The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 23, 1895, Image 1

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- ea
NO. 31
" BT-
Profesatonal Cards.
Physician and Surgeon
Boom, over Dalles National Bank. Offlc hours, 10
a m 12 m. and from i to ptn. Ksl
dence We t End of Third blreet,
. Attorneys at Law
Boom. 42 and 43 Chapman Block, Tn Dalles, Or..
Physician and Surgeon,
Boom, t and 4. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
"flie Reoulator Line"
to P. KBETI ft 00.)
The Dalies, Portland and Astoria,
Navigation Co
Dealer In
Throueh Daily trios (Sundays
centedl between the Dalles and Port
land, bteamer Keguiator leaves ine
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Steamer Regulator lor The Dalles.
i(s enb
Children Cry
for ntOElB'l
Cantorit H no well adapted to children that
Irecoiumrml It a auperiur to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archer, IL D.,
1U South Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y
" I rise Oastor'a In my practice, and And It
rpeUallJ adayted to affections of. children."
aU. RoBUTSoit, JL D.,
106T Sd Ave., flow Yorft
. 'Prom twwoiJ knowledge I can say thus
iren." ia. G. O. OsonoD,
Lowell, tiaaa.
Sestlon, and
ipation. Sour
ereroomea Flatulency, (Jons
Stomach. Di&r.noea. and
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
steep natural. Castoria oontaltj no
Uarpnine or other narcotic property.
Ar'ict' Material and Patntera'Sopn'lp
Practical Dentist
CrBee Over A. A . Brown". rrrcet-. Seron-1 St.
All work maranterd to (r ve Miff ctirn and all he
atest improved method, meu Id dental operations.
f achanno. balldirs, nu stairs. Ine Dalles
Voiron, t v
II LAW. Ail en at and collection busmos
Biomnfy a'Unfed fr, e'alms aeuinst the frovern
BMiit a tpeiialry. No. 24. 15, 26 and 27 Hamilton
Boiidinir, Portland, twearon.
Oie way...
Rontd trip.
.(2 00
. 8 00 I
Tini ixnar NO. Ift. A. If A A. M- Meet.
: VV Unt and third Monday of each month at 8
.M: "
s I - lleeta iu Masonic ueu mo uura npmnj
aoh month at 8 F M.
i . -
OtnilBU LODOZ. NO, , I. o: i. T. t'eeti
1 -vanr Frldav evenim- at 7:80 o'cloec. in K. of P.
Ball, corner of Meeoud and Court .tract. 8-Journ-
. oa brother, are welcome.
Freight Rates- Greatly Reduced j
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered belore
5 p. m. Live stock, shipments solicited.
uaii on or aaaress.
General Agent
All orders for painting, papering and
Tie Dalles National Bank.
kaleominicg promptly attended to .
Cashier, ...
....Z. F. Mood;,
J; every Monday evening at
nn'i buildinv. -corner OI uour- .DO Decona ifuvvia.
aolrmminif brother, are cordially Invited
D. VlOTS, K. K. and H. . F. MENEKEE, 0.
will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
i at the reaoine- room.
Watches, Jewelrr. Ett
A Fine Line of Fresh BulK:
Seeds Just Arrived.
White Clover Onions
Hood Camp, fa. 59, meet, every Tueedav
Venuurof each weak at 7 30 ool-ick, in A Kelier'a
. Hall. All brothers and sojourning brother, are
viand to be nraent.
Always keen, on tale the latest and bet stvlrs o
ntue-pieces, inamoaa ninxs, Bow-knot tunra, oil-
verware, etc etc.
Red Clover
Onion Sets and Flower Seeds.
rtnLmnii CBUflEK
1 liaiome hall ip the sennd ltd tourtn Toes-
0.1 miliu w tun omo. viu rs .raiauy lo
TitL . . MBa. MAKY8. IdYKHa.W. al.
Mi.-Euuiioa'ao, Secy.
nEKPLif LODGE. SO. 1, A. O. TJ. - W. Meets
in KXeller'. Ball every Thursdav evening at 1M
.Tdock. PAIL KKSFT. M. W.
. W. 8. Mvwa, Financier . -
c.d.o. t. t m.vt,in REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.
162 Etcrtri-Fiiet'. r rJctr icA
, Williams fcf W
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight ETohanges sold on
Northwest Cor. Second and WuhlngtongU.
mm m mn
Soooeseori'to Georn Ruch.
I"lao Olieapest Place
Merere froTocatlon.
Tokio, March 1 Coirespooclerjce of
the United Pregs per steamer Chin:
Tbe txcessei committed by Japanese
troops at Port Arthur pained tbe
Japanese more than the Earopeaas. No
steps were taken to punish the soldlera
or degrade the generals. Such things
cannot be done in time of battle. Tbe
practicable way of reatsoring tbe world
was to show that the same soldiers could
control tbe passion of revenge under tbe
same provocation. Wel-Hai-Wei bai
aff'irdbd the necessary oppoituri'y.
In the Shantung, as la tbe Lisotnng
peninsula, tbe Cninese behaved with
pitiless savagery, Wherever they caught
a Japanese tbey tottured and mutilated
him. Oo one occasion, snrpriiiog a paty
of 80 Japanese scouts cooking their mid"
dat meal, 800 Cbluamea tied Bp any
that retained signs of life after a fierce
struggle, and tore Irom tbeir bodies
everything that could be torn. A. few
hours later the mio body of tbe division
to which tbe oo fori un ate men bad be
longed marched up and saw tbr terribly
diflguted corpses. But there was oo at
tempt at retaliation. Not a single In
stance of cruelty or needless slaughter is
recorded against the Japanese. On tbe
contrary, we hear of ' common soldiers
treating women tenderly, and of a
captain that carrie I a baby through the
thxk of tbe combat.
Jbe temper of the Japanese nation bas
been suffir.ien'ly displayed in connection
with an additional grant of 100 000,000
yen for tbe prosecution of tbe war. The
nrignal war budget, pased unanimously
bv the diet in its ex'raordinnry session
last October, amounted to 139 000,000
yeo. Of thai total. 26 000 000 wen to he
taken from the accumulations of sntp'us
revenue in tbe treasury, and 184.000.000
were to be obtained by issuing bonds.
Two i-suts oi bonds have a' ready been
marlp. one of 80,000 000 and tbe other ot
60.000.000. Without question or discus
sion of any kind, the budget was handed
to the standing committe charged witb
the duty of examining and reporting
udou all such measures. Two days
later tbe committee presented its report
Itcnrtlv stated that there could be no
question about the advisabi'ity of grant
ing tbe apptopriation required Oa re
ceipt of this report, not a member stood
np to speak, the universal idea beiag
that no words were' needed. But when
the president called for a show of hands.
every member rose lu his place, and the
budget was passed unanimously amid a
storm oi cbeers.
States supreme conrt in tbe Debs' appeal
I case, which is down for tbe first Monday
n April.
The aoDetl of Commissioner of Pensions
L'ichren from tbe decision of Judge
Bradley, restoring tbe pennon of General
Long, of Michigan, from $50 to $78 per
month, will be argued in the aistrict
court of appeals in May.
Constitutional Convention.
Salt Lake, March 10 Toe constitu
tional convention consumed tbe entire
afternoon without making mush progress
with tbe work beforo it. A heated de
bate was brought oo over tbe proposition
to designate the number Oi representatives
and senatorial districts. The question
was whether it should be referred to the
legislative or appointment committee.
It was finally referred to the latter com
NO. 0,0. A.I Meet
very Saturday at JM r. M. lo B. of V. nail.
OF L. fc. lieesa every Friday afternoon in
K. of r. Hall.
H'AbCO lklt-E. 0. IS. I o. R M Meets
VV evoiy Weantsdaj e ei in. in K. 01 P. hall
i tbAG VEKEIK B4KMOMK iteote every
ajr Sunday evenuw In Hellers Uall ;
OF. L. F. DIV1SIOS. NO. 167. Meeis n K.
of P. Hall the am and third Wednesday of
acn moath at 7:30 v. .
in DAiiUa rox
A. KELLER Prop'i
All Kinds of Groceries,
Of the pabllo pat-
endeavor tosnve ennrs aatuiae
ton to our customers notn wn so new.
We rwpectfully aolieit a sb
ronsjre and snail endeavc
llhbT BAWlbT OHURLH Kev.
C fastor.
. O. D. Tavloh.
service, .vary Sabbath at 11 A M.
P. II. babbatb school Immediately after to
morning service, rrayer meeting; every tnursoay
venilig stsr.M. -
. UHLKCH Kev. Jno. WmsLZK. eaator.
Service, every Sundav morninr and evening.
Sunday school at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi-
- tatior evtonded bv both pastor and people to all.
Pastor. Service every Sunday at 11 A. H. and
. i. Ji. Sunday School alter mornlnjf servire.
Ot. fiTtifb CHlittUH Rev. Father Brokbokbxt
O Paeuw. Low.alaM every Sunday at 7 A. at tiigo
staiu at 10:30 A.M. Vespersat 7 P. U.
(ji, . PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppueite
O Fifth. - Rev. Eli U. ButcliBe, Rector. Service
every Sundfiyatll A. at and 70 P M., Sunday
school at O0 A la. Eveninff Prayer on Friday ai
10 P. aL .- . - -
tor. Preaenioa every Sundav afternoon at t
o'clock in the UoagTSKational chur .. All are cor
dially invited ,. '
am luspared to furnish families, netsls and res
(anrant wnn tnr onoteen
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
CALVARY BAPrisT 0 TJRCH orner Seventh
Jend V.&l" - H. '. raior. oerv
Ice. ".Vsund.y At JI ! and 7:0 P. M.
a WAvinAadavr veninrsi a. i.ov r. in.
I am now prepared to deliver
-Bosl yn Coal
To;any part of tie city frr fP.25 re
ton. litis is much cheaper than wo d
and a grtat deal mote convenient. Ap
ply to
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O.D4S Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
EMt EHfl STOCK YflBBS, THE DALLES Soda, Sarsapaiilla and Ginger Ale
Fresh C ysters served in Every Style.
Aeeond street. Next door to Th. Dalles
tional Bank,
Manufactures the Best Articles ot
Prver meetlmt
Sanaa v cchool
, welcomed. r
at 9M A. U All are cordlilly
Real Estate, Loans and"
n tli. PmWA Fnlon anl Kktior al" Ia
aorance company of Edioburtt, bcotland, Capital
80 000, OOO.
V aluable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Offlos over Poet Offloe Th Dalles, Or. -
' ' ilLeiter 17. P. Land Offlce. 1 80 ISS4.)
' V Business ' before United States Land
OfiiCS a Specialty.
Wall's Block Main efc1 VMicnver. Clark Co .Wash
-g C y Fcoond rtreet next door east of
A The Lelleak.t Bank
. Javuis jut open- d In buxlnese, .n't havine; a full
asBoruD.noi uie lareax yoi-atin my one, 1 i
sin a share of the public patronaue
' Jlannfaacnnr of jand daaler to
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv Warehouse,
A Work IHoaraattswd to Jlv Mat
- PaSA OlBHTV Puts win ratine ynor weight
PEHN4KITLV from 11 to IS p. on. a
mouth fcosttrvtneT sicklies or lnfury; no public.
Itv. Tbev bulbt np ihe h.aith and b- autiiy the
ompleaion, lea vine oo wrinkles or nahbmess. Stout
abdomen, and difficult brsMthin; nrrly relieved.
Nt ft. Jit's-. Ml MR ill I b t a ceieutinV ai.d posi
tive rtlief, adopted only after year, of experiei co.
A'l order, -nppiied direct from ear office. Price
ti 00 per packg- or three suckse-n. fur SS 00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonial, and particular, (sealed
AM Correspondence' Htrteily Cnaifldeu.
PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
The Mercian! ; Tailor
Suits Jfade to Order and a Fit Onaraatsed
Clothe ll ned on the Suoif - -
Kear Oer STUrd sad Within gtm Sta.
HighestCash Price for
flay and Gram.
Cigar Factory
Opposite tbe Implement Warehouse
Leeu Orders With Andrew Keller,
sipaiB Hut Apoleglae.
Madrid, March 15 The following; ca
blegram has been received bare:
'Taylor, United States minister, Madrid
This department is informed that on
tbe 8th instant tbe United Stues mail
steamabiy AJlianca, on ber homeward
voyage from Uo on to New York, when
six miles from the coast of Cuba, off Oape
May, was repeatedly fired upon by a
Boaotsb gunboat, with solid shot, which
fortunately fell short,
Tbe windward passage, where this 00
enrred, is tbe natural and usual highway
for yeisels plying between porta of tbe
United States and ' Caribbean sea.
Through it several regular. . lines of
American mail and commercial steamers
pass weekly within sight of Ctpe Ma'y.
They are well-known and tbeir voyage
embiaces no Cuban port of call.
Forcible interference witb them cannot
be claimed as s necessary belligerent SC,
whether tbey. pns within thne miles ot
tbe Cuban coast or not, and can under no
circumstances be tolerated when no state
of waresiats. This government will epect
prompt disavowal of tbe unauthorised
apt and due expression of regret upon the
part or spaio, and it mast losist that im
media's and positive orders be given to
Spsmsh naval commanders not to inter
fere with legitimate commerce passing
through that ebaaoel, and prohibiting all
acta wantonly imeeriling life and prop
erty lawfully nnder tba flag of tbe
United States. Ton will communicate
tbla In the minister of foreign aff,irs and
urge the importance of a prompt and
satisfactory response.
(Signea) - GBBIHAK. '
Will Sot Demand Indemnity.
New York, March 15 Officers of the
Columbian line of steamers, to which tbe
AUianca belongs, stated today that no de
mand would be made by them on Spain
for an indemnity for firing on tbe vessel
If tba govermoent oouid not octain
reparation for tbe outrage the company
could not. If it is found that firing on
the vessel hurt tbe line it would sue
Spain for damages.
Cuban lnaurgoate.
Tampa, Fla., March 18 Toe latest re
porta say General Petes and Henry
Brcoks have for tbe paat 15 days been
undisturbed by tbe Spaniards. Tola
corps of ebels numbers about 4000. It
is reported that they marched from
Tiguska to Macurigi, tbeuce to Sabaollli.
Carlos M . Cespedeeca, son of the first
president of tbe Cuban republic, ad
who rose at Yaron, October 10, 18S9. has
lefr Pari and is shortly expected in New
York. He will fit out an expedition for
Cuba. Tbe following is copied from
La Union ConttilutionaU .
'In Ba Ere there are 1800 men well
fortified and armed. Of tbese. 700 are
armed witb different rifles and 800 w.tb
machetes Tbeir chief is Jesus Rtbin.
General Bartolome Maato bas lo h s com
mand 700 men, all armed. .There are
also 11 parties of 100 men. It issup posed
there are 40U0 insurgents well armed.
Masso, since be reached tbe general
barracks of Maosaoilio, bat Mrwarded
proclamation to tbe Spaniards, tbe pur
port of which is, be promised to save
tbeir lives and tbeir families wbile tbey
are not hostile. Ha secured them if they
were in accord witb tbe programme ot
revolution, tboy waul independence for
Tbe Cubans here are highly elated over
the aopearance -of such news, as tbe
La Union Conttitutionalt is a government'
organ, and declare tbe Spanish papers
have been poking fun at tbe American
press about the revolution existing only
in tbeir columns, but now they are
forced to admit the truth ol what they
apparently regarded as sensational stories.
Bides Captured m Vchonner.
Mobile. Ala., Maacb 16 The register
todty received, per a'eamsbip Jarl, tbe
following letter from its corresponpent at
Bocas del Toro:
"One man, a soldier, died today of bis
injuries, received in tbe . recent battle
with Garza, and it is expected several
more will die. A child and Its mother
who were shot during tbe battle are
doing as well as can be expected. All
tbe dead were buried yesterday. A
small acbonuer belong og to tbe rebels
was captured yesterday afternoon, on
which 75 Remington rifles and several
thousand cartridges were found. The
man in command of tbe schooner
jumped overboard and swam to tbe
Ciaynor Will Set &o.
New YoBK.Marcb 10 Juatloe William
Gaynor, of tbe supreme court, Brooklyn,
created a sensation this afternoon by re
fusing aosolutely to appear as a witness
before the assembly commission of in
vestigation, investigating tbe recent
trolley strike in Brooklyn. The sergeau t
at arms, upon notifying the commission
of Justice Giynor'a refuwl, was ordered
by Chairman Friday to notify tbe justice
mat inn commission naa tbe po wer to ar
rest any one wbo declined to obey the
commission's command. When tbe
sergeant went again to tbe supreme court
be found tbe justice bad left tbe court
room, and the rommiation was obliged to
aojouru until aionaay.
Cntna Beat K Aid.
St. Petersburg, M.roh 18 Tba Chi.
nese enVoy has solicited the loterveotion
of Russia for tba protection of the in
tegrity of Chioa's continental territories
in tbe event of Jaoao insisting upon con
cessions on tbe Chinese mainland. The
Chinese envoy bas gone to Berlin in or
der to mtko the same request of G -rmany
and aimt'ar instructions have b-en aent
to tbe Chinese eovov at London and
Paris. It is added that no request for
assistance Das been made to tbe United
8 ates, Italy or Austria.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report.
fl : ...
and also bad b.eo assaulted. The woman
was living alone, ber huibsod having
been tent to an insane asylnm. It is
snppoied that the motive of lynching
was to prevent tbe woman from giving
testimony against cattle metiers, as she
bad been summoned as a witness. S' e
bore a good reputation. It was evidei t
that she fonghl bard for ber llfo and
honor, as tba bedding and clothing wer
torn and scattered around tbe room.
Will Kot Interfere.
WASHntOToir, March 18 No sigulfl
cance Is a tached bare tn the report from
St. Petersburg that tbe Russian Medlter
ranesn squadron bas been ordered to tbe
Pacific coast to co operate with tbe Brit
isb fleet in regard ' to Japan's demand
upon China. It Is said that neither Great
Britain nor Russia is likely to iaterfere
with tba Japan Chinese ' arrangement,
uolesi Japan shnnd demand a large slice
-f Cninese territory. The only loretgo
power that may make protest against cer
tain terms of peace is France. It it be
lieved she will strongly object to tbi
occuDa lon by Japan ot the island of For
mosa, because some nf France's colonia1
territory lies close to Formosa .
who cart to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are i y. . .
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers
Charles A. Baldwin & Co.
40 and 43 Wall street,
Accounts of Beurtos and Banlsars received
on favorable terms.
Bonus and Investment Kccjirttsrs.
Dally Financial Letter Mailed ea Applies Uoa.
coacBspoMDSNcs soucrrsn.
The Sun.
Tbe first; of American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
Amerioan . Idea, the American
Spirit. These first, last, and 'all the
time, forever.
Daily, by mail,... ...$6 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail,.... f 8 s year
The Weekly, . $1 a year
The Sundhy Sun
La the greatest Sunday Newspaper
In the World.
Price 5c a copy. By mail. 12 a vear
Addrean THE STJBf, New York.
the Best Brands manufact
urer!, and ordeaa from all part
of the country filled on the shnrtiwt notice.
The reparation of THE DALLES CIGAB
ha become firmly eataHiahed, and the de
mand for the home mannfactnaed article is
incraaairg eyery day A. ULR1CH A 8UN.
ConiiiiBrGlal ExcfiannB
Best Ke ntueky Whiskey
from lous nxE.
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bea
of Wines,
English Port-r Ale and Mil wank e
Beer always on band.
F. W. SILYERTOOTH, Prop, maetz pundt. fbop
F.rst-c'as Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Conrt Streets,
Tha Dalles, Obemv.
Sample: Rooms,
- 45 irKorsx kx
(Nearly opposite Umatilla HontA)
The Best Wines.
Liquors and Cigars
Cboice of Trasscontliiental Routes
Watches and
And All Kinds of tji.s
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
OCEAN STEAUEBS' leave fort'ud sverv Five
for foil' detail, sail on O. n A w. Ami at TK
tf:nrnjed a Chareb.
Ceioaso, March 18 Two hundred an
gry Po e mea tad women, stormed St.
Hed wig's Csthoiic cbnrch at North
Hovne avenue . and Kosciusko street,
today. Five policemen, .who were on
guard, were cowed by tbe mob, but on
tbe arrival of reinforcements tba rioters
were driven oB.
There has been trouble in St. Hed wig J
parish for many Weeks. Father Bartin-
kl wes driven out tbree weeks ago, and
tbe police were called upon to protect the
church propertv. Father Batsinaki-be
longed to tbe Order of Resurreotion to
which tbe people objected to.
Archbishop Feehao sent Father Zvd-
lacxv k to the cbnrcb, but he, too, was a
resurrectionist, and was r looted. Tbe
parishioners determined to opnose the
reonen'eg of tbe edifice. Erly todaj
800 Pules marched to the cnuccb, de
nouncing the priest -and declaring that
ihey would prevent bim from serving
mass, h i few minutes two patn.l
wagons loaded witb itQoers arrived on
.the run. Tbe anerv crowd stood for a
mnmeot, when 40 policem- n witb glitter
leg guns iu tbeir bands marched Into tbe
church Some of tbe Polish officers in
formed tbe mob in "tbeir native tongue
that the police bad . orders to shoot.
Tbat settled ir, and a moment later tbe
crowd fled Irom the church
Tbe police arrested Josie Tawondowski
and her son, Antooe, wbo seemed to tbe
ringleaders A search is being made for
tbe woman's husband.
The priest celebrated mass nnder guard
of a detail ot police,
, Jlebs at Mpokane.
Sposanb, March 19 Eugene V Debs,
president of tbe American Railway
Union, lectured tonight before a big
audience at the Auditorium. He
declared bis conviction tbat strikes could
only result to failure, and thathenceforth
the nni in will work along political lines.
He siid :
"There can be no permanent or sa'is
fartory solution of tbis rai 'road question,
until the government takts poaekloo ol
tbe railroads, and runs tbem in the Inter
est ol tbe people. Our recent experiences
have demonstrated tbat defeat Is inevita
table. Just as soon as a alnke is inaug
urated, disturbance will. occur Courts
will be applied to for .injunctions,
mandamuses will ba iesued, leaders will
be arrested and thrown into jail, and
then tbe strike will be eesily broken. . I
tell you a atrike cannot succeed when it
is against the Uoited States government."
OeneV Ataaslflsss, -.:-.
WASHTMTOH, March r 18 Attorney-
(Jeneral Olney will appear on beaaif of I
tbe United State before the -. United
The firing Br pea ted.
New Yobk, March 17 Tbe EeralcTt
special from Key West, Florida, says;
Passengers on tbe -steamer which
arrived from Havaoa last night bring
news nf reports ir, circulation there ol for
tber deoredatloos by Spanish cruisers on
American vessels along tbe Cuban coast.
Tbe latet report is tbat the Spanish
gunboat Arcedo fired into and sunk aa
American .CDoooer off Puerto del Fadre.
It is reported that tbe crew of tbe
vessel, numberlog 18 oersons, perished
with it. It is not known whether tbe
schooner bad arm or carried an
expedition ' for tbe Co'oaos. It was
reported in Havana that the achooner
bad sailed from Key West. . Inquiries,
however, fail to show that anv boat is
missiBg or unreported, except those en .
gaged in legitimate trade. Many tailed
recently for West Indian ports with fruit
cargoes. . .
: (Puerto del Padre is a harbor 00 tbe
northeast eosst of Cuba.Jn Istitude 81 :17
north, longitude 78:49 west. It bas a long
and narrow' entrance, and- aff irds excel
lent aocoorage. It is not far. from tbe
place where the Spanish gunboat . fired
on tbe AUianca )
" ' CaanaT Travels In S)tau.
' Washington, March 18 Tbe Japa
nese legation bas received a cable mes
ssge eobfirmiog tbe press dispatobes of
the departure of Li Hung Chang from
Tien Tsin for Japan to arrange terms bt.
peaee. Negotiations will be conducted
at Blmnnssaki, instead of Hiroshima.
Tbe ohange baa been made to accrtnmo
date Li Hung Chang. Simonotaki is on
tbe extreme southwes'era coast of Japan .
It 1a atatea at tbe legal on that asser
tions tbat terms of peace have been ar
ranged already are erroneous. No details
it is sa d, bave been settled. Japan bas
been informed that Li Bong Chang baa
full power to arrange terms, and bas been
attursd that China desires tbe wsr to be
stopped by a tieaty agreement Japan
baa reached certain conclusions, especially
respecting a cession of territory, but no
conclusion bas been resehed with C loa.
Minister Denny bas cabled the state
department confirming the report of tbe
departure ol Ll Hong Cbsog from Sbsng
bai lor Japan.. He aava the viceroy
ailed in roval s'ate with 180 persons em
barked oa two ships.
Work Boranrd.
Oltxfia, March 18 !7ork on tbe
foaodatioo of tbe capltol building will be
resumed Monday by tbe briclclavers, who
struck one week ago for a raise ft om 13
to f 4 per day, tbe contractors baring coo
ceded the tatter figure. It is understood
that the strike was not witbout merit,
for tbe reason tbat f 9 is below tbe ruling
rate in cities state, and that, not
withstanding this feet, tbe men were not
allowed to work tail time, in many cases
being limited to two and tbree days each
week. Although tbe men are not willing
to talk oonoerniog tbe mt'ter, it is bee
Jeved that tbe union stonecutters oo the
work would not bave taken a hand bad
there not been a satisfactory, adjustment
of tbe affair. The contractors are
already behind in tbe work, and present
appearances indicate tbey will not be
able to finish tbe coatract oa sobedule
Another Will Fonnd.
San Fbancisco, March 18 The con
tent on in tbe courts over tbe millions
left by James G Fair developed another
sensation this morning. When tbe case
was called before Superior Judge Slack,
a great stir was e.used by tbe introduc
tion of what purports o be a later
holographic will written in lead pencil
oo two sheets of legal oap paper. It was
brought into court securely framed
between two plates of glass by Reuben
L'oyd, wbo bas been retained la tbe case
by Mrs. Oelricbs and Virginia Fair,
daughters of tbe deceased. Tbis alleged
will divides tbe estate almost equally
between tbe two daughters and Charlie
Fair. It bequeaths a few thousand
dollars to certain orphan asylums, and
makes no provisions for sucb a trust as
the estate is left in control of under tbe
will previously filed.
Messrs. Angus sad Crothers are two of
the four executors named in tbe
previously filed will. Referring to this
alleged will. Attorney Lloyd informed
tbe court tbat tbe document, - aocerdiog
to iu date, was executed tbree dsys later
than tbe will previously filed. He said
be would prove tbat tbe existence of this
will bsd been known to several persons,
sod tbat it bad finally been found in tbe
possession of a very estimable old lady,
whose namw Lloyd did not divulge.
L'oyd said tbe old lady bad no' produced
it because sbe bsd resd of tbe other will
being offered 'or probate, and bad tup
ooeed tbat it was a later document than
tbe one she held. Tbe faot tbat this
new alleged will bas been presented in
court by Attorney Lloyd would indicate
tbat Charlie Fair and. bis sisters have
joined forces to contest tbe will of tbeir
Tbe attorneys who represent the execu
tors under tbe will previously filed, and
of which tbe original copy was stolen,
intimated very strongly that they be
lieved tbis latest alleged will to be a
forgery. Tbe case was finally continued
to April 8. "
Tbe alleged will produced today be
quea'bs to various brothers and sisters of
deceased and tbeir children about the
same amounts as was left to tbem ueder
tbe will previously filed. Under tbe first
will tbe fsmllies of these, bro bers and
sisters would acquire a large proportion
of the estate at the death of Fair's
children, Charles, Virginia and Mrs.
O.'irlohs, but under the will filed today
ibe brothers and sisters, nd tbeir
families would receive only tba amount
of cash stated io tbe will and tbe balance
of the (40,000,000 estate could be dis
tributed at once among the tbree
children ot tbe deceased.
ear-ed Convicts Caught.
-Seattle. Maroh 18 Up to 1 o'clock
this afternoon two of tbe escaped con
victs hsve been captured, Rutteo and
Cosgrove. Both were taken at Ori lia,
south of tbis city. Blanck was in tbe
eomoaoy of Ratten snd about 80 feet be
hiud him, hut before tbe officers could
hold him be escaped into ibe thick under
brash. Neither Ratten nor Cosgrovo offered
Tqn office's are' scouring the country
in every direction and it is believed tbe
u tlmate capture of toe fugitives will be
effected. .
A liberal reward is offered for tbeir ap
prehension .
Be Holds tn rert
Tacoma, March 18 Shaw, a crtsv
rancher, is running amuck on the out
skirts of tbe city with two revolvers and
a Winchester rifle.
A deputy sheriff went after bim this
morning to lake bim in custody on a
charge of Insanity. When tbe deputy
reached Shaw's cabin tbe latter was in
the garden snd opened bre on the visitor
Tbe deputy fled and a posse statted after
Shaw. As the insane man is a crack
markman his friendly partners are kept
at a safe distance.
A CnlombUn Bevelntlen.
Colon, Colombia, March 18 Po'ttlcal
Governor Langhton'a Death.
Portland Telegram.
The not unexpected death of ex-Lleo.-tebant-Governor
Charles E. Lanihton, of
Washington, is announced. He died Sat
urday night in the Bohemian Club, at
Tacoma, and death came upoi hint so
suddenly tbat all he uttered when at
tacked was, "Ob, my God!" and bis spirit
bad passed from eartb.
Governor Laughton had long been a
sufferer from a complication of diseases,
any of which had a fatal teudenoy, hence
bis demise is not a great iurprise lo those
intimately acquainted with him.
He passed about six or seven mouths of
last year in this oily, becoming as widely
known here as he was on tbe Sound.. He
attempted, while here, to float some ex
tensive mining sshemes, bat tbe times
were not propitious for tha launching of
such enterprlses,and ke letthere a greatly
disappointed man. Tbe entire Nevada
colony la this city, which U a large one,
had known Charley Laughton, as he la- '
miliarly was called by old Nevadans,
since he first made' his appearance . In
Caraoo City, Nev., in 1878, when be en
tered tbe service" of tbe Virginia &
Truckee Railway company as auditor and
paymaster. He was a- versatile genius
and won countless friends In-- the silver
state. Iu 1889 he was elected lieutenant-
prisoners captured at Bocas del Toro governor of that slate, and, while, be was
charged witb tbe complicity in tbe recent Itreat talker, yet bis superior -yiolin-
disturbances, bave been landed here,
General Matrix baa defeated 8000
rebels at Suata, Socorro. The rebels are
retreating toward Boyaca. -
The French orolser Roland is going to
La Gosyara, VenrSuela, in connection
with tbe trouble between ' France and
tbat republic
playing dunrJg that campaign won him
more votes than all his oratorical Wort,
especially In the eastern part of thatTMate,
running away ahead of the head ef bla
ticket, which was detested ' ' ' '
A ttoverDBaent Victory,
Panama, March 18 A dlspitcb was
received here Isst night from Bogota fay
ing the revolution ended in the comp'ete
triumph of General Reyes over the in
vsders. near Malaga. All tbe rebels
surrendered. -
ftpaln Rrplles Hot. '
Washington, March 18 Secretary
Greshsm today autborized a formal denial
of tbe reporta tbat be bad received from
Minister Tsylor any answer to tbe seo
feiary'a note, demanding an explanation
or apolopy from Spain. Senor Muruaga,
tbe Spanish minister, declined today to
see callers or receive -Any messages.
Among tbe callers were Mr. Gray, ibe
former owner of the AUianca, but be, too,
wss unable to secure an interview. Gray
says his present business witb tbe Span
ish minister and atate department does
not concern tbe AUianca matter.
Washington. March 18 Tbe stste
deoartment is informed tbat tbe Spanish
government bas acceded to tbe conten
tion of this government tbat Ssnguilly, a
oatura'ixed American citizen, arrested in
L'aba, as a revolutionist, shall be tried by
a civil court and not by court'iaartlsl.
- Mnsvr efn fei:eatf Pink.
DcBTO. Colo, March 16 This locality
is covered with snow an inch deep, tbat
is of a delicate piok hue. An examine-,
tioa under a mineral glass showed there
van no dust nor dirt mixed with the
snow. There is mouh speculation as to
ihe cause of the unusual appearance of
this snoTiall.
Genet -naned tha (.yarning,
Denvbb, March 18 Tbe house of rep
resentatives here today eoademued tbe
action of tbe citisans of Haerfano county
uftba killing of the I'a'.lans, aad in
rtructed Governor Mclotyre to take sucb
action in tbe matter as be deemed proper.
' r lee In Texas.
Dallaa, Tex March 18 -Tbe ground
was frofoo bard, with plenty of ice, tbis
morning. . Tbe thermometer was at 28.
A great deal of vegetation will be de
stroyed, but fortunately not many (rait
trees wore m Dieom.
An Unlucky Bhtp.
. Post Townsend, March 18 Archi
bald Anderson, tbe third officer of the
British ship Linlithgoiethire, now in
port, today was accidentally struck by a
ballast bucket, kuocked down into tbe
bold and instantly killed. Within tbe
last three v months, three deaths bave
occurred on board tbat ve sel. One
captain died wbfn the ship was
going into Valpa'eiso, and bis successor,
just alter leaving that port, while tem
porarily insane, committed suicide by
jumping overboard. Just before reach
ing Cape Flattery, the second officer
fell down into the hold and bis injuries
may also prove fatal.
A Woman Lynched'
- Omaha. March 18 A special to the
Pes from Butte, Neb,, says: Mrs. WE
Holton, of Keya, Paba county, was found
dead in ber bouse last night by neighbors.
Her body was lying ou the floor witb a
piece ot tope 10 feet long and a batcbet
and hammer betide her. Aa autopsy
bowed that sbe died of strangulation
To Remove Btatlas-
Here are recipes for removing various
kinds of stains:
Coffee Tea and Wines If these stains
on tbe table linen are of long atanding,
and bave been washed with soap, it Is
rather difficult to get rid of tbem. But
lavelle water which can be made at
home or bought of a druggist la gener
ally most successful. Put about half a
pint ot javelle water and a quart ef clean
water into an earthen bowl; let
stained article soak in this for several
hours. Then nose thoroughly In tbree
waters. It is only white goods tbat can
be treated in tbla manner, as the javelle
water bleaches out tbe color.
Sewing Machine Oil Stains To re
move these sums rub the stain with
sweet oil or lard and let It stand for sev
eral hours. Then wssh It In soap and
cold water.
. Pitch. and Tar Staius-e-Rub lard on the
stain and let it stand for a few bears.
Sponge with spirits of turpentine until
the stain is removed. If tbe color of the
fabric be cbangod sponge It witb chloro
form and the color will be restored.
Ink Stains Tear blotting piper In
pieces and bold the rough edge on the
ink wben It is freshly spilled, or cover tbe
spot witb Indian meal, or ibe liquid ink
may-be absorbed by cottoo batting. If Ibe
ink be spilled on a ;arpet, cut a lemon io
two, remove a part of the rind and rub
the lemon da tbe stain. If the Ink-atalned
article be washed Immediately io several
waters and then in milk, letting it soak in
the milk tor several hours, tbe stain will
disappear. Washing the article Immedi
ately in vinegar and water and then in
soap and water is another remedy which
will remove all ordinary Ink stains. No
matter what substance be used to remove
ink the stain must be rubbed well. It
the article stained be a carpet ou the floor
use a b ush.
Grass Stains Rub the article stained
with alcohol, then wash iu clean water.
flquirrnla Do Not Eat Wheat-
The Urge Dumber ot squirrels already
swarmlrg into the gram fields is causing
roooh uneasiness among the farmers, ssys
the Barrym.n correspondent of tbe Walla
Walla Qaulte. Despite tbe faot that we
have bran putting outr poison for some time,
they seem tj be steadily inereasiog. Dne for this is that nearly every one ass
wheat to put the ptison in, and tbe "pesky
thioRs" don't eat it. Ia all icotions where
wheat is grown oata ahouid be used in pre
paring the poison, and vice vena. Crushed
barley is the next best substitute, ' But
squirrels will eat oata when they will not
tonch other grain. It will r quire a good
many ouneea ot poison this year to asye tbe
crop from tbe squirrel, and if all those
wbo are having trouble with poisoning them
will bear tbis mind we will bsve better re
sults from our tfforts.
A Uaeataa Xajared-:!.
Yesterday' afternoon, Mr. C. L. Farii, a -lineman
at work, for the- Western Union
Telegraph Co., near Blalock, met with an
accident by which be tuOared aevere in
juries.' He had climoed tbe pole, and bad '
fixed the wire in proper shape, when the
spur attached to his boot broke, causing
him to fall to the ground.; Be truok on a
barbed, wire fence, lacerating the lower
abdomen in a frightful manner, and be re
mainad in this position until rescued by the
deuduotor of a passing freight train -The
place where tbe accident happened was five
miles from tbe station, and as Mr. Faria
was rendered unconscious by bis injuries he
in a very helpless condition when
ploied np. As soon at possible be was 1
brought to this el'y and surgical- -aid ren
dered. Be is a hravy man, weighing over -200
pounds, and about 45 years of age.
Bis Injuries are seriousj but tbey are not
tbe j 0OD''dred sucb as will permanently render
bim unabl . to follow bis vocation. It will
be some time, however, before be will be
able to climb a telegraph pole,
Tha Astoria Railroad
In response to a telegram, tbe Daily
Miuoulian, ot - Missoula, Montaos, tbe
borne of Messrs. iionner and' Hammond, '
yesterday wired tbe Attorkm tbat Mr. '
Hammond would leave New York Cm '
Saturday next,and come direct to Astoria, . .
whlt'h will bring blra here on the 83d
Inst.' The news was immediately placed .
on tbe Ailorian bulletin, and was read by "
many people during tbe afternoon. It was
not only read with interest bat proved k;
perfeit balm to the depressed feelings of
a number of people who bave gradually .
become discouraged at the nonappear
ance of tbe railroad builders, though they
are not due to commence' work as per '
contract for full two weeks to come. Tbe
very source of tbe telegram was convinc
ing enough to them wbo read it, that As
toria's rsilroad prospects are as bright as
eyer, or even brighter than ever, ana that
only a few days will elanse before active
operations will oommenoe. '
All city warrants . registered prior to
Feb. 8. 1802, are now dueaud payable at
my office. Interest ceases after this
date. I.I.Bobqet,
Dated at Dalles City, Jan.. let, 1895.
Awarded '
Highest Honors World's) Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
Vom Ammonia, Alum or any other adultstird,