The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 16, 1895, Image 4

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    The Times-Moimtaineer
The list made publio a few days bro
: of the Democrats who signed the sil
-ver proclamation to the members of
their party contains many prominent
names. Among tbera - are those of
Bland, Bryan of Nebraska, Fithian 'of
, a n-v . a aT 1 . " C
Illinois, W nuing or oucnigan, aioney
of Mississippi, and Evan P. Howell of
the Atlanta Constitution. The greater
part of the west and south is repre
sented on the roll. Sixteen states and
two territories contribute signers. All
. of them are not members of congress,
hat all are in high standing in the
party. No senators are on the roll of
name, as the senate was o busy clos
iog op the work of the term when. the
address was brought to that body that
no sienatures were sought. Undoubt
edly, however, most of the Deiuo
. cratic senators from the south and
. Att. favnp tlin nftaitinn taken in the
address, and would have signed it if it
were presented to there.
- As the object of the address is to
make the money question the dominant
isBue in 1896,says the Globe Democrat,
the course pursued is direct and intel
ligent.. It seeks to commit the De
mocracy to the "immediate restoration
. of the free and unlimited coinage of
gold and Bilver at the present legal
ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for
the aid or consent of any other nation,
8 it f imoa prior io ivio, such com
to be a full legal tender for all debts,
the position of the Bland section of
, , the party, which ia the larger section,
all aloog. 1 hat element has never
cared much for international monetary
conferences. It has not troubled itself
" about the . attitude, of Eneland and
Germany teward general bimetallism
According to its contention the United
States should be, a law unto itself in
tne-natttT of silver coinage. The
opinion held by the great majority of
political economists, statesmen and
financiers that the United States can
not safely throw its mints open to sil
ver except under a general remoneti-
zation of that metal by the great na
tions of Europe, is considered by the
Blands. Brvana and their disciples to
he a delusion and a superstituticn
which is inflicting untold barm on tie
Hut, notwithstanding the imposing
array of names of signers whioh the ad
dresa bears, it will hardly commit the
Democracy to the policy advocated.
The Cleveland section of the party "will
beat the Bland section on the silver
question ia the convention of 1896, as
it always did in the past . and as it
usually has done in . congress. An
earnest and persistent effort was made
in 1892 to force the party to make a
free silver declaration in its platform
The platform did,' indeed, pronounce
i or me cuiusga vi uuiu gum auu nuvrr,
without "discrimination against either
metal or charge for mintage," but it
contained also the saving clause that
"the dollar unit of coinage must be of
equal intrinsic and exchangeable value,
or be adjusted through -international
irountaioa bt roDiou logs aod only week
mo brought to town for examination. Hav
ing no family resirliog in this visinity his
bcdy will probably be laid to rest at Salem.
George Payne, the 42nd victim of the
Silver Lake holocaust, died February 25.
Hia body, with the other un'ortunntcs. was
placed near the center of the cemetery
there and a monument will lie erecteit to
te r memory . All tre others ho we-e
injured ha- e recovered, except Clara Snell
ing and Via. T. I. laBrie, who wa iinprov
ing alovtly.
- Eueene Guard: A eeot?eman from Cot
tage Grove informs us that every day men
are arriving at that point to go into the Bo
hemia mines, and that the town present a
lively appearance. Ail former talk about
the mines and former urosoestine done is
now besrnz good rait, and that this will
be a prosperous season ia that tection every
one believes.
The onestion of a public park bas been
agitated bo some of cur citize s, and a
movement in that direction would he a wise
una. But the irou da anrroundinz the
academy buildine have been deeded to
Dalles I ity for this purpose. And as soon as
. 1 - i r i 1. 1 u 11
me municipality ieeis auic iiu!iwuj
imDnve this laud a better location could
uot be desired.
The fnneral of Ron. G. V. Bolton took
place this afternoon, and was attended by a
laree number of citizens. Maaouic trater
nity lead tbe procession, and following was
Company 'G", O.N O.. tbe oity council
and citizens Mr. Xolton was a n an in
whom the community placed tbe h ghest
confidence, and the last respect' paid to his
remains, were done so with regret and sor
row We have been informed, since we wrote
the article about Mm. Lizzie Stewart tn
search of her daughter, tb-t tbe girl was
adopted by a family living at v betatone,
near thin county; but tbe party
u ho Rave the information did not know who
they were. The article will likely attract
the atten ion of the people in that vicinity,
a- d it is to be expected that tbe mother
will find her daughter and return with her
t ) t-flU Lake in a few days.
The little waif left on a doorstop in Pen
dleton a few days ago arrived in Walla
Vail i 'I uesday mor ing. tbe baby was
sent for by Mr. and Mrs. .Tessa Griffin, on
Fourth street, wbo ill take care of it and
give it a home. A peculiarly shaped pieoo
of paper left with tbe child for its future
identification accompanied the little one,
and no doubt will be carefully preserved
It is understood tbat the identity of tbe
baby's mother lias already been established.
Arlington Record: There has been some
talk of organizing a militia company here
again., In our opinion this would not bea
oau move on tne pan oi ourcuizena m-re
ia plenty of good material here f r a first
class company, and chief f ordinance Col
lina isable and anxious to instruct a com-
cany in the manual. We say, go ahead
and organize, by all means. Dr Geisen-
dorfer ia rpoken of as captain, snd Messrs.
Hurlburt and Hindi as first and second
Iieutsi ants. . . ,
Besides, all tbe gold shipped from here is
not tent aboard. Gold ia sent bera to be
ooiard and calls are being continually made
for it by tbe subtreasary. 1 think it is the
bent tinlioy to say nothiug more about ship
ments." Pendleton is shaken from center to cir
cumference by a series of revival meeting.
A move has bjeo mtde to o'nse the business
bonce throughout the O'ty at 7 M., ex
cept Siturdsy evening, during tbe treet
iui(s, in older that employers will have n
opportunity to attend services. Abiat 27
firm, mntt of the prominent hou'ei exoepc
ing two, have agreed to thus shorten their
business hour. The meetings are to he
continued a long aa interest is manifested
and the attendance j stifiei.
The Pendleton East Oreg nia is jubilant
over the a O' a-if l.oa: ""A s!s
of 16.000 buxheis, was made last
week at 33 cents. I', graded No 1 , and
wa of 1894's cup. 0'i the same dv wheat
was quoted at 40 to 41 pr bushel in Port
land for the Walls Walla product. This
last vi; R-d Chaff.and when the customary
redaction for frEiint aid commission was
n-.sde, 13 eots. the' price h-re would have
bei 2S, at least so it appears. But 6 cents
per bushel wis paid above this, and the lot
went at S3 delivered on the wheat com
pany's pU'torm."
Mor-itt Seidl. of the Nirth Fork of the
Jnho Day river, was adjudged insane at
Pendleton last ws k. Mny of Grant
county's citizens will remember this man,
eepoeii.lly will Jack H in ton of Hauilton,
reoullect the man who mide him turn
a-ouod in the rosd near the Nrth Fork
liridge and took him several miles on the
b ok track. "He earn" to Pendleton, says
the Pead'eton Tribune, "to ri'e on a home
stead, aud duing h s visit gave evidence of
an nobibnced condition of mind." Every
one acquainted with this man think it was
tbe proper thing to send bim to the insane
From Tuesday's Dally.
Recently, says tbe Corvallis Gazette, the
college purchased a large stereopticon and
the faculty are anxious to give it a trial.
Already 70 views pertaining to tbe college
and its experimental work have Veen se
cured. This st 1 1.' of stereopticon ia are-
cent invention of a Pittsburg firm and
promises to give satisfaction. Where i' is
said to excel other stereopt cons ia in the
use of gasoline, which generates a brighter
and stronger ligbt tban either kerosene or
lard oil
A Kansas exohange tells of a man who
mortgaged bis farm io buy bis wife a pair
of diamond ear-rings. The wife took in
washing to pay interest on tbe mortgage,
but ou tbe first job lost one of the "sparks"
in the suds whereupon she tr ed to bang
herself in tbe barn, but tbe rope broke and
she fell on a Jersey cow worth 8150 and
broke its back. Her husband the under
took to shoot the cow to put it ut of its
misery, but be gun burst and destroyed
his eyes and the wife then ran away with
lightning rod peddler. The mortgage is
still on deck and bids fair to live to a lipe
old ags.
From Monday's Dally.
agreement, etc. A majority of tbe
delegates at the convention of 1892
probably favored absolutely free coin
age, but they were overawed by the
eastern element and by tbe fear that
an extreme declaration would lead to
political disaster. Bland, Fithian and
Howell will be beaten also in the
convention of 1S96. Fate is against
them in their crusade. They may
spit on the platform, as Horace Greely
did on tne vvnig deliverance on one
historic occasion, but, like him, they
will be constrained to bud port the
Prom . Saturdays Dally.
- A March sephyr.
Mt. Hood Boss Co. w:ll bold a regular
meeting to s evening.
The Columbia Packing Co. shipped a car
ioaa oi cattle rrom tne stockyards ot a
, S&ltmarhbe & Co. yesterday to Portland.
" The persons wbo were removed to the
p-st bouse have not developed the least
symptoms of smallpox, and very likely
the only cases will be Mr. S. Monaban and
the nurse.
Mr. VV. H, David, of Wapioitia. drove to
tows mtytour bead li cattle, todty, Tn-v
will be snipped to tbe Union Met. Co in
Portland from the stockyards of R E. Salt
manliB At thin mmtimnn
ine Dan is ana Duainess nouses were
closed this afternoon io respect ' to
the memory of Hon. G. V. Bolton, mayor
of tbe city, and the flag on the school house
was displays ! at half mast.
A pumiat went insane while playing a
' classical selection at a concert in Nev York
the other niitht. - W e venture tbe opinion
tbat nine tenths of tbe audience cculd not
tell where the break occurred.
Representative Cole of Multnomah coun
ty, by his. attorneys Hume & ball, has
brought a libel suit for $25 000 damage
against tbe Oregoaiaa Publishing Co., lor
the lasbuig the big daily gave bim as a
member of the legislature.
' ' It leaks out from tbe state bouse that
r T i - l i , , .
uuverour uovu naa sau ne wouiu mass no
appointment of railroad commissioner
(should it be determined the present com
missioners cannot hold ov r) thus max ing a
saving to tne state oi fju.wj for the bien
nial term, r
.We have made inquiries regarding the
fruit crop, and cannot learn of any injury
tbat has been done bv tbe heavy frosts at
night. Notwithstanding tbe delightful
weatuer tne temperature naa not been high
enough to mature the buda. and until thit
happens no damage from frost can result.
A Cbiaago girl's feet slipped, she fell and
broke her arm; au artist asisted tier to an
apothecary's, tell in love with bar, aubse
quentiy pro pose ana w.s secepted. 1' is
the rii-ft esse on record where s Chicrg
girl s leet Were not a dieadvabttge rather
than advantage In the search for a husband
h'T D. H. Boberta was called to Engene
today by a telegram announcing the terioua
illness of bis sister Kmma. he left on tbe
afternoon train to be present at her I edside.
This will in bo wise interfere with bis candi
dacy for s- hool clerk next Monday, and he
expects tbe support of his Mends the same
mm if tim vim nreaftnz in m mrtr
The Northern fjoifie is using the name
xuioisrtor the mountain of that name ia
eastern magasine advertieeu.eota, and tbe
people of Xaooma are pretesting. There
was a time wnn a general passenger agent
of that road would n t have dared to do
such a thing, but the Tacc ma Laud Com
pany is not so powerful as it once was.
' - Pendleton Tribunes Samuel Aulgoire,
whom Sheriff Houses accompanied to Salem
only a day or two ago for the purpose of
plaoing tbe unfortunate man in- the asylom,
waa confined but a tew hours within the
building . ' Mr. Houtei -received word' Inst
liigbt of Aulguire's death. Ha- was not a
Victim to insanity, only- in ss muob as an
accidental fractare of the skull had affroted
his brain.- fl was .injured Jut fa! ia (he
County court adjourned Saturday for the
Mr. J. A Diothitt, of Prineville, arrived
in the city yesterday. .
The gentle zenbvr fans the down on tbe
cheek of beamy, and, and although it may
be Irclmome, it must be recollected that
March brrtscs sre n ually frisky.
Complaints are- made ti at boys corg'e-
gate in the aoburl s of the city and make
night hideous witb their lend and bo'a'r us
noise. -This f-honld be f topped, ss the peace
of tbe city should bs maintained at all
Tne Salvation Army . will give a o fl
sopter at the r hall in this city tomorrow
evening. C ffee srd case tit be served
at 1U ceLt to all desirious. lne services
immediately afterwards will be cooduoted
by Mis. Captain Stevens ot Pirtland.
List eveninsr, about 6 o'clock, the pale.
maidenly, bluDbinu moon, as lt'ia sometimes
called by sentimental poets, waa tffeeted bv
an eclipse, and tor atout three-quarters of
an Hour sne wore tbe darkeat frowo. Tbe
phenomenon was witnessed by aeyeral per
sons in the oily.
Tbe school election Tavfd rff quietly th s
aiteroo'-n. IS. Jacobseo, U. J Bayard and
D H. Ro'vrts weie caoHidates for c.'erk.
aodO. D. Doaop. W. E Sylvester aud
others for director. Tbe polls did not c!oe
nntil o o closK tbis evening, and tberefore
we can give no report of tne
Dr. Hollister waited on his rmall pox pa
tients today.and through the rebellious dit
triot was guarded by the shei iff, city maishal
aod two poiio.'men. No lesistanoe was of
fered, and it is hoped tbe belligerents have
come to the cone usion that the common
oounoil and board of health ean manage
mumoipai aniiri natter tnan they etn.
Pendleton Kant Qregonian: The bicycle
is a friend of woman tuff. age. It makes it
poaaib'e for woman to bve eqoal rights and
wear pants . wiib-nt exciting auy vreat
amount cf pri judioe and opposition bii84t
on pirjndice from men. Th bicycle is an
implement oi progrecaion scu retnrni, as
well as a vehiule ot progress aod delight,
Sys an exul ange: "Clara Louise Kel-
log, whose sweet voice c ce oharmed two
continents, is living in New York in com
saiative poverty. O ce she was won h
nearly $1,000 000, but it has all been swept
away by ui.torinnaie bu ness ventures
1 be onoe famous woman has ljst ber toice
entirely, and ha no way of recouping ber
tbattertd tor'aocs.
An exchange truly remarks: "A carload
of rega sent lrom to Om hi baa
mor promtve n it for our .tate'all the
traioiosda of run', butter, bacon aod beer
sent hither frcin tl e east dnring the past
(Icz n i an. The til at carlo id maiks tbe
turn of tn tide. Pro-p'rity lies in out
ward shipments of tuoh g o '8. uot in lra
porttion. The blessiigi of hard times
wiil come along in their d te order."
Aeus: February ISt i tbe farmers in the
extreme northwestern pirt of Grant oounty
began plowirg A la rtft acreage of gruia
will be sown there this spring. Tbat coun
try is improving right along:, which fact
shows up well for th.-sa hard times. Stoek
men over there have formed a protective
anion, whioh is working tineiy in the inter
ests of stockmen.
If the new process of saving' fine gold
proves a success there will he a gieat deal
of mining done on the Columbia aud Suake
rivers thia season. Tbe saud tljng both
streams comaos good piy if the fine gul l
can be shv rl. Tuere is good pay on the
liars alioot Pneot rapid, a faot that has
been pt,nc for years; but ihe meat's for
working the sand have been wanting, the
gold is so light.
A peti-.ion is buing circulated tor the ea-
tabiiahnient of a posi- illiue at Inac M at
ony's loi-n on Mill ceek, ubout eleven
itiilts from this city. There are about 70
names on the list, and tue petition will be
sent to tbe authorities at .Washington. I
is claimed that the residents are without
convenient postal facilities, aod a posturfiue
at tbis place would be a grjat ace nmnoda
tion to a larse number of settlsrs.-
Salem Statesman: There is a quiet mm or
just now that b . & Kmcaid, secretary of
atate, will refuse to draw warrams for the
railroad o mmissioners at the close of tne
quarter April 1st claimn ir that there u
no suoh orticial orgsn'zatioa at nre-ant.
However, be is looking no authorities on
ths subject, and will not so decide until a
thorough uoderatanding is reajned of the
meaniog of the set creating the board.
Dr. Booed iot, the eminent optician, will
remain at tbe Umatilla House another
week, where be will be pleased to see tbose
wbo desire their eyes treated in a 'killul
manner. He baa a large stock of frames
and glaases which he w 11 suit to any per
son, and at the same time make a critical
examination of the eye free. " Tbe doctor
comes highly reoommended, au i is no doubt
thoroughly competent in tbe line he follows.
Superintendent Townsend of tbe Phila
delphia mint says: ' I have decided not to
make any more statements about slunmnnts
of gold . It serves no good purposes. I
think it bss tbe effect of makioa a -eras
sad for inducing the hoarding of tbe netsJ. ,
Mr. C. McPnerson, of Hay Creek, is in
the city.
Mr, M. Tbaurbouro, of Rbgley, is io
ton n today.
Mr aod Mrs E. B. McPirland. of Port
land, are ylaiting friends in the city.
Mr. J. H. McDoooogh, of Cascade
Locks, was in the city yestarday.
The breezes are wintry; but there is no
reason 1 1 complain if tbe air is not as balmy
as June in Maroh.
The regular meeting of the board of Are del
egates w'll be held tnis Tuesday evening at
8:30. All members are requested to be
The lambing season has begin in some
portions of the oouuty. It is ooid for larais;
but the weather it more favorab'e than
otber years.
A very pleasant shower of rain fell In
the city yesterday evening; but on tbe
hills enough snow fell sufficient to give
them a wintry appearance.
Mr. J. P Abbott, of Wapioitia, oame io
town today. He says tall grain is m ex
otliekt couditioo, and the prospects are.
bright tor tbe harvest next season.
The Obarr hotel waa thoroughly fomi
gated yesterday by burning sulphur in
every room, snd it is now ready tor occu
pancy. Tuis bss o'eared the rooms of
Tbe fence around tha house ia wbi b the
sm.:lnnx patients ee oouflued was re
moved this morning, aud tbat part of Second
street is free for the pacSsgs ot pedestrians
snd vehicles.
Only a few ladies voted yesterday at the
school election. One, whose name) was
no, on tbe list, trudged all the way back
to her residence, procured her tax re
ceipt and dtposiicd her ballot.
We call attention to the rew adverti-e-
mentof A- L. Newman in another col-,
umn in this issue. As will be seen
prices have been greatly ' reduced, and
there is a rare opportunity for bargains.
Jam McDonald, of Cascade lucks, was
arrested for assiule and nsirg abusive lan
guage and brought bet ire Judge Birnie yes
teidav, and sentenced to the county jail
for 20 days, io default of payment of 240,
He wn brought to the oity List night, and
now lenguisneth.
Tbe bigh bridge, a tew miles fmm this
city, near Rowena, on tbe O. It. & N. (Jo's
r jad. will be lorn d iwo, aod the line con.
sirucled lower down and the gulch filled
in. Men have been at work several davs
laying the new track. When this is com
pieied the hinh trestle will be removed.
At the school election yesterday there
were 2HS votes cast, ot which Mr. Ernest
Jacohsen rei-e:ved 125, l. fl. Roberts 83
and C. K. Bayard 22. There was no con
test on the office of director, and Dr.
Oosoe received the full vote. Other
Dames wen mentioned yesterday; but
tbev withdrew, and only one candidate
was voted for.
Mr. A W. Brsnner, who is now visiting
mends in Southern California, sent a box
of oraoges to Wasco tribe, No. 16, 1. O.
R M., of tbis city, which arnyed this
morning by exp ess. They were very fine
specimens ot trult. and having been
picked trom tbe trees in March are quite
an adverttsem"nt tor tua climate 01 that
part of our neighboring state.
Edgar Mayer, aged 16, son of Julius
Maer. the well known wholesale liquor
merchant ot Portland, was killed Satur
day afternoon by Mining in contact with
a l'ive wire at the Montgomery street sta-
ion or tne Portland Ueueral Electric
Company. The boy was an apprentice,
aud while experimenting at tbe switch
board be accidentally connected a circuit
which sent 1000 volts through him, kill
ing bim instantly.- . -
At the stockyards of R. E. Saltmsrshe
& Co. in tbis city business has been quite
lively dnnog tbe past few days. About
ISO head of cattle were received yester
day at tbe yards, aud these will be
shipped today or tomorrow. Two car
loads will be sent to the Union Meat Co.
in Portland, and tbe rest east to tbe Chi
mgo market. These were pastured in
tbe Tygu yaliey country during the win
ter, and are in excellent condition. "
The Eatt Orrgonia is happy to say that
a settlement has taken place between ex
Treasurer FVilsom and bis boni'smen on
one side and Umatilla county ou the
oiber. Mr. Koleotn and his bondsmen are
now free and the county has tnsteiid of its
claim acainstthem $l3,00u in cash and
$,000 in good notes which will b; paid
when they tall due. The satisfactory set
tlement of Ibis troublesome atf tir was
brought about through the untiring efforts
of Thomas F. Kourke.
A resident of Union county says the
most valuable commodity and the one
that fiuds the most ready sale in that lo
cality is dogs, one gentleman haying re
cently sold four of tlicm for $3S, the pur
chases of two of the brutes being a p or
man Hh quite a family to support. Just
hew tbe 'atier expects a pair ot :5 dogs
to assist him io procuring bread lor huu
gry children our informant was not pre
pared io say; but of course that subject
doesn't disturb Ibe midaight slumliers of
ihe man who sells the canines
All city warrants registered prior to
Feb. 3. 1892, arej now due and payable at
my office. Interest ceases after tbis
date. 1. 1. Buboet,
City Treasurer.
Dated at Dalles City. Jan. 1st, 1895.
tbe Scars Remain.
. "Among the many testimonials which I
see In regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
Uzxa? Hddion, of tbe James Smith
woolen Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., "none
impress me more than my
own case. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 yoars,
I had swellings come on
my legs, wuicb broke and
become running sores.
Our family physician could
do me uo good, aud it was
feared that the boues
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged xne to try AVer's
Sarsaparllla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have not been
troubled since. Only the
scars remain, and the
memory of the past, to
remind me of tits ffood
AVer's Sarsaparllla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am In tlie best of health. I bare been on tbe
road for tbe past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer'e Sarsaparllla advertised In all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure In telling what good it did for me."
For tbe cure of all diseases originating In
Impure blood, tbe best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparil.a
Cure others, wilt cure you
common couircnv
An adjonrned meeting of the oonncil was
held Saturday evening, pursuant to adjourn
ment of Ma'nh 7th.
Present Eight couocilmeo.
Tne acting mayor stated the object of the
meeting was to elcet a msyor to Sil tbe un
expired tor it. of Hon. G. V. B-l'oo, de
ceased. It was thereupon agreed that the council
should cast an iuformal ballot, and the per
sou receiving tne majority of votes cist
shunl t be the unanimous choice. Oj the
fourth ballot Fnak Meaefse h-ivin; re
ceived the mtjarity of the votes cast was
dec! ired the ciinic-, and was e eted.
The re pirt of the physician, heretofore
appointed as a board to sel ct a sit for a
pest bouse, recommending a location lm
mediately south of the city cemetery, was
read, accepted aod placed on file.
The cimmittea appxnted to draft resolu
tions oi tho death of Mayor 3)1 too, pre
sented the followiug, whio'i were adopted
and made a pirt of the proceedings; aud a
oopy thereof was ordered seat to tbe
widow of tbe deceased.
- Wbkbeas. Daatb has removed from our
midst an esteemed oitix.'n, Mayor of Dalles
City, and
WBEBS48, '.Re-nembsring his many vir
tues aod faithfaluess to convictions of right,
we realize how great is our loss, and eyeo
greater the lo'si sustained by those aeare.t
him; therefore be it
Retailed, That we hold in grateful re -membranes
hia wise coiuoila and his judi-
clous actions ia all matters pertaining to
tbe public good.
Rnolved, That we chsrish -his" memory
with sincere sffition,aud extend our heart
felt s rapathy to those who have bsea bs-
reaved. .
- Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be asnt to tbe wife of tbe deceased; that
thy be spread upon the reiord ot the pro
ceeding of the oommoo eouaoiU and that
the local pipers bs requested ti publish
them, E. B Hood.
S. B Adams.
A. B Thompson.
C Mumittee.
On motion it was ordered that Wm, GU
slus be appointed spsoial polioemau ro en
force the ouifaw ordiaaooe on the bluff, snd
that he bs allowed a reasonable oompms i
tion for all arrests mads by him where coo.
viotion results.
It was ordered on motion tbat the emo
oil mut Stturday erenmg, Marsh 18 .h,
at 7:30 F. M.
Tb?re appearing no farther ' business
conned adjourned.
Unlawful ProcMdixtgs.
Dr. HollittM-, the physician wbo is at
tending the small pox patients, yesterday
met with resistance from a number
of residents io the pines in tbs bluff
addition. He was r,rooesdir g on his way
to tbe pest bouse in his buggy, when, in re
moving a barbed wire fecoe sbich obstruc
ted the road, be waa met by tbe crowd aod
told in the most emphatic terms that he
could not gi that way. Tbey were not
choice io tne use of terms, and made seme
severe threats if be persisted. The di 0
t ir turned his horses' beads aod readied hia
patients in a rouud-about way. There are
nutters to beconside ed in this affair which
will tend to the detriment or welfare of tbe
city. The small pox patients mutt receive
medical attention aid not bi a lowed to die
for want of proper care. Tgis Is humanity,
and any other course would bs bar bin-m
and savagery. Dr. Hollister ia makirg
great cacrifices, in a professional way, be-
sidts exposing bis family to whom he hs
tbe same tender feeliugs of auy husband
and father to tbe contagion. The powers
the of municipality mast be brought into
foroe to oairy out all necessary acts of be-
navolenoa and humanity. Tbis must be
done at every hasud. We have a company
of the O. N. G. stationed at Tbe U.llea
that may be called upon if the pollje fotoe
of the city are unable to cope with these
senseless persons, who appear to be bereft
of all reason,
The following bills wers allowed at the
recent session of the county courti
H Honeywill. sect Mrs Motta a
J M Harden, araod Juror
Amoi Root, do
w l Komi, do
Ohas Fralay, do
M C felleck, do
K A Griffin. - do
W J Parldaon. do
U w M aranun, juror.
W D Jones, do
Wm Kelsay, do
Wm Jones. do .
Jacob tobarts. do
Muuieon vopple, ao
Wm Tavlor, --do
many other ailments when they
hare taken hold of the system,
never gets better of Its own accord, hut
Constantly groics trorse. There are
thousands who know they have a defective
heart, but will not admit the fact. They
don't want their friends to worry, and
Don't know what to take for it, as
thoy have been told time and again that
heart disease iras incurable,. Such was tbe
ease of Mr. Silas Parley of Dyeavtlla, Ohio
who writes June 13, ISM, as follows:
"I hail heart disease for X3 years,
my heart hurting me almost continually.
The first IS years I doctored all the time,
trying several physicians and remedies,
until my last doctor told me It was oniy a
question of time as
I could not be cured.
I - gradually grew
worse, very weak,
and completely dis
couraged, until I
lived, propped half
up in bed, because I
couldn't lie down
nor sit up. Think
ing my time had
come I told my fam
ily what I wanted
done when I was
gone. But on the first day of March on
the recommendation of Sirs. Fannie Jones,
ot Anderson, InrL, I commenced taking
Mr. Miles' Sew Cure for the Heart
and wonderful to tell. In ten days I was
working at light work and on March 19 com
menced framing a barn, which Is heavy
wore, and I haVnt lost a day since. I am 68
years old, 8 ft- VA Inches and weigh EQlba.
I believe J am fully cured, and
I am now only anxious that everyone shall
know of your wonderful remedies."
Pyearllle, Ohio. Bclas Fabuct.
Dr. allies Heart Cure is sold on a positive
guarantee that tbe first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell It at tL ft bottles torSS or
It will be sent, prepaid on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical OolUkhart. lad.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure
Restores Health
m 1
P 1) Haiiricba, do
KW Trout. do '
J 8 Taylor, do
w a wuitams, do
J A Nobis, do :
E H nsou, do
L B Keller, dD
H B Moore. do
Jacob nbriat, do
H A Dietssl, do
M Randall, do
M V Harrison, it- (taad Jury
H A Leavins. do-
H 0 cbsawitb. d '
1-iha Poms do
cn s Fortune, do
l-mma Southwell, wit. a. e
Wm Floyd, do ;
Jfbu Ualrvmola. do
J m Ws ey, do
Tnomu Miller, do
Joseph HI lr, do
OitnUnuu, do
a r r s-uaiu, do
Feiria (Indian) ao
Lswla Brown, da
Inn Br adoant, do .
WC J cksun, ss vies road din 6
B 8 ill mr. conitable taaa
f Callagtian, cor iu v
f Bolton. do
P uorman, do . ..
w a tuts dj
OSDurur, do .......
I Olavev. do
Fr-nk Strattan, wit. cor
M Olavey. do
Tno'ns.wift, do
W L Hendrix. do
T m Bol on, do
M Urav a, . do ...
Dr. D A Dietrieh, exam:nauou
W H Butts, cor car's Ises
O Pudnll. rotddistl
8 P Conroy. w't. J. P. court ,
ps uaiur, . p. Ides
W 0 Jonea, wit, fan Jury
M Har aa, maki it Jury list ,
h Pr.tlwr wit i. n
Geo Huskev, wn J. p
Tfaomu Harlan, J p. fwn..
A ueut'D, j. p. lues
V O'isnn. cnstaola
O W PaUerdOj, ltnm, ,
TN wltnes ...,
D.vlrt Scott. witncM
C F Psrrio, witness
K M shult, atiy t es ,
A Keatnn, mtkinir Jury lis--
BC DickeD-oti, niaking-Jury list....
E y Shutt, making J ir? lijt. M... .-.
R H Buniua. J. p. Ices ....
John Trana, unnataMe fee.
Louia Mlii snstella. interpreter
J W Aahhy. road dm lx
D P Orabt es, road d t S4
A J Brivhim, J. p. f e
8 K Kdnond-on, c ,naiahi t as
K T BirtoibaUKb, wit J. p
Uus urown. - do
fr'rad Wilson, do
Willis Kioa, do
F Hotter, do
C Mum, do .,,
J L Smith, do
B B O .Ibraith. making Jury list
IjB Dsvl , J. p. fees.....
A A lirquhart, c n-tabl fscS
J Howa, witness.... MmaH ,
J A SOttbe, j. p f--c
A S Blowtra. witness J. p.
OIN ranahan, d j
Wm Tates, do
D.v d Turner, do' .
HO Cos, do
a t Prattler, do
Roy Sloeum, oo
E d Oilniw, const bis fee
O P Beald, d St any tecs..;
ri B Adams, yiewina; road
GroALiebe, do
K P FitsGerald, do
E F Muurp, urveving- roada.
Lem Bu gees, viswins; ruad .........
Jos -inith, do
John Nacbtar. do
H C Rnoper, do
B W Cook, chdnmaa
Wm A-bbj.vlewimi road
F J ReM, do -
FAT u-r. do - -.
B. vd Aahbj.chalnrosa...,
H CKooper,miraer..
K F febarp, surrsyitar
K t Sbarp. s ctioo eurners
Ernest, Kraman, coroner's Jury.......
Johu Aradt, do
D S Dulur, do
J T Buiry, - do
Iiua8urder, do ...
Ou'tiy Baiksld, witness,
D HoruUK. d -
JOBoMiser, do
FAHeuf.rt, do ,.
W H Butts, coroner's Jury ,
Troy t-hoily.achool suiH....
O W Phelps, dlst atty lass
A S Bio era, mmtsaiooar....
German Bsul, ti dlstS ,
OOo, annoy not ,
A at Kelaay, dark-.
X J Brrsr, shsrlg..
t 00
8 0
14 60
14 40
13 00
11 40
II 00
10 HO
is eo
. 23 00
3 01
; s so
14 20
. . 16 50
13 00
16 00
18 00
. 11 SO
, 12 SO
- IS 00
16 t0
. IS 00
. 14 00
is oo
io so
io so
t so
. 16 00
t to
I 00
6 SO
4 SO
It 00
14 00
t 10
10 40
t 30
5 S3
. . 1 to
1 20
t oo
. ( 00
1 TO
. 1 70
1 70
- 1 70
1 70
1 70
8 00
Si 20
16 0
8 SO
4 7b
e oo
8 oo
t 60
i 60
' 6 60
86 to
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
S 00
S 00
t HO
t 01
6 65
0 76
6 00
6.S 00
69 i0
S 7
11 to
1 '0
1 to
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
8 00
4t 4U
18 80
- 1 70
18 69
1 70
1 70
1 70
8 40
1 70
1 7m
1 70
6 86
6 IO
t 0
t 00
t 00
24 00
- 4 00
t 00
4 OO
t 00
t 00
4 00
4 OO
4 00
4 00
' 4 00
to 00
' 6 00
1 to
l to
1 eo
l to
i SO
1 70
1 70
1 10
1 70
18 00
14 00
8 00
18 4-i
It M
18S 80
County Treasurers.
The follnwiiR are the salaries of oonntv
treasurers as fixed bv the bill parsed bv tbe
Ut leg Mature: Baker, f800 Bent,
S93t Clackamas. 1 000; Clatsop. 000; C o
lumbia, COOjCooa, 600; Curry. 400; Crook
400; Donglaa, 1 000; Gilliam. 30; Grant,
80Q Harney. 700i Jacksin, 800; Josephine.
400; Klamath. 400; Lake. 400; Line 600;
Linn, 1.000; Lincoln. 400; Marion, 1,200;
Malhrnr, 600; Multnomah, 8,000; Morrow J
600; Pnlk, 760; Sherman, 200; Tillamook,
SS0; Umatilla. 800: Uomn, 700; . Was ,
600; Waabiofcton, 600, and oouuiy judge of
L:neolt county, 000 -
Iaad Trsvnafjra.
Maroh II John Bino and Mry Bino to
W. C. Vredt; 1 acre of I ni near tbe old
aehool boose, Antelope; 9160.
Marnh 11 Wentworth Lord snd wife to
ElmiraG. Sylvester; lot 4, block 13, Langb
lin's additinc toOtlles C 'y; $1.
March 11 Jns. T. Peters et UX. to Jnliu
J. Wiley; b ts K and B, block 7, Ft. DalUr
military addition to Dllea Ci'y; $1.
Vale Gazette: Joe Morton, wbo bss
been living on a ranch within a mile ot
Ontario for the pnst ten or fifteen years,
has discovered that there '.s mre gold In
the eanh ou his ranch than there is id
furmintr, and bo has built a machine to
raise wmer from the Snake with which to
WHSh tbe cold from tbe gravel He will
haul the travel in wheel scrappers to the
lmnk of tbe 3uke and run it through his
gold savinir apparatus .Just how much
the gravel runs to ihe yard we did uot
leHro, but It is said that it is good
Globe Demo-rat: The linges publishing
businca- lu tmscmntry is carried nn by the
government i'self. about 1 000,000 brink),
are turned out annually and aiso; for thr
most of tbe vesr, the larjest and stnpidei
dn'V oappr in tr.e wrr d, known aa
Congrestional Record. 3 -me of th"- b1
are creditable specimens, bit as a rule the
need of a oompetent editor is thir leading
ehnractdistio. Tbe United States should
either edit its vast array of pnMioa'ion
wub more ability or out them down about
90 p;r cent The Congressional Record is
edited bf a set of ul s ai d a abovel.
In tbe Cirouit Court ot tbs Butte oi Oregon, tot
Wasco county.
Ihe Pacific Firs Insurance Company, p'alntiff, vs.
lianiel J. O roper, Aivazena A.C ojwr, The UaJIs,
Jiufur a 8ili sioue R. R. Oo., D. M. Freuth ana
J. W. French, jde. daiita.
By virtue or an execution duly issued out of and
under tne ml of the circuit court of tbe State cf
Ongoii, ir the County of Vac, to me dire ted.
dated tstb day of November. lfc94. upon a Juda-.
meut anu d cree of foreclosure reuuerwl and en
tered in a d court on the 16th d.v of November,
1S94.ID favor ot tne Pacific Fi e Com.
pany, plainliff, and against D.nlel J. Cooper and
Arrai-na A. Co.,ptr, defendants, for the sum of
lA,69t.OO, corrmandiiijt aod rcquirinir me to maks
ale of the lull'jWinir descrilied real l mpcrty aitu
aird in tbj county of Wasco, and state of Oregon,
Tue west ha'f of fectioa SS, Townab p t north,
Raima 14 east, SiOacrts; the nr.rtbeut quarter and
tbe eaat ba f of ih: aoutliea t quart roi s etion SS,
Town-blp 8 n- rth. Kanye 14 eaat, i O.c es; ihe
e&at nal of th- eoutbwwc quarter t.f bection S6,
rbwiifhip 8 north, R res 14 e.s-.. 80 acres; tbe
southwrat quarter of 8 c lor 81. Tow. .ship t uorth,
Kaiige 16 ut, 188 cres; th aouthiaat quarter of
Sectiun. it. Town-hip 8 north, Kamre 14 east, ISO
acres; tbe west h If ol the njrtnwcat quarterof
section 81, Township 8 nortb, Hanye 16; eat, igg
acres; the a est ba.f of the nortnweat quarter of
ection St. ownabip 8 north raotre 16 east so
acre ; the southeast quarter of Section 80. Town
ab n 8 north. Km ge 15 east, 160 acres; the east ball
and the bouibws-t qu rt-r ol tne northwest quarter
uf sectl n Ito, Tuwnahip t no th, KaiiKe 16 east. 14s
acres; thr wet half ol tbe a"Uthffeet quarter of
."ection SO, T wnshlp t m.nh. Rat ire 16 a st, 10S
seres; tbu north hall of lb southstat qiurter and
the nort beast quarter of tbe southwest quarur of
Sao ion 19, Tuwi.sbip 8 i.orrh, Range 16 east, 120
acres; tbe east half 01 Section 81. ' own-hip 8 nortb.
Ramie 15 eaat, 820 acre.; Total S.0SS acres. 1 dwl
on the S7ib day of Nov.mb. r. 1SU4, duly levy upon
tbe above de-cribed real p operty.
Vow, tberefore, bv virtue of said execution, Jndg
ment. Older ano decree, and n conformity iin tne
-aimDianda of said writ, 1 will on H edDesday, the
tod day O' January. 1695, at the hour of 1 o'clock
and 8J min-tte-, p. m., at iha front drof tbs
cunty e .uith nse oi said Wa co County, in tbs
City of The Dalles, In Mud county a d state, se 1 at
public auction, subj ct to redemption, to tbs high
est bidder for United States go'd c tn, oaah in band,
all tbe right, title and iTereet of the above named
del ndanta. or either of them. In aod to tbe above
de-cribed raal property te s.ti fy said azecutioo.
Judgment, o.dei and decree, Interest aod cue's and
au accruing coats.
' 8beriff ot Wasco C. untv. t, reran
at Dalles City, Orcajun, Dm. 1, 164.
Thos. t. Oakes, Henry V. l, oe, Henry C. Bouse,
Lain) Omcs at Tbs Daluts, Oaxoos
Docerabei 13, ltW4.
Notice is berebr gl.-en that the followinK named
settler has filed notice nf Ms iutentlun to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be mads before the Uraiatersnd at
Tbs Dalles, Oregon, on January 4. 1SV6, vis:
H E No 625S, NJ NWJ, S-E xW)4. 80 88, and
BM 1 Sto 81, Tp 1 s, R 14 E.
He names the following- witnesses to prove his
con-lnuoua residence upon and cultivation of aaid
land, vis:
UVory Hudson. Harry Hudson, John W Hontgom.
ery, Johu u Decker, all of Uuf ur, Orecm.
- JaS. F. MOORE, Register.
Lajrn Orrics at Tbs Dallis. Os,
Keoruatv to. litab.
is hereby given that tbe followiux-uameo
settler has
filed ootiee of hii intention to make
Dual proof iu support of Is claim, and th,t said
proof will be made before thr register and receiver
aue miles, urweon, on Apru s, I8H6, via:
H E No 82-23, for tbe NWJ of stc to, tp 1 s, r 18 a.
He names the followiog witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, vis:
o D Doyle. Ben Southwell. Ed Dojle, Wm Doyle,
all of Kndersby, Oregon.
oar 8 JAS F. MOORE, Register.
Came to the promises nf tha subscriber, tn tons;
Hollow, about 14 miles anuthrast af Ine Dalles, one
orre mare, bra-ndml M on right siiou'der, two
white hind feet, white strip In face. She bee colt
branded the same The own, r ean bav tbe earn ? by
proving proiarty and roliog for tns charges of
kee, inc at.d be coat of thla advertlsment.
Look Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 84. D. F 18BORKB.
.gT Pr.
1 i,t..
oa VI, KM
I wivwioro
flr.W V .1 K
B stov in t,r,
For Information, time cards, maps and tickets
can n or write. w u. allaway, Airent.
Or A. D. CH'K'TON, Ars"t Gen"l Pasa. Asrent,
Nn, 22s MoiTlou St. corner of Ti.trd tit., Portbuid,
) fcaWrfttl. a V 1
x me Eurojeaij ebosbq
if nn tt tti s rrT t .
mj. n. r iAoj, rropnetor.
2?. Union Street, Between
Second and Third Streets
Tables always supplhd
with the best msata
in the market
No Chlnaraa asonloved. and tha cook I na- la dona
oy nraKiass caterers and after tbs tanuly stf a.
; Tbfs errm-
Ordinary jur
tuvenator is
the most
discovery of
the age,. It
Has Dees en
domed by the
Hrto men of
Europe and
America. ,
Hodvaa 'Is
NudvaB StATM
Of tbs dls-
eharaw In' 90
days. Cnrer-
First National Bank
. TsJllng Ben.
or tne eyes
uu eig(
, pun.
., Invigorates
- sss tones tne
-. entireavnm.
Hudrsa cures
snd developc s '
snd restores
weak orgam.
Fains In tne
Dace, lotsea
bv da or
nifcHtstopped ;
Successors to
oulcklv. Over 2.000 Brtvate enVrwtnnra.
Pramatnreneas means imnotenpv In ilia flnri
stace. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness
and bsrrennesa. 1. can be stopped la 10 days
vj ccaoui auujrau, -
me new discovery was msa" rry ins Bnecutl.
Traiisuts a Begnlar Ming Etislness
Buy sodWl tsrhsngs.
Oolleetlnos carefully mads and prorrptly aeoounted
or. uraw on ew zoxs, nan jrraiwuco and i Oft.
Xlreotors i
Uf TnoarpssB, IdMWUltenV J.H Scbenck, '
George Uebe. H M Bcall.
Istsofths old famous Hudeoa HedlcaJ Instlnrta.
It is the strongest Titallrer msda. - It la ver '
powerful, bnt batmleas. Bold for 81.00 a psoa
SKOOrS naoksres for 8S.0Oir.laln sealed boveaV.
Written cuaraniea rlTenfnra enra. Ifwaihn
bjk uuAcaauu mm I enurvi tnirra.aiz ran
will be sent to too free of all chareva.
Seaiifof circulars and teettanniala. Addrsas
function Stockton, Bbirlut ck eiHt Sta.
aou M a-SUlClSCOe VeUe
Andrew Velarde. '
The Dalles.
flirfrM: IVit 181. .
The Sun.
Tne first of American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor.
Branner s Mara
Three Doors From Court.
Harper's Weekly.
In 1893.
Ha.RPKR'8 WEEKLY 's a pictorial history of the
time. It preset. M every Imponanterem promi.llv,
accurately, and ezhauatlvely I i.lus.ratiou aod uea
crip. Ire textcf tbe Itiirh.-st order
The manner in which, during 1894, it has treated
theCbieaRo Railw y strikes and tne Chlno Japan
ee War, au-l tbe amount of Itirht it was abl . to
thr w on Krea ihe lustant at e;it on was directed
to that little-known country, are examples of i s al.
mO-t rjOtlildltan MMlllrM, Jnll.n U.lnk -i I-
llnsuiehni w iter anu orrespondenc, baa oeen sent
u ,.i war, ai a inert toinel oy o. D. VVel
don, tbe well-known American artist, now for many
years resident in J pan, ah . Ias been enewl t'o
co oi trare wi h Mr Hal h in sei.dinif to HaRPER'o
wo.r.aL,x vxQiunye iuii.rmau-,11 aod Illustration
Pmini 186 every vital question WW he dl nseed
with vVor and without prejudice in Ihe edit ilal
rolooaas, and also in special articles b the hlyb st
. . ... vmm.,. uc.i L.u-ut. r.tixnuui ,,i sna
men and w men who are ma-inc hi.ij.w a ..
erful and c.ustlc no ltical cartoons, will continue to
"jrHB icaiures. rnie Busy world, with its
keen and kindly c. mmonton the lesser doing ot tha
day. w li remain a regular dei a tru. nt
Ficnoa. 'ih. re will b- iwo powerful sriala. both
biudaomely 1 mirated Tie Ked C ckode. stir-
riiui iDuiauoe oi mam asvs oy sta .ley 4. W eymm.
anu a nsvei oi sat ir..rk, entitled Tha son of H s
-,,vr,,j Dw,urr alas news srvet al noveltties.
tut mam .tin.. ..!-- U II , -
j w,m vj ruiu a i writers
-. Band for ZHtutrsitcd Prospamtns.
TbaV-.lumes of the Weekly bear'n with the Bret
number for January of aech year. Wl.en i.o time is
neiiHuuou, auoecripuoni will begin witb the num.
ber currtut at ihe time of receipt cf oruer.
Cloth easss for each volume suitable for blndlnr.
wiu ne sent oy mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each.
Title-page aud Inds sent oo application.
Remltttncos shou d s mads bv postefflct money
AnlwMrfHf, ... : . i -
w.h. m.m w. .tuiu enmuue en joes,
wUAuut Ui4 eayraaa order oiorr rviAara.
Pas Yata: .
Harper's Mafraatne at no
Harper's Wei kly , 400
Jarpur'e Baxar . 4 00
Harp r"s Youug People t 00
Pottag free to all Suburittrt ia the United Statu
Canada and .Vacuo.
Address H4.RPES ft BKOTHEB3, P. O. Bos 808
New Tcrk City.
to copy Uis arfnrrtcaraaHl
Harper's Bazar.
lm IKBS.
Elegant and excluive designs for Out-deoi snd
indoor Ti.ueits, drawn from Worth mode a bv S.n
d.-s and a puis, are an important feature. These
appear eve y week, accv.mpnled by minute dee
e-iptlo- s and details. Our Paris Ltttr, by Kath.
wiue uv rureafc. ie a weeaiy irans ript n tne latest
sty es and caprices ia tha mo Is. Under the bead
of ew York fat-hloue plain direct" ns and lull
partirulsrs ate idvsn as to shapes, fabrics, trim
mmffs. and a-cesioles f the oetumea of well.
dresaed women. Ch'ldren's clothing- receives prao-
tica attention. A fortnightly Palternth . frp
p emeut enables resoera to cut and make their own
gowns. Ihe woman wn takes rlArtf CHS BAZAM
U proper, d for every occasion in life, ceremonious or
loiorm ,1. wnera oeautiiui dress 1, itqulalte
An American serial, O a; tor Warrio Js Uauxhtcr's
by Be ibecca Banting Davis, a sirooa n vet if
Ameicau me. partly laid In P cnavlvania and
partly in '.he far twutn, will occupy tha last ha t of
ine year.
ily Lady vobody, an hventcly exrltlnr novel by
M aar'en Maarteus, au'hor f "Ood'e Fool," "The
Or. Ur .lory," etc, will -ejrin the year.
Ksavs a d 80. ial Chata. '10 thia danarrmeflt
ftrxtaior will eootrlbuts htr charmina- napsra on
'What Wa are u log," lu Sew Yo'k aecirty.
Answers to Corre.oondrnta. Oue.liona receive
tbs personal atte .tion ot the slit r, aud are an
swered at lbs earliest possible date after th ir receipt.
Sand for Illustrated Prospectus,
The Volnmss of the Bazar begin with the first
Number for January of ract- year. Whe no time la
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbe Mum
ber current at the time of receipt a! order.
Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for blndinar.
ill be sent bv mail, post-paid on receipt ot tl each.
Title-page and Index sent on application. - -Remittances
should be nude by postoffias money
order or draft, to avoid ctunoe ot loss.
Mtwtpapm art not' to eoou thit advertiimmt
uithvut th txprett order ot tlarptr at Brothm.
Harper's Macaxlne 84 00
Harper's Wirakiy 4 ot
Harper's Basar 4 bo
Harper's Young People Z 00
Pottage fro to all mbtaibert th Cmtd State.
Vanaaa and Jrexuo.
69, New York City.
P. O. Box
"First Class
t -L ..ex lUrlt..
ll4 Karmt, FmImc mat Finest In tb Wriit
raAs3nrer u:comoliitloii unexcslleo.
RvArv Hatnrdftv.
At resniar intervals.
rates on lowest terros to and from the principle
Kxeorfiloo bekets available to retorn bv either the Dip
turaeane Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples A Glbraita
DruU sad Itasay (Wm ta tsj Amont tt ' ovart Satti
Apry to any or our iocs.- anenia or w
The Tsbles sre.Turrlhrd with tbs BIST tbe
market envo-os
"ul be served in any style during tha
The "American Constitution, the
American Idea, the . American
Spirit; . These first, last, and all the
time, forever.
Daily, by mail,-- (6 a year
Daily snd Sunday, by mail,---:$3 a year
The Weekly, fl a year
Orart Street, Two Doors South of .Tnua-Horat
unu office, up-stalra.
fas removed her dressmaklnr pariora to tlCs new
ocatiou. and won d invite aI persons desiring
tresses, and especially ber termer customers, to can
uhj e un.
iieslanlng a spsdalty and patterns cut to order,
The Sundhy;Sun
In the greatest Sunday Newspaper
In the "World-. -. .
Price 6c a copy. By mail, $2 a year !
Book and Music Company
Address TBS STJft, Mew York.
. ssAtss n
Fashionable Dressmaker
; Corner Third sad Lincoln Sta. "
All Work Promptly and Neatly DooeJ-ttS
Notions, Pianos Organs
PIANOS and OTgaiis sold est easy monthly
s are ptppartd te Beet, . Call or address
Itmt u Tk SstIlwa,Os
For Horses, Cattle or Sheep,
FarmiDff Propeity
There Is ons HOO Aera ranch In Grant count,
that will r e trad d for any of tha b-,ve stock
Host of this lano b fenced, has good spriims. al oud
sues of wa sr. good flve-fom h use, stable, tbedt
apr ng houae, correll a d etc. an rut 200 tons ol
hay n this land. Five miles frjm county i
Also HOO rrn close to Kansas City, all undrt
fence, o e-half mile from court houae, vtith stable.
all fenced snd crops -fenced.. Tbis is a good fa n
and close to market, will takst21 par aire fo
t.a farm and will taks ooraea a what Uicy an
For further particulars apply to
Dufur, or,
General wmm
Goods hauled with the frreateat care to al
carts of the oity on short notioe.
M - Exchange - Salooi
Wines, Liauors Cigar.i
Second Street EastKnd.
But at a Very Small Profit
Men's Kipp and Calf Bpots.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes:
Men's Light Shoes. ,
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youlho' Grain and Calf Button Shoes
Ladies' Calf Shoes. .
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grair and Calf Button Shoe
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Bubht
Overshoes of all sizes;Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc !
Shoe Shop in Connection With Stort
(lubber Boots, Ladies, Misses, Child's Rubbers
And Arctio Overshoes
posl. Glamond rianrlas; Mills
Corner Third and WaaMiwrton Btrtt.
Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef aid ToDguei
And tha best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chop, and
Yea) Cutlets in tbe market,
Orders Deliv ered to Anv Faxt of the Cit
Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prirotv '
-13 THE-
Most Popular Reputjlican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (without Sunday)..
DAILY (witb Sunday)
....$6.00 per year
....$3.oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean t el. 00
' PES TEAR ; ) Y-
A NEWSPAPER THB INTER OCEAN keen abreast of th taawa
rcapacta. It spares nclttier pains nor expense fa s snaring AJJ
The Weekly Inter Ocean
It has something of Interest to each member of tha family, ll
ITS YOUTH'S DKAfiTiVlElMT Is the very boat ol IU kind, rdi
ITS LITERARY f EATUKtS are uDciuaic4.
POLITICALLY IT 19 REPUBLICAN, and gives It readers the bcaefft of th
Meet discussions on all iivo political topic. It also gives tluia THB NEW3 W
It is la accord W illi the people of tbe West both In. Politics and Litanrtura.
Plo- jc rr-Duiube' the pr.cj of The Weekly Inter Occr.r. Is ONLY ONE DOLa
Ibpei:Ya. Arx.j THE INTER OZiZAH. Chicago.
oc ail di
CtTPIDKBIE strena;thensnni reators small wen
The rcaaon solTenrs are not cn.-erl by I motors Is
tion of a famoUii Frotich DliTtlcUn. will oulokl
voaa or &i-um9 ot ill genjmliv urMnmu sucli n
PimplrCrnfluies to W&rry, KxiuuibUu DrMln. Viirtoofi aii
ConsitnjiUoa. It stop ail Io? brdar nr nlffhL Prmvtmta qulfto
PChU ol diichargft, wjilob if not chcKt1 leads to 6 prmM torrhOMk and
all liiehorronof ImrKtDcr Vrtnr.HB cuum UtaUw, mm
Kiarteyaana innnnryorfro mi lAupuriu
Tbto rrmt Vcabl
tion of a lamotw t roucb pliyalclfco, wltl qulokly cwrtfou o
Pr natltta, CCI'I DENE It the only known rmxW to etir
als. A writtwi jrunrnnte riven and money returned If tlx bo:
ii nn a hn. it fT.r A&.oa. b v mitlL Send for rBaVKdroular and u
jililr DA Vol AEDICIXK CO-.. 0. 1 Ban FraiKLtioo. CaL Jbr&Ub
wtwe nmeiy mr imi axw iirwiwea wnq
rw wuuouiesii optrntLiuii. uuuiniimonaW
txe does not aiiaot a uaciAaAAiiMiitoiim.
The Oro Fino Wine Eooms
fest Grade California Wines d Brandies id the City
Vo.' OO Second door from
Tho corn! of Court Street ...