The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 23, 1895, Image 4

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    The Times-Mountaineer
The Atlanta Constitution, which
- has as little love for Cleveland as it
has for the Republicans, advises
Cleveland to bring the fifty-fourth
congress together just as early as pos
sible after it comes into existence three
weeks hence.- "If the president," de
clares that paper, "thinks he is under
any sort of obligation to the party that
he has made the stepping stone to
power if he is capable of feeling the
- slightest emotion of gratitude to the
organization that has practically des
troyed its own usefulness by heaping
honors upon his head be has now an
opportunity of discharging the obliga
tion and of showing his gratitude by
inviting the Republicans into the trap
of an. extra session." It adds that
"such a move aa this would take high
rank as a piece of political strategy "
All of ibis shows that the Conslitu
lion has a much clearer insight than
the majority of Democratic papers
into the feeling of Republicans regard
ing an extra session, says the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat. Most of the Dem
ocratic statesmen and journals have
- been charging that the great aim of
the Republicans in congress and out
of it has been to force a Beasion of the
next congress at the earliest practic
able tuoment. The Republicans de
sired this, according to the Democratic
accusation, so aa to begin to use their
newly acquired power as soon as pos
sible. They have been charged with
dodging issues and otherwise imped
ing the legislation which the adaiinis-
tration favors, and all for the purpose
of compelling the president to call
them in session as soon as he dares
after March 4, so that they may show
the country how financial and all other
sorts of crises are met by a party of
vigor, courage and intelligence.
Bat the accusations were false, and
the alleged, conspiracy to block legtsla-
.. t ion was non-existent. The Republi
cans have especially powerful reasons
to avoid an extra session. They will
have only one branch of the next cori-
. grass, the house, while they will lack
two or three votes of a clear majority
in' the, senate. , Moreover, the silver
element will be stronger in the next
senate than it is in this one, which is
another reason why the Republicans
are not anxious to haye the congress
come together before its stated meeting
. time in December. - The Populists will
bold the balance in the senate, and as
they are with the Democrats on the
vital issue, the financial question, that
body will virtually be in Democratic
hands all through the term., To a cer
tain extent the . It-publicans will per
haps be held responsible for tbe con-
time ao, Major Handley, deceased, anil
Judge Handle?, wbo died yesterday.
Neither brother left any children and the
immense wealth of Judie Hand ley will es
cheat to the state, or be claimed by distant
relatives. It is not likely that the property
win lack claimants, and undoubtedly the
settlement will result lu litigatiou.
' duct of tbe next congress, without
having the power to determine decis
ively what that conduct shall be. - The
President: will be on their side, bat tbe
senate will be against them, and they
will be powerless to carry out any dis
tinctively Republican policy. An ex
tra session is what the Republicans
desire most earnestly to avoid, and
they are trying to avert it by support
ing the- administration's policy when
it commends itself to their views of
financial expediency and propriety.
Saturday's Dsilr. ,- -
. . ' Mr. R. S'ismaa, of Dufur, is in tbe city
The Regulator will leave her wharf at 8
. o'clock Monday morning for the Cascade
. Locks, carrying passengers and freight;
Any person desiring a good, reliable,
gentle horse, can purchase one cheap by
calling on C. L. Phillips, at the corner gro
cery. ijeppner : Gautte: , lit. Homer Mc
' Farland has fully recovered bis health in
California, and speaks in glowing krma of
log Angeles in particular.
Mrs. C It. Phillips left this morning for
Son Francisco, where she will purchase a
new stock of millinery goods, which she
will open out in this city on her return.
The D. P. A A. N. Co. had two new ele
. cant signs placed in position this morning
at the office in this city. Tbe boats will
. nuke daily trips hereafter, beginning next
Tuesday. - '.
- New poles for the telegraph company are
strnng along Front street. Tbe v estern
Union Telegraph Co. is putting in new
. poles all along tbe line from Portl nd to
Hun'ington, and a force of men is now at
- work eastward from the freight depot.
The orchardists on Mill Creek are prepar
ing to wage war ou fruit pests, wri have
procured the necessaay apparatus and will
begin spraying at ones. - For tbe past two
or three years our fruit-growers have very
successfully combatted the Son Jose scale,
and are hopeful that they can rid their
trees of other destructive insects.'
There is some change in the battot at Sa
lem today in the concentration of tbe vote
of tbe bolters for Mr. . Williams. Monday
they may solidly, vote for another man . and
. so they may. be switching snd changing
until the session closes. Today tbe ballot
stood: Dolpb, 35: Bare, 10; Williams, 24;
. Haley, 6; vVeatnerford, 1. Absent, 14.
About 100 merry ska'ers from Enter
prise, Alder and J aepb, were on the lake
last Saturday and Sunday, end half as
many Tuesday night, says the Aurora. The
- skating was all that could be desired, there
beiBg a sheet of ice three miles long by one
mile wide, and from four to six inches
thick and smooth as glass. The ice is ex
cellent yet and will remain so for some time
unless there is a change in tbe weather.
Mr. Walter Odell, who lives at Des
chutes, in ibis city last night slipped off the
sidewalk mar tbe corner of Court and Kont
. street and suffered a fracture of h i right
leg two inches above the ankle. Dr. Hoi
lister was called and applied tbe usual sur
gical remedies, and he is resting ens ly. He
bad just arrived in town, and was walking
, . np the street when he met with the acci
Elder J. H Miller, of tbe Cavalry Bap
tlst church in this city, and editor of the
Jiaptiet Sentinel, will bold services tomor
row morning and evening in the building
lately refitted for that purpose. Tbe elec
tric power bouse has been repaired, and
will be occupied by the Cavalry Baptist
church hereafter. A portion of the build
ing will be fitted up for a printing office,
and tbe StmUnei. winch hs heretofore keen
nnhlialiMl in Pnrtlamil will hei tiAreattau ia.
sued at Tbe Dalles.
The proposed change in the branch train
service baa not yet matei alized . This seems
to us, says the Heppner Ocaette. would be a
great benefit to the U. R. A N. Co.. ae it
would certainly develop a good local pas
senger aa well aa stock business between
Heppner and 1 he Dalles at least, it would
greatly aid 'the stockmen in taking eare of
at ck while in transit, givirg them day
light instead of all night runs. Tbe passen
ger business would gradually grow, es
pecially from tbe John Days to Ibe Dalles.
Judge Handley, wbo died in Scranton.
Pennsylvania, yesterday, ment on of which
is made in tbe dispatches published today,
was a brother of the late Major' Handley,
formerly one Of the proprietors of tbe Uma
tilla House. He left an estate valued at
several millions, and has no near rela ives
living. Tbe family consisted of three
brothers, one of whom died in Dublin som
From Monday's Dally.
Tl e weither i spring like.
Theie a ere ten carloads of cattle shipped
to Portland today Ly the Columbia Pack
ing Company, from the stockyards of R. E.
Saltmatsbe and Co. in this city.
Sheriff Driver took the morning train for
Sa'em today having in charge the two pri
oners who were sentence t to the pcniten
litry Friday by Judge Bradsbaw for two
A Jackson county man, who has inter
ests in Mont"", tells of an acquaintance i f
his bovine 1000 rsnge hirsts in reruns.
Moot,, for S3 heid, killing them, boiiug
the meat and using it to feed a Urge turn
ber of hogs on bis ranch.
A sturgeon weighing liw pounds was
caught near Crate's point last Saturday
This is one of the largist sturgeon that was
ever caught in the fjulumbia river, and aa
this fish will bring 8 centa a pound tli
day'a work brought the fisherman $72.
Fred U. Wonder, of Poit'and, will be in
the city Thursday sod Fiiitav with cot-
tumes which may be hired for the mnqaer
ade ball on February 22 I. The costumes
may be seen at Prinz & Nitschke's furniture
store on Second street, as soon as they ar
, Tbe revival meetings At the Methodist
church will be continued during this week,
and presetting aer vices will be conduce!
very evening by Rev, John H. Woods, ti e
pastor. There is a good religious influence
pervading the meetiugs, aud great good is
being done.
There appears to be s drifting of the
bolters to Hon. Geo. H. Williams. Satur
day be received the vote of all members t-f
the opposition present, and today the same
man was adopted. 1 he tallot stood: Uoloh,
33; Williams. 27; Hare, 10; Weatnerford,
1. Paired, 8.
Revival meetings are being held in the
Meihodiat aad Christian cbnrches, and the
Salvation Army holds forth on the corner ot
Court and Second streets every evening.
the city is besieged by religions influences,
and the "strongholds of Satan" at Tbe
Dalles should show signs of weskneas.
W. W. Saunders, who was pardoned
from the penitentiary by Governor Pen-
never, baa been admitted to . the bar at
Spokane upon tbe recommendation ot Geo,
w. Kelt and I. r en ton. Saunders is a
graduate of Harvard, and well fitted by na
ture and education lor his new vocation
Tbe Regulator left her wharf at 8 o'clock
this inpri-iog, bavrng a good list of passen
gers on board. Among those from this city
were A. B MacaUister, H Glenn. C.
Craodall, F. Hooghton, E. R. Smart and
S. Li. Brooks. The beat has been thor
oughly repaired, and enters the trade as
good as new.
If we may place entire confidence in our
exchanges the songs of meadow larks, snre
signs of snriug, have echoed on Eastern
Oregon hills already, says tbe Canyon Citv
Jfeic Sat in this preoinct the meadow
lark has to duok Dia besd under a sagebrush
now ana men to escape being battered by
There were sx arrests made Saturday
night by the police foroe, five noboes, and
one for being drunk and disorderly They
were brought before the recorder this mm
og, and each was fined in th- sum of 5.
Ia default ef payment they were committed
to jail, and tbe street commissioner will
have a force of workmen for any emer
The bolts supporting Jthe smoke divider
of the Court street school furnace burned
ont this morning, consequently the pupils
ot mat school were dismissed today while
the furnsoe was being repaired. The regu
lar quarterly examination will be held op
Friday cf this week in tbe Court street
school and on Thursday in the other schools
of the city.
A big band of mutton sheep 8000 ia aura
ber, wintering in a large corral near Pendle
ton, and being fattened with wheat and
barley, is in excellent condition. A few
are ready for the market, and one sale has
already been contracted. The lambs have
increaaed in weight 7J lbs. durirg the last
tew weeks, averaging a gain of over two
pounds per week.
Lskeview Exam inr: Gas Schroder was
down from Silver Lake last week. : He re
ports tnat everyway is getting along as
well as possible, but some are in a horrible
condition. Ueorge Payne, the man' who
npset the death-laden lamp, was so badly
urnt that tne neah has fallen off his nick,
leaving part of bia backbone and three ribs
exposed. Several others are in pretty bad
Some $16,000 in gold bullion was brought
to Baker City from tbe Virtue mine last
Saturday and it is said to have made a neat
little pile aggregating about 800 ounce). - A
large number took advantage of the oppor
tunity to yiew toe small fortune; but we
are informed that the editors of the town
were excluded from viewing that large
amount on account . ot the fatal results
which might ensue.
Pendleton Tribune: News was received
lsst evening from Echo relating, without
detail, a robbery which occurred on the
stsge line yesterday. The stage has for
some time been driven by a woman from
Echo to Heppoerf making the : trip three
times a week. Nothing further uouH be
learned about the affair. Deputy Marshal
John Bentlty accompanied by Postmaacer
Jobrson, lelt on last evening's bain to in
vestigate the matter.
R A. Graham, representing the Coos
Bay, Roseburg & Eastern Railway & Nav
igation Company, advertiseaJor bids to fur
nish 20,000 white cedar ties, seven inches
thick: nine moties face and nine feet Icae,
to bs delivered at the company's wharf at
Marshtield, or at a tuitahle place along the
road during Marco and April. As no sncb
a number is needed for repairing it looks aa
if tbe wore would be resumed in the spring
and the work of completion toward Rose
burg pushed ss fast as possible.
Tbe Salem Statreiran saj s: "The Raley
senate bill re-appropriating the unexpended
balance ($140 000) if the 1893 appropriation
for tbe branch insane asylum at Union, yes
terday received the approval of the gov
ernor. ' Senate bill. No. 133, authoiiz-ng
certain corporations to appropriate lauds for
r cht-oi-way for flumes, etn , has also
reached the govern' r and is uudor consider
ation. House bill 350or the incorporation
of Hamaburg has also been approved.
These three bills are the only ones that
went to the governor yesterday.
La Grande Chronicle: The donations
made by the Grand Army people of Wal
Iowa for the Nebraska sufferers have been
largely converted into money. It was the
original intention to uae the fund thus col
lected In the purchase of grain and flour in
Grande Ronde. as it was not expedient to
haul tha same from Wallowa to the railroad
for shipment. But the railroads have sirce
declined to haul further contributions, and
it is pri bible that the money will be sent
direct to the Grand Army headquarters in
tbe drouth stricken state, to be disbursed in
a manner thtt will do the most good.
Geo. W. Meyers, a farmer about 60 years
of age, residing six miles sooth of Colville,
was fonnd dead in his bed on Tuesday
morning by Jack Snyder, a neighbor, saya
the Colyille Index. Snyder bad b-en to
the house on Mouday night but could not
gain ar mittanoe, tninaing everything was
not rignt he returned on Tuesday and forc
ing en entrance frond Meyers dead, whil
lying beside him is bed, a'l nnconscions of
the visit ot death, lay hia little grand child.
a boy of abint three years. Toe other mem
bers of the family were absent in the Trial
creek country.
ine state treasury is name to sutler in
the name of edura'ion without good caaae
or good sense. Tne role has been for litt'e
"colleges" in the' state to have themai-lvts
declared state normal schools and the.r dip
lomas made effective for aohocl teachers.
then at the next session to come forward
demanding appropriations for their snpo rt.
This thing, howeyer, received a set-back in
the liousa Saturday when the f ffort to trai.a
form the Coquille City college into a nor
mal school was defeated. The wisdom nf
providing higher or special education a
pnblio expense is at beat questionable, bnc
when it is proposed to pUot suoh institu
tions in every bailiwick, the practice be
oomes reprehensible.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mr. A. J. Brigham, of Dufur, ia in the
oity today,
" Mr W. H. Staats. of Dolor, arrived in
the city last evening.
Mr. J...C. Fleschhutz returned to Portland
on this morning's train.
Mr. John Lewis, formerly proprietor of
the foundry at Ti.e Dalles, is in the city
from Portland.
Tbe income tax collector is in the city. It
is not likely he will increase the revenue of
tbe government to any great extent by h s
visit to Tbe Dalles
Tbe Regulator will begin making daily
trips toosortow morning, and a good season J
may be expected. Merchants in the in
terior of Wasco, Crook and Grant counties
depend upon this line for supplies, and it
will be welcome news to them to learn that
the boats wiU'rrsutne daily tups.
The poles for the new telephone system
are now in position with all the requisite
insulitors attached. 1 he wires may be ex
pected to be laid in a few days.
The graodchancellor. K. of P.. Dr. Hill
of Albany, will pay an official visit to Wan
enma lodge it Hood River this evening,
Visitors from other lodges are expected to
be present on this occasion.
The hoboes wbo were arrested Sunday
ntght did good work on the Brewety hill
under charge of Street Commissioner Butta
yesterday. Other portions ot th) streets
will reueiva their attention to.l ly.
The ma querade bil , which was to have
been held by the Woodmen and Wnikmen
lodges combined, will ' be giuen under the
aucpices cf the Woodmen, tbe Workmen
withdiawing on account of tha death of
Brother Newman.
The police court bad nothing to attract
its attention today in tbe line ot candi
dates for its severity or mercy. There
were no arrests made last niulit, and, cen
seouently, the wheels of justice, in this
department, did not move with celerity.
There are three women in the Colorado
legislature. They are said to be very ex -euiplary
in their conduce and are treated
with becoming courOsy by the sterner
sex. It is reasonable to suppose they can
do their share of talking when they are
fully initiated.
The bolters are not concentrated yet on
any candidate. Satnrday and ycsterd iy
they gave Hon. George H. Williams their
support; but today a change came o'er
tbe spirit of their dreams. This alrernoon
the ballot stood: Dulph, 40; Hare, 10;
Lowell, 29 ; Haley, C ; Cogswell, 1. Paired
Moore's horticultural bill has passed
both houses and now goes to tbe governor
for his approval. It provides for the
destruction of fruit pests, and reduces the
allowance of tbe board for two years
I mm $l2,0u0 to $9000, and reduces tbe
salary of the secretary to $75 per month.
The law gives the board power to con
demn and destroy infected trees and to
quarantine against infected importations
of truit trees.
The Bailee City was launched yesterdav,
aad will make her first trip tomorrow morn
ing. She has been repaired throughout,
and is now as good as when she first entered
tbe trade. The boat has been newly re
painted, recarpeted, and wash-rooms added
to tbe other conveniences for passenger
Piinevilln Review: Mias Ida Wakefield,
who haa been a compositor in the Review
office the past three months, left by last
Monday's stage for her borne in Tne Dalles
Miss Ida is a sister of our better half, and
is a jay to every child on the ranch when
she uomes, and we all take a cry wben she
Tbe young people of tbe Congregational
church will receive the trieoda of the so
ciety snd of tbe pastor r-f the church at the
residence of W. S M yer Wednesday even
ing, at o.o clock. 1 hey cordially invite all
their friends, and tbe friends of tbe church
and pastor.
There must be something in tbe brand
of whisky on tap in Mitchell from the
way tberboys have been scrapping for the
past few days, says tue Monitor. AS long. they rely on nature s weapons.,
not much material da-cage will be done.
It is somewhat unpleusant, howeyer, to
have ones eyes in deep, ye, very deep
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. L.
Skibbe, on the occasion of the tenth anni
versary of their wedding Saturday evening,
coi gregated at the residence in this city,
and had a very pleasant and enjoyable
party. A bountiful refection was served.
and tbe table was graced by maBy of the
delicacies of theaeasoo. The party ended
by those present extending to Mr. and Mrs.
Skibbe hearty congratulations on the event.
John Teo, a captain of one ot the flat-
boats that furnish this city with wood, died
at bis- home near Stevetson, Wash., last
evening at 8:30 o'clock. Last Sunday be
was taken sick after doing tome heavy noik
in tbe woods, and it is supposed his death
was caused by internal hemorrhage. (Japt.
Teo has been on the river tor the past fif
teen years, and was well known in this
community. He leaves a widow and two
or three children.
Mr. Herrick, the proprietor of the new
oaonery, has everything in readiness now
for tbe coming season. He bas all the ma
chinery in position, and. as soon ss the sal
mon run begins will be able to can all fish
brought to him. If thia eanuery had been
in operation last year it voold have increased
the revenue of the oity several thousand
dollars . 1 here, may not be as large a run
this year as last; but whatever quantity of
nan is caught will be marketed.
We find the fo! 'owing complimentary no
tice in tbe Kllenaburg Liocataer, of Hon. (J.
I. Helm, a former resident of Columbus,
Wash,, and well known to many of our
citizens: "Senator U. I. Helm bas been
very active in the present legislature. He
is a worker and deserves credit for being
alive to the Inteiests ot his constituents.
We bave received six b 1 s he haa intro
duced. Want of space forbids a full notice
of them in this issue. We are pleased to
note the faot that be realizes what he bas
been sent there to do."
Articles of incorporation of tbe Jacob-
sen Bo S and Music Company were filed
witb the county clerk today, and the
names of tbe incorporators are Krnest
Jacobsen, Joseph Nilscbke and Harry
Liebe. J he amount ot capital stock of
the company is $5000. divided into 2000
shares ol $26 each, the principal place of
business ibe uaiies, ana the enterprise or
business to engage in the wholesale and
retail dealing in books, music, toys, no
tions, - stationery, musical instruments.
oigars aud tobacco, etc.
Last Sunday evening Elder Bailey
brojght bis series ot revival meetings, ex
tending over a period of six weeks, to a
c ose, says tbe Pri ooville Review. He im
mediately proceeded to Howard, where he
will bold a short series cf tnretinga,
Through bia earnettnsfs and foroe aa an ex
pounder of Lbriatrfin doctrine, Mr. iat!ey
is meeting with Mgnal success here this
winter. He baptize 1 21 into tbe cburoh
tbe past two Sundays in Prineville, aud
several more have expreestd their willing-
peas to conform to tbe rite aa soon as the
weather moderates.
A very important act to settlers on pub
no lanis has recently received, tbe signa
ture ot tbe pneident. It amends section 1.
of the act of March 2, 1889, by addiug
thereto tbe following provision: "Tnat if
any such settler has heretofore forfeited his
or her entry far any ot said reasons, such
person shall be prrmitted to make entry nf
not to exceed a quarter section on any Dab
lio laud subject to the homestead law, and
to perfect title tc the sain , ULder the same
conditions in every respect as if he bad not
made the former entry," This law wilt
help many a worthy man to homestead
who has heretotore been debarred there
Tbe "pay-roll" of the Nez Perce Indians,
wnose reservation will soon be opened up
in ldabo, contains about 2000 names. In a
few weens the government checks will be
ready for distribution. Each individual
Indian will receive $300, so it a ill be seen
that large families will be anle to handle
$2,500 to $3,000. The rec. nt reports of
prospective serous disturbances seem to be
devoid of truth and it ia openly charged
the rumors have been set in operatt n by
cattlemen who bave heretofore enj yed a
monopoly of the rich grazing lands ' which
are now to I e thrown opea to settlement
under tbe homestead law. Tre opening of
toe isez perce reservation sbonld induce
genuine boom in that section of Idaho.
The following proceedings were had I
tli is week :
Peter Godfrey vs W S Myers ani T J
Driver; report of referee tiled; aigued and
Laura Sandoz vs Anna R Brown, Daisy E
B own, a minor, Nellie L Reed and Maurice
Reed; answer of guardian at litem; default
and decree.
J U r landers ys U L) laylor; answer
filed; reply filed; referred to D S Dufur,
Plaintiff to have 30 days to offer evidence;
defendant to bave 40 days to offer evidence;
plaintiff to have 10 days to offer rebuttal
evidence; referee to report by first day of
next term; each party to give 5 days' notice I
to take testimony.
Same vs same; same order.
Eva Viola Watt vs Alex Watt; demurrer
to answer overruled.
Pacific Fire Insurance Co. ys. D. J.
Cooper et al. ; confirmation granted.
Charles C Gill vs. T J Witso? et al.; de
fault and decree.
Gibona and Marden vs. W E Campbell et
al.; referred to J M Huntington to take tes
Peking Plow Co. vs. C L and L Morse;
judgment for want of answer.
Stat of Oregon vs. The Dalles National
Bank; demurrer to petition.
State of Or eon vs. The First National
Bank; dismissed on motion of diet, attorney.
Ferdinand Dietzel ys. John Broth et al.;
argued and submitted; demurrer to answer
"For Charity Sufieretb Long.'
Death, of Mr- IV- Newman.
Mr. L. Newman, a pioneer resident of
The Dalles, and wbo bas been in business
in this city since 1GS, with the exception
of four years that he. spent in mer
cantile pursuits at the mouth of tbe
Amoor river, died very suddenly at 10:45
this morning. He attended to business at
his store yesterday, although he com
plained of feeling poorly, and retired
about tbe usual time last night. Not get
ting up at tbe usual hour this morning
his family went to the room, and bo was
found in an unconscious condition. Med
ical aid was summoned, and tbe usual
restoratives administered; but be died
without regaining consciousness. It is
supposed he was taken with apoplexy
during the night, and, sleeping up stairs,
was unable to alarm bis family. He has
been in business in Boise City, Camp
Watson, Sacramento, tbe Amoor river,
but principally at Tne Dalles for ibe past
thirty years. Mr. Newman was an ener
getic business man, public spirited and
enterprising, and was possessed of a fund
of valuable information. He was born
in Poland about 61 years ago, and name
to America when a small boy, stopping
tor some time in Texas and Alabama be
fore he came to the coast. Mr. Newman
leaves a widow and a family of two sons
and two daughters. Tbe remains will
not be buried until Sunday afternoon for
tbe purpose of allowing bis son David,
who is now in business in Southern Cal
ifornia, time to reach here to a'tend his
father's funeral. Rabbi Bloch, of Port
land, will be in attendance to conduct the
funeral services. Mr. Newman was a
member t Bay City lodge, I. O. O. F., or
Han Francisco, and of the A. O. U. W. ol
this city.
Hons) legislation.
There have been 378 bills introduced in
the house so far and their present condi tion
is as follows:
Indefinitely postponed...
Laid ou table...;..
On second reading
Rcfeired to committees,.
Being engrossed..
On third reading
Xbe il bills that still remain uuder tbe
tender mercies of the committees are lo
cated in the following bands to the number
Judiciary committee
Assessment and taxation ,
Fisheries and game .
Railways aud transportation...
Roads and highways
Counties ,
Banking and insnranoe
Multnomah delegation
Publio Ijnds
Military affairs.,..
Commerce, corporations.
Mrs. Laura C Phoenix, iiilvaukee. Wis.
"Matron a Benevolent Borne
and knowing the good Dr. Miles' Nervine
has done me, my wish to help others, over
comes my dislike tor the publicity, this
letter may give me. In Nov. and Dec, 1S93,
The inmates haa the "LaHrippe."
and I was one of the first. Resuming duty
too soon, with the care of so many sick, I
did not regain my health, and in a month
X became go debilitate and stet-rous
from sleeplessness and the drafts made on
my vitality, that It was a question if I could
go on. A dear triend advised me to try
ltr. Miles' Restorative Servine, '
I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I tun
la better health than evev. I still continue
It occasional use, am a terte food,
as my work is very trying. A letter ad
dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me."
June B, 1694. Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will Deneflu
All druggists sell It at tl. 6 bottles for S3, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lad.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
The Eighth Judicial DIstriot
La Grande Chronicle.
Senator McAllister's bill creating the
Eighth judicial district to include the
counties ot Baker, Union and Wallowa,
bas passed both bouses and will become
a law. Flie new bill does not effect the
date of the next term of circuit court for
this county, which is to convene in Union
next Monday.
Tbe bill provides tbst the governor
shall appoint a judge to serve for this
district until the time of the next general
election, when a judga is to be elected for
the regular term of six years. A petition
has been circulated and numerously
signed asking for tbe appointment of R.
Eakin, Esq., of Union, to this position,
and it is believed that he will probably
be the successful applicant. Prosecuting
Attorney J. L. Rand, of Baker City, is
also a candidate for tbe position.
Yonr mnloyer's
Andrew Carnetrie.
You most not be content witb simply
performing the part assigned to yon; you
must do something beyond that, and watoh
your employer's interest at every point, no
matter whether it is in your special province
or not, snd do not hesitate to apprise him
prou ptly of anything that you tee in any
part of his business which does not com
mend itself to your august approval. Yon
have heard "Obey orders if you break own
ers. Do not let the graduate of Did Union
be so stupid. Break them any time if you
are dear that breaking orders will save
owners, and then go boldly to your em
ployer and point ont to him how foolish he
has been in giving sucb an order. Believe
me, the young man who does not know the
business of bis special department much
better than bis employer can possibly do
has not tbe elements of the future inilhon
air in him.
compensation of state and county officers,
C atsop eoanty delegation, each two.
Printing, labor, elections, mining, irriga
tion, food and dairy products, Yamhill dele
gation, Douglas delegation, Umatilla and
Union delegation, each two.
Among the important measures passed by
the house might be mentioned, Paxton's
bill repealing the jute mill appropriation,
sent to the senate Feb. 2; Hofer's hill for a
2 per cent tax cn the gross earnings of for
eign insurance companies; Moorea' bill for
abolishing the railroad commission: Myers
bill for the employment of comviota in tbe
What Mieht Have Been-
Spokesman-Review .
Upon what slight pivots do the fortunes .
of men and the destinies of nations torn.
Preaident Tsylor tendered Lincoln the gov
ernorship of the territory of Oregon, wbioh
at that time, included the present states of
Washington, Idaho and a portion of Mon
tana. After mature deliberation, Lincoln
declinei the tender. Had he accepted-
bat? At that time tbe Pacific northwest
was a r mote wildernesa. Months were
consumed in communication with the east
ern states, and men isolated in tbia distant
land were stirred bnt faintly by the dmm
beats and bugle blacts of the impending
conflict. Lincoln of Illinois was a presiden
tial probability, but Lincoln of Oregon ter
ritory wonld not, oould not, have bsen a
possibility. With another man as preai
dent through the civil war, it is quite prob
able that the southern cause would bays
been -successful, and in that the Union
would now be divided, and tbe dark shadow
of African alavery would still be upon half
the land, '
4 !! 55 S -
iPfi GW Hud vffl3a
ordkry P
leadingsclen: fcaSEtl .
tifio men of RWl&rJ
Europe and fejtwa
America. mfflSWI&tk
EKLr vege- Mkm "
Hudyan stops gfeMM
of the d is- apflW,i
charge Jn 20 KHra'irrS '"
days. Cures sfc?.M twSxtfi
Application for Liquor License.
Cascads Locks, Falls Fbfci- ct,
Wasc County,
Stale ot Oresrnn.
F. Jackson ot said precinct anil county,
will, on the 6-h iav of March, ISPS, (-)Iy to the
County Court of the above-n uied county for II.
cense to sell iflrilu u-, malt and yiuous liquors in
lesa quantities than one gallon.
Falls Precinct, Wasco County, State of Oregon,
January 7, ls9&.
Cascsds Lccks, Falls Precivct.
Wafco i ounty, tetiite of Oregon.
To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County,
We, the undereiraed taxpayers and lefrml voters of
Falls Precinct, county and state a'oresaid, respect
fully petition your honorable court to grant a 11
cense to H F. Jackson, to se 1 spiritneus, vinous
and matt Hqu -ri mt the tou-n of Oiacade Locks, said
precinct, in ! quantities than one gallon for toe
period of one i
H C Whalen 1 Valentine
C B Lee Geo Haines
J B Smith D Kelson
C S Miller T W Lewis
A J McAiiley J H Trana
M Coi lou W J Gordon
W Lundbury L A Grant
J E sorbin J W Haley
John Campbell J M Mclsac
T F Mar, ion Willi. m Cautts
Swan' Wetsou Mt WeHer
R A McLotty G 8 Wenry
P Paulsen Peter Datcgon
N Teao a H C F.ela
A Kelleher F Anderson
John Nelson D Sourke
John Mxlson Ed Bertreron
Alex Watt W C Johnston
Noah Koubx -Nap IJIaiS
Rudolph Hcbmldt Lou s Gebbard
W Gcurley N NeKoo
Win Pay L Attoson
A W Galv D M Neidigh
II W Hnian G Combe
W H Grabam J McL-u;hlln
II C-rrolI P H Fall man
W A Luckey P H Bnrns
F Allison . R L otvell
o-.holt Michea: Covle
M O'Brien St-ph n Halloran
a.uii ciaon Uartin Goshen
T Jackson E Bereti
U Wilson John .Murphy
SAC tdigaa Gus Anderson
H Christ B MoEllany
Wm E Stratton W B Hersratou
Chas Hovers A Flcischhausr
D Cunningham John lYana
T H Williams P Fine an
A J Knlghtlv L Peterson
R BeaDk V P Ash
I Nordatram Wm Black
John Hablnger J M Savasfe
J Rohlson - James Cl .rk
C F Kershaw B P Sullivan
James UcBair Ttomaa Bidder
W Lynch J H Aldnch
H A Leavens D C Conviaa
C Willgerotte W H Smith
C A tewart H A Olson
Geo Jenes J G Brown
J alcAdama A J Jordan
Mat Welch H P Harpham
C rt Soderberg Buckvner
J C Jones A E Trask
E Glaer H o Ania
FHeppy P J Ryan
am Kline Jamt a Dixon
G G Harpbam Joel W Daelhlt
Fflalpin Walter Era If:
M Cloughi rty Jack AnHeraou
J M Gregoa J J Foy
Laxd Omcs at The Dalles, Oeeoox
Decembsl IS, ltsus.
Notice Is hereby gi 'en that ihs following named
fettler has filed notice nf his intention to make Dual
prooi in support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Register and Hecclisr at
The Dalles, Oreaon, on January ii, 1st 6, trix:
H E No 62S3, S NWJ, aWU. Sec 28, and
SLJ SWJ, Seo21,Tpl S, RUE.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
con-inuoua reaideuce upon and cultivation of aaid
land, viz:
Henry Hudson. Harry Hudson, John W Montgom
ery, John 1) Decker, all of Dufur, Oregon.
JAS. f. MOUKE, Register.
Land Office at lu Dalles, Osaooa,
November 6. 1694.
Notice is heic'iv t-iven that the following-named
s'tt!er bis tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in aupport of hla claim, and
tLa. said proof will be made before the Regiater aud
Receiver of tne U. S land omcs at The Dalles, Or.,
on December SO, IBM, v.z:
H E, No for the eH ueV sec 4. tp 2 n, r 12 e,
and lots 6, 6 and 7, sec 8, tp 8 n, r 12 s.
He uamea the following wituemea to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
Charles Cramer, Herbert Thiol, liatl Thiol, JL J,
avtuuoi t, an ui aiusier, uregon.
Nov ld-et JAS. K. MOORE, Register.
Laid Office at The Dalles. Ob.,
October 26. 1SS1.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settlor haa filed notice of hla intention to niaks
final proof In support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the register and receiver
at ine Dalles, Oregon, on Decern er 4, 1814, via:
H E No 8325 for lbs lots 8, 4 and 5, sec 18, tp 1 n.
rise, W M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
wuuuuum residence upon, ana cultivation oi, auu
land, via:
H C Nielsen, Jesse Stmonson, John Frederickson,
uunn annul, iu 01 ine itaiiea, tirsgon.
Oct 27 -St JAS F. MOORE, Register.
Cams to tba d remises of tha aiibaerlhar In TniF I
Hollow, about 14 miles southeast et The Dalles, one
sorrel mare, branded M on right shoulder, two
white hind feet, white strip in face. She has a colt
branded the same. The owner can hare the same by
E roving property and paving for tha charges of
eeping aud the cost of this advertisement.
Long Hollow, Oct. 4, ItM. D. F. OSBORNE.
But at a Very Small Profit
Men's Kipp and Calf Boots.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Grain and Calf Button Shoes
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoe
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Rubber
Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc.
Shoe Shop in Connection With Store
Application for Liquor License.
CasoADl Locks, Falls Precikct,
Wa-co County,
State ef Oraeon.
W. Badder and Kenneth M. Keniie, of said
precinct and county, aud state, will, on the 6th day
of March, 1806. apply to the Count? Court of the
above- amed county for license o sell apirituous,
malt and v nous liquors iu less quantities than one
Falls Precinct. Wasco county. State ot Oiegon,
January 7ch, 1895.
Cascade Locks, Falls Precixct,
Hasco County. State of Oreron
To the Honorable County Court of Waaoo County,
We, the U"derslgned taxpayers and legal voters of
Falls Precinct, cauntv an- ttate aforeaaii. recDect.
fully patitlon your honorable court to grant a It
cense to Thos. W. Badder and Kenneth McKensle
to sell spirituous, vlnuous and m lt liauora at the
town ot Cascade Locks, saia precinot, in less quan
tities than one gallon for the period ot one year.
sua lones the
Hudyan cures
end develop s
and restores
weaz orgacs.
Veins In the
bans;, loses
by dav or
aibht stopped
John Trana
James Stewart
W Lynch
O S Henry
Aug. Wilson
Jo:m Sunngrist
feter Duiwan s
H P Harlam
T Blane
Cap Blair
M Walsh
John Nelson
E Nelson
M Erikson
John King
BP Ash
Wm Ooorlev
John rampbell
John o'Leary
Thos Manion
Peer Reed
T McUona" .
John R U.Ufla
D L Cat es
C Lindstrnn Cspican
Ed A sweetland
T Sheringer
C H Trark
R H Birnie
A B Ghurie
Can Sullivan
N kelson
Swan Iverson
H Lawrence
II Huehes
H C Heron.
F H Doak
J E Hill
P faulsen
John Thieson
Chas Willgeroth
J M Dixon
Peter Trono
J E Son in
TW Lewis
L A Grant
Geo Haines
Fra ik Hatpin
John Bogle
Jam s Maygulre
Joseph Norlk
A a Garretaon
John Johnson
E Glazier
P McElhsner
J H MeUowough
L Boecbe -E
D Monagban
W M Fralue
J P Wiatrand
Sam ilcCory
Thoa C vle
P A Finnnui
John Teadboe
A U Hall
John Jotton
T. C (uiulan
C A feu w rt
A t'leisth uier
U E Wilaon
H C Field
N Toebt
Ed Bcrgeson
All Brosaw
W N Kennedy
J F t-tout
A Thorin
J Jani-as
F Anderaon
Wm Black
W T Helting
T H W lliams
Janes Clark
William Courtta
E U Manning
H P Parkin
Wm Lay cock
0 Alin '
tl Laderburg
Aiat taenar
Aniy Kelleher
Joa Maaie
Chas Olson
Henrj Wl koriny
M Fl zgcnld
S L Harpham
Rlchanl Bike
Nouh Roulex
John Olson
J Cardinal
Joe L Miller
A J Knightly
Thos Holiday
J W Ha ey
Dan Olson
1 McDougal
Geo H i nner
D Nelson '
J C Jonss
J G Melra
H Muuroe
L Attoson
Frank Landers
JEW Hunberrv
W A Calvan C B Lee
' W H mnith
Alex Matt
Patrick Noland
Thos King
O Pine
H F Rising
H I Lillegard
H O Artis
D Cneyness
R R eowell
Louis Gennard
Patrick Walsh
Wm alcKenxies
Harper's Weekly.
im 1895.
HABPER'8 WEEKLY ia a pictorial history of the
timss. It presents every Important event promptly,
accurately, and exhaustively i Illustration and des
criptive text ci me nigncst oroer.
The manner in whicb, durimr 1804, It haa treated
tuDmnfuMiiwB- obriaee ana tne i;nino Japan
ese war, ana tne amount ol llgnt It was able to
throw on Korea the instant attention wua directed
to that tittle-known country, are example of ira al-
mot oounaiess resources, .lunan Ralph, the dis
tinguished wiiter and correspondent, has been sent
to tne seat ot war. and there loined Lv o. r wi
don, the well-known American artist, now for many
years resident in Japan, wbu has been engaged to
co-oiierate with Mr Ralph in sending to HARPER'.
nman exclusive ninrmation and Illustration
During 1896 every vital question will be discussed
with vigor and without prejudice in the editorial
columns, ana also in special articles b tbe highest
authorities in each department. Portraits of the
men and women who are malnir history. mi.,l now.
erful and euistic political cartoons, will continue to
be characteristic features. This Busy World, with lu
keen and kindly c uamenton the lesser doings of the
uj. w Kcuitiu rnfmar uepa'imt-nt.
Fictioh. There will be two powerful serials, both
handsomely Muatrated The. Red Cockodc. a stir
ring loinance oi omen days by Stan lev J. Wevman.
and ansvel of New York, entitled The son of His
Father, hy Brai.der Matthews several novelettes,
mji uuHi wwi tunes ujf ropuiar writers
Send foa Illustrated Protpectua-
The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
oumher for January of each year. When no timo is
mentioned, sunscnptions will begin with tbe num.
uer current at uie tune oi receipt ol order.
ClOth COSeS for each VOlnma aulfcahla for hlnriln
will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each.
Title-page aud Inde sent on application.
Remittances' should b made bv noatomce monnv
wtMix w wMb, mi nroiu ci,auce Of HJSS.
Xeumapm are not to eovu fn's advtrtiumjut
wunmti ui mxprtja oraer qj uarper isrolturn.
Feb Yea:
Robber Boots, Ladies, Misses, Child's Rubbers
And orotic Overshoes
yoal Olatmoad Fleurlns Mills '
Harper's Magaalns.
Harper's Weekly...
darner's Bazar
Harrer'a Young People .
:.U oo
4 00
S 00
Postage free to all Subteribtrt in (As United Statu
vawMMt ana Mexico.
onlctlv. Over 2.000 Brtvate endorsements.
PrematGreneis means lmnotency lu the first
stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness
and barren nesa. it can be stopped la so days
The new dlscoverv was madn bar the fiwial.
of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It Is I he strongest vitaiizer made. It is very
powenui, out naimies. rxjiu tor i.uu a pacg
agoorS neekaees for S5.00(rlain sealed boxes!.
Written guarantee given for a cure. If yon buy
six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more
win oesent to youirrepiaucnarges.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address
f auction Stockton, in arket 6c Kllla Stat.
saai a.'raucjeco't vat
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
Address: Lock Box 181.
Nearinir Completion. .
From persons who visited tbe Locks
yesterday we. learn that tbe work of pat
lint; the gates in position ia progressing
very satisfactorily, aod no doubt is enter
tained tbat tbe work will be finished dur
ing Ibis year. So far as the people of Tbe
Dalles and vicinity are concerned the
dream of an open river is nearly realized,
and In a few months river craft will leave
onr wharves and land freight at seaboard
points without breaking cargo. The con
tractors, Day Bros., are poshing tbe work
forward very rapidly, and have accom
plished more since they bave bad the con
tract than was ever done before. Consid
erable damage was done to the canal by
the flood last June, aud tbe necessity was
made apparent of increasing tbe height
of Ibe walla; bit this will not delay tbe
completion of tbe canal bat a Utile while.
NotlOat. -
All city warrants registered trior to
Feb. 3. 1892, arts now due and pavable at
my office. Interest ceases after thi
date. 1. 1 Bdboet. .
City Treasurer.
Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 1st, 1895.
For Horses, Cattle or Sheep,
FarmiDg Properly in Kansas
an tne urcuii uoun ox ine state of Oreroo. lot
nasco eoanty.
1 be Pacing Fire lnsuranoe Commnv. nlalntiS. va.
Daniel J. 'Owner, Aivasena A. Coper, Tbe Uallea,
Dufur a 8iH stone R. R. Oo., D. M. French ani
J. W. French, viefendanta.
By virtue of an execution dulv iasued ont of and
under the seal of tbe circuit court of tha Stat of
Oregon, fur tba County of Wasco, to me directed,
dated 28th day of November. 1894, upon a judg
ment ana decree of foreclosure rendered ana en
tered in said court on the 15th dv of Nnvemhxr.
1H0, in favor of the Pacific Fire Ioauranca Com
pany, plaintiff, and against Daniel J. Cooper and
Arvas-na A. Co,, per, defendants, for the aum of
ildfiS.OO. commandins-and mauirinv m tn mtk.
sale of the following described real property situ
atrd in tha county of Wasco, and state of Oregon,
The west half of Section SB. Tmnkn north
Range 14 east. 320 acres: the northeast nuu-ter and
the east half of tha aouthea-t quarter of H- ettoo SO,
Townxhlp 2 north. Range 14 east, itO acies; tbe
east hall of the southwest quarter of Section 26,
Township i north. Rn?e 14 east. 80 acres: tha
southwest quarter of S ciior SI, Towuship t north,
Range 15 east. 188 acres: tha unthaut nn.rtr of
Section 26, Toarnrhip S north. Range 14 east, lou
acres; tbe west half of the northwest quartejof
Section SI, Township I north, Range 16, east, lag
acres; the west halt of tbe northwest omrt., 1.
section 82, lownship t north, raofe 16 east an
acre-: the southeast auarter oi sm inn Qfi Tn
ah'PS north, Rui-ge IS east, 160 acres; the east half
and the Souihwesl quurter ot the northwest auartor
of Secti o 80, Township S noith, Range 16 east, lag
acres; the west half of the Southwest quarter of
Section 50, Township 2 north. Sinn is.... ,S
acres; the north hall of th southeast quarter and
the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
,unuwii a norm, lunge ia east, 120
acres; the east half oi Section SI. nrn.h i a
Range 15 east. 320 acres! Tnr.l n9 i 7?
on the 27th day of fiov.mb.-r. 18t4. duly levy upon
tbe above described real property.
low, therefore, by virtue of aaid execution, fudg.
ment, order an.1 decree, and n conformity with iif.
commands of said writ, 1 will on Wednesday the
Snd day ol January, lgfta, at tba hour of 1 o'clock
aod S'J minutes. D. m.. at the Imnt iu.
S.mnty onrth.-mse of said Waco County, in the
City of The Dalles, in said o.iintv .nH .t.,L i "
public auction, subject to redemntion. tn th. hii.
eat bidder for United States gold coin, cash in hand,
all tlie right, title and iniemut nf tj k n. I
def ndanta, or either of them, in aad to tba abova
de-enbed raa! Dronertv ta a.ti.r -wi . . i
Judgment, ordei and decree, interest and costs ami
, , T. J.. DRIVER,
Sheriff nf Wu, . .
Dated at Dallas City. Oregon. Deo. 'l. lass.'
Address HARPER at BROTHERS, P. O. Box 9611
New York City.
Harper's Bazar.
Iw 1893.
Elegant anc excluaive dcaiima for mt.rf ..j
Indoor Toilette, drawn from Worth moila a hv Sinn.
dE and i hpuis. are an Important feature. 'These
appear eve y wees, accompanied by miuute des
criptions and details. Our Paria I Mtr liw troth.
erine da Forest, Is a weekly transcript of tha latest
aim eapneas in tne mono, indsr the bead
of New York Fashions nlaln ritm. tlnna anH full
. . -
parucuiars are given aa to ahapes, fabrics, trim
mings, and accestoiiea of the ostumea of well-
dressed women. Children's clothing receives prac
tical attention. A fortnightly Pattern-shet m-d-
P'euieui euauua reaoers to cut ana make their own
gowns. The woman wb takes HARPER'S BAZAR
la prepared foreverv occasion In Ufa. mpMnnninn...
uuorai-u, wnere oeauiuui anas Is lequlsita
An American serial. Doctor Warrica's Daughter's
ny Henbecce Harding Davis, a strong novel cf
American lffe. Dart I v laid In P. nnl nnU ua
warvir in .ub nr eouin, wiu occupy tbe last half of
My Lady intenselr asHtlnv
Haaren ilaartena, author of "God's Fool,
Cirtater-iilory," etc, will Segin tha year.
Kssars and Social Chau. To thia ,rimi
oiKKtawur win contuouie ner enarmlmr papers en
"What we are tK-ing," Id Mew York Society.
Anawera to Correnonrinr n,i.tlna
the personal attention oi the. editor, and are an-
wereu as we earliest possible date after thalr re-
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volnmea of tha Sum KntHn with ah. AM
ouiuuar tur anuary oi eacr year. Whs no time la
uuaiuoaeo, suDscnptinns will begin with the Dun-
uer current at tee time of receipt of order.
, . ....
viom cues ior eacn volume, suitable for binding,
will be asnt bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of SI each.
Title-page and Index sent on application.
Remittances sbonld be made by puatoffloi
order or draft, to avoid chance of lass.
Sttnpapen art not to com tkit advertierment
crraa oraer or aarper et iirouierz.
Pes; Yeak
narpaa-s siagazme aa on
HarpaVe Weekly " a
Harper's Bazar " 55
Harper's Young People '". j oo
f!"' H If' r"bMrA in the United SUitet,
""" asm visvaov.
We can fit jou in size.
We can please you in style.
We can suit you in price.
If yoo will t?ive ui tha opportunity.
Overcoats and TJlsteis.
from any one tbat doss not belong to tha Association, and I have a better claae of goods. Bavin
taken tbe necessary coarse of instruction in embalming, 1 am prepared to attend to everything pertainla
to tba business.
RESIDENCE Corn of Fourth
PLACE OF BUSINESS Corner of Third and Washington streets.
and Washington streets. All on ers promptly attended to.
Address: HARPER
869, New York City.
WM. MICHELL, Undertaker ancf Embalme
San i Francisco i Beer i Hall
Tbm FsaUrt aad Finest In the WaritL
Bvery Saturday,
rw-f'R on lowest terms tu and from the principle
a.aoursion acKeta available to return by either the pi
greaqne Clyde 4 North of Inland or Naples A Gloraitu
juney men nr Aay ansent it lersst aUtM,
F. IESlIi-IC, Proprietor.
Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi
demic. Is alwaVR mnra nr Imb nMrfllant
The best remedy for this complaint
ta Ayer9 Cherry Pectoral,
"last Spring. I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as U confined in an
Iron cage. I proenred a bottle of Ayer'e
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began
taking it than relief followed. I could notbtv
Uev that tbe effect would be so rapid and the
enre so complete. It Is truly a wonderful med
icine." W. H. WnxiAJfs, Crook City, 8. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sure to cure
There is one MOO A err ranch in Grant counts
that will re traded for anv of the abova to. L-
alcat of thia land la fenced, has jrood sprinss, abund
ance ot n er, frood five-room house, stable, theds,
aprina; house, correll a d etc. an cut 100 tons of
hay.n this land. Five miles from county east
Also 20O rrrsi close to Kansas Citv. all under
fence, one-half mile from court house, slth stable.
all fenced and cross-fenced.. This is a good farm
and close to market. VV ill take 823 per acre for
thia farm and will take horses at what they are
For Wthr particulars apply to
Dufur, or.
Truths Kg
I Wool - Exchange - Salooo.
Vines, Liauors Cigar.s
ttacoexl (Btreet East End.
First National Bank
I tera; It never ahgtOtarZ-
DO YOU SUFfjto .Ki,
Sulphur Bitters it vUlcure
uceeasors to
Don't be Withnnt. n Ka. I
tie. You wIU not rcfT-et f 1 1
The I of a fair face t, riM
Secret I im stln. Sulphur Bitter.
J?"? "MATISM. uae.
x-vs.,o ua aniiiiiiip Kirratw e
fails to cure. ' " ueYer
Transacts a Eegnlar Ming Boshes
Are you CON&TlPATery? rr
I Sulphur Bitters ia justwhatyon need
Buy anifiall Eichanfs.
Oolleetlona sarefully made and promptly aocrunted
for. Draw oa Mew Vor, 8au Fraaciaco and Port.
D P Thompson, Ed af Wlluama, 1 8 Schenck,
George Liebe. H If BealL
Poor. weak, and va.
RAISE PUNY Plain. .'.r.V"
Sulphur Bitteri wllT":
I strong, hearty, and healthy.
Cleanse the Titiated blood when L
you See It ImnnWr i. IJIY6? Lv
I through the sldn in - .
I BelT on Sulnhnr
I Bitters tad heaith
wlU follow.
and SORES.
Corner Third and Waablnprton Streets.
Cored Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues,
And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chop, and
Veal Cutlets in the market. .
I Orders Delivered to Anv Fart of the Citv
Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prir.
Bend S -eent stamps to A. p. Ordway & Co
Boston. Mats.. for lwt medical WMkpiil&Thid '
i This erssit Vearetabae
I Vltaalaaar.lliepraatcrrn.
tlonof a famous French phyeidan, will quickly cure roe of all aver
voua or dlsf-aaes of thtr s euerauve onpius, such as Lost If anlaood,
Insomrda, I'alnaln she fask.rleaaliial foalsslona, Nervona DeotU-.
Plmplea, Untllnaae to larry, zliauatlos Drains, Vartmeele ana
Constipation. It stopa all louses by dav or night. Prevents eaJck
Diss of dischaTKe, wblfh If notchsrked leads to Bpermatorrboae and
all the horrors uflmpotency. a'DPIDKNEctesaaiaa the Uvea, Ua
Kianera ana tne nnnery orfraneoi suiunpuriuss.
arTaasnararaa aMM4hM...ri MirAn,.nL
The reason aufferera are not cn.-ed by Lwetora Is because ninety per cent ere tmoNed wfttl
all 1 1 a. CCPIDENE la theonlv kDown rrnidy to ctirswlihoutao operation, aunmtlmnni.
fuv a wrtism enanuitHe tftwo and money larartiM six do res oors not, eneot a pernianent eur
UX)a box, six fur a&oo, by malt, Bend for xaau drcular and teaumoolala.
Address DtroL JISDICIHE ro,tl. a Bol 3r7,8aa Fraiciaca,Cal, For9ateot