The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 09, 1895, Image 1

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    f? If?
HtliHTtlSitCH, VolaaaeXXXV
NO. 25
by r
JohnMichell Editor and Proprietor
Profession! Carets.
Physician and Surgeon
Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10
mtilia, ud from to 4 pm. Keal
denee We t End cf Third Mreet,
Attorneys at Law
Boo ma 42 and 48 Chapman Block, Th. Dalles, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms S and , Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore
Practical Dentist
Ofller Over A. A. Brown's (rmcer-, Seron-1 St.
All work guaranteed lo g ve tlsf dim and all he
latest Improved methods used in dental operationa.
m ji Bchaano's buildire;, np stairs. The Dalles
ASCO LODGE. NO. 16. A. P A. M. Meets
first and third Monday 01 eacn montn at o
Meets iu Masonic Hall wo uura neaneeuaj
each month at 8 P M.
COLOMBIA LODGE, NO, 8, I. O. . P. I'eets
j erery Friday evening at 7:80 n'oloca. In K. of P.
uaJl, corn v of eeooua ana nnm oojuunt
or brothers are welcome. H. CLoceH, See v.
r nvnrv Hondav avenins At 8:00 o'clock, in Schan-
oo'a building, corner of Gout, aud Second street.
Sojourning brothers are cordial I invited
D. Viiras, K. H. and 8. F. ME.Mir'EE, 0.
V T will meet every Friday arternooD as a o eracs
at tiie reaoinir room. All are invited.
Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday
evening of each week at 730 ocl-ck, in A. Keller's
Hall. - All brothers and sojourning brothers are
nrned to be nreaent.
fTEMPLF LODGE. NO 8. A. O IT. W.-Meets
I in K.Keller'a Hall even- Thurolav evening at 7:30
'clock. PATL KKEFT. M. W.
W. 8. Brass, Financier
IAS. NESSilTH POST, NO. 42, Q. A. R Meets
I every Saturday at 7.S0 P. M. in K of P. Hall.
OP L. E-Mtete every Friday afternoon In
K. of P. Hall.
TASCO TB1PE, 0. It I O. B. M Meets
ev.iy Weontadsj a ei ins in a. oi r. nail
feuudav eveninii in Kellrr's Hall
BOP. L. F. DIVISION. SO. 167. Meets n K.
of P. Hall the first and ihird Weaneaday of
ca month at 7:30 P. M.
FIRST BAlTlbT CHURCH Rev. o. D. Tatlok,
la.ior. Services every Sabbath at 11 A M.
P.M. fcebbath school immediately after the
norning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
evening at 8 P. M
E. CHCRCH Rev. Jho. Wholes. Pastor.
ClAi.u. aeevi- fcunrt nifirnin and .vonina.
dTinda. fiihofll at I2rf0 o'clock P. hi. A cordial In vi
ta tkr r tended bv both pastor and people to all.
J Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sunday School after mornintr service.
T. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BRoaseanr
Paw or. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. si aiga
at 10:80 A.M. Vespersat ir.M.
MT. PAUL'S OHUBCH. Union Street, opposite
O Fifth. Rev. Ita li. Sutcliffe, Rector. Services
ever-Bunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P M., Sunday
ecliool at 900 A. U. Evening Prayer on Friday at
T&l P. M.
tor. PreaaniDK evsry Sundav atteruoon at 8
o'clock in the ConifrcKational church. All are cor
dially invited
" Real Estate, loans and Insorance.
Arentfortbe Scottish Union an Natioral In
surance conipauy of Ediuburun, bcotlaud, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Omoe over Post Offioe. The Dalles, Or.-
(Rrster V. . Land OfFce. V GO 1884.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty. -
Wall's Block Main ct.. Yancuv.r. Clark Co., Wash.
-a ar yt Reeord rtreet next door east of
A Ort The j .He, at Bank
laving- ast opentd in bnrlness, and bavins; a full
assortment of the latest go d In my line, J de
sire a share of the j-UDlk patronage
Manofaotnrer of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv's Warehonse.
A Work tUaaraiBteed te hil-vn Sat
iBrawttloa JAS. FERGUSON,
General Expressman !
Good hauled with the (treateat
oarte nf thx cttv on short notion.
to all
. .. :.! c ' : : i. o :
., ..-. . fl.rt:. :i e ' O. .1 .
ii..yuiui '.-f j(
R;no!d s aiw?s-Re8dy Hal? Eflcs
iTe if l.arUene 1 i-ubei outwenr w
ier le Pent po:tiU. You ca.
mlf-ole voiir Khoes in mlnute pi event
iiMnjt pntnroAtfora2entH. Order H grrosa
nlr C. O D. and I will five you ex
clnre a-e-cv In ronreitv and town-nip.
mm, arrnni m,a.uowr
One spotted eow, branded figure 8 on left hip
and swhlioer fork In both son. 'iske up December
lf, at my ran b on Flit B Mile meek. The owner
can have the sa . by payuijr for thia advert Uvment
and past ore" H HABDEbTf.
The Uailes, Ortjfitauainit It. UM .
" Tlie Regulator Lice"
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co
THROUGH FfEiieiiflFasscpLifls
Through Daily trips , (Sundays ex
cepted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks witn tteamer Dalles City.'
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., conneciing
with bteamer Keguiator lor 1 he Dalles.
) e way . . .
RouLd trip.
.?2 00
. 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must oe delivered belore
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address.
General Agent
Clocks, Wafclies, Jewelrv, Etc
Always seep, on tne lateat una do t nynt o
Time-pieces Diamond hins, bow-knoi Bines, nil-
verware, etc .tc.
... p" ,.r
163 cmir'riiti' i fm i J J
Wnl ame & ' o.'
I am now prepared to deliver
Eoslyn Coal
.To any part of tie rlit Ifr ?8.B pe
ton. This is oinrh cheater than wood
and a great deal more convenient. Ap
ply to
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O. R. & N Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Gram.
mm m paky mm,
Snecial Prices to Cash Buyers
Charles A. Baldwin &Co7
f Accounts of Banks and Bankers received af
a nn favnpahl. . .. 1
f Bonds and Investment Securities.
9 HaTfif C:HJ. -,i u . .. . .....
i ' r Moiiv.iai Ltutr maiiea on appucauoa. a
The i Merchant $ Tailor
Suits Wade tr Order and s Fit Puaru'erd
Ololhta Cle ned on the 8. ott
exi Notice
Near Or. Tbfrd end 'Wa-Iiir efon St a
Second and Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor
(Successor to P. KREFT CO.
Dealer In
Matt pappr,
ifs enb
Ar'ists' Material and Painters' Sunn'iea
AH orders for painting, papering and
kaIso- l ir.g promptly teno'ed to . .
We're Here to
And Want Your Trade
Have you ever eeen Aunt Jemina's
Pancake Meal ?
Or Pettijohns' Breakfast Gem?
Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour is fine,
and yu know whftt Heker'8 seif-EisinK
Our Maple Syrnp. Maple Suear, Comb
Hoiihv nnrl swept thinim arp Inat an nice
oney ana sweet inings are usi aa nice
as you could want them.
Cal1 and Bee U8 or ask Central for b2
-AND -
A. KELLER Prop';
am iMspared to furnish families, nrtals and rea
tanranu witn tne cnoicen
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Csters Serred In Every Style.
Itrood Street. Next door to The Dalles Ka
uoruu bwik.
Fin-t-clasa Wlors, Liqoors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Tha Dalles, Oregon.
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines.
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
o.ddreas: Lock Boi 181.
Pass Obbsitt Pais trill red are vur vebrht
PllK)IA!iKKTI.V from U to It p on. s a
mouth No sttrvintr-sickness o- inlury; oo public
ity. They buii up the health and b sntiiytne
complexion, lea vine no vrinkie. er flahbineea Stout
aoonsnens ana aimcuit Dreutnuur -urely relieved.
a hXPKHlHKN I b a seentiflv and posi-
auoeu oriiy alter years of experience.
All orders auiplied direct from our office. Price'
ea-uv pacaaa;4 or tares p.caaires lor so 00 by I
mall postpaid. . Teatimoaialu and ptfliculan (aealed
All f?sjrrrepesia1eae- Xtrinly ronfltteu.
Children Cry
for rltOHIS'l
' Cantorlt it so well adapted to children that
trpcitiunifnil it ad auperRr to any prescripUoa
Ituown u me. iu a. archer, jo, i..
Ill South Oxford Su, Brooklyn, N T
r n-e Oaator'a in my practice, and find I
fpecially adutLaa to affections of children.1'
'I" ltOBERTSON, M. D..
1067 ltd Ave., New 7otf
'From personal knowledge I can gay th.4
Bstoiu iau rcat esceuenr meaunne lor cnu
Lowell, Masm,
Castorla promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency. Constipation, Sour
Stomach. Diannaea, and Feverishneaa
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
lieep natnravi. Uaatorla concaicj no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
The Dalles 'National Bank
President, - Z. F. Mocdj
.M. L Hood;
General Banking Business Transacted,
Sight Exchangee sold oo
Kortbweet Cor. Second andJWaahingtonJ-tte.
8ULCuSL0r;to George Buch.
The Cheapest Place
ths naiiLsa roa
All Kinds of Groceries,
We respectfully solicit a sh of the public pat-
ronaire and all endeavor to rive entire satiafae
ton to our customers novo pm no new.
Manufactures th. Best Articles of
Soda, Sarsapaiilla and Ginger Ale
Leans Oiders With Andrew Keller,
M ourit flood kuk Room
Best Kentucky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Be
of Wines.
Ir.glifb Port 1 Ale and Milsrankf
Beer -tlways on band.
0. IU N. CO.
MCNEILL. Receiver-
orris the
Cbolcs of Two Transcontinental Eontes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cines
OCEAN 8rEAMER8 b-sre fort ar d Ivs
days for
For full details eaaoaO. R. k N. Avent at THE
DALLL8, Or address
W. H. HtntLBlTRT, Gen. Pass. Agt,
fonland. Oregon.
Dlsxraerfal Scrsie la Congress.
Washington, F-t. 1 Tbre van a
most ni iiiosr sreoe io tbe hnnse of rep
r aei tnie- trU miTDirg when Repre
sentative Breckinridge, of K-Dtuckv, and
Represeatalive Heard, of Missouri, came
to blnwt in tbe center aiale lo the middle
of the hall.
Representative Heard, chairman of the
committee on the District of Colombia,
became aneered because the Hawaiian
q 'lest ion was being brnaebt forward in
the time rievoteil to bts committee, and
..ttempted 'o secure the fl or. The be
SloniDS of tbe controversy was not plain
hut suddenly both members sprang to
raH each otber, Breckinriiigf f houtinp,
"Too car, scoundrel and 'ir." and s rik
ine at the member from Missouri a fierce
blow, which missed bun.
Instaotlv thev were ei-d by othr
mteibers, but straggled fiercely to get at
enc'i other, sbou injt ' Liar " K presep-
tative Pence, of Colorado, bad Breck n
ridge bv the tbroat and McCreary, of
Eeatacky, climbed ovel several aeaia and
beld him by tbe shoulders. For 8 or 4
minutes there ws a wild scramblioe, n
semhliDg a football rush, while all the
members of tbe house ponred into the
aisle, sod tbe greatest confusion reigned
The poaodiop- of tbe speaker s givel
coo Id not be beard, but Cri-p's voire rang
above the tomnlf, houtintj '-tbe sergeaot
at arms will arrest the nembera," and
then "tbe sergeant-at arms will bring
them before the bar of Ibe bonxe."
DeDUtv Sergeant at-arms Iaac Bl'i
rnshed down the aisle, bearing tbe erea'
mace, sod followed by two ncsistants
Tbe two members were brought op before
the spt-aktr's desk, two men on encb side
holding iheir arms, ana Kepreseniative
Dockero. of Missouri, standing behind
Breckinridge was violently . red in tbe
face, wbile Heard, who is a slender map.
was asben pale and tremoliog like a leaf,
In tbe r.onrse or bis explanation to tbe
house, Breckinridge prsc'ically cbal
it-nged Heard, and demanded personal
Both Heard and Breckinridge were
forced to apol gize to ibe boose
Exonlbifln proceed i ne are unlikely
Breckinridge and Heard have made
stateraeODS withdrawing all nffeoaive re
marks, and tbe wbo e proceedings bave
been ordered atricken from the record
Breckinridge and Heard shook bands
oo tbe floor of the boaee, and good teeling
reigns ouce more.
HensatlosiMl OevrlupineBta.
Chicago, Feb. t -Developments in tbe
whisky trus' case t -day wrre sensational.
Last night Natban B!jnr, of New York,
left for Peoria, accompanied by two ex
oert accoootan's and armed with an order
from Jadge Grossed p. fur an examination
0' the books of tbe company. Early to.
dav Biur wired that tbe books were
locked in tbe vault ana tne omy man
having tbe combination to tbe safe was
out of town. He was tben wired to se
en re the boots at soy cost and by any
means. One of the attorneys for tbe
stockholders'' committee raid: "This
afternoon Bjar was wired at fVoria to
oe dyaamne in getting at the book, and
have no doubt be will do so if necessary.
We are not to be stopped by any trickery
on tbe part of tbe opposition."
Amendment etrirken Oat.
Washington, Feb. 1 Mitchell says
tbat tbe conferret gave way his amend
ment insisting that Walla Walla and
Vancouver sbould not be abandoned if
Suokane is made a post, Tbis leaves tbe
Wilson amendment as it originally passed
tbe bouse, tbe post to be established by
tbe seretary of War. Money is pro
vided io another bill to be used by tbe
secretary of war in bis judgment for
military" posts. Mitchell nude a speech
criticising the actions of the conferrees.
Later in tbe day SeBator eqoire said be
favored the amendment, but the war De
partment did out wan, it.
Hat Little Trouble.
Brooklyn, Feb 1 Tbe ruoning of the
trolley cars last night was attended by
no violence on tbe part of tbe strikers.
Tbe wires were cut in three places during
the night, and three arrests were made.
Cars are running on all lines today.
8 risers early tbis morning attacked
nd severely beat tbe conductor and
motor mao of a car on ibe Third- avenuo
line. The str ker also broke all tbe
windows in he car. Tbe police drove
be striken off.
A man named Dunn wss shot by Po
Merman Coroel'us today wbiie endeavor
ing to escape, after having cut the troliey
wires. Duoo's injuries, though serious,
are not likely to prove fatal.
Mneeew fail Mwtadlera.
Zacatecas, Mexico, Feb. 1 Three
Ameilcao card sharps arrived bere a lew
ays ago and rented a small room on tbe
principal plsza of tbe city, where tbey
began plying their vocation. In a few
ays they bad swindled several Ameri
can tooiists out of amounts ranging from
$500 to S1000. Tbey captured $2000
Irom a prominent government official,
who made complaint to tbe authorities.
Tbe sharpers loond tbis out, and before
ey could be arretted left tbe city They
werecqua'ly soscessiai in otber places
before coming bere.
Peaeo ovoys at Hlroohlsna.
Hiroshima, Feb. 1 Count Ito Hiro-
bonmiba, president of the cooncil of
ministers, sod M. Matsu Munemistsu,
minister of foreigo affairs, gave audience
today to Chinese peace envoys.
Besides the envoys only two Chinese
councilors end two interpreters will be
admitted to tbe conferences. The Japa
nei-e government has aDprinted Premier
Ito and Viaooant Matsu as representatives
of Japan io ibe peace negotiations.
Applications for Bsn4.
Brooklyn, Fe. 1 Master Workman
Connolly says E Y Debs is expected bere
within a few days Connolly has received
pplication fur $18,000 of $100,000 bonds
vhich interest Is guaranteed by dis
met assembly Ni 75. st S per cent, and
he expect- to place ibe balance by tomor
row night.
Denied by I d.
Londin, Feb. 1-Baron Rothschild
said reg'.rdini; tbe caoled report of bia
conne- tion with t"e proposed Am- ncao
lorn It Is a true that any ntgntlations
are pending with as, neither has the
use ot Rothschild- oy intention oi
taking tbe whole oan "
KeKat..lWD adrr Way.
Washington, Feb. 1 Negotiators
prel minnry to 'a bond., ii-sue have oeeo
eu.eied Into, but so far as known no
dt finite concltsi'n hss been reached.
The administration la fully determined to
make whatever bond issues circumstances
render aeces-ary to preserve confidence
n tbe integrity of tbe national finances.
Tbe cabinet wil! meet lertay as usual and
ome announcement may follow or it
may be given tomorrow.
Ban ADiarst In Constentinnpie,
Constantinople, Feb. 1 Tbe Ameri
can killed in tbe Paocaldi quarter of this
city Wednesday evening by a man who,
armed witb a knife, ran amnck through
tbe streets, flashing and stabbing right
and left, was Mr. Stupe, director of tbe
M-tr"po itan railroad, ot Cooa'antioople.
A Turkish cfficial and a railroad employe
oere al-o klMe l, and 10 persons were
mo e or lees .eriously injured. Tb
murderer escaped.
Chinese Lam Heavily.
London, Feb. 1 A Che-Koo dispatch
sa;s the Chinese lost 2000 men in the op
erations at Wei Hii-Wei, None of tbe
Eoropeaus in the city were Injured. The
Chinese still hold the island of Lang
King Tau. near Wel-Hai-Wet
A Toki" dispatch sav there an- over
30 000 Chinese in the vicinitv of Ting
Eow. Scout report that the Cuioeie
ho Ve occupied Lwva Biao.
Trie Slew m Enclnnd.
London. Feb. 8 The news of the ar
rest of ex Queen Lilinkalani, published
this afternoon, created a sensation. The
facts were telegraphed to Queen Y'ctorla
at Osborne, and to Thenphlloa Dsvies,
guaidian of the Piincess Zsioiani. of Ha
wan, btiress presumptive to the throne.
Daeies is also sgent in England -o' ex
Qn-en Li lookaliabl.
Ddviet. it appears, hs also received i
telegram vi Auckland, N Z , aom uociog
tne arret l ot 'tie ex queen. It is expected
that the lat r's tric-nds here and else
where will make diplomatic represents
lions to Great Biltain and tbe United
ryates in order to secure her re ease
Tbe Hawaiian Consul in ibis citv has
receved no news regardibg tbe reso utioo
aaoptea by the Uui'ed states boose of
representatives, asking President Cleve
land to submit to congress any correspon
dence in possession ot tbe slate depsrt
meot regardicg tbe reports that Brt ish
sonjects bad incited tbe Eawaiiana to
reoeiuon ano supplied mem with arms,
snd that tbe .British minister interyened
to prevent the application of martial law
to British subject engaged io tbe rebel'
lioo .
In this connection tbe Associated Press
Is officially m'ormed ibat there baa been
no correspondence between British and
American consuls on ibe charges tbat
itntisn sut.)ects Incited tbe Hawaiian re
volt. The fact is, it i. added, tbat it bas
been already stated in tbe bouse of repre
sentatives at Washington tbat President
Cleveland is satisfied tbat ibe ecfon
taken by tbe British residents in Hono
lulu in this matter was quite justified
under the circom-tances.
Nothing is known here regarding tbe
charges made against British residents in
Honolulu, and it is said if they did sap
ply arms it would, be for tbe Hawaiian
authorities to slop It.
Am Edltir'a Bad Lack.
Astoria, Feb. 3 Another Astoria
newspaper editor was in trouble jester-
dav, and warrants were issued today for
tbe arrest of Pbil Cook end C Timsoo.
charged with Pssault and battery on tbe
person of C Wrods. brotber-lo-law of
Representative 0 J Corns, and editor pro
tern, of tbe Herald. Those accused of ibe
assault are members of tbe Columbia
Camera Club, ao organisation composed
of a camber of the best young men in
town, wbo took umbrage at an article
hat appeared in this weeks isue of the
Herald In the offensive article it was
c aimed tbat the vouog ladies who at
tended an entertainment given by the
camera club, in being escorted to the
hall, were compelled to pasa through a
disreputable part of tbe town; that tbe
views in Ibe exhibition shown were poor,
and tbat the camera used was worthless.
Tbe article also cast a serious reflection
oo tbe character ot the members of tbe
club. Wben Mr. Woods was called upon
be -denied having intended any insult,
bat bia callers relosed o accept the ex
plaoanoo, ana proceedel to chastise bim.
The editor clinched bis assailant, and
btforp anv damage was done assistance
arrived, and tbe combatants were sepa
rated. Several otber members of the
camera Cub bave promised to give
Editor Woods a thrashing, and tbe oat-
come of tbs aflair is awaited witb interest.
siatd in Interviews.
New Yobk. Feb. 2 Charles Den by, jr.,
secretary ot tne United States legation at
king, anived bere today on board the
Pans from Southampton. He bas been
absent from Peking on leave for the last
three months. To a reporter be said :
"The overwhelming defeat of tbe Chi
nese armies is a great surprise - However,
do not think the prospects for the
Japanese army teaching Peking are very
bngltt. If tbe troop went by land, it
would be a long inarch of 200 or 800
miles around tbe gu l of Po- Chi Li from
heir present situation, and it would Use
18 or 80 hours' steaming for transports to
reach Taku. the seaport of Peking. And
to take Taku would be a serious undet-
akiog, for it is very strongly fortified
This is the port e-here tbe British troops
met witb reverse on one of their invasions
of tbe country."
Mr Denby tbonght the prospecta of for
eigners escaping from Peking io case of s
uddeo attack, woold not be bright. He
said there was no distinction made iu tbe
minds of Chinese between nationalities.
All foreigo residents come under tbe
same bead witb them.
staking a Coed right.
Che Foo, Feb. 8 The western forts
at Wei- Hai- Wei were taken by tne Japa
nese on January 80, ia spite of ibe good
resistance made by the Chinese. One
Japanese gunboat was sunk, after having
been badly damaged. A shell burst in
the magaz ne ot one of ibe Chinese forts,
atjd toe whole at are of powder blew up.
It ia be'ieved to bave caused great mor
tality. .
The eastesn forts were bombarded for
hours by the Japsae-e crn'sers Naniua,
Akitruru and KaUvragi. The Japanese
fire was well directed and dismounted
several gone, but neiihtr the eastern fortf
nor tbe city oi Wei-H a l-Wei were cap
tured :
Tbe sutl.or'ties of Ohe Foo ere setC'ug
nd bebe-ding Chinese soldieis who rao
away from Wet-Hai-Wei. Fanner
operations are impossible for tbe present,
owing to tbe severity of tbe weatber.
Many Fresea to Death.
DULVTB, Feb. 8 Severs' reports bave
neen received In JJuluth during tne
winter of prospectors in the R.ioy Iske
and Re ne river gold conntrv being fros-n
to death. The thermometer wa 43 be
low Bern. Today D A Mfrose. who owns
a grea deal of valuable gold property in
he M-inv iske district, received a letter
from Jtme- Cum mines s'a'ing that of a
party of nine prvpep'ors, who were
ain ni 10 miles tr -m R inr Li citv
Ian.i DO nii'es Iroin.Firt Francis, New
Year's day, be was tbe only survivor.
A Ketnrnedf Missionary
Sak Francisco, Feb. 2 Among tbe
passengers who arrived on tbe steamer
Oceanie were Mrs Liughlio aud child
Tne lady is a missionary of the North
American Prrsbvteriio Mission, and bas
been located In the province of Sban
Tong for the last IS years. She charac-
tenies tbe Chinese sold ery as tbe most
brutal ot human beings, and ezorees
(treat fears for tbe salelv of foreigners
when peace isdrcared One of tbe mis.
eiooaniB or ine ooan l uog Stat on was
caught by a body of Chiuese troops just
neiore airs. Liiognnn lett lor this conn
try, and was badlv treated. His horse
and cart were taken from him, aud, after
beicg divested of his clothing, he was
eft io an insensible condition oo the
road, 10 miles tiom bis borne.
ThsKrxt Bund Isaac.
Washington rub. 31 bere is no
longer an; doubt that negotiations are
about to be completed for the Bile in
New York of $100 000.000 of 4 per cent
80 rtar bonds Whi'e the prospective
pur. haters are New York parties, it Is
known that the boi.ds are expected to be
nisposed of by London bankers, and to be
paid 'or eoiireiv with foreigo gold.
Washington, Feb S No information
whatever was obtainable at the treasury
department about ao impeodiog bond
issue. It is positively stated, all reports
to the contrary no-withstanding, tbat no
preparations ia the way of preparing
plati s for such an Issue bave been made
so far.
Banker Case Is Dead.
Astoria, Feb. 81 W Case, tbe plo
tter banker of Astoria, aod prominent In
the bts'ory snd development of this city,
died bere at 6 o'clock this evening. Mr.
Case was a native of Wavoe connty. In
dtana, and was born September 12, 1881.
Leaving bis home io 1850 for tbe Pacific
coast, be arrived io Portland tbe same
year, and lor some time wss engaged in
business with his brother. T7 M Case,
who had settled in Marion county lo 1844.
Io 1855 he took an active part in Quel I ins
tbe Rogue river Indians, tben oo tbe war.
path, aod m tba following veer went to
Ca'ifornla, where be remained a short
The frlee or fargettlac.
Fresno, Cel., Feb. 8 Io the superior
court todsy W T Warner obtained judg
ment against the Southern Piciflo Rail
toad Company for $5000 damases for
being put out of a car between Fresno
and Fowler in 1993, wben be bad already
paid bia fare. The conductor forgot tbat
be had collected Warner's fsre. He
brought suit for $25,600,
Tbrooah that Draw.
Milwaukee, Feb. 4 An electric car
on the Oursell-avenne line, filled witb
people, went through the open draw of
tbe Einmkinic bridge tbis morning. Tbe
weight of tbe car broke tbe ice and the
car went to tbe bottom of tbe river.
Tbe Ice broke tbe windows of tbe csr
wbicb stood oo eod only partially filled
witb water. Tbe confusion was such that
nobody could tell an boor after tbe
catraatropbe bow many people bad lost
tbelr lives, bot it is believed tbat at least
six besides tbe motorman, are dead.
There were 10 or 13 people io tbe car,
the exact number being uuknowo. Six
were taken out alive, and tbe ethers are
all dead.
Tbose rescued were: W P Severy, band
cot: A O Erie!. G TV Case, H Eoeooe. R
Brand, Ella Waechoiz, hurt about tbe
Tbe dead whose -bodies bave been re
covered are: Miss Eh I man, a kindergar
ten teacher in tbe twelfth di-trict pr mary
school, aod a daughter of Professor Ehl
man. director ot music io the public
schools, John Kennedy, motorman, and
Miss Schmidt kuoz, wbo was employed in
be National knitting works.
Tbe accident was doe to tbe careless
ness of Motorman John Kennedy, who,
however, stock to bis post aod was killed .
Tbe bridge had been opened to permit
tbe passage of the fire boot Fuley, which
w s breaking ice in tbe Einnikinic Tbe
boat's crew rendered valuable assistance.
Ks Lark of Beveaae.
Washington, Feb. 4 Secretary Car
lisle submitted a letter of information to
be senate today, which dissipates all
gloomy forebodings as to tbe lack of
rovenae to carry oo the government.
Tbe tetter lass follows
'Replying to the senate resolution of
January 20, 1895, that tbe secretsry of
tbe treasurv be directed to inform tbe
senate what is tbe estimated deficiency
n tbe revenuea of the government to pay
current expenses between the Slat day of
December, 1894, and the last day of De
rember, 1895, and il the $153,834,379 99
cash balance in tbe treasury oo ibe 81st
dav of December, 1894, will be sufficient
to meet such deficiency. I have tbe booor
to state tbat from estimates made upon
the basis of laws oow in fi.roe. it is be-
ieved ibst for the 13 months endintr
December 81, 1895, tbe revenues of the
government from ail sources will exceed
its ordiosry expenditures by $23,563,023.
, J Q Carlisle, Secretary."
The readiog of tbe letter was closely
followed bv the senate.
Senator McPherson went to the clerk's
desk to per-ooally inspect it. - Tben Seo-
aior Aldricb seat for it, sod a group of
Republican senators gathered about bim
aod lead it over bia shoulder.
Senator G irman smiled significantly st
tbe secretary's direct and positive esti
mate of tbe ampleness ot tbe revenue.
The Froaen East.
Chicago, Feb. 4 Tbe sharpest co'd
wave that has visaed Chicago for 23
years made ita appearance last night, and
is still on with unabated vigor. Tbe
metcury ia tbe office of tbe signal aervtve
last night fell to 18 below tero, tbe cold
est on record since 1873. The tbermome
ters owned by private individuals went
tbe government's from 4 to 5 degrees
worse, snd mrked from 1ft to 18 be ne.
Several cases of freezing were reported,
nd io a flat at 183 West Bngh on street.
M Carmody was fouod Irozeo to death.
Tbe police bave rounded up any oomber
who, having Oiled themselves with red
liquor, bad selected alleys aod vacant
ota aa places or alooiher A o amber of
them are in the bospita's for treatment
lor tnxen hand and feet. Tbe weatber
ce tonight predicts four days more of
the same kind of thing.
Reports Irom meev places In Illinois.
Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan show the
same state of affairs, the merrory raog-
mg from 8 below io Southern Illinois to
20 below in Northern Wisconsin.
All Hope Ab tndoard.
Chicago, Feb. 4 AM hope has been
abandoned tnsr ibe object sighted- iff
Chicago yesterday morning wi I prove to
be tbe boll of tbe lost steamship Chiton,
While i urth-r search was considered use
less this morsing, it was oot desired to
leave a possib e doubt sod 'he tag Stor
kfid was sent oo a searching croise. The
boat cruised alone; tbe Indiana shore, 13
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
miles into the lake fn m Ninety ninth '
street, oat whs unabln to Cod anvtnim
bnt ice. Many huge cakes were encooo
tered which might easily be mistsken
for a boat from tbe shore, ami it w
doubtless one ol these which aroused si
mncb hope aod excitement.
Kxploalon r Flro Dams.
Paris, Feb. 4 An exnlnsioo of fire
damp is reported from Moeteceau les
Mines, department of the Soane et Loire
Thirty persoas are believed to be killed
Additional advices from the Monieceau
mines shows tbat a fire broke out yestei
day in tbe St. Eugenie pit. While the
miners were fighting tbis fire an explo
sion occurred wb ch wrecked the galleriei
and entombed tbe miners. The rescue
party bas tbus far recovered 81 bodies
and removed from tbe ruins eight ttrnbit
mjurieu miners.
Confirmed at TrTrashlaKtnsj.
Washington. Feb. 4 Secretary Ores
bam bas received a cablegram (rem Mm
ister Duoo. at Tokio, confirming tbi
Associated Press report of tbe rejection ol
tbe Chinese peace commissioners by tbe
Japsnese on the ground tbat thetr ere'
dentials were ineffective la not granting
toem plenary powers.
No word whatever has been received
p to 10:30 a. M.. regarding the reported
capture of part of the force of the United
States ship Concord.
Hampered by Cold.
London, Feb. 4 A Tokio dispa'cb
says tbe Japanese admiral reports that
operations of tbe fleet at Wet-Hai-Wei
were greatly hampered by the Intense
cold, snow storms and beavy gales. The
transport Yokohama, wbicb left Yuog
Cheng February 8, for P irt Art h or, re
ports that in passing Wei Hai Wei she
obsetved tbat all the land forts were
fir og on the Chinese fleet, sad tbe latter
were returning tbe fire.
Large Arnaiea sjear Hew Chwaag
London. Feb. 4 A Central Neve dis
paten says 50,000 Chinese are encamped
outside New Cnwang. Tbe Chinese lost
500 men in trying to recapture Kin Chow
The Japanese are witbin 10 miles of New
Tbe foreign settlement is being raided
by mobs, and the houses of several native
merchants bave beeo pluodeted. ' '
The Owner Heard Fnm.
London, Feb. 4 Tbe owner of the
steamer Cralhie baa returned to hia home
in Aberdeen from Rotterdam. He say
tbe coarse tbat tbe Cralhie steamed away
immediately after tbe collision, is Untrue,
aud adds that tbe vessel steamed back to
the spot where the collision oouuired and
remained there until daylight.
Body Uleeovered.
Lowestoft, Feb. 4 Tbe fishing smsck
Verenm bas landed bere the' body of
Fredeiick Ernesl, Marlburgh, Prussia, ooe
of tbe 'drowoed passengers of tbe Elbe,
aod some mall bags. Tbe body presented
a shocking appesrance, with the bands
clenceed across tbe chest and mouth wide
Dividends Deeiared.
Washington, Feb. 4 Tbe controller
of tbei currency bas declared dividends in
favor of tbe directors of insolvent nation
al banks, as follows: Twenty-five per
cent. National bank of Pendleon, Or ;
15 percent. First National baok, Arling
ton, Oregon.
OtVetal sjiata-ment.
Bremen, Feb. 4 It is officially stated
that 835 persons were drowned io tbe
Elbe disaster, 15 of tbe crew were saved,
aod four saloon passengers aod one steer
age passenger.
Sleigh. Bella and Oy stars
The Klickitat B'publica relates tbs fol
lowing experience io a sleigh ride near Gold-
"A number of local Woodmen and their
wives onartered a big four horse sleigh last
Monday' n'ght and drove out to tie reai-
deooe of Neighbor Cootobs and wife on the
Little Kliohttit. The visit was s real sur
prise to Mr. Cjombs and his exoallant wife,
but as spptreatly none tha leas weloome
on that account. Neighbor W. B. Potter
was the Jehn, snd tbat eocoeota fur tha faot
that the trip was devoid of tbe osoal tip
over socompaoimeot. Bat it did not lack
fun by any moans as tbe following incident,
related io great seoreoy to the writer, wil
show: 'The air waa quite fros'y eo the way
out snd tbe Wife of Noightor Bjltoo having
complained that her feat were like ioiule.
her husband gallantly offered to wrap them
in bis erotics. The offer waa gladly aoo pted
and Sim got dowo oo his k tees io the straw
aod performed, as he thought, tha pleasant
task, ooly to find at the eod of the jouroe)
that in the crowded oooditioo uf toe s 1-igb
he bad pot tha artioa on tbs feet of another
lady.' After a delightful evening aod ao
.xotllent oyster sapper the dtlightcd part)
retoroed to their homes."
W. W. btatesman.
Las'. Saturday eyeoiug wbilo searching
for stolen goods, part of a nest of coun
terfmters were unearthed aud sr.ested.
Sheriff Ellingswortb, Marshal Hailey and
Officer Milt Johnston with Ben Wolf
were on tbe trail of tbe goods Tbey
went to VV. S. Mouroe'a residence on Gar
rison creek and searched tbe bouse, bat
found nothing until searching tbe inmates,
W. S. Monroe and three sons, Fred, 4d.
and Fran, upon whom were found sev
eral counterfeit half-dollar pieces. The
officers also arrested on suspicion Andrew
Peaauer at his home, and on bis person
were fouud several counterfeit filly cent
pieces. George was arrested to
day by Deputy U. S. Marsh t F.J. Barker
and officer Jobnstou, and en bim also
was found spurious lucre. Tbe prisouers
were safely lodged lo jail shortly after
dusk Saturday eveoing, but tbe officers
still felt sure that tbe bead of the gang
had not been captured and for that pur
pose made diligent searcn for tbe missing
member but without success.
tvn far-Si t?a
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf,
grown in Virginia, and are
Siagla Tax Theory.
Worcester, Mass, Jan. 89, "695.
Editor Tinas-It ocimiMtsa:
I see by a recent number of your jour
nal, tbat you are suffering from an over
crowded population in Oregon, and that
you think It is not fair or just to employ
Chinese, when your own citlns are suf
fering because they cannot procure work.
It la aa .interesting and startling fact that
the great state of Oregon, with an are
almost twelve times that ot Massachu
setts, cannot find room for ten thousand
Chinamen to work unless they crowd eat
an equal number of white men. Here in
Massachusetts we have about 2000 China
men, and they are nearly all employed la
laundry work. They manage to get
along, as far as outward appearances la-'
dicate, and I do not think tbat there is
any very unusually large number of un- ,
employed men in the commonwealth..
And yet iu proportion te our size we have
more Chinamen than Oregon, though not
so many In proportion to our population.
New naturally Oregon is a better country
than New England. Tbe soil more fer- -tile,
an abundance of mineral wealth,,
navigable rivers, a delightful climate,
moderate and salubrious. If it were as
thickly populated as Massachusetts it
would hav3 '25,000,000 of people Instead
of 818,000, and some day, under favorable
circumstances, Oregon will have such a
population, and tbey will be more pros
perous and wealthy than tbe present pop -ulatlon
of New England, because the en-,
yironment ot men on tbe Pacific coast ia
more conducive to comfortable living;
but if your 818,000 population . now la
96,000 square miles cannot find room for '
10,000 Chinamen, how in tne world are
these natural advantages to be developed t
You must bave labor to produce wealth. .
If you will only give men a chance to
work for themselves they will do io. No
man will work for another as long as he
can get along as well working for him
self. If, then, you are overcrowded new
it must be because tbe 818,000 people do
not have free access to tbs 98,000 square
miles of land in Oregon. Tbe land of
the state la in the hands ot a tew ef the
people, and so Chinamen cannot find
work unless they bid for the job of white -men.
Tbat is the way it is in Massachu
setts ; but here it is white men born ia
Armenia, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Bohemia,
who crowd our native Americans out of
their workshops. It is too bad; but tne
fsct is that Massachusetts Is not halt set
tled yet There la room hare for 2,000,000 '
more people. Only we must give tbe
people everywhere a chance to work for
themselves, aod not compel them to work
for ether men by holding natural oppor
tunities to labor out of use. Tben there
will be plenty of room everywhere for all
to work when we give men the change to.
work that God intended they should have.
There Is Just ooe way to do tbis, and only '
one, and tbat is by tbe single tax. Tax
land- values only, and raise from this
source all revenues national, state and t
municipal. The effect would be to make .
it unprofitable to hold land, or any natu
ral monopoly, out of use, for a rise.
With good wishes, I am yours very
truly, ' JohnGbeoson,
Sec'y Worcester B. o. Club.
Daolsloaas RMcUraeV
Tbe following decisions by J adse Brad
shew in chambers were filed yesterday :
Bettingen vs Cates; summons set aside
and proceedings held fer naught.
M. J. Manning vs Matilda Baldwin;
writ of review dismissed and decision of -
ower court affirmed.
Eugene D. White vs C. P. Heald j sale
James Cameron vs Wasco Connty; writ
of review dismissed and Judgment of
county court affirmed.
Pekln Plow Ce. vs 0. L. Morse et al ;
motion to strike out answer Bustainea.
Defendant given until second dry ot next
regelar term to file amended answer.
Highest Honors World Fair.
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fm
rom Ammonia, AlumorwyothaTaduItmoA