The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 19, 1895, Image 3

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    The Times-fflouniaineer
From WetoanUv's Dajiv.
Mr. W. H. Stasis, of Dufur, gave us an
agreeable call today.
Mr. Robert Kelly returned from a viit
to bis Kingsley farm last mgbt.
Mr. P. H. WtsefieKI. the county as
sessor, left ill 8 mornine for Halera.
Mr. and Mrs. AnmaU'r nee Hood.lef1
on the tram tliig mornine for their
fu'urehome in Los Angalee, Calif. ,
Mr James Shaw, of Oregon City, who
has been here for seVeral days past in
connection wi h establishing -a woolen
mill and wool scouring plant in this
city, - returned home on the morning
There will be a meeting of the newly
- organized hook and ladder company at
the enirine house this evening A full
attendance of members is requested, as
busine-S-of impoatance will be pre
sented. In W. E. Garretson's Jewelry window
tomorrow afternoon there will b- a
menagerie from 2 to 4 o'clock It will
be a eight woithy of the inspection of
connoisears, and one that will not easily
be forgotten.
The revival services at Dufur are large
ly attended, and there is a pood re'isrious
Influence perviding the community iwv
Bryan preacbr s every evening, and be en
jovs tbe reputatiou ot being an earnest
and torcible sper.ker.
Tbe "Phoenix" at the opera house to
night promises to he the most attractive
play yet. There will be thrilling scenes,
v- and the play is full ot interest from he
ginniDZ lo end. The French dramatic
company is first-class, and every member
is an artist.
jx-Got 8. F. Chad wick died io Stilem
yesterday.. Dinner was In' proarress, ana
he was entertaining friends when death
camo to bim instantaneously. He was a
pioneer of tbe state, having lived here
llm-n 1HXI anrt vmq vnvpTnnr nt Orpirnn
from 1876 'to 1878. .
The R&iulntor will not maVe daily trips
for perhaps a men h. The boat will be
placed on the ways and thoroughly re
paired before she is again placed in the
trade; but the Vaiie City, on the lower
river, requires very many repairs, and
this will cause the delay.
Winter amusements at Dulur are in
dulged in to a large extent. Coasting for
the small boy and girl, and sleighing for
the elder ones make up tbe routine of
daily enjoyment.. Almost every hour
there are social visits to neighbors, and
these pass the time away in a very accept
able manner.
The number of fools in the world is le
gion, and the varieties of folly are num
berless. Frequently it takes the form
of some peculiar diet, as a religious ob- I couyomioo.
, eervance. Up on Wolf Creek, Douglas
county, is a new sect who refuses to eat
anything but gcat's milk, goose fat, duck
. eggs and mush.
A terrible accident resulting i" great
, loss of life has ccurred in Rio Janeiro
' bay. The boilers of the steamer Nic
theroy, which vessel had quite a large
number of excursio ists on board, ex-
, ploded and the shock drove the redhot.
coals from the furnace in every direc
tion. The Bteamer caught fire and a
great number of those on board jumped
overboard to escape tbe flames, alto
gether 180 persons were drowned.
i Tbe legislature has begun work, and
has already voted ielt some
' in tbe shape of three daily newspapers to
' each member of the house anil six lo each
senator, besides copies ot the session lavs
itnd ot tbe code Ol course the usnal
number of penknives and amount of
stationer ,' have been furnished.
For several weeks there have been re.
pons UI luas in uuisro uy oui:b.ujcii hi
Rogue River valley from mountain fever.
Last week on the Sampson creet range
near Soda Springs, six dead horses were
found in one day,tonr of them in a buocb.
Tbe animals were in good flesh and were
undoubtedly victims of the uiaease.
There will be services from now on in
the Lutheran chapel every Sunday at
10 a. jc. On Monday Kev. Horn wilt
begin with the lessons preparatory to
confirmation. Every day except Wed
nMdav and Saturday there will be Ger
man school, and if any Americans desire
to take a course they may send in their
names add begin.
The negroes recently imported from
Virginia to work in Coos Bay coal mines,
are returning whence they came They
are assisted by the white laborers whose
plates they were mtenaeatoiaae. ineir
imnAnMn naa t tl& 1" HlllT. Ol 11IPH VTf.K-
UlJJWiillwvii jwaa . w . v.-- - r
merit between the whites aud their f m-
nlovers. and the negroes taking the
American view of the matter decided
not to supplant the former laborers.
Boys, and, id some instances, we have
seen girls attach their sleds to sleighs be
lug hauled by horses at a npid gut, and
thus altow tncmtelves to be whirled
through tbe streets at almost lightning
speed. This Is dangerous amuseuiont,
and may result ia serious accidents. Boys
and git Is should keep away from passing
sleigi'8, especially when attached to a
spirited team ot horses, if they wish to
avert accidents.
jrtr. P. B Grazer was Interred in the
Odd Fellows' cemetery at Dufur Monday,
and tbe remains were buried from tbe M.
E. church, the funeral discourse deing de
livered by air. A.J. Brigham The proces
sion to the cemetery, which was composed
of a large number of frieuda and lelatives,
was led by the Dufur brass band, which
played funeral marches. After the bodv
was lowered iolo the grave the bind
played the last requiem over the. dead.
Tbe young man was highly repected in
the community, and his suJden deu-ise is
universally deplored. ;
Fridiy night Mattie V. Linde, a young
lady of Snohomish, while gathering
moss on the be ch near Seattle, fell into
ths water, striking her bead upon a log
and becoming unconscious. This was at
4:30 in the afternoon. Seven hours
lat r she regained consciousness and
found herself bruised and scratched, ly
ing on the beach, with the rain beating
down upon her. She lay in that heir
less condition until 6 o'clock tbe next
morning, when she was discovered by
two fishermen, taken to their cabin and
restored with stimula te.
The funeral was attended by a large con
course ' f relatives and friends. The Rev.
P S, Knight, of S'em, conducted tbe ser
vices. At the time cf his death the de
ducted was 78 ear of acre.
Yra'erdiv aft, ronoo several tlfg'phie
mess-ages were lent to the members of tn
legislatnre f-om this city rtqm-stine them o
go into caucus act eapoort Mr. Lo!(.h for
senator. Th s m-ssnge were signed bv
nearlv every R polViom who wssnpproached
on the sutj it, and there never was such
a auanimi m feeling in the party ranks in
this vicinity as that in favor of the re
election of the senior enatir from Oregon
Overp rortn-jtioo" is still hesrd orcan'ni
adv when the fu'ure of the pi one iiiHuntrv
m O eyon ia ui d-ir consideration. H. VV
Co'tle says: "A p-on.iDent Califoraian
told me that he h d been g- owiug prune
for s xt. ro years, that he had hesrd talk ot
ovir prndoctioo all that tiin ; but that the
hnsinns bad been more profit ble o him as
the vesrs ro'l bv, a nt b-ittcr methods of
rnltivaiion. pruning and graii.ig prevailed
His pro es iast year brought him oyer $500
per acre."
A correspondent of the Alhan.- Vtmocrat
sivi: The railoiri coinmi.nioa to
ave brought ahout a rtdncMor ia freight.
L-t ns see about that. B fore the time o
the commission we paid 20 cents p"r hnii
d i-d for freight froir P jrttand to Browos
vdle Now, for the s.nin freight, we ta
30 cents p-r hundred. How is that for rr
luctioi ? Aboii.n the railroid commioion
aod every other useless parasite from the
pay rolls of state aod county.
In the interlude hefote the last rc' at the
opera h"am lat niht Mr R F ei ch
uinebfore the ourtain, and re'U'ned h s
'hanks for mauy lavora received at The
D-iIiea He pud a hign compliment to The
DtHei O i hes'ra Union, rod said that dar
ing the twenty yeara he had been in the
dramatic p'Ofession he. had never known a
more competent band o' musicians. The
city should be prond of eq h an efficient
orchestra, so highly accomplished in this
The tax levy waa made by the county
ominifSi"ners yesceniay, aon was as tol
'os: State, 3 milU; state ' hool pnrpnses.
5 mills; cru ity pnrprvies, 12 mill; county
ruad pnrposps, 1 " m II. Total i-tata and
cuuty. 21 mills. Of the levy for o'iniitv
purposes the on -twentieth of one mill will
go to the O. A. R. relief fund. The rate ot
tz-'S is the lime as last yar, but as tbe
valuation of property has been reduced
about 20 per oent th s is a good showing in
the line of economy.
Albany Herald: For some time Mr. E.
C. Rustll. of Seet Home, haa beei. court
ing Misa India Hiwes of ihit place, anrl
the Utter bid connented to become his wife
Her stern' parent", however, i bjt'd ami
kept her locked lip at home Mr. Ruaxel)
came to Albany and procured a writ of
habeas corpus, armed with which an officer
has gone 'to brii g Miss Hiwes to thia city
As she is of legal g aud wishes to become
he wife of Mr. Ruiel the latter has taken
heroic measures to win his hride. The orti
cer will probably arrive today, when the
happv marriage i expected to tike place
Mr. Rus ell ia a respected vnnng man of
hat neighborhood.. He wa a delegate from
Sweet Home to the last Republican state
The 'Wool and Scouring Mill.
! The committee appointed at the pub.
lie meeting last Saturday evening, met
last night and submitted the following as
their answer to the proposition of Mr.
The Dalles, Or , Jan 15, 1895.
ifr. James Shaw, The Da'le$, Oregon.
Dear Sib : In reply to your proposi
tion to build and operate a woolen mill
and scouring plant in this city, we tbe
undersigned, a committee appointed to
canvass the matter with our citizens
will offer you the following.
If you will guarantee to Put in and
operate the wool scouring and drying
plant and a v oolen mill of the capacity
of not less than two sets of modern ma
chinery, r ferred t in your droposition,
we for our citizens and the wool growers
of :his section will undertake to furnish
you a desirable site, and suitable build
ing; the same to be d nated to you on
our being assured of the establishment
and operation of the works in good faith.
O r citizens do not feel justified in
furnishing the funds necesary for pur
chasing machinery and operating the
plant a d therefore respectfully decline
that portion of your proposition.
- Very Respectfully,
Bobebt Mays,
1). M Fbench,
Emil Schanxo, -M.
T. Nolan,
P Bhogan, sr.,
M A. MoOdv.
available funds a surplus of unused ap
pmpriatioas of '89: and 1894, heretofore
levied, of about f 217,000, and mlscellane-1
ous receipts of 1894 and estimated re
ceipts of about f'46,000, making a total of I
$243,000, wbicb added to the present levy
will produce 8094.000. This sum is be
lieved to be enough to defray all the ex
penses of 1S95.
The following bills were allowed and
warrants ordered d awn for the amounts.
A A TJrquhart,
James M benaon,
John ' ates,
J W Ingalls,
J M Elliott,
Peter Traua
Hoot Ku'jd.
Alex McLeo3,
W 1 Haxriman, furnr
do . 2 CO
I! rand juror (23 00
From Friday's Daily.
Sieghmg parties are iba ord .-r of the day.
passing awty yery agree-
' From Thursday's Dally.
Winter with its enow. :
Mr. C. O. Roberts, of Hood River, is io
the city today.
Ths aoow for the past two days has made
sleighing superb.
A winter in January means spring in Feb
ruary in thia latitude. ,i .. '-.
The aouoty """court ar'jmrned Tuesday
after an uumnally loog session, . y
Mr. Simeon Boltoo, of Ooldendale, ar
rived in tbe city on the inoruiug train.
There has been ao abundance of snow
this wiuter, aod this wili mauru good crop
ntx; summer.
Elder J W. J.nkios will cccupv the pul
pit of the CnnatUo ohmoh in this city next
Sunday, morning aod
Scow fell yesta day to tbe depth of about
two inches, and last night another inoh waa
added to the congealed element.
Four hoboes were arrested last night by
tbe marshal and longed in jail. Tney were
released this morning, aod left the city.
A very intetestiog meeting of Wasco
tribe, Ha. 16. I O R M , was held last
eveuing, atd hrte Warriors were raiaed to
the Chief's ratk.
By reason of 'be prntrnoted mee'in; i o t
beiug held at Dutur Eider J. W. Jenklm
wi 1 recall hi. appjiatmeut to hold s ervica
there oast Sunday.
Tbe following deed waa filed for reoorn
with tbe county olerk yestsrdaw O-car
Strananao and wife to J. K. Stranana j
two aorea in tbe Win. Jenkio'a donauou
land olum No S5. tp 3 n, t 10 east; $1.
The Rrpnblioao members of the legi la
tare went into caucus last night io S.lenj
oa the senst rial question, and che reia t
was that Dolph received 40 v. te, Fuitou
12, Tongue 11. and scattering 9. Tins wi.
insora the re-"leotioo O' Mr DAph next
Tuesday to tbe V. S. senate.
The Congregational 7. P. S G. E. wi I
give a sleighing parry Frdiv n git to th
old Irvine jl iO. Teams will Uat pt'tsa-gf-r
from the Congng.iional cburcb there
and back for tbe aura of 60 cents, including
sapper. Parties wishing to furbish theii
own teams will bs served sapper for 25 cents
each. AU are invited to oume.
AH tbat remained mortal of Hun Riloh
C. Oeer, one of Oregon's - earliest pisoeerv,
having come to the state io 1847, was laid
to rest ia the Hiorr Woroa oem-ten ,
Marion coaaty, Friday at 11 o'clock A Jf
The winter is
Tne fraternal. societis in this city are all
in a prosperous condition. "
The aidew tiks and crosswalks are cleaned
from suow, and pedestrians have no reason
to complain,
Miss Stephenson, daughter of the vice
president, riied at 1:15 tnu afveraooti as
A heville, N. C. ' .
The senatorial contest in the vVaihington
legiala'are will be settled by tbe caucus of
Republican mtmbers.
1 1 Oilliam cuunv a chmook wiu-1 has
mrltet the snow ard cattie are feediug on
ihe buncherss nilia
Mr, M. J. Arderaon, of Dafa-, arrived
in the oitv y S'-erJiy eveniug, au 1 Uit on
the morning train for Snein.
Perry Waiains ') coi.fioed to his bed
with a serious att ck of typhoid fever, says
the M ro Observer, ilia little daughter
Jennie also ha -it .
If the hair ia falling out, or turning gray,
req iring a stimuleut with nourishing and
coloring food, bail's Vegetable Sicilian bair
Uenewer ia juat the specific.
Tne telegiaib bnnga tnauew- that a snow
storm is raging in the Sierra Nitidis, aud
traveling -vex w ir I. Traios are liokaded,
aud tramo is generally s uspended.
The sleigh ride to the Irvine tar n this
e emug proin sea to he quite bceraliy pit
la nzed. It will be a adighiful trip, and
One t hit can not be enjoyed at alt aeaeana
of the jer. .
The oitixens ot Emme't, Idaho, horse
whipped and ran out of town a n an who
had irarried a 13 ear old gir't but they
uidn't do a thing to the mm who pertoruied
tbe ceremony for the fas that was in it;
A lady was anvassing theity today for
the Portland Me hoilis1 h i-pital. The citi
zens trea e t her very Jiber.sllv, and she had
g -O'l list ot subscribers. Ibi institution
baa many ul amy patieDte, aod all mocoy
received will be p it to a good purpose.
The folly of prejudice is frequently shown
by people who prefer to sutler for years
rather than try an advertised remedy.
I he millions who have no such otions,
take A er's Sarsaariila t r blooJ-diseases,
and are cured. Su much for common sense.
The world-wide reputat on of Ay er's
ran Vigor, is due to its healthy action on
tbe hair and scalp, t bis incomparable
preparation restores tbe original color to
gray and faded air, aud imparts the slo8-
and freshness so much des'red by all cliissa
of eople.
Winter is not a- sea: on ot mieery and
want with some, and to ills small boy aod
girl, a ben coaotmp is as good as it ;s at
present it furniibea con-idciablj musemeut
So far we have heard of uo accidents, and
to the i enspaper leport. r the tereotyped
item ha- not bsen varied with any exciting
inc dent.
One Patrick E tig was arrested last night
for b lug diULk aud disoiderlv, aud woa
brought befirr tne recotder tl is morning
and fined 45 tor his indi cretioo. He did
not prt Sent a v.ry atiraolive api narance, as
he claimed that si me one had struck him in
tbe face with a beer mug, ana his nasal ap
etd ge showed tbe fies:s. .
Ac-urdn g to the constitution of Oreg n.
the ludebttdnes nf a county is not all iwid
to exceed $j,U(!0 but notwithntandmc,
nearly all, if not all, of the uouuties ii roe
state are owiug Irom 2U 000 ti 8 -"00,000
and Mu'toomah couui, is iu debt $5JO 000.
S nioih niutt be done to reouce ibasa
debts, as the iuiereit is piling up fait
against the overdue warrants,
Mr. and Mrs. L" C. Baker, of Mosier,
were brought to the city Wednesday, The
hasbtod is iusane, aud w.i aeut to tbe asy
lum yesterday, leaving m charita of a friend,
Mr. Powers. .VI rs. Uaker is au invalid,
and wdl he taken care ot by triends at Mo
aier. It was a l Illustration of the mis
fonnnes incident lo hiimaa nfe.
Eicb county should regulate the salares
of its servants or otficera; says the Wallows
Chieftain. Tne atate legislature haa no
mora idea of what ia right or suitable lor
Wallowa county tOu tlieuatioial cougre-a.
The only salary question tbat the stats leg
islature haa don pat is their own compen
sation, which by is little enough, but is
coueilerably swelled by jjuketlog trips
and other aide issues.
The cost of tbe Pendleton sooanni-mlll
plant, machinery all ready in, mills and
warehouses already op aud those upon
hicD construction his commenced, will
foot op nearly $40,000 Tnere are tome
new maohines vet io arrive fiom the ea-t ;
purchase of which has already b-eu made.
Tbi mkea of tbe Pendleton sooaring mill
the must complete pilot on tnu coast, an t
indeed tbe cooceru. as operated during tne
past season, waa more complete than any
other in the a esc.
Arlington Record: Jay P, Iviras gave
notioe to the couuty court this t uie that be
would in the near future tender his resigna
tion as county o'erk, giving u hi reason
that his brother, who haa been iu charge of
his Biothei'a farm aluce the death of his
father, has a -cp ed po-ttion n -ei a mg
bis reir.oval to Portland, and Mr Louas
bsMug been asked by his aged mother to
move down and take charge of the old home
farm, he leeia i bit it is itnuonsible to rcfust
snub teUest and intends to take charge ot
the place in the spring. The L uaa larm ia
one of the good firms of the valley, abcat
a section well improved near Monmouth.
The Pendleton Tribune says that in the
local lo igea of Knights of I'yibiaa aud O a
Fellows several members are communicants
of the Catbolio church. Since tbe recent
denunciation ot thee secret societies by tiie
pope, they hsve b-n confronted with their
conflicting position, and the majority have
decided not to sever their lodge coonectiot s,
T'0 Statement bas been au horitaiiyelv
made in Spokane, toat all Ciih i iua in the
see of Washmgt n and who are at preseut
members of the Odd Fellows or Knights of
Pythias, are not to be debirred from taku.g
thea'Tamnta of the chorea by reasjo if
bc.eojiog to these societies.
The u'sv lat night at ihe opera house of
"Tbe Prcenix" was well rendered bv tbe
trench dramatic tionpe Every part was
brought out fully, and the leading charac
ters were excellently delineated. Mr. R
E. French was in proper role as "Gerald
Gray" and ''Joe B'osiOm," and tbe clement
of the intricate chancer were correctly
personated. Frank Livarne as ' L-ster
Blake" was uncxcepiioi ably gicd, and he
acted the villain to petfeution. . Tbe other
(.arts of the play were well assigned, and
the manner in which they were presented
gave general sUisfactinn. Mrs. E a E.rl
Fremb as ''Kitty L ram- wss an excel
lent delineation of the dinseue, and the
character could not bava been, better taken
John Dunsdale who took tbe Jewish role ot
Levi Mosier wss also worthy of especial
mention. The different scenes io the play
were full of interest, and were sufficiently
exciting to keep the audience on the qui vive
for the next development.
This was tbe last night of this dramatic
company, they havii g played Monday
Tuesday and Wedue day evenings. On
each occasion they nave given complete
satisfaction, and it is a matter of regret
that the attendance was mot larger. This
is tbe first season ot drama this oity has en
liyed for a long time, and there should be
another while the long winter evenii gs test
The Weiser Signal publishes a circnlar
letter from L-onmaa Merritt, president of
thellaho M inborn ruilwav. recently re
ceived from Uuluth, which states tbe bond
i f tue uomnanv have been placed, tontiu
gent, however, UDon the mine owners aud
pioperty holders if that at otic n fnrni limp
agu-raDteeof a certain amount of traffic
Shoo d the guarantee be made, work doubt
ess will be commoooed early tms spring
EVin Rtcordfr: It is really too bad that
that P lk man will persiht in bring
ing ii junction tuit- against the constrootior
ot the Eastern Uregou braucn asylum in
epile of tbe protests of tbe Stlem people
I- I nossi' ie lbat the 'gang at the atate
can tal may prevent the coDstruiiicn of thi
badly needed institution, but they will find
out room Hay that the people of this section
dou't tke much atock in that ro k county
The looal at Union baving in
charge the m itter ot tecuricg a dona'ion
'or the Nebrscka sufiTertra, succeeded iu
fi li ig a ear with d iur, vi g -tables and oilier
edibles, and sent it nut on Sttorday eve-ling's
train. L -rge signs were jilaced npou
the sides of the car. hparlog th follow lug
".Supplies 'or the Nebraska sufferers, from
Union. Union tJ i U ego- the lana nt
plenty." La Grande Chronicle Union and
otners ooiifiiies have giveu relief to tne ne-
braska enfft rere. and Wasco has not done
anything y t
Moro Vbti-ven The Nebraska snfferers
will hear from .Sher.nan county snine day
next week. The mee-ing in Moro was well
attended Prof. ' C. E Brown called the
mettiost' order, and afer stating the
Causes which had call- d them t gether re
marks were made by Sheriff Ho der. K J
iiinn. C C K'iny aud others. E. People.
and Rev. J. W. Adama havirg already
started a eubsci'iption for the purp' se, were
appointed by the meeting to continne the
good wmk. Other points io the enunty,
Grass Valley, Waico, Grant and Rifus,
held similar meetings and shipments are
beiug made this we k
BP Ash.
II f Is. n berg,
T C Clausen,
J K P ure,
L K ndeau.
J Whus ell,
E A Hayes,
Wm h stoats.
C L Schmidt,
r red Chandler,
E N handler,
W J Paretui,
J M Koih,
J B Maney,
La K-lley,
H ilcCov.
J H Ui.DUiick.
C J Hjyes,
w J anutn.
M l-aiiiiall.
Jo'n Brui-tt,
u'las Biler,
Roi.t snudgrass.
C R Hill
W b Morris.
M Poyie,
Jno A Wilson,
b M tt.
fred Kemp,
W i' il colors,
T W I. kens.
J"bn B inn.
O ol Prsther,
J h L-.iiirille,
O ti Hun-lev,
J W Ad mi,
A urtDtree,
B Warren.
I -avis.
James Kultoo.
J Zumwdt,
Tom oiton.
W H B hop,
WA 1-anKilie,
John Lucky.
J R Woodcock,
w Hunt,
Vf C Kupert,
M Fleming,
K Onm s.
H O MKamsv.
J eherriil,
J U AliiUr,
Frew Kisher,
Le-llo B itler,
W H Harris,
Geo Mi.iet,
w Jons,
JosT Peters,
t'. id
. S7 SO
. V6 60
. St 00
, 27 00
. 7 60 I
43 60 I
16 Oi, I
13 20
16 40
4 20
4 80
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2 20
4 80
4 2i
4 ft)
4 0
e 4o
e 4o
6 4H
2 20
2 20
2 20
84 20
4' 90
61 20
4l O-J
87 00
87 V
49 60
SI 40
47 00
40 20 I
J 111
mentalII (A I strong!
sssasssaassasssss asst - aaaasaaaaaaaaiasasssssssaa.aaaaaaaa.aaag
We're Here to
And Want Your Trade
Have yon ever Been Aunt Jemina'a
Pancake Meal?
Or Pettijohns Breakfast Gem ?
Our Eastern Buckwheat Flour is fine,
and you know what Hecker's Seli-Eising
Buckwheat is.
Our Maple Syrup, Maple Sugar, Comb
Honey and sweet things are just as nice
aa you could want them.
Call and see us, or ask Central for 62.
M. Hammerly, a well-known brulness msn
of HUIsboro, Va., sends this testimony to
tne uici iba ui atbti oaraapHruia:' several
years aso, I hurt my leg, the Injury leaving
be can
tend toother parts of the body. After trying
a sore wbichled to erysipelas. My sufferings
v.ere extreme, my leg, from the knee to the
ar.Kie, Deing a souu sore, wiucii began to ex-
THe European House
do 84 40
Mrs & M Wilson, witness..
Con viols Recaptured-
Marshal T J Means oiaim- $120 each for
the capture f Oleson and McCauley, con
victa who escaped from the Walla W-lli
penitentiary, says the East Ortgonian Th
otEcers here have been oa the 1 mkout for
two days and had received from the prison
authorities description of the two men. A
guaid from the penitentiary wai here who
knew them perrooally. VVatoh was kept at
the depots and' as the freight pulled out on
Wedns4y night at 10:30, the trainmen
observed a couple of men attempting to
climb aboard and being content with the
brakebeam. Tne officers were notified and
when pxtmiued, the men answered the
description and wire j tiled.
They bad walked, they aaid, from Walla
Walla to Peudletoo and htpel to get oat
east and ones beyond the state of Oregon
line thought escape sure. 0!e on, the i en-
itentiary electrician, claims iht bis motive
in attempting escape waa to get away from
the hated couGneineot merely, but that he
had no gr'evance, having been a "trusty.
Bat MuCau ey waa dissatie6ed with tbe
food, and complaioed that be was compelled
to labor six hours more each day than tbe
l'gitimate ttn hours whub constitutes
day's labor.
Beet Sugar Factory-
Monday morning A. J. Uackett left
Union tor Chicago to report tbe progress
tbat bas been made in raising tbe subsidy
for securing tbe establishing of a beet
sugar factory in Union county. Tbe cap
italists who are to erect tbe lacir-ry bud
given the comuiiitee until tbe first of tbe
year to complete tle subsidy, but as the
time bad expired aud the subsidy bas not
yet all been raised, it was considered ad
visable for Mr. Uackett to proceed to
Chicago and make tbe best show ng pos
sible of tbe lands and amounts subscribed
and endaavnr to secure another extension
of lime to enable tbe Union people to
fully compleie tbe required bonus. There
bas been nearly enough sub.-cribed, but
owing to the fact tbat a number of tbe
owners of lands being nim-reMdects and
the turd, nt as of others in making deeds
to tbe tricls subscribed, tbe amount has
uot' fulfilled the requirements, but it is
thought tbe amnuut can be made up in
the course of a short time.
Xscaped Convlots-
List Monday night two trusties escaped
from the Walia Walla penitentiary, by cut
ting eff the electric light and scaling the
walls with a ladder. Tney were employed
aa engineer and electrician respectively. A
reward of $150 is off-rid for the arrest tf
etch of them. Their description?, as fur
nished by the Union, are as follows:
Toyal Olson Norwegian, sent from Ta-
ooma, March 6, 1891; sentence seven years;
crime forgery; age 23 years; occupation sea
man and electrician; ueight S fee' 9 inches;
hiir light; eye b u ; weight 160 pounds;
low bridged ug nose; projecting browt;
small, deep set eyes; anchor io India ink on
right band between thumb and for fi.igyr;
knife soar on front right thujh; one scar
above riht knee; one scar one ioob above
right nipple; on scar back of right thigb
near hijj; three scars on right forearm; cat
scar between eyebrows.
Joseph McC.wlev Amerioan, sent from
Spokane, J one 21, 1893; sentence four years,
crime grand ltrceuy; age 23 year; occupa
tion cook aod shoeinakei ; he g t 5 feet 9
inches; hair light; eyes bine gray; weight
155 LOundr; number if imi 1 birdshot soais
on left abio.
J II lici'oy.
J K Vn lernill.
a, Crown.
Oeorvs tibar,
J 11 Blakenry,
Vn tr Harden,
Kalph t.iboos,
Prank V t,
L S I lavu,
A W Whetstone,
Krel Wilson,
J U Jackson,
H Mnr.
Jams Crate,
Fred Bronson,
F L SKlbbe,
Frank Mi l.
Cha- T bbetta,
H a Bidden.
John Dalrymple, do
c a i$eii,
1 A Boeabe.
J O Warner,
L Bovnton,
TC nextoo,
A Hunter.
Chris Bi is,
D a liu ur,
a O Johnson
R -htman.
Indian epencer.
Hra Broadbsnt,
Henrr Waits,
E 8 O'inger,
m te les.
F arenpo t.
J M faiuj awn.
w c Allawar.
Geo Keller,
JHB t.keney,
L K Crowe,
W K Halthcrs,
D 8 Oulur,
F bar er.
Mrs UeVVolf,
Joe r uer,
U Doaus.
James Crate,
Ueorgs Otey,
uward O fatteraon, witness
Dwelling House Burned-
The Fossil Journal says: Wednesday
raoroing, soon after a Ure had been started,
tbe bouse on tbe B b Watson place near
Mavville, occupied by the family of Bandle
Palmer, caught tire where the stovepipe
met tbe roof and quickly burned to tbe
ground. Bundle waa gone ahoeing borate
oo the stage line, but Mrs Palmer, with
the assistance of little Billy Black, man
aged to save the fceis snd bedding and a
tool sliest. Their furniture and winter's
supply of provisions they had just laid in
were lost. Neighbors soon arrived on the
scene, but were loo late to do anything to
ward saving the building. Mrs. Palmer
and children were fortunate in having rela
tives, the family of Frank Palmer, residing
only a quarter ot a mile away, and tempo
rarily took op'their abode with them.
Not Eligible-
Women can't hold office in Ihe state of
Washington, as the followiug from tbe
Yatuma Republic will show:
"Judge Mct-'linton ot the superior court
of Clallam county bas virtually decided
that ucder the lav women cannot held
office in this state. Tbe case which came
before him was that of Charles Russell,
relator, vs. Ella Gup:lll. Miss Ouptill
was, in November, elected superintendent
of schools in tbat county and received the
largest majority of an of tbe successful
candidates, but on the strength of an
opinion received from tbe attorney gen
eral it was decided to con lest her election,
with the result tbat Judge McCllnton
overruled tbe demurrer to the complaint,
wbicb decides the case as far as tbe supe
rior court is concerned. Miss Guptill's
attorney says that he will appeal tbe case
to the supreme court,"
Peatb ot Orl Coasally.
The eldest son of Mr Frank O C mnelly,
Orla ii., aged about 16 years, who bas been
sick with consumption for some time past,
died this morning at 6 o'clock. Although
afifited for a loog while the boy was so
anSri ins to acquire an eduoation that be at
tended school until tbe Christmas vacation; Was oon afterwards oouAoed to bis
bed acd rapidly dacliued until death coded
bia sufferings. To one so young, and witb
such bight prospect for tin future, the
pale horse with its rider ia a very unwel
come visitor, sal this waa peauliarly the
case witb Orla. . Be was intelligent aod
conscientious, id among his ai-flO-'iatea ne
did pot havif'S.isir.Kle enemy The ifflctid
relatives will receive the heartfelt sympa
thy iof the aomuiauity io their sed bereave
mei.'t, The funeral will take place from tha
Methodist church (omurrow a'ierooon at 2
o'clock. ' .
low Isvy.
. : . Jouroil..
Today the slate board, composed of the
governor, treasurer and secretary of state
made the annual levy of state taxes of
only three mills. This includes $'0,000
tor si ite militia, $30,090 for state univer
sity,: which until 11U4 were raised by
spi'cial taxes. Tbe total levy of three
mills la tne lowest seen in many years.
The board eslimr.tes that three mills on
the sjate valuation as equalized will pro
duce $451,000. To this is (0 bo added as
Broke Jail For Fun.
Says the La tlrande Chronicle; A man
named Uotebkiss was a passenger on this
morning's train bound for Union. Mr.
Hotchkisa slated to a La Grande man tbat
he had lately been an inmate of the insti
tution in which this county keeps its
malefactors, being accused of robbing a
store at fine valley. A. longing came
upon bim to see the metropolis of the
county and draw a breath or two of tbe
atmosphere of freedom. He could not
resist tbe impulse, and therefore broke
jail tbe other night, and . came to La
Grande. Having gratified his desire, be
nas returning to jail a contented man.
It Hotel) kiss tale be true, it forms qutie
a commentary on tbe condition of Umon
county's jail, from whir.h prisoners seem
abls to depart at pleasure.
pu-nty ol 6ittlug
down and not
much exercise,
ought to have Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets to go witl)
it They absolutely
'ond permanently
cure Constipation,
One tiny, suenr
coated Pellet is a
corrective, a regr.uiuor, a gentle laxative.
They're the smallest, the easiest to take.
and the roost natural remedy no reao
tton anerwaru. bick aennacne, Jtmious
Hetidnciie. indigestion, Villous Attacks.
und nil stom,icli and bowel derangements
are preveuLeu, iciieveu auu vureu.
qnicklv cured by Dr. Sage's Cay
tarrb Remedy. Bo is Catarrhal
Headache, and every trouble
caused by Catarrh. So is Ca
tarrh itself. The proprietors
offer $600 tar any case which
they cannot cure.
Tha Legislature.
Tbe following is tbe po itioal oomplexira
of the two houses of the legislature now in
session in Salem.
No. of senators.
B publicans
U -mnorats
Popi jists .,. .
Peoples....'. .....I..,,,,
Democratic-Peoples ........ ......
Ko of representatives,. ...........
No, ef men brs. , 00
R-p biicau .72
Democrats ,, ,,,, 7
Poi.nlists, . , , , I
D-mocrane-Peoplea, 1
. 7
.. 2
.. 1
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A Dure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Fit
rom Ammooia, Alum or any other aduhsaoi
A J McHaiey,
t. uarretaon, .
J KlJ. ylo,
b s Poo ell, '
T a Van JSorden,
Wm uanlner,
Walter Henderson,
ebe man Baily,
t Lenipke,
M A Moody,
Vilan t reuoh,
h Kunu,
B B ckwi b,
W C Allaway,
Mrs 8am Klein,
F ana N Hill,
A banter,
bam Sunmons,
A C r'erguaon,
iidrsw tArssn,
J I) P ianeisoo,
J 11 Phirman,
t F --nrH,
L olll,
Mrs U M WHsod,
C H PaVis,
Fred Wiiaon,
A Pettingtn, Jr,
Cbna bi.ia,
Indian -peocer,
H a Kiddell,
Elraer uaTis
hatbaa Larthim, .
Frank enefea,
J Jackson, Jr.
fc Loose,
W J Lwspbell,
F O Miller.
Juhu Br lokbouse,
J F Ti uilinsoa,
Mrs Hos.etler,
Aiie Hall,
LvtU Huwland.
O C Holiiiter,,
lb s Foweli,
J H Jauaaon,
Hugo G.aun,
ai.i una.
. do
Si 40
. . . S3 (IO
... 25 60
... 4-160
... 49 0
40 41)
... 61 SO
... !tti
... 6 40
... 8 40
... 6 40
.. as eo
... 6 00
.. 2 20
.. 2 40
.. 2 10
.. 2 fO
.. S fO
.. 2 60
. 2 SO
.. 2 SO
.. 2 Su
.. 2 20
.. 2 20
.. 2 20
.. 2 20
.. 6 60
.. 6 0
.. 2 20
.. 2 20
4 40
.. 2 20
.. 2 SO
.. 2 21
4 40
. 2 811
. 2 )
. 2 20
. 40
. 2 20
. 4 40
. 8 2o
. 2 0
. 2 20
. 2 20
. 2 2"
. 13 30
. 6 0
. 6 40
. 2 SO
. 28 20
. 2 20
. S SO
. 2 20
. 2 20
. 6 20
. 2 SO
2 20
8 40
8 40
8 40
. 2 -JO
2 20
2 20
t 20
2 SO
2 SO
2 20
0 40
2 SO
2 20
7 40
4 -0
8 20
10 60
4 20
H 40
2 80
11 00
5 00
2 20
6 70
9 00
4 80
2 2l
6 :0
2 SO
6 21
6 20
6 20
2 SO
26 6
2 20
2 10
2 SO
4 60
2 80
4 SO
2 2
19 60
2 80
2 SO
8 40
2 20
16 60
t SO
2 SO
6 00
4 20
2 20
7 20
7 40
7 00
8 40
14 80
2 20
2 80
2 20
2 20
8 00
2 20
2 80
2 20
various remedies, I began taking Ayer'e
D'r5upttriiut, uuu, ueiure a nan nuisnea me
Crst hottle. I experienced ereat relief: the
second bottle effected a enmnleta otira
Ayor's Sarsaparilla
rrepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mas.
Cures othersswlll cure you
MRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor.
Union Street, Between
5SX Second and Third Streets
Letters Advertised
Tha following is tho list of letters re
maining in The Dalles postoffioe uncalled
for Saturday, Jan. 19, 1895. Persons call
ing for these letters will please give tbe
date on which they were advertised:
Tables always supplied
with the best meats
in the market
Anderson, Rets
Biwlsby. W H
Cochran, Ctias
Choppot, C J
Dubois. J.w
Pox, Mrs Susans
Grant. Wm
Kiikwood, A J
Richards. G M
Teeling, K'igens A 2
Waltera, V
Williamson, T ii
Biwlsbv, Wm
Cover, Clara
Choppot. Chis
Dean, Frsrk
Pavne. F R
Graham, ".V S
Yonng. Wm H
Richard Harry
Russell, Mrs A
Thomas, Wm
Wand Geo
Woodsworth, V E
J. A. Crosrn, P. M.
DAVIS In Portland, Jan. 14ta. to ths wllj of Mr.
. ji. vara, a aanier.
No rralneese aroployea, and the enokitur Is done
nrst-ciaes oatarers and alter tbe lamllv sty a.
igar Factory
Opposite lbs Implement Warehouse
We will Continue for This Week the
The balance cf our well-assorted stock of
Men's Suits
Will be put up to close at cost.
Here's aa opportunity to get that nobby suit you
thought too expensiva ia tbe fall, at a prioe below
jour own expectations. Come and see.
. $1.15. -A.
AUM1LLEK HOOD At tbe residence ot the
nrida's par nts. la tills cltv. Jan. 16. 1SB5. 11,
Lavrencs Aumiller. of Franklin Coun v. Ohio.
arm aim. iqaoeua w. xiooa, or tnia city. ttav. J.
Whisier, officiating.
pin I DO of the
U.UAIfO nred, at
D a i-uiur, justice fees m i, 40
U UichleiiLamr. eonstaole .
A J Bnxham, juatice (ess .......
8 U Eumousan, rouauble ........
W U Buus, inquest
A Bettibreo, Jr, coroner's jury ....
t B tan, do ....
JasBre-nan, do ....
Li S Dutur, do
J beiirer do ....
C M louts, do ....
k) Forsythe, witness coroner ....
O o w jili-ter, do - ..
P t Powers, do ....
1 Kiug, - do .
TT Mi liolas, ' do ....
John llowe, ' do - .....
W H Butts, do
A 8 ataoailUter, Inquest Ready
W Mo. rum, oojouera jury ....
A Larsen. do
Waa ai-gae, do .....
O W Hun j on, do .....
K O Cioster, do
W H McCoy, witness eoroosr .....
FJacoiawn, do .....
C P Clark, do 1 ...
to m Haralue. do ' -. .....
W J fhermaji, do .
J Parav us, do
L 8 Osyia justice lees
A A Urquh rc, constable .... .....
Taos Cartarrtght, wis. jus.
Dr Wa kr,
C P Btlcb.
A at Re.ay,
Geo a Ueba,
Chas 1 .-Ulbliuf,
F laimpke,
Uvua Yannerv
r rank Croasen,
Oeo Bowland,
L P stiund-
L L McCartney, jurors..
lluh Fraser, do
B 8 Johns. do
J W Johnston, do
W B King, do
J O Warner, do
D S Uniar, Jattict lees
B ii Birrsil, - do
Joan Tiana, constable.
Ihos H M llUama, just oa leea.
juawtiit, o
K t Uniter, drawing joiy.
W H Bt.i.on. do
Jno K. font, sheriff teas...
MrttOki. attv (res.
Troy .ne ly. q lar. exam.
anns h uuig, do M
Tins Riotoul. do ,
O W Phe ps, aUy fc-s
Chas btulilinf, drain( jury ost.
h 8 Da vi a, do
Ben C Irw a k Co., aup plica tor elerlfs aai
anerm s omos and pans..... w....,
Misiou Dvrrert Mre Co.
I C Mckels-n, supplies
. Jaoo an h Co, snvelops ete
MaTsAirowe, tttiplies...
A U Wtllutns St Co. suDDlies... ..
Cl roniile PubT3o, couiny pdoUo(. .
H Glenn, rtpai'S...........
r a a a .o, traosporuaoa.. -
Ward Sons, lumber -.
Jf' J Vi right, do
os T Peters, do ate
bsDiius Lumber Oo. lumbar........
E K Ru-sell. coofctructintr bridn
M B Potwr, GAB Rails!
Jaa F Hooo, do
UP AN o, fare..
Few and Mava, auoptU...,
B KTncker, lumber....,.,-. .,
1 ke Pen T.dtarou grare ,
Dalles City water works. ,.,,.
Drt-w. rubb. r stamp .,
IheOTa fCo, t kphone,
reaeMars supp is...
I r Loa- n. s-ttin Iw
E Jai-ob-en A Co, suppuaS ...
A M W Uliam. ft CO do ....
Ch irman 4i Oorson, d ' ,,,
n n uampneu, ao
Maa& roae, do
w ard Kerns k Robsrison, team ira .d Jury..
Mrs L L Branner mom b for jarora
P ins A Uitecriks p Qi for pulp
cbroiocic Pub Co. pru.ting aod aurs.ope...
C ttdtll, road sup ryisor
t H hobeiu, clerical sendees
E t eha u. do
E F Mia u. sstabllsliuie sec earners so 00
J W Bac-bcr, board apd care f Mrs Dirid.. 20 00
M M cusn ng, b ard ol non-rasidan p upsrs 3 00
J fro sen, sup Iks Q)
Wm Michel), po b stamps, etc , I 76
iH HU' tiogt n Co, inurpcs co rt housa SO 00
mt A beuian, woo 1 court boa s IS 06
dwa'd Martin, tx rrtina- taa rails 13s 7s
FW Lbkibiie. board ot MoCafly.... 12 0
T T Mct'Olar, board U pauper 18 00
rj a Hioceu, prua awy isaa e w
I C s i?ke aeu, supplies S 70
h FO bona, ins .licv eon t house 1SS 00
J. C fc.n-.brioe woik. 7 M
O o B tialsur, road aapemaor SI OU
E K Buell, do lot 0
D L taues Oo, supplies 43 10
J W htUoU, roa superrisar 81 1 0
Mrs Joe-4, unrsii i 00
biakelv 4 boi Kblou. iraeriDions eouirtr
kfckelaa iaMkey, ircn lor Itojd Btvst
W H WllsoB. oria'cxioual eanisas
Alsx Frasar, rsadsuparrbar,. ......
10 ss
3 70
. 8 SO
. 17 80
. 1 ro
1 SO
1 va
. 1 Su
. 1 0
1 0
. 1 70
1 70
. 1 70
. 1 70
1 70
1 70
, Si to
S 60
8 DO
8 60
8 eO
S 60
S 60
8 10
1 Tn
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
81 75
19 10
4 60
I 7
i 71
t 7o
1 70
1 0
1 To
1 70
1 80
1 20
1 20
0 16
8 60
86 OS
8 05
8 00
8 00
8 00
4 86
8 60
18 00
18 00
18 00
84 10
8 00
8 00
It 00
8 10
6 00
1 76
17 OS
15 60
6 42
0 .6
67 OS
7 68
18 18
63 18
8 00
80 00
ii 00
11 20
6 00
10 00
4 00
10 no
60 00
- 76
14 60
t 00
7 00
16 00
a 00
'6 ss
10 00
0 60
49 00
68 00
121 00
Navigation Snapendad.
Navigation along the Snake river baa
been suspended for several weeks by the
O. R. & N. company, owing to the fact
that the stream has been beset by
masses of solid and floating ice, says the
Walla Walla Statesman. However, now
tbat the river is again open, naviga ion
will be resumed Wednesday, the Itkh
mat,, at ihe Lewiston en J. On the
Snake, between Riparia and Lewiston,
tbe company has three steamers L'tc-
uton, Spokane and Aim to. Tbe two boats
first named were placed in winter quar-
ers, some time ago at Log Cabin, and
the Almota only ceased making trips
after the river became closed with ice.
For the present, the Almota will be the
only steamer that is to make trips, as
the great rush of freight is over for the
Of Fanny Kentucky Pets Kept by People
on the Fork of Forks.
They have some strange pets in
eastern Kentucky. It is nothing un
common to una pet xoxes, coons.
squirrels, owls and rabbits. But the
cheekiest pet I ever saw was on the
left hand fork of the right hand fork
of Potter's fork of the north fork of
the Kentucky river.
Judge Mulliken of Nashville and
myself were looking after coal lands
in the fall of 1889, and we stopped at
a little dilapidated log cabin for din
ner. There was plenty of cabbage
and other vegetables growing in the
garden, and we bad learned from ex
perfence to take these things into
consideration, for sometimes we
Stopped at cabins where there was
no garden and found rations rather
Ji. very Doay m tne mountains re
ceives travelers and makes them wel
come to what he has. We were tired
and took our seats under the front
porch that had a good smooth dirt
floor and were eating some delicious
apples, and right here let me say that
the best tasting apples in the world
grow in the mountains of eastern
Kentucky. While eating and drop
ping the peelings around the chairs
a big, long, gaunt hog of the razor-
bagk brand came up and commenced
eating the peelings. I thought lie
was ratner familiar on such short ac
quaintance, as he walked over our
feet and tried to root over our chairs,
so Anally the judge got disgusted and
gave the nog a lack.
Imagine his surprise when the hog
tinned, and charged him, .knocked
over nis chair, spilled our snake med
wane out of our saddlebags and com
menced to do us up on short notice,
We managed to get to the fence and
leave that hog monarch of all hesur-
peyed. The lady of the bouse finally
came out and put him out of the
yard. She said he was a pet pig and
had been in the family so long they
could not think of killing bim. I
think they called him Billy, maybe
Billy Breckinridge. '
When dinner was ready, we found
that the table was nailed up around
the legs so we could not get our feet
under it, and when we asked the rea
son for it we were told it was done
to keep Billy and the dogs from get
ting under there while they were eat
ing, when they would fight and turn
the table over. That table would
have been a curiosity at the World's
fair. It had a little round turri table
in tbe middle of ' the big table, on
which the victuals were placed, and
it worked bo nicely that when it was
started it went round le a merry
go round, and if you were a good
baseball catcher you could snatcji
what you wanted aa it sailed bv
This wettftj bfl Uplendid plan to
adopt when servants are scarce.
While eating the bread gave out, and
our host reached over in the skillet
near by and picked out a pone of
corn bread built on tne plan of a
brickbat, except thicker and harder
on the outside, and threw it down on
that merry go rorud dumb waiter
with the remark:
"Help yourself, gentlemen. No
darn quality cuts here." Louisville
Best Brsnrls manofsct-
and ordeas from all mita
... ... i
or tne country nlled oo the shortest notice.
Tbe reputation of THE DALLES CIO AH
has become firmly established, and tbe de
mand for tbe home maouiaotuaed artiole ia
increasing every day. A. ULRICA & SUN.
To Whom it Mav Concern: All eonntr ararranla
ma e out oo ai d after D.-ceniber l-t wil ba la.unil
lj the county eierk payable ti o der, aod no county
warrants will ba stamped or li.ted br the oounty
Ire urer unless endorsed by ihs party to hom
uh aaia oouury warrant is issued, ay timer.
a. a blaxslv,
Couutv J utlra
Tne Dalles, Ore., Hot. 80, 1S94.
BY ths subscriber, res dlofr on Fifteen Mile creel,
about December 1st, one rod and wnita sow.
with crop snd swallow mark on rlirht ear; alto one
red yearling: hetf t, with crop off rient ear. fha
owner can nave tne same by prort. g property, pay
ing; iwa ui acvpuur ana aiso pries or tnia soverttse
ment, H. HAKDEaTY.
Fifteen Mils Creek. De-ember 28, 18M.
Buy a Home Cheap-
i A ACRES of good farming; and fruit land four
J m les from Ihe Dalles, on Cbenowctti cr.alc
wiih (rood boutc readr turn shed tor tamllr ham
and outer tartly fenced, plenty of water
Will ba aoid cheap. Address or rail at place
rtTKa rouovBLLS,
Tha Dalles, Oreven.
Assignee's Notioe of Final A o count
i OTICE la hereby (riren that Charles i.,
J.a assia-iiee of tue estate of Adolpn Ksller, an ln
tolvrnt debtor, haa Sled his final account wiih said
estate, with the clerk.of the circuit court of tha
state of Oiegon, for Wasco county, and that said
final account will be heard aud passed upod br said
circuit court on uie nrs? oy or tne next regular
term ot sua cou't, to-wit; an winxiy ns inn da
of February. lb93. at 8 o'clock lo ths after, oon of
said day, or at such other lime as ths court mar then
appoint, and that said nsarlnfj will be bd lo tha
circuit court room, at tha couuty court bouss, in
au.e uity, waaco oonniy, ursicon.
Assignee of the estate of Adoipj Keller, an In sol
vent ceDior.
For Horses, Cattle or Sheep,
Farming Properly in Kansas
There is one MOO Aere ranch la Grant county
um wisi La inuea lor wrr oi tne mo its biock.
Meat of this land Is fenced, hsa (rood sprinss, ahuod
ance of wa er, rood five-room house, arable, sheds,
spring: house, correll a d etc. Uan cut ZOO tons of
hay i n this land. Firs miles Irani county seat
Alsa S0O rrfsi close to KanaaaCitv, all ondsr
fence, one-half mile from court house, alts stabls.
all fenced and cross-fenoed.. This is a Rood farm
and close to market. M IU take tS$ per acre for
tnia farm and will take horses at what they are
Fer further particulars apply to
Dutar, or,
One spotted eow. branded Azure 8 on left hlu
and swallow fork in both ears, lake uo December
lat. at mr mm a. on Fiita n Mllo eiask. Tha owner
can hac the aa , a by paying for this advertisement
,no past jre- H UAttUE&Tr.
Tha Dalles, Ore, December 16. ISM,
Stockholders Meeting:-
The annn d meetltur of tbe Stockholders of Tha
First National Bank, of Th , llalles. will ba held at
the office of said bank, on Tuesday. Jao. 8 h. 1994,
at 10 a . K. for tbe election of direct rs for ths en
suing year. J. M. PATfKKTOM.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool l Commission Merchants
160 Atlantic Ave.. Boston.
Thlt is to notify all penr aa lntrretted lbat th
firm of Lea Yuen, Slnir Lee Le Piss, in tha gar
dening business on Mill eierk, boa been this day
dissolved by mutual consent, Lee Yarn sud Bins;
Lea rctlrinc rrom tne nrm. au asms aue tne isce
firm will be collected by Las Ping and all liabilities
settled by bim. Lsa Yeas,
cia Lira,
x 1 aa Pus
T rDa'les, Onron. KoTesnber ti, lit.
Cottoleue the new tuiortenin ths
only pure and healthful and penectly
digestible frying and shortening mate
rial in the market ia now to be had at
all first-class grocers throughout the
United States and Canada.
16 00 j
A Wise Girl.
He "Why do you force me to wait
tor an answer?
She (who is tip on political economy)
Because I don't want to give you a
monopoly until I find out whether
there s any competition
. ' To Exeauaage
Fonr full sued lo-s in liaker City for
aheep or cattle. For particulars, address
owner, W.T. W , Poamfflre Grant, Ore.
Drr - Co d tt ood.
We have again on ha id an abundance
of strictly dry fir, oak, pine and maple
wood, cut for family purposes.
Maikg tt Barron .
In using Cottolene for shortening,
it is of the greatest importance to use
only about one-half or two-thirds ui
much aa would be used of lard. This
is essential to success in the cooking,
es well S3 an important feature for
one's pocket book.
I' Like ii
Cottolene, like all other good things,
has found several imitators, all of very
inferior quality, and sure to cause dis
satisfaction. To be sure of getting the
couine Cottolene, the best way to
uy it is in the tin pails bearing the
name and Trade-Mark.
Made only by
Oicaae, Hew York, tea,
At bis establishment on the corner of Third and Federal streets is
prepsred to make
Spring and Summer Suits
1 5! -nsi
Second St. THE DALLES, Or.
. IP. M83mffl9
Coffimission and Forwardiiig Merchant
391, 393 and S95 SECOND STPEET
(Adjoining Railroad Depot) - .
Consignments Solicited
Prompt Attention to those who tuvor me with their patronage
The New Umatilla House,
SINNOTT & PISH. Proprietors
Free Baa to aod frost
the Hotel
Fire Proof Safe for tha Safety ol
all Valuables,
j. 0. MACK
171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Donovan & Olson, of White Sal
mon, drew the Cook Stove.
Adam Fleck, of The Dalles, drew
the Columbia Garland, Jr.
W. C. McClure, Mosier, Or., drew
the Copper Tea Kettle.