The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 02, 1895, Image 4

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    The Times-Monntaineer
.FEBRUARY 2,1895
wu acttyaly - supported by - Roman
Catnolior. By thia mean be aronsod the
A. P. A. teelug and aecured about thirty
i nature.
Fireman I. L. Rood report that latt
oigr t'e freignt ran over and killed nine
yoke of oxen and a coyoie. aava the L
Grande Chronicle. The coyote had been
traired to drive and look after the oxen,
and won d dot deaert it pott of duty
when the train ctme thundering; around the
bend. Tliia to y in aootewhat remarkable,
but can scare ly be questioned when com
ing from lueh trathful authority.
Mr. Thomas Haalan, during bia visit in
Naw Brumwick, received a very unique
present of a minature hip In a glass bottle,
which could only be placed there bj putting
in each pie- separately, and then by the
ingenioua Die of a string could be pulled
into proper position. This was given bim
by bis nephew, who also gave bim the hard,
bony appendage with wbich the aword
fish does " bis effective work ageinat it
The following right of way for ditch was
filed with tbe county clerk today: M .
Odell, Mm. Odell, Lee Odell, Lucy J.
Odell, and C. P. Odell, lawful beirs of the
late William Odell to Win. Eb ck; right of
way for Water ditch, beginning at a point
near no cor. aec 27 tp 2, north of ranee 10
east, running thence southerly about 350
Tba following from tbe Astort&n
voices the sentiment of the Republicans
of Clatsop county:
"Any statement Bade in the legis
lature or elsewhere implying that the
Republicans of Clatsop county are
anything like unanimous in endorsing
the action of their representatives in
opposing the caucus nominee for
United States senstor is untrue. The
sentiment of a large majority of the
Republicans of tbe county is that when
Messrs. Curtis and Lester voluntarily
entered the caucus and participated in
tbe vote cast therein, they became and
- are now bound thereby, and their re
fusal to acouiesce in the chaici of the I varda intersecting a stream known as
uaeu crees ; saiu runt oi way ior uiku 2
feet wide and 2 feet deep,
Baker City merchants have purchased a
earload ot caudles for use in underground
mining, manv of them being used in that
vicinity. - A carload of candle consists of
1,200 boxes and cost laid down in Bker
eity $2 700, It is ratima'ed that one miner
eiicht hoars nses three csDales aid
on this basis the Virtue mine alone nses
monthly nftv boxes or more. When it is
understood that other mines use aa moon as
the Virtue and hundreds lesser quantity it
will be seen that a carload ta consumed in a
short period of time.
Tbe esse of Frank Fletaher, the young
pardoned ennviot who shot his friend
James Ashworth, while, droi'k and desper
ate, was tried Tnarsdav re'nre the circuit
court at Pendleton. He waa convicted of
assault with a dangM-oua weapon, and it is
understood that a heavy penalty wrl be
imposed by the court on acoonnd of Fletch
er's criminal record. Tbe yours man
father still stands by him, however, and
rill probably lake an anpeal to the supreme
court, a he did when Prase wis convicted
of murder. Ash worth a condition was sue
that he wa nnabla to appear in court and
The following is from a Lone Bork oor
respondent ot the Condon Qlobt: Cojrot
are becoming so numerous that abeep men
and other a-e deviaing aa to the best
method ot ktl'in them off. A many as
30 heid of sheep have been killed here in
one night within tbe last fw months, and
if there is not something done aton they
will become a great detriment to sheepmen
and rancher also, aa tbey kill all the
chiokena they can oatoh away from the
door yard. A dcin or more oan be heard
every evening howling 10 this V'ointv. The
sheepmen of the ononty could welt afford to
pay CI a aealo for all coyotes in tbe county,
if that would nd the country of them,
caucus is a serious breach ot party, if
not their personal obligation."
Nearly every Republican paper in
the state have published articles of the
,. same import regarding the action of
tbe legislature, and if ever men con
signed themselves to everlasting oblo
quy, those members of the legislature
have done it who refused to honestly
abide ly the vote of the caucus of
which they' voluntarily constituted
themselves part and parcel! Their ao
lion will be a synonym for political
Perfidy and party treachery in the fu
ture, and the present bolt furnishes an
anomaly in the political history of this
, state.
Of course the Populist and Demo
cratic orgais applaud the bolters, for
they understand tbe result will be tbe
disintegration of the Republican party
into jarring fragments, wnicn is "a
consummation devoutly to be wished
a . -! . . a .
dj inem. . w nue tbe party remains
united there is not the least ohance of
Democratic suooess, because Republi
cans have from 15,000 to 20,000 ma
jority in the state; but, if by sowing tbe
dragon's teeth they can create
discord in the ranks of the Republi
can party, tney may anatco vic
tory from the jaws of defeat.
They have worked arduously with this
end in view for the past few weeks,
. and have almost accomplished ..their
purpose. If tbey can defeat Dolpb
by any possible means tbey will have
removed from congress one of tbe
ablest opponents of Democratic fal-
lioies, and have broken the solid
phalanx of Republicans into feeble
faction. The ory of free silver is only
a hoodwink to furnish a pretext for
opposition, and serves to cover tbe
plot which was skilfully laid and fully
matured after the overwhelming ma
jority given the Republicans ticket last
' The responsibility for carrying out
this Democratic scheme will rest with
. those who trampled under foot every
principle of party fealty, and, after
going into canons refused to support
the candidate who was its choice.
There is a future for all snob, and the
people will not forget their treachery
when they ask favors at the ballot box.
Tbey have dug their political graves,
and if the ppportunity is ever presen
ted they will be buried beyond the
power of re se motion.
. From Saturday Dally.
' Sheriff T. J. Driver returned bom last
. night from Salem.
Mr. E. C. Fi tapa trick, tbe atook inspec
tor ot tne county. 1 in. town today.
There is a case of scarlet fever id the eity..
It has been properly quarantined, and there
- ie no danger of it spreading.
Very many of tba telephone poles are in
position, and tbe work is being pushed
forward as energetically aa possible.
Little Alice Nolan returned last night
. from a six weeks visit with bar grand
, mother, Mrs. Uoabus, m Taacma.
If there is any anti-Dolpb sentiment ia
'- this community, except that expressed by
. Democrats and Populists, it has not shown
itself on the surface yet.
The member of the Oetano Ferns will
give a sleighing party tbia evening to Mr.
" F. J. Sufert's farm .' Sleighing ia in ood
condition, and tbe ride will be very enjoy,
able. - . -
A local teachers' institute will be beld at
TJ .1 ;. Oil. t A.L .
. uwm uvr f aurusrj obu aiitt v. jx very
interesting time may be expected, aa an ex
cellent programme of exercises has been
- ft IKJUtl a wuu uibuo sue aecuire "
Hraalr iail ani nnv h.nblt an A fchm aha, ft
hwvw. wiuw aw aw,i mnui . awaia afav k.i
session of the circuit court which convene
' in tbia oity on February lOih.
The following is the vote east in joint
" convention in Salem thie afternoon: Dolph,
42; Moore 5; Hare, 10; Hermann, 8; Wil
liams, 4; Weatberford, 4; Lowell, 2; Too-
. gue 1; xUrkley, 1; Simon, 1. Absent 2
. Yesterday a pet dog left tbe ' TIMES
Mouhtaikisb office without any word or
bark of explanation to editor or compositors
Anybody tinding her will oonfer a favor
and add to tbe consolation of tbe attaches
by returning thia member of the canine
f peoiee to this office.
W infnrmaff ehafc M, T?eat Qnin..
was thrown out of bis sleigh but night and
aeverely injur d by it running over him
He wss unconscious when found, and bled
profusely from the noee and month. Ic is
; hoped ia not seriously hurt, bnt the
nature ut bis injuries we could not ascertain
'- Two ueo bar of the cells in which the
prisoners who attempted to break jail were
confined were found out off thia morning,
aftt r their other work waa . discovered,
a nay are nnoounteniy accustomed to go
where they want to and leave when they
desire, and are prepared for any and all
The necessity of a jailor at the eourt
bouse is apparent after the almost sunc-en.
ful attempt made to break out diseoverd
this morning. Mr. FitsGersld is hired ss
ja.M,w., in,, aavwp ,w .- J ... . U BQTI t
watch on prisoners is not part of bis duties,
and some person should be employed ex
pressly for this purpose.
M Mm..b,h!a . h.ln it ,
Pendleton. Weet-fcoot, an Indian, got
: drunk, and was tned in the Indian court
on tbe reservation. Tbe sentence wae that
be be shorn of his raven locks, tbe loss of
whioh a true brave regard with a much
sorrow aa a Chinamen experieooea in tbe loss
oi bi one. Weet Soot now sues those res
ponaibie for tbe indignity to recover (300
" damages lor tha loss oi tribal caste be has
At tbe special school meeting held tb'S
afternoon at tbe Court street school honse a
apecial tax of six mills was voted. The
meeting wss called to order by Mr. H.' S
Wilson, chairman of tba board of directors.
the reports read and a motion made to levy
. the tax, which waa carried unanimously.
This will laise 17,682.22 for school purposes
The death of Mia. G. VT. Johnston, yes
terday, removed trom tne sphere of lite an
amiable and Christian lady. She has
been an invalid for over twenty years, and
bore her sufferings . with fortitude. She
leaves a husband and a family of sons and
daughters, who will mourn tbe loss of a
loving wife and mother.
The Only antl-Dolpk petition tlgued in
the; , county was one circulated by Mr
Seethe at Hoed Eivtr, and,"we are credit
ably informed, in order to get aignaterr he
maiA 'that Mr - t'Vinii . hmti telea-ranliMi him
that Mr. Dolph was aaiog. gold and '
From Monday's Dsllj
Mr. L T. Erwm, of Ft. Simooe,
la in the city.
Ten inoher of enow fell at Antelope last
Monday aod Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. Montrose, of Portland, are
at the Umatilla Bouse.
Mr. John Somervllle, of Portland, is reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
Mr. Chas. .Butler, the cattle buyer of Port
Townsend, Wash., i in tbe oity,
Ice formed on tbe bank of the river; but
tbera i no ice noes in tbe stresro today,
The wind wss in the east laat night, and
tbe thermometer marked this morning only
0 degtees above sero. ,
The following deed waa filed 8atnrdav
wnta the county elerki John orookhouse to
William Brookhouse; parcel of land
Wasco county ; $1.
Protraoted seryioes began at the Metho
dist church laat night, and will oootinue
dnnng the week Rev. John Woods will
preacb each evening.
The South Uarolina legislature has agsin
killed a bill to allow di-croee. It is the
only state in the union where a divorce can
not be had on any grounds. -
Tbe tiolioe oourt was without any indioial
bcamea today. Ut arrests were made last
night, and the eity jail appeara quite
lonely with only one occupant.
It is said that Governor Lord will make
m. atsff or state institution appointments
until after the adjournment of the legisla
ture. Three regen'a of the atate university
are inoluded in tbe list of yaoanoiee.
Coasting baa been better during the pist
two daya than at any time during the win
ter. On Union street sleighs start trom tha
southwest corner ot the Academy psrk and
run down to secood street without stopping
' Mark Twain was once sked bv a fntod
what he thought ot a heaven and a hell, to
which be re lied: "I don't want to ex
press my opinion; it is policy for me to
keep silent I have friends at both places."
Tbe vote in tne joint convention t Silent
today stood as follows: Doipb. 42; Br-
mnn. 9; Moore, 3; Hare, 10; Lird, 4;
Weatberford, 8; Williams. -8; Lowell. 2:
Bark ley,' 2. ooott and Templetoo paind
Two or three daya with the thei mometer
oavorting around zoro in thia vicinity, and
tbe ice crop will be harvested here. - Some
ice about aix inches thick, hss already been
pnt up; but ice will be tbioker before tbe
season end. "
An invariable rule for making beef or
poultry tender la to put a spoonful of good
cider vinegar in the pot in whion it is bill
ing, or in the iuioea with which the same
are basted when roasting. It will not in
jure tbe flavor in the least.
The funeral nf Mrs. G. W. Johnston took
place from tbe family residenoe yesterday.
and the remains were laid to rest in the city
oemetery. A large ronoourae of friends aod
relative paid their la-t respeeta to the dead
and followed the body to the graye.
The general subject of disouaston on the
atreeta ia the senatorial queation, and R-
ptibliosns almost withoit a disseutfng voice
condemn the action of tbe "bolters."
Wasco orunty consider Senator Dulpb the
moat ardent supporter of their interests
who has ever represented this state in eon-
Mr.' Thos H. Williams, a merobant of
Cascade L cks, arrived in town on the I
o'clock train today. He aaya work ia being
prosecuted cn the government works at
tbat p'ace with tbe usual vigor. . The anow
for a time stopped all work exoept excavat
iug which is being done in the bed of tbe
Charlie Fowler, a boy about 10 years o'd,
thia afternoon, about 4 o'clock, received an
li jury while coasting down Union street
hul, resulting in the traoture of both leg.
Hs waa on a bob sled, which ran into a oow.
throwing the ocoapaut off, and Chaili in
such a position that both bis Itgi were
Prof Birgfeld received a dispatch today
stating tbat Miai Tittell ws sick ana there
tore would not be sbie to nil engagement m
tbe opera bouae tonight. Thia postpone
ment is only temporary, and may be tor
only a day or two. Ti i ely notice will be
given in the local papers when tbe Tittell
sisters wrl appear.
Mr. M. T. Nolsn returned from Salem
laat night. He saya that the signs aie hope
fnl tor the election of Mr. IMph United
States senator. There are a cans of anti'
Dolph men in 8alem who exercise a syatem
of eapionage upon the men who boiled the
Osuous, and they cannot have tbe oppor
tunity to talk to a fnend without one of
these henchmen intruding himself into the
- There is ome talk of anchor big raft
being coistroeted on the Columbia. The
Astortan doeao t favor the proposition, as it
is under the iepreS'oo that the only wsy
a ratt can be takeu to 8an Francisco ia bv
the overland ronte. The Coos Bv JVtws
saya. we aee no reason why a raft alioul i
not be towsd safr-ly to San Francisco, pro
vided in attempt was made to the sumn er
time, when the wind is favorable and the
a smooth.
A aAntiam wood chopper recently went
to visit an old ehnm, who bad become rich
at Salem. When be weot to retire he waa
given a lamp and told to go up stairs
and turn to the right. He turned to the
left sod slept in tbe bathtub all msbt, with
a towel noder his head for a pillow. He
ha since confided to an intimate friend
tbat be' would rather aleep at home on a
atraw tick than on one ot these new-fangled
beds in tbe eity.
An - official statement of the valuable
apoils thus taken from the Chinese baa been
published by the Japanese government.
From this it appesra that 607 Urge snna
ha- a ohanged ownership The estimated
va'ae ot these is 2.000 000 vn. The num
ber of small arms 'S 7 400 worth 30 000
yen. Ammunition for Urue gone, 2 600 000
r and, worth 9 UUU.UUU ven. Ammuiiition
for small arma. 77.000.000 rounds Tbiee
ship of war, one mtdnm aod two email,
are gated at ,0OO,OPP J "a. Most import
ant of all are tba araenels, foundries and
machinery of every diacripticn secured at
Port Arthur and Talien. What tbe value
of thee will be to their possessors cannot
yet be calculated.
A Salem man forged the first aluminum
horaraboe eve- mads in Ore on. It is a
revelation to the ho im n i f Slm, bei
only one-sixth the eiht of a steel aiioe, at
the sauie time beiog superior to the bteer
metal in all qualities of strength, ductility
and resists noe to wear. A h rre with a
compie.e outfit of thee admirable foot
guards ia in a condit oo to do better and
more work than it could possibly accoin
pliah without them.
A simewbat unusual wedding has jut
taken place, tbe oontraotiug panics b i g
William Worth, a former well auon hrake-
msn, ho is now rsilroading in Anxoua, ai.d
Miss Mary M. Ferris, of Li Graurte. Mr
Worth signed foe contract at Flagstaff.
Ariz , and it was then sent to L Grande,
Miss Ferris s going si d acknowledging t
instrument before Justice Sargent. Friends
of tbe couple preaent congratulations, and
hope that their uuiqu nuioo may prove a
hsppy one.
There has nothing new happened at tKe
county jail to biek the ordinary course if
anairs s uce t'm attempt to bretk out w a
frustrated. The brs whicb the p is rs
cut through are objects of great lub-rrs1,
and fully demonstrate the fact that the
men understood the business of ' gettmg
ut," even through iron bars The otfioml
understand their business of "putting
and keeping in them and ihe cuipiita will
"bide their time" until a jury of their peers
pass udoo their oas-s
The Antelope Herald and the Mitchell
Monitor are having a war n conte-t over a
proposed new county for which the latter
is contending. In their quarrel th"V sre
following what has been termed ' Oregon
journalism, and liar and other epi'heta
that are not conductive to amicable feelings
hetweeu geotlemt n are uaed quite fr. quently.
Ic ia very evident tht the prta-nt legisU
turd will pass very few b. lis it any form
ing new countie.. ana Mitchell wil. not be
the county seat of one of thes.
Antelope Herald:- There will be more
ooovicta in the future thn in the past
The population of the state is g owin , aod
there will be leas pardons. All these men
must not be maintained in idh-nss. They
must be employed in some msnner The
people cannot afford to keep then, simply
wearing not the aeat of their striped trous
ers, and tb'S ia not good for them. With
the right sort of wo k, some of them won Id
come out better men and more useful mem
bers nf aootety than when tbey went in.
The sleighing party, given by memhera of
tha Qetant Vertin last Saturday evening, at
tbe nsinei ce O' Mr .P. J. Sn'ert waa very
delightful, aod attended hy a large number
of tbe members of the society. Mr aod
Mra. S'-uferc entertained their guests in a
priuotly n.anner, and nothing that oould
add to tbe ei jiyment of the oooanion w.a
omitted. Alter nj tying themselvea fullv
uutil a late hour the uarty returned to the
eity, well satisfied with the evening'a enter
Ooce when Kite Field wa at a banquet
and feeling sarcastic, she roaeand prop . e
the toast. "The men God bless them."
The Hon. H Augu ta Kimball. M. D , ia
not far bebin i the pug .aoioua Kite in wit,
for, noting Dr 'Park urat's ah ra in reform,
ahe auggests tbat aa a lover of fair play she
ia "pained by the ro atant attentiou lav
ished open one p nicular part of a social
claw to the excluaioo of the other." She
therefore move that "we ahall wipe out
our ain of firms ion and build a home tor the
fallen men."
The tax levy this year in Gilliam county
purposes alone ia 9 mills. Sn'ton county,
if created, would bave cnlv 1342,341 worth
of taxable propert). ana it on y V nulla were
levied for county w.ult raise
JUti $3 bill, ad h-r annual np-rnei would
an ourrt to about 91Z.UUU, aaya tbe Antelope
Btitt'd. The county would oome within
8 109 of paying her aoiual current ex
pense everv yea-. Da the Mitchell people
thick the legislature ot this state will per
mit an impoaitio'i of this kind on innocent,
struggling taxpayers?
Mr. L. C. Palmer. president aod secretary
of tbe Bridal Veil Lun, baring Cum pan y, has
organised a oompauy to g on a twe years'
exploring trip op the Yukoo river, Alaska,
and the company will bu Id a boat for the
trip, says xhe .Oreg mian There is some re
markably hoe cedar in Alaska, and it ia
safe to say that the party will keep'a bright
lookout for anything in tbe line of good
timber, aod will also, doubt les, prospeot
for gold or anything else of value, aud will
probably pay some attention to the aalmnn.
which, it is claimed, equal those ot tbe
A poor old man named D bble was
brr.nght in from the Middle Fork section
list week, and upon examination i efore
Judge Boley he was dec'aied invar e and waa
commitied to the asylum, says the Grant
county Aetoa. He hits been following the
oucupaiiou of a miuer, and wss in desti
tute ciroumstances. He bad been engaged
in running a tunnel in a granite mountain,
aud cherished the hope tbat just a few feet
further would rev,al wealth averaging
forty dollars to the pan. Sheriff Comb
left jeaterday with hia ward for Salem.
Ibis city. Whether this change is per
manent remains to be seen.
- Last night, on the Union street bill, an
accident happened to one of tlio coaaters
bv which he sustained a severe fracture
of tbe nghl leg He was on a bob-sled, aod
by fome means in going down the bill it
overturned and be was slrucK in such a
manlier that his rlgut leg was broken be
tween tbe ankle aud knee joint. We are
informed that he has only been in town
two days and this was the flret time he
had been no the bill coasting. His name
Is K. T Kvud, and he is telegraph oper
ator lor tbe U It. & N. Co.
The E istern Oregon Froit Growers' Uuioo
heid a meeting Thursday night and pa.sed
reaolu ion strongly t oudnmning the pro
posed change in the hoj'ii-ultural lawa ot
Oregon. The proposed bill provides fur a
an gl cnmniiraioner at a "fixed ' aalary ot
$1500 with an additional $500 for traveling
xo-naea, shonld ihit araoiuc he required
If the same amo nt cf interest should be
t-tkeu iu Eaateru O egon orchard by the
one man commission r that has ben d a-
played by the present b ard, they could
'easonaulv exuect ao official vi-i' from his
royal eminence early in 'he fsM of 1900.
Attempt at Jail Delivery.
This morning there was discovered an at
tempt on the part of some of the prisoners
now confined in the county jail to regaiu
their liberty . The janitor, r. Job. i ritz-
Gerald, heard a noiae last night ia tbe jail,
which aroused bis suspicions He informed
tbe deput sheriff of the fact, and was in
structed to make an examination. He
loo ed all through the corridor, and saw a
stick, Jy wbich. apparently, digging had
been done in the masonry surrounding the
door leading into the yard. Mr. Kelly tbe
deputy, on examining the large irou door,
composed of heavy iron bar crossed, notice
a cut in one of them and asked the ' jailer
whether that bad been there all the time.
He waa auswered in the negative, and on
pushing the bar the piece fell out, it having
been cut completely th'ough in two places.
The prisoners were then thoroughly
searched, and nothing was fonnd on their
person. Suspicion rested on tbe two men
who were arrested at tbe Locka for the
burglary of v1r. fate 'a atore, and beld to
the grand jury. On examining the cell oc
cupied by them, hidden nnder tbe fold of
the mattress, waa fouud a very small saw
with which undoubtedly the work bad been
done. The objeot was t remove tbe bar.
aud by this means the hand could be pushed
through the bole aod the staple of tbe lock
cat off, s as to allow' tbe door to be
opened 1 hat this was neing done was very
ev dent from tbe fact that one of the staples
of the lock was nearly sawn through . To
cover their work, the particles of iron from
the saw were mixed with grease aud the cuts
filled. The two prisoners, after these dis
coveries, were locked in separate cells, a d
not allowed tocommuueate w tb each other.
It ia very fortuuate that the discovery was
n ade when it was, as another ay's work
would bave completed tbe mischief, and tba
dangerous culprits would bave been at large-
Horse Stolen
A correspondent of the Condon
From Tuesday a Dally.
Hon. J. D, Lie, of Kaat Portland, ar
rived in the city latt otjtbt, ana returned on
be afternoon train today.
The weather moderated somewhat last
night, aod the thermometer maraed 20
degrees above zero this morning.
Mr, B. W. Murray, of Chicago, ia in the
oity. tie is viewing prop. rty - in tbia vioio
ity with the ol jcot of bunding in the near
1 be Columbia Packing Co. shipped a
carload of cattle (o Port Towooeiid yes-
errday from the stockyards' ot It. . Sait
marshe & Co.
Tbe following is tbe vote cast in joint
convention todav ; Dolph, 42; Hare, 10;
Hermann, 7: Weathertord. 8; Lord, 5:
Moore, 2; l llJluina, 10; .Lowell, 3; Bark-
ley, I. Absent, Suoli and Conn.
There ia one oocupant in the city jail.
servi g pot a sensenue of twenty days. He
makes himself generally useful around the
yard, cutting wood, aod whenever there is
any work he puts his time in on the atreeta.
A matqarrade ball will be given by the
Woodmeu and Workmen long, of thie
oi y on Feb. 22 l, Washington' birtbdiy.
There will be four etegaut piizea awarded
wo to tbe beat sustained character and two
to tbe most elegant costumes.
Union street is the great rendezvons
every evening for coasting purposes, aud it
ia constantly orowded who old and vouoe.
large and small. Slaigbu g is no doubt
ery eLjoyable amusrmuot, but it ia eoo.e-
what dangerous, and two Serious accidents
bave happened during the part two days.
Regnlar trips are being made by the 0.
t N Ou'a. ateamer Almoia, along the
ppur Saake between Lewisiou and Hiparia.
The weather coutiuu-a very cold aod freight
ing ia not he ivy, ao tbat one boat can, at
l-resnt, answer the demand, ' Botb tbe
Lewitlom and Spokant sie tied up. . .
Many delegations from various sectiona
of tbe country aie wsating gooal money by
going to v ashiogton to aak lor leg; atiou
of special to their aeotiou. This
congreaa will do little beside passing the
appropriation bills, and if it dosen'c work
fa-ter than it haa been doing it will not get
all of them through.
Senator Raley'a S ntern Oregon insane
a.y am bill came an appropriation of
$140 000. which ia theoretically the aame
$140 000 left out of thn original apprrp. ia
Hon made laat aessioo, of $105,000 after the
$25 000 for tbe land haa been taken o .t. It
doea away with tbe building comu iaaioo as
contemplated in the orii;i,ial act, aud pnta
the woik in tbe bauds of the governor, sec
retary of state and state treaanrer, aa tbe
asylum board.
Salem Post: A bill was introduced in
the seoiiie the other aav bv Mr. Dawson,
appropriating $20,000 to one Iva Temple
tun for injuries she received oo a public
bigbway near Brownavilld. " She has al
ready had two suits on the case and has
been defeated in both. Mbe now come to
tbe legislature lor $20,000. We do not
know tbe nature of the injuries she re
ceived, but tney mast have been very
severe, if tbey were worth f i0,000.
Char! ie Fowler, who sustained Injuries
yesterday r.fterncxiu co lbs Cnioo street
hill, mention of which was made in lust
evening's TlatEailotTKTaJSEEu, did not
have both legs broken us reported ; but
one leg brr.ken in two places, ami his hip was aisiocaieo. tie also received a
cut on the bead,und was otherwise bruised
about the body. Surgical aid was sum
moned as socio as tbe ac lident was known.
and the boy is resting easily.
publishes tbe following:
"Last Monday evening Hngh Medlock, a
young man ahout 23 years of age, who hi
been herding sheep for D. C. Downer for
several months, came to town and reported
that be had been robbed, of $200 and wanted
to i orrow a horse and saddle to go to Jus
tice Crawford's to a ear out a warrant for
the arrest of the highwayman. W C. Brown
let bim have his horse and saddle, and
about 3 o'clock the next morning Brown
came to tbe concluaion that all was not
right, and ao borrowed a Winchester and
started after the outfit, with what success
we have not learned. He tracked t e thie
aim at to Heppner, where he lost trace of
him. ie learn ater that vedlock brutally ,
be t hia wife, aud from all accounts waa
making hia way out of tbe country. If
Mr Brown doea not overtake bim be will
be "out" a good horse and saddle Med
lock is an ex convict, and had been living
near -VI itohell under the assumed name of
Jack Johns n, and ia a bard rooster gen
A Town Officer Who Surprised tba Sharp.
era In Their Game.
Poker In small towns often rises to
a pitch one would hardly expect
Such was the case in a little village in
une of the Hew England states.
Around a table in a country hotel
sat three straDgers who were just go
ing through the town and had got up
a- friendly game by roping in the
usual country jay, who made the
fourth of the party.
After an hour's play they had
fleeced thdir victim to the tune of
probably $40. He was good natured
and did not growl, so the game was
The blacklegs Bhowed no mercy.
They did not let him win even a few
dollars to encourage him, but either
booked the cards every trip or else
whipsawed him until he was forced
to drop.
Forty dollars had swelled to $50,
and at the last pot the country jay
was S6d losei .
"Have you had enough?" asked the
leader of the gang, rising with a smile
aud his winnings.
The jay looked angry, and quietly
drawing a revolver from his pocket
"Gentlemen, lam oneof the select
men of this town. You may consider
yourselves under arrest.
The gang, awestruck, was led to
the lockup, where it rested for the
The following morning before the
selectman were filed the three men.
I'he constable had searched them.
He placed the contents of their pock
ets on the table.
"Gentlemen, you are charged wih
tumbling and with obtaining mo.ey
y fraud. What have you to sayf"
It matters little what they said.
The sentence interested them more
-a fine of $50 each or 30 days. in the
sounty i ail.
Tne fines were paid, and the money
rent to the selectman or the state.
Sext morning the jay bought a new
et of chips. Chicago Times.
Sorry He Spoke.
It was on a crowded Sixth avenue
train. The atmosphere was stifling,
and the passengers resented the ar
rival of every newcomer as a per
sonal affront. A baby ahout the
middle of the car had been threaten
ing to cry for several minutes and
jad at last delivered itself of a pro
longed howl, followed by a series of
nerve racking screams. All the wo
men looked sympathetic and the
men apprehensive. A variety of con
solations were suggested. "Poor lit
tle dear, undo its hood," said one
woman. "Let me take it," said an
other. "Chuck it out the winder 1"
growled a fat man without a collar,
who wag fanring himself vigorously
with his hat. He said it defiantly
enough, but there was such a chorus
of feminine indignation that he was
glad to get out at the next station.
As the train stopped he fought his
way onto the platform and stood
puffing and red facetL- while a shrill
w mling rent the air, and a chorus
of epithets such as "Brute !"" and
Beast P saluted the ears of the as
tonished people waiting on the plat
form. The fat man had a guilty,
hunted look as he made his way to
the street. New York World.
A Good Measure.
Senator Diwsoti's bill to fix tha time
when taxes beocme delinquent providea
The sheriff shall make returna of collec
tion to the county court on or before the
first Monday of October next ensuing the
dte of the warrant issued by that court.
aod that if at least ooe-half of tbe respect
ive sum of taxes so oharged oo and roll la
not paid prior to the first Monday in April
next succeeding tbe date ot his warrant.
said one-half shall be deemed dalioqoent,
and if the remaining naif ia not paid prior
to the first Monday in Ootober following, it
shall thru also be deemed delinquent, and
there shall be charged, co'Ieoted aod turned
over by the sheriff a forfeiture of 1 per cent
pir month oo a 1 portions of said taxei that
hive beeo allows I to become delinquent.
from tbe date of auoh delirqneocy until the
same are .ad; and, providea further, that
tbe sheriff, b fore entering on tbe duties oi
collection of taxes, shall execute an addi
tional bjod in su h sum as the oouuty oourt
of tbe county may direct. That ia, taxe
may be paid iu two half-yearly installments
No Delay la Trials.
Pendleton Tri una
Judge Fee has ruled that during ses
sions of the circuit court st which be pre
sides aod may hereafter preside, when a
case is set for trial it must be taken up at
tbe time set, and 'to this rule the court
dues not intend to make exceptions. Here
t of ire delays on tbe part of attorneys
have bees tolsra'.ed, causing trials to be
extended throughout tbe terms with the
result that upon the opening of the fol
lowing term tbe calendar, contained a
nuixber of beld oyer cat s, which perhaps
might have been previously settled. Tbe
court exercised lis anthority upon thia
jioiot seyeral times last week, and In con
sequence trials have been heard without
delay and the docket is being rapidly
John Cay Foaails.
Mr. Davis, the father of the justice of
tbe peace in this city, spends every sum
mer digging for fossil remains in the
vicinity ot J .hn Day river, and be has
made many rich discoveries. Tbe judee
himself spent six ears hunting these fos
sils, and is very accurate io classifying
them. He has several in a room adjoin
ing his office, and these are properly ar
ranged according to geological periods,
Some flue specimens from bis collection
are in the window of Mr. Uarretson's
jewelry store. Tbe remains in tbe John
Mny belong to tbe raioceneniocene and
pliocene epochs of tertiary period, and
none of an earlier date have bean found
These fields furnish many interesting facts
for the student of geology, aod perhaps
there are no richer fields on the coniinent.
North Atlantic Cariosity.
"In the midst of the north Atlantio
there is an enormous field of floating
seaweed, which kept its place pre
sumably for centuries," 6aid J. E.
Groiner, an old sea captain. "It oc
cupies an immense eddy about the
fffty-sixth degree of west longitude,
and between the twenty-second and
twenty-eighth degrees of north lati
tude There is a greaf difference of
opinion regarding the origin of this
floating mass. Some believe it to be
detached from rocks at a considers
ble depth in the latitude where it
floats. Others suppose it to come
from the shores of the northern seas,
having been detached from the rocks
by the violence of the winds. Some
again imagine that it comes from the
rocky shores of Florida and Mexico,
while many others agree with me in
believing that it has never had any
other than it present place of abode.
No one has ever seen it attached to
rocks, nor have roots ever been dis
covered belonging to it" Exchange.
Nose Bleeding. s
Obstinate nose bleeding Is frequent
ly one of the most difficult things to
check. Several aggravated cases
have lately occurred at the hospital
of the University of Pennsylvania.
As a last resort Dr. H. Hayes Agnew
tried ham fat with great success.
Two large cylinders of bacon were
forced well into the nostrils, and tbe
hemorrhage ceased at once. This is a
very simple remedy and one which
Ihould be remembered in cases of
emergency. New York Dispatch.
now to emeu ina ttoea.
It takes half a lifetime to learn
how to do anything perfectly. Pew
know bow to inhale the perfume of
A flower. The idea should be to cap
ture "the fine fugitive first of all"
aroma by the slightest and most deli
cate) possible inhalation. If you jam
your nose down into the flower, you
miss the the essential attar and get a
rank smell of the petals and leaves,
a very different thing from the fra
grance secreted by the glands at the
base of the stamens and pistils.
Boston Transcript.
Woman's Severe Practicality.
"Is it true that they weigh the an
chor every time the ship leaves
port?" said Mrs. Trotter to her hus
band. -
"Dear me. How very unneces
sary 1 Why don't they make, a mem
orandum of its weight?" Exchange.
XHtmuandt of both men awl tootneM
whose daily life la making severe drafts on
their vitality, require something that will
bring new material to the worn out nerve
centers. This is just what Dr. lilies' Ke
Btoratlve Nervine does.
"X haa been suffering for year
from headaches, neuralgia, sleeplessness,
and general nervous prostration, unfitting
me for social, household and business
duties, and, periodically, was '
Completely prostrated' vrtiH pain,
I tried several physicians and a great many
remedies, but received no benefits until I
Vseit Dr. Sues' Restorative Xervine,
when I found almost immediate relief, and
have become quite my former self and am
Again able to attend to mu business,
which Is that of a brush manufacturer. I
have recommended the Nervine to others
who have used it with the same good results"
Milwaukee, Wis. Hits. Asna Peuseb,
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on ft positlvej
Earantee that the first bottle will Denefit.
1 druggists sell it at Si, 6 bottles for &, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Ci. Ulos Medical Co Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
In tba Circuit Court of tb Stat of Orseoa, lot
Wssoo county.
IhsPiCifl Flr Insurance Ommur, p'slntitt. vs.
Daniel J. C"oper, ATazena A.C nrwr. The OaUrs,
Po'ur a Sili sons K. B oo., D. M. French ami
J. W. French, defei dsnts.
R virtue of an e-scuttnn duW Issued out of and
under tne seal of the circuit- court of tbs Stats of
Oregon. f.T lbs Coimtv o( Wscu, to me dlr ted,
dated XSth dy of November. 1894. upon a Judg
ment snti decren of loreclofure rexoerati sna en
tered in ra d court on the 16th d ol November,
1HM, in favor of tne Ptolflo Ft e In-u a oa Con.,
panr, plaintiff, end airslnst D-niel J. Cooper end
rain A. Copper, defendants, for the sum of
sla.802.OO. commatrdinflrand iro'iltinr me to males
sals of the lollowlnK described real property ,itu
i. a in tha county of Wasco, and a late of Oregon,
Tne wast ha'f of Section So. Townrn D I norm,
Ranirs 14 east. 3i0 serts; the nr.rtberut quarter and
the east haf of tb vouches t q rarter or. g ctlon 86,
Town-hip 1 u rth. Range 14 eaat, I 0 -c es; ih
east hat -of the southwest quarter cf fection 26.
ftiarnahin I north. H nrs e-s-. so acres: tne
southwest quarter of S C lor SI. Tow ship i uorth.
Kancre lb asst. las .cres; tne soutneui quarter w
Section it. Town-hip Snonh, Kanne 14 east, leu
acres; the west b 11 ol tne n irinwest quarteioi
isection 81, Township S north, Ksntre 16, e s log
acres; the astj half nf the northwest quarter of
ection 82. rownsnip X norm ranire is east, go
acre ; the southeast quarter ol oecuon so Town
b p north, Ra g 16 east, 160 acres; the east half
arid the sou hwe-t qu -rl-r of the northwest quarter
of seotl n 8U. Tuwnahip z nO'th, Hange 16 east m
sores; the we-L hall of the S"Utnwest quarter of
xection SO, T wnabip 2 north. Ha- ire 16 e st, log
seres; the north bah of tb soothe ut quarter sad
the non beast Quarter ol tha southwest qutrter of
Seo lou 19, Township ! i.orth, Rnge 16 eaat, 120
acres; Ills east half or Section 81. own-hip 4 north.
Range 16 east. 820 ac e-; Total i 032 seres. I did.
on the H7'h dav of .No'mb-r 1894, duly levy upon
the aboe de-cribed real p opertv.
ow. iheretore. by virtue oi said execution. Judg
ment, older aa der ree. and n conformttv aithth
command, of satil writ. 1 will on a ednesday. ths
2nd Cay o' January. 189 i, at thn bur of 1 o'clock
and 8j min'ite-, p. ., at the fron d.ioref the
C"Unty e-urth ne ot said Wa-oo County, in tb
City of The Da le, in -aid county s d atate. ie 1 at
puiilie auorion. aubj ct to redemption, to the hla-h
est bidder for United S'ates g" d e in, cash in band,
all tbe rUht, title and in aroat of the above named
def nd rota, or either of them, in and to the above
de-cribed real nroperty to s .ti fy said execution.
Judgment, o del aod decree, interest and cos's and
i. auvruing cost.
Sheriff of Wasco C unty, i.reiron.
Dated at Dalles City, Oreg -n, Dec. 1, 1894.
Laitd Ottio at Tux Dauas, Oanos,
December 18, 1694.
Notice 1 hereby (Iron that the following named
eattier haa Sled notice of his intention to make final
proof in support nf his claim, and that said prool
will be nude before tbe Register end Reciter si
Tbe Dalles, Oration, on January 24 ls 6, via:
H E No 62SS. SH NWJ, tE4 ft WJ4. Seo 28, and
8ti b , Sec 21, Tp 1 S, R 14 E.
lie names tbe following- witnesses to provs his
eon inuous residence upon and culilratluu of eaid
land, vis:
Hi nrv Hudson. Harry Hudson, John W Montgom
ery, John 1 Decker, all of Dufur, Oreg u
J AS. f. MnURE, Register.
Laud Omcx at Tux Dallss. Orvoon,
fiovember 0. 1S94.
Notice is hereby riven that the following-named
settler has Sled notice of his intention to
make final proof io support of his claim, and said proof will be mule before the Register and
Receiver of ti e U. 8 land otbee at Tbe Dalles, Or.,
oa ieccmber 0, 1HU4, v x:
H E, No 28(?4, for the eVt uni sec 4. tp 2 n, r 12 e,
ano lota 6, 0 and 7, sec 8, tp 8 n, r 12
He name the foilnwintr witnesses to prove bis
continuous resiuence upon and cultivation of said
land, vis:
Cnarlea Cramer. Herb r' Thiel, Matt Tblel, L J.
Da.enpo.t, all of sloaier. urenon.
ftnvil-et J 4.H. K. MHOBK, Resistor.
Laud Omcx at The Dalus. Ox.,
O t. b.-r 20. 169i.
Notice is hereby given that the following uamen
settler has filed notice of hii intention to
final proof in support oi is claim, and tb t said
proof will be made before the regreter and receiver
at Tbe Da les, Ureimn. on Decs m e. 4, 1894, vix:
H E No S32S for ihc lo.s 8, and 5, s e 18, tp 1 n,
r 18 s, M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resideuco upon, and cultivation of, saiu
land.- vizr
H C Nielsen, Jease Slmonsnn, John Frederlokson,
John Klindt, ail ot Tb- Kailes, rivoti
ct27-6t JA3 MO .EE, Register.
Came to the preml-ee of the subscriber, ti Long
Hollow, about 14 miles -mtbes-t of 1 ns Dalles, ons
orre mare, brande.1 M on right snuu der, two
whits hind feet, white sirip in face. She b s a colt
branded tht same The ownnr cm have thesam- by
proving pro, ertv and pat iny to- tne charges of
kee, lnir and he coat of thia tulvertlenment.
Long tloilow, Oct. 4. 1 94. D. ' i bBORNE.
But at a Very Small Profit
Men's Kipp and Calf Boots.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Grain and Calf Euttcn Floes
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoe
Harper's Weekly.
Ix 1895.
HARPER'S WEEKLY s a DictO-lal hlatnra nf tha
tirua.. 11, preset., erery important event promptlr,
accurately , and exhaustively 1 1 lus.raiiou and oes
cripiire text tf the order
The manner in which, ouring 1894, it has treated
the Chuago Rail w.y strikes and tne Chino Japan
ese w ar, anil tbe amount of light it was abl . to
thr w on Korea the instant , at eat on was directed
to that little-known countrr. are examoles of 1 a al.
mo-t boundless resource. Julian Ralph, t dis
tinguished w iter ana correspondent, has bee.i sent
to tne seat of war, at d there loined bv O. D. Wei
don, tbe well-known American artist, now for many
years resident in J Ban. wh . baa been enmawt tn
oo oi erate wih Mr Kaloh in sending to HARPER'S
WEI'KLT exclusive luf ormati-m and illustration
DU ing 1896 SverV Vital OUeitlon will ha ,11a -neaeri
wilh vlg r snd without prejudice in the edit ri,l
columns, and also in special ar tides b the higb -st
surhoritiss in each department. Portraits .4 the
men and w men who are ma-iDg history, ai d pow
erful and e ustin po ltical '-artoona, will continue to
be feature. This Busy World, witn iu
keen and kindly c mtuentoi the lesser doings of the
uay. w li rem tin a regular deoa tm nt
Fiction, 'ib rswlitb two powerful rlals, both
handsomely i lu.t rated The Hed O ekode. a stir
ring lomanos of vld'n dsrs by itanley J. Weymtn,
and a navel of T.-rk, entitled Tba son of His
Father, ly Brer.der Mat hews a vera! novelettes,
and man) short sturies b Popu ar writers
Send Sot Illustrated Prospectus.
liy a recent chaDee on tbe O. R & V. a
dozen or nrnre "railroad boys" are added
to tbe ouruber tbat at preaent make their
borne in La Grabde, sava tbe Chronicle.
Tbey are hrartily welcome, for tbeir pres
ence ta a blessing and benefit in every
way.. Tbe "belper" ilutiuoa at Kamela
n tbe one aide aod Teiocaaet on tbe oiber
aide of La Grande, wbere tuy bog engines
bave been kept to .assist tralna up the
moaritaioa, are now dispersed witb, and
tbe engine aod crews are left at La, and will make tbelr trips from
An Old Miner Injured
The Canyon City New haa tha following:
"jar. 4. j. McAllister, an old pioneer
miner whose home ia high on tba mountain
aide, met with a serious mishap laat Sunday
evening, receiving a dislocation of tbe bip
bone.- He' had bean to town to purobase
aoma aapplie. and while returning hem in
tbe daiknee he -walked off the trail over a
forty foot embankment and fell into one of
the old mining cuts np the jruloh aod re
mained nnoooacioo for a time, dually mak
ing hia way, by crawling, to a Chinaman'a
Qibin, a lew yards distant, abont 4 o'clock
next morning'. Tbe Cbinaman oared for tba
poor fellow and same to town for assist
ance." - .
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
VtiwWsf'sirftbaisaslmaADisiimm. '
clearI fit (longI
mental! Im I I strong
Branner's Restaurant
Torse Door From Oourt.
Tha Volumes of tba Weekly begin with the Brst
numrier tor January of each year. Whan no timo Is
mentioned, subscription will begin wrth tb num
ber currrnt at ihe time of receipt of orusr.
Oloth oases for each volum suitabls for binding
will hs sent by mail, post-paid, reosipt of 41 each.
Title-page aud Inde sent oo application.
Remltttncos ahou'd b made by postofflc money
order or draft,, to avoid ei.anoe of loss.
Stwtpaptrt r not to copy thit advtrHmm
eittout tA nprat order qf Barnr BrvUur.
Px Txaa:
Rarper'a Magscine , (4 no
Harper's Weekly 00
Jasper's Bexar 40Q
Barf. r"s Young People 2 00
Pottag rres to oil Subsertoars tA Uniud Scats
Canada and Hmco. , -
Address HARPBR BttO rHERfl, p. 0. Sji 96
I SswYcrkCity.
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and' Rubber
Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc.
Shoe hop in Connection With Store
Stoneman & Fiege
We can Ct jou in si".
We can please yon ii. etyle.
We can anil you in price.
WE w;ll
If yon will nive u the opportunity.
Ths Table are'Funhbfd wltb the BEET, the
market affords
Win be served in say styl dunrg
tie scsio
Wellington, Hock Springs,
and Eoslyn CoaL
118, aacked and delivered to any part of
tbe city.
At Moody's Warehouse
Harper's Bazar.
lis INflS
Eletrant n! exclutlTe desi, ns for Oot-dooi snd
loa .i Tt ll-tM. ilr-Wit trom W . tb mode a bv s
a ana 0 puis, are sn importan' fe.ture. Th
appear eve y weet.- co mp-inied bv minute di
eripiio s aad details. Our Parrs Lmt- r, by Kath
erine de rorest is a weekly trans ript f tbe latest
sty es and caprices ia tbe n o le Under the bead
of New York FaaMoi.e plain direct ns and lull
partieuiars a aivsn aa to a) apes, trim
m ngs, and a- ors iss - f tbe of well
dreswd women. Cb Idreb's clothlnir rereives prao
tlca attsnti m. A fortrriirbUy Pattarn-rb et l-p-p
ement enables rear trs to cut and n.ske tbeir own
gown. 'Jbawrmanwn takes nAHPBn'a BAAtt
1 rrcpar. d f r every oecaitn in UN, ceremonious or
Iniorm .1. w.rers beauttfai dres- I. Kauisir
An Amerloan sarial, O tor Warrie .'s UatnzhU rt
by Be -becna Barnins; Davis, a srrooa' D vel f
Ame lean me. DarUv laid In P nnavlwania anl
pirtiv in voe t atttn, will occupy tbs last ha I of
me 1 fair.
My lodv v obody, an In sn.elr xdUns novel by
Msar'sn Msartens. au'hor nf "Ool'a FooL" "The
ura te-r aiory," ete, wil leinn tbe year.
R-stys ad Bo. ial Cbata. 10 this dspamnsnt
fpecca'or win eontriout Sir cb rnilnir paper, un
"What W are u tig,'' iu New Yo-k seciatv.
Answers to Cor.e pondents. Cue Uods receive
tbe per-onal atte tiou ot the ent.r. and era an
swered at tbs earliest possible d .te alter th lr ra
Sand for Illustrated Pxwapeotaa.
Tbs Volumes of tbs Bator begin with th first
numoer ior rfaiiuary 01 acx year, was Bo time Is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Mum.
cer current at tne urns ol it eelpt of order.
viou cases tor sacn volume, suitabls for binding,
a ill be sut bv mail, post-paid. 00 receipt of 1 ash.
Title-page and Ii.d. x sent on application.
Btmittanoss should be made by p.toBos saonsry
order or draft, to avoid chane or loss.
Stutpapm an not to om Uts mdvortitmnt
mwna CM scprsM erder tf Uarpor Brother!.
Pxa Taaa:
Harper Matraxlne.. (4 go
Harper's Weekly 4 w
Harper's Baaar , 4 og
Harper"e Tonng People 00
P-xtago frte u all lubtoribtri in On Vnittd Mat,
vwmam au awaaioD.
Overcoats and Ultei 8.
' Corner Third and "Waahlrurton BtrMteV.
Cored Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and ToDgoes,
And tbe Viest BeefitteakB, Mutton Cbop and
Veal Outlets in tbe market,
Orders Delivered to Anv Part of the Citw-
Fresh Vegetable on sale at tbe Lowest Prima
The One Price Cash House,
Bieks aad Xohons, Pianos and OrgaDS
Address: HARPER at BRcTHKRa
969, New York City. ,
V. O. Bos
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hata and Caps, Boots and Shrea, &a
Agent for the Bnttcnok J'attarnat also for tba Bail Baaaar Lirssi Forma ,
PIANOS and Orpsns sold en easy monthly
paytnesta and all COMPKT1TK1N
we are prepared to meet. Call or address -
162 Second Street The Dallas, Or
ti AaTTiN First Clasb
rur ii aim t ' .i. viiTa, a
I WA. I UlihaiSl
jr. Hammerly, nrell-known bnsineas man
of BUIsboro. Va., sends tills testiniony to
tbe merits of A yer Sarsaparilla: "Several
years am, I hurt my leg, tbe Injury leaving
a sore wbicbled to erysiirela. My suflerinEs
were extreme, my leg, from the knee to the
ankle, being a solid sore, wlilcli began to ex
tend to other parts of the Ixxly. After trying
various remedies, I began taking AVer's
Barsaparilia, and. before I hail BnlaJied tbe
first liottlf, I experienced great relief i tbe
second bottle effected a complete cure.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. X O. Ayer ft Co Lowa,Umm.
Cures others-will cure you
Easily Made.
We want many men, v. omen, bors, and girls to
work for us a few bours dully, right lu end around
tbeir own homes. Tho business Is eusv, plessaut.
strictly honorable, and pavs better tlisn any oilier
oaertw agents. You liave a clear add and no
competition. Experience and spacial ability nn- i
necessary. No capital required. We equip you
with rerything that you need, treat you well.
and help von to earn ten times ordinary wage.
Woman do aa well as men, and boys and girls
malt gooj par. Any ona. anywhere, can o the
work. All snccerd who follow onr plain and Sim-
pi direction.. Earnest work will surely bring
you a gre.-it deal ot monev. Erervthiur Is new
and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet
elreumr, and rrtve full information. No barm
don If you conclude not to go on with tba
George Stinson &Co.,
Box 488,
tM aatnest. Fastest soul rtoest fa th WesiaV
Paanger accomodations unexcelled.
Bvery Saturday,
At res-orar intervara.
TaUM on loireftt tmrmn tn and f mm thm nrtnnlnla.
I00T0H. IKaXal3B. X22&3 k ALL ttimmTTAL MIKTU
ExearSiOa tlokatm siwait.aihU tA patnrn h fhv thsa nis.
tornqoe Clrda ft Uorth of Inlaixl or Naples A OlbnUuu
n in Ko&aj uraan nr ar c&oeiBt it T ovhs Uxtm,
it in
ADDJT tO MSlff of Onr lriftn! A mnrai - r-a
Truths Sick.
For those DEATPi v pit ii-miq
' SPELUS denend on nlnhur Rlr
ters ; it never fails to rare.
DO YCU SUFFER -ari-h that
tired and all-gone fccl.'ngp If so use
Sulphur litters; It -B ill cure yon.
Don't be without a hot-1
tie. ; Too. will not re-rret It I
THC I of a fair face Is a beanti.
I Secret I fnl st-n. Sulphur Bitters
IW1IX FURNISH AJrrrniNO NEEDED ntOV AM CRDKKrAKER aa ebssp a aa M piona
from any one tbat don not belong Io the Aaaooration, and I har. a better el ass of goods. Bavin
taksn tbe neoeasary course of mstrueuaa in smbalmlug, 1 am prepared to attead to vsrytniiig paitalnla
to tb famines.
PLACE OF BU8IN1.B3 Corner of third and Washington strt. BESIUEMCE Corner of Foartk
and Waainngton street. All or era promptly attended to.
VM. MICHELL, Undertaier and Embalme
San i Francisco i Beer i Hall
Fa LEMttE, Proprietor,
Wool - Exchancte - Salooo.
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
If you donotTri-hto L
suffer from RHCUHATISM, use a I ox ouipnux iiuters; It never
r iauj tor cure.
Are you COtipated? If ao.
I Sulphur Eittera la just what you need
Poor. weak, and vm
Sulphur Hitters will mak thorr. 9
strong, nearty, and healthy.
Cleanse the vitiated blood when
you gee its lmpnritlea bursting
Iaau uugu Ultl SJtOH lli
c1t on Sulnhur
I Bitters and health
will follow. . ..
m I Va - M Nl
aSi tinn ttf a iVniirh nltvitiHaan. aIH mitokrlti
Tb (s rrtMt Vffbt9
tlonof m Camouit French ptiyaJcinn, win qutckly cur s
Vi tUfter,U.e prcnp-
I V miral tri-atf f i
voua or dW'tvHfS ol liie gent;rauv urtctutu, sucii j Lost Mi
Tnantmil I Stir. In tha fliiou Kamlnul ft' mlael..,. Iv: ta-iii...
PtmplsrvUnfluieaW to Marry, fexluutoUuir Dnlna, Varwrl mud
1 Lomt
all ner
GooatlDnUon. ItatOrwi all lotm bT dav np nl(rh trfwmntm nrtltr.
tarn ot dirtchanrA. wblcb If not chckxt leads to Rpernm torrrxBa amt
al I tbe horrors ail m potency. 4 IPIIi;AE r'tnni UiaUrac,
as. iu iirts bihi liit uriiimrT unraiiHui amai aaUuunuHB.
e sj ar a avv ajjio aksrts iltoiisi ihhi ir-iuirri pitibvi r-itK vi Ktaiiav
Tba rravun uffertrN ara not cii-Xl bv lioriom in hecikiiMe n
Ptlatltt. CCPIDENEUtoponljknownrpmMlrtoetirawtibcutauope KK0iiatbAnfi.
A wnuMfnnninit ttpu ana money rfinnwi 11 biz onxea aoN DOi amct a btriuuwMWit
Hecotul Street East Ind.
TTJa'aV flHs'JltA.HIlHliaja
Bend 3 2-ceat e-amps to A. P. Onlway & Co.,
Wa,iU-,forUatnUlcal wykpnbUafaf P
Tba resson aufTerer arc not ciietxl br Jroriors Is rrecaose nlmafy per cent ar trnoblad wfttl
a)a a. wrlttM naranlaej rrrm
fiXl a box, six fur $00, br mail. BerMl for raaadroulaxaod ceeUmooavla.