The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, March 09, 1895, Image 1

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    le XXXV
NO. 29
Professional Carfli.
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms over Dalle National Bank. Office noun, 10
a m ti 12 m, and tram a to p m. am
dene Wet Eud of Third street,
Attorneys at Law
Room Maud 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon,
Room S and . Chapman Block, The Da Ilea, Ore.
y-yjl. TAJKMAN-
Practical Dentist -
Ofllrv (War A. A . Brown's errce'v. 8enn 8t.
All work iru.ranteffl to (r've stif etlon and all he
latest improved methods used in aemai operand.
.r - In ochannu's building , uu staire. Tne Dalles
"treuon. ' .
AHCO LO DOR. 0. 16, A. F & A. M. Meets
first end third Monday of eacn montn in
p. It.
J. sleets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesdaj
each month at 8 P U.
COl.CMBl. LODOE. NQ. 5, I. O. . F. Meets
eTery Friday evening; at 7:80 n'cloca. In K. of P.
Hall, corner of Second and Court street.. Snjourn
or brothen are welcome. H. Cuiu&H, ties v.
RIEKDSH1P LODGE. NO. 9., K. of .P. Meets
every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, In Schan
no's building, corner of Opur and Second street
(Joinominjr brothers are cordial 1 invited
D. Vaosa, K. B. and H. . F. MENEFEE, C.
VV will rceet every Friday afternoon at S o'clock
at the readtne- room. All are invited.
flj Hod Canip, No. W, meets every Tuesday
Tenirjf of each week at 7 AO ocl-ck, in A. Keller's
Kali. All brother, and sojourning brother, are
nvid to be present.
.M-ome hall cn the se-tnd and 'onrth Tues
day a. of h nt- b VI lor urdialh iu.
Vited. MB.-. MRYS MYKRs.W. M.
Mia. Eliajce aotinr, 6ey
mEMPL LODGE. NO 8. A. O V. W.-Meete
I In KKeiler's Hall even- Thursday cvenincr at 1:M
clock. PATL KREFT. M. W.
-v. 8. Mthrs, Financier
I AS. NE8MITH POST. NO. 42, O. A. R Moots
I every Saturday at 7 JO P. M. in K of P. Hull.
OF L. K. Meets every Friday afternoon in
. K. .if K Hall.
AtCO 1WI 1','rO. 16 I O. R M JTetta
twy .Wiunitds) e ei int. in K. oi P. h.11
j , fcbAhG VErti-.II HARMONIB.-leebi every
JT fcunday evening in Keller's Hall
BJF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 17 Mee'S n K.
. of P. Hil tbe first- and 'bird Wednesday of
aui month at 7:30 P..M.
THE slUIU'llr.
t lhbT BAlTls1 CtotKLB Uev. . D. Tatloh,
. raptor. Service, every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
P.M. Sabbath school Immediately after tne
n-omitfc service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 8 P. M ' '
CHURCH Kev. Jim. WnraiES, Pastor.
lVI . Service, ever- Sunaa moraine and evening.
Sunday School at 1230 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi
tatlor extended bv both pastor and people to alL
) Pastor. Service every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
-. !. H. Sunday School after morning service. .
OT PliTKR'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bronbukbh
O P..or. Low Mass every Sunday at J A. M . High
Maa. at 10:80 A.M. Vespereat 7 P. M.
CtT PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
t Fifth. Rot. Eli D. Sutcliffe, Rector. Services
iverT 8unday at H A. M and 7:30 P M., Sunday
school at 0:30 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7 do P. M.
tor. Preaohlng every Sunday afternoon at r
o'clock in tbe Congrenationai'churs . All .re cor
dially Invited '
CALVARY BAPTlhT C- URCH ' orner Seventh
end Li.ioi,. Elder J. H. Miller, Pastor. Serv
ices every Sunday at II A. M. and 7:30 P. U.
Real Estate, Loans atid Insorance.
Agent for the 8cott!sh Union an' Katloral In
surance compauy of Ediuburgh, Scotland, CapiiaJ
Valuable 'Farm, near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post office The Dalles. Or.
(Register U. 8. Land Office. 1 90 1S84.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall' Block Main et.. Vancouver Clark Co ,
1r 5ecord rtrett next door east of
-' The llles ut Bunk
laving just open' d in business, an-t having full
assortment 01 the latent bo d in mt line, 1 de
sire a ahare of the ).ublk patronage
' -Manufacture of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
- Second St., nwar Moodv's Warehouse,
A Work ortred t OIvk Ht
srfartloa) FAT PEOPLE.
PK 0ititt PilLf will reduce your weight
PEKHAXKSTLY 12 to IS pns a
month. No attrving sickness or lnlury; no public
ity. Thev builf up ihe health and b antiiv the
complexion, leaving no wrinkle. r flahbineea. Stout
abd imenii and difficult briMthing -nrely relieved.
NU fr XPS-.B1MKW b t a scientin and pod
Uve relief, adopted only after years of experience.
All orders -upplied direct from our office. . Price
fx 00 per package or three packages for 85 00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonials and particular (sealed
A(t Correapandeiee Strlr.ily Contlden.
PARK REMEDY CO.. Boston Mass
Gooda haulod with the greatest oare to all
oarta of tha ntr on short nonce,
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool Commission Merchants
160 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
General Exprsman
"flie Kefltnlator Line"
The Dalles, Portland andAstori;
Navigation Co.
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
cented) between the Dalles and Port'
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Steamer Regulator for 1 he Dalles
One way . , .
Round trip.
.$2 00
. 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced
hmmpnk fnr Pnrtll '' " vri verT nt
any time, day 1 r night. Shi nents for
1 ir - - .1 ir
way januings nub. .e ueuver u ueiorc
5 p. tn. Live stock $u.t. tnt solicited.
Call on or address.
General Agent
PrastloBi :. watcainaior
Clinks, Watches," Jevelrr,- Etc.
Always keeps on sale the latest and bept styltf o
Time-piece, ununond Rings, Bow-knot Uiurs, SJ-
verware, eu etc.
102 Sttord -Hie . r-t rtor t i ."h
Wi 1 1 bin t I o.
I am. now prepared to deliver
Koslyn Coal
To'aoy part rf 'le r'i f(r ?P.2f pe
ion. Tins is aioch chest er Ihao wood
ao1 a e;rtat deal moie convenieoi. Ap
ply to
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O. R & N Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
HidiestCashPrice for
Hay and Gram. .
Ssecia! Prices to Cash Buvers
Charles A. Baldwin & Co.
Accounts cf Banks and Banker received 4
on favorable term.
Bonds and Investment Securities.
f Dally Financial Letter Mailed on Application.
The t Merchant t Tailor
Suits Made to Order end a Fit Guaranteed
' Clothes l le ned on the Suoi t
eei Notice
Naax Cor- Third and Washington Sts.
Seoond and Union Streets.
A. L NEWMAN. Proprietor
D, W. Y.
(Successor to P. KREFT ft CO.;
Peiier In
Mall pap?r,
Oils snb
Ar'ipfs' Ma'erial nnd Psintfre' SupnMcs 1
All orders for paintictr, paoeriricj and j
kalsomming promptly attended to .
We're Here to
' And Want Your Trade
Have you ever seen Aunt Jemina's
Pancake Meal ?
Or Pettijolins' Breakfast Gem ?
Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour is fine,
and you know what Hecker's Self-Rising
Buckwheat is.
Our Maple Syrnp, Maple Sugar, Comb
Honey and sweet things are just as nice
as you could want them.
Call and see us, or ask Central for t2.
-AND -
A. KELLER Ppop':
am padpured to furnish ftuTiilia, orala ud rec
tanrant witit tbe choice
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fres!i tfsters Served iifEYery Style.
Hfroatl Wirtet. Next door to The Dalles K
tioiiml Bank, -
Cigar Factory
Opposite the Implement Warehouse
pifllDQ of the Beat Brands mannfact
UlUAnO nred. ODd ordeas from all patts
of the conntrv tilled on thr shortest notice.
The repotation of THE DaLLKS C1UAK
has become firmly established, and the de
mand for the home rnaoufactnaod article is
Dcreasing eyery day A. DLKICU A
nHai-, ExcfiaiB
F.rst-c!ss Wines. Liquors and Cigare
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Tha Dalles, Obegon.
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines. " '
. .
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Children Cry
for PlTCHER-5
Castorlt h no well adapted to children that
I reciinimend it ad bupet ir to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Archer, Jl. D..
HI bouth Oxford St., Brookiyn, N. Y
" I ne fflirtor'n In my practice, end find l!
tpeUuUy aUuiiteJ to aevti'jns of children."
Air. Robertson, ii. D.,
105T id Ave., New YorlL
'Prom rwrsraJ knowledge I cn say th:i
iestorui id A llot excellent meuicuie lor ciuif
irwi." . ifS. G. O. Os-tood.
Loweil, Jiuaa.
Castorla ppornotes Digestion, and
ovei-ooiiitia Fiutuluacy, Constiwition, Sour
Stomach, Diarruoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered heaichv and its
sleep natnraJ. Caatoria - coctair.3 no
ttorpiune or outer narcotic propony.
Tie Dalles National Bank
Presidecf, Z. F. Eoody,
Cashier,. - : A. Moody
Genera 0ma1d Btsissss Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
R a v V7l ANOTSOO.
torthwest Oir. Second andWakhicgtot3ta.
si 1 sb, mn
Successors) Gcorxe Ruch.
I'lio C'lieapetst Place
mi dallbs roa
All Kinds of Groceries,
W restwctfullv solicit a sta of the poblio pt-
ronage and wt-iall ebdeavor tojjfive eutire- eatiifao
too to our custoiren both r'r Bd new.
Uanufaeturcs tbe Best Articles of
Stda, Sarsapaiilla acd Ginger Ale
Leaue Otders With Andrew Keller,
Best Kentucky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes
of Wines.
English PortT Ale and Milwaufcf
Beer tlravs on band.
MCNEIIX. Receiver-
CMcs of Transcontinental Rentes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
OCEAN STEAMERS leave lort'sxd svery Fire
days ft
For full details cell on O. B. AN. Agent at THE
DALLES, or address
- W. H. HURLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Aft,
Fortlaad, Onsron.
Two Hondred Killed and Injured
City of Mexico, Marca 1 Oao of tne
rmsl friifhtlul accideats io the history of
Mexican railroad, resulting io the kill
leg ot 104 persons aad the eeriuns, if not
faia, injury of nearly 100 others occurred
on the lulrr-Ociarjlc railroad st a point
a'Dt 25 miles from t'hiscity. A ifcw riajs
ago a great oumrier of ptraoos lei t the
capitxl and the towna in toe vicinity to go
on a pi'firimHiie to the Catholic shriue at
Snore Monte. Yesterday a lonr train, oh
bor.J of which were 1200 paMseai.ers. was
retorniut! from the place of the pilgrim
age. It went well until a point oo fce
(id-- ahuut midway beiween Timantlt and
Tenaneo waa reached. Oo this pirt of
tbe road there i- a rleep lucline, tne line
Ht one place hav oj; a s1 arp curve, wiirro
it runs c:ose to the edga of a hii'h preci
pice. Tliis in oue of the mot d niKerou
places ou the r ad, sod was reodrrea
more so by the fct that the track here
nag not in the best condition. As the
train beean io rnn down the liiciin.
idbov of the pa-fieugcrf wcro laut;ui"B
aod jokiup, while others were looking out
of the windows at tba rapidly passinsr
Eceiiery. Si On the ppeed ol the train be
!o to increase, nrt it was lunnini; at a
frightful rate. Tbe Dsseoger ceased
their iking, and looked at each other
wi'h airaoKe tear depleted in their tacts.
Stesdi'y the momenura of tbe tram.
which was now swaying and bounding
featiullv, increased, tod coon tne danger
on hielj curve was struck. As the pilot
wheels ol the engine took tbe curve, the
locomotive- swayed outward and then
back. As the drivers went oo the curve.
the.eneine again swayed heavily, and then
either lain ped the track- or tamed a rail
It dasi'ed acr H the scanty space between
the rails and 'he edge of the chasm, aod
then Dluuced downward. One alter an
other three coaches, filled with pssseo-
sers dashed af'er it. and piled op In a
mass of wreckigs at the foot of the preci
pice. The m xt t-o coaches also jumped
tbetrsck. bu, most fortunately, did not
go over the edge of tfe precipice. As the
fifth coicti lett the track it twisted aod
broke the contlir$r coonectinK with the
cosi nes behind. These coaches kept tbe
rails and safely passed around the enrve.
After running a coosiderab e distance
they were stopped by the bund brakes.
Almost Worn Oat.
Minneapolis, March 1 The Hayward
murder trial proceeded todiy in spite of
the fact that C juoty " Attorney Nye was
confined to bis bed from nervous prostra
tion. It was remarked that tbe jury look
like ghosts after their sis weeks1 pull a
tbe case. The lawyers are worn out with
work and worry, and even the judge looks
weary and bore 4. Defendant Harry Hay
ard conies into court each morning as
fresh aod smiling as if it were a malioee
be were attending .
Tbe state knocked a few more props
from under tbe defence in rebuttal today.
Louis Bih m swore be was pretent at the
conversation be'ween-Liveryman Wilson
auor Janu s Ward, when the former i a!
Wgerj t have said that it was not Hrrv
lint Adrian Hiyward he saw driving with
Mi'S Oioi; the n'ght of the murder.
Bahm declared tbe flavwnrds were not
mentioned lu the whole conversation.
Eroist Camasb test i fled that be saw
Orortte Grindall oo ihe Eist Side, .many
nlncks. away, at tba very time when
Grindall swears be saw the mysterious
ihird" man get into ibe buegy wib
Mi8 Gine. Thus two important wit
nesses lor the defense nre impeached.
Io the Hnnne.
Washington, March 1 Whe.i the
bouse met today SO members with up
lifted srma were clamoring for ncog
nition, but all requests for unanimous
consent wete cut off by the presentation
of the conference report on fortifira'ions
appropr atioo bill, which was agreed to.
The senate amendments to the sundry
civil bill were disagreed to and it was
sent to conference tioder a suspension ot
the rules. The legislative, executive and
judical bills were also tent to conference.
Storr's bill amending toe interstate
commerce act, and which the Oppooen'a
ol the pooling bill claimed was a scheme
of the senate to tack on the pooling bill
in conference, was voted on in tbe bouse;
the vote standing 137 for to 80 against.
This looicatts tbe failure of tbe bill, a
33 less than tbe necessary two-thirds
voted for it.
lft Their Trace.
Washington,-March 1 The demon
strations in tbe senate chamber last oigbt
left their traces on the proceedings today
Senators in gruops diacussed the dramatic
scenes ot -the night. The three chief
figures In last night's conflict Chandler.
Hill ' and Martin -were early, in their
seats. Several ot the veteran Dea.ocratic
leader. Harris. Gorman aod others, con
ferred as to what could be done without
jeopardizing ibe passage of tbe appropri
ation bills
On the surface, tbe senate bnsiness was
proceeded with witb the usoal serenity
Tbe land hill, provid ng for tbe extension
until January 18. 1697, ol ibe time within
whicti euiries miibt be made onevrtain
lands, wasdiscu8ed at length and passed
- Morizao, chairman of Hit committee oo
foreign relations, aod one of Ibe United
States members of the Behiiug ei com
uiissiou. offeie'i a resolution concerting
pat aien-s toMbe B'-hrUg sea seizure?,
bich directed . roiereooe to 'our f reign
relations. Morgan said aa luqniry was
most desirable f r tbe vindication of the
United States. Torple objected to the
immediate consideration of tbe reeo.u
tion, and it went over.
Wreckage Ccmlng Ashore.
Pacific Grove, Cal., Mirch 1 Tbe
life rait that fl iated ashore near Moss
Beach is now bifib and dry, upside down
on tbe rocks. On tbe under surface cao
be seen Dainted strips of timber tbat
confirm tbe belief that it is a portion of
some wrecked vessel, Ecb tide brings
io timbers of alt sorm. but not enough o
show from what kiud of a vessel they are.
A large spar and a boat skid Ijln
aide by side aod near them is a part ot a
file rail, w;th pins attached
. Pr sods who are well informed as to
t e current ot the coast bete .tate that
they thought it to be some of the wreck'
Mge of the ve.tela lost tbis winter iu the
north, as the curnnts all flow southerly.
Most ot the wieckage is painted white
It is believed to be irnm he Keencanu
and ilonlterrat which were lost en route
from Seattle to San Francisco.
Toroatu'a His fire. -
Toronto, March 8 Tbe third disas
trous conflagration wbicb baa vitlted this
fiie-stricken city in less tbao two months
occurred this morning, and tbe loss by
today's disaster is folly aa great as either
of tbe two preceding ones. This time
tbe flie origoated io tbe besrl of the re
tail section of the city, starting. 13:40
tbis morning, in the splendid new de
partmental store of Robert Simpson, on
tbe southwest corner of Yooge and Queen
streets : Simpaoa's burldiog wss an Im
mense seven-story structure, completed
only six months ago, at a co?t-il $1,500
000 The tire started in the rear ot the
southern annex, and spread witb such
rapidity that within bait an hnur ibe
whole buildibg wai a mass of flames. A
general al'trm was torntd oo Eve nnuutts
after the discovery of the tire, and the
whole brigade was on tbe eceDe before 1
o'clock, but i's combined efforts to con
floe the fire to he Sirxipsno building
proved futile. The only steam fireeogiDe
in the city was brought into action to eg'
sist ibe streams from the hydrants, aod,
although the water pressure wat fainy
ffood. the firemen were unable to throw a
stream 'o the upper a:ones of the Simp
s-'.u building
H"rrr Couflrtneit.
Losd N, March 1 A dispatch received
this morning from Madrid confirms the
Associated Press report of last nigh!. that the Spanish government
wps preparing to send Israe reinforce
ments of troops t Cuba, if such a step
was found oeceesaiy.
Ir is stated that t l-e Sjiaoish govern
ra-ot has issued dt fiuite order for ihe
immediate transportation of iven -but
talions of troops, each composed of 900
tneo, to Havana. Another h-i'talion ha
been ordered toHiVima from Porte Rico
masing over 7000 men dispatched in
haste to Cuba,
ISrbefS) rncee.fu!.
St. Lnriia, March 1 A specid tele'
gram from Havana isys the insurgents
have defeated a force of 2000 Spauisb
troops, but oo details are given.
It is reported that Vioceoli Gracia, a
brother of Manuel Gracia, was also kil ed
in tbe a engagement near Agua C-ili. An
other battalion of guvercment troops baa
left Htvana tor the east, and many en
counters are reported in Mttai.zas. One
thousand trained men have lei t Havana
in the last (JO days, a few at a time, to as
to disarm suspicion.
Several former Cuban chieftains among
them the insurgent band. led bv Marrero
near Jague v'Grandn. io the province of
Matanzas, have been dispersed by tbe
regular troops.
" Fell H iiliunt Warning;.
New York, March 1 The wall ol the
old six-story building at Furty-third
street and Tenth avi-nue fell at 0.80
o'clock this morning, killiog acd injur
ing many men who were teaiinf' it down.
A ready three dead bodies have been ex
tricated, and two other bodies mav be io
he ruins. Tbe dead are Angelo Ticciro,
Charles Robson and John O'Connor.
Twelve men were dug out, badlv lo
ured. The names o." them are; T
Canoan. Michael McGreeley. D Meany,
J Molioy, C Rooson, L Steij, F Moran
and Patrick Curran.
Want Their ftlehta.
Pendleton, Or., March 2 Affairs have
been interesting on tbe reservation for
some weeks ou acconot of the disagree
ments between the officials and tbe In
dians. The court, io the case cf Indian
offenses,, bas already exercUed powers
which the Indians claims were too arbi
trary. Tne matter was brought to an
issue in a civil case in tbe justice court
here, Wot Soot vs. Bris'iougb aod others,
o recover damages for an alleged assault
ommitted by the Iudian po ioemen, con
fioement io jail and cutting off hair. Tbe
punishment was inflicted no an order from
he Indian court. . Tbe case wss decided
n favor of plaintiff, but was appealed by
United States District Attorney Murphy
to tbe state circuit court. Liter. Chiefs
No Shirt, Young and other bead men
ere arrested for dancing contrary to tbe
agent s oracrs, wuu su oiuers. iuib
caused a riot in tbe couucil chamber and
a general massacre was narrowly averted.
The chiefs were released, but were again
arrested on tbe same charge, and also for
resisting United Slates tfHcers. Thej
are now in jail and bave employed
Colonel W M Parsons and H alley &
Lowell Io sue out writs of habeas corpus
n tbe circuit court for their release. Ar
gument will be beard before Judge Fee
next Monday. The arrest of tbe chiefs
has inceoted the Indians, tlbo claim ibat
ooder ibe Dawes act all rights and pnvi
eges of citizenship are contened oo xn-
dians wbo areoo allotted larjds; lhat such
constroctioo baa been placed on the act
by United S'ates District Judges Bellin
ger aod Han ford, and by tbe suureme
ourt of tbe state or ituorasica, ana, con
sequently, tbe authority formerly exer
cised by the Indian court aud the agents
is not legal. Counsel for tbe iodtan say
tbat tbe matter will be. carried to tbe
highest courts to settle permaneLtlv tbe
status of allotment Indians and the power
of the reservation officials. Tney disclaim
any probability of trouble necessitating
troops, and say redress for the alleged
wronsa will be sought only through legal
means, but tbe Indian are deeply agi
tated, aod mua be hndltd carefully to
avoid trouble.
Worae Than Reported.
Mexic , March 2 Toe railroad acci
dent on lb Inter-Oueaoic railway last
Thursday is far worse than was at first
reported. At least 110 bodies have been
recovered from tbe wreck and many still
remain Imbedded in be debris. The
damage to tbe railway company's proper
ty, caused by the wreck, is variously esti
ma ed from $20 000 to $50,000. Mmy of
he injured threat o to sue the company
lor damages. All of tbe dead and lo
ured belonged to tbe poorer classes.
Tne engineer in charge of tbe wrecked
rain bas not vet beeo found, but tbe
chief conductor has turned us all right.
Tbe railroad cffimals lay tbe accident was
caused by tbe truck's tender sdpping out
of place.
j A Kotf d Scholar and ProtYssnr.
London, March 2 Professor B ackie
died Ibis morning. He bade farewell to
bis friends last evening, saying be was
certain ths end was approaching.
(John Stnart Biackis was born in Glas
gow in 1809, Mudled at Eiioourgh aod
GottiDbteo. He translated Ore he's
F-ui-t" into EngUsQ verse, ana pro
duced io 1850 n abie ttansla'ion of the
oiksol Aeschvlus Io 1852 be became
professor of Greek io tbe university ol
Edinburgh. rt conmoaiea articles io
he Encrclopedia Bri'aontca and the Im
perial Dictionary of Biography. Among
bi' numerous works are "Lays and Leg
ends ot Ancient tfreece," "jbirica.
Poems" and "Homer and tbe Iiiad ."
The Contrary. Hold. .
Milwaukee, March 2 Judge Jeokins
bas rendered an order ratifying tbe con
tract entered into by tbe receiver! of tbe
Northern Pacific railroad with tbe North
Pacific Terminal Company, of Portland.
Tbe terminal company owns and operates
terminal propel ties at Portland, which
are leased by the Northern Pacific. De
fault of payment was made by tne Ore
gon Short JLioe &Uah Northern Com
panv nnder tbe orignal lease in the tall
of 1894. Tbe Short Line soon afterward
went into tbe bands of a receiver. Judge
Jenkins orders tbat tbe Short Line shall
be reinstated in the privileges or tbe
original contract on the payment by tbe
receiver of tbe amount defaulted.
fnteen Will ltetlre. -
Washington, March 8 Of tie 88
members of the prefect senate, 18 wi:l
cease to 1)3 senators at noon Monday, aid
two others have mereiy a cbanie ot sur
vival. Ibe senators retiring are:
Butler, of South Carolina, Ctuideo, of
V.'ekt Virginia. Carey. of Wvotntag. Coke.
of Texas, D xon. ol Rhode Itland, Dolpb,
of Oregon, 11 an tan, of Virginia, McLaurto
of Missies! ppi, McPi-.eraon, ot Nw Jer
sey, MaodersoD, of Zebras n 8, Martin, ot
K.iiHHH, Power, of Montana, Ransom, ot
Jtor'.b Cnrolma, YVaieb, ot Georgia, Wash
burn, of Minni ot, and Wil.-on, of Iowa.
lYe two whose esses are iu suspense
are Iliggiua, ot Djlawure, and Sboup, of
S-ven W. re Killed
New York, March 2 Three more
bodies were recovered from the collapsed
building on Orchard street th'a morning,
Tbe lift. ol the kilted is: James Wil
kinson, John Thorutou, John Morli,
James Wilson and Frank Thornton.
The follow irg is the revised list of tbe
it jured: Frank Barbara. Patrick Flah
erty, Gecrge Gamble, Anton K ine,
Edward Ltwler, Patrick Mulloy, Peter
M"iloy .
Tha bo-lies recovered this morning
were those of Morll and Rots. . They
were found close together, end had . been
'yiog undi r tons of Utbrn. Bjtb were
badly crumbed.
Kt braoka Farmer.
Omaha, March 3 The members ot tbe
state relief commission who went to Chi
cago abd St. L mi to secure seed grain
fur Nebraska s destitute fanners returned
today. Tbe boards of trade in both cities
promise to bave earn county in Missouri
aod Iilino s donate a car of seed, Iowa,
Minnesota and Indiana also desire to con
tribute It is estimated by Secretary
Nason that tbe five states will contribute
not less than 500 cars of seed grain. To
p'aot the land under cnluvation in the 43
on ueht'Biricken counties, would require
5,000,000 bushels. The planting of these
lands mcaoa, in the event of a crop, tbe
sum ol $100,000X00 to the farmers.
Another Strike-.
New York, March, 2 -The electrical
contractors bave resolved to treat only
with their own men in the settlement oi
tbe present strike upon the condition that
tbe men return to work at oner cn a
nine-hour basis. The contractors set
forib that the eight-hour dty shall com
merce May ,15. If the raeo do uot te-
sume Monday, it Is stated that uotuuion
tneo will be employed.
ncHrlcte'n Credemlafn Presented
Washington, March 2Mitchell, of
Oregon, interrupted the debate oo the
naval bill today to present the credentials
ot George W Mt Bride as senator from
Oregon for the term hefciDning March 4
next, to succeed Mr. Dolpb.
Store Di'Bsaiteflrd Xudiann.
Pejkdleton, Or., March 4-At'orneys
for the Indiana announce proceedings
against Agent G W Harper, tbe judges ot
tbe Iudian court and Indian policemen
for f Ise imprisonment . in cases in whicb
chiefs and bead mon bave been arrested
aod dealt with on the reservation. All
are proceedings for the purpose of deter
mining judicially tbe statu cf the Indians
as citizens.
Tbe visit to Washington by Chief No
Shirt', Peo and Young Chief, accompanied
by Colonel Parsons, to interview the sec
retary of tbe interior, bears on the trou
bles now experienced on tbe Umatilla
reservation. Tbey will go abont March
15 to make a demand for - the money
realized oy the sale of reset vat'oo lands,
amounting to $200,000; to inquire what
disposition has beeo made by lecent In
dian agents here of moneys collected for
fines imposed os the Indians by Indian
judges, amounting to several thousand
dollars each year, and also to ask tbat
restrictions la the shape o"f red tape in
leasing and cultivating Indian lands he
relaxed by the department and tbe
Indians allowed to make leases and con
tracts as freely as whites. Tbey will also
urge that it is necessary to pay oat tbe
Indians' money for the salary .of agents
or other reservation employes exoptinfTl
those connected with tbe schools et the
agency . The abolition of all these offices
will be aiked. , If not granted they will
insist that the department send a military
officer to act as . sgcat in place of a
"flighton, Th Hlh Fiver "
D cloth, Minn., Marcb 4 A remark
able career will receive a sudden check
today when Judge Ensign sentences A G
Highton, the self styled president of tbe
Wyoming Ornament and Surprise mines,
but more popularly known as "Highton,
tbe highflyer."
He left Boston lsst fal', where he
claims tn bave sold the firm of Kidder,
Peabody & Co., a tweutielli interest in
his mirxt! for $30,000, and went Io
Buffalo, where he says he deposited most
of this money in the Bank ot Commerce.
There he chartered a special steamer and
came tn Dulu'b. After a week here,
during which bis - champagne bill
amounted to over $000, be beard of the
sufftring among the . poor peop'e of St.
Paul aod Miuneapolis, and chartered a
special train on tbe Eastern Mitioeso'a
road to go down and relieve them, pay
ing for it, as he did for everything else,
with a check on the Buffalo Bank of
Arrived at the twin cities, he contrib
uted, by check, $125,000 to relieve the
distress. A telegram to the bank brought
back word that be had no funds there,
and the next dav he was arrested at the
instance of J J Hill, of tbe swindled rail
road .
He Is said to have been nnder arrest
for like feats in Button. Denver and else
where, but claims it is all a mistake,
tbocgh be admits tbat the champagne
drank may bave mixid bim up at times.
. They Are Still at Large -
Sacramento, Cal., March 4 Tbe
marked hlgnwaymea who robbed tbe
bar room of Hcheld's brewery last night,
and wbo are probably the (sme wbo held
up tbe Etatera overland traio tbe night
before, ate stilll at large. Tbe alarm
was given to piomptly that tbe robbers
did not have more than 20 m nates' start
of the officers, aod yet the last seen of
tnem was about 10 minu'es after the
hold-up as Ibey drove past tbe county
hospital in a cart on a dead run. Oving
to the way tbe road ran, the men could
not have doubled aod ente-od the city
without bejng caught. Tbey most there
fore be in tbe county io tbe immediate
vicinity of tbis place, and some one of
tbe many small farmers or gardners are
probably harboring tbem- Tbe boldness
with wbicb both deeds were done.if tbey
did boib, aod it is generally believed
they did, show tbat the men are deter
mined on a life of crime, and shoald tbey
escape th's time another equally daring
attempt can probably be expeeted most
any time.
Another Keoord Brokesu
Bah Fbancibco, Marcb 4 Tbe Cali
fornia 25 mile road record was broken at
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Sn Leamlro yestetdav by Waller F Fos
ter, of ti e Olympic, Club. He made' tbe
ditanre in 1 :12:5. 4 6, which is 11 mio-
u'ts and 8 1-5 second below tbe record
as made , by George Faulkner, of the
Acme Club two years sgo. The occasion
was tbe tldrd annual 25 mile handxap
road race of the California Associated
Cycling Clubs on the Sao Leandro r
Bogle. The course was not io first
class condition owing to heavy rains and
the riders bad to contend with a strong
north wind. ' A Sohwall, of the Sin Jose
Road Cob, with 8 mioutea start, finished
first. The rce from 'he scratch was bo
tweeo Foster and Utbricht. Bv Cttv
wheelmen, the latter retting tbe pace
until the tioal son it. Tn- time for the
first 8 1-3 miles wat 22:27 4 5, aud for
the 10 2-3 miles, 47:00 4 5 from arrattb.
twenty cyclists started aad 10 finished.
Foster led Llbricht over the tape 4 1 S
fwo Cap'ored.
Walla Walla. Wash , March 4 -
Sheriff E lioaswortb and Constable Glbba
overtook aud arrested Cbarles Orr and an
accomplice, said to be a butcher, wbo had
stolea sod wrro driviog a band of horct
from Eureka Fiat into Oregon. The
stealing bad been going on tor a long
lime, hut the thieves rould not be ap
preliemied. Orr and compamoo came
into town todav,. leaving the baod cear
the city, and when returning to resume
the drive, were met by Gibbs, wbo noti
fled Elliogswurth, and tbe two started
and overtook the men about three miles
below the city. Ellingnworlh covered
the men with a gun, and bis command to
throw up ibeir bun. la was obeyed. Tbe
officers brought both men o the city and
of-.ked them in the countv i ul. Orr is a
brother-in-law of the Powell brothers,
who operated iu the horse business on
Eun ka Flat for years, bu', at tbe reqaesl
of officers, vanished.
A Feunsrymaa's Invention.
Ppkingmeld, O., March 4 -The inven
tiou by George Harley, a foundry man
of a process for making malleable iron of
excellent quality direct from moulds, has
been proved a success at tests made here
Hurley claims that hi inveotion will rev
olutionize iron-making, and tbis predic
tion is borne ont by tbe opinion of ex-:
Tbe discovery is said to surpass In im
portance that made by Bessemer. A
company has been Incorporated witb
$1,000,000 capital. By Harley's process,
iron is made from an end lees furnace
with a peculiar method of controlling tbe
admission of air by which a thoroughly
molten condition of iron is obtained. It
Is said that the Bethlehem, P , Iron men
have exprestrd a willingness to pay $10,
000,000 forthe invention on prool tbat it
is what it is claimed to be.
mils stent to the President.
Washington, Marcb 4 Tbe last of the
great appropriation bill was sent to tbe
president shortly before 10 o'clock.
There were five bl Is on wbicb enrolling
clerks were engaged all night- deficiency,
sundry civil, diplomatir,Indian and naval.
Final agreements on a.l these were
reached during Ihe night.. At 11 80 a. n.
Private Secretary Thurber anuonoced
that tbe president bad sigaedtl appro-,
priation oilis.
Plre In st sjonl Vine.
Seattle, Marcb 4 Fire was dltcove
ered tbis morning io tbe pumptoom of
No. 12 ru'oe at Black Diamond, abont
1300 feet from the surface, and soon
gained such a headway as to drive the
men out. Toe bead of tbe slope has
neeu scaled and steam is being-forced in
to the fire to smother it. Tbis will tske
a week or two; and in ibe meantime 100
men aro idle.
A Blisaard nt Detroit.
Detroit, Mich., March 4 The city
suffered from tbe worst blizzard ot tbe
season this morning. The car travel wss
impeded, and all of tbe lines experienced
the greatest difficulty in keeping cars
moving. Aboui 0 inches of saow lies np
on tne ground.' A'l incoming trains were
fi ye boors lata.
law to Employ Conviota
Among tbe new laws introduced in the
house of lepresenta'.ives of Orcou's legisla
ture during its eighteenth biennial session,
and soon to be iu force, is the following;
House bill 321.
For employment of BUte convicts. The
governor ia hereby authorized to contract
witb and lease to any person, firm or corpo
ration tipon such terms and for such com
pensation as be ma deem advisable, not
loss, however, than 33 cents per day for the
labor of each convict, the whole or any part
( f tbe labor of convicts at any time confined
in the penitentiary of this state, for any
period or periods of time not exceeding teu
No convict shall be compelled ti work
while sick or other ise incapacitated, and
no convict shall be compelled to labor for a
longer time than ten hours eacb day. 1 he
superintendent, warden aod other proper
officer or officers of the penitentiary shall
have general charge of the convicts wbile
they are engaged in such labor. The com
pensation received for tha labor of the con
victs shall be paid to the treasurer of the
state of Oregon quarterlvand become a part
of the general fuud of the state. 1 be la' or '
of couvicta shall be performed by them
within tbe penitentiary buildiug or within
tbe yard or enclosure thereof.'
All cou tracts made for tbe labor of con
victs shall be in writiug and a copy thereof
shall be filed in the office of the secretary of
state. Every person with whom any con
tract is made forthe ltborof convicts before
ho shall be entitled to the same shall, ex
ecute and deliver a boud to tbe state of
Oregon in such terms a the governor may
require witb one or more sureties to be ap
proved by tbe governor, condit oned that
such contractor will pay over all sums of
money whicb may become due on bis con
tract. When sny convict, by reason of
sickness, or inability, shall be nnable to
perform labor, the contractor tlull not be
requ;red to pay for the labor of such con
vict during the time be ia uuable to work.
In effect immediately.
A woman of discretion to take care of
Children. Apply at Banner's restaurant
tr r .
who care to pay a little, more UiAn the cost .
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find tba
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
Mora Vetoea-
Na. 68. Senate bill to regulate railroad
tratfio between Celilo and The Dalles,
known aa Smith's portage railway bill, filed
February 28, without approval. In effect
May 28. '
No. 330. House bill to legalise defective
remission of tides and ths costs in the ease
of state vs. V. L. Arrington, defaaltiog
county treasurer of Dpug'as county, in sum
o' $22.980; 48 judgment and fine $45,931 48
and eo.ts, the purpose of the bill being to
remit costs to amount of sbjut $4,000
against tba bondsoien. District Attorney
Brown had.tha ease ia charge and a settle
ment waa pending whan Representative
SehlhreJe, also an attorney ia the oaee,hal
his bill passed. The veto message asys;
The facts ts eontaiucd io tbe record re
lative to honsa bill No. 3S0, convince mo -
tbat such a bill ought to be vetoed, because
as a law it would work injustice to tha tax
payer of Diuglaa county. Besides ths bill
ia of doubtful constitutional propriety whioh
adds to tha difficulty of allowing it to be
come a law. '
Wm. P. Lord,
. Governor.
No. 70. Senate bill for reorganiiition of
Oregon National Guard. In effect Ma) 23.
Increases the power and discipline ot tbe
ora lisition.
To fill expired terms of members of state '
board of horticulture, by the state execu
tive council composed of governor, secretary
and treeturer:
John Mioto, Salem, . in plaos of . D.
Allen, 21 district. '
Kmile Scbanoo, Tbe Dalles, tnoceeda him
self. 4th district.
G, A. Noble, Milton; in plsoe of James
HanJershot, 5th district. -
Governor Lord bas designated the follow
tog as the atate board ot medioal examiner
under the new law;
Al'opaths W. U. Ssylor. Portland, five
years; W, A. Cutick, balem, three years;
W. E. Caill, Oregon City, two years.
Horr.rejpatbB. E. Miller, Borland, four
Electric W. MoConoell, New berg, one
A Mining-Camp Tragedy.
News was brought to Btkar yisterdsy
(hat an awful tragedy occurrel Thursday
afternoon near the Sparta mining otmp, sit
uated thirty miles from that oity, in whioti
lame George lost his life and L A. Lor
chin was seriously wounded. The shooting
was done by G E Chamberlain, who need
i Winchester shotgun Ill-teeliugs bad ex
isted for some time, and arose over a dis
outed plaoer otaim. Chsmb'rlar took hi
victims unawares, eoroing npaa than while
they ware at work in tne nuns. Tne first
shot took effjot in Lnrohin's neck, whioh
felled bim to the ground, and be was left
for dead.'. Chamberlain then blew" ont
George's brain. A 15 year -old son of the
lecid was a witness to the horrible deed.
The boy started to ran and was fire I upon,
the shot scattering around bim. Tbe de
jesad left a widow snd 11 obildron. Cham
heilaio ia still at largs.
. X
Tit f beep . xtdnatrr-
McMinnville Reworter.
D. W. Ralston started a band of 600
beep on ths road to Viotoria last week and
iss an equal nnrrber of otbeis ready for
-xport. He aaya tbat sheep iu tbe Willam- '
itta valley ars becoming a aosree article,
ind doea not believe there are more than
talf as many as a year ago. Thove recently
bought have ooat him from $1 50 to $3. Mr.
Ralston ia of the opinion that tbero it a
better prospect ahead for sheep in tbis Soo
ion, but asya that there is nothing in the
bniinesa of sheep-raising except ' for those
who confine themselves to producing the
best. The growing scarcity will have a
tendency to imriovo the pnoe of mutton,
tnd perhaps to some extent of wool. Cattle
ire also scare, ha aaya, and only the gen
eral depression of the times keep them
from brinpin better prices. '
. Awaraetf
Hljhest Honors World'. Fair.
K pure Crape Cream of Tsrtsv Powder. Frti
Tom Ammonia, Alum or any other aduitatsna,