The Times-Mountain SAIUKUAY. .iEbKUAhY 16. lbSo ITEM3 Iff BRIEF From WsdnesdaVs DjiIt. Mr. V. C. Brock, of Wasco, arrived in tee city today from bherman county. Elder J. W. Jenkins left for Duf ir to day. He will preach there ach eveuiug this week and twice ou buna a v. Clerk Jacobsen is now engaged in taking the census of children of schools in this district. Jt promises to be larger tnaa last year, ana ui prooabiy reacn ism ' The news from Salem denotes little change from veeterdav: The vote stood: Dolph, 89; Hare, 10; Weatherford, 7; - MIliaiBS, - ll: .Lowell, 12; .Lord, 6 Paired, 6. F. W. Broadbent, who has been con fined in the county jail for several months, for adultery, was discharged from custody, the grand jury nuding not a true lull." Ine snow yesterday did not betoken a second edition of wmter, but the weather moderated, aod spri r is again attempt Ing to assert her sway, although wanton winter may vet lluuer lov'nsly in her " lap. At the Cascade Loc'is there are two bands, one composed of brass and the other of string instruments. The mem bers practice nearly everv even me, aiid tbey are an accomplished company of musicians. Mr. P. M. Zistner, an old restdent of Wamic, died at bis resideoce in that town last Monday. He whs about 60 years old was a highly respected ciiisen, snd leaves . a widow HLd a cbi.dren. Mr. iitstner bad been ailing for about a year.and bis death was not uaeipecied. At the meeting of the board of dele gates held in the council chambers last night U. J. Maier was elected president and W. H. Jjwbbead secretary. These officers went beltire the recorder, and afier lakioar the oaita were properly ic- Oucied mio their office today. Ed Nanan, son of a pioneer merchant, or Jacksonville, age nineteen years, while riding between Meriiord and Jack sonville, about 7 o'clock Sunday evsning, his saddle turned throwing him to tii ; ground. He died from concussion of the brain .early the next morning. J)r. Gaff, 4 rears old, a praciit ing pby slcianof Alliina,elnnd will) Miss iiniele bmitb, the 17-jear old d inciter of Muni cipal judge nmith of Portland, last Sat urday. Tbe lather pursued ibe couple, had the doctor arreud. and he is now be hind tbe bars in tbe Multnomah county jail. - The cise on trial today is T. G. Mit chell vs. O. O. Taylor. This is a suit for $1000 and interest for two years. The jury empanelled are VV. D. Jones, VV. H. Williams, Peter Henrich, YVm. Kelsay, Simpson Copple, M. Kandall, J. 8. Taylor, E. W. Trout, J. A. iicble, W. M. Taylor, E. W. ilarquam and U E. JMoore. Tbe following attorneys are in attend ance on court: District A torney Jayne A S Bennett, E B Lrafur. J L Story, B S Huntington. H 8 Wilson, W H Wilson, v S Mvers. J B Condon, Frank Mone lee, J W Condon, O W Phelps, N H Gates, A E Thompson. Thus far thirteen : bills have been paseed by both houses and received the approval of tbe governor. Of these eight are senate bills and b' ve house bills. All but one, however, relate to town incorporations. That one appropriates money for tbe expenses of tbe present session. Asid irom me town cnarier bills reported bb approved a few days aao. Wooburn, Cornelius, Corval lis, Hubbard, McMinnville and Ashland now have sew charters. Exchange: It is hardly an enjoyable pastime to read tbe confeesions "I Claude ! Biitxt, who murdered Mh-s Ging. He ; goes into all tUe details with cold-blooded i exactness,. and, moreover, he says be is ! bo forgiven, and has a home with Uod I in heaven. If such things as he and I others of the same ilk, all of whom ex-I pect to go by the shortest route lrom the I scaffold to heaven, are to realize their expectations, where will the lesser crim inals and . ood people go? Mr. G.'L. 8troDif, editor of tbe Mitchell Monitor, who had been la town for some days, aud left n Tuesday muroing for bis ' fcume at Mitcbell, bis strong hopes tbat Sutton county will be creau-d this session t the legislature. Hesi.s there is tbe greatest necessity lor tbe formation ut this Do!itl',al division.. Mr. Si rone was born In Oodeeville, Wi".. tbe old home of the editor ot the Times- Houktainekr. and during bis sojourn iu lue city mnuy pleasant cnats were hud about old times, old scenes and the friends of auld lanjj syne. It is many jears ago since we traversed the eireeis ol the old town, and a talk about tbe friends we knew is like an echo of a lorgotien dream. wo: a each wiek. Tbe same plan is in opoation riming the nail period, in all pans of tbe country . A n.acnin at fi rmerlv employed litre writes that the shops at Matib illtown, I., are bpi d jj run only forty hnnra eaoh wei-k, and this allows that the O. R. & fT. to oot the only road that feels the eff cs cf depre'Sed busim-es. Pecdleton Tribune: C. Y. Clark has re cflived the news of the death cf his father. O. F. Clirk, at Dayton Tne deceased was born in Tirg couutv, Now York. 67 veirs ago. He moved to Oregon in 1847 ami to U'llumbia county Washington, in 1H73. He baa served a justice of the peace and county couimiaaloc er, and is well known oo hoth sides of the Columbia river. Two of his brothers reside in Eifern Oregon. C. W. Clark will so to Davton to attend hia father's funeral. Two carloads ot flour, clothing, etc., have just been shipped by the icminitr.e of the eh"m''er of commerce ot Pi-rtljutl to the re lief committee at L'iiC"ln, N-li. Tbmtni plies will be dimbuted m nj the ne-dy and destitute set:iers in state. Th s is the last shipment that will b- carried tree by the railroad comp: nej. Tbm fir 18 rar loads of necessary supplies have been seut fr-m ib a state. Tbe bmk "I the (hipmtota 1 Ve re-u wheat, fl ur aid son potatoes Portland has contributed 6 tarsals and 10 have been sent from oib.r points in tbe state. Thursday, the 21st day cf this month, ill bi- g to a close the -njf trentii bi- nuial regular session of the O eiioo lg lature, which on that date will have neeu in ses sion forty dnys, the salary limitation al lowed hy law unles the governor seta tit to rec nveue the tabulators l r another twenty day. oiakica a total ot six V day, the maximum limit. How-vpr, without the voioa of the eovetonr in tne matter, o r tate law make have the Drivilege of le- rraiDiDg in session t e i'y iltya lorger if fey tee fit, but 10. be allowed any conipenaation for sncb extra service by the state. CIRCUIT COURT. '. ' from Thursday 's Dally. St. Valentine's day, Tbe trend jury made their final report ibis alksrnoou. and were disubarged for the term. Bevival services still continue at th n Methodist ohurcb, and relmious interest in the meetings appear to increase Hon. W. H. H. Dnfuris in the city to day. Hia rtailgnter Blanche ha been very tick, bet when be Jetc bume this muruing' aha was impiovinj. Jhis sflerocon. whilo the attornevs ar gned a motion in lb- ease of T. O. Mi chtll vs O. D. Txvlnr befcie the ennrt. the jury were exousi d from attendauce. Mrs. L. 6. Fntz and her little daoghfer Geneva, returned to their home in Portland yesterday, alter'- visiting relatives and friends io this oily for the past mouth. Evidently tbe backbone of winter has been broken, to use a svnibolio language, and spring, with its bdmy brer a a kud tragrant Suaers, is abjut to assume tbe scepter. Tbe only new entry on thn court docket today was the foliuwiofc: Gibous Sc Mardeo V, VV. E. Campbell et al; default and de cree against all defeodanu exuept State In surance Co. . At tha regular meetiLg of Wasco tribe, No. IS, held at their wigwahi last night, two who were adopted Re I Men were ad vanced to toe Hunter's dig ee and one Warrior was made a Crnef. There is considerable snow in the vicinity of Uufur, and cattle are being ted. They are iu excellent condition, having with stood the rikOra cf the season very well, and no appreciable loss may be expeoted. The graud masquerade bill to be given by tbe Workmen and, Wuudmen lodges ut this city on Wsshiagti.i,' birjhday, P b. 22 I, will undoubtedly be a auix-tsa. The Committee of srrangtmeut are miog gieat fforts to make sll the necessary prepara tions for tbe coming event. A movement is on foot to hnild a biovcle rosd ftom Oregon City to Eugene, p ai.k aix feet wide, if riht ot wny oao be se 'cured. Tne object is to build it alooii tne county rosd by most direct route. Koid to be tolled for bicyclists but free to school children and pedtstnan. All crossings to tie krpt in repair at the expense of the com pany. There was no police bus:nest before' th rccorder this moruioej but there was an in teresting dfcnasioo of city rlosuces. I seems since 1890 the city ns been rannii g b-h.nd at the rate of S5 000 a tear over and above tbe revenue The city is now in deb' to tbe aisionu ot $35 000, aside from tbe bonded mdeo'e loe- for tne water sin, 9125 000; but tbe latter m it fair way ol liquidation. Ou tbe oj 000 in teres Is being paid at tbe rata of 8 per oent. Th new charter provides for boudn g the city to the amount of $60,000, snd tins wi I te duce the interest 2 per cent, whu b Will he a saving of that amout to the oiuoiuipali y Tne Yakima tribe of Indians eontereplate boiun g an election in the near future tor the turioe of obnosmg a bead thiei. YcO' g Kodian, son of the late Koil-.kio, wtil prub.hly be clluseo. lie is 22 eara f age, of geed aizi aod carriage, and wea'S hi bUuket like a pr n-- of ibe royal blood. 1'idiaoa say tht if he ia a lected, the com i.ig pom-pom wiil be conducted with uu uual vigor and pomp. Goldendale Sentinth The Panott ril Navigation conipx.y his been incorporate t ith the following otb-en-: President, D Parro t; secretary, W. J White; treaanrer, A'moo B ker. The capital is 1500 000, consiating of 500 -hr s worth SltiO. Tne hedquaitera nt the comiany will be at Ooldendale. The material for the trial Ma chine ia new on the way. Mr. P rio'u "thinks the nrat one will be completed io three mouths. Grande Chronicle: The machine shop emoloyta ar- aga n ouaervirg a holiday, in accordance with the progiamme-ot eojoomy tvnicb gives thaos bat tbuty-tiro boara From Friday's Ually. There is gncd aleigbinz yet in some por tions of the county. Tb re was do police bjinees btfors tbe recorder this morning. Hood's Pills ctre nsns-jt, si-lt healache. nd gestioo snd biliousn.u. 2oo. Sheriff Holder, of county, re turned from S ileal this afternoon. Mr. M, T. No'ao, whi hu hoen at Salem for the past week, returned tod iy. Mis Emma Mors, of Portland, is visit ice Miss Ursula Uuuh, of tliia city. The petit j irors, n attend ince on court, were diai barged today tor tne term. Mr. B rnie S-l'eck, a former attache of this oihee, gave us an agreab'e ca l today. Mrs. A U. Wyndham n turned today from a week s visit to her sister. Mrs. B-)b ert Diosuiore, ot Mcsier. The weather is cool and fiosty, snd the people ahonld not be tco in herald ing the approach of spur g Mr. Win Miller having resigned as vio Hoist at Smith Bros ' p.riiei. they will have a new violinist on Saturday evening. Toe list of lands which we have pub- I s'led during tbe past eek comprise of the best agricultural acres in Gohani, OQerroin and aaco uountiea. Ouy Sitlthwel1, while herding ahrp yes terday uer tne Wi.1jw8, 12 mil'S sounn of The Dalles, killed a very large Wild cat. He think it sna'd weigh 73 p-mnds. Lack of vitality and color matter in the bulbs causes the bair to fall out and turn grey v e recommend hall's Huir lie' newer to prevent baldness and grayuees -I vou need a good medic ne to parry your blood, give uerve st;enrn aid bund hu your entire svstem, take H iod' Siisip- ari la. It prevents sick e s by making puie b ond. Iuthe case of T. U. Mitchell vs. O. D. Taylor, which haa been on trial for tbe p at two days in the circuit court a motion for on suit was suctnued last night, and it was Jismisned. Thomas Moore and James W illiams, who uleai,d guilty to iba crime of buigU'y, committeu at the Cases do Links last No v. mbir, weTe seitteuved to two tear, in the piiiiteotiirv by Judge Bradshaw tb s morn ng. Tbe news from Silem is. not of a startling nature, and lb vote tthow litrfe cha- ge. O j ph ree-'veo 41 vntea t d iv ; L iel', 12; v ldimn-. 10; L it I. 7; due, 10; VYiatner O d, 1; Rae, 7. l ucre were two ab.-ent and paired. Tne old shade trees on Cmrt street,which for long years nerved a good pmpoie iu de fli:ctiig the rays of the auu irom p dda'rt- auy, hive he-n cut into cordwood and Will bereaitel be u iiixad to keep the winter's wiada away. A young man in Lo ell. Vass , troubled for years witb a constant succession of boils on hu neck, was completely cured by tak ing only three bottles of Ayer's ."arsap arilla. Another le&ult of tbe treatment was greatly improved digestion witb in cr asei avoirdupois AboQ $1.(J0l 000 io moi ey, clothes, fuel and food Have b eu e mit bu'ed for re lief of tteN l'raka suffereis, and J50 COJ appiopriated bv the state, aod atili many peraous are suftenng extreme dtltitution. and some even starving. Miss Annie Flinn is srinnslv ill, and her brother, Vc flion ot foitlond. came up laBt night to coi suit wiin Dr. Holheter, tie attendirg phyniuiau. At prenen: writing t iere is some improv meat uoied.and hopes are entertained for her recovery. The following prcesedings were bad circuit oourt during the present sessions LAW. J E Atwater vs E T Glisan pwed. .T E Atwater vs I H Taffe; passed. Ed Henderson vs T A Ward and Jacob Craft; ptd for settlement. Tbe Schmidt Libie and Lttho Compac ys I H T.aV; settled. Joshua Hej ly Machinery Company vs G 4 I X Day; continued on stipulation; set for second day of next term. T G Mitchell vs O D Taylor; on trial. W H Wilson, district attorney, A Jayne, substituted, vs Amos Rcwt; passed tor settlement. Pekio Piow Co Ti C I t L Morset de fendant to have until Saturday to file an swer. Ibomas Hailiday vs J G and I N Day at istne; settled and dismissed. W T Haudabury vs J A Soeabe, justice of peace, et al; argutd a id submitted. Augoat Bucbler vs Geo O'Neal; settled. F and A Hathaway vs W B Haynei et a;; settled. Willamette Trading Connpiny vs J M No lin et al; delaulr aod ju giueot Dvid Lwen & Son vs J C O Lcary; de murnr to complaint . C E Biyard ys camuel Patterson et al; Settled. Cnrisanat, & Chriman Whitmoie t Wlntinore; settiel. Chas Riley vs J C Murphy; default and judgment and an order made to sell at- tauhed property. French ft Co vs J D L-e; tattled. Peter M C ichran vs J E Sherar; settled. S B Adams vs W A Miller; default aod judgment ai d an order made to teil at tached property. Ferdinand Deis-1 vs John S Booth et al; default as to defendants John S and Mary L Booth; demurrer to complaint as to other de;endait. H Weinhard vs C J C-indiani; default and j idgmett. Ed Bender on vs T A Ward and Jicob Craft; dismissed at pl.-ii.tiS'e cost. T G Mitchell O D Taylor; motion for non-suit allowed; jury discharged, Mary E Riggs vs lobn J Euristnan; de- f.mlt and judgtnetit. S S Bailey vs L zze Bitter; order made th it nil papers in case be withdrawn from fl e, and clerk's fees be refunded to the par ties. ' State of Oregon va Edwin R Smart; di miaed on motion of district attorney, State of Oregon vs James Williams; sen tenced to two yeais in penitentiary. EQUITY. Gso A LUba vs A A Bmney et al; set tied. C W Rice vs A A Bjnney et al; judgment anl decree. Joseph May vs J T De'.k; default and de oree. Liura SiDdor as trustee va Anna R Brown, Daisy E Brown, m'nsr, N Hie L Reed and Maurice R.ed; app:ictioo for guardian ad lite n. Emma B Adams va Altx Kirchbeiner settled. J C Flanders s O V Tavlor; defnult as to Taylor i.d wife; demurrer to complaint to Breese' and Joln sm overruled; ease dismissed as to defendant Mitchell, The same vs tbe samo; same entry as to proceedings. Peter Om-'g vs Emma Omeg; divorce; de fault; referred to take and report ttatimony, Caltb BitoUa vs Georgiana A Biouks; di vorce; defau t; decree granted. Portland Guarantee Co v N.cholas Marx et al; deiault and decree. Gib.ina & Marden vs W E C-mpbell et al answer by State Iituraoce C ) tiled. E a V.ola Watt vs Ahxmddr Watt; di vorce; nemurrer to complaint. Euos Line vs John et al; default aod decree . Mrs S E Harthan vs Mattie A Oiler; de fa lit and decree. Carl Burchtjrf ys C P Fougb; cocfirma tion of sale grai ted. J B Condon va E B Dufur, as administra tor estate John G Stoats deceased; applica tion for sheriffs deed granted.' ' CBIMISAL. State of Or gon va Guy Southwell; jury trul; verdict not guilty. State of Oregon vs Thomas Moora and James William-; burglarya true bill; plea of guilty ent-red. Time for scntoooo Fri day. , State of Oregon vs Thomas Moore; sen teoced to two years in peoitentiiry. state at Union, Union county, and appro printing money therefor, which has passed both hou-es, provides tbat witbin thirty days from the approval of tbe act, tbe gov ernor, secretary of state snd state treasurer. acting in their oapacity as a board of com missioners of public buildings ot tne stats of Oregon shall hire a uompct.-nt arohiteat, woo shall, under tbe direction of the board. draw plana and prepare Bpeoidcntions for a building suitable for an ins ma asylum building, together with ths necessary out buildings, barns and fences upon the site heretofore selected aod purchased by the board. Said building shall be capable of accommodating 400 patients and planned with a view to tbe future building of wings or additions, if necessary. The board miy appoint soma suitable person to act as supetintendent of cor. strncti'in at a sa'ary not to exceed $8 per dty for each day n;oesarily employed a a U'.-h superintendent. Tii3 b ard shall re ceive for their services no other compensa tion thin their aotu.l traveling ebpenaea and other nece-i-ary expens s inc irrel. The total coit of tbe building and ail outbuild ing!1, improvements, appurtenances, iurni- ture, 6xtures, and everything necessary to fully complete an 1 eq-Jip said branch asy lum, together with the salaries and expen srs of arcbiteof, superintendent, and board of building commissioners shall not exceed the sum rd $143,000. The emergency olause of-the bill is as foil ws: "Ioasmuch as the insane asylum at Salt m is now tilled witb natieuts. and aa it is necessary that the said branch asylum be tu lt immediate'y, this act ehall teke effict and be . In foroe frcin and after its approval by tbe gov ernor. Indemnity Selections. The following is a list of N. P. R R. Co. lsnd selected May 2, 18S5, and ap proved May 8, 18S5 List No. 1, In demnity Seleotiona. The said list of selec tions cancelled by order from the Hon. Commissioner, letter "F," of December 12, 1S04. The land contained in tbe following Iiat is situated in Gilliam county, Oregon Description of Tract &ec Town Kane- L' ts 1, 2 3 and 4 23 S- qr of ne qr do N qr of sw qr do a hf of aw qi pi Se qr do Lots 1.2, 3 and 4 17 S bf of sw qr no S hf of se qr do Neq' 19 U hf of nw qr, lota 1 2. .do ht sw qr and lots 3 St 4. do All of .....21 Lot 1 25 Lite 1. 2 and 8 27 Sw qr ot ne qr.... do wqr do Swqrand seqr.... do All of 29 All of 31 All of 83 All of 33 All of 1 A I of 3 Al! o' 13 Allot....... 1 All of 3 N-qr 11 Sw qr of nw qr no v hto'twor do E hf of se qr .do Many women find great difficulty in ar ranging their l air becomingly because of its harsh and coarse texture. Hy the use of Aver s Hair Vig -r, tbe bair ecoines soft. pliant, and glossy The Vigor ia tbe most cleanly of all bair preparations. An itnportaut fruit of the pa" age of the O R AN Co into vigo'ou hind, and the esi- bli-nment of it cu--uict on with an eu ergetio and air:ng t aoseuniioental line i tbe establishment ot a ne line of s'eani ahip. pi iug moutlily between AstirU Portland anl Ablatio port. . The atimulua of the present war and it pro ah e re ulto to trade with tne east give ton ae.'ial im portance. There was an a! ion at thi rVpot list night, and in consequence a c nductnr bt tbe name of B n. Miiier was s'mck by a brskeman n-tmed Dan Shea The matte came before JutticeDi is thn morning, and a warrant of arrest was isuel. Shea b - lived in tbe city (or tie p st ten rr twelve years, ana has am ays oeen consiaerei s peacf eb.e citizen. The Cwalrv Bip'Ht danomintttoa of th:s ciiy I Bi purchaatd the old electric poxe house, and haa had a fo-ce of mechanics t work during the paet wek in refitting it lor chnrcb P'irpoves. The bui dmg will b- reniodeled through, ot and iripeilv tor nisi e I. Thia is a good location tor a churoh i hue The seata are being moved into the edifice today, and it may be expected to he occupied for religious services in a abort time. It Was LoadedV Acoidental shootings are a'moat every day items in Oregon, nd the following is tbe latest from the Albany Herald: Mr. Craft, of Sodayille, while in his house, was shot through the leg just below tne a nee joint last Sunday evening with a 32-calibre revolver. An eighth of an inch bigber would have eoiered the joint. Dr. Jones oot the bullet out. The shooting was accidental. Some of tbe hoodlums of thn place were co igregtted. at Mr. Craft s house, and the revolver became the tuhject of trade. W ide tinkersng w th it, puim g triggers and oth-r maneuvers neceaaary for hoodlums to go through with to show it off to the best advantage, th- thin bred a d he conteuts deposited aa above stated Mr. Craft holds the revolver aa security for tbe ooata. Tu toys locked ghastly and prostrate, and as though they bad let somt- thing iet away Irom tb em. but much wis. r than before the pistol went off. Another Fi.-e at liver Lake- Private letters received Ute that oo the 4th inat. the house of Mr. Busick al 3iiver Lake, with its contents, was entirely de stroyed bv 6re, say-9 the Eugene Btj'1'.rr. Mr. Buaick was not at home when ti.e fire occurred. A daughter wno was injured in the big Christmas hre, hai not yet lecov- ered, and another daughter as sick from exposure at that tunc. These were rtbeu-d by the family, but u!l their belongii-gs were lost, leaving them w ithout slit It-r aud en tirely destitute. S'ep? were at once taken to rebeve their temp -riry needs, but, hav ing eO maoy calls on them for aid tbe com munity seems really io need of curtdda as sistance. Of thoie injured ia the big fire, George Payne U still in a vry critical oon ni ion. Mrs. LBr e nd other.- were im proving slowly, and some bad entirely re-coyered, A Boy Shot. At last some other county than Lane ha had a gun accident The Corvallia H his tells about it: There was a shoot ing scrape, accidental or otherwise, la King's valley,. Monday, and a twelve year old boy named McTimmons has ft bullet wound in his side as a result. The wound was inaJe by a ball from an old fashioned Colt's eixshooter in tbe bands of the boy's brother. The boys were alone at tbe time and how it hap pened is not known as the stories they tell are conflicting. From Dick Dunn it is learned that the weapon belonged to a neighbor of the McTimmon?' family. The neighbor was killing hogs when the boys came along. After they had gone the man missed his revolver and started after the boys. En route he met the boy's mother and told her of tbe facts. The report f a pistol about 'that h rried them to the scene, and on ' ar rival one of the boy.s was found w and ed as above stated. A doctor was sum moned, but it was found the ball, after passing through , an almanac in bis pocket had struck one of the boy's ribs, inflict ng only a slight wound. A Narrow Esoape Taqulna New. Thesteamet Hom-r which arrived in port from Frisco last Thursday, reported a narrow escape from colliding with the derelict Bri Lucas about five miles off Heceta Light House. It was early in the morning and quite dark when the derelict was discovered directly ahead and only a short distance off. Had it been a little darker there would undoubtedly been a collision which might have proved disastrous to the Vomer. It is a burning shame for the government to allow this dangerous derelect to remain drifting around a menace alike to life and property; when there are several idle men of war and revenue vessels lying in San Fran of these ships should be promptly dis- paicaed to look up and destroy this derelict before some accident happeus,wbich may cause the loss f life. Should one occur.ibe authorities whose duty it is to attend to such matters, will be thoroughly inexcusable for their negligence. Tj, Caaoada Beaerra- A bill haa been introduced in tbe house by Thompson of Multnomah, to 8 cure to Oregon, for tbe benefit of the common school fund, some 24J.003 acres of school land, being sections 16 a d 35, embraced within the Cascade timber re serve, and the appointment of an agent to select lieu lands therefor, and to in crease the price of such selections to the sum of $5 per acre, and to increase the price of all state lands to the pricj of 2 oO per acre. Tbe Cascade reserve was set off simply to allow the school land board t select lieu lands to spec ulate upon them, and thia bill is the culmination of the scheme. The Aaylunt Bill. Senator Raley'a bi 1 f r an act to provide f r the building of a branch, insane asylum on tbelinds selected and orcbaaed by tbe Itsport of raal Jury Ia the circuit court of tbe scats of Oregon for Wasco county. Iu the matter of the fi'ial report of the grand jury. We tbe grind jury for tbe February term of oourt. 1895. ia pectfully show to tbe ftniirS ca follows: We have been in session four days, and have found two true bills and two "not true bills," ai d have reported them to tbe court from time to time. We bave en mined the eounty records. and find them all to be neatly and correctly kept so far as we are able to judge. We have examined all oounty offices and build iegs and find them all to be ia good condi tion, witb tbe exception of the county jail, and we reeommead that it be repaired by plaomg an iron oeilieg io places where needed, snd particularly that a bole be cov ered that is io the ceiling of tbe Jail oorri dor, and wbioh, if left unrepaired, will af -foid means of escape to ibe prisooers. Other than this the jail is in good oondi. tion. We bave examined the poor house, and find the inmates thereof to be well uttendei to, and the bouae tfnd grounds to oe in ex cellent condition, aod commend its man ag-ment. Tbe treasurer of the county haa made a report to as regarding the county funds, which is as follow-: The Dalles, Ob , Feb. 12. 1893. 7"o the Honorable Grand Jury now in tet- tion: Centlemik. Below please God state ment of the different funda of tbia eounty, bowing tbe amount in each fund on Jan. 31 3395: Io county fund 1709 44 (rners art warrants called in to cover this amouut ur nearly -o) Gomm-iii nrhool fund 2441 22 (Tula fund ia drawn i y oouuty school su perintendent In warrants) Road ami briitge fund 1049 73 (Warrants paia on Jigny tl rT iucd.- E-tate Coroner's deposit bpeeial school fund (Paid for when .-ailed for by couuty clerks) Scho .1 district No. 8 bond fund (For beginning new school boiuw at Hood Hirer! Dtllea uty tax fund.................. 8 96 (Paid wtieu cailsd for by city treasurer) Total 812,219.88 Etsoectfallv submitted 12th day cf Feb, 18i5. Wm. Michell, Couuty Treasurer. Bavin i completed our labors we ask to ba disoharAed, J. M. MaRUK5, Forman. SSL A. URIFriN, Ulerlt. Aw qrof seqr All or.... 13 N qr and nw qr 25 E hf-of sw qr do tie qr do Lots 2, 3 aud 1 hf of ne or do 8 bf of nw or do Sw qr and seqr do All of 2 All of S All of 7 All of 9 Ail of All cf All of All tf All of Al! of Ail o' All of All of All of All of.. 11 13 15 17 ....... 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Ail of 33 All of 35 Lot 1 31 Lots I, 2. 8 and 4 S3 Lots 1,2 3 and 4 35 All of 1 Ail of 3 All of , : 5 All of 7 AH of 9 All of n All of (except sw or aw or)!3 Nqrof ne qr 15 W hf of ne or do Nw qr and sw qr do w ht of se qr do Se or tf se qr do AU of 17 All of 19 Al of 21 Ail of 23 Me qr of ne or,', 25 Nw qr, aw qr and se All ..f ?...27 All of 29 Ne qr 31 All ot 33 All of 35 8 hf of aw qr 5 S hf of te'qr d.i 88 to 695 89 7 65 1S8 66 6816 U Etora Burglarised. The stora of Mays t Crowe was the scene of another robbery last night or early this morning A brick was uied to break open tbe g ass window, and one pistol was stolen a cheap watcb, ana a dira ana a auiie which were iying on the window till. Tne night discovered tbe mischief about 4 o'clock this morning, and awoke one of tba employes who came to tbe store to see what dam g had been done. There no clew to tbe buralra, and they left notb- ioa behind tbem by whicb they could be identified. This is the fourth time that this store has been bug ariod, aod two men are now serving a term io tbe peniten tiary for stealing knives from tbe estab lishment. Some suppose that tbe burgl-ry waa committed ja-t before it was discovered, and that the b-jck was thrown from the opposite side of.the street, where, in tbe ruins of th FittQsraU store, there is an abund ance. Rainier. We have received the first copy of the Rainier Review, and we c py from it the following notice of the city : The sile of the present city, as far as, known, has always been here, hut tbe city Itself is a stripling ef less than 50 sum mers. Think of it I Less than 60 years ago, tbe shy fawn alakea her thirst at tbe riyer's edge where now stand the manv mills, factories and warehouses of the present proud little city; and tbe she-bear reared her cubs unmolested where now is published the Rainier Review (a family necessity) claiming the largest circulation of any newspaper on the Columbia river. Fifty years ago the sweet notes ot the jay bird aad hoot-owl were lost on the desert atr; the white man's civilization had not yet been introduced -tbe festiye tomato can and real estate agent were still unknown." . Dry Coi 4 Mood, We bave attain on hand an abundance of strictly dry fir, oak, pine and maple wood, cut lor lamuy purposes SARSAPMIUA WILL CURE YEI - A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give Ms name to tbe public, makes this authorized, confidential statement tons: " When I was one year old. my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said that I. too, would soon die. and all our neighbors thought that even If I did not die, I would never be able to walk, because I was so e:jk and puny. A gathering formed anil jroke tinder my arm. I hurt my finger and t gathered aud threw out pieces of bone. If I uttrt myself so as to break the skin, it iviis sure to become a running sore. 1 had o take lots of medicine, but nuttiing has ine nie so much good as Ayer's 8arpar ';!"?, .1 !'? "IBde me well aud stroue.'' 1. O. M., Norcatur, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. j. o. Aysr St Oo, Lowell, Haas. Cures others, will ours you AU of. S hf of ne qr.. S hf of nw Or. . Sw qr and se q S hf of sw qr. Sw qr of ne qr S bf of nw qr S qr Nw or o' ae or Si hf of se q .., AU Of fill Of All cf All of All of Ail of. A 1 1 . . 7 9 .do do .11 .13 .do do do .do . 1 . 3 . 5 . 7 9 .11 ..13 Al ot 15 All of 17 Ne qr and seqr 19 E ht of nw qr do E bf cf sw qr do Lota 1 and 2..... Ne qr and nw qr 21 Sw qr ..iio All of , 23 All cf 25 AU of 27 All O 29 W hf of ne qr.... 31 o qr t,t ne qr, bt nw qr.oo Lotsl, 2, Sand 4 do ht of aw qr aod se qr. .do Me qraid nw qr ht se q-, nw qr e qr. . All of Ail of Sw qr of ne qr 8 hf of nw qr and sw qr Nw qr of se qr S nf of se qr S hf of sw qr , S bf of ne qr 8 bf of nw qr Sw qr and se qr AU of... All of... Ail of ... Allot ... All of.... Ad of.. ...... All of. All of All of A 1 of All of All ot. 83 .no .38 .19 21 .do .do .do .23 .29 .00 .do . 27 .29 .31 .83 .85 . 1 . 3 . 6 . 7 . 9 .11 .13 All of 15 All of 17 All of 19 A lot..-. 21 All of 23 All of ,. 25 All of , .27 Ail of .29 All of 31 A 1 of , 33 All of 4 35 Swqrif aw qr.... 27 Shf aw qr, bf seq-....29 All of. SI All of. 33 8 hf ne qr, s ht nw qr....35 8w qr and seqr do Loa 1. 2, 3 aud 4 1 H hf be qr, a bt nw qr. . . do E bf of aw qr and se or. All of.... U 1 Allot 3 All of 6 E hf of oe or .'.'. 7 Neqrandnw qr.. ...... 9 E ht of se qr do Me qr and nw qr. , 11 R bf of sw or aod se or. .do Nnqrand nw qr 13 Ad pf 1 All of.. 8 All of fi All of 7 AU of.... 9 All 61 11 Ail of 13 All of , 15 Ne qr snd nw or ....17 E bt of sw qr aod se qr. .do Lot, I and 8 ...23 3N do do do do 3N do do do do do do Co do do do do do do do do 2N do do IN do do do do do do do do do do 2V do do do do do oo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 8N do do IS' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 2N do do do do do do do do do do do IN do do do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do IN do do do do do do 2N do do do do do do do do do do do do do IN do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' 2N do do do do do 13 do do 18 do do do do do do do do 13 do do de do do do do do do do 17E do do do do 18E do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do 18k lit! do 19E do do di dr d- dc do do t do do do do do do do dc 1p do do do do do do do do do do do d. 19E dn do 20E do do do do do dn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1)0 do f do do do do do do do do do do do no 21 E de do do do do do do do do do do do do NEW TODAY - Tbos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Ile.iry O. House, Ktoelveri,. NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. R The new vegetable shortening is the most popular food product of the day. Its use means good food, good health and a goodly saving in the end. Since the introduc tion cf Cottolene, lard has no longer place in food or kitchen. u N S PULLMAN ELEGANT TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DINING. CAR SLEEPING CARS v pr-t, "IVVPAPOI.H Id LITTH TO OKA Mil POURS r-RoriKSN WINNIPI-O H- l,f?v mf serves every purpose of lard, and serves it without grease, odor or indigestion. Those who have given Cottolene a fair trial never go back to lard. Ee sure and get the genuine. Don't let any dealer palm off any of ths many worth less imitations on you. Sold In 8 or d 6 ponnd palls bf The N. K. Felrbanic . Company, ST. LOns ana CXUea?o,2ew Yos-la ftoaton Letter Advertised The following ia the list of letters re maining in The Dalles postotfioe uncalled for Saturday, Feb. 16, 1S95. Persons call. ion for these letters will please sive tbe date on wbicb they were advertised: THROUGH CITKMOr NKW Y -KK TICK6TS lit POINTS EAST and SOUTH. For Information, tlma car-ta p f VBISIf I I Or A. D. CHRLTOy, A't Qeu'l Pw. Ait, Aastin. M V Barker, Edwin Fisher, F K Hansen, W B 3 Jones, S F Neabeaoh, W Murphy, Jno Hemberton, P N Reader, Emma Thar, Win VV Warner. J Baker, Oeo Ferguson, 0 C FitaPatrVk, K V Harris. CL LaV.-lle, L- uis McCormack, Mrs Mi ligan, Jos Prall, Chas Ban Turnbow, W S W ise, L A White, Miss Bell. J. A. Ckoxe, P, M M. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, sheciedforCastoria. When she became Miss, she clnag to Cat "orta. rfcen aba had Child ran, he gave tbem Oaatoria. Stockholders' Meeting;. Nujiok is bereby vlvao that there will ba s Stockholdara' mefttiitu-nff 1 h I i iu pAli.n and Astoria .N avigation Company at tbe 'chronicle oavuruny, pru o, 1K, St Z O'Clora t. H., for tbe purpoM of electing- seven directors, and trim at tin? suc-o otner bullosas as may tnouerly By order of ths president. O. J. FARLEY, Secretary. Ths D:.11es, Ore., Feb. a. 13V6. Exeoutrlx'a Notlo. XT0T1CE Is hereby given tbat tbe undersurned j. uuir appointed ay tne Hod. G uoty Court executrix of tbe last w 11 and testament of Anu Crala-. deceaacd. All iwnmi, hBvi .h.. .i ucra y Dounea to present tne same to me, properly verified, at ths TlKt-Uocr-AUxsa office io Xial'es City, W.sno Cunts. Orsnoa. , listed ihj 2d day of Febimrv. 184. CATUAklvMA riDAffl - Ejwcutrlx of tb. law will and teitament of Ann 9(h6t - Application for Liquor Lkm CiSOADS Loess, Fu Psacrxot, Waco Couuty, NOTfOZ fS HEREBY OIVEN THAT wS,T5m W. Badder and Kennetb MtKenrie, of said precinct and county, and nta;e, will, on th? 6th diy of March. 1896. apnly to the County Court of ths above- amed.ouiity for lioenw o sell spirituous, malt and v noua liauora In ! m,..i,i .. . i lOilou. ' ' Grant! isf eiafle Bali! -CrV'EN BY THE- Woodmen and Workmen OK THE DALLES February 22, 1895 -AT- BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE Music by the Dalles Orchestra Uniop. Tie Following Prizes Will Be Awarded.' LadiM' FlrM Pri: A China Tea Set, to be (can ia L. Bordeo't wuidow, to bs (Ivca u the lady wearing tb moitcicauit coitume. tadies' Second Prite: A lamp, to be seen at h taa place, to b awarded to ths lady wbe ujuroi ibe character aaiumed beat. . ' Oemlemao" First Prise: A Chair, to ba seen at Prim Nluchke's furoltur store to ba . .Uenileman's Second Prite: maa-wbo sustains Second Priret An Alburn, lobe seen at E. Jacobsen'a, to be givea to lb aeoiU the chaiactcr auamad the boat. ac" Missioii Sll. Laafes. Willi Escort, Free. MEECHAIT TAILORING eounty. State of Oiegoa, Falli Prec'nrt Wum January 7 in. 1886. Casnani Locks. Fauj ParcotcT. - Huort llnnniv Q r .. To tba Honorable Couniy Oourt of 'waaco CouTty". vresou: We. tba uidarniraMltavn&vAnanrf i,i . . falls Precinct, oounty an-i .rate afoteaaid, rawpect fully petition Vour honorable ennre tn ... . n cans to Thoa. W. Badder and Keoueth McKenaie town of Cascade Loeka. aaia nraoint i. i titles than one galloa for tba period of one year. aaxas. John Tnna James Stewart do do do do do 81 K do do do do do do 21 E do do do do do do do do do do do do do S2S do do do do do do do .do do do do do do do do do do 22E du do do do do 20E do do 21 E do do do do do do do (In 22E do do do do do do do do do do Land Trmnsfsra- Feb. 12 B. F. Laughlin et al, to I. Durbin ; se qr sec. 1 tp 8 s r 16 east ; and aw qr of sw qr sec. 6, tp 8 a r 17 east ; $400. Feb. 12 Geo. E. Moon and wife to Robert Mays ; n hf of ne qr and n hf of nw qr sec 2 tp6 s r 16 east: (000. Feb. 13 Gertrude Woodward and husband to Mrs. A. . Stranahan ; por tion of the donation land claim of Wm. Jenkins' No. 88; $1. Fen. 13 W P Watson and wife to Marion F. Liy; ten aorea in aw qr of ne qr see. 84. tp 3, n of r 10 east; $1. Feb. IS Phoebe E. Morse and C. L. Moras to Annabel Morsel 5 acres in nw qr of se qr seo. 3, tp 2, u r 10 eaat; 1250. . Feb 13 Phoebe E. Morse and C. L. Morse to Frances Morse; 10 acres in nw qr of se qr seo. 3, tp 2. n r 10 east; (500. Frb IT The Dalits L'cd aod Improve ment Co. to Nicholas B. Fsgm; lot S and 4, blk 18, Thompson's Addition to The Dalles; 1200. Feb. 14 The same to the fame; lot 6 blk 18, Thompson addition to The Dalles; (100. In a State of Bankruptcy is tbe condition of onr system if the. liver becomes inao. tive so that the germs and poison can accumulate within the body. Keen the liver and bowel active and we're in a condition of healthy cros- peritT and have anfBctentlv well in- Tested capital to draw nnon in tha hoar of need. The liver filter out the poisonous germs which enter the system. Just so sorely a the liver regulates tbe system, so ao or. fierce' Pleasant relicts reguuue tne uver. &eep tms in mtna, ana you solve the problem of good health and good living. The " Pleasant Pellets " have a tonic, strengthening effect upon the lin imj membranes of the stomach and bowels, which effectually cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Cosareness, or Constipation, Indigestion, Los of Appetite, Bad Taste in Mouth, Sour Risings from Stomach, and will often cure Dyspepsia. The " Pel lets " are tiny, because the vegetable ex tracts are refined and concentrated. Easy 1 .ij r i : pills. As a dinner pill," to promote di- OTIOS 18 HEREBY GIVE THAT I, H. gestion, take- one each day after dinner, tm ' - 01 Ji? I'"!' To relieve tne distress arising from over MR. PAT. FAGAN, At his establishment on the corner ot Third and Federal street ia prepared to make . " Spring and Summer Suits i Says the Japanese are wiping tbe ground with the Chinese, and W Lvncfj OS Henry Aug. Wilaon John Suudtfrist Peter Dukkso H P HarUm T Blene -Oan Blair M Walsh John .Velaen K Nelson M Erlksoo John King Wm Ooarlsy John i ampbell John n'baary Tbos Maoioo Peer Beed T Meltons'. John R G.lffln D L Oa'es 0 Lindstrim Ceplosa a- a swaetiaaa T Sherujrer C H Trark B H Bimie A B Olasrls Oan Snlllran M Acleon Bwan Iversoo H Lawrencs HHuchea H O Heron. F H Doak JEH1U F Pa ilseo Jnha Thi9eoo Chas Wlllgerotb J miUon Patsr Trona J Son -In TW Lewis L A Orant Oeo Hamas Fra ik Halpin John Bole Jam a Mays-air Joeeph horlk A' S QJTtwa John Johosua K Olaxier P MoElhansy J H Mauoweugb L Boechs . K S Monaghaa W MFraUi J P Wiatrand Sam MrCory Tbos C -Tie P A Flnagaa John TeaUbos A U Hail XAKSS. John Jotton T.O Qulalan O A bb-w rt A Flelftbuer O S VMuon H 0 Field N Toela td Bergason All B rosea ir W 8 Kennedy J F Mnut ATbortn J Jan as F AndtMOu Wm Black W T Hsltina T H Willteies Jams Olsrk William Counts . E O Manning H PFarkiu HACarnes Wm baycock O Alia .' Laticrhnrg aiat neDer Aa iy Kellehsr Jos Maai ChasOlMRI Henrj Wi kerlng U Fl Sifi-rald S L Harpham Hlchar-i B-ke Moab ftoulea John Olson J cardinal Jo L Miller Wm l ay .A J Knightly Tbos Holiday J Bit Dan Olson I McDotitcal Oto H inner D Nelsm J C Jonts J O Melra K M uiroe L Aitoaen Frank L aiders J K W Muobarry W A Calvan 0 B tf W H Mnitb Alex Matt ' Patrick Nolmd Thos King OPin. HFBUIng A T i alii H I LUlsnrd H O ani T) Ooeyn-eS B R owli Louie Osbha'd f atrlck Walsh Wm UcKenxles I HARRIS, THE CWHIER Is doing more effective work and Apjilicatien for Liquor License. ' Ossoads Local, Falls PatciHcr, Wasco County, atai ot ursgoa. Is SlaughteringHigli Prices To suit the financial depression. I have now V doublt room, and am preparing for a new stock of goods. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes For Everybody Young and old, big and small. N. HARRIS. m NEPTUNE BAT FEAZIEE & WYNDHAII, Propr's LADIES' HAIECUTTING ajtd SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. A Shower Room in Each Beth Boom. A Bootblack SUnd'Oonnected witb onr shop, and especial attention pa d to all 110 .Front Street, UppoaUe Cosmopolitan Hotel, m AND HAMulf PARLORS THE DALLES. OREGON, TELEPHONE 0. 4A eatinf, nothing equals one of these little "Pellets." Mrs. Msussa Atwater, of Sltuben, Washington Co., Mt., writes : "As regards k. CI. lets,' I think I could not do without them. I do not like to be without them in the house. I have spoken vrrj highly to friend and neighbors- of them, and many are tak i n g them through my aa verttsin them. I wi I Mna. Atwatsx. aay they are the best pOl I can take, (es pecially for an after-dinner plU, I think. UK. 1UVC HI! dIUU. - BOBX. M'l f MS In this city, Fooruary 8LH. to th wit ( Mr. ja. Jtcinaia. a aoo, raO AN In this oltr, Pab. 14th, to tits wtla ol Mr. Ctaas B. Fait an, a eon. How's This! We offer Oae Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be 1 cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. & Co , Tolede, 0. We, tbe anderstgned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe blm perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truaz, Wholesale Druggists, Tol edo, O. Welding, Rinnan ft Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarih Cure is taken internally, acting d rectly upon the blood aad mu cous surfaces of tbe system. Testimoni als sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Xfotlce- The steamer Regulator will take a trip to tbe Cascades on Monday, the 18th mat.. and will carry freight and passengers. On Wrdoesday, thesfOih inst., the DaUrt Ciiy will leave Portland and the Regulator will leave The Dalles, making through connection on usual time. Freight will be received at tbe wharf on tbe 19th last. D. P. A A. If. Co. Dalle. soars. Fear miles west .of Th , A. FIsXD, Th Dallas Or. Lost. A pair of blue tinted spectacles, be tween Newman's corner and Washing ton street. Thn finder ill be suitably rewarded by leaving the came at this omce. - atoclt inspectors. Ths following ia tbe lint of inpo tors for Wasco county; T. Cartwnpht, Th Dalles, A. S. Roberts, Deschnte. W. R. Cantrell, Dufur, . P. E. H nton, tfiaeoveu, Zch Taylor, Antelope, J. H. Suerar, Shear's Bridge. Taken Up. Came to tb Sharp piac on three m"e, about October 1, 18U4. On red and whit Muley oow, no brands perceivable, underj pa in ria;bt r, ut off left ear, tba owner ma the una hr peyirnr all chargM. i'KANK P. TAYLuB. r Motto. All city warrants registered prior to Feb. 3-1892, are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after thl date. 1-1 Bcboet, City Treasurer. Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 1st, 1895. Bo3 aad Ulna Aid Rorlety. Boys may be bad (and sometime girls) (l)or ordinary aery ice at wages; (2) opon indenture, to work, attend school, and be brought np somewhat aa your own; and (3) children may be had for legal adoption. Address, ' J. H. Miaener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port and, Oregon, : wlu. on the &Lh 1av ot March. 1886. aonlv ta tha County Court ot tba above-aimed county for 11. oeneo to sail splrltn:ms m-ilt and yluous liquors In less quantities wan n ftauon. Fella Precinct, Waaco County, State of Oregon, January 7, 1366. Cascads Lccas, Faixa Pasoiscr, v Waaco ounty, bt.U of Orejron. To the Honorable County Court et Waaco County, Oregon: We, th undersunwd taxpayers snd legal voters ot Palls Precinct, count snd elate aroresald. reepejt- ruuy penuon your nonoraoM court so grass u. oens to H P. Jackson, to a 1 splrltacus, eaou ' aod taait llqum at th town of cascad Locks, said precinct, in leas quantities than on gallon tor too period ol on year: aaua. savn. H 0 Whalen P Valntlne C B La Oeo Haines i B Smith D Nelson C S Miller TW Levis A JMcAnley J H Trana M Conlou W i Oordoo E W Lundbury L A Great J E borbln J W Hales John CanjpbslJ J H Mdiaac T F atanlou- WUliaoi Cmtts Swan Wesson list Wshar R A McLotty O 8 Henry - P Paulsen Peter Daggon N Teso a " - . H C P.ld A Kallebw F Adtrsoo John Nelson D Sourk Jobs Malaoa d Berceron Alex Watt W OJoboatoo Noah Rouba Nap Dials Rudolph Hchmldt Lou a Oebhard W Oouriey - N Nelnon Win Day L Attoeon A W Oaly D H Meidlgh II W t-lnlan . O Comb WHOrabam ' J MoLiujblln H O oroU P B Fallmaa W A Luokay P H Borne F Allison . El owall Lnote Paboll Micheai Coyl H O'Brien St pta a H&lioratt Sam Nelson alanui Ooanea T Jaduon E A B.reb H Wibmn John Murphy 0 A Otdigaa - Om Anderson H OlirlJt B MoEUany Wm K ntriUoa W B Hergetnu Chu Hoven A Fldtchnauac -V Cutiniobant John rreaia T H Williama P Fine aa A i Knightly L Pcten-oa R Beank E P Ash 1 Nordetruu Wm Black Joh-i Habloger J M Barair J Kobleon. James U-rk 0 F Kershaw B K UuIIItsu Jama MBair Taomas Btdder WLincb JHAldmh H A Lea vena I C Cnnnan 0 Wl.lfc-erotta W M Smith C A tetnrt HA Olaoo Oeo Jen J O Brown 1 McAnama - A -I Jordan Hat Weleh H P Harpham U 1 Soderberg E Borkvner J 0 Jones A E Track E OUuer B U ania F Ueppy P J Ryan' an kiine Jama Hson OOBarpnao Joel W Daelnlt F Ha'Piu Walter Erwln M Crcuifm rty Ja- k An iersou JMUrcgon JJFoy JD isolation Kotlo. The nartaershlD heretfoora ezlstiag between W. J. Wrlr-ht, J. O. Doulas and O. K. llcliuwmy In the aaw mill bualneea on Tamrck creek, about teu mtiee from Dufur. baa this day been dt-e Ired by mutual consent, Mr. J. D. Doug-ae re irinir from the firm. Tb present flam will consist of Meavra. W. J. Wright aridU. F. McMuwniy, and will be known as Wiiarht k HoMaseiuy, wbe will -ay all debtafor wolnh the lata firm was liable, and collect aU acoaunu now due an I owing. W. i WBtGRT. J. D. DOUGLAS. Q. F. UGMAJIIUtT. S. IF. MWWWK, Generl Com and Forwardm MercliaD 891, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET (Adjoining Railroad Depot) ' Gonsignments Solicited Prompt Attention to thoee- who furor ma with thalr patronaa j. o. r.iicK FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. Dufar, Jan. SS, 1684. PABST CELEBRATED BEER FRENCH'S B10CX. 171 Second Stkbt, THE DALLES, OREGON. UOiOrVC COLLHTERHL BHNK nUUU O knd HUCTION ROOW Opposite Ward, Kerns & Robertson'slLifery Stable on Second SL SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT $ SOLD Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables. . AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY From 11 to 2 o'clock. ' I will sell any goods or pro r ert r plsctd with ma at reaaonaUt eommisstoa. OiTsmsacali. p "R Hfinn y