The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 09, 1895, Image 2

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    The Tiiaes-Moniitaiiieer
SATURDAY ...... ..FEBRUARY 9. 189S
The financial question is the all ab
sorbing one in Washington City, and
to formulate some plan by which tbe
treasury may retain ita gold is a prob
. lem that congressmen are trying to
solve. With the change of tbe ad
ministration it was expected that an
innovation would be made in the finan
cial policy that had been followed by
ReDUblicana. While Democrats during
. the canvas of 1892, freely gave their on th senatorial question, originated
' opinion that the tariff laws should be "d supported by tbe Populists of the
the treasury of tbe state, it -was ex
pected, would be stopped. But the
expectation has not been realized, and
instead of a reduction the number of
clerks has been increased. There were
useless commissions which have been
adding thousands of dollars to the bur
den of legation every year, and there
was an urg ut demand that these be
abolished. Nothing has been done in
this regard, and the wishes of the peo
pie have been trampled under foot by
those whom they elected to represent
them. Of course bills have been pre
sented to rid the state of these para
sites on its treasury; but the dead-lock:
Abolished they also held out hopes, and
strongly expressed them in speeches,
that the country would again return
to the silver standard that was in op
eration . before 1873. On this latter
point the Chicago platform was enig
matical; but Democratic orators at
tempted to interpret it in favor of
unlimited coinage of silver, and held
. that ai one important reason that
-Republicans should be supplanted in
. the administration of national affairs
' by members of their own party.. When
the change took place it was found
that the president was in favor of a
sound "and solid currency, and could
not be bent to the will of silver-dided
Democracy. Daring the two year
that Democrats have been in
power no silver legislgtion has
been attempted, and no effort has been
made to change the monetary system
which had been sneeeeefullv carried
out by Mr. Harrison and his pred
ecesore. The threat ru sufficient to
shake pnblio confidence at home and
abroad, and for tbe past two years the
aountry haa suffered the worst finan
cial straits-tbat it haa for a long time.
A nation is very much like an individ
nal in financial matters, and the loss of
state in their wild craze for free silver,
has" blocked the wheels of legislation,
and valuable time to tbe tax-payers is
passing without anything being done,
Tbe legislature has 72 Republican
members, and the opposition only IS
in both branches. They were elected
by the largest majority ever given to
a ticket in the history of the state,
and they will be held responsible for
everything done and anything? left un
done. This is right, and every legis.
lator should realize the responsibility
that rests npon him. It is not the
time at this session to deadlock the
legislature because the majority are
not willing to prove unfaithful to their
constituents and to the best interests
of the state and nation by supporting
a candidate in favor of unlimited
coinage. Every Republican member
should consider himself in duty bound
to redeem the promises made by the
Many people lose sight of one of tbe
most important elements of the present
financial strife which the national
treasury is in, says the Eugene City
Register. It is not altogether due to
any fault in the monetary laws of the
country; and the Republicans all over
the nation are near right when they
attribute the trouble to tbe change in
the tariff laws of the country. The
tariff on imports has been reduced to
a great extert, but not jet .so ranch as
was promised by the party' in power.
But the reduction has workpd a hard
ship in two ways. In the first place
the reduction itself ' would naturally
enough depreciate the revenues; and
in the second place the prospect of fur
ther chaDgPS made it advisable for im
porters to import heavily, for the fear
that the duties would be lowered still
more. Besides being a faotor in crea
ting the deficiency, the change in the
tariff laws has worked a hardship upon
the manufacturers of our country and
the mem and women who depend upon
them for employment. It will take
another Republican congress and ad
ministration to bring everything; back
to tbe firm foundation which the busi
ness of the country has been shaken
from so rudely.
free silver man. The forty three Re-
pnhlicans who have supported bim
should continue to do so until the last
4 y of (be session, and if Oregon has
only one senator in the next congress
the blame will rest on those bolters who
refused to carry out the wishes of the
people a3 expressed at tbe ballot box,
and broke their plighted faith with
the caucus of which tbey voluntarily
formed a part.
Personal letters are written to the
bolters to bolster them up in the ob
struction tactics they are pursuing; but
atraiige to say, although these are pub
lished in the Democratic and Populist
preai, under glaring bead-lines, the
names of tbe authors do not appear,
and it is impossible to determine their
political state." If they are Rpultli
cans they should not be ashamed to I
make themselves known to the public;
but it is furmi?ed and with good reason
that "Republican," "One of them,"
eta, are bim ply cloaks to hide Demo
crats and Populists who fought Dolpb
and the Republican ticket last June,
and are still engaged in the same busi
The Japanese have not quite cap
tured Wei Hai- Wei; but they are in
such a position that tbe place will be in
their possession in a few days. On to
Peking will be the next watchword of
party in tbe canvass last June, so that I Japan's army, and then the old empire
it might have a fair standing with cit- ill sue for peace ic the most humil
itens in future campaigns. But from ltln8 ""ner.
present indications the party will fight It is apparent that the present con
tra haranfror hannmanrwd bv gress will grant no relief to the
the perfidy of Republicans in the leg- treasury by passing a financial . bill.
i . m lone T. r - .5 I IUU VUXJ lUHUUUUru waa ucintiiru 111
lslature of 1895. It is almost impos-1 , ,
. 1 . ... , . . 1 . . 1 . I I ' ' . '
81U10 Mb fcUIB mil? UBLQ III ICUCOU1 buo
must look to the Republican party to
confidence is equally aa disastrous to I promk" made regarding economy.and gide it out of the muck and mire,
the one aa to the other' Debts canDOt tD8 overwhelming victory of last June financially and otherwise, into which
be the cause of defeats m the " &as been lead by me democracy
Hirry II sj ward's) Trial.
Minneapolis. Feb. 5 In the trial of
Harry Howard for the murder of Cutba
rlne Oiog, tbe sttte to lay sprung a sur
prise by placing Claude A B'ixt, tbe self
confessed tool of H.iyward on the Mnad
He teemed calm enoucl). Hitwurri
looked mildly astonished, but betrayed
no uneasiness.
In answer to questions from Nye, B iit
related bow six or seven weeks before the
murder Harry Hayward waa accustomed
to come down into tbe eogine-rooji and
have long talks with bim. Blixt pointed
out on a diagram the flits where they
wtre aci'usw md to talk. B ix' described
bw he witnessed a note for $"00l given
by Mi p. Giiff to H iv ward He said he
bad been itmtructed by Hnrrv lo tay wbeo
he saw the hills. J-su3 Christ, what a
lot of monev !' Trie note was ofli-rtd io
evidence, nod touud to lie dnten Novem
ber 24, pine days before the mnrrier
That night in ibe tiatrment of the Ozir.
Harrv said to him, ' I am going to kill
her; I did not let her have $7000, it w
only $2000 T am goiog to tab her to a
restaurant and have her show me trie
money, and tell her how crelcos she has
been." "Aft-rwards,'' continued Blut.
"be told me be took her around io tbr
rertauraot and had her fbow the roone
and she placed it in a tumhler while the
ate, and no roe one else told ber she would
lie killed for her money."
But said Hnvwsrd told him he wa
going to have Mist Giog'a life insured and
then kill her. The wrneesi related the
d flerrut plans maoe bv Hatward to rour
der the woman, and bow Anally be foned
tbe itness to commit the deed by threat
ening to kill his wife if he. ielused. The
witnes degcrihed fully tne dnve on
which he shot Mis as he avs In
accordance with Hay ward's command -
j his arrest, and at Greytown, Nicsragoa,
wDen tne captaio ot the Btltisli warships
Jtohavk, demanded his release, no atten
tion w pjid to the request. Hater was
eventually released, but he had to leave
Nicaragua for Jamaica, until the affair
settled. The .rtea'v of state for
fori-ign aff-irs. Eirl Kimbcrly, declined to
receive General Btrrios.
KrMited Xearly all the Iemand
Wn.KE baubk. Pa , Feb. 5 Nine
hundred eiriuiD runners and drivers of
tbe L high Valley Coal Com peo y re
turned to work this morning. The
company granted nearly al: tbe demands
ol the strikers.
be paid by the one nor the other in
promises or paper, and when the time
for redemption comes tbe coin mast be
f jrthcoming or there will be bank
ruptcy or repudiation.
In this emergency political parties J proposed by the committee appointed
Queen Lil, the dethroned monarch
of the Sand wish islands, has been ar
rested for complicity in the recent out
break. There is no doubt tbat tbe
The amendments to the charter, as I queen still has an ambition to govern
should work in harmory for the estab
lishment of tha public credit. It
should be made known that the United
States intends to pay its debts in the
honest coin of the commercial world,
and that there is not the least danger
of any repudiation of them by tbe
adoption of tha silver standard.
This country can no more control
the monetary standard of the world
for that purpose, makes several impor
tant changes in the law as it now
exists. Under the old charter t he oity
recorder and marshal were elected by
the people, but the new one makes
these appointed officers by tbe mayor,
with the consent of the council. This
will have the effect to make the mayor
alty and city councilmen offices of
greater importance than they are now.
than it can originate a new code of in- Citizens and tax payers must exercise
ternational law. Ii is very foolish to great oare in casting their ballots, and
attempt anything of tbe kind, and the if this is done there can be no objection
most disastrous consequences will t0 the innovation,
surely folio. This erase after silver As regards bonding the city indent-
the natives of Hawai according to her
own sweet will and pleasure; butPres
ident Dale is in possession of tbe ex
ecutive chair, and is able to maintain
his position. .
Tbe war oloud is drifting awav that
was hovering over Mexico and Guate
mala for some time past, and negotia
tions are progressing between these
nations with indications that a prace
ful solution will be bad of their pres
ent difficulties. The orient is do'.ng
fighting enough for the balance of thn
world, and the west should be tranquil
for a time,
Gov. Morrill is right in admonishing
the people of Kansas that they cannot
expect to restore their impaired credit
is simply a notion that has I edness this will lower he rate of in- if they leave law on their statute-
come into existence since the 1 nt 2 nr ,nt ner nnnnm. and will books which discriminate agaiustlend
business depression of the Dast two t. TW ifar-r ers bv "iS possible for borrowers
years, and, men rendered desperate by
financial stringency, are grasping at
straws to save themselves from the
whirlpools that threaten to engulf
m Hflav tha Millprrinn of rltthtfi for two
must be paid semi-annually, and at or lhree 8 8och a licv drieg
present warrants rnn for three or four I capital away and puts interest up to
Tbe creation of two more wards will
- The proposition made by Speaker
Moores to Hon. E. Hofer, of Salem,
for a canvas of tbe Republican voters
of Marion county to ascertain their
preference for senator would be a good
plan to be followed throughout tbe
state, if tbe bolters would be willing
to abide by the decision 6f tbe major
ity. But, it must be understood, that
the opinions of Democrats and Popu-
lists are not wanted, for this is a con
test within tbe party ranks for the
election of a Republican United States
increase tbe council to nine members
instead of six, aa it is now. By this
means all portions of the city will be
more fully represented than tbey are
now, and the number insures a major
ity on all questions when all members
The committee unquestionably con
sidered economy in their recommenda
tions, and this is very important.
Our city finances are in a bad shape,
and it requires careful management
and retrenchment in departments to
keep the expenses within the limit of
the receipts. A healthy state of
finances is necessary for proper growth,
and our city cannot expect continued
the highest notch.
The death of Ward- McAllister has
caused many slighting comments to be
made regarding biro. f sprang into
notoriety as the lender of select society
in New Tork, and now that he has
goue to the silent majority, the press
of the country should be generous
enough to cover his defects and assi
nine proclivities with the charity of
ailence. i
The editor of the Wasco News says
the Republicans of. Shprman county
do not want Dolpb; but Sheriff
Holder, wbo was elected laat June,
nays a large majority of the Republi
cans are in favor of the re-election of
Senator Dolph. Tbe Republican sher
iff is better acquainted with Republi
can sentiment in his county than the
Democratic editor of the Newt, be
cause he has had more opportunities to
senator.' In Eastern Oregon we are
assured that Mr. Dolph would be tbe Pr08PeritY nntil the baln " n judge of the status of the people.
choice of a large majority of Republi
cans, ior they so signified their choice
last June, and it would be the same re
sult in the other portions of the stair.
But we doubt if this would have the
desired effect to stop the filibuster g
of the opposition, for they appear de
termined - to block legibtations and
defeat the wishes of their constitntentr.
There will be time enough to have
this matter deoided by tbe people be
fore the silventes in Salem can realize
the fact that ' tbey are making them
selves the subjects of tbe severest een-
its favor.
The article which we publish in an
other column from an advocate of tbe
single-tax theory indicates that the
writer does not fully comprehend tbe
Chinese question as applied to tbe Pa
oific coast. There is no portion of the
region west of the Rocky mountains
tbat would not be benefited by an in
crease of population; but these should
be producers, and capable of assimilat
ing with American institutions. For
Ddbs and come of bis confederates
were recently imprisoned for contempt
of court, in their actions during the
strike of the Railway Union last su ai
mer, and they are now on trial for con
spiracy. Of course they will be found
guilty, and will suffer a longer term of
imprisonment Sometimes, wben one
is in a pessimistio mood, he is inclined
to believe that tbe rights of labor in
this republio are not clearly defined.
i Tbe senatorial contest at Salem pre
sented no very novel features today.
With the exception of Mr. Cooper,
who changed to Hermann today for
known to himself, Mr,
The bill of Mr. Boothby for an ap-
proptiation of 300,000 for the con
struction of a portage road around tbe
obstructions in the river above this
point is a measure of great importance
to the producers of the inland empire,
Within the next to years the Colum
bia river will be open from The Dalles
to seaboard, and the portage road from
this point to Oelilo would give relief
to shippers east of this city until the
Dolph ship-railway is completed,
western uregon receives appropria
tions at every session of tbe legislature
for the state uuiversity, insane asylum.
agricultural college, normal school,
penitentiary, and other institutions,
while the region east of the CaHcaden
is hardly recognized. The lawmakers
at Salem should consider the wbol
state entitled to their consideration,
and ahou'd not discriminate in favor
of one portion to the detriment of an
other. It is no waste of public funds
for them to be used in improving the
highways of commerce, and tax payers
would willingly bear this lncreasea
burden, if it ameliorated the condition
of the producers of Eastern Oregon. 8 ahe,,d wiln J"ur sideof tbe case."
8 I The defenne opened bv calling Pi
.me next issue ot oonas ty tne sec-
Fanr Were lI-rhamed.
Chicago, Feb. 4- Four of the defend
ants In the Debs conspiracy trial were
discharged by Judge Grossrup today.
Tbey were Dennia Lark in, Frank Dreyer,
James McDonald and John Burk. The
court reserved its decision as to Jobu F
McVean and John 3 Hannahan, directors
of the American Railway Uoio.-i. Re'
garding ibe other 11 defendants,
including Bibs, tbe judge simplv said to
tbe attorneys for the defense "You may
retary of the treasury will be to the
amount of $100,000,000, and this may
oe expected in a tew day a. While one
reason for the deficit in the treasury is
becsuse of the loss of revenue from
the parage of the Wilson tariff bill,
anotner cause is the loss of confidence
in tbe status of the finances of the
country by the continual agitation of
the silver question. If the constant
drain on the treasury continues much
longer the country will come to a sin
gle standard, aud the hoarded gold
will be at a premium. This will
make business lively for Wall street,
ana toe wna silventes who are
constantly howling for unlimited coin
age are sowing rich crops for gold buys.
If the monetary system of the country
were firmly established upon tbe
basis of national and commercial hon-
ii i ..
esiy punuo connaence would be re
stored, money would freely enter the
channels of trade and business would
revive. Ibis constant withdrawal of
gold from tbe treasury has no other
enect than to mak it scarce as a cir
culating medium, and give Wall street
dent Thomas, of the Western Indiana
load. He waa asked about the proceed'
ings of the General Managers1 Association
He produced reports, bui requested they
should not be made public. The defend
attempted to prove by Thomas' testimony
tbat an agreament existed previous to
and during the strike between tae general
managers aud tbe Pullman Company, but
he denied ibis. President Ri-ewell
Miller, of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul, was asked if Attorney Walker, who
assisted the govern meat, was not attorney
of his road. A brisk legal battle
followed, tbe defense claiming Wn ker's
service as attorney tor tbe interested rail
road should disqualify him from serving-
as counsel for tbe prosecailou. The
matter was finally ruled out by the court,
General Manager Hurley, of the Chicago,
iUllwaUkee & t. haul, was examined as
to the proceedings ot tbe General Man
agira' Association, but could not
remember but little of what occurred.
Through Cxprrs Kobbed.
HCT03IN8ON, Kan., Feb. 6 As the
Sania Fe tram No. 1, which left this city
at 10:15 p. M , pu led out ot Sylvia, a
small' town about 80 miles west of here.
last oigU', two men boardea tbe engine
end a short dis'ance out compelled the
Diaeuasioii St turned.
Washikto F-b. 7 Tbe bouse mpt
at 11 o'clock and some routine buaines
was transacted be I ore debate on tbe bond
bill was returned.
Representative Grosvenor asked uoani
mnus consent for tbe consideration of the
joint resolution for tbe appointment of a
committee to Investigate tbe validity of
tbe election in Tennessee last November
"I object," shouted Mr Cox. '-The
stae of Tennessee can take care of itself."
Tbe house went into committee of the
wbo'e and resumed consideration of tbe
administration bill to author ze an issue
f 95UO,0OO,O0O gold bonds The pend
ing question was on an appeal from the
decii-ion of tbe chair ruling the amend
ment c tiered by Biand uut of order. The
chair was sustained bv a vote of 180 to
Mr. Brossius r.ffered an amendment
proviamg for runb bonds of the
Denomination ot $30: (30 and 100 as
can be disposed of, which should be de
posited tor sale with national banks by
tbe secretary of state.
Mr. Sickles, in an eloquent plea for tbe
pasricg ol the pending bill, which he re
garded necessary ior tbe welfare and
honor of tbe country, declared be forgot
all bis difference witn tbe prei-iden in
admiratioa of hi brave and manly action
on the financial question.
Mr. crossing amendment was agreed
The amendment offered by Mr. Whee1-
er, to repeal the state bank tax, was lost
without division. .
n opportunity to charge a premium for I engineer to stop. Two other men broke
its use. I open ibe door of the express car. Toe
messenger rrfueed to open the Sate, at tbe
point of a revoiVer be was compelled to
carry a sack through the coaches and I
Sleepers while the roobets made the una
I sengirs disgorge everything vf value. It
is impotstble to estimate the loss
sustained by (be passengers, -but as tbe
iruio is ibe through Caiitoioia exures, ll
il bedeveo tbe robbers were well repaid
Funrtern Itnndrrd III- charged
Juliet, III, Feb 5 Because some of
the tonnage men employed in thejoliet
rolling mills would not accept a rtdU"tion
"g 25 percent, 1400 men were discharged
Hawaiian Affairs.
San Fbakgisco. Feb. 6 Correspond-
ric-ot ibe United Press, per steamer
Australia, says. Qiiet is substaatiallj
restored in Hooolutu, and business re
sumed. Military operations ended on the
16th, after nine days of activity. Al!
leading rebels have been captured and
are in pilson. A military commission is
t present trying tbm. Oa the 15th
inst John 8 Walker, Mjor 8ewrd and
CTGulick were urrested for complicity
mine piuchnge and landing of arms for
the re he s. Seward wasone of the queen's
commissioners to Washington last sum
mer. Gulick, wbo is rieepiv implicated,
was minister of the Id tenor, with Gibeon
lbese?i rests were made Io consequence
of r!itclo8Uie by leaders Nowtein, Wilcox,
and otber prisoners, who bv been vying
with each other in their revelations. On
(he morning ot the 16 h, the ex-queen
was arrested at her residence by Brown
aud Parker and confined in a former roy
al bedroom in the south corner of tDe
former palace, abere sbe now it. She has
renounced al; her sovereign rights. Tba
atterooou tbe volunteer troops and sharp
shooters were called in and dismissed to
their homes.
Ti e president has appointed tbe follow
log military coniiuissiou : Colonel KiLoey,
judge .advocate; Lieutenants-Colonel
Fltber, Captains Z eg ir, Pratt, Camara
and Wilder, and Lieutenant Jones. There
was no celebration of abrogation day on
me 17th except a noon salute. TDe mil -itary
commission opened court in the, 13 prisoners appearing belore
it-Mes-rs. Gulick, Seward, TB Wa ker.
Bowler, Rickard, Bertelmann, Wilcox,
H iwiB O, ibe iwo Lines, Greig. Welo
iii an n and Marshall. Tbe prisoners wete
allowed lime to confer with their counsel,
and court adjourned.
Cbaries Ciark, a chief attendant of tbe
ex queen, gave damaging lnlormt tlon,
which ted to tbe discovery at her resi
droce of 4i) r fls. 11 pis ols, five swords,
89 full belts and 1000 cartridges; also 21
bombs of dttitrcni patterns.
This last, ti.e Bulletin, late'y a royalist
paper, terms a jriebitul find." White
and K tson were arrested for casting; a
number of bombs found. Tbey were em
ployed by Berteltnaun to make 20 as
ornaments for tenceposts, as tbey say. A
skilled native scout was sent up in the
mountains to scaich for L t Line. Lane
came dowo in the af(ern0:i, -tarved out,
and surrendered himself. He was tbe
only leader still nut. The hg is now
cnmplete'.of all important rebels iu the
field, and or most of their white accom
piires and instigators. Up to the 19
810 per.ous were bed prisoners by the
government no account of the rebe hou
Ot the rebels taaen from tbe field, four
were tnreigni-ra and 125 natives. Of ac
complices 89 were foreigners and- 11
natives. Only half whites are included
with tbe natives.
A Terrible Deed.
SPRreoFiELD. O., Feb. 6 The mid ac
tines of Mrs. George Wolt culminated
'bis morning in an act of cruelty tba'
brought the atteotioo t.f the authorities
to ber condition. Neighbors, attracted
by cries at the Wolf residence, iovesti
gated and found that the mother had
stood her children, aged 7, 5, 3 and 1.
out in the fret zing air perfectly nude,
and was alternately pouring ice water an i
hot watir upon them The childteu were
rescued and the mother placed Uodir
a'rest. Ii is claimed sbe was driven in
sane at spiritualistic seances.
Plghtlnsr In Jtadagasear.
Lisbon, Feb. 5 OfBuial dispatches re
ceived today from Lureczo Marque.-.
Delagoa bay. say as a resnlt of the fight
logon lucomntl river, January 21, the
Portuguese captured Anguane and Maxa
qume. aud that on F tiruarv 2 nntiveh
returned and sorpri.-d 'he Portuguese,
but were repulsed The Portuguese lis.
is four killed and e gnt wound, d. h.
Portuguese and friend y natives yesterday
commenced a combined attack on tbr
The Rejected Credentials.
London, Feb. 5 A dispatch to the
Timet from Yokohama says the creden
tials of ibe Chiotse peace envoys, which
Japan refused on account of tbe insuffl
ciencv of their powers, were as follows:
"Bj decree we appoint you our plenipo
tentiaries to meet and negotiate the mat
ter with tbe plenipotentiaries appointed
by Japan. You will, however, telegraph
to Tsung Li Tamcn, of tbe Chinese for
eign i.fflce, for tbe puruose of obtaining
our commands by which you wi.l abide,
Members of your mt'Blen are placed un
der your control, You wi 1 1 conduct jour
miss'oo in a faithful and diligent manner,
and fu fill tbe trust reposed in jou. '
A dispatch from Peking savs that the
capture of L:ng Cbou ai.d Wei- Hai Wei
has made a deeper impress on upon tbe
Chinese than tbe fall of Port Arthur. The
disuatch adds that the reported refusal ol
Japan to treat with tbe Chinese envoys
confirms tbe belief expressed il Peking
tbat tbe Japanese are not willing to name
their own terms of peace.
n;n;n. u ,..t I . A. ... . . reasons only I
auacz. auu aiu a aa huss ub ud uwv.i a ui s aaiii'ia si Hru ita mun r w nr nnw an anaan .
, . . ,-r -. r..j w. jjolph'a frienls are as hrm as ever,
tne party to wnicn iney pretena to oe state in tbe northwest, and especially and undoubtedly will remain so to the
allied in future elections. Of court e, in Oregon. Tbe Chinese do not pos- end of the sewon. To retreat from
DemocratsandPopuliat8,bopetoBee the sess all these elements. Tbey are in- the position tbey have taken would be
Republican party shorn of iU strength, dustrious. but thev do not hPmn, treachery to tbe best interests cf Or,
..... . I . . I egoa, and would merit censure from
so tbat they may have an opportunity Americans in any sense of the word, Lf, RftpU,ii(.ttn party 0f the natlon
. i .i 1.1. : t. n l. . , I . - ........ I . r r J
m. me --puuuc cnu, uerauter, sua ana are uniair competitors in tbe labor and of the state.
they know the course the bolters are market. If there was any method to
pursuing is certain to accomplish this prevent "the holding of land out of
end. For this reason there is not a use" which will remedy this evil, and
Democratic or Populist paper in the make even Chinamen desirable acces-
state that is not doing everything pos- sions to our population, we are frank
sible to encourage the bolters to keep to confess we do not understand it.
np tbe fight, and not to yield to tbe I At the price of productions nnder the
majority in any emergency. Every I present Democratic free-trade admio-
At Kansas City.
Kassas Crnr, Feb. 7 The blizzard
raged with unabated vigor all night. At
7 o'clock ibis morning tbe thermometer
registered 10 deg. below sero. A gale
is blowing. Signal Officer O'Connor
does not promise any respite until Friday
evening. Tbe rallioads are not incon
venienced much bv drifts
day that the dead-lock continues
strengthens their hopes, and they are
already looking forward to 1896, ex
pecting that tbe Republican party, by
reason of fractional feuds, will not be
able' to elect a single candidate on the
state or congressional tickets. These
are the tactics of political minontes,
istration if every acre were made to
yield a harvest the income would be
very meagre, and would be far from
being a source of wealth. With wheat
at 25 to 35 cents a bushel there is
little, if any, profit to the farmer, ex
cept he is a large land-owner. But,
by any system that may be adopted,
and harmony-and party fealty are there must be industry and economy,
necessary to defeat them.
The present sessiou of the legislators
has only a few more days to exist, and
so far it has done little or nothing.
and we should only welcome those who
may become American citizens.. The
single-tax theory will not do this with
Chinamen in Oregon or Massachusetts.
The queen's proclamation convening
parliament appears very egotistical
Last Jone, in every part of the state, when it is known that she is almost
an economical administration was de
cnanded, and it was expected that the
ssembera of the legislature then elected
woald not be remiss in the perfor
mance of their duties. Times were
bard, taxes were burdensome, business
powerless in the management of gov
ernmental affairs of Great Britain.
In her speech, wbioh was undoubtedly
prepared for her. the old lady uses
"I" and "my" quite frequently, as
though the destinies of the British
Five of the six polar expeditions
tbat left for the North last year came
to an untimely end, and the sixth,
that commanded by Dr. Fridthof Nun-
sen, the daring Norwegian who bud
previously crossed tbe ice-cap of
Greenland, has not been heard from
since be launobed his little boat, tbe
Fram, to drift from Northern Russia
over the pole to Greenland through
seas supposed to be there to afford tbe
passage. Austria is tbe first in tbe
field to announce a polar expedition in
the coining spring.
The citizens of Eastern Oregon can
read in the clear sunlight comfortably
without heirt coats, tbe news of
blizzards raging east, with tbe ther
mometer ranging 10 to 20 degrees lie-
low zero, and should be thankful that
they live west of ibe Rocky uiountaiui-
and in tbe salubrious northwest.
With all the advantages of climate
that Oregon possesses there is a fruit
ful soil, vaat mines of mineral wealth.
and room enough for thousands of
honest, industrious home-seekers.
Mr. Dolpb has only lacked three
votes of being elected United State
senator on every ballot taken in the
joint convention for over a week past,
and these three votes have been with
held from him simply because he is in
Thta axtrft-
OTdlnnrv Ra
juyesator is
sue most
olsoovery cf
the age. It
oa been en
dorsed by the
ttflo men of
uroce and
Hudvan Is
Hudyan stops
of the die.
charsa In en
days. Ortrcs
FsJiicg Ben-satifnx.Nirv-ons
ui uie eyts
and other
end tones the
entire (ivMem.
Hudyan cnus
and develop) s
end rt stores
weak tgars.
P. ins In ILe
bactf, lot sci
bv d av m
i,',inv '...
OTteMr." Over 2,000 private enrio'senienta.
Prematurenees means nnnoteney lu the flrrt
stags. It is a symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness. It can be Slopped in so daw
bytheuseof Hudyan,
The new discovery wis afl Y j the Special
ists of tha old famorjs Hudson Medical Instltuia.
it la tha BtmtifttMt vf :u I miulA Te 4a mm
in every department of pnblio affair. I know that democracy is growine- dailv been substantiated against his record I F2wSS,!l5.. a.'?'Le; J9'4 ? L9A P"0"
. - . I - " i . iKujKnm luz oo.wi,pJuinHe&!ea ooxeej.
There ere extra expenses incurred by I As a monument of tbe venerable nasi-1 88 friend to an open river and ibe I Written gnarantee giyeufora cure, if you buy
... a - s ... . . r I hoafc intaraata a ik. snwlm.. .h. I KS"??.1 JSP nirSl. na,Sl
ine emptoymen. oc a large nam tier of I tne monarchy may survive tbe bonse I m. . -w, .. wijra wyooireBoraiienantea,
. . . .... . . I . . . . ' nouse These three Reriuhlicana ham I tod for rtrcularnd testtaoofcla.
favor of maintaining tbe monetary
vas dull ana proa nets were wortb empire were carried on her hnnM. """' worn-
a r. i 1 IJ VT . .
Uttle ,n the maraet.and these empha bu, the people can afford to py Hu.e re Z
aired tbe importance of retrenchment attention to what sbe says when they abilitv. and not, a sinele charire ha
Address '
clerks, who practically received per I of lords; but both are doomed to wreck I - TLs 7 t" " -"' hcdson medical iswiTtiTB.
.. , ..r u- .ru.-. - 77 , T " awwr ecs: misrepresented their constuuen's, Jiuic(loaStocktoo,Alarsutdt:UU(a,
dieai for doing nothing. This drain on lad rni fja t&e future. 'and refused to rote for Mr, mVxwl,CmU
Orojvned in the Neatueea
HrLLBBOBu, Feb. 5 News has reached
this city that i C Hall, ex county sur-
veyor and a respectable citizen of tbis
couotv, wbo recently traded for a farm
on the Big Nt-stucca river, io Tillamook
couoty, bad besn (ootid drowned in tbe
river near bis borne. He bad been having
considerable financial trouble of late, and
was being sued by a heavy crtditnr. H
bad been so much worried by 'bis tbat
bis oldest son, C E Hall, took matters
into his own bands, and was in H;i labor
lastFnday attempting to straighten up
tome affairs for bis lather, wren be was
sodden. y summoned borne by a telegram
announcing the finding ot bis father's
body m tbe river.
Charge llmied.
Br"Okltn, N. Y.,.Fb. 5 The com
plaint ot tbe strikers against' rresiaeot
Norton, of tbe Atlantic-avenue system.
charging bim with violating the Uuited
States laws by having signs inscribed
U. S. Mail" oo cars of tbe road oa whicb
no mails were earned, was dismissed io
tbe federal court today. It is thought
tbe mayor will veto the resolution passed
by toe a dermen revoking the licenses
and franchises ot the trolley lines. The
resolution is Declared to be unconstitu
tional. n cases oi violence or wire
cutting occurred during the night.
Ha j-ward Harder Trial.
Minneapolis, Minn , Feb 8 Tbre
was an intensely sensational scene in th
couitroom today shortly after the Hay
ward murder trial opened. B:ixt, tbe
self-confessed murderer, was still on the
stand and Erwin began today's campaign
by charging directly that tbe witness had
doctored bis confession given yesterday to
suit public clamor. The state objected to
tbis manner of cross-examination, and
tbe court susta;nd tbe ol jectioo. Erwin
then aked Biixt bow be accounted for
tbe discrepancy between tbe tajo state
meets he made as to Harry's giving bim
wbisky. Blixt wanted to go into explao
atioa uftbis after bis own ideas, bu
Ji win ins:stea on a direct answer
Again B:ixt tried to bedge, answering be
was in oo condition at tbe time of his
original confe-sion to remember the
detais accurately. "An? man in the
condition I was in," said Biixt, '-would
not be likely to know whether Ibe time
Hay ward brought the wbisky waa
o'clock or 7:80"
Htyward .aogbed aloud, and looked
quarely at B ixt the while. Tbe face of
he murderer turned livid, his voice trem
Med, and be half arose from the witness
"Yes," be cried, "this is no laughing
thing, I tell you." He wan pointing one
shaking band atra'gbt at Ha j war J and
ins lips trembled as be gasped: "Yes.
von -- voa are tbe man tbat done
an. i snow l tell ine truth, and vou
knew, - - ."
Hay ward, with his chin resting on bis
hand, bis W'.lte teeth snowing as bis llp
parted in a broad grin, bad enraged tbe
witness beyond endurance. Uiilt Was
called dowo by tbe court, and tbe cross
examination went oo. There was an lm
meose tbrosg present, at least 400 being
Expects a Settlement.
Bak Fkancisco, Dvo. o wnen seen
late last oighl. Cbiel Arthur said: "We
haye accomplished ootb ng so far, but we
expect to arrive at some settlement of the
dispu e on Toursday. I am goiog away
for a day or two, but will ho back here
to meet tbe Southern Paciflo officials on
Tburaday. We have submitted several
propositions to tbem and thev want time
to cop-idrr mem. , ine nature or tne
proposition I must posi ively decline ti
discuss. 1 can oniy say mat i expect !
s-e this matter amicaoiy aoi isied od
Tduraday.' :
Bairias Was Uiisureraafal. .
IiNDON, Feb. 6 General Birtios,
special envoy of 'bo government of Nic
aragua o the Bti'isb tO'ernmeut, has
goue tr Piris. I' '8 learned his mission
here has not brep soccesful. Tlieie is
still some Iriction beiweeo MxtarHg-ox
nno Great Britain in regard to the air-8'
Acting Br.tish Vice Consul H.tch bv
t Ni -iragoao au horitiea at Blucfie da,
n 8 ptember las', at the time of the rim
turt'Sm-e. ilttch c'stmed the in pr
guan authorities refused lo inform him
pf tbe aature of the charges which eaused
poverty and drier.
Omaha, F?b, 6 Mrs. Anton CLrlstiao
son has been- living in tbe same room
with tbe dead bodies of ber husband aud
two children f.r davs because sbe was too
ooor to defray tbe expenses of their inter
ment. Tbe husband died of blood
poisoning, and her two children of
scarlet lever. Four davs after tbe fat be.
was taken dowo, tbe 5 year-old boy died.
and, not knowing wbat to do, the mother
placed the body io a back room until she
should b-ive time to seek aid in providing
tor the burial. The next afternoon tbe
lather succumbed to tbe disease, aud bis
irf.dy was placed beside that of bis son
twelves hours later death relieved tbe
bsbv of its sufferings, and ita body was
stored away witb the others Crushed
with grief, without funds and friends, tbe
mother was in a sad duemmi, and not
knowing wha to d , sbe paid no atten
ion o ibe bodies, and set about to care
for the oldest boy, wbo was sbowinir
signs oi recovery, ine Biivailoa Arm
nas taacn coarge oi toe cue.
fad Condition of .4ffdlrai.
SacbaMEKT, Fell. 7 The report of
the assembl) committee cn public health
and quarantine and state hospitals and
asylums subm tted to the asstmoly
praUts the condition of affairs at the
Berkeley institute for the deaf, dumb and
blind, and at the insane asvlum, but
gives severe censure to the situation at
tbe home for adult blind in Oakland.
Many of tbe inmates seen in and about
tbe grounds, the report savs, were
wretchedly clothed and so filthy in
appearance as to be absolutely repulsive
The depraved - inmates of rlie Smcktoo
asylum were clean compared to some of
there. There can be no possible
expisnation 'or this coudition of things,
other tian bad management. Discontem
reigns supreme amoog tbe inmates io
regard to the managemeut; the a ms
ebeie is rife w:th petit jcalou-iea and a
avstem of espionage, wbicti the committee
is cocviaced does exist on the part of the
superintendent, was generally complained
ol. Practical discipline is ab.olulel)
wanting. The inmates said spies were so
on tbe alert that many times tbey bad
been barsmy treated for speaking tbo
trutb. Discord among tbe directors la
commented upon aud It is recommecded
that all the present board be removed
and tbat a suitable site outside ol the city
be purchased for the institution in order
to better tbe condition or tbe institution
and save an outiay for the state.
A. Hotel 1st Flames.
Isdiakapous, Feb. 7 Shortly after
10 o'clock this morning fire brose out on
ibe fifth floor ot tbe Deoi.on hotel. Ow
ing to tbe intensely cold weather tbe fire
men were handicapped,
Tbe Deuison hotel is located on Ohjo
and Pennsylvania streets, and is tbe larg
est in the city, having 600 guest -rroins.
The hotel a-aa quickly filled with smoke,
and tbe guests left quietly. No pinic
Fr a time it seemed ss if tbe fire
would spread to the Grand onera-house.
immediately across the alley south, and to
the Empire theater.
Fireman Frank Nutter and an elect rlc-
ugnt man, Peter Rau. Were knocked
from a ladder 40 leet hieh bv a fal in a
c roice. Nutter will probably die, aud
R-ao is seriously itjurtd
The flimes at tbis hour (12:45 P u )
are still confined to 'be southeast portion
ot tbe bot-ding, tbnutrb the fire is not by
anv means under control.
Tbe botel was valued at (400,000. and
toe toss tnus lar is estimated lo be clos.
to $100,006.
This Well-known Brewery is now turning out the best
Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances
for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have been intro
duced, and ouly the first-class article will be placed on the
East Second Street.
The Dalles.
Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars
All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter,
and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full Una of
welTs-year-old Whiskey, strictly purs, for msdidual par
bosss. Malt Liquor. Columbia Unwary bsar oa draught. ,
04 Second Street. TIIK DALL ES, OR
Bpreekei's dirt la Ir.
Sah Fbakcisco, Feb. 7 A specla1
from Hono ulu giv-ee further particu si
of Rudolph Spreckels1 connection with
tbe rebellion. Among the papers seized
at Li mokalani's house Was a diary witb
entries made last June and Jul; referring
to Rudolph SpreckeV advice tbat sbe re
sort to force to regain her tbrooe. Tbe
general impressioo in Honoiu'u is tba
Rudolph Spreckels did not purchase arms
for the revolution binuelf, merely ad
vancing funds for the arms wbicb were
purchased tor tbe ex-qucto bv some one
else. Luiuokalani's Oiarj refers to the
torn mis-ion appointed by her several
months ago to proceed -to Washington
and ascertain if President Cleveland
would take further s tDS to restore ber
power. She writes tbat sbe informeo
Spreckels that sbe thought Cevtiaad
favored arbitration rattier tbao force ol
arms. Tbe special correspondent ai
Honolulu claims to bave positive!)
learned tbat some ot the leaders of tbe
reoeilion bave been sentenced to death .
' A Convict' Bmeide.
SAXEM,f?eb. 7 W. A. Baker.convicted
and sentenced to tbe . penitentiary from
Washington couoty November 29, 1893,
for bigamy, committed suicide at an early
bour tbis morning by barging. He se
cured a piece of roDe 'and. dnrino- the
night, lied it to waste pipe tbat tz
tended through his cell, and, making a
noote in ibe other end, slipped it over
bis neck. Tbis was done by standing on
tbe sink in tbe corner of bis cell; and step
ping cff. he was left suspended within
tbiee inches of tbe floor. A coroner's
inquest was beld. but no ott er facta were
reveled. He was 41 veara oid. a native
of Michigan, and was serving a two years'
t entente.
Barned to tseath.
Pbicebubg, Fa Feb. 7 Two build-
loss burned here this miming, in one of
hicn J lie ChoporiosRl, a Hungarian.
conducted a saloon. CuooorinsKi'a wile
ana coua were buraed to death. T. ,k
oid don't be imposed upon by buying a remedy tbat
requires you to do o, as it it nctbing more than a
substitute. In tbe sudden stoppage of tobacco you
must bave some stimulant, and iu most all cases, the
-fleet of the stimulent, he it opium, morphine, or
W onistrs. leaves a far worse habit contrac
ted. Ask your druggist aboat
U VCO - CUHO. . It is
purely vegetable. You do no
have to stop unrig tobacco with
UACO-CURO. It will
uoiilyyuu wh" to stop aim j our ucaire tor tulucco wjl cease. Your system will be as free
from nicotine as the day before you took your first chew or smoke. An iron clad written
guarantee to absolutely care the tobacco habit in all its forms, or. money refunded. Price
$l.oo perbo or3boxesj(3o dayi treatment or guaranteed cure) Ja.So, For sale by all
druggists or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS
FOR SAMPLE BOX. Booklets and proofe free.
Eureka Chemical A M'Pg Co., La Crosse, Wis.
St. Paul, alina., Sspt, T I'M.
Eurek Chemlmt in HTc C)., L Cross, Wis.
Pesr Ain I hvA hton toh:co fletii ior msay years, and darlnv tbe put two yotrs bsvs smoked fif
teen to twenty cig s reioiiiuly every day. My wo'e ncrv as yiem bemme effecud, anill my pbjod.a
told me I muitgive up tne usenf tobteoo f th tinin being;, et lecat. I tried the -o-call d "KeeleV
lire,' 'Ko-To-"c." and uius f i lee, but without sueoe, onUI I acei -tail learned ot your
" Baco-Cure." Tare wreka wo today I ooro n-nodl uli ir .iur pr oiil on, a 1 to lay f 4ui ler myseJ
oomp etely eareo; 1 im lo perfect heal 1 1, tuid tb horrible craTinsr for tolMoto. ahleh rery lrv ermte
moker lu ly appreciates, bu completely left me. I coonider n ur "axo-Coro" simply wonderul, and
can fully rai-ommead it. . Toure very tn'r. C. W, HoaMCK. .
The New Columbia Hotel
This large and popular house does the. principal hotel busi
ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accom
modations of any house in the city,
and at the low rate of
$1 Per Day.
.First-Class Meals. 25 Cents
Well and Happy
Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla-Dull
Headaches -That Tired Feeling.
It la not Knows) flfiw,
okt TowuBENi), Feb 6 The fact
eaked out here today tbat tbe Northern
Pacific Express Company waa robbed of
4300 two Weeks ago. The pilfer ng waa
.luce from a package consigned to VValter
U Wen, special deputy collector of cua-
ma, and waa not discovered until tb
pinkage was delivered at the custom
house. Tbe company bas bad two de-
tectivea working on tbe matter for two
tes:sao tar witlioot fixiui; the eniit
The packige wm brought here on fe
t ai-r City of Kinutton. No arrests
have jet been maue.
Itrba Cui.Hpirmry Case.
Chicasi, Feb 6 At the opening of
the Deos con-piracy cse today the
deputy marshal who spent ycsterda
attempting to aumrnon GTtre M Po l
mau as a witne-a for the defense reported
be was unable to lo re the pala. e car
manufacturer, hut waa finally m'ormeo
be had gone to Washington Tbe defease
thro eailel President Debs, ot tha
American Railway TJaion.
Office for all STAGEINES leaving The Dalles for all points
in Eastern Oregon, find Eastern Washington,
is located in this Hotel.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Proprietor.
Cor. Front and Union Sts The Dalles, Oregon
On Account of Sickness in My Family
And Physician recommending a change of climate, my entire stock of
.. Will be'Sold 20 Per Cent Below Cost.
There will also be a REDUCTION made in prices of PHO
TOGRAPHS in order to use up stock, on hand.' .
Chicago Photograph Gallery, Second Street, Opposite Mays &
Urowe s Hardware store.
Mr. W. S. Tote
Baa Francisco, CaL
One of the neatest mistakes peonle make la
io iocs us aoor arur tbe horse Is stolen, or In
ower woraj, K wait until tbey are sick in bed
neiore uey do urtuine for the ooor bodv.
Neither my wU nor myself were real sick: I
attended, to my business, and mr wile to ber
nouuenoKl uutlee dally. ButwehaddulLbeavv
beadaebes, and a Uttle over-exertion would tire
us greatly, and my appetite waa very poor. So
We took tlirea bottle nf Trwvl. Hp..norin.
and the result was perfectly satisfactory. I be-
Saved Us a Severe Slckneaa
And big doctor's bill. If people would only
rememoer mat "an ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure ' there would be leas suffering
lu tbe world. My advice to all wbo do not feal
The ftro Fino Wine Booms
Best Grade California Wines and Brandies in Ik City
HOOd'S8 ClirCS Mmforted aTld rCMFSTir IICUORS and CIGAFS
Well Is to taka FTfwwfa fl.9ranm iiMMllna .a
?i "uu 7"u wl" w wen ana nappy."
W. H. Toua, ite 12th Si, San FrancUco. Cat.
Hood 'a Pllla cue all llrar Uls-eooatlnatloii.
Vo. OO Second door from
The come? of Court Street . . .
Mltonsness, jaundloe, sink beadaehs, Indlyaatfes
"v .. 1 1 j ' ""sawaei