The Times-Monntaineer SATURDAY. .FEBRUARY 8. 1895 " " TEE FACTS I1T TUB CASE. "The simple fact is," says Mr. Reed, "that the government a running be hind $5,000,000 a month, and the remedy is simple." There is nothing intricate or mysterious io the ma'ter. "Maka the revenue equal to the out put," be goes on to declare, "and j ou will restore the public credit and cure - tbe situation." A man need not be deeply ; versed in financial science and - political economy to understand that '- there are only two" ways ef dealing successfully with a ; treasury detioi One is to levy taxes sufficient to cover it, and the other is to borrow money - for the payment of current bills. Tbe latter expedient has already been twice resorted to within a year, and $100,- 000,000 thereby added to the public debt. ' But this policy does not put a stop to deficits; it merely provides for accumulating losses which they re present, and increrses the interest . bearing obligations of the govei nment in payment of ordinary expenses in a ' time of peace. The need of more revenue is imperative, if we are to es cape further sales of bonds; and to keep the natural credit up to the proper standard. There is no room for doubt or argument in this respect; ' and there is no possible device of lesjis latioo that can prevent deficits under the present, tariff law. It is all very well to talk about re formiog the currency system, which is undeniably defective; but that does - not touch the point of chief im portance, says the ; St. Louis Globe Democrat. This question was intro duced prematurely, for the purpose of diverting attention from the failure of tbe new tariff law, and mskinir it appear that something else was the cause of the treasury trouble. The de feat of the Carlisle bill put an end to that attempted deception, , and em phasized the sober and practical truth that tbe want of sufficient revenue is the real source of the difficulty. The only course for the Democrats to pur sue if they wish to render some - sensible and creditable service to the ' country before they lose control of congress " is to ac knowledge that their project of tariff reform was a grave mistake, and to so rectify it as- to bring the receipts np to the expenditures. They have nothing to gain by evading the issue. If they neglect to increase the revenue, they will merely add to tbeir discredit and to tbe future ills ol their party. It is a humiliating thing, of course, to make confession of a stupendous blunder, but that is better than to pretend that there hat been no blunder when the proof of it is plain and conclusive. The people cannot be fooled in a ease which is as simple as an example in primary arithmetic. It is useless to tell them that any other reason exists for the shortage of revenue and the necessity of bond sales than the failure of the Democrat!) tariff policy, or to . expect them to believe that tbe finan cial problem can be solved without a material modification of that policy in conformity with Republican prece dents and tendencies. ITEMS Iff BBIEF Fran Saturday's Daily. ' Ex Uov. Moody is in town today from Salem. , ' Today bts been mild sad spring like, and almost every pne has been on the street. Don't be too certain that winter baa re ' aimed bia seat. The next breeze that i- .1 . ... . ice. Wagons replaced sleighs today. A few aleds, are in town trom the conntry, bat sleighing may be considered a tbiog of the past. . If r. Peter Eiffel left on tbe morning train for hie old home in Znncb, Switzerland. Hia friends gave him a farewell party, and many kind wubes were extended to him on bie journey. Messrs. Dnfnr and Hill are now occupy ing their room, op aiaira. roroer Second and Coart streets. They are folly prepared to do typewriting and stenographing in tbe nearest correct manner. - Dr. P. C. Broains and O. P. Heald, of atoo.1 Kiver, are before the county court at tending to the interest of Hood Rierre- irarduia the matter ot mcotnoration ot that town, ao we are informed. ;. A carload of cattle left the Stockyards of R. E. Saltraarshe A Co. today for the Union Meat Co. at Portland. They were in good condition, and. were gathered from the interior of this county. The Oesang Verein Harmonie ot thia city will bold their monthly sociable tomorrow evening at tbe Baldwin opera house. A program, consisting ot vocal . and instru mental mnsic, will be rehearsed, and sap per will be served at a seasonable boar. Hoed River Qlariert A force of men was pat to work Monday tnorniDg cutting ice for the Portland Ice t o. The high wind prevailing at the time canted the ice to rise and swell and made it dangerous for the teaos working tbe plows, and work had to be suspended about noon. Tbe ice was about ten inches thick. 'The Tittell sisters will give entertain ments at the Baldwin opera house Monday and Tuesday evea'ngs of next week. By reason of Miss Florence 1 ittell having been evi ihan avarat fnpdol annal lhaianna?A. ment last week; bat without fail will be here on Monday and Tnesday. The rep ertoire cooaiata of tbe moat attractive plays and they will undontedly attract large audiences. An important decision has jnst been pro nounced in Vermont, as to engagement rinps . A young man sned to recover one that he had given to a yonng woman who. after accepting the ring, repudiated tbe en -gagemeat. The judge decided that it must fulfill the conditions nnder which it was presented. The English courts some years ago decided that an engagement ring is not recoverable under any circumstances. j Senator Squire, of Washington, is the senatorial wooder ot congress. .No other man in either bonae enhances the galhiiee with such a continuous success of brilliant and on heard of effects in dress. Una day it is a rtd tie and whit vest, anether it is patent leather shoes of resplendent polish But tbe most effective combination la i lemon-oolored yest of tremendous t x pause, retting off a blue tie and a striped shirt. Washington rout. A new ditching and grading machine, capable of excavating sand, ore. gravel or dirt bas been invented by x-ouis rickard and Thomas Cleif.of M ails Walla. It waa tested on Monday with a three horse power gasoline engine, and did work to tba satis faction of those who witnessed the perform ance. , As it will handle a yard of dirt per linute with a 10-borse-power engiae. it is likely to prove an importrnt factor in the new irrigation echamea now nnder way in that section. . Bepresentative Boothby s bill for a port age railway between The Dalles and t elilo appropriated $300,000 for the purpose, to be expended under direction of tbe governor, secretary of state and treasurer When the railroad bas begun to earn a revenue, tbe proceeds are to go to tbe school fond. ! Mr. Boothby ays tbat tbe people pf East. era Oregon are greatly interested in tbe project now especially in view of tbe open ing of tbe locks and canal at the Cascades this year. They would like The Dalles also provided lor so tbat the dream of an open river may at last be realized. Tbeie is a change in the vote in joint oancus today in the number absent. There were ten who did not answer to the oall, but the yote is practically unchanged . The revolt wai: Dolrtb, 38; Hermann, 9; Weatle.f ird.iJ; Hare, 10; Lord. 3; Wil liams, 11. Tliusc absent were Dawtou, Smith, Cok.Sf.ell, Baker, Coon, Johnson, Steiwer, Carter, Cooper snd Scott. Representative Patterson has a bill tbat will, if enacted, render valid in other coun ties teacher a certificates issued in any given county. In the large counties of t'aatern Oregon sncb a law would afford much re lief to teachers, some of whom have to travel many miles to examinations. Cases have been known where teachers have had to travel 150 miles in a storm and be out. for expenses, a month's salary in order to obtain a certificate for a three-mouths' term. A young woman signing hercelf Miss Edna Blown, of Kaneville, 111., bas sent out irom there to thouaauda of people a re quest for cancelled stamps, claiming that she was collecting tbem in order to secure the treatment of a crippled girl at tbe med ical institute, '' be postmaster of tbat city says that her letter is false; that there is no medical institute or crippled girl there, and that Miss frown ia receiving thous uds of letters and collecting millions of stamps under such representations. be is making large sums of money from the sale of these stamps, and is one of the eleverest swind lers in the country. from Monday's Dally Sleighing ia an amusement of the past. Mr. F. J. Seutert returned from Portland on the afternoon train. A small war in China haa been enacted on our streets during the pat few days. The Tittell Sisters will nut on the boards at the opera house this evening tbe play of "Drifted Apart." The city jil was without an occupant lai-t night. No arrests were made by tbe officers, and there waa no business before tba police court. Yesterday and today hays been almost perfect days. SooW has nearly disappeared from the bills and from osr streets', and toe air is very spnng-like. If tbe present weather continaea wild flowers will be in bloom on tbe hillsides in a few days. Id this climate the transition from winter to sprmg is very sudden. Klickitat County Rnmbllcan: The Hood River Glacier says the free ailver Republi cans seem to be in the majority in tbat dis trict. .Possibly that explains why so many have recently been sent from there to the state lunatic asylum. Edwaid M. Benson, a subiot of the kirg of Sweden declared bis intention Saturday tefore the county clerk of becoming a citi zen of the United States, snd will, alter the pioper time of probation, exercise the lull privileges of American citizenship. Last eveuine. at the Baldwin opera house. tbe Oteana Verein Harmonie held their monthly meeting, and it was one of tbe most successful parties of tbe season. A mnsical programme was rendered, and re freshments were served after the literary exercises. Deputy Sheriff Humphreys, of Portlrod, arrived at the Licks today, and on warrants swoin oat by Gen. h mer, formerly of Coxey's army and Mr. Teesdale, arrested tbe Day Brothers. The complaint alleges that Messrs. Day, as contractors, bas been working men on government work over eight boors s day. There is no material change in the dead lock at Salem, snd those who sre support ine Dolun sre ss solid ss a stone wall. The bolters have not consolidated on any candi date, and continue their guerrilla warfare on the oaucna nominee. Tbe following is the vote: Dolnh, 35; Haro. 10; Weather- ford, 7; Hermann, G; Williams, 9; Lord, 4; Lowell, 3. Paired, IB ' An exohange says: About 40 oiticmt of Pendleton, who joined the ' Loyal Myatio Legion of America, are now sorry for it. and wouid like to interview ooe W. D Madigan, tbe organiser, who induced tbem to do ao, under false pretenaes, as they claim, and, incidentally to recover posses sion of some promissory notes. It is not always fun ta be a "jiner." There bas been great excitement in China town during tbe past two daya over tbe ar rest of the Chinaman and Chirawoman. .The court house was surrounded by a mo of Ueleotiala Saturday night, and about 9 o'clock last evening there waa a big row in Chinatown, some claim tbat tbe bigbbina- ri are attempting to get possession of the oman, sad will msnutattnie eviaenoe, it neoeasa'y, to aooomplisn their purpose The Eugene Guard says; Prof. E. B. McElroy assumed his duties as sn instrontor id the University of Uregon yesterday. The men's parlor in the dormitory haa been fitted up for bis use at present, it being tbe only room now available for use. The re gents sre entitled to the thanks of tbe peo ple f uregon for their wise selection, rrof. McElrov's long years of work in 'connec tion with eduostiooal interests 'renders bts servioea of eutstimable vali e to the school. On Saturday evening a very pleasant party waa given by Misses Mamie and Mat- tie Cusbing at tbeir residence in mis city, The hoars were pasted very agreeably in carries snd social amusements, and a refec tion was served at a seasonable hour. The following are the names of these present: Misses Martin, Heppner, Davis, C. samp- son. Mewman, xiiompann, Sampson ana L T"Ompson. Messrs. B, Phelps, F. Wit on, V Mardin, jr. w eic'e, L rotter, ,1 Weigle, C. Fritz and W, t redden. Our cotemporarv was mistaken it its is sue of Saturday when it said that the pris oner from Antelope escaped while waiting for the opening ot the sheritt d omoe. I be officer and his prisoner did not reaoh the court house; but some dirtanoe from the j til while tbe former was recuperating, the latter took French leave, so we are in formed. The janitor says that the jail is always accessible, day or night, and during the term of tflk-eof the former incumbent this was tested on different ocoasiens. Judge Stearns Sa'urday ordered fore closed a mortgage in tbe case of J. T. Ror- ick vs. O. D. Taylor snd that the plaintiff recover $1500 says the Oreqonian The mortgage was on a piano and one share of stuck of the luterstate Iuvtatment Com pany. Taylor, in sa ver, alleged that he paid the mortgage by constructing a house for Kinck lo Noun Utiles, paying out therefore $1812 55. The court found in favor of Taylor tor $1129 for ibe house, to be dtduorwl Irom the judgment of $1000 in favor of ttoriok. Antelrpe Utrald: Representative Me- (ireer bas three bills under wav, one to amend an act amendirg Sec 40S5 Hill'. Code, that counties may at a gceral elec tion decide whether or not road tax shall be paid in oaah and not in work aa at prea ent. Another relating to the distribution of the 6 per cent, on public land rales to road districts, according to tbe number of miles of rosd in each district, The third plac-ng a bounty on ooyote and rquirrel scalps, making said bounty uniform through out the state and payable from the state treasury. Prom Tuesday's Dally. There is a drouth in police court mat ters. Mr. Otlo Birgfeld, of Portlam?, is in tbe city. The play at the opera bouse this even ing win begin at 8 o'ciocx promptly. The residents of Stevenson, opposite the Locks, sre sgitsting the question of erect ing a building for relitrions services. Fhe following deed wns filed with the county clerk today: Thus H Williams to Menu and Bridget Mc A voy ; gejqr of nw qr see , tp a n, r essi ; $ i. The jail door which was lately damaged by the two men who attempted to gain their freedom bts . been repaired by Mr. H. Cloogh, and is now as strong as aver. Tbe revival meetings still continue at the Methodist church. There are large coogregations, a good interest is mani fested, snd several bave come foiward for prayers. . ire annual meetirg ot Jackson engine Co. No. 1 will be held this evening at the council chambers. As sn ehotita of offi cers will take place a (nil attendance of the menbera ia reqoeated. General Manager Dickinson, of the Union Pacific, ava tbat the outlook for tbe first half ot 1895 is worse than it was in 1694. and there will be a general cutting down both io force and salaries all along the line. R B. Ryan, of Salem, haa brought a damage suit against tbe Sou 'hern Picific company lor tbe modest little sum of til 000 About a year ago Mr. Ryan was struck by s losomotive at tbe 8alem depot and seriously injured. Perry Watkim, jr., died at bis home in Moro yesterday at midnight. He is about 38 years cf age, and leaves a widow snd two children. Mr. Watkios lived on Ten Mile creek for a nomberof years, and ia well koowo to many of our citizens. He was a highly respected citizen, and bis death will be greatly deplored. The funeral will take plsce from tbe Christain church in this oity next Tbursdsy forenoon st 11 o'clock. The vote in joiutoonvention today shows a cbstige Cooper, who wheeled trom AiOM to Uolpb a few data ago, has now come over to Hermann. The ballot stood: Dolph, 41; Hermann. 12; Hare, 10; Weatb erford, 8; Lord, 3; Lowell, 3; Williams, 12. The first ct the spring fighta happened this morning, and created quite an exoite ment at the oorner of Cuurt and Second streets. The facts appear that one man atruck another, but no blood was spilt or great inj ry d me. A warrant ot waa sworn out, aud the matter w ill be settled in tbe courts. Tbe performance tonight of "Frou Frou" at the opera house, is surd to be greeted by ao even larger house than welcomed the talented Misses Tittell and their stroug oompauy last night, "rron Frou is ao adaption from tne French by Augustine Daly, and oue of the most decided sooiety comedy dramas before the public. As the performance will be given io its entirety the cuttain will rise promptly at 8 o clock. RiV. John Whia'er. pastor of the Metho dist church ia tbia city, tendered his resig nation yesterday to tie board of directors. and together with his wile, wilt leave for hia home in Colorado on the night train. His health has biea very poor, and physi cians say be will not be able to attend to his pastoral duties for the next six months. Tnia will be a matter of legret to the mem bers of the cburob and of the congregation, as during his residence in this city he has proved himself an earnest Christian and courteous gentleman. La Grande Chnnirlti; The entensive stock shipments from ibe valleys of Buret river. Powder river sod Graude Roude have compelled the O. R. 4 N. Co. to increase its facilities tor taking careot this branch of its tralfio. The Chronicle is informed that it haa beeu decided to build stock yaids st Biker City and Durkee, ot 20 cars capacity. and to double the capacity ot the yards at Union, which are now cf about fly lit oais oapacity. Powder and Burnt river yalleys are filled with cattle, winch io time will have to be shipped, and there are many in Grand Ronde valley alao. Surprising Discovery Nearly eyery person will be surprised to learn that John H. Coblentz, the late war den of the Walla Walla penitentiary, waa creditor of the state of Woahiugton At sny rate, three sets of txperts bave been at work on the books of the penitentiary one appointed by the governor, one by the di rectors, sn j one by the bondsmen of the late warden and the outcome of tbe in vestigation bas been the discovery that tbe warden was not a defaulter. There ia a balance in his favor of $260. . Tbe conclusion is natural thst the suicide of Cobleolz waa unaccountable. If be owed nothing, snd if there was no taint of orime clinging to bis skirts, it would appear that tome mystery must be behind the act, ar else the final balance made by the ex pert accountants are not oorrect showings. "Figures don't lie," but liars will figure, and while the experts may bave made an effort to go through tbe books and ferret out inegularities, tbe accounts may have been in each s shape ss to make it impos sible to show tbe real condition. Tbe liars may have done tbe figuring before the ex perts were set to work. Doubtless be expected that a shortage would be shown, snd took bis life to says facing the dUgraoe wbton would follow an expoae, Tbe Washington legisliture will pursue an investigation through a com mittee, and the matter will be aifted to the bottom. In caae the present figures Bra the oorrect ones, it will be proven tbat ene of the moat tragical and sensational events whioh haa occurred io the Pacifij North west was without meaning, snd the basis for tbe set of tbe suicide was sn ill-defined fear that an og'y aspeot waa to be pnt on things. An Olvmnia writer says in a letter to the Portland Sun: "Coblentz had been traveling over the state for three days hunting for tbe goyer nor to lay tbe oase before him. When finally met the governor at Walla Walla the state executive coolly iuformed him tbat there was plenty of evidence to prov him an embezzler of a large amount of tbe state a money. All attempts at exp'ana tioo were met with the accusation tbat he waa proven guilty and should resign at once. In faot, Coblentz' explanations were not listened to. His proud natnre rebelled True to bis disposition, hs kept a sti: upper lip to tbe last, and asked tbe arrest ing officer for time in whioh to finish h supper, stepped into the next toom, and, with bis natuial impulse to me bis gun quickly in sn emergency, turned it upon himse f. with tbe u.ental satisfaction tbat he would fool his accusers sfter all. Non of bis friends would have been surprised that gun had been drawn against another, bnt tbey could not account for the suicide until all the circumstances came to light Now they are anxious not only to vindicate Coblentz, but to get at tbe bottom of tbe whole business." Legislative Clerka- The following is tbe list of clerks ployed in tbe legislature: M J Anderson, Anne M Lang, A M Alex ander, M O Butterfield, Vera Caufield, N J Brown. D K Bill, M C Cheats, S S W ore loj, George A Worsley, Weber, Mrs Pogne.J A Whiteside, Mary A Morse, L H MoMahao. A A Stafford, E C Patterson, M L Rees, Mrs C E Holm s, Mrs Opra d gerly, S. Olmsted, Musa Gear, Nora Harris, C Lawrensen, Ab'.is Varrott, J T Galloway, W W Francis, MOW ilkias, M L Elkins, Maud Blundell. Mrs. L H McMaban, Mrs O B Hubbard. R W Humphrey, B B Mo Carty, George E Davis, W K McElroy, O J Cosper, Eliza Scott. G G Shirley, FO Little. 3 S Ricbey, Mrs E C Lyde, LL Lynn, C M Shcrer, Edith E Nicholson, Mrs W L Hietch. E A Swrzeay, Florence E. Hares, Lillie H Vincent, Jessie E Samuels, Frankie M Young, M A Colton, S L Lovell, W S Lotan. M Gately, D B Worthiogton EoboGaddis, L Huckleman, W F Gill, Linnie Johnston, Carrie V Moores, Nina Parrisb. J W Hobba, W V Looney, John D Smith. H L Brown, Mrs R F Alley, Emma L Dickenson, P A Worthiogton, Frank Medereth, P A Wilson, S H Rock, W. P Swope, E T Hatch, A M Cameron, Cornelia McCowan, John E Holmau, J H Henderson, Una E Morgan, F R Wilcox, K H Reed, L D Fleming, M F Taylor, C D Mercer. D B Evans, E A Woraick, Mrs V L Fought, J Lyons, R H Wilson," N Murray, A D Pipes, N Y Bernard, Minnie Ireton J B McClung, H M Montgomery, Linnie Lewis, A E Phillips, C C Niell, B Dickson. Mrs E E Ayers, T J Graves, 8 B Parriah, A B Manley. J T Blumenrother, H. Little, J S Shupe. S Ormeby, George Hibbert, E M Ruckner. W F Osborn, F Taylor. A C Aul don. J G Lewis, M J Connor, H F Gul- lixon, LE Beaeh, W Lapus. 117. The Indian Davnos. Indians of several tribes, Umatillas, Pah U:es, Banaooks, Suakea, Cayuses, Wall Wallas and Yakima equipped in trappines of war, glowing with gorgeous decorations of paint and bristling with feathers, paraded n all tbeir native splendor Saturday at Pendleton. Ia tha evening a novel ente taioment was irivea in ths lUow op rs hoase, A good-i'z-'d audienos thoroughly er.jnyed the thrilling and unrestrained gyra. tions which composed sevsrsl of their dances, . Twenty or thirty squaws, squatt. d upon the floor, croned a wis d moriotonoi s strain, Wild Bull pounded the torn torn, and thirty young meu, their bodies nearly bared, and ad'orned with bells, paint am' feathera, gave a liberal representation o several forms of the Indian danoe. S8versr expert performers appeared in special num bers, chief of whom waa George Mootanio an Indian of band ome features, magni ficent physique and fair skin. He' is the king of dancers upon tbe reservation and , weald be a star performer in aoy attraction COMMON COUNCIL- The regular monthly meeting of the council was held at the conncil chambers laat evening at 7: 30 o'clock. Present A full board of the conncil ex eept the mayor. Mr. G. C. Eshelman was appointed chair man, pro tern. Minutes of the regular sod special meet- ings held during January were read and ap proved. The certificate of A. M. Kjlsay, county olerk, giying the amount of the assessment of Dalles City property, being $1,152,344 waa read and placed, on file. The report of Mr. C. J. Crandall, on esti mate of the cost of the proposed . Union street improvement, was read an I - the ac ceptance of the same was lust on motion Tbe report of the chief engineer of Tbe Dalles tire department, containing an in ventory - of the property ot tbe different eompanies and condition ot tbe same, was read, aud on motion accepted and plaoed on file. Report of charter committee, con'amiDg a synopsis of the proposed amendments to the charter was read and on motion of M T. Nolan, seconded by R. B. Hood, it was received, and it wss ordered that some means be adopted to place tbe tame in tbe hands of tbe legislature. M.' T. Nolan was . authorized to take charge cf the charter amendments ami place them before the legislature. A motion was passed that when the council adjourns it adjourns to meet Wed nesday evenicg, Feb. 6th. Special ordinance to create Dalles Hook and Ladder Co. was resd and passed. The claims against the oity were read and ordered paid. A tax of 5 mills was ordered made on all taxable property as shown by clerk's certifi cate. Voe marshal was instructed to enforce the curfew ordinance strictly, keeping all minors iff the streets after 9 o'clock r. of. There appearing no farther business the council adjourned. The New Charter. The following is tbe report of the com mittee appointed to revise tbe city char ter: Tbe city finances are as follows: City warianta outstanding Jan. 1, 1895...Xt7.SSZ 11 .tvruea iureai Jan. i,iva,i,tauiuatU) e.ouu ou M,S22 61 On this Indebtedness the municipality is paying 8 per cent. Interest. To reduce interest, defer payment ef principal and enable tbe municipality to conduct its business on a cash basis, we recommend the issuBoce of 6 per cent, bonds to ma ture in not less than twenty-live years for an amount sufficient to cover the indebt edness. Tbe following changes in the charter are deemed advisable: First. The dividing of the second ward into two wards, the dividing line being Court street, making tbe council nine in number. Second. Tbe appointment of marshal snd recorder by the mayor subject to the approval of tbe council. Third. Filling of yacancles by the council to expire at tbe next general city election. rourm. ine extension ot tbe coun cils' authority in licensing so as to cover all classes. Fifth. Empowering the conncil to or der sidewalks repaired when considered dangerous, the cost of same to be assessed to property owners. Sixcb. The improvement of intersection of streets (including oroas-walk)o be made st the expense of owners of property witbin half a block of said intersection. Seventh, Repealing tbe power of the council to incur any indebtedness, for whioh funds are not in hand. Eiifhth. All street improvements to be paid prorata by the property ou streets im proved, tbe baais to bs s front foot. Ninth. Aasigning the duties of the street commissioner to tbe city marshal, and those of the fire warden to tbe fire engineer. Tenth. " Providing for the election of two water commissioners in each ward, and one at large, on the exoiration of tbe terms of the present incumbents. With this report we band you s 'draft for a new charter, prepared by our attorneys which embraces the alterationa , witbin mentioned, ss well as some minor changes. M. A MooDT, Chairman, Robert Mays, G C. fcSHELMAH, R fi. b0OD, , T. A. Hudson, M T NoLAN.8eoretsry. A Chinas) M edding. The oouri bouse was the scene of some thing nnutaal in its history this sfternoon, sod thst was a wedding of Chinese. Miss Leong S.n for some time psst bss felt an attraction for Gang Song, and she longed to clasp him to her bosom sod claim bim as hers until death did them part. According tii tbe statutes of tbe state of Oregon a ioense was granted them, and armed with this, tbey repaired to Justtoe Davis. He took them to tbe oourt bsnse and tbe in dissoluble knot was tied. Now it makes little difference whether the Tartar dynasty of Ming, who has held contrcl over Chinese affaus for several hundred years continues in power or not Leong Sin and Gurg Song are busband snd wife until death do them part. She is, a proytibial blushing bride, and as she leans upon bis stalwart arms snd looks lovingly and smiling into bis manly, uhivalrie countemnce one cannot but think ioys is a gent e stream that meanders h rough verdant meadows and flower be--pangled plaice, where perfumed zephyr -igh and moaio throated birds entrance the listening air. Through life tbey may go neart to heart and hand in baud, or else drift apart and msrriagt be a'ter the lapse of a few years simply a forgotten dream. Weak,Irritable,Tired I Wax Mo Good on Earth." Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the weak, builds tip the broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. "About one year ago I team a fillet eA cith nervoumeo, mleeplestneam, Creeping mentation in my leg, Slight palpitation o sny heart, JHatraeting confusion ofthetninO, Berioum loam or lapse of memory. Weighted dOarw with ear and uiorry. I completely lost appetite And felt my vitality wearing out, X teas teeoJk, irritable and tired, My weight warn reduced to ISO lbs., Xn fact I warn no good, on earth. A friend brought me Dr. Miles' book. New and 9tart ling Facta,' and I finally -decided to try a bottle ot Dr. - Miles' Be- orative Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I could Bleep as well as a lO-yr.-old boy. My appetite returned greatly Increased. When I had taken the sixth botfle My weight increased to 190 bs., The sensation inmy leg was genet My nervem mteadied eomplttelyf My memory was fully restore Mybrainmeemcdclearerthanever. M felt umgoodamanvmanon earth. Mtr. Miles' Bestoratine Nervine im A great medicine, I assure you." Augusta, Me. Walter K. Bdbbasjk. Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a Dosltlva guarantee tbat the first bottle will benefit. All druggists selUt at 1.6 bottles fore, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles MSa wal Co., Eikbut, laO. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health S& WILL Js$rV Sear! O (long! mental! STR0N3 ENERGY! NERVES AVFR'C fi saMBSaSBT.. SARSAPAR I LLA fj M. nammerly, a well-known bnslness man ot Hillsboro. Va., sends this testimony to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparllla: "Several years aso, 1 hurt my leg, the Injury leaving a sore which led to erysliielus. My sufferings were extreme, my lee, irom ine Knee to me anUle, being a solid sore, which began to en tonrt m other Darts of the body. Aftertrylii various remedies, I began taklnir Ayer's Barsaparilla, and, before I had finished the first bottle, 1 experienced great relief: the second bottle eSected a complete cure," Ayer's Sarsaparllla Prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co Lowell, Mass. Cures others.wiil cure you A New Coon Antalops Herald. We are snrprised to see the position itep reteutative Coon is taking in the senatorial struggle at Salem. He was elected to rep resent Wasoo and Sherman counties with almost the universal impression that he was s firm tupporter of Senator Dolph, who has benefitted this coun'y aod Sherman onuBty more than haa any other min ever sent to oongress from this slate. Mr. Coon has joined the baud of anti-Dolph workers, ha voted for Moore and for Hermann, aod we presume will vote for any candidate in order to defeat Do'p!. If be rial even in timated to tbe public be ore tbe eleotion last Jnne that he intended if ele ted, to fight Dolph for U. S. S -nator, we feel sate in asserting tbat be wculd not have received 25 Republican votes east of the Deschutes, and would have fallen far short of bis party vote throughout the entire oounties which he represents. Mr. Coon undoubtedly knows tbat it is the desire of st least four- fifths of the Bepoblicsns who elected him to have Hon. J. K Dolph return to the TJ, S senate, aod why he should now turn - quare around and totally disregard the interests ar-d wishes of his constituents is probably best kuown to himself. Mr..MiGrter is true to his constituents, and we are all proud to see his name recorded with the 42 true snd determined Republicans who are fighting for Mr. Dolph and for a sound financial system. ' li e Republican party of thia county will remember Mr. McGreer for the honorable atand he has' taken in this senatorial contest and they will also re member Mr. Ccon. "The Course of True Lowe," Etc. The Chinaman who waa married to Miss LeLDg Sui, socordiDg to the statutes in such cases made and provided did, not en j jy the lull hooey moon. as be antioipated. Saturday night there arrived from Portland a subject ot the Chinese emperor who swore oat a csmplaint that the said Leong Sw was guilty of lewd and lascivious cohabita tion, and Quong Chnog, her husband, waa guilty of polygamy, in having married a woman whom he. knew to be tbe wife of another man. The warranta were served on tbe partiea and thiy were plaoed in durance vile. This morning the case was o. lied by Juatioe Davis, and the atate was repre sented by G VV. Fbelps, deputy district attorney, and J. L 8 ory,' and the. defeudr anta by H. S. Wilson. Demurrers to the oomplaint were filtd" and overruled, and tbe oas was st issue. 'At this juncture a con tinaance was moved ou the part of tbe state, by resson of the absence of material witnesses, which was granted. Tbe defend sots olaim that it is a scheme on the part of bighbiodon, in Portland to secure tbe per son of tbe woman, aud that there was no former marriage. Tbe caae will be tried on its mtrits, and' it the atate prove its side there may be some accessions to tbe num ber of those who reside at Salem and man age to exist at tbe penitentiary for the good of the country. On the contrary, if the facts alleged are not proven the conrae of true love with these Celea.iala will flaw smoothly. Tha Petition wsvs Denied. Tbe Portland Sun says: "in the United States circuit court yesterday the case ef J. G. and I. X. Day vs. Thomas Holliday earns up for hearing on the petition of tbe plaintiffs for an order removing the damage suit of Thomas Holliday vs. J. G. and I. K. Day, new pending before tbe state oirccit court of Wsbco county. Judge Bellinger held that the case wts a transitory action and could be tried in any court within hose jurisdiction the defendants could Oe served with proeess. "The injuries com. plained of which is the foundation of the suit, were sns'ained by Holliday as a labor er, in the employ nf J. N. and 1. N. Day, contractors, while working tn the looks at tbe Cascades. "Although the locks sre under the exclu. sivs jurisdiction of tbe United States, this sctioo, the court held, is transitoiy snd can not be tried in the federal court. Tbe pe tition was therefore denied." Land Transfers. Feb. 2 Fred D. Armsburger to Ran- lsigh G. Drake; lot 48, blooc 6, in Irwin aod Watson's sddition to Hood River; (250. Feb. 2 8. E. Craw fold to V. H. Arms- burger; lot 48 block 0 in Irwin snd Wat son's addition to Hood Riet; (250. History Repeats Itself. Those who are interested in coinci dences cannot but be struck with the tact that Henry IT of France, whom Carnot greatly resembled in persona appearance, having the same nose, u similar beard and much the same figure, was utabbed by Ravaillac, who umped on his carnage wheel and killed him. Similarly Henry HL the preceding king, was etabbed to death by Clement, who pretended that he wanted to present him with a pe tition. Philadelphia Times. ' Warm Drinking Water. Warm water is preferable to cold water as a drink to persons who are subject to dyspeptic and bilious com plaints, and it may be taken more treeiy than cola water ana conse quently answers better as a diluent for carrying off bile. When water of a temperature equal to that of the human body is used for drink, it proves considerably stimulant and is particularly suited to dyspeptic, bil ious, gouty and chlorotic subjects. Coadngal Scene. Madame gives it her husband hot and strong-. He has no consideration for her; he refuses her everything; he is attentive and kind to everybody else. At last, when wound np to the highest pitch of . exasperation, she cries: " ' " ... Yes, you actually prefer your an imals to me. Look, only last week, when Loulou died, yon had her stuffed." ."' "But, my dear girl" "There is no 'but' in the case.' t am positive you would not have done i mm -MeW '-.-"....ssp- a as much for me." L'Almanach des Ariculteurs. ' . - - r- - --' SHERIFF'S SAIX. Ia the Circuit Court of tbe 3uts ol OraKoo, lot Wasco county. 1 he Pacifl Fire Insurance Con.pnT, p'alntiS, vs. Daniel J. Cooper, Airazena A. O oper, Tha UaJ'es, liufur a SiUaioue R. H. uo., D. M. French anu J. W. French, tjcfei.uaiit. Br virtue or an execution duly issued out of and under the seal of tbe circuit court of tba State cf Ort-g-on, f'-r tbe County ot Wacu, to ma directed, dated Sttth day of November. 1694, upon a judg ment auu decree of foreclosure reaoerad and en tered in a-d court ou tbe 15th d.r of Novemht-r, 1694, in favor of tha Pacific. Fi e Insu a'ica Com pany, plaintiff, and airainst Daniel J. Cooper and arvai-na A. Ooper, drfendants. for tha sum of lrt.M2.00. coirmandiiig' aud requiring- me to make sale of the following; described real property itu ai.u in thd county of Waaco, and atata of Oregon, to-wit: Tne west ha'f of Section SS, Townib p 8 north, Rani:e 14 east, 320 acres; the nortbeaat quarter and tne eact haf of lh.3 aoutiiea-t q-iarter oi S ctiou 86, Town-h'p 2 nrth. Kang;e 14 east. 2 0 ac es; ihe east nul of the aoutheat quarter of bection 6. l'on!ilp X north, R nge 14 east, 80 acres; tba southwrat quarter of S c for SI, Township 2 north, Kange 15 eaat, 183 acres; tbs southeast quarter of Section 26. Town-hip 2 north, Kanxe 14 east, 160 acres; the west b If of the n rthwcst quarterof .-ection 31, Township 2 nortb, Kanira 16, a. a:, igg acres; the vast half of the northwest quarter of ection 32. 1 ownship 2 north ranve 16 east, go acre-; the southeast quarter, of Section 80, Town h p i north, Ru g-e 15 east, 160 acres; the east half and the sou hwe-i qu rt-r ot the noithwest quarter of aecti n SO. Tuwnhip 2 noith, Kantre 15 east. 144 aorea; the wet half of the southwest quarter of section SO, T wnsbip 2 north, Kai fte 16 e st, 108 acres; the nortb hall of th souths uit quarter aad he con heast quarter of tha aouthweat quart r of Sec Ion 19, Township 2 north, 16 east, 120 acres; 1 tie east nan or section SI, t ownbip 2 north, unite 13 east, szu ac-es total Z.U3Z acres. I did, on the 27ih dav of Novinbrr. 1894, duly levy upon ue kdw v ae-cnuea real v operty . ow, therefore, bv virtue of said execution, Judg ment, otder an decree, and n conformity altb tni mmand of said writ, 1 will on M ednesrfay, the 2nd day o' Januj.rv. lh9 s at tha hour of 1 o'clock and 8J mtn-ne-, p. m., at ths Iron' door of the cunty cuttttnse of said Waeo County, in tba City of The Dalles, in i-aid county d state, sa 1 at punitc auction, aubj-ct to redemption, to tha hitch eat bidder for United States g-o d o in. cash in band, all the rfg-ht, title and i-i'ereat of the above named def ndinta. or either of them, in and to tha abov. de-cribed na. nronertv to s ti fv said execution judgment, o.dei and decree, in tar eat aud costs and ui aevruing oosu. T. J. DRIVER. Sheriff of Wasco County, ortvon Dated at Dalles Uiy, Oregon, Dee. 1, 1894. JS SCBEKCK, J M PATTERSON THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. Successors to SCHENCK AND BEaLL, bankers., Transacts a Regular Banking Easiness Buy sndVell Exchange. Collections carefully made and promptly accounted for. Draw on Aew York, San Fraaoisoo and 1 on- Directors 1 D P Thompson, Ed M Williams, J S Schsaek, George Llebe. B at BsalL WANTED TO EXCHANGE For Horses, Cattle or Sheep, FarmiDg Property in Kansas There Is one MOO Aer ranch lu Grant county that will re traded for anv of tne aDtre ttocK. llrjt of thia lano is fenced, has good springs, shund ance of wa sr. good five-room house, stable, theds, apr-ng; house, correll a a etc. Can cut 200 tons of hay n this land. Five miles from county seat town. Also 20O rrrn close to Kansas City, all under fence, o e-half mile from court house, aitb stable, all fenced and crcas-fenced.. This is a good farm and close to market. V) ill take S23 per at ra for this farm and will take horses at what they are worth. For further particulars apply to W. R. CANTRELLt Dufur, Or, Branners Restaurant SFCOND STREET Three Doors From Court. MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOURS ON1A 25 CTS. A MEAL. The Tables are Farrlthrd with (bs BESTj the market affords OYBTBRB Will be iervtd in ty style durjg tbe ststo COAL! COAL! -TBI BSST- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal 113, lacked and tbe citj. delivered to any part of AtMoodyls Warehouse E. JAC0BSEN , rsaiia Df Bjaks and Notions, Pianos and Organs STATIONERY. PI A NON and Organs sold on easy monthly payments and all COMPET1T1 ON ws are prepared to meet. Call or addrsss 162 Second Street The BaJlew, Or 5 DOLLARS to PER DAV 20 Easily tViadc. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours dally, right In and around their own homes. The business Is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. TTo capital required. We equip yon with everything that you need, treat you well, and belp you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Woman do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any ope. anywhere, can 10 the work. A II succeed who follow our plain and sim ple direction. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal ot monev. Everything li new and tn great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the baa loess. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. DAN BAKER, PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - ExcSange - Sata. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigar.s Hscoad Street East End. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATIOK Lajrs Omen at Ths Daixas, Casson Decern bet IS, IBM. notice Is hereby si en that the following- named Settler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Krgiater and Receiver at Tbs Dalles, Uregon, on January 24. Ise5, vis: bi hard l kihkham, H E No 52SS, Ng NW. nsy )W)4. Sec M, and StJ a WJ. sec 21, Tp 1 8, R 14 E. Bs names the following- witnesses to prove his eon inuoua residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Henry Hudson. Harry Hudson, Jolin W Montgom sry, Jobu 1 liecSer, all of Dufur, Oreg-nn. JaS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FCE PUBLICATION. Lane Orria at Ths Dallw, Osvoon, November 6. 1894. Notice is herein? riven that the following-named settler hia filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and said proof will he made before ths Register and Receiver of tne V. 8 land office at The Dalles, Or., on December 20, 1894, v s: K BbKT DINSMOR?.. H E, No 53S1, for the r ue sec 4. tp 2 n, r 12 s, and lots 6, 6 and 7, sec :-3. tp S n, r lz e. He nauiee the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Charles Cramer, Herbm Thlel, Matt Tbiel, L. Datenpoit, all of Hosier, Oregon. Moru-et JAS. K. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laid Omci st Tug Dalles. Oa., O ti b;r 20. 1891. Notice Is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed ootice of bin intention to make final proof In support of tis claim, and th-t said proof will be made before the register and receiver at ins Dana, uregon. on Dectni er 4, 1BU4, vis: RAilL'S MEL.-EN, H E No S32S for ibe lots 3, 4 and 6, ic 18, tp 1 n, rise, tv M He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ano cultivation 01, saiu land, viz: H C Nielsen, Jease Simonson, Joho Frederickson fonn B-uuat, au 01 rna nanus, irecon - ct 27 -Ot ' JAS f. MOORE, Register, TAKE! CP. Came to tbe premises of the subscriber, li Lone Hollow, scout 14 miles aoutheat ef lhe Dalles, one forrs: mare, branded M on right snuu dor, two white bind feet, white strip In face. She h s a colt branded tbe same The ownor can have tbe same br proving- property and paying for the charges of aer-i-ina ana ne cost 01 mis aavemsement. Look Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 94. D. F t-oBORKE. Harper's Weelily. In 1893. HARPER'S WEEKLY is a pictorial history of ths lime, it presents every important event promptly, accurately, and exhaustively 1 Illustration and use criptivs text cf the highest order. Tbe manner in which, during 1894, It haa treated the Chicago Kallw .y strikes and the Chlno Japan eaeMar. and tbe amount of light It waa abl- tc thr. w on Korea the iuaiant atienton was directed to that little-known country, are examples of 1 s al most boundless refourcee. Julian Ralph, trt- dis tinguished w, iter ana correspondent, bss been sent to tne seat of war, at d there foined by O. D. Wei don, the well-known American artist, now for many yeare resiaeac in 4. pen, wn. naa oeen engaged 1 co-oi-erate with Mr Kalnh in sending to HARPER' WBKKLT exclusive Information and illustration Eu.lne IBib every vital question will be dls nssed with vigvr and without prejudice In ths edit rial columns, and alao in special articles b the high -at aumoriKiea in eacn aepanm-nt. i-ortralts ! the men and w men wbn are making- history, ai d pow erful and e ustic po itical cartoons, will continue to be eharacteriatic features. This Busy World, with its keen and kindly c mmenton tbe lesser doings of tbs ua.v. w 11 reiuuu a regular uvtaa bUi' lib Fictioh. lb-re will b two powerful serials, both hitidsomely i luatrated Tba Had C ckode, a stir ring loinance of alden days by Stanley J. Weymm, and a navel of ew York, entitled The son of H11 Father, t y Brat.der Haf hews several novelettes. ami mau auort stones u ropu ar writers Send tow Illtu.tro.ted Prospatotiu- Tbs Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first oumner lor January 01 eaca year. When no time 11 mentioned, subset iptlons will begin with the num oer current at uis tune 01 receipt 01 oruer. Cloth oases for each volume suitable for bindtnr will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt ol 1 each. Title-page and Inde sent on application. Remittances shou'd b made by postefflec money oruer or uraxt, to avoid cnanos 01 loss. Newspaper, an not to copy thit advrtiMmtta mwtow ca KcyyrtM aratr 0 xi art. wr ac anther. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pia Yia: Harper's Matasms t4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 darper's Bazar 4 00 Harrtt's Youag People ZOO Pottage free to all Subeeriben in the United Statet Canada and Mexico. Address HARPER BROTHERS, P. O. Bos 969 New Ycrk City. harper's Bazar. In 198' Elegant ami exclusive designs for Out-doot snd Induoi Toilette, lrwn from Worth modes bv Ban- dot and h puis, are an Important feature. These appear eve y week, accompanied by minute des crlotlo s aad details. Our Paria Lettir. bv Kath arine da Forest, is a weekly trans. ript of tbe latest sty es and caprices ia the mole. Under the bead nf hew York fashions plain direct-ens and lull parrirulars ate given as to st-apes, fabrics, trim- mDgs. and aieesM ies f the ostutpee of well' dresaed women. Children's clothing receives prao- tlca attention. A fortnightly rattern-eb et m'D p smsut enables re antra to cut and nake their own gowns. Ibe woman wn takes HAKPEK'S BAZAR is proper d for every oceaion In llfo, ceremonious or Inform 1, where beautiful dresal, icquiaits An American serial, D otor Warrio ' Daughter's by Re-becca Harding- Davis, a strona n vel f A-tneiican lffe, partly laid in P nnsylvania and puxiv in xar ouutn, will occupy the last ha.l of the ear. My Ladr Nobody, an inrsnaoly excitinc novel by Maar'en Maartens, au'hor i f "God's Fool," "Tbe tan -ter iiiory," etc, will 'legin tbe year. Ksavs at d 001 lal Chats. 'I o this dspartmsnt Spectator will contribute her -churning paper on "What Ws are u ing," iu New York socle t v. Answers to Cone nondenta. Questions recti ve ths personal atta .tioo ot the eittr, and are an swered at the earliest possible data after rs oe.pE. Soxtd for Illustrated Pro apoo tits. Tbs Volumes ot ths Bator begin with the first Number for January of eacl- year. Wbe no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tbs Num ber current at uie urns o: receipt 01 order. Cloth eases for each volume, suitabls tor binding, will bs ssnt bs mall, post-paid, on receipt of (1 each. Title-page and Index ssnt on application. Remittances should bs made by pustoffios money oruer or a not, to avoid cnanos ot loss. Jlempapen an not to copy Out advertitement arwaew we eapreee oruer or aaryer er jtromen. HARPERS PERIODICALS. FbbYiab: Harpar'f Vsgasint , $4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Marpefe Basv 4 OO Harper's Young People 1 00 Pvetage free to all tubteriben in the United iStatet, vanaaa ana Jfectee. Address: HARPEfi BRcTHRRB P. O. Box 969, New York City. AorCTRirnY rlRST CLA8B A . .asm lUftsi- Iduvswft. TMtMt and Finest to the World, FMsaengar accomodations unexcelled. IEW tOBKaiONDCNDERRV AND GUSOOW. Rfarr fiatnnfttv. NETT YORK GIBRAXTER &nd NAPLES, ac retraiar uicervnis. SALOON, 5EC0NO-CLAS1 ANO STEERAGE vmteson lotrcMt tormi to nd from tbe prtDciole I30TQB, SSCrLleH, 12133 ft IU. COKTIKSitTiZ. rOZXTl Bxearaloo tickets arailable to return br cither thol tureegoe Circle fc North of Iralaad or Waple A Glbrsitu Dafti ft&d Usnf Ortttn for toy .iaout at I cvtft Sum. apjmj to aoy or oar toot! Agent or u HBXDSKSOX BROTHER. Chicago. HI For those DEATHL Y PiLimis SPEL.US depend on Sulphur Bit ters; ii never laus to cure. DO YOU SUFFER with that tired and all-gone fccl.'ng? If go use Sulphur Eitters; it will cure you. Don't be without a bot tle. You will not rorrret it TRY IT. Thk Secret of a fair face is a beauti ful stin. Sulphur Bitters If you do not wi:h to L msies both. suffer from RHEUMATISM, use a bottle of Sulphur Bitters; it never fails to cure. Are you con&tipated? If so, Sulphur Eitters is just what you need Poor, weak, and weary mothers Raise Puny, pindlino rhiMna Sulnhur Bitters will nVa t nam strong, hearty, and healthy. Cleanse the vitiated blood when yon see its impurities burstim tnrougn toe sion in Bely on Sulphur Bitters and health will follow. PIMPLE8. BLOTCHE8 AND SORES. Bend 1 -cent arjMnrrs tn A P Orriw a rn 1 r -t,aJp tis Ths & aaHMPalMMMMBMHV NOT AT COST But at a Very Small Profit Men's Kipp and Calf Boots. Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes. Men's Light Shoes. Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes. Youths' Grain and Calf Eutton Fboei Ladies' Calf Shoes. Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords. Ladies' Kid Button Shoes. Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes. Misses' aud Children's Grair and Calf Button Shoe A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Rubber Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc. . Shoe Shop in Connection With Store STONEMAN & FlEGE THE DALLES, OR. OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW We can fit jou in six. We can pleane yon ii style. We can suit you in price. Overcoats A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Waablryrton Streets. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and ToDgues, And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chop and Veal Outlets in tbe market. art as "1 1 M A T A J ll. ii 1. uraers .ueirverea to iinv jraxx ox txiw v ' Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Pncna. The One Price Cash House, SraZCTLT SOUTH OF J. P. IcHEEIY, DX3.sYXiXaEt I1V Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shres, &0. Agent for ths Botteriok fatterna: also for ths Ball Baaaar lresi Forma THERE IS NO I WILL FURNISH ANYTHING NEEDED FROM ill UNDERTAKER ss eh up as oan bs piovld. from sny one that dw not balunir to tbs Asaooiation, aod I hVj a twtw class of foods. Havla taken tbe necessary court ot instruottou in smbalmliiKi I am prepared to attend to everything psiialnia to the business. JAT HE CALLED, DAY Oil IS'lGIIT. PLACE OF BUSINESS Corner ot third and Washington atreeta. KOIDKNCK Corner ot Fourth sod Washington atrests. All or ers promptly attended ICTUBES FKAJUED TO OKDEB, AbD AT bHOBT KOTICE. , WM. MICHELL, Undertaker aod Maine San i Francisco i Beer i HaD F. IreariiTC. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF COLUMBIA BREWERY WAbHI-NGTON STREET, BETWEEN SEC OK D AND THIRi MANHOOD RESTORED aft tlnrt fif a faUiiOUa) Krwiwh nil vmitUn sari 1 1 mtiAtri votis or di'aie of the Buruv InsomiiiA, ltUnln tiiv Btwk,iginljii Insomida. Itunaln the Plmplra, U aim ess to Constipation. It stops -taS Brtsol aiscnanra, M -aSaaaal I armor ae-rrf UI tbe horrors ollmnotrncy. -'nnnais Ihsllisr, Uis BEFORE ANtArTEH kidnevsand the urinary omits of SAllmuiritlaa. . eznrJaIDEBsa atrengtbens and restoras small weak organs Tiia unn aufrrri .ia not i.1 bv linrtnra la hecimaa ntnats thav aail . itii. Tf sialllli cUPIDKNEIstneoniyrno"nnmy M cure without an optraxiua. auuVMilsnnol. ala wiitasnauantntftlvenand money nsmmvd If six bnzaej does not afreet a Mrniaiasntmir. UI0 a box, six for la. 00, br mail, alend for i-Raa circular and testlmoolals. iiromDAVOMtZOlCaS'f.O. Bottm.ejxTtAHa00yi. lor Bale be) COMPLETE. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY If you will tive u the opportunity. and TJlxteis. METHODIST CHURCH. COFFIN TRUST to. Proprietor. BOTTLED BEER. BEER ON DRAUGHT "CUPIDEMff" easa iisiavwaa a a aa,w a y 1 1 mm Vltallfer .UlflflHax llui tlonol famous French pbystclaa, will quickly our. you ol all ner vous or diai'aae of the Reiterative mna. aurh fr u.,.kwi I ai v vajwiaiiia) Bask, Seminal tuilsal..n, Nervoos Detaia Marry, Kxliaoatuis Drains, Varlcorvle suid all lossm by day or tila-hL Prevanta oolrk. wown li not Cher It Kl I nana to Bnrmatorrbn,aMl