The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 16, 1895, Image 1

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Professional Card..
Physician and Surgeon
Room over Dalle National Bank. Offlc hours, 10
IDtilln, nd from ! to 4 p m. Resi
dence Wet Enol Third mutt,
Attorneys at Law
Rooms and ttChspman Block, The Dalle., Or.
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms I and 4. Chapman Block. Tha Dlle,
Practical Dentist
OfBee Over A. -'.a.- Brown" rrree.r Seeon-t 8.
All work gnuranteed to g v ttW cH n and all he
latest Improved method uteu In dent overat oaa.
j . In nchanno'a oulldlpg, op stalra.
. a. boiph, KicBAfD no,
1 1 Ail 'eual and i
cum. a v. poim.
JT7 .r.nH elaima air-iiiNt tlie jr--ve n-
. .dl r. No. 4. t6. ManJ '7 Ham Ituu
Bulidiiu, f onliiid orea-un.
Ift. A. K . M. M"!
fast and third
Monday of. each month at
f M.
I Meets in Kbsodic Hall tbc third rtedneadaj
each month al 8 P M.
- mm. fmrflE NO. 6. I. 0. . F. 'e
Iv wry Friday evening at 730 n"ctoc. In K. uf P.
Hall, corner of tcoud and Court street. 8.Jiur
os-'hrotliere are welcome. B Qu.pgH. Bee
' I.lBlfcl8HIP LODGE. NO. ., K. of f. Meet
" r every Monday evening at s:uo ocioca, m ocnan
' . ao's building-, corner of Cour. aud Second itreeU
Solnornine- brothers are cor dial 1 united
... . Vauss, K. U. and S. f MEMSr'EE, O.
If . will meet every frioay anernoou nan uoca
at the reaaine- room Ail are lnvuea.
. . .,ivuv uimiDMRN uP THE WORLU Ml.
1V1 u..4 nsn.n kit M. meeta everv Tueedav
renins: of each week at 7:80 od-ck, in A. Keller1
All orotoera ano eejouruiug uiuwiw.
nvfri to be oreeut.
COtmnHA CHAPIEB, C. D. O. r. t mtetm
Marcme ball D tli e tnr! and ourtu Tue
.. da ataiiikkul ii'h sit b . VI it. tb ctidiallir lu-
lla. ItAc'i'. Stcy. ...
fl KMPL LOliGE. NO 8, A.- O V. W.-MeeU
W. 8. Mtbrs, Financier '
i tn KHeiieratiaiievcn iuunuiflTo""ni"
I AS. kBSMlTH POMT. NO. i O. A. ft Meet
I erarv SatnroaT at 730 P. M . in K of P. BuU.
U . OF L. fe.. Meets eveiv Friday afternoon la
O. K. ot P. Hall.
Akfk 1UIIF M
10 I O. K. M Meet
YV vrf Weunttdaj e ei ina in K. oi B. hall
tfcKANO VEKE1N HaKMuNIK. Meet every
JT . bundar evemnv in Keifer Uail
w .
167 Meet n K.
t)t of P. Un toe im and ibird Wedneaday of
' uj mostb at 7:80 P. M.
THK ( HtKt'HKx.
IhoT BAtHe'l ChlhtH tiev. o.
D. Tatloh.
A si.rt!rM everr Sabbatli at 11 A. m.
P. JlJ babbath school immediately after tne
trornioveervice. Prayer meeting every inurecay
verdbc at 8 P. M.
l ciilKCU Ka. Ja Wmstia. raavur.
. Services sverr Snndaj niomina and evening.
6T, ...i.., imiwiI .t ierM) n'Mnrk p. M. A cordial invi-
tatdoc extended bv both pastor and people to all.
f a'BStor. eemcee every ouuuay n .
P. Ja. Sunday Bcheol alter morning servire.
Pastor. Low alass every aunaay av i a. m i
100 A.M. veaperaati r. at. .
Union Street, opposite
O Fifth. Rev. U!i I). Butcliffe, Rector.
or. ttorvioee
very Sunday at 1 1 A. M MdWf -B5?'J
cuool at a0 A. M. Kwolnft Prarer on Friday al
J 30 P. at. ...
tor. PreaeuliMl every 8unda siteruoon St
o'clock la tbs VongTeKational cfaur-' . All ar oor
4ially Invited
lALVAKT BAPTT C UBCH ' orner Seventh,
1 ana Unlu... Elder J. if. Mule'. I eu.r betv
Isee every bund.y At II A. M. sod 7:30 P. U.
" Real Estate," Loans and Insiirapce.
Afftvt for tbe Pcottlsh Union an Natloi al In
surance company of Edinburgh, eootland, Cpll
0.000.000. - -
Valuable farm near the City to M l on easy
omoe over Poet offlse Tbe Dalles, Or
(nk.ter V. Und "free. 1 B0 1884.) .
' Business before t United Slates Land
. v . Olhce a Specialty.
Wall's Block M.ln -t.. V.i.euuv,r Ciik C , Wash
1 y4 Recor d t treet nrxt door enst of
Aavyip just open- d In balBes, si a full
U'urtoieiit of the latest yo- d- in m liuet 1
tre ksUora of tht- j ubliv p&troijae
MsUitriaoturor of and daalar In
Harness and Saddlery,
Betoud St., near Mocdv Warehouse,
A Work
:tjiaxrmated t Slvi Mat-
Pau nBserTr Ptus will reduce your weight
tEKH AftKXTl. V from 12 to 16 pwi a
mouth No stirring sickness or injury; no public
ity, They bulM up the htaith and bsntiiyibe
omplesion, leavinc; no wrinkle r nai.bineask 8 rout
Abdomens and dimcult breathing -urvly relieved,
ltd KXIl-.lMfir' Ibl a scientiflv ai.d poai
tlve relief, adopted only after years of experience.
All order -uppilod direct from our office. Price
ti 00 per pacluuri or three p.ckages fur (t 00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonial and pirJLicular (sealed
All Correapondeari- Mtretly CSsflles.
PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
180 Atlantic Ave Boston.
Boy Hutu Citeap-
' l f AfBS- of good funuh.g and fruit land fonr
4vr miles from lbDs it, on Cbrnowetn cr k
with iroo I house rauly lun isbed crlauiilr barn
and odferbui duis. Put lei cod, pleaiy ' I watr
frila be aolll fibp. AOcrra or cal as place
t . PrTna, Foo.sts,
' Tba DalleAj Onarea.
"fk Regulator Liae"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co-
FreiQDt ana Fasseniisr uns
- Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
ceDted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Steamer Keguiator lor 1 ne Liaues.
Oie way....
Rouxd trip..
.(2 00
. 8 00
Freight Fates Greatly Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or nip;ht. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. ni. Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address.
General Agent
pre&tioai mmmm
Ckks, Wafehes, .Jew tlrv, Ets.
Always keeps on sale the latest and bci ttyli r o
Tiuie-piereis uumond hlnxn, tMW-kno Ki: rs, e.l-
verwara, etc., tc.
162 En f if f-'je--. r' ri
Wi Iikqis fe ' o.
i 1
I am now prepared to deliver
Boslyn Coal
TVany part of tie irlty ffr tS 5 pe
ton. lira is mach cl eai f r ihnn wnnfl
and a arrtat deal moie couveDiLt. Ap
ply to
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O RAN Co
R.E. Saltmarshe
HigliestCash Price for
Hay and Gram.
Soecial Prices to Cash Olivers
Charles A, Baldwin &Co.
40 and 42 Wall street.
New York.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received f
vn mvuhuw cerms.
Bonds and Investment Secnrltfec
Daily Financial Letter Hailed on Application,
wVyetfwv n"jVaywa
The Merchant Tailor
Suit Ma le to Order snd s Fit Guaran-eed
Clothes 1 le ned on tbe 81.01 1
u Police
Near Cor- Third and Wsuhir gtoxt Sts.
Seoond and Union Streets.
A.L. NEWJlAJf. Pronrietor
d, w.
(Successor to P. KREFT CO.
Pea'er In
&IfilT pappr,
Oik eni
A'-t't-' ATs'ris' nnrl Pa-r.tPrV Sm.n'iffl
AH orders for painMce, papprinsr and
knUomiDicg promptly attended to.
A Fine Line of Fresh Built
Seeds Just Arrived.
White Clover Onions
Red Clover
Onion Sets and
Flower Seeds.
A. ,KELLER. Prop:
, mm Mepared to fnm!fh families oaif and m
canraflu who ur uajicvm
Bread,-Cakes and Pies,
Fresi i ysters Served in Eitry Style.
Stpeoud tatr. Next door to The Dalle
tional Bank.
Cigar Factory
Optolte the Impltmtnt Warehouss
OlAOO of tre Best Brands mana'act-
Ul ifiiiO nrer!. and ordpan from al! pau.
of tvhp i-ntinrrv Till" on the hnrtit nntinf
The reputation of THE DhLLKS UliAK
has hec";n &rrtily etral'iiihed. itnd the
manrl fn thi home rriHniHantnaprl articl- is I
increaK" a every day A ULK1CH A SON.
EfliirDiai 'Exciaie;
l"rst-cs Wim a. Liu mra and Cigr
A!wy. on Huod .
Cirner Eecood and Curt Sirei t?,
Tba Dalles, Oregon.
Sample: Rooms,
45 FRlT ST
(Noarlj- oprodte Umatilla Rouse.)
The Best Wines
Liquois End Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Children Cry
'Cadtoriihso well arl.ipted to children that
In-a-uinu-ml im aupe: i..r to ai.y presvrlption
knows to me." It. A. Archsu, M. D.u
111 touts Oxford St., Brooklyn, N T
" I rwe Tostor'a In mv prartlco. and find it
mf a tn hr BpttlU l iiiiMc-i.niia ii. uiuuiiu.
r Alr1t Kocp-BT-som, M. a.
J007 80 Ave., New Vor!'.
From rwBil kn..wladsr I n Bay this
.ketaiu lia ru-t sstctillir "iedi tor cuii
Caatorla uromotos Dlgeirtiovi, and
ovej-oomes Flatuleucy, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Dianncea, and Feverishnes
Thus tbe child is rendered healthy and Its
aieec nntnrs.1. Castoria contairj M
Alorpnlna or other luircotic property.
The Dalles national Bank
OP dalles an?. OR.
..Z. F. Moody,
Cssiiier, .'.
M. k. Mood;
General Canning Baslness Trassacted.
Sight ETohanaee soM on
m Rhwest Cur. Second andtVakhington'U.
Successor' to Oeorx Ruch.
Ile Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We reswrtfullv illicit a sh of the rublic pat.
ronaire and rial) endi avor toZirive entire aatiafao
ton to our rufti-mera o-tn n'n pa ntw.
pioneer $0DAwks
. atacufactures the Best Articles of
Scda, Sarsopaiilla acd Ginger Ale
Lean Older- With Andrew Keller,
iionnt flood Samnte Room
Best Ke mucky Whiskey
Vory Bpst Key WprI Giuara, and Bea'
of Wines.
Port-1 A1p and Mils-sul
Hwr ilern on band.
E UC.VS.ILX. F eceiver
Cboiceof Transcontinental Routes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cines
OCEAN 8TEAUER8 leave ton ard sveiy Five
Pnr rail details aaUoaO. B. BT. Afc-wt as TH8
D LLUi, oraddrea
W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oen. Pass. Aft,
PorUaad, Oregoa.
entity an Charged.
MinneaPOLW. Mtrch 8 Tae jarj'a
verdict in tie Hiywird cue is "guilty
ar chargi d " Tne verdist Wi kept a se
cret while the prisoner was being coo
ducted back: to j til.
N oaa wis a iowed to leie the court
house, and ini'Da4e crowd' githt-red.
Ttiej j 'e' order that no ooe should
be allowed to ea'tr or leave the court
room until IlivwirJ w-i4 atfe beblud the
bars wi rfiuaCiv- io preveotiog trouble
When W'ird whs brnuzht back tbat the
prisoner waa safe tbe verdict was read
A coll of the jurv wis demanded, and
without hesitation .acb man 8nevrd
'tfUiity." Up tn tbe time the Verdict whs.
rend crUDel fur the defense expressed
the rrestert confidence Is his acquittal
HhII, Hg stant count? attorney, moved
for im mediate seu'euce, bat, owing to tbe
absence of Erwio, the pssiop; of sentence
wa imstpnned uotil Monday morning at
10 oV.lnck.
Erwli finished M arootnnt for the
defence torinr. He poiotrd not that tbe
loan H-rrv H iy ward made Hie- Qina had
not been attacked in the evidence rscr-pt
hv the loan ct B:irt. The validity of this
loan was a citadel of defeoae. It was
evdent tbat had the police machine
cen properly set in motion the mv'erv
surronndiog Mis Oiog's behav or would
have been tolved in a manner consistent
itb the do hie character of the elr', and
an innocent man wou'd have been
re'ieved from the charge under which he
no rei-ti- In c'o-ine, he said was
the most rpopstrous persecution in
It took Jadge Pesgrave 8mith 40
mlnu'es fo rt-d his chares to th jnrv
Hertecland the vftdict mint be utiiltv
achrp;fdor notgailtv. If the dtlend-
nnt was pni tv it wis premeditated. Ha
eKp'Bined the reasonable doubt theorv a'
gre-t tene'h. Hi continued: 'II is
n.nef.sHry for TOt to bp si'iffied that
Bl'Zt kuled Mss Gr'np; second, (nai
Fatw.rd nci'ed him If wh-n von re
urn vrsu are 8tii-ri'd mat a xx killed the
girl, you mav proceed, tf not, do not con-
s-ltTile verdict fur'her. but if. Hrrv
Jjd ine-te as charged, yonr verdict will
The charge as perfecl'v sa'isfsc.torv
to boib aid and no exceptions were
poed. The rulins pHsion in Hirrv
Hywnd was a'rong in death He
li aren a ne: 01 f iu n s morning mat a
verdict of ai quntiti
fide of two hours.
would be reached in
Rfvr Hiraurr fSnab.
Cincinnati. March 8- Dalng a
beavv leg this morning the steamer Long
Jellotc. he'oneing to the Cincinnati, Mem
P'i'B & New Orlenn Picket L'oe Com
pany, sr.iing to New Orleans, p some wav
not yet cleirl explained, 'ost her coarse,
cmshd aetiast a pier of the Chesapeake
& Otio railway br dge and sink.
Her 26 rahio passcngera were all
rescned bv the companv'l hrbor boat,
Hercules CarreU. except a lame man
named Aldrich, of Cleveland, who is
mis-me. Those of the crew 'Who are
missing are: Captain I Lawrence Carter;
second mate, name unknown, and three
roustabout, also- unknown.
The s'eamrr literally crumbled to
pieces immediately following tbe col'
Iision, and sank, how first
The Longfettna was valued at $33,600
and injured for $10 000 She was carry
inp 500 tons of freight.
Toe resl. cause of the accident is said
to he tbat the boat was. unwieldy.
The towhoat was sent along with the
ftesmbnat to aid hir in pasting the
bridge, and was attached to the stern uf
he . ten m host fT the purpose of keeping
the s'ero cWar of the fridge piers, but
provec unah e to do this.
M'tiv passengers were in their-slate
roims when ' h" cnl'i.ion ocrurred. hnt
the nlfls i ol the mhist'e- of both boa's
awak.ned them and they nnrried on
d-ck. The towhoat ran alongside of the
sinking hoa, and the passengers were
qilicklv trars'.rred to it.
The Longfs ou was one of the band
am s pickets on the Otin. Second
C erk Colbert and 8-cond Engioter Hart
etch h-d a foot crushed .
The known I st of d"d numbers three
D iVid A'dnch. of R oi-. New T rk, wht
wis lame; Ciit"'n I L Crter. the clerk
of the hnnt. and James M.I er. a colored
potter. The others reported mising
bine been account d for. The loas of
tne s'eamer is one of th se tragedies there
e-ems to he no means of preventing short
of i he removal of bridge piers.
Earibqaaket at ate a.
Pan Fbancisco, Mrch 8 The earth
quake which was re-ent'y leit along the
northern coast proves to have been a ver
able terror at tea, according to s'oiie
to'rl bv he crews of the achonne Yolnnt
andCT Hill. hicb have j'ist anlv d
fro 11 tht Femion of the coast The
theory Hrrived at by hydrogr-ihic i.fiBce's,
baaed upon r p-.r'a made bv skippers is
that th- shock was caused by some gi
g nMc errop'l n at tea.
The Volant was holding unt a t:ff
hieeze about 63 miles off the Mendocino
cmtet. in the vicinity of Shelter Cove,
when she encountered the shake-up. It
tok place a few minuirs before 1 o'clock
on the morning of March 1 Tbe ea had
been ca'm all nignt, bo, tbe breei kept
ur well.
The first warning of the earthquake
came io the form of a' deafening roar,
which seemed 10 rise from the sea. In
ao ins ant the ocean was lashed into a
mess n foam and in sp its it rose io great .
trexser like cd'urans The. achooner
stoppid with a t rash just ss tf she bad
struck upon a leef. and then i-hook like
an aapeo for .ally 'wo minutes. Her
tim'ers gr aned and creaked, and it wis
thought f a moment she was come
down. Those on' deck were knocked
down a thoush thev bad been shot, and
before the rci.oooer bad stopped trem
bling. C' P'ain Erritt sod those of the
crew who had mrmd in ru-'hed no on the
deck under the impress on 'hat the vessel
was going to pieces, and tbey were lo for
a rough time of it
Af'tr the first shock a second, but !e
s-vere one came Then the .wiod d'ed
awar and the sea ber-ame perfectly ca'm
The schooner O T Hi. wh'ch was car.
rying -nmber to this pop from Wi'lapa
harbor, wa also to-ed shout foyairy by
the esarthqunke. 8b wae only few
mi'es astm of the Volant at the time
Captain Foresee s orv of his s-rperieocw
is at milar m that to'J by tbec'ew of the
Voant. He w s unable to deterroice,
however, what bad caused tbe commo
tion UDttt be had consulted w th the
mate of the Vt tvtt testetday. Previous
to tbat ke was ol the opisloa tbat be bad
encountered a wreck or a reef, and had
tnteoded repor'iug to ibat effect to tbe
Mercbaota' ExcbaDge.
Insurgents Have Taken Vinalea
Tampa, Fla, Mirch 8 P-tsengers
who nave ja-t hrrlved from Cuba by
steomer report that th9 losurneois bae
taken Yinales, within 80 or 40 mi'ea west
of Hav&o?. Haadred4 of rebels, it is
said, attacked the girrisjn, killing 40
Spanish soldiers, and cao'uring a lot ol
arms and eoimuaition. Afterward tbe
rebels robbed tbe city treasury. This
report is accptel here by symut'hiirv
with the revolution as indicating that
the tn'ite m 'untiinous tectioo of Cal.
or m-'re ihan half tbe lUud. is iu
rebellion. Heretofore the insurrection
has been reore-jected to be wtioily in tbe
south and east.
Beady to M:Te.
Walla Walla, Wah., March 8
Orders from department beadqairtei
were received at Fort Walla VVmla at 4
o'clock this afternoon, placing A and D
troops. Fourth cavalry, under heavy
marching orders to move at a moment's
no'ice bv special train to the Umalll'a
Io'liin reservation. N'tbing h'S been
beard Iu Walla Walla ot acy trouble on
Ibe reservation.
Tr -op at Haad,
Peudleton, Or., March 0 Troop A.
of the Ft.urtb cavairy, frorp Walla Walla.
arrived here at 8 o'clock tbis'eveoing. on
a special tiain. sod will be taken, without
delay, to MissiL-n station, on the re.erva
tinn, which poiut it will proceed to
the agency, which is near tbe station
Iudian Aseot Barpe bad been oo'ifjed
from Waabington tbat troops were held
in reauintss at Walla Walla, but kept hit
counsel, saying nothing until about time
tor tbe arrival of the train, when be gave
pot information tbat he bad requested
bat they come. He alleges it may bt
necessary, in order to piotect the agency
and tbe white who live on tbe retra-
tiou, tu baye the iolditrs at band.
Tbis afernoon Judge Fee, of the circuit
court, rendered a decision in the haiieas
corpus esse. It declares that tbe Iuniaos
are citizens, and under the DiWta act en
titled to all rignt. privileges and im
munities of otner citiZ4a!. exv.ept as to
the power to nlnoite inelr allotted land.
op the reservation, 1)1 lu lo Which
transferred .sutject to toe truateesh'p
ot toe Uoi'ed states (overomeot. ltie
release ot No Shin and Young Ch'ef wa-
also orarea. Luosei lor the Indian
court will appeal in this and in auut'ier
case, pending. The Indian counsel
were seeu, aud said tbey bad told the
Indians they must not resort to violence
id anv event, but go about quetly and
await the nnai supreme court decisions.
This the Ioditns promised to do, and tbe
head men asserted they won d us their
tt Quel ce to prevent any disturbance
Tn re is no danger, io tbe ootnioo of
every one here, unless the Indians get
drank and become involved io trouble
wi.o the Iudi-o policemen.
A Battle- With Tranps.
Wilhinuton, Del, March 9 List
night 60 tramps captured the Philadel
phia, Wilmington & Bdtimore freight
train from Baltimore, due io tbiscpy at
12:80 Conductor Rney and crew were
powerless. A lew o' the gang bad
revolvers, and all were armed with
knives and clubs One brakemao was
Kateo and the tramoa attempted 10 force
him trtm the car. He took refuge on tbe
At Chase station the traicmen were all
driven from the tops of the cars, and 11
was expected ao attack would be made
ro tbe engine, but soon alter tbe tramp
began quarreliog among themselves, sod
one was tbrowti from the tram and, it ia
sapposed, fata ly injured.
Conductor Riley telegraphed to this
city for assistance, but as sooa at tbe
train stopped tbe tramp lumped trom
the cars and ran across the lie ds Afttr
a running fight, in which several sfiot.
were fired, tbe officers succeeded io
capturing 11 tramp. "who onlv surren
dered at tbe point of revolvers. Tbi.
rooming tbe pneoaer were given a Jul
The niBneapells) Henaattoai.
Minneapolis, March 9 It was 4 this
morning before Harry Hayward was able
to s eep, and at 10 o'clock be was still
a eeping. He bad packed bis clothing
neatly io a valise while waiting the jury
Virdict. His only fear was yoleoce from
tbe crowd when tbe acquittal came.
When he reached bis cell after bearing
the verdict, bis first remark was, -B
Gid, I'll have revenge; I'll unpack this
thing now; if I don't my clothes will got
When be was removed to a ee l 00 ibe
ecjnd floor tie seemed to realise more
tu'ly his perilous siiuttioo. A day aud
night watch has been put over him.
George A Un&dail was arraigned in
ibe municipal court on the charge of
penary todav. and his examination set
for Wednesday nex, with a bail at $1000.
Mi-s Maggie Wacb'er demanded ao ex
tminailoo 00 tbe peijury charge, bu'
this ws denied, as tlu-aia e wanted time
Her at ton ey alto demnded that she be
released on her own recouuiztoce. but
the atatc would not cousent nod her case
was continued until the afiernooo.
Dlaaatroaa Jliate Fire.
, Hasblton, Pa., March 10 The worst
mine Cre in tbe anthracite region for tome
time la now raging la tbe H.gdtoo slope
of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company.
When the fire broke out, six weeks ago.
it was at first thought to be of little con
sequence. Tne slope was closed soon
afterward. 8'oco tbea hundreds of
thousands of dotltrs bave been expended
to subdue the flames. The chutes of
putting the fire out soon are poor, Tbe
mine was the most vs'oah'e operated by
the company, employing 1100 men. lne
-ub'erraoean openings coooect the
H z-l'oo mioe wiib three other
vaiuab e properties, and these litter are
al-o 10 danger. It is es'imated that
before the ou break sha i bave been over
come. f I UUU.00U will nave to Dc
exploded. .
Tonbln 1st TlfraPart.
Cripplk Creek, " Colo . March 9
Setious trouble is threatened 10 the new
mining drop ol A'hambra ever disputed
claims. January 89, tbe Alhambra Town
& Land Company went into a new
miolng center and located in the neigh
borhood ot 40 claim, doing but little
work 00 them and oot placing them on
record, Tbe recent excitement io the
camp has brought a deinge of miners
and prospector to tbe district, aud tbey
have been working tne locations claimed
by tbe Albambra : Tbe company baa
ide a prote.t against the ooeration of
what thev c'aimed as their property, but
tbe miners will not cease work A num
ber, of cowboys . and prospectors have
organized and secured guns and aaamu
tioo, -with tbe loteotion of defending
their elaias,
Eight Men Tutu T rue.
White Oak, N. M March 10 At 3
o'clock this moroiog tore brokn out in tbe
change room at the hoisthouse of the Old
Abe mine, and in a few . minutes the
structure, a large and well luijit one. wa
a mass ol flitn'e. It wi.s completely de
stroved, together with the wood and
smith sbops. Tbe mill, 60 feet away, es
caned without damage. Tbe wood wot k
or the ahait waaburoed out and tbe hnjet
inir machine dtstrojed. The damage
runs blgh up into tn tboasmds, but tte
most distressing feature is tbe fact that
eight men are imprisoned in the depths
whose fate is unknown There la little
eround for booe hey have escaped
suffocatit-n. I will not lie po?sitie to eo
ter tbe mine to search till tomoirow.
JMw WI- b t Meddle.
Aibakt. N. Y.. March 11 In a letter
written to a state official by Geueral
George 8 Bitchellcr, toroirrly miolster to
Portug'il, are details o( a Lotewortby
interview with tbe pupa The pope ex
preseea regret tbat certain new-papers
and pub'ic men of America objected to
bis seodiop; a de egi'e to Washington or
sending cut an encyclical, a feuding to
meddle with tbe affairs of a foreign gov
"Tills is an error," said the pope.
do not seek to meddle with governments
except to admonish my people to obey
the civil law aud coc form to the sutbority
of the land in which thev dwell. I sent
a legate to America in order tbat I migh
be informed as to the character of Amer
tcao insli'utlons and tbe peru'iariiies of
the national and state governments, and.
above all, to reconcile any conflict. If
there should be any. between the govern
ment ot mv cnuicb and tbe governmet t
ol the land
General Bttcbellor writes. "His ho'i-
nesa nan no cri'i-um to make on oar
school system. Ha said : I am Informed
that the liheral party controlling the
elate of New York cboe one of our
priests as a regent of the university, and
1 am told two senators of that grea' state
represent two creeds, one Protestant and
one Catholic. How, tben, can I Complaint
ot the ' institutions ot America! The
more I study there th; more they please
me. 1 have admonished ail my people
ia America to. refrain from strikes, and
never resort to violence to redress
grievance, but to appeal to law aud tbe
cunstuutioQ .' "
A Riot ! Sew Orleans-.
New Orleans, March 11 At 10:30 a
large number of white men appeared 00
tbe levee at the head of St. Andrew's
street, ard by threa'S and violence drove
off the colored laborers The police ol;..
uersed the whites after firiag a number of
shots. No one was hurt.' Thirty or 40
shots were fired by "tbe whites, and two
negioea, John Parker and Pbilip Fischer,
were fatally woooded.
First Officer Spain, of the Br'ttial ship
Akiifnr, who witnessed the tior, says:
"Thr -e vessels, lying between Jackson
n-i St, Mary's streets, were being loaded
bv a crew of white men, hut they quit
work. There was a crowd of darHes
away dowo the levee, walking np. When
the two crowds met I beard several shots
and no'iced a panic among the black.
A'xiut 50 shot were fired."
Mounted Officer Miller, the onlv
pnlicemta on the upper portion of the
wharf at the time, beard the fusilade
shots. When ha dashed around the
corner ot Jtcksnn street be saw the
negroes running 10 every direction.
chased by blue aud red-shirted wbice
men, firing as tbey rap. Tbe crowd of
whites quickly vanished. Milll Centlnaen.
CatCASo, March 11 Girl inmates of
the state heme for juvenile offenders
were again in revolt today, and the police
arrested them. Tbey claim thev bad
be.-n treated so rigorously tbey could oot
B'aod it.
Tbe girls dec'ared they would bave no
more of ibe present mode of punishment,
aud shrieked defiance at tbe matrons,
rattled tbe bars of their windows ard
screamed at passers-by . Lirge crowds
gathered 10 the streets about the build
ing and six of tbe girla were taken to tbe
ponce a'atiuo
Tbe trouble began last night, when.
fir a breach of discipline). Matron Day-
ten ocked Mamie Davis in the "strong
room" and chained her to tbe fl.ior. Tbe
other inmates smashed the door sod re
leased tho prisoner, following her libera
tion by a no', which coded only when
four of 1 he r rgleadtrs were arrested.
The revolutionists, who range in age trom
14 to 17 years, claim ihey wete starved
and imprisoned lor trivial offeLSts.
Mewteweesl to Veath.
Minneapolis, Mian., March 11 Har
ry T Hay ward came into court today in
the same leisurely, calm manner that has
characterized his demeanor throa .-bou
rne trial, and surveyed the crow 1 coolly
while bis hind-uffa were being removed.
Judge S'ni'b agreed to examine the
grounds urged for a new trial by March
29. He sail be hsd 00 doubt whatever
that the verdict was a just and righteous
ooe, and while he did not believe in 'cap
i'al punishment, it was Lis painful du'y
to pass seoieoce in auooidance with the
"The sentence of this cur," he con
tinued, 'i tbat you be taken bence 10
the county j d', and there coutloed until
atter a period ot three months' time, end
tbat vou then betaken to tbe piece ol
execution sod baugtd by the nee a noil
dead "
Harry listened calmly and rat dowu
without the slightest stmw of feeling
Argument Braoaarsl.
Washington, March 11 Argument
on the part of ibe government in behalf
of tbe constitutionality ot '.be income tax
cares was resumed today before ihe su
preme' court of the United State-.
As-istapt Aitornev General Wnitoev
condoning tbe argument At'oraey
General O ney, Senator Edmonds and
others present claimed tbat thetez was
not uniform, and tbat income beneath
$4000 were not taxed, and tbat such
legislation was therefore olass legislation.
This was admitted to acerta n extent by
Wbucry, but be denied that it vn a
vital point. I bad been established, he
declared, that tbe legislature could select
aoy class ol individual for t'Zifao. He
was followed " by QJmuad lor tbe
appellants, .
, Katie Mm Veaad.
Tacoka, March 11 Katie Hackwrth,
tbe P'C'ty 14 year-old daughter of Mrs.
A C Arper, of 8e ttle, b as been missing
since Welnesfav- For two years she
lived at the Jbi dren's H me in this city,
and became mach attwhed to Matron
Bsrrie. About January 1 her mother,
having remarried, took her home. Wed
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
nesday afternoon Katie s arled 10 school
m o:ait-e wuu nootuer gin, nut w.s
handed a note, after readine which she
aid she had been called to Tacoma
N ulling h i since been seen of her
Mr and Mrs. A'oer have been searulunt-
tor her, and the police are on the outlook
Tbe girl i well developed, being large tot
uer age.
The Plttattarg (strike.
Pittsrcru, M irch 11 Tbe strike of
ihe miners has reached a point wbert
both sides are claiming 'be advantage
The miners' say tbey now hsve over S00O
men working at tbe 69 cent rate
Fourth pool opera'nrs Saturday eveo'mp
agreed to pay the 69-ceot rate, and moi
the men returned 10 work this morning
Operators of tbe entire district will mee
this aiternnoa to discus, tbe situation.
hut claim the met ting is op sign of weak-
n9ft on their part..
An loeumr-T k Rallng.
Washington, March 11 Treason
officials bave made important ruling to
the n -ct that dividends received by a
resident of the United States from cor 00
ratiooa fortigo or otherwis-. duiog busi
oess wholly without the United 8 ates
and having principal Sicca and propertt
outside- tue Uul'ed states, eucb Corpora.
lions not being linu'e on net profits.
mut-t ne returned as income by
receiving the same.
Fenr the Japanese.
London, Much 11 A Shanghai dis
patch aays Chinese residents are leaving
Puking, Tieo Tmo, Takn and their outlv
lug disiricta, leuringa Japanfse invasion
The steamers arriving i Suangbai are
crowded with refugees.
t'rryihtBK aiet.
Londjn, March 11 A Peking dis
patch siys a number of Isdies have come
to Peking from Kdgau deeming Peking
the safer place. Everything is quiot io
feklng, .
Io Colorado a wife was granted a de
cree because ber husband cut off ber
In Ohio a divorce was recent'y granted
h-cau-e "the defendant pulled this
p'ainl ff ou' of brd by his whiskers"
A Mew York mm in petilioaing for
divorce, pleaded that "the defendant
mid not Bew 00 plaintiff buttons."
A decree was granted iu Ma-sucbnsetU
because "the defeodaot ketps this
piamtifX awake most of tbe night quar
A Wisconsin man got a divorce
because his wife kep' a servant girl who
spit 00 the frying pan to see if it was hoi
enough to fry.
A Tennessee court liberated a wife
because "the defendant does not wsah
himself, thereby causing the
great mental anguish ."
Io Peonsvlvama a husb.nd was re
lievpd of the yoke of matrimonv becaase
"the defendant struck this plaintiff a
violent blow with ber bustle "
In Minnesota a decree was given to the
tie because "the -deteodaot never cuts
bis toe oai'is, and. being restless to his
leep, scratches ibe plaintiff severely.
A IN aw x rx wile was granted a
divorce because bet bushand threw ibe
baty at ber. when she hit him with the
coal bucket for spitting on the stove
An Indiana divorce was some years
go granted because "the defendant
pulled all the covering off his plaiotifl'e
bed and she likewise r.o a knitting
needle four inches into bis arm."
A Missouri divorce was granted
because "tbe defeodaot goes gadding
about aod leavea this plaintiff sopperlees
or, if be gets aoy, be baa to cook it bim
A Kansas wife was released from ber
osband because "tbe defeodaot pinched
be nose of this plaintiff, causing it t
become, very red, therebv causing tbe
olain'ifi great pain and anguish of
mind ."
Alaaka. Boundary llne-
Tbe Seattle chamber oi congress has
appointed a commitlee to Investigate the
quest'on of tbe boundary between Alaska
and British Columbia and to arouse pub
ic opinion to tbe importance of main
taining American rights in tbis mailer
The question Is 10 be considered by an
international commisslou this year and aa
preliminary step surveys bave beeu
made by both parties, bat the British
how much more tborougness and activ
ity in tbis matter than the Americans, and
in order lo obtuiu possession ot tbe You-
on mines thev are now preparing to
build a roid over the Taku Paas to the
headwaters of tbe Youkon.
Tbe principal controversy binge on
the interpretation of ihe treaty locating
the boundary ten marine leagues from tbe
shore. Eaglaod cor.teuds tbat this line
should not follow tbo ioleis, while Amer
ica holds .tbat it should. II England's
contention prevails Juocau and the best
harbors will be hor territory. All the
chambers of commerce on the coast will
be asked to co-operate.
Got,' Xord's Oorrospondenta.
Overnor Lird is alree ly getting curious
letter from everybody almost. The Pott
Siy: ' . " from Tens wiites for a personal
letter aod a photograph of tbe governor of
O egon. Another from Sooth Carolina,
near the land of Bill Nye's razor backer)
hots ami tar heeled cowa, writes lor a piece
f velvet, and ia extct eno gh to tame tha
color. TbU eoo of tie 'eouth stat that it
i hi purpose to work the full name of tbe
goveri or 00' velvrt and place it 00 ex
hibit. ou at the Atlanta exp ition. On
writi r ia modeat aud would bit satisfied with
only ou ru:cgr-pi; sod from Montana, a
wrreau aritis a vtry sm-ible' Itttr and
make some saggeuions alenz tbe line of
humaoiiy lhat are worth considering. She
has a brother only twenty-three year old
in the Oregon penitentiary, and. While ah
d' es not implore the gtv-roor for his par
d 10, ak that be nse hi influence to have a
(cbodl established 10 the prison'. She be
lieve tbat every convict under thirty year
of age ahould be ri quired 10 attend aohool
certain hour of eaoa day and arue that it
would he infinitely better than supporting
them ia idleoess or having men make bed
quilts, ernes, bair bridles, eta
NO. 3)
who care to pav a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will fiud the
Made '.from: the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are -
- A Firing Machine
Mr. E'gin Parrott has been canvassing the
city during the pa t few dsya for sobsorip-
tion to shares of (took of hi brother' fly
ing machine, aud baa made sale of all of
them except oue, whioh ha ia reserving far
espeoial friends. It is known as ths Parrott
Erie! Ntvigatioo Co., and the principal
place of bufine.s will be Qoldnndale, Waab,
Mr, Farrott.lia a draft of the air abip,
with two' views froht and side. ' Oa tba
- . - - - .
upper part are what are termed arrow
plants, -sop ported by aluminum bars, which
tpread.out lika- the : wina. of a bird when
th (hip; ia in motion, and . fold - op when
atationarv. These have a upward buoy
ancy ot 8000' pounds Under tbia ia the hy
drogen charnb't, 80 feet in length, which
only weighs 650 pounds and posses, a lifting of 829 pound. Two men eoald
easily oarry tbia 00 their shoulders, if necss-
s.ry. ins lowest.apartment oonatsts of tbe
paaienger coaoh, in which there ia imp's
room to oarry thirty parsons. This car ia
&Sti on ,winIOg irm whwii work
au omatically, and arljuats itself to any
position There are three propellers, one
on each aide and one at tbe stern. r These
will be uied for velocity. and. for steering
purposes, and will be worked by an . engine.
whioh together with the boiler, capable of
g-tneratiug foitV horse power, only weighs
60 pound.. It is calculated the air ship
wi.l attain a ve ocity of about 60 mil s au
hour, aod perbapt a - mors rapid spaed.
Work is now being puslied forward on the
hydrogen chamber aod arrow planes, and it
is expected Ihe trial trip will be msda about
the middle of May. If successful, sod
there is nc doobl 00' this point on the part
of the pn j-ctcrs, several ships will be con
structed. For fra ghtmi; rurpoeea the ship
now being built will oirry two tons, aod
larger ones will be pat ia the trade as soon
a the UaiBa demands inoreaao faeilities.
When th fliog rtubhioe makes Its first
trip the dietms of Bellamy. Donnelly and
otbera will be realiz d. aod the problem will
have been solved by a western boy, bora
and reared in Oregon. '
Salvation Amy Colony-
It is reported on guod authority, say the
Yakima Herald, that rsnTeaeaUtivea of the
Sunoyaida canal stockholders are in oorrsi
pdenoe with General VVm. Eoib, tbe
'commander" of the Salvation, army, in
London, with regard to a proposal recently
mad ths leadeia of tbat organisation ia
Amerioa. To plan io queetioo i that the
Salvation army foood instead of another
of ita fa in on. "hooves" a oolony nodsr the canaf, oumpoaad of a number ot
that organisation' poor bat worthy oharges
iu tha large cities of tnt east. It is rumored
hat 1000 aoiei have been set aside for tbe
amy for thie parpoM, Thus will be divided
ato 5-aor trait for each family, and 200
'amilie oould that boom self sapporting,
and OioJd grow pro. parous and happy ia
tbis great and moat fertile valley of the far
Gansa Birds for Oregon.
PorUaad Bun",
Captain George -Pop baa Just beta ad
vised that an old aod valued friend, now
bound for the Columbia river, in the British
hip QUnalvin, will bring for bim a number
of pairs ot Japanese quail, and that tboy
stool th voyage of, 24 day, from Kcb to
Port Angelea, in good shape. It is tbe in
tention le bav these birds- tamed oat ia
tome favorable location in the valley, aod it
ia hoped that portMuan will show the little
traogera some little - forbearance in ordsr
bit thy may. multiply: .- A full desortptioa
f the bird will bt given when they arrive.
which may be any day now, aa the vassal i
aow en route to tbia port from tbe toaod.
If this effort to stook Oregon with game
bird prove as saeoesafal as. Ihe in trod ao-
tioo of pheasants, all lovers, of sport and
ood game ...will soon bava. a variety of
Wood Wood! Weedl '
Oak: fir and. slab" wood at minimuta
rates. Scud ui your orders trom the
nearest telephone. " '"
Jog. T. Petsbs 4 Co.
Awarded .
Highest Honors World' Fair.
K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frt
roni AmfnonJa, Alum or any oika ukMrttt