The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 16, 1895, Image 4

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    The Times-Monntaineer
By the filling of the vacant seats in
the senate from Washington, Wyom
ing and Montana, which has just taken
plaoe, the control of that body has
- . passed out of Democratic hands, says
the St Louis Globe Democrat. The
vacancies had existed for two years,
. and were dne to deadlocks in the leg
islatures of those states. On this so
count there were only nighty five seats
filled in the senate in the present con
gress thus. far. Out of tbis.nuniHer
the Democrats bad forty-four, the Re
publicans thirty-six and the Populists
five. On this basis the Democrats had
a plurality of eight over the Republi
cans and a majority of three oyer the
Republicans and Populists combined.
The Democratic rote was reduced one
by the death of Senator Vance, of
. North Carolina, and the Republican
vote increased, to the same extent by
the recent election of one of their
' party to fill Vance's seat for tiie re
mainder of the term. In this calcula
tion Stewart and Jones, of Nevada,
formerly Republicans, have been
classed as Populists.
When all 'the new members take
their jats in a few days the strength
of the parties in the senate will stand
thus: Democrats forty-three, Repub
r- lieans forty, and Populists five. The
Democrats will have a. plurality of
three, but they .will he two short of a
majority at the whole body. The
- Populists ; will hold the balance of
power. Ordinarily the Populists
would be more likely to vote with the
Democrats than, with the Republicans
on stnotly partisan issues. Most of
them stand with the Democrats on the
tariff,, and all of them are ou the side
of the majority of that party on the
silver and general finance questions.
The tariff is probably ahelved for two
or three years, but the silver issue is
j always with us. " The state bank ques-
tion is liable to come up again at any
time, and on this subject the Populists
are m harmony with tbe bulk of the
Democratic party.
; In the next senate also the Popu
. lists will be the decisive factor in tbe
divisions between tbe two great par
ties. There will be forty-three Re
publicans, thirty-nine Democrats and
six Populists in that body. Tbe Re-
- publicans - and the - Democrats will
' ' change places at the end of the pres
ent term tbrft weeks from today,
and, as is the case with the Deuv
ocrats at present, tbe Republicans will
be a little short of tbe number required
to pat them in central. Tbey will
JL' . - have four more' votes than the Demo
crats, but they will be two short of the
combined Democratic and Populist
strength. This is an unfortunate con
ditionof things. It would be better
. for each of. the great parties and also
better for the country if one or other
'- -of them were: in the lead. Under
existing conditions the handful of
Populists will be in a position to dic
tate terms to many times iheir own
number, i Their votes will be sold to
th highest -bidder, and deadlocks in
legislation and. disgraceful and d
moralizing deals will be common until
the election of 1896 puts tbe BepnMi-
cans in - undisputed control of all
i - -
V branches of tbe government.
Mr. B. B. Moots, "of Nanaene, is in tbe today.
-- Mr. H. T. Blaksney, of Wallula, Wub.,
i- k. W unr,k a I Inl! hnw ...
aald laasr svoa. and ia MT M a visit to old
' scenes " and is ' uuki nana witn oia
Mr. Floyd Harman returned yesterday
from a visit to bis parent, wbo reside about
twenty-five miles from The Dalle near
Camaa Prairie lie says two feet of snow
yet remains on tbe ground tbere.
" Next Tuesday evening' at tbe Congrega
tional cburcb tbere nill be an entertainment.
consisting of illustration of tbe fa
mon book Sen Bur. It ha received tbe
hiebest commandation of tne pro and
will undoubtedly attract a large audience
" Some person on day this week broke into
a barn and milked a oow at the Caaesde
- Looks wbicb was owned by another in
dividual. tie was arrested on a
charge of burelery. end furnished bail in
the anna cf 9250 to answer before tbe grand
Tbe local institute new being held at
Dnfnr ha attracted . considerable interest,
' and tbe audience are yery large. Day
IMIUOI arc nciu HI bviiwi uuusu, auu
' nigbt session in tbe Methoditt ehnieh.
.8vral interesting papers have hern read
on ednoational snbjeoU, and the disouuioo
.' is very entertaining.
The new ebarter bill passed the senate
yesterday afternoon, and only awaits en
grossing signature of the governor, eta.,
Dfiore it Becomes a taw. im is im
amende'! charter lately formulated bv th
- committee appointed by the common
council, and will be a great improvemeut ou
tbe old one now in force. '
Tbe boltersLure still in business a' the old
stand in Salem. Xbey went into caucus and
then refused to support tbe candidate re
ceiving a majority of votes, and nothing
? they can do now still surprise the people.
Ihia afternoon tbe ballot stood: Dolpb, 30;
Villims, 9; Lowell, 8; Lord, 5; Weather
ford, 4; Hare, 10. Adsent, 24.
Last night at tbe frieght depot in this
city some miscreant broke into a car of mer
chandise that bad just arrived over tbe O.
RAN. C'o.'s road from tbe east, consigned
to merchants in tbis city. I here were
about (60 orth of clothing and tber goods
stolen. : N. cine is tnown to the thief, but
it is very proi able that be will be arrested,
at it is not liaeiy ne can escape wun wis
quantity of goods.
Three of tbe mitre and quoin po ts. weigh
ing 15 or 20 tons each, belonging to the
, lower guard ga e, have been safely lowered
into position at tbe locks at the Cascades.
ni. rra r m snMa n r i w rnmn flrinn nnar
assured will Keep out tne spring treshe:
and allow summer Work on the canal. T he
work is going on ery rapidly under the
contract system, and more work baa bee -done
since the Day brothers have bad it
than ever before.
An old tree, opposite the. Timex-Mouk-.
SAIHKKS office, was cut down and removed
- this ' morning to give place to a telephone
pole for tbe new system, r or about orty
years tbis tree baa occupied the position,
and has been a silent witness of mauy.
changes in tbe history of Tbe Dalles.' VI heu
. tne CT'iei s ui siiv whwuhb leveiea ih vu
the eround it seemed as if an old inend had
been numbered with tbe many wbo have
taken their journey to tbe silent majority.
They bad a oboir to help enliven tbe pro
; eeedings st a hanging in Canada, the otlx-r
' dav, which nude sometbiDg of a bit with
'its selections. While th- murderer was
walking to tbe scaffold ''Nearer my God to
Thee" was sang; while the dying atrugubs
cf tbe wretch were performed t the ao
oompaniment of "Bate in the Arras of
Jems " And nr. body seemed to see the
gbutl) bad taste of the whole thing.
Mr. J F. Trans, of tbe Cascade Locks,
is in tbe city.
Circuit court for this county convened in
this city today.
Mr. F. H Wak'field, the a-esso who
has bten at Salem for several ecki past,
returned Saturday night.
Distriot attorney Jayne arrived in the city
on the tnornii g t am. He is in attendance
on the circuit court now in secsion.
Dr. H .A. Le ven, the pioneer resident
cf the tjiscnrte Lo Its. arrived in town in
the tra n from Portland this afterncoi.
The circuit court convening in this city
today naa attroted to town mmy tsrmrs
from t country who are here as jurors and
List yea' the aggregate of tb- wheat
prep in the fjuid S-t was 513 200,000
bnh-U; o.t., 7ig frjO.OOO bu-eels; ctrn.
1.443 600.000 b sb.U.
A Walla Walla chinnok blew todtv, and
this changed the tempera' are vo y manri
allv. If it con nn "es tor two -r hr- dajs
we may have i-ro weuth. r in F bmry.
The daughter of Mr Perry W'km, ,
lately oei'.'t1 i at the rexirierce ot her
auo. M'. C E Bjvard. in ri i oitv. 8h
was afflicted with typhoid fcVcr, but is n
rouob improved.
The follnwing are the er"d 1'irors f r
the present tt-rm of the eircu t c rti J VI
Marrt.D. fur.m. ; W KN rv.l, E A Giirfin.
W V S-llif k. Charles Fraley, W J David
son, Amos Koot.
The mrmWr of the Tennessee 'eiislature.
Edward D Duncan, who walk d from his
difiriot to th.- opitnl siysall be rilrna1
in the state otle ed him p.ases. L-islators
I ke him are scarce
We have received from Hon. T H
M.Greer copies cf the hills tha have pts-eu
the bouse during the pr sent session of the
legislamie. frr which the gentleman will
accept our thanks.
Dennis Wagoner was killed the othe
day while erjafed i logging on Harvet
creek, in Dtuglas county. He leavtsa witr
snd three small children List verk a man
named Wroe was killed on . Smith riv r
wbi'e logging.
' Tbe State Hortioultural Association t-as
adj turned. Odioera wre elected at follow
E L. Smith, of Hood E yer. preid-nt; Dr.
O.-P S. PI u miner, . first vice pr. anient; J
R. Sbephard, second vice president; C. B
Watson, secretary.
Comparing the work of the two houses of
the legislature now in session, the senate has
passed 41 bi Is of Its own to the 47 in tbe
house. Each boo-e has passtd eigne of the
other bills, making 19 acts in all tnrned
over to the governor.
Most of lha senate's 41 hills passed are
local measures. The few of goera' be .ring
ate MvC ung's authorising aiavo a to bid in
delinquent proper y, Juhi sou'a exemption
of coun'v roads from taxation, JonoMiu's
repeal of the jute-mill sot, Bancroft's for
bidding sale ot firearms to minors, and s few
minor amendments to the code.
This was to be the reform -esaion of Ore
gon's legislature, bat $40,000 was voei f -r
the sexpense of the aesaiuu, while $12 000
would pay tbe legialstor. snd it is saio. that
ten more clerks have ten sorn in than at
any previous ses-ion. 1 here are in clerks
to serve 90 legislators.
Prineville Review, Jsmes Desly, wbo
drives the ataga bteon here and Silver
L ke, informs us that those in ohsrg of the
injured survivor of the Cnrtstms bi.louanst
having received quite liberal donation from
Portland snd other points, haye sutficient
assistance for present needs.
There were three arrest i.f vagrsnt marie
lait flight Two weie on'y 10 year of age.
and one 22 years old. Tiirae were oang
to follow the road; hot adverse circum-
tances, over wh'ch, perhaps ti ey ban no
contiol, O'ropeiled them to foll iw un
uertaio vocation. Tne recorder dismissed
them after giving thrm a leccure.
Two little McMiunvill g'Hs were look
log over the newspaper. Ins elder, wno
could read better than understand, was go
lug over the aenatciial 0'e in the legials
ture. The y nger, who o uld neither read
nor undeis-'aiid very veil, alter bearing
that L rd had four vo'es spoke up, "Iiook,
-utr. at d see flow nmny there were fo'
A fellow nrmed "Pfuff-r was in Por ltnd
la-t week, bavn g ttaveterl itrt-t ap und
be world S artii g trom B o i a-t Feb
ruary without a ceut, and wearing ouly
p. per utt. is this near hi loan ey s
end with $4 700 la hi pockets, ao made
more out nf pi iter suit than most people
lo, even t tbe Ortgun llbrl law u very
The enatorial nt st, ha recome monot
onous, and tbe impaiunceof tho people i
manifested bv the at g-r txhibited at the
bol eis who are hlo -king legislation and
t ng for nearly every prominent man
On gun in order to defeat tbe wishes of the
venule sod tbe nominee of the emeus. I h
vote today- stood : D duh. 30; Hire. 10
Wjlliims1 9: Wrathriford. 7; Loid 6; Low
ell, 10. Abseut and paued, 12.
At the retulsr anrnal meetit g of Mt
Hood hose emniaiy.Ao 4, beld-fo this
city,, last Saturday evcLiog, the I dlowiog
thcnr were rleited h r the ensm g year.
Pri-Hidei t, C L Phtllltf; foreman, Ju ius
J Wiley; tirs' aasi-tanl F S'Mrp; aec'ind
asaistart. VV B Brown; ir-asao-r, I J f '
man; seiretarv, J W L-wi.; e ff.ies, C E
Biynid. H Stoi-enisn ai d J L wi
ataudu s onm'nittee, C J Stubliug. L A
Bunco and H Stoneman.
"Woodman spare that tree" was written
Ions ago; bnt tbe sentiment was not ut
ficiently respeeted to saw the tree on the
opposite side of tbe street from this otbee.
and they have fallen under the blows
of the woodman's axe. They were old-
timers, and have stood the storms of many
winters and served at shade durirg the heat
of many summers. But in this world cf
progress ana aavancemens innovations msy
be txpeoted.
The Salem Journal has this about
teemer that intends runniDg revuUrly to
Eugene: "The itesnier Gray Eagle, re
cently constructed at Newbng, wi l make
ber trial trip i" tne vicioity of that ci'y to
dV She ges to Urgon Cltv tomorrow
for inspe tion, and will reach halem. on her
way to Eugene, Monday or Tuesday. The
dimensions of tbe boat are 125 feet over
all, with a 24 foot beam. She will draw,
b n loaded, but thirteen inches and will
ply between Salem and Eugene,"
5lem Statesman: The state board of hor
ticulture' bi 1 met it Wa erloo in theaenate
yesterday. This is the bill that wss pre-
oared bv the present board. It appropriated
$6,000 per aonnm, tor the maintenance of
tbe board, gave its secretsry a salary ot
$1,200 per annum, and prnpnaed tet pay the
member of the boaid $3 uer day for tbe
aetual tima employea, together with oeoea
ssry expense etc In f r-ner years the
state app'opnation for this board was $3,500
per annum
of the railway companies. The case in
vo'ves 300 000 aor-s of land in tb- vicinity
o Forest Grove, Oregon, valued at $1,000,
000 Last Sunday the prosecuting attorney
and a physician from Vancouver arrived
at Stevenson, and exhumed the txidy ot
Archibald Bull, and found snffl tieut evi
dence to warrant the arrest of suspecied
parties. Two hnve lcen ari'eted tor the
crime, and will lie tried at the next tes
aion of court at Stevenson.
Ex-.lurtee L. 0. Sterns died at his hnm
at Biker Ciiy Saiuniay, F. brmr. 9, 1SU5.
Tne fuueral took p1 ce yesterday. U -tier me
auspiora ot the B k ' l! untv Br Aiocia
tloo and tie B k r Cuintv Pi neer Aiancia
tion H- wisail 6i -ers, -id bat prae
ticed law in this .lite n -e If ').
Tn ns. n Wad VluAHister to
heNiwYir. World, puh ished January
27, "liacuw the euljeut of Hiobs with pur-ic-i!ar
referei oe tu anona in Aineric -W.rd
sasib-y are ofren n-efm
beliBhni' nts in ancial k-i t' eri''-, but as e
from thia feature, h- eiv.s no good rea-O"
for their ex stenee N-v-rtheea, tne A'tiei
an product is a large iud lucreaxn g one
The cane on triai to lv is State of O egoo
va Gov fuuihw-ll, tor tie mlioiou kil -H
gof a h T"i The jurv emp n-il'ed consis s
oi i he foil w g: HE Mooie, i Ke
sav. Jaron O'ui-t, W H VV-I im, P H m
nch, W D Jones, S mp-on Cofple, J -S
Taylor, S K b ni G VV M rqnim. Wili.
Tivlor, Wi iam June. A S Bennett i
attnrney lor . fend .lit, and thj state is
repr vented by Dinnut A'tornev Ja ne.
Judge John B. Waldo and W. A. Tay
lor, extensive tanners in the W aldo hill
in .Ylirion county, lmvj received a dozen
prairie cbh'ieiis Iroin parties in Eastern
Oregon. These game birds have been
given their liberty on Mr. Waldo's place
and it U upecially requeued ' v the Salein
Statesn-ii that sportsmen refrain from
killing them The b'rd were secured by
these geiitlenieu at considerable expense.
Tne o ironer'a jury impmeled Saturdiy
night to inquire into the origin of The
wound that cueH the neath of Jxph
Ode.ll, found Frnly in a ving ounditi o in
a oiumo of hrn-h n the C road, ad
journed until 7:30 o'cloek tn a evening, says
the Telegram ot y-trday.- to enable Cor
oner Cornelius ud the (oltce to bt in
tome additional and material intormatiO'i
The circumstances aurronnding Oiell's
death are very stiang. A short time be
fore he expired be regained consciousnens.
but would give no explanation a to how
he got hi fatal wouud, and he died leaving
every one in the dark on that most vi al
Found Dead in tb. Rnina.
Considerable excitement prevailed at tbe
Loot yesterday, on account o' a tragical
affair that happened at Stevenson on tbe
opposit - side of t e river the night previous.
Tbe facts as far as we could gather tbem
are as follows: An" old man wLose name
was A. Bull, owned a farm' about a mile
and a half from Stevenson, and bis bouse
burned to tbe ground. In tbe cellar were
found the remains of the old gentleman with
apparently a bullet ho e In bis head. I tie
bardly possible that his death was caused
b. the fire, althou b he might have been
aaph xiated bv smoke; bnt apples in the
cellar were not damaged by the heat. Some
suspect foul pi ty, and arrests may be made.
(tame time since tbe deceased sent east for
his nephew, who came to Stevenson and
lived with his uncle Lately they quar
reled, aud tbe young man erected a house
about 200 yards from where he lived. It
seems that the old man had never filed on
his 'arm, although he had improved it, had
a splendid orchard and had resided tbere
many years I he-young mas learning tbis
fact, went to Vancouver n I entered bis
filing and so did the uncle. This resulted
in a contest regarding the title and the
case was decided in favor of tbe nucle,
Tbis embittered tbe relations already exist
ing between them and tbe tragedy uatur
ally arouses suspicions.
Indemnity Selections.
The following is tne lift o' X. P. R B.
Co. lend (elected Miy 2, 18S5, and ap
proved May 8, 1895. List N. 1, are in
demuitv a-lections, and the said litt Nj 1
f seleciions have been csno lied bv or er
trom the honorable cnmm'ssii n-r.lettir "F,"
d.ted Deienher 12, 1S91:
The C orfew Ordinance.
The fo'loi.. is the uid u.uce cnmp.1 ing
uvnors to keep iff tbe streets -fie' 9 oclock
in the evening
Ordinance No. STB which patted th Com
mon Counr&vf Vallet City, Slay 4. 1893
a c. 29. That no minor under the age
of sixteen years shall go a rotd upon or
wander sbont the ttree'S of Dalles Cry
after the hour nf 9 o'clock at night, unless
such minor .h ill be aoiiompanied by bis or
ber paieut or guardian, or 'unless such
minor shad haye necessary business npop
sncn street or st eets; and any minor who
shall violate the provision of this ordinance
shall be deem d uiltv of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction before tha recorder,
shall be hn d out less thau 6e dollars nor
more than ten d llri or iuipr soument in
the city i ill not les than three days nor
more than five days.
An Old Camp-
A large tract ol VI .ri-u's placer ground,
owned by Geotg Bb Id, ex Governor
Wiley, and otheis. baa jist been sold to
Philadelphia capitalist. The tract m
braces about 200 actes of ground, some of
which baa be?n worked and ft u d to be verv
ricb. The consideration, it i understood
was $26,000. Mr. Reibold ssjs one man
took 45 onnces of gold from one of tbe
claims included in the sale, in eight boms.
Chinese who own placers a sbott dlstai ee
down the creek have taken ont $2,600,000
in the past ten yeats. Mr. Biebold says it
is a faot that two of tbe Chinese took ont
$1000 in a day. The Philadelphia's have
poronaced a dredging maohine with wbicb
to work the ground. Tbe machine is now
at Pooatello. It will bp shipped in as soon
a spring open.
r Fross Meadav's .Dsllr. .
Mr. WsJ, Kelts?, of Antelope, is in the
sJtv. - ' - ' '
From Tuesday's Dally.
P. Deureox, of Pendleton, is in the city.
A. Fleischbausr, of tbe Cascade Lock
arrived in the city y-sterday.
A camp of Woodmen of tbe World was
organized at Heppoer lat uigbt, with 45
J B. Current snd A. W. Shorter, of
Goldendale, Wash , are registered at tbe
Umati la House
Mr. H E. Jenoison, snpe'mtendent ot
o nstrnction ot the vvestern Uulon lele-I
grspn Co. is in the city.
F t i he present term of court Jsmes Har
per aod J. ueherty are ramrta and J. W.
Biakcny, grand j'liy bailiff.
We received a call today fronn Mr. A.
B. Ni'es. of tbe firm nf the Niles-Vincent
Marble works ot Walla Walla.
rimiib Bros, will give a Valentine party
next TbU'sday evening, February 14ib, at
Wtogale hall. The best of music will be
provided for the occasion.
A change came o'er tbe spirit of our
dreams last mutt and ibis morning
snow at u sc. ana in an
hour fully an inch bad fallen.
The news fiotn Salem denotes li'tle
chat ge fr-m yesteiday. The vote stood;
Dolpb, 39: W litems. 11; W he.for...
Hare, 10; Lowe, I, 1Q: L rd. 7 Paired, 0
Small children will not be admitted at
the Thursday and Satuiday evenings'
purlieu given bv". Smith Bros, t bildruu
only are admitted ai the Saturday after
noon scnooi, trom l to s.
A carload of cattle was shipped from
the stockyards of It. E. Snlunnrahe So Co.
t flay to I lie .bocks. I ue cattle were
shipped by the Columbia Packing to.
aud were in nrat-claa condition tor beet.
A laig-i force of men are employed todav
by the ins telephone compai y in putting
the poles in position, j n s- congress e
atouod tbe poles aod they aeiome a perpen-
rtio lar position as if it were a magical per-
A yellow cat strayed from the store of
J B Oossen dunog tb ia k hours ot last
night or in the ia ly dawn of today. Any
one returning this member of tne feline
speeies to him wi I not be oross-examined
how be or she came into possession of the
animal. . . t t i ; , . '
' The Uoited States oonrt of ' appeils, at
Hsu Franoisoo, has rendend a decision in
tbe ease of the Oregi o A California Riilwav
CdCPpaoy agaisft tne Uojted 9tatfl jo favpr '
A Foroib:s Intervi xr.
One day this week an engineer at tbe
Locks became intocicated and jnm ing on
board a locomotive put on a full bead of
steam and let it run down the road at a
rapid rate npsetting a flat car loaded with
sand. . He then reversed bis lever, and see
ing it would r mintoa locomotive jumped
and saved himself. Fortunatel a brake
man was standing close to tbe track and
threw the switch off in time to stop th
collision. 1 be locomotive wa on tbe Day
track and was the property of the govern
ment contractors. As soon as' intelligence
was reoeived f the mischief, one of the con
tractors interviewed he engineer and. as a
result the knight of the road became tired
and weary aud the beauty of tbe human
face divine was tonewb t marred by the
fur.e of the remarks.
Description of Tract
L t 2
Eh of qr....
a q-
A I of
A . f
n q-
K hi of n qr....
N qr of nw q-. . .
E in q
' q
A lot
A f
A I id
UI o'
X q ami nw q
E .1 f-eq-
N- qe
E ht n q
All of
A I ot
Hi hf ne q .
Lo 1 ami I -
Lot 3 an lot 4..
A nt o' se q-....
Lt 1 and lot 2..
Se q' i f ne .,r...
Lot 3
N- q o - q'..
L'i 4 .
S 'if of w qr ...
Se q-
E nf of ne q-...
Lot 1
st qr i.f ue q-..
L- 2
Lo 3 ..
8 qr
L-.' 1
L.t 1
Lot 3
Lo 4
!- qr ' s q . . .
Ne qr of e qr...
S' o' se q ....
Ai' o
AI o'
Alt ni
AM n
L 2 and lot. 1 . .
S hf of ne qr ...
L.t 3
8 qr ot n w qr..
qr . . ... .
S qr
E hf nf w qr...
Ne qt. . ,
E ht of uw ;'...
A I of
AU of
All of
All ot
AH of ...
AH of
A 1 of.
AN of
A In'
AH f
All of
AM of.
K- qr
E ht of i w q- ..
L lad lot 2...
E hf of i qr...
A'l nt
AM .f
All of
AH of
AH of
AM o
A I of
A I.f.
8 qr nf im q-.
IV hf ot BW qr.
E hf nf rp q ...
N q- of q'.
A 1 of
A I nf
A ' of..; ,
N- q- and nw q
A'l of 23
N q' and nw q- 25
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16 K
17 K
Mrs. S.P.EeU, Ossatvatomie,Katu
wile of the editor of Tbe Graphic the lead
ing local paper of Miami county, writes
"X ca trouble witH heart disease
for six years, severe palpitations, short
ness of breath, together with such ex
treme nervousness, that, at times I would
walk the floor nearly all night. We
consulted the best medical talent.
The maiA there team no help for tne,
that I had organic disease of the heart for
which there was no remedy. I had read
your advertisement in The Graphic and
a year ago. as a last resort, tried one bottle of
Jr. Jules' Sew Cure for the Heart,
which convinced me that there was true
merit in It. 1 took three bottles each of the
Heart Cure and Bestoratlve Nervine and
It completely oured tne. I sleep
well at night, my heart beats regularly and
I have no more smothering spells. I wish,
to say to all who are suffering as I did;
there's relief untold for them if they will
only give your remedies just one trial."
Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive)
guarantee that tbe hrst bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell lt at SI, S bottles for 15, or
lt will be sent, preoaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co, lkhart, lad.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
"he Portland Banquet
Tbe bat on t a the Hotel Portland last
Satnrdiv evenirg was a very enjoyable a'
fatr. Er-Senato- Corbett wss the host on
the occasion, and his guesta were members
of tbe lesiflatnre and some prominent ci'l
se s of Port's id. Th ba qnet wss given
bv the ez-senatr for the purpose of a
friendly discussion of the wave and means
for an economical administration of munici
pal affairs in the oitv of P rtUnd, aod moie
psrticnlsrly in reference to the new charter
bill which is now before the lesis'ature
Speeches were made bv Mr. C roettj also
by Hon. C. fi. Mr0- a. J. S mon, W. W.
Steiwer, H. H. Northnp and otbi-ra. and
the most harmonious feeling sppeaaed to
prevail with those present.
Sneaks through the Boothbay (He.) BtgUUr,
of the beneficial results he has received from
a regular use of Ayer's Pills, Be says i "1
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all out of order. 1 tried a number
of remedies, bnt nine seemed to give me
relief nntil I was Induced to try tbe old relia
ble Aver' Pills. I bare token only one
box. but I feel like a new man. I think they
are the most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being ao finely sugar-
eoatea tnat even a emia will take tbem. I
urge noon all who are In need of a laxative
to try Ayer's Pills. They will do good."
For all dfseasee of JJe Stomach, User,
and Bowels, take
Prepsndbyrr. J.aAywfcCIlss.
Every Dose Effective
Circuit Cmrt Docket-
" J E Atwster vs E T O tan.
J E A'water tilK T-ffe.
El H nierson V T -A W rd and Ja-ob
Tbe Schmidt L.ble and Lit bo Company
ys I H T ffe.
' Joshua Bendy Machinery ComptnyvsJ
G k I N Dsy.
T O Mitchell vs O D Tsylor.
W H Wilson, district attorney, A A
Jayne, subtituted, vs Amn R ot er si.
Pebin Piow Co vs C L k L Morse.
Thomas Halliday vs J G and IN D..
W T Haodsbury vs J A, justice of
peace, et si. ,
Stat of Oregon vs The Dalles National
Bank of Th- D.lbs.
Stite of Oreg o v. D M French and i VV
French, pa it era doing business under tre
firm name f French k CJ .
Anguat Buehler vs Gw.rg- 0"N--1.
Wil'amette Trading C imp my vs J M No
lin et al
State of Oregon v Tbe Pi st Natioi al
Bank of Tne Dallea.-
D-vi I Lowen k Son vs J C O'L-erv.
C E Byard ys Samuel Patterson et al.
Chptman k Chriaman vs Whitmore
Chae Eiley V J C Murphy.
E Gamier k Co v C F CaudiaoL
French A Co vs J D L-e.
Peter M C lohrao v J E Sherar,
S B Adam vs W A Miller.
Mary E R'gga vs John S Ebrisman.
Ferdinand Dieifl y Jobo S Booth et a).
H Weinhard ts C J Candiani.
A S Blower y Cha Bsrg r.
M J Wingate vs A Williims.
Assiitnmeot of E O Co-opeiative assoria
tion, Patroi s i f Hu-bsndry.
Geo A Lu be vs A A Bouney.
C W Kice vs A A B innev et si.
Assignment of Frank V. gt.
Assignment of Adolpn K-Mer.
Walter A Aoderoa v Js. ob Altman,
Peter G aifrey v VV S My-n.
David D Garrison vs E i.beth W Garri-
J R Conninghsm v Geo R Spip.s et n'x.
W Farrell vs C VV Penton et al.
Joseph May vs J T Delk.
Laura Sandos as trustee vs Anna R
Brown et sj.
Assignment ot John F Riot.,
. J C Handera yiOll Tavlor.
J C Flanders vs O D Taylor.
-. Pr(er Offieg vs Emnia J Orpeg.
Elmbetb Kmart va Kdmnnd Smart.
Charles E Gill vs T J Watsrn et aL
'Jaleb Bioo vs Georgian A Brooks.
Portland Guarantee Oo a corporation
vs Nicholas Msrx et al.
Assignment ot Henry R-ader.
Emm B Adams vs Al. x E'rchheinsr.
Gibins A M.rdeo vs W E Campbell et al.
Ea Viola Watt vs Al z i.dr Watt.
Enos Lane vs John O'Neal et a).
Mis S E Hartban va Mattie A Oi'er. .
Po r- ts Powers
May- k Crowe va Dallas snd Laura E
F t.
St te of Orsgqq vs Qoy 8 mthwell.
State of Oregon v- E dartio.
Bute of Orrgon v E Vlartin.
State of. Oregon va E Vlarcin. .
StSjtenf Oregon v lred M broadbeot.
State of Oregon vs Tbomaa Moore a-d
ime William.
The "Changeable Rose" of Mongolia.
One of the achievements of the
Chinese the one on which they
pride themselves above all others,
unless it if the art of raising oaks in
thimbles is the "changeable rose,"
a real rose in everything except that
it is white when in the shade and
blood red as soon as the sunlight
strikes it. The words "as soon" in
the last sentence above do not liter
ally mean instantaneously, but one
thing is sure, the transformation is
i rapid enough for the womieringeyes
' that are allowed the rare pleasure oi
beholding such a wonderful sight.
After night, or when in a dark
room, this curiosity of the rose fam
ily is a pure, waxy white blossom,
the thick, succulent petals much re
minding one of gigantic mandrake
flowers, with the exception that even
the stamens and pistils are of the
same immaculate . olor.
When transferred to qpen air. the
transformation immediately sets in,
the time of the entire change of the
flower from a livid whiteness to the
most sanguine of all sanguine hues
deriending on tbe degree of sunlight
and warmth. First the petals take
on a kind of washed -or . faded blue
color which rapidly changes to a very
faint blush of pink. The pink grad
ually deepens jn hue until you find
that your lily white rose of an hour
before is as red as the reddest peony
that ever bloomed. St Louis Repub
lic. -
For Endowing Daughters.
In Germany when a girl is born
her parents make her a member of a
marriage association. The premium
the father keeps up until the girl is
old enough to contribute, if neces
sary, this premium out of her earn
ings. When she marries or comes of
age, she is entitled to draw the entire
amount of the premiums, with inter
est and any dividends that may have
accrued. In England and Ireland
the daughter's dowry is not a pre
vailing custom, in tne middle class.
however, not infrequently the father
insures his life for the benefit of bis
daughters severally. This sum they
may receive at his death, or by agree
ment when they come of age.
This form of insurance, it seems, ia
an endowment for girls that will ap
peal most readily to the American
mind. Here, as in Germany, the con
tract made to run for a limited time,
as when the girl marries or comes of
age, would put it into definite shape
and unlikely, ever to become a bur
den. The American girl in her pres
ent alert state of mind and body
would in any emergency be equal to
keeping up the insurance if it should
be necessary for her own benefit
Thus her father would be relieved of
the responsibility of her future, and
her husband, if she marries, one may
hazard the guess, would not think of
her the less for her prudent dowry.
JMew Yorg evening sun.
In tb Circuit Court of ibe Sets of Oreiroa, for
Wsaco countv.
1r.eP.cifl Fire lnt.unn''e C, p tntiff. vs
lfenel J c-uer, a vz.ti .C "r. The '-S,
t u.ur . mi s otic K. K o., l . Fie., b sn
J. W r'.e cli, o.fe J is. -
Bv virtue o an e ecu-t-ti uu". 1-sumt out of and
under u e Ma ot tne i cuil court i.f lb stat cf
Urigufi,f r ihe io-.ntv ot Wft-C", t.. me di-e td.
ilsteit 20th Oi OI t.eililr. lt&. upon a J id.,
nieut an d ere- ol forcCl.ur rem.e eii and en
tered in -a d court ou the !5tn d v of Moveu.h r,
1N(4, In l.vr oi ti.e Pacific Ki Iu-u a e Co -pjnv,
piaim iff, and aifiliiMt D.ntel J. Cooier and
Arvnz n4 A. C."prr, d fen ants. for the utn t
;1H b82. 00, . nrrmi. dll k aim nq urii-' tue to ume
bale ol the if! winir ilescntieu real . r p rty .iiu-
in th tounl ot Wasio. and a.aU ot i'leg-ou.
Ti.. went ha f of -rctiitn S6, rown.h p 2 north.
Ranfi Is eist, 3:0 acr s; the ii-.rihcHt o. i.ner a..i
.-e e..i na I ! ihi w.u hea ' q a.t rn c&iit'i
Town hip t n rth. K.n.- II ea-. 2 0 c e; he
e-t h.l .f th tf.utha -i quartoi f .-eciioll 2ft
." tvit.hip 2 north, K . ire 4 n . SO acre; the
sontl-w ki qjarb-rol S c i. SI. I'i-W anip 2 ....rth.
it: IS a-i, 188 cre; the ..utli.a.i qiiart-rof
.-coliun :'6 Town h p ! .T h, Haii.els ast.lS
cr. s; th west b If of the n rli it quariert
ectioti 31. Township 2 nortn, an 16 i:. ivH
actis; tlie wet ha f t.i the nnrn wesi qmr'er uf
.ction 32 nwiiship 2 north nti'S- 16 e-t, sn
acre ; thi- .ntheHst quarwr oi tiec ion SJ T an.
-b p 2 noi th, Ka g 1 5 eaal, 160 a r- ; the half
ai.d the on hWd l qu it rd tuc i.oithwcai .. aiu-r
t ecti n Sn. Towii.hip 2 no ih. Kvirc fi eaat 14
ue.-; tn. we-, half ot th.- s uthwer qiurteroi
ectiiiniO. T wnhip 2 rib, K-t jre 15 e a, lua
acrts; thcnoiih hM of ih- souths. t qt.rter idJ
be itortheaat quancr o the souihweat quirt r of
ec Ion 19. T.w. ship 2 . or h, R t fa 16 ea-t, lit)
ncrs; the oist half or Sictio SI own hip2 notth
K.lniie 15 eaat, 820 ae r-; lotai 2 032 aciea. 1 di I,
on the 27 h dav of .ov. rub r 18u4, du y iai-y bpiu
the above de cribed eat p open. .
ow, lh.-ief.ire, bv vir u- of said execution. Jud.'.
ment, oder an dn res. and n confo mn. ajii, te
omttinna of aaiii writ. I will on ednestjay, the
2nd my o Jauuov 1&9 . at th h ur t.f 1 u'.uock
an.l 8 min-t'e , p .. t he fion d .h the
c unty e uith na- of 8. id VVa Co C unty, in the
City or 1 he I 'a )e. In -aid cuntv d atat -. ae I at
pu .lie auc'io.-. ubj ct to reriemi tion. to the hi.-h-eat
bidder for Uniud S ates g- i d e in, ch li nund,
sn the rtteht, title anil i-i ereat of the abor na .ed
def ud nts. or either of them, in and to tne abov
de cribed rsal pr perty ut s ti fy aaiu exect.un,
jaaarmei-t, o del and de. ree, interem atiii cos's and
u accruing cost.
T.J. DRIVE it.
eheriff of R'ssco C uut, . ret-on.
Dated at Uallu U.y. n. beo. I, 18U4
Oa hler.
First National Bank
Successors to
BEaLL, bankers....
Tram ails a Tegular Eui;tii g Easiness
Land Ornca at tk ihllfs, Ospoox
Iocrii.bel 13. Ist4.
Notice ts herehr a-i. 'en that "he fonoaiiti; named
settler li-ia li-eo no-i. e of i. intenti..n to make himl
proof in anpiiort if hia cl.nni. and that aanl prool
will he ni He ta-ti.r the hi ai.t r an.l he" i.vr a
The Dalha, ure.oii, oi. J n.n::r 'Ji la 6, v.z:
hi II ,KU l. KI K..AM,
H K No 52-:!. S NWJ, fct4 a). Sec IS, ana
bi-J Sl sro 21, Tpl , K 14 K.
Hensti esthe lolii.aintr aitmae to j rovs hi
con ltn:oUa reaidence upon and cul.lratl. D of aald
laud, v:S
H- nr. Hu.f.on. Harr- Ttudstn, J..lm W Uor.taom.
ery, Juuu u Liecaer. a.l of l.ufnr. .tra -n
JAs. r. Jl'iURK, K.gis er.
Buy snd tell Exibang.
Collections csreful'y male and promptly aceountd
for. Draw on sw York, bin Francisco aud or -
Director i
D P Tboirpson, Ed M Wi!im, J f Schenck,
eorge l.lehe. HUB 11.
For Horses, Cattle or Sheep,
Farming: Property in Kansas
ThenMs one 00 Ar nn.-h la Grmt c "nty
that wil1 e t ad-d for i'V f th b Te tok.
M'-t t f this lann 1- f nc. has p"od t ri -vt, a1 und
nee of wa e-. yood Qvr om h use. a'Hhle. hed.
-p ntr 1 m, correl a i etc. : n rut 200 tos of
bay n this iod. F Te miles lr m county at
A Inn tt'0 Sr-m el ee to Kansas Clr.v. mil under
fence. o t-hlf m le fr-.m court ho"e, vltta stable.
all fonced rnin cris-renced.. "his is a v od f m
and clm-e to m riot. Will take $21 pt are for
is f-trm and will take hois at what they are
For fuither p ricul r- spnly t
Dufur. Or.
LANI- OrULI Al liit lAI.LK. t'HKrON.
A T Utber 6 1694
Nottfe tn ht-re-v L-iven that :Uc hti,.,v..iii-n.iiirj
s ttler but tiled nutice of his 'iiuntion u
make flrntl proof in nuppurt uf his claim, ;.!
tl.a wtiti uroot will Im nift bfore the Itetfioici ma
Keveiver ot t U. S IhimI oO:ce ut Th UulleA, i-r ,
'D ecciniier i0, im 4,
h Br.KT DISM'R '
H E, No 23i, for the . S e'-4 sec 4 tp2n,r 12 e,
nni lotn U, 8 -it 7, Htrc : 3, t. 3 ti, r 1. e
He uauie the Ut lminf witue-st- Co h
jontinuuUtf mm euce roii and of wiM
iati'1. viz:
Char.e- Cnmcr. H rb r Tliiel, Mit. Thiel, L J.
ltt-riNri r, i uf aUotfi r. revo .
n-6- J ?. MtM'Hb", Kiiaisur.
Land Office at! J E Dalles Or.,
o i. b r lsii.
Notice ts hereby yiven tbai il.t- f Itowini; nnir-ii
lettler has Hied notice of hi- intention to jii k.
fiml prof in support oi in claim, and th i m d
prooi will be ajie 1 el ore th rttts'iT nil n eirtr
at The Da I, Ute.rin. on IM- di e 4. IS'.M. v z: .
H E No 8325 for h .o s 3, - und 5, s c It), tp 1 n,
r 8 e, -l
He tmmett the following witnewHC to prof his
coiiiiuuoua rwiurnuc upon, and culiiv.ticii of, ham
land, viz
H C NfeUfn, Jr8r StmuMsnn. John Fredorle' son,
John K'lnUi, ail f Th I'-nl.ri, to on
ti!7 flfc J.s r. Mu.'FE, Rtfieter.
Csme to h pn tr.! es f th nubv rihpr, 1 1 I
liolbiw, flb.-utlt nules -.utha t f li e 1I'h, -ne
one mare, hrnnd-4 M on riht puu dt-r, two
white html feet wluft- rip in f w. She h sio.t
br tnde I th saint 1 he own r en hive the ;im hv
provti.g pro ertv a-nl laving fo- t te cbatges of
ker. Iiiv at d he ro.t of it'i-t aiivertis ment.
Lonkf Hollow, Oct. 4 I 9. Li. K ' bB KNE.
Harper's Weekly.
I 1JS03.
HABPFR'S WEIKlT sa ptcto ial WtoryrftVe
tinist-. It preset cwty inn or ant event i rnm -tlv,
Hcruratri i , and exh iif.tivt-ly i i lu. ratio i miid j
cripive wxtif the hitrli.-st urler
The matiitfr in wt-ien, r.uriii.- 184. it his trafe-d
the Ch u-ffx Railw y Mnk- and t .e Cbino J .pan
ee r, hii i ttif itnioutit f liht it wa ahl o
thr w on Krea he imi'iitit at e ton whs nret.d
to t hut it.', -known i-ountr,) . are nmp e 1 n al
nn t imu Mtleii tc-uUnes. Ju im hUlph, t: a is
tinirni-h . w irer ana c r -rrHimliii. Im hee - St nt
to b eat i.f ir, a d there funi bv O. D Vi
don. the wt-ll'kn wn Amt-ricun arti-n. now for many
y-rs 'e-i-lrtir m J pan, h a8 bvrii enir to
00 ra'' wi h Mr Uai. h n seidn.r to H RHEK'a
WKKLY t xclu-nt ii rmau-'H and illutjtiatton -
Pa ftiff )Bt eerv lt q i-wti m wi I ulo rsred
With tic r ktnd with -ut pr Ju liet in the t-oit i, 1
1 O'Uiuim, nd also in pfvi ..rtici- b tie hivh nt
au:bnririe- m eaoT depart n m. Rftriiis f the
nun am w mn wb nrr nin..inr I itory, m, d j uw-t-rfiit
Mini c uii it ineit irtootis, wi-l rt.htinie to
b C"arct rt-tic feiu e-u Thit B sv won-', wit- its
keen n i hinuly c nihie tn ih" lesser d inof the
But at a Very Small Profit
Men's Kipp nno Calf Boots.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.
B-)ys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Giain and Calf Eutton FLoca
Ladies' Culf Shoes,
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoe
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Ruhber
Overshoes of all sizes: Leather and FinHintrs- Trnn T.UBta
Shoe Shop in Connection With Store-
Stoneman & Fiege
uav w it rtiu in i r y'l'iu- ue a ,l6 i
Kicn.. inrasinb w.. powerful -rial-, both ' till II J T 1 II' , ni 11 Till '
ifila, niier Boots, Lies, Misses, Child s Rubbers
Sound la Two Bnlldlnffa.
The First Baptist church of New-
puryDort, Mass., a structure some
200 years old, has a waixiKcotinar ex
tending entirely around it from the
choir loft to the opposite end of the
church, directly over the pulpit, and
by placing a watch on the wainscot
ing at either end it is possible to dis
tinctly hear iU ticking at the other
end, a distance of 210 feet The Bee
hive (Mormon temple) at Salt Lake
City is exactly the shape of a bee
hive, only elongated. Here also
one can distinctly hear an ordinary
wnisper trom one ena to the other,
and Mme. Patti, who once ttang there,
declared it to be the most perfect
building for singing in the world. In
this case, however, the peculiar shape
of the roof explains the carrying of
the sounds so perfectly, but no such
explanation is present in the New
bnrjport case. Sylvester F. Deacon
in New York Sun.
Land Travasf ra-
f b 11 Lwi Perk o "nod wife to C.
M Thompson : ar qr n-o. 29 'on 1, oort'
f f 1 ; $150
Ke . 12 W A. lone and wife to Gar
L Lbf ns qr o. 30, tp3, oorb of rsnjf-
16 east aod bf of aw qr ac. 86 ti 3.
uu b of range 15 east, all in Snermao
m.n'i $1
F h. 12 A A Bnnnw an" wife tn O o
Li -X qr r- 30. t 3 soa'h
i U ':' hi of qraeo. ' 36Lti Frae Prisa.
t aootn of range 18 eaatj f I. - --
Wist Be Was.
The drummer sat down to the feed
on the table at a hotel, and he did not
look as cheerful as some men look
who sit down to some tables. The
waiter brought in a glass of blue
milk and a piece of beefsteak that
looked like leather and set them
down before the guest. Just then,
another drummer came in and tool?
place opposite tne nrst one. They
had been working the town together
thatfliiy. -
"By Jove, Jim," he exclaimed,
"what's the matter with you? You
look as if somebody had been impos
ing on youl" -
Jim gazed sadly at the feast spread
before him.
"That's it, Charlie." he murmured.
''You see before you a man cowed by
a glass of milk and bullied by a beef
steak." and Charlie ordered soma
thing else and got the same. Detroit
Branners Restaurant
Tbres Diava From Court.
0NL"i 25 CTS. A J1EAL.
The Table sre Fun itl-d with tbe BEST.
r Dial a aff. lds
fet llllld ll ! Ilj'l 111.1ft tit KSSO
aarlmani ah .t storiut b. ar wrirs
Send ft-P II Uftra'cd Prospeo'.us
Tha V- lume8 of the bef n with thp first
norni er l.r Jsti- arr vi each ycai . Wi sn i o tina- la
meiitioi.ea. ubc ipiion win bein w th tl.s uuin.
ber cum nl st nnie ol receipt i f
C nth case.4 tor such to urns suitable 'or biri'linc
will ha arm liy mail, uuat-uaid, n remptol 1 each.
llttepaje aud Inda sent ounpp.ication.
Kemkt rieca shou d b made hy p-aiti'tBt-c mooev
order ur Uraf, tu avoid c anos ol loss.
Sanpapm art not to cop tltu adwrtirenunt
without tne txjTiit order of A tsruilitr.
Pu Yua:
Harper's wBne 4 oo
Hirper's We. kly 4 00
Jarper's BaSar 4 00
Harp r's Yiiuuir Pp e i 00
Pottage fttse to all Subteribert in the United Stattt
Canada and Mexico.
Address H KPER B torHERB, P. O B X 911)
New Tcrk City.
And rctio Overslioes
7;el. OUbiiI Floarloj Mills
V7eHiDgton, Bock Springs,
and Rosiyn Coal
f 12, sacked aod
tbe fit j.
delivered to any part 01
At Moody's Warehouse
Harper's Bazar.
In IM03
Elegant mi exrln-lre desi ns for t t-r?eoi and
I id a.i T. Ilfits, r w . fro u W . th m"d s hv sn
d nd h puis, are an imnrtn' fe ture. These
appear Te j week, are roptn.d bv minute "lea
eriptio s sail deuils. our Paris L it r. l.t K ith,
erinede Foest is a weekly trans rim the latest
sly ea an.! caprices ia the note Under tlehe.d
"( sw York Faaiiois pKin direct rs aid lull
parri. u In liiTen as Hi s' spes. fshr.o, irim
m ngt. and a om ies - f the oatumea , ( Hri.
dresaed women. Ch idrrn's clothing; reives pran
tica attenli.11. A foriniKhtl; Pa'ter. .,h t va
p emeiit enables r.a. tra to cut ami n ane thei ran
gown'. Ih-i n.nan ut.i nAPEh'aB'AH
is 1 ropar d f rev-ry occa-lon In Hf eeie nonioasur
li.fonn I. w ere bet.itifd! dres. i i.q.iUi e
An Amencui -ril, U ctor SYarr e 's UiuliUr'a
by Ke -hec-a Hiroing Havia, a eiri.oa n Tel (
A ne ican lue, parti, l iid in P nn.v nun aud
pirtlv in '.he f r a utn, will ucoupy tne last n I uf
the ear.
MyLulv nbnoy, an In en'di- eirlu r n r-l by
Ma .r eu Matrtena, ,u hor f "Oj i' roul'Tbe
Gr t r .loiy," etc, sal- 'erin tb ear.
K-a.ra ad fro lai Chats. 10'thia renarmsnt
kpacta nr will contribute hir eh ru inr t aper- -u
"Wnat Wears i 1 iir.' t.i ew Yo k soci- tv.
Answers to Cor e pondrnia. Que tiuns ne ive
tDa per-onal acts ttou ol trie alit.r. ai.d ar
swersd st the earliest possible d te alter Ih Ir r fr
ee pc.
Send for Illustrate d Pr pacta.
"Tie Volumes of the Baiar begin with tVe first
r. umoei ror January nl tat-r jear. w be 110 lime ia
Dienuoneii, sunaer ptmns will oeatn with tbe Mum-
ter current at tne ilnis of 1. otipt i-f t.itlt r.
Cloth for each volume, suitable for binding
ill be sent bi mail, post-iaud. 1.0 re eipt of el each,
Title-page ai.d ! d z asnt on apf lirstion
ntmittauces snuulo he msne hr D stulflia, monar
uiuer ur ar-it, 10 aro'a 0 Ion.
AtVKpavm art not to ermu tiie nttvertimmmi
Wiwwui mm exyreet order ol u artier & Brolhrrt.
Pes Tuk
Hsrpsr Magazine
Harper's Wkiv
Harper B iir
Hlrper'a Youmr Peo !
We can 6t jou 1'n niz".
We can pleaae you 11. style.
We can nuit you iu price.
If jou will Hive ut ibv opportnnit. '
Overcoats and Ul -I ei s.
Bioksaai Notions, Hairs and Okk:
S4 00
4 no
.-. 00
rottayt free to all ttbteriben m the United Jtatet,
Mms- R A RPr.H
B69, New Vo k City
BRcTHEhS P. O. Box
11 ANOW and Organs Id on rasy month')
payments and all 0 M IJf-;1 1'1'ION
ws are prepared to meet. Call or addreaa
162 Eecad Elree' The DsJIea. Or
ll PT" C Us"1
Easily Tade.
Th Larcest, Tnntent and Finest In tbe World,
-.. rfivs.jiig'eraccomo'latioua uniL-ajlleo.
Rwor SartiTarlav
At pftmilnr intcrrnltv
nt on lowest twrmis. t.i nA fmm fh nrinninlA
Korea, zkouch. laisi all c:yn::E;tTiL ron;rs
KXOUrslOn tiekaCa aeallahla tf. mIiipti sit I . .....
taresque Clrrte 4 North of Ireland or Naples Olhrafuu
Srs&i ud Koasy (Mtn ht Asy Amsut st ' ortrt tiuu
Apply to any of our local Airents or to
We want many men, rroinen, boes, and elrlf to
work for us a few hours daily, right in snd around
tliei-ouruaiomes. Tue buiiuaa is ease, pleasant.
trlctlr honorable, mid pavi better limn n oilier
ojereu agents. Yoa have a clear fir Id and 110
competition. Experience ana special billty un
necessary. Tio capital r quired. We equip you
wi n ererrtliiti; that yon need, treat you well,
and help ou to earn ten times ordinarT ware.
Wo:nen do as well as men. and bore and rirlt
make goo-l nv. Anr oi-e. anywhere, can o the
worn. All succeed who toll" onr plain and sim
ple !I-eciio n. F.-nw-tit work will surely bring
yoa a gre-u "r" Boner. Krer tl:lue Is new
id in gr-at r?cmnn'l. Wrl'e for our namnlilrt
circuinr, nna rerm rnll information. Ko harm
done if you conclude not to go oa with the
Georce Stinsgn&Co.,
BOX 68 '
Corner Tblro and Waeblniztoa Streets.
'mi Hams, Buroii , Dried Beef and Tongues,
And the H. 1 fatr-hki., Mu'tnti Chop acd
Vra' Cutlets in the uierkeu
Orders Delivered to -Anv Fart cf tho Cit?
Fresh VretalIe8 on aale at the Lowest Price.
San 1 Francisco 1 Beer 1 Hall
F I-I MIira, Proprlcior.
Truths Sick.
!C a? a asj j i 7 . r
-a-j-a-a ucrcna on ta;piiur t!it-
",i' never laiis 10 euro.
. uu TtU SUFFC.T y,:.-a thit
tired and all-gone fcc! nj? if B0 use I
juj1.nurx.ii,uir5; .i n ia cure you.
Don't be 'vri'.hout a bot
tle. l"oa viill not rc-rct it
of a fair idea 1st n innt;.
f ul s Lin. u!-hur Titlcrs
vl4UAjlS.Vt.. 1 III
TOffcrfrom RHEUMATISM, tisoa
botUa f Sulpbor UUtcrs; It never
fool - Exchange - Saloon, ifs
0 I atron?.
Wines, Liauor3 Cigar.s
aeeosul Hkract Kat Eoal.
a Are you cof tipatcd? If v
4 Sulphur Eitters i3 justwhat yon need J
inr Eitters will matn ti,.,m
ai-rona, "eari-y, anq ncaitliy.
The One Price Cash House,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hatt and Caps, Hoot and Sbca, &a
A.-enl for ihr fhittrrick Falterns: alo fnr t)is Hall 1 asasr brsrn Forin
Cleanse, the Titiated blood when
yon see its Impurities btn-stinsr
Eely on Sulnhnr
Bitters and heaUh
will follow.
UJ1 rMifJW.l.n'l,?
Be-vl 9 f-cct r'aop tn A. p. Ortlwfv f-. Ca
JSoton.laaa..forbeituaailiI woritpoblisli
V4 1 r.
M: v- irTJ 2nv ft tion ol a la uoua r rcrch iiysldan.
Va fsii V -J Iiiwim ila. ! alntbB.a.Bini
ttk ateSi . VaaV Piranl-a. Vi.ntncsa lo Marry, k-i
Thlfi rrvat Vetatl
will quicitJy cutrouor all Drr
V l u.1 .ir. tb prwciip
nruiis, sucu $m Uiai llaiihnod.
chiuirtiuiir Dn.liiA. VnHrtwl "d
Coiis.tvitl'n. J t lnr a ) low br dav or Hffht Prwnt qolrk
Ti. moI d;v:ifttvn, wincn ll notchrkvl Jiil8 to 8prmMtorrr)fp rx
all the t.orrvitf ImiK;tnrv. ITI "TIF r'niiu.m Thtllrrr lbs
kldiersiinrl t icinary nrranoi ail imDurlLU.-v
ftPIDEXF nfrnirthniin:il rAsitrifnmall wi-irt on;nni,
T!ie rfa-on anfprprt i r rot on.-H b nr(oni 1 h?murie pmty pf nnt art tmoblM wtla
aiittlt la. CUri DEN E in th only it n own rmony to onr? wn rioui mii orrni.uii. wi'inKai-
alu. A wrut-n (raTnte(rlrnaPd mnwf rnrft( if bx ho ioo not atlaot a paruaJMul oor
aU0O a box. I'z f.r ?5,0J, br mull. end for ntERCirculnr ao mtlmoDtala.
,ddr DAWL KCtIII.B CO, f. O. Box Xtf ban Fmiwtaco, Cal ' JbrBmtobt