JUXTAI'Ril. Volume XXXT TlllES-110f.rIXBKK. ' XIII PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY John Migkell Editor and Proprietor Profeefliona Carda. O. C. HOLLISTER, Physician and Surgeon Room over Dal lea National Bank. Office hours, 10 a tn t.i 12 m, ami troui 2 to 4 pm. Hew denee We-1 End.of i bird street, ll UFUR & MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law Room 42 and 43 Chapman Block, Tba Dalles, Ore. SUTHERLAND, M D, CM Physician and Surgeon, Rooms t sod 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. w II. TAOKMAN Practical Dentist nifln-Over A. A. Rrcwn's irroceiv. Second St. All work guaranteed to k v fctlaf - ction and all he latest unproveii nietnoua uaco in aenuu gpwBiiu A 8. Olflc m in ociuuino'e buildii'g, up stairs. Brecon. Toe lialles MOCIKTIKM. 16. A. & A. M. Meets V V first and third t. at. Monday of each mouth at S TBK DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO 8. Meets in Masonic Hall the third WedueUa ech month at 8 P M. nOLUMBU LODGE, NO, 6, I. O. . F.-'erts J erery Friday evening at 7:80 o'cloca, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Secoud and Court streets. Sojourn er brothers are welcome. H. Cloooh, See y. F RIEKDSHIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at s:uu o cioca, in Bcoau- has buildine, corner of Court end second streets. Sojourning- brothers are cordially invited , -.. B. Vara. K. K. and S. r.M;aaurs.Bi. v. 117 OMEN'S CHW9T1AN TEMPERANCE UNION V - will meet every r'riday afternoon at 3 o'clock - at toe readiuir room. Ail are invited. 1 4 ODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. iVJ Hood' Camp, No. H, meets every Tuesday vcuir-jr i each week at 7 MO o clock, in A. Keller's Hall. All brothers and sojourning brothers are u vi Led to ba present. COLUMBIA CHAPTER, C. D. O. E. P. meet In Matonlc bail on the second and fourth Tues day evenir.es oleMh month. Vu-itrrs ecrdially in. idted. MI'S. MART S. MYERS. W. M. Mrs. Eliaxo. u68r, Stcy. TEMPLK LODGE, SO. S. A. O. U. W.-Meets in K Keller's HaU every Thursday evening at 7:30 dock. PATL KREJT, M. W. W. S. Mtsrs, Financier I AB. MESM1TH POST, NO. St, Q. A. R. Meats i every Saturday at 7.30 P. M in a., oi r. uui. OF L. . Meets every K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon iu TRIBE. - 16. I. O. R. W UeoU W every Wednesday e.euiBH in K. of P. hall 1 VSANO FEHEIN HA RMONIE. Meets every It gtwoay ayeainu In Keller's Hall Bjp. L. F. WVlSiDM, NO. 17. Meets n K. t of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of acti month at 7:30 P. II. TIIK I UIUCUEM. -1BT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev: O. D. TUtlob, I pagtor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. p , (KUbath school immediately after toe irornimr Brrice. grayer meeting eyeiy ij eveoinv at S F r ME. CHURCH Rev. Jho. Wsnua, Pastor. . Services every" Cimdav morula r and evenins . fcunday School at 12:20 o'ciedt P. M. A cordial Ui vi satloc extended by both ps0r and people toaU. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Bar. W.C. ODRTO Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. ud P. M. Sunday Scbsol after morning service. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BKOKbssi Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 1 A, M. High Uaa at" 10:30 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M. ilT PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppunite ft Fifth. Rev. EU D. Sutcllffe, Rector. Service very Sunday at u A. M and 7:30 P U., Sunday school at 930 A. At. Evening Prayer on Friday a! 7:80 P. L - - - stHRlSTlAN CHURCH Rkv. i. W. Jtsaxsa, pas I 1 t aumrv fiunrlav afiarnoon at s " a'cloek in thengresationai church. Ail are cor dially invited CALYARY BAPTIST CbURCH Corner Seventh , snd Union. Elder J. H. Miller, Pastor. Serv ices every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. KOONTZ, ' Ral Estate, Loans and Insurance. Airent for the Scottish L'nlim an I National la suranoe eompaoy of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 30,000,000. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy low. 1 Odos over Post Office The Dalles. Or. JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, (Register U. S, Land Office, lSO 1884.) Business before United States Land Office a Specialty. Wall's Block Main at. Vancouver. Clark Co , Wash. C. F. STEPHENS DEALER IN D RY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS HATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES -m f . S Second rtreet next door east of ' JL --- The Dalles Nat Bunk lavmir ynst opened In buolneas, and having a full assortment of the latest goudi in m line, 1 de sire a share of the public patronage C F STEPHENS. HENEILKUCK, -MAnafacturor of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St., THE DALLES, r MoodV Warehouse, OREOON A Work Uaavranteed to Give) Sat ofmrtloa FAT PEOPIiE. Pang OsrsiTT Piuji will reduce your weight fKKJIAKXTl.V from li to 15 p-unds a muulli. No starving sickness or inlury; no public ity. They build up the health and bt-autily the complexion, leaving no wrinkles or tiabbinets. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO f.XIr.UIMF..iTbut a scientills and posi tive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price AIM per package or three packages for $6 00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed Sets. All Corrf ponoBrt Utr'rtly Conflden- - PARK REMEDY CO., Boston 'Mass JAS. FERGUSON, n. Goedi hauled with the greatest aare to all oarta of the xity on short notioe. Denny, Rice & Co. . Wool & Commission Merchants 160 Atlantic Ave.. Boston. General Expressman! CONSOLIDATED 1882. "The Regulator Line" The Dalies, Portland and Astort Navigation Co THROUGH Freigni na Passsr-ser Lins Through Daily trips (Sundays ex cepted) between the Dalles atfcl Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. ni., connecting with Steamer Regulator lor I he Dalles, PASSENGER RATES: One way Round trip. . . . ..$2 DO .. 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered belore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments soiicitea. Call on or address, laZ. C. HLLKMHY, General Agent THE DALLES, - 0EEG0N HAKET LIEBE, PraciiGsi . VialcnmaRBr AND DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Ete. Always Icmps on al the latest and bert ttylei Tliua-pJott. Diamond Jungi. now-luiot Klutn, oil verware, etc, eu. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 163 Second ftrctt. rot tfeer tc A Williams fc To.' TLE DALLES, OREGON COAL! GOAL! I am now prepared to deliver Eoslyn Coal To any part of ite city for $8.25 pe ton. This ia much cheaper than wood aod a great deal mora convenient. Ap ply to j E E. LYTTLE, Agem for O. R & N. Co R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THK East ECfl STOCK YBBDo. IIX FA7 THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Gram. DEALER IN LIVE' STOCK. A- A. BROWN -Keeps hit AS S0RT31ENT im m mil mm AND PROVISIONS, Soecial Prices to Gash Rovers 170 SECOND STREET. Charles A. Baldwin & Co. J BANKERS, 40 and 4a Wall street. IU rill Unn. C Account of Banks and Bankers received V on favnrahlM t.m,. J Bonds and Investment Securities. 7 nally FinanrJal I tit. Vallarf ah annlli.alAM V CORRESPONOHNCS SOLICITED. I ff l tf W rt W 'a"1 W ' JOHN PASHEK The t Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order and a Fit Guaranteed - CluCnes Cleaned on the Shoit est Molice Near Cor- Third andWauUrgton Sts. CITY BAKERY ND- Seoond and TJnlon Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor FMY GROCERIES i). -(Suoceesor to P. KREFT A Cj. Dealer in MbI1 paper, fainh, Artists' Material and Painters' Supplies Agent for MASURY'S LIQUID PAINT All orders for painting, papering .and kalcomioing promptly attended to . We're Here to GR0W--SIR And Want Your Trade Have you ever eeen Aunt Jemina's Pancake Meal? Or Pettijohna' Breakfast Gem? Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour is fine, and you know what Hecker's Self-Rising Buckwheat ia. Our Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Comb Honey and sweet things are just as nice as you could want them. Call and see us, or aek Central for 62, J. B. CROSSEN, GROCER. IREGOM: BAKERY -AND- C' aaa7aai BataT ' I I 9 A. KELLER Prop'r am 'jepared to fnrniBh ftunllletf, octftlt and rat taurania with Hit cjiulctmt Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh titers' Served la Erery Style. Second (Street, Next door to The Dalles No, tional Jtank, THE DALLES Cigar Factor SECOND 8TBEET Opposite the Implement Warebouse FACTORY NO. 105. CARS t the Beat Brands Diannfact- red, and ordeas from all pai ta of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of 1'HE LIALLKtJ UlliAa has become firmly eataHiahed. and the de mand for the home roanufactnaed article is increasing every day. A. ULRICA & SON. 1 - E F. W. SHYERTOOTII, Prop. F;rst-c!ais Winei, Liqaors and Cigars Always on Hand. Corner Second and Court Streets, Tha Dalles, Oregon. Sample : Rooms, B FRONT HT (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK, PROP. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA CBEWEBt BEER ON DRAUGHT Watches and Diamonds. And All Kinds of the Best Jewelry i. c. NICKELSEN. s THE DALLES. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castoria eo veil adapted to children that Castoria U ' superior to aoy prescriptioa I recommend it u. B, A. Abcber, M. U., kiiowa u me." M St,, DrookJyn, N. y 111 South Oxfu, "os, and It ' I ne CeBtoria iu my pra -icn." 10uT id Avo., New ." -From rrsni! to,jvlcdge I can say th.rt itaatoria is a :Mo.t vxUeet medicos fur clul lr .. lieu i- O. ysooL,o, lrea- Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatuleiicy, ConsUpaBfin, Bour Stomach, Diarrnaca, and Feverushne. Thus the child 13 rendered healthy and Its Bleep natnral. Castoria contaiia BO Morphine or other narcotic property. Ik Dalies National Bank, OF DALLES CITY, OR, President, Z. F. Moody, Cashier, .19.1 General Banting Business Transacted. Sight Exchange sold oo NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, pioiEEB mm, Northwest Cor. Second sndVaahlLrtants. mmi 1 wm, mn Baocessorsto George Bach. Xlie Cheapest JPlace tn psuas rca All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR. GRAIN, WILLOW WAHKK Ta We respectfully solicit a sh 'of the public pat injure and shall endeavor to&rive en tiro satislao ton to our customers both old lid new. A. GEHRES PROPRIETOR OF TDK PIONEER SODA." WKS SECONDTHEET THE PALLEa OR. Manufactures the Best Articles of Soda, Sarsapariila and Giilger Ale Leaue Orders With Andrew Keller, Uppfecttoner. THB DAXLES. OREGON. Best Kentueky Whiskey FROM LOTJSTIIXE. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes of Wines. English Porter Ale and MilranVe Beer always on band. MAETZ PUNDT. PROFS ,lio MCXEIIX. Receiver. -TO TI1E- aJJ a. r3 'aJaa'I GIVES THE Choice of Two Transcontinental Bootes VIA VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS AND ST.PATJL Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave lort ard days for ire SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For full details call oa O. S. N. Agent at THE iia I.I.I.H, oraouress W. H. HUSLBURT, Oen. Pass. Aft, ' Portland, Oregon, wMfl OEEGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 2. 1895. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Clreat t'hapfte at Heart. Baleiqu, N. C, Feb. 93 The Ntin and Observer say editorally this mornins; in regard to the action of the bouse of representatives today: "Several weeks ago a proposition was made in the gen eral aesembly to adjourn In honor of Robert hue on the eccat-ion of his birthday. This r solution whs voted tlcwo, although hy eoectment of a prior 'c9!ature Gentral Lee' birthdhy is a public J'lWy t''e stale, and the public buildiugfl 6iA closed oo that day. "Yesterday a revolution was introduced to aJjoulo until 10 o'clock on Saturday to pay respect to tbe memory of George Washington whose birthday ! also a legal holiday. Tbis was voted down. At the session where the resolution to ad jodrrl in honor of Washington was voted down, the following resolution. Intro duced by Crews, colored, of Granville, was adopted : " Wherras, The late Freperick Douglass departed this life on the 20tb inst.;and ' 'Whereas, We greatly deplore the same; now, therefore, belt ' 'Jieschert. That when this house ad journs it adjourn lo respect to the meru ory of the deceased .' .'These three dates, the birth of Lee, the birth of Washington and the death of Douglass are compared in one month This general assembly, deliberately and after debate voted down the resolutions to honor the memory of the Father of hia country and Robert K Lee, who, With Grant, was amooe; the heroes of Chepul tepee aod the commander of the armies of the south, put on record 1b the jour. nals of the bouse a resolutierr of adjourn ment . in respect to the memory of Frederick Douglas. "The action is equivalent to saying, 'Washington, Lee, Douglass. These three, but the greatest is Douglass.' This action more correctly than any other official proceeding of this legisle. ture, show the spirit of this body." Hot Spring Horned. St. Louis, Feb. 23 A special from Hot Springs, Ark , says : Fire breaking out here at 4 tbis morning has raged without control, and so far lonr blocks of buildings have been destroyed. Hot Hpriogs has no adequate fire de partment. The streets are narrow and tba buildings frame. None of tbe large hotels are burned, but all are in danger. Eight people are so far known to have perished in the fire. It is feared the number dead will be much greater than three, as many people who lived In the destroyed buildings are missing. Eow tbe dimes originated Is a mys tery. When discovered, tbe fire was under strops; headway, and made such rapid progress that the department could do lutie toward checking it. People who roomed in tbe doomed structures were caught almost without warning, and nearly all who escaped did so in their night clothes, being unable to save any of their effects, Tbe dead are Mrs. Clara Sam moos, a boarding-house keeper, D W Wing, Glen Falls, N, Y , and Mrs. Maggie Hecox, a boarding house keeper. Mr. and Mrs. Brnnoo, -of Macon, Mo., were slightly injured by jumping from tbe burning building. The are originated in tne na leery over wbicb were furnished rooms kept by Mr, Summons. Other buildings burned were tbe Laclede, Ouachita, Illinios, Missouri, Oak!awn and Bloomingion boarding houses; H M Budgies' residence; R L Williams' tbree-s'orv- brick, Jouim's grocery, E Randolph's residence, Ledger- wood's bakery, Tennessee stables, West bouse, and 15 cottages. The total Iocs is $75,000, with very iilt'e insurance. The re burned both sides of Ouachita avenue to Hawthorne, one side of Haw tborne to Woodbine, and both sides of Orange to Quapaw street. tnletfj- Burled. Washington, Feb. 33 A a resell of cable communication witn bis relatives in Moscow, tbe remains . of Pierre BogdanoS, tbe late first secretary of tbe Russian legation, were quietly interred today in the Rock Creek cemetery of tbis city. Mr. Bogdanoff, white suffering intensely from neuralgia, shot bimself Wednesday morning last. What mystery if any, was behind this tragic taking ui is probably burled with him. The note that be left for relatives has been for warded to tbera unopened. A priest of the Greek church came from New York and conducted, at the bouse of tbe deceased, tbe simple ceremonies wbicb, under tbe circumstances, were all that could possibly be done in the way of religious ceremon y. Prince Cantacuzene, tbe Russian minister, end alt the members of tbe Russian legation and many other diplomats attenoea tne services, but only a few personal friends followed the icmains to tbe grave. - Three Hundred Hialn. Paris, Feb. 23 Quotiene reports the French expedition which left Marseilles some months ago under com man u oi Commandant Montlel, for service In the interior of Africa,' was surprised and a sanguinary conflict ensued. Three hun dred men, comprising .one- half tbe force, are said to have been kil'ed while tbe remainder bave been diiven from the line of march, and their retreat cut off. Tbe minister of tbe colonies has re ceived an urgent appeal for reinforce ments, Muntiel's expedition was intended to join tbe contingent of Captain ureas. now guarding Urbangbui. saernsed A gamut Htaa. Lonoon, Feb. 23 Advices from Tama- tavesay the French are incensed against ex-United States Consul Waller. It 1s related that jnt before tbe French oc cupation of Tamatave, French soiaiers entered tbe bouse where Waller was stopping and threatened biin with a knife. Waller seized a ' chair, and declared be would brain tbe soldier if be came a step further. The soldier tben left. Waller reported the matter to tbe United States consul. " An tSncllernnan BrneadeA. Liverpool, Feb, 33 Mail dispatches from West Africa give details of tbe na--bve rai(Mn the Royal Niger Company's headquarters at Akassa last month. The natives captured Mr. Wyse, chief of the company's printing woiki, and took him to Nimbi, where be was beheaded. It is believed that a large number of the company's native employee were either killed or captured. It is understood that a British advance upon Nimbi Is immi nent. Set a Tkaakral Sow. VicToRrA, Feb.. 32 Jastice Cras yei terday afternoon sentenced John - Simp son and Peter Nelson to five years' im prisonment for robbery of the bonded warebcnie at theonter wharf. Aa tbey I - - - ' were leaving the dork, Simpson cbserved "TbaDk you, sir," for which, interpreted as contempt, be was brought back an.i given three years additional, a year for eaeu word . War lo F.ul Africa. Massowah, Feb. 32 Chief Tafiri, of the province of Agame, acting as an ally of the Italian operating in East Africa, against the Abysslnians, has attacked and defeated the Tigrlna near Adigrat, kiil IdK mauv. Mene'ik, the emoeror of Shoa. re turned to his capital Jauuarv 21. after pillaging the country. Mataapecaf Brb la. Paris, Feb. 22 The last mull from Madagascar 9ajs that 4500 Huvss am other natives were menacing Dieeo Snarez at the north extremity of the island. The neighborhood has been almost deuuded of troops for the campaign in the Interior. Large Expnrtaj of Plonr. TacOma, Feb. 23 Out of the 16 largest exports of tbis continent, Tacoma contributed one-ninth of - the entire quantity of flour exported. For tbe week ending February 16, 235,000 liarrcls were exported. General la Char After. Washinuton, Feb. 33 A resolution was adopted by tbe senate to correct an error in tbe recent Chicago public build ing act by wbicb the old building was to be sold to the "lowest bidder" instead of the "highest." An hour was given to a sharp contro versy over stopping work on the Ddle ware river bridge at Philadelphia until a board of army engineers investigated the height, span. etc. McPberson withdrew bis opposition to the inquiry and bis mo tion to reconsider dnring an investigation was laid on tbe table, 37 to 10 Tbe credentials of McPServ, of Louisiana, for another term, beginning March 4 next, were presented by hu collesge, Blanchard. George submitted tbe results of an in quiry by tbe committee ou agriculture concerning tbe cultivation of cotton. "Pettlgrew offered a resolution provid ing that nut of respect to Ihe memory of tbe late Frederick Douglass bis remains be permitted to he in state in the capital rotunda tomorrow. Pettigrew asked for tbe immediate consideration of tbe reso lution, but objection was made by Gorman and it west over. In accordance with a special order tbe senate tben listened to eulogies on tbe late Representative George B, S.baw, of Wisconsin, at the conclusion ot which tbe senate, at 6:4Q, adjourned. Boya and Gunpowder. . Jacksonville, Feb. 24 Three little Jacksonville boys hid a painful gun powder w experience today. They were Louis Engledow, aged 9 years, and Victor and Bennie l'lymale, aged 8 and 9, re spectively, Tbe little EngVdow boy bad a lot of agates and wanted to divide them with the other boys. His mother gave biro a box containing tne agates and told bim that there was some gunpowder in the box and directed him to pick ont the agates and return her tbe box. A bapny thought struck the boys, so they slipped ont on tbe sidewalk and touched a match to the gnnpewder. There was an ex plosion and three little boys are now without eyebtows, eyelashes and front bair. Ater three hours' or severe pain from their burns, tbe little lads are rest - ing easily, and sustain no serious results from their experiment. Tbey seem to be satisfied with their experiment, and will not be likely ever to make BLarcbiits. A FIBht la Africa. London, Feb. 24 It is reported that there has been severe fighting between the British naval force and the natives at Brass, Guinea, on the weat coast of Africa. A sailor, who was on tbe warship 8t. George, telegraphed to bis wife, in Ply month. "Big fight at Brass Saturday; we are all right." No details bave been received, but it is known that the cruiser Barroua and tbe gunboats Widdon and Thruth. with tbe St. George, tbe flagship of tbe west Africa station, were near the Niger's mouth at the end of the week;. It U reported at Plymontb that Sir Claude Mcdonald, the British agent in tbe Niger region, and tbe offiuer commanding the British force were wonnded severely. The natives, it is said, were pnt to flight after suffering heavy losses. K earned by Yorktow"- Washington, Feb. 33 Secretary Her bert has received a cablegram from Admiral Carpenter, commanding tbe Asiatic squadron, saying that tbe gun boat Torkiown returnerrto Che-Foo yes terday with 13 missionaries, who have been rescued from places of danger. Tbe Yorldovn baa been on tbe aoutb coast of tbe Shan Tnng promontory, hav ing been ordered there by Admiral Car penter for tbe purpose of anording an asylum to Americans driven to the coast during the Japanese occupation of Wei- Hai-Wei. The flagships Baltimore and tbe Chartetlon are also at Che-Foo. - A Senate Inquiry. Washington, Feb. 23 Morgan intro duced In tbe senate a resolution author izing tbe senate committee on Pacific roads to sit during the coming rece.s for tbe purpose ot continuing its investiga tions of tbe relation of these roads to the government. The committee Is author ized by tbe resolution to make a personal examination of tbe roads and other prop erties that are bonded to tbe PaciQu railway companies and their branches, and the country through wbicb tbey pass or wbicb is immediately contributory to beir income, with a view to ascertaining heir present status and ability to pay their indebtedness lo the United 3 ales, aad bow that indebtedness can De act uated aod paid. Twe Faaaeagera ilad Mmallpex. San Francisco, Feb. 93 The steam ship Gaelic, wbicb arrived at 8 o'clock this evening, was detained by being sub jected to quarantine at Honolulu. Six day out from Hong Kong two cases of smallpox were discovered in tbe steerage, tbe victims being Chinese. On arrival at Yokohama tbe patients were landed. Tbe ship was about 10 days in transit from Japan to Honolulu, and wnen sne arrived there those passengers ticketed for the islands ware taken from tbe ship and placed in quarantine. Only four passengers from Honolulu weie taken on board. , Hull Baurencaa Interference Lonboit, Feb S3 Tbe latest commu nications between the foreign office and Japan, in regard to peace negotiations with China are reported to bave led to a distinct declaration on the part of Japan that she is not desirous oi any interference by European powers. TELEGRAPHIC. Panama, Feb. 23 Tbe men employed on the canal are abandoning work. Even those in the giestest need refuse to accept tbe low wages offered to replace the strikers. It is now rumored that it is lue purpose of the company to pul wagea so iow mat men cannot accept. and so have a pretext for not continuing work until a Ireth supply of funds comes irom ranee. Foreigners here am pro testing against tbe reported violations of tne mails, it is believed ihe government win increaae the in. port din ed Imposed suuie luipunaut arncies oi living, A lirpoMtt la New York. .New i ore, Feb. 24 The Morgan- Belmont syndicate drpoiited 1800,000 at ihe subtreasury today, and asked for a receipt without stating whether tbe gold was a payment on account of tbe bonds or not. mere It biuch excitement in Wall Street over tbe allotment of bonds. It it said small investors and saving banks will be given the preference. The syndicate has announced that the total subscription to the new 4 per cent loan in the United States amounts to aSUU.UUUjUUt,, fold lor ihe Bond. Washington, Feb, 33 Up to snd in cluding today tbe treasury department has received $39,675,708 in gold on de posit on account of tbe Belmont Morgan bond purchase; it has issued $28,433,774 in certificates for tbe same, and has car ried to the gold reserve $39,839,389. ine treasury interest payments on account of recent bond issues, and the gold bond issues up to date, aggiegate tots nscai year 3,i)0U.0U0. or about 11 per cent of tbe total receipts oi tbe gov ernment lor tbe fiscal year to date, Tobaeeo for the Wavy. Washington, Feb.23 The paymaster general of tbe navy has called for bids on 130,000 pounds of navy plug chewing tobacco, which will be opened at tbe New York navy- v aid March 30. The specifications are very strict. A similar amouut .purchased last year cust cents per pouud, Burner ef War. London, Feb. 35 Advices from Rear- Admiral Bedford, in command of Cape Uood Hope and West African stations, who bas been co-operating with the land forces id the British expedition on Braes river, on the Guinea coast, confirms the report of severe fighting in that locality. Tbe admiral adds that Lieutenant Taylor, ot the royal navy, and two men were killed and five men'were wounded. Tbe British advanced up Brass river February 33, captured several rebel strongholds and destroyed a number of warcanoes. Many of the natives were killed and tbe main body of rebels re treated into tbe interior. Tbe following day the British advanced further inland, and, after sharp fighting, captured and burned the native town of Nimbi. The natives, who oit heavily, fled from Nimbi to Baasouia, followed by the Brit isb, who shelled the last-named town, hut did not proceed further inland. Sir Claqde M McDonald, who personally di rected the operations, sent an ultimatum to the rebels that unless tbey surrendered and gave up tbe prisoners captured at Akaasa, a month ago, further attack ould be made on them. A later dispatch from Admiral Bsdford says the British expedition consisted of lie gunboats Widgeon and Thrutli, two steamers belonging to tbe Niger protect orate, and tbe flagship St. George On February 31 the rebels, in 35 war canoes, attacked the British force at Sacrifice island, but tbe fire of tbe natives was ineffective, and three of the war canoes were sunk, after wbicb the rest retired. I he following day the intricate channels of the Brass river were buoyed and the creek reconnoitered. "At daybreak February 23," continnes Admiral Bedford's dispatch, "we com menced the attack, and, after aa obsti nate defense of a position naturally difficult, a landing was gallantly effected and Nimbi completely burned. Ihe force was withdrawu tbe evening following, after the retidencea of King Koko and tbe house of tbe other chiefs had been destroyed." An additional dispatch received from Admiral Bedford this evening says that Fishtown, another town on Brass river, was destroyed by tbe British expedition ary force today. The admiral adds: 'The Brass chiefs and people impli cated in tbe attack npon Akassa bave now been punished, and no further operations are contemplated." Hayward HUH a W'taraa. Minneapolis, Feb. 25 Harry Hay- ward, defendant in tbe Ging murder trial continued hia testimony today. Tbe narrative was resumed at tbe point where be returned to tbe Ozark from tbe theater and beard of Miss Oiog's death. . I thought of all our relations," be taid, "and bow I bad lent ber money. I remember tbe often asked me to lend ber my revolver, and at I thought the matter over, I became convinced sne had Deen murdered. I don't know ' what I said to people there or at tbe police station. I was very much excited." He and Adrian were arrested and pnt in a cell together. Adrian seemed very much down in the month, and Harry said to him: "We are not guilty, what's the use of feeling tbis way," bnt Adrian was dispirited, and finally Harry said: "Adrian, what Is tblsi Yon held her np once. Did yon nave anytning 10 no witn hist" Adrian was silent and refused to talk any more, and after that there was no further conversation between them . Tb s evidence caused a flutter of excite mcnt, aa it brought In the story which Thursday bad been ruled out by tbe court to tbe effect that Adrian was tbe masked highwayman who last April robbed Harry, ftlirt uing anu aiist veader. while riding. Adrian, it is understood, attempted to disprove this story with an alibi. Erwin next read the incriminating evi dence ot Blfxt to tbe defendant witness. and drew from bim explicit denials of tbe charges made by B'ixt. Tbe same course was followed witn Adrian a testimony. Jealeuay aad Oeatn. Chehalib, Wasb Feb. 25 J. A. Phillips, a logger about 35 years old, shot and killed bis wife Estella, at Centralia about 4 o'clock this afternoon. After writing a note explaining tbe cause of tbe tragedy, be blew out bis brains. Both died within an hour, Tbe affair grew out of Phillips' jealousy of bis wife. He bad been at a logging camp during tbe week and returned unexpectedly. Soon after tbe arrival, bis wife came from town eo coiapanied by Jap Bowes, a young man. She went into the boose, leaving Bowen " - Highest of all in Leavening j I ABSOLUTE1Y. PURE -.at... .. . me Kaie, appaientty in reconnoiter. She had kt-nrcelygot in before a neighbor nearn shots. Phillips stood in the door- way with a revolver pointing at Bw en, " running away, three more shots were beard, and the neighbor rushed to the house and broke in the doo which was locked. Mrs, Phillips lav gasping to pool of blood on the flior. one naa been shot in the arm and attain tnroogb the left temple. Phillips was on a bed, holding tbe revolver In bis band, un the table lay a note, tigoed bv the husband, and which was as follows: "As I can't live without my wife. I have taken this way of keeping her with me. We bsve no friends tj mourn for nt, ana lei tnit oe a lesson lo all not to fool will) other men's wlveo. Good hte to mat irienna i nave. Ut us mtn the ground at soon as yon can. Aaxlvaa for Peace. London, Feb. 25 A dispatch from Tien-Tsln stye that Rev.' Gilbert Reld, of tbe board of foreign missions of tbe I Presbyterian church of tbe United States has privately interviewed members of tbe grand council at Peking, all of whom expressed themselves as strongly desirous of peace with Japan. The audiences tha viceroy hag had with tbe emperor of China are reported satis factory. The Peking government has not taken any decision regarding tbe reorgan Isation of its army, owing fo the obstructive tactics of Chinese rfflcials. Colonel von Hanneken bas Intimated that be bas definitely withdrawn Irom tht task of reorganizing the Chinese troops. because preliminary conditions were nnl complied with, and because the advisets of the empire bave failed to grasp the true cause of the military collapse of tbe Chinese empire. Chicago, Feb. 25-Two children today discovered tbe mutilated body of a man in a lonely locality at Ninety-fifth street and Western avenue. Tbe body, wbicb Is that of a man about 25 years old, waa found in a sitting position lean-1 ing against a tree. Tbe bands, legs and lower part of the body were badly burned. Deep gashes were found in bit bead, and about bis waist were the rem nantsof a charred and singed rope. Tbe indications are that be bad been mnr- dered and an attempt made lo conceal tbe crime by burning Ihe body, or he bad been burned at the stake m.eee Rrpul.rd. Yokohama, Feb. 25 Dispatches from Ibe commander of tbe Japanese forces' at rocking chair; second prize to S. A. Thur-Hai-Cbenn, say that 17,000 Chinese, sup- tnau, fcsquiuiaux and family, beat assumed ported by 20 guns, recently attacked the character. Aa fain hod a dog, sled and Japanese troops at that place, bnt re-I treated after the Chinese battery bad been silenced by Ore irom tbe Japanese batteries. ' The Japanese loss is six killed. The Cbinese loss is uncertain, but one attack I Ing force ie.'t 100 dead behind tbem. lanarxeata Maeeeearvl. London, Feb. 25 A Bombay, dtapatcb says: Insurgent Bedouins bave captured tbe greater portion of tbe city o' Muscat, The sultsn fled from tbe palace, but sac- ceeded subsequently in retaking the east- ern portion of tbe town. Tbe results of the fighting are still uncertain. rena AU JDcMreyeH. Shanghai, Feb. 25-The British war- sbip Alacrity, just arrived from Wei-Hal- Wei. renorte that the Jansnese destroyed all the land forts st that place except tboee on the island of Llu-Kung-Tao. - A Chapter of Aeoidenta. The Antelope HeraUl furnishes tbe fol low ion Hat of accidents in that towu laat week: A. E. Stewart, aearpenter of this plsoe, met wtte a very paioful accident at th dance here last Thursday night. While promeoading in a quadrille he alipped and fell, tripping bis partner wbo fell on top of him. Not realizing the aeriousuesa of hu accident he tried to get up, but found it im possible to do so, aa one bone of his right leg was broken just above the aukle and the other bone was 'dislocated at the ankle. He was immediately csrriml to the red- dence of W. D. Jooee, where Dr. PilUing ton at once tet the boots, and he is now do ing as well as roald be enaeoted. The little HJ yiar-old boy of Mr. F. N. Bpicer's went to lead his pony to water on Thutaday of laat week when the animal broke loose and ran away. The boy fol- , r. l .1 . , , k. r IOWOU up auu wueu .u. puuy "ll- - lumpen aim urauueu iud iuik, 1 1,0 .mui,. . a ll a .u- r. 1 wheeled aod kicked the boy jntt above tbe left eye. cutting a gash into the skull and about three inches long, Tbe little fellow displayed a'ondtrful grit and hung on the rope till be had the horse safely tied in the barn. He then went to the house and ha,i tbe wound dressed, being aa cool about it as a man would have been. Mr. Spicer bad tha d oo tor to treat the boy tnia week, and he will doubtless be all right again in a short time. Eight Mile Doinc- Kioht Mils, Feb. 22, 1895. Editor TiMts aUtvsTusua: Tbe beautiful snow has about all disap peared from the hillsides, and the merry iingle of sleigh bells from the highways The robin and the meadow lark bare filed their rights to a homestead by the fence post, where their song will be beard from tbe rising of the suu to the setting of the same. The people of Kndereby have petitioned for a new school district to be taken from district No. 22, 28-civilization adjusts it self to tbe needs of the people. r Our singing school, under the manage ment of Prof McGreggor, will come to a close on Tuesday, the 26th, after which there will be a grand concert on tbe even ing of Saturday, March 2d. Tbe services of Miaa Nellie Allen, of The Dallea, has been secured as organist. The entertain ment of the evening will consist of singing by the Eight Mile harmony claw, dialogues, recitations etc, Hamlin. Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than thm of ordinary trade cigarettes will . find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold l eaf grow ii in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE A Very Snooesafal Party. The masquerade ball given by the Wood- meu of this city at the Baldwin opera house hut evening; waa a aucoeas, Jn every regard. Soon after 7 o'clock the hall began 1 to filll with spectators, and maskers, entering bv auother door, began to circle around the room. These represented different cos tumes, national and otherwise, and formed a grotesque crowd. At 10 o'clock un- u"kinB took place, and by this time every available aeat was occupied by spectators and the center was literally crowded with those e tunioue. Here the Spanish oav- alier llnt4!PeH . ... T Via Aaalaestf asl amnia a... I aB- A ...liL f f B.teal fihlltalllLlt aVCllL Skjl eaxrM an ... il. f beiu of 8n,iu uhil. . .. nmted cigars kept time to th. u.uaio .d joined in the dances. A irreeter variety of masks has not been seen at any party given at The Dulles, and the music furnished waa very excellent. ' A committee on awards was chosen' con- "sting f Judge Blakely, W. H. Wilaoa. S- Gunning and Mesdamas John Fillooa jana j. ftuuiing. After carefully pass- ,BK judgment on the characters the first prize, China tea aet, was awards to Miaa Ruffuer, Queen Isabella of ftnaln. as tha moti eleiraut costume: the aeooud nrl handsome lamp, to Mrs. H. Laurenzea, . Spanish fish woman, aa the best aaaumad ,ady character. the fit -,..,.... to Lieut MuAvov. Hn.ni.1. v.n.. . Mr. F. If. Moore a little bey to constitute tl,e "nnly, we presume be will divide the oaon with them. Dancing was kept up until au early hour, and thoroughly en- joyed, The followlug ia a list of tlie char- acters: Fred Archer, Chinaman; Julius Ullricli, Cuuin girl; John MoNaal, Far West; Chat Gnep, John Brown; Wm Vanbibber, Bailor; II Uaoaen, boot black; R Liege, Tork: Si Fulton, painter; Wm Nicholas, stylish negro; Bert Bagley, coon; A B Lee. tailor; Ed Drew, monkey; E L Fsio, Turk; J A Simoneon.George Washinuton: H Lonsdale, mask; J Hampshire, mask; Willie Frank, negro; J M Buschke, regular fool; Gus Bar- tel, mask; C Emerson,- old man; Charles Frank, elowo; W H Reivis, yacht mts; Frank Roffoer, miller boy; Fred Snipes, dude; Chas Burget. dude; Paul Kreft, Irian Mick; noyd Herman, Spaniard; H Alex- uder' waohmao; Bert fiarnett, Spanish prinae; J if Moore, Esquimaux; Beo UU rich, school boy; J R McAvoy, Spanaird; Chaa Snipes, Scottish ouief; Jss MoCowa, Tipperery boy; Arthur Utubliog, Irishman; Mat Shoren, baker; J B Gilmore, eclipse; Vio Marden, lady; Chaa Friix, lady; Al Reese, clown; M T Nolan, D.t.-beat George Moabus, coon; Sun Thorman, Esquimaux; J M Ford, Irish priest. Miaa Busohke, lov" ing sister; V Alleo, loving sister; Mrs Ban-' nell, none girl; Mrs Shoreo, sleigh bells; Mrs C Ea.ersoo, oountiy lady; Lizzie Van- pelt, soow storm; Maud Car?, night; ' Miss Austin, Mother Hubbard; Mrs A Urquhart, old faabioaed girl; Mrs K L Barrel', Span ish' lady; Clara Rnffoer, Qaeen Isabella; Maud Roffoer, Red Cross narse; Lizzie Gates. Uutoh girl; Mrs F Ruffuer, miller girl; E.ina Eiharr.sleigh bells; Oreo Lauer, night; Mrs Adams, good look; Minnie Gos- ser, fairy; Christina Phirman, fairy; Jenny Young, atarlight; Miss Ulriob, snow; Emma Fisher. Japanese; Miaa Stnbling, Irish lady; Mrs El Ryan, Soanish dancing girl; Mrs J Simonaon, Woodman; Mrs Mo- . 1 ' Cnrtnav. school u.rl- Miaa Af Prtbav ' Mar. n . fw tha Washington; Mrt J C WingGeld. coun try lady; Grace Akin, cotton g'r'; Liszie Akin, Italian; Lizzie Ere, Zalu; Miss Erk, mask; Mrs HL Jones, orange girl; Mrs L L Braoner, Bo Peep; Mrs H C Lauretzoo, Spanish tithing lady; Mrs Lizzie Firter. maak; Mrs Millteist, night and day; Lena Nelson, Chronicle; Mrs Kirk, tambourine girl; Miaa B Feuton, German peasant; Mrs Beck.Norwegiao girl; Carrie St Jobn,aaak. Wasted A woman of discretion to take care of children. Apply at Brenner's restaurant. Awarded i- Highest Honor World' Fetfr. DEI' CREAM MPS MOST PERFECT MADE. k pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret om Ammonia, Alum or any otker adulterant, 40 YEAfOi THB STANDARIX mm f