The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 19, 1895, Image 4

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    -The -Times-Monntaiiieer
..JANUARY 19. 1895
We suppose that everybody is at one
with Ablegate Satolli in acceptance of
the aphorism "the true purpose of
' education is to 6 men for employment
of freedom," says the Inter Ocean.
We suppose also that nearly every
body agrees with him iu believing that
' development and cultivation of the
moral sense is a prerequisite of free
dom. All manner of truisms have
been uttered concerning this belief;
' one of them runs thus: -
He U a freeman whom tbe truth make free,
' And all are slaves beside.
Bet the first and most comprehen
sive enunciation of the principle comes
' from the founder of that "Church
Universal" of one sect or denomina
tion of which the ablegate is a repre
sentative "Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free.''
This essential verity- properly was
sculptured on the main arch . of the
peristyle of the Wold's Columbian Ex
position, which showed the progress of
man from barbarism and tyranny to
civilization and freedom. So that be
tween Ablegate Satolli, who is tbe ad
vocale and champion of parochial and
sectarian schools, and tbe most ardent
defender of the public and non sectar
- ian schools there is no difference as to
first prmnoiples.
But; and it is a fact that the follow
ers of Mr. Satolli cannot avoid, the
one cause, the only cause, of the ab
- - sence of religious, or of purely ethical
teaching, in oar public schools comes
from a strange alliance between cer
tain prelates of the Roman Catholic
Church and certain extremely virulent
atheists But for these strangely al
lied forces the Bible, or those parts of
it that are not controversial or histor
ical, would be a text book in our pub
lic schools- All churches use the
Lord's Prayer; it is not used in the
public schools 'simply because of tbe
objeotion that Catholics and atheists
have made to its . use. All churches
- acknowledge . the Golden Kule of
Christ as an epitome of ethical and
moral philosophy, and even secularists
who deny the divinity of its origin
admire its brevity and its excellence.
This rule would be taught ia the pub
lic schools were it not that oertain
Catholics and certain atheists object.
It is so with the Tern Commandments.
They certain the germ of all moral and
religious philosophy, the essence of
that truth whioh "shall make you
free." They are not taught is the
public schools simply because of the
opposition of a strange alliance be
tween the most conservative and the
most revolutionary, if not the moat an
archistic, of organisations.
This leads to notice of themost sub
tle of passages of Mr. Satolh's speech
-at the De La Salle Institute of New
York: '
"If tbe Catholic schools ef this
country differ from the public schools
simply in that, besides what is taught
in the latter, they give tbe youth a
sound moral training and instruct
them in the Catholie religion, who will
dare to complain of that or call it a
defect?' . -
''Who will dare to complainf No
Catholic, eartainly. Nor can any one
have reason "to complain" if in a
Methodist school Methodist doctrine
be taught. But criticism,' if not com
plaint, is in order if a Methodist, Bap
tist, Presbyterian, or Catholic first al
lies himself .with extreme secularists
- or with atheists to expunge tbe Bible
even its non-dootrinal parts from the
public schools, and then disparages
them because they do not .teach those
ethical truths that are more plainly,
and in more condensed fores, set forth
in the Bible than in any other book.
srlve those who kick against usj leadlns not
iDto unclean buggy bads, deliver ns from
Hirty towels ard oackroaches, and thine be
tby glory and $2 per day for ever aid ever."
A novel means for gliding over tbe snow
was seen in our streets yesterday . It was
made from young saplings, and the runners
deviated in a augle from the top, - consist
ing of a single pole which the driver strad
died the same as he would a saddle f-ome
called it a Kausaa deep snow aleigh but it
was the of the kind aeen iu thia city
Hood River had bad just one day of good
sleighing during the present deep snow, and
that was last Monday, says t e Qlacirr
l he night waa c ear and cold. ith the
thermometer at 20 abova zero, and bright
moo light an ideal night tor a sleigh ride.
Several sleighing parties went out from
town that night, some going as far aa C. E.
Mark ham's
The work of securing the suosidy and
getting in shape the deeds to tbe land for
tbe proposed sugar factory at Union has
been about completed, and Mr. Hackelt
will soon taue his departure for Chicago o
la tbe matter before the company, it is
thought they will accept the bonus and
give a bond to insure ' tbe building of the
Coudon Glebe: Wednesday morning
about 9 o'clock the Bob Watson house uear
Mtyville, in wbicli Rundall Palmer and
family had resided for over a year, caught
fire from a defective flue and burned to the
ground, Riodall was away at the time;
but fiis wifr, aBistrd by several of the
neighbors, succeeded in saving about all the
contents of any yilue.
The cbinook and rains the last few days
have played aad bavoo with the snow, whioh
has about all been converted into mud, says
the Condon Globe. Toe weather is as hilmv
and delightful as it usually is in April and
May. We are not likely to have but very
little more soow this winter. Wrily this is
the finest climate and the most favored por
tion vf the United states.
lax Xtswy for State Exjteasea-
' - yaitnl statesman.
The atate board, consisting of the gov
ernor, secretary and treaaurer of atate, met
yesterday and practically agreed npon the
tax leyy for tbe expenses of the atate for
the year 1893. The levy will not be de
clared until some time today, their figures
beiog yet subject to revision.
Their estimate of state expensea, includ
ing the deficiencies ot 1894, is $694 624.78
This includes $30,000 for current exuen-ea
of state militia and $30,000 for tbe support
of the atate oniversity, which prior to 1894
was raised by special taxjs for thoBa pur
poses. These sums are fixed in the laws of
1S93, repealing the Bpeciai tax law aforesaid,
it also includes deficiencies of certain funds
of tbe year 1894, estimated at about $61,-000.
To meet these expenses the board has set
apart a balance of $217,842 25 aaved out of
the funds heretofore levied for the expenses
of the years 1S93 and 1894 and miscel ane
ous receipts of 1S94, and estimate! miscel
laneous receips of 1S85 amounting to S'5.-
4S0.33, making a total surplus of $243,-
326 53, b dance of $451,198 15, wnich will
be raised by a tax of three mills on the total
axable property of the state as equalized
by the state board of equalization as fol
lows, tbe exemptions being taken on':
From Monday's Dally.
Mr. Geo. P. Morgan, of Cascade Locks,
is lo the eity.
A full attendance of members ia requested
at Friendship lodge.Xo. 9, K. of P. tonight.
aa work in the third rank will be done.
There are two cases of dipthena in the
oily; but these are properly quarantined.
and Dr. ffolliater informa us that the ps-
tien a are improving.
There were three drunk and disorderly
persons who found their way into thn city
jail last night. They were interviewed by
the city recorder this moroiog, and baye
amused themselves cleaniug sidewalks.
News from Salem was very meagre np 'o
tbe hour if goin( to press. The Republican
rauens nominated Hon. Jaa.8inr.on, presi
dent of the senate and Hon. C B ran res,
speaker of the house There will be no
doubt that these wilt be elected when the
legislature organists.
Tbe literary society will hold a meetiog
this evening in tbe basement of the Metho
dist church. The question for discufsion
is Resolved, Tnat labor strikes are benen
cial, In connection with the society there
will be a musical department organized,
and those cnltnred in this line are requea
tei to be present.
Col. Geo. T. Thompson reoeived thia
morning from Col R W. Mitchell, adju
tant general, the following snpplies: Cam
paign bats. 200; canteens, 250; haversacks,
2o0; pairs of legging, 250, and non commis
sioned officers swords, 10. The above sop
piles will be issued to the different oomptn
ies of the Tbiid regiment, O. N. G., by tbe
quartermaster immediately. This regiment
M better uniformed and eqntnpel now than
at any time since its organization.
Two of .Tame MoMeen'e herders, Henry
Stephens and Elbeit Johnson, were caught
with their herds some distance from the
corrals in the snow storm last Wedue lay
afternoon, aaya the Prineville Brview Fail
ing to find the way to camp, both were
compelled to lay oat all night. Without
wood to build a ore, they pot in the uight
as best they could, but came in n-Xtday
with a few ting rs and toes badly frosted.
Prineville Review- Oa Friday of - last
week R. B. Ray was brought into town
violently insane All appliances at hand
were osed to relieve the unfort unite aut
ferer in vain. Necessity compell- d his re -lativea
and friends to have hi.n taken before
board of examination consisting of Drs.
Gesner and Belknap, who adjudged him in
sane. Sheriff C mbs, assisted by Emory
Foren, started below witb the patient Sat
urday morning.
rientoo .
Clackamas. .. .
Croon ,
D uglas
Multnomah. . . .
T llamonk
U -mo
Wall .wa
Wasco ........
3 0&7.083
6 22 .892
3,633 9U3
1.286 H60
4.709 853
1 473.304
1,563 274
4 124 51)6
1 362.628
6 555.369
751 487
9.095 400
405 474
952 843
1 205 738
7 390 9W7
4, 127 051
2 960 161
4 342 621
Total.,.. $150 309.383
When the reduction in valuation ot tax
able property throughout the state ia re
membered It will be aeen that thn levy this
year is lower than for many years, and cor
respondingly much lower Upon the vain
ation of a year ago the levy for tbe amount
necessary to be raised thia year wonld be
only two and two thirds mills, as agaioat
the levy of four and three-tentha mills a
year ago, which ia quite a reduction. Not
withstanding the low rate of the levy the
board has in this estimate made economical
bnt sufficient provision for the maintenance
of all tbe public institutions, for current
expenses ana tor such, additional puouo
buildings as may be required.
The eitimate of the board will sbow un-
usual balances of the appropriations for the
years 1893 and 1894 of about $471,000, di
vided among several funds, while tbe total
deficiencies of tbe same biennial t rm are
but $61 000, beiLg the smallest amouot of
di ficiencies facing the legislature iu several
years, while the surplua is of coarse by far
the largest.
examples of manly courage. - One man who
tried to rescue a little girl, whose clothing
was on fire and who undoubtedly would
have been trampled upon in another mo
ment, hurriedly went to her assistance,
picked tier np and held her oa his shoulder,
at the aims time with his bare hands try
in to smotber the fire whioh was rapidly
consuming her garments, the flames from
which all tbe while lapped bia head and
face. He remained cool and apparently
aware of the selfishness of pushing onward
or backward to the injury ot others. Sud
denly he was seen to stagger and sink, evi
dently having inhaled tbe flames trora the
girl's burning clothing.
"Appeals for help were heartrending."
On Saturday evening au open meetiug of
theG.A. R and W. R C. was held iu
Fraternity Hall, for the purpose of install
ing the newly elected officers of Post and
Corps. The a'iupery streets, slush and
rain combined did not prevent a large nnm
ber of both organizations from being p.eieut
to witness tbe installation, Tbe following
officers were installed by P P C, W A Mad
dron. W a Myers, P C; J Letmson, jun
V C; F raping, Chaplain; A G Johnson,
Arijt; E N Chandler. Qll; LP Nuhols, O
D; R L Aikin. O G; J M Patterson, S H;
Wm crum, Q M S. After which the P C
installed W A Maddran as Sen. V C.
After a short recess the meeting was called
to order by Mrs. B. Jane Kussell, Past
Dept. P e. of C'liforoia, whose work was
above criticism. The exi-rcises opened by
singing "America in which all were in
vited to join. Mrs. Mary 8 Myera wa
announced as Installing tffljer. After
b-ing introduce), escorted to the platform,
and given the salute of tbe order, abe in
stalled tbe following officers, in a very
graceful and impressive manner. Blanch-
G Patterson, Pre ; Belle Burg-r, S V P;
Villa Lewis, J V P; Maygie Herrio, S -c-;
L:zzie Ulrich, Trea-; Sun C Wilson, Cnp;
Jennie S Russell. Coo; Enzi KUay, G;
Sarah E Bunch, Atat. Con; Aunie Urqu
harr, A-st G.
After the newly installed president had
tendered the thanks of the corps to the in
stalling officer and made some very pleaa
ant remarks, Mrs. Sue Wilsou. stepped to
the fioot.and in a tew well oboaen worda pre
sented Mrs. Myera the paat president, with a
g ld recognition pin, with red, white, and
bine center, bearing the letters F. C. and L
the motto of tbe order. This little affair
was kept a profound secret from Mrs
Myers, and waa a gunnine anrpria-, but ahe
was equal to the oooasi in, and thanked the
corps in a very touching manner for tbe
beautiful little souvenir, paid a high tribute
"to the ladies for their loyal support daring
be past year,' and especially to her secre
tary Mrs. Nichols, sod treasurer Mrs. Bur
ger, and asked for her suooessor the same
earneat efforts. After singing aeveral Grand
Army songs, and partaking of light refresh
meets, the re nainder of the eyening was
spent in a yery social way.
Saturday's Daily.
Trains are again on time, and The Dalles
is ia touch with civilization, east and west.
Tbe ice has floated out of the center of
the river; but it still adheres to the banks.
If the pr, sent mild weather continues
sleighing in a few day will be a thing of the
Jo this city the week of prayer has been
observed by the Congregational and Metho
dist churches, servioea having beeo held
each evening.
The public meeting at the court house
this evening should be attended by every
citizen interested iu the future prosperity
of l he Dall.e.
Services at tbe Christieo church tomorrow
by Elder' I. H. Hazel. Preaching at 11
A at and 7.30 F M. Sunday school at 10
A. M. - All are cordially invited.
Mr. Frank Gabel returned today from a
visit to his shop farm at Wapinitia. There
is very lilt e snow on Juniper Fiat, and be
yond tbe Desohnces the hills are nearly ail
The usual soiree will be given this even
ing by Tbe D lies Orchestra Union. 1 bis
ia tbe evening on which the prizes will be
awarded to the persons holding the lucky
C. D. Ennree ia 68 years old, aad 50 ot
them have been spent in Polk county, be
has six children, and a week ago they were
, all with him except Benton, who lives in
Harney Valley.
Mr. W. H. Butts is at Dnfur today hold
ing an inqueat over the remains of r.
Richard Grazer, who waa found dead in bia
bed yesterday. Be was accompanied by
tbe city recorder, Mr. D. 8. Dufur.
Mr. J. B. Goit, of vVapinitia, ia in town
today. He aaya the anow has nearly disap
peered on Jumper flat, and cattle have been
turned oat to grass. Cattlemen have onlv
fed abont a week, and livestock are in tine
condition. '
The Rev. J. Wbisler will be able to fill
bis pulpit at the Methodist Episcopal
church Sunday Jan. 13th.- Morning theme
'Phases of tbe Life of Faith in Christ:"
evening, 'Sowing and Reaping in the King
doms of Nature and Grace." . A cordial
welcome to all.
There will be tbree nights of drama next
week at the Baldwin opera honse, aod Mr.
sod Mrs. R. E French and a stleot dramatic
cou.pany will put on the boards tbs "Golden
Chant," ''Montezuma" and "Davy Crock
ett." Tbe Dallea Orchestra anion will fur
nish musio for the plays.
On Monday, upon an order from General
Master Mechanic Graham, tbe working
loree at tne rauroaa snops at ia urande
as reduced 16 men and were taken from
each department as follows: Four men
from tbe machine shops, one painter and
two helpers from the tainting department,
one copper smitb, one boiler maker and
helper, one blacksmith and helper, one
carpenter, three wipers ane three la bore a.
He was surely a drummer who first gave
vent to this prayer: "Our landlord at the
head of tbe -table, we hallow tby same
let the beefsteak oome, let it be properly
done, ana let it be free Irom taint; give as
this day some bam aod egg'; also fruit ia
eattm; firgive ns aaen we kick as we for-
Frera Wednesday's Dally.
Tbe weather is frosty and sleighing is
. Mr. Grsnt Mays arrived to town from
Antelope last evening.
R. E. Saltmsrshe & Co. shipped two car
loads of hogs today to Troutdale,
We learn that Mrs. Philips will open a
store very aocn with anew stock of mill
There will be a scouring mill rot in oper
ation in the vicinity of The Dalles in the
early spring.
Persons from different portions of the
county say that cattle are in good condition,
and doing well on tbe range.
Friendship lodge, K. of P., conferred
the rank ot knight on three esquires at
tbe regular meetiog last eight.
Mrs. Jos. Kofi and Mrs. L. H. Fritz witb
her little daughter, Geneva, of Portland,
are visiting meir parents, JUT. and Mrs
G W. Johnston, in this cUy.
Coasting is good, and furnishes excellent
amusement these evenings. uur.g and
old enjoy it, and there are several streets
wh oh are monopolized by coasters.
The Myrtle club will give tbeir weekly
dancing party at Chrysanthemum hall thia
evening Gmd music will b provided.
and a very ei joyable ti me may te expected
A'rangpments are be ins perfected for
tbe masquerade ball to be given by the
Worn men and Woodmen of this city on
Febur&ry 22d, the anniversary of Wash
ington's birthday.
Mr. Rilph E. M ody. son of Ex-Gov.
Moody, has been elected chief olerk of the
house. Mr. Moody is well known io this
city, and will make a very competent and
efficient official. '
There will on a meeting at tbe Congre
gational church thia evening lo consider
questions oi great importance, and a full
attendance is requested of members of
the congregation.
The Dalles Orchestra Uo'er took
sleigb ride nrouad tbe streets today. It
save tbe members a delightful ride
through town, ai;d was a good advertise
ment ef the French dramatic company
A case of assault and battery was tried
belore tbe recorder yesterday afternoon,
and tbe detendaut was fouad guilty and
fined '20. It was an aggravated case,
ana me ponce magistrate imposea a
heavy flue. :
The Da'les Orchestra Union will furn
ish music at the opera house this even
ing. This company of local muaiciDS
are becoming famous for their accom
pllthments, and we doubt if the state can
produce a better company.
Mr. A. V. R. Snyder, who was elected
sssistrnt clerk ot tne Douse, was formerly
a resident ot The Dalles, and local editor
of tbe Times Mocstaiseeb He has
maov friends in this ciy, who will con
graiulaie hiin on bis good fortune.
From a person who arrived in town
yesterday evening we learn that tbe
ground is free of snow lroin Tygh ridge
to the Blue mountains. A cbinook wind
has visited the higher altitudes, while in
lower localities winter bas reigned
The legislature organized yesterday by
electing Hon. Jos. Simon, of Portland,
president ot tbe senate, and Hon. O. U.
Moores, of Malem, speaker ot the bouse.
Mr. Ralph K. Moody was elected chief
clerk of the house, sod A V. it. Suyder,
assistant clerk.
While coasting continues it will be al
most impossible for the enrfew ordinance to
be enforced in this eity. It may be less
mischievous for boys to congn gate on tbi
hill than on street corner j but it is a good
plan for parents to require them to be at
h me at an early hour iu the night.
Mr. R. G. Brown, trea-mrer of Marion
county, uied very suddenly last evening
in Salem. He felt sick and stepped lolo
a drug store to consult a physician, but
expired oetore sssisiin:e arrived. He
was a single man about 28 years of age,
nigniy rei-pecteu sou esteemed uy ail.
Tbe Dew bridges spanning the John
Day are Que structures and substantially
built, but notwithstanding this our farm -
era see in them something lacking, which
the county court did not take into consid
eration at the time of receiving bids.
They are not quite wide enough to haul a
self binder or a header ovr.
Mr. W. N Wiley arrived io thia city frnm
his Antelope sheep farm last evening. He
rays tbe snow haa a l disappeared in the
vicinity of Antelope, aod cattle are graz
ing on the hillsirjts. The first soow Mi
Wiley met coming o too n was on Tygh
ridge, and it was principally id drifts
From Dufur to Tbs Dalles tbers is snow tbe
entire distance.
'Woolen and. Scouring; Mill-
. List Saturday evening a public meeting
was held in the court house to take into
consideration the project of establishing a
woolen aod co iring mill in this city.
The meeting was called to order by Hon.
Robert Mays, who stated the object of the
assembly, and then called npon Mr. James
Shaw, of Oregon City, to mske his proposi
tion. He stated that he believed manufac
turing industries to be great factors of de
velopment in every oommunity, and consid
ered The D lies well situated for such en
terprises. His propositions to the people of
this city were as follows: First they were
to furuish a site and erect a building at a
ooat of $4000, and to loan him $20 000 tor
five years, on wbion he would pay tbe in
terest. As security for this loan be would
hypothecate to a board of trustees to be ap
pointed by tbe citizens $17,000 worth of
property ia Oregon City. He should want
$5000 very soon, with which he would pur
chase a 80-horse power boiler and 20-borae
power engine and part of the machinery.
These he would tarn over to the trustees as
additional security for the loan. Then be
wonld draw $10f000, aod thia would pur
chase nearly all the machinery required
Tbe remaining $5000 of the loan would com
plete the factory, and then he would turn
this over to tbe trustees as security for the
debt until it was paid. :
Mr. Mays. was elected permanent chair
man, and a committee waa app iiated to
canvass the matter and report at a future
meeting. Tbe committee consisted of Hon.
M. A. Moody, E Schanno, A. M. Kelsay,
M. T. Nolan, P. Brogan, D. M. Frenob and
R. Mays.
The sentiment of the meeting appeared
to be io favor of a woolen mill, bnt some
expressed tbe opinion that a scouring mill
was not feasible because ef the lightness of
tbe wool prodnct in this regioa, Th
shrinkage ia folly 60 per cent, and it doea
seem extravagance and waste to pay freight
on thia to Boston.
That Terrible Christmas Fire-
Tbe Klamaih Falls KxprtH publishes the
following from an eye witness descriptive of
the aceoes at Silver Lake at the time of the
terrible holocaust:
'Ic etema. that . for a time, while the
burning lamp lay near tbe door, there was
comparative quiet, although even then wo
men, children, yes, and mm too, were beiog
held back by those trying to control them.
Possibly the disaster might have been lea-
direful had not aome one at the moment
jumped through the flimea and reached th
door, thus exciting other to imitate him
One young lady approached tbe fire's edge,
doubtless witb the intention ot making her
ssoape io the same manner. She hesitated
for a moment as if abont to leap, when a
tongue of flame reaaued out sod eaoght her
"Some of the less excited people went ti
rescue her, and in that way tneir attention
was taken from those whom they had been
restraining. Whether the dominant idea in
the minds of the most exoiped was that the
only route to free torn lay through the door
way, or that the aight of tha lady's burning
apparel moved them to a frenzy of fear, or
both, ia not known, bnt a wild rush waa
made toward the door
"A little girl, at a disadvantage from her
stature, was pushed or fell' do wn an J waa
trodden upon. Htr mother cried, 'For
God'a sake, don't trample on my child,' and
bending to lift ber, was herself forced down
by the ornwd, others stumbling over them.
and tbe fltmee from tbs oily floor enveloped
all who MI.
" 'The scene oannot be even imigioed by
one not actually present at this or some
similar catastrophe,' said tbe eye witness
'Now and then, for an instant, when the
thought of self or the he'p of others was
not uppermost, aome express e J of face
would catch your eye aod leave its expres
sion on your memory forever. Io many a
faoe was tbe expresioo of terror mingled
with pain snd fesr. On top, trying to
crawl over those erect, could be seen aome
with eyes protruding. One snoh s'ght leaves
with you a memory never to be forgotten.
The expression of those eyes said plainer
ttian any words, and said nothing' - else,
"Lifel life! I must hare lifel'
'Amid thia scene, however, there were i
A Shoo ting Affair.
Lung Creek ale.
Last Wednesday morniug Henry Green
earns into towo in an excite! manner aod
made a complaint for the arrest of J iseph
Cassiday, of Brand Bisin, for assaulting
him with a deadly weapon. Constable Sloan
and Dennis King went down to Mr. Caasi
day's residence, quietly patting him into
the hands of tbe law. A preliminary ex
amination waa bad Thursday before Justice
Hall who bound Caasiday over to await tbe
action of the grand jury in the sum of $200.
Tbe evidenoe submitted from the month of
tbe tbree witnesses, Henry Greeo, Wm.
White and the defendant, waa in substance
as follows:
It wss in the morning above mentioned
that Green, Thite and tbe proprietor, Cas
siday, were seated around the cheerful fire
in the sitting-room. Greeo, the first on the
stand said that hltbouitb no cross words hsd
passed between bim and CaSiiday prior to"
tbis time, tbey, then and there . fell oot
shout some bay. Afew worda passed be
tween them gradually hardening into cons-
words, whereupon Cassiday drew a pistol
st tbe same time ordering him (Green) to
leave his ranch,: He teatitied further that.
while Cassiday bsd bis pistol leveled on
htm, Mrs. Cassiday came in from the
kitchen, and catnhing her husband by tbe
haud which held tbe gnn. In tbe mean
time tbe gun discharged and Green made
his disappearance oot tbe door and coming
to Long Creek, gave the information.
Coroner's Inquest-
At the inque.t over tbe remains of Rich
ard Grazer several witnesses were examined.
ana trom tne testimony given it appeal a
that he experienced a fall on Tuesday, Jan,
8th, which oansed bia death Friday morn
ing. Tbe following i-the verdict.
DuroE. Ob., Jan. 12, 1895
In tbe matter of the inquest upn tbe
body ot P. R Gr aer, deceased, we, the
jury empannelled to it quire into the eauae
of the death of P. R, Grazer, who died ' on
Friday morning, Jtn 11, 1895, at tbe resi
dence of W. L. Heodrix, find as follows:
That said deceased was abont 34 years of
age, and waa unmarried. . That the cause
ot aeatn to tne neat ot our l-idgment was
through an accid B'al fa 1 from a building
oc Tuesday, Jso 8, 1893, wbicb caused a
rupture and thereby produced eonjestion of
the lungs. Patrick Bolton,
D.a tiuroa,
T. W. GtAvev,
M Callauhak,
P. GoBJCAtt.
The snow storm of Jan 4 which covered
the greater part of O enou and Washington,
damaged diffeieut looilities to an alarming
dig-ee At O mvpia the aoow fell 2J feer
deep on a level, breaking down several emd
buildings; also the dam-age at McMinuville,
Or,, will reach near $2000 as tbe result o'
heavy alnsh snow mashing down buildings
before it could be removed.
Five hundred dollars expeusee for bring
ing a prisoner from Harney county to Port
land in order to trv bim for selling a pint
of whi-kv to an Indian, stems like a hivh
price lor the punishment of theueffense; bu'
that is what the last case cost thn g ivern
ment. The prisoner will lie 'n jul until
June, and th total cot.t of trying him will
be b at $1,000, which is a b'g price for a
pint of whiek ..
Cars of provisions have heen sent from
several ol the valley towns dur'ng the
pant few weeks to tbe Nebraska famine
sufferers. A movement is now nn foot to
send a car Irom ' JorvaUi- at an early dve.
Already considerable flour has been
promised and those interested in the mat
ter infor the Gazette that prospects are
favorable for ge.ting the entire cirloid
contrihuted within ten days or two weeEs.
Tbe "Golden Giant" was put en the
boards in very good style last Disrht bv
the French dramatic troupe Mr. and
"rs French did some floe acting, and
were frequently applauded. The pky is
named utter a mine in Idaho, where there
is enacted the usual episodes that makes
the drama interesting- There is fraud
r.nd love in the play; but the endinsr is
harmonious, and the right triumphs. The
plot is verv good.and throughout tbe play
there are many exciting situations.
"Davy Crorkett" will be put on the
hoards by the French dramatic comp-ny at
t e Bildwin opera house tonight. ' Divv
Crockett" will be taken hv Mr. R E
F-euch, and E enore Vanghu by Mr.
French They will have goi'l support, and
the play will be one f the most attractive
-ver acted before a Dilles audience. To
gether witb the usual pathos there ai'l he
umdv iuttrsoersed that will keep the
audience in a roar of laughter.
A dispatch from Boston yesterday stseta
that the A nerican board of foreign mission
aries has decided to grant the request ot one
f their missinuarie-, who nnws the lan
guage and country nbiut Deli Btba pass, to
be permitted to a-si-t in the sear h for the
missing round-the-worM bicyclist, Faok
L-i'Z. aunnnaed to have been lost or mnr--dered
in Turkev. E ery person along tha
roots who met the daring you 'g bicyclist
will watch with interest the effrt made to
find him.
' Not long ago an agent for an encvclo
pedis called at a house in Bear valley,
where there lived an old ladv aid her
nephew a young man. Before showing;
his prospectus tbe agent began to talk ol
a good cyclopedia, but the woman soon
stopped him with these words: "I have
uo use for it at my age, but you may talk
to John here, and if be wants It snd can
pay for it, I have no objections; but as for
me, I am so old, I couldn't ride the thing
if I had it."
The largest Bible in tbe world is in tie
Vatican library at Rome. It weigh 520
poonda and it is written in Hebrew Three
men can hardly carry it. As well as every
relio preserved in that valuable library, it
has ita bistorv or more orrec'ly speaking'
its Itgend. Io the year 1512 a syndicate of
Ruaaian Jewa aent a m -saenger to Pope
J uliu LI offering him ita weight in gold tor
that a ble. J alius refused to consider their
offer. At this rare the Bible would be
worth nearly $400 000
100 Reward. tlOO-
The readeis of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only
positive cur now Soown to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh (Jure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upin tbe blood,
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the foundation of the disease,
and giving tbe patient strength by build
ing up the constitutinn and assisting na
ture in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in ils curative powers,
that tbey after One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
F. J. Chbket & Co., Toledo, O.
gsySolU by druggists, 75c.
Jr. J. B. Wattm, druggist and physi
cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with
heart disease for four years, trying every
remedy and all treatments known to him
self and fellow-practitioners; believes that
, heart disease is curable. Be writes:
"I wish to tell what your valuable medi
cine bas done for me. For four years I had
heart disease of tbe very worst kind. Sev
eral physicians I consulted, said it was
Rheumatism of the Heart
It was almost un
endurable; with
shortness of
breath, palpita
tions, severe
pains, unable to
sleep, especially
on the left side.
No pen can de
scribe my suffer
ings, particularly
during the last
fmonths of those
four weary years.
DR. J. H. WATTS. I finally tried
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and waa surprised at tbe result. It put new
life into and made a new man of me. 1
have not had a symptom of trouble since
and lam satisfied your medicine has cured
me for I have now enjoyed, since taking It
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I might add that I am a druggist and have
sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for
I know what It has done for me and only
wish I could state more clearly my Buffer
ing then and the good health I now enjoy.
Your Nervine and other remedies also
give excellent satisfaction." J. H. Watts.
Humboldt, Neb., May 9, '94.
Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive
guarantee that the tirat bottle will benefit.
AlldruggistasellltatO. 6 bottles for5,or
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
Iu tbs Circuit Court of ths State of Orsgoa, for
Wasco county.
Ibe PadS? Fire Insurance OnDamnr, p'aintiff, vs.
Ihiniel J. C-toper, Avazena A.C oner, Ths Ual'a,
Pufur a 8illsioue E. B. Uo., D. Id. French anu
J. W. French, Jcfei dauts.
Bv virtue of an execution dnlv Issued out of and
under tne seal of the circuit court of ths Stste of
Oregon, for ths County of Wassu, to me dirsjted.
dated t8th day of November. ISM, upon a ludir
mant anu decree of foreclosure reHosrad and li
te red in sm d court on tbe 15th dv of November,
ISM, in favor ol tne Pacific Fire Insu anee Com
pany, plaintiff, and against Dtniel J. Cooper and
Arras na A. Co. .per. defendants, for the sum of
16,882.00, commanding and requirinr ma to male
sale ol tne tallowing aeacrinsa real t'ropercy snu
ai, a In th county of Wasco, and state of Oregon,
Tns west ba'f of Section SO, Townab p t north.
Bangs 14 east, 320 acn; tbe northeast quarter and
the east haif of ths southea t quarter ot a otlon SS,
Town-hip 2 n .rth. Bangs li esat, 2,0 ass; tbe
east Hal ot th south out quarter or section x,
lowiiahlp t north, B nge la east. 80 acres; ths
southwest quarter of 8 c for 81, Township t north,
Kange 16 east, 183 acres; tbs southasat quarter of
Section i6. Town.hip t north, Banire 1 east, 160
acres; the west h If of the n .rthweet quartarof
Isection SI, Township 2 north, Kange 16, saat, 108
acres; the west half of the northwest quarter of
action 82. lownahin 2 north, rsn ire 15 east, so
acre-; the southeast quarter of Beotlon SO, Town
ah p 2 north, Ka ge 16 east, 190 acres; the east half
and the bou.hwa-t qu irw of the northwest quarter
of Sectl n 80, Township 2 noith, Kange 16 east. Its
acres; the west half of the south went quarter of
Section 30, T wnahip 2 north, Bang 16 e iat, 108
seres; the north hall of the souths tat quarter sod
ths northeast quarter of ths southwest quarter of
Section 19, Towuship 2 north, Bangs 16 east, 120
acres; the east half oi Section SI. own-hip 2 north,
Bangs 15 east, 820 acres Total 2,032 seres. I did,
on tbe 27ih day of November. 18M, duly levy upon
the abova de-cribed real p operty.
Now, therefore, bv virtue of said execution, Judg
ment, Older an decree, and n conformity with ths
commands ot said writ, 1 will on a ednesday, tbs
2nd day o January, 189), at the hour of 1 o'clock
and 8J mm-ite-, p. m., at the front dooref the
o.unty e -urth nse of said Wa-am County, in ths
City of Tbe Dai lea, in i-aid county a d state, se 1 at
puolic auction, subj ct to redemption, to ths high
eat bidder for United States go d e in, cash in hand,
all the right, title and in sreat of the above named
def ndants. or either of them, in and to tbe above
uercriDea rsa. property to s ti ly said execution.
Judgment, o.dei and decree, interest and easts and
ali aveming cost.
Sheriff of Wasco County, ureiron.
Dated at Dallas City, Oregon, Deo. 1, ism.
Laxb Omci ar Tbs Dallis, 0rso, '
Decern boi IS, ISM.
Notice is hereby gten that the following- named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before tbe Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oreaou, on January 24. 1SV6, vis:
SK, S WJ. See 21, Tp 1 8, B 14 E.
He names I he following witnesses to prove bis
eon lnuona residence upon aad cultivation of said
land, vis:
H nrv Hudson. Harry Hudson, Jnlio W Montgom
ery, Jonu 1) Decker, all of Dufur, Oregon
J AS. If. MOORE, Register.
Lass Omos at Tun Dau.cs, Oasooa,
. t November 6. 16M.
Notice is hereby oiven that the following-named
settler his filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
tLa. said proof will be msue before the Register and
Receiver of tne U. 8. land office at The Dalies, Dr.,
oa ueoember 20, 1894, v.s:
H E, No 2384, for the e ue sec 4. tp 2 n, r 12 e,
and lota 6, 6 and 7, sec US, tp 8 n, r 12 a.
He names the foilnwiue- witnesses to prove hia
continuous resilience upon and cultivation ot said
land, viz:
Chsrles Cramer, Herbert Thiol, Matt Thlel, L J.
Davenpoit, all of alosler, Oregon.
Noyit.-6t J AS. K. MOORE, Register.
We can fit too in sip.
We can please you it. style.
We can suit you iu price.
If you will give ut tb- opportunity.
Overcoats and Ulteis.
Laao Omcs st Tub Dalles Oa.,
O :t..tnr 20. 1891.
Notice Is hereby riven that the fnllm'W-nmri
settler has filed notice of hU intention to make
final proof in support of i is claim, and tht said
proof will be made before the register and receiver
at Ths Dalles, Oregon, nn Decern er 4, 18M, viz:
ItAaAllB A1&1&,
H E No 8S2S tor ibe lots 8. t and 6. stc IS. tn 1 n.
r IS s, w M
He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz;
H C Nielsen. Jesse Simonson. John Fraderlekaon
ji nn nnnat, an ui xao Danes, "revon
ct27-St J Ad MOnRE, Register,
Cams to ths premles of ths subscriber, ia Long
Hollow, about 14 miles aoutheast sf lhe Dalles, one
orrel mare, branded M on right ahou'der, two
white hind feet, white atrio in facs. She h.a aenlt
braided the same The owner can have the same bv I
proving property and navinr for tie chanraa of
keeping and be cost ol this advertisement.
Long Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 94. D. F fbBORNE.
Harper's Weekly.
In 1895.
HARPER'S WEEKLY t a pictorial Matory of the
timsa. It presents every important event promptly.
accurately, ana exnaustireiy l Illustration and res
cript Ire text ci tns nigbest omer
The manner in which, during 18M, it has treated
tne umcago runway strikes and tns Chlno Japan
ese War, and the amount of liirht it waa ahU to
thr w on Korea tbe instant on was directed
to that little-known country, are examples of i a al
most boundless resources. Julian Ralph, tb. - dis
tinguished w iter and correspondent, has bes-i sent
to tne seat of war, and there toined bv O. D. Wat
don, the well-known American artist, now for many
yeais resiuenc in riam, wn., nas oeen engage to
co ot-erar.e witn atr Haiph In sending to HARPER'S
wstaii exclusive lnxormauon and Illustration
During 1896 every vital question will he di -naeed
with vigur and without prejudice in tha edit ri 1
columns, sna aiso in special articles 0 tbs bigb-st
suiMorwea in eacn aepanm-nt. iMrtraltS ' ! tile
men and w men who are marine- history . ai.d now-
erf ui snd o tustic po Itical cartoons, wjl! continue to
be characteristic features. This Busy World, with its
keen and kindly o mmsnton the lesser doings of tbs
uay w ii remain a regular oeiat tm nt
FicnoH. Th-rs will b- two powerful earials, both
handsomely 1 luatrated Tbs Bed U ckodo. a stir
ring lomanee oi olden days by Stanley J. Weymui,
and a nsvel of -en York, entitled The son of His
Father, hy Brsr.der' Mat' bews Several novelettes,
ana many eaora scunes uy writers
Ssmd for Illaatravted Proapoetus-
Tha Volumes of tbs Weekly begin with ths first
number for January of each year. When no time la
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with ths num-
oer current at ins urns oi receipt ox orusr.
Cloth cases for each volums sultabls for blndlnr
will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each.
Title-page and Inde sent on application .
Remittances shou'd b made by postcmot money
vruea or unut, w aroio eitance ox loss.
without ths express order
from any one that doe not belong to ths Association, and I btvja bette class of goods. Bavin
taken thr necessary course of instruction in embalming, I am prepared to attend to everything petuUnin
to the business.
' PLACE OF BU8INRSS Corner of third and Washington streets. KESIDLNLE Comer of Fourth
snd Washington stiver. All or ere promptly attended to.
1,1 MICHELL, Undertaker aod Hake
But at a Very Small Profit
a copy
of ilarytr 4c Brother.
Harper's Msgastne
Harper's Weekly
harper's Basar
Harrtr'a Young People ,
M 00
4 00
. 00
. i 00
Men's Zipp and Calf Boots.
Men's Kipp aad Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Grain and Calf Button Shoes
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords. "
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Orair and Calf Button Shoes
R. E. French, the popular sotor, and
his charming wife, Eve Earie French, will
commence a tbree nigh's' engagement at tbe
opera bouse tonight, anppoited by an ex
cellent company ot players, in a npertoire
of standard oomerly dramas. Upon Mon
day evening they will produce Clay M
Qreen's greatest play "The Golden Giant."
Tuesday evening, tbat beautiful picture of
the b tea wood n.ade so famous by Mr. Frank
Mayo, entitled "Davy Crockett," aod
Wednesday evenirg, positively the last ap
pearanoe of tne great sensational tooiedy
drams, "Phoenix' or "Kiaen from ths
Ashes." Reserved sesta now on sals st
BUkely and Hocghtooa.
20 Easily Made.
We want many men, women, bors, and girls to
work for ns a few hours daily, right Iu nnd around
theL-otrn homes. The business is easy, pleasant,
strictly honorable, and pnvs better than any other
offered agents. You lutre a clear field and no
competition. Experience and special ability nn.
necessary. No capital required. We equip you
with everything t'.:at you need, treat you well,
and belp you to tarn ten times ordinary wages.
Women "do ss well as men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any one. anywhere, can o ths
work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim
ple direction. Earnest work will surely bring
you a great deal of money. Everything Is new
and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full information. No barm
done if you condade not to go on witb the
George Stinson&Co.,
Box 488,
Pottage free to all Subteribtn n the United State
vanaaa ana assise.
Address HARPER SaOtHEBS, P. O. Box SW
New York City.
As KELLER Prop';
am p. spared to furnish families, orisls and ret
tanranta witb the ofaosoest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Harper's Bazar.
Ia IN08
Elegant anil exclusive desivns for f lut-dooi and
indoor Toilette, drwn Irom Worth mode s bv San-
do! and h puis, are an Important feature. These
appear eve y week, ace mpnied by minute des
ert ptlo a and details. Our Paris Latt- r. bv Rath.
erine de Forest, is a weekly trans ript of the latest
sty es and caprices to ths mole. Under tne head
of IVew Tork Faanious plain directions and full
pamruiars are given ss to Shanes, fabrics, trim-
m ngs. and a cesw les f the oatuoMa of well.
dressed women. Children's clothing receives prao
tica attention. A fortnightly Pattern-ah et . rr
p ement enables reaners to cut and make their own
gowns. The woman wn takes UAKPSK'S BAZAJt
is pro pared for every occasion tn Ilia, ceremonious oc
luionn !, wnere oesutirui ores ! itqulslts
An American Serial, Djctor WarriCv's UaughUr's
oy He-ioecca Harding Davis, a strona n vel
Arne ican life, nartlv laid in P nnavlrania and
Daruv m -ne tar Buutn, will occupy tbs last hail of
uh J ear.
My Lady v0body, an intensely exciting novel by
Maar'en Maartens. author of "God's aw "Tha
un ,ter latory," etc, will legln the year.
K-suys aid boilal Chats, 'lo this department
gpectei or will contribute her chinning papers on
nuaa eouv KF'ing, iu new torK seoietv.
: Answers to Cone pondents, Oue-tions receive
tbs personal a tie ition ot the a lit ,r. and are an
swered at tns earliest possible date alter tb Ir re-
Sand for Illustrated Prospectus.
Tbe Volumes of ths Bazar besin with tha flrat
nuuiier ror auuary oi eacr year, wne no lime ia
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with ths Mam-
oar current at tne urn. ol receipt of order.
viotn eases lor eacn volume, suitable for binding,
mill be ssnt bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 each.
Title-page and Index sent on application.
Remittances should be made by pustoffios money
order or draft, to avoid ehanoe of loss.
Mmtpapm an not to amy thil advtrtittmmt
wtueut the emrm oraer of Harper at Bntkm.
Psa Taaai
Harpers Magazine ..t4 00
4 00
5 00
A Large Selection of "Infants Shoes; Arctic and Ruhher
Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc.
Shoe Shop in Connection With Store
i Stoneman & Fiegr
This rraat Veaatabla
v i taiiaer.tns Dreauno-
tion oi a lamoua t rencn puyaraan, will quickly cure you or ail ner
vous or diseases of the generative urgaiis, such as Lost Manhood.
Insomnia, J'ains In the Biujk, Seminal Emissions, Mervoos Debility.
Pimples, Unfitness to Harry, Exhausting Drains, VsrVwels and
rVmatlnnrlnn. 1 1 stOtM all loasea bv flav or tiUrht. Pmvnra nnlek.
Hess of dischargs, which it notcheck-rd leads to SpermstorrhaM and
Bra-nee? ar-rras tnenorromoi impotncr. aja-nsswsscisnss meuves, um
t-n kidneys and the nrtnary organs ot sal Impurities.
S'SI pfasa 1 .hwnh.M nnH MatAMsimall wn tr nmna
The reason aufferem are not cn.-ed by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are tumbled with
rieslelllla. CDPIDENE Is the only known remedy to curs wliuoSilau operation, tuuoieatlmnnl.
als. A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes doe not eireot a permanent enrSa
UP a box, six fur f&.rjo, by mail. Send for FBcndrcular and testimontala,
Jialisss II I TtTIi UriHTTffir " " '" JbrSaUbt
tlnn of a famous French Dlivairian. writl auieki'
Harper's Weakly ,
narpera Bazar
Harper's Young People .
Pottage free to aU rubtcriben in the United Mate.
.j i a, -
vwhhw nma m hkv.
MB, New Tork City.
P. O. Bos
San i Francisco i Beer Hall
. Land TrsuiaxVsrs
Jan 11 C C FitsQeraid to J H Sherar;
undivided one-third interest in lots 1, 2, 7,
V snd V, block 6, Jaughlin a addition to
Dalles Citvt $4500
Jao 11 Cemetery Association to John
btanly; loi 33, B tte cemetery; $3.
Jan II United States to Christian Deth-
mani w fa- of oe qr aec 23, tn 2 n. r 10 east:
oaari purcnag".
Jan. 14 Msr Ltap-hMn to G W
Johnston; lot 8. block 4, Lauehlin- I
B off Addition to .Dalles City; $150
Jan. 14-United States to Archioald
Wi son; c hf of a e or. sec 8 ti 1 north
oi ransre 14 i.-; nome- 1.
Fresh i sters Sened Is Every Styls.
F. LEMHK, Propl-letor.
teeoad threef. Next door to Tbe Dalles
tlonal Bank,
wuw uu? w uay a in 11c mon wan tne cost l r-w -
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the I Vaf JlTfPrlfAC SYlffl
Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown in Virginia, and are
1 I TTTTBa Vi s
if m-Mii
Fl anrtTRicnY
A Gentleman
T7ho formerly resided in Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
a) years past, my wife
and 1 have used Ayer'a
Hair Vigor, and we
' attribute to It the dark
hair which, she and I
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either gray-beaded,
whlteor bald. . 'When
asked how our hair has
retained its color and
fullness, we reply, By
the roe ef Avert Hair
Vigor nothing else.' "
''Is 1868, zny affianced
WM nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall
ing, pat
T-e t y
day. I
her to use
Ajttfi Babe Vigor, and very soon, it not
only checked any further loss of hair, bnt
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. - It Is all
that It Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
. (Suooessor to P. KBXFT ft OO.
And All Kinds of the
tansrt, FsHMnirbattotstViraV ai aartii rj s-a a f s-t"l t n s-r-I-a s a nn I llflllT
mmMxmmmUmm. UULUMBIA BKtWtKY been UN UKAUUril
lAlOflrJ, 8EC0N0-CLASS AND SmRAfl!
rates on Iowmk lami to and frnm the nflnnfnla
Cxooralon tlekAea aMllahle aa ,i.i,., k .. .,.
turaeqiie Clyde North or Ireland or Naples Gibraltar
ureas aaa subs? Oram or an amount at fewest fates.
Apply to any of onr Iocs! Aenta or to
Dealer in
I Kiiasir3'sl . . . -ra
Artists' Material snrl Painters' Snpn'ies
F. W. SaVERTOOTff, Prop.
Truths k; Sick.
For those DF1TUI v on imie
I SPELLS depend oa Sulphur Bit
I ters ; It never fails to cure.
A'l orders for psinticir, psperlng and
kalsominiritr promptly attended to . .
First-class Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Always on Hand.
Corner Second and Court Streets,
Tha Daixis. Obmow.
W-Exchange - Saloon.
tired and all-gone feeling? If so use
I Snlphnr Titters; it will cure you.
Don't be without a. hnt.
tle. YouwiUnotrerretit
trie ioi a lair face is a Wnti.
SEcnrrlful skin. Sulphur Bittera
If Toudonotwieht imakesboth.
srtfferfrom RHEUMATISM, use a
bottle 1 of Sulphur Bitters; it never
fails to cure.
Are you CON&tipated? if an
I Sulphur Bitters is just what you need
Poor. weak, ami
Raise puny, pinpii ism .uu "
Sulphur Bitters will mat tJZ
strong, hearty, and healthy. "
Broke into rov ii closure near W.mtc, ab"ut ths
7tb of Santera er 1 st, on- bay none about is bands
hiah. branded O on the left shoulder. Tha nsmer I
can have him by ' fferi w stis'actorT proof of
osn: cranio and paying for tola notice ana pastorsire.
- - A. J. bwirv.
Dated wamlc, Ore., Oct, e, ISVs.
Wines, Licmors Cigars.
Cleanse the vitiated blood h.
- - . "npnrities bnrstlni
Iuiruugu we B3U in
Rely on SulDhur
Bitters and health
I will follow.
Second Street Bast Cad.
Hill W W SJISILSWlianesai
8end S 2-oeot stamp to A. P. Ordwnv A r .
JKieton, ataaa.. tot beat madical emric pni:nHt.p J
. Corner Third and Washlnfrton Streets.
Cured Hai, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tops,
And the Viest Bwfatfaks, Mutton Chops and
Veal Outleta in the market.
Orders Delivered to Anv Part of the City
Fresh Vegetables on sale at tbe Lowest Pnrva.
The One Price Cash House,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ac .
Agent for the Bottenck patterns: also for the Hall Basaar brtsl Forma,