The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY MARCH 9. 1SJ5 The decline in the prices of Arneri can securities on the Berlin Bourse on the arrival of the news of tbe shelving of the free silver bill iu the United States senate is an evidence of the growth of bimetallic sentiment in Ger many, says the Globe-Democrat. Two or three years ago this action on our part would not have produced any such effect. "It has bad no influence of this ... I UnHAMr4 TkA tanrlannv Si. deed, would have been in the oppoaite direction.. A defeat or a postpone ment of a free silver bill would have appeared to Germany ,as to all other, of the great be an act of 6nan- cial sanity. It Would nave been a bull factor of the highest importance for us. Prices of American stock in mar, country wouiu nave gonn up, auu he current of money in our direction for investment would bivp deepened. The change in tbe attitude of Germany on the silver question which has just :, been revealed is of considerable sig - mficance, and is of great interest to tbe United States. Undoubtedly Germany is in a posi tion to materially strengthen the cause of . international bimetallism. ' The double standard men have clearly ob- tnmiu m uiuiuiiirjr IU uid imvu ' stag, and if they secure the favor of tbe kaiser for their scheme tbe pros pects of accomplishing boraethine, in tbe projected 'monetary conference will ba brightened. Tbe kaiser ba9 a fac , ulty of making his desires prevail - sooner or later and if the bimetallists of his country win him to their side tbe whole influence of the government will be with them. Ooupled with a few mediaeval notions and some obso lete and absurd opinions as to the s'anotity and authority of his guild, be has some ideas which make him more modern than no my other of the crowned heads of the time.. If Wil liam II. should be enlisted in the nn of international bimntallism that policy will have secured a powerful champion. ' With Germany s weight in the scale in favor of the restoration of silver to its old place in tbe circulation, a new and powerful pressure would be brought to bear on England to win her over to this policy. Tbe favor of the rest cf tbe great nations of Europe A - -.- .11 tk. .r..i1l WWW Wfc limilf f.1 kU9 EUIMI VUG) Ml doubtless readily be gained. Tbe prospect in f vor of international har mony at an early date on this ques tion appears brighter now than it did at any previous time since the United sade for the general rehabilitation of the white metal. In the present in v stance, however, the initiative, as is proper,will not be taken by the United States. This country has been doing a good deal of missionary' work in this cause among the European nations in the past sixteen or seventeen years, but without ' any discernable result. We will now let some of the other countries take the lead in the enter prise, bat we stand ready at all times n ij . : ii, w aii . i uu m sjnuw u vuc? vim. a.u tun countries of the world are interested in solving the silver problem, and the solution lies in the readjustment.under an international agreement, of- tbe ratio between the metals and the gen eral opening of mints to silver. . honest, generous impulses, nd the lust eaiJ rites w. re paid to tbe reoiaius with feelings of sorrow and regret Mr. D. C. Herria, th photoer'phr, left oo the boat this nioruing on a ahoit visit to Cascade Locks. Tbe number of school chil Iren by the ! census taken in this district is 1212, quite u increase oyer last yer. Elder I. H. Usr-sl and wife, of the Chris tian church in tt.ts oity, were r.a-aer-gers oo the bo .t tur 1 onliDii this morning. Four oirlcn Is of hrgi were shipped fnni the stockyards of K. K. baltmarsne a. Co., "in tha city today. Their dauttuatiou was Portland. Mr. Casper Grnop?r, of S'evenson Wash., was a pavenser to bis home this morning. He has just returned from an extended visit in Germany. A large comber of. beet cattle, fattened on the immense ranges of southeastern Ore gon have b?eu snipped to Omaha this wid ttr in fine condition.' A bond for a deed fnm Hood River Townsi te Comoa' V to Nicholae Hillen was tiled for record Saiurdav for iota 1 and 8, block 4, town of Hood River. . .From preeeot indications the prices for stoi: uatile wilt bar hiiier this year thao they were last, even if tne pnoe of beet cattle should remain the sime. The Grint county A'eifs U advi-ed of the sale of a band of stock cattle over abuut South Fork, at $13 per head for little, big, good aud iu ditfertnt. The Qrtang Verein held its monthly sui eial last evening.' Tne principal features of tbe evening were recitations, sinking and the poductiia of luk v.lii'ga s.;bool. Tne musio rendered ' by the orchestra, consisted of seveial bxoti:ul overiiiris. which added to the erjov meat of the even iug, and made it a decided success, There are two ways of gettiog one's name in the paper. Doing something that is commendable, and then yon are . pleased; doing something that is wrong, and then one is directly opposite of . being ploiatd Tfce newspaper is continually on tt.e rustle for something to till up with, aed ls quiek to pot down whatever i off -red wi bout any personal felicgs in the matter at all. It sppesrs from the record of'the re corder's court that the charg of wife-beating could not b substantiated eg iast Mr. Chas. Ltndi, and the case was disomsd. The second arrest of him and his wife was for disorderly conduct on the streets, and on this tbe jury disagreed, and were dis ch;rged. Ou the 25th day of March the case will again be tried. Tbero were two "arrests made last Dight, and the un ortnnate victims tptnt the hours in the city j ail. One was deprived of hia liberty tor lelog drunk and disorderly, and the other for acta of vagrancy. B fjre the recorder this morning the inebriate was fined (5, and tbe bobo waa allowed to de part in consideration that the bright sunlight-would not rt-tl-'Ot his shadow on the si. eaalks of Tbe Dalles. A sad acoident la reported from Thorn Hollow in the drowning of Mrs. Margatet Boomer, wife of K Iward Bonroer. She waa going from her home near Adams to the plaee of August Comoer, and the coupling of the w-gon a ay, precipi sting Mrs. Bourner in the river where be met her death. Mrs Bourner had no children and has for sons time been carrying on pro ceedings for divorce fiom ber husband, who has been oonsidered insane. The regoUr annual meeting of the school direct was held in the brick school houe this afternoon at 2 o'clock. S B. Adams called the meetirg to order, in the absence of Mr. H. S Wilson, the chair nun, aud to annual nnancial report of tbe e'ert was read and approved. There appearing no further business the boird ai i joriird Gieat credit ia due Clerk Jacobsea for the etiicieit manner in which he has managti the aliiirs of the district. Mr, Joe Wodika, the provision dealer, baa had an eagle caged in the vard in the rear of hia store for. some time; but today he gve bun bis liberty. This proud bird of freedom, oo finding himseif free to roim where be pleased, hopped around for a time and tnen perjhed on a board. He did not cleave the air with bis pinioni, but looked perfectly 0' ntented on bis perch. Later in the dav Wonika hobbled ihi bird, and now be aktp arouud without tbe leant exhibition Of viuiooaaess. Tbe smallpox i--are has quieted down, an our people feel assured that there will be no spread ot the contagion. Mr. Mooahao, tne patient, is iinprovn g, having parsed the acute stage of tne Urease. Tnoee who bave been removed to the pest bouse lo th pinea have deve oped no symptoms of the disease, and, as they bave ben vaccinated it ia not rxpecel ibac the contag on has had any ettect on them. In a few days all persons will be discharged woo bave been exposed. The action takeu by tbe toard of hentb was very timely, and saved the city frum an epidemic. regular tomor. ITEMS 15 BEIET From Saturday's Dally. Today has been Marcblike. . The towa of W asco is afflicted with la yrtppe. Mr. T. H. Johnston. the leading merchant - of llutur, is lo town today. Mr. J. W. Armaworthy, of the Wasco Jfewt, is in tbe city to4ay. Hon. G. V. Bolton mayor of this city, is quite ilea t bis residence, ' Harper", the Century and ScribKer't for March are.on Sale at M. T. Nolan's news depot. ; , We received a call . yesterday evening from Mr. Fred Mecaing of Tacoina. Ho i- . on a visit to fnends la tbe city. ' A heavy wind blew last night and today. and tbe waves of tbe Columbia were churned into white crested foam by tbe fury of the eieiueuia. Tbe case of tbe city vs Chas. Landis and wife, a'ter the disagreement of the jury this morning, was postponed until March 23 b o( tbe present niontb. Governor Lord baa ten days from the close of tbe legislature in which to veto bills or allow them t become laws It will be nest Wednesday before it. ia definitely known what bills passed, have bee me laws. ,..'.. Following h the report cf The Dalles public schools for five weeks ending Febru ary 22. 1895: Number of days of echoi I, 24; t-'tal Dumber of boys enrolled, 309; girls, 31b; pupils, 623; average number b longing, 695; avorafcecai y attendan e, 553: percent of sttetdaoce ou number biling itig. 96; number ot cases of tarciii e-ss, 84; teachers em plot ea, 15. The richest man in the next congress will De ir. core ot the tnira Uuio district. whose wealth is estimated at $15,000,000 and income at $1,000,000 . He is one of the Democrats elected from northern atat a to the next house. - As Mr !org will soon band in bis check for $20,000 to meet the From Tuesday's Dally. Frost this morning. Tne weather is delightful. Cjuuty court is in session' today. The common council held its monthly ineetir.g Latt night. Smith -Bros, will give a daoce row eveoiog at the Baldwin opera liout.e A. o. Gibert bas been appointed hv tjov. ijora BuperiQieoaeot ot tue peiuteu tiary, vice G. ti. DovioiBg rtsigDed. The following deed was filed for record today: .lolin ttLyder and Amandor J Hoy der to Varreu II. B ake; undivided hf of se qr ot se qr sec. 12, tp 2 n, r 10 e; S700 The tire bell will ncg this evening at 6 n clock, signifying tbe cirfew hour, at which all buys and girls,-undt r 18 years of age, must De quiecly eascoused ac their firesides. In the supreme court yesterday the case ot state of Oregon, respondent, vs. Daniel Maioney. and Cnark-s Snelling. sppeiuaois, appeal iroin mis couuly, waa oeciaeu, ana tue juaemeat was reversed and a new trial ordered. Itohert ('. Miller, general manager of tbe Michigan Cen'rl railroad, accom panied by bis wile arr.ved in the city line Htteroooo oo me mixed train lo bis pn vale car from Portland. From thts-uoint ne win proceed to salt LiSleanu Denver The Dalles Cold Storigi oompiny. a new suterprise but recently organiztd, shinned yesterday two ctr loads of potatoes to St Paul sua a carload etch of apples and praoer to Butte and Minneapolis. . Tnia - company will undoubtedly be of material benefit tc our fruit urowers in developing a market lor their pioduue. Through the courtesy of Senator D ilph we bave ie:eived a copy of the leitsr fioin the secretary of war rransmittn g informa tion concerning the ffct of tne great flo iid of May aud Junf, I8'J4, npou tha work for tbe improvfmei-t ot tne Columbia river ai the Cascades. I-; contains some yeiy v'alua ble ru.ips'gtvir'g tne out'lne of the coilaon lockr, and also tha increase o' the diineo- siols marie neceasarv by the fiojd. The following is a orrect copv of the cen sus rrport as made by tne cle:k of Sfhooi District, No. VI. Dalles Ulty, Oregon for the last four yesra pait. No. enro"el in 1892 803: No. enrolleu 1893 907; N .enrolled iu 1894 I05S; No. euro 1 1 n ls93 1212. The district receivd in 1893 a per capita ot 15 20; in lS93-fo 68; and to 1894-J3 55 Iiik opport.uunii nt in 1894 was sn all; on ac count -of the state ' scnooi land cominis- sioners being uuable to collect interest due income tax required by a Democratic law ! on the irreducible tchoo! fund. be will hardly leel like accepting the finan cial activities and shadowy honor of ruun ing for governor of Ohio on the Democratic ticket. f Then are a number of fish-wheels on the beach awaiting high tide ia the Columbia to tloat on tbe peaceful aud. placid bosom ot tbe river. When the salmon run there will bo a fleet of these boits in the vicinity ot The Dalles, srd it is to be hoped that the succulent aud ilvery-sidteV salmon sill crow d into the nets of these craft in num berless sjasDtities. The people of the mid dle river te 1 tnanktul to the iast legisla ture tbat tne gm-neuers as toe moutn wen not tiiumphant in abolishing the fi hmg methods in vogue here. - 1 ne loiiowmg ia rejerence lo cenaior Mitchell's daughter is from th "l eople Talked About column ot tbe Law. i he Duchess de ia Uocbefoucauld, who waa .! 1 , I once upon a an aua uniy aiaw yeaia a.o, lovely Mattie Mitchell, of Oregon and New York, is said t be one of the moat charming hostesses and one of tbe most brilliantly clever women in aunny France. Of the truth of this assertion people who have the average opinion of the clever Fr neb woman may hae doubts, but of the dnchess beauty there is only one opinion. She is remembered in New York as a lovely girl wi b a perfect figure and superb snowy shoulders, Mr. Graham, snrerintenneut of motive power of the O. R & N Co , came up the road yesterday from fortlaod to "pick op" the locomotiya which was derailed abcut a mile west of Mosier, a few days since. The occno ive is down a back, some 50 fret below the road. An incline track b. s be n ba ll down to it, aud it will b turned ov. r and placed ou the track, and then hauled up :ti a windlass or something of tha sort. Less heavy article i can be moved by main strength aud stupidoesa, but to "pick up" a locometi e from a depth ot 50 feet re quirea brains and michp e y. COMMON COUNCIL- The regular monthly meeting of tbe common council wai held laat evening at 730 o'clock a the council chambers. Present A full board except the mayor. M. T. Nolan waa elected chairman pro tein. The mmaies of the meetings held during Febriary were read and approved. The p.-titiou of J. VV. Blakeny and others requesting the council to compel all express man doing business within the limits of Dalle City either to pay license cr alloa tbe others paying license to do hauliou without charge, was read, and on mot o i it was ordered that tire marsh il collect, lie nse from the 1'acitic Kx press Co , A. d. Ca -ctrt and all others who are now delinquent. The regular monthly reports of the city officers were read, aoct pted and placed on die. Dr. W. S. Shackleforii reported verbally as a member of the health and police com mittee regarding their actions in devising means to protect citizana from the epidemic of s:i.a 1 pox, and mtde such reeommeoda tions as he considered adviaable under the circumstances. Tnereupoa' ou motion it a ordered that there be appointed aix physicians of the city, a follows: D.-a Ligao, jjjihvliirt, H illister. Dime, Eiti elman and Shackief rd, aai tnat toey be authoriss-sd and constituted a boar j to se lect aid locate a site for a city pest house The claims agnnst tha city were then read and ordeied paid. ' The claim of Te igua B-oa. for 800 for team hire, wliijh waa heretofore reduced to 30, wai recontilered on application of olaimaots, and referred to tie committee on tire and water, the chief engineei b-iog in structed to act with said committee ia aud iting the bdl. It wai moved and carried that the chair man pro tern of this meeting be author Z -d and empoweie 1 to sign tha warrants issued in payment ot lbs claims for last month. Oa motioa it was ordered that the coun cil bold the property owners for the txtra expenses ot getting tha water out of ditch in the sewer between Front and Second streets fiom Cturt to Uoioa, Oo motion the marshal was instructed to collect the expenses of pumping out the water c meed by the fl od, oa land belonging to T. T. Nicholas aud S. French, aud sit uated on the south side of Front, between Wtshingtoaso'l Federal. Ic was ordered on motion that the coun cil ratify the election of E. B. Hood as ooonpilman for the first ward. The roll being called resulted as follows: Aves Sack, Johns, Laoer, ani Nolan G. C. Esheim in refused to vote. On motion tbe recorder was o'dered to prepan an ordinance prohibiting tha pilot ing' of popular trees oa. any atre ts, alleys, or private property within tbe limits of Dalles City. I. was ordered ttia; tha reoorder prepare an ordinance, a) an am)a Iment to the cur few onVmanoo, inretsiog the aga in allow ing penoas to remiiu oa tha streets after certain hours to 18 tears, and that all stch per-oos found on tue streets af er those hours b3 arretted after tha ringing of the curfew bell at the hour named. There anpcariog no further business tbe conned aojiurnjii. J. 'Xhmsanlsofboih tnen ami women whose daily life la making severe drafts on their vitality, require something that will bring new material to the warn out nervo centers. This Is Jnat what Dr. Allies' Re storative Nervine does. "I had been suffering for year from headaches, neuralgia, sleeplessness, and general nervous prostration, unflttlng me for social, household and business duties, and, periodically, was Completely prostrated tciih. pain, I tried several physicians and a great many remedies, but recoived no benefits until I Teed Xr. 31Ue& Cestorativet Cervine, when I found almost Immediate- relief, and have become quite my former self and am Again able to citeitd to my business, which Is that cf a brush manufacturer. I have recommended the Nervine to others who have used i t with the samo good results" Zlllwaukeo. Wis. Mns. A.vsa Ptoses. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive guarantee- that the first bottle will DeneBt. All druggists sell it at 81, 6 bottles for $5, or It will be seut, preoaid, on receipt of price by the Da Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health Crystal Wedding On Saturday last Mr. and Mr. J. VV Kooniz, of Fiye Mile, celebrated their crystal wedding. Those present were Mrs. Steele, Misses Ada and Arlie and .Mr. Andrew Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Misses Minnie and Zura and Mr. Martin Miller, Mr and Mrs. John Ryan and son Robert, Mr. P. T. Sharp and daughter Grace, Wm.aSharp and family, of Five Mile. Mr. J. O. Kooniz, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kooniz, Mrs. Millie McDonald, Miss Tiny and Hermann McDonald, Mr. . B, Connelly, Mr. aod Mrs. Wm. McHaley, Mrs. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. T J. Driver, of Tbe Dalles. Each guesj oSered a crystal gift, which was gracefully accepted. Owing to tbe inclemency of tbe weather several ex pected guests were absent, bnt their gifts and good wishes were duly forwarded Among the display of beautiful presents were some from friends in Ohio and Illi nois. Then came the dinnei and such a din ner. It is useless to attempt a descrip tion, suffice it to say that tbe table fairly trembled under a most bountiful supply of delicious delicacies, prepared and served as only ladies can. After dinner the ladies enjoyed 'themselves indoors, while the gentlemen passed the time away with outdoor games, such ss target shooting, wheelbarrow races, etc., all seeming to be totally oblivious of the flight of time until the fast-lowering sun indicated tbe approach ot night, when the merry assemblage disbanded with many friendly backward glances toward the neighborly couple with their bsppy family, wishing them many anniversaries ot their wedding day. Uepobter, Kilted hja. Falling Derrick- Cnrener Butts received intelligence yes terday about 5 o'clock p. m. that an acci dent happened at Seufert's cannery thai afternoon, in which one of the.etnploycs had been killed.nnd another one seriously injured. He immediately repaired to tbe scene of the accideut, summoned a jury and held an inquest. There were four witnesses examined, and from the testimony it appeared that the men were employed in filling a crib with rock, and when tbe dump bad been made failed to get out of tbe way aod was struck by tbe mast or der rick, when It fell. The accident could not bave been foreseen and never hap pened before. Mr. F. Seulert bad often warned the men engaged in filling tbe crib to exercise great care in getting out of tbe T"ay of tbe derrick and watching for accidents. This warning wss un heeded, and tbe result was the death of one and tbe serious injury of tbe other. Tbe man was struck on the bead, and tbe brums were crushed out, causing death instantly. Put the other man, Cos tello, saw the derrick bad broken and crept into tbe crib, and bi injuries were from bruises received from rocks. A whistle was blown when the basket wss filled, which gave the men plenty of time to get out of the way. The accident bap. pened.and tbe two unfortunate men failed to run to a safe distance. The verd'et ot Hie jry is as follows Skufebt's Fish Wheei, Ko. I. ) .Mar(b 4, 1895. J We, the jury impanelled by W. H, Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon, to inquire into the cause of the death ot a man killed at said place on Marcb 4, 1S9, at or near 8:45 P. M. of said day, find as follows: That tbe name ot said deceased was John Hill, a single man and a Finlander by nationality; that he was between 21 and 25 years of agp, and had no relatives in this country as far as we are able to ascertain: that be came to his dealh by reason of a derrick which was used on said fish wheel to hoist rock brsaking, and the boom of said derrick or tbe mast becoming detached and striking him on the head, thereby causing instant death ; and we further fiod that be cime to bis death through bis own negligence, and that no one is responsible for the death of said deceased. t. Heroto, D S. IUFUR. Earnest Kbeakah, j. i btjkry, gus nt alder, John Arkot. Financial Exhibit The following is tbe annual report of the finances of this ecbool district: RECEIPTS On hand at br ginning; of nchool year :. .9 24 9 1 Amount received fro a taxas collected.... From county schuel fund State...... ......r Tuilon All other sources Total ,. DISBURSEMtiiTd. Paid for teachers' salaries ,. Janitors' salaries........ '....., Clerk's servioe luteresc. ...'..'. .". Water rest .. Insurance ," pparratus and school supplies............ AU other iooidentials ... Wasco Academy . .v.. Lots Tacknmijj addicijn. Hovlnsr school house Found ttioo and ltboron sme Pri. tliiircatalOKUe, etc Twoi refunded Tuition refunded....- Repairing Piano.... Freight -. lecording deed and repalaln clocks..".. Balance on hand Tetal .. 6170 09 .. 1107 00 ..- 2642 SO .. 646 23 .. .14 00 ,.$0604 78 .$3710 00 . 653 00 .. 225 00 .: 200 83 - ' 77 05 . 90 00 . 271 10 :.. 144 31 ... 2800 00 ... 400 0) ... 370 00 209 03 .. 73 25 .. 14 21 4 00 .. 10 00 '.. 20 10 .. 12 CO .. 194 17 ..904 78 From Monday's Dally. Wild Sewers are in bloom on the hillside. Tbe common council will hold its regular monthly meeting this evening. Mr. Loo is Heppner left oo tha train this morning on a abort visit to Portland. Tbe funeral of Mr. Theodore Catwright oi friends and relative, fie was man of ' Death of a Pioneer- Mr. Theodore Cartwriuht. an old and re Kpeo'ed r sirtent of this city, riie l-raterda evrninir about 5 o'slock, aged 66 yean. He is an old piooeer of the state, the family arrivi g in Oregon in 1353, and h ia b -en in Waaco county for the past fifteen yeais. He was a man of honest and generooa im pulses, and has maLy lasting fr.eids. Mr. Cartwright leaver a widow and four chil dren, ami hia brother, Hon. C M Cart wright, who was with - im during his last illness, resides in Crook county The funeral will t ke place tooiorroow afternoou at 3 o'clock from Cr.ndall ft Burgett'a un d rtakiog parlors Notioa. All city warrants registered prior to Feb 3-1892, are now due and payable at my office- Interest ceases after this date. 1. I. BrjROKT. City Treasurer. Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 1st, 18)5, Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. 'WootDRiDGX, of Wortham, Texas, saved the life of ber child by tbe . nse of Ayer8 Cherry Pectoral. - - NOne of my children had Croup. Tbe t nse was attended by our physician, and was supposed to be well under control. One night I was startled by the child's hard breathing, and on going to It found It stran grl i 1 1 jr. It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child's alarming condition had become possible in spite of the medicines irlven, I reasoned that such remedies would be of no avail. Having part of a bottle of -Aver's Cherry Pectoralin tbe house, I gave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and ' anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, tbe child's breathing ' grew easier, and. In a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day, and I do erry f eo- not hesitate to say that Ajrer'a torsi saved ber life.'' Observation Car. .The Evening Telegram of Saturday has the following regaidiog the new observation car soon to be run between this city aod F.rtland: The observation car being built at the 0, R & N. C. shops in Albins ia nearly com pleted, and withia a few weeks the innova- t on of running an observation car up aod oowo the Colombia river daily will have been established. As a acecio route the 0. B, ft N. line along tbe Columbia river is ex celled by ftw railroads in the world, and yet it is a tafc guess tbat thousands of resi dent of Portland nave never bad an oppor- tunity to properly see and appreciate this s nio beauty. The purpose of the new ob servation oar is to afford such oppo-tnoity. Ic will ba a pejfect car in every respect and dissimilar from the regulation passenger coach in litil but the fact it wi 1 ba unen closed at tbe sides and ends. Tbe car will ordinarily run on the morning train out of Portland, leaving here at 8 -o'clock A. at Passengers will be allowed to leave the train at Bonneville and return by boat or on the evening train.' A stop will be made at Hood Kiver, aod passengers can leave the train at that point catching it oi the re- torn trip threi or four hours later. The car will run through to Tae Da les and will return the same day, arriving at Portland at 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Hnr burt states a low rate will be made for the round trip going and returning the same day. As the present morning train runs only on six days in the week, it is probable spec al excursions will be arranged for each Sunday, when low rates will be male, and there is a likelihood of this soon becom m one of the most popular forms of Sunday outihgs. ' Bonn tiea for Wild Animals- The new Jaw passed by the legislature and now in force provides that the co inty courts of the several counties are empowered I to pay the following bounties for the foP " lowing wild animals taken in their respec tive counties, to-wl: For each panther or cougar, not more than ten dollars nor less than one dollar; for each wildcat or cata mount, no' more than two dollars nar less than one dollar; for each wolf or coyote not more than twenty dollars nor less than one dollar; for each muskrat, not more than twenty fire cents nor less han fie cents; for black tailed rabbits, not more than five cents nor less than one cent; for each 'grey or ground squirrel not more than five cent ncr leas than one cent; and for each gopher, ot more than ten cents nor. less than one cent. ... Actual Xletrfdanoe Mot Neoaasary- Hon. D. J. Cor par. of this city, received tbe following dispatch lait night: Washington. D. C, March 1, 1892 Hon. D. J Cooper, Tke Daltei. Ore Ellia' bili which patsd home Wed o-ilay, amendirg law so as not to rc-qune scual residence on railroad lands, passed the sen ate today without xmendment, aud gees to tbe president for bis approval. Jobs H. Mitchell. This will be welcrmo news to mar y set t'eis in Eix-rem Oreg n.whn have ou tivated r-ilrnarl In da for years without actually re siding on it. Jnetice denial ded th-t their r g'nts should ba r-i-peore.l, aud that con ires has so decided will be the means of snuringto settlers the fraits of their hard labor bit This extra ordinary Re lurenator is the moat wonderful discovery cf the age. It bas been en dorsed by the men of Europe and America. Hudyan Is Effif WB- Hudyan steps PrematTOess of the dis charge In 20 days. Cures LOST BANH0OD DizzlnfiFS. Falling Sen- ao-uons, nerv ous twitching of the eyes and other paits. Strengthens, inylg orates and tones the entire f-yttcm. Hudyan cures Debility, Nervousness, Emissions, aud develojx 8 and restores weak rigana. Pains In the bact'. lofses by day or nitht stopped ',. i. ('WrfS'I'' quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prematureneas means imnotency In the first stage. It la a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. 1, can be stopped in 20 days by the oseof Hudyan. The new discovery was made- by the Special ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is the strongest viiaUzer made. It Is very powerful, bnt baimlesa. Sold for S1.00 a pack age orS packages for J5.00 (plain sealed boxes). Written guarantee given for a care. If you buy . six boxes and are Dot entirely cured, six mors will be sent to yon free of ail charges. Send for circularsand testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDIC A It IN8TITTJTK, Sanction Stockton, market dc Ellia Sta. Saa Frandsco, Cat, . , Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Pa lies. abire: Lock Box 1ST. TUB EllfOPI HOUSEo MRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor. K t T fll Union Street, Between Second and Third Streets ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL. Tables always supplied with the best meats in the market. Application for Liquor License. Cascans Locks, Falls Patenter, Wasci County, btaie of Oregon. N' OT10E IS HERIBY OIVKN THAT I. H. F. Jatksun ot said prceinct anil county, will, on the 6 n ' av of March. 1895. -iply to the (o..niy Court of the above-n .ued county fur li cense to sell Sfiiritu hi m-lt and vii-ous liquors in les-, quantities than one gallon. Falls FTecinct, Wasco County, State ot Oregon, Jauuarr 7, Cascads Locis, Falls Pkscinct, Wasco ounty, at .te ol Oregon. To the Honorable County Court ot Waaco County, Oregon: VY, ihe uodersimed t upayers and lezat voters of K.lls Preclnot. coun'j and state a oresald respect fully petition your hon .r.ble o-urt to grai-t a 11 coiise to H F. Jackcon, to se 1 aptrir-ncus, vnous and m-it liqu rs at the town of i acde Locks, and precinct, in it -a quantities than oua gallon fur t. e period oi one y-ur: SAaza. ajus. H 0 halcn . F Valentine C B Lee Geu H ii..ea J Bmiib D Nels-rn US Miller TWLwii AJMcanley J H T-ana M i,lou W J Gordon t W Lnndbnry L a Gmnt J E Sorbin J W Hairy John C. mpbelt J M Mclsiac I' F M T.ioa Willi mi 0 utts Swan Woson M aWo'er It A MrLotty O .1 Hen J P Fsulseu Prter Vjngoa N Teso a H CFeltt Kelieher FAi-drsoa John Nelson D Souike JoUn Milsou Fd berveron A t-x Watt w C Johnston Noah Houbx Nap Blaia Ku-iulpo .-chmldt Lou a Oebhard w Ot-ur -y i Nel-oo Wm Pay h Attoson a W Galy D M II W i inlan G Com lie W H Graham J Mel, u.hlin H C rroll P 11 F-illnian. W A Luckey I H Bnrus F Allison R L ovell lui abolt Michea Covle M O'Brien St ph n Hal'orau in elaon Haitin Guataen T J4son E a B.-reh HWilw-n John Murphy A C digan Gus Anderson H CorUt B McEliany Wm K btr ttton W B Hrrgttnu Cuts Hovers A Ficivclihauer I Cunningham John raua T H Williams P Fine an A J Knightly L Ptterton R Beank - F P Ash I Nordstrmn Wm Black Joh-i hsbinger J M Savage J Koblsoo James Cl-rk CF Keisluur B F Sullivau James Mcttair Tromaa B dder W Lvnch J H A Id nt h H A Leavens I C Cnnviaa C Wiilkerotte W H Smith C A "tewart H A Olson Geo Janes J O Brown J McAdsms . A J Jordan Mat Welch H P Harpham U a Soderberg F. Bui kj ner J C Jones A E Trask K Ghuer H o Artis F Jieppy P J Ryan Ham Kline Jamte lilzon GG Harpbam Joel W Iiaelhlt F Haipin Walter Erwiu M Cioughi rty Jai-k Anderson J M Gregou J J Foy No Chineese empoveu. and tha cooking Is done by first-class caterers and after the lamllv sty a. WOOL EXCH NALOON, BAN BASER. Fropr. Eeeps on band tbe oest Wines, Lipors and Cipii JSEE LUKCH EVRY IVEHIUC. Near tbe Old Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. : : OREGON Braoners Marat SFCOND STREET Three Doors From Court. MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOURS ONLl 85 CTS. A MEAL. The Tables m Furr ishrd with the BEST the market affords OY8.TJ3HS Will be served lo any style dnrms; the Thos. F, Oak es, Henry V. hj ne, Henry C. Bouse, receivers. NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R R U N S PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST aJU SLEEPING CARS DINING CAR SLEEPING CARS .Si" Pnr, TO CKiK-KS "N WIWI'-IO UTe'- NAMES. KAUXS. John Tnna John Jottoo James Stewart T. C Quinlan W Lvnch C A Mrw rt GS Hi-nry A Fleisthiner Auk. Wilson o B u i son Jo ii Siiiiut-rist H C FiH Pntur DiiKuan N losla H P Harlaia .Ed Btrgeson T Blane All bo-s-rw Cap Blair W h Kennedy M Walsh J F -tout John Nelson Alhoriu E Nelson J Jan as M ErikAon F Ander-on John King- Wm Black EPAtb W T Heltinar WmGunrley THWIioms J nn ampbull James Clark John '-'Leary William Counts Thos Manion - O Manning Pi"erBeed H P Parkin T McDona' . 11 A Carnes Join R U.iffln Wm Laycock D LCa'es C Alin ' - C Lindstrim Capican ' Laderhnrg- Ed A sweeuand Mat Hcbor T hi-rinicer An-y Kelieher 0 H Tratk Jos M.sio B H Birnis Chas Olxoa A B Glazrie Henr) Wi kerina- Dan Sulliwl M H tf raid M itelson ii L Hurphim Swan Iverson Richard B -ka H Lawre'ice fiouh Koulex H Huithei John Olson H 0- Heron. J cardinal F H Doak Joe L Miller J Hill Win ay P Paulsen A J Knightly John Thieson Tbos Holiday Chas Wii.'goroth J W Ha y J M Dlxoii Dan Olson Peter Trono I Mcooutral J t Son -In Geo H irauer T W Lewis 1 Ntlsin L A Grant J 0 Joos Gto Hames J G Melra Fia .k Haipin K M iuroe John Boil le LAitosen Jam s MaygnlT Frank L aiders Joseph Nor Ik J If W Suuberry AbGuretson W A Calvan C B Lee John Johusun -W H rwitb E Glatier Alex Mlt P HcElhinev Patrick Nolnd J H ucttowoufh Thus K ng L B ieune G Pine E D Munaghan H F Klsinr w U FrMua AT allia ' J P Wistrand fl 1 Ulle.-ard Sam MrC'ory HO arils Tb-a C vie D Cheynees P A Flnetran It R oweil John TeaUboe Louis Gebha-d A u Hall i atrick f slab Wm HcKsuzies SHERIFF'S SAI.E. Ia the Circuit Court ot the Stats ot Orscoa, tor waaco county. 1 he Pacific Firs laauraace Commay, P'aintlS, vs. Daniel J. Cooper, Aivazena A.O oper, Tha InU'is, Dufur a Bin sioue K. R. oo., D. u. Frsocb anu J. n. French, jefeLdants. Bv virtue of an execution dulv issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the State cf Oraron. for the County of Waacu. to me dire ted. dated 28th day of November. 1694, upon a Judg ment anu d-cree' of foreclosure remered and en tered in a d court on tha 16th dv of November. ISM, in favor of the Pacific Fl n Insu a-os Com pany, plaintiff, and airalnat Daniel J. Cooper and arvaz-na A. Cooper, defendants, for the sum of iUMjog.OO, commandins; and requirinr me to make sale of the lollowina; described real property sltu- aica in tne county of Wasco, and state 01 Oregon, so-wit: Tbe west ha of Section SS. Townsh d t north. Ranae 14 east. S20 acres: the northeast oumrter and tbe east haf of the southea-t quartrr ot S ctlon 80, Town-hlD t north. Ranire 14 eaat. 2,0 ac- es: tbe eaat halt of the southwest quarter of Section la. Cownship S north, R nge 14 east. 80 acres; the southwest quarter of 8 c.ior SI. Township north, tuuge IS eaat, 188 eres; the southeast quarter of Section it. Town-hip t north. Katwe 14 east. ISO ?s; tne west n u oi the n rtbwcst ouaruror section 31, Township nortu, Ksmre 16, eiat, lag acres; the west half of the noru.weas ou-urter rj cctioir Si. .townahln S norlh ranm IS Mat on acre-; the southeast quarter of Section 80. Town ab p i north, Ka- ge IS east, 160 acres; the east half auu tne sou owe-i qu iri-r oi tne nortnwest quarter of aectl n SO, Township t no th, Kauire 16 east. 148 acres; the we-t half of the a'-uthweat quarter of ectionU0, T wnship 2 north, Ra m 16 e st, 108 uc. um uwid un ut in - uutoeuiB aiMrter snd he nurihesat Quarter ot the southwejt ou ,r. A See ion 19, TuWi-ship S i.orth. Rxnfi-e 16 east, im acrca; ine east nail oi section si own-nip s north Ranee 15 east. 820 acre: Total 2.032 acres. I mh on the t7ihdavof iovmb.r. 1SU4, duly levy upou the above de-cribed real p opert . t-ow, ihi-iefure, bv vir.ue of said execution, Judf. menl, older an deirea, and n conformity lih tne eommanda of said writ, 1 will on Wednesday, the nd cay o- Januarv. lfcWj. at the hour of 1 o'clock and Sj min'Ue-, p. m., at the fron door af tha UntV C -Ul th DM Of Slid Wa-OO Ootlnrv in III. City of The Dailes, in raid county d state, ae 1 at iuuiic iikiiw, auuj ct to reuempuon, to tne bub eat bidder for United States lode in. caah In hand ail tbe rurbt, title and li'Srest of the above named oet oainta. or eltner oi tnem, In aod to tha sbov. Jadgnieiit, o.dei and decree, Interest aod cost and all accruing costs. ' T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, urexon. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, Deo. 1, NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Lasts Omci at Tbi Dallxs, Oaxoos Decern bei 13, 1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and that said prool will be made before the Register and Recivar ai Tbe Dalles, Ureeou, on January 24. 1816, via: BI HaRD L KIKKHAM, H E No 6233, S NWJ, tE W)4. Sec 2s, and Ski a A J. Sec 21, Tp 1 tt, R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his con -inuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Henry Hudsoi. Harry Hudson, John W Montgom ery, Jobu D Decker, all of Dufur, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Omci at Tun Dalls. Okfoon, November . 1894. Notice is here'iy riven that the fullowmit-nanied Bttler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof lo aupport of his claim, and tla said proof will be mane before the Register and Receiver ot toe U. 8. land office at Tbe Dalles, Or., un c-eevmber 20, 18U4, v s: R BfcRT DINSMOR-r H E, No 2SS4, for the eH ue4 see 4. tp 2 n, r 12 e. suo row, n, uu i, sec sa, tp a n, r ix e. He namea the foilnwinir wituevsea to prove b continuous residence upon and cultivation ot aai land, vis: Charles Cramer, Herbert Thiel, Matt Thiel, L , Datanpnif, al of Hosier. "Tenon. i.nv ii-St J as. K. MOORE, Reidster. NOTICE FOR BE PUBLICATION. la Orrica at Tbi Dallss. Oa., Feoruaiv ia. IS1I6. Notice Is herebv riven that the followluir.nunca settler has filed notice of bii intention to make final proof in aupport of is claim, and th it said proof will be mude before th register and receiver as ine uanes, ureaon, on Jtpnl 8, 18X6, via: WILLIAM 8. WOODOOCK, H E No 8223, for the NWt of sic k0, tp J s, r 18 a, W M. He names the following- witnesses to Drove his oiiiuuuwu iHiaencs upon, auu cultivation of, said land, viz: O D Doyle, Ben Southwell, Ed Doyle, Wm Doyle, mar 2 J A3 F. MOORE. Register. TASKS OP. Cams to the nremlsea of tha nhn-HS.r In Hollow, about 14 miles southeast of Tne Dalles, one orre niare, brands! M on right shou der, two white bind feet, white strip in face. She b -s a colt nranaen tn6 same. Tbe owni-r can have tbe same by proving proirty ana paring for the charges i keet ing aud 'be cost of this advertisement. Long Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 .94. D. F. OSBORNE. Application for Liquor Lknse. Cascads Loess, Falls PpKcnfcT, Wa co County, State of l ir-sron. XTOTICZ IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WS. i HoS. 1 W. B dder and Kenneth Mi Ker.tie, of said precinct and count . and etace, will on the 6th diy ot March, 18B6. apply to the 4'ountv Court of the above- amed county for license o sell spirituuus, malt and y nous liquors in Iras quantities than one gallon. Falls Prec'nct. Wasco county. State of Oiegon, January un, isai. Cascads Locks. Falls Pbictnct. v aaco Uouuty, State of Oregon To tbe Fonorable County Court of Wasco Couuty, Oregon: We, tbe u-idersigned taxpayers and legal voters of Falls Precinct, county an .tate aforesai !, re-pect ruit.v petition your nonoraoie c m-c in granr. a u crnse to Tnos. W. Badder and Kenneth Mc-Kenaie to sell spirituous, vinuous and m It iiqums at tne town of Caacade Loci a, said precinct, in less quan tities tnau one gauou lor tae penoa oi one year. Harper's WeeMj. Ia 1808. HARPER'S WEEKLY fa a Dlctorlal hlstnrv nf th. .iujv-. p, nuDH werj loiporiant eyent promptly, accurately, and exhaustively t Illustration aod oea cripilvs text cf tbe highest order. xne manner in which, durlmr 1894, It has treated tne vnteago runway BtrlXcs and the Chino Japan ese Wsr, and the amount of lieht it wu ,hl. m thrw on Korea the inalaat was directed to that little-known countrv. are axamnlea of l a ml. mo-t boundless resources. Julian Ralph, th dis tinguiabirj wi iter and ourrespondent, has been sent to tne seat nf war, and there loined by O. D. Wei don, tbe well-known American artist, now for many years resident in J-pan, wh- has been emrsgwl to co oi crate wi-h Mr Ralph in sendina to HARPER'S WEKKLx exclusive information and illustration Du.lng 1895 every vital Question will ha rlU ntmA with vigor and without prejudice in tha edit- rial columns, and alao in apecial articles b the highest .uiuuii-m ,i, vavii ucpmm-iil. rurtralts oi the men and w men who are marine- historv. a d n. rrful and c ustlc po itical tartoons, wll continue to be characterir-tte features. This Busy World, with iu keen and fcindlv c mmenton the leaser dninM nf tha uav. w ii reuiiiu a regular uepa tm-nt Fictior. 1 h, re will b- two powerful asrials, both uuusuujeijr lunirateu ine rteu u-CKOde, a stir ring lomaoce or old-n days by Stanley J. Wevmin, and a navel ut ew York, entitled The son ol Hi, Father. I y Brar.der Mat hews aevaral novaltiaa. uu uiMij wijr, siunes o ropuiar writers Send for Illaatrated Frospaotns- The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first nuiuocr ror January oi eaca year, when iio time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbe num- ucr currem, t uie time oi receipt of oruer. Cloth Cases for each VOlnma aultahla for hfnritno will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each. Title-page and Inde seot oa application. Remittances' should b made bv rjoateffipe tnnnn wiuvt wi uxatv, u avow Gliauoa Ol loss. Netmpaptn an not to com thin adutrtimmmii tnuuiut ui expnat ey Harper tc urotitm. HARPER'S PERIODIC AL3. i Put Yaia: Harper's Magaatne (A OO Harper's Weekly..... 4 00 darpers Basar . Ann uaijers loungreople . v 2 QO Pottaf free to all Subteribtn in tin Unitod Statu uhhhu ana mcxw. Address HARPER BROTHERS, P. O. Box Soil New Ycrk City. Harper's Bazar. 1st 1811 Klesrant anj exclnive dinrt na for f Hif.HwM .nrl inuool Toilet ts. lrwn from W . th mode a hv Han. aoxana n puis, are sn Important feature. Th appear eve y week, acc mpinied by mincte des-ciptln-s and details. Our Paris Lstfr, by Kath erine de Forest, is a weekly trans rlpt f the latest sty es and caprices in tbe mo le. Coder tbe head nf ew York Faxhions plain directions and tnll pamr-uiars aie given aa to shapes, fabrics, trim niinaa. and a'eeswlea if the natumaa of arail. dressed women. Ch'ldren's clothing receives prao- tlca attenti i. A fortnurhtiv Pattern-sh rt rt-o- piemeut enables n-anera to cut and make their own gowns. Ihe sinuo wn takes HARPER'S BAZAR U pro oar- A foreverv oeeanon in Ufa. eeramonlnna or mrorm .1. wnere beautiful dress I, irquisits An American aerial, D ur Warric .'a Daugbtcr's by Reibec-a Harding Davis, a strong a vel if American ine, partly laid In P nnaylrania and partly in -Jia far Soutn, will occupy the laat ha. I of the fear. lly Lady vobody,an In-ensely exrlUnr novel by Maren Maai-teus, au'.hor t "God's Fool," "The un. .ter ..lory " etc, will Segin tbe year. EiaaTS d Bo ial Chita. 'I a thut daraufmant cpectaior wui eontrlDute her charming papers un "oat nearv u log. 111 new lot society. Answers to CorreMMldanra. Oue.tinna raolva the personal atte ition ot the editur. aud an an swered at the sarliest possible data after Ukixra- Band for Illustrated Proapeotoa. The Volumes ot the Bator beain with the first Number for Januarv of tacr rear. Wha no tima ia mentloneo, aubscriptinos will begin with the Num- oer current at tae urns of receipt of order. viotn caeca lor each volume, suitable for Mndinar. ill be seut bv mail, post-paid, on reoeipt of SI each. Titls-pags and Index sent on application. Remrtteaoas should ba mad by Dustoffiee mena vruc a iumi, mi awiu cnaDce w loss. iVstsrpapen arm not to coon tAis adotrtittwtmtt smMotu u exvrea oratr of Uarvr e Bntlun. HARPERS PERIODICALS. FaaTBAB: Harpsr'r Hagadns S4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Basar 4 00 Harper's Young Peopkt 2 00 Pottage frm to all nbooribere in tit VaUmd Stattt, isonaaa ana moxtoo. Address:" HARPER at BROTHERS 969, New York City. P. O. Box I v Zx & fl ' fif CJ1 v NOT AT COST But at a Very Small Profit am crRieny TTrstCla tha Irceet, Faatwrt aed Flaest la the WsrisV rasneaceracromodatlonaunexcenea. EW YORK. LQNOCNOERRV AND 6US80W, Rvnrv Hat 11 rrl a v NEW YOKK. GIBRALTElt and KAPLES, At reaniar intervals. SALOON. SECOND-CLASS AND STEER AO E rates on lowest tArma to and from tlia nrlnciDla 100TCB. SS9USB, Z2ISB k ILL COOTIl'EBTiL POIlITa Excarslon tickets available to return hv cllher tha nbv tnresana Olvde A North of IraJanri or NM.-.tna . nthraftar DrafU and Honey Oidart tot Asy assut it Itwsit BaUi, ADDtv to anv or our men avents or to- HENDBBSOM BKOTHJ5KS. Ctilcago. IU Men's Kipp and Calf Boots. Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes. Men's Light Shoes. Boj-s' Light and Heavy Shoes. ,. Youths' Giain and Calf Eutton Shoes Ladies' Calf Shoes, Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords. Ladies' Kid Button Shoes. Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes. Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoe A Large Selection "of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Eubbe Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc.. Shoe Shop In Connection With Store- STONEMAN & FlEGE . THE DALLES, OR. JUST RECEIVED. A FULL UNO OF Rabbe r Hnnfs llflfa ill WAP n i,vr, id .And rotio Overshoes S Rubbers AT PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL 10 SELL THEM. ROBERT E. WILLIAMS . BLUE DT'.ieOILTI' posl. Camond Flotuiag; Mills THE DA.IL.E3, OA MANHOOD RESTORED W tlnn nf a faimouM French tih vaHa.n savIiI nuiow 1 "CUPIOENE" Tbls arcat VMStmbla VltallKMr.LhannMrirtn. tlonof a famous French pbysldan. will quickly cursrou of all aer. vuua uriiawa iu iw smtnuvt organs, sucu as Ixial jlannnod. Insomnia. I'mna In tba Biia,timliinl Kajisshnia, Nervona Bculilty, Pimplca, VuSlncas to Alarry, fcxuaosllns- Drnltia, Varloocela and Constlnattnn. It atop all losan by day or night. V reventa quiefc Drss of diacnarge, wblch It notcbeckml laads to Spermatorrnom and all laeborroraof itnpotiancv. 1'lTlrlrT'riF nlsaistsalhallrsr. tba) kklnevsand thaniinarvorvanaof mil ImnnrtLJaa. CVPIDEKE strengthens and restores small weak onvana. The reason snrTerers are pot cn.-erl by Doctors Is hecnuse ninety per cent are trotrkled wttS BMslilla. COM DEN K Is the only known remedv toctirawliUoulau oprntlun. Wooieailmnnl. A written ansrante stven and monev returned If six boxes doea doc aifact a, lamaiiutiiiiia .. IM a box, six for fs.00, by moll. Send for rasa-circular and teaUmoDtala. AdillATOa.niUICaJi W,p.aBoxJaoJlso JhrAdsoy BEFORE and AFTER Ala. Unnn'C collhtertl bhnk rWJKJLJ O hnd AUCTION ROOM Opposite Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Livery Stable cn Second SL , SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT J, SOLD Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY From ll to 2 o'clock. I will tell anj goods or property placrd with m at retrwable commission. Give me a call. X-X t( T A. . A ' . A. VT A' . San i Francisco i Been Hall F. I.K aiTil. rropi-ietor. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS- all KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT WASHINGTON STREET, BETWEEN. PEC ON D AND IHIRj i fflMTRn Til For Horses, Cattle or Sheep, Farming Property in Kaosas S 8CBENCK, J M ATTEB80N Csahiar. , THE THROUGH CHCA(l' W 8"-orrN TO TICKSTS AYER'S Cherry, Pectoral PjeftbjJh.J.O.A.jftkOohomaSUmlta. Prompt to act, sure to cure A Comtestod Polios Caan. After being. diacharged fur whipping his wife yesterday Mr. Chas. Landis aud his wifa were arrested in -the afternoon for dis turbing tbe peace, nnder the city ordi nance. J be city was represented by Mr. O.W.Phelps, deputy district attorney, and the defendants by Mr. N. B. (.'a tea. A jar; waa demanded, and the following were impanelled: lid. Ryan, Ed. Morgan John Pilaris, John Flock, Chas. Graves and A. P. Ferguson. " Several witnesses were examined, and nnder instructions of Keeurder Dufur the jury retired at 9 o'clock. This morning they were a till un decided, and were discharged. pHU.WK' ph r'T K pouTfi wrt AT rlKT8 KAST and SOUTH. Par information, time cards. mp and tiekeU call n or write. W C. ALL WAY, Agent Or A. D. CH-R'TJN, Ass't Gan'l Pass. Ajfont, Portatid, Orrg-on. MBS. EUSSEL1 "Fashionable Dressmaker Corner Third aod Lincoln Sts. All Work Promptly and Neatly Done First National Bank OF THE DALLES. 1 jeeaaaora to SCHENCK AND . BEaLL, bankers. Transacts a Regular Banking Business Buy anrTiall Iirhangs. Collect loos eatefolljr made and prorrptlj seootmted lor. Draw oa sw ion, nan landaoo ana t ari Slreotorsi s D P Tbompsoa. d If WUHams,' i B - Gsorgs Liabs. H M UmJL Torre Is one HOO Ar.r ranch Iu Grant eonntv that will ra trad d lor any of tha abire stock. Heat of tbls lano ia fenced, bsa a-nod snrinis. ahund- ance oi wa gooa nrwr om a use, stable, tbeds. spr na; house, correlt a a etc an cut too tons of na n uus una. r ive miles frm county town. Also 2IIO clnae to Kansas Cltv. all nndar rence, o e-naii mue imm court notm. itn stable. all fenced and cns-fenced.. This is a od farm andcl'ise to market. Hill take $25 per a-re for v is rarm ana win taae noraes at what tbey are wnrtn. For further particulars apply to W. R. CANTREUs I . Onfnr, Or. COLUMBIA PACKING COMrAKY - Corner Third and Washington Streets. Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongnes, And the beet Beefsteaks, Mutton Chop and Veal Cadets in the market. Orders Delivered to Anv Fart of the Citv Fresh Vegetables on sale el the Lowest Prims. The One Price Cash House, DAN BAKER, v PROPRIETOR Or THE Wool - Exchange - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AJJD DOMESTIC Wines. Honors Cigar.s DfBECTLT HORTH OF METHODIST CBTRCH. ' IJ. P. IcIIEEII, .DBAIaER in - scood Saras East lad. . Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods- Hata and Cas, Boots and Shctn, &a Agent for the batteriok fittaras: also (or the Ball Baaur Drss ronaa