The Times-Monntaiueer SATURDAY ....MARCH 23. 189fi ANKOTJNCEMENT- From January 10th to July U of ths prewnt wr nalnn-HocifiAt.-m will be funusneato suo-crfb-is lor SWO in adrwioa; with the ITseM Ore tmiaa. as 00: Amtriem J.aricultualitt . Louis 8ni-WeX'T Ctee Dmwcrat 4.00. JoHN MiO-iELL, PublUher. ITEM 8 IS BBHP From Weaneeiav's Deliv. Mr. John Woods, wife of the psator of the Methodist cnurcn in tnis city, with her children, left on the Jttyutator this morning for Portland. A ballonist at Astoria, after ascending 8000 feet, could not work bis parachute, and fell into the river. He was unin jured, howeyer, and will try again. Mrs. Obarr has azain opened her boarding and lodging house at the East v End. tine is now prepared to lurnisn meals to ail patrons attbe usually low ." rates. J. B. Crossen ia receiving; a stock of . glassware ia addition to bis grocery business. Tbese consist of the different varieties of d'sbes, pitchers, lamps and other goods comprising this line. Aside from the Indians vesterday the . recorder's court has bad little business : during the past few days. The commu nity are very peaceable, and even spring fights do not appear to be as popular as in other lessons - News was received in the city today that Mrs. A- W. Ferguson, of As toria, was very ill with slight hopes of recovery . Mrs. Ferguson was formerly a resident of this city, and is well known to old citizens. Last evening at half-past 8 o'clock Mr Jacob M. Lock and Miss Susie Clemens were married in' -the court not hope to shi p to Germany until free trade ball reince our vKgea to lbeirs. This would come with free trade It is only pro tection that can prolong the dreadful day. The trout ffching season will not open until April 1-t, but oar anglers are now weodiug tbeir way to the neighboring streams for the purpose o baiting the Sony inhab tDt. Uf coarse no mountain tront will be caught until the 1-it of next month, bnt the sport of walking and fishing will be er joyed. Rev. A. Horn, pastor of the Lutheran churcb in thin oi'jr. returned last evening from White 8 imon, Wah., where he prracnei to hie N rwfgin Litheran breth ren. K Suiday, at 10:30 A H , he wi.l hold civicis in the Lu'ueran chapel n Nmth street in German, and at 7:30 P. M. in English. A cordial welcome is extended to all. The Daily ChronicU, ft La Grande, cele brated tbe anniversary of its birthday last Monday by iocrmoiug it. aiz to a six colun n paper. We are p'eased to note this S gn of froaperi'v. and hope it maytoo iiuue, as i be Chronicle ii a very able ex ponent of tbe i-rsi interests of the comma ni'v to which it is pubilabed. Goiernor Lord made the following ap pointment yesterday: J W Lawrey, Pendleton, pr s-cutme attorney, six'h jo dioial districts C v7. Parnsh, C nyo Cuv. pr seu'iog attorney, ninth di.triot; Robert Bkin, TJuion, circuit judge, pinch di triot. These men are well knowo in Sutero Ore goo, and ate in every partiouiar qqalltitd or the positions named. There are many ii d cations that the enm ing spring feison will oa one or unu-uai activity in this viuinity. Several Dew bmldinss will be erected, and in every d partment of trade increased business is ex pected:, with the Keqwawr uooer tne co i- trol of the people, ana che p rates to sea noard in conatquenoe, the Utiles has tne brghte t prosprot for the future of any city in tbe northwest. Salem Pott: Bnoco Keller, oar most im portant m.o to tbe peniteatiary was the re- intent of a rail tiom nis oia time pars er. X N- Steeve yesterday The object of tnemeetioff we are amble to state, but it is 1 kely that it is something pertaining to the ease of Mr Staevas which is betore the tbe . . ..... m. . ul jur an oouseDy Jnage Hiakeiey. xne parties .Dreme court. Mr. Steele -ntered came to the city irom JSJiewtat county, oit" , Wlth Jack Ditchburn very procured their license, had the ceremony j Uv . tnen ,.ft ,pParentlv as silent performed and returned borne-husband M thev arr,ved. No one seems to know and wife. ha their want bninesa was further than Tbe flood last June washed out the beach, which was formerly a sloping , incline to tbe water, to an em Dans ment ab ut six or eight feet nigh. This has made a good landing place for the R-ii tator, and has opened to view many things wbicb were formerly hidden, Fossil" Journal: Byron Barnard will buy 10,000 bead of cattle, if he can get them, for shipment to Montana. He has already purchased over 100 head from Del Zachary, Coe Barnard aud Ed Cum nings. He is paying $10 for year- ling steers, io tor two, fzu lortnrees and $14 and $15 for cows. Mr John ('. Brngan, of Antelope, ia in the city. When be left snow covered the ground, but cattle and sheep were doing Well, and there were good prospects for crops. The lambing season had begun; but it was hoped that warm weather would begin betore many lambs were born, as the present frosty nights and mornings are not lavoraWe. Toledo Marie: No half year in the his tory of the country, at least within tbe past 80 years, has made such a record of detk'iency in the receipts oi tLe govern ment as compared witn its necessary expenditures. The receipts for the six m ntbs in questi n were $134,864,969, w.nle the ex enditures were $178,3(0,- 043, making the deficiency $43,516,074. Pendieton Tr-bune: The Indian who was run over and killed Saturday evening by tbe overland passenger tiain was iden tified Sunday as IDarue BlacBuawg, an Indian well Known upon tbe reservation and in kwo. Ills corpse, was removed to tbe reseryiition last evening. Coroner Kimery will go out tomortow to confer with Agent aarper regarding the acci dent Several months ago Prior Scott, a well- known resident of Corvallis, disappeared Irom that city. Tne evidence was very satisfactory tbat be was drowned id tbe Willamette at that city; but tue remains Could not be found. Last Saturday even log the steamer jte was passing tbe mouth of tbe Saniiam, when tbe body of a man was discovered on ibe bar out of tbe water, wbicb is now yery low. Tbe male reo ignited it ss tbat of Mr Scoil. it was not taken; but mends of tbe man have been notified at Uorvall:s. ' A gentleman from Walla Walla has expressed himself in regard to tbe strange procedure taken in tne case ol tne stray baby found in Pendleton, says tbe- Tri bune. Tbe rightful o ners refused to appear in- court and would not allow tbeir names to be used and were sob erly represented by an attorney into whose charge the child was intrusted by tbe court. '-.A wonan wearing a mask had appeared in Walla Walla previous to the. scene in court demanding her child. :;.- York WW will tbe transaction before tbe oourt. This, from the New probably be news to many Oregonians : 'Senator-elect Geo. W. McBride. of Oregon, was an ardent 1 ver of out-door life, a excellent horseman, and a sure snot with tbe rifle before be was crip pied by a fail from a wagon a few years ago - Since the accident he has been compelled to use crutches. He is one of the land barons of Oregon, bis es tate in Columbia county extend ng from tbe river front several miles back to tbe monntains Senator McBride-is forty one years of age," . From Thursday's Daily. Mr. A. A. Bcnney, of Tygh valley, was M town yesterday, Capt, A. Ad. K Her has been on the' sick list for tbe past lew days. Tbe summit of tbe Klickitat bills was white with snow this morning. : Hon. S. B. Dufur is confined to bis resi dence by reason of a severe cold. The Regulator left her wharf this morn ing witn loa of oattie foe the Day Bros, at the Licks. Mr. U. B lysrd, who has not beea able to attend to bis business for several days, is ooavaleomg. A very pleassnt rain fell last ntgbt and this morning, srd tbe dost ft J e. tar day baa been charged to mud. Mr. J. A Duthitt,' who has been in tbe eity for several days past, returned to bis home at Pilneville this morning. La gnppe is prevalent in this oommnnity, and several of our oiuaons are coutiued to tbeir residences in constqaeooe. . Mayor' Fran, Meoefee bes not been able to leaye bis nou-ie tor several days on ac count of an attack of la grippe. There will b? a business meeting of the Epworth League Friday evemug at 7:30 o'olook in the basement ot tbe M. K. Ohurob. Tbe rain of last night and today has placeu tbe an u id 10 txod condition tor plowing, and our farmers are yery busy put tlLg in spring grain. Two carloads it cattle were shipped yes terday by the Colombia Picking Co froor tbe s ockyards of R E Sltmrahe A: Co. to tbe UlIou Meat Co. of Portland.' Owing to the teouution in tbe oot ot soap, and tbe alow growtn of facial hirsute ap p?udags ft Wyodhsm bve re duoed tbe price of shaving to 16 cents. Street Commisioner Butts is repairing the aeweis id the city. Very many ot tbem are broken, and tbe health of the oity de maud that tbeia be attended to immedi ately. . . The tint wool of the season was received at Sao dv's warehouse yen'.erdoy. it came from Dville in Grant county, and as the fi at cl p of tbe seasqn. Tne fleeces were of excel lea t fibre, aod very free from dire. Although there have beea no press re ports eoncerniug the same, the news comes from private toareea that a great deal of damag" resulted to the trait prospects in tbe VI alia Walla country by tne late cold soap. Many kioda of trait will be a total failure this year ' The following deed was filed witb tbe scanty clerk tO'iev: George B. Halvor and Mary B. Halvor to Oregon Railway X Nav igation U'inipanvi right of way through the e hf of nw qr and w bf of ne qr seo -17, tp 2 o, r 13 ej $300. At 'he regular meeting of Wasco tribe, No 16, beid at the wigwam last night, a committee of live was appointed to aot in eocjuoct'on with other oommitteas fro-n the triors in tbe Portland reservation regarding tbe pre per celebration of Chief Tammany day, My 12th. g'i Perkins: Wages get lower as we go east. Here are carpenter' wagea all over the worl.i; America, $3; E 'gland, $1 60; Belgium, $1; Germany, 76 rental Aaetria,60 cental Italy and Hungary, 26 cental Tor key, 16 oent China 7 oeu'Sj Japan, 16 oents. icb low wage ooumry eau maou faotnrs and bip ta the next higher wags fonntry, but not' vine vena. America eaa , From Friday's Daily. Winter still lingers ia tbe lsp of spring. Dr. Dietriob. of Dufur, is in town to-lay. There are five prisoners in tbe county jsrt. Tbe residents of Dofur are sortly affl oted with la grippe. Mr. E W. Helm, ot Nantene, arrived in town yesterday. Tne K'loliitat hille were covered with snow this morning. "Nevada" by tbe local dramatic olnb next Wednesday evening. Tbe late rains have given the gardens a fren and green arpearanos. Hood's Pills aot easily, yet promptlv and effectively, on the liver and bowels. 26c. Mr. B. S Huntington wis a pasaenger on tbe Simulator tnis morning for the Cascade Locks. The road between The D dies and Blalock will be ballaated aod rip-rapped. Work will begin next me-k. P dsitriamam wss very unsafe this morn- ii g, aud one ba'l dimoalty in maintaining his equilibrium on tbe slippery boards. Twelve boors aun, snd the god ot day be gins his reign at 6 o'clock this morning and Will not resigu bia soeptre until 8 ibis even lug. Mattera in D. P. 4 A. N. circles are becoming very live y. and. tbe election of direct' r- on April 8 b will be tbe most in- tere-tiig of any let held. If the hair ia falling out and turning grey tbe Elands of tbe akin need stimulating ana color-food, and tbe beat remedy and stim ulant ia ball'a bair Bene war. Tbe way to re oh catarrh is through the blood. Hood's Srsaparilla, by purifying tbe blood, removes the csuse of tne disease so l permanently cores catarrh, lake only Hood's. We received from tbs secretary of the interior, through the courtesy of lion. w. R Ellis,, the compendium of tbe eleventh zenana. Thta is a very valuable weak for Statistical information. Mr D. W Edards.formerly a merchant of thia city, but lota ed at present to Silem, apnut two or three diva in the city - this week. He left on the Btgvlator tbis morn ing for bis home in tbe Willamette valley. Rudolph Goldsmith, for over 20 yeart in tbe dry e oda bosii ess in Portland, baa failed for $45 000 The Goldsmith atom, which ia eaiimsted to oou'ain 1100,000 worth of stock, wa elosed on two attach ments Sat Oi day. Tha Sua ar or aria an the Brewerv till is being rep ired, and tbe road to Seufert's Cannery is bing pat in good con dition. Commissioner Bat' a baa no tramps in his charge but con Id work a few to tbe advaotage ot tha oity TEe folly of prejudice ia frequently shown by people who prater to suffer for years rather tban tr an advertised remedy. Tbe millions who have no auch notions, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla for blood -diseases, and are cored. So much for common sense. All the elements which nature req'iiras, to make the bair beautiful and abundant. are supplied in Ayer's Hair Visor. 'Ibis preparation ke ps tne scaip ires irom aana raff. nreents tbe hair from becoming dry and barub. and makes it flexible and glossy. G W. E'lis, otHoial stock inspector for Umatdla ouunty, was ia Pendleton Tues day, on his way to the Columbia river to rximine tbe condition of beep ranging on t bauka. Dunns tha past two weeks he hss inspested 67 000 sbeep, and reports favorably regarding tbem. Several gentlemen last evening, who at tended the dance at the opera bouse, when they were ready to sa home could not find their hats, and were forced to walk tbe streets bieheedsil. Whether this was a well planned larceny or a j ke ia not known, aod tha perpetrators oannot be found. Union hss failed td raise the subsidy seked for the proposed beet sngsr factory. aod it ia now too 'ate to get the seed or pat np the building ia time for use this year. Toe hope is to seenre an extension of time in which tbe aubaidy would be ac cepted for another- year. Tbe subsidy asked ia 860O acrea of land. Up in Spokane county the farmers kill ground tquirrela witb giant powder, asya an exchange. Thev do not use it to blow tbem up, but soaa a little of the powder in aero- aine, wrap it in paper, put it io the holes aod set Are to it The gases generated penetrate to tbe utmost imit if tbe reoesses and tooop everything they resoh, L-st night, about 12 o'clock, news wis seat to this oity tbat a man at work on the linea of the Wea'ern Union Telegraph Co. had received severe irjurits trem a (II. It aip-ar that he fell wbile olimb irg a po e, and ai.ff red a aevere cut on the aoalp. His name waa P Fogarty, and be waa taken to Portland rn the afternoon traio. Dr. H"llter waa called last nlgbt. and applied the ususl surgical remedies, Corvallis Timet: J L. Cistle has 600 head of shtep ieiy to market in Portland, aad will probably atart tbem thia week. Although ti re is a railroad from hereto Portland, he entire band will be driven. It oosta only 10j per head to drive them, and it cists over thirty cents per head to ship them by rsil O'er 6 000 bead of Ben ton' ooonty sheep were marketed io Port land last seaaoo, and of the entire lot only one oai load wss shipped. Tbe msntg-T of tne Orfgon Stat Fair hsvs decided thit there is a crying demand in Oregin for more horse, ranes at atate ex pense. Tbry have, therefore, decided to extend the lair through a period of ten rlaja and hava four races everv day except Sun day. A n-asonab'e exhibition of trisls of speed i all right, but when the whole time is devoted to this hrmch it givs tin born gamblers, eta , a cha ce to - prey upon the people, and no attention is paid to tbe ex hibit ot fiae stock, prednae, etc,, and the whole thing wil be a farce as ususl noth ing but horse rsces. The D. P- and A. N- Co- The Oregonian has the following in reference to tbe contest now being waged for the control ef the stock of the D. P. & A. N. Co. : "Tbe annual meeting of tbe stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company will be held at The Dalles on Saturday, April 6, and, if the present board of directors is re elected, immediate steps will probably be taken to extend tbe company's opera tions under provisions of the Smith traffic law, passed by the last legislature. "The present board of directors of tbe navigation company is composed of A. S. Mat allister, Robert Mays, Orion Kin ersly, Samuel L. Broks, Hugh Glenn, Edward Williams and George J. Farley. ard, with tbeir p raonal holdings and proxies in their favor, representing a majority of all the stock, their re election appears to be a foregone conclusion. Although one of the most active promo ters in the company, when it was first organized, in 1891. D. M. French, the pioneer banker of The Dalles, is now engaged witb some friends in trying to defeat the present board. So far as their own stock representation goes, they are in a minority and a great effort is being made to secure a sufficient number of proxies in order to gain a balance of power when tbe annual meeting is held. An offer was made recently to purchase what stock Banker French holds, but he declined, and, following bis refusal, the value of tbe navigation stock is said to have gone np from 90 cents to $125; but those to whom the latter sum was offered refused to part with their hold ings, as there ia said to be a 16 or 20 per cent dividend in sight. "There are 2i shares ot tbe navigation stock held in Portland, and yesterday, when Mr. Edward C. Pease, a prominent merchant of The Dalles, aod a friend of Banker French, arrived in tbe city, it was presumed tbat tbe object of his visit was either to purchase tbe stock of tbe Port land owners, or, falling in this, to secure proxies from them, so as to yote tbe shares at tbe forthcoming annual meet ing. It is. not believed that Mr. Pease met with success, if that was his mission. There were other interested parties also on the alert, and Vice. President Hugh Glenn and Mr. George J. Farley, one of the directors ot the company, also had business in Portland yesterday, which proved so successful that tbey took the return train for heme last night. Director Karlsy explained tbat,safdiy stowed away In an inside pocket, he had proxies to represent 20 out of the 22 Portland s harts, and he expected to vote them at the an nual meeting." that the members shall hold office until their suocetsors are elected and bave qoali. fled as provided in the act. Tbe provisions of the aot are that tbe legislature In joint session shall elect. Ia the report of the Oregon supieme courts, opinion by Justice Bean, State ex rel Everding vs. Simon, are cited oaaei whion are held by the commis sion to be parallel and in which decisions were rendered in favor of the holl-over offi cials. Only one unfavorable case has been dag up, and tbat by one of the candidates for appointment. It comes from Texas and waa brought up by the death of an official after tbe regular election. In California and Indiana are parallels which seem to give the preaent railway commissioner title to tbe offices, Naa Peso Cash.. The payroll of the I .diana who are en tit e I to share in the first cash payment ef $620,000 bave been completed and are ready to be forwarded to Washington for final action, sajs tbe Lawiatou Tribune, Tbe rolla embrace 2062 names, of whom chant 300 bave died sine the allotment was made aod these wbose heirs will receive their pro rata, and 90 births bave been d -s'. Etch name is therefore entitled to 308 1C in oasb. They will probably receive their money in 30 or 40 days. Colonel Lane is hourly expecting a tele gram from tbe department authorizing him to strike from tbe roll the names of about 110 interloping Indians who bave no legal or moral right in tbe distribution. Ihese Indians came in from several adjicenl res ervations when tbe allotment was made sod tbeir claims were allowed. Colonel Line ia satirfied that tbese intruders are not juit olaimants and is desirous of savin? to tbe proper beneficiaries the (33 000 involved As soon as advice ia received upon this point the rolls will ba immediately copied lu triplioate aod forwarded to Washington where oheoks to tae individuals will be made out and sent to Colonel Lane for distribution. A Mexican War Veteran. We received an agreeable call this morn ing from Mr. Perry Watkins, sr. The old gentleman is a vetaran of the Mexican war. and, while in the army was afiiioted with tbe measles. Not receiving proper medical care the disease left his eyes in a very weak condition, and cow, in bis old sge. be is almost blind. After arriving in Mexico, during that campaign, he was taken sick and was in tbe hospital for several months. Wbcn be was discharged,the physician who had been very attentive to him, said he would give him some good advice, and Mr. Wa:kins expressed his thankfulness to the doctor, for his personal interest in him. Then, taking him by the hand, he told him that when be arrived home to go into tbe woods and throw a rope over the first limb and bang himself j that be was a phjsical wree from the hardships of tbe campaign and the t fleets of the measles and dysen tiry fiom which he bad tuffered; that he would never be a strong man again. Not withstanding this opinion of the dootor Mr Watkins regained his health, and is still bsle and hearty aod enjays life, with the exception of tbe failure of his sight. He is a man of excellent traits of character, highly respected by bis neighbors, and well informed on all subjects, but being debarred bv the failure of bis eyesight from keeping himself poated on the events of the day feels the less very keenly. slriere'sriotfcmf The new vegetable shortening. Wherever introduced, it drives lard from the kitchen, and indi gestion from the household. It has been tried by every test, and has met every requirement. It isas much superior to lard as the electric lisht is to the tallow-rim The only Question now la. will you pive your family the bencfitt wxuca its use bestows? era&npfeihv Dry Cord Wood. We bave again on hand an abundance of strictly dry fir, oak, pine and maple wood, cut for family purposes. M.ueb & Bkntos. 1 & Railroad Matters- A new time schedule is expected to go into force on Mar oh 27h. It is not known what changes will be made io the ruooing of trains, but these will be so arranged as to accommodate travel.. Tbe different I'.nes. connecting with tbe O. R. & N. Co. will want the time schedule so as to ac commodate their trade, aod arrangements may be made to meet these requirements. Tbe mixed train now running between Portland and this city will be made a straight passenger train, consisting of bagiraee car, smoker, ladies' day coach and observation car. This train will be known as No, 7 and S. Train No. 8, east bound, leaves Portland at 8 A. M, arrives at Tbe Dalles at 12:15 P. M. ; No. 7, west bound, leaves The Dalles at 2 p. M., and arriyes at Portland at 0 :80 P if. This will be a dally service. Tbe mixed train has never before run Sundays. The ob servation car is something new for this part of the country, and will bo highly appreciated by the many tourists who visit tbis sestlon, as well as many of the local patrons who have never bad an op portunity to view tbe aeenery between Tbe Dalles and Portland. This .oar was built by the U. R & N. Co at its Albina shops and is handsomely gotten up. Both sides and ends of the car are open witb a sort of a canopy top, seats finished in leather. It Is tbe Intention of the company to make a very cheap rate for the summer months -between those points, and ar rangements will be made allowing pas sengers holding local tickets from all points east of this city the privilege of stopping at The Dalles ana taking the rldo down tbe Columbia by day. Soanlo Art Mr. George M. Borne, tbe soenio artist, Is engaged at bis studio in tbe Cosmopoli tan botel in painting a scene for tbe drama to be put on tha b srds next Wednesday evening by tbe local aramatto oiuo ni tbis city in tbe play of "Nevada." Mr. Home Is ao adept with tbe brush, and, with a few atrokes oan change a background Into a realistic soeoe of mountains, valleys and pleasanta homes. The curtain wbicb h; finished for tbe Wasco tribe of this city is truly a work, of art. and, at a glance, one would be deluded with the idea that he was walking in the midst of a forest, and the trees aad tepee wbicb are enolosed are painted so true to nature that he might ex pect to bear tbs guttural welcome of the primitive red man at tbe entrance of tbe enoampmrnt. ' He la assisted in his work by Mr. Horaos o. 8tevsu, -formerly re porter on tbe Portland Sun, aod a news paper man of several yeara' experience. longevity In Eaa tarn Oregon- The following from the Baker City Dem ocrat is an account of the death of the oldest person perhaps east of tbe Caioade mouat ainr; Mrs. Elisabeth Westfall pasted away on tbe 13 h- of March, at the home of her graBd daughter, Mra. P.. A. Cammann, at Westfall, Malheur oounty. Mra. Weatfal', or as she was generally called "Grandma," was born in Green Co. Pa., December 6:h, 1801, and was tb?refore 93 years, 3 months and 7 daya old at tbe time of her death. Waa married in 1816 to Stephen Westfall and shortly after moved to West Virginia, where she lived until 1883, when in oom- pany with her son, Jaokaoo Westfall now of Long Vslley, Idaho, she came to Oregon and to Bully Creek to the home of another sou, Levi Westfall, one of the pioneers of that seotion. She waa the mother of 12 children, 8 of whom oame at different times to this oouutry. She left ia thia country 9 grand children, IS great-grand children and 11 great-gieat-grand obildren, be sides a large number of deoendants in differ ent eastern states. The last fe-v years of ber life she was indeed in her second child hood, and pissed to her rest without snffer- In composition, in healthfulnew, in flavor, or in economy. Its success has called out a lot of imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose of selling in the place and oa the merits of Cottolene. . Avoid them all. They are made to sell and they are a sell. Get the genuine Cottolenb. Bold In S and S pound patts Hade only by Th N. K. Falrbank Company, ST. LOUIS and Calcafo, Saw Terk, Bostoa. When Baby waa sick, we gave her Oastorla. When she was a Child, she wied f or Castorla. When she became Idlaa, she clang to Cat 'aria. Whan aha had Cbila'ren.ahe gave them Oastorla. Grape Cnltnra- Mr. J. O. Stiefel, of St. Paul, Minn., made us a pleaaint call this morning, He is visiting this country for the purpose of planting a vineyard and engaging in tbe manufacture oi wine, Mr. Stiefel is i very intelligent man, a natiye of Switzer land, and has been engaged in wine manu facture and grape ooltnre tor a long time. His destination whan ha left St. Paul was Eennewick in the Yakima country, and from tbat plaoe he baa viaited the Grand Eonde ooaatry. Ha baa been at The Dalles for a few days, and ia highly pleased with this vioinity.. The toll and olimate he con- aiders well adapted to grape culture, and he believes tbtt a high grade wine can bs man , t r-r ... uiaoiurca nere. ne Oai with him some grape plants and will have the neoessiry maohmery here io a little while for tbs manufacture of wine, Thia country, he thinks, should be the vineyard of tbe north west, and our facilities in this line are not surpassed anywhere. Physicians Moat Reirtster. Tha new mediosl law passed dunog the recent session of the state legislature re quires all physicians to register with the secretary of tbs atate board of medical ex aminers and take out tbeir licenaea by the lat ef April. If thia requirement of the law la not complied with physicians will be subject to arrest for a violation of the law, and in order to praotioe thereafter will be compelled to undergo an examination before the board. : All that ia necessary for physicians to do is to send their certificates to tbe seoretary of tbe board, Dr. B. B. Miller, witb a written request for a lioenae. Many appli cations bays already been received by tha seoretary. . The board meets on the 27th of thit month, and by that time Dr. Miller ex pjots to bave nearly all the applications fr jm tbe profession In good staadiog in. Steers Going Up. Though often deceived by lalse indica tions, there is reason to h"pe for an Im provement u tbe prices of livestock. One reason why it is safe lo look for h raise is tbe fact that buyers are hustling for cattle and are bidding sharply for all kinds. It Is by no means true that a boom .is on la the livestock market, and it will not be safe t) count on any bonanza figures. All range aod agricultural products are low and cannot under present conditions reach old-time high prices. But advances of one-quarter or one-halt cent are wor thy consideration when the quoted pnoe delivered here is i.7 An opinion on tbis subject is given by The Proeitiovr, a Journal of tbe market, published in New Tors and Chicago. The. Provitianer says ; "There seems to be no longer any doubt In regard to our cattle supplies. Advices from all the stock raising states verify tbe suspicion ecfertalned tor some time tbat a shortage ot cattle might be looked for from now on. It will be recalled that we made a similar forecast a few years ago and were called to order by several ot our live stock cotemporaries fur being so em phatic in ibe expression of our opinion. Subsequent events, however, showed tbat our position was correct, as prices went away up aod prime beef became, compar atively speaking, a luxury. Tbese condi tions may exist again, and be to a greater or less extent ameliorated by tbe recent narrowing of our export trade through tbe restrictions which bave been placed upon it by European governments." Washington Heard Front- Tbe Siiera Pott says: Tbe kick again t Oregon's railroid eotnmiasioo ia not confined to t'ie atate. From away ap in the atate of Washington comes complaint, and an appeal IS made to Governor Lord. W. Q. Rrtd, a grain dealer of Taoorna, alleges that he has written repeatedly to tbe Oregon railroad ooaraision for information aa to freight rates on grain in Oregon. Mr. Eied states tbat he has enelossd stamps each time and offered to pay expenses of information, yet baa received no reply, and he farther com plaint tbat tbe Oregon commission is the only ore that fiat ever refused his drm suoh information. We shall anxiously await the ply of tbe eommisaion to this charge against their ethoienoy, and mora anxiously await the fats of thia oommiaalon. ai i -i Giant Powder Again- La Grande Chrmicle: Sunday forenoon some small children playing on the north side of the railroad track found rail road torpedo, and with genuine child like curiosity proceeded to discover what tbe strange appearing contrivance waa made ot. Being unable to separate tbe two pieces of tin which holds tbe torpedo together one of tbem struck it with a rock and it exploded witb a loud report. Two small girls Theresa Crowl and Eva Baker were somewhat injured by the explosion, tbe former by a badly lacer ated band, and the other ooe by being considerably powder burned on the side of the face. Tbs Bortiooltoral Bill In tbe press of business attending tbe olose of tbe legislative session, the new horticultural law waa temporarily loat eight of, and the efforts of the clerks in the seore tary ot state's office to resurrect It have ' thus far proved uosucoeaafnl, so that they have not been ahle to furnish the pubiio with a oertified copy aa yet, and the qn'es tioo ot fnnds cannot be definitely stated However, Asttstauy Secretary of State Lovell says that be thought the matter of funds oould be satisfactorily arranged, snd tbat if a meeting of the board were oalled In tbe near future, the ' treasurer might safely draw from the appropriated fund anffioient to pay the expenses and per diem of the members. A Gold Bnff. The Portland Telegram haa the following.' A miner named Frederick Hoiton came here from Biker sounty this morning, carry ing witb him a valise tilled with gold nag gets, the weight of whiob made him stag ger. Seme of tbe nuggets weigh 3000, and the whole treasure was dug out of a pocket by himself and his pirtaer, Henry Sanderson, within the past four daya. Hoi ton and Sandorsoa ba J been prospeoting in the hills of Baker oounty almost a year without making "grub" money, and a week ago tbey were about abioddaing the field aud returning to C4iforoia. Oa Tuesday last tbey saw some float rock close to their temporary oamp, and following it up they atruok a pocket, from wbioh, Holtoa says, tbey haw already taken 840,000. He .be lieves tbat there ia $500,000 or more of gold in tbat depository, wbicb can be taken out witb no cost beyond their peraonal labor. The exaot location of tbe claim Hoiton says he will not divulge till be and his partner have taken oat all there is in it. . A Poetical Advertisement- An Astoria painter advertises in a style of which tbe following is a sample: And tbe little Swopesyswipnsy learned of every paint its color, learned its name and com' binations, bow to mix it on bis palette; bow to mix it up in bucket! bow to put it on with brushes, put it on and malts it stay there, make it stick and stay there tightly, so the sun's rays would not blister, snd the fogs and damp of winter would not fade or obaoga the color. With bia brushes made of bristles from the wild boar of the forests, and the hair of hear and sable, and tbe long hair of the oamel, these he handles quick and deftly; fashions witb them many letters, varioua in style and color, that adorn the signs of oommsroe, advertising firms and business on the wigwam of tne paleface. Letters Advertised The following is the list of letters re maining in The Dallea postofHce unoalled for Saturday, March 23, 1895,. Persons call ing for these letters will please give tbe date on which they were advertised: Buiterfield, Cbas Butler, Dniel Clausen, f? C Cartman. T 2 . Carlson & McKiouey Carr, Mrs Bobt Attention Odd Follows A full Httendecca of the aeuibers is re quested at our next regular meeting Friday evening, 11 arch Z21, ss onalneiJ ot impor tance is to be transacted. H. CLOCOB Seorttiry. Notloe, All city warrants registered prior to Feb. 8. 1892, are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after tnis date. 1. 1. BiB3ET, City Treasurer. Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 1st, 1395. Wood Wood! Wood! Oak; fir and slab wood at minimum rates. Send us your orders from the nearest telephone. Jos. T, Peters A Co. Tor Rent After April 1st, 20 acres of fine land within the oity limits House and barn. Good water for irrigating. Terms cheap. Apply to Fked W. Wiuon. Wanted. A Tailores to do repairing at the Steam Dye Works. Apply at tbe works, near corner of Second and Laugblin streets. J. 0. MACK FINE WINES, LIQUORS axd CIGARS $ff DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGAKS. PABST CELEBRATED BEER FRENCH'S B100X. 171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON,. 7h. W. MQ)im9 ': Geuer'l Commission and Forwarif Merchant. 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET (Adjoining Railroad Depot) N 01 Ice. Those desiring telephone service from the Seufert-Condon bxebaoge, who have not already ordered instruments placed, will please do so at ouoe. SSCFEBT & CONDON. MBS. RUSSELL Fashionable Dressmaker Corner Third and Lincoln Sts. All Work Promptly and Neatly Done Administrator's Notioa. To all whom it may concern: NOTHS is b.rebT given (hat tbs understated hu brsn dulv iDDOintod artmlnlatrttor ol the ists 01 an. sarai srs, late of uailss f;lty, nuco uni7 ur.-xoD, ion dov necaufa. All per sons having; olalms against sild esute, will prsient tbs asms veriflsd, to me at tbt office of Dufu A Usnefee. Dtllss Cltv Oregon, within six muntha I from tne data ot tnii notice. Dlles City, Much 7. 1SS5. J. P. MoINERNY. Administrator of tbe estate uf tJrah Staea. de ceased aoirBt. Blsolntlon Notice- The partnership heretfoora eiUtlur hetveen W. . Wrlvht. J. D. Douirlas and O. f . UcAIummr in tue saw mui ouaineH on ismraov creels, aoout ten miles from Dufur. has tbis dv been di-s lveJ bv mutual connect. Mr. J. D. DouviU railrlur from tne arm. me present nam win consist of uewrs. W. J. Wrlt-ht andu. F. McMinemv. and will be known ss W right & McManemy, wbu will ay all debts for wbioh the lata firm was liable, and collect u aooouais now auv an 4 owing-. W. J WRTOHT J. D. DOUGLAS. O. F. McMAHfiMV. Dufur, Jan. 16, 1895. Consignments Solicited Prompt Attention to those who favor me win their patrona r ' MEBCHAIT TAILORING MR. PAT. FAGAN, At his establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streeU is prepared to make v . -. Spring aud Summer Suits The New Columbia Hotel This large and popular house does the principal hotel busf ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accom- inodation8 of any house in the city, and at the low rate of Stockholders' Meeting, i o'-iuis is aereoy riven tbat there will be a XX Stockholders' meetlnir ol Tha liallea. PortKn.l rzj i . ... 7 . nu astorw asvurauon ucmpwy at tne Chronicle uui on oiuruT. anru 0. isaa. at x o'clock e. 11.. lor the purpose of electing sevaa directors, and transacting; auch other biuinsM as may erojierly By order of toe president. , O. J. FARLEY, Secretary The Dalles, Ore., Feb. 8, 18U6. $1 Per Day. First-Glass Meals, 25 Cents Office for all STAGE LINES leaving The Dalles for all point in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington, ia located in this Hotel. ' T. T. IVICJIIOJLVS, Proprietor. I S. I W an "ssi I rl Tl 1 1 1 K a Tl O h Cor Front and Union Sts The Dalles, Oretron - -a- Ul U J.l vJ XJ. JJLX. FOR SALE insisting of 106 Acres Located Ave miles from Tha Dalle. entire or in portions to suit purchasers. Will be sold Also PnlooM Wheat. Farmers at Colfax belieye that fall wheat has oot suffered moon from the recent frosts. They are considerably en-xraraejai at the steady nptrard tendency of tbs wheat mar ket, which, if continued, may an in crease over the intended aoreage. Thirty to 32 cents a bushel ia offered now, and one merchant ia contracting to pay 35 oanta for wheat for fall delivery, allowing; toe farmer the advanoe over that prioe, ii any. An other buyer ia contracting for wheat at 40 cents straight. At these figures tha farmers will soon realise tbat wbaat ean be raised 10 tbs Faloase country at profit io spits of adverse oireaaMtMoes, - lord Roonsjjr. The Pat Rooney Comedy Co. at tbe opera house last night attracted a good audience, ana tbe interest in tbe perform ance did not wane uutil tbe last number was rendered Pat Kelly as "Lord Roooey" and "Pat Rusan" was well taken, ana it is very rare tbat tbe Irish character is so well delineated. Bis make-op was perfect, and tbe dialect and anions were in keeping with tbe charac ter. Mattie Rooney as "Chips" and Pal Rooney as "Tommy Atkins, a fresh kid" were gtod, and frequently brought down tbe bousf. Tbe former's voice lacked strength and depth 10 son (is; but the facil. ity of movement overcame the lack in tbia regard. Tbe specialties were such as to win popular applause, but were not re markable otherwise. Taken as a whole tbe company comprise soma good t penal -ists who would attract audiences any where. Tbey lef' in tbeir own coach lor Baker City alter the close of tbe perform ance. They Hold tne Fort- Railway Commissioner B Idy say s to the Jtad Oregonian tbat tba ubauoee for present members ot the board are yery bright and. that little doubt remains tbat they will bold over until tbe next aession of tbe legisla ture. The faota are that there haa not been one official opinion on the aubjeot, and only previously expressed opinions aod preced ents ean be cited. Tbe aot ander whiob 1 the board waa ereated contains the clause iww Turn lyr ' -iffi; f, ) 4, Jt f CLEAR LI LONS MENTAL I ti 3 STRONG) M ammaa After McBrlde- Tbe Chioigo Time$ Herald saya: A num ber of the managing mammas of Washing ton are sheading oastwg envious eyes in tbe direotion of the atate of Oregon, where tbe new senator, Oeoige McBride, ia young, handsome, gallant snd very rich. Mr. Mo Bride ia expected to visit Wssbinston, where be has relatives, during tba next 60 daya, aod bia' friends bete already find themselves the object of unexpected social attentions. Mr. McBride is a great land owner, having one of the largest estates in Oregon. It la expeoted be will be one of tbe beat catches in nest winter's matrimo nial market, and already there ia a great dral of scheming in this direotion. Mr. McBride baa for many yeara suffered ill health, and on that aooonot haa never even thought of matrimony, but odda are offered tbat one of the many charming yonng wo men of Washington will oaptura bim ere be has been a senator for more tban twelve? mootb. a n OTHERS recovering from - the illness at-. tendinsr child birth, or who suf fer irom tne ef fects of disorders, derangements and displace ments of the wo manly organs, will find relief and a permanent cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the "Prescription" HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY by preparing the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature and shortening "labor." The tjalnful ordeal of child. birth it robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The pei tod of confine ment is also greatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built np, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. If THE MARRIED WOMAN be delicate, run-down, or overworked, it worries her husband as well s herself. This is the proper time to build np her strength and cure those weaknesses, or ailments, which are the caue of her trouble. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep and makes a new woman of her. . Mra. inuirm. of Titt,tin: IctTftom GtM. r..wrues: "I bad beea eufferiny from ulceration and fallini of the womb. for sevf-ral years, or since the birth or my youngest , chiM. I consulted all the 1 physicians around here 1 ana tney gave me up and said there was no help tor me. At last, almost discouv. seed, I began taking Dr. Pierce'e Favorite Pre- Cort. Mia- J L Croftoo, P Fonquselle, Peter Jami-ou, W R Rodman, H Smith, Alma Warner, Has Wilson, Hattie Coon, Clara Fioklio, Fred Hunter, W J MoKee, M'ss J 8nres, Manuel Warner, Miss fl White, Joe J. A. CaosEN, P. M. BO KM. BBOWK In this oity March 18th, to the wife of Mr W. W. Brown, a Sun. Xtoavtaeaa Caianot Bo Cnx4 By local applications ss they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion ef the mucous lining of tbe eustach tan tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect heving, aad when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation- can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces. We will giye One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) tbat cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Chshet & Co., Toledo, 0. t&Sold by Druggists, 75ct Boya ma ttria Aid BorJety. Boys may be bad (and sometimes girls) (l)or ordinary seryioe at wages; (2) upon indenture, fto work, attend school, and be brought np somewhat ss your own; and (3) children may be bad for legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid aooiety, Port and, Orecon. 420 ACRES OF PRAIRIE LAND Ten miles west of The Dalles. Sale will be made oo easy terms. Apply at this office. fet3-tf. Taken Up. Csms to the Sharp place on three wile, about Octi ber 1, 1804. One red and white Muiey cow, no brands pares. vable, underalope In right ear, cut oil len ear, tne owner may have tbs same bv paying all cuanres. MlaAS r. 1AXLUK. Executrix's Notioe. XfOTICR Is hereby glvsn that tbs underlined XI bss been duly appointed by the Hon. County Court executrix ot the last will and testament of Ann Crair. deceased. All carton havinir claims affoinst ald estate are hereby notified to present tbe puma to mo, properly vanned, at tbs Umio-Mocht-Acrsas office In Dalles City, Wjo County, Oregon, wiuuu bi wuniae irom tne usee or mis notice. Dated this Zd day of February, 1896. CATHAhlNK A. CRaIQ. Executrix ot the last will and taitament of Ann Ural ir, deceased. lbfct s HOES We are showing now the very latest toes in Black and Tan SHOES. Also a large line of staples. JOHN C. HERTZ. s EXTRAOBDINARY COMING WEDNESDAY March 27, '95 The Oiie Price Cash House, DI&EOTXT. KOBTH OF METHODIST CHVBCH. P. MclJNEEIJ. -DEA-LEKillV . In Walter H. Baker's Greatest Melodrama Special Scenery Special Caste Foreign and Domestic Dry Hat and Caps, Boots and Shee, &c. Goods Reserved seats on sale, commencing; Friday, March 22nd, at Blakeley & Houghton's. AVPQ'C Sarsaparilla M. Hammerly, a well-fcnowo business man et Hillsboro, Vs., sends this testimony to the merits of Avert Sarsaparilla: tue win las. m tl vhlc tend to other pens of the body. After trying iauuu years ago, I hurt my leg, rule itre ankle, being a solid sore, which began to ex- asorewhicbledtoerysluelae. MysuSerlni were extreme, my -leg, from tne Knee to "Several injury leaving My sufferings ie various remedies. I Sarsaparilla, aud, bel bean uklna- iwHi fore I had finished the ' first bottle, I experienced great relief: tbe aecood bottle effected a complete cure.' Ayers Sarsaparilla FreparsdbyI.J.aAvsrftOoIvrsll,Haae, CurtsothertssWilloureycu any return of tfierrouble. I ieet very grateful, and uwc you my me, for I da not think f nhm: iff had pot taJtea your medicine " San I Francisco 1 Beer 1 Hall F. XJSMSJB Proprietor. ... WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Agent (or the Butterlok Patterns; also for the Ball Bazaar Dresf Forms UOnrVC collhterhl bhnk iiWU O hnd SUCTION ROOM Opposite Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Livery Stable on Second St SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT I SOLD Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables. , AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY From 11 to 2 o'cM. I will sell an; goods or property placed with me at reasonable commission ' Oire me a call. R. B. HOOD. GERMANM COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN SECONDHAND THIRj Mas. T.VOW. should have beea alive i For Over Fifty Tears An Uld and Will Tried Bimkot Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing; Syrup haa been used for over fiftv years by millions of mothers for tbeir children wbile teething, with perfeot anoeesa. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allaya all pain, cures wind oolio, and is tbs best ren4v for Diarrhoea. Ia pleas sot to tbs taste. Sold ny droggiats in every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value is inoaloulable. . Be sure and ask for Mrs. WinsloWa Soothing Syrup, aod take no other kind. ' Help Wauited- WANTFD.-An lntslllaant satire man or lady to trival for reliable bouse with expenses palaV' paiarysTrfO. Advancement for faithful and soeeeiS fol wore Ksfcrenee. Eadoss- sslf-addiessed atasipco. eavslope..- Seorvtar, Look Drawer f, COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Oorner Third aod Washington Streets. Cured Hams, Bad, Dried Beef and Tongues, . And the best Beefsteaks, Mytton Chop and .Veal Outlets in the market, Orders Delivered to Anv Fart of the Citv Fresh Vegetables oh tale at theJLowest Prices, THE STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, aod Ueouiue Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES welvs-Toar-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medldual pur- . . Halt uquor. uouusBia unwetyyttu os araufba. 04 Second Street. TIITC XA.I-.TLiI3S. OR. RUPERT & GHBEL Wholesal and retail manufacturers of andjdealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles,, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Covers. And All A.rtlolas kept In a Cltes Harntsa Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. " Opposite Moody's Warehouse THE DALLES, OREGON.