The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 19, 1895, Image 1

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JtUTllSKlt. Volume XXXV
NO. 22
Jjhh MiCHEU, Editor and Proprietor
Profeaaional Cards.
Physician and Surgeon
Room over Dalle National Bank. Office hours, 10
trnt'l! m, and trom i to 4 p m. Resi
dence Wo t End oi Third nirset,
. Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 4S Chapman Block, To Dalles, Ore.
A' A. Bit OWN
Children Cry
for fitOBIS'S
Castort-i is bo wen adopted to children that
I rpounmt-nil itudtupeji'.r to any prescription
Known to me. u. a. archer, m. v.,
1U bouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N Y
" t ne Castjr'a In my prarrlce. and And It
ipetiaily auuyteu to affections or children.'
Alex. Robertson, M. D.,
1057 8d Ave., New Yorl:
'From rr"Tii knowledge I can say ttfcjt
iastoi uuh :'iOb excellent medicine for chil
Iren." ia- G. J. OsnnoD,
Lowell, Alas.
Soscial Prices to Cash Buvers c010 Pi?0'
bUTHh.EL.lM, It D, CM
Physician and
Rmn 8 and 4. Chapman Block, The Dalle.
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Dianncea. and Feverishnesa
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
Sleep natural. Castoria contain no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Practical Dentist
OHer Over A. a. Brnwn'a a-mce". Seron't St
All work guaranteed to g v tUf e'l"n and all he
latest improved method uaeu in dental operation,.
s in acnanno' building;, ui stairs. The iailes
fault !;-
VT first and third
& A. H Meet I
Monday of each month at b
ST1H. t
I Meet iu Masonic Hall Uw third WadoeMay
each month at 8 r M.
j-fOLOMBU LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. . F. '-
J every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P
Hall, comer of xeeoud and Court street. Sojourn
ar brother an welcome. U. uloosh, bee
TORIES D8H1P LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meet
Jj very Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Schan
ao'a building, corner of Oour. aud Second street
Sojourning brothers are cordial 1 uinted
D. Vans. K. K. and 8. MEMtfEE, a
f T will meet every nday altera ooo at o cioc
at tb readlne room. Ail are inntea.
rvrvV" -e-"-aaVa.-.,
Charles A. Baldwin & Co.
, -
40 and 43 Wall street.
New York.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received d
. 'i't!o terms.
Bonds and Investment Securities.
Ra'l- r; I 1. ....
. , . ......viai i.-ner oiai.ea on Application,
" I 11 II II " 1 1 - I I i fl n I
The Merc' ant t Tailor
8uit Made tn Order and a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes lttitfd on the Snoit
eii Nodes
First National Bank
Successors to
TniflFacls a Regular Banning Easiness
Buy and ell Exchange.
Of llectlnnr csreful'y trade and pron ptly accounted
lor. Li raw on . ew xatr, ban rrancuuo and or.-land
D P Thorn peon, Ed M William', J 8 Scheeck,
. Oeorge Liebe. B M Heal'.
Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday
evening of each week at 70 o cl-ick, in A. Keller?
nau. All orotner ana sojourning arouiei ar
Bvited to be present.
rTEMPLV LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meets
: I in KKellor'a Hall even Thursday eyenin? at 7 JO
W. 8. Mtsis, Financier.
1 AS. KESM1TH POST. NO. 52, O. A. B Meets
J every Saturday at 7M P. M. in K. of P. Hall.
OF L. E. Meets every Friday afterncon in
a. of P. nan.
J Sunday evening in Kellers Hall
n OF. L. F. DIVISION. 10. 167 Meets n K.
. of P. Ball the first and ihird Wednesday of
rata montn at ?ao r. a.
N ar fr. Third nd Wa bin glon Sts
Pars brsitt Pills will ' reduce vonr weiirht zrom ix 10 in o nn s a
month sickness o-injury; no rublic
itv. Thev buiM un 'he hta lh and b autiv ihr
enmplexinn, leav'ne 110 wrinkle -r flabinesa Stout
and mens end ditticult hretbinif ur- ly -relieved.
Si iXflHIJIKSi b t aac.ntia. aid tKxi-
uvennel, aonpted only alter years of cxperiet ce.
i t order ui'D ied dirxl from our office. Price
H 00 urr-packair or ihree p cknfres fur M 00 by
AH O irr- apiindeiie- Mlrrny Cunfldei.-
PARK REMEDY (U. Boston Mass!
R. E. Saltmarshe
East m STOCK TlllS,
b-lkbT BAPl'lbl CbthtU Rev. o. D. Tatlok,
paxtor. Services ever babbath at 11 A. M.
P. M. babbath school immediately after the
morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday
evstuns it I r. m.
E. CHURCH Rev. Ja WmsLia. Psatur.
Servlcea even buntia niominc and eveninii.
Sunday Befaool at 1x30 o'clock P. M. A cordial Invi-
iatlor er tended bv both pastor and people to ail.
Pastor, bervices every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
r. M. Bunday school after morning service. -
T. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Fsther Broiojgisbi
Pastor. Low Mas every Sunday at I A. M. uigh
. at I0:3u A.H. vespers at 7 P. a .
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppusitt
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. ButchSe, Rector. Service
ever) Sunday at 11 A. M and I'M P at., bunda)
ohool at 9M A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday a
. ISO P. M. -
flHRISTIAN CHURCH Rsv.'J. W.Jbim, pss
i tor. PreaOfiina every bundav atteruoon at f
- o dock in the congregational cnurcn
diaUy invited
4ifJie Regulafcr Line
Tfte Dsl'es, Portland andAsiori
Navigation Co-THROUGH
Frelgilt end Passenger Line
Through Daily trips (Sundays e
cepted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. nr., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City,
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting
wiui steamer .Regulator lor 1 ne Dalles
Ah are cor-
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Asentforthe Soottish Union an Katloial -In
surance company of Edinburgh, bootland, Cauiutl
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on assy
ffflo over Post Offio. The Dalle, Or.
tBeejkter U. Land oee. H-S0-1S84.)
Business before United States Land
Office a Specialty.
Wall' Block Main ct. Taneouvtr. Clark Co , Wash
wilc'dShoe ivr J-ulis. !
Reynold aiwrvt-RiSy Hslif.o
-mi of hardened i-uUber oat- t;ir if
learner sole. Sent postpaid. Yon t
half-sole your .hoe" In 5 minutes p: eei
.Hninrwllt knvmirfeetwarmauddry
ICO nei cent profit foragenta, OnlerKgrow
pairs U- if v. ana t win ci ' j.
clulvs sncv in vonr citv and townvhip.
arv.l. RInLBS,Sal.Owra aisr..
ISA Walaat St, ChleatTS. 1U-
- Sisaolntlon Net ee
TUssi so aotlfy all pema Intmeted thatth
firm oi Lee Toen, 8ing Ul Lee Ping, in the gar
dening buainea on Mill aetk, h. ieen this day
- dissolved by mutual eons, at, - l.te Yarn and Sing
Lee r tiring from ibe firm. A'l deot due the late
Inn will be collected by Lee Ping end all UhiUie
settled by aim. . Lsa Tosh,
feus Lis,
Lss Pise
TheDallea, On gen. November 14, 1884.
Geeks, Watches, ; Je tlrj, - Etc
Always keep on sale the latest and bet style o
Time-pieces. Diamond hings, bow-knot Bisrs, Sil
verware, etc etc.
103 Seccrd 8trep. rut deer
William fc o.' -
Mount Rood Iwk Hccni
Best Kemidij Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes'
of Wines.
Erigiish PorVr Ale and Milnn,
Beer -tlwayg on band.
( )np way
Roui d trip...
.$2 00
. 3 00
Freight Hates Creatly Reduced
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. tn. Live stock shipments solicited.
uaii on or aaaress,
M. C. HLLHiilHY,
General Agent
I am now prepared to deliver
Boslyn Coal
To SDy psrt of lc riit Ur ff.JJS pe
tun. rliis is much chrsi er triaD wood
and a (rreat deal more convenient. Ap
ply to .
E E. Lyttle,
Agent for O R A N Co
Sample :R coins,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines .
Liquors and Cigars
W'elliDgton, Eock Springs,
and Koslyn Coal
delivered to any part Of
f 13, sacked and
the city.
At Moody's Warehonse
Expressman !
Goods haulei with the greatest sare to all
oarta of the uty on short notice. .
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Gram.
This extra-
ordinnry He
Juvenator is
the moat
discovery of
the age. It
has bpen en
dowed ly tho
nien of
Europe and
Huriyan fa
Sbie7 76810
Hudyait stops
of the dis
charge Jn 20
days, rnres
FeUing Scn-euticnf.Kirv-
ona ttritching
of the eyrg
and other
I ii V i k orate
and tones the
Hurt; an cu:ts
lie unity,
and ri stores
wcjk igays.
King in the
bacd, losses
bv n a v n r
iiiht stopped
oulcklv. Over 2.000 tsrlvnte enflo-semfBts.
Preinaturenos means imnotcnoy iu ilie fln-t
stags. It is a EvmDtom of srminal weakness
and barrenness It can be stopped in xu days
vy lugujwuinuuyiui,
The new discovery was mud" hv the Becial.
Istjoftheold famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It is the strongest viiaiizer made. It is very
powenui, oni oa mic ts. eoia lor ti.uu a psca.
aeoorS packages for SS.OOiDlain sealed boxes).
Written gnaran i ee given for a cure. If you buy
sis boxes and are rot entirely cured, six mora
will be sent to yon free of all charges,
fiend for rlrculanand testimonials. Adiress
Junction stock to n, iriarsiet 4 llia sta.
aan xraucisco. uai.
Andrew Velarde,
Bime ante 1. aarae.
Washikut . n, Ja. 11 Geaertl A J
Wsruer, jjrcbi.ieDt of tbe Biineta lie
L g'Je, a im t'e I today tb t a covfereoce
ut leadinnr b!mtailst from different
n&rts ! the coutury bid been held la hi
city recently. "It was the decision oi
tbe conference, ne sud, " a btrong
and utdw ng sentiment la mauilrsiluK
itself in f-yr ol uoitiug tbe fritoas
hiuietiilisai in a tuineiaiiic par y, und
aupealiog directlv to the peoulcou ni nev
issues aluue. The consideration w ii ch
seetps t be ieadio to tins reu t is tne
wideread cmvictioo thnt is no
hope nt rer'ormt; the b oie'aic s andard
thrnuKh ihe R.-puhjcan p.irty. or ibroUi;i
the D' IBucra'ic pnrty ag oW COD'tolled.
nod, no thli o'her hand, it Is tqually irn .
possible 'O acRoopiisb this result within
he iloe of the pnrty. oi to
Quite oo the Omaha piatlorrn tho.e in fa
vor of; the bimetallic standard
as it was before 187$ "
Short lilne? Contest.
Portland. Or, Jan. 11 I is diflin 't
lj known tbtt the appllcaiinn tor a sep
arate receivership ot the O rpin Shor
Line & Utab Northern Railwav Coin d -id
will re I'ltitriv contested. No' only will
John M Thurston come to Port'and fo
oppose the granting of the the applies
ttnn. bat the ens'ero it'toroeta ot the
American Loan Jf Trust Oomnany wi I
e Here to act with Dolpli, Mallnr? &
Simon. 1 he cas his been srt ny Jud
U 'bert f.if tieinog in the Suited blue
c icutt court in thl. city, January 80, this
late having heeo agieeil nn by the east
eru a'tornets rei)rmentng both sides, and
Hoproved by Jadjje Uutiert. The an
swer of the defeodsnts may or may noi
be filed helore that time, the orisnal date
ee, January 10, having been extended to
the BU n.
The Dalles.
AM res: Lock Box 181.
1Pt Seeoi d street next d-or east of
Tbe I'al lee hat Bank
laving just open d in business, ant having a full
assortment oi tbe latest go-diin m line, 1 de-
tire a scare of th" ubii patronage
I'k Dalles iatioiial Bank
.......M. k. ttoodj
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchange soli or
Drainer's Restaurant
m ooa rum otui
The Table ar Fart Mid with tb BKSTj the
mark afl.d
Will be r erred in say style dunrg the season
Seoond aod Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor
-Manufacturer of and dealer Id
Harness and Saddlery,
Seoond St., Bear Moodsl Warehouse,
A Work Ittautraataed t (Wlm Mat
Northwest Our. Seoond andWaabiDgtot -R.
' Sucosenra'to Oeorge Ruch.
I'lie Cheapest Place
All Kinds of Groceries
We respectfully solicit a ah of the nubile pat
ronage and nall endeavor to give entire aatiafao
ton to our both old ad new.
Manufacture th Best Article ot -
Soda, Sarsapa'illa . and Ginger Ale
Lau Oidcn With Andrew Keller,
Biekand KotiON, Tianis and Organs
PI AN Ofra si d Organ fold on easy monthly
paymeata ul DCOMPKl l'l KIA
we are prepared to meet. Call or address
162 Second Street The Dalles. Or
MCNEILL. R.-ceirer-
S T!
Choice of Two Transcontinental Bontes
ST.PAUL ; mm
Low Rate's to All Eastern Cines
OCEAN STEAMERS leave rortard
. days for
For. full dtaila eall oa O. L1V Innt t thi
J ALLaS, .or address . .
V. B. HURLBDBT, Can. Fsa Agb, '
Portland, Oregon.
KigbUns la Madasaarar.
Tamatatb, Jid. II The French bom'
barded Fsra Fairs, four miles inland
Irom Ta natave. Toe Hova answered
wi ll teveo guu, but tbe French were
suecetsful and tbe Hovas retired with
beavy loss.
Tbe following sre tbe details of tbe en-
ifairement : At 8 o clock in the morning
ibe French cruisers Prima Ovtt. Du Petite
Thuort Papin. oopTtert bv trvo guns in
the shore baltrry. opened fire upon the
Hovs' position ou eide of Tamitave. At
11 o'clock tbe Hovas withdrew the r
teveo eans mentioned. Thev were bad'y
aimed and tlieir project ilea did not reach
'be French ships. Firing ceaaed about
an boor later, ihe Hvs hav're suffered
serums loss. The ' cruirer Prima Ouet
sailed away later, in order to occupy Mo
It urderena Barsjlara.
- San Francisco, Jan. 11 Two men en
tered tbe baudsome residetics of Julius
L Franklin, on California street, enly
ibis mornine, for tbe purpose ot robbeiy
They were detected by Frank O Miller,
the butler, who slept in a room in th
ha-emeot. The onriflars a' tacked Miller,
who tried to ose a revolver, and they
beat and kicked him into insensibility
During tbe s'rngele. Miller's revolver
was discharged, alnrmiiiir tbe booe
The mutdtroug burglars I hereupon made
their escape, taxing with tbein $.'5 and a
lew pieces of jeaeiry.
well attended by pe ule from all of tbe
surrounding districts, who know tbe con
anions and realize that tbe time for
prompt actisi is at band. 0kdile,
ILuliater, Mine No. 10, Mud Fork
i rim Die. jacKsonviiie and numerous
o'her districts were veil represented
Tne lo. lowing olaintive plea to tbe pub'
lie, which wis read at meetine, graubi
cally 'oescrities tbe situation:
The people are united and hunprv.
and it is your place 'O see that thev buve
i.eiterand food. It is vour Dlace to do
lor uii-m all that within vour aimer lies.
It one drop of the mild milk ot human
-iudoets courses through your veins, von
will ouen your beart aod purse to ttese
lisrtsed brethren. Svmuathv is not
what tney need aod must hive, .t ia
ood aod cloihing."
The merchants at Gloucester, as io
many other districts, hive exhausted
their resources. They can do nothing,
m re in tbe way of relieving the distress
and are compelled to listen to touchioir
appeals of tbo hungry without being
ille to respond. The local missionaritK
and religious organ zationa have ex
hiusted all their resources, and say it is
adsolutely imposntble frr them 'o do more
nut they tav, wi'out hesitation, that the
miners must have relief at occe
Pnoenix Mine No. 2, employing 800
miners, is dividing its work so tbat each
man is given four days a month, which
nets him aboct f8 o provide lor himself
nd family. A visit to these homes
rings to light cases of the most extreme
poverty imag'uabie, and strong men have
broken dowo and wept at the aeenes en
rountered there.
Ta Aid thei Destitute.
Lincoln, Neo. Jan. 13 In tbe bouse
today the subject discussed was bow to
aid the destitute. U nway, chairman of I
tbe special committee, reported bills
which bad been considered, and tbe bouse
went into committee ot the sjhole on the
Limbern bill. This provides tbat the
counties may issue bonds to the amount
of 10 per cent of the assessed valuation.
tne proceeds to be used to nrovide trrain
for feed aod seed. Tbe committee of the
wnoie reported Dick to tbe bouse with
the recommendation that tbe bill oe rec
imtneoded to a soecial committee
lurtber amendment.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
To Ix-KAliae O.vore a.
Gdthrik, O T, Jan. 12 -A bill wag
in trod nee J In tbe legislature today to
I g.iizq the thousands of divorces irranted
by tbe Oklahoma probate judges lo
people trom all over tne nat'on.
A0ax on tbe lee
SayviLLE, L. I., Jan. 11- While 75
men were at work here on tbe ice covering
Great South bay yesterday, dredging for
oysters, tbe ice brokn from the shore and
drifted awav with the men. Mint of
them plunged into the water and scam
asbore. Others waited for tbe boa's to
take them off. Jacob Burr, one of the
ovsteimen, was eluded when be attuck
tbe water, aod could not swim.. He wan
saved by the boats. The Wi-rk ol rescue
was viewed by a large crowd, includ-ng
members ot tDe men's families, aud great
excitement reigned.
Hanged i.r Murder.
Cbattanoi oa, Tenn., Jan, 11 George
Mipe and Buddy Wooleo. young negroes,
ere hanged today. Wooien died
latnoiic. Mipe, however, refuped 10 tee
a fumster and bis list wmda were, This
What an inoocent man geis, by --
tie requested that his body be thrown
into tbe river, and said be would come tonight to haunt the sheriff and all
Q'bero wbo had anything; to do with
his conviction. Tbe two pegrocs mur
dered Marion L Ro-i, a white saloon
keeper. December 17, 1393 Robbery
was the r mo ive. Woolen confessed.
implicating Mape. .
The Hawaiian Cable.
Washington." Ja i. 11 Representative
Hi't, recognized a tbe Republican leader
in the house in foreign affairs, said today
tbat be fully agreed with the president
hat tbe Hawaiian islands have the bene-
fith of telegrapnle communication s-itb
the world at larne but Wis strongly op
posea to putting tbeir cable facilities
under the control of any government but
tbat of ibe United S ates. Hitt favors a
ubsidy lor no Ewaiiao cable.
Tbe River, RiatPC
Parxersbobg, W ; Va., Jan. 11 Tb
situation bere today ia more alarming
an at any time during the flood Tbe
io river was 87 feet above low-water
mark at noon and atill rising rapidly. All
mi is and factories on the south side are
submersed L ickport. Newport ai d Riv
erside suburbs are flo dtd, and many
families bave been driven to higher
ground. Lumbermen estimate tbeir .oaa-
Lt $230,000.
Two Haaorrd Cniaeee aitlled.
Kinchow, Jan. - 11 Japanese scouts
repori a large force of Cbmese arc mov
ing down to the support of tbe Knp'ng
force, which baa retired toward New
CbwsDg. Al Kiaping, tbe Chinese num
bered SUOO and had 13 guns About 200
Cbinese were killed and the numner ol
wounded Chinese is not known. About
150 prisoner were laken Tbe Japaaees
casualties are not atated.
A Ctersoaai Air wnpnprre Advice
Berlin, Jan. 11 The Cologne QatetU tn make peace with Cb'oa
at once. 1 be paper warns Japan tbat
ber d mauds mm become so exaggerated
but tbe EuiOuean powers will not alio
China to concede them.
A C. ward.
London, Jan. 11 A Peking dispatch
ajs inai G. oeral Wei Jut Wei, ane.ted
by order of L Hung Chng, is charged
ith rtt'rranog in the lace of Ihe enemv.
nd with Cowardice, extortion ant p Uu
DratMailm la Okla.
Columbos, O , Jo. 13 Ddspite tbe
low tempera' ure aad blinding snow, the
mass meeting at Gloucester this after
noon, for tbe purpose of devising mean
to provide for tbe destitute miners, was
la Eoajaud Again,
Liverpool, Jm. 13 John Barns M.
P. and labor leader, arrived from New
Turk today. In an interview be said he
liked tbe Americans very much, but In
bis opinion tbe American cauitalist was
in enlarged and offensively glorified edi
tion of his English prototype. Excepting
in tbe skilled trades, he said, the Amem
can workiogmen are not organized to the
extent that tbe English working men are.
nr. Burns sua his tour wag a success
and be hoped tn return to America in the
autumn, when be wou'd go further west
to reach the lessons be bad learned in
New York. The attention which be re
ceived in tbe Uuired States was, be said,
vcy fiat'eriog and encouraging. There
was nothing tor him io regret, but much
to remember with pleasure. Tbe fact o
so many thousands leaving their homes to
listen to him wag a hopeful sign, show
ing a readiness to learn from any quarter
however humble. In concluding. Mr.
Burns said be returned to England wl'h
deeper faiib in the British industrial
policy. He remarked i bat tne toughia'
xperience of bia life, not excepting the
tria's of tbe great dock strike, was bis
Sorts to organise a concert en tbe
Etruria io a heavy gale.
Can They Make Itt
Washington, Jan. 13 -Mr. Kurino.
Japanese minister, savs he expects the
peace negotiations between the plenipo
tentiariea of China and Japan will begin
about February 1 - Tbe Chinese 1 peace
commissioners left Peking tbe 7tb inst.
It is expected that ex-Secretary John W
Foster, wbo is to assist tbe Chinese en
voys in the negotiations, will be on bsnd
February 1. Minister Kurino bas not
yet received any direct information as to
wbo will conduct tbe negotiations on the
part of tbe Japanese government, but he
naturdly presumes Mr Muuu, minister
of foreign affairs, will be tbe Japanese
representative. The minis er siys tbe
newspaper reports to tbe effect that bis
government had given notice it would
not receive Shao, one of the Chinese
plenipotentiaries, because of tbe lafer's
proclamation offering rewards for Japa
nese heads, is incorrect.
i The tS oraa la Claekamas.
Oregon, City, Jn. 13 List night's
wind storm moved the bouse of Mr.
Phi hps, at G adstone, from its founda
tion and only a convenient wood pile
prevented itt upsetting. " Tbe family
till occupies the bouse, which is a rather
frail structure. A large rock was de
tsched from tbe bluff in tbe southern part
ol town as tbe local train was going up
this morning, and it fell so near ibe track
that tD steps were takeo from a car in
tbe train. Telegraph and telephone
wire were prostratel by tbe storm, but
tbe telegraph lines were soon restored to
working orier.. Several electric lights
were dsgbled. Tb6 tall flagpole at
Cataract boseboute was blown down.
Tbe recent rains bave brought the river
up again, and it is 23 feet above low
watermark below tbe tails tonight. ilousea 31eet.
Salem. Jan 14 The boute was called
order this mormag bv Maior D C
S lerjamt cuif clerk of tbe sessiin of
1393, at 11 o'clock. Oa motion ol O F
Pdxtna, of Multaonth, secoaded by S L
tf ioren-Ad, ot Liae, Qjorge T Myers ot
ila tnomah was elected temporary spak -er.
Mr. Myers toc tne chtir. and on
motion of Ci.ooal Jio McOrikdo, of
Maltaomiti, aecuadeJ by E H ifer, o.
Marion, Mij ir DO dtermtu was elected
temporary chief merk.
Mr. Paz ion, of Ma tnomah. mved the
appointment of a committee of fire oo
credentials, whica carried, an I tne tern
porary a leaker nam "1 OF PdX'.on, Rip , i
or juuiin imtn, a d Mo jrenet l, H p , ol
Lane, S M Nealoo, Pop., oi Jaokaoo, O J
Curtis, Rep., ot Diugla. ' 1'oe bouse
then adjourned until 2.30 r M , after be
speaker had 'announced a cauous of Re .
publican members at the Armory at
noon. Tbe oommi'tee on credau ia
met immediately after adjoaruiug la tne
Judge O N Denny, of Multnomah,
called tbe senate to order. He said. "As
'one ot tbe holdover senators I bave been
r. quested to cal the senate to order'
I ois announcement was made at 11:80
o'clock. Nom'uation for temborary ot
fleers were requested Senator Denny
nominated W W Sieiwer, Rep., repre
entiog Oilman, Harney and Mir row
couuties, lor temporary president of the
senate, senator tttley, of Umatilla,
nominated n u Duller, Llem-, ol f Ik
ennnty, for the position. Senator Will
R Eiog, placed in nomination S H Holt,
fop., of Jackson. Senator Bancroft
moved that the vote be by ballot, and
Senators J a Riley, Dem aud J H Mu-
C'Ung, Rep., were appointed tellers. Tne
vote resulted as follows: Sieiwer 17,
Uuiler 8, tiolt 4.
Tbe permanent organization ot the
senate wa effected as follows, as per tne
result of tbe Republican caucus:
Piesident, Jos. Simon, Multnomah.
Cbtet clerk. Waiter St. Clair, Coos.
. Assistant to the cbiet clerk, A W Sev
erance, Tillamook.
Calender clerk, J M Stott, Malnomah
Reading clerk, J B Huntington, Har
Sergeant-at-arms, J B Crosno, L ncoln.
Doorkeeper, J D Irvine. Linn
Mailing clerk, L H Arneson, Multno
The following committee on creden
tiaia was appointed in the senate: A W
Gowan, Rep., Harney; S A Dawson, R-p
Linn; A J Johnson, R-p, Lno; J A
Smith, Dem., Clatsop; S B Huston, Dem
All of tbe new state officer were in
stalled today wilb tbe exception of gov
erncr. Secretary of State McB.'ide gave
way to n K huncaid: Hcbool Suftenoten
deot McE rov vacated for G M It win.
and State Printer Biker turned the "ate
print ng office over to W H Leeds Gov
ernor Lord will probably be inaugurated
served io fa' capacity, and only took tbe
'tiof i fflce on foreign soil-- something
which can be said of no other executive
officer of this country. King was an In
valid, but his friend urged bim to take
second place oi the ticket with Pierce in
1852. Both were elected, but Mr. King"
health tailed so rapidly tbat he was forced
to go to t,una early in 1853. some two
and a half months betuie inauguration
day. Not having returned to tbe United
atates by Marcb 4, congress paa.ed
pecial act authorizing the United Stales
O miul at Mitotanzta, Cuba, to swear bim
lo as vice presideLt at about tbe hour
when Pierce was taking the oath of office
at Washington. This arrangement was
carried out tn a dot, and oo the day ap
pointed, a plan'a'ion on o ie ot the h uh
est bills 'o tbe v cioity of Maataoia, Mr.
Ciog was mide vice presideo: ot the
United S ates amid the solemn '-Vava
vol con Uios (Gal win be with you) ol
the Creoles Who bad aSiemHIed to witness
the unique auectatiie. Yioe Presi leot
King returned to bis borne at Chawha,
Ala, arriving at that place Ao'il 17. 1853.
aod died the following day. Hi ie
mains were did tn rest on bis plantation,
known as Pine Hill,
ever now that we know it to be a disease
propagated solely by infection, and know
precisely how it is communicated from
one person to another.
Tbis dread scourge, more deadly than
any other wuh which we bave to deal,
could be finally eradicated within a tingle
generation if proper meant were need.
To neglect tucb meant it at great a
shamu to our civilization at wonld be a
neglect to nrovide sewers or lo setrrreia
small pox patiecta '
The council met pnrtuant to sojournment
Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
Present Mayor aod mil board, axoent
Mr Joles. deceased
The deferred claims of January 3d were
ordered paid.
Oo motion of Mr. Johns, seconded bv
Mr. R. B, Hood, it waa ordered that tha
ounuil proceed to the aleotioo ot a oounoil
man to fill th yaoaocy oaased by tbt deaih
of Mr. T. N. Joles.
Thereupon, Mr M. T. Nolan introdaosd
the following resolution:'
Ths Dalles, Jao. 3, 1899.
Wribkus, Tb death of Thos. N. Joist
hss oaosed a vaoaooy in tb offic of on
eounoilmsn for tb saoond ward of Dallas
City, and ,
Whbbea, The financial condition of
Dalle City is uoa as to demand th ooitsd
nd harmonious aotioa of th full oounoil;
therefore b it
Huolved. That in aoeordaoo with tb
precedent established, all ooonoilt acting
under the present charter, it require tb
votes of at least foor eouaoilmaa to fill tb
th death of
A Hex'caa O tlaw.
Brownsville, Tex , Jan. 13 Further
news from Hidalgo county tbows that in
tbe not Gracia, tbe outlaw, wbo shot
Joes o to Hinovosa, a'so fatally shot Wen
c ac Zilis, ol the deputy sheriffs po se.
aod seriously wounded bis own son. The
posse bad arrts ed Gricia's son, wbo was
pliCed en a burse behind one of tbe o'
Beers. They then started in search of
Gracia, riding along in Indian fi!e. Tbe
shot, which came irom behind them, bit
HiDoyosa, aod he fell dead. The second
shot wodnded Z lla fatally, and another
shot- intended lor a deputy, struck the
outlaw's ton, cauring a dangerous wound.
Gracia escaped ucburt. He is tbe beat
sbot in this countrv, and a desperate
man. .
The German Cattle Embargo.
Omaha. Jan. 14 Hon. J Sterling Mnr
ton, secretary of agriculture, spent the
forenoon looting over tbe miuroscoptl
department of tbe bureaa of animal in-
dustry at Omabs. In reply lo tbe ques
tion as to tbe object of bis visit to t: a
packing-bouses, tbe secretary said.
"I am oo a lour, investigating some of
tbe charges of the European governments
against American - meats. - Singularly
enough, just at this time the search
lights ot Germany and France are turned
upon tbe methods of governmental meat
inspertion in the United States, and I am
cred tably informed by a party of high
standing, socially and politically, that
certain foreign governments are exerciung
a tort of espionage over all tbe principal
ahbatoirs of tbe United Stores. Tne ob
ject of this it, undoubtedly, to find, tl
"osaible, some dlrelectinn of duty on tbe
part of tbe meat inspectors. It it mv
ambition and my duty to make tbe
United Statea meat inspection so
'boroogh, so efficient and just tbat not a
single animal or a single pound of meat
nofit for human iood can possibly be
patted on to tbe interstate or export mar
Hen Batirf Moan an eat.
Chicago, Jan. 18 M S Baldwin, agent
for the estate of tbe late General B F
Butler, confirms tbe report tbat tbe et
tate will coniuct a free sanitarium for
consumptives at Fort Uoinn, N. M Tne
estate bas 020.000 acres or 'and, kaown as
the Mora grant, around old Fort Union
Mr. Baldwin, said: -Dr. W D Gen ry, ol
ibis city, wbo conducts a sani'arium bere
ill have charge of tbe sanitarium at
Fort Uoioo. Tbe estate will repair all
the bui'diogs aod tend them free for aan
itanum purposes. Board will be charged.
but that is all. It is proposed to make
tbit one of tbe biggest things ol Us kind
in tbe country, and it will be in readi
ness in a few months."
Lasdnaik Burned.
Spokane, Wash., Jao 12 Od Con
cordia nail, an historic landmark of
Spokane, went ap in smoke tbis morning
was a wooden structure, aod the fire
eked it up like a tinder box It was
he property of tbe Northwest $ Pacific
Hvpotheke bank, to which corn piny it
as surrendered lor a mortgtge ot f 9500
t whs built in 1876, aod prior to: the
hu'ldiug of the Auditorium was tbe ea4
ng theater of the city. - -i:
. .'' -c-
Hepparr Liwyrr Head.
Beppner, Or , Jan. 12 J W Dawon,
of the law firm of E h-, Dawson Sc. Lynns,
ot this e ty, died at 7 P. at today, after an
il'ness of only four or five davt. He waa
risiog young attorney, and w.s wsil
liked by all wno knew bim. He war
not thought to be seriously ill. until this
morning, when bit mother, wbo lives at
McM'nnviile, wat telegraphed for, and
u now on ber waj bere.
The Armenian Haaraaerea
Straccsb, N T, Jan 14 General
Lew Wallace, formerly mmlster to Tar
key, ia bere to lecture on "B n Hor," his
most renowned historical rotnsnce. He
was Interviewed on tb Armeuian ques
tioo. He said:
If tbe reports we have received con
cerning these massacres and outrages are
true, I tuink tbe whole Christian world
should unite in demanding tbe punish
ment of the perpetrators. But I with
hold my optoioa for tbe present, for I
bave grave doubts of tbeir truth. There
is a ring of exaggeration about Ibem and
tbe whole affair seems to me as if a con
spiracy were abroad lo tbe world, tbe
object of which is not yet apparent. As
to whether the unit an is guilty, as accused
of ordering lbee atrocities, I know it is
false I knew Adbul Haniid II very well
wtile at bit court, and have personal
knowledge of bis character and nature.
Gladstone, to use a bomely expression,
'bas gone off half cocked.' Glad-tone
alwtys hated tbe Turks, and when be was
premier his conduct was such tbat be
aeveral timet came very near sacrificing
the entente cordiaie between Turkey and
E'ig'and, Tne best-informed man oo t ie
Armenians In America, probiblf, is Dr
Cvrus Ham in, of Bos'on, wbo bat puo
It bed several statements showing that
the whole affair is an Armeuian con
spiracy directed against tbe Turks. 1
JaCoept big opinions and sentiments in
rretereoce to Gladstone's. Ths Amen
cant are easily excited and aroused, and
I eugg-A' that tbey wait for tu I reports
from tbe in'ernational commission which
bas been' appointed for tbe 'purpose ol
The Keai Cartel Mother. '
Of ber family aud surroundings we
know notbmg at all, writes tbe Riv. 8
D McCnonell, describing Mary, tbe
mother of Cnriit, in an article treating of
the life and time In which Christ was
born, In tbe Lidiei Home Journal. A
tradition to ancient and uniform that it
it in all probabilitie correct describes
ber as a tall and gracelul gut of fair
complexion, with chestnut bair turniDg I "0,DC7 otuaed by
to gold in tbe sun, toft violet eyet. and I "teaaed colleague
slender, but womanly figure wilb tapering
fingers and high arched feet.
Her drees waa a loose blouse and whit
stripped robe with wile falling t eeves.
Aoout ber waist aba wore a broad e m
broidered blue shawl or girdle H?rveil
waa ol rad cloth, a yard wide and lour
yards long. One end wat fastened upon
the left shoulder by a broach or clasp,
tbeu carried across the back of tbe neck
aod over tbe top of tbe bead, tbe edge Mourned for want cf a quorum.
which leu over tne loreneaa oeiog orna
mented witb a lribge of co ns, tben
carried uuder the left arm and brought
up across tbe loaer part ot tbe face which
It waa to conceal, then tbrowu backward
over the right shoo der. Sue wore long
pendant silver jewels Irom ber ears, and
bunches of stiver or topper bangles ou
Der wrists and anklet
Her Ii le wat tbe simple uneventful life
of a Gilileau girl, cooking, splnnlog,
going to the synsgogue of a Sabbath,
where with tbe other women, she migbl
look through tbe lattice or their ga.ltri
at her towoameo; gossipiog with tbe oiber
maideoa ' the well when tbey collected
to Oil their jus ia ibe evening.
ed colleague.
Mr. Nolan moved the adoption of th
resolution as read, and demanded a vote on '
the tame by roll call, which waa seconded
by Mr. Laoer.
Th roll being oalld retnlted at follows: :
Ayes, Nolsa and Laoer; Noes, Hood, E.hel
man and Johns. This defeated th (olu-
At thi jnnctur Messrs. Nolan and
Laoer retired, and tb ooonoil stood ad-
Tha Governor's Patroaag.
A great mauy reader of ihe daily press
of Oregon are said to be Just now directly I converted
In Mameriam.
- Comnunleawd.
Died at Caaeada Looks, Jao, 11, 1895,
Mr. Ida Troutmsn.
Mis Ida Parkins was born in Smyrns,
Clark Cunntv. Toara. M . I lean
the young st but on of eleven ohildrsa of
Mr, and Mrs. James Parkins. Her father
died when she was bat two and os half
years old, leaving the burdan of tb amily
ou the mother. At the ag of seven teen
years she married Mr. Frank Trontmaa aod
ood ca-ne to Orsgoo front Iiwa, living near
Lexington, where Mr. Trootinaa was en
gaged in farming until Id92, when b re
moved to Volmer, Idaho.
While in Volmer Mr. Trontman waa
and onited with th M. E.
interested in tbe appointments which are
ithin the gift of Governor Lord after be
takes his seat at chief executive, and
doubtless tbe remainder will be interested
in knowing just how many of such ap
pointments there are and their character.
jhorch. Mrs. Trout mao earns to tbs Cae-
I cade Lick about tbe30.h ot Noysmber to
visit the family of her cooaio Mr. Parkioa.
She bad not beeo well for torn time aod
thought th eling would b benefioial, bat
with tbs beginning of the aew year ah
The positions wbicb the governor fills " worse aod oo th morning of Jan. 11,
The Vice President of Cnba.
Chicago Time.
William Rufua Kiug, born April 0.
1788. died April 13. 1858, was a vice
president io tbs United States wbo never
directly and of bis own choice are
Private secretary.
- Superintendent of tbe state penlteuti
Health officers at Astoria, Taquma bay,
Sii'.sUw and Coos bty.
Aajutatit-general and other members of
tbe military board as follows: Brigadier-
general, judge advocate general, surgeon
general aod Inspector gnneral,
Members of the boird of regents of tbe
atate agricultural college at Corral lis.
frnstees ot the Oregon soldiers home
at Roseburg.
Members ot tbe board of regents of tbe
Eastern Oregon normal achool at Wei too
Eight members of the stale board of
Members of tbe board of dental exam
Members of the board of pharmacy.
ttegeut of tbe state normal school at
Regents of the stats university at Eu
Commissioners of the 1st Oregon dis
trie! agricultural society.
Tbe expert to measure work in ths state
printer's office.
Besides tbe foregoing tbe governor u a
member ef tbe respective boards in whose
gift and control are several other import
ant positions, and he bus no small vjice
io tbem, as follows:
Superintendents "f the asylum for in
sane, the state reform school, the school
for the bliud and tbe achool for deaf
Tbe clerk of tbe board of school land
The management of the portage rail
The commission for tbe construction of
tbe Eastern Oregon insane asylum. .
Tbe capitol building commission.
The domestic animal commission.
It might be well to remark for the pur
pose of saving postage and also saving
tbe new governor from a deluge of mail
matter, that a great many of these places
will be filled only as vacancies occur by
limitation of term or through other
causes, so the appointments following
upon the change ot administration will
be comparatively few.
1895, her spirit took Us flight.
Mr. Troutman has mad many frieni
while here, and her patient auff ring was aa
example of true Christian fortitude. Sh
will be laid to rest in tha Cascade oemetery.
The funeral service will be eonduoted by
Elder Motor at tbe M. E. church, at 10 A-
IM. SatnrJay. Two of hsr rsier wer at
ber beJaids during her last few days.
Pullman papers please copy.
Aooideatal Bhootlas-.
A man by the nam of Joho Reims, wbo '
ha been at work for Moor Bros, of 8kr
man county handling wheat, accidentally
ahotliimaelf in the abdomen Saturday even
ing about 0 o'oloik. H has bean io low
lor several days and bad been drinking
qait frtqaeotly. Saturday afternoon h
was io an intoxicated condition, and w ar
informed by one who saw tb aot, that ia
pushing tb oartridges in th ohaoiber be
must have accidentally discharged tha
weapon, tha ball eoteriog tbt abdomen and
passing through the body. Tbe accident
happened oo the north side of Seoond street.
between the oorner of Madison and Jeffer
son, and those a bo saw bim fall carried aim
to 8kibba'a hotel, wher he still remsios.
Dr. H jllister was called, and made a surgi-
oal txamtnetion of tbe wound. The man ia
unmarried and ab?ot 35 years of age. At
ist account be waa r-ting rauly; bat th
wound is of a very serious nature.
To Htasap Oat Caaaaanptloa.
Now tbat a systematic effort it planned
to stamp out eauvuinpuoa we mast be
gin to reil'XS thai our failure to make
the attempt earlier la a teSectlon upon
our civilization.
Consumption it a veritab'e epidemic.
always oresent to scourge us. it ai ts
Death ol Mr- Baek-
Mr. Jos. Buck, wbo died on January
4tb, was witb Mr. Frank Oabel't sheep on
the Deschutes. On th evening of th 3rd"'
b complained of being lick, and th next
morning bis companions took bim to Mr.
Baxter's on th Natural Pasture, about two
miles diatant Everything possible was
done for bim, but he died a tout 7 o'clock
in tbe evening, He lost consciousness be
fore he reached Mr. Baxter's, aad remained
in that condition until his death. Mr.
Buoc ws aged about 60 years, and waa
highly respected by all who knew him, H
was buried at Wapinitia Sunday, and waa
followed to his last resting place by many
sorrowing friends.
Mr. Gabel de ires to return thanks to th
people of Wapinitia for the help they ren
dered him in th last tad rite he paid to bis
fr end.
WW Is Hat
A letter was received - yesterday at th
governor's office from Nortbamptdu, Mass.,
making inquiry for deary Beck with, son
of vlrt, Austin Beckwitb ot Canto Center,
Conn , wbo left home twelv years ago and
was last beard 'rota iu March, 1830, at
Hardin, a postotfioe then ia existence la
nearly 100.000 people In tbe United States Crook -.. 0rea,n. but whlch ba,
-eswa , Thar at. mnid Iaaae. aIia Uh I . w - -
CICIT oai iiot sa auwien unu vsssvivfisa,
yellow fever or small pox ever killed ia
aov year
Tet while we spend millions in quu
antlne aod other preventative measure tn
escape those diseases, we tit down con
tentedly aud let consumption ravage a 1
partt of the country year after year witb
oot the smallest effort to prevent.
Tbere wss excuse for this in tbe lat
genera' ion at it was supposed to be an b
redltary disease. There cso be ooao Wuat-
discontinued, and tbe mail for which goes to
either Pauline or Fife. . An nod it vary
anxious to obtain Information of th young
man and wished to be informed as to who
weald be th best officer to writ to in that
neighborhood for information. Tbe Prino
villa newspapers or the county officer there
may be aiili to ascertain if Beckwitb ia in
existence yet or give aom direct fact
about bim,