Tlis Times-Monntaineer SATURDAY MARCH 16, 1895 ANOUNClMNT. From Jaruirr lOlh to Jul J 1st of tbe prawnt T"t tbs Inos-Jicci.tal Bta Kill he tarnished to sub- rib IS for S1.M m advaxot; with Um Wftly Or miiaM $i.0Q; Amfiea AgrtenltutoHX Zt& ' t Lunla Seml-WtaX v.GZois DtmooraX ti.00. Puhliaher. ITEMS LET BfiHT from WaduaAn'a DaJIr. Fioaty m ruin. Polios business is very quiet. Mr. M T. Nolan is sick at bis residence in this city. Mws Jeanctte Williams arrived in tbe city from Portland Yesterday. .' Mr. W i. Silvertooch, of Antelope, is Isiting bis brother in this city. Air. E B. D'i(ur returned jestenlay from atieoUtug ciicuit court at Aloro. . World, held their tuual monthly social last nitht. M13S Virtrinla Marden returned on tke afternoon train from a visit to friends in Portland. air. a. n. ltianen, wno ou wan ar- (anflini. tlia auajnin ,f Hit. fir.itit ititnrt ul Aicro, reiu'otd lat evening. Mr. Ed. M. Willllams, who has been pending a few davs with his mother in Portland, returned last night. Mr. A. W. Braoner returuxd from his visit to Southern t'alif ruia last night, looking much iiu proved tor bis v cailou. The next attraction at the opera house - will be the Pat Maiaey compMiy. TIiuu and tule ol dram will given hereafter The following deed was filed with the county clerk; today: J oh M. Marden and wife to (iruce Dounelt ; parcel of land 0x17 j leet in Ualles Uity ; f l. BajitU brothers will kIvo a dauce lo. mormw evtuinir at ilia Maldwiu uDera tifiiia - f3fimt miialn nrrll lui f,ii.i...,ui and a very enjvable time may Ue expected. Tbe new telephone system is pushing matters torwara as rapidly as p sfible. Wires are being attached to the poles, and it may be expected in a little white to be in working order. . The air was snihi-iently cold today to uo tuutuucreu niuicr bcuipcritiuio r rj 'ruary was delightful, an I it is' evident winter is not going to fcive'up his su premacy without a giant struggle. - The busbies of the late L. Newman, will ue ciosea out at greauy reauceu reduced rates, aud prices have been . marked very low. All people in need of theBe goods should avail themselves of this opportunity. . Tiie couuty court his dispensed with llie Services f .ilarK V. Htrusimaa special tax colieuior, and irns lurne.f nil de iu queni rolls over into tbe binds of the ucr.ff with iniruciions to f tub collet: tion bv pul lcatioa and saie 11' necesinry At Dayton, Wash,, Thursday, Judae Bturdevaut sentenced Adaiu Martel and I Bam Kelson eai h to seven years in the - pe ite tiary, on a verdict of guiltv of burylarixinif a dwelling of a can ol tal low. au old briddle and a , air of wool mitteus. The persons wh' were quarantined in today. I'Uey were all Vitr.cinated.aud taru weeks bnviag elapsed siocn Ifaey were exposed to the coatasctn It was cousin red perfectly safe to allow them to leave ue n"iie. " A'WwhJDetm paper ssvs Congressman ' Baiiet, ot Telia, when ked'wbetber be ' thounht congress tould fool the Lrd oy lakiog recessea in Muudav instead ot aa Journing, xeplhdi "I don't know; this cooicres has fooled io many people it's liable lo iimii even the lsra Jay P. Lucas has banded in bis retig ' nation as county cletk of tiilliam to the countv court, and that bedy nas ap: Boiuted H. N. Fraier. Mr - Lucas' . deu- uty. to succeed him. Mr. Lucas will continue in office nntil Mav nth. when on reeiKuauvu iu;a eueuu i' Elder J W Jenkins returned from T .1 t " , 1 xieppner im morainic wacra ne uas been engaged in a revival meeting, as sisted by Key W. F. Cowden of T coma The meeting continued seven teen days and resulted in adding nine teen pers na to the cnurch. All indications in this part of Oregon, ays the tialena ' Jora', show a great crop ot nop coming on. it- no new fields are put in the acreage is sulflcint for 75,000 or 10j,U00 bales a year for many years. Of course, if present pi ices -prevail, many fields will not be picked . About two and a half inches of snow Heppner this morn inn. It snowed nearly It of yesterday; bin melted as It fell daul evening, when tbe Hikes remained Dur ing the night tbe storm continued, and to. Hay was as wintry in appiarauce as any time during tbe sevson. W-tier for irrigating purposes will un doubtedly be Vervshon tbU aeason, says tbe rrinevuie ttevttw, a- mere is less snow ..n the mountains luau tor ve.r. Already bare patches of ground are in be "seen well mi tn iha anminil .if MiITmv aiift T. wikiinfl' raaitf. nti summer rain are wnai our trops both of grass ana grain deieud upon. Today tbe queen ot Great -Britain and empress ot the Indies but a loyal subject in lite person of O W- Puiernou, who came before tbe county e'erk, u on oalh decliired kia intention of becominir an "American citiz-n, aud renouueed his alleiciaoi e to the loreiicn patent ute. May be live Ionic and prosper aud never lorei, wbeu he has tbe privilege or voiin the the atraigbt-proieciion-Ueoubiian ticket. - On Saturday morning the Hotel Vale and saloon at Yale, Malheur county, were burned to the ground at about 3 o'clock, together with alt tbe contents. The tire is supposed to be incend ary as Well's saloon wa found to be on tire at the samu lime, but was caved by hat d work on t e part of 'ha citizens Tbe officers have arrested one man on the charge ot setting the building on fire, but. as yet no convicting proof has been obtained. G"Vi-rnor Lord Is a little riled' at the Or'uoaian lop accusing him of bet g in. thM rm:e Inr atiiHloriul honors, ant a few days ago wheu questioned about the mat ter bv a Cf Vail is Timet reporter, caid: "ilarvey genu can say what he d u pleased,' and I- will do hS I d ! p!9H-e." The governor denies btiutr a candidate for United Siales senator, all ktatements to tiie contrary, noiwitbsianding. the thirty bolters were not axare of '.hia fact, up to the hour vf adjournment of tbe leg 18'anir. , and the Salem Statuman was not in the preuibes either. New York Advertiser: A little story is told of Sibyl Sanderson (who, by the way, is Sibyl and not ybil) apropos of her debut in i'aris , The next morninx the papers teemed with tbe raving of tbe critics, the "beaute de Sibyl," her voice and her costu lies. There were als telegrams of congratulation, letters and cards. The young divette looked at them all carefully and then made a move. "Not satisfied yet?" ased some one. '-Whit is the matter?" "Ah, I am so disappointed," moaned the Bad faced singer, "I bad thought successful singers always got love letters from an known admiierar There is not one for me.". His supposed that time healed the sorrow. pliel at tbe feid he id. Tnia mcchine solves ton black aaud m.oiog bgbar to pertec-tioo. The Bttulator esrries larje loidt of frviubt tne-e dy, and the upring trade is ery eroouraKirii., bo'h for through cargoes aid thoe for way points. Mrt, Oleasnn and children' whn have been vintiua: Mra Olea-on'it pnenta tn lua city for somp w.rka pa-t, recrned to Portland on the Bequlator ihia morning. Io the school election In P inland Monday J. A S robriris defeated D. P. Thorn piou f r diieicar bv 723 otes A mJrity of 1640 wa- recorded fir free bridge. YeaterJ.y there warn twi ctr'oads of uait'e abippea to the U 'ion Meat Ca lo in Portland and (We to the east frrim tbe atoikyaros of R. B Stltuurahe X Cm ia tbia oity. The frosty nights have b?n an advantage to the fruit emp I". has k-p p-ituhca and 'her trait fr m hnddinir. and the young erowtha are not sntficitn ly far alvaneed to m injured by cold weather. Jna-ph Wbi'e, aodacor on ths 0. B Jt N. Ci's lOid. died in Pennl-ton lam Siiorday. Un st forni r'y oo tie lio- i wt ween thia fit aud Por IiqH. and was well known to m my of our ci'. a na. I he Calvatinu Arrry have b n nng fx- ra tx-rtioos in thlr work dan g ina P si tew days They hve Mrc C pcmu 8t vena, pt Portland, who addreaara the meet rga eyery aveotni. and Litot Co-igdon. otiu tings many beau tun! tongs in aoed vote. 8wed sh po'toffice tati'stic show that Swedes in the TJuited Scatea Torsmitted to liivea a' homn over one mi lion dollar ear from 18S8 down to date. And thi lot-s not take luto account the lumi aei t bv -g a ered latter and taken over by reiuru ei graiti. Tbe Spirts murde-er. O. 9 Chamberlain, it still at lura, ami rapurc have it tht there is oo clew tn hit wbrreb at. ' Tdere ia oo ieard fur hia cautura, that there t-H-ma to he a laok of intereat io bringing rum to Justice. The 8 lUthern PoiRc pro le claim that to much as atitoce hjt been n-red to poverty nuken Nsbnska, near-r him-, tnit they oitunot banl any more fieih: tree, but moat hereafter h ve full (true tor all contriba tiona from 0 egon. M s Ph llip't is pieaaed to annonnoe to her trirDda and old pitrooi that aha now q.hrew atonk it mdlimrv, porohaae in Sin Frnci0o. and wi'l hive th m oo dipKy f jr ioa e tion at her new a ore on Wa hiontoM atreet Fiiday and Stturday, 15 h and 10 b. ElttorJ.T. Htvne r.f the PoHlander, the local oia tbe Amrictn fiotoutiye Aitojiatmn and kindrail orijin sttiooa. was t led and ncqni'trd in the oriutinal conrt eaterdav, no a charge of lilval preferred by Kit -r E neiie Bi'l t, tpir.toil director ot ti e Mgdileo Uome. I the prtifea-ional cnlncrn today will be Kei-n -he cird of On p , Nun tt Djlph, at tnrmy. a'-laW Pii.iaiiil, Oregon. The 'ertor m-niber ol the firm is x8)nafir O ilph, hq I in- o ne-a an- w li known law vra Any l-u in a-i enirutited to their oire will rtceive p unapt . ttention. Wa,co tube, No 18. I O R. M. enjiyad an oiM' ga T- t last niht ine oringea were pkk-d by Mr. A v , ijraurtr. a memner of the trib-. in dm D g . Otli'.. and vent by t-iprnst to tba memo. ia. Two pale facet were adopted into the trii e, aud a very in lentMi g i-'tion was held at the wixwaio Caota n Ndlaon in'o ma na sine thu urti- c e was puoliahed da-onit V of Tn Dillea ne baa received lettrra from persons in tbe ear mtkine ii q "ri s rnrtli g th clnna'e ai d -oil Tf H'ar Cry has a urn j u roula tmn all over the, aud ver muy peo ple have now bean ot tbia city who, per were not aware of its exiatence before. Oa Sturdy three reform acheol boyt, O.ifirli dutiui, Arthur Rbiutoa and Wm. Huutley escapeil troin that mttitu'ino and taking a tnam fr m the at. bio ol J E II b erM iu 8tlem, at. r". d ont Tney were tra. k"d io West 8tavon and down the Nirth 8'n ixm tnwaidn Jefferin, and were . ted bear Turner by d. B. fiuther ord. We wir-t tbown the ulma veaterday of a new oottage by Mr. B nry C ngi( hicb will he erected on bis K nuu.l c iruer F u tn -D I F'eral aireeta, in 'h" oity Is will b a ou--itoiy taiuug io ine latest aijjj m arohiteo nre. and witH all modern appli ances. We understand there wilt be a v- eral new buildiona e sated tbia tpriug, as sw a i s tne teiaon pe miu. P cer mining ia aitraoting attention on he Ynkoo, in Alaska, and there it a proton-1 if a rush there. But ibn many diffi culties io the wey, inclnting tne sbertneas of the season, will t nd to mike it ao un- pioDtbla veuturs. Uidnuhtedly di-ap poiutment will be the th tre nf a large num ber vb vei tire inti ths far northern .land to different points, ard our mill ia boys, hereafter will have a decided military ap- pearanoe in their drills. If afflicted with scalp diseases, hair fall 'ng out, and premature baldness. di not uae grease r alcoholic preparatious, but apply Hall s Hair tisnewer- Rheumati-m iu the back, shoulder, hipt. ankles, elbow or mriati, i catvd by accu mulatioo o' acid in tne blood. H Kd'a 8r- aaparilla ntutr.hses ths said and cures rheumatism The police court has been very quiet for tne pot tew .lava, and the recr ler naa not be.-n annoyed bv morning interviews. This i o n-iiatent with the peace and quiet ot the city, hut it furoubes uo eritt tor tbe re po-ti nl mill. i bile no physician or ptiarmscist can conscientiously " wanant a sure, tbe J. O. Aye' Ue. guarantee the parity, streogth, and mediaiual virtues of y er's Saraaparilla. It was the ouly blood-puritier admitted at the great t orlds Fair in Chicago. 1893. Ojr Bip'itt frieos have moved their plant t" -to" cltv. a d tHe organ of tbe chu-oh. TheSiptiit Sentinel, is uow pub lished ac Ida Utiie-. We extend to our ontempirary a corlial wel.iome, and hope it may Dud a fruitful field of labir iu this city. Clergymen, lawyers, public speakers, singers, aud actors, all reu gmse the vir tuea of Avar's Cherry Pectoral. I'ne of our most eminent publio men says: "It is tba best remedy that can be procired for all affections of the vocal crinns, throat, and luugs." At the school election in Oufur last Mod day Mr. C. H. Sronghto'i wia eVcted dl ctor and Hon. G-o. W. Johnston clerk O'lr Oufur friend are very prnnd of their school, .od they a i: doubted y have a well managed institution of learning, with an able instructor at ths head. The 0. R. & ft. is figuring on a charge in its time oani. which will materially redoes the time in aod ont of Portland. All the detail aie not amneed vet.but it is known tba train between Port'and and The Dalles will rm made a straight (avenger trtio. If the Union Pacific will auree to chauae ita tune card so as to mike el jjb connection h- new schedule will go into tffeot Marob 26 h. C. 0. Wattenbarger, stockman of Bick leton, Waan , aiva bund-els of oauie have died in that seotion within the last four month from eating a wire-graar, a sub- Stance hitherto unknown tn sco-.kmeo, s-ys the O n Qlob. The early raiua of last fall cans-d a haty giowth ot a grass that ripened. Usually it never npecs. lie be Keves it has hitherto been eaten hile green and iu that state wa not Injurious. Oivernor Lrd takes the position that as there was i O eleution and the holdover board of railroad .to niri'tionTS not hiog qitl- itierl tiercia iini'ij and tbo present board cannot laa fully draw their pay, and he take th- potifoi tlat the secretary ot state should refuse tn issue their warrants lor pay whenever they demand them, ami thus fme a fruit to be brought io the rtiurfo to ti at tbe standing ot the commission iu Omit. Picked up on the streeta of ths city to day wis the type-written pledge of a new -ecrec aoc ev rermad .the V. 3a. A.. ne Coming nun of Arne'iot, and ia pnmposed of boys becwet-h tne aura of 12 ted IS year. One provision nf the pUdga ia that the ob lgttiou ahall io no wise luteifere with the political opioion, religtoos belief or tne duty to paranta or frieuda of the members. Tne number ot members -f not known, but it will he mat y yea's before any of them will be taeiora to i iter fere witb political partus tr religious creeds. Aa showing the sentiment expresred in the test oyer the defeat nf Senator LMph in Ort-if n, the following extract ia taken from a letter isj'eived bv Mr K 8. AnnViain. of Baker ciiy, from S nator S. MCailom, i f Illinois, iii lerd e ot Mirch 8tn. M-nator Ct-1 om wite-; I regret S-nator Dolrh' Irieat and 0 egon will d id that his rit f -at will be gre t loa to thtt state, for if there was ever a m u t lat was alwav fighting for his state aud getting api ropiia'ions, right or wrong, it was Oilph ot Oregon. He is ao al le aud houe.-t man " . Mr M. Dii-h'eumu'lir, of Moaier, gave n a pleitant o II tiis alt rnnoo He tas everything -a bngb' a-id proap-roua io that xicinitvr Frui i e says, has not been in jured by tne frost, aud a lug- crop mav be exp'oted the coming season Mr F Dioh. temnulier, bro he , from Hebron, North D.kota, Ut lv vimttd him for a tew daye. Before his le'uro he ixpretsed b m-tlf well pleased with O egon, aid ray return at some luture timt to m-ike this state bis per maceot rjsidauoe. Oregon fruit baa a ru perior fl yor to all other-, sod alT varieties ate pr s1 ! I k da. COUNTY COURT- Tbe commissioners' court transacted busi ness oooceroiog roads, licsnaes, etc., at its lat term as follows: In the mitt tr of ths rotd of publio eae mant, petitioned for by Timothy Eans, read first time March 6:h, secood time March 8tb allowed, petitioasr to pay ex pends. Rad petitioned for by X. M. Morgan and others, retd drtt time M iron 0ch, sec ond ti na March 8:h; allowed and tupsrvisor ordered to open road. Rral petitioned f r by Hugh Farmer en' othen raid liest tim Match 7th, second time March Bth; allowed aud petitioner to piv damages. Tne petition of W Ttylor to ohangs hit name to Willi im H.-ynee; granted. Applicant n cf J. H. Bridget for admis sion to 'be poo house; gr toted. Application of T. W. Lewis for liquor hceo'0 at 0 .soade Lick-; granted. Application Of H. F. Jackson same at bivi; granted. W. N. D.vey presentei petition for coun ty rovi, Cucades. Estate of a. Andertoa granted license to sell liquors for two month. J D. Turnev of Antelope was alo gran ted a liquor licuae for to months. Petitioi of F. H. Stanton and others for county rod; viewers aud smveyor appointed. Petition cf J. E. Fak aod other-; sime order. Petition front mayor and council Hood River for new Mad district with boundaries same as town limits; granted, aod George T. Pratber appoiut-d road supervisor, read first time Mirsh 0:h, second time March 8th, granted an 1 road dtclared a public h ghway. . Road petitioned for by H. C. Rioper and Other, i same order as above. Rad petitioned for by . Bjthwell and others! vitwer sad sarvevor sppiioted. Road petitioned for by D. E. Harat and other; same order at abve. L, M. Smith petition to oLangj couoty roar; tarns order aa above. Bidder 4 McK 'OS'S were granted lioents to sell spirituous liquors at Ottcade Locks. votes, and (he latter 193 voles. A great number of challenges were entered against yolers who -"ere disqualified on grounds of not being tax-payers, and to evade this provision of tbe statutes a great many voters stepped into the sheriff's office and paid a tax ot tblrtv cents on an assess ment of $10, and taking a receipt for the tame, presented their "credentials." at the polls and thus cast their votes. The pro ceeding are characterized by the Tribune as corrupt, rotten and disgraceful. The Pat Rooney Company. That bright and sp-rnlug muncil con eiy ' Lord Rinoey," will be presented at tbe opera bouse by the well-known and pi pular Pat Rooney ComeJy Company, in ludiog Mattie, Josie and Master Pat Rioney. The p eoe is billed ss "the laugh ing festival," aid that it is a grand Unghing te-tival, in the fullest tense of tbe word, has been the unanimous Verdict of all who have witnessed it. Iu bui'd ng the play, its author. Mr. Carroll, has departed from he well-aoru methods gcneral'y used by tbe cotistructois ot similar pieces, aud the re--ult baa bau a production that unfailinglv lickles the palates of all playgoers. Mot backed "J kee," old-fasbtoned devices, like tnck stairs and siphon bottles, and all rough-and-tumble concomitants of tbo average fares comedy, have been ritlilv ex eluded, and, in their pi ice, is found freth, poutaneuus bomor, legitimate comedy sit uations and a mvnad of entirely novel mu-ical and other featurea. Reserved seats at B.akeley & Houghton's. "Take a hole and put soma dongh around it, then fry in lard." This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just becausa of the frying in lard, which as we all know hinders digestion. In an recipes where you hare used lard, try NEW TO-fl Y. . V. DjLTH, RICO StB SIXOX, CBFtTIk V. POLTB. rViLPtf, MX'' & DOLI'H, AIT 'RNEYS AT U Law, Ad eiial ai.d collevtlnn buainot iiomptly a'tent'ed t-it c'aimii ailn.t the guva-n- ment a epaclmuy. Ao. zt. X&, SO mil x7 Uuniltou Building, fortiana. ureiron. J. 0. MACK When Baby was slek, we gave her Oastorta. When she was a ChIM, abo cied for Castoria. Wben she became Hias, aba clang to Cat xxia. fhsn she had fhflT.f Mt rrth-nn rsstnrls. the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results; With Cottoiens in youx kitchen, the young, the delicate ana the dyspeptic can all enjoy toe tegular family DDI of tare. cottoieoe is sola in 8 ana 5 pound pans, by au grocers. Bet Uiegenntae. Made by the i N. K. PAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and CMe s. Hew tes-k, fl ss tea. The following bills were allowed at recent sessun of the county court. the fraa ThursJaj's Daily. Wintry mrrnirgs. - The bermometer was below fres'ng this morning. Ice formed on water latt night nearly an imn I hick " . Mr. H. Olenn left on tba Regulator this Oinruiog for P.-rtlaod. Mr aid Mr-. 8. L Sroeks left on the Rrffilator today tor a v sit to tbe Cascade Jik-. f.ther Bron'geat returned Tuesday from conduct ng service at llo)d River atiC C'a a 'de Locks. . Hon. Chas Hilton sod wife retnrned last ji.igiit-oti tha Re.uialor from apendiug a few daa in Port aud. Tbe alleys have been thoroughly e'eaned by street Commissioner fiut's, ana thfy are now in better condition than tbey have been tor some time. A band of horses were taken to Portland trdiv on the boat. They were from the ranges io tbe interior, and sbbuld ifud ready sale io v uiaineiie towns. A Onldends'e, Wash , man bat invented a placer-mining maobios wbioh requires only sm miners iaobes of watar to run it to snob an bitoot tbat ths s'esdy effort of time sbovsls tje requirad to keep it sup- io tearoh ot the g Iden uusgkta. In the War Cry of Felt 231 itaaartiole dercriptive of Tne D.lle, ontten bv Cap tain Ms son snd L em. liott of tbe Salva tion Army. Tney deacrin the city, aod the work whicb they nave done. Althougn there are soma io iccurauiet, oausad by ty pographical errtr. tie arcioie is cructif il ia maoy pirticulars aid he in .no way over estimated our advantages for fruit-culture aud (or pasturage. Althoagb the curfew ordinance is not as uocestful as it should be io keeping boys uff the streets it has a good ii Uusaoe on m ny of ihem, and thev are very wary of poloemeu after 8 o'clock Tbey watob 'UU"d corner-,. "U I if they see tne Wat oh ma i tney take a ose una t r tneir nomea. Mo worse place can be imag oed for tba enoia ion ol Ms tnan me airsets, asd tbey fn quentlv gradual from stub plaoea to tne pei, itent ary. Silent Utateetnani Lvdell Biker, clerk of the railroad uoauuii.tiou, received a te'eg-am aterdav evening from ma brother, S W. B.ker, tf Brry. Illinois. t the effi t that bit la ber was tery low. As Mr. Biker s father is oeariy eighty two years old, the chalices are sgduat his recovery H is the at nurvivin i tnetnbt-r of the frrt y nf Unl D. Bik-r, at una t me United M-u or n m Uregnn. Mr. Bker Marti, ton git f ir hia old home io Idinoia in older to aee bis atier once more ere he die. It now Io"ka aa Sdver-Dillar Blind is biuttom k- a move to consilidite the a vrr aid f pilut interest! o' the weat aiiainet the eat. Hia thie-it tj bolt tne 0 nnocratia p Try in favnr of free coinage i iik like tne humatioff nf a new puty, itn Said as Its leader Bic'wbila the ii. fiiuatrd silver meu are m.kii g d. sp-rate eff.'rta t bring eu a ectional main bince, thriv are gr. wing rign thtt the silv.r 1 t i ia givn g wy mn mil t ii p-ople 'if the west uo ler the tnw n.Qus ca nf bet er couusel and tbe enpenencj of nil fori Uue, Judge F e his deci 'e I that tha Umatilla Indiaus ae respniaiDie u longar to the D'Uted S alert authorities o ly o far as the tenting uf land b-longing to them rests in he h nds of the Ia i-n agenv. Tnure ar about o e thoo-an I f taem in tne loo il i mat formerly lo the reservation nd it is feared ti a' rem v I of reitriotmn will re-ult in tr ubla. Herec fore the 1 1 dian agent by mean- nf u I iditn court and policeman has b en able tn keep tham Under fait beiavior. Now the duty will fail io atat- courts, and that only after commission of'offeoses. AI"a p-pr having expreaed doub't abjuc the filling and bumnig to be hid in he vicinity ot Ki math Fall-, aa repirted in a local piper, a Klamath Falls real es tate firm wrote t ie d tor aa to low-, -vVe are willing to puoe $1000 io any bink in 0g'O that 100 tons ol hh can be thrown m.t with a pit nbirk within the incorporate limits nf ar town bitweea the lit nf April ind tbe lat of Ju t, and that 1000 oos can be caught in tire oouoty in the same period We are will n to wager ao iqual io n that 100 wild ducks can be killed from Main atr et in a single dry for nine months in the er.". Death, of Cstptada John Wsvad- Curouer Cornelius was uocided yeater lay afternoon of th aud en death of Captain John W.ud, at Nj 107 North FJteeitb atreet, at tbe age of 72 years. Tbe de ceased waa living with two married daugh ters. At abtu: 11 o'clock yesterday fore noon he said he was g ing down in the basement to split some wood for kindling. When he had been in the basement for some time and no sounds were heatd, one of bia dtoghtera thought that something had hap pened to him, to the went down the stairs leading to the oeliar and found her father lying face dowuward oi the ground. An investig.tion elioited tbe fact that he was dead aud bad died from apopl jcy. YVneo tbe coroner was notified he did not think it necessary to bold an b q lest oa tha remains. Captaiu Wiud waa a'piuneer, and for many years waa connected witb tbe river steam boat. Ha for mioy years live! at bt. J ihn, and owned tbe entire locality where TJuiveiaity Park now ia limited, saya the Portlaud Sun. Captain Waud, of "the Regulator, is a son of tbe deceased, aod left thia morning on the early mm to visit bia father, haviog heard tnat be was very sick in Portland. 1 1 bia absence Captain MiNulty tiok thirge ot tbe boat, and will continue at the helm nutil Captain Waud'a return. M HonywlH, scat Mm Uotts (telephonlnar). . . l)r A Hietrich.eaamiiMt nn body nr ooroner Oregon 1 una Co, aco Fill rlab, road .upetvieor, .luiober , J H ' ras, aupp'ies h-s VVUs hi. A It ..... J H Croa. aupp'le Mr' P ttoo OAK J T Hi. l. G A it re iei Pease a .n.v,u p I:-Pact Qeu D urnard A Co, supp lea eleik and heriS The Irwiu dodnon Oo, puppiies clerk'a olfleo Vanuui n, Adaun at uoau p: ea tutnoer, era Dalles tleo no cignt uo, ngnti clerk s otnee 'n-aeue Bma, expraas biuliair Chroi. (In Fub Co, s at uery, county traam urera a itlOM Ounnlna; A H ckman. apoon and ddll Cliritman at Corson sui plies Mr a Penport A tc lke. lumoer uiairiut z W a Myers. 4n.urinca o oonrt nouse Iiufur St Hill, aki g '.lrcuit c mrt dookat.. Ward Korli It binao-i. hlr of teams.... J P Me norBy; ttippiies m u t.uaaiDtr,Aruou.raaiQaotpiaera.M-. I C Niksisea,'suppiie.., ...-. Da le. Luintieriu C . tcord H Hariirnifw euo lia thru ilc a Pub Co, publiahlng wbedn'e of ex penses y isro 91, Jau torts VS.... .. Chronlele Pub Co, s atiunery - Da hsChyWater Worka. water to MrfCi,. O U aw . ru'ibar itnmD H Clnutn.r palrlog Jail and oouoty nu t.. Malrr A Benion, ai.pplles uregoo feiephjna t'u, rent isleph ne O 1 Uoans, preacrlptu Da and exajuluation . . 0 D i taaaiouai a-rviaes Mr. WlUon K t FitxO raid, i'U diy's aervicas clwicul wora JED matt, wo-k on til roll K A Powar , supp lea (uri. lined Mr. Biker.. W a Huabauat, ojird aod un M a B .ker. . Waa ton A Dyirarc praaent ownership books J B Uio-an. supp lei luruithad paupert.-. K K bbsrp. a pylng las roll H 0 no- par. haUi-dr Ueu 1) Barnard k Co,suppiiea claik and tmia emuutt A Fltti, Ouard or paupirs 1 r' H.Wjr.h. banks Ur Holluisr. madleal atuinJinoj Sirs Oavis Pr Uolll tar jnf died acran laaoe John Hsims lr boiliattr medti: J attendance BridKaa... T U C , uae of tela.ita me Biake ay a Houxhton, med oins paiprra ... Blaksiey C Uounton, prescrlpdoa tteiun.. Umkeley A Hiiukhtvn, oediunet aDii prs- s-riptions K J W Kootilt woik aatU-iag; comparing aaasaf fuent i oil ....... ........ ....... ........ Jotn Ml hell. ahDDllaa Win Mic-ieil, bJi-tt Hi Pjjket FWL ekiOCMi, bo.rd J ttilmj Ifi J McK nUv. i.uraiiifl Relma i W Ho bner. Cira Mra llavia. .. M V bamson, special tax collector. A G Jbhuaou, Wvrk oa tax roll.. S 0 e oo 4 89 0 0) 3 10 Si 00 5 bO 81 Si 86 76 16 00 95 1 00 17 60 60 t60 S9 12 100 00 8 00 12 00 18 60 82 00 t 66 12 00 9 9J 18 78 1 60 10 lO M) 17 85 4 90 2 00 e oo 1 M too 11 2 23 79 1-1 66 125 U0 14 0) 42 00 4 00 60 00 9 8) 30 00 4 6i 60 0J 5 00 76 8 06 8 U 10 00 68 00 80 00 ti ii 0 40 Oil 06 00 14 VO IS! 60 S3 76 Letters Advertised The following is the list of letters re maining in The D tiles postotttoe uncalled for Saturday, Marob 10, 1895. Persons oall iog for these letters will pleae give the date on whioh they were advertised! Anderson, Beory 2 Barger, J W Blaok. Chas Brose. Wnl er Bensenhoetfer. DO B lylatrn. Anna Carter, W L Cintello. J W Orossen, Fraoces Dunn, W fl Dun, Thomas El arrl, M'as K ayer. Mls L - Frary, J a FeriiUMin, L B Fmch, Or Kiiher. OA Fisher, J is Hansel, V C Unnrglo, Frank Houston. S T Judson, Frank lord an, I Jordan, E nmett Kennedy, G B Knight, R 3 Kastoer, Phil . Kohler, A -Lirseo. W LiMotte, Frank MsKuire, J Miller, W P McTerrsn, WT MoMollen, Jno McOoneiial, J I McO nty, J as Nix, Wm Noicou, Albert Obnen, Wm Parson, WO Smart, H C Stevens. J Sttma, John ftcmeder. Miss M S'omp, Mrs Jons Turner. Go Underbill, Mra Walters, W A atkins.Mra Jane A Whalen, Pat Williams, X J. A. CBOeaiir, P. M. Seriooa Aooident- The Arlirg oo Record say-: F'ojd 0 b- aon met with a settles accident on the road this aide of O.rX Wednesiav moroiog. He was oooiing to Arlingtoo wilb s load of wheat, a id it beibg a little oold he tied np his lines and wai walking alongude tha wagon. The dirt gave aav under his feet and ha fell under the w -gin, the wheels passing over him and braakirg bit, hand, arm and leg. Tbe team went on uncon scious of the accident to their driver. Thomas Mnlanphy was workiuz io a He'd neir and heard Mr Gibson's cries for help. Tbettam waa overhauled and take 3 care of, and Tom got a conv.y mce and brought Mr. Gibson to Arlington, wbere Dr Gait endorfer attended to bit wa itj. At thia writirg he it as comfortable aa ooulj be aa dor tba oiraunutaneei. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Labs Omcx at Tbe Pailks. Orvook Mar.bS. 1S8S. Notice is berebr clan that ths fonuwunr named cttier haa Sled notice nf hU iutautinn to make final proof in support nf bia claim, and that said Drool will be made before tba hi Ulster and Receiver at Tbt Dalles, Orenou, on April 27. 1SV6, v,t: CYRUH CO'IPIR. B E No 4161. for lb i s 44 St!a. KW1 and lot S. See 19, Tp 2 N. K 16 B. tv" M. He nsn.ea ibe lolluwln? aitnessi to vrovs hi- con tnnou-- reaideuce upon and cuiuratlun or a aid unit, vis: William Brookbouf, Fred Wk-atnan, A. t ilaou. A. UUlutUer, all t.1 itii Uallit. reon. ; JaS. f. MxtiBK, Bcyirer. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS awiaal V DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. CITY Bi NES Tj ajrdinoj with an act cf the Lri!tura, X Lilla Cltv. wa-c CnUntv. Of fcon, II .n ,s city bondv to ao a-niU'ii no to excee-i a'xty tbou an and not le-s lhan nit; thouiand dot rs, , acn bond to i e of tba f ice value nf Bv hundred di.llara. pytDit twe itr dto years irom ie catc or i-ana boarinkT interest at too rau of six per sut per aiiiinm, lntarLtt pavuoie Fe i-annuaiiy. Bald bomfs anl be .old to tba hiyhe" NdJsr tor eash. Sealed pru,iaaU will be r-ceivt-d fertile parchaaeof iha -aoia at tbe Heronier oitli a in eaid clt fn ra tbia dale nnt 1 f ur t 'ei- k R M. tin tbe 16lbdryftf , pnled bra certified ibeck equd to five uer ceut of lbs face v lue ol the lion.U fur whieb the prniicat it ads. lbs oiunrll ut aaid oily teseivea tbs r gut to reject-atr aud all ujs. n. s. ncroR. Raconier of UiUt Uitv. PABST CELEBRATED BEEK - .i TTT'a,TnTT)0 DlAnV aUUlVaa aOAUUetaVS I 171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Dated tM. 11th car rf March, lc&. marll . (A'o. of Rant, SUI. EPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Tbs Dallas, in ths SUt j of Oreo-on, at tba doss of business, Mini 6, 1365. RES0UBCE3: .IdDIDlIDf, S91, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Leans and dlaeounta Overdrafts secured and unsecured. U. e-. Bonds to secure circulation Fr mtums on U. S. bonds Stooka, Securities, etc. B.nhins; housa. fumltnre, and fixtures.. Due from National Banks (not reserve aise-te) Due fr mi Mite Bulks and Bankers Due from approved reserve areata Ohtcks and other catb Items N..tvsof oth.r Aatii ual Buik FrtiKiooal paper currency, nlikels, and Specie isV'.OvW Lert'-iender notes. 10 0 27,419 80 rvauempiiou luna wivn u a. areasurar io per cent, of drcuUtion) 662 60 .. aeiSI 60 .. 1.838 X9 .. 12,601 0 .. 1,600 00 6 C21 76 1,681 U 1S.70S n 7 P0 t,ooe o 93 H ti 00 Consignments Solicited Prompt Attention to those who favor ma with their patronatr ss M Total , LUuIUTIEa: Oovcvrcora of Orogon. Provisional governor, Georj Abernetby. 1st. Territorial governor, Joseph Lane. 2d. Territorial governor.Jnhn P. Gaines. 8 J. Joseph Lane, who qualified aod re signed. 4t'i. Geo. L. Curry, by virtu of office of eecretarv. 6th. John W. VivU, quahBal and re ti'Kned. 6th. Gai. L. Carry, a tecretary, and later appointed. lr. Governor nf ttate, John Wbltaker, Addison C. Gibbt. George L. Woods. L. P. Grovar. 8. P. Chadariok, at tecretary of Land Tramafra. March 13 A & Bliwers and wife to O B Hartley and Wm Merce:; lota 1, 2, S 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, hlk 6, second addition west to toivu of Hood R:vr; 53000. March 13 William A. Meroer to O. B. Hartlet lo t 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8, blk 7, aecond aiiditioo wett to totro of Hood Riveri $1500. March 14 Uaited States to Jjdson Brit. nam! or see. z, Lp 2 i ol raoe 13 vast; timber culture. Capital stock paid m Surplus fuud.- Undivided profits lee. xpenws and taxes Paid National Bank notes outstanding.... uu- vi outer vauoiiai nanua Individual deposiu subject to cbsck.. Lismaud omltlcatas of deposit tl6ti,76 77 .1 60.000 00 . 16,000 00 E. J. COLLINS S CO. Successors to JOLES, COLLINS S CO. ; SECOND STREET - - EHST END. 6 0t 60 . 10 KM) 00 845 ) I .. 6?.4bI 81 . 2K0 7 8J .168,76 77 TiiTAL Btats of Oregon 1 Oouuty of Wasco j I, J. M. Patterson, Csshier cf tbr abore-named bank, uo tolemnly tasar thM the above statement la true to tns oast ot my anovrledgs aud Deliel. J. M. Paiiaaaoa, Caabisr. Subscribed and sworn to before me thtt 12 h day ot aia:ca, icvj. tv. o. uurutl. Notary Public for Oregon, Cobbxct Attest: J. 8. BcDtacK. 1 Oau. A. i ista, Dirtctott. ED. tf. Williams, I Large and complete assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. Goods Delivered to unypart of the City. -i All goods sold at tbe lowest cash prices to suit' the bard times FOR THE SXLB OP HMERICHN IsIOOLS. FOR SALE . 2.1. SI. 4 b. 6th. rtate. Oth. 7th. 8th. 9-b. Daafaesa Cannot Ba Inrod By local application as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There ia only one wa? to cure deafoesa, and that'll by constitutional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an Infla i ed condi tion of the mucous lining ot Ibe eustach ian tube. When tbia tube is inflamed yea have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is tbe result, and unless tbe in flammation can be taken out and this tube reamred to ita normal condition. Iinnrintr ' 0 ' years timt If detlrat. , -- . will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrb, which is Denny, Rice & Co. BOSTON li Aitct ton m I HiVE FOE SALE tba bl8. 91 Call at my horreua Rl NDALL, W. W. Thsyer. Z F. Moody. S. P'Onoyer. W. P. Lord. Administrator's Notioe. From Friday's Dally. Colda are quite prevalent in tbia oora. n-ooity. Hon. A E Ly!e, of Crook county, ia in the oity. Mr. C E Bayard it contioed to b reti denoe by sickocas Hord'a Pills are the best familv ratbartio and lirtr in.dicine'. Barmleaa aud reliable. " Mr. and Mra. D C. Herrin were ia tn gere on tbe boat thia morning for Cacide Lock. A' the school election in Eugene ISO wo men vo'eoY- What waa the matter with tHe ladies of The Daller? The Pat Rooney (J imedy Co, wil.Ice a performaooe oext Tuesday evening at the B .11 win opera houae in thia oily. Dr A. Dietrich, of Dufur, haa been ap pointed hoipital si e ward of the Tnird reg iment, with the rank of sergeant. Mr. J. A D lU'hitt, formerly editor of the Ocboco Review, returned from a short vie t to Portia at yeaterdav altero oo. We received a pleasant oall thia moroiog from Mr. Matuioe Do Witt, tbe advance agent aad business manager of the Pat Boooey Comedy Oo. Headquartera of the Third regiment, 0. M. O , iu thia oiiy, haa been bnay for the past few dava shipping equipments to tbe difle eat eoopaaice. Several pairs of leg ginga, campaia hate, tU., have ba tct Wildest Part of tha United StattM Morthwaat Mratlne. Aisist n. Chiot Gjo ie, of the TJ uteri States g-o!Oatical survey, who visiteit O'e hd ltac m n r, siva the wildest region of ha entire TJnte-i Stes is ao aret nf 1000 sqitre miles lyio; tn the mountain bit ween. Uo-i'burg and Coq'iille. io Douglas and Coos cuuntus He d scribes it at a mvater ious uuiliacovered o inntrv, io which ai d gime r aim nn.iistm bid aud who.e brooks and rivers D filled with wild fowl It ia nearly all o ivered with a deuat g-owth of pioe, tjr, hemliKk aod other trees. Maoy of the tree arj of eonrmoua t'Ss, and s'aod so uloaely that it ia ditficnlt for man to make their way between them. Wnere the treat are not so thick thi heavy growth of busbea of vinous bi id takes tbatr plaie. It it a Oiuatry that la flllod with all kin la of Will game, ioolo ling, at rojirtad by- him, e k, different kinds of rnjtr, miaotain lion', deer and otbr aoimil, iu Judiolyotes. There are also the various kinds of (owl. Tee stream all have an aband-tnos of trout an! other kinds of ti.h. Us penetrated into the wilds a dustu mile, aod as w things tha.t filled bun witn wonder at tha vaatoasa or the forest, and fiat aay one should attempt to live in it. Coafeaw.a Hia Crima. Sometimea ku houeat couver.lon oaotea an individual to oontees his crimes, aod the following oase is reooitid in a Seattle dia patch of March 13: : " The first oase of ai accusing oonsoience, in Siieoced by relig on, thtt ever oame to tbe notion of tha federal authorises in tbia city waa brought to light last Monday alteroodn, h n Tbomai Gorman, a big iroom wider by trade, walked into Commissioner Em ery' otfio snd asked Uuite 1 Statea Dis trict Attorney Broker to have a warrant issued tor h(s arrest for counterfeiting and passing counterfeit eoiu. Goitnm said that he had conteasf J t the orboor f the Sal vation Army and made up hia mod to do the satne to tne authorities flj said that be bad passed f l(f9 in this oity and in Ta ooma daring the past two months, aod that be wade tbe com bionelf, u4ag a i electiio plater to plate the lead money. He sal 1 be did not know tbe penalty fur bi offdnse, and did oot care aa long as bis conscience, wbicb bad been botbtring him, waa clear aod be had atoned for bia ciiine.. fl was seat to jail ia default ot bond to await trial is Jut." A Nebraska. Sufferer. I a Urauds Chrnniols. Mr. Harry Mapes, one of the oontrib- utora to the Kebruka aid donation, hag received a letter of acknowledgement from Floyd A Thayer, of But-well, Ne braska. Mr. Thayer says: - "Sir I saw your address on a sack of flour that I received as aid, that waa sent here from Oregon. I will aay that I waa glad to receive it, and thought I would write and inform you aa to what part of Nebraska received your dona tion. . . V I live in Loup county. It ia a very poor part of the state; but land is very high in other parti of Nebraska, conse quently people come here t buy cheap homes; but fortune has been against them the last two years on account of the complete failure of crops, therefore the people are very poor. There are several families in this vicinity that are suffering for f od and clothe. When eoppliea are received, tbe poor people have to stand back, while the wealthy rush in like a lot of hungry wolves. T-e poor get the remnants. "Hoping it may never -be your lotto suffer as we have myself and family I will now bring this letter to a close Yours truly, Floyd A. Thateb." Moio Circuit Conrt. Circuit cnurt haa been io session dur Ing the week at Moro in Sherman county. Tbe ducket is not very large.ttud the cases will be cleared up in a few days. ' There have been in attendance Hon A. A. Jayne.dialri it attorne) ; Hon. V, P. Mays, or Portland; lions. A. S. Hennett, . B Dufur, and Messrs. P. S. Huntington and H. H. KidJell, of thia city. The moat important suit, we are informed, is one for damage, In which tbe plaintiS, an elderly that be was cruelly beaten by several men, causing great and lasting pnysioal injury It seems that tbe old msn called at a houae to procure some food, offering lo pay therefor, but he lady-of the bouse, imagining that ne intended to assault ber, alarmert tbe neighbors, and tbey set upon him, without making any inquiry into the facts, and gave him a terrible beating. Se s'lll bears- the marks of tbe whipping, and may never fully recover. As the case will be tried by a jury tbe facta brought out in ev dence may be far different from those reported. . - i " . A Fad Accident- ... The Eugene Ouard of Monday ha the following: A very aad and what will probably prove to be a fatal accident, occurred about four miles eoutbweat of Eugene on th farm of A. Kosterman. It seems that a brusb fire bad been kindled in the near vicinity of the house, and one of the children, a little girl some four or five yeara old, while play ing, in some manner came in contract with the fiery element, and the little lb noc nt was almost instantly wrapped in flames. Before help arrived the child's clothes were almost entirely burned from ber- Her arms and bands wer burned in a moat horrible manner, tbe flesh almost dropped from one of ber band. Her feet mi limbs vera also burned aeverely, as well as . ber chest and abdomen. ,,'aaei, ... Pmdlavtoa'a School Elewtiom. The annual school meeting held in Pendleton Monday was a "hot" one. Dr. O. J. rtraith and Dr. H. 8. Garfield, for merly of fat Grande, were tbe candidates for directer. Tbt former received 810 A Narrow Escape On Saturday a miner, Pierce Bogsrs by name, who is well known in Biker City and employed at the A mines at Cracker Creek, bad a narrow escape from an awfnl death by the dynamite route. Bngars bad oeoatioa to visit tbe black amitn ahop at the rainea and when ba left the tunnel, wnere be had been at work with banmer and drill, be place 1 two sticts of g ant pnwJer in bi bootleg, not an nnusoal thine for miners to do. Oo had no sooner entered tbe ahop and stood facing the anvil when a apark from tbe forge dropped into hia bootleg and aet tire to the powder. Th man realised bia dang-r bat could do notb ing. Several byata idrrs ru.hed pell mell from tbe ahop espaotmg an explosion and all would ba killed. K igars made an en rt I - THE UKST- at last t pall bis boot off, but not until consumed and his leg bidly burned, from I WelllDgtOri, X10C& bpilIlgS, the effects of wh ei he is now laid p for repairs, bat he Is not seriously it. jared. NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND the bad habits and early vices of young :ir ais nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mniuiiia aiirTaoaa I To all wAem it may concern: no win giye y,ue Hunarea UO.iars jot, x , Ti JK u h tebT e vau that tb u,iderrlCTed any case of deafoesa fcaused bv catarrb) a 01,1 b eD da'v appointd aimluinncur of tha aw'. . a-.... I , "ut rf M"-- M-a. las ol Ua las. City, iubi wauum uo buicu uv xanii D vutarra j v aaco i ounty ur eon, sou now necsassu au par Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cbsnbt & Co , Toledo, 0. t9"SoId by Druggists, 7.1ct . Boys and Ulna Aid Sorlety. Boys may be bad (and sometime giils) (l)or ordinary teryice at wages; (2) upon indenture, fto work, attend school, and be brought up somewhat as your own; and (3) children may be had for legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port aud, Oregon. GOAL! COAL! son harlna claima aftalnat estate, will pre-ai.t tba sains duly verlitd, to ma at tb office of Dufu & ManalSd, Dalles City Oregon, withlu six muutlu trnru tos oats nt tm notice. Cabas Oity, March 7, 1680. J. P. McINERJJY. Adrulnatratcr of tba estate ut a. rah St is, da- ceated Bmr3'.. The balance of the Grocery Stock of of the late L. New-, man will be offered at auc' tion to-morrow, Saturday,: March 16th, .C-v';:-Sale commences af IO a; m. and will last until 4 p. rri.' r men and thei aatrous cxm sequen ces. Young . men and old men, those who auffer from nervous debility and eznansuon, tne wastinz away of the vital strength and power from hidden drains or intemper ate habits can readi ly find relief for body and mind by writing the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y. They employ a full staff of physicians and Specialists, who treat at a distance by correspondence or at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, all this class of diseases. Those who suffer from low spirits, irritable temper, a " broken-downJi. nervous sys tem, and such distressing symptoms aa backache, dizziness, shooting pains in head or chest and indigestion, sexual excesses or abuses, all th: result of exhausting dis eases or drains upon the system, will find a permanent cure alter taxing ue apecuu prescriptioTis sent them from the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. This associa tion of medical men have prepared a book written la plain but chaste language, treat ing of the nature, symptoms ana curability, by home treatment, of such diseases. Tha World'a Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of tbe Invalids' Hotel and 6m gical Institute, Buffalo. N. Y., will, on re ceipt of this notice, with to cents (in stamp for postage) mail, sealed in plain envelope, a copy of this useful book. It should t read by every young man, parent and guar dian in the land. Tbe Key to the Situation if you suffer irom Slclt, or Bil ious . Headache, Constipation, iBdlftstion, Billons Attacks, or aay derangement of the stomach, liver and oowela is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, Mildly aad 1 1 fently, but thoroughly ana et I fectively, they cleanse, renovate a and reanlAt the entile system. One little "Pellet " for a gentle laxative three for a cathartic ' They're purely vege table and perfectly harmless : these tiny, ugar-coatea granules of Dr. Pierce. "- and Eoslyn Coal. . f 18, sacked and delivered to any part ol tbe nty. At Moody's Warehouse Exeoatrlx'a Notioe, NOTICE Is heray given that tbe undersigned I ss bean duly appointed oy tha Hon. Oninty Court executr a ul lb laat w II and tsatiinent of Ann -Cralfr, dcetsid. All peirona bating claims ajruta-t aa daatua ars hare y not. find to present the same to me, properly verified, at tbs Has-MocnT-aunum office in Hal a City. W m o.untv, Oreaon, Vftnih ix mon ha from tbs date or till notice. Dated lb a 2d day of Frb auy, 1SU6. CrUAh. K a. CKAIO, Executrix of ths last will and testament n Ann Oral,-, dacaaael. 8 St Dlsolatton NoUo. The partnership hera'foom exlatlnjr heta-een W. J. wrlrnt, J. I). Douflaa and O. r . McMujamj n tbe aasr mill bu.loa on Tamraot o aek. about teu mlie-. from Dufur. baa this day been dl a Iv.d by I uiuiuai vnenr, Mr. v. muf .ss re Ititur into tbs Drm. Tbs present Sam will e.nslat ol Mesrs. W. J. WriKbt aidb. Mcllineniy, and will bs known ss Wiichc si McMsaany, wbu Willi ay all debts for wntcb tba ata Arm was liaOIr, and oailacl au asceunu uow uus an i owing . W. i WKIOHT. j. d. Douglas. a. e. ucUAjibftMr. Dufur, Jan. IS, 1S9S. i- Auction Stocltholdsra' Meeting. VTOTtOR Is hereby riven that tbers will bs I XI Btocanoiasrs- mesoniroi ins tallies, Portland and AaW'tU KaVftgation Ovmpny at tha Chroniols wj. via r.iiiiifc., .inn , .ev... a a uuw, r. t , I fur tbs purpose of slsrilog sevsn direetors. and tranaavllmr sucn other Outness ss may crousrly coma onorv aaiu aneaiinv. By ordar of tbs prea doDt. O. J. FARLEY, Beorstary. Fruit Eancli iM IBWS FlOU FOR SALE Consisting of 106 Acres Says tbe Japanese are wiping the ground with the Chinese, and Located 6ve miles from The Dalles. entire or Iu portions to suit purcbaacrs. Will b sold Also Far Sale FRE3H nllob oows. F mr miles wa-t of The Dalles. A. FIELD. Tbe Oalle-Ore, 120 ACRES OF PRAIRIE LAND Tan miles west of The Dallee. Sale will be suds I oa easy terms. Apply at uus omce. Talon Up. Cam ro tba Sbap uiaos on threa ml'a, about J"ct ba 1 1304. una tea ana wbi e Mtuey oow. on hnnd peroa sable, undr.l ins iu risrbt ear, eat eg left ear, tba owner mt tbs name n payma all chuxea FKWH F. TaVlhE. HARRIS Is doing more effective work and San Francisco t Beer i Hall JT. UBMIIKI. IVoprictor. ? II WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Is Slaughtering High Prices To Btiit the financial depression. I have now . double room, and am preparing for a new stock of goods. , ' Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes For Everybody Young and old, big and small. N. HARRIS. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT WASHINGTON STREET, BE1WEIN SEC OND'AND THIRj For Ovr Fiftw Taxrs AhUldasd Mbll-Tmco E at KB t Mrs. Wirsl'iw's Sootbios Syrup baa been -ed for over fif Tears by trillions of mothers for their children while teething, with peifeot success. It soothes tbe child, softens tbe gums, allays all paio, cures winrl colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrheal. Is pleas- sot to tha taste, gold By drutigis'a " every Dart of tha world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Iu value is iocalauUbla. Ba sore and ask for Mra. Winstow's Soothing Syrup, and take soother kind. MEFTUME! BATHS AFRa&ZIER & WYNDHAM, Propr's sew wmrn PARLORS No.ioa. Those desiring telephone service from the Seufert-Condon Exchange, who have aot already ordered instruments placed, will. please do so at oooe. Ssvrutx Coirpow. LADIES HAIRCUTTINO aud SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. A Shower Boom in Each Batb Room. A Bootblack StaDd'Oonnected witb our shop, and especial attention paid to a 1 - ....... 110 Front Street, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, - THE DALLES. OREGON XKIaKPIIOIVE NO,' 40 WATCH. The finest display of lien's Neckwear In our window ever shown In The Dalles', Saturday, March 16, 1895. JOHN C. HERTZ. RUPERT & CHBEL Wbolesal and retail manufacturers of and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Tents, and Wagon Covers. jKrxd A.U A.xtlolwa kept In at Klrat CI Hstrnaaaa Shop. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Opposite. Mofidir Wrtrw THE DALLES; OREGON!