The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 12, 1895, Image 4

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    Tfie Times-Ionntaineer
.JANUARY 12. 189fi
When the McKinley bill was pend
ing in congress the Democrats never
wearied of dilating npon the permci
ous effect it would have upon onr for
eign commerce, says the Inter -Ocean.
: The New York city men, Cockran and
Flower especially, dwelt pathetically
upon the inevitable commercial decline
and - paralysis. - Liter its repeal wrs
' demanded in the interests of this lame
commerce. Repeal came in sweeping
response to Democratic control of con
gress, and as a consequence a flourish
ing foreign trade has been destroyed.
Dnring last year it took no less than
$30,000,000 in gold to meet foreign
demands. .Under Republican ral,
before Democratic victory had begun
to cast its shadow in advance, the bal
ance was in oar favor, our exports ex
ceeding our imports Ly many millions.
The bonded debt of . the country has
increased since Cleveland's election
over $90,000,000, and these figures,
large as they are, represent only a very
small per cent of the commercial, in
dustrial, and financial loss sustained by
the American peoplb in consequence of
that election.
A great many voters who supported
Cleveland expected that bis party
would be held in leash by a Repubhcau
- senate, as was the case all through tl e
first Cleveland term. They bad not
counted on the frauds and bribery
practiced by the leaders of the Demo-
- cratio party two years ago by which
the senate was captured. It may well
be 'doubted if Cleveland would bave
been elected had that break in the
dike been anticipated.
What has been suffered already is
not the end. The dike will be repaired
March 4th, but the desolation wronoht
cannot be restored nntil a Republican
president, as well as congress, oomes to
the control of national affairs. . In the
meanwhile the 'party in power floond
era about in the . flood waters wh'cb
Tuve caused so much destruction of
property, quite at a loss what to do.
Poor Carlisle may well ourse the day
he left the senate, and Gresham the
bench, to enter the cabinet in
the . assumption of duties for which
neither bad any aptitude. Even
Chase would find his financial genius
sorely taxed by the present exigien
cies of the treasury, and a Seward
wonld be perplexed by the complies
tiens of the state department
The reassembling of congress has
not inspired confidence in any quarter.
For just two months more the Democ
racy will be in absolute control of the
reins of goyernment and can pass
whatever laws the party may please.
It is doubtful it any important meas-
are gets through. The house will send
some bills of special gravity ' to the
senate, and the latter may amend and
send back, but it is not expected that
actual completion wv ill be reached.
This congress and the president could
not have succeeded better bad they
started in with the deliberate and un
faltering purpose of engraving opon
the tables of history, in letters so large
as to be universally read, these words,
Incompetency, thy name is Democracy,
From Saturdav's Mir.
i ne s'iree ot I ne i 'alios Urc&eetrv vm"n
will be given this evening as usual at the
Baldwin opera house in this oity.
- Tbe lady pupils of Smith fin.' dancing
. school will nave aleiehs Mat for them
this evening if tbey desire to attend the
News was received this morning that tbe
ice below Bonneville has passed ont of the
river. This will make navigation clear on
tbe lower river. - -.(
The store of J oles, Collins & Co. will be
closed Monday and Tuesday of next week
for the purpose of making toe annual in
voice of stock.
Passenger trains from tbe eat arrive on
regular time. Ho. I palled IB on ber scbed
n'e time this morning, aad was immediately
sent out as no. Z. ..
Tomorrow morning tbe steamer Htgulator
will leave ber wharf for the Lucks, and will
means of tbe Dalles City.
. At the drawing in Mr EI. Liebe's jewelry
establishment number 62 won the diamond
ring this afternoon, and Mr. C. vv. Stone
was tbe fortunate winner of tbe prise.
The weather has moderate 1 Tery consid-
crably, and rain fell for a short time this af
ternoon. A Chinook wind would soon
change this wintry weather into spring.
Any.perooB desirous of reaching Portland
may 'take passage-on tbe Regulator tomor
row morning, which will -connect with tbe
boat on the lower river, it being clear of
Snow at The 'Dalles is daermr than sr.
. other points east on the line of the railrnad.
Hutu, it- I... kuin - V..o u 1 I
while at Arlington it baa not been only 12
' inches; at Grant, 18, and at Heppner about
a foot. '
Bev. John Wbisler, pastor ef the Meth
odist churcn in this city, has been quite
sick. His many friends will be glad to
learn that at last accounts be as improv
ing, and is now able to leave his bed and
.rest in a ouair.
V e received yesterday on eur ex hange
table the first number of Oregon Hetouren,
the immiirr&tion rjATjer uuhliaherl ami uiittA
by t r4ne in this city. It is a four
column octavo, and presents a very neat ap
pearance typographiually.. .
'The steamer Ktdu'atir w 11 leave her
wharf in this city tor tbe Cascades tomor
row morning making connect! n at that
point with the 'Dalles CUy for Portland.
Tbe lower river is now clear of loe, and
daily trips will he made hereafter.
Tbe snow plow which arrived - yesterdav
from tbe east left about 10 o'clock this
morninK down the road. There is o e plow
now between Cascade Locks and Bonneville,
. which is .making very little headway, snow
in nlaAjM Iwkincr fr-nin tji .hir fuf
deep i
1 ye "Daiiites" is a play that will draw
ont the histrionic powers of McKee Rankin
in their best development. - Ho one wh
bas ever seen him in tragedy that do not
jeei atu.Hbirmcbiuu wwuua uu wjuuff mil a ireat treat - to tbe lovers of the
drama at '! be Dalles, and the best that bas
been engaged for many years.
Another of those unloaded guns was die
eh! juuuxay npou tbe Umatilla reserve ahAnfc trn miles from Adams. wnnnrl
ing Narci ss Lsoouse, a bslt breed . Tbe
weapon was an old disused sun, the trigger
of whicb'wss polled several times with so
response. Finally the goo went off, hitting
a accuse and causing a fUsti wound.
. 'I ha Earner's Bank, of Moscow, was
closed Monday by tbe Security Trust &
.Waving Co., of Portland- placing an attach
ment for 112,000. 1 be collateral put up
was declared unsatisfactory and the bank
could not meet tbe demand. A large sum
of the city's money is tied up in the' bank
and tbe appointment of a reoeiver is anx
iously awaited.
Lewiston Teller. Owing to the fast in
creasing flow of ice tbe steamers Levr
iston, Spokane tat Airnota, I ave been oonv
palled to go-into winter qusr eri, tbe for
mer two at Log tlin and tbe Utter at Al-
mota. The boats were hauling consider
able freight to this section, and it is a great
inconvenience to the many shippers at this
point mat tney were compelled to tie np.
Tbe proceeding instituted by the Ne
York banking firm to restrain tbe commi
toner of lnterosl revei ne from ssessmB
and colleoting tbe tax npon its income i 1
oe watcbeit mth great luterest. lorr is
I'ght possibility that the tax will be de
olared nnconatitutional, though emioen
counsel boid rhi it it. Tbe determioatioi
of the natation i in portent.
Whe.i gold begins to leave the hank o1
l island or the bank of France, ss it is nov
leaving the United States treasury, ever
obstacle is put in the way. Worn own n
presented in payment, the charge for un
worn is raised, bars are refused, tharg s o
packing and handling unaccountably mui
tiply and in some case, at Paris gold is re
fused altogether. Our own treasury is th
ooly national depository of ihe central stor-
of gold in a great couutry which takes non
ot these precautions.
Wasco Mews: Notwithstanding the cold
and disagreeable weather a large number oi
wheat teams pass through the city on their
way to tbe river. hen one becomes aware
of the discomforts and exposures both men
nd teams must endure while hauling grain
during tbe wi ter months, he can only
come to tbe conclusion that the people oi
i'bermau county are as bard w rkiog class
of people as can be found, ana that tnej
are, as a whole, anxious and willing to pay
their obligations.
Frank Elliott, of B'tngeport, arrived
rJe,r City last Monday evening and re
ports that a couple of touuhs eutered a
miuir-g cabin occupied hy two Chinamen ii
Malheur City one evening last week ami
arideoly presented revolvers and iletnmdeii
chetr moo- y, which so frightened the celes
tials that Uiey ma le a vary hurried attempi
to escape through the rear door, which one
cf them succeeded in doing. The o; her one,
after receiving a bill tnrough tbe fleshy
part of one of his legs, called a halt and de
livered up whit mooey be bid, something
over eleven dollars.
E. Gilliam, stock inspector for Umatilla
county, is about o submit a report c tb
condition of tbe stock within his territory
lie informs tbe Pendleton Tribune, that he
bas inspected 243,000 sheep during the fall
of 1894, and finds them in an excellent state
of health, and in bis estimation freer trom
disease and in ection than tbe she p ofHbi
county have been for ten years, Only a
small proportion are Infected - itli scab, the
improvement io tbe general condition hav
ing sen brought about by the rigid enforce
ment of the law.
There is more than $250,000 of stored
monev in Pendleton, says tbe EaH Oregon
ian. There never was a large amount idle
in Pendleton before. The people who own
this money will bave to invest it themselves
in indue rial undertakings before it will be
employed There is no one who wa ts to
borrow it that can borrow it, and those who
can put up the collateral necessary to Dor-
rowing it will not do it. I bis coudition in
time will compel the owners of money to
take the risk of employing th" money in
productive undertakings tbe selves.' v hen
they commence to do so "good times" will
be tbe result.
From Monday's Dally
The east-bound train arrived on time last
Sleighing is better at present than it bas
been for a number of years.
The Myrtle clob will give their regular
weekly aance at their ball tomorrow even
ing.' A marriage license was granted by the
.soooty clerk today to Charles S McUee and
Ella B Nulin,
This morning was the coldest of tbe sea
son, and tbe thermometer marked only 12
degrees above xero.
Mr. 1) L. Gttet, the leadiug merchant of
the Cascades Jsjcks. arrived in town on the
mixed train tbis afterooen.
Tbe roads to the interior were blockaded
by the recent storm: but they are now
opened, and communication u available.
The dramatic s ason to begin this eveoiog
by Mettle K-tokm bss b.-en indefinitely
postpjueii. All arrangements were thwarted
by the recent storm.
The telephone system is now complete to
fortland, and all messages will bs trans
mitted and received. Tbe lines were up at
11 o clock this morning
The SeBulator arrived at her wharf in
good aeaxitt laat evening, having made the
tup r-nm in Cascades and conueuied with
the Dalles City trom Portland.
The Regulator went into winter quarters
this evening, the river being so fun of iae
thst it was considered dangerous to attempt
any more trips until the weather moderates
Sleigb -riding was a general amusement
yesterday, and tho merrv jingle ol bells
could be heard any hour in the day Sev
eral parties of yooog people enj -yod them
selves in this manner.
- Coasting on the different hill; is being in
dulged in to a great txsent by yonng a id
old folks. This sport coold not be better,
and the boys and girl of The Dalles are the
pioper parties to eujiy it.
Tbe difficulty in the route between this
oity and Portland appears to be near toe Ca-t-
cade kicks. Snow fal s to a oonnidernbli
dei-t'i. and it is almost impossible for tbe
snow plow tj work its way through.
3 m Buck, a aheepherder tor -Mr F a .k
Gable, at Wapioitia, died la-.t Thnr.ilay
yei y anddenly. He waa not sick but a little
while, and bis desth wss very un-xpecte l.
He was unmarried, and aged abut 45 years
Snow bas fallen at the Locks to the depth
of over three feet, and ell wo'k on the g
ernment improvement has been postponed
As soon as tbe snow melts work on tbe
canal wilt be prosecuted with the usual
X. N. Steeves, the attorney who waa in
dicted for the murder ot . Qoo W. Savers,
has been tun oil guilty of manslaughter The
trial has las ed for a number of diys, and
hss ben contested by able attorneys in his
On account of the Metbodietohurch being
occupied for ether purposes there will be no
meeting of tbe literary sooiety tonight. Its
regnlar meeting will be held one week from
tonight, at which a full attendance is re
The train from Pirtland arrived in the
city Sundny m rning ahnut 5 o'clock, tbe
first since Jsn. Sd. On the day pieceding
too enow plow ma le tbe trip, aud tms made
the track clear. We may expect regular
trsina from rortiand beresfter.
This evniog, at the regular meeting of
Friendship Ivj' gi, Hn. V. K of P., thi
rank of Knight will be conferred oo four
esquires, and there will be ini-ta'latinn of
officers for the ensuing term. A lull attend
ance ot men bers is requested.
The snowplow which hid been at wnik
between this city and PurtUnd for the pa
two days arrival at Ihe Dtlus yesterday
tteinoon, and, having done its o k on
tb s end of the road, left for La Grande.
now io the Blue mouotairs is about three
feet diep, but no blockade has been experi
eooed by trains yet.
Tbe cold weather today threatens to
olo-e the river opposite tais oity so ss tn
stop the ferry Do I from m.king rrgn'ar
trips. Although the nverMs full of i.ili.a
no for two or three days past the ferry bjat
has made regular trips ootil today
R E. French will occupy the opera bouse
next week fin three nigh a The plas will
he the ''Golden Giant," "Montesuma" and
'David Crocket. tie will be accompanied
y a clo ce i.ronp, and the drama will be
pot on the boards in first class style.
Hon. T J. Stites, the senior editor of the
Democrat, hss been appointed iotmsster
at Albany to succeed Mr. Montieth, tb
oresent incumbint. We congratulate
Brother Stites and Albany oyer tbe appoint-
nent. Toe gentleman will make a apldodid
Mr. Morgan walker, of ttigas, gsva oa
aa agreeable oill this morning. H ssys
the snow is very deep al over S-ierman
county, about the same depth as ic is in this
city. 1 hat will msure good crops next sea
son, aon win do wnat farmers very
moon desire.
A jury at Huntsville, Ala., awarded the
w:d w of Hubert lines a verdict fur $16,
000 damages against the Wetern Unlito
Telegraph company for failing to deliver
tn Hbss a telegram warning him that an
attempt would oe made to kill bim. This
yerdict is of tbe greatest interest, as it
practically holds that a teleg apb com
paoy is liable for damages resulting from
nondelivery of a message.
Bev. W. C Curtis, of the Congregational
church, preached a very powerlul strmon
last night to a rood audieooe. The minis
ter was truly at his test, end his spt rimdea
and beautiful word picture wss very enter
tertaining to tbose present. There wa- hardly
one ef bis hearers wbo did not find food f r
thought in tbe discourse, ai d. who did
not feel strengthened In Jbe couflict of life
by the cheerful and encouraging words
poken by tbe pastor.
The following deed wss filed for record
wih the county clerk today:- Jsn 7
James WolUte, R Peasle sod 0 G H.ll,
rnatees of O k Grove oeme'arv asmitii.n,
o Wsneoaas lodge, N i. 30. K of P i b--
iamag at th "w corner of as qr sea 2 tp 2
o, r 10 ei running thence south 9.70 oTaima,
cneooe esst 0.09 clsms. thenos nurtn B."9
ilaims, thence west 6 olaitns to point of be
inning; consideration fencing, clearing and
ilatting of ground.
Mr. H. M. Pitman, of Dufur, eave us an
greeable call this altenoun. Be ssys the
oada sre in excellent coudition, and that
here is good sleighing every foot of the
mtire distance. Toe people of Dufur are
nioyirg themselves sleivh-riding, and oc
cupy almost every bour of the day in this
Portland hss so fibred the severities of the
-pcent storm in a very decided manner.
Oa'kness has reigned supreme at night, tne
leoirio cara bave stopped running, and tor
several days there has been no commnul
:.tion with the ontside world. Tni ii
-ieplorable condition for a lity of 80,000 io-
abitants. and tbe metropolis of the uortlr
The girls io Cromwell, laws, have formed
n oruau zitinr . sledding themselves neveJ
o innrrv a man who is not intelligent, boo
at ami induatnoUK. good natnred, clennlv
in person and apparel, neaimy, aimer.
hutch member sni a to'al aDAtairc inm
quor, tobacco and pri faoity VV lat
0 on of o'd maids there W.M he in that town
I the urg miration don t bust.
From Tueacav a Dally-
The thermometer marked 14 degrees
above zero this morniog.
There will be a reguUr meeting of Jack
no Engiue Co. this eveuing at tbe engine
Tbe river is cloatd from ahore to shor
nut the ice i- nut solid euough to permit ol
person walking across.
Sieigbitig for the past two days has heen
delightful, and every hour, diy and night.
the merry Jingle ot Dens couia lie ueura.
Mr. V. H. Wnketje'd, tbe asee s ir elect,
took possession of bia office yesie'dav
morning, aud is -busily at work looking
over tbe 'ax list at.d making himself au-
quaiuleu with bis work..
The train that left this morsine west-
bouiid, - went as tar as Bonneville, and
could go no further lu tne cuts, il is re
ported, snow hs fallen to a great depth
una completely blocked the road .
It is claimed by those in a position to
know, that pie aud cake kill one huudred
times more people tban war. Why don't
some ot our political parlies put ao autl
pie and cake plank in Ibeir platform? -
Tnere has beun nothing with wnuh to
point a moral or adoru a tlo tor some dsys
past in the recorder's court Toe weather
is to j cold fur even the inebriate to imbibe
and this makes business dull lu the police
It was expected that the people of tins
viiiuity would experience very cold
weather, and ibat the ice crop w uld be
gathered at borne Ibis year, but last nigut
more snow begau to tall auu soatiuucd
until noon today.
Mr. I. J. Norman was taken ill very
suddeuly last night, and bas been con
nuea to big lied all day. 1 be attack was
very unexpected, as air. Porman la aa
act!ve,energelic man, and'uxually enjoys
robust Health.
Tbe Portland train which has arrived
here about 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon
ecb day, bas been adandoned during the
present stormy weather, it miv ma e
regular trips as soon as tbe weather mod
erates and the stormy seasou bas passed.
The fire department bas '.wo horses in
the old engine bouse, one for the Colum
Lin Hose carl aud oue tor ika eouiue,
Tbese ere. to be used in case of a Are at
night, and would iusure quicker worn
during aesp snow u it u-e carts bal to
be nauied by baud.
Union street bill is. tbe coaster's para
dise, and it affo'Qg more amusement i i
that line than any place in the city. After
school hours it ia tbe general resort of
boys nnd girls, and cabling continues
away into lb- night The American boy
considers this sport peculiarly his, and
will brook no interference from any
Wm. Gibson and wife, wbo were arrested
some time sgo for larceny f butter, . and
were not proseouted on conaideiatinr. oi
leaving the vity, will bs trij for the offense
tomorrow. They left The Dalles and went to
Arlington, where they remained some time;
but lately they returnod and the author
ities ordered them arrested on the charge.
While the United S ats ha- 47 000 000
sheep, from which itpr-duoea 300,000.000
pnni.ns nt o.L Australia leaf's u with
550 000 000 pound . a d the Argentine Ki-
pubiio with 400 000.000. Last year we
imported half the qututity we ujed. As
mutton breeds ate adopted the price of wnol
wili advanoe, and sheep breeding improve
in some lines at least.
La GraDde's sympathy for the sufferers
of Nebraska bas been aroused and V. O.
McCully & i.,.of that cilv tifler to xtart a
snhscripiion for the destitute tanners with
ton of potatoes, cabbage and other vcg.
etables. O io or two carload of provi
sions would not be missed from every
town in Eastern Oregon, and tbe gener
osity would do mucn toward relieving
UDtortuuate larmers wbo are worlby of
Tom Spaff ird went ont Friday morning
i h the north b mod mail, and returned
abiutnoon, haviug met the stage at Mr.
C ro e's plaoe, ssys the Priuevjlle Review.
We learn from him that the drifted coudi
tion of the snow oa Willow creek was the
onne of tbe deity. The lat sno having
f lino the day the Wednedv' stage left
Bakeoven, no n -iwa has reached here as y-t
concertiit g the condition ol the roads north
of Kakeovpn.
Since the ossssge of the Cirey act of CO"
greaa giving tn each o' trie and status 1
000,000 acres of the public lanrts there.
provided they may be reclaimed, mush 1
teiest in tbe subject has been tnken hy th
people generally, and a committee baa b en
engtged for S me time under the leadetshi
of Judge Saoaca Smith, in draftings bil
for presentation to the legislature, prnvid
ing for taking the luil benefit of the Carey
The party sent out by tbe Pont-InteUi:en-
cer to ascertain whether Mt Uauier was
an active volcano, have returned and pos
itively states thai the old mountain
smokes. In the issue of - that paper of
j an u -try gm a lull page is devoted to
deacripue'i of Ihe trip, writ en by Mr.
Wm Sheffield, a Dalles l0, wbrfnnw
occupies a position on tbe reportorial staff
oi inat paper Another member or the
narlv waa Vlr. K (Inbn Hll a uin nPITnn
W. Lir Hill, aad formerly a resident of
I his riiy. He is cow a leading lawyer tf
Last Wednesday, J an airy 2, was the
worst and most disagreeable day tbis sec
lion baa witnessed for years, says tbe
Autelope' srald. Early In the morning
a heavy soow storm, r we might more
appropriately say a Dakota blizzard, tet
in, and kept it up with great fury until
late in the night. Next morning 13 inches
of snow covcrea the ground more tbs
has falleo at one liuc since the winter of
'00. As we go to prees (Friday moral Hi)
a glorious Chinook is b owing and the
"beautiful" congealed element will prob
ably be all gone in a few days.
PrineviMe Review: Let Friday a little
girl of Dve Vvaaver'a who lives below
town, got ba Hy burid. Tne aoji-le it oo-
curred while both p .rents were cut milkii g
in the evening ,l i playing about the fire
place the little girl's clothing became ig
nited, snd before tbe parents could getnuoii
the scene, tbd child waa badly burned about
the right aide and face. A bucket of aster
being handy, Mra, VV'.aver diahed it opon
the burning ohud, putting out the flame
Medical aasistanoe was Called, and with
cartful nor ing the li'tle girl will- reoover.
but will oo doubt carry the scars of the in
cident to ner grave.
Tbe snow is reported about four feet
deep in Ihn neighborhood of Kingsley,
snd it is aoout that denth through that
regiou. Mr. Isaac Driver started for his
home at VVamic last Friday, ana it was
nearly iliree days lie fore he arrived there.
Between uufur ana iLiogsley there was
no road broken, not even a trail, and three
uii es tbis way from Kiogsley he was
toroed to leave his na.-.k, nohiroess one of
his horses ami ride bim home. - At
Kingsley, we are inform' d. 'here has
been good sleltrbmi for about iwo months.
and this last tan or snow may make V
continue for another twmouibs.
Washington still forges ahead. The
following are tho latest factors of develop
ment to he inaugurated io tbe suburbs of
Seattle: It Is stated that D 8. Oilman
jbas secured sufficient capital in tbe e a
to establish a blast furnace plant with
steel and car works on Salmon bvy, and
also to erect an electric plant at Snoqual
amie Falls, to supply power for the steel
and car works, street rars and general
manufacturing aud for lighting purposes.
Tbe two plants will require an Investment
ot f ",000,000. Work on them, it is said,
1 to be commenced at an early day.
I- O. O F- Installation.
The pnblio Installation of the officers ot
Columbia lodge, No. S. last night, attracted
a large audience, taking into consideration
tbe inolemency of tbe we v her. Very many
would have been in attendance from flood
River, Cascade Locks, Moro, atd Goldtn
dale, Waeh , but the roaia were impaaaable,
and it was not possible tor them to reach
tbe city, After the guests had been seated
Mr. C. J. Crandall, the chairman of tbe
oemmittee, introduced the exerciaea of the
evening, and the following programme waa
Instrumental Music Misaea Nickelsen.
Addrtsiof VVe.corat lohn Mluhelt.
Q artette Vle-oatnea Huntington aud
Corsou and Messrs. Johnson and Magee.
Recitation Miss Rjastll.
Instrumental Duet Miss Louise Ruch at
the piano and Mr York at the violin.
Ma e Q lortette Measra. Ciandall, Jobn
aoa, Daaue anil M agee.
The inatrumental dnet by Miaa Ruch ann
Mr. York waa loudly euoored, and they ie-
-ponded in a very excellent leuditiua
Wheu the male quartette sang the Twenty
lour Wivta of St I vt s, tne audience loudly
uipUuded, an 1 they came lor w aid andaai-g
a vry beautiful selection.
After tb-t exercises were finished, Di.
Doane, as oeputy gran I matter installed tbe
following 'jtticers lor the enaoing term, ac
cording to the impreaeive cereinouies ot the
Od i Feilowa ritual: T. A. Ward, N G ;
P.ul Paulsen, V G ; H dough, sec; ti
C Nielstn. tis.a ; J C Crandall, R 3. N
G.; Jaa. Biakely. L S N. G.; G A. Poir
inan, VV.; Wm Miuhell, .; Geo Rich, R.
S V G ; H A., L S V G
The banquet was Served to about one
hu-idreil, and it was prepared in the Ui-ual
first class style, for which Mr. Andrew
Keller has received so general commenda
tion. A'terwards the persons repaired to
the hall and apeot tbe time in social con
ersatioD. The g-nial, hrmonizi g spirit
of O 'd Felloship was never displayed to a
better advantage than at the public inatal
atioo last night, and the event will long be
Raising Flax-
This la what tbe Ellenshurg Localizer
Sds about raistug flax iu Yakima county
and the same is true of any portiou of
I'ast ro Oregon;
"Another string to the famer'a bow is
tbe cultivation of flix. Tbe seed end
fibre should both be utilized to obtain tbe
best results. When the seed can be sold
for 90 cents to f 1.00 it can be made a
profliab'e crop for tbe seed alone; but
wben tbe fiber can be sold for a good
price the value Is greater. There
need be no fear that fl-tx will oot grew in
Whitman, Columbia and other counties
of tbe state. Twenty bushels to the acre
is said to be an average crop. Tbe har
vest iog may be mure expensive, but tbe
value of an acre is worth six or eight
times as much as wheat, and it does not
need to be held for an advance price, for
it commiods the cash as soon as it is pre
pared and ready for the market. As imps
only bring a paying price once in foil or
five years, it is better to raise that which
will bnog a good price every year.
Think of it, and produce that which has
tbe most money in it."
Deplorable) Situation.
A disp.ton was recerved this morning
from Tiou'dale, rlepioting a tetrifile S'ate of
aff ors in Portland. The operator walked
all the way f ri m the city, and there was
not a telegraph pole standing for tbe entiie
distance and in many icatancea large trees
had fallen across the road. Io Portland a
teriific storm of wind snd sleet prevsiled
yesterday, and telegraph pobs all over the
city had been thrown down and fruit and
shade tree had fallen in every d rection.
Oa accoaat of this general wreck oo eleotr.o
cars were running, aod the are and mean
descent lights could not be operated. The
streets of the city wero in totsl darknees
last nightano cats were running except
those operated t y cable and drawn by
horses, and the two feet of soow had been
crustsd over by an inch of lue. Thia leaves
the metropolis in a worse oooditioo tbsn the
little country towns. 10 sdd to this no
trains bad arrived in the oity for two days.
Ttrs arty-Five Cents to tbs) Pan-
A rancher livirg on tiutren creek a few
miles southeast ef Baker City brought a
dozen chickeos to town the other day aod
disposed of them to Mr. Waller Feroald
of tbe Kirst National Bank, reports the
Democrat. In dressing me f them gold
particles were found in tbe craw. A few
days af er tbe rancher came to town again
and Mr. Fernald informed him of tbe
flod and suggested that the rancher had
better do a little prospectiog for diggings
in tbe vicit iiy of his home. Tbe rancher
-rn his return home began a search for
gold in a gulch near by and bxs bteu re-
Warded by a prospect of iwenty-fivo cents
to the pan, itb the coining season Mr.
Rancher propose to turu his attention to
plicer mitiug.
SlOO Reward. tlOO.
Tbe reade.-s of ibis paper will be
pleased to I earn ibtit there is at least one
dreaded disease that science bas been
able to cure in all its stages ana that is
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tbe only
positive cur" now snown to tbe medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional-
disease, requires a constitu'iooal treat
ment. Hall's Caiarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly np in tbe blood.
mncous surfaces of tbe system, thereby
destroying the .foundation of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up tbe constitution aod assisting na
ture in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative powers,
that they otter ( loe Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to cure. Send lor
list of testimonials.
F. J. Cheset & Co., Toledo, O.
fJfSold by druggists, 7flc
Portlavnd Exposition
Opens Dec.. 1st, 1894. and closes Jan. IS,
1895 During thia time The Dt'lea Port
land & Astoria Navigation company, will
sell tickets from Dalles to Portland and re
turn, including two oieala on Sir Dalle City
at $2 50. Tickets i ited to tea dava trom
date nf ale. R'uulator will lesve at 7 A. M.
and Dalle City will arrive at I'ort-and at
3:30 t. M. Q iick translers at the '0- ks.
"V. C. Allaway.
General Aent.
Uiyf and Ulna tut tilety.
Boys may be bad (and sometime girls)
(l)or ordinary seryioe at wages; (2) opon
iodenture.Jto work, attend school, and be
brought up somewhat as your own; and
(3) children may be bad for legal adoption.
Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent
Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid sooiety, Port
and, Oregon.
Clubbing? Ratea
The regu sr sub.or p'lon prfe of the
Timis-VIoustainixr is $2, and tbe regnlar
nhacriptioc price of the weekly Oregonian
SI 50 Anvoneanhecribiog for the week v
llUEs MoUNTAIKIEB and pay ng one year
.rivai'C-.. on get both the Times
Moitptaineib and tbe weekly Oregonian
for $2 50 All old subscribers paying their
mhscriptiona for one year in advance wii
be entitled to tbe ssme offer.
For the Universal Exhibition to be held
at Fortland Ueoemher lit to Jaooary 10.
1S95, tbe Oregon Railway & Navigation Co
will sell excursion tickets at rate of one and
ne-tiftb fare for the round trip, pins fifty
cents for two admission ooui o is 1 1 th x-
ii bitinn. Tick- ts will hf on sde for 'rail s
rriviog at Porflanrt Aa Tupitva snd Pri-
d V" nt each week Kjvembcr 29. b to Janu
ary lfltb.
Saved Wor Life.
Mrs. C. J. Woor.DRmoK, of WoTtham,
Texas, saved the life of lier child by the
use of Ayer's Cherry PectoreJ.
One of my children had Croup. The
ease was attended bv our physician, and was
sttpiiosed to lie we'll under control. One
riifjlit I was startled bv the child's bard
breathing, and on going to it found it stran
clliijr. It had nearly cexsed to breathe.
Realizing that the child's alarming condition
had become possible In spite of the medicines
given. I reasoned that audi remedies would
be of no avail. Having part oi a Dome or.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, I gave
the chllrl three rinses, at short Intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
tlie Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and. In a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The chad Is alive and well t
day, and 1
1 uv
say th
toral saved ber life."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aysr ft Co, Lowell, Usss.
Walter Besant Encountered a Man Curl
onaly Amiable and Obliging.
"We were talking of the autograph
collectors," writes Mr. Walter Besant,
"and I told this story. A certain col
lectora lady asked me to getter
an autograph letter of Professor P.
G., a friend of my own. I agreed to
ask him for his signature at least
But the great man proved curiously
amiable. He very kindly said :
" 'I will give you for your friend
not only my signature, but also an
autograph letter.
"He sat down and wrote that let
ter, which he gave me. I read it, and
thanked him without a Bmile. At
certain supreme moments one has
complete command of both muscles
nnd nerves. The letter ran as fol
lows: " 'I am pleased to be able to give
the applicant, named, I believe, Wal
ter Besant, a testimonial of personal
character. I would give him many
testimonials if I could get a per
manent income for a persistent bor
rower. I have known him for somas
years. He is frequently sober, some
times respectful, well mannered
when he pleases, and has never been
found out, so far as I know, in any
dishonesty. How far he may be
trusted with other people's money
those who know him better than
myself will be able to Bpeak.
" 'For my own part, I have never
trusted him farther than I could see
him. He is said to gamble habitual
ly, but I do not state this of personal
knowledge, because I should decline
to play with him even if he were to
invite me. The little difficulty of
the right bower up his coat sleeve at
a recent race meeting was, he says,
satisfactorily-disposed of. He does not,
as a rule, spend more than twice his
wages without counting the ticks,
which he never pays. I believe that
it i3 not true, as has been alleged,
i that he has a wife in every colonial
port. He cannot do anything prac
tical or useful, but he has a pretty
wit, and has lampooned several re
spectable gentlemen into the grave.
" In blackmailing he is a past mas
ter. It is not true that he has been
frequently horsewhipped, but 1 know
for a fact that several persons who
at various times have set out for the
purpose of horsewhipping him have
returned on shutters. He is a most
earnest, whole souled gentleman,
whose appointment to the post which
he Beeks that of window cleaner to
the workhouse will give the great
est satisfaction to all those who at
present have to lend him half crowns
en application to keep him going. "
Pearson's Weekly.
Tbe Tragedy of Two Uvea.
The life work of Farmer Millsap's
wife was over. Lake a head of wheat
fully ripe, she was about to be gath
ered in by the gran harvester.
"Obadiah," she said in feeblo voice
as the end drew near peacefully and
painlessly, "you have been a good
husband to me
I bave tried to be, iaucinay, re
plied Farmer Millsap.
"You have laid yourself out to
make things easy and comfortable-
Like for me.
"I have always tried to do my
sneer, Juurnndy.
"Obadiah," sue went on, "we've
lived together 55 years, hain't we?"
"We have."
"And ever since we were married
you've eat all the bread crusts, hain't
your t
"I won't deny it, Lucindy, I have.'
"You've eat the crusts for 55 years,
go's I wouldn't have to eat them,
nam t you, ODaaianr'
"I don't deny it, Lucindy."
'Obadiah," said Farmer Millsap's
wife after a pause-, it was very kind
of you. And now you wont -mind
me telling you one thing, will you!"
No. What Is it, Lucindy t"
Obadiah," and there was a world
of self abnegation in her voice, "J
always was fond of crusts." Chicago
Holes In the Legs.
A scientist tells us. that hogs1 legs
perform a function not known to any
other animal, and that is an escape
pipe or pipes for the discharge of
waste water or sweat not used in tbe
economy of the body. These escape
pipes are situated upon tne inside of
the legs, above and below the knee
in the fore legs and above the gam-
brel joints in the hind legs, but in
the latter they are very small and
functions light Upon the inside of
the fore leg they are in the healthy
hog always active, so that moisture
is always there from about or below
these orifices or ducts in the healthy
hog. The holes in the leg and
breathing in the hog are his princi
pal and only means of ejecting an
excess of heat above the normal, and
when very warm the hog will open
the mouth and breathe through that
channel as well as the nostrils.
A Queer Bird.
Beaumont de Hohenzollern Jones,
a French savant, claims to have dis
covered, in Patagonia, an amphibi
ous bird with four legs. Two of the
legs have web feet, and two are like
the feet of 4 heron. The wings are
too short for flight and are used as
fans to keep off the Hies. On the ap
proach of AL Jones the strange crea
ture whistled and waved its hind legs
in the air. JNew York Mail and Ex
press. -
. Misplaced xMcslty.
At a recent ball a man was accost
ed by a lady. Drawing himself up,
he said, with a patronizing air, "I
beg your pardon, but I do not think
I have the pleasure of your acquaint
ance. '
"Probably not," was the answer,
"as I am your hostess." .London I
Truth. - - -
"For Charily Stiff ereth Long'
Mrs. Laura C. Pboenlx, nil-vankee. Wis.
"JBatron a Benevolent Borne
and knowing the good Dr. Miles Nervine
has done me, my wish to help others, over
comes my dislike for the publicity, this
letter may give me. In Not. and Dec, 1893,
The inmate had the "LaGrippe."
and I was one of the first. Besumlng duty
too soon, with the care of so many sick, I
did not regain my health, and In a month
X became mo debilitated and nervous
from sleeplessness and the drafts made on
my vitality, that ic was a question if I could
go on. A dear friend advised me to try
Syr. Miles' Restorative Xervine.
I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am
tn better health than ever. I still continue
Its occasional cse am o nerve food,
as my work Is very trying. A letter ad
dressed to Milwaukee, Whv, will reach me."
June 6, 189. Mrs. Laura c. Phoenix.
Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
Ail druggists sell It at tl. 6 bottles for $5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by tbe Dr. Miles Medical Oc Elkhart, ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
In the Circuit Court ot ihe Stite ot Oreg-oa, Jcl
Wasco county.
Iha Pcifl : Fire lnBuram-s CnmHT. D'alntiff. vs.
pamsl J. C"Opr, Aivazena a.C "per, The iaits,
I'ufur a BilVsioue B. R oo., D at. French sou
J. W. Frsnoh, oefs. dants.
Bv virtue ot an sseutinn dnlv issued out of snd
under the seal of the tlicuit court of tba Stat of
Ornron. fur ihe L'ounlr of Wuki. to ma dlts ted,
dated tSth dr of November. li-M, upon a Juda--
Dent ann decree of foreclosure renusred and en
tered in a d court on the 15ih d of November,
1X94, in favor or the Pacific Fi Iil-u ansa Con
panv, plaintiff, and airainac D.nlel J. Cooper and
Arvas na A. Copper, defendants, for tha aim of
tie,s9S. 00, conmndiiig- and rvquirlnr ma to make
sale of ths 'following; dotcrihed rtml t ropt-rty altu
aii a in thi county of Wasco, snd stats f Oregon,
Ths west ha'f of Heetlon 36, Townr-b p t north.
Rants 14 east, JiO sens; the north out quartsr and
ths east ha f of tha aouthea I quarter ot S etioa BS,
Town-hip S n nh. Hans' 14 eaai. Z 0 c as; tbe
east lul of th south et quarter of bectlou S6,
rownahlp north, B nge la east, 80 acres; tbe
southwest quarter of S e lor SI. Township t north.
Hangs 16 nut, 188 acraa; tba southeast quarter of
Beotioo 26. Town-hip i norih, Kanne 14 east, leu
acres; tha west b If of tha n rttiwcat quarts of
oaction 81, Township north, Kanire 16, east, 108
acres; ths wsat half of ths norti.wast qurtr of
.- eetioo 82. lownabfp S north rsntre 16 east, 80
acre-; the southeast quarter of Section SO, Town
ah p t north, Ks ge 16 sail, 100 acres; tha sast hall
and the eou hwe qa irt--r of the northwest quarter
of asetl n SO, Tuwnthip S so. th, Ksiig-a It asst. Hi
a ore; the went half of tbe south vest quarter of
Hectiou 0, T wnsbip t north, Hanfre 16 s .at, 10S
seres; tho north ball of th souths tat quarter sad
lbs non beast quarter ol tbs souihwast quarter of
beeJou IS, Township t north, Hinge 16 east, 120
acres; ths eaat half ol Section 81. own-hip 2 north
Banite 16 east, 820 acre-; Total 8.032 seres. I did,
on tb xTih day of Mov.mbrr. 1894, duly lsvy spou
the above d-cribed real p oparty.
low, therefore, bv vlnue of said exacution. Judg
ment, oider an decres, and n confonnitv iuitns
command of said writ, 1 will on edneaday, tha
Snd oay o1 January. 19, st thtt hour of 1 o'clock
and 8J murue-, p. m., at th fron duoref tbs
county o-utth nse of said Wa-eo County, in tbs
City of Tbe Da. lea. In aid county s d state, aa 1 at
puolic auction, subj ot to redemption, to ths hurb
eat bidder for United States go d o in, cash in band,
all tbs rbrbt, title and li srest of the above named
def ndnls. or either of them, in and to tbs sbov.
de-crihed rsal property to s tl fy said execution.
Judgment, o.dei sod deer, in tare t aad eusuj sua
ait scuruing ooaU.
Bheriff of Wssoo C unty, urstron.
Dated st Dallas City, Oreg .n, Dae. 1, 189.
Easily Fade.
We want many men, woman, bors, end girls to
work for na a few hours dully, right In mid around
their otui homes. The business Is easy, pleasant,
strictly honorable, nnd pavs better tlinn any other
offered agents. You li.-v a clear field and no
competition. Experience and special ability un
necessary. No capittil required. We equip yon
with everything you need, treat you well,
and help you to tarn ten times ordinary wages.
Women do aa well as men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any on, anywhere, can o the
work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim
ple direction?,. Earnest work will sorely bring
you a great deal of money. Everything is new
and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full Information. No harm
done if you conclude sot to go on with tha
George Stinson&Co.,
Box 488,
al Expr
Good hauled with the greatest oars to all
carta of tba ntv on short notion.
DAN BAKER, Prop'r.
Keeps oa hand the oeet
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Near tha Old Mint, Second Street,
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
Second Street East End.
a-tew. s ' mimZj
A. KELLER Prop':
am p. spared to furnish families, orlsltaad re
tan ran as sntn ur m.vorst
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresli Titers Served is Every Style.
eteeaMiSl ktueet. Next door to Tko Dalles lb
Lajra Omcs at Tei Dt.if.m. Obmost,
Decern b IS, lb.
rTotioe Is hereby gitwa that ihe following- n-inad
.ettlr bas Sled nolle nf his intsntlun to mak' anal
utom lo support f his claim, snd that said proof
tll be mad before tbe ttriifcter and Retvlver at
rhs Dalles, Orevon, on January 24 16, vis:
HBNo 62SS, NK SWJ, MSU AW. Bee tt, and
Sf-lSWJ. SeOi-l.Tpl S, R14 E.
Hs names ths following wltneaass to prove bis
eon Inuoua residence upon and cultlradoo of asid
aud, vis:
H nry Hudson. Harry Hudson, John W UoDtgom
sry, Jobu i iiecker. all of Uufur, Orarnn
J A3, r . MooRK, Register.
Laxd Omcs at Tint Dalls, Oaaooa,
Wov.mber. 1894.
Notice is herelrr iriven that the following-named
"ttler his filed notic of his intention to
uake anal proof In support of his claim, and
tLa said proof will be ma.le before the Keg-iater uid
Receiver of te V. S. land onto st Tbe Dalles, or.,
n uecember 20, 1194, v s:
H E, No SSS4, for th e kH sec 4. tp t n, r 12 e,
na lots 6, S .na 7, sec IS, tp S n, r li s
He naniee tbe following- witnesses to prove hut
oiutinuoua residence upou and cultivation ot said
and, vis:
Cbariea Cramer. Herbert Thiol, Matt Thiel, L J.
Datenpoif, all of Moai. r. oreuon.
il-tl J-a. K. MOORE, Ren later.
Lias Ornci at Thi Dallss Oa.,
O -I. bvr 18i
Notice Is hereby given that the following name--ettler
has filed notice of bl- intention to m.kv
dnal proof In support ot is claim, snd th t eaid
proof will be made before the register and receiver
at Ths Da-lea, Oreiron. on Dec ro er 4, 1SU4, vis;
H E No 8S2S for .b lots 8, and 5, s e 18. tp 1 n,
r 18 e, w at
He names the following witnesses to prove hi
outinuous residence fupon. and cultivation of, sal
land, viz-
H C Nielsen, Jena Simonaon, John Frederlcason.
John Klindt, all of Th- Hallos, -roxon
ct27-et JAS t . HO iRE, Register.
Bmk Into my I- clo-u e near W mie, ab"nt the
7th of Septem er 1 st, on- bsy hor-s about !fl hcds
Dun, onnara u on tne left shoulaer. Ibe.wner
can nave mm By nvrt g s.tia-sctory proof o
iwluiiiii sou paying lor wis notice snd pas'urave
Dated Wamlo, Ore., Oct, t, 18M '
Cams to ihe prrml-e of ths subscriber, It Lorn
Hollow, snout 14 miles anuthrsst af Ihe Dalles, one
orrsl mare, branded M on right abou'der, two
white hind feet, white strip in tac. 8h h i a colt
oranaen tat sam i n owqor can have tb same by
proving proirtv ann paving tor te charge
keri Ins; and he coat ot this advertisement.
Don Hollow, Oct. 4. 1 4. I), f ubBoRNK.
Harper's Weekly.
HARPER'S WEEKLY is beyond all question the
issuing journal id America, in its splendid illustra
tion i-, in its eorp- ot aisunguis ied e intrlbuto s. and
la iu ysst army of readers. In sp vial lines Iv
arawe pn u, nirneBt otoer ox talent, tne men bst
Sited by poaitio,. snd 'raininir to treat the leading
.t.iv vt iiwiaj, in buoD toe most popular story
wnteis cot.trinut to Ita column Superb draw-
Ings by tbs fo emoat artists illustrate its special
articles, its st Ies, snd evcy notab.e ev. nt of pub
lic Interest; It contains portraits of tb distinguished
men nd w- men who are making tbs history ef the
uuie, wuui special attention is liven tu tn Army
aad Navy, Amateur Sport, snd siusic and ths
urams, oy cistinsuunea experts, in s word. Bar.
pel's Weekly combines the news features of thi
daily rMDcr and ths artistic and literary qualities of
tbe maintains with ths s lid critical character at tbe
Psa Ybab:
Harper's Msgaalns 4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Jarper's Basar 4 00
BaiTtr'a Touog People fOO
estops rrs fo all SubtrOmn ia A Iarffsd BtaUn
uumhw ana mm.
Tbs Volumes of ths Weekly begin with ths first
numher for January of each year. Whan no time is
mentioned, auMortptlona wiu begin with tb num-
ovw nrrrni as in mui ox receipt i x oruer. .
Bound Volume 01 Earptft Wkly tot three
fears back, in neat doth binding, will be ssnt by
mail, txMags paid, or l-y exprs-a, free of exusnss
provineo ireu:n oes not sxoesa one aollar per vol-
uiuej, lur 91 per vuiuiaio.
-uotn case tor eaen voiom stll table tor Mndtnr
will be seat by mail, post-paid, on receipt of 1 oh
HemltVincos shou'd b mads hy postcBc money
nier w. mil, w aroiu enanes ox loss.
Stwpaptn ur not to copy sTwNastasHl
tmnout uu aepna sratrtf Harp a Brotktn.
Address: BAKPEtt ft BttOiHEBS, Nsw Toik.
harper's Bazar.
HARPER'S BAZAR Is a journal for ths hems.
tives tbs fullest i-nd latest information snout Fash-
iona, and iu nom. roua illui-tr lions, Paris designs
snd pattern-Bht-et supplements are .ndiat-enaable
silks to the boms Ireas-maker snd tbs professional
modiste. No sxps at 1- spared to make lu artiirue
sttrsctiTsncss of sb highest order. Iu bright
stories, amusing coined it snd thouarhtful essays
satisfy all tastes, sad iu but psg Is famous as a
ouages 01 wis ana nnmor. in 1U weekly Issue
verytbing Is included wMth Is of Interest to somen.
The Serials for 1891 will be written br William black
snd Walter Besant. Short stories will be written by
Mary E Wilkins, Marls Louis Pool, Ruth McEnery
Stuart, llarion Hariand snd others Out Door
Snorts and In-Door Games, BooUl Kntertaloment,
tm broidery, and other Intsrestlns topics will receive
constant attention. A Dew series Is pru raised of
-1 wee sua jtspsrtse."
Harparr Magaiias S4 00
Harpers wnsiy 4 ng
Uarper'a Baser 4 on
Harper' Young People g 00
Pvtagt frt to all ruiioriterf in (As UniUd dtotss.
wmhmi Mini avowvev.
The Volumes of ths Auor berrla with
Number for January ef scr year. Wbe 1 bo time Is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tba Num-
or current at tne urn of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes ot Burot't Bntar or threa vaara
back, in neat cloth binaine;. will be sent by mail,
P-sUge paid, or bj exp sss, tree of expense (pro-
riwvM uic uriau, inn sw eaceea on uouar par t
nine), for S7 per volume.
Cloth ease for each volume, soluble for binding.
w m awi, pi-paMi, on xwoeips ox .1 asm.
Rtmrttance should be assd by jkMoOoo money
oruer or uraxt, to avota enanes Of loss.
Kompontn or not to awry fAts evftiarffssawat
auAovu is axprsst orosr or uarpor at BnUun.
Address: HARPER at BROTHERS New York.
0 ctt are
Still beTftr inAtn
made Ytifti
fdrlkty ara
from Q ?EIS8
2inc( are easily di
gested, or Trying
korVsmn fZnd all
077 ot ea a is zTrei-
Utiet Jburej- Trz.x lard.
Gcsoln mad only by
lans-ias FssSeat Bug Tftaest fa tfae Wrla
rssslse.1 siiMiiiliiilsllons line 11 ellwl
Kiwi w RstsXii Ma.
as regular intervals.
tfstsson Inerest terms to sad from tbs nrlnelDle
iwrcH,imiJH,iijaBiLi. oosiikbiti Knm
rassaneests available to ratunt by estbartlatpi
iiae Clrcto S. .aorta of Intend or MiLfiUi Qlbraic
I saa tiswy OrssN tsr Asr ssamt st leesst lu
dost to anf of oar loeml Aawnta am an
1 BKXDltliSOM BSMTUKSta. Cbloaco. IJ
1 m- -flflKy
W can' fit j 00 in si.
We can plt-ai-t? yoo ii. style.
Wh can suit you in price.
rrom sn on. tb-U due. not batons; tn (be ooiatioii, tod I h.v.a bettee class of ff-mda Bsvln.
toto, bustoessT-7 ooaT "Mtrucu.M in mbalmiuK, I m prepared to to every O. lug ps.taioln
d wlih.?f BUSINrSS-Corner of Third snd Washington streets. HEMUtME-Coresr of rourth
snd Washington streets. All or era promptly attended tu.
irif liTnnmr tt i i 1 i n i i
11 iu. iimtLL,
But at a Very .Small Profit
Men'i Kipp and Calf Boota.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Grain and Calf Button Shoes
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes. . ,
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoes
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctic and Rubber
Overshoes of . all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc
Shoe Shop in Connection With Store
tiouoi a iNJiioun
vous or diet-sues
Insomiils, I'alns
if dii
CTJPIDKNE strength em
The reafton safTeren sr 1
tsstllla. COPIDESKIst
all tb borroraofTmpotracy.
kidneys and the
C1Tb1TubT.MK atrsrirtbensnnd rMtoressmsll
The reason safTeren sr not cured by Imctors Is hecnus ninety per cent sr trnabled with .
sattttl. CUPIDElfK la the only known remedy to eti re trillion! au orn-ration. Uuo tesi Imoni.
ale. A arrlttAo a-naran te riven I
A wrlneo snaran tee glTso and money re-tnrned If sis boxes doe not etfsot rsraisnant mirSL
SUWsbox, elxfurf&a), by maU, sWndfornssiclrctilarsnd tesUmonlals.
The One Price
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &&
Agent for the Buttenck Fattemai also for tb Halt Basamr Lnesi Forms
San 1 Francisco t tot Hall
- F. LEH&E, Proprietor.
jOLUMBIA brewery beer on draught
. . Oorner Third and WajBMnirton Streets.
"ared Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues,
And tbe heat, Mot ton Chops, tnd
Vrtsl Outlets in the market.
rders Delivered to Anv Paxt of tho C tv
Fresh Vegetables on ssvle at the(Lowesi Prioea,
If yon will give ui the opportunity.
and Ulteis.
LDGiiiaiier m MDaie
tlon nf fajiirai PraiMh nlivalHnti .nliWI. m.m .m
MfMiBf nraiirs
lis rrest Veatsbable
w a a aiaa- vitanaiir tnanrnrnn.
r reiicu puyaicuin, will quiolCiy euro you of All Der-
r uisi-aiies 01 tue generative iirguua, sucb aa Lost Manhood,
us, liilnslntbBiik,iimliil tnisslona, Msrvon Ieb::y,
Unfiuiess to Marry, KzliausUns; iMKlne. Vartrwel sod
of tue generative iinrsus, sucb as
In tbs Buck, ttomlnal
Itstonaall losaes by day or nlchL
Prevents onlrk.
trblcb If no
trnico 11 not cbrckexl leads to 8pi
AnermntorrhrBa snd '
PinKAKcHcajiaMsUMUvsst, tbs) .
nrlnary org-snsoi ail impurlUes.
erenxc ore-ana.
BoxsfrsucisoaCal JnrAifsait
Cash House,