r t - Tbe Times-Mountaineer 8AXDEDAY .....MARCH 23. 1898 THE 8TLVBB PARTY. Indications a, present do not point to' a strong following of Democratic ..... . . silveritea in the new party. A few party. days ago Senator Hill, in an address at Albany, N. Y., earns out squarely against the financial theories of the bimetallic league, and the following, from the New'York Sun, is in the same line: - The silver party appeals to no de finable moral principle. . It proposes no discernible economic reform. It involves immediately no principle of politics. 'The complaint of its leaders that American wheat and American 'W)tton, the two important staples of ----xio(nmercef are abnormally and . un - frofitably low in .price. - The same amount of labor on a farm' does not yield the same revenue in dollar fig urea as heretofore, though there is no ' decadence in the land, no falling off of the product, no increased r ailroad charges, and no augmentation of the rate of interest. Many farmers, that is in the south and west, believe that with an inflation of the volume of coinage and of price figures, times for them would become, better, and the net proceeds of their farms would be larger. They are for free silver ooia- - age, and, no doubt, a party Laving that watchward would poll as many as one miUipn votes in 1896, chiefly iu Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Qeorgift, Ala- bamaani taiaaiaainm. the wheat and cotton stater. We do not omit from this lis). Colorado, Nevada, Idaho and Montana,-wherein, the mining interest, which ail vet: coinage by the govern ment t t,he people'a loss and expense would promote, ia considerable. But wherever manufacturing, bank- ing, and transportation interests pre dominate; wherever farming is free from the menace of East Indian and Egyptian underselling in European markets; wherever sense rules and con servatism baa a foothold, the 'silver party would shrivel and oollapse as the Populist party has done in New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsyl vania, .Maryland, Connecticut, Cali fornia, and -New Jersey. Iu. fully thirty of the forty-four states of the union the silver party could' not ex peot to attain a respectable following. In the large cities, the seats of knowl edge, influence, wealth, industry, and political power, the silverites would be of no account. They would expect to gain recruits only where the people were very poor, and tbe meoaoe over the head, or heads, of the new party would be this; that so soon aa the con dition of penury was removed, by good crops, a rich harvest, an improved for eign market, baiter times, or the de velopment of new enterprises, the standard of the "silverites in that lo cality would be deserted and the cause would languish. TBB 8TTPRBME COURT. -This is what the New York Sun says of the arguments oa and .merits of the income tax now . before the highest tribunal ia the United States: The speech of Mr. .Edmunds, of Vermont, on Monday before the su preme court was something more tban - tbe argument of a great constitutional lawyer. ; The voice of the patriot and of the prophet was heard by tbat tri bunal. , Standing on the ' same intellectual ' level as that of 'the judges whom he addressed, . Mr. Edmunds reminded them that it is a question of national destiny which they bave to decide; that they are the .people's bulwark against revolution and anarchy. Not since the civil war has a more important duty or a higher responsi bility rested upon the supreme court. Tbe administration has betrayed its trust.. The congress has been weak. It remains for these nine men, Melville Y. Fuller, of Illinois, Horace Cray, of Massachusetts, Henry B. Brown, of Michigan, George Shiras, Jr., of Penn sylvania, Edward D. White, of Louisiana Howell E. Jackson, of Ken tucky, David J. Brewer, of Kaunas, and Stephen J. Field, of California, to aay whether the rights of citizenship are to be preserved agaisat the tyranny of unjust legislation, and the theories ot tbe agitators and forerunners of socialism. "' " ' '. ' According to their decision, now to bo rendered, they will take place in history as the conservators of Ameri can institutions, or as the agents of a revolutionary - and seoialistio trans formation. - . - ITEMS' II BEIEP Saturday's Daily. Mr. Gto. A. Youag, of Bakeeveo, is in tbe city. ' Mr. S. A. Clarke, of Salem, was ia the . city yesterday. - . - "-Jaa a3joornd meeting of the common ccuaeil win Wkeld this evening. The Pat 38ooney Comedy Co. travel in their own private car uua oonsists of twenty -persona, : A ? - ATMtt&sge Tinsritie wis issued by the comity ajsiit yasli j day to W. L. White and tJagy.r.sSsT. l"he a9osu1 quarterly conference of the U.S. .church "has een postponed until Monday evening at 7:30. Farmers throughout tbe country are very busy farming, and a larger acreage tnan ever will be sown to grain this year. E'l Perkins, the great wit, will lecture in this oity Thursday, April 4tb. A card re ceived this morning from tbe gentleman himself announces this faot.. . Colombia Lodge, No. 6. 1. O O. F. will - give a sociable at their ball on Friday even ing, Maroh 29tn. Preparations aie being made for aa enjoyable time, and guests will receive every possible courtesy. Gilliam county bas a fugitive bone-thief, Buiib idedlockby name, who appears for foo i or something every onoe in a while, . and is given chase by the officers. He es capes on tbe back of a faithful horse which he baa trained so it clears barbed wire fences like a deer. Patrick Shields, for assault and battery and disorderly conduct, was brought before : Justice Birmie at Cascade Locks yesterday, and was sentenced to 15 days in tbe oounty jail in default of payment , of a fine of $30 He was brought to this city laat nighi, and now langniabetu in tbe county jau. - In tbe recorder's court this afternoon a fivil case was tried, ia which A. A. Urau- bart was plaintiff and Dr. G. C. t'shelman defendant. J. L. Story and N. H. Gates were the attorneys for the plaintiff and H. H R'ddell for the defense. This wa the action in which a non-suit was entered a few days ago. Thursday arming we had a billing frost-, the thermometer going down to 'JO degrees, says tho dood Kiver ulaaer. This is with in 10 degrees of the coldest weather of the winter, reaches were about ready to bloom I before the cold snap, and eonaine Hood River peaches will be a scarce article in outside markets next summer, It is discovered that nnder a strict con strnction of the law of 1893, allowing dis charged convicts $5, a $15 suit of clothes, and transportation to his former residence. it is no lbner in force, no appropriation for this pnrnoee bavins been made by the last legislature; and Salim people are worrying lest coovjcta be turned loose there ragged and 'broke. The Pendleton Tribune sys: "Agent Harper was in the city yts'erday from the reservation. As far as the Indians are con oerned. ll is quiet alone the Potomac. The soldiers are en joying a pleasant outing, fish ing offering a recreation from guard duty. They bsve done nothing as yet, and there remains nothing for them to do exopt to quietlv strike camp and depart for Walla Walls." Atnna Prrte: It is likely that some flax will be son in 1S95. One artner Geo. Carmichael, of West en, baa contracted bis crop wjth tha Portland Linseed Oil Company, and Gto. Shutrum may put in some land as an experiment. Years ago there was a large amount of flax raised in Umatilla county, but since the railroads came in the culture of the crip has been neglected. Every visitor at the Locks is gratified at the progress being made in the government work in overcoming the obstructions. Une of the gates is nearly in position, and it is confidently expected In a year the Colum bia will go onward -to the sea from this point unvexed by a single impediment. J bo water is very low this season, and the contractors are working every available man. An open river ill soon be real ized. . Manly Reizur, a respectable Lane county man, went to Cottage urove tor tamiiy sup plies, but lost his money in gambling, and, not having the courage to face bis ife and family without toe necessaries he bad ex- era rtnrt r 1 ti aA frrs anr) tlist Ata rri f I by taking bis' life He accordingly, went lnto dra tor9 ?nd .Don.Qt .a bottle of stiychnine, opened the bottle and at tempted to swallow its contents, but was prevented. . - Olaekrr Tuesday afternoon a blizzard was-aten olavinar on tbe mountain east o White Salmon, while a few flika of snow full an Unn1 D-vtas aiMnmnarfdl hsl A ettmMrtf north wind. An hoor later the oloiids bad I disappeared, the sun was shinire brisbtiy. heavy coat of snow, while the adjoining mountain to tbe north of White Salmon was dear of snow, its green slopes present ing a striking contrast. 1 be lury in tbe case of the state vs. Frank Pickett brought in a verdict of not guilty yesterday at Goldendale. Attorneys mraitt Uuatin and George H. Maddock made a very able defense for tbe young man . Pickett bas been languishing in tbe county jail in that city for the last 20 days Tre charge against Pi kett was for diatrib nting obscene ards among school children, 1 he lesson taught t ickett tor bis thought less folly will no doubt do him good . '1 be evidence showed there was no intention to commit a crime. Jhe faculty of the state university held a meeti g yesterday afternoon, says the Eu ene Guard, and one of the members bad an opportunity to get a good joke on frof. I ondon lie moved that tbe univer sity adjourn on St. Patrick's day, where upon Prof. Condon made a lengthy and weighty argument against respecting any holiday otherwise tban one strictly pertain lng to iameriran institutions, be was al lowed to finish. then quietly informed tbat it made no difference, as St. Patrick's day will erne on feunday this year, March 17. Tbe hoard of publio building commission era met Friday in Salem, and considered the question ot the land pnrohaaed by the state trom C. E. Davis, at Union, Ore . as a aite for the branch insane asylum, and wbioh is now tied no by tbe suit tor an ioiuootion In pursuance of the board's instructions. the governor wrote Dsvis that, considering bis statement tbat he ronld not afford to lose tbe u-e of the land and get no interest on the money, be is authorised to ue tbe land for agricultural purposes for' the year ISU6. with tbe and. standing that no ad ditional expense thereby be incurred by the tats. Trom Ueaday's Dally. Dusty roads. . Mr. Cbas. Butler, the cattle bnyer of Port Townteud, Wash , arrived in the city yesterday trom a trip into tbe interior. Tbe following deed was filed for record at the olerk's office today: L. Smith and wife to E C. Wiley and K B. Clark i 89 acres sec 36, tp 3 o, r 10 e; $2000. Caps. McNultv will have command of the Regulator until Capt, Wand's return. He is the oldest captain on tbe river, having navigated tbe Columbia ainoe 1869. ' J. P. VanHooten, of the B. S. and L. Co. at Hay Creek, arrived in the oity laat evening with 1200 bead of mutton sheep. rney win oe snipped east to ubioago. . In tbe damage suit in Sherman county tbe plain tin, who olaimed to bava been si tadly injured, left tbe country before tbe trisl was called on the oalendar.aod consequently it was aismisceo. A. M. Williams & Co are showing an ex tensiye display of 6 oents challia diets goods. Thise are very popular, and tbe price is tbe lowest at which they bave syer been sold in tbis city. Large and long timbers are being banled through tbe streets daily.and these are used tor bsn wheels, lhe seaaon will open on the 10th of next mrntb. A good run of salmon ii expwjted this year. Testerday there was quite a number of tramps in town, and thev were very bold in plying their vocation. They called on sev eral booses for food, and requested dona tions of feveral artiolea of clotbing. The advertisement for bids for the bonds has oanacd the recorder to receive consider able correspondence from firms in different parts of tbe countrv. Ibere is no doubt the bonds will be taken at good figures. , Sturgeon fishing hss not been very pros perous for the last few days. This mam moth inhabitant of tbe river seems to ba very scarce, snd perhaps tbis industry will not furnish rnuoh enumeration in the fu ture. The smallpox patients are convalescing very encouraging'y. -Mr. Monahan will be able to be around in a few days, and the nnrae, Mr. Rideal, bas bnen' afflicted by varioloid, anil the disease will not be as vir ulent as tbe tli st one. Nearly all the fruit trees on Mill creak and in this vioinity bave been sprayed, and nothing bas been Jelt undone tbat will tend to a good crop. The proapeota. were never better tban at present, tbe frost bavirg done no injury to fruits at or sear Tbe Dulles. Mr. Angnst Buohler, ef tbe Colombia Brewery, bas enlarged his facilities for the maoufactote of beer, and now shps the artiole to every town iu Eastern Or gan. Columbia Brewery teer has becomo very popular, and is now eagerly sought by con nonenra everywhere. ' The people who are in debt, and there are many of them, will continue to pay tixas lor the next two years on what they do not own. Deduction of indebtedness woold certainly bave been allowed if the legislature could bave got down to work and sot frittered away all the time on tbe aenatora' oootest. Mr. M. Z Donnell opened bis drug store, adjoining the first National ba-ik to.iay. It is tit ted up very niuelv, and is verv conve nient and neat in its appointments. The prescription clerk, is Mr. Geo. W. Herbein. a graduate of the pharmaoentioal depart ment or the nn'ver.lty of rmnsylvaoia. one or the best institutions in the oountry. The population of Portland, aa indicated by the school oensus is now given as 111.- 804, the east side having an exema rf pop ulation over tbe west side of 11,364 Tue gain in population for tbe entire oi'y, tor toe past tour years, is very close to 23,000, or about 7000 for each of tbe worst lour years the oity bas ever seen or is likely to ever experience again. Baker Vemoeratt Mr. Geo. Filloon, of Spokane, and manager of tbe Gritfio Gu'oh Mining Company, operating near auburn, while pasting np Front street fell to. the iidewalk-in a faint but soon regained oon sciousoes. Dr. Curry was called and had Mr Filloon conveyed to his room ia the Sbepberd lodg ng bouse. - Dr. Cnrry re ports his patient out of danger but suffer ing from weakness. . The political events ef the yesr will be valuable as indices, bat present indications do di t promise an exciting oanyaas. eo ti bs for ttite officers will be beld ss fol lows! Rhode Jsjsnd, April 3; on Nov, 6, Iowa, Kentoeky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah and Vir ginia. These states represent every part of the country tave the ficdc oosst. Hon. D. J, Cooper, of this city, received a letter last week from Senator Mitchell, stating that the K lia bill wbuih caused both houses of congress, was hurried to tbe presi dent as rapidly as possible; bat the bill did not receive his siguatare. This shared the fate of 55 otbtr bills, which will require congressional acnon at the next cession Mr. Mitchell regrets very much the late of this measure, an) it will be a great disap pointment to toe people ci H islern Uregou, "Lord Rooncy" will be put on the boirds at tbe Baldwin opera houte tomoirjw even ing by the Pat R joney Comedy Co. in hue style. Each member is a specialist, and the lty w;ll bo rendered iu ibe i cat shape possible, laere are twenty members in tbe company, and they cany with them the necessary scenio effects to put the play on any stage. Every one cUeiriGtia of enjoying a p'eisant evening of laughter and mirth B iou.d not tail to be present at the rendition if ' Lord R oney" by this com pany of artists. R served seats may bj se cured at Blake'y St Houghton's. A back woo Is couple engaged to ba mar ried, it is said, agreed to cnnfeis to each other all past sins before tbe ceremony. The yonrg man brgn, and owned up that be bad killed a man. bad three times been ar rested for bone stealing, and in each case was guilty, but the state could not prove it. "Is that all the mean thing you have done, Bill) ?" ti quired his fi.ca. "It is," said be. - ''Wen," she said, "Yua have a better record than I bave, Billy. My father was one of the bolters in the lste lttnented Ore gon leg s'ature " Th s out Bulv Bp awfully, and at list accounts he was about to deoisre tbe mat:h off. . . From Tuesday's Dally. Mr. A. Noltner, of Portland, Is in tbe city. Mr. Geo. Sheets, of Hood River, is in the city today. Mr. J. H. Cradlebaogb. editor of the Chroniele, made a flying trip to Portland yesterday. - Meedames C. B Cashing, B. S Hunting' ton and H. a. Wuson were passengers in tbe Regulator this morning for Portland. We received a call tbis afternoon for Mr. El L. Itaybum, traveling passenger agent for tbe .Northern racinc iuliroau Company. ' Capt Wand was at the helm of tbe Reg utaior this morning, bsving returned tioa the sorrowful mission of attending the fan' era 1 of his la: her in f ortland . Messrs. Fxazier Sc. Wyndbam, at their neoular tonsori.l establishment, hive re duoed sbaviug to 15 cents. Tbis was done to keep prices down to the hard-timaa Uvsl. The following deed was filed with the county clerk on Marco, .loin: - United tfiatea to William Heisler; sw qr, so qr ot nwqrsec 85, tp s, r id ; casn pur cbaBe. Work has begun on the cottage of Mr, Henrv ('lough oa tbe corner ot Fourth and Federal streels. When finished tbis will be an attractive dwelling, fl a la bed in tbe latest style ot architecture. Tbe foundation for tbe new dwelling house of Mr. M. Z. Donnell in tbe West End is nearly completed, and tbe frame will be erected as ooa as possible, ibis will be a very attractive building, and will be qute ornamental to tbat portion ol the city. Mr. W. H. Butts returned yesterday from a flying trip to Portland. He was one of the pall-bearers at tbe funeral of the late M. M. Luoss. in that city, a veteran fire man, who was a member of the department in .Portland for over thirty-ore years. In tbe procession wete a large number of oiti sens and frietd of the deceased. Mr. Stoephie arrived in the oity last night from Minnesota, and intends to platt ten aorei in grapes in this city the coming season. He is a native of Saitseilaud, and thoroughly understands wine culture, hav ing bad life-long experience in tbe buai- osjs. Jistern Oregon is well adapted to tbis industry, and The Dalles and vicinity bave nmqualled facilities. Tbe Dalle City, sion after leaving the lower CaSjaues yesterday afternoon, struck a ansg and abe was beached wi'hoat diffi culty just below Warrendale. Tne paaaen geres Were all landed wiWut injury to any of them. 1 his happened at n f-oast 2 Sod we are informed the Daity Bell will take tbe place, of the Dalte City, so there will be no stoppage of tnrougb tradlo and travel by reason of the accideat. Tbe injury is very slight to the boat, and she will ba repaired in a few days and placed in tbe trade. There were four nswly made ditlzens who bad lodgings lu tbe city jail last nitchl Tbey came iu town from tbe Warm Hpriogs reservation, and feeling dry imbibed freely of Oregon cider. As consequence Ibey were gloriously drunk, and furnished victims fur tbe marshal. On being interviewed today tbey said tbey drank one glass cider, which tbey purchased for five cents, and this fixed lliein. They gave Ibeir names as Winsten, Johnnie tuinn, Unarlle ana bimtussie. - - A bill bss been introduced in tbe Texas legislature providing tor . the levying nl $50 annually upon all nnmarned men of 30 years of age who nnder oath swear that they bave not exerted due dilligsuoe in try' lng to get married, tie aball be exempt frcm tbe one, however, it be oan produce evidence to show that be tried to get mar ried. To be exempt from this aot, how ever, if he remains single, he must produce tha affidavit of some reputable Woman tbat at least once a year he bas tnaoe a proposal of marriage to ber. . Albany Democrat: Friday night James Tucker and K. H. Osborne were beating toeir way on a freight train to fortland. when one of tbem met with a fatal aecident. When the train stepped at Barlow tbe 'car oa which they were riding was directly over tbe bridge. As they were afraid of beta? taught by the train men thev jumped off in tbe dark, not realising the distanoe of the jump. " Uiborne was nnn lured bnt Tuoker fell bead foremost on tbe rooks and was killed. He leaves a w fe and five obildren nesr Ltbsnon. The deoeased was a irao 62 years of age. Mrs. Margret Hardy, ef Moscow, charged with tbe murdering of her little adopted colored girl, sime weeks sinoe, was last week tried in the dietriot court of Latab oounty, says the Lewiston Teller. After the testimony was al! in tbe jury retired and remained out all night, and next morn ing brought in a verdiot of guilty of mur der in the sec oo d degree. We bave not yet learned what sentence bas been ren dered bv Jnrige Piper in this cause, bot un derstand that the least, the law - allows la ten years in the psmtentiary, and tbe most life imprisonment. - ' The Wost-bonnd passenger train of the O. R & N., about 9:30 Saturday night, ran over an Indian two miles' east of Pendleton. The Indian had evidently gone to sleep on tbe track, and was probably on his way to the ageocy from Pendleton. - He waa Iikelv drunk, and exercised his right of citizen ship by hirg across the rails. Tbe train ran on to Pendleton before the dteoovery was male that a ir.an had been run over. Then pieces of clothing and. bio d were found on the ergine, and it is probable there was hsrdly -a large enoueb uieoe of tbe Umatilla left to bold an inquest over. A Gentleman Who formerly resided in Connecticut,, bot wbo sow resides In Honolulu, writes: "For 80 years past, my wits end 1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor, snd we attribute to it the dark talr which she and I now have, while nun, dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. 'When asked how our hair has retained Its color and fullness, we reply, 'By tne use of Avar's Hair Vigor nothing else.'" "In 1863, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept taii 'ing out everv Si5?j induced her to use .dyer's Haftr Vigor, and very soon. It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that it Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarron, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR, VIGOR COMMON COUNCIL- An nujournea meeting ol tbe oomraon council was held in the council chambers Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock p. M. Present Hon. Frank MeceFee, mayor; M. T. Nolan, G. C. Eihelman, A R. Thompson, S. B. Adams, C Liuer, H. L. Kuck, R. B. flood, S. S. Johns. W. S. Sbackleford. Tbe mayor read bis message to the coun cil, touchirg on fijanctal condition of tbe city, witb proper recommendations, and this was accepted and placed on file. Tne petition of H. L. Euck and others, asking for die hydmnt at tbe comer ol Fourth an j Laughlin streets, was read and on motion was referred to tbe committee on fire and water. Od motion it was ordered that the re corder draft an ordinanue prohibiting plao- leg wires on poles at s leas distance than twenty five feet from the ground. The recorder was instructed to communi cate with tbo secretaiy of state, and ascer tain whether or not the copy of the oharter forwarded to the council is a true and cor rect copy of the house bill as passed by th- legialature, as apparent errors are contained therein. Oa motion it was ordered tbat patting telegraph poles in the city be referred to the committee on streets and publio prop erty. On motion tbe council adjourned. Mixed Farming sutd Fruit Culture. Mr. S. A, Clarke, in a letter to the Ore- (Lontan, writes as follows of eertaii. por tions of Eastern Oregon: .' On very evident fitt as to the entire npper country, that has been heretofore al most entirely devoted to wbeatgrowing is that tbe people generally are Waking to the realisation of the importance of mixed farming. Hereafter they will show inoreaae of dairy produots, will fatten bogs, and be independent of tbe world in all tbe lines of production heretofore neglected for wheat growing. Wben we realis tbat till re cently tbe northweatern states bave paid the middle west, each year, millions of dol lars for dairy products alone, and have im ported poik products, and even poultry and gRs, wbile pursuing this infatuation of wheatgrowing, it will ba seen what a field ia open there for home prodnotieu of all these items at the present time. Tbe Dalles and surrounding oountry of Wasoo county, cfiV very great inducements to tbe fruitgrower. Eutero Oregon excels this western valley in production of small fruits. Tbe Clark strawberry, tbat orig inated near Mt. Tabor, close to Portland, is tbe wonderful, all-round market barry grown at Tbe Dulles and Hood Riyer, and far exoe's there what is done witb and for it in tbe land of its birth. Tne distriot along the Culumbia and from the Cssoadea range on the east to tbe D-sohutds river, from tbe Columbia to the Tygh valley, south, ia well adapted to fruit, as vioioitv to the mountains renders the uplands fruit ful without 'irrigation over most of those broad hillsides. Wherever irrigation is possible, small fruits are grown in wonder ful luxuriance. Land Trsuufars- March 15 -W C Dawson and wife to William P SoO"kj 80 acres in sees 13 and 18, tp I n, r 12 and 13 e; $9000. March 16 John Decker and wife to Wil- lard Taylor; a bf of sw qr, nw qr, se qr, se qr of nw qr seo 20. tp 1 s. r 14 e; $800 March IS Hugh L Jordan snd Fanny Jordan to Geo A Yuuop; a bf of na qr, snd bf of se qr, sec S, tp 8, r 16 e; f 100. Maroh IS United States to Jeremiah Corcoran; se qr of sis qr, see 7, tp 2 s, r 13 e; cash purchase. Maroh 14 Same to Hugh J Jordan; s hf of ne qr snd e hf of se qr, seo 8, tp 6 s, r 15 I e; homestead. March 16 Same to Mrs E'izt Young; neqr of nw qr sec 32, tp 6 s, r 15 e; cash purchass. Om era Arnold We learn, says the Portland Dbpatch, that tba Democratic surveyor general of Oregon bas a Republican nnder him as chief clerk. "t ia stated that special qualifica tions and inability to secure a Damoerat are not assigoei bv tba surveyor ss the.oaose for this treachery to the party, bnt the taot that th e clerk is financially in debt to bis superior. It such ia trne, Mr. . Arnold should be removed. If he will collect a private debt at the expense of bis political honor, he wonld not hesitate to collect a similar debt oa a anrveying oootraot at the expense of the government. - The truth la, the federal appointees have-been making their publio positions private snaps, and tbe party is getting disgusted with their con duct. " : ' ' lord Rooney. , An exchange says of tbe fires' oomedy Lord Booney " W it scintillates in its every line, and the situations are surprising and ludicrous to a degree tbat fairly deluges the auditorium with laughter.--There is ro mance - in it. too pretty live making scenes that fill the hearts ef tbe 'fair sex with a joy only tbey know how to describe or appreciate." The dresses worn by some of tbe ladies ia tbe play also came in for a great deal of praise as being of tbe most attractive qualities Mattie Booney in the latest erase, tbe serpentine dance, is quite an artiste, and ia one of. the most graceful dancers seen in cur city for many a day. Reserve seats at Blakely 4 Houghtoo's, Wool Prospects. The Prineville Meter. E H, Clarke, an Eastern Oregon wool -buyer, who has re cently been tbrongh Baker, arrant, Wasco and Crook counties, save that be fouod stock in the be?to( condition, tbe wool olip for 1895 promising to bs the bsst ever shorn in Etstern Oregon. Toe wo51 has grown steadily all through the season, this steady growth maaiog a wool with no breaks. The yield will be hsavy, alto. All the stock is now turned out, and in the greater part of the country vitited there has been no feeding all winter, which baa been very mild. Oiily in tbe yieioity of Canyon Oity have the stockmen been compelled to do any feeding, snd there but ysry little. ' ' Never Toe? lute in Wsnkegso on tbe afternoon of March I4tn, Hon. John K. McB Ue of Spokane, Wath., brother of Senator-elect McBride of Oreson, and Mrs. E Ien Curtis Gage, M. D , of Salt Like City, were married st the home of tbe latter'a brother today. Judge McBride is ia his 62 1 year, and his wife la only a few years his junior, Mrs McBride is tbe widow of George Merrill Oige, form erly of Chioago, snd hss attained promi nence in 8alt Lake professionally as well a socially. Judge McBride, at tbe age of 23 was maT.ber of the oomtitntiooal conven tion of Oregon snd was soon afterward elected to the Brat senate of that atate, an 'I in 1860 was appointed ohief justice of Idaho. Sitnated seven miles sontti of Brownsville is s most oeaotnai lass, eoverlng an ares of abont eight sons lake whose waters are ae clear as erysta, and whose banks ere the scene of some of Oregon' world-famed mountain scenery, ss it were, snd which harMfnfArA ttmm lu.n MAmn...liMl n n i' habited by the finny tribe. Eealising that mis wouia oe s perteot parsaisa ansa , tor 6ab and sportsmen, Messrs. William Wss- som, Ororge Keeney sod s gentleman living near Lebanon, bsve written Fisb Commis sioner McOuire witb s view of sesnrins s large amonns of catfish sad carp to be p'soed in this lake. It ie to be hoped that they may be snoosssfnl, for tbey exhibit ft oommendabls spirit. " wm From L&Qrippe. How Dr. JMJ!es' Nervine Restored One of Kentucky's Easiness j. o.V; fi Men to Health. NO DISEASE bas ever presented so many peculiarities as LaGrippe. No disease leaves its victims so debilitated, useless, sleepless, nerveless, aa LaGrippe. Mr. D. W. Hilton, state agent of the Mut ual Life Insurance Co., of entucKy, says: "In 1SS9 and 'SO I had two severe attacks of LaOrippe, the last one attacking my ner vous system with such severity tbat my life waa despaired of. I bad not slept for more tban two months exceot by the use of nar cotics that stupefied me, but gave me no rest. I was only conscious of Intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain and tbe fact tbat I waa hourly growing weaker. Wben in this condition. I commenced using Df Miles' Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to Improve and in one month's time I waa cored, mucb to tbe surprise of all wbo knew of my condition. I bave been In ex cellent health since and bave recommended your remedies to many of my friends." Louisville. Jan- 22. 189$. D. W. HiiroK. Dr. Miles' Aerrao Restores Healtiu Lewiston Ttlleri It is reported that a bicyclist, wbile riding across tbe Nes Perce reservation attrtotad the attention of so Indian and so completely captivated him that tbe .wheel was seen exchanged for a wagensnd team, with which tbe native wss hauling posts to fence his ranob. The white man left tbe Indian trying to mount tl newly acquired vehicle and drove into town. Tbe lat report from tbe smtur bioyclis a is tbat be tried to make a reck if ai run down the Soldier Canyon grade. Tbe wheelwsut off on a tangent and pitied np on tbe rocks twenty feet below tbe roar), where wheel and rider were both suppo ed to be ia need of repsirs. Judge B'nnett returned S'turdev night from attending otrcuic court in Sherman county. ordinary Be tuvenator is he most wonderful discovery of the age. It has been en dorsed by the men of Europe and America, Hudyan Is pmejy .yage- Hudyen stops Prematureness of the dis charge In 23 days. Cures Constfp Falling Ben- sationa, Nerv ous twitching; of the eyes and other paita. BtreiicthAria. Invigorates end tones the emlreys,tpm. Hudran cures i e o 1 1 1 1 y, Kervousneea. Emissions, and developi a and restores veak orgaBS. Poins in the LUST KA3H00D bacir, losses DV CBV OT tilihtstopped mtoklr. Over 2-000 nrfvate endoisenienta. Frematoreness means lmnotency In ibe first ataao. It is ssymDtom of sftnlnal weakness sndbsireniiesa. I. osn be stopped in SO days By tusiaroumuuytui. - The new discovery was tnadn 07 the Bnectal" lafcinfthaoldfamonsHudson Medical Instllute. It Is tbe- stros fieet Tlisilser made. It Is very pnwenui, ont oaimiess. eoia tor iimi a pecc soeorS oaoksses for 8S.00(clsln sealed boxes). Written guarantee given for a cure. If too boy six boxes and are cot entirely eared, six man) win De sent to yonireeoiaiicnarees. Sena for circular and testlmotuala. Adlress HUDSON MEDIO At. INSTITUTE. ffojaottoa Stockton, lOatrlut 4c KlUa 8 taw sss jrrauioueo, vaju Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles. t ... Address i Look Box 181. Denny, Rice & Co. j . BOSTON Hi FOR THE SKLB OP . H7-TERICHN MOOLS, FOR SALE I HAVE FOB SALE On o-s years tints if deslrei. the bluff. SI Call at my home oa Ri XDALb Bb Enrogeaii Housbq r- : Mies. n. f aAjek, rropneior. Union Street, Between Seoond snd Third Streets only-25 cents a meal Tsbles slwsys supplied with the best meats In the market. No ChinMsM employe!, anrl th eooklnff It don oy nrat-cl&M catn ua ancr mj umur mij m. Branner's Restaurant SECOND STREET Three Doors From Court. MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOURS j OMA 85 CIS. A MEAL. Tha Tables anCPorrbbed with the BCST tbe market affurds o'srssw'rxizt.sS be tervedlnj aay style dnring the Season, V .. ISM . mi 0m S?;33".ita vvxojupanon. s -id ear if- au&Buieva. ii m Commission SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of lha State of Oregon, Wasco county. Ibe Pdclfl: Fire insurance Compmv, p'aintlfl, va. Itaniel J. Cooper. Arvazena A. C oyer. Tha utiles. Dufur a Silisioue K. R. (Jo., D. M. French ana J, W. French, dcfei.dauts. Br virtue or an execution duly Issued out of and under tne aeal of tha tiicule court of lh State ci Orrzon, ft.r the L'ountv of nac. to me dire ted. dated 28th day of November. ISM, upon a Judg ment ana d crao of foreclosure reuc-ered and en- tared in pa d court on tba 15th d.v of Novembt-r, 1884, in favor of tha Pacific Fl o Innu ance Con., panv. Dlalutiff. and aralnat D-nlel J. Cooper and arvnz'na A. Co..per. defendants, forthaaum of 1A.8V2.00, cotrmudine ana requirlntr me to make aaie 01 tne luimwina: aeacrinea real I rnpeny ku aied in tha county of Waaco, and atate of Oregon, to-wit: The west ha'f of Section SO. Townjb p I north. Range 14 east. 3-20 aort a: the nr-rtheaat Quarter and the eaid ha f of ihi aouinea-t ouarttr or 8 ctton SS, Town-hip t n' rth. Ranire llea. i 0 c es: lhe east halt of th- aoutlmot quarter of e-ectlou xo. r-offtithiD S north. R nee 14 est. SOacrea: tha southwrat quarter of S e lor 91. Tow. ahip t north. Range 16 eaat, 188 crea; the aouthtajt quarter of Section -25. Tovrn-hip 2 north, Kanxe 14 east, 160 acres; the west b Jf of Ibe n rthwrst quarieior section SI, Township 2 north, hange 16, eat, ing acres; the west half of the northwest quirtor of tenon 82. 'township X north, noire 16 east. 80 acre-; tne southeant quarter ol Secilnn 80. Town- n p t north, Kai eo 16 east, ISO aiTtt; tbe east half nd the sou hwat nu :rt-r of tue noithwest uuaru-r oi secti n su, Tuwufmp z no th, K&uye 16 east. 144 acres; the wec half of -the southwest quarter of section SO, T wnsbip 2 m.rth, Ra &e 16 o -si, 108 acres; tha north hair of lb aouthetst quarter and ibe nortbeaat quarter of the southwest qu-irtr of So Ion 19, Towi.shlp 2 i.onb. R.nfi-a 15 east. 120 aorea; tha esat naif or section si. own-hip north, Rantre 16 east, 820 ac-es Total 2.032 aciea. 1 dil! on the 27ih dav of .Nor.mb-r. 1(04, duly levy upou ma buutc uv-tnucu loai p upeny. How. therefore, bv virtue of aaid execution. 1nSr. ment, oider an 1 deiTea, and -n conformity ith tne wmotandk of said writ, 1 will on A edneaday, the Snd dav O' Januarv. 1S9S. at tha h"ur of 1 oVIoek and 8j min'ite-, p. n., at the front d-ioref the County o-uith nae of said Wa co County, in tha City of Tbe Da.Jea, In -aid county a d ltat, ae I at puouo auction, sudj ct to redemption, to the huh est bidder for United States and e in. cash in tianrl. all tha rUrht, title and in erent of the abovu na-ned del nd-nts. or either of them, in and 10 tne hn da-crtDed na. property to a.ti fy said sxecution, judirmeiit, o del and decree, Interest and cosrs and ail aucnung coats.. - T.J. DRIVER, BneruT or wasco C unty, i.revon. Dated at Dallas City, Oreg .n, Dec. 1, 1SS4. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laxs Omci AT TBS Dailks, Orsoos Alar, h 9. 1K95. Notice la berebr alven that the following- named Settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final prod in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before tba Register and Receiver at Tbe Dalies, Oregon, on April 27. 1 6, via: CYRUS COOP1R. H K No 4461. for ih j 6 (i BE!.. KW1 and lot 6. 8o IS, Tp2N. K16K. VI U. He nAiuee tbe loilowinir witnesses to prove his con'inuoBsraaiaenceupon ana cuuirauon 01 aaid una, vis: William Brookbous". Fred WicVman. A. It ilson. a. utuutBer, ail ui ine Delias, iireiion. Jas. K MhuRK, Register. i BLECN0S, J II PATTERSON Ca.blar. THE First National Bank OS1 THE DALLE8. Successors to SCHENCK . AND BEaLL, bankers., Transacts a Regular Banting Business Buyand'rell Kxchange. Cclleotlnns carefully made and promptlr accounted tor. uraw on xvaw tors, ban rrafiuaoo ana ton- Zlreotora) OP Thompson, Ed U Williams, JSSchsnak, naareeLlebe. 0 M Baall. THE JACOBSEN Book and Music Company DSAUB n Bjoks and Notions, Pianos md Organs STATIOXEBT. PIANOS and Oryaiis sold on eaay monthly pay-meats and all COMPJBTITION wa are prsparsd to meet. Call or sddress 162 Eacond Street Tne Bsvllaa. Or Tbos. F. Oak as, Henry u. ne, Henry 0. Rouse, neoeiTsrs. TVTORTHERN I N PACIFIC R. R. R U N S PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS I ELEGANT DINING CAR TOURIST SLEEPING CARS PAtn, TO UKlKiKSi.N WIVWIPFO . XHUT'' THROUGH TICK6TS TO cwinaot wsuiomN PHiT.ai-E' ""IA N KW T"t . B '9TOV Ain T,r, rOlHTd EAST and SOUTH. For information, time cards, mane and tlekata (mii no or wnre. v u. allawax, Atnt Or A. D. CH'R'TON, Aea't Oen'l Fae. Aeent, Nn. KSMorrUon St. corner ot Tulrd St., Portland, j DRESSMAKING Oourt Street, Two Doors South of Tnos-afora AEraaa office, cp-etairs. MRS. FORWOOD. nia remored bar dreeemakinar narlor. in tha parlor to 1 Irenes, and especially her former ouatonters, to oaQ icoatioo. and wonct In vita .11 neranna dMlrlnar arenas, an and si s bar. j ai dot. r Uasl.ping a specialty snd patterns cut to order arcs, busseli Fashionable Dressmaker Corner Third and Lincoln Sts. All Work Promptly and Neatly Done COAL! COAL! TBI BI3T- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn CoaL 118, sacked snd delivered to svny pert ot tbe eitj. ....... At Moody's Warehouse . . . For Rent- MTrtBH on Five Itl'e creek, abont four ml lea and a half frrss the hv. It com lata of I rtr ores, naarty 111 onaer ie ies, ana a rertieo enitt ted. Ooodtprinr of water, s'or tenne apuir to . EH1L SIHAVbSait. -the Dalles, Vak, 188, ' 1 u NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Tub Dalles, Orsoon, March 4, 1895. R'zht to nurchiss under act of March S. 1S?7. Notice la hure'iv (riven that the followimr-nameJ settler bis filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and right to purchase under slid set, and tta-, said proof will ba made before tha Keerister and Re ceiver at Tba Dalles, or, on Airfl 27, 1895. Vi Al AKSHALl. HILL. Applisatlon No. S Act of Mara 1 8. 1S37. ;for tha aw'4 aw i. aeo. 16, tp 1 N, R 13 K., W si. He names the following- witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tana, vis; Robert Coonar. Z. Moivin. W. H. Tailor. T A. tiu'tann, an ot-'lhe Dalles "r- Smr-et J AS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOE EE PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at The Dalles. Ob., ranruaiv 6 1&1S. Notice Is hereby given that the following-tunned settler has Bled ootica of bli intention to mika flrial proof in aupport of la claim, and tha aaid proof will be mad before the register and receiver at iue uauea, ureiron, on xpril 8, ISMS, vis: WILLIAM 8. WOODCOCK, H E No 8223, for tha MVJ of si.e xO, tp I s, r 18 a, W M. Ha names the followinr wltneasaa to nrnre hi. wuuauuus rosiacoce upon, ana cultivation of, sajti land, viz: J l Dovle. Ben Pouthw. ll. Ed TW1. Wm Tinvl. .11 J L--.IU- . ' mar i J A3 F. MOORE. Resin ter TASK'S CP. Came to tba premises of tha subscriber, ii Long Hollow, about 14 miles -nutha-t ef ine Dalles, one orrei mare. brand4 M on rivhc aiiuu dr tn white bind feet, white sirin In fc. Hho h . :t. oranaan tna same ine ownt r can have thesam- bv proving prnirty and paving- for tne charges ol Lout Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 SI. D. r cbBOR.NE. inn i'U ii cub ui (nm auveniament. Harper's Weekly. In 1805. HARPER'S WEEKLY la a nlctorlal hlatnn nf th. tima-i. It present every imponanteven' promutlv accurately, and exhi'iatively 1 lilua.ration and des criptive tezttf tba hig-hat orHer The manner in which, during 1894, It bas treated theChieaituRailw.y Strikes and tne Chioo Japan ese War, an t tbe amount of light It waa abl 10 thr w on K"reatbe lnatant at e.it on was directed to that tittle-known countrv. are examoiaa of 1 a .1. inn t noundlesa resources. JulUn Ralph, th- dia tinitulnbtii w Iter ana correspondent, hn been seut to t"S seat "f war. atd there loinad bv O n ui don, the well-known American artist, now for many years 'evident in Jpan, h . has been enrosri-1 to CO ni .-raw wi'bHr fialiih in sendinr to H ARPER'a WEKKLY exoluuve lufnrmatlnn andjlluatration rmlni SH everv vital auestinn will h nl. neuwl with vi.,r and without prejudice In the edit' rlal ro'umna, nd alao In enecial articlasb' tha hWh-.t uihori'le. in each departm-nt. Portraits f tha men and w men whn ure mat.inif hiatory, ai.d pow erful and e ut.- po iticil rartoona will ra.ntln,.. m ba eharacteri-tie featurea. Thia Buav WorM, with lta keen and kindly c mmentnn the leaser duingaof tbs uay. w li rem-in a regular dens tin- nt Fictios. 'in ro win b- iwo powerful sorlala, both hind-wmely 1 iu-iratad T ie Ked O okode. a stir nnir lomanoa of old-n davs by Stanley J. Wevmtn, and a navel .if e V. rk. entitled Tha aon of H a Faiber, ly Rra'.der .Mat hewa a veral novelettes, and man) abort stories b Popu ar wrttera Send for Illiutrated Prospectus. Tba Volumes of the Weekly besrin with the first numner for Jannarr of each year. Whan no tlmo is mentioned, subscription will begin with tbe uuin- oer current at ine time 01 receipt ci oruer. Cloth eaaaa for each roluma anltabla for bindlnr will be aent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of SI each Iltle-pags and Inda sent on application. Remittincos sbou'd b made bv nosteffiea monav nruer ur uraib, vo avuiu enanoa ot loss. Neutpavm art not to oovv tkit advartiimmu euAout Uit txprtu oratr of Harder dc Brother. HARPEB'S PERIODIOALa. PuTsas: Harper's Maarastns S4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Jarpar'e Basar ..... 4 00 Harj-r'a Young People (00 Pottage fnt to all SubaerOwrt in the UtaUd Statu iianaaa ana Mexico. Address HS.RPSS fiaOTHEBS, P. O. Box 969 New York City. v Harper's Bazar. fa IMS. Elegant am! exclusive designs for flut.d'ooi and Indour Toilette, drawn from Worth mods a bv Ban' d sand n puis, are an important feature. Th appear eve y weak, aceoopmted by minute daa o iptio' S aad details. Our Paris Leif r, by Eath. erine ds forest, is a weekly trans ript of the latest sty ea and caprices la tbe mo le. Under the bead t Kew York ffaahloiis plain dlregtu na and lull paracuiara are itiven as to snspes, fabrics, trim' mmn. and a. eesw ies f tbe oatutrea of well' drasaed women. Children's clothing racsives prao ti attention. A fortnightly Pattern-ah rt f rp- p emeut enables reanera to cut and make their own gowna. Tbe woman wn takes HARPEtt'S BAZAK la proper, d for every occaton in Ufa, ceremonious or snzorm wnere eaautnui dresal. tcauialte AA American aerial. Doctor warric 'a UauahUr's or Ka-iOecrm Bardina Davia. a atrona n vel American l(a. cartlr laid in P nnavlvania and partiv in uie far Buuto, wiu occupy tbe last bail ol the rear. . aiy Ladv monody, an In'enaoly esntlnp novel by Maren Maarteua. author of "Ood'a F00L" "Tha tix ter iory," eta, win lesrin tne year. Ksavs a d botlal Cbata. 'lo tola danartmant Pp"Ctaior will oontribuie her charmlne- Dsnara on "What Wa are u Ins." iu New York aooltv. Anewera to Corrcnondenta. Oue.tiona reoelve tha peraonal acta ition ot tbe aiit . and are an swered at tbs earliest possible date alter th lrre- ecipc. Send for Illustrated Prcspeotiu. The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with the first pumDor lor January 01 tacr year. v na no time la mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num ber current at the lime of receipt of order. .loin capes ior eacn volume, suitable for bindlnr. Ill be sent bv mall, post-paid, on receipt of tl Turn Title-page and Index sent on application. Hemittaneas should be made bv nuctomoa monev oruer or anas, to avoia cnanoe Of lose. Aemvavm are not to eomi Mm adotrtlmtnumi muuntt tue oxprett oratr of Harper at Brotkm. HARPERS PERIODICALS. PsaTsaa: Harpers Matrazlne ft 00 Harper's Weekly 4 qq narpere saaar ....................... 4 C0 Harper's Young People 00 Pottage fret to all rubtoriitrt in Oke United dtatet, vunuue ou Mtsnoo. Adrlreas: fTAPPEB at BELTHEE8 P. O. Box W9, New Tork City. ARE 4TRICT1Y IHST Class The tavreat, Fasten and Finest In the World, Passenger accomodatlona nnexcelleo. KEW TORiTlONQSNDERRV AND GUS80W, P"vorv Hafnrflnv. KEW TORE, GIBftALTER tvndNAPLSS At regular InterralA. 8&L01N. SECDN0-GLASS AND ST EE SAG! rates on lowwt Mrmi to and from tbe Drlncfol scotch, muse, ZBISH A ALL C0im5KT&L POIKT&t Exonrslon Oetcsta siwfs.ilsLble to return bv either the tlt toreaqn Clyde A North of Ireland or Kaplea t Olbraltai Dafti a&d kaaty Ortn tot iar Amout at lovtrt SiM, Avoir to anr of our lorn! Atrentaorta HENDKSON BttOTHfiHS. ChloaijOe HI WANTED TO EXCHANGE For Horses, Cattle or Sheep, in There Is one SMM Asiw ranch iu Grant eonntv .m wiii l ifma-u. ior anr OI tne aoare StouK. Host of this lano is fenced, has rood anrlnua. ahnnd. snes of wa er, good flre-rnom huuse, stable, t-heds, rpr.nir houae, correll a d etc. an cut S00 tons of nay n this una. fits miles from countv sown. AlsoSflO rSi elnse to Kansas CitT. all nnder ranee, O' e-naii mua irom court nouae, a ltd stable, all feneed and croaa-tencad.. This is a good fa m and eloae to market. W 111 take fS3 per a re for ante tarm ana wiu take noraes at what tbey are wortn. For furtasr ssrtlcnlara apply to W. R. CA2ITRBU, Duftir, Or. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods banled with the greatest oare to el earte of tha nty on short notion. DAN BAKER, PBoranoR or rat- Wool - Exchange - Saloon. - 1 -&G3T IMPORTED AND DOMXSTIO Wines, Liauors Cigar.s Second Street KastXad. Farmiuff Property General Expressman JUST RECEIVED. A FULL r V -14WU.J.VKS, n Kabbe Knofs MJJJ UJ And Arctio Overshoes AT PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO SELL THEM. ROBERT E. poal Dlauuon d Flsurlng; Mills THE INTER OCEAN -IS Most Popular FepuWIcan Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. DAILY (without Sunday). TERMS BY MAIL DAILY (with Sunday).... The Weekly l PER TEAR.... A8 ffEWSPAPER THR I1WTPD The Weekly AS A FAMILY PAPER IS It has somethlnir of Infei DEPARTM ITS LITERARY FEATURES KlMrii,...i . ,rcrxJ?.l-Wt ana K'vea Its readers the benefit of the jWvORU. on all live political topic "h also gives tbem TUB M3W Of. FlhFL fT.!S..REPU?.yCAN' IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. PAPER FARTHER EAST. It is In accord with tbe people of the Wast both In Politics and Ltteratare. t ad DlStTr5mbf !;lhat V'3 o The Weekly Inter Ocean U ONLY ONB DOL LAR per year. Address THE INTER OCEAN. - Chicago.' . WB SBlvIvl : NOT AT COST But at a Very Jmall Profit Men's Kipp and Calf Boots. N Men's Kipp and Calf Show. Men's Light Shoes. Boys' Light and Heary Shoes. : Youths' Grain and Calf Button Shti Ladies' Calf Shoes. Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords. Ladies' Kid Button Shoes. ' Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes. " Misses' and Children's Grair and Calf Button ShoV", A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic' and Eubhe Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc. Shoe Shop in Connection With Store Stoneman & Fiegr THE DALLES, OR. fl.lPJJAJIIMAlllllllWJIHIiaJLIII SsaatafeMMaMaaaaaaheaaitKMC 11 jt. -e MANHOOD RESTORED tnn nt a (aiuntu Franeh Dhvlr4sin will mtiAsrl mtS< tlonot a famoua voua or disi-oaes anaoiniiuhi iiuie iu Plmplea, unfliness JnflUieSS Ililtm In Constipation. It Hess of dischsrge, Brrnnr . irrrR an uenorroraoiimpotracr. s SJSsnEBiEoiaauaeeueUTBSt the (.runs, ann r 1 cn kidneTaandthenrtnaryortraneoIaillinpuilUea, SIT PIllFaS lwaiia IImwi, nnd TMlnm flmall WMk orvana. The reanon aufferers are rot cn.-ed by Honors la because ninety per esnt are troubled erfta pematltla. CUPIDENEIstheonly known remad to ours without an operadou. SUHOlcaitmonV l A written euarnntee siren and money returned If six boxes does not etteot a permanent ome. 00 a box, ala fur 5.00, by mall. Sandfor VBsectraularaod taetlBioolala. SrVlraae DATOL BKDICXXE STOP. O. Box San Isuciaoo. CaL Jbraaieaf . The ro lino AO. KELLER. Best Grade California Wines .A OOatTLSTI IMPORTED and DOMESTIC IVo. DO Second door from Tbe corner of Court Street . . . HEFTUITEj baths FEAZIER & WYNDHAII, Propr's AND HAIRCDniNG LADIES' HAIROUTTlNGr am SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. A Shower Room in Each Bath Boom. A Bootblaok Stand Connected with our 110 Front Street, Opposite THE DALLES. TELEPHONE - LINE OP- Rubbers uas r IIXIUUVUI WILLIAMS TBE DAtlXS. OB THE- .$6.00 per ycr $8.00 per year Inter Ocean l $1.00 J VJJI. OCEAN keeps ebreest of tba tine In all scoitna alii 1 rua Inter Ocean ' NOT EXCELLED BY ANY, arm ooeaualad. "" atlvs. He readers the beaeft "CUPlDtHS" Thta imt Vaeatahle French pliyaldan.wlll auicklroureTouof all nar. viuuiser,tnep llinai'i hi. 01 tne senwative orgaua, aucu aa Loat Manhood. lll Hiitfk. Mmlnul CmlML.n. Ttll hum otuf,a, to Marry, to 2farrV. ACahaOatlna' Dntllia. Varinwat. mltA stop all loasea by day or night Prevents qntcic which If not checVed leails to Spermatorrbcaa and Wine Eooms MANAOEB. anil Brandies in the City USX Of- LIQUORS and CIGARS THE DALLES, OREGON shop, and special attention paid to all Cosmopolitan Hotel, OEEG0NJ NO 40 III 1 1 1 .wriA PAllLOSS a- r ri