The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 26, 1895, Image 1

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    .MUlJXTAIXF.siit. Volume XXXT
NO. 23
fw It .' .
J3H.1 MiSHEii. Editor akd Proprietor
. Professional Cards.
Physician and Surgeon
Rooms, over Dulles National Bink. Office honrs, 10
imtl2 Hi, and irora n oipm. Resi
dence Vi'c t End of Third atroet.
Attorneys at Law
Rwms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon, 3 and 4, Chapman l!!ock. The Dalles, Ore,
Practical Dentist
tfflef Ovr A. A. Brown's errceir. Second St
All work jruirantefd in jr ve ntisf cii-n and all 'he
latest improved methods used In aenuil operations.
In M-hanno's buiUKi'C, up stairs. Toe Da.ies
P. M.
ASCO LODGF, NO. lf. A. F & A. ST. Meets
first and thud Monday or eacn uioutn at
X ileets in Kseomc Hall the third tt etioesCji
each me-nth MS e SI.
"NOLl'llBIa LODGE, SO, 6, I. O. . F. I'erts
j every Friday eveiiiia.- at 7:30 o'clfxui, in K. of P.
Hall, corner .I second and Court street. S-Journ
n brothers are welcome. H. O.ouon, Sec
nKlESDSHIP LODGK. NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
Mor.dav eveniue at 8:00 O 'dock, in S.'hali
no's bnildinpr, corner of C-otir. and Second street.
So immune brotners are coruuui mviMu
D. Vaosa, K. K. and S. F. MENEFEE, C.
Yy will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
. at the reacimr room. AU are invited. '
Hood Camp, No. tv, meets every Tuesday
evening of each week at 7:30 ocl-ick, In A. Keller's
HJI. All brothers aud sojourning brothers are
nrited to be Drexeut. -
TEMPLF LODGE. NO. 8. A. O. TJ. W.-Meete
in K.K.cIler's Hall every Thunulav ever.inir at last
clock. PASL KKEFT, 1I.-W.
W. S. Myers, Financier.
J AS. NESS11TH POST. NO. D2, G. A. R Meets
. every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. it. K. of P. Hall.
OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon In
K. of P. Ball.
TASCO TRIBE, NO. 16. 1. O. R. M Meets
every eunesdaT e . eiunit in n. oi r . uau
fcui.dav evenimr In Keller's Hall
BJF. L. F. DIVISION. 0. 167. Meets n K.
, of P. HH the first and ihird Weduusday of
eacn month at 7:30 P. M.
b UKST BaPTlbT CHURCH Rev. O. D.Tatwh,
Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
- tnomine service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
, n .
I c : . . , n.nrninw .vonuu
77-.i- -. itiwllA'Alnrlt P M A mrrlifll itivi-
tittov 'artended bv- Doth- paetor and pucp;- ui all.
Paeiur. Services every Sunday at 11 A. iL and
. . 1 c.. 1 - .. L .... ni af.Av Bi.irninff MWlm.
CtT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bronkokusi
is i e 1 . r T a U Hi-h
k;isa at 10:30 A.M.
C?T. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite
O Fifth. Rnv. Eli L. sutelifle. Rector. Services
ciery Snndayot U A. M a'jd 7:30 P M., Sunday
choul at, 9 JO A. Jt. EvomuK 1-ravor on r nuav
7:30 P.M.
CHRISTIAN CHUUCB Rsv. J. Jctsxvs, pas
tor. Preaci.ioii every Sandav aiteruooo at 9
-o'clock in the Cong-relational church. Ml are cor
dially invited
. Keai titate, Loans accunscrance.
n i T1 1 II
Airenforthe Scottish Inlon an1 jatiorai in
surance ouia Pny of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to cell on easy
''oflice over Post Office. The DJlcs, Or.
v v.. . '
(Kf Uter U. t. Und OH ce. 60 Uo4.)
Business before United Stales Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall's Block Min et.'. Taiicnvtr. Clark Co , Wash.
One spotted cow, branded flsnro S on left hip
and swai.o furk in toth ers. I ake ui December
Is at mv ran h on Fute n Mile cieek. The owner
can ba.e the a e by payli.K lor this advertisement
jutd pasture'
H tiARuLsTK.
The Hades, Ore, December IE. 104.
Best "KcLiuiy Whiskey
Very Eest, Key West Cigars, and Bes'
of Wines.
English Pcrtr Ale and MUvbu'Li
Beer always on band.
BAH BAKER, Prop r.
Keeps on band the oest
Wmes, Lprs and uprs.
Hear the Old Mint, Second Street.
' Coodi hauled with the greatest care to all
parts of the nty on short notion.
Clubbing- Rates
- T AAAVlW S-4-I. ft rfV
"VYUUL mmi
General Expressman !
m m is! mum
Snacia! Prices to Cash Bisvers
k Charles A. Baldwin & CoTj
Nrv; VnsK
Accounts oi Bsnks and Bankers received
aT Conds and investment Securities.
f Da.Iy Financial Letter Mailed on Application
The i MerckBt i Tailor
Suits Mnde tn Order and a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes lei ned on the Sl.oit
esi Notice
Nar Car. Third end WatUrgton Sts.
Second and Union Streets.
A.. L. NEWMAN". Proprietor
Wellington, Rock Springs,
anTEublyn Coal.
f 12, sacked and delivered tojauy part oi
the en j.
At Moody's Warehonse
BieksaBQ Kotions, Pianrs and Organs
EI AN OM and Orfrsns sold on easy monthly
payuenbi arid all COMPETITION
we are prepared to meet. Call or address
162 Second Street
The E&llea, Or
. Manufactures the Best Articles of
Soda, Sarsapaiilla and Ginger Ale
Leauo Oiden, With indrew Keller,
Clocks, . Watctes, Jewelry, Etc
Always keeps on sale the latest and bet sty I ft o
Time-piece, ummond Kins, Bow-kuot Kin 73, Sil
verware, etc, etc.
162 Setcrd Stirt. dtor 10 A M
Williams fc ' o.'
Tie Dalles National Bank
..1 F. Mocdy,
,....H. L MooSy
Cashier, ..
General BanMoi Business. Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
Children Cry
for PlICHEE'i
" Castorti Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend icusbuperi.r to any prescription
blown vi ine. ri. a. archer, hi. li.,
ill faouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y
' I rife Castor'a In my prartice, and find It
ipeuiuv auutoJ to ailectluiis or uuiiuren.
' Alex. Robertson, M. D.,
1057 bl Ave., New Vor!
"From ywrs"""' knowledge I, can say th;it
asl-orui s a I'lOab BACWtiii iiieuiuiiie iut uui
lrn." iia. Q. C Osoood, .
Lowell, Mas
Castoria promotes IMgsion, and
overcomes Flutulency, Consaoation, Sour
Btomach, Diarinoea, and Fcverishnesa
Thus the child is rendered healthy and it
sieec natnrai. Cnstorla contaits no
JHorpnnie or other narcotic property.
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines.
. Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
Address; Lock Box 181.
Northwest Cor. Second andWaalrln(rtotiJSts.
Successors'to Ooorne Ruch.
Xhe Cheapest Place
thsIoallzs roa
All Kinds of Groceries,
We resnectrullv solicit a sh Of the publio pat-
rnnaxe and shall endeavor to (rive entire satisfac
ton to our customers butb rtrl nd new.
Pahs Obmitt Pills will reduce your weight
PEKHA!tKSTI.Y from 12 to 16 p un s a
mouth NoBttrvtnjr sickness or inlury; no publlo
lty. Ther builH up the health and b- autiiy the
complexion, leav'nc uo wrinkles rr flahbiness. Stout
abdomens and dirncult breathing -uivly relieved.
NU KXPillMKM b t a scientide and posi
tive nliei, adopted only after years of experience.
.Ill orders -ui'.plied direct from our olflce. Price
2 00 per packaet or three pickages fur to 00 by
mail postpaid. Testimonials and parliculan (sealed
All CorrrspoDdeDe Ktrtrlly Connden
Hal. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
I am now prepared to deliver
Eoslyn Coal
To any part of ibf city fcr SS.2S pe
ton. This is ranch cheaper than wood
and a tjieat deal more conveoieot. Ap
ply to .
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O. R. & N. Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
East End STOCK YfiRDS.
HigliestCashPrice for
Hay and Gram.
Court Street, Two Doors South of TrMES-Morat-aisezk
office, up-stalrs.
Has removed her dressmaking; purlori to this new
location, and wou'd invite all persons desiring
dresses, and especially her former customers, to call
Desiiialnjr a specialty and patterns cut to order.
Thtg frfrjj
ordinary Re'
Juvenator is
the most
discovery cf
the age. It
has been en
dorsed by th 3
men of
Europe and
Hudyan Is
purely vege
table. Hudyan stops
of the dis
charga In 0
days. Cures
Falling Sen
sation s,Ncrv
onstwltcbirjfr of the eyes
and other
and tones the
Kudyan cures
I. missions,
and develop! s
aud restores
weak r rgatis.
Poins in the
bsci, losses
bv d a v or
qnicklv. Over 2,000 privEteendo'wtnents.
frematurenesa means imnotenry ia iho first
staee. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness. It can be slopped in W days
by the use of Hudyan.
The new discovery was mad" hy the Sneclal
ista of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It is the strongest vitalize? made. It is very
powerful, but baimless. Sold for 81.00 a pack
are or6 packages for 5.00(plalnsealed boxes).
Written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy
six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six mora
will be sent to you free of all charges.
Bend for clrcularnand testimonials. Address
J miction Stockton, market & 11U SU.
San Francisco Call.
Z MCNEILL. Rscelver.
Choice of Two Transcontinental Routes
Low. Rates to All Eastern Cities
OCEAN STEAMERS leave fort and iva
days for
For fall details call oa O. R. & N. Attentat THE
DALLES, or address
W. H. HTTRLBUBT, Oen. Pass. Agt.,
Portland, Oregon.
Manufacturer oi sad dealer In
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse,
A Work ittuaranteed to Iv Hat-
-f A Second rtreet next door east of
A- The Dalles Nat Bank
laving just opened in buriness, and having a full
astortuieui VI me wkh gooai in mr tine, i uv
sire a share of the public patronage
First-class Wines, Liqoors and Cigars
Always oa Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Tha Dalles, Oregon.
A. KELLER Prop':
MB iprei to furnish bmllles, Dril tad m
v tenrmnM with thr cboicetk
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresn tysters Sened in. Eiery Style.
Betam Bueet. Next door to The Dalles Xa
tlonal Bank,
I V -
JihixitStieiif.wMm .
The Election's significance.
Washinuton, Jan. 13 "The election
of M. Faure," said Mr. Jules Pateootre,
the French ambassador to the United
States, "means a change in the name ot
the president, of France, but cot a change
of political party, M. Faure was a mem
ber of the cabinet which tesigned a fen
dajs ago, and is therefore & friend of M
Cisimir- Perier. It is not likelv tbat
there will be a change in political policy
as the shui'j party to which M. UiPinnr-
Pener beloneiug is still in poTver. It is
a fortanate thing, I tbiok, that we do not
delay in France in making onr political
changes. Not more than 48 honrs - le
than tbat in fact bsg elapsed sines M
Caeimir-Perier tendered his resignation
and here we have bis surcrasor selected
Q nek action in such cases serves to britif;
qjiel to the country, which is elway
rouiewhnt agitated when the office ol
president is vacant and a roinistcria
crisis is at band. What will become o
M . Cusimir Peri'er? He will retire from
political iile, I presume. He did not
aut the presidency when it was given
him. and he is probably thankful to be
enabled to retire "
As to the cry of "Long Live the King,"
uttered Dy the Duke ol Larochtnlauld in
tbe chamber of deputies when U. Casi-
mir Pcrier's letter had been read, Mr
Pateno're said it tnesut n thing. Such
cries were always beard at such times.
but the roya ists bad no power in tbe ad
ministration of aQairs. I here were
scarcely 25 of tbe royalist party in ti e
chamber, said the ambassador. Mr
Paienotre has known tbe new pre-Idect
nt France lor 20 years, but they have not
seen much of each other, as tbe tmtiis-a
dor has been ansent from his country on
diplomatic service during, most of that
Kevolutlon tn Kreeee.
London, Jan. lei At tbe hanking
bouse of tbe Rotbscbilds it wag said to
day a telegram had been received on tbe
stock exchange saying a revolution bad
broken out in Greece.
LondjN, Jan. 18 The Greek consul
here has beard nothing of tbe insurrection
in Greece, but a dispatch received in
Paris says disturbances occurred last
evening in front ot tbe chamber at
Athens, and tbe situation is said to be
Pabis, Jan. 27 A rumor tbat a rebel
lion had broken out in Greedu is current
nuon the B 'urse in tn-s city, and at
Vienna and Berlin. Nothing baa been
received direct frem Athens on tbe sab
ject. The latest Bouise rumor includes a re
port of tbe abuiction of tbe king of
Greece, Geergius I. Tbe report, however,
is not confirmed.
Burned tn Death.
Oregon City, Jan, 18 Newt was re
ceived bere today of a mocking accident
whereby Mr. 8cbenrer, a German farmer
residing about a mile east of New Era
station, lost bta lile last Tuesday. 'He
and bis sons were clearing some land and
burning the refuse timber. At noon they
started for tbe bouse for dinner, but, after
going a short distance, tbe father remem
bered tbat be bad left his coat behind
and returned for tbe garment. Tbe father
d d not appear when expected and tha
boys, knowing bim to be subject to fits,
went to see if any harm had befallen bim
Tbey found their father's body lying near
one ot tbe fires, bis clothing having been
wholly consumed and tbe flesh horribly
burned. - It is supposed tbat be was
seized with a fit, fed into tbe fire and was
burned to deatb, finally getting out of
tbe flames, however, oefore be expired.
A Snowalide.
Denver, Jan. 18 Reports from the
western slopes of the Rockies indicate tbe
snowfall tbe past 24 hours has been one
ot tbe heaviest ever known. At Ouray.
Silverton and Teliuride tbere are tbree
feet of snow on the level, and traffic is
completely blocked. In places the snow
has drifted 20 feel deep. A soowslide
near Teliuride caught tbe Rio Grande
Southern passenger tr Aid, and 'be car-
window were bioken and tbe engine
cab covered. Engineer Andrew Fisber
bad a narrow escape.
Appropriation for Battle Ships.
Washington, Jan. 18-The subcom
mittee of naval affairs has agreed to
leport an appropriation for tbree battle
ships on the lines recommended by tbe
secretary of the navy in his last annual
report. Tbe ships are to be about 10,000
tons displacement. An appropriation was
also reported for 13 torpedo, boats aad to
increase tbe force of enlisted men by
2000 The bill will appropriate from
$3 008,000 to 5,000.000 more than the
last auptopnatton. due to tbe fact that it
carries a heavy deficiency for armor plate
not provided for id tbe last bill. Tbe
rout of the battleships is limted to
14,000,000, and one is to be built on the
Pacific coast. Considering tbe superior
effectiveness of rapid-firing guns, which
was clearly demonstrated by the Yalu
river fight, the committee bag made a
provision for a large number of tbem
Arsrament In the Ibs Caae.
Washington. Jan, 18 In tbe habeas
corpus proceedings in tbe caae of Eugene
V DdOs and others concerned in tbe Chi
cago strike, tbe government, acting
through Assistant Attorney woitney, ana
Attorney Darrow acting for Debs and bis
associates, today presented a stipulation
to the United States supreme court agree
ing to postpone argument in tbe case
until March 23, and agreeing mat in toe
meantime 'he prisoners te admitted to
bail id $2000 each. Chief Justice Fuller
stated, on behalf of the court, tbe matter
was of such importance it would be nec
essary for tbe court to have an opportu
nity for consultation beiore acting upon
tbe stipulation witb regard to' bail. The
agreement was therefore taken under ad
visement. II laser ted While Alive.
City of Mexico, Jan. 18 The people
of Mexico are greatlv excited over the
dissection ol Antonio Vangose, while still
alive. Tbe supposed corpse sprang to its
feet shouting, "Don't kill mel" wbere
npnn tbe dissector endeavored to put
back tbe pieces ot flesb and sew up tbe
incisions . Tbe man was a genuine corpse
in two days.
Three Mineral Killed.
Spokane, Jau. 18 A snowshde 10
mies Iroro Kalso, B. C, killed three
miners, Moore McMillan and Charles
Mi'chell. owners of the Eur.ka mine,
who were on their way to tbe mine from
Kalto. Two miners working on tbe Silt
vrrton mine, in tbe slide's path, are miss
ing. .. ;
Working C aeaea ABtealshed.
Pabis, Jan. 18 The election of M.
Felix Faure to tba presidency has been
well received by tbe moderate press, and
is violently criticised by tbe radical and
socialist newspapers. Pans was very
tranquil last night. Tbe working claasea
were astonished at M, Brisson s defeat
but no demonstrations were reported.
meeting ot socialists took place yesterday
evening at tbe Malson on Peuple, at
which resolutions strongly condemning
M. Felix Faure and demanding tbe sup
pression ot tbe presidency were adopted,
amid cries jf "Vive la Revolution so
ciale," and "Down with reaction."
Detklea the Interview.
Dover, Eugland. Jan. 18 The Duk
of Orieans and suite left for London to
day M. de Bunlvttl, the duke's secretary,
said tbe alleged interview with the duke.
pnuted in England yeeterday was a put
.till! tin Ordered Oat.
Brooklyn, Jan. 10 Three thousand
men are under arms in Brooklyn tonight
Rioting has been tbe order of tbe day
and the strikers bad some serious clashes
witb tbe militia. In many instances non
union men were badly hurt, and so fierce
were tbe attacks of the strikers tonight
that the soldiers had to resort to tbe
bayonet. Several strikers or sympathiz
ers were bayoneted, and tbe situation is
considered the gravest tbat has confronted
tbe authorities for many years. Tbe
board cl mediation and arbitration has
given up its attempt at reconciling tbe
two factioLS. Commissioners Robertson
and Purcell have, apparently, abandoned
any hope of effecting a' compromise.
fighting in the streets.
Brooklyn, Jan 20 During tbe riots
m tbe vicinity of the Alabama avenue
car bares, some of tbe strikers retreated
to the roofs of tbe houses and heaved
down stones on tbe troops Some Idea ot
tbe fighting may be learned when it is
known tbat from tbe immediate neigh-
borbood 15 ambulance calls were sent to
tbe St. Mnry's hospital. Tbe battle
waged fiercely up and down the short
block oil Alabama avenue. Between tbe
railroad depot and Atlantic avenue the
soldiers drove many strikers into tbe sa
loons, which line each side of tbe street,
and kept tbern prisoners withio. Tbey
then drove the remainder of the rioters.
aided by tbe po ice reserve and a mounted
squad, out of sight across Atlantic avenue
and down a side street. In the mean
ime additions to the sinkers were made
from surrounding stores. Crowds of
sympathizers from this ever-increasing
mob moQuted to tbe elevated . rsilrozd
racks, and from this point of vantage
hurled missiles of every conceivable kind
at tbe members of the National Guard,
nearly bait of whom were struck and
more or less woouded. So serious bad
the state of affairs become tbat, as soon
as tbe strikers bad been driven from their
vantage ground, Major Cochran, in com
mand of tbe guardsmen, sent an emphatic
request to headquarters for reinforce
ments. Two companies were soon on the
scene. By tbis time, however, tnej-.trou-
ble had ended, and at midnight all was
quiet on tbe battlefield. Tbe following
was given out at brigade headquarters at
a. u :
"Mayor Schieren stated last night tbat
be wouid request the executive committee
ot tbe former employes and also repre
sentatives of tbe surface roads to call at
bis home Sunday morning for tbe purpose
of suggesting tbat tbe strike matter be
eft tor adjustment to tbree disinterested
citizens, to be appointed by bim ."
The Ballo:Box Krande.
San Francisco, Jan. 19 Tbe Examin
er says: "The mesbes of tbe law are
rawing closer, and ere another week tbe
man who induced Cohen, Steinberger and
other st offers to perjure themselves may
find an indictment for felony hanging
over bis bead. The promise ef a pardon
for bis own crime is all tbat is necessary
induce Coben to tell tbat at bis re
quest be regis teied ia the Baldwin in
order tbat he might vole 'or Senator Ma-
honey. Cohen s bravado is now gone and
be is willing to turn state's evidence if
assured tbat by so doing he can regain
bis own liberty Efforts are now being
made to give Coben this assurance in
order to obtain bis testimony against bis
employer. Cohen - said:
"If Governor Budd will place my par
on tn my brother's bands or in tbe bands
f my attorney, I will tell all I know."
Governor Budd will be to toe c'ty this
week, and on that occasion it is said
Foreman Gagan, of the grand jury, will
use bis influence to secure a pardon for
Coben on condition that be becomes a
state wpnesa. Coben has been sentenced
te eight years' imprisonment for perjury.
Contest for Senator.
Oltmtia, Jan. 19 If Levi Ackeny can
bold bis forces together, it is more than
probable he wilt be elected United States
senator next Tuesday, He is nndoubt-
dly the leader in tbe senatorial fight,
witb Wilson not a great ways behind.
Using tbe phraseology of tbe racetrack.
may be said that if Ackeny's wind
holds out be will come under tbe wire
first, with Wilson second, Allen third.
nd McMillan, Sbaw and Jones distanced
on tbe other band, tbe cohesive
strength of Ankeny's forces is not suffi
cient to secure bim tbe nomination on
tbs first ballot, in tbe caucus to be beld
on Monday evening, tbere is grave dan
ger that tbe prize for which be has strug
gled so long and earnestly may pasi to
other hands' not Wilson's nor yet Allen's.
Into whose bands it will fall no prophet
in Olymoia today has sufficient pre
science to foretell, unless It be into tbe
hands of Governor McGraw or Judge
Turner. There has been considerable
earnest talk daring the past few days In
favor of these gentlemen,, in tbe event ol
an entirely new man being taken up and
elected . ,
The ParuIHe Faotas,
Special Government Agent Pice gave
out tbe following information in refer
ence to tbe parastio fungus prevalent on
pple trees from Central California to
Middle Oregon, and north to British
Columbia on tbe west side of tbe Cascade
"Recent investigations, coniucted at
this laboratory, following tbose made in
Oregon and Washington, have disclosed
tbe fact that tbe apple disease prevalent
throughout tbe western portion of these
states, and which affects tbe trunk and
branches around the apple trees, is large
ly due to an action of a parastic fungns,
tbe life history of which is now being
studied. The depart meet recommends
that tbe diseased trees be thoroughly
prayed witb Bordeaux mixture, special
care being taken to treat frequently those
parts affected the preceding season. Tbe
treatment should invariably be preven
tive and not .curative-. Tbe . Bordeaux
mixture is best adapted for use daring
the rainy season and is made witb 10
pounds of lime and six pounds of copper
sulphate to 45 gallons of water."
There Ia Cause Enengh.
Brooklyn, Jan. 19 Justice Cullen baa
denied tbe application of Major McNulty
for a writ compelling toe Brooklyn
Heights Railroad Company 10 show
cause why it should not run aars on
Fulton street and otber lines.
A Steamer Manic
Louisville, Jan. 20 Tbe Cincinnati &
New Orleans Packet line's steamer State
of Mistouri was sunk in tbe Obio r.ver
just below Alton, Ind , Saturday evening,
at 6 o'clock, and it is believed 10 lives
were lost. Tbe vessel struck a rock and
ripped tbe starboard sine open from end
to end. Ia less than five minu es she
was a complete wreck. The passengers
nearly 100 in all, were paralyzed by the
ahock, and nothing could be done. Tbe
UDperdeck broke away and floated off.
Nearly everybody jumped into the river
and made for the shore, some hundred
yards away. Tho vessel left Cincinnati
for New Orleans Friday afternoon. She
bad on board 20 passengers aud a ciew
ol 76. Most of tbe crew were negroes
So far as can be told no paaseoger were
lost. Oue man rescued four passopgir
oo a mule, which swam ashore. The pas
sengers were all ticketed through to New
Taeomu'a Trade sn .
Tacoma, Jan. 20 Two thousand peo
p e today viewed tbe remains of Isaac
Henry Bratton and wife, murderer and
murdered. Tbe horrible tragedy was tbe
chief topic of converaat oo In tbe city to.
duv. Ihey bad been nianied six months,
though sl'e was married twice, having a
daughter now 13 years old. by her first
husband. Brattou'a two sons were by bla
nrst wife. Developments show both bad
violent tempers, and domestic quarrels
led to the killing. She 'eaves ber daughtei
a life insurance of $1000, and be leaves
the hoys insurance iu tbe Maccabees for
The Contest In Idabw.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 19 On the ballot
for senator today there were a number ef
adsentees. Two Shoup men were paired
with two ol Sweet's supporters, and one
Shoup and four Sweet men were areut.
Tbe result was Sweet, 10; Shoup 18.
Tbe 15 Populists again stood for Cligett.
Klch Ueid Dl-eoverles.
Doluth, Minn., Jan. 21 Duluth is
rapidly becoming a goldmining center,
owing to recent developments along tbe
hitherto unexplored Seine river, in Cana
da, east of the raiay lake goldfields.
Several companies owning gold property
have been organized with Daiutb as their
headquarters. Financiers from the ess-
and south are arriving in town daily, and
wi'hin the last two months nearly
$3,000,000 bas been invested. It is es
timated tbat 300 prospectors are working
their way up the Setae river, locating
claims along their way. The findings
are said to be remarkably rich, and manv
of the Rainy lake companies have already
purchased some ot I he original claims.
Expert Julius Ripes, of Micliigau, who
bas just returned from an extended tour
of Rainy lake and Seine river properties,
says tbat tbe gold placers are yery vain
able. About 20 pits baye been sunk on
tbe placerfields and all showed rich gold
the pan. lwo thousand acres hive
already been taken by D C Kelly, of
Tower, Minn., who is largely interested
a the Rainy lake mines. William B unt
nd Dave Melrose, two of the first men
bo prospected in tbe Rainy lake region.
both of wtiom have sold holdings for sev
eral bundled thousand dollars, are inves
tigating tbe Seine river fields, and have
ocatcd and bought several claims.
Melrose says tbe fields are even richer
and of more promise than tbose of Rainy
One of the big properties in tbe Riiny
lake region is tbe Lyle mine, which bas
uat been capitalized by eight men for
$400,000. At the depth of 80 feet
specimens were found tbat assayed $30.50
to tbe ton in free milling gold ore. Witb
tbe body of ore now in sight and the
tendency to increase in richnera as deep-
levels are attained, tbere is every
reaion to believe that tbe mine wi 1 be
come one of the richest in tbe world . The
iscoverers of tbis property are Ed and
William Warde, of Duluth, who a'so own
26 other gold proprieties in ihe Rainy
lake region. Many towns are springing
p in the golddeldg, one of tbs most
promising beinf Fort Francis, on the
Seine river, which promises to rival Rainy
Lake City as tbe center ot the gold coun
try. Killed by m Convict.
Walla Walla, Wash, Jso. 21 Be-
ween II snd 12 o clock to lay, a. tbe
penitentiary, Convict Fred Iloyt killed
Convict George Reif by striking him oo
the bead witb an ax. The men wero at
work excavating pits ia tbe brickyard at
the time. Reif was in one and Hoyt in
another, about 50 feat away- Wbile the
work was going on Hoyt picked up an
x lying on tbe erabaukment aad delib
erately walked tn tbe pit where Reif was
working, an J, without warning, bit bim.
The evidence shows that tbe latter had
tried to ward off tbe blow with bis arm,
which was "broken and cat deep into the
shoulder. Hoyt again struck Reif, twice
on tbe top and side of the head, killing
bim. At tbe coroner s inquest the jury
found a verdict cbatging Hoyt with de-
berate murder. Hoyt was seat bere
from Pierce county, May 17. 1890. under
sentence of 20 years for the murder of a
man named Crosby, lie ia a very des
perate cbsracter. and bas made several
unsuccessful attempts to escape. He
served a term in tbe Oregon penitentiary,
and was one of tbe leaders id tbe break
from tbit institution several years ago.
Reif was serving five years for grand
arceny, committed in Tacoma, where be J
bas a mother living. He was known in
Tacoma as "Chicken Cbariey." - When
Hoyt was tried for the murder of Crosby,
Reif was tbe principal witness, and since
that time Hoyt ba been "laying for bim,"
and today was tbe first opportunity be
bad a chance at bim.
Troops la Heatnrky.
Lexington, Ky., Jan. 21 Adjutant
Suarley bas received a telegram from
Colonel F H Gather, of the Second reg
ineut, state guard, ordering bim to have
n readiness 40 members of company D,
ol this city, until Tuesday. The colonel
as been telegraphed to (or pirticulars,
but none have come, aod officers of the
militia here do not know what tbe 1 mu
le is. One theory is that tbe troops will
be wanted at Mount Sterling duriug tbe
sitting of tbe circuit court, which begins
there today. It is said tbat detectives
ave fastened tbe iyocbicg ot Turn Blair
on 15 o-en, and tbat tbey will be indicted
by tbe grand jury. It is said that Mount
Sterling officials have received threaten
leg letters declaring that ibe towo will
be Lurned unless Blair's murderers are
punished. Blair was taken from the
Morgan county jail January 1 and banged
by a mob. He was charged witb tbe
killing of Csptain J L Bomar, in Mount
Sterling, but was acquitted on tbe trial .
The Mitnatlen In Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, . Jan. 21 Soldiers were
thicker in Brooklyn this morning, tbe re
sult of the arrival at an early boor of
several New York city regiments, There
are now nearly 8000 soldiers on duty .
Brooklyn regiments, numberiog 3000 men
are on guard at tbe various trolley stables
and power-bouses, while nearly 5000 ol
tbe First brigade, made op of New York
city regiments, arc on duty along tbe
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i i .ot cy
lines of the various trolley companies,
Strikers and sympathizers gathered ia
groups about tbe stables and alng the
car rente early tbia morning. JNo col
lisions were reported. A number ol cars
were run out of the carhoopes and passed
between files of soldiers.
Tbe refusal of the comp-mles to promise
tbe reinstatement ot strikers where thev
indicated a williogoess to call the fight
off, bas made many hitherto peacefully
disposed aesperate, and ready to particl
pate in acts of violence directed against
he property of tbe corporations. It is
possible the only line not hitherto In
volved in tbe strike, known as the Coney
isiana line, win now be brought into
rouble The men on tbe Dekalb-street
line, who icsnmed work Fridiy, under
compromise witb the company, may be
called oat also. Acts of violeuce in the
supposed interests of tbe strikers haye
been aimrst conttnnous in one part or
another of the city tbe last 48 hours.
The Japanese Landed.
Washington, Jan. 21 -Secretary Gres
ham today received two cables from
United States Minister Denby, at Peking
confirming tbe reDorts of the landiog of
Japaoeae troops tear Coe-Foo. Tuo first
states that leng Chow bad been bom
barded by three Japanese ships aod that
the American, missionaries bad left tbe
The second, under date of January 21,
states tbat It la rep r ted that Teog Chow
50 miles north wert of Cbee Foo, bad been
bombarded by tbe Japaoeae, who had
subsequently effected a landing at the
Sbautuog promontory.
The Chinese I ft.
Idaho Springs, Colo., Jan. 21 Tbere
is likelihood ef trouble in this camp over
the fact that Caincse laborers are being
brought to work in tbe mines. Tbe first
installment of Chinese came Thursday to
tbe Argonaut mine, eight miles from
Idaho Soriogs. Eight Chinese were in
the gang, with one white boss - Work
commenced Friday and continued Sat
urday. Saturday night tbe Chinese were
waited upon by a committee of white
miners, who requested them to quit tbe
camp. Iliev were given nntil Sunday
morning to leave, aod did so, coming to
town, wnere tbey camped, awaiting or
ders from the white boas, who went on to
Denver to invoke tbe aid of tbe federal
A Fourteen-Story Bulldlna; Falls
Chicago, Jan. 81 During tbe heavy
wind storm today tbe Dearborn building
corner of Clark aud Monroe streets, was
wrecked. Timbers were blown from
position, and, falling 14 stories, buried
two men and injuned a number of others.
J D Burke, ticket broker, is thought to
Oe fatally loiored. O bers seriously in
jured are: A J Donaldson, c'trk, shoulder
crushed; Fiaok Woodward, teamster,
arm crushed; William Luyius, printer,
scalp badly bruised; H H Irwin, clerk,
dangerous interoal injuries; George Bey,
stenographer, bead badly cut.
Two Ballots at Boise.
Boise, Idaho, Jan. 21 Two ballots for
United States senator were taken today .
Tbere was no change. One ot those who
who would have voted for Sweet was ad
sent aod unpaired. Tbe result was:
Soeet 20; Shoup 16; Browne 1; Hayburn
l.C'leggutt (PopulUt) 15.
A New Enterprise
Mr. Douglas S. Dufur, of The Dalles,
Ore, and Fred D. Hill, of Portland, Ore.,
will form a eo-partneraliip oa the 1st of
February, 1S95, for the purpose ot conduct
ing ao expert atnoographing, typewriting
aod mimeographing business. Ia addition
to tbe above they will also conduct a gen
eral real estate, fire insurance, abatraot of
land titles, collection, loans aad eonvey
anoiag business, and will opeo tbair office
in -the Bjttiogen building, eornor of Court
aod Second streets. Both are young men,
well and favorably known in this commu
nity. Mr. Du'ur is the presont incumbent
til the recorder's cha r, and his ability as s
typewriter and business man ia sufficiently
known in this community to need no fur
ther comment or recommendation, Mr.
Fred D. Hill is the ex-othcial stenographer
and typewriter for tbe government at the
Pine Ridge Indiaa agency, and he ia a pro
nounced expert stenographer and typewriter,
having recommendations from some of the
leading men of the United States. This
firm will endeavor to conduct their business
oa a fair and square basis, aad all matters
eatrustei to them will receive prompt aod
constant attention.
These young m n deserve a share of the
publio patronage in their line ot business,
and we have uo doubt bat what they will
make a grand success of their new under
taking, as such a business as they intend to
engage in will be a great benefit to the busi
ness men and lawyers of this country, and
they have our beat wishes in their new en
terprise. Y. P. S C E , tslcishing Party.
A very pleasant company started from
the. Congregational church last evening on
a sleigh riding trip It was composed of
more than sixty persons and all seemed to
enjoy themselves, lheir destination was the
farm, now owned by A. M. Kelsay and J. H.
Pbirmin. It waaa visit to Mr, and Mrs,
Phirman, at their iiew home oa that ranch.
Tbe party consisted of the Congregational
Young Peoples' Society of Christian En
deavor aud their friends.
The thanks of the society is due tbe
Taylor brothers, Ed. Bill, Mr. Farmiogtou
of Dry Hollow.and Messrs. Ward and Kerns,
for their help in making this trip a success.
Tho Y. P. S. C. E. cleared twenty dol
lars, which enables them to pay their
pledge of that amount toward their pastor's
salary. " "
Tho TitteU Sister..
Arrsngejieott have been onmple'el tor
the appcarrnoe ot the famous Misses Tit tell
next Monday and Tuesday evening at Tne
Dalies Opera Honsa. "Drifted Apart" will
be played oo Monday night and Tuesday
evening "My Uncle's Will" followed by
Augustine Dily's beautiful comedy drama
"Froa Frou." The TitteU Sisters are ar
tists of recognized ability, Miss Charlotte
having woo golden laurels in the line of
comedy, Miss Essie being classed as one
of the atrongest emotionil actresses on tbe
American stage while Minnie wins all
hearts witb ber beautital dancing.
An Observation Car.
Tbe following description of an open
cvr to lie built for the daylight passenger
travel between The Dalles and Portland
is published in the Evening Ttlegram:
"In furtherance ot lis plan to bring Into
greater prominence the scenic points on
its hue the O. R. & N. Co. is now build
ing at iu Albiaa shops, an observation
car which will be finished within about
sixty days and will at once be put Into
service. The car will baye neither sides
nor ends. It will be covered with a roof
similar to tbat of tbe ordinary passenger
car, and, in fact, will net differ from it la
point of construction . in any material
way except that it will be sldeless and
without ends, to permit unhindered ob
servation of the scenic beauties for which
the Columbia river route is noteJ. It will
be run at least nine months in the year on
tbe rear end of the daylight local between
Portland and The Dalles. The car -will
be provided with curtains at the sides
and ends, somewhat similar to tbose in
use on open street-cars, aod which can be
drawn at the pleasure of tbe traveler.
The car would naturally be lighter than
the ordincrv nasHenirer car. hnt in nhtri-
ate this difficulty aud to make it ride
easily it will be weighted with iron, ao
tbat it will ride as safely and comfortably
as a Pullman car.
' General Passenger Agent Hurlburt
has In mind tbe puttiug on sale of sum
mer tourist tickets to Bonneville and
other scenic points in tbe Columbia river
gorge. A steamship service will also be
inaugurated which will permit passengers
to make the trip up and down the river
going one way on tbe observation car and
the other by boat. The observation car
will be provided with seats in tbe center
of tbe car tor about 60 persons, and will
afford an opportunity for-the finest scenic
ride tbat can be taken out of scenery
surrounded Portland."
Jake Galling; snt His Una
Very many of our citizens will remem
ber Jake Gulling, formerly on the run be
tween this city and Portland. The fol
lowing is related of him by tbe La Grande
"In August, 1893, Conductor J. C Gul
ling missed, his shotgun from tbe baggage
car on the Elgin branch. Tbe mystery as
to the weapon's disappearance was never
solves: until a few days ago, when Jake',
obtained a pointer which may lead to its
recovery. -The story goes tbat It waa seen
in tbe possession of a man who bad
bought it lor $1.60 from another man who
bad purchased it for $2 50 and a break
fast from' still another man. tha latter he- '
log the individual who it is sapposed ap
propriated the gun originally from the
baggage car. Mr. Gulling is oo tbe
chase for Ins property witb the keen in
terest which a detective displays in a
mysterious case, and his friends are also
interested in watching developments--
Tbe gun is described as an old one, but it
a breech-loader of a good pattern and
shoots to kill."
Death of Morsey Barnea.
From tne Ptioeville Review we learn that
on Friday, Jan. Uth, about 2 o'olock in
the afternoon, the death oi Money Barnes
was announced upon tha streets. Upon
iuquiry as to tbe cause of his sudden demise,
it appears that feeling unwell the evening
before, he had taken hia medicine to his
room on retiring, aod on hia not having
come to hia morning meal at lhn nsual time,
his mother repaired to hia room, and foot.
him in a comatose condition, from which he
never recovered. Medical aaaiatanco waa
immediately summoned, aod all known
remedies were applied to the snflerer bat to
ao avail, He grew weaker until about 2
o'clock in the afternoon, and finally passed
away, tbe eause ot his death being apo
Money waa born at Chipp'a Flat, Sierra
county, California, Nov. 25, 18.r)9, mavel
into the Ochoco valley with his parents in
1S69, and has reaided, here continuously
since that time, jailh the excepttoo of two
yean in Lake county. He waa the young
est sou aad fifth child ot Elishe aad Haeaa
T. Barnes. Ha leaves three brothera aad
three sistera. The funeral services at tbe
Methodist church were largely attended by
sorrowing mends of this well kuowu
Snrprlse Psuty.
A very pltiaamt surprise party waa given
Miss Ida Koebel last evening at the resi
dence of her mother,abont three miles from
Tbe Dalles. Tho honrs were speot very
pleasantly by numerous friends of the young
lady, aad daociog continued until a lata
hoar. Excellent masia was furnished, aod.
every number waa enjoyed. At midnight
a bountiful lunch was served, of whion all
partook to satisfaction. Tbose present
were: ' Mr. and Mrs. Sa'ndoa, Mr. and Mrs.
Speichioger, Mr. aod Mn. Koebel; Misses
Carrie Mesplie, Katie Bowman, Anna
Heron x, Malenie Mesplie, Emily 8andos
ind Florence Speichinger; Messrs. T. Mes
plie, Gay Heits, Heury Speiohingsr, Julius
Mesplie, Julius Sacdos and Albert Mes
plie. The evening will be long remembesed
bv those present, as it was one of the most
enjoyable that haa been eitenenced ia
that neighborhood for a long time.
Highest Honors World Fair.
1 pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fnt
fom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulter aot,