ft SON rcial E F. W. SILVERTOOTH, Prop. First-class Wines, Liquors and Cigara Always on Hand. Corner Second and Court Streets, Tha Dalles, Obegow. Sample: Rooms; t DETRONX ST (Nearly opposite Umatilla Bouse.) CHARLIE FRANK. PROP. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA BREWEB1 BEER Olf DRAUGHT Watches and Diamondsav And All Kinds of the Best Jewelry I. C. NICKELSEN. mm Children Cry for PITOHZB'B " Castor. a Castoria fa so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known tome. ii. a. arches, ju. i.. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T " I rise Castoria In my practice, and find It Axes. Robertson, M. D 10W sd Ave., New Yorii From ppr"nJ knowledge I can say thus ivstoria is a roost exceuent urxiiuuis iut vuur Iron." Da. O. O. Osgood, Low&U, Mass. Caatorla promotes XMestlon, and overoomea Flatulency, Constipation, Bour Stomach, Dlarrncea, and Foverlshnesa. Thus the child la rendered healthy and its Bleep natural. Caatorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Tie Dalles National Bank. OF DALLES CITY. OR. President - Z. F. Moody, Cashier, B. i General Banking Boslness Transacted. Sight Exchanges sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO. P10IIEEB GRDGEhY, Northwest Cor. Seoond and Washington St. eueoeasonKto Oeame Ruoh. X"lae Cheapest Place tbs DaLus roa All Kinds of Groceries, rtOUB, GRAIN, WILLOW WARXE TO. We respectfully solicit a sh of the public pat- ronafr and shall endeavor to give enure satuias ton to our cust oners both old ad new. A. GEHRES PROPRIETOR OP THE PIONEEgQ) WORKS 8ECOMD19TREET THE DALLES OR. Uanulaeturcs ths Best Articles of Soda, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale Leas Orders With Andrew Keller, Moit Hood Samnlelfioom THE DALLES. OREGON. Best Ke ntueky Whiskey FROK LOUS TT.T.E. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bea of Wines, English Porter Ale and Mil ran ke Beer always on band, MAETZ & PUNDT. PROP'S mm . UCMEUX. RaceiTer- -TO THE . B S TI OITES THE Cnoice of ' Transcontinental . Routes VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER MAP0LIS OMAHA AND AND ST.PADL K1HSAS Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN 'BTEAIIERS leave lortiand evf ry Five days fir SAN FRANCISCO. CAUL For full: detail call oa O. B. W, Afentat THE DALLES, cc address ' W. H. HURLBURT, Oen. raa. Aft. Portland, Oresoa. - Taken Up- Came to the Sharp place oa three mile, about October t, ISO, On. red and "hite Muler pow, no brands perceivable, anderalop la risnt ear, out off left ear, the owner omy hare the same ev psvlna: all chaifei .. RANKP.TAYtol, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. At Bocae Jel Tore. Colon, Colombia, March 83(Special correspondence Associated Press) Pol lowing are the details of tbe attack re centlv made upon Bocas del Toro, during which the notorious Mexican bandit, Garza, was killed: About 4 a m. Friday, March 8, rebels from Nicaragua made a desperate attack upon Boces del Toro. Tbe attacking party consisted of 50 men, under tbe leadership of Catarino Girza, Piercia Catro and 3'efanr More, a lawyer. After landing under cover of tbe darkness the rebels captured tbe policemen on duty, and attacked tbe calaboose and liberated all tbe prisoners. The rebels then attacked tbe quarters, garrisoned by about 40 soldiers, under command of Lieutenant Lopez. Tbe government soldiers were taken by surprise, and some were killed while g'lll in tneir dudks, out woen arouaea tbe soldiers fonght gallantly. A lieuten- ant was killed during the fighting. Ten rebels were killed, 15 wounded and 25 taken prisoners. On the government side four were Killed ana nine wounoea. Among the rebels killed were Garza and Cas'ro. As soon aa the invaders saw tbese two men fait tbey retreated toward tne outskirts of tbe city and disappeared in tbe brusb. During tbe encounter the attempt was made to set fire to the town . Castro sat urated tbe side of a booee. with kerosene and was in tbe act of lighting a match to start the conflagration when be was noticed by a soldier, who shot him dead . Tbe rebels also made an nnsucceealul at tempt to use dynamite. Several women were killed. Miss Nellie Isaacs, tbe government scbooW mistress. Is reported among tbe s'ain. . A govrrnmentofScisl, alter the engage mi-nt captured the -schooner Favor de Dios and found on board 80 rifles, 30.000 cart ridges and blankets, clothing and rations for the rebels. At the rrquent of United States Consu far Affect Dr Hand, 00 marines from tbe United States cruiser Atlanta were landed for tbe protection of American interests. Ar tnis letter is mailed, a decisive battle is about to be fought in tbe department of Santander. Senor Raves, commander of the government troops, is at Cu'-uta with 500 men and ia awaiting tbe arrival of Q-o-rl Ma rie, who is at the bead of reinforcements numbering 5000 men When 'heeetsro bodies are joined a com bined attack will be made upon tbe rebel forcer, estimated topnmtier about 6000. t ympathlaers freed. Tampa, Fla- March 23 Incoming pas sengers from Havana report sympathizers with the Cuban revolution arrested dar ing the disturbances bave been released . Tbey are watched and should tbey be re arrested will be confined at Matanzas. Tbis release is designed to clear the orisons of Havana so no evidence of tbe rebellion will be observed by visitors. It is reported that tbs insurrectionists bave discovered that General Sanquilly, who was expected to lead tbe rebels, but was arrested before tbe uprising came. has been rccohinc $200 s month from the Spanish government for eight years past to keep it advised of plots against tbe government by Cohans. Honprnl ftnillnrmo ia renorted near Santiago with 4000 men, divided into companies of 500. For the aezt two months it is stated mere win oe no great nrooreta. aa tha Cabana do not intend to now assume tbe aggressive.- Earlj in June, at tbe opening of tbe rainy season tbe Upanisn troops not accnmaieo win oe vnn.orl in tha elements and vellow fever is relied jo pon to kill more troops than the Cubans might with nnei, la tne Commons. . London, March 29 Foreign Seoeretary Grey, in tbe commons today, said tbe government was informed tbat Armenian ecclesiastics now imprisoned in Turkey will be released on tbe condition tbat tbey would behave themselves. Mr. Grey, in reply to a question as te whether tbe holders of United States se curities mnst send a statement of tbelr income to tbe American authorities before April 15. said tbe American income Ui law as it stood bad been already pub lished. For details inquirers should commumoate with the British consul at New York. He said m regard to tbe Nicarsguan matter, tbat tbe government bad bad communication with Nicaragua regarding tbe expulsion of tbe British vice-consul and other British subjects at Blueflelds but until Nicaragua's reply was received be thought it unfair to make public tbe terms of England's note. till laveatiaatiag. Washington, March 22-The Spanish naval commander at Havana is still In vestigating the firing upon tbe steamship A'hanea. It Is officially said tbat Spain will make no reply to Uresham's note nntil tba Spanish naval commander now investigatieg tbe matter shall report to the office of foreign affairs. It is stated on official authority that Spain has as sured tbe United States she is disposed to act fairly, and tbat a- detailed answer will be made to Gresbam's dispatch at the very moment the government is in a position to speak intelligently. No apol ogy, however, will be made nntil Spain is satisfied that it is proper that she should do so, Eagllak ASTalrs ia Siearaawa. London, March 23 -The PatlUaU Oa utte says without doubt the Nicaragua Indemnity will be raised off of coffee bonds, Tbat paper blames tbe council of foreign bondbdlders for not securing enough of tbe already sufficient export duty on coffee to coyer the interest apon tbe outstanding debt. It also condemns the coonoil for Its mismanagement of tbe debts of Central America, for not making exoeasive demands. Tbe result will be, the paper says, tbat bondholders will eventually have to accept iaflni'e'.y less than they might bare obtained . a few years ago. la Hard aVaek. s Madrid, March 28 Chief officers of tbe garrison at Madrid sent a deputation today to Marshal Martinez Campos, to assure bim tbat they would serve the throne and the government. " Proceedings against certain provincial newspapers which bave been attacking the army are being taken. Tbe proprie tors and editors are to be tried before a court-martial for high treason. . At Bens three newspaper men have been arrested by order of a military judge.; Slxty-Oae Are Deasl. KvAXBTOH.Wye., March 23 The fire wblcb broke out yesterday In Bed Canon mine No, 6", ef the Central Tsciflc, was today extinguished, aid 22 bodies recov' ered . This leaves 14 out of 53 who were burled in the mine yet to be recovered Andrew Mason, wounded in the head by flying timber, died today, and tbe total deatbroil is now 01. There will ba a general funeral Snuday. Stent to the Aaylom. Goldkndale, March 23 Mrs. Mary Mien, a Swede worn in 00 years of age, with two small bits, residing four miles north of Goldendale, was committed to the Medical Like insane asylum Tues dty. Mrs. Miers has been acting very strangely for several months. It was no uncommon thing to see her carrying about upon her back, in a sack, old, worthless rubbish. Neighbors at last discovered Insanity in her case, and, for the sake of tbe boys, ber condition was investigated. Labor Trouble. JN BWCABTLS, ' f , Marcn aa At a miss meeting of miners yexterday it was decided, unlesi the old scale of wages was restored, to strike Saturday. Tbe miners are getting 50 anp 00 cents a ton, and want tbe old rates of GO and 70 cents. Ore at Hrltata'a 0emand. Washington, March 23 There is ab solute authority for tbe statement, not withstanding guarded denials, tbat Great Britain's demand upon Nicaragua is of such a character as to merit very grave consideration on tbe part of the United States. Birnos has brought a special copy of the demand to Washington, and it discloses tbe tact that the conditions Imposed upon this feeble and impecu nious republic are harab in tbe extreme. Great Britain demands (75,000 "smart" money, to be paid down within seven weeks; tbat is to say before April 10 next, for the affront to tbe British crown lm plied in the alleged wrongful expulsion of tbe British pro consul. Hatch, from Biuefarlds. Next, Great Britain insists tbat the claims of Hatch and other British sobjects for damages shall be submitted to a commission of three, one to be appointed by Nicaragua, one by Great Britain and a third to be selected by them: but "not to be a citisen of any American republic." Tbe United States' interests in Nicaragua especially regard ing the oroblem of the trans isthmian canal, are so great that tbe presentation ot excessive demands, followed perhaps by security of territory as a guarantee of payment has brought the United States face to7ace with a complication which, in connection with tbe Venezuelan boundary question, assumes importance of tbe first magnitude. Knowing that Nicaragua can spare not one cent, it re mains to be seen whether she can give satisfactory asurncei of its future payment. Little doubt is expressed tbst Great Britain will seize something, and by tbe Clayton Bnlwer treaty tbe United States will have a right to know in ad vance jnst what Great Bntam proposes to do. Discussing the matter, a leading' official said. "Great Britain's exolusion of tbe United States from participating in the proposed Nicaraguan arbitration is a distinct recognition of tbe identity of Nicaragua and the United States, and of tbe United States oa tbis continent, as well as a confession of Great Britain's weakness among tbe American republics. A a Aaaenraa la Treaale. Port Louis, Island Mauritius, March 23-John L Waller, formerly - United States consul at Tamatave, Island Mada gascar, has been round guilty oi corresponding with Hovas after trial by French court-martial, and sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. On April 20, 1894, Mr. Waller secured a concession from the Hova government of the whole southern part of tbe Island of Madagascar, in spite of the repeated protests of tbe French resident and French colonists generally. According to tbe French tbe pioneer colonists of all nationalities engaged in India rubber trade considered their Tested interests bad been injured by tbs concession to Waller. , France hitherto has claimed a protectorate over tbe Island of Msdsgss car, and Great Britain has recognized it, but tbe native government or Madagas car-repudiates tbe French claim to the protectorate, and France is now sending to Madagascar a large expedition to sub due tbe Hovas. Early in Jane last tbe New York World pnblisbed a letter from E Underwood Harvey, editor of tbe Madagascar iTsies, saying: "It is time for the great Ameri can government to put its foot down and say American enterprise in tnis country shall ne longer be trampled upon by the Frenoh." Tbis was tbe result ef the action of representatives of France in Madagascar in denying tbe Malagasy government tbe ricbt wltbont flrst obtaining tne sanction of tbe Frenoh resident general. A ratal fire. Denver, March 24 The St, James hotel, at Curtis and Sixteenth streets, one of the finest in tbe city, Is burning. The fire broke out in tbe basement just before midnight and soon after tbe floor of tbe rotunda collapsed, letting the flames and smoke into tbe office and cor ridor. Tbe firemen seem to bave the Are nnder control, althongb it is burning stnbbornlv. Tbe loss has already reached $40,000, and, nnless soon ex tinguished, will greatly exceed that amount.' The fire' started in a room used to store old baggage, directly nnder tbs central rotunda of tbe bonse. While the fire was at its height, the floor sank. without warning, throwing several men into tbe pit of dense smoke below, at east four ef whom are dead. After the flames bad been extinguished there, tbe body of Captain Harold W Hartwell, of hose No. 8, was found f rightfully burned. Three other, men were dragged out un conscious and are at tbe hospital, where tbey may die. At 1:45 a. . three oodles bad been taken out, as follows: Harold W Hartwell. captain of boss compaaf No. 8; Biohard Danbridge, p pemtn, ana otepnen jwrtnau, piperoan. There is one morn body in tbe ram, probably another fireman.- a- ' Atteasptesl Aeaasalaatlea. London, March 24 The Central JfraM agency's correspondent inTokio says tbat an attempt was made to assassinate IA Hung Obang in a street of Blmonosakl this afternoon. Li was re torn log from tbe peace conference, in which he conducts negotiations in behalf ef the Chinese mis sion, and was accompanied by several of bis suite. When be was a short distance from bis apartments a young Japanese ran np to him and fired a pistol in bis race, i ne young man was seueo ana ais ermed at once by tbe police. - At tbe sta tloa-bonse he gave bis name as Koyoma and his age as21,' ' According to tbe short report received in Tokio, Li's wound is not dsngeroei; " ' " " " ' - , TELEGRAPHIC. laaaoltr the Defeaan Roseburo, Or., March 23 Tbe case of tbe state vs. Beck man occupied the at tention of tbe circuit court tbe entire day. The state rested its ease at noon, after making out a strong cass against Beck man. The defonse then began offering its testimony, and, very much to tbe sur prise of nearly every one, entered a plea of insanity, and spent tbe afternoon in examining a long list of witnesses who were subpenaed from the state of Minne sota to prove that Bookman was insane at Intervals wbile be lived In tbat state several years sgo. From present appsar ancea, tbe case will not be concluded for several days yet. Ia Behalf ar lira. Baybrlek. Chicago, March 24 A decided step was taken today by Chicago women in terested In the case of Mrs. Maybrick At a special meeting of the Women's Press League 'of Chicago it was resolved to send to England a member ot tbe leagne to try and arouse some la teres t In Mrs, Haybnck's favor. A number of petitions bsve been sent to tbe home see retary without effect, ao tbe women of tbe press have resolved to try, as a last re sort, the Influence on tbe English press and public of American women imbued with tbe idea tbat tbeir countrywoman is innocent, and determined tbat others shall believe as tbey do. v Lyaehe. Net Oatragea. ArsswoRTH, Neb., March 28 The county attorney of Keys Paba county, came here last Might to meet Attorney General Churchill, to confer oyer the lynching of Mrs. Holteo, wbloh occurred seysral days ago. Tbe county has charge of tbe case, and bad tbe remains of tbe dead woman examined by two physicians after the autopsy was beld. They de cided tbat tbe victim bad not been out raged, but simply strangled. Tbe attor ney -general decided then tbat bis services were not needed in Key a Paha county, and returned east at once. Ckaac Asked. Fer Deiar. Tono, March 23 Tbe peace ambassa dors ot Japan and China met today at SImonosakt and proceeded directly to business. The conditions upon which Japan will consent fo end tbe war were stated In explicit terms. Alter some dis cussion, Li Hung Chang naked for three days' delay, ia order tbat be might con sult tbe authorities in Peking on certain points. It wss granted. Alwaaaeata Have Stegaa. Washington, March 25 Tbe United States supreme court today began hear ing arguments In the case ef Eugens T Deb, president of tbe American Rail way Union, and others. Counsel for de fendants are Lyman Trumbull, S 8 Gregory and R S Darrow. Attorney General Olney and Edwin Walker, speclel United States attorney, appeared for tbe government. Debs snd bis associates ssked for a writ of habeas corpus relieving them from tbe sentence ot imprisonment passed upon them by Judge Woods, The fact waa developed tbat the main contention of tbe petitioners would be tbat the ongioel bill stated no ease cognisable in chancery, and therefore tbe In i unction was void, and the persons at whom it was aimed were not bound to observe it. In support of this propo sition tbey asserted tbat without statutory authority from congress, tbe government oould maintain no such bill, and no snob authority could be found nnless it be in tbe ant of 1890, known as tbe Sherman an ti-trust act, but tbey contended tbis not was unconstitutional because of involving proceedings la chancery, and in snob a cue it deprived tbe defendants on trial nader tbe penal statute of ths ngbt of trial by jury, contrary te tbe sixth amendment of tbe constitution. RewelTtaa Belarareeaaeata. New York, March 23 Tbe Herald tbis morniog publishes the following: Tampa, Fla March 84 Marti, Gomes and Marco are not yet in Cuba, says a New York capitalist, who arrived here tonight from Cuba, Ha said: "If the min istry in Spain neglects reforms in Cuba, I believe this rebellion will become serious. Many citizens who are now neutral will become active as soon as tbey realize that there is no bope of reforms from Spaltf . The Spanish officers and soldiers now in the field seem very indifferent with one or two exceptions, notably General Garrish and Colonel Santocllde. "There is practically no enthusiasm among tbe Spanish troops, wbile the in surgents are full ot it If Spain does not handle tbe insurrection with a firm band at once I do not believe it will be possible for her to conquer It. She la preparing to send a great many soldiers, but they will fall easy victims to yellow fever just as soon as tbe rainy season begins, "There Is ne donbt bnt the insurgents will receive large reinforcements. - Their numbers sre growing constsntly now, and I should say tbst tbey bave about 6000 men In the field from tha Canto river to the east of tbe island. All work is stopped by the war in tbis section. The insurgents seem to be concentrating in the vicinity of Jignani, or Baire, but for what purpose I : could not learn. Tbey are nslng great diplomacy and are winning favor thereby. Tbey are not raoies'iog tbe sugar grinding or tbe crops." . 1 : oppeaea free Silver. St. Augustine, Fls., March 25-Goy- ernor McET'aley and bis party will arrive here tomorrow. In Tbomasvllle yester day a letter was received by Governor McKinley from a hundred or more citi zens of Georgia, Democrats and Republi can alike, pledging bim tbe solid vols of Georgia in tbe national Republican con vention, and assuring bim of k fighting chance to get tna electoral vote or tbat state, provided tbat be will declare bim' self an advocate of free silver. Tbe letter a'so intimated a desire tbat the Republi can national platform of 1898 might con tain a silver plank. When this letter wss read aloud to bim Governor McZinley was Indignant . He braced back, thrust bis bands in bis tronser pockets, and shouted : "If tbe R publican party should declare (or free silver I would decline to become its candidate, and I would quit the party forever." Vialteel the Prlace. Friedrichsruhe, .March 25 Three special trsics bvaring nearly 400 mem bers of tbe reicbstsg and tbe Prussian diet arrived here today and proceeded to tbe castle, whence tbey were received In a body by Prioce Bismarck. II err von Koeller, president of the lower bouse of the Prussian diet, congratu'ated Prince Bismarck on tbe approaching anniversary of bis blrtb. Tbe prioce tbaaked tbe deputy for bis kind wishes. Bismarck, replying to tbe congratula tions ef members of tbe landtag, declared tbat all the credit for political results achieved be shared with those co-operating with bim, and above all with Emperor William l. witn whom ne said be worked so long. Bismarck wss afleeted to tears during tbe reply, cry ing bitterly. Tbe deputation was greatly affected, u Firteea Bekela Kill. Havana, March 25 olonel Santot- cildes, who commands tbe government forces st Mansanlllo, reports tbat yester day troops, nnder Colonel Araoa, attacked and dispersed rebel bands at Curagnana and Cayp Camancbe. Tbe bands were 500 strong, and weie commanded by Guerre Guardia Belter, Fifteen rebels were killed and many others wounded. Tbe government forces lost one officer killed and two privates wounded. The rebels left behind a large quantity of am munition and small arms. Tne govern ment troops also dispersed a party ot rebels st San Ramon March 23, losing one officer killed and three privates wounded. Will CJeste aa Terrltary. London, March 85 A SlmonosaU dispatch ssys tbat Chang will refuse to cede any territory to Japan, but will offer a greatly increased sum of money as an Indemnity Instead. It Is believed, the nlanatfth sin that . nMM tiaitta.lM.-1 will not prove successful, there evidently 1 being some secret fores behind China. ARE TOE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS ' who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will 6nd tbe PET CIGARETTES V SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE The Miracle Ferfarsacr. - Dzl Norte, Mexico, March 25 A woman calling herself Terete de Cuvra, and claiming to perform miracles, baa so excited the people here tbst tbey are", simply craay. Tbs Mexican government ordered bar arrest, and tbe religions fs patlcs apposed tbe order. As a result -one man was killed in a fight at Malato, and Teofilo Vesquev, ths "Jefe politico," was wounded. This is tbe same woman wbe was the cause of tbe bloody revolt at Temochlc about 14 months ago, and wblcb resulted In the authorities making tbe woman leave tbe . country. She erased te Nogales, Ariz., where It is claimed by tbe Mexicans she performed ' wonderful cures. She disappeared from' Nogalee, and two weeks ago. made ber ; appearance in tbe village of El Palve, where 400 armed men are protecting bar. Re Crete the AttArk. . Yokohama, March 83 Reaolutloaa bave been submitted to tbe Japanese diet regretting tbe attack upon Viceroy LI, Hung Chang, who was shot and wounded , in tbe face yesterday at Blmonosakl. Tbe bullet has not yet been extracted ; from Li Hong Chang's face bnt bis con-, dition is favorable. He baa no fever -and : is suffering but little pain . His assailant who Is described aa a political bravo, rushed from tbe crowd whan the vice roy's pslanquln was passing and fired at the Chinese statesman. Tbe ballet en tered bia left cheek. Tba affair baa caused the greatest Indignation hers. Aa VaHetaa? Avertea. Set west. Fie, Marcn 85 A passen ger from Havana, jnst arrived, ssys tbat only by prompt action Captain General Catlejo averted an uprising In Havana. After the imprisonment of Oomes, tbe negro leader, his sympathizers worked np a scheme to attackv tbe palace Friday ' night. The government learned of tbe plot, tbe guards were quadrupled and 100 . soldiers were stationed inside tbe palace. Tbe city patrol was also heavily la-- creased. Tbe negroea beariog of tbese - precautions gave np tbe scheme. Awarded -Highest Honor World Fair. CHEAK3 MEWS MOST PERFECT MADS ktnire Crape Cream ef Tartar Powder. Pree ' torn Ammonia, Alum or any other ad;JtirKaaj aiO YEARS THE STANDARD.