The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 02, 1895, Image 1

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KaiitTilSRIiK. VoUmeXXXT
NO. 24
,, Professional CarOa. '
Physician and Surgeon
Room vir Dalles Nations' Bnk. Office hours, 10
m t li m, and Irom t 10 4 p m. Keei
deuce We t End of third Mreet,
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 3 Chapman Block, The Dalle". Ore.
j bUlHfcBL M, I),C
Phyiieian and Surgeon,
Rooms 3 and t. Chapman Block, Tin D-llea,
Practical Dentist
rw. War a a Rmcn'i prr-cei . Sefon 1 8t
ail ainrfc vnaranterd to Ve htisf Cll' D and all he
latest Improved methods UM in dental operations
4 a.
- . In Bchanno's buildips, ui stairs,
ine oaiie.
NO. 16, A. F & A. M. Meets
VV lint and third
Monday of seen montn at o
' X Meets in Masonic Hail the third Vtednendaj
each month at 8 P M. ,
nOLTJHBla LgDGE, NO, 6, I. O. . F.-'e.te
j every Friday evening at 7:30 n'clocx, In K. of P
Ball, comer uf r-co,.d and Court street. &.Joura
tur brothers are welcome. H Clouoh, Deo v.
fTQUEKDSHlP LODGE. NO. .. K. of P. Meett
every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Scrum
no's building, corner of Court snd Second streets,
ftejournirur brothers are cordiall invited
b. Vanga, K. K. and 8. . t . MKMii'EE, C.
W will n.eet every r'riday afternoon at It o'clock
at the reaaimr room. All are invited.
Hood Camp, No. 68, meets every Tueadat
evtmiiuj of each week at 730 ool-ck, in A. Keller's
n ail. All orotners ana sojouxauur wwuois uu
avited to be credent.
TEMPLF LODGE, NO. S, A. a TJ. W.-Meets
in KKellers Hall even Thursday evening at 730
Uock. PAH. KKKFT. M. V
W. 8. Mvaaa, Financier
1A8. KEBMITH POST. NO. 42. O. A. R Meetf
(J every baturday at 7.80 P. M. in K. of P. HaU.
OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in
a. of r. Uau.
16 I O. R M Keeta
V svmj v euutada) i s.iui in K. 01 P
"tEbANG VEKEIN MariMoNIlt.- Mesu every
VJ bunday evenirw in Kellers Hall
T OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 187 Meeis n K.
JJ. of P. Hall toe first and hird Wsduwday ol
rain month at 7:30 P. M.
1HK t Hl KCHKJa.
. IhbT BAPTlbl CbLhtH hev. o. D. Tarton,
tsMtor. bervicea eTen abtmtn at 11 A h.
P. u. 1 babbatb acbool immediately alter tne
Korniag service. Prayer meeting avcty -inursoay
svsniur at a f.u
i E. CUl.'KCil Rev. Jao., la-u r.
Jjl , Service, aver bunoa) niorniug and evenins.
8unda bebool at lxa o clout r a. a coruiai inn.
SstioF eor tended bv both pastor and people to all.
J Pastor, bervicoa ever) buuday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sunday School alter morning service.
nr. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father BROssveM
O Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M Hifb
. Man- at 10:80 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M
r-lT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppusitt
O Fifth. Rev. aUi tt. Butdine, Rector. Services
every Sunday as HA. M and 7M P ML, Sunday
school at 9:30 A. M. Eveniuu Prayer on Friday a
71 P.M.
tor. PreacniiiK every anndat aiternoon at t
o cleok in ths Congregational eburco.
dially invited
Ah are cor-
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
.nt for the Eeottiah Union an ' Nwtloi al Ia
surance company of Edinburgh, bcotlaad, Capiial
Valuable Farms near the City- to sell on easy
Office over Post Office. The Dalles, Or.
(Rf later U. lnd OH-ce. 1S0 1884.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall's Block Main ct. T.i.couv.r Clark Co , Wash.
-g e y4 Bseord ftrett next door east of
M. &: The lialles at Bunk
iavina; just opemd In boflness, ant having a fall
assortment of the latest go. d in m line, 1 de
sirs a ahars of the -.ubllv paircnaxe
Mantifsnrnrtr of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Sacaad St., near MoodVs Warahousa,
A Work ;emaraateed
lafWtlea .
t CUvn Sat-
Goods hauled with the irr-mtest oaro to si'
oaTta of the aitv on short notice.
Do You Want Money?
If so, send tl, and tke of your own and
wife's abos for two pain of
Rernold't Ahrgrt-Rwdy HH 8ole
-made ot nardened rubber outwear any
barber sole. Sent postpaid. Ton can
!e.'mr. .ZZ! lAsmtnutes DTSrrent
XnS7-VSi IreiVyoSr fe warm anddr
!.i2T5 roitt forafents. Order K groas
pairirc. O. D. and 1 will give you ex-
"V . MHut, anil afkwnahlo.
eiu-aw BW-n in - -
atsrix BirimuM,xtoOaiias aur,
lea Wabwt ftb. blaei OL
General Expr-tsman
One spotted cow, bran led f-gn 8 on left hip
and swallow fork in both sue. aka ue December
1st. a my ranch on Fiite n Mil- oreek. The owner
can bat a the aau by paying for this advertisement
and pastjre- H HARDEbTr.
Xbs Dalies. Ore, Daaambtr IS. IM
" flit, Reoulatcr Line'
The Dares, Poniard and Astoria
Navigation Co
1HR0UGH Frelgnt na PasssnsBrLins
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles Uty.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
with Steamer Regulator for i he Dalles
O p wav f 2 CO
Rouid trip 3 00
Freight Fates Creatly Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered betore
5 p. m. Live siock sniptnents solicited
fjall on or aaaress,
General Agent
Practical :. watcHmalcer
Clocks, Watctes, Jiwtlrv, Etc
ATwnvf keeps on tal) the latent ond btt ftxhf o
Tiuie-pieres uiamood hinics, bow-knot Riuri. Ail
verwaxe, eir, etc.
162 Eeif-rd r?iut Mt dm
Wnliame fc I o.'
- J
I am now prepared, to deliver
Koslyn Coal
To aoy part H 'If fl'j hi K.SP pe
ton. This is morn cheaper thn wood
abd a great deai more convenient. Ap
oly to
Agent for O. R & N Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCasli Price for
Hay and Gram."
Soecial Prices to Cash Buvers
Charles A, Baldwin & Co.
40 and 42 Wall street,
Accounts of Banks and Banker received f
on isvoraDie terms.
Roads flTid InvMlnMit f 1 1 t
Dai! Financial Utter Mailed on n-olicailon.
1 1 1 1 1 m i n ' - - - - -
The t Merc' ant 1 Tailor
Suits Made to Order and Fit Gun ran teed
ClothM lie. I 'd on the 81.04 1
si Notice
Near Cr. Ttfji ttti W1iIt etott Sta
Second and Union Streeta,
A L NEWHAN. Proprietor
FAaIILY groceries
(Successor to P. KREFT CO.;
Peaer sn
Mall Jaw,
Sits flirt
Ar'it' Mh'i rial inr) Pa'rtprs 8ai'"'i 8
A I orders for pain'mg, papering n(l
kalsnmi"irp; promptly attended 'f .
We're Here to
And Want Your Trade
Have yon ever seen Aunt Jemina's
Pancake Meal ?
Or Pettijohns' Breakfast Gem ?
Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour Js fine,
and you know what Uevker's Self-Rising
Buckwheat is.
Our Maple Syrnp, Maple Sugrar, Comb
Honey and sweet things are just as nice
as you could want them.
Call and see us, or ask Central for t2
-AND -
A! KELLER Prop':
p.wpred to furnish fun Hied, bUli and tta
tan note with tor cnoicen
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh t sters Senred in Erery Style.
Heeund Sirrt. Next door to The Dalles
. tlonai Bank,
cowfciai ' Eiciiaie
F. rat-class Wines, L'qaors and Cigars
Always 00 Haod.
Corner Second and (Xiurt Streets,
Tha Dalles. Oregon.
Sample : Rooms,
o moisT HTH
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Andrew Velarde,
The Talles.
A'l.irefi; lock Box 181.
Pam ' bkhttt PaiA ill rerlnre yoor wehtht
PKHS aKSTI.V f'om 12 to IS pun a
month hnatirvnir sick' es o- Injury; noiublie
itv.- Thet buil- up h. h.ath si d h su .n
corrp'txinn. irarnr no -rnkie. -r na'nines ninut
ahdonrn and rlrtlrii't r th n or ly reiievM.
KtllXri'rlHn b t a ac.ntin. aio ikw
tlve ft lief, adopted oi ly sfier years of pxperieioa.
ail orders aurplied direct from aur office. Price
12.00 prr pai kas; - or three puckagea fe S6 00 by
mall postpaid. Testimonials and particular, (sealed
All CorreasBdrei Mtrvtiiy ivanae,.-
PAM REMEDY CO., Boston Miss
Children Cry
for f itOHSa-B
Castor. a
" Caxtorli la m well adapted to children that
I n-couimt-nil It as aupei ir to any prescription
known t me." H. A. Archkb, M. D
111 South Oxford St, BrooklfO, I). T
I rie Ciuitor'a in my prarttoe, and find It
tpetialiy axLtttfa to afFectluns of ciilldnjn."
Aux. Robzbtsom, M. Dm
1067 Sd Ave., New yofffc
'From prmil knowledge I can any uu
lastoi u is rust excellent medicine for coll
Ireo," LIS. Q. O. OannoD,
Lowell, Mass,
Castorla promotes Digestion, and
OTeroomea Flatulency, Constipatiori, Sour
Stomach, Dian ncea, and Feveriahnesa
Thus the child la rendered healthy and its
Sleep natural, Caatorla contain UO
Morphine or other uarcoUo property.
Tte Dalfes National Bant
General Banting Business Transactec
Sight ETahanes sold or
Northwest Cor. Second sadWaahington)Sta.
8uccessoito Georx Bach.
The Cheapest Place
tn naLLsa ros
All Kinds of Groceries,
Wa reawctfullv solicit a ah of the nubile pat-
rename snd -hall end. avor to give entire satiatae
ton to our customers onto cm no new.
JUcufaoturos ths Best Articles of ,
Soda, Sarsapai ilia and Gker Ale
Laaue Orders With Andrew Keller,
Mount Hood Imk Room
Best Kentucky Whiskey
Very Bust Key West Cigars, and Bes'
of Wines.
Er.gliab Portrr Ale and Milwavke
Seer always on band.
0. R. & I CO.
Cnoice ot Two Transcontinental Routes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cines
OCEAN 8TE.MER8 leave (ortard
days for
For full detail call oaO ft. AN. Attentat THE
DaLLAM, or address
I sVfta HVnaiDVBIi VSSli 4
TeX U fill f DTTDssP
EnnB and Chekerea Career.
Valentine, Neb Jan. 33 Aasast
Tbieman dmi bars in destitute clrcam
stances yesterday. He ranie here a abort
time ag , en route to Fort Meade, wbere
be ba a son-in-law, who la an officer in
the Uuited S ates army.
Wheo bis effects were examined, papers
were loan a wnicn airciosra an ex'iaor
dinary caret r. He was tbe son, the
pnptrs shot, ol Dr. Daniel P Taieman,
eZ'mavnr of Biew Xnrk, sod a celebrsted
mauufactorer of sara ral Instruments
He wa a mor lo the Tnioo armv flaring
v e war He whs a soldier for 43 yei-rs,
held 18 Ct.mmU ion, frnm lieuieoant to
insp-cmr geoeral, took part in 243 bat'le.
Ud been wnuanen stvea t mea, and be
a dea tbe Unltel States, had sere- a Egyp',
Mex co ana ntner roun tries, tie was ap
U 'ioted to West P not id 1848, and, ac
iTiing to bis piDprs, rtibnnied there
from witn ex ueroor tsucnnr, o.
Kentucky, aoi two others, who offered
. rv ces to J. ffrm.'O Davis. Amnnir bis
efff-cta wr trniud peraooal le"era from
Abraham Lincoln, J.ffersnu Davis sod
Stnnewail Jirkson. He was In churee of
F'.rtreas Monro wheo Jefferson Datis
and Ismily were prisoners,
Thrj MrcarrA a Lnrgi Booty.
Pine Bluff. Ark., Jan. 25 Tbs south
bound Cotton Belt triio was bald op Dear
bere by two masked men at 7:03 r St
Tbe roboers were rtdiop; oo tbe blind bag;
gnee, and, as thr triio weot torough a
deep cot, tbe eneloeer saw tbem crawl
over tbe tender of ths engine. Before
he could realize what was up, ha was
loon a iuto tbe muss's of a pair ot 43
caliber rcVo!ers. Tbe robbers cum
roaoded bim to atop tbe train and
marched him to the express car, which
was io charge of Messenger J W MaseT,
Maasey ass covered by the bsnd.ts' gona.
as wss also Uonnnctor Hsrris, who had
come ont is tbe meaotioie. They took
the money Harris bad on his peraoo.
The amoupt tsken from tbe express ear
cannot be a.certsined. After an Inef
fectual a tempt to open tbe safe in the
express car, tbe bandits compelled the
p-.B8eDger to assist. I be amount taken
from tbe Safe is estimated at 23,000
fhe watch and chain taken from tbe ooo
ductor were returned. It is tboogh tbey
are members ol tne Uook goa do .
Tba passeagers w-re not molested, nor
was ap; one hart by tbe bspdits.
old Reserve Diminishes,
Washington, Jan. 83 Thr secretary
ot the treasury bat authorised for sale
geld bars for export on tbe pa meat of a
premium of of 1 per cent to cover tbe
cost of manufacture aod transportation,
and this morning $1,000,000 was taken
no these terms. There was witbarswn
$3 800,000 coin aod f 900,000 additional
i engaged for export tomorrow.
making op to noon f 5 TU0.Q0Q This
leaves the gold reserve $58,034 428. aod
the amouut ot gold coin oo band above
tbe anisnn' of nuttaudlng gold rertifl-
cstes, f 10.913 880 Treamry rffluiais.
however, do not regard the amount ol
coin received no deposit for ctr lucstes
as sacred to their ledemption, bat will
cootiooe o psv oat gold on demand tor
legal tender. It IS deemed amply suffi
cient. There i enough gold ta either
coin r bars to meet tbe oemsod on gold
cer'iScatea. While tha situation is re
garded ss a very trying one, there is no
thought of aoythiog so serious a to
into ve the credit of tbe government,
which the secretary will lady maintain
at all basirds,
Orrat Tie.fTp Brekea.
Brooklyn, Jan. 83 Tae street-car
strike la nearly over. Todsy may see
many strikers returning to worst as In-
div duals, as the rai'road companies say
tbev may, aod not through treaties made
with their executive committee. Trolley
cars are mooing on nearly all lines,
though not the toll complement, bat tbe
great tie-ap has been broken. Tn
Ninth regiment has been ordered home.
aod there is every likelihood tbst tha
8venth will be ordered back to New
York tonight.
The Brooklyn Heights Beilrnad Com-
uaoy announced that it would ran crss-
n lines from Green point to tbe JErle
bssio today, snd large crowds waited tor
the first car. The authorities sent a large
detachment of regular and special
policemsn to keep tba pesce. Tbe
military were ordered not to shoot with-
ut good cause.
What is supposed to be a dynamite
cartridge was picked up tbia morning at
tbe corner of Fiatbasb avenue and Folios
street, where several car lines pa-a. It
was covered with a coating, aod has a
face at one end, and is aboot Ive inches
long. Police Superintendent Campbell
sent it o tbe navy-yard, wbere an exami
nation will be made.
Tbe strikers ssy tbey sre ss determined
ss ever to bold out, and if no agreement
is made before tbe troops are witbdrawo
there will be, in toe opinion of many, a
renewal of tbe trouble.
At Ridgewood station, when about 85
w men arrived te work for tbe railroad
company, tbe strikers sorrousded tbem
aod succeeded in bosthog tbem down
Palmetto s reet. Policemen aod militia.
who were sent to their rescue, succeeded
io overtaking the kidnapers and prisoners,
and rescued six ol ibe lafer. The other
19 were taken to tbe besdguarters of tbe
strikers and kept prisoners.
los)a Loak far War.
Washington, Jan. 85 Ex Governor
Iaaao P Gray, the present American mln
ister to Mexico, arrived in Washington
today aad visited the department ef
state. Ha ssid be did not think war
would be declared between Mexico aud
Guatemala, bat in his opinion the differ
ence between tbe two countries woo d be
Justed through pesceful negotiations.
Further tbsu to express this opinion
ratber positively, be declined to tslk, ola
reluctance to discuss tbe subject being I
Xulaioed by tbe fair presumption tbat
presence here is not disconnected
snm tbe affair it-et The connoence
x pressed bv Minister Gray that bos'ili- i
les woo d be avoided is general in t facial
circles. It seem to be motly founded
tn the known helpless cood tion of
Guatemala to make aov practical showot
force against her powerlul neighbor.
Their Reestioa GwaditlwaaL
8haNwHAI, Jan. 831 is stated bere
on go-d authority tbat tne Unintse peace
envoys will not he received unless they
hate lull poweis to propose Onal terms
t peace.
StVerel JapsDtse warships hsve gone
st.uth t iotticept steamers fXiectrd 'o
rnve aimrtiy tiff 'be coast nl Cmna with
rm, aninuioi'lon and ' lher articlts
I l9 d a t-oi.tralaiid ot ' ar
Oar Harr BflStl.
Yokohama. Jai. 29 - Ao of&Vial dis
patch Si General Nodxu attacked Hai
Cueo January 17. aod adds: -There-were
8000 Chinese tro ps Under Gt-aeral Chang
on oar right, and 0000, under General
Tai, on our Sett wing. Wa loutul 91
Jtnnese dead after tbe battle, including
two officers. Natives ssy tbe Chinese
lost over 100 men."
An offloial dispatch from the bead
quarters of tbe Japanese army announced
mat the Japanese captured Yneo Chang
onen January 80. Tbe riiapatcb sli-o
announces tbat in further fiirhtioo- aronn
Hat Chen January 23. 1000 Chinese again
attacked tbe Japanese position, bat were
repulsed about 8 o'clock in tbe sfterooon
with a loss of 100. On tbe Japanese
siae, so men were wounded.
At the national Capital.
Wasaington, Jan. 25 There is grest
sarpnte manifested amooir all Bepublt
cans tbst there should be a disposition in
tbe Oregon legislature to deteat tbe cau
cu- Domination, sod prevent the election
ol Senator Dolpb, In tbe Republican
aeostoiial caucus here today there was
a1 most so unanimous einress on tbat the
defeat of Seoator Dolpb would be a grest
lots to tbe Repnblicsn party in tbe senate.
and tne country besides, tjucb a defeat
woa d be a grest loss to Oregon. The
regret oyer the legislature is very pro
Dounced. and fesr la expressed that party
rootioi ot the senate la being endancered
Prnnonoued silver men as well ss others
say that tbe majorl y ot tbe party should
Msaatera at ktea.
New London, Coon., Jan. 28 Tbe
ocean tog Sta King, of Philadelphia,
New York to Providence, with a tow of
Ave coal-laden barges, pat into this por
this moroiog aad reported the loss of her
eotire tow and the eooseqaent deaths of
18 persons, including three women aod
two children.
Captain W F Upsted, of Philadelphia
who wss in charge of. tbe tag, tails this
story :
"We left Wsdnesdsy afternoon with
tbe five bsrges in tow. Race Rock light
was passed Friday slterooon, about
o'clock, with tbe weathet good and
everything favorable. Jast before mid
night a stiff breeca sprang from tbe essi
sod soon blew ap a strong soutbesst gale
The blow wss acenmpsuied by blinding
sonw sod at 8 o'clock tbis morning, tbe
tow rgan pulling and battling in a way
tost indicated trouble AH Bands bad
gathered aft in order to dw something to
avert tne threatened catastrophe, bur
when tbe three stefn barges broke away
aod began tn founder, wn wstcbed tbem
for about bait an hour, all tbe time
struggling to save tbe tug and tbe
twr remaining barges from destruction.
Tben 'be three barges weot down. At 6
o'clock tbe two temaioing barges foon
dered and the hawser from tbem to. tbe
tug bed to be cat. At greet risk ibe tag
wss pnt afioat, and alter repeated efforts
I'nes were got to men, who, through tbe
blindieg snow, could be discerned on tbe
barge Sully, which still floated. Tbev
jumped overboard and were pu'led
aboard the Sea King fearfully exhausted.
Thr tog unsuccessfully sesrebed for tbe
others and it was necessary to ran for
port to save tbe tag from tbe increasing
Oa thr Shaa Taafc Pealasala.
'Yokohama, Jan. 28 Offl isl dis
patcher from Yam-Cbsng Keog state
that the second batch of Japanese trans
ports completed the landing ot troops st
noun January 83. These dispatches arid
that during ibe alterp.Qon ef Juuary8l
neavy uriog ws( neara in tne direction oi
Wei Hal- Wei, aod Japanese outposts in
the evening reported tbst fl .thing elec -trio
l'hts could .be"foeQ in the (sine
Hir iDHiMA, Jao. 28 A dispatch ret
ceived at Japanese headquarters from
Admiral lto announces tOat tbe Cbioese
warships are still lying lo tbe harbor o
Wei Hai- Wei. He adds tbat the Cbinese
forts aod torpedo boats opened fire oo tbe
Japanese fleet January 91, but without
effeot. Tbe firing mentioned In a die
patch from YoeLChaoe'KVog wa
undoubtedly ineffective. The caononsde
announced by Admiral lto , aod the
eiectrlo lights wbich tbe Japanese oal
posts saw Id tbe directioo of Wei-Hat
Wei must have been those of tbe Chinese
warships and torts wb cb were tamed on
tbe Jspsnese fleet.
' sSeattBieatt Warlike.
Citt OF Mexico, Jan. 88 Publtc sen
timent is very wsrlike. Rumors are
tbat something definite will be known
Mondsy. Tbe Qtiblat of toolngbt ssys
thai a telegram was received hers stating
tbat an envoy from Gaatemala bas ar
rived at Tegociapalpa to negotiate a
secret alliance with Hondoras. Nicaragua,
aod Guatemala, and if mere should be no
war with Mexico, they will make war
against Salvador, a small republio which
tbe other Central American states propose
te attack in combination and divide its
spoils between-them. The president and
severs! members of tbe cabinet nave
bean in secret session all day, but
nothing reliable caa be learned aa to the
result of tbeir deliberations. The feeling
la general bere among tbe Americans
tbst Mexico's case is right and she bss
jastlce on her aide, also that all through
the controversy President Diss aod the
Mexican government bsve acted kindly
and have been Verj lenient with Gaate
mala. It looks as If Gaatemala wrrn
trying to gain more time te organise for
the centralization of Central American
A Ceafriwaee at tke White Heaae
Washington, Jsn. 88 Tbe president.
Secretary Carlisle, and tbe attorney
general had a long conference at tbe
White Hoose todsy, at which tbe finan
cial situation, tt ia ssid wss discussed
in ail Its pbssts Secretary Carlisle
went to tbe White Hoose ss esrly as
8:80 thi msroing, aod was soon joined
by Mr. Olney. It is not koowo what,
if anything, waa decided upon, but It is
believed tbat early la tbe coming week
the administration men in congress will
mske an authoritative propjeitioa to the
silver men. looking to the passage of a
bill providing for tbe issue of $300 000.
000 In 8 per . cent bonds cnnpied witb
some silver legis'ation. Friends of tbe
administration argue it would be wise
for the silver men to accept any fair and
liberal offer, for in case tbey refuse, sny
silver legislation during the next two
years would be oat of the question.
Arsneataa rerseeatiaaa.
London, Jan. 28 A dispatch tr the
speaker from Oonitantioople ssys the
work of persecuting tbe Armenians ia
Armenia and Asia Minor io proceeding
vigorous' y ss before, adding:
, "Tbe Torkisb newspapers sre evidently
under orders to keep dowo the exci'e
men', acid it is extremely difficult
obtain information Irom the interior II
the present crisis is - prolonged it is
probable there will be trouble in Macedo
nia io tne spring, sod if t is erioos.
Bulgaria, Greece - atd 8-rvia wiH
inevitably be involved aod tbe eastern
que-'ion will be raised ia it most at-ntr
lot m '
kxwa;rrsm af thr Inqairy.
Constantinople, Jao 27 The rom
mission appointed to n quire roto the
Armenian outrage '"is had a prelinilrarv
sitting at Moosli. ' Tbe porte still refus o
to permit newspaper correspondents is
travel ia Armenia.
Bla Wlr Disappeared;
Little Falls, Wash., Jao. 88 Yes
terday afternoon about 4 o'clock Mrs
John Gill disappeared from home. Her
husband was awsy. bat retaraed about 0
o'clock and found his three little girls
aione. one aia not come borne last oigbt
so todsy a sesreb wss Instituted. Tbe
woods sioood tbe boose were examined.
out sne was not found. Tbls rfteraooo
Mr, GUI went to tbe bsrn to feed the
stock sad foaod her buried in the bay.
She refutes to talk. She is supposed to
nave been sunerlog from a fit of tempo
rary insanity.
Taoaaaoda Are Affected.
Philadelphia. Jan. 87 Tbe ingrsin
carpet-weavers who operste power-looms
jo 65 mills in Kensingtoo have decided
io strike tomorrow unless tbeir employers
agree to psy b gher wages. It is said
that no le-s than 18.000 operative! will
be affecte i. The executive commi'tee of
the Power Loom Pro'ecti'e Association
met today aod beard report from thr
various mill committees all of wbicb
S'ated that none ot tbe maonfactorers
would yield to tbe demand, wbich i for
ao advance of a quarter per vard on all
grades of csrpeis. Woile only 1090
power-loom weavers make tbe demand
14.000 other workmen are direetlv
affected, aod 4000 indirectly.
Drowned as Astoria,
Astoria. Or, Jan. 38 Albert Hansen.
the 8-yesr old son of a store keeper in
this city, wss drowned yesterdsy at
Emore's cannery. With a number of
other boys, tbe lad bsd been - coasting
down a slip leading from Secood street to
the cannery, and, being unable to control
his sled, be was carried off tbe wharf.
Tbe tide wa h cb at tbe time, aod tbe
water muddy, making it impossible for
soy one to locate his wberesboa's oa'il
oo late. The body was recovered after
baviog been in tbe water for nearly an I
Tke Craiaer Olytapla.
San Francisco, Jao. 88 Tbe craiaer
Olympia wss towed to Mare islsod tbia
morning, aod formally delivered io tbe
government baying alrendr been accepted
at tne navy-yard. Uoal, stores and am
muni'loa were put aboard, ready for
service in three weeks Tbe Olvmota re
quires au men, exclusive oi eaxers.
JSrelared oat tiaiiry.
La Porte, Iud , Jan. 28 Mrs Geodeke
formerly Miss Georgia C eis, koowo aa
Indiana's Queen of Song," bss just been
released from prison at Bernais, France.
where she bsd been confiued on a charge
of srson. Miss C!els wss a alodeot in a
New York conservatory of mna'C, when
she became the wife of Captain Geodeke.
German officer. Tne couple weot to
Bernais, wbere Geodeke went into busi
ness aod prosoered . His factory burned
down one day daring tbeir absence, aod
they were arrested ou tbe charge of arson
An appeal was sent to Mis. Geodeke's
friends In Iodiana, aod on their repre
sentations tbe state snd government
tScials nnited in an effort to secure ber
release, and money was raised for her
defense. A cablegram, received by Mrs.
Goedeke's brother in Sno b Beod brings
news of ber acquittal. It ia now an-
oouoced tbat Mrs Geodeke and ber
bosband will return to America.
he Wit' aos
New York, Jan. 28 Tbe Etrald'i
Washington correspondent telegraphs.
-War between Guatemala and Mexico
seems inevitable. Gaatemala can only
preventit by complying witb tbe demands
ot Mexico, aod this she is sppsrently nn
willlog to do. Mexico will not arbitrate.
Lfforts at arbitration by tbe United Statea
have failed. I tearn from absolutely
reliab'e authority tonight that Mexico
baa po-itively declined to eotertaio the
suggestion of oar state department thss
the difficulty be submitted to arbitration
8' ripped of all polite and diplomatic
trills Mexico's aaswer is to the effect
that Gaatemala bas been very insulting
snd impudent and deserves a threshing.
Tbe reply waa received at, the atste de
partmeat late yesterday afternoon and
read ' to the president by Secietsry
Gresbsm late last mgbt. It was a disap
pointment to tbe admiaistrstioa authori
ties." Asapatatwd It HlaaaelC
Harribburg, Pa., Jsn. 28 Two years
ago Robert Galbraitb, aged 74, a farmer
of Payne township, Isdiana coooty, fell
from a load of bay and Injured bis lef
ankle and foot. Tbe injury bas caused
him great suffering ever since, snd the
family physician bss long insisted tbat
unless the loot wss smpu'ated tbe fsrmei
could never be better. Gaibrsi'b stub
bornly refused to bsve tbe operation
performed. One mornrng last week tbe
farmer's daughter went into bis room.
Delia," ssid be, "the job is done. Tbe
foot is amputated." On tbe bed by bis
side lay bis loot. Oa the other side was
a rssor. Tbe old farmer bad amputated
bis own fort witb his razor, and bad done
it neatly, too, at tbe ankle and joint.
Although be u now 78 years old Farmer
Galbrsitb is not suffering from tha shock
of bis se'f amputating operation, and tbe !
doctor aava be could not have taken tbe
foot off more neatly himself.
Wanked hy Heavy Waves.
Woodland. Cal., Jan. 27 For 80
hours winds from tbe north bsve ceased
heavy wavea to roll over tbe track from
Sacramento to Woodland. No train
came through from Sacramento today,
aod it la reported tbat it is unsafe fcr a
distance of five miles. Hundreds of men
hsve been constantly on the lookout, and
if fhe water goes down trains will run
through tonight.
Three-hundred feet of road washed
away last nlbt on tbe Woodland as
Marvsvllle road, two ml lis north ot
Zoight's landing: Thousands of sacks
of dirt are being hauled today and placed
oo the north sido of tbe embankment te
protect it Irom thr heavy waves. Trsins
can go over tbe Marysville route for some
days, even if ibe wind subsides. All
north-bound trains art now detained
Cars Are AtaaalBST.
Brooklyn, Jo, 28 Tne trol'ey cars
are running on all Hoes tbls moroiog,
aod s. me are running on schedule time.
Everything ia quiet. Toe Seventh regi
men' ws relieved from duty at Halsef
s rent power-boose aod 'eft there tbis
morning for 'heir armory io New York.
Tne Seventy first regiment aod Firt oat
trrv have afo been relieved Irom duty
and returoed to New York.
Ii aa Huat'ie.
Paris. Jd 28 The newspapers todai
are less hostile in their utterances 'gini
ing lbs Rbot minatry M Go'ile',
boweter. in'eads to ask the g veromeo
for precise declarations regarding its
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
general policy aod annoaoces tbe seers.
sloo of bis followers from M. Ribot's
apporters on the grouod that tbey were
oot consulted dunog the mioisteris'
crisis. After discuss! in of Goblet's qoes
tlon and tbe a in n sty motion, tbe
government will atk the chamber to
devo'e itself entirely to tbe budget. The
amnesty motion will Include Geronlt
Richard. Count Dillion and M. Henri I
Rochefort .
fire Ravaa-ra Cvrvallls.
CoBVALLls, Jan. 28 Fire this morning
destroyed tbe grocery store of Petrse.
Clark & Co., on Main street, tbe saloon
of B Woldt, and two boases belonging to
J SorMa, aod damagal a building be
longing to Join Zns. The losses are:
stock aud fix urcs. 84509: iosursnce.
- , - v - , ,iuir.
B Wo'dt, liquors, 8400: uninsured.
J E Lorbir, $8500; insurance, $1800.
jono assuu; uoiosured.
Sol Bin th. aged 80. bad bla W broken
daring the fire.
Tex" Daniels aod Htrrv White were
arrested tor stes'iog liquors darin the
are, loe stolen, goods were recovered.
Verdlet of Arqaittak
Chehalis, TTasb .. Jan. S3- Tbe trial
of Max F Haas, who on December 28tb
shot Joseph Patek dead in tbis city, wss
concluded this momlog in tbe superior
court. The jury brought io a verdict of
acquittal, after being oat 88 boars.
shut Patek in front of ibe Cny drag store.
Tbe murder was tbe result of a quarrel
over Patek's wife. Acquittal followed
tbe plea of self-defease.
Said at Fublle AaeUea
Seattle, Jao 88 Tbe Raiser Power
aod Railway Company, franchise, tracks
aod eouiDment were aold at noblio sue.
tioo today, under order of the Uolted
States circuit court, te Angus Mackintosh
A M Brooks aod Frederick Btosmso. for
$1S,SU0 cssh. Wben confirmed by tbe
roort tbe sale wul not De subject to
Faltkfal t Dalph.
Rosebcrg, Jan. 28 -An effort wss msde
bere todsy te bsve the leading R-pobli-
cans S'go a request to tbe Douglss
county ntrmbera of tbe legislature to
saaport Hermsnn for United 'States
senator But few. if aoy. signatures
were Obtaloed. The ReoabllCaOa Of
Douglas are satisfied with tbe action of
their representatives.
BjafrerlBK Pre a stable.
Lodisviixi, Jan. 28 Tbe four cbil
dren of Andrew Cole, of Lawrence county
bava beea brougot to Louisville suffering
itb rabies. Tbe e drst, a boy of 13, was
bitten by a dog lo 1889. Recently be
developed hydrophobia aod bit bis
brother and two sisters. Ooe of the boys
will die, but tbe others all balk and sosp I
like dogs. .
latrraaseat er ar marram.
London, Jsa. 28 Tbe latermeot of I
tbe body of Lord Onurcbill took place at I
B enbeim Park. Woodstock, todsy. Tbe
queen. Prince of Wales and tbe emperor
of Germany sent delegates. Memorial
services in his bonor were also held at
tVestmiLlster ahbey.
Hrrnnt'i Pealtlea.
Washington. Jsn. 28 Hermson ssid
today bis position in tbe aeosturisl con
test is the same aa it bas been. He is
not a candidate, yet if the contest rescues
a point wbere there is a deadlock, be
esteem It a grest booor to be
The Grass Far Office).
A woman who went to Olympia after s
legislative olerkahip- writes to ths Taeoms
Ltdytr of her experiences. She says it
took her only 15 minutes to lesrn of the
foolishness of her errand, ao j thereupon she
dstermioed to lesrn tbe total number of
those who, like heiself, had Bought Olvm
pia in aearen ot clerkships, it proved s
motely throng. Thtra were yoong man
with sisters to educate,-fathers of families
to aapport, women deserted by their- bas
Stan da, and a giil who waa the sole support
ef bsr widowed mother snd little sister
Tben there were doseos of g rla snd womtn
who were ncable to do hssyy work, as well
as the cripples who could only do writing.
Buaiocss man naked for positions tbat tbey
might prevent assignment sales. From tbe
entreaties, tbe open button-holing of the
members, snd ths thousand and one man
avers, that ths obterviog eye oould dateet,
one was almost led to believe that evert
needy person io the state was asking for
legislative elerkthips.
Important Deolaiow.-
In an important land decision lately
rendered out ot the supreme court of the
state of Washington, the most elaborate
brief ever filed in that state came before
court, embracing over 800 pages of
printed matter. The point of the most
Interest is tbe decision, that a title pro-
cared under the U. S. homestead laws Is
a title by purchase aad becomes com in u
nity properly. Tbe farther point is de
cided that where during the period ot res
idence and improvement required by tbe
United States hemustead laws a maa and
woman hold themselves out to tbe world
as husband and wile and then subse
quently marry, tbe wife takes a comma
nity interest ia tbe real eat tie acquired
during such relationship, though they are
not actually husband aod, wife. It is also
decided thst a general guardian Is a rep
resentative ot bi ward in litigation and
bas power to bind him by his conduct of
tbe satt
Boys aad .lns Aid Sorlefy.
Boys may be bad (and sometimes girls)
(l)ur ordinary eervice at wages; (2) upon
iudenture, fto work, attend school, and be
rtrought np somenat aa our own; and
(3) ohildreo may be bad for legal adoption
Addmsa, J. H. Miaener, Superintendent
Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port,
aud, Oregon.
who care to pay s llttls more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find tbe
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf .'
grown in Virginia, and are
Legislative Hattax-s-
Salem, Jan. 28, 1895.
Editor Tmsa-Mjimaiirasai
Tbe senatorial question is prsotioally no-
8b,Ded' witu ,D exoeption psrbapa ol Col.
oiDoott aroppiog la as a dark-herss. His
friends bere are usior every effort to prove
some o! bis big flab stories, tbat his exper
ience oo tbe Columbia river may be tamed
to bis advantage snd aot agaiust him. Ha
will gat a very nice ooaafortable yote if we
eso prove by petition, tbat he was never a
candidate for mayor of "North Dallas."
Tn u.heroian on the lower river aod
heir rePr"n'ia are oa a "atil! hunt.
""at will coma very near kisking the
backets oat of ths fish-whsels, sod tbe
bottom eat ef the fishing basiness about
Tba Dalles. AU tbat is aeossaary to make
tbeir scheme a suooess is for tbe whaelmen
to remsia ooiet and kiok after their nron-
. mined. Twslva fiah-hilla have bean
already introdaoed lu ths house.
Representative McGreer has three bills
onder wsy, one to amend sa Sot amsodiag
seo. 4033 Bill'a Coda, that eoantiss may at
e general election decide whether or not
road tax shsll be naid in oath and not in
Lurk a. at nraaant laalh.i ralatino in
tn. di.trihnhnn of th. A iat . nnhli-
laod sales to road distriots, suoordlng to tha
number of miles of road in each district.
The third placing a bounty en coyote ani
eqnirrel scalps, mskiog said bounty uniform
throughout tba stats sad psysbls from tbe
state treasury.
One very pertinent resolution was rated
out of order Friday daring tha jnlot session.
Is was that members bs not allowed to date
frth"r bck th soming of Christ in
order to explain or apologise for voting as
they do on senator. It would have spoilod
many a "spread-eagle" speech if It bsd
There seems to bs a geoeral mlsoaier.
standing of tbs nature of ths fight st praa-
lent, going oo here, it is not nor basis
been a silver firfbt, mors thaa ths Oreyostaa
has mads it saoh. A majority ot tha anti
Dolpk mea are not fret-silver man, and if
ths deadlock Is broken aod Dolph elected.
,t will be through tbs effort! of ths few
radical "free-silyerites" to mske it sppesr
a silver victory. This bas already began to
grind oa some of tbe suti-DoIph foross.
There Is not now nor has there bean st
anv time. In mv ODiolon, tne ausnirsc
oh,noe tor .fr,, ,iWer advocate to be
Li - .j .t, Tn. iuht has been aualnit
Dolph and the Oregonian, and wbeneysr
Dolph is out of ths Bxht, tbe bond thst now
nolds the "antra" together, snd wbloh Is
claimed to be silver, will oesse to longer
hold the forces, and ths case will soon be
settled with no triumph for the silverites
except their aasittaooa io Dolph'a defeat.
There srs so many sditois throughout tha
state who take their opinions ot tbs situa
tion from the Oregonian tbst thsy sre mis
led, aod make their readers believe tbia to
be aimply a eilver , and aati'ailver fight,
which is not true by soy means. Haying
seen no copy ot the Motjntainzek sines
coming to Salem, yon will of course aot
take ths above criticism to mean yoa.
This extra-
Dizziness, '
Falling- Ber.
nations, Nerr.
oris twitching
of tbe eyes
aad other
and tones the
entire syejem.
rladtaa cures
ordinary Sa-
Juvenator Is
the most
discovery of
toe aire, it
bss been en
dorsed by the
men of
Europe and
Hiidvan is
1 Neiroasnasa,
1 Kmlaalons,
1 and develop 4
1 and restores
rludya stops
of tha die. f
cnarge in ai
barge in 20 ly . f
ava. Cures f t:SliaV
IJ!tM' weak: organs.
rJiSrfiK t tains to the
LOST I y.:S$ii.: by day or
1 D8MU. iamc9
MAflflOOD Milt yniM stopped
ctilokly. Over 3,000 prfrate ssvloTBenienta.
fYatworeneat means tmooteDcy la ibe first
stage). It ts a symptom of seminal weakneta
and barrenness. It can be stopped ia to days .
pr the oseof Hndyaa. i
Tbe new discovery was made by the Bnrrtal
isUoftiM old famouHusoa Medical tnttrtate.
It ts the strongeet yliaiixur made. It is very
powerful, but baimless. ftold tor SLOO a pacx
airoorS paokages for SS.00 plain aealed boxes).
Written guanuiiee (riven for a cure. If yon boy
aizboxeaand are Dot entirely eaired,sLs snora .
Wluoesent to ycvnvAoruicnaraea.
and for eireularaand teeUmon
sTaaetlem BtoeJkton, Oaj-ket at Euis Sta,
aaai rnuHitW vsii