The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 09, 1895, Image 3

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The Times-Moantaineer
..FEBRUARY J. 1395
From Wednesday's Daliv.
Sheriff Wilcos, of Gillian county,
in the city.
Mr. C. J. Bright, a lawyer of Wasco, is
in town today.
Mrs. L on Curtis returned froai
Olympia yesterday.
Mr. S. V. E'viln, tiifor of the Hood
Slyer Glacier, gave ui a pieaaant call this
Mr. P. E. ilichell, of Columbus,
Wash., arrived in the city on the morn'
ing traiu.
Mr W. A. Hendrix, a prominent far
mer in the vicinity oi Duiur, arrived in
town today.
Mr. Thos. H. Williams, a merchant of
Cascade Locks, gave us a pleasant call
yesterdry afternoon.
Mr Otto Bimf eld. who has been in the
city for the past two days returned to
' .Portland on the aiternoou train.
Mr. Henry Hudson, a well known
' farmer in the vicinity of Nansene, has
spent the day m the city.
A frost covered the ground this mom
ins : but the dav was clear and brie,
- and tha sun gave warmth to the btmos-
- The Union dsae'ofi club will give their
fortnijiutly party this tveniusr at tne op'-rn
Bouse as usual. It lias not been poa:
At M. T Nolan's news depot have
been received the CVnur, ScnbHtr'n, A,
vi : to of tti views aud the Cosmopo'itm. for
February. These are excellent period
icals, and the present numbers are re
plete with very readable articles.
- There will be some crack sailors among
the flit) i hit boats next season, beveral
fine-model boats will be completed this
ivinter. and it is e peeled there will tie a
crent deal of rivalry among the fisher
men next year as to who has the fast si
' boat.
Dufnr & Hill have now their sign
posted on the entranc to their rooms up
. .1 i : . i i :i j:
euurg 'u ui uriuai uuiuuug, curuer vi
Second and Court streets, where they
are prepared to do all kinds of type
writing, stenograpniug, etc. .a sine irom
this line of business they are agents for
. fire insurance companies.
The vote in Joint convention at Salem
hows a slight cnange again today; but
there were six absent, and it is tint tnown
how thea would have stood. The ballot
was as follows: Dolph, 39; Hermann,
IS; Williams, 9; Hare, 10; Lord, 8;
Lowell, 3; YVeatherford, 7; absent. 6.
Kdpublican Itolpn men will caucus to
night. The case of assault and battery before
Justice Davis court yesterday was dis
missed on motion of the complaining
witness. Be paid the costs amounting io
$10. and received the blow besides. This
was the first spring figh'.aod if the justice
court receives Us costs in the many flouts
that may take place, and taxpayers nut
have to pay the expenses, it will be very
Loggers on the Nehalem for fully 75
miles from its mouth are preparing to
open up new camps when the mil's at
lSeha'em City commence operauons. It
is sitd bv miilowners that logs can easily
be floated for 90 miles down the Neualein
river, and logs from the Quest umber belt
on the coast are directly alongside the
banks oi this stream.
An old Indian war claim of $13,639
' has jus t been ordered . paid by the gov
ernment io the heirs of oseph Bailey at
Eugene. The cafe has been pending
about thirteen years, and since that time
Mr. Bailey has died without leaving any
childreu. His wife, who had married
again, is also dead. Now his heirs are
likely to engage in a hot legal contest as
to who will receive the money
In the cases of state of Oregon vs
Quong Chong and Leon Sui, or, .as the
parties should be known, Mr. and Mrs.
Quong Chong nee Sui, were dismissed
on motion of the prosecution, the costs
havinz been paid by the complaining
, witnesses The cou se of true love may
run smoothly with these celestials here'
after and life may be a pleasant dream ;
or it may be a trouDita stream .
W. E. I hsniberlain and son, of Oak
land, Calif, have procured a mill site no
the old Rac kns' place at Hoa River, and
will erei:t buildings for a grist mill as
Bonn as the weather will permit. They in
tend to tunnel through the embankment
east ot the stream and gel a supply of
water bj that means. This is a very com.
mendable enterprise, and no doubt will
be a factor of development for that town.
- From Tbursdav's Dai!r.
Moddy streets.
These days are delightful.
Fr gitiDg will soon b gin to the interior.
Wasco triba adopted two pile meet last
- A Urge lot of pnles have been received for
the Dew telephotie cotnpai y.
The boililmg adjoining the store of B J.
Collins & Co. u rapidly approaching- ooai
p'e'iou. -
Tb sewer in the sl'ey leading from Court
to Union streets, and between trout aud
Secour, is being repaired.
. Circuit court will convene in this oily
next Monday Tue calendar is not nearly
as long aa it was last term.
A heavy frost covered the ground th-'s
moroioti; but the run soon dispelled tbe
iiottintss of the atmo(hrr.
Since tne snow h-a netrly disappeared
tbe roads to tbe interior of the county aie
in a deplorable coa lition, and, in p. aces,
are almost impassable.
Columbia Hose Co. No. 2 will hold their
annual meeting this eyeoiog at the council
chambers. As officers for the ensuing year
will be elected at this meeting a f bit attend
ance is requested.
The vote io joint convention io Salem is
resuming its old status It stood th'S after
noon: Dolnh, 41; Herman, 13; Willi imr, 9;
Hare, 10; Weatherford, 8; Lowell, 8; Laid,
4. Absent, 3; Scott and Carter paired.
Hog. W. H. Dofor is io town. He says
there is more snow in the vicinity of Dutur
. than in this oity. The winter has been
favorable to cattlemen and farmers so far,
and there are prospeote of good crops next
There were two impoennious individuals
found lodgings io the city jtil, - last night,
and this morning arose bright and early
tbankfnl for tbe p'ace to dose away the
hours, and for g it for awhile the oat i and
vioissitude ot an eventtul existence. j
At Frai er & WyLdham'4 tonsonal empo
rium thebtba a e in exce l-tnt oonriitiun,
and the rooms made comfortable by being
heated by steam. Tne comfort of patrore
is the first coustderation wuh the proprie
tors, and everything possible is done with
thi end in view.
The Mutilator and Dalles City are beii g
thoroughly repaired, ai d when they again
inter the trade they will be in better con
dition than ever. '1 here will be more coo
viencea for passengers in the cabins, and
- every part of the o-uta will be repxioted.
It is expected they will be ready for the
traffic by the CO h of the present month,
Tbe E 1st End Hose Co. held their annnsl
meetirg lait evening, and elected the trl
luwing ctbceisi H L. Kutk. president! L.
8. Davis, secretary; Frank Kramer, trees,
urer; Henry St. Arnold, foreman; Joseph
Schooling, 1st assistant; R. E. Siltmar.liH,
Sd assistant; delegate to tire board, W. H.
Loohhead, L. S. Davis and H. L. Euuk
Tne company is 10 ex-elient conditio ., and
the members comprise some of tbe best fire
men in fbe city.
From Friday's Dally.
Frosty mornings snd clear days.
The Dalles literary socie y will meet this
evening at the Congregational churoh
Judge Mariner, of Gilliam county, hss
been io tbe city lor the psst two dys.
Tbe fire companies of the city have held
their aunutl elections during this week
We recaiveJ a pleasant call txisy from
HI'. O. L. Strong, editor of the Mitcliel.
These balmy days of spring indoor lasd
tude and inertia, and the nespiper repor
ter must go a long dii-tioce before be can
"run dpwu" a real live item.
Word comes from all quarters that the
neatest aud most satisfactory dye for color -ing
the beard a brown or black is Bucking
ham's Dye lor tbe W hiskers.
A dsn. ing class for children will be or
ganized at 8mth Bros.' ton ol io this oity,
and lessons will be given from 1 to 3 eveiy
Saturday afternooo, beginning tomorrow..
Tbe boose oomm ttee on public linrls
have voted to report the bill introduce by
fills of Oregon to amend the aot of 1890
for the forfeiture of certain lands grut:
tor railroads, so as to extend tbe time
within which persons entitled to purchase
lands miy make such .urchaces to January
1. 1SU7.
New telephone poles are being plxced io
position by tbe cumuanv lately imorijor
ated. The poles put in the ground were too
short, and these aie beiug replaued b longer
The snow 1 ai gone eft in fine shape i
Gilliam county, a little at a time, and
soaking into the grouod. Tbe bills are
again beautifully clad in green, and if spring
has not yet arnica, it loots way
The bill for the new charter for this city
paiaed the house today. This ntws was cou
veyed io a dispatch received this afterunuu
from Hoo. T. H. McGrter, who introunoeU
and secured the passage of tbe n atsiire,
To add variety to the vote in joint enn
vention at Salem today Hermann's came was
withdrawn, and it .tooii: Dolph, 41; vvn-
isins. 11; Hare, 10: L'.rtl, S: V ea herfurrt
S; Lowell, 10. Thompson ami Scutt paired
Unlike roost proprietary medicines, the
formula) of Vr. J . C. Ayer'a tarsapariila
and o ber preparations are cheerfully sent
to any physician who applies tor them.
Hence the special favor accorded these Well
known standard remedies by tne onu 1
rair commissioners.
vVhen suffering from throat or lung
trou'iles, take only such mediciue as bos
been proved worthy of coufidence. Such a
rtmedv is A ver'B Cherry Pectoral; a speci
rotor sudden colds, and invaluable in all
forma ot pulmouary complaints. Sold by
druggists, f rice tl.
A uetitioo signed by fifty-seven persons.
referred to as fU-i.ubllcai.s, was pub ieh (1 a
few days ago asking the Marion c uiuy del
egation to vote ngaiust b-nitor Uolj. n. A'
ter ojretal canvass ot tne pe uiou it wa
touod to coutain only ten Republicaos
D mocrats and Popnlnts are circulating
these anti-Dolph petitn.ns and signiug them
Mrs Oeo-ga Patt-rson, "of Antelope, ar
nved in the ei'y yetttrday Mhe was en
route to Aurora on the jrr-ful mission (
iccompt yiog the remains of her sister.
who med lant Tuesday, to her last r sting
itl-ce in the taimly cemetery ner tht city.
.She wa accnmpinied by Mrs. Fiauk Irvioe,
Sne left on the morning train for ber destination.
Union Scout: Many inquiries are made
as to what has become ot the Lr.iieh asy
lum. I answer ue will state that the land
tar the site hes be n purch .sed sna war
rants issued 'n pamenttor the came; but
owing to some compiicatino the original
owners of tbe land have not yec received
their money for the sme.
At the annual meeting of Colombia Hore
wo io , nein last evening as me counc 1
chamlteis, e'eo'el the tnliowne otf c rs:
Biiny, f rimaE; lt . s ihtsni, Ge- rg-
Gib inB; 2 1 as-isiani, Hugh Cbrisnian;
reiden', H J Mtieit leceti'v, O C
Cnooer; treamrer, K O Pease; del gttes to
:0ard of delegates, H J Maier, J S cieh and
os Worsley.
Speaker Mnores is receiving enuoninmi
from all parties for the manner in which be
is managing affair in the house. We hive
known Mr, Monres for Dear y a qaaiter of a
century, aud a better and on re competent
man for lbe pnsiuoo could not have been
unri in the etite. He is a man f ui q les
ooable integrity aud abiliiy, and (hesr are
prime nquiaices tor the presiding officer 01
eitner branch of the legislature.
A justice bf the peace hereafter, or ss
sooo as tne new law is approved bv the gov
ernor, shall rtq'nre tne private prosecutor
a criminal action to give security for
costs snd disbursements before filii g or re
oeiving the complaint therein, tn the amount
aithonz d in civil action, and cot other
wi e. Tha law is to be enacted owing to
the fct thiit many ureaponeible parties
are repeatedly insti'ntmg action on fnvo-
ioui. pretexts, reauitiog in neeaiesa expense
to taj 1 avers.
The fnlowing letter was this we-k re
ceived bv Mr. A. B. Cntr, of Rums, from
the governor of Kebnka, and is sclt ex
paua.ory: "The governor directs me "to
n''knowl.edi.e the receipt of yours of the
25 b, enclosn g bil ot Jading tor two hun
ireil sacks of whiat generou ly d on ted by
the cit Z'Ua 1 f Sriermin couwtv, Oreg hi.
The grain will be rii-trthoteit ihiough the
agency nf the State Relief C'ommirS:ou, aud
the g vernor desires to expivsa to ynn his
he rty apreoia,tion of the kindness ot the
g' od pep e ot your c u .ty . Yours Very
truly, Benton Miret, Private Secretary."
Elito Johns f Arjipgdin g ye 8. Ciriisle
. ten.b e r aatii g o his ppr th s w.ek,
ays the Foesil Journal hecauae the lattei
h d telegiaoheti to the balem Journal that
t'.ey were getting miuv R puhli ai, a in Ar
liagton to aig 1 pHT.itmu agiast P 1 ph,
l'arlifi sooo met Johns on t ie S'ie. an
gave him a terrib e thrthing. Then he--proceerled
to the recorder's oihce and piia a
due. Tbe r icle miy h Ve been all true as
ler a r g.ioU Car.' le. but granting that it
was. it was not a i-ilicious act to publish it
unites the editor's muscle was more power-
lul than hi- pen.
Fossil J.urnal: A reonest has come
from Arlington sskiog the editor to circu
late a petition asking the Gill am county
deleKation t i take their suppoi t from Do ph
Although the editor dos not himrelf lavor
D dph'a re election, he i a too bu-y peieon
to devo'e his time to a fruitless t-vk For
some time he rue known that a good ma
j iriry of the Republicans of Fossil are in
lavor ot D lph, some from conflation, and
others because they hsve- complete confi
dence in the lodgment of Senator S'eiwer.
who perhups ia4 more iLUjeuce in his own
commum'y than any other man - in Oregon.
Tne Salem Pout very pertinently suggests
that, to teat tbe matter aud to a:certaiu
who er- in lavor of economy, some mem
ber ol t' e legislature make a- motion that
every committee clerk, except those On the
enrolling and eng o Sing, udioiary and
ways snl means commit ees bo dischsrgcd.
Then let some one make a motion th.t the
wages of the chiet clik aud his assisttots
be reduced to $6 and $5 respectively, and
they will show who believes in retrench
ment and whodos not. Why leiye all
this work to Mr. Moore.-? Everybody wro
wishes the coo try well, should tee to this
matter as well as Mr. Moore.
Arlington Rteord: An effort is being
made by petitons to lower rates on the O. K,
4 N. ' This is in the interest of tne railroad
commissioners. We would lite to know
who- would be benefited by a reductioo io
freight now after the bulk of the grain has
been shipped. It ; generally understood
in these parts thit the O. & 4 M. would
have reduced rates last fa 1, but they made
b tter terms witn the commissioner, as it
was easier to deal with them than with the
people. If tne present legislature falls to
abolish this commission and seteral others
of like kind and quality, they will fail to do
1 heir plain duty and tall to carry out tne
wishes ot the people.
Mr. Smith, of Josephine, wants a branch
asylum located either in his county, D 'Ug
lis or Jackson, and has a bill npprcpnati. g
$100,000 for that purpose. Not Has than
30 or more than 610 acres of Uud are to be
purchased as a site for it and three citizens
ere to be aipoiuted by tie board of asylum
commis-iooers to act as supervis rs of th':
Dew building, which is intended to aco in-0-date
shoot 400 pitieote. Alter its comple
tion and it is given a proportionate snare of
the patients from the uiaio institution in
Salem, it will thereafter receive all pa
tients commit t-d from the counties of
K'anntb, Like, Jack:on, Josephiue, Doug,
iss, Coos and Curry.
The committees having in ohargo the mil-
qneiade bill tn be given by the Woonmto
any Workman lodges in cbis citv on f elno
ary 221, Waaniugtou's birthday,
made ail necessary arrangements and feel
fully assured of success. The hall will be
giveu in the Baldwio opera hot'S", and The
Uilies orchestral union will turuish the
music, rour very elegant pr ies will be
given to the best stist.nret chari-Ctcs and
a so for the richest costume worn. . It will
undoubtedly be one of tha most recherche
affdrs of the seison, snd tne oostumes wib
b better ami nrnre varied than were ever
Seen at a ball in this city.
The Columbia Faoklast Co-
. Among oue of lbe most cemmendale
enterprises in this city is the Columbia
Packing Co.. which was incorporated 10
lFfif). and has ever since been doing a
thriving business. It occupies the brick
hnildinrr on the corner of Third and
Washington streets, uud is furnished with
all necessary apparatus for rendering lard
aud curing meals. The Iroulrootn is used
for ale purposes aDd as a butcher shop,
and here are displayed meals, hams, ba
con aud sausages in profusion. In tne
rear are commodious departments where
the work, is being done. Here out of
bogs are cut hams, shoulders and bacon,
and the lard removed to be rendered into
saleable shape. The next room consists
ot stoves, vats anu a smoke bouse. Alter
the pork has been properly prepared it is
placed in the 1 moke house, and there pre
pared for sale. Aside from hams, shoul
ders, bacon aud sausage, a good quality
ot dried beet is put up, and quite a livel
trade io this has increased the business ol
tue conipauy.
The quality of these cured meats has
been prjuounced first-class, and there i
no superior article to the lard anywhere,
Nearly all our local dealers have on sale
be hams, shoulders, ba-'oo and lard of
the Packlug Co , and Imported articles in
these lines are almost unknown. Aside
from Tbe Dalle3. supplies of these are
seut to nearly every towti 111 the connly
and, where there are shipping tscllilies,
to potols tar distaut in other parts of the
stale. During the past year the laciory
has used 1500 bogs io its business, and as
business pxt'.ntls this number will be In
creased, so that our farmers will sooo
have a home market for pigs. It is the
iutention of the company to add a cold
storage room to their building in the near
future, and this will be a great lxpetus tn
their business. Tbe company buys aDd
sells live stock, and are always supplied
with prime beef cattle in their pastures
aud liaros near the city.
Tbe Packing Co. is a factor of develop
ment tor The Dalles and vicinity, and
while cured meals nf first quality may be
procured at home the money should be
kept in circulation here. There is noth
og that ttuiids up a town as quickly as
supporting home industries.
The first nieht was produced "Drifted
Apart," and the parts were w ell assigned.
Each member of the company portrays
the character with an earnestness which
is verv realistic, and which received
rounds of applause from the audience,
"Frou Frou" was the play last evening
and the pathos as well as the comedy of
the drama were fully earned out. The
opera house was crowded both nights,
and the people appeared well pleased
with the manner in which the dramas
were placed on the boards.
Monthly Bills.
The following bil s were allowed
meeting of tbe citv council Monday
Douglas Dufnr, recoider f
-las H Biakeney, marshal
Ge Krown, eng Ore dept
A' H Butts, street comm V.
II Bnrge't, trea.nrer
.lonn Blser, ti'e warden
K C Stephenson, labor.
W F Barber,
.1 Htgar,
J L'ke.
'.Vm Browo,
N B'aspr,
A Kaufman,
W Noimm,
VI aie' & Ben ten,
at the
75 00
75 00
75 00
67 f0
SO 00
10 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
3 00
1 00
! 00
Teagne Bros, biuling 1
Vlavs & Crowe, n-dse 1
tlj O-.nd'l', estimates 6
J W BUkelv. iaahi.g
K J C' iIIiiis & Co, Ol !ae
Z F Moody, toil
Wm McCruni, enow shovel
G oTT"omu8nn, l-lo kmi:t i g,
Dal es Ei Lt Tel 4 P Co omce
Ig t8 , r.
Dalles F.I Lt Tel i. P Co. street
light 240 00
Dallrs 1 L- Tel 4 P Co, lights
tire dept
Max Btell, l.bor .'.
league Bros, team hire
T A Hu Ison, insuranra
I I Burgett, I ledger ,
Irwiu. Husdon & Co. CsS'i hook . . .
Dalles Water V orks water rent. ,
Or Telephone C ', rent 'pho:.e
S Monahan, mdse
J Co lins k Co, nVse,,.. ......
N A. Boyer, night watch
f T N luholaa, board p-ieonxrs ....
C L Richmond, team aire
Ward, Kerns ft R-hertson. bay ..
A L Newman, bred
F G Connelly, night watchman . , .
1 65
12 76
1 00
5 50
6 40
6 40
3 00
3! 00
60 00
5 00
12 00
3 2 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
18 00
9 7
4 20
0 50
60 00
Beet Sugar Bill-
The leading sections of Senator Den
ny's beet sugar bill are as follows :
"TLat the Oregon Beet Sugar com
pany, a corporation organized and exist
ing under the laws of the state of Ore
gon, and its assigns are, hereby author
ized and empowered to make use of the
labor of the convicts confined in the
penitentiary, for the period of ten years,
in the manufacture of sugar and other
saccharine products from beets and in
the cultivation of beets for the purpose
of experiment and use in the manufac
ture of sugar. The said Oregon Beet
Sugar company and its assigns are au
thorized and empowered to make use of
such part of the state penitentiary
buildings and lands as may' not be al
ready appropriated to other purposes,
for use in the manufacture of sugar from
beets, and the cultivation of beets for
experiment and use in the manufacture
of sugar. Tbe said Oregon Beet Sugar
compiny and its assigns shall pay to the
state of Ore on for the labor so used by
them the sum of thirty cents per day for
each convict employed. The governor
is also hereby authorized to contract
with and lea e to any person, firm or
corporation, upon such terms and for
such time and compensation as he may
deem advisable the whole or any part of
the labor of the convicts confined in the
penitentiary of this state not required or
employed by the said Oregon Beet Sugar
company. Ko c -nvict shall be com
pelled to work while sick or otherwise
incapacitated, and the superintendent
and warden of the penitentiary shall
have general charge and custody of the
convicts while engaged in such labor.
Bold Raid on a Bank-
Today's Oreaonian says; Rey. James C.
Reed, ex-Bipust preacher, yesterday brand
and g.gged E lwin T. Ho'gate, teller of tbe
First National bank of Etst Portland, and
then set to work looting tbe establishment
of what money he could lay his hands on.
The time'y arrival of Mr. D AVitt C South-
worth, book-keeper and tell r of the Citt
sens bank, on the opposite side 01 tae
street, and the prompt action on his pait
and otners.slone prevented the clerical rob
ber from making a successful haul, and
esoiping with a considerable amount of
money. Reed was arrested and is now in
custody at the cential police station.
Tbe robbery was well planned, and was
attempted during the nqon h-mr when only
one person was in the bank. His name was
Holgate, and he war gigged and his hands
bound behind him. Mr. Soothwortb, tellet
of the lank across tbe street, saw that
something was wio.ig, procured a shot gun
and went to tbe rts-jue of Holgate. He ap
proached the door which was barred, aud
alarmed the robber (O that be was foiled in
his attempt. A p sicemau came along, and
plaoed the reverend gentleman nnder arrest
He had procured 9400 irom one tf the
drawers and placed this in a sack, when he
was d atnrbeii by tbe approach of Sooth
worth, .
Nearly Everything. x
9 dem virtually contru.s.-i( ot tbe s'ate
'j ihs" with salaries attached.' A co-res
pondeDt wntes: "The governor is a Sem
man, as is the superintendent of the ss lum.
Tbe seonnd fbyeiciDn and the two c-n Bit
ing physicians, tbe engineer and fully hslf
of the employes of the asylum are Tt'anoo
county people. The superintendent t f the
penitentiary, the second warden, the phy
sician and most of tli-j gusrds are also resi
dents ot that county. The a perintenrieut
ot the reform school, matron, instructor,
nightwatchtnan, i-hysK-iao- and some of te
employes are from Salem. Tbe superin
tendents of the mute and blind schools are
also Marion county men, e l Salem hysi-
cians attend sick. Then they have
the clerk of the supreme court, court re,
porter, tbe bailiff, librarian, the janitor.
assistant janitors, night-watchman, eleva
tor man, aasistant tressorey, ohief clerk io
tbe secretary' office, engineer at tbe state
house, ths speaker cf the bousa and Hot r
cf tbe Journcl.
Far From Home
W. W. Statesman.
One of the saddest Incidents of an old
lady's travels in search of a relative came
to the notice of the writer today. It ap
pears that Mrs. Lizzie Miller, an old lady
of 81 years,' living somewhere in VVest
Virginia, being ill and unable to care for
herself, received a letter from the widow
of ber nephew. Airs. Mary Miller, who is
living at some point between Wal'a
Walla and 8p.saue, urging tbe old lady
to crme out here and liye with her. Mrs.
tiizzie Miller purchased a ticket to this
stale and on the" train was taken with a
paralytic stroke, and for twenty-four days
was laid up somewhere on the road, and
during her illnet-s lost her neiee's letter,
and cou)d not remember tbe place where
she lived. She was taken on Ui Portland
and from there to Seattle and Ellensburg,
from which place the Knights of Pythias
torwarded her to Walla Walla, notifying
the chancellor commander of Columbia
Lodge E. ot P. here, to meet her and as
sist in the search of her niece. She was
met a: the train and taken to the .Palace
hotel, and it is hoped that this may be
the means of finding her relative. It
would be well for tbe Spokane papeis to
copy this and assist. Mrs. Mary Miller
is tbe widow of U. C. Miller, whs) was a
member of the guigbls of Pythias
Rey. John WLialer-
The resignation of Rev. John Whis-
ler. pastor of the Methodist church in
this city, is a subject of much regret to
the nienbers of tba church and of tbe
congregation ; but his health is in such
aco dition that will debar him from
preaching for some months. During the
time he has occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church he has given universal
satisfaction to all, and no pastor
has ever been in charge who at
tracted to himself more lasting friends
The Hnd and earnest wishes of the com
munity will follow him to his home in
Colorade, and hopes will be entertained
that he will soon regain his nsualheal b.
As a Christian be has been earnest ant
sincere, as a gentleman courteous and
pleasant, and as a neighbor and citizen
kindly and patriotic. He will leave to
night on the eet-bound train for hi9
home in Colorado accompanied by his
wife, who has beeo constantly by bis
bedside during his illness.
Order of tb Eastern Star
Columbia Chapter, No 33, O der of tbe
E is tern Stir, was instituted last evening at
the Man n o ha 1 in this oity by J. H.
Bmigeford, worthy grand patron of Bty
City, assisted I y Mrs. Margaret E Kellogg,
esststant grand matron oi Portland, Mrs.
Emilv M.-Leani Past W M of Port Ian I,
and Mrs. Jennie O Mubkle, W M of Mis
petr Chapter at St. Helens.
Tue o-fio-rs of Coluwbu Chapter Mo 33
are Mrs Mary b Myers, W Ml Henry A
Baker, W P; Mr. E a H Qaritt'oo, A M;
Mrs Eeanor Crossen, Sec; Mrs Esther N
Ham, Tress; Miss Nellie M Burke, Conn;
Mrs C -ra D Miller, A Cond; Mrs Martha E
B ggs, Chxplainj' Miss E ni E bart, A.
Mrs Alice Cro-seo. R; M-s Evelyn E hel
mso, E; Miss Nellie McNeil, M; Mis B J
Russell, E ; Mrs Atmira Bu.git, YWden;
Miss S-lioa Phirman, Org; Heniy C ougb.
After the instituting ceremonies appro
priate remarks were made by the W. O P.
and other instituting iffl sera, and the pro
ceedings closed wits an elegant bat qaet by
tbe ladies of tbe nw chapter, tbat was
tally appreciated bv all present. The town
clock struck one as tbe guests departed from
the ball. Tbe ohapter starts under the
most favorably auspices with a membership
of 3L. Their regular meetings will occur
on the second snd fourth Tuesday evening
of each month.
Cironlt Court Juror a
Tbe folio mg aie the names of jurors
drawn for the next term of circuit court to
be held in tbis oity next Mondavi
W U Jones, Antelope, farmer: Chas
Fraley, Kingsley, farmer; O W Marquam,
Dufur, farmer; J W Wallace, Hood River,
farmer; W Taylor, Dufur, farmer; James
Dirnielle. Bovd, farmer; W H Williams,
E idertby, larme ; K W Troet, Boyd, farm
er; M Randall, The Dalles, capitalist; G W
Alexander, Wapinitia, farmer; Jacob Rub
er's, Dulse, farmer; HeLry Kliodt, The
Dslies, farmer; J P Abbott, Wapinitia,
farmer; J A Noble, Wapinitia, farmer; L B
Kelly, Wapinitia, farmer; F S Gorri
VV mic, merchant; Efa Henson, Kingalev,
farmer; H F Dietael, The Dalles, capitalist;
Peter Henriob, Hood R ver, farmer; Amo
Root, M osier, farmer; M C Se'lick, Boyd,
farmer; W J Davidson, Enderrby, farmer;
A Can held, Boyd, farmer; Wm Kelsav,
Aitelnpe, stockman: S mpson Coi-ple, Hood
River, farmer; E A Griffin, Boyd, farmer;
H E Moore, N-naene, farmer; Jacob Obriat,
Tne Dilles, farmer; J S Tay lor, The Dalles,
farmer; J W Nqrval, Tygh, farmer; J M
Maiden, The Dalles, capitalist.
Flail In tare at.
The j lint fish committees of the Oregon
a id Washington legislature baye had a
conference and hare substantially agreed
upon a uniform fl-h bill to be ptseed by both
bodies, to that cloee seasons and regulations
may be the same in both stares. This bill
m-.kesa close season from Marjh 1st to
M ty 1st, and from August 1st to October
1st, licenses fishermen and canneries to pro
viie a revenue for enforcing the law and
supporting hatcheries, prevents fishing a mile of a hatchery rack, withdraws
from fishing by any meana certain breeding
streams and provides for the operation of
hatcheries. Such a law as this, properly
enforoed as lt will be, it we have as good a
commissioner as the one who has ocoupied
that position for the past two years, should
soon restore the salmon industry on the
Stockholders' Meeting.
XTOTICR Is terenv riven that there will be
i Stockholders' msetinir ol 'the L-allts. Portland
and Astoria Navigation Corupsny at ths Chnalcle
nan oo Bstunuv. Anru 0. lsus. at tt o'clock r. u .
fur ths purputa of electing seven directors, and
transacting such other Dusinsss as may broperly
uy oriisr of tne president.
O.J. PAULEY, Secretary
The Dalles, Ore., Tab. S. 1894.
Exeentrix'a Notioe.
Successors to JOLES, COLLINS & CO.
The new vegetable sTinrtonina-
It meets the most exacting re-
Huuaucnis, ana 13 Desirie entirely
free from theobiectionablechaxac-
xensucs ot lard, long known and
mg rsTiirerea. jnow deliverance
has come. "With Cottolene, good
wwjungt gooa iooa and good
health are all assured.
But you must be sure you ret
jU& refuse
Beware of imitations made to sell
oa the merits and popularity of
Refuse them all, and your grocer
will then understand that you
kuow exactly wnat you want.
This will bring you satisfaction
and save you disappointment.
Bold taS and ( poood psUa.
T. LOTJT9 ruid
Chicago, Ntrtr Yorka
fOTiCK Is hereby riven that tbe anderslmed
I i has been dulv antral n ted bv tha Hnn. c. nm.
vourt executnz of the last w Jl and testament of
Ann Irals-. oecefSrd. All persons havinr elaltna
atroiDM wd estate are hers t notified to nrant ths
niti to me, properly vanned, at tba J iukvMocxt
aisua office io Pal es City, Woseo C-uoty, Orecoa,
wiuiiu pi uium ii tivai ui wie ot tnis ueuOS.
iiama u.a xu oay uc reO'u-irv,
CaTHaHah a. CBAJQ.
Executrix of tha last Will and tmtamnt nf Am
lTaiir. iMcvaaea. vfbSt
Pubiio Examination-
NOTICE Is hereby givso tbat for ths purpose ot
making an examination ot all Dersnna who m v
otter themelvas as candidate lor taasbers ol the
school, of this county, tha county school suDarta -
teDdent thereof will bold a public examination at
Ma omce in l ne Dai lea, neiruuun Wednesday, Feb.
is, -&VS, at i ociocjc r. at. tkoy SHELLT,
uouniy 8cHgoi eupt. Wasco County, Ore.
ClsolatioD Notice
The BartnershlD haretfooea axistlnr hatwun W
J. WriViit, J. D. Doua-laa and O. K. McManemy in
ths saw mill busineta on Tatumea creek, about tau
miles from Dufnr. baa thie dav been dits-Jved by
mutual cenaant, Mr. J. D. Dour.aa rsiiritur from
the firm. The present flam will consist of Messrs.
W. J. Wrilht ai-dU. V. HlMutnv. and arlll
known aa Wiiaht McMauemv. whu will all
debts for which the late firm was liable, and collect
au accounts now uus ani owing.
Dufur, J:n. xs, 1895.
Large and complete assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
Goods Delivered to any part of the City.
All goods sold at the lowest cash prices to suit the bard times.
Opposite Word, Xerns & Robertson's Livery Stable on Second St
Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables.
AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY From 11 to 2 o'clock.
nj goedt or property plactd with me at rettooable coiomlNloo.
r. b: hood.
I will sell
Give me a call .
rranlt FXetober'e Xagennity-
Several days ego, botore tbe famous
Frank Fietoher was takra to Salem to serye
a term of three yean, he was disooreied la
the attempt of planoiug an escape from the
Umatilla hostile, whereupon the officials
immediately frnstrated his scheme, says th
Pendleton Tribune. A portion of a buck
law had passed into posstaiion, doubtltas
through tbe agency of friends or sytnpa-
thicsrs, and to tbis implement he attached
a piece of broom handle, thus improvising a
bandy saw. With a file, fine teeth were
made on the smooth edge, and with this tool
the prisoner planned his eso pe. Ois blaulr.
eta were toro and twiited into a rope, al
though tbe precaution wsa nnneoessary, as
tbe taw he bad manafactnred would be
scaroely s vail able for cutting wood, to aay
nothing of the steel ban tbat divorced him
fiora liberty, .
Saved ek Lite
A Remarkable Family-
- i batcanoog-a Tiznee.
On a pretty little farm high up among
the hills of Calhoun county, Ala., I00J
feet above the ee t, lives a most remark
able family. Their name is Sadler -Tbe
family consists of a brother an i four sis
ters, and the youugest baa already turned
her 1st year. The oldest is a veral
years more than a century old. None
of them has ever married. Tbe Sadl ra
were born in tbe old dominion state.
In '831 the family moved t Alabama,
and Calhoun county, abo-it15 miles east
of Anniston. Two years Inter they be-i
cauje posse ?sed of the property on which
they n w live, and there erected a log
house, which domicile they have since
inhabited constantly. Years ago the
father and mother died, the former at
the age of 81, tbe latter at the age of 7f,
TTae TitteU & latere. .
For the past two evenings the Baldwio
opera bouse has been occupied by the
Tittell Sisters in dramatic performance!.
A Railroader Prayer.
An exchange perpetrates tne lollowing as
the prayer offered by a converted railroad
man while kneeling at the "mourner s
bench:" 'Oh Lord, now that I base
flagged Tbee, lift my feet On the rough road
to life and plant them safely on the deek of
the train of salvation. Let me nse tbe
safety lamp known as prudence, make all
the conplingt in the train with tba strong
link of Thy love and let my band lamp be
the Bible. And Heavenly Father keep all
tbe awitebes do ad tbat lead off on the sid
ings, especially those with a blind end. Ob,
Lord, if it be Tby pleisnie, have every
semaphore blook along the line show white
lines of hope, that 1 may make the run
without stopping. And Lord, give oa tbe
ten o iuitr.andments as a schedule and when I
have finished tbe run and bave, oo schedule
time, pulled into tbe great, dirk ttaticn ot
death, may Thou, tbe superintendent of lbe
universe, say with smile, 'Well done, thou
god and faithful servaut, come up and sign
the pay roll and reeelve yoor cQeck for eter
nal happiness. ' "
Three Jolly Tramps.
W. W. Statesman
W. H. Duncan. H. E. Worth and Arthur
Et wards, who left Portland F.idiy Feb
ruary 1st on a wager of $1000 each to walk
to Chicago within tlx mjnths, arrived io
this city yesterday bavins walked from
Salem since 9 o'olock. A part of the wager
is tbat tbey started without money or bag
gage and ahonld earn tbeir way by their own
energies or their wits. Tbey are succeed
ing well and are confident tbat they will
get throueh to Chioago on time. They will
go vit California, and eioeot to mske a de
tour going to San Frsnoisoo. Tbey. are
bright fellows sad not likely to be mistakso
for tramp?, or to go broke. Tbev are good
singers snd will doubtless bave a jlly time
on their long tramp. The gentlemen are
correspondents for the Portland Sun and
will keep that journal posted ss to their
whereabouts and experiences.
Lettera Aayertiscd
The following is the list of letters re
maining in Tbe Dalles postotn'ce uncalled
for S.turday, Feb. 9, 189,1, Persons call
ins for these letter-t wi" please give tbe
date op which they were advertised:
Anderson, W H B B len, Oliver
Carlson, C A C"Orrs. Pet
Cooper. H O Frank. Villls
HaUs, T O Herman. Mr
Howe, Mrs N Hogsn, Jno. Q ?
Jackson A Chuck. Jones, Msrv
Krr. Jos-ph Lanrey, Q F
Morrow. DrW MiE roy. L $
M Lenoan, Msloomb Palmer, Ben
Smith, Hon J A Smith, L
Vaughn, Frank Welch, Boon
Wild. John W , : T "
J. A, Cfcereir, ? , M.
by a fortunate dis
covery in the nick of
tune. Hundreds of
persons Buffering
irom consumption
have had the pro
gress of the disease
stopped, and have
been brought back to
lite and health by the
"Golden Medical
Discovery" of Pr,
Years aeo Dr. R. V. Pierce, now chief
Consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Sunncal Institute of Buffalo. N. Y..
recognizing- the fact that consumption waa
cardinally a germ uiscuec, ana max a rem
edy which would drive the germs and their
poisons from the blood would cure con sumo.
tiou, at last found a medicine which cured of
per teni. oi au cases, u uucen in we earlier
stages of the disease.
ine tissues of the lnnn brlnu- IrrKated law
the germs and poisons in the blood circular
ng tnrousrn them, tne genua find lodgment
there, and the lungs begin to break down.
Soon the general health beeins to fail, and
the person feels languid, weak, taint, drowsy
and confused.
This w the time to take Dr. Pierre's Gold.
en Medical Discovery: it drives the germs
onu poisons irom ue diooq, ana nas a sooth
ing effect upon the dry cough. In cases of
uroncnius ine Jjiacovery" ia invaluable.
"Golden Medical Diseoverv" increases tha
amount and Quality of the blood, thna invio--
utouuK anu luruiyiujrine system against dis
ease and builds an wholesome flesh and
strength after wasting diseases, as fevers
pneumonia, grip and other debilitating ar
Tiro. M Km. of Att.
dvbon, A udubott C., a.,
says : " I took a severe
cold which settled on my
hings and cbest, and I
suffered Intensely with
it. I tried several of
our best physicians here
and they gave up all
hopes of my recovery,
and thought I would
have to die. I would
cough and spit blood
for hours, and I was pale
and weak. I was greatly
discouraged when I be
gan the use of the Dls- "
co very.' but I sooa srot
better. It has been five years since I took it i
have had no return of that trouble since."
J. M. Hra, Bag.
Jackson Ensrle Co- Vo- 1.
At the annual meeting last eening of
Jackson Engine o. No. 1. the following
officers were elected and installed;
President, A. Bandrock; secretary,
James Fisher, jr.; treasurer, Harry
dough; foreman, B. Sinnott; 1st assist
ant, Ike Ferry, 2nd assistant, Joe Stud
enicker. Committee on finance Judge G. A.
J.iebe, Capt. A. Ad. Keller, Geo. Wil
liams. Standing committee A- G. Wyndham,
Geo. Liebe, Jno. Crate.
Delegates to fire board F. W.
Skibbe, Harry Clough, Chas. Frank.
When Baby was sick, we (rave her Castort.
When she waa a Child, she cied for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to CafSorla.
TOmb she bad C9utfreo, gavetbem Caateda.
Card of Thanka
Mrs Carrie Pocket desires to pnblicly eg
press ber thankfulness to many friends wbo
extended to her snd ber children many aota
of kindness dnring the Illness of ber hue
bind, lately deceased.
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. 'WooLDMnon, of Wortham,
Texas, saved tbe life of her child by tbe
nse of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral.
One of my children bad dronp. Tbe
ease was attended by our physician, and waa
supposed to lie well under eontrol. one
night I -was startled by the. child a bard
breathing, and on going to tt found It stran-
it nan neany ceaseu w V",vr
no that Hi ohllrl'a alarmlns condition
bad become possible in spite of the i medicines
, 1 reasoneo mat such remnua 7?yvr
no avail. Having part of a bottle of
Realizing that the child's alarming condition
tun! lyuvm. iiab.iiiI. in anil nf the medicines
given, I reasoned that such remedies woyld
De ol no avail, uavms pan oi a uytuo u
Ayer'a Cherry Pectorafln the bouse, I gave
uie cnua tnree noses, i surx lute, ttwj,
" anxiously waited results. From tbe moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's Dreaming
grew easier, and, in a short time, she was.
sleeping quietly i
The child Is alive
not hesitate to sav
toral fared, ber life,"
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt tp act, 3Mreto cwffi
Snooeaa Snooeeds-
"NothiDg succeeds like auoceaa" it an old
saying; but its truth has n-tver been
1 doubted. When one reaches the goal of bis
ambition, whether that oonsists of the ac
cumulation of wealth or storing the mind
with useful knowledge, he may look baok
upon his cheostred career as thongb he bad
olimbed to a dizzy height and viewed tbe
difficult steps by which be had attained his
eminence. Sbakepeare said "There is a tide
in the affairs of men which taken at the
flood lesds on to fortune," and many may
be termed tbe architeots of their own fair
fame, or be able, by their own inherent en
ergy and tlrift, to impel this flood tide. To
snob greater merit should be glyen than
tbose who ride on tbe crest of some wave of
3ircnmstances to fortuoe and to fame. In
this free republio we bave many instances
of men rising to pre-eminence, wbo, by da
termioed tffurt, have oarved ont their own
mob in the great tablet devoted "to
the few, the immortal few wbo were not
born to die." Ia this line examples may be
found at home, without resorting to biogra
phies of self-made persons in other portions
of the nation, and these might furnish il
lustrations of successful men of today.
Business has its heroes, ss well as other
vocations, and these are entitled to tbe
plaudits of tbeir fellows. Fourteen years
ago, in The Dalles, Mr. Nathan Harris
started a mercantile firm of humble preten
sions; but time hat coursed down the chan
nel of a deoade or more, and today be is
fouod in tha brick store, corner of Second
aad Court, with a stock of goods that might
oballenge comparison for completeness and
variety. ut an suable and un
assuming demeanor be baa attracted cus
tomers until his business hss fully doubled
in the last few years. Lately he has en-
Urged bis salesrooms, and now oooopies hit
former store and the one adjoining, the par
tit jou having been removtd. Oo the coun
ters and tbelvet may be teen tbe latest
styles of gents' furnishings, ladies' and
onildren s dress goods, hats, dps, boots and
shoes. Io fact anything that may be de-
sirea io a mercantule e tahiiahment can oe
fouod here. The appointments around tbe
store are Vrry elegsnt, and for the enter
taioment and comfort of patrons. Con
stantly adding to his large stock, he invites
all to come and inspect bis goods. "Noth
ing snoceeds like success" is a good motto
for him, .
Meeting; of Real Estate Dealers
lbe following real ettate dealers beld a
meeting last night in tbe office of Mr. T. A.
Hudson, for the purposes of organisation
into a permanent society: T, A. Hudson,
C. E. Bayard, Geo. W. Rowland, J. M
Huntington, representing J. M. Huntington
A Co., and Fred D. Hill, representing Dufnr
k Hill,
Mr, C. E. Siya'd waa eleoted ohairman
pro tern and Mr. Fred. D. Hill secretary
pro tern.
The rame of the association was oa mo
tion adopted as "The fisal Estate Exchange
of Tbe Dulles, Oregon,"
A committee, consisting of J. M. Hunt
ington and M. Wbealdoo, was appointed
to devise means for having a pamphlet
printed setting forth tha resources of this
portion of country in general and The
Dilles in particular.
The secretary was instructed to commun
icate with rail estate associations of differ
ent cities and seonra copies of tbeir consti
tution and by laws.
Tbe meeting adjourned, there appearing
no further business, subject to the oall of
the ohairman. "N
- .Land Traaafera-
Feb 4 Michael f Jeff to Maggie A
Neff; block 5 Winau's addition to Hood
River, also piece of land adjoining; $22.
Feb 4 Chas W Dietzel and Mamie B
Dietzel to Felix C Deitzel ; lot 18, sec 18.
lots 6 and 6 sec 9, tp 1 n, r 18 east; f3$Q'
Feb. 8. J. D. Lse to D, M, J, W.
French- portion of Jo,"n"A. Sim's donation
land o''-.m; 1 1 n, r 18 east; $2000.
Feb. 8. Cecelia Mesplle to John Mes
pliej portion of or see. .22, town 1, north
of range 12 east; $20.
Haw's Thist
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Chekkt & Co., Telede, 0.
We, tbe undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all butinest
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by tbeir firm.
West St Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Tol
edo, O.
Walding, Rinnan de Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catanh Cure ia taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimoni
als sent free. . Price 73c per bottle. 9old
by all Druggists,
XftRGaN .Near this dty, Fh.6i&, to tbe wife of
Perry Mo gan, a d sughter.
Stock inspectors.
The following is the list of sick
tors for Wasco county:
T. Cartwnght, The Dallef.
A. 8. Roberto, Deschutes,
W. R. Caotrel), Dufur,
P. R. Hinton. ttakeoven.
Zioh Taylor, Antelope,
J. H. Sherar. Shrar'a Bridirp.
Application fjr Liquor License.
CasCADB Loess, Falls Ptsoutcr.
W'aco County,
IN W. Badder and Kenneth Mr-Kanata. nf M
precinct aud county, and state, will, oa the 6th day
of March, 1896 apply to tbe Count v Court nf tha
above-, awed ounty for license o sell inirltiwii.
malt and v nous liquors In less quantities tbaa one
Falls Precinct. Wasco cauntv. Stat nf ,
January 7 th, 1895. '
C'ascads Locks. Fall Patenter.
Maaco (Jonntv Rt&tA rj ii-mw
To tha Honorable County Court of Wasco County,
We. tha under&urned taxnavara and 1ml mim
Falls Proclnot. county an tata aforaaalj. rit.
fully petition your honorable court to grant a 11.
sense to Thos. W. Badder and Kenneth McKeoait
to sell spirituous, vlnuous and m ,K liquors at the
town of Cascads Locks, saia ontslnet. in lonnm.
tltiae than one gallon (or ths period of one year.
John Trana John Jotton
Jamas Stewart T. 0 Quintan
W Lvoch C A n rt
OS Henry A Flelsthtoer
Atur. Wilson o E Wliann
John Sundgrlst H C Field
Peter Uturiran H Torta.
H P Harlam Ed
CofflDiissioD and Forwarding MercIiaDt
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Consignments Solicited
Prompt A-ttentlaa to taoaa who favor m with thslr ptraaT
T Blane
Cap Blair
li Walsh
John Mslsen
K Nel-on
II Krllrsea .
John King
s r Asn
Wm Ouurlsr
John l ampball
John o'Leary
Tboa Manioa
Pe'sr Bead
T McOona
John B G.lffla
D LCaiss
O Lindsu-im Capicaa
Ed A cwestland
T Sheriner
C H Trark
B H Bimla
A B Glazrie
Dan Sollitran
M a-elson
8wmn Iverson
H Lawrence
H Bus-hes
H 0 Heron.
F H Doak
P Pailsrn
Jnhn Thlesou
Chas Wiligaroth
J M DUon
Peter Trona
T W Lewis
LA Grant
Geo Hjjnes
Fra ill H.luln
John Bos la
Jam s Mayiruire
Joseph Norlk
A ft Q-vraMoa
John Johnson
K Glasisr
P McElhsnsT
J H atotiowougb
u ooaene
E D Monavhaa
W MFndne
J P Wiskrand
S am McCory
Th-ia O -via
P A Finsgan
John T emit boa
A U Ba.l
All Broisaw
W 8 Kennedy
J F utout
A Thortu
J Jan-as
F Anderson
Wm Blark
W T Hsltliur
T H W.lllsais
Jsmes Clark
William Counts
E O Mannlrw
H P Parkin
B A Carnas
Wm Larcock
C Alln
V Laderburg
Mat Hebn
Aely Kelleber
Joe Maais
Hen. j WI kerioa
M Fi tgvrald
B L Barpham
Moah Boulas
John Olson
J cardinal
JoeL aUlrsr
Wm I'av
A J Knightly
Thos Holiday
J Ha ey
Dan Olson
I atcOougal
Geo H iraner
D Nelson
J C Jnn-S
J G Melra
K Monroe
Frank Ltndsrs -JEW
W A Calvan C B Lee
W B Mnith
Alex Matt
Patrick Noland
Thos King
G Pine
H F Rising
A T allis
H I Llllsgard
B O An is
D Cheyneas
B K Powsll
Louis Gebhard
Patrick Walsh
Wm MeKeusles
Application for Liquor License.
Cascads Locks, Fails Pifoikct,
Wasco County,
' Slats of Orea-on.
F. Jackson of said precinct and county,
will, on the 6th day of March, 1896, apply to tbe
County Court of the above-nuned county for li
cense to sell avlritu-iu-s malt aad vinous liquors in
lass quantities than one gallon. x
Falls Prestnot. Wasco County. State of Oregon.
January 7, ISM.
Wasco ounty. tstate of Orea-on.
To the Honorable County Court et Wasoo County,
Wr. the undeiswned taxpayers snd legal voters of
Falls Precinct, count) and state aforesaid, respect
fully pstition your honorable court to grant a II
oanse to H F. Jackson, to ss 1 spirltucus. nnoua
and mait liquors at the town of Caaoads Locks , said
prsdnct. in less quantities tbaa one gallon for. tea
period of one ran
P Valentine
Geo Haines
D Kelson
,T W Levis
H Trana
W J Gordon
L A Grant
J W Haley
William Cuitta
Mat Wsber
. G 8 Henry
Peter Daggon
H C Field
F AncUrson
D Sourka
PDCKKTT Near this city, Feb. th, Mr. M. JU
Puckett, aged about 40 ears.
- Uwys) aad Ulna Aid (society.
Boys may be had (and aotnotitne girls)
(l)or ordinary seryioe. at wages; (J) upon
indenture, fta work, attend school, and be
brought up somewhat aa your own J aad
(3) children may ba bad for legal adoption.
Address, 4, H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Bkys and Girls' Aid society. Port
and, Oregon.
Came to tbe Sharp place on three salts, about
October 1, 1804. One red and white Mwcj eaw, bo
brands perceivable, onderal ps ia right ear, out ef
left ear, the owner nu have the same bv Baying all
t$rgee FHiNK p, TAYLOR.
H 0 Whalen
C B Lee
J B Smith
C 8 Miller
A J MoAnley
M Conlou
E W Luadbury
J E borbln
John Campbell
TF Mar. ion
Swan Weesun
B A McLottv
P Paulsen
N Teso.a
A Kalleher
John Kelson
John Malson
Alex Watt
Noah Roubx
Budolpb Schmidt
W Gourlsy
Wm Day
II ll-Vaa
W !I Graham
H Carroll
W A Luckey
F Allison
Louis Babolt
M O'Brien
Sam NeUon '
T Jackson
B Wllaxn
8 A Otdigaa
H Christ
Wm E tJUatton
Cfaas Hovers
D Cuontngbaaa
TH Williams
A J Knightly
B Beank
I Kordstram
John Habinger
J Robisoo
CF Kershaw
Jamea MuBair
W Lynch
H A Leavens
C Wlilgerotte
C A tewart
Geo Jenes
J HeAdams
Mat Welch
O H Sod er berg
JO Jones
E Gburcr
F Heppy
Ham Kline
O G HarpnaB
F Hipin
M Clough rty
J U Oregon,
W 0 Jghastefl
JiftP Elals
Lous Otbbard
V. nelsoa
L Attoson
D M Nsidlgh
O Oombe
J McL.ufhllu
P H Fall man
P H Bnrna
R L -owell
Micheal Oovle
r phB Hallorai
MarUo Gosbsa
B A Bersh
John Mtirpby
Gus Anderson
B McEllany
W B Hergatott
A Floisohhausr
John rrana
L Peterson
E P Ash
Wm Black
J M Savage
James Cl.rk
B r Mull Ivan
Thomas Badder
J H Aldncb
D C Coovian
W H Smith
HA Olson
J G Broun
A J Jordan
II P Harphara
E Bockyner
H O Artia
Jamrs Dltea
Joel W Daelalt
Walter Erwiu
Jak An ersoa
J, J Foy
Bwy a, Horns Cfceap-
i A ACRES of good farming aad fruit lasd four
4:1 miles from Ths Dalles, on Chenoweth creek
slih good home ready furniabed or famUy barn
and other buildings. Partly fenced, plenty of era ter
Will be sold cheap. Address or call at place
Prrsa Focqasixa,
- The Dalles, Oregsn.
Aasifinee's Notlee of Finavl Aataoraat
NOTICE Is hereby given tbet Cbarlae J. Stabling,
assignee of tue estate of Adolph Keller, an in-t-olvvDi
debtor, baa Sled his final account with said
estate, with the clerkn! the circuit court oi ths
state of Oregon, for Wasoo county, and that said
final account will be heard and passed upon b? said
circuit court on the first day of the next regular
term of said court, to-wit; oa Monday be 11th da
of February, 1896, at S o'clock in tbe afternoon of
said day, or at each other thus as the court may then
appoint, and thai, said hearing will be- bad in tbe
circutt court rooea, at the Bounty esurt house, in
Dalles City, Wasco soonty, Oregon.
Assignee of tbe estate of Ado! pa Keller, an lnsol
Tent debtor.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
160 Atlantic AveH Boston.
, .
When Ton Have School Boots to -Purchase
Who always sails as low aa the lowest in the city. On account of a circular
quit) generally distributed through this section by the agent of the American
Book Company, the price list of school books published in September, 1891, is
hereby withdrawn; all tbe prices in tbat list being lower than those
agent claims are the proper retail prioea. For new prices inquire at hu store
148 Heoond Street. XHK DiVIJUKH. OHJBU01H
Robber Boots, Ladies, Misses, -Child's Rubbers
And Arctio Overshoes
od Clamrmd Flsraurtas Mills
Leave your orders for Groceries. Cordwood and War
ner's Butter with us? We carry a completeljllne of
Groceries and fill all orders promptly. ,
. i
At hia eatabliahment on the corner of Third and Federal streets ia
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits
171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
A Shower Room in Each Bath Room.
A Bootblack Stand'Oonnected with onr shop, and especial attet tion paid to all
110Front Street, Oppoaite Cosmopolitan Hotf',
NO, 45