- r N .. . ' '? 1 f3) Tlie Times-fflountaiaetr SAIUKUAY. ..JANUARY 23 Mi ITEMS IN BRIEF From Wednailt'j iHtiT, Mr. M. Heisler, arrived in the city to Gay irom i ulur Mr. Alvis Quinn arrived in the city ironi i ulur tins morning. Joee. h Douglas and son, residents of x Uteen Milt) creek, are in the city today. There will bo serviced in the Christian cbnrcb this evening. All are invited to be present. 1'ue dead-lock still cominues in Oiym pia and Uuise, with no indicauoas 01 senator beiug circled scOo. Thewetltier is very mild, and if this continue wiuier will have spent us t. rct aaa spring muy be expected in a aliun time. Alexander McNeil, an la nnte of Uie Jnsaue asvluni fruui ibis county, died at caiem last uigul. tie leave, a widow and mmuy iu tula cay. Tue Aral ballot was taken in joint coa yeuuon ul smeoi oou atier me u.ioj hour luday.witu ilie result given. AouiUcr Ballot wa laKeu at 3 :M Wis atleruoou. Or. U. E. Sanders returned this uioruiu iroui a luouur vis l iu tue east. JJunux Ilia absence he visiied GrauJ ltauiUs, Mlubigau, To.oJo, Uuid, aud other etsi- eru cities. The vote in the legislature today in Balein in joint couveutiou stood as lol lows: iolpfa, 44; Moore, 7; Hare, : ifennett, o; Herman, 4: Lord, .: Wil liams, i; total, otf . m ' Mr. E C. Warren, of Dufur. called at our office this nioruin Ue says sleigh ing is excellent on tn teen Mile creek, ana all the way to the city unul he ar rived at Three -Vlile. The city jail was without a single oc cupant last night, and, like Othello, the recorder's occu atiou's gone" this morning He was not worried in mind abou c Jpnts ; but was able to attend to Other business. There are indications that a Chinook wua win, to use street parlance, "get in its work" on trie snow in thi-. region in a day or two. It blew lor a little while tod y, and it looks favorable for a continuance of it tomorrow. here have been uo suiiiuienls of cattle from the siockyaid ol U c. daliniarabe A Co. tor the past two data. Tne roads are uol in ifixid condition lor cattlemen to drive their Hoiks to niaikel; but iheie Will be beaV) Ht lpiueing soon. , The total vote in joint convention to day at balein was . There was one man sick, unable to att ud the meeting. The silverites, by their perUdious action, may cause a deadlock lor two or three days; but they should c nsider that they are wasting the people's money by hampering legislation. i'r Sanders says there was more snow in the vicinit. ol The Dalles this winter than there was in Michigan He left this city Cbr stuiasday with the round bare, and returned this morning to hud now covering the ground, hut the amount considerably iminished by the mild weather we have expert need. Tli Uoaelmrg hevitxe, ol Jauuary 17ih, publishes a J2-pae rdilion, principally devoted to the resomces ol Jiougins comity", sod itusebura? especially It speaKS well for lUe eul rpritse of the pub lishers, duriuif these hard limes, to print tuth a mauiinoih paper, aud will lie a good adveriioeuieni lor that portion of the sate. Quite a culling affray occurred on Bear Creea last vVeduesUay morning between Mr. Jfearson and Fii'ppa LHne,in which J'earsou got a gusli across itie uiuso'e of his letl arm, cays Ibe Priueviile A'etee Ue cume to lowu is soon ax Itie acuineiit bappeued aud had the wound dressed liy lit H uck. o penuaneul injury will result from the cut. T lie flabl jsrew out of the niisbeliavior or a certain sheep dog belonging tu 1-no-ey. - An Ei'Klishman nimed William Trav erse, ged about 3 years, died very sud denly at Hood Jbtiver last Monday He bad Jived there but a short time, aud was highly respected in that community wemiuy relatives in tiie old couiuiv' woo are connected with ;he noliilitv. He leaves a young wile, to whom he. was married but a short time. The Walla Vlalla tstidtxman says thai the Cvbleutz peuileuiiary scandal is lo be thoroughly inquired into at an early day r.oless Uie plans of viiiu Kelly go astray. Kelly was une ol the lale wardeu'a bonds men, and believes I hat certain interested persons aie now, and always have beeu, trying hard to suppress the real facts iu Jbe deplorable Walla Wa.la tragedy. He will try to have a j lut committee ol bolli bouses inquire ib.o ad ot the lucts. ' Fostiil Journal: Probably James Camp ie, who I til FotSil alaiut three munina ago io lake a job iu Honolulu boi-sing a lut of natives on a Boaar plauiaiion, would at tbe present time just ns lief be baca again ou flue ireek -herding Un lOD'aaheep. While we know Irom ex perience that sUeep are m gKy criuers lo herd, we'd rather lend a flajk of them as l . t n I. I. . 1 .1 I I . iauvr, Hat.uuuiu ii'i his viii loan urru ia (band uf hall naked savages oo the wsr iatb lor one week. However, ijin will bo doubt he men ded anions: I lie '-Aineri can imerests" lhat the Philadelphia has gone down lo protect. A Chinook wind may melt the snow now; .'but it is possible lo have a revised d it ion of wiuier next month, when people ' aud cattle aie ill prepared .to euuure it Twelve years ago our sever est wealhef was xperienced in February, ' when tbe tbcrmnu.ler fell lo 21 deurees below zero, and ibe water supply ol lb city was lrnzen for ten days We wouid prefer hav ng a few more days of Severe weal her this mouth, lhan for wiuier ! take a rest now ai.d luauy urate his venge ance the latter part ol February. Roseburg P.aind-altr: "Hon. D r. K- Buick this week receded a letter Iro.n Silver Lake, giving siill further panir.u lars ot the dreadlul disaster. The. letter States thai, in addition to tne number who I oat4heir lives in tbe terrible Die, there ""re 42 persoLS w ho were more or ei4 injured. The larze number is much ol a surprise, for all reports he eloture h ive eurf plac the ! and eral placed llit aumiier at less man so. up u Slh Inst. Dime ut I lie injured bad died. and all were improving, aithouish iu sev eral lustaucia improvement is very slow. It is now expected lhat all of tbe injured will recover." f rjm Thursiay's Dally. The city is txteuaively bills 1 for the Tittell Sisters. Mr, R. L, Kirkham, of Dufur, was in town today making proof on his bomeatead, Tbe last two days of mild weather has pot a quietus on the business of putting op ice, it is cow relegated to innocuous dca uetude. The ebinook wind vest' r lay afternoon played l.avoo with' the Suow, and am ther day's Chinook would almost make sleig'in g a thing of the past. - Mis Cuba Hewitt, of H'ppner, is visit ing Mra Forwnoil. Sne has been an inimtr of S . VitioHot's hoipital iu Purclaud f ir tai months past, aud is very uiuoii im prove.! in health. A force of men were employed this morn irg iu locating plao-s for tne poles fur tli oew telephone sys'ein. As soon aa the 'weather ternnts woik will he btgun in earnest in erecting poles and layn g wires Key. John V oods arrived io the city on the noon train, and Will begin a series o' evatigeleatiual services beginning next Sunday at the M E. thiir'-h. Prayei meeting at the church tonight and tomor row evening. . Mtaars. YV. J. Wright and G. F. Mo Man amy have purchased the interest or AIt. j. Ii. Duuglae lo the sawmill oo Tarcrack creek, ten miles from Dulur, and will here after oondvot the business. Tne mi I is sit oated in a good belt of tioiber, and they manufacture an HceUeut quality ot lumber Tne following is too result of tne vo e et at Siiem ou senator t'lis afien.ie i : Djlph, 44: Mian, 19; L-ud, 2; Hare. 10; JJjuuett, 8; Moody, 4; Wlihama, 1; K.: . oaid, 1. There uiay be new uaumdate. brought one on every ballntt by tne ou position io their desultory warfare on Mr. Dolpb. Street Oommisinoar Butts keeps tie enme-waiks iu good cnudition, and the ateps leading to the B uff addition on Ciom rtreet are free from suow. We have no idea wbt office Mr. Butts is carrying favor witb tba oablio for: but if be ever ruu for the D. 8. senate or congress ha will b kindly remembered by tbe citUoos of Tbe Dalles. - Journal: The Leavenworth midinc . aioo ia all right, and it ia going to make the . - . i. . s r I. . HjoarcSt BSiajt torn ata an iiaauii-tua. it . as i-e di mot gii o; purseaai ir th- on v rich depoiiti or mulct oik iu Una wbla north weaieru country ami romeut it lo lls S-O co tne ton in guiii. Ami tne beautv of It is lhat is lHMieil here it is eaay of aooeas to lu Ureal .Northern railway. fcd Poill, a student at the Ejzene uni versity, wht'e Kine from lua home id SpriuntfaKl, ri ng thi railroad track, soil mdyiurf h a lea on a h- Witked. lhouht iraaiy t ycd i'h a f-cockiiiK revuivi-r iu hia cocker, trie reault bt-ina a bullet io hia leg. A ni iveraity aturleut hs uo ue for a revolver bat if he e-ns -lui, the bate leg to put a bailt through ia hia own. 1 1 ce are four pr.aoners in tie conntv jii), aud they conp!airj of l o 1 1 limi-a by reason of oo new aruvali. Tney have not nelil a kauuaroo court for o:ng tunc, and a nuaementa are very rare. Tney are wt?l teii, and e j y iheir.mealc; but brma d btried Ironi the privilege uf rzerciaiMt m i he open air are mil as fu lv contented with 'heir lot aa Vanderbilt or other milliuuaires are. Fur the fourth time a cn'prit appeart-d before the rrcor Irr thm mornmg, aud euteuceit to ill for torly rtva, lnun wil uuduobdiy s b-r hun up aulfijieutly to audbrotauil the m ff-otui of hia a-uLeive. te ia ooe of the in orniiib'e kind, m m d ubt f ally aopreuiated tbn kindneseei he a l reoi-iv-il at the hands of th- fiiy ut tiuiila, and waiittd to teat their goud uatLie ro tti um i t. Sleighriding is very delightful, bnt there are mauy uuwrilteu epiaouea that would furoi-h arett aniua.-mefit if fiiale pub-ii vVt a h uot incliuHd to "cell thtea out of h ii," but there are whisperings that at II tini-g eleiuba do m t k eu thu n a I, aun aotuetimea dump their pieeioua loadn Oit the snow, ouuh in .-iiieiita cauae merroneut to all p-rao'us interea'eil, but the arK sealed to Uie reporter a ear. Q. W, Boitfa narrowly escnper! drowning n il ornmai Aoplig l'- o e y Uat week He was t'oinif o Jaik'nuvilld fr rr. his K liott creek iiinns ith O. Faucett, 'and tne horae he wna ridiuii f-l oon wnh him while forrti iu the scr am. Mr B. 'a feel huna; in the Hrrup. and he wan uuahld to xmcate hun-elt. Mr, ruo-tt came 10 hl reue ai d not him to thore. line b-iuj wet hriniih'ba was nearly irozm before he reached a plaue of sm ltt r. Yesterday afcernoon . wheo the vote in j nut couveutiou waa k iowii in in city a petition for nimea ot B publicans who avnnd the election uf Mr D Iph for the United acatea senate was circulated, and 150 e'i- procured in tao houra, Ac Uraot, iu Shermau countx 55 nam a were procured, ud at LNncaite L ki loO. 1 r. ai w ra tel- graphid 10 Mr Com . aa ezpie-siye it the ie ir-s if his conatnueuta in ih cnurae fur him to follow in the natorr.,1 co iteat. The Diukel mines in Pe-ihistin are ex'sn- sive enouah t expect handsome re(u na from tnein the coining sprina. tne ore has been hauled foiu miues to tne railroad for shipment to St Louis. The comma seaaun, no doubt, vii I develop q'lite a buaiueaa in cnoae mines the uol'1 uiin-s. in that aeu- tiou are not developed to any great extant tie ooly mill in the d S'rict is kept iu peratiou very I'tile ot the tnnt; bur could. with proper management, be pLo:d Ou a Koi id paing basis. Tubacco raising in the northeast corner of this couatv bas been tried aud with verv gratif 10 x ret aim, sya the E leu buruh Lo calae.r. Some as hue tnhtut-o us we ever was raiaed iu the. Wentjhee, by Eph nain AI vo. All kiuda uf fruit cau ba giowo there of the beat quality. Peaches, pmn a aud apnuota are peilectiv at Home in bat part ol the county. we nenee Imonda could be rained there an peauuta -i a. The litter Have beeu parciaiiy ex- periinenied with. . $ une i f our sobucrihers after taking the Localizer several year a and not. payiug tor it. lutt ilu goodness to tell ine p laiinaaier thai thy do uot want tne paier any Innuer; remaikii'i; at the rame time, that the pot master aould be dmng them a favnr to com- unicate the taut t ) i bo editor or propn- tur rhat 1. a short haud way nt payiuu jat detbs. We may be compelled to publish some or their narnas iu- our black book eiobiirkr Localizer' Some of the nevs- iiii raidO. ic n r.ive had a similar exper- ......... I, L , I . l euce, aud a " oacK rami anouiu oe aepi. for aucb iu every urtiuH. From Friday's Dai'y. Mr. M. Dicbtuiiliei, of Mo4 r, is in town today. Ihe Tittell Si'ttr Monday and Tuesday ev. mug-. Mr rhomaa Haalan retu-ne I this win. in fro a visit t j bis old boJie at S.- The prices 'or the Tittell Sisters' en', r tainmeuC will be 7o a nt SJ uei.ts. K scrv.d seate 0 sale at B.akely & tljua;ii tun's drug aioie, Iu (be voijj iu j lint aonvect'OU today 0 is mau friiiu L u couut wa, ab ent. tie was Iu tavtii u L ril, and ibis wuu.d have ioiTeate t hia streiig n one ote. Palduesa is either hereditary or caused by sickness, meuial exhaustion, Wc&riug tight-tittiug hats, or over work aud trouble, ii all's Keuewer will preveut it. Ou Moo.niy ' tviniug "UrftcU Apart" will oe pla,ei at the Bi ilaiu up :re house by tba Pit eil Siitei-b, au 1 on TilMlay evei.L.g "My U-JCie's VV nl" an I fiou F.ou." Ths foandatioo tor a Bew building is b-iuf( pieoaied j nuiua tbd buck s ore ot J.les, Cutius & Co vv nen c.iuip eted ic will be Hi-cui i I as a harness shup by Mas r Gaei & Riperc A larae lone ot ni o b gan work Ihi uioruii g plaulug tha poe.il pintinl'T the uew teie bone sy -ieiu Tne-e will b erected iu the al i ya throughont the city. aud by thia nieau wi'l n it luterfere witb tl.Oie ol the old. system. It the report prve true as to the mem nera of the iaw York lekis ature atteudiu iiire striuily to buiiues, because ttiey UiU't IHr COUataUtly Tl'ling to aUl truill thell b iuaS lor uothnw, otnar abates will quick y a inpt trie aotl-iree p Ii law. An Auti 8 aug Laaue has hteo formed br the ynUl'g laoics III A.liaby, Oieglill. I'l .aking toe cnair, trie p e-idauv Sinl: Noaa ladies, let IC be umleiatot 1 -hat we meiu ou-iuesa. L-t ua chow ihe p -ople ol All any lhat this 0 lety is a lal at.l" Liv night the therm j ueter went doa n -u 19 driieea abi Ve tcrn, and tme u,aue a e.X'iiug very good, r ir tne past two daya me ul i moa wiuda had m-ide the snow iuah ut last uignt it was iu b ieutl Hard ued O make sieigna glide ovo It veiv eatl y. The following was the vote cast at Sdcin th s afternoon lor D S 8-intoi: D dpb, 42; Moi re. 11; Be i. ett, 8; Haie, 10; Wi - iiaius. 2; Lout. 3; L !, 1; Biit"-v, J; Herman, 10 Se.k' r Mouiesaud Bepie reutatiye 6jutt paired . Small hope fur an leCiioli S'lou. Ayer's Tills are constantly advancing in the estimation of those wuu use thein. 'I bey improve tbe appetite, promote digestiou, restore healthy act inn, and regulate every uuctiou. hey are pleasaut to take, gentle iu tbeir operutiuu, aud powerful iu sub duing discas . Kead oyer's Almanac, v Inch your drug gist will giadly hand you, and note tue woutlerful cure of rheumatism cacarr i, scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debility, hu mors, aud sores, by tbe use of oyer's Sar sapurill , tbe ouly saisaparillsi admitted at the " orld's 1-air. Penoleion Tribune: The five -y-ar-old chi d of William J nuinpaon died luea ay at Athena, a ter twualaya of acute suff -t-ing, resulting Horn a terrible accident Sui.dxv a k tile of iC d llng grease war overturned, iuflicli g aenoua burns Uni the child wbl 'h medical al 1 ou d not heal, and which resulted lu the little one's death. D'. N, G. liialock.cb liroian of the Wash ington inuatiO'i c iiniuitsino, estiuittes that tnere are 2,400,000 acres of land suscepti ble of irr ration ,u Ktstcra vVa,hiu on. 0 this auiuuut abuol one miilioo aud a q-iarter acres are in the Yakima valley. Uu the basia of twenty e- re 1 nil-, Yakima could therefore support 60,000 p ople on irrigated laml, Senators elected Tuesdays Perkins in Cailloruiu, Elkios in W ent Vir.llila, Luciei. Maker lb Kanoas. Pettirew lu feuuth Da kota, Maiiuu oiLler aud J. O. Put. brd In .Norlb t! .roliua. V a'ren and C ra lu VVy iHtlug, Se.well iu X-w Jersey, Culloin In Illinois. Ctiiltou in Tel .1 and Hirru in Tenue S'e A 1 re Ueijubiicaus ei, ent tli' last two h arc Ucuiucrala, and Butler whu is a Popuhat. Tnere ia a little exci'ement in thia cltv i.gaid.ng tbe Yukon iiVer lu Aiaaka, a io 8 c O' our cit.ti.ua will leave in that ilirec ivn iu the apriug. Ltttera bave been re ce.ved from persous woo are there, statin that tue gold deposits are very lich, aud good wages are made by the simplest meth ods. The road to wealth u a be iu our far northwestern p a-essiooa, nut a more cer tain way is by tiie exercise of industry iul , a momy . Tne people of Oregon have both eyes no the present stato legislature. They are going to be beard from if there n any monkey bnsinest, says the Albany Demo crat. They wan-, economy in the clerkship basnets, aotion in the di-solutioo of tbe railroad cpn-misiooi and o her cnnimirsions, etcetera. To Uepunlicans of Oregou bave a jravo reapnaituayr tbetr bauds, . Wul t ey -erve ih- people, or no? Pr.iiiah y n:it -Tdi:re will be the u-nal sinecure of :1 rkanip , sbjut aa mtuy lO limij IO aa eyer, aud uat ihe same old story of baik sera cbing oo appropriatima; so that when tna tegia aiure adj jurua look out. Tbe Tittell Sisters will appesr at the opera bouse next Monday and Tueslav evenings. Tney havn played ti crowded houaes in lowna iu tb4 Willamette vallev. and tome highly receinmeuded hy the pre. a or tne c last. Ibe repertoire will o insist ot some of the m s a tractive playa now being produced teture ibe public Auy one de airing mirh and entertainment combined h ul I not raii-a the r.pportunity ot . l ein present Mouday and Tuslay eveuii gs. Some of our boys are in tbe habit of vis- it-ng China bouses, to the aunbyance of the Uiiinese and to tneir own detriment. Th marshal has notified these bats to -stay awa. ; bur, this does not seem to nave the desireo effect. Last night he arrested one of them and brnog it him before the re corded ibi- morning. I It hoped that this will nave the desire I etf-ct It ism t knowi what the bots make thee visits fur, but it a evid-utly for misomef, and should be stopttd The Minnesota supreme court decided that the bicycle hai just as good a rglit opon the public highway as has any oth-r vehicle, il the decision will be su-taiuei by the good sne ot the pe iple Smn foolish and irrepnnaibU ridere of the two- wheeled vehicle ' have, by tneir carelear- neos caused accidents ana ujuies-and trivet to ariae iu the minds of tne p-nple; created a prejudice against that mode ot hut it is fist passing away, an 1 the pop ularity ot the wh-el .s growing. The prooorttonatd a moo at of wheat raised tor exp irt lu 0 ego i exceeds, pr- p, the o tpnc of any other state IT i years Orego-i has rnduced over one ton per vear fur everv mn, woman snd ehild w-miu i s b irder. The ayrage bushel or Or-gm. wheat ixoeeds the 60 pnund-to-the-busnel measuiemeut, raumng trm nve to nine pounde in excess Tne lieirv is plump and heavy. I'b yield averages fr-nn 20 m 30 bushels per acre. An average of 40 bu-hels and lusher ia very common. The state pro duced 14,000,000 liu-hela oo 700 000 sores last year ihe heaviest crop ever known. Moro ObaTVer: Supervisor Call Pee-x starts into ne iiaai'ieas ut his oin e bicked oy a ati k of good inaX'm-s ''Some men crawl in der she 1 and shtay dune; but C rl wili get them nut for a good daVs' woik on the roads when tbe proper lime come. "Dig yer spade neep, vile der odder eller yos as'eep, and today vas vort more a two dimes tomorrow, is what makes the t ees bloom aliout Cul, where ''Der garden vas much like der man vad makes der gar den, proving that 'voo goot nead vrs vnrt hi'l ef a rmx-u hanaa, as "a cat vot weais kid gloves dund uotch many leddle mice." The Chinese New Year, according to the oaleodar. bagm tndiv, January 25. The year conttino 3S3 daya, divine I into 13 month the ex ra month b-to an addi ti n 1 May The present Cniaese year b -gad on F b nary 17. and contained ouly 1'2 mouths. E e y mini year contains 13 months. ' The small biy will now have a circu-" by viitiDg Chinatiwn and helping explode crack ra. Ir the weather were mild they would amu-e themselves by SJ'iwIiall iog Ihs hipleaa anhj-ots nf the Chinese em pire; but Jacc Frost lass night stopped this uo. Finaacial Report. The fullowina- report of the financial ot,- dition of school diatriot, No. 12, is from M.rcho. 1894, t i Jtnuary 24, lh95, and is made by Cie. k lao ,bseo to show lax payers the standing of the dittiict so that tbey can act inteli gent') : - On h ind at bszla il l? ot achool year t t Amount 1 1 delirq lent taxes coliactid Stl tfa Amount ot inya ux-a coucre-i vnu ws KoAived eo mty solioo fund 1 07 00 btate e'lOOl iuiiU 3C661 60 1 uit ou. . 410 25 l-'lDcS Insurance ieliatc... , 3 00 . 3 00 DISBOBSEMr.NTS. Tenchen.' salary. ....... Jaiil or'- a I irr Clark's s-ivicea... lutere-t Water rent lnurani 8 vt.ar uo i -v Ap artis, cliarta etc All oth-r iiieiiient li i Wasco lnd--psouen. Academy ... Lim Is -km.il anuition Mov mr East Hill ieho l bnus... Foundation aud abur on ama .., riiiiin; Keo riiaf deeds Repairing- b oc .... . . Freight Ke a-rinir i i . ... Tu Hon refunded Taxe-i a tun ted baUnoeun haiu .... ..turn oo . . 6 S 00 .. 22fi 1)0 . Heal SS ... es it 90 oo . 802 45 .. 1SS 28 ,. 23 JO uu .. 4H0 00 . . S70 04 . 249 OS .. 78 2 t 7a .. K 25 .. 20 10 . . in nO 4 00 14 -4 .. 862 82 8305 73 LIABILITIES taabs'l i Ore' note Intersat on earns O Weherc a oo, scuoj! desk.... Fuel and uinbsr aihnol ic k .. Keptirof chimi. houses Insurance Syaorii.lUy . Labor ha-i Hi 1 ifam House bViariet teacaar aud J tuit ar.. . . , 13000 VI 160 00 61 tO 214 9 1 7 15 .. 125 00 141 00 182 05 iUi 01 17910 SO BESIURCES Schoil tax due. . . . thia hand Tuiuua due ....t 560 00 881 Si '00 O i 1022 82 Under the head of liahihtiea, the $3000 mentioned aa owing to Mrs. Grey, con oats of a note given by tha district to ter, bear ing 7 per cent interosc. AH tbe other debts are io outstanding warra f. n ep' C F Weber- & C .'- bill of $382 20, bioh w.s contracted for school desks porcbaaed lately, and wi I be paid as 'Oin as tbe b..rd of directors sig the warrant. Web.ter'a Boy Daniel. "Fa i.i I" echoed Mr. A'attersoo. "I never hear the word that I do not think of D.niel Web te 'a story of tha time he met an old gentleman in a mi Wtv car, and learning that he was from N w Hampshire, thought be woul I draw him out a little about the old home state. A little more conversation ah ied that the stranger came Irom Mr. Weba er'a native town. time was an npp rta nty not to be lo t." "Did you ever bear of t ie Webster fam i y ther?' aked the statesman. "Oi, yes; I know them very well. The old man aud I were great friend," ''Ah! then von can probably tell me what he-ame of the boy.-?'' "Well, Ei-kiel became a big lawyer the b'ggest lawyer, I guess, in all New Hamp shire. Tne girl, too, turned not Well." "You don't sav so; and waen't there a boy named Daniel?" The old man pondered a miouts before be ' mawered. "Now I come o think, there was .a boy i.meil Dau'l, but h- went r'on to Bo-ton teara ao, aud no one ain't heard of him 4.. ce " Tbe Oregon Pacific A lat-f ltsiid ot the Vai y Montana Mil toulian v?: "Whether or uot ih sale ot the Or gin Pauifiu railroad and Hi purchase hyBmnjraod liainmund of itmouv, will be coo firmed io a most abmrbiai question iu Ore. on just now. It is alaj ot unusual iiiterest 1 1 the people nf Miatoula and v cm ty, beoiuse of the reaidenoe of both par ties connected with the deal in their midst. Tuis interest has been revived by the re urn ot Mr. Bonner, after as absence of several weeks at coast points. To a re porter Mr. Bonner said the sale of the road is bona fide, 'and we have bought the prop ertv with the expeo'ation of devi luping it. As it stands today the p operty is uf n p rticnlar value, hut if the sde ia contirm-d we shall put enough money n 1 1 make a railroad out of the Oregon P cific,"1 Tbe ailehasb. e i oonfi m d bi the coiir', aim now the people ot $outhra and ,eter Oregrn will i Xii-iy I. ot torwaid to ee these promises 1'iili '. Two Alleged Rubber DiacbarKed Tne trial uf tne pnaoueis at ' Baser City charged with the Warshauer robbery re ulted in the dlcharga by Justice 8t rti i i f Mob and Kid" OiogleS, says tbe L Gra de Chronicle. .Uecisioo was reaerved in th oases of J. .D. Hart an ) C larlea Gmgle Coarles Omgles to bis teitiin nv a'ao po i tively denied the atury of the mid nl speth, who claimed tha' the defend io's o tided to bim their share in the.mhb ry (Jingles' swore that Hudsp-th wanted hun to take part in robbing tit Kea'uck y liquo -store, sod be refused, I- seems that the ase ia not a rong sgain't th - d fendaats a was at first supposed bv tha proseouti id. The two youug mo discharged snoo tdei ill proving sa alibi. Iiegtaiatttra Matters- fiaLS4t, dau. 24, 1S93." Editor TmEl-M CXTauiuat Tne second joint sertion for the election ot TJjited States senator hai cast its ballot and failed to elect. Yoar readers have ere this learned by telegraph the result Much excitement prevails in Salem over the "bolt"; bnt is snbudiug somewhat to day, as it becomes evident that J. N D.dph cao bardly gc back into Hue those who haye bolted from th- caucus selection. Much oratory has been used pro and con Oi the oanens aiticn baing binding; bnt there has been no changing nf votes result ing from the speeches and bat little effect observable. save a risiog feeling of bitterness chat bids fair to make a mark later in the session by defeating some go id measures state of ifiiirs that will certainly bring d scredit ou this legislature. Trie thousand-! that throrg the gallerita fr q ieatly get beyond cootioi of tne presi dent in tpplauding some patriotio reniaik made by sume member iu exp'aioing I is vote, and I have noticed that in their n marks all are patriots. Several disgraoeful scenes were enacted yesterday, when men were "biaced" tor casting tbeir votes ac cording to what they cleiined was their opioinns. Wasco county is well represented in all three houses of tbe legislature at pnsent but Sn riff Driver and M. T. Nolan sre claiming to be from M nlos, county, with beariq aarters in the treasurer's olfice. Av-esaor Wsk Held aud D J. Cj'iper are expecting cleikships with tne representa- t q a from Modoo as soon as that delega tion gets Well to aork. General" Mos -1 -en berg, (he ot Hood Rv i) s lo'diig down a chair as doi r- keeper in the bouse, but complains bitterly against tbe penanooeas of a legislature that will not-allow bun at leaat two lady clerk Mr. Ed Paireisin, of The Dalles, i loot. ing up the authmiriea oo "hugs" and fiu t ies's for the boit cut-iral committee, as e'erk forT. R. Coon, and M. J Anderson, figuring out how a o ap of Oregou will look wnen tbe new ennnty bills are all passed, being clerk for Ai Lle of Cr xik oouaty, ou countv commit e. I mentioned what member- of the third h ime wen doing first, bec.u-e thiy agree oo rorst proponitmns and principally oo the one that tne 1st or 2nd hnu ei.of ibe legislature are wasting so awfnl lnt (if the forty days in oratory. Representatives McGreer and Coon sr on d.Heient aides of the senatorial fence, and butchering each others votes every day, while S-oa'ors Sto ver aod S nith are doiog the same thin; in the mate. Is ia indeed a bapvp family , bere from Wasco oouut), aid there la not a ma io that representative - or senatorial district hut ia represented, be he Republican, Pou- ahst, Democrat or Prohibitionist, Free-Sil-vente or Gold-bug. The senate h is for rhe past two days ad- jiurned tor the day as soon as the ballot for (J. S. senator was counted. This is probably witb the intention ot doing noihiug nutil tbat question is settlei', and making it ap pear that the Aoti DoIpn u.en are intrud ing legislation by prolonging the fight. No matter what view one may take of tbe battle such a proo-eding is an oarage, for the lower house it. despite its senatorial light, doiup very rapid work od the senate far b bind. Sinoe writing tha sb-ive I see the Modoo delegation.Kolan aod Dii'er, have b en ad mitted or have stolen unobserved to a seat in tbe hall of representative', and are now mounted on a "heatei" with their clerk Wakefield sitting on a window-sill near by. Tneir seat will prob b y be -contested as snoo as the aeargeant-at-arms g'ts his eye on them. Kino. Murder at Walla Wa'ls. . A c Toner's inquest was held over .the remains of George Bief, who was killed by a fellow convict named Hoyt at the Walla Walla penitentiary Monday. They w re working in a pit near the jute mill, and Hoyt ti ed aa axe to commit tba act. "- We copy from the Sfofesm tbe follow ing." ' The first witness called was Pbil Berry, guard, who testified as follows : 'vVas on duty near where tkeae men were working at tha time the event h p pened; tnew both parties by sight; during tha forenoon R.if went into ths pit where Hoyt was working, but did not know whether the men conversed or not A short time after Reif returned and Hoyt followed him ; saw Hoyt take up something, but supposed it was a pii-k, presuming tha he intended to use it in his work; I noticed Hoyt striking at something, and at the first blow Reif dropped; i-aw Hoyt strike two or three times afterwards, but could not see the men because of tbe high embankment around the pit. At the first blow tbe men ran out of pit and call d. Hoyt was the last man to leave the pit 'and went into the engine hou:e; when (Berry) came up he saw Riif lying on the ground with gash in the si le and top of head ; said that 'Hoyt had been sp 'ken f as crazy, but bad never seen anything in his actions to lead him to believe hiin so. Reif was always con sidered to be a good man.' "A- P. Tubbs, overseer, in his exam inationsaid: 'I had the gang, among which these two men were working di rectly under my charge ; did not know Reif; heard the call of the men and saw them running out of the pit and knew something was wrong; whistled for them to line up. Hoyt was the last man out of the pit and be started alone to wards the yard gate, then turned and went towards engine room ; after lining men up, went to the pit and found Reif lying on the ground axe covered witb blood; pit about 10x2J feet and five feet deep from top of bank ; had had trouble with Hoyt the same morning; be did not want lo go to work and being rep rimanded exhibited temper and at one time broke his shovel on tbe ground; saw him later and ho appeared to be in better spirits; always considered him somewhat craxy.' " Hoyt was actuated by revenge, be cause Rief was the principal witness against bim on his trial for murder in Tacousa. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict tha the "eaiJ Fre Hoyt did kill and murder the aid Geo Reif with pre meditated malice. " How They A.ot An eastern man has figur d out 'he fol lowing as he i-onduc' of ladies upon be in t proposed to: (lut of a hundred cases eighty-one si. k Into the arms of the gen tleman, Mxty-eiht test tneir hetds on tbe gentleman's breast and only one sinks into the arms of a chair; eleven fclaep their arms around the gentleman's nec't. six weep (ears ol joy silently and forty, four weep tears aloud whatever thai means; seventy-two have eyes full id love, and nine out of a hundred rush from ihe r jmn and tell everybo K. Ooly four are greatly surprised, and eiglity-seyen hiiI of a hundred knew that something whs coming. Fivu giggle hysterically nod one even sneezes. Only one nf a hundred struggles not to be kissed, while six kiss the' teutleinan first. If we he lieve the statistician, oo out of a hun dred women will say; "Tes, bat aoo't be a IimiI." Th O- . Appail- The 7WS gays: Though the appeal baa not yet been perfected, the first step : bave been taken o appeal the confirms 1 tlpa decision to tbe supreme court The notices of. appeal were actually served on interested attor eys before the couhrma- tion was announced. Whether they were made in the hope of deterring Judge Fullerton from confirming the sale, or whether the case win actually be ra tried totbe supreme court remains to be seen. There are two notices, and tbe first is signed C. O. Hogulim, West fall. H. F. Merrill, and C C. Hogue. as trustee, with Kelley and Curr, attor neys; tbe second notice is signed by The Da-ham, Corrigan Hayden Co., Sanford, Benuett, E C. McShane, E. F. Cleary, Thomas Pavy, W. M. Hoag and Wallis Nash, with Walhs Jiasn, attor ney. A Mlnar'a Luolt- We publiah ba lollnwiug from the Aus tralian Alining Standard for the encounge meot of some cnizms of Toe Ddlej who in tend te S'ek the gold fields on the Yukon river ntxt summer: A man named Adams was prospecting some here in the mountains in Dew Mez loo. While wearily trudging along oi e not diy throogi the gnloh, where the sun bad a good nuance at hia backV be saddenlv smelled smoke. Tne phenomenon struck him as odd aod he glanced q iiokly in every direotion to ascertain tbe origin of the smok ; but, seeing nothing, he resumed hi j urney. A moment later the smell re turned stio iger than ever, snd the brees j ist then blowing io tbe direction in which ne was walking, a light wreath of vapoi curled about his ears, aud gave bim to on leratsnd tbat his haversack was on fire. L ke all miner', be oarried a large lens for tiie purpo e ot exammirg the specimens and tbe aaod is his pan, aud the trntb flished upon bun For want of ronm be nad hung the glass on tbe ontside, anil tbe rays of the sun had been conce ntrated en his haversack, which was thus set oo fire. As smoog its c ntents were twelve or fifteen poun s ot powder, be loit no time in dropping the dangerous harden and getting away as far as possible before it exploded. Tbe haversack fell be tween two huge stones and coddled down out of sight. Adams soon reached a safe dietanoe, aod diacoosolately watched the smoke arising from lua so e worldly posses sions. Su ldenly there was a deafening re port. The grrund trembled, and Adam dogged behind a huge ttot e to esoape the fragments of flying rook. Rising, he went to the spot to gather what be cou'd find, when bis eyes almost started out of his head at seeing the quarts th t had been blown op fairly glittering with gold. His powder had done better on its owu account than it bad ever done on his, and had liter ally blown open a gold mine for bis benefit. He was made a rioh man in an instant, snd named bis mine the "Nick o Time." Vlatims of an Explosion- J. O. West, a well kuuwu contractor, who had been nnder treatment at the Good Samaritan hospital, was taken to the insane aalnm last evening, says tbe aVwatag Tele gram of Wednesday. His oase is a par tis larly sad one. About three weeks ago, Mr. West, who had been engaged in blast rock at Marshheld, Coos county, for the jetties, was sitting on a keg of black pow iier, in a shaft, . talking to another man, when a terririq explosion occurred. Mr. West was blown a considerable distance, bis clothes being literally torn off his back, hnt his physical ii junes Were comparatively tr fling. The shock to bia nervous system, though, rendered bim insane; and if he eve f eoovers it will be due to bis good physical institution and bis regular habits of life. His companion on tbat oeoaaion met with instant death. A year ago Mr. West had almost a sim ilar experience. He was in the midst of 660 pounds i f giant powder, wheo it ex ploded.. He threw himself flit on the ground and escaped without a skin abra sion; but every stitch of clothing to his slioes, were torn fr-ira him, and when ha aroe he was node as wnen be came into the world. Evangelist Woods-. - Rev. John Woods, the evangelist, who will hold eervices in the Methodist ahnr-h beginning next 3 inday was a former resi d -nt of The Dillea, and is well known to o' I residents. He experienced religion at a :mu.ineetirig held iu tne Irvine grove ov r t'feiity years ago. and soon afterwards en t red the ministry of the Methndist church F ir tbs past fi w years he hu, devoted him sa t to evange'ist work with very good su :cess. About a year sgi be held a series of meetings at Hiod E ver, an t theee was a great awakening .among religions people. He is an earnest, foroible speaker, and hia appeals to the U '0 inverted are made with su- h direct teas as to be almost irresistible f - is tp be hoped that his ff rts in ibis oity Will be productive of ma :b good. Stnrg son There are large quantities of sturgeon being caught in the Columbia river near this city. We noticed a sleighload of empty boxes being hauled through the streets. this . morning, and were informed that these will be used in shipping these fish to Portland, where ther are frozen in refrigerating works and then sent to eastern markets. An old fisherman informed us that during the wint r season sturgeon flock in deep places in the river, and can be easily caught ith properly baited hooks. In New York they sell fer 13 or 14 cents a pouud, and those engaged in the business in this vicinity receive 7 cents from the Portland dealers. UOK.. THOM'-g IN Ia this city Jan. 1-th, to tbs wife of Uol. Oao. T t'nompn, a daughter. 1ARB1E1. rH-tALL VCOT- In this city. January 19 b, Mlas Krama Vugt, of this eiiy, to Mr. Jamas 1 brail, ol Kiniralev. I-1I.1. J -B S TON-In thia city. Ja i. 23 Ih, Mrs. Oso. W. Johnston, aged abunt 6S years. AYEBX SAR5APAR1LU HASGJOIoTEB WIL CURE YOU -i A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but whodeclines to give M' mime to the public, makes this autnorlzeu coiifiiieuual statemeut to usi . "Whenlwasoneyearold.rtiyiniirrirrindle'' 'f consumption. The dot-tor said that I io, would aaon die, and all our iielelilioi bought I hiit even if I Old uot die. I wnul ever be able lo walk, because I whs m e.ik ana puny. A gathering formed am i t.ke under my arm. I hurt my finger aim ijnthered ami threw out pieces of bnne. I hurt myself so as to break tlte akin. I r i a sure to become a runniug sore. 1 bud - take lots of medicine, but n.ifliing has . -ne uie so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa ila. It has made me well aud Strong.'1 - l. M., Norcauir, Kaus. AYER'S Sarsaparilla rreparsd by Or. J. a Ayer ft Oo-, Lowell, Itass. Cures others, will cure yon It Rnocfti At Your Door. A true Improvement always receives a 'welcome in the average American home, the most home-like home in that world. The coal store, the gas, the water, the sewing machine and the clothes wringer have found an entrance everywhere. Another candidate now appears. It la the new vegetable shortening and sub stitute for lard. Thousands have found this as great a blessing as its predeces sors. It i3 now at your door. Will yon cccept its proffer ef better cooking in yonr kitchen, better food on your table, better health in yonr household ? Cottolene is sold In 8 and 6 pound palls, by all grocers. Cet tne genuine JUade by The N. K. Fairbartk Company, ST. LOVIS and Cfeiiago, Sew York, Button. Letters AcVrertlaed The following is tho list of letters re roaming in Tbe Dalles postoffioe unoalled j for Saturday, Jan. 26, 1893. Persons call ing for these letters will please give the date on whiob they were advertised: Andree. E Brav, Wm Paker, Qeo B-mnett, John O B iwman, Clara bit km, Dr A W Divis, W H E'liK, M D fowler, A "V Hallock. Mrs B Jnhnstr n, Mrs Annie Koonti, John Lird, 0s W Marshall. D M rsb.l1, Dan Miller. Sophia Olson, Nels ' -Orchard, Sophia Pavette, Mrs Anna Pollard, Jno Splawn, Mvrtle Sprinkle, Sa-n'l Smith, J Miller, Fre Idle M Laoghlin, Chss O'Brien, L Payette, Anna Pennell. L O Pooskev, Edw, Styar. H M 8 nithene Mr Smith, Bond Warneld, J M D t Wartmsn, W J. A. Crosses, P. M. Wall, Geo M Land Travxwf.ra- Jan 23 William A Hav to James S Hunter and W O Hunter, sw qr of ne qr, Be qr f cwqr, oe qr of i qr, nw qr of se qrsec 1 1, tp 2 n, r 11 east: $1. Jan Z'iTJnited Slates to James L Selly ; ne qr and nw qr sec 21, tp 1 s, r IS east; cash purchase. Wonderful Strength. In the sixteenth century there lived a remarkably ntrr.ng man, a major, named Barsabaa. One day he took op an anvil weighing 500 pounds and hid it under hia cloak. He could crush between his fingers the limbs of big animals One day, seeing a crowd looking at an enormous dancing bear, he offered to wrestle with the ani mal The major threw the bear down several times, and judging it unworthy of further struggles slew the animal with his fist and carried it away on his shoulders amid tbe cheers of the crowd. i Another day, seeing several officers of his regiment surrounded by an angry crowd, he ran to them, knock ing people down right and left as a child does with a pack of cards. ' The crowd, exasperated, turned round on him, but seizing two of his assailants, one witb each band, he used them as clubs on the crowd, who, astonished at his extraordinary display oi Strength, quickly drew back. Once he squeezed to pulp the hand of a man who wanted to fight him. Barsabas' sister was also remarka ble for her strength. Some burglars entered a convent where she was. She threw one out of the window and killed two others with a pillar she tore down and used as a club. Bow Bells. A Hearse His Family Caralatye. ' "Indians can be induced to buy anything when they have money," said C. L. Seuter. "At Waggoner, L T., I saw a family of Indians, dressed is the brightest colors and the brave, with a stovepipe hat, rid ing on top of as handsome a hearse as I ever saw. upon inquiry l learned that he had received a consid erable sum of money a few months before and made up bis mind that he wanted some fine blankets for bis family and a carriage. The agent to whom he went for the vehicle showed him a catalogue, and the picture of a hearse struck the red man as the finest thing there was there. It cost $1,000, but the Indian bad the money and cared nothing for the expense, so the grewsome equipage is now a common sight in that locality, with the family riding on top." Cincin nati Enquirer. Misplaced Dignity. At a recent ball a man was accost ed by a lady. Drawing himself up, he said, with a patronizing air, "I beg your pardon, but I do not think I bave the pleasure of your acquaint ance." "Probably not," was the answer, "as I am your hostess." London Truth.. Dry Co d wood, We have again on hand an abundance of strictly dry fir, oak, pine and maple wood, cut for family purposes Maibx & Bxarro. ' Card of Thanka. The family of the late Patrick Maloney desire to publicly express their thanks to several friends for the many words of sympathy and acts of kindness .tendered them during their sad bereavement in tbe sudden demise or their husband and father. . - All city warrants registered prior to Feb. 8 1892, are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases after, thi date. 1. 1. Bcbhet, City Treasurer. Dated at Dalles City, Jan. 1st, 1895. Boya aad tiiiia Atd Society. Boys may be had (and sometimes giil) (l)or ordinary service at wages; (2) opon indenture, rto work, attend school, aod be hronght op somewhat as oor own; and (3) children may be bad for legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port aud, Oregon. Notiee. A resolution was adopted by the water commission on October 81st providing that from and after Jan. 1,1895. water rent will be collected from the owners of buildings, instead of tenants. This in cludes all ocenpances, stores, residences wash bouses, shops, etc. H. Chribmak, , Secretary. llll tilcck inspector. Tba full iwiaii ia the itat Oi stj.k in spec tors for Wasco ooentyi T. Cartwright, Tbs Dalles, A. 8. Roberta, Deschutes. W. B. Cantrell, Dufur, B. R. H m ton, Uakeoven, Zach Taylor, Antelope, J. H. Sherar, Shrar'e Bridge, Branners Restaurant SI-COND STREET raa oars rum oan MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOURS OX1A 25 CTS. A MEAL. The Tables; ar Fan bh) with the BEST tbe .market afTa-ds Will ke served in aay style dorms; tbe seat 'Lation fjr Liquor License. Casous Locu, Falls Psscntot, Wa on Connty, Htatji mt I ff0Vn XTOTroa is hereby given that wul hos. il W. B dder and Keoaoth MrKer ri- nt mIH precinct ud onuritv. and state, will, on Lh fith H ol March, 1896 plyti tha County Court of th above amed ounty for HoeoM o tell apirituous, nrlt and t nous liquors in leas quaniitia. tban oua Kuigu. Falls Prec net. Wism aonntv. &ttm nf riiaxmn irMiuai-T I VU, AOVU. Caftwuni Locks. Palls Pbicwct. V asco Oountv. Seats of (immi To tha Rooorablt County Court of Wato Oouuty, W a, tha a'dtralimed taxnavera and lswal ran rrvennut. cauntr an ' . lalm aiorMi n.iwi. fully patltloayuur honorable cu-i ta Rrant a 11-ei-nss to Trios. W. Sadder and Kenneth McKsnsls to sell spirituous rlnuons anl ra It liounea e tna town of Cascade LoaLa. aaia oreHne. in Ih. mww. mmu wu iun iw mi iuu oi one yaar. aaaza. aaas. John Jottoa T. O Qulalan 0 A t-ww rt A Flelathiner John Trana J.inea Suwart W Lvnth OS Be-my auir. Wllana II E Wl ann Jo a Sundgrlst B 0 Plaid N 1'o.la Ed Bt-rason AU Broaaaw W a Kennedy i r t..Bt A Thorlo J Jan as T AnderOB Wm Bla-k W T Heltinf T H W I Isms James Clark Willlain Courtta E O Maoning H P Parkin B A Camas Wm Layoook C Altn t! ladcrHurg r.-lar uus-Kan R H Harlam T Blana Can Blair M Walsh Joho slsoo E Nelson ErlkaOD Jcbn Klog a rati! Wm Ouurlev J an ampball John I'Lcary Tnos M anion re ar Reed T MoOnna' . John S a.iffla D LOa ea C Lindatrim Oapleaa nai a sweetiaaa aiu n e o -r Aa-iyKellebsr Jos M.aia Cbas Oleoa Hen.) Wl karlor M H if raid h L Uarpham Bichar B ks Noab Kc.ulw John Olsoa J cardinal . Joe L sillier W no iaT AJ Kmifhtly Thus Holiday ! Ba ey Dan Olson I slououiral Geo H iransr D Nsla-ia J O Jonas 1 0 Melra h Monroe LAttoson Frank L mdsra J It W Suoberrr W A Oalran C B Lee W H xmith Alex Matt Patrick Kioliad Thne King G Pin H F Biting A T allls 8 1 UllAtd B O An la . Ti Cbeynvas , R B e-owall LouU Gebha-d latriok Malsh Wm UKeustes .-n-nnirar 0 H Traik B H Blmle A B uuarie an Sollina N alon Swan iTerson H Lawrs'ie H Uuabea H c Heron. H D.aUi E U1U Pa ilan "hn Tbisson Chas Wingaroth m ih .oil "ter Trone tSorMa w Lewis A Grant Geo Hamas rra ik Bslpbt John Boels Jam a tlayguirs Joaepb Norlk auimuoa John Jobosoa uiBtar McElbansv 11 Jaooowougb ouvena D alunaghaa M Fr.i, a P Wi,traud am M'.w TbiiaOrla A rlneiraB oha Teailboe GHal Taken Up. Came to the Sbarn place on three mPe. aboat Oct bar 1, 1804. una red ana whlie Muiey cow, no brxode peroe. Table, ualartlops in rlht air, ett oC loft ear, tba owosr may baTe tha aapie ft- eiwrgea - FKANKPTTAyLoB. S Isolation Notioo- Tbe nutaershlD hre'JoO"S exlatlng et"een W. . Wrbrnt. J. U.'Doalaa and G. f. HcMmemy n tbe sav mill bueinaes on Tamraot e-eek, about teu mi e- from Dufur. baa Mils day necn m s iveo oy n.uiiial u.naent. Mr. J. D. Doui.aa ra iiiur from the firm. The present flam will oonsist ol Messrs. W. J. Wrlgbt ar du. F. BcMansmy, and will be known as W, lent 4 McManen.y, whu will ray all debts for which iba at firm was liable, and collect all accounts now doe an 1 owing. W. J WR'OHT. J. D. DOUGLAS. G. F. BoMaVNtMT. Dufur, Jn,I8, 1S. Tie European Honse0 MRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor. j? Union Street, Between 575s Seoond and third Streets ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL Tsbles slways supplhd with the best trust In the market Ho Chineess employed, and the cooking Is dnoe n flrst-class oaterers and after the lamilr sir e. TAKEN XTF BT tha subscriber, res dio- on Fifteen Mils ereeL, about Peoambar lat, one red and witite cow, witb crop and swallow mark on rlsrht ear; alao one red veariiair bail r, witb crop off rnrnt ear. fhs owner can have tbe same by proalr g property, pay. in enst of k saving and also price ot this advent so me t. U. HABtlE&IY. Fifteen Mile Creak. December IS. 18M. Bay av Home Cheap- I A ACRES of good farming snd fruit laod four 4:U m les from I be Dalles, oo Chrnoweth cr ek witb rood houe ready fuin sbed lor family barn and other buildings. Partly fenced, plenty if watrr Will be sold cheap. Addrtes or rail at place rrTsa rocuau,a, ' Tbs Dallea, Umren Assign' a Notice of Final aa count n: OT1CK Is hereby given that Charles J. Stahling, assia-iee of tna setate cf Adolnn Keller, an iu oIt. ot debtor, has Sled hit final account with aaid eatate. with the clerk.of the circuit ' court of tbe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, and that aaid final account will be haanl and passed upoa br a. id drauit court on th firs', d y of th next regular term of said oou t, towit; on Houdiy hsum daj of Kebruarv. ISsa. at t o'olock in the after, oon of said day, or at sncb other tin, aa the court u av then appoint, ana com eata naanog win oe na iu tn circuit court room, at th oouuij euurt bouse, ia InU.S uty, Wasco ooumy, orun. CHAlLEiJ. HTUBLISO, , AariTi J of the estate of A4olp i Keller, an inaol nt debtor. WANTED TO EXCHANGE For Horses. Cattle or Sl;eep, Farming Properly io Kansas There la one MOO Acre ranch in Orant county that will ce traded for an ot th ab-w stock. Most of this lano i fenced, has good tprinis, abund ance of wa ar, good flveer om bous, stable, (beds, pnnv heave, oorrcll a d etc. Oan cut too tons of hay n this land. Five miles frjm county avat town. AisoSOO ra close to Kansas City, all under fence, one-half mils f mm court houae, 1th stable, all fenced and cruea-feneed.. This is a good farm and cli.ee to market. Hill take $2.1 per aire for ti'is farm and wul take horae at what they are worth. For farther particulars apply to W. It. CANTRELL, . Dufar, Or. Scockholdera' Moetinsi- ' Tb anna I meeting of th Stock h' dder of Th First National Bank, of Tha Dalles, will be held at the otnee ot said bank, on Tu-adir, Jan. Sib, 1896, at 10 a. a for tb siacilon of direct. for the n suing year. J. M. PATfERPON. Cashier. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool Commission Merchants 160 Atlantic Ave.. Boston. Dissolution Kct oe- Thiaisto notify all rarrra- inn retted tbatth Srin of Lre Yuen, Blur Lee V Hi , io tb aai denlng buainaa ou alill .-, hue heen thi day diaaulved by mutual conacat, m Turn and Sing Lee r-tinna from ibe Arm. All deot do th lat Brm wdl baeolleetod by Lee Puig and all natalities c tli &d by aim. Laa Ynaa, ria Lea, Laa Fue TaeDall, Or.gom, Horesit . M ISM. WHY NOT Leave your orders Groceries, Cordwood and War ner's Butter with us? We carry a complete line of Groceries and fill all orders promptly. MEIER MERCHANT MR. PAT. FAGAN, At his establishment oo the corner of Third and Federal streets is prepared to make) Spring and Summer Suits yyyiSS flNNH Pf Fip J)IIxLIDKfY, Second St. THE eiier'l toKion and Forwarding Msnbot 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET (Adjoining Railroad Depot) ' n Oonsig-nments Solicited Prompt Attention to tnost) who favor xo with their pa.tronagrs When You Have School Books to Purchase BEHEHBER H. T. NOLAN, Who always sells as low as the lowest quite generally distributed through this Book Company, the price list of school hereby withdrawn; all the prices V acraaiaimii -aro the proper retail prices. 14S 8eoond Htreet, TUX. UAl-JUlH.' UKEGTT JUST RECEIVED. a rrjiaX. Rubber Boots, Ladies, Misses, Child's Rubbers And Arctio Overshoes AT PRICES THAT 6aNN0T FAIL TO SELL THEM. ROBERT E. Pm1j OUaul riaxr'.-ij Hilli The New Umatilla House, THE DAIalaES. OREGON' SINNOTT tfc PISH. Proprietors y. THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON Frta Bus to and from tbe Hotel NEPTUNE BATHS FEAZIEE & WYNDHAM. Propr's MM ji AND LADIES' HAIR0UTTINO ato SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY. A Shower Boom in Each Bath Boom. ( A Bootblack Stand Connected witb our shop, and eapvuial attei tion paid to all 110 Front Strett, Opposite Cosmopolitan Hole', THE DALLES, OREGON TJiXaEPHON Hi & BENTON. TAILORING TGR & COMPANY DALLES, Or. . in tbe oity. On account of a circular section by tbe agent of the American books published in September, 1891, is in tlat libt being lower than those . For new prices inquire at his store unb of WILLIAMS TBE OAUiS.:01t Fire Proof Safe for tbe Safety of al '.Valuable. ji MO, 43 PARLORS