The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 23, 1895, Image 1

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    linn VTAIXRKK. Volume XXXV
, ' BY '
John Michell Editor and Proprietor
irofepioji.l CanU.
' Physician and Surgeon
Rooms over Dalle National Bank. Offica hour, 10
a m It 12 m, and Irani S to p m. Resi
dence We t End of Third street,
Attorneys at Law
Rooma 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.'
Physician and Surgton,
Rm'm. 1 and 4. Chaoman Block. The Dallea, Ore.
Practical Dentist
nnu cvr A a Brnwn'a rrocert. Second St.
All work ennrantefd to it ve stisf crion and all 'he
latest Improved methods used in dental operations.
. in Achanuo's buildirir. uu stairs. Toe lulls
P & A. M. Janets
W first and third
Monday of each month at e
rvmit l
J Meets iu Masonic HU1 the third Weducada
each month at a P at.
-OLCMBlA LODGE, NO. 6, 1. O. . F.-i'eeU
J eTerr nday evemni; at jaw ociocs, in oi i.
Hall, comer of Kecoud and Court street. Sojourn-
or brothers are welcome.
H. Clocoh, Sec v.
nRlKNDSHIP LODGE. NO. 9.. K. of P. Meets
. F van Mimdav eveuine at 8:00 o'clock. In Scrum,
no's bolidiiur, corner of Conn and 8econd streets.
Bojonrninat brothers are cordially invited
: D. Vacs, K. K. and 8. KMENKFEE, C.
9 V will meet every Friday afternoon at o o csocs
at the reading- room. -Ail are inviteo.
fyl Boc-d Camp, No. 69, mee'a every "lueidav
i vcning of eaeh week at 7:30 ocl k, in A. Keller's
Hall. All brothers and sojourning brother are
nvited to be nresect. i
TBHP1.V LODGE. KO. 8. A. O. C. W.-Meets
in KKeller'a Hall every Thursday cveninir at 7:30
'clock. rAiii Kttcr i, au n
W. 8. Mtbm, Financier
TAS. KESM1TH POST. NO. 42, G. A. E Meets
every Saturday at 7.30 r. M. in a. or f. uaii.
I) Of Lr'K. Meets every Friday afternoon in
I . K. of P. nail.
TT7ASCO TRIBE, SO, IS, I. O. R. M. Meets
f W every Weuncsday evening in ft. oi r . nan
vltbANG VEKEIN HARMONIB. Meets every
JT Sunday evenir in Kellers Hall
i- jf. L. P. DIVISION. NO. 107. Meets n K.
r). of P. Ball the first and ihird Weaneeday of
aon month at 7 JO P. M.
trlR!T BAPTIST CHLBCU Rev. o. D. Tatloh,
1 Partor. Services everv Sabbath at 11 A. M.
. P. M. Sabbath school immediately after tne
teaming service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
venifaa at 8 P, M.
ME. CBL'KCH Rev. Jso. WinsiBa, Pastor.
' Services very Sunday morning and evening.
Sunday School at USD o'clock P.M. A cordial lnvi
tatior extended by both pastor and people to all.
Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sunday Buheol after morning servlre.
OT. PETER'S CHL'KCH Rev. Father Broksbiowt
puir. Low Mub every Sunday t 1 A. M. High
Mass atr wao A.M. Vespers at 3 P.M.
OT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
O Fifth. Bev. K!i D. Butdiffe, Rector. Services
very Sunday at H A. M tod 730 P M., Sunday
chool at a0 A. M. EvoniiiK Prayer on Friday at
730 P. M.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ray. J. W. Jsnama, pas
tor. Prtachinif everv Sunday alternoon at t
'clock in the Congregational church. All are cor
dially invited
Real Estate, Loans acd Insarance.
Agent for the Fcottleh Union
surance company of Edinburgh,
an-l National In
bcotland, Capiial
' Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Offlee over Post Office. The Dalles, Or.
(Retrister U. 8. Land Office. 1690 1884.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall's Block Main et. Tanouuver. Clark Co., Wash.
Second rtreet next door east of
The Ialles In at Bunk
laving just openrd in business, and bavin? a full
asHirtment of the latest good in my line, 1 de
sire a share of the public patronage
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv"s Warohonae,
A Work tttnsraaieed
.to tSlv Sat-
Park Osrsrrr Pitts will rclu your weight
fEKMAK!T.V from 12 to IS p.uns a
mouth. No stirvin sicknes or irilurj; no public
ity. Thev build up the health and biautiiythe
complexion, leaving no wrinkles or flabbiness. Stout
abdomens snd ditllcult breathing nurcly relieved,
llitt f,,xFfcRlMEXT but a scientitle and posi
tive relief, adopted only after years of experience.
All orders supplied direct from our office. Price
S2 00 per package nr three packages for $6 00 by
mall postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed
All Correanonden titrtetly Confiden
tial. TARE REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
General Expressman!
Goods hauled with the greatest
carta of the oity oa ahort notice.
to all
Denny, Rice & Co.
Woo! & Commission Merchants
160 Atlantic Ave., Bospn.
"file Regulator Line"
Ths Dalies, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co-
FrelsHt ana Passenger lire
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Meamer Kegulator leaves the
Dalles at 7 a. m.. connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Meamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Isteamer Keculator lor 1 he Dalles.
One way . . . .
Roucd trip. .
.?2 CO
. 3 00
Freight Fates Greatly Reduced
Shipments for
Portland received at
nirht. Shipments for
any time, day or
way landings must oe delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited,
Call on or address.
JaZ. C.
General Agent
:P.eolical . watctiler
Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Et;
Always keeps on sale the )set end bet rtyltf o
rinie-pieceB, iJi&moua tungs, iSowkuot iiuivs. oil-
verwju-e. etc etc.
fMcir1 Ftjft' roi ctri '
Williams fc i"0.'
I am now prepared to deliver
Koslyn Coal
To aay part, of tie city fcr P9
tm. Tbis is much cheater t ban wood
aod a great deal more convenient. Ap
of to
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for 0. R & N. Co
R. E. Saitmarshe
East m mil mi
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Gram.
mm mnm immi,
SiiEcial Prices to Cash Buyers
Charles A. Baldwin &Co.J
t 40 and 43 Wall, street,
' , New York.
J Account of Banks and Bankers received
f on lavorabie terms.
T Bonds and investment Securities.
Daily Financial Letter Mailed on Application, j
The t Merchant t Tailor
Suits Made to Order snd a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes Clewed on the Shoit
eu Notice
Near Cor- Third and"Wanlig4on Sts.
Second and Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor
-(Successor to P. KREFT ft CO.)
Dealer in
0ih enb
Artists' Material nnft Pair.t"ru' Bunn'ief
All orders for painting, papering and
Italfomiairg promptly attended to . .
We're Here to
And Want Your Trade
Have you ever seen Aunt Jemina's
rancake Meal ?
Or Pettijohna' Breakfast Gem ?
Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour is fine,
and you know what Heeker's Self-Rising
Buckwheat is.
Our Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Comb
Honey and sweet things are just as nice
as you could want them.
Call and see us,'or ask Central for t2.
A. KELLER Prop':
- am rp.prjd to furnish fan ilia, octelsand res
tannuita with tLr choicest
Bread, Cafes and Pies.
Fresh jsters Senefl Id Every Style.
Second Street. Next door to The Dalles
tional Bank,
r Factor
Opposite the Implement Warehouse
the Best Brands manufact
ured, and ordeas from all paits
of the country filled on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THK DULLES (JIGAB
has become firmly estal-lished, and the df
inand for the home mannfaotuaad article is
moreaaing eyory day A. ULR1CH & SON.
First-c!asa Wints, Liqnors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Tha Dalles, Oregon.-
Sample: Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines,
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Children Cry
" Catoria li so yrell adapted to children that
f reciramrnd it as superior to any prescriptioa
known to me." H. A. Arcbeb, M. !.,
1U Kouth Oxford St., Brooklyn. N. V
' I tie Tastor'a In my practice, ant! find it
ipetuUly adiited to affections of children."
Alex. KonERraom, 31. I)..
KS? 2d Ave., New Vot!l
'From TPTsnnii knjwl3ii?e I can sav
. msmria ia a ;ioat Kxceuent meuicuie lor cull
lt.n 1 la i . .1 I. , 1. n . r.
LoweU, Aiasa.
Castoria nronotes T3ifesl!on. and
oveieotnea Flatuloucy, Coiistipatiun, Sour
Stomach, UianDcea, and Feveriahnesa
Thus tlie child is rendered healthy and its
sieep natural. (Jastoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
The Dalles National iki
7 P Wrt.orlo
Hi a. Biuuuji
...M. L Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges aold on
Northwest Cur. Second aiitiJVabhirglonJtB.
mii nil, win
Saccessors'ta GeOTxe Ructu
Tlie Oieapest Place
tbi oallss roa
All Kinds of Groceries,
We rerocctfullv solicit a gh of the public pat-
ronoge and shall endeavor toR-ive entire satistae
ton to our customers both em nd new.
OF Trial
Uanofacturcs ths Best Articles of )
Soda, Sarsapaiiila and Ginger Ale
Leaue Orders With Andrew Keller,
Mount flood Samnle Room
Best JKenticky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes'
of Winea
rir.elish Porfr Ale and Mil want e
Beer always on band.
MCNIILX, Receiver.
E .A. S TI
Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
STEAMERS leave iort'and
davs for
For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent at THE
DALLES, or address
W. H. BURLBURT, Gen. Past. Aft,
Portland, Oregon.
qneen Vtl t Trial.
San Francisco. Feb. 15 The steamer
Mariposa Irom Uocoiulu brings advices
datd February 8.
Ei Q ieen Liliunkaiani was arranged
on February 5 oa a charge of minprision
of treason, the oiiitnal charge being treax
son. She rfffuaed to plead, and denied
the right of the mili'arr court to try her,
suyiug it U a viula'ioo of the present
constitution of the republic. Witnesses
te&lined that LdliuoKiilam was on-
doubiLQlv aware that a rehelUon wes to
Us slaned. She denies thic, and says she
would have disfuaded the rebels if fhe
had known, but would have kept
secrets. Sic admits that if she had heeo
renloreJ she would uave nuineO a Dew
cabinet, and she claims ehe had the right.
to telect o Ulcers in Bniicipau m or a
change of government in accordance with
histurv ol other eovernnienta.
H -r diir? has nisen'ry: -I O Carter
called on me and delivered President
Cleveland s present to me." mu is
dated inst summer.
Herdiarj trtooently mentioos RudolDh
Spreckeis' promises of, telling
bi rshe rould get plenty ol money and
arms id San rradcisoo
la the concluding of the trial, a paper
was read on behalf ol the queen, in which
she related that she had no knowledge,
either directly or mdirectly, of the in
tended revolt, nor had she any o forma
tion concerning arms, where or bv whom
procured. She ssjs she acted of her own
free will, and was actuated by the sole
aim of doing good to ber country. The
queen expressed htr regret that danger
to women and children at the hands of
Hawaiiaog bad been reported, which she
said bad no foundation whatever. She
appeals to the court to remember that
the govern meut of Hawaii is on trial
before the world, aud that it will be
judged by the outcome. She concludes
uy faying that the prosperity and
happiness of Hawaii are in her bands.
and that as they are commencing a new
era in the nation s niftorv sue nones that
they will have the wisdom to lead it into
pktbs of forbearance, and to consider the
people anxious to advance in the way of
civilizition outlined oy American liberty.
On the etb mat. the ennrt required
that several passages in her statement be
stricken out, before it could be admitted
to record.
KeumaD spoke for an hour, maintain
ing that evidence entirely tailed to provp
that the accused had any knowledge
whatever of the uprising. Judge
Advi cate Kinney responded lor 45 min
utes, trestirg of the impesibility of ber
ignorance with Chief Conspirator Now
Jem, living under ber roof, end ofFcial
documents passing; back snd forth
between ber aud Oulick relating to the
establishment of a new government, at
the very time when prepa'atinns were
made to land the arms and the insurrec
tion was ripe. The trial closed at 2:30
P. M.
Fur At nan JBebeln.
Apia, Samoa, Jan 30 (Correspondence
of tbe United Press) Tbe event of the
mouth bas been tbe importation and sale
to rebels at Atua of rifles and ammuni
tion. Although the matter has not as yet
been fairly sifted, enough in known to
convict a German commercial nrm in
Apia of importing 113 Snyder rifles and a
large quantity of ammunition, contrary
to tbe Berlin treaty and the local arms
These gnns and ammunition and some
cartridges were sold to A'uan rebels.
The puree I was imported into Apia in
hollow ware cask and paint tins, and re
packed in the store ot the merchants
mentioned. A portion was landed in
Saraii, and a small qnantity at Tagalna
bavin the Atua rebel district. Before
the whole puree! bad been diepoeed of tbe
news reached the authorities.
The imperial German consul, Herr
Biermann, took immediate steps in regard
to members of the firm of Flings it
Spatsy and Captain Liffiuga, who bad
been employed in tbe delivery ot tbe
arms, i rings, paaay ana LiSGlogs were
fined the maximum penalty of 150 marks,
and the partners were compelled to de
posit witb their consul the amount ot casn
they bad received, about $1300. In
addition to this, tbe gnns at Saraii were
secured, and later on were resbipped to
Sydney from whence they originally came.
Tbe three Samoan cbiets at Straii, who
seized tor the government a portion ol tbe
guns imported, have been arrested and
charged by the German consul witb in
timidating German residents in Saran,
and compelling them to give up tbe
arms. -
United States Ccnsnl Mulligan is ill
wiib a fever.
Tbe municipal council of Apia has just
passed resolutions which have been ag
ue n ted to by the tbree consols and chief
justice, to enable local police, to an est
persons of ail nationalities charged witn
imp Jrting arms and ammunition.
Crashed Ia tne 31 ad.
Ashland, Or., Feb". 15 Fred Welle,
the 13- year-old sou of James Wells, living
three miles north of Asbland, was killed
in an unusual and abocklng manner last
evening. Early in the afternoon be left
bis farm home on horseback to herd bis
father's sheep off a neighbor's pasture, as
be bad been in he habit of doing. Not
returning at the unual time, bis folks
became anxious, aud bis father, brother
and tbe neighbor's boy started nut alter
supper to look for him. Tbe animal was
found fast in ibe mud and half dead.
Directly under the horse -and almost
buried was the' lifeless body'of tbe boy,
bis body lying lengthwise witb tbe horse
the feet to tbe horse's bead, one leg only
being exposed lo view. How tbe acci
dent happened, of course, cn only be
snrmised, but it is supposed that the
animal stumbled and tbe boy, not looking
for it, was thrown suddenly out of tbe
saddle and tbe struggles of tbe heavy
12U0-pound borse in the miry clay
crushed tbe life out ot blm almost in
siamly, as be was buried in tbe mud.
Has Aabcd fur a Reprieve.
Lobdto. Feb 15 Tbe government
stated in tbe commons today that the
British commUcioncr at Honolulu bad
asked tbe Hawaiian government to re
pneve Rtckards, to enable a commission
er to send to tbe home government tbe
recordaof Rickarda' trial. The sentence
imposed on Rickard has not yet been
confirmed by tbe president of Hawaii,
and the English commissioner has been
instructed to ask for delay of tbe execu
tion of tbe sentence. The English com
missioner is also ies'rocted that if
Rickards is condemned without having a
fair and open trial, all evidence must be
sent to tbe borne government. The
commission is alto instructed to act in
concert with the representative of the
United Statea at Honolulu, who had re
ceived iustroctions similar to those
directed to himself.
Two Tralaa WreeBed.
Rinkcliff, N. Feb. 15 A freigh"
train, bound north, parted a mile and a
half aortb of Rineclifl at 3 o'clock tbis
morning. The divided parts cane to
geiber and five can were telescoped. Tbe
eoutn-bound fatt mail ran into the wreck.
the engine and three express cars jump
ing the track, the locomotive went into
the river. F.oeineer James D Donohue
was fatally injured.
Engineer D nouuo died a few hours
alter i lie accident Fireman Red was
a so fatally injured. The wreck caught
fire soon alte r the collition.
Men Mhlpwrerkrd.
Baltimore, Feb. 15 A private tele-
grim a'atsa that a party of Btltimore
men hate been shmwrecked on ao island
off the coast of Norib Carolina, fneir
tearuer was caught in a severe storm and
wrecked near the island. Pifcsengcra
too a to lileouats and reached tne land.
Ctilidrrn Frozen.
Parson, Va, Feb. 15 Two school
children, brother t.nd sister, aged 10 and
12 years, were frozen to death in Clover
dismct, this county, locked in each
other's arms The boy bad wrapped bis
coat around bis sister.
Judge liundly Dead.
Scranton, Pa., Fib. 15 Judge Hand-
ly, iate presiding judge of the forty fifth
Pennsylvania district, died today, aged
U.J lie leaves an estate valued at several
million dollaars.
Mllver 1st UetntsT.
Berlin, Feb. 18. The silver question
m tbe United States and Europe has been
the subject on which the. political and
financial worlds in Berlin have been
chiefly occupied during the past week
The financial troubles in tbe United
States are followed bero with tbe closest
attention and the National Zeitung,
Ciiue's Journal, and other newspapers
bave commented at various lengths upon
tbe situation at Washington .
Wednesday night, durng- tbe subscrip
tion ball at tbe Royal opera bouse, tbe
emperor showed the interest be felt in the
matter by engaging in a lenglby conver
sation with Mr. Runyon, tbe American
Ambassador, on American financial af-
ffairs. The conversation touched on tbe
tariff and political questions, but bis
majesty asked to be informed more es
pecially about tbe financial crisis, the
coinage troubles and tbe tro.d reserve
in the national treasury. On reoeiving
the information sooght, he txnressed a
hope that financial matters in Mr Run
yon's couutry would be soon straightened
out again.' lie also took occasion to re
fer te the close commercial re'aiions be
tween Germany ana tbe United States.
An important phase of the silver ques
tion was reached todav, when the resch-
stag declared in favor of tbe resolution
submitted ytsterday by Count von Mir-
bach, an Bgrari-.n leader, summoning an
other international conference on tbe cur
rency question Mirbacb'a resolution in
structed the federal government to issue
invitations for an International monetary
congress, to take action for the rehabili
tation ot silver as a circulating medium.
Previous to its adoption, Count Von Posa-dowBby-
Wegner, secretary of state for
tbe imperial treasury, in behalf of tbe
government, declared its sympathy witb
tbe obi -xt aimed at by tbe resolution .
Tbe resolution, which was submitted to
tbe reichstag by Mirbach, bad received
tbe s'gna'ures of an unusually large
number oi the 310 members of that body,
comprising conservatives, national liber
als, ultra-montaines, and members of
other parties. Among tbe signers were
to be found not only the names of pro
fessed bimetalists, but other members
wbo bave heretofore maintained a more
or less neutral attitude on "be question
of biraetalism. One of tbe signers was
tbe son of Prince Hobenlohe, tbe im
perial chancellor.
. Tne Gold lepolted. .
New YonK, Feb. 10-Of the $32,000,000
gold deposited in New York and other
cities, $1,000 000 bas been deposited out
of town, at San Francisco and Baltimore.
The $10,000,000 deposited in tbe legal
depositories, tbe First, Park and City
National banks and the Bank cf Com
merce, todav reprt sent principally the
gold holdings of these banks, wbicb
were taken from the banks' accounts and
credited on the books to tbe government
account, subject to the disposition of tbe
treasury department, it was reported in
Wall street, although tbe managers of
tbe syndicate decline to confirm the re
port, that tbe syndicate has sold $30,000,
000 worth of bond at 111, leaving
only $2,500,000 more bonds to be placed
in this country. However, a member of
the syndicate stated today that only a
comparatively small portion of tbe bonds
would be offered for sale, as tbe banks
desire to retain their bonds to a large ex
tent as a basis for new circulation when
money begins to harden later in tbe year,
as is anticipated. Tbe savings banks
are also desirons of obtaining a propor
tion of tbe bonds for investment. Bids
at 115 were made today to members of
the svndicate. but were not considered.
The managers ot tbe syndicate intend to
offer tbe bonds at a price wdicd win in
sure a quick absorption of the amount to
be told, and will not base their judgment
on any sucb isolated bids as bave been
made for small scattered lots. RusBell
Sage, who withdrew $550,000 in gold
trom the subtreasury yesterday, is not
and will not be a member of tbe syndi
cate, and none of tbe syndicate members
will take any of tbis gold from him. All
tbe members of the last syndicate who
withdrew gold from the eubtreaauty
bave been carefully excluded from the
Belmont-Morgan syndicate.
Tbe Case or Reward.
Pittsburg, Feb. 17. According to
Judge J. P. Siegel, of tbe Allegheney
county bench, the United States govern
ment baa taken a band In the intended
execution of W. T. Seward, tbe American
implicated in tbe Hawaiian revolution.
Siegel and Seward are brothers-in law.
Tbe former returned from Washington
today, where be went to interest Secre
tar Greeham in tbe case. ' After hearing
Seigel, the secretary telegraphed a mes
sage to Vancouver to catch the steamer
leaving that place for Honolulu. Be then
informed Jndge Seigel that if Seward is
not executed before the steamer arrives
President Dole will order a stay ot ex
ecution nntil tbe case can be more fully
investigated. Judge Siegel says.
"In addi'ion to calling on Secretary
Gresbam and Minister Thurston, I saw
Senators Hawley, Allison, Pla'.t, Perkins
and Batter. Hawley was M jor
Seward's chief of-staff, and is glad to aid
him. An addrees to nrestdent Dole was
prepared and sigmd by tbe United States
.enatoia. I am satisfied it will bave con
siderable weight, as Jbe Hawaiian gov
ernment want the good-will of tbe
American people."
Attempt at Malelde.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 16. -Mrs Mabel
Burnside, with "suicidal intent, leaped
from the Grant-street bridge, near the
Union E'ectrio Company's plant, into tbe
bay tbis morning about 1 o'clock. She
failed of ber purpose and was ' removed
by tbe police and taken to tbe station,
wbeie she was attended by tbe city
l...,.i.n Rflvntiil a onnjl rlnrlrlner
in co d salt water, tbe woman was not
materially injured
fcditor Boyd skipped.
Heppner, Or., Feb. 17. D C. Bujd,
wbo bas been ia the employ of the Pat
terson Publishing Company for the past
six weeks, bas skipped for parts unknown
A warrant is out for bis arrest, and if
found he will no doubt be sent to ftiiem.
tie lorgea tnree checks on the company
fur a total amount of $55. Two of the
checks were ceshed at the bank The
other ooe, for $25, was cashed by Robert
Rrick, a saioou keeper here, and refused
at the bank. This caused an inveetiga
non, who ins atiove result. As lioyd is
well known to tbe newspaprr fraternity
throughout the state, it is thought that
he rannnt escade. It is reported here
that tbis is not the first time that he bas
reported to crooked measures to rep eoieb
nis ixcuequtr.
Conn-lent of Knglixh Kdltnm.
l.ond )N. 'eti. 10. I he statu, com
menting on the naw gold loan, save
"Tbree and one-half per cent boi;ds are
a good invest menp, and will be eagerly
sought, but they will not end the crisis.
Gold will go to a paeniium. but the
United Slates will pay its creditors gold.
though its dometicrnrrency is silver, tbe
same as Russia and India pay goM."
The ReonomiM says it is absurd to pre
tend that the United States is under ob-
liga'ions to pay cold. Tbe case, the
paper says, is ideatiral witb that of India
which, if it electa a gold loan, can bor
row at a leas rate than three per cent, but
has to pay an additional 1 per cent, for a
rupee loan.
For the Fifth Time.
Jacksonville, Or., Feb. 10. W. H
Rumley, for many years a resident ot
this county and who has been in tbe in
sane asylum four time in the last 10
years, was examined before Jndge Neil
today and again pionouoced insane. He
was taken to tbe asylum tbis evening.
from which he was d siniesod onlv a tew
weeks ago, nndet tlie impress on that be
had so far recovered s to be safe lo re
lease. His dementia is believed to be
tbe result of an incurable disease, which
is inflamed and intensified by drink, in
wbicb be indulges to excess when not
under restraint.
Drowned In Laki Vnalilnatnn
Seattle, Waih. Feb. 18 Joseph
Pfahl, a chicken-rancher, 45 years of
age, fell oft the wharf at Lake Washing
ton at 11:15 last night and -as drowned
Pfai is su spotted to have beea drunk, al
though no (ne saw him lull overboard,
but the splash was beard, Tbe body
was recovered this morn:ng. He left a
brother and sister in Germany, and an
estate -north about $10,000.
Opposition Withdrawn.
Minneapolis, Feb, 18 Tbe prosecu
tion sprung a surprise In the Hayward
trialjoday when it withdrew all opposi
tion to tbe introduction of Maggie
Wachter's testimony. Miss Wacbter is
tbe stenographer etBltxt's attorney, who
was to testify that Bitxt stated to his
attorney in ber presence that it was with
Adrian Hayward and not with Harry
that be bad conspired to murder Miss
The court was unwilling to admit the
testimony without the direct consent of
Blixt, wbo was bronchi from jail and
questioned personally by Judge Smith.
He bad no objection, be said, bnt Miss
Wacbter was ill and conld not be present
today. Toe sudden change in front on
tba part ot the state is said to be due fo
its ability to impeach Miss Wachter's
testimony absolutely. Blixt's attorney
will contiadict, and it ia also understood
that - tbe state has ascertained from a
confidant of Miss Wacbter tbe true in
wardness of ber evidence.
The Appropriation tjemaattte.
Washinoton, Feb, 18 Tbe felt senate
committee on appropriations decided to
report an amendment to tbe sundry civil
approbation bill for $100,000,000 in cer
tificates of indebtedness, of denomina
tion ol $20, to run for two years and draw
3 per cent Interest, and be good only for
the purpose of supplying tbe treasury
In tbe absence of senator (Jo Horn, tbe
committee divided on tbe propriition to
pav half of tbe bounty on sugar for tbe
year 1894, as authorized by the McKfnley
law. Tbe sum to be appropriated tor
this purpose is about $8,000,000.
Seventy thousand dollars is appropri
ated for proposed bail logs at Ctevenn-,
Wyoming, Boise City, Idaho and Helena,
Mont, .
tatorlra Freve True.
Tangierb, Feb. 18 The report that
tbe beads ot a number of rebels bave
been sent to the saltan as trophies proves
to be true, confirmation having been re
ceived from Morocco city. From tbe
scene of the first prolonged struggle be
tween the tiibes supporting tbe sultan's
brother in bis claim to tbe throne and
the government troops, the beads of 37
of the leaning rebels were sent lo Sultan
Abdul Anz, at Fez. These hearts were
transported on the backs of four mules
and one donkey. After being exhibited
to the sultan, it ib said tbe beads will be
placed oo tbe city walls as proofs of
triumph and as a warning to insurgents:
Bave Chosen fort Arrhnr.
Tien-Tsin, Feb. 18 The Chinese for
eign office has requested Mr. Denby, the
United States minister, t suggest to the
Japanese that the peace envoys appointed
by tbe two countries meet at Port Artbnr
nr some place near Tien-Tsln In order to
suit the convenience ot LI Huns Chaag.
one of tbe Chinese envoys. Tbe Chinese
government bas requested John W Fas
ter, selected to assist tbe Chinese envoys
in peace negotiations, to meet Li Hong
Chang at Tien Tsin. Mr. Foster will
probably leave Shanghai tor lien-I si u
as soon as communication between tbe
two places is opeued.
Will not Annex Miraoa.
London, Feb. 18 In the bouse today
Under Foreign Secretary Gray said there
bad been no special agreement made fn
regard to tbe ownership of land in Samoa
by foreign nations. The United States
government claimed the exclusive right
to tbe coal station in tbe haoor ol rago.
There is no truth, he said, ia tbe state
ment that Germany was about to annex
tbe Samoan island. England ceitalnly
d aired to consult the interesls of
Australia in regard to Samoa.
Tw Prefect the Iterations.
London. Feb, 13 A Peking dispatch
says that marines are arriving at various
foreign legation for tbe purpose rf pro
tecting them. Tbe Chinese are snsi icioua
of their presence, and trouble is feared.
Jamped the Track.
Huntington, W. Va., Feb.
egi " " c"9 ' h prsaenger
train on the iNorfoik S vvesteiu raijroaa.
Highest of aH in Leavening
jumped ibe track seven miles west of tbis
city at 4 a. m. loiav. J bn Ad kins, ol
Wavne county, ws 1 1 led outright. An
unknown lad? from 1'etosky, Mich., was
"truck oa the bead and is dying
Engineer JarkartQ and Fireniau Gunz
were seriously ir.jured.
Victoria la Lioadoa.
London, Feb. 18 The Queen arrived
in London this afternoon. The strides'
privacy was observed in ber reception.
and at Victoria station empty trains were
aligned along; the platform so persons on
other platforms could not see her alight
Tbe reason for this extraordinary privacy
was that rheumatism had incapacitated
the queen trom walking. A detachment
of life guards surrounded her carnage as
u was driven to llackingham palace. In
suite of all this the queen was heartily
cheered .
A Mine Hai-rar.
Ashlanb, Pa., Feb. 18 I u West Uesr
Ri.ige mine, at Ma'boney, this morning,
a gang oi men anving an air course,
broke through into a breast containing a
large volume ot gas. It was ignited bv
their lamps aod an explosion followed',
setting fire to tbe timbers of the air
course, to which the men were working,
and snuitirjg on all means or escape.
Six hav beeu taken out. all of whom
it is feared will die. Six are gill! in the
mine, but with lut e change f getting
out alive? The fire is still burning.
' ftalntrd the J. ana; Chi.
('HE -Foo, Feb. 18 Tbe foreigners who
were tsken prisoners at Wei HewWei,
with the exception- of Howe, have
arrived here. The steamship Kang Chi
brought the bodies of the Chinese naval
officers who committed suicide. The. I
Japanese saluted tbe steamer, bidding a
solemn and reverent farewell te Admiral
Ting's body. Tne Chinese were greatly
impressed. The Japanese wili not come
to Che- Foo. Junks brought tbe Chinese
soldiers from Wei-Hai-Wel to this port.
A Hettlemrnt Mean.
City of Mexico, Feb. IS From the
best possible source it is learned that a
settlement between Mexico and Guate
mala will be reached in a few days. Tbe
assertion that Minister Mariscsl bad said
that the question of indemnity, being
discussed between De Leon aod himself,
was settled ia positively denied. Tbis
question has only been touched .upon so
far and tbe amount due Mexico is here
after to be settled. -
, In the Bonne.
Washington, Fob. 18 The revenue
cutter service bill was defeated in tbe
bouse today, failing to secare tbe neces
sary two-thirds vote. Under a
suspension of tbe roles, tbe boute passed
a bill to raise the rate of pensions to
Mexican war veterans to to $13 a month,
aud also a bill to equalize tbe duties and
salaries ot inspectors of bulls and boilers.
Peaitlvrly Deal' 4. . y
Washington, Feb. 18 It is positively
denied at tbe state department that Sec
retary Gresbam bas intervened specially in
tbe case of Major Seward, one ot tbe
Americans under tbe sentence of death at
Honolulu for treason, or has addressed a
special mesaage on the subject to Minis
ter Willis to be forwarded Irom Vancou
ver. .
Bombardment at Ten Chaw.
Shanghai, Feb. 18 American mis
sionaries confirm tbe report thst Tecg
Chow was defenseless when the Japanese
tired tbe town. Tbey declare that the
Japanese gave no notice of tbe bombard
ment. and tbe Chinese did not reply to
tbe fire. Tbe camp is some distance flora
tbe city.
Will Hhfeid ForeiKnrra.
Hong Eono. Feb. 28 The British
cruiser Mercury left here today for For
mosa to protect foreigners aeainst out
rages wbicb are being committed by tbe
Iiand Transfers-
. The following deeds were filed for record
Thursday afternoon and yesterday:
Frank X Kramer to Cfaas B Adams; lots
4, blk A, Kramer's addition to Dalles City;
Chas B Adams to Frank X Kramer; lot 3,
blk A, Kramer's addition to Dalles City;
Geo M Sterling to Zilla Sterling lota E,
D. F, G, H and I. blk 32, Fort Dalles Mil
itary Addition; $1.
James Kelley and wife to John E Bar
nett, let 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 10, 11 and 12, blk
23, fiigelow's Bluff Addition to Dalles City;
United Statea to Fitst Benry Wakefield,
ne qr and nw qr, see 23, tp 1 u, of r 15 e;
United States to Simpson Copple, nw qr
sw qr w bf nw qr and ne qr of nw qr sec.
23, tp 2 n of r 10 e; patent.
" Peter Omeg to Emma Omeg; sw qr of
ne qr and ae qr of nw qr sec 14, tp 1 s r 12
United States to William Buskirk; s b
ne qr and w h of ae qr sec 24, tp 1 u r 9 e;
cash purchase.
Feb 18 Jacob 0 T Willis to A S Blow
ers; e hf of ne qr eeo 13, tp 2 n, r 0 east:
Feb 19 Leslie and F Armor, - executors
and administrators oi the estate of Henry
A Pratt, deceases!, to Mary J Wiogate; lot
5, block 2; Trevitt's additiou to D.IK s City;
Feb 19 Trios W Mooney et al to Anna
C Stabling; lots K and L, block 4ti, Fort
Dalits Military reservation to Dalles City;
Feb 19 William R Menefee acd wife to
J E Barnett; nw qr and ne qr, sec 3, tp 3 s,
r 13 e; also tha w hf of nw qr and w bf of
sw qr and ae qr of sw qr seo 34, tp 2 a, r 13
east; $3500.
Feb 19 United States to Elizabeth
Mooney; lota K aod L, block 48, Ft Dalies
military reaerve; eertificata of register.
Dry Cord Hoed,
We bave again on baid an abundance
of strictly dry fir, oak, pine and maple
wood, cut for family purposes.
Lueb & Borrow.
Power. - - Latest U. S. Gov't Report
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
The folio ing is an essay resd at tbe
teachers' institute lately held at Dufur, and
is published by request:
Orrgon lies midway between tbe equator
aod the north pole, and is in the northwest
ern part ot the United States. It is 290 by
390 miles in extent, aod hs an area of 96,
030 rquse miles. Oregon waa organised as
a territory in 1848, aod admitted into the
Union as a state in 1859. Tbers are two
xtenaive mountain ranges, extending from
north to south, in which are found rioU
mines of gold, silver, quicksilver and coal.
There is Mt. Hood, the monarch of our
state, which rises over 11,000 feet above tha
level of the sea, and whose crystal mantle
glistens like diamonds in tha noon-day aun.
There are Washington. Jefferson aud Three
Sisters keeping silent watoh, like sentinels.
over tha picturesque valleys below.
Europe boasts of grand scenery, beautiful
Valleys snd lakes, cool, refreshing winds,
tbe grand Alpiae mountains, with . their
proud, cold heids lost to . view in flecoy
clouds. Oregon eao boast of grander and
mors beautiful soenerv. She has her spark
ling rivers flowing tbroogh fertile valleys
and rich, produotive plains, turning the
busy wheels of our mills and fsotories,
dashing down mighty precipices, then flow
ing on on to the deep bias ocean. There
ia the Columbia, the grandest river of ths
Psoitis coast. It ia 1400 miles loog, and
flows through deep canyons, between high'
walls of solid lava, which ia wora by the .
river. The Willamette, a limpid, placid
stream, sparkling like aiiver in the summer
sunshine, aod the Snake, a large, rapid
river, dashing nn at a very rapid rata and
sweeping away everything it oan. Oregon
bas aoch fertile vallevs. oovered with soft,
green grass and decked with fragrant flow
ers, with orystal streams, reflecting back
the flower and fall, stately tree which
itrow on it banks. Between tha Coast and
Cascade ranges lies tbe beautifnl Willam
ette valley, which is about 60 by 120 mile
in extent, with the Willamette river flowing
through it. Tber is a great variety of
lovely Hjwera, and plenty of trait of al
most eyery variety. The Willamette val
ley is noted for its tall, stately fir and
maple trees. Tuere are many beautiful
lakes in Oregon, witb their deep, blue wat
ers issuing forth in a crystal river. We
have a very delightful and healthful cli
mate, with cool, refreshing winds giving a
healthy oelor to the obeeks. This delight
ful elamate ia due to a warm current whioh
washes the western c jest' of Oregon, giving
it a much milder ohmate tLao that of tha
eastern states in the same latitude. Wh at
is the leadiog staple, of which Oregon yield
a better qaality and more per acre than
most ol the states. Hnw pleasant it ia to
stand and gaze at the ripened wheat fields,
swayed to and fro by the gentle breeze.
The Willamette- valley wheat took the
prize at the World's fair, a did Oregon'
(rait also. Oregoo has a great many streams,
which are adapted to water-power machin
ery, enabling it lo become a great manufae
tonng state. The fisheries ,o Oregon an
among the beat in the world. - We. have
many varieties ot valuable timber, includ
ing pine, fir, cedar and ash. In summer w
have many beautiful flowers; our skies are
blue and sonay. We have no evelones or
earthquakes to destroy the peace and
qnietude of our minds; bat Oregon is a
place where all may dwell in peace aod
need not fear,
Where are snoh counties blessing a
here in Orrgon? Where seasons come and
go, bringing suob bountiful harvest of
fruit and grain? Where doe such perfec
tion coma to light as in fsir Oregon? God's
imile of lov are all over onr laod. Tbe
rioh and the poor, tbe great aod tb small
should all be thankful to Him for his many
gifts of love. Aua Bxu..
Stock inspectors.
Tha following la the list of to.k
tor for Wasco coonty:
T. Cartwngbt, The Dalles,
A. S. Roberts, Deschutes,
W. R. Cantrell. Dufur,
P. R. H in ton, tiakeoven,
Zsch Taylor, Antelope,
J. H Sherar. Shwar'a Bridge.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
pure Grape Cresm of Tartar Powder. Fret Ammonia, Alum or any other adultfrtnt