The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 09, 1895, Image 3

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    The Times-Mountaineer
From Jatiuiry 10th to July 1st ol the present roar
ths Tutis-llotiftal. zr. will ho furnished to sub
rib r for tlJM in tdniu; with the WrMg On
ion M.00; Amtriean AgrieuUutatitt
St. Louis Bsml-Week ij Clots Democrat 100.
From WtlnJir"! Daily.
Mr. J. K. Warner, of White Salmon,
' Wash , arrived in the city on the ie-
- viator last niUC
The boys had a picnic last night. No
curie raDjr, nod tliey btaytd out unill
they became tired.
A marriage license wag grunted bv the
county cli rn toilay to J. A. Fnwceit and
21)1. Ella Woudlnrd.
Curfew did not lust night. The
board of. fire delegates ordered Ibal it
hould not be rung, and it did not rinjr.
The Rtjvlutor brought up lust night
some large timbers lor new fisu wheels.
. , They were OU feel long and 12 inches
"- squire.
A baggage each, accompanies the
mixed train I'rotn Portland every after
noon. This is a great accommodation
to the traveling public.
Captain N. B. Humphrey, the well
known joke-crai ber, a laminar Pend'e
tomao.has resolved to reside in the future
in the soldier borne at Uoaeburg.
Cominioaiober Butts has been at work
in good earnest cleaning up the alleys in
the city today, lie is determined that
they sb Jl be rid of all refuse aad filth
The fishing season will open the 10: U
of nest month, a ! by that tun the dam
ages sustained bv (ishermea during last
Teal's flood will have been repaired, i
mere lias neeii irreat activity among
wheelmen for some time past. are eiiic-riiu .e I thit the frosty
nights now beniiT i x lenmcel will dam
age the fru'U cro,i; uui the weather has
not been warm Htioiin to cause the buds
to swell, and un il ibis df rel.ipinent lakes
- place mere c n ue no danger irom trust,
An exchange says that, limburger
. cheese laid away m cupboards and re
fri iterators will drive away ants. It will
drive s spike through a brick wall, a
tramp, away from a meal of victuals, a
mule through a barbed wire fence, or a
band ot cattle over a precipice.
Ac rtified copy of the new citv char
ter was received by the recorder
this morning from the secretary of state
with the .official seal attached. There
are s me radical changes in the msiru
- merit, and every citizen should become
acquainted with the provisions.
Joe Sylvester, with his double span of
SDankiD:.' greys and bis lancy waou de
voted to the advertisement of axle grease
arrived in the city on tne boat last night.
Joe glwavs has a superb rig: but hia
greys are almost faultless in every par
ticular, and no man bandies the reins
better than he..
in. J. V. Gaff is at liberty on $3u00
cash hail, says ihe oreoonian. He was
seen around the court liousa Thursday,
but had nothing much to say aliout his
ease, 3xcep that he was glad 10 be nut of
jail, ana hoped to he able to convince tne
public that tne matter was not nearly as
bad as whs originally represented.
The next reunion of the veteran sol-
diets and sailors of Washington county
is set lor uiy a, ana o next, ana urns-
boro has been chosen as the place. To
aaake the meeting as great a success as
.' it was last year, when held at Forest
flmva th nirfzHnft art nlannin r.rt inin
by arranging for a grand celebration on
tbe Fourth.
A contemporary explains the differ
ence between a journalist and a news
paper ma by saying a journalist is
somebody who keeps a journal, while a
newspaper man is a man who writes for
a newspaper. There is a saying in the
trade that a newspaper man is a person
who can sharpen his pencil with a pair
ciaaiM urliilaa s Anrnoliot hoa Y a t
bis pencils sharpened for him.
A complaint was sworn to by William
Bennett, -Friday, complaining that one
Walter Carlisle bad committed the crime
of assault and battery npon him. Jus
tice Davis issued the -warrant ot arrest,
' and Mr. Carlisle was taken into'the cus
tody of Constable Urquliart Tbe bellig
erent contest took place about fifteen
miles from The Dalles, and near what is
called Ten Mile creek. This afternoon, at
2 o'clock, was the time set for tbe trial
of the case before the magistrate.
1 he Hi'verton .flouring mills am now In
the bands of a receiver. L J. Adams has
charge, having been appointed by the
i-ourt. AM business of the mill is closed
and Mr. Adims ia buav tatting au inven
tory of tbe stock and weighing tbe wheat
to see if the books are correct. Accord
ing to the boons there are about 81,000
bushels ot wheat due farmers, In this
81,000 bushels ot wheat there are 77 farm
ers interested who reside in the vicinity
of Silverton, East Hide Junction and
Shaw, There are aloui 18,000 bushels of
wheat now m the warehouse, making a
. shortage of a' out l.000 bushels.
Last Friday mehi Vincent Turnage, of
Red Prairie, Marion couhtv, lost 30 pieces
rf cured laeat. I his aroused the gnod
Wiija; hi iijt? Buiruaiiiiitig uuuuuy, nun,
to the number f 45. organized themselves
Into a search prrv and began a system
atic search of every house in those parts.
Monday they found the greater part of
Ihe meat in a 'vacant house near John
(JoDley's Warrants were sworn out I'm
the arrest of John Con ley. Frank Ivie.
JimConley and Ous timelier. AM, ex
cept Frank lyie, waived examination sod
were placed under bonds for sums raof
- loir from $IMIto $250. I vie was placed
under bonds of $ lt)0 tor a witness.
h al of Line, with U .let Clerk Moody and
Journal C.trk Snyder were found yesterday
lo a room ctf the seuatu chamber industri
ously (ngnKoa amnnir the bills and jjur. a!e.
verifjiog eery step of leilatiou and the
remM Lienor, tti.t u,ere tny h do rni
takes or costly errors. It is a teti ojs i tV,
ud out le'iutnuK etie. l'lio seuat recwni
aie un ierxuK g lise sjrut.uv wall a s mtlar
couiuiittee of mat feouy, Senator Maxwell
bsing toe of them.
From Thursday's Daily.
Mr. R R. Hintoo, of Bakeovec, is in the
. Aliases Urania and Louise Kuch were pss
aeDgeis on tbe boat this inomiog oo a visit
to tne Locks.
Mr. Otto Pi.'rer, formerly an attache of
the Times-Mop.ntai.nEE othce, ia in the
citv tioui Vil Wall.
Uui Grace Sharp is very sck at tbn reai
sdeuueof her lather on Three Mile with a
severe attack vt pueumoma.
Miss Enema Morse, who has been visitine
Miss Ursula Kuch lor otne weekt pssl, re
turned to her home in Portland this m orn
war. Messrs. A. Ullrich ft Son have received a
fine lot ot tobcco and are niauufaoturiug a
superb Oigir. fhs Ullr cb cig ir b is sgood
reputation, and can be found in every town
so inc vgau7i -.
Curfew did not ring last night, and the
fire delegates are supreme. The authority
which tne ucuacil has assumed in passing
oidioances for the governmeut of the mu
nicipality will likely bo repealed by the
board of fire del ga'.ea.
Last year Clark Jacobson collected $533
tuition fpim . non-iesideHt pupi's, as tu
253 in 1S93, and only $102 in 1S92. On
aunools h.v atttinrd high standing eln
where, aud outsiders ind .rse the course ol
studies taught an I are satisfied witb tbe re
sult obtaiued No doubt the number cf
noo-residsnt pupils will keep on increasing
in the future
A man, who registered as John G Kline,
jr., has been fooling tbe merchants of Biker
City by ordering goods, yrootrie, p pi sad
caobioery to lbs amount of several thous
and dollars. Tne teams ha tDged were
luted np iu fio it ot the stores tu load the
floods, hut Kiioe hid disappeired. He
p ayad the same game at MoUutain Home,
J J ano, aud started abotm ihdre by givinK
cat eettrait aud puich siDg several or-
logtib Lutoertn aerricea will be hM by
Rev. L Orey, it Oregon Citv, on Frirla,
biturdsy and Suudsy even ags at
o'clock at the Bipti.c c.larjn. Uanaay
moroii g at 10:30 in the chatel oo Ninth
tree' will h- rvice- to O rann. Mouday
at 1:30 id "30 r H ni Tuesday mora
ing at 10:30 !. (irry will conduct . e vioe
m (he V . Church at Difur. A c irdtai
welcetue la tin id to a. I f. I;nds ot the
cl.urch by tbe p-tor sn'l people.
Tbs os ol S i" of Oregon vs. Wa'ter
Carlisle was ricd b-'re Justice yes
terday aud today. I', b-yan at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon, and vae ajv-o to tne jury at
11 o'clock this f jieonou. O ily fifteen min
utes were tak.o in deciding tbe ease, aud a
verdict of guiltv teturned. The jury
consisted ot D. tishtr. M. Blauk, C. M
Foots, F Rjss, C. L Sjhmiat and John
Catea. After the verdict was rendered tbe
magistrate imposed a tine id $50 on the de
fetidaot. Silem SUUetrnm: Spkw Mrore , R?p
Vesentat.yes Bluadell of Poulas and Moor-
From Friday's Dally.
Mr. A. S. MaCH.ii ter paid a visit to tbe
Li .tits this tnuruing.
A ue p-t bouse ia being erected near
the old city graveyard.
Circuit toirt f r Siermaa county will
cotive .eat Aluro next Mjuday.
Judge Bradshaw baa decided some cases
I t chambna during the week.
Hood's Fil'a are purely vegctible, ca
fully prepa'el from the be it ii'gredieut
Mr. A. S Bennett was a passenger by the
tieyu'.a'or this uiuruibg for the Cascade
Mr, V. B Mdatosh, a forrrer r;s dent
of Ibe Dubs, amved ia the city m tbe
atternuou tram I torn Now VVhaiuom. Wasn.
J. M. Uuutinjd'.oa 4 Co., Iuve moved
their abstract ad iiisurauce c til .-e ibto the
moms lormerly occupied by Huntington &
Wilson, licit to Vt L'uiu somces.
Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of
tbeskiu. Hall's B air Reuewer quickens
the i utritive tuuctioua ol tbe sm, healtuii
and preveutiug the toioiatiou el uaudrun,
It will a ou lo ae Hood's Sr.-apa
rilia. VVitn pure b.o i.i vou need cot le r
t le grip, poeumouia, diph'.ur.a or lt-ver-
dooUs rnapirilla will uiHke yiU ttioug
and healthy.
Mr. John- Reims left yesterday to take
chsree ot ao orphaux' hemt in ooe of the
vailey towns. Ha haa entirety recovtre I
Iroin the uunfhot wuuod, which at the lime
c was received as cootidercd Very serious
"All signs fail" except pimples and
blotches 'Ihese never fail to indicate an
impure condition of the bio d which may
be thoroughly cloansed an i renewed by the
use of dyers Sarsapaitlla. ihe most em-
cacii us aud ec mimical of blood put iricra
Tbe blue-bird is hailed as a harbinger of
spriun. It is also a reminder that a blood
puriber ia needed to prepare the system for
the oebihtating we:-:hei to come., .Listen
and vou will bearthe liiidss:::sing: ''lake
dyer s Sarsaparilla in March, prilMay.
Mr-. C. L. Phillips wid op? t her stock f
mil i try g iuiIi ii. iv Monday at thu new
ore huiluii g bu Washitg:oo street. The
kO ids havr i r. i veil, aud cm.sis' of ibj latest
itlts of hi-i-d wear. These have bceu pur
ciaseil le 8io Friuoisco, aud consist of the
a'est aud most 1 a'nouable mil int.rv.
N x: Monday afternoon, at tht election
i'l So' o il clerk ind sch ol dirct-r,4ll per
ions whoa e txpivers 1'iclnding lidies
ill have the iitoit ot u(frti This will
furpih an iilustiation of thu ppuUritynf
woman Lff aae in t is citv, an I b w m inv
will ava 1 Ihein.-elveS of the privilege of tbe
elective franchise.
The following school districts have mid
thur ani uil reo'Tts t the county a honl
-up-rintenneni: Pins. 4 an" o. Hood K'l'tr;
18, D"Uela H '"; 21, B.d; 24. Three
Mil;28. Uppe Eight Ml-; SI, SrernweiV
distiici: 37. near o.u Mineo irn"; 39 Bar-
mnov di-trict Tvh riri. ; 32 W miij; 44,
Sm ck Prairie: 45, VVapmiii ; 43 Jniop-r
Fmi; 61; H 'Od K.ver. Tbi-re i- vet another
week ih which to report, aoil fourteen have
nor yet been heaid from there are oi
school districts ia tbe county.
Mr. Marie O. Metuchan, wife of Hon.
Phil Me'schxn, the prrsent state treasurer.
died bt 12:10 Tue-d-y i Salem. The de-
eased mu biirn in Germany November 9,
1841. She came to America in IS64, and
1 ved for a hbnrt while in Sao Frani-Hco,
hen located in Cauvnn Citv, Ore.; tliTe
met and married Mr. Mttachan Ou his
election as state treasurer, th-y moved to
Stlem. where they nave since resided. Hi-
sides the widower, nine ishildrne four bovs
and five girls survive deceased. The
funeral took place Tanrsdav afternoon.
Bluer City Democrats Btker cmnty has
any number ol nun prunpectors, but when
ic comes ti a woman striking out for the
hills in st arch ot a gold rai ie, it is ao un
usual occurauje There is ooe lady now re
siding in the city who is preptriog to go
ont on a prosp-cting tour just as soon as she
can gft her outfit, light wagon, tent and
tumping quipm nts ready. She is not a
tenderfoot at the business, either. More
than one summer she has spent in the hills
and witb good resuj a. She is the discov
erer of several quartz leads, one or two of
which are now bunded and likely to be sold
Death of Hon- Virgil Bolton
The major of Dalles City and osshier of
French ft Co'a bank, Hoh. G. V. Balton,
died at half-past 2 o'clock this morning, at
his residence in tlrs oity, of consumption,
lie was sgd about 32 years, and was boro
on his father's firm on Fifteen Mile creek,
near where the tovrn of Dufur is now lo
oted. For many years he occupied a po
sition la t II -5 bank named, and by close at
tention to bisioen and the exhibition ot
rar- ability was promoted to cannier, which
he held while he was able to perform the
duties. Tno symptoms " f the ds-ae devel
oped some time g"; but with remarkat le
perseverance he made duly visits tr t'le
bink until about ten das ago, when he
was forced from physical weak sens to stay
at home.
Lat Jure be was e'e'ed mayor of Di'!e
Citv, and during his iniumbenoy of the
ctfice has managei the iff.irsof the muni
cipality with the olt'S'Bt ecrmmy and to the
best interests cf tie municipality. He
paid the closi sf, attention to city aff-tira
while his health permitted, and no mvor
The Dalles ever had more faithful:y per
formed the dut esof the position. He was
a'so superintendent and owner ot the elect r'c
lirfht plant, and this added increased but-
den9 lo bis olhoial ones.
A few veai9 gn be was rrarned to Miss
Nellie French, only dau ;hter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. F.ench, wno, with ro chi dren.
lament the eiusl decree of death ia temov
mg the pil'ar upon which their home rested.
Mr. iioltnn was highly repectta as a
citizen aud neighbor, and he pissed to the
lent shore without leaving an enemy be
hind. He wss a mn of unquestioned abil
ity, of generous and honest impulses, . (in I
the community loses one of its firmest and
be-t friends by his death. Bis widow and
clii'dren, and his brothers, sister and aged
mother will be the recipients of tbe heartfelt
sympathy of all in their sad bereayemen'
To tliem-tht re is one lasting conso!ation, and
that is, death o.nne to tbe loved one net as
though he were battling with the current of
a rouKh and swollen stream; but his bi-rque
glided peacefully and calmly over 'placid
waters to the eternal Miore. A Christian's
faith and hope cheerel and blessed him to
the last momei.t.
twndtyt afterwards Dr. Holliater, his at
tending pliyaiaian, pronounced it smallpox.
The board of heilth took the necessary pre-
cintinns, and, aside from the nurse who
waited on him developing mild symptoms
ot the contagion, there has not been an
other case reported. Mt. Monahan is con
valescing very f lyorsbly, and in a few dnys
will bu pionouuoed well. Other cities have
fired worse from t'le contagion at Hot
gorimra, ana in Burlington Junction, mo ,
and Spr ntfie'd, III., tbe disease ha beoome
epidemic 9 una have die I, and th plice
are under q araotine. Oae re-uoi of oar
immunry is the he thtu'.ueM of tin olim-
ste, an! no '-nntagion or infection has ever
become epdemio in this viaiu.ty. The
smal:p'ox scare hss subsidjd, and we may
consider ourselves very fortuott J that the
city, by proper warning of the attending
phvsician and the precautions tuken b. tbe
board of health, his eiMped an epidemic.
for several tbtu-iand dnlars.
Gome From Hilton
East oreeouian.
Several responsible partita from Mi' ton
have told a story to a representative of this
paper wb:ch contair.s some ngly facts for a
prominent Citizen of that oity to face.
Six years sgo, one R. T. Morris came to
Coryallts, in this state, and ooe year later
to Milton, where ha opened a harness shop
At tbe time the elactrie light plant was put
io, he engaged with the proprietor and be
came an electrician, finally having charge
of the machinery in the station. Morris
was aooompauied by Mrs Morris, aod o;.'U
pied a very high position among the people
of the town and vicinity. He was active
in church work .and high np as a secret so
ciety man. When tne county division
movement was started ibis li.-t time, Morris
was a leader, and came down to Pendleton
to interview the business men of this (iy
oo the subject and to ask for signatures to
petition-! wnich were to bi prtsented to the
legislature asking that Vernon o u ity be tet
off from Umatilla. Morns joined the
throng which went to Silem to lobby for
be bill introduced by Rpre-entanve Dvi,
d was in the state capital city np to the
Friday before adjournment. Since that
day he has not been heard of, and an inves
tigation was ordered by a lodge in Milton,
committee eing named to mike the iu-
uines. vt list tney uiscoveren nas i o
been made public.
Others pursued investigations, howiver,
and it has been found that Murru' real
name is not Morris, but R K Thomas. Ha
came to Orefno from Humes too, Iowa,
whera his wife lives, htr name being Mr.
Anna Thomas. A lady li'ing in Walla
Walla recogn zed Thomas, and when she
made known her discovery, persons in
Humeston were commouioa ed with and
Thomas' photograph acnt to them for in
spection. All pronounced it a representa
tion of the R. K Tnomaa who lived in
Humeston, and Mrs. Thomas also aud sie
recnmzad it as a photogiaph of her hus
band. I: wis also stated that Tin mis Vt Hum
eston for tbe west in oompaoy with another
woman, leaving his wife and children in the
lows town, though it is not alleged that
the woman knew Thomas was a married
When be left Milton for Sa'em, there wis
to Us ere lit in the Bulk of Milton between
$300 and $1000. The home occupied by
him was held in the nsme of the present
Mrs. Morris, I is understood that ar
rangements have been made concerning the
disposition of the money, though the cash
ier of the bank refused to give any pirtiiU
'ars. Befote leaving Milton, Tl.omai knew of
the suspicion that be Hal a wife in the easf,
for the assertion had been n.a le by several
persons. He made no effort to clear op the
chames, bat went away under the cloud
which bad been cast on his good name.
Died By tbe BottTo
Says the PenJletou Tribune of Tues
day: Last evening about 6! 30 o'clock
the news w9 brought in that an Indian
bad fallen from his horse on the agency
road and was probably badly injured.
Coroner Kimery and Dr. Vincent itij:
mediately started out, ufld at a point
east of St. Joseph's academy aud oppo
site tbe Fisher homo they found the
dead body of Two-Slaps. He had started
from Pendleton in company with two
other Indians to return to the agency,
evidently intoxicated, and he was seen
to fall from hia horse. The fall broke a
bottle which he was carrying in hia
breecbclout and a fragment; of tbe glass
pierced hia groin, severing the femoral
artery. From this wound be bled to
death in few minute..
A Mother's Love-
For snn.e i ays past a woman has been
seeo wandering atonnd the streets carrying
a young bihy io her arms. Her misiioa
hsl been a source ot some curi isity to our
crizo, anl mm nq iinei have been
made regarding it. This morning a reporter
of Times-VIocstaiseeb had an interview
with her, and teamed the following ficts:
Her name h VI rs. Lzz e 3.swart, a id th i is
huntiug two of her children, whom she W
desirous ot taking bajk with her to Stlt
h k , Ucili. Alio ut nine months ago shn
and her huebind had a onrrel, and he left
home taking witn him tne two oldest chil ¬
dren, A joea, asa I 11 years and a bo
about 8, When he arrived at The D.le-
he stopped at Mrs. Oiari's boarding house,
and said that his .wife was dead. Tile two
children, appirtu'ly m itherl iss, elicited the
sympathy of Ju lite Blakely, aud he con
sidered tbe l eit place for them would bo
the Home in Port!std; but the boy wss
adopted by a peisoi, from Ceo trail a, Wash.,
and the g r), Agues, by per pie in Crt ok
county, wnose names are not known. About
six months ago the husband relu-ned re-
peutai t, and the wif-',witb the infant in her
arms, has n.Mle the Journey trom her dis
tant home in S .It L ae to Aid ber daugh
ter. She has c-xtained whore tho boy is,
aud says he is with gnod people, and will
let hira remain; but the girl at her tender
age she wants under her own care, and it
would be an act of bsoevoleooe if those hay
ing her would restore the child to her
mother. The womin is almost inssne from
anxiety, aod for days have it q iired of every
one having the least knowledge of the affiir
to ascer'atn the w .s eabout'. of Ague'.
She left two children in Silt Lake ooe 3J
years old aid the other 2 ith the father,
and has made the journey alone with her
infant. Mrs Stewart ia apparently a wo
man of about 30 years of age, intelligent,
and Scotch by rationality. It is hoped
that her searoh w 1'. not be in vain, and
that in a few divs her daughter will be re
stored to her, when abe can retorn to hir
home relieved of the terrible anxiety that
her uiother's heart has borne for some time.
Iiand Transfers-
March 5 Robert Thompson to Adam
Lohr and John A Nachter; s hf of se qr
and a hf of aw qr see 12 tp 6 8 of r Id e;
March 5 Samuel Thompson to Adam
Lohr and Join S. Nachter; s hf of ne
qr, nw qr of se qr, ne? qr of sv qr sec. 1 2
tp 6 south of range 17 e ; $ 1000.
March 5 Wauooma lodge, No 3 J. K.
of P., to Mrs. Mattie A Oiler; blk 9,
eec. I, in Hood River cemetery; 51 J.
Manth 5- United states to Robert
Thompson ; s hf of se qr and s hf ol sw
qrecc. 12, tp 6,8 of r 16 e; cash payment.
March United States to Samuel
Thompson ; s hf of ne qr, nw qr of se qr
an i ne qr of sw qr sec. 1-, tp 5, s r 16 e ;
cash purchase
March 5 United Stptes to Samuel
Thompson; lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, sec. 18,
tp 6 s, r 17 e ; homestead.
.VI arch 6 A I Jones and wife to Ii
Ferrel; six acres near the north boundary
line nf James Benson's land claim; $300.
March 6 Mrs Jioe Ferguson to B Vu -
cent Tapp; nw qr of see 10, tp 5 s, r 12 e;
March 6 Mrs Jane Ferguson to Mrs
Tmey A Tapo; ne qr sec 9, tp 5 s, r 12 east;
March 5 United States to Pjnlna Lim-
meroth; ne qr sec 4, tp 2 s, r 14 ; certil -cate
of register.
Murch 5 Same to sime; hf of sw qr
and w hf of i qr sec 4 fp 2 e, r 14 e; um
ber eultnrj.
March 5 Same to umi ; sw qr sec 3,
tp 1 B, r 14 e; ho-nestead.
A special meeting of th common oonncil
was held last evening in the recorder's of
fice at half-past 7 o'clock .
Present M. T. N Iao. 8. B. Ad im, H
L. Kuck, C. F. Liuer nd R. B. Hood,
council men.
M. T. Njl.n was elected chairman pro
The oljict of the meeting was to mike
arm gni' nrs for attending the funeral o
tbe late mayor, and to take inch other pc
tioo as the oouu .il comi lered appropriate to
the occa-ioo.
It wib moved and carried that the coun
cil request the business me I of thi city to
close their reapectiv; stores from 12 noon to
4PM on (Saturday, Maroh 9 h, during
the btn'S of the funeral of the late nisyor
A committee of three was appo ntet bv
the chair, oooistin of R. B. Hiod. S B.
Adams snd A. R. Thompson, to prepare
appropriate resolutions oo the death of the
deceste and to have the couocil chamber
draped in mourning.
A resolution, ordeiiog the treasurer of
Dalles City to advertiae for bids of $60,000
of bonds to be issned by the muoicipility.
until the 15:h iUy o Aoril, 1833,: 4 v. M.
to lie received at the otfioe nf the recorder,
and the notice to bt pnb'i-hed in the duly
Oreioainn. and Tb
DiHes daily Chronic'e, was read and
The claim of Tefgu" Bros, for SCO, team
hire, ws ord red allowed at $52.50.
It was ordered on motion that the chair
man pro tern of this meeting he constituted
aotinc mayor until next meeting of th
On motion it was ordered that when this
council adionrn it adi mm to meet Situr
day evening, March 9, at 730 P M,
Ti ere being no f arther business the ooun
cii adjource I.
Your husband will notice a great
improvement in your cooking,
Your house will not be filled with
the odor of hot lard, when
Your doctor will lose some of hia
Dyspepsia cases, ivlien
V&u useS!i2kEWE
Your children can safely eat thq
same food as yourself, when
Your money will be saved, and
your cooking praised, when
Famous cooks, prominent phy
sicians and thousands of every
day hotisekeepers endorse it.
Will "you give it a trial ?
Bold in S and 5 pound palls, ty all gTocej
An Emineat Optician-
Dr M. O. Benedict, the eminent optician
of Cleveland,, is in the oity at the
Umatilla Honse, t d will temain for one
week. The doctor cones well recora
miDiel from east a 'U colleges, aod those ue
siring woik in his line wi 1 do well t give
him a call. He makes a thorough ex lUiiuS'
tion of the ej e free of charge.
The following ia the testimonial from J
S. Lewis & Co., the leading jewelers of Og-
den, Utah: .
" We take great pleasure tn reeomtnecdln
Dr. Benedict as an oculist and i pticiai.. he
having prescribed for aod fitted many of our
be t citizen. Therefor, we d.i not hes
itate to not only commeod, but shonld nrge
all needing the advioj of any o;uhst or op
tician a care t prone by hit visit to your
place. Respectfully,
J. S. Lewis 4 Co."
Any persons soffering from weak or dis-
eased eyps, or who have failed to procure
glasaea i-uited to their eyea, should not he
itate to avail themselves of this Oppoit un
ity, as they will have skilful treatment by
one who has made a study of this delicate
o'gaji aod who has hid long years ot exper
ience io tnatmg the ailments incident
-19 THE-
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
And Has the Largest Circulation.
DAILY (with Sunday) jg.
I TeJYllkIy. !ner...9eea.7 f $1 -ofi
ealWaa la. l r""-"" sWaSTM Dnan Off UM TlfTMC M All
-ivm it. 3irra nsBirt-aaSta issBisnaa a. . , . -v. "
Administrator's Notloe
Made only by
The N. K. Falpbin
ST. LOTJI9 avnd
CtUcago.Kew Yorka
City BUIs Allowed-
Th? following bills were allowed by the
oity couuoil at its meeting last Monday
night Pufur, recorrl. r - t 76 00
Jaa H Blakeney, marshal - ..... 76 OO
0 -o J Brown, eng tire dept.. 75 00
W H Butts, atreec eomm'r 60 00
1 I Burgs', treasurer ,. SO CO,
John U.azer, fire warden 10 00
Ounnii.B- and U ckmrn, labor M 1 60
Jla erij) nion, supplies 175
K B Uond, hau injt ' 1 60
halte- Lunibo- Oo lumber.. 46 Si
Uays & Cruwe, md e 8 76
r' Bri er, labor.
J Hair.n lahor
Win brown, labor .
i Uk. labor..
is oo
10 00
10 (0
0 00
J Hanni, labor 16 00
W tUr wn, lahor , 6 00
B tloeloer, lalior. t 00
5 C bte.hen. labor 1 CO
A L'athoart. hauling 2 OO
Ben Kbi n, la! or 2 Oh
J F Haw u u, piintiiia- S 00
Tele mpn Co, pn e rent 2 00
TiMtsvucT-l!iBa. printing 1 60
MT olan. exnensea ralcm 49 40
Huntini; on xi'sin, atty fees - 60 00
boiles K1 Lt, Tel i. V i'o, llht 251 S'l
S" pe--Kinera v C , mdse 1 10
Stevcm brus, haulinit 2 6 J
W Walter-, aawiuir wuod S 00
ilaier i Binton, md 785
EjCoiIu tKi, mdae ... 1 16
Mays ACruwe, mdse 1 i6
R B Hood, hauling 6 50
J K laliO' 2 16
Jus i 1" tore 4 Co, lumber. ., SS
BBH'd,nilie 14 50
IT W Vauss. nidae 6 6i
Maier 4t Bentuu, mdse IS 16
J P M litrny. dse 11 6
AM Willi im 4Cj mdse S 76
H i Campbell, uidse 11 10
M i ys at Crowe, mds I '.0
liailes Lumber Chi, woo.. 1 75
TTMchol t board (irisonurs 14 64
JU Bialceney, h lUling 75
Snipes biuersy Co mdse J 0
HM 9 twr.ia, wicnsis 1 70
Mary Bntuin, witness 170
Frai.k Heater, witness., , 1 70
Al Espi tt, itus s 1 70
tieo Uoabus, witness 1 70
K V Oiubun, v tnea.. 1 70
H N Aiken, witness 1 70
Or "Wain, witness 1 70
i hoa W..od witness 1 70
Joiin Wood, wiiuea- 1 70
Woran, Juror 2 20
A P Ferguson, juror 2 20
Ed Ryan. Juror 2 20
1 Phares. Juror 8 20
Juh u fleck., Juror 2 23
Cbas Urayes, Ju or 2 tO
Phi H oxQ juror 1 20
T 0 Connelly, nigut ?tchuian eo 00
Electricity for Codlin Moths
Henry Cram, who has a large orchard at
Fenawava, on Snake river, is going to put
in ao eleotrio. plant to furnish power tor
pumping water for irrigating purposes: He
also announces his intention of o'-ilizing the
plant io another novel way, as an experi
ment, that will oo doubt prove an interest
ing one to frm't grower). It is io tne de
struction of the codlin moth, one of the
most troublesome rests that t-'nike river
orchardiats hare to contend with. Mr.
Cram's idea is to put iu an eleotrio lightamf
system in his orchard, having tha lights dis
tributed aronnd through the tree1, and im
mediately under each light to olaee a shal
low pin of kerosene. It i expected that
the mo'.hs, attrtcted by the light, will fly
to it, when, Wug dazed by its brightness,
they will fall into the trap set for them. If
the experiment proves sucesaful, the ad
vances in the ue of electricity will have
scored another triumph.
Snffillpox Front. Hot Springs- ,
Hot Springs. Ark., is 4 renowned health
resort, aod at all seasons of the year in
valids from all parts of the Doited States
go there to repqperate, ft ia urtjnestiona
bly tbe most celebrated of any place io the
oountry on account of the medicinal quali
ties of the spring", and during February,
nnfortonatelv,. soma oases of smallpox
developed there. At that time Mr. 8. Mon
ahm. of Tbe Dalles, was stopping at one of
the hotels, and was exposed to tbe diseaaa.
He came to this oity feeling poorly, arjl in
The Methodist Concert
The c n.-ert aud eourtainmeut given last
night bv the ladies of the Methodist ihurch
in this city attracted a laige audirnce, and
every avail-ble i-eat was ocenpied by tbe
time the first cumber was called From
the opening t the closing every part of tbe
programme gave sat-sfaction, and the great
est interest was manifested iu every rendi
tion. Worthy of especial mention were the
solo, "Grand Ol I 0;ean," by Dr. Doane
"The F.owcr Dance," full choru;song by
Miss Myrtle Michell, who bis an excellent
voice, wbicb is susceptible of considerable
development; solo, "Lt All Obsy," Mr.
Magee; and the reuitatioo by Mr. N. Sin-
oott. The other numbers wire perhaps
equally well rendered; but these seemed to
reieive particular favnr and were loudly en
cored, and to which responses were given.
Quartettts, chorases, solos and recitations
were very choice, and the manner of their
execution establishes the repntatioo of The
Dallea in the line of musical and elocution
ary entertainments.
A younz man came into the sheriff's
office this morning and, addressing that
official us John, said he wanted to buy
five cents' worth of peanut. Mr. Driver,
immediately divining that tbe man was
insane, said he would go out and pro
cure the article ; but he sooa tld the
sheriff that, he had sold whiskey to an
Indian aud had worried so much over it
that he was crazv. He wanted to lie
locked np, and he was accommodated by
being put behind the bars. This after
noon he was examined by the county
judge and Dr. Shack leford, and pro
nounced insane. He gave his name as
Eugene FitzGerald, and is a young man
27 years of age. For tbe past year he
ha? worked at WhIIuIb, and has a
brother, Ed. FitzGerald, living at Ea-
lama. He looks pale and haggard and
claims to have been sick about a week.
From answers to inquiries it is very evi
dent that the young man is in a debili
tated condition from the cigarette and
other habits, and, if cured of these,
would again be in a rational state of
mind. He will be taken to Salem to
morrow in the custody of Sheriff Driver.
Senator MaBrida'a Pet Measure
It is said that Senator McBride has ex
pressed himself as in favor of several
measures of vital interest l Oregon and
the northwest. First and foremos', of the
most importance lo the development ot
the Pacific coast, is the Nicaragua canal;
next be fayors a cable to the Hawaiian
islands and tbe annexation of the islands
at the earliest day. He is especially in
terested in ihe claims ot the lot'iat war
veterans tor $100,000, as shown in his re
ports, and for a pension act in their be
half; aud tbe tlaim of the state of Ore
gon for its sb are of public land sales of
$"83,000, which was fully proved up by
Mr. Mcllride, as secretary of state. It
will be seen that the new seuaror trom
Oregon has plenty of work ahead of him
besides looking after Oregon's general
interests with his well known energy and
A Tecid,ed Improvement
Patrons of the Portland and Dalles ac
commodation tiaina will be pleased to
learn of tbe change made in passenger
equipments. The O. R- & X. Co. has
replaced the former one combination car
carried, with a straight baggage car and
an elegant -lately remodeled first-cla-s
coach snd smoker. This arrangement
virtually gives a day paasenger train be
tween Portland and Dalles, leaving Port
land at 8 :00 a. M , arriving Dalles 1 :00
p. M-, and returning, leave at Dalles at
2 :00 arriving at Portland :00 p. m. daily
except Sunday. - Tbe through passenger
train still retains its old schedule, .
leaving Portland at 7 :00 p. M. for the
east, and leaving Dalles at 4 :00 a. m.
for Portland.
The Fruit Industry.
Fruil trees id The Dalles have been
sprayed, and we may expect an abund
ance of fruit when tbe season arriyes
With tbe advantages that the Cold Stor
age company possesses lor shipping, fru't
premises to be a source of great revenue
to the city. There is no denying the
well-established fact, and which has been
demonstrated on aiifereat occasions, the
products of this region are the earliest in
market and the best in flivor of . any
raised in Oregon. There is always a good
demand for Wasco county vegetables and
fruits, and oar producers should exercise
enterprise in furnishing the requisite sup.
ply. The outlook is very encouraging
for all crops, and for none mora so than
tor gardeo growths and fruits.
ot every weary,
thin or thin blood
ed person does its
work with con
stant difficulty and
laugue. 'i'ney teel
worn," or tired
ont, "run-down "
or nervous.
Feeble people
who are dvsoen.
tic, find that ex.
ercise after a mpal
t la -sure to cause
lessened power to
digest food be
cause there js so
little blood, and
What there is, ia
carried off from
the gastric organs
to tne muscles.
What is needed
ts plenty of blood.
and that of the
neht kind. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes
pure, rich blood, and to gain in blood ia
nearly alwavs to gain in wholesome flesh up
.1 T 1.1 ... 1 1
w Luc ucaiwjr eiauuuiu.
Every one should have a certain surplus
- r n i . . . ... " , ' . .
Bt jjcsu tu meet tne emergencies ot sicic
ness ; to resist the attack of consumption,
grip, malaria and fevers. Thin blooded
people are always getting sick, and none of
tbe organs of the body can get along with-
.1 r i .1. 1 , . . -
UUI kiic iuui( vux:y lur WDia, w niCU 13.
fiure blood. To gain and to keen stremrth
and flesh is the secret of health, usefulness
and Happiness. With new blood and re
freshed nerves a confident feeling of return
ing health comes also.
Nervous manifestations, such as sleep
lessness, nervous debility and nervous
prostration are in nine cases out often the
cry of the starved nerves for food," If you
feed the nerves on pure rich blood the
nervous symptoms will cease. It is bad
practice to put the nerves to sleep with so
called celery mixtures, coca compounds or
man extracts: wnat is neeqeo, I a oioao
matter. The ' Discovery " is composed of
vegetable ingredients which have an es
pecial efiect upon the stomach, liver, and
blood making glands. For the cure of
dyspepsia, indigestion, liver complaint
weakened vitality, and for puny, pale peo
ple, ut. tierce a uoiaen Memcal Discov
ery cannot be equaled. Thousands have
testified to its merit
Oalc Grove Items.
WAPrurm, Ore., March 4, IS95.
EJlto- Tutts-MousTuxxsa:
Most ot tbe good straight 'Republicans
of this part uf the country were disap
pointed in not having Mr, Dolph returned
to the senate. Tbe great abjection came
iro:n the Populists and Democrats. They
talk free silver, but don't how they will
get any of it out of the treasury.
Everybody is plowing and getting In
spring grain.
There Is a prospect of trouble oyer the
cattle and horses in this part of the coun
try, as the agent at the War in Springs is
having all stray cattle found on the reser
vation taken up, and charges 5 to let
them out. It is impossible to keep range
stock off the reservation, and as Indian
cattle and horses range down on the
whites, they think (hat lt is not just to
have their stock taken when it goes on
the reservation, and if it is not stopped In
some way there is a chance for trouble
Will OK YfflH
A Bright Lad,
Ten years of age, but whodeclluesto glvebis
nnme to tbe public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The diietor said that 1,
too, would soon die, ami all our neiehhor
thought mat even if I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
e:ik and puny. A gathering formed and
Broke tinder my arm. I hurt niy finger and
it L'Htheied and threw out pieces of bone.
If J hurt myself so as to break the skin, ii
was sure to become a running sore. J had
to take lots of medicine, biit nothing lias
done nie so much good as Ajer1 Sarsaua-
AYER'S Sarsaparllla
Prepared by Jr. . O, Ayr Jk Co, Lowell, Haas.
Cnre etbers, will ire jtqtj
When Baby was sick, we (rave her Oaatorla.
When she was a Child, she c-ted for Castoria.
When she became Silas, aba clung to Cat nria.
fhec abe had ChUdr9n,she garetbem Csstorls.
Will Hold On
It ia not that Governor Lord will
appoint a new board of railroad commis
sioners. Yesterday Attorney-Geoeral I lie
man filed his opinion with tbe governor that
anch appointment was not a prerogative of
the chief executive, as no vacancies exist in
the board. It is supposed that tl e attorney
general was requested to give an opinion,
and, finding that the members of the' pres
ent board held over until their sucsaors
were duly elected aod qualified, the matter
will now be at rest. Tne only remedy now
is to have an extra session ot the legislature
in order to elect a new lot of state officials,
which will hardly he called.
For Over Fifty Tears-
Ah Old and Well-Teikd Kxmedt Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup baa been nted for
over fifty yeais by millions of mothers for
their children while teething, with peifect
Success. It soothes the child, softeca th
gams, allays el pain, enres wind colic, and
is tbe best remedy for Piarrhoat. Js pleas
ant to tbe taste. Sold oy druggist!, in every
part of the world. Twenty tjve cent a
bottle, valqe is inoalpqlable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Scqthing Syrup,
god take no other kind,
In Memorials.
The Dalies, Ob., March 7, 1895.
At a regular meeting cf Temple Lodje
No. 3, A. O. U W. held March 7, 1S90. the
following preamble and resolutio ia were
unanimously accepted.
Whejias. It haa plesed the supreme
ruler of the ni irerse to remove from onr
midst our 1st brother L. Newman, and,
VVuekea, Tbe intimate relation long
held by our deceased brother with the mem
bers of this lodge render proper that we
shonld piece on record our appreciation of
his servicea aa a Workman aod Li merits
as a man, therefore, be it
Rttolvtd, That while we brw with humb'e
aubmissinn to the willl of the meat hich.
we do tot mouiq the less for our brother
who bs been called from bia labor to rest,
Resolved, That this Ijdge tender its heart
felt sympathy to the family aad relatives of
our deceased brother in this the.r sad afflic
Reiolvel, That these resolutions be en
tered npon the minutes of thislide, and
that a copy of the same be aent to the
family of our deceased brother.
iSidnkt Young,
Geo. G. foiiuBONs,
To all whom it mayconctrn:
Noll IK Is hi rebv (riven that tb undersigned
has L-n dulv supimtitd S'lniitiiatrauir of tha
estate ol Sfra. bar-al istais. late ot Uailes Cit.
nasi-o County Or son. and row iirvuawii. All Dar.
sons having- claims atralnst sid estate, will proeut
tne same ouiv venncu, io me at ins otnc of f ufu At
Uenefer. Dalles Citv Oron. wilhlu aix n..,nth.
frum the date nr tuu notice.
Dalles City, March 7, lb5,
Administrator of tha as. ate uf B-ruh Sties, dr
raaseu gairat.
Lamb Ornca a? Tax Dames, orkoom,
March 4, lS9j.
R'eht topurchise under set of March S. 1S17.
Mollce la hetehv vivea that the followibir-rmed
settler his filed notice of his lntration tu
make final proof in supnort of his claim, and
right to purchase under Slid act, and tLa. said
proof will lie made before the KrgiMer and he-
celverar. The Dalles, Or., on Ai rfl 16, lldi. vis:
Application So. S. Act ot Marc l S. 1S37. 1 for the
twy. sw . sec. 15, tp I N, K IS K.. W M.
He names the foilowias witnesses to prove bis
continuous resiaenra upau ami cultivation ot said
land, viz:
Boben Cooper, Z. Morgin, W. H. Tavlor, T. A.
nuuaon, ail ot llic uane., or.
Wnr-St J AS. f. MOORE, Ketclstar.
Diaolatlom Notice-
Ihe partnership hereifoore existing: tttween W.
J. Writ'bt, J. D. Doulaa and Q. t'. McMaDsuiy in
iiib aaw iuiii uuaineta ou lamraci creek, snout ten
miles from Dufur. has this day been dl-a.hed bv
mutual ennseur, Mr. J. D. Doug. as re'lrin from
the firm. The present flam w ill consist ol Messrs.
W. J. Wrhcht andu. F. McManeuiv, and ill be
mown as nnirnt aicuaien y, hu will ray all
debts for which the lata firm was liable, and collect
au sceouuts now due a 1 owing .
i. p. Douglas.
O. F. McMA.Nb.MV.
Dufur, Jan. S.'i, lc.93.
Stochholdsra' Meeting.
XTOICR la hereby vivsn that thr will be
stockholders' raeetinir of Tha fallen, Portland
and Astoria Navigation CVmpany at the Chrnniule
uni on saiunmy, April u, umi, st 2 o clock r.
tor the purpose of electing seven directors, and
transacting such other buriness as may projwrly
vuum ueiure saiq meeunv.
By oril-r of the president.
3. J. FARLEY, Stcretary.
The Dalles, Ore., Feb. s. lattt.
The Weekly Jnter Ocean
It U In accord with the people of the West both In Politic aad Literature.
lab nSjrJ- l'L -
J. 0. MACK
yf f$ DOMESTIC and KEY
Militia Orders.
Armor G" Third'Regimest.
OkFQON National Gcabd.
. The Dalles, Q.eKon, Marco 8, 1893.
No. 1
The m mber of "G" oompany wi 1 rf port
at the armory of "O" compsoy. The Dallas,
Oregon, Siturday, March 9, 1895, at 12:30
P. M. tully uniformed, armed and equipped,
for the purpose of acting aa esoort at the
funeral of G. V. JJjlton. late mavor of
Dalles City.
No excuses will be accepted for failure to
report, except disab'iog sickness.
Official. - L C. Chwsman.
D H. Roberts. Captain Commanding.
First Sergeant,
Executrix's Notloe.
Headquarters Third Reo't I.vfantr?,
The Dalles, O.e, March 8. 1S95.
Orders 1
No. 2
I. The field, staff, non-commissioned
staff, "G" company aod the hospital oorps
will report at 12 30 o'clock on Saturday,
March 9, 1S95, fully uniformed, armed and
equipped for the purpose of attending the
funeral of G. V. Bolton, the late mayor of
Dallea City.
II. "G'' company and the hospital eorps
will report at the armory of 'G" csmpanv:
tbe held, staff and non-commissioned staff
will report at the headquarters otfioe. Toe
field aod staff will parade dismounted.
By order of Colonel Thompson,
rf. H. Riddell, Adjutant.
Deafneta Cautaot Bo Cared
By local applications as Ihey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the car.
There is only one way to euro deafness,
and that ia by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an ioflaned condi
tion of tbe mucous lining ot tbe eustach
ian tube. When this tube is inflamed
yea have a rumbling sound or imperfect
bearing, and when it is entirely closed,
deafness is tbe result, and unless the in
flammation can be taken out and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hearing
will he destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which is
nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
aoy case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars: tree.
F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, 0.
E3old by Druggists, 75ct
Wellington, Eock Springs,
and Roslyn Coal
fid, sacked and delivered to any part of
At Moody's Warehouse
Fruit Eanch
Consisting' of 106 Acres
Located 6vc mile, from The Dalles,
entire or in portions to suit purchasers.
Will be sold
Ten miles west of The DiIIm. Safe will be made
on easy terms. Apply at this office. fcbaj-tl.
Letters Aatves-tlsted
The following is tho list of letter re
maining in The D.lles postomce uncalled
for Saturday, March 9, 1895. Persons oall
ins; for these letters will please give the
date on whiob they were advertised:
A Fine Line of Fresh Bulk
Seeds Just Arrived.
Bennett. John
Conn, Miss C
nett, Maud
Graves, Daniel
Hamilton, H
Hubert. Wa'ter
Ltsser, W H
Martin, Mr Aon
Moore, Louis
Pollaid, J
Cnapman, A M
Cnoroy, P H
Flanagan, Matt
Hall. Charley
Hit'min, Fred
Kirchenew, A
Moliudev, J L
Miller, Mr A B
Piinrar, Samuel
Laff d ler, Q
Streeter, Frank 2
J. A. Crowes, P.
White plover Onions
Red Clover
' Alfalfa
Onion Sets and Flower Seeds.
MEANS Oo Pleasant Rldxj, March 4th, to tha wits
01 air. J. Means, a son.
LEIBLIN At Klog-sler. March 1st. to the wife of
air. r. uiduu, a aaugnttr.
KANTZ OUefX-At Eaac Hood Hivor, March SJ,
hr Her. Troy Shelly, Miss Lucy Odell to Fred
Special School Meeting
Notice is hereby gives to the 1 gil voter
of School District No. 12 of VVssc county,
Oregon, that the annual schorl meeting for
the said school district for the elejtion ot
Director and Clerk will be held at the
off.oe of William Michell on Third street.
The Dallrs, Orrprn, to begin at the hour of
2 o'clock in the afternoon of the 11th day of
March, 1895.
This meetirg is palled fcr tbe purpose of
electing one Director for said distriot, for
tha term of three years, and ooe Clerk for
the term of one year. Said election to be
by ballot, at.d the poll will remain open
from 2 o'clock ?. m until 6 o'clock r. m.
of said 1 1th day of March, 1895.
H. 8, VLoy,
Chairman of Board of Directors
Attest E Jacobsox,
District Clerk.
Or. Price's Cream Baking powder
WorM. FWf Hltfe Awtrtt
The Sun.
The flret of American Newspa
pers, OHARXiES A. DANA, Editor.
Tbe American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American
Spirit 1 hese flret, last, and all the
time, forever.
Daily, by mail,.'.. 6 a year
Daily end Sunday, by mail, a year
The Weekly, (1 a year
The Sundry Sun
In the srreateat Sunday Newspaper
la the World.
Price 6c a copy. . By mail, 2 a year
AddreM THE nix, Mew York.
171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
S. IF. ftflCD'OIW,
f I Commission and Forwarding Merchant.
f i .
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET
(Adjoining Railroad Depot)
OTIC is hereby given that the ntidersined
has been dulv appointed bv tha Hon. Ci.untv
wun .sccuiriKui lua raw. w.ii sna restiment ui
Ann Craiir, drcessd. All persons having claims
awoinit said estate are here y notifled to present the
same to DtK. properly verified, at the lIMsa-MocfcT-AINsia
ndiee in lal ei Citv, Wsx C-mntv, Oregon,
witaiii six months from tbe data of this uuuee.
Dated th id day ot Frbrutnr, 1895.
CaTHAkl.xfe: A. CRAIO,
Executrix of the last will aud testament of Ann
Cnii-, deceased. 9'hfic
TaJten Up.
Came to the Sharp place on three mils, about
Oct ber 1, isot. One red and whiteaMuley cow, no
brands perceivable, undersl-ipe in right ear, cit off
left ear, the owner may hive the same hv pavinc all
charge. FEANK P. TAVLOR.
Buy a Home Cheap-
i A ACRES ot good farming: and fruit land four
) miles from Ihe Dalles, on Chenoweth crcrk
ah good home ready furnished 'or family barn
and other buil-JIng. Pail y fenced, plenty of water
Wlil be sola cheap. Address or can at place
rKTKR rot'QKij,,
The Dallea, Oreirun
Consignments Solicited
Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage
Latest ler8 Fioiii le Oiieqt
Says the Japanese are wiping tbe ground with
the Chinese, and
Is doing more effective work and
Is Slaughtering High Prices
To suit the financial depression. I have now
double room, and am preparing for a new stock
of goods.
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes
For Everybody Young and old, big and small.
The Oro Fino Wine Eooms
Best Grade California Wines aod Brandies ia lie City
No. OO Second door from
The porner of Court Street . . .
The New Columbia Hotel
This large and popular house does the principal hotel busi
ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accom
modations of any house in the city,
and at the low rate of
81 Per Day.
First-Class Meals, 25 Cems
Office for all STAGE LINES leaving The Dalles for all points
in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington,
is located in this Hotel.
1. T. NICHOLAS, Proprietor.
Cor. Front and Union Sis The Dalles, Oregon
At his establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streets ia
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits