, , , : : ' ' " '' : . '"' ' ' ". . . r JailllvjTltXEftK. Volume XXXT UNCONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 12, 1895. NO. 21. '- PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY J3HN MlCRELL. EOiTOB AND PROPRIETOR Profeseional Cards. O. C. HOLLISTER, Physician aud Surgeon Rm. onr D.iiIbi Nations. Bank, office huur, 10 a m t denca We t End uf I hird niraet. . 11 m xi.i iroin a iu w DUFUR & MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law d .a .nil ssihaDtnaii Block, Tu. lilies. Ore. j 6ulHe.RL.M,M U.Cat Physician and Surgeon, Riotm S and Chapm n "lock.- H' P-11e Practical Dentist niw..iJiii..a ..tiaf eil-n and ll he latest Improved method, ltoeu in dent, operation.. m LrKunT aTTnHNRV AT LAW Orfic A in u-r.nn..-a buildira.'Di- etaire. Tne ele 'ree-on. ITT J V V ftnt and third P.M. Monday of eacb month . e TBI DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHArTEK, NO Meets in Haaome HaU the third Vied need each month at a if M- -HOL.CMBL LODGE, WO, 8, I. O. O. F.-Mett! j every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in K. of P Bail, enrner if eecoud and Court street. Sojourn Bjr brother, are welcome. U . CLoceH, beo t . FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. ., K. of. P. Meett every Vonday evening at 8:00 o'clock, In Schair oo'. building, corner of Cour. aud Second atreeta Sojourning brother, are cordially invited D. Taom, K. K. and 8. F.MitMiFEE. C. Tl OMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPt.KAf.CK UNIO YY will meet every Friday afternoon at II o'clock at the main room. Ail are invited. MODEBN WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Mi Mood farup, ho. W, meet every Tuesdai evening of eacb week at 7:80 ocl-ck, in A. Keller'. Hall. All brother, and sojourning brother, are : avited to be nreeeoU n EMPLI LODGE, NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meote I to KKeller'aHaU even Thursuaveyeiitoirat 7:30 "dock. , PATL Kit EFT, M. W. W. 8. Mtsks, Financier. . 1 AS. rEBMITH POST, NO. 2, G. A. R MeeV . ej every Saturday at 7.S0 r. at. In K. or r. nan. B. OF L. K. Mteoj eveiy Friday afternoon in E. of P. Ball. . GESANO TEBEIN HARMONIE.- Meet every ui,dav evemntt in Kell.r". HaU Jj, of P. Ball the first and ihlrd Wedneeday ol eaco month at 7:Su P. H. THE t Hl'KlHKM. FIRST BAfTlbT CBl'KCb fcev. O. D. Tatloh, lector, (service, even Sabati at 11 A. M. I P. M. babbath school in mediately after the momlnir service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 P. M -a . K. CHURCH kev. lo. WmsLza, rhetor. IV I . Servicet- even fcunflM morniD. andeveninii. Sunday School at 1S:z0 o'clock P M. A cordial invi labor extended bv both pastor and people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHVKCH Rev.W.C.CuETrs Factor, bervicea ever) ttunday at 11 A. M. and t. tL. Sunday School alter morning aervire. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father, Broksukm Paator. Low Mas. ever Sunday at 7 A. M. Hhrb Maavat 100 A.M. Vesper, at J f. M tlT. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, oppueiu A Fifth. Rev. Ell D. butclifle. Rector. Scrviua van Snndav at 11 A. M and 7:80 Y M.. Sondat school at HUM A. U. Eveninir Prayer on Friday a TOO P.M. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rsv. J. W. Jessus, pae- j tor. rreacbiiia tvery aunua aiterbuwu a. 1 o'clock in the uonrei,acionai church. Ail are cor dially invited K00NTZ, Real Estate, loans ai.d lDJirar.ee. ADnt fnr the FMttiah Tnitin an - Natiot al In- anrance etatpany of Ecui-burgh, bcotlaud, Ca.Lal 80.000,000. X.luable Farms near the City to Mil on easy term.. a Office over Post ffloe. The Dalles, Or. JOHN D. GE0GHEGAN, :' (Rrffbur 17. . Unrf.oftee. leo 7884.) Business before United States Land Office. a Specialty. Wall'. Block Main CV. Tu.cnv.r Clark Co , Wash. tr Beynclds Al-aT-W-.-'f fa.-.. -la-le oi haicieneil iii'..'.:f .vat ear . etler cole. Sent p.tnil. Tni t nalC-sole yon boe In n.inii-p.eve. iJlorinir will keen yourfeet warm anddr) lonnet eentpmrltforawenfe. order jtKWM palra C. D. and I will (rte yoa ex. elusive atcict in mnr cltv an! towhip. 1irv.rRrYWLI,aetaOar.iiIISir:. 1 WaUat St, Caleaaa, BL Biaaolntloa Kt oe Thl. Is to notify all piin inKreated that lb Arm of Lee Yuen, Stntr Lee at L e live, in llw ga denini boainess on Mill Ciexk, h. een tbi. day diaa.ved by mutntl constat, I te YuinaudSintr Lee r tinns; from ibe firm. A'l dent, cue the late Arm will be eoueeied by Lee Ping aid all 11 Ml, ties settled by him. Lis Yukn, ,- . tua Li s, - Las Pu.. TbeDsllss, Or fon. Krverotier M, 7f84. - Tie Dalles National Bank OF DALLES CITY, OR. President,. ...Z. F. Mocil), Cashier, .M.LKoodj General lasting- Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges sold 00 NEW YORK, SAN FBANCISOO. A. GEHRESK Fiosm SODA-WB SECOND J3THEET THE DALLES OR. Manufsctares the Eest ArticUs of SaKjjaiilla ad Gin er Ale Jatu Or ten With Aofrm KsUcr, TUB EBfOWjiSe IRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor Unon Street. Petween Second and Third Streets ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL Tables always tpplrd wi h the best meats i.i the market. No Chineeee emp'oyeu, ami the cooking ! don In fimt-cluwt caterer and tifter the btnilv T e. A- A. BROWN Lfi VSS0IlTMErT mm m pakcy mmi, AND provisions. Soecia! Prices to Cash Buvers 170 SECOND STREET, Charles A. Baldwin & Co. BANKERS, 40 and 4 vvall street. New Yobk. Accounts of Banks and Bankers received J la.uiuuio rermj. Bonds and Investment Securities. Da:iy Finsncial LI!r Mailed on ;plicatlon. COREESPONDENCK SOLICITED. JCHN PASHEK The i Merc, ant 1 Tailor Suits Mad to Order end a Fit Guaranteed Clothes 1 Iti r-td on the Sj.ot. eii loiice N ar Cor- Third 1 nd Wa-blrgton Sta. FAT PEOPLE. Pari sksitt Fius will rerlure yor eight CKH.1I A..l l. f'om It to 15 p on s a motith Nosttrvna sickrea o. infuiy; noiublio itv. Thev bull'1 up ihr hiath aid b anti y ihe compltxi'in, leuv'ne no. wrinkle. -r fl' bine)-a Siout aha men. and tiimcait tre.tbing ur ly relieved, . t XPf li IHKX . b t . ac.ntifl. aid id tive rtlief, adnpted crily afer yearaor extierieiee 4 1 orders ui p ied direct from ur otBce. Price ti 00 par pacltng. or ihree p ck.gt lur 86 00 by man po.tpaia. leetimuDiaia and ptHicuuuv .sealed xu. 4il Cnrr'spaoileaf Htrteiily Coufldei. tlHl. PARK REMEDY TO.. Boston Mass D. W. YAUSE (Su -ceasor to P. EREFT a CO.) Dea'er n ArM'to' Mairia! arirl Px:rter' 8utf'iB Afent for MASTERY'S LIQUID PAlNl A I orders for paiu'mg. - papering and kil"ominirg rromptlv strrlert o , Branner's Restauraof SFCOND STREET X oon rum ourt MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL COIRS ONL1 25 CTS. A MEAL. The Tables are Fun Ithid with the BEST marks. aS-iida - the O Y S X'tX: ft. 19 Will be nerved In any style dura s; ' tbe season "riieFitplafirLiric" The DcKes, Pcrtlar.d and Astoria Navigation p. THROUGH Freiont Ena FassenssrLine Through Daily trips (Sundays ex cepted) between the Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator .leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connecting witb Steamer Regulator for The Dalles.' PASbE.MGER RATtS: One way ...J2 00 Rom d tnp.... 9 00 Freilu Fates Greatly Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicitevi. Jail on or address. M. C. HLLHMHY. .General Agent THE DALLES, - OREGON. mail .f aiiFr, 3ils anb Children Cry for ritOBIE'B Castor. a Castorl-i ia no well adnpted to children that 1 rw.iiiin, n.l it aj .upei i r to any prescription tnowD t me. ji. a. arcbkr, m. d V.l bouth Oxford 6u, Brooklyn, N Y t r)e Casfor'a In my practice, and And It cpecauiy auufieu to mievtiuus or children. 106' Kd AveNew Sort "From TrwPil knowledge I enn say tltn sto; uaa :'im exceuenr meaicine lor cau irea." U&. Q. O. Osrmon, l0well. Castorla nromotos Disesfion, and overcomes Flatulency. Constipation, Sour Btoinach. Diari oceo. and Feverishnesa Thus the child is rendered healthy and it sieep taturaJ. Castorla contain j do Morpniue or other narcotic property. CITY BAKERY -D- Second and TJnion Streets. A.. L. NEWMAN. Prourietor i 8 bCHENCK, J M PATTERSON Cathier. THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. "ucoewors to SCHENCK AMD BEALL, BANKERS , Tranracfs a Frgular Banliirg rosir.e?0 Buy .nd'iell Exchnnge. g Ccllectione careful y made and pron ptly ae unt-d or. uraw on v ew xom, ban r r.Lciaco aua 1 or -land Dlreetorsi ' D P Thompson, Ed M William', J 9 Schenck, f'eorge Liebe. H M Pell. Mount Iktd Samnle Boon THE DAT.T.K3. OREGON. Best Kentucky Whiskey FROM LOUS IXXE. Vnry Bit Key West Ciciara, and Bew of Win8. Er.gliKli Porrr Ale and Milaaut Beer always on band. VtAF.TZ A PTJNDT. r PROP'S HAlUil L1EUE, PfgoOeal .. welofimato AND DEALER IN Ckks, Walcles, kuh; Eic AT vi keer on br1! ihe latent find bef rfvltf o Tittt-piere, uixmonU Miik$ bow-kitot Kil tr, h i? verwtu-e, etc., etc. REPA1R1KO A SPECIALTY. 102 Surrd Sttee. rxt ciror Wi l-ams t o.' J J TLE DALLES. OREGON R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THE East End STOCK TfiBSS,! IIX PAY THE HighestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. PiOJiEEB GROGhhY, Northwast Cor. Seeond sndWaahinrtonSta. ,P1'S Sucoswors'to OeorKS Ruoh. - Xb.e Cheapest Place THB DAU.SS rOS All Kinds of. Groceries, . FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WAfiKS TO. v e ramMrctfally solicit a eh of the i oblic pt rore and wi all ud avor to pvr entire anUafac to i to our cTisiomeTii mtm rn po mwv ; t MRS A. J. SMITH The Wonderful Clsirvoymt Mediom nives advice on Busioess, Love and Marriag-, lo oatea mines, tells of absent friends, divines 'tbe future and gives Magnetic treatment for diseases. ".- t ' .1 Room 12. Union. -Block, Tba Dalles, Or, Circles Thursdays and-Saturdays, -f jaoS GROCERIES Th's OTdlunry Ee J'lvenator 13 the most wonderful discovery of the aire. It has been on r'orsed by the ruen of KaroDe aud America. Hudyan la Const!; atioc uii'i.noss, nit Be; e?-tirr.,N rv on twitching of the syet and other mm Btrengthsn?, i n v i k orstc and lonc.i the ea'irei yt-ipm. nLi'.ian cue Debility Ic.-vou3:.ets, . m i s s i on e HudvRR stems Preniolureness snd develof i of the dis charge in 20 davs. Cirres ana riFU.rti vreak i 'pai s P. Ins in Ihf IjOST Deck, tosc- b v n A v n t ffiASHOOD onlctl?. Over 2.0C0 Trrlvate endo-secientR. Preinatureneas mesns imotenrs- iu ihe Srrt stage. It is a symptom of si tnlnal reatness and barrenness. It cau be Slopped in 20 Cays uy luHuwuinuujmi, The new discovery was mpd" by the Special lsts of the old fitmous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is the strongest viialieer made. It is verv powenui, Dili oa mu ss. toia ior ei.uu a peck emorS packages for SJ.C0()ain sealed boxes). Written Eiiaraniee given for a cure. Ifvonbnv six boxes and are rot entirely cured, 6ix more win us sent 10 you m-e or ai 1 cargt a. Bendfor rlreniarsand testimonlnls. A agrees HUDSON MEDICAL. INSTITUTE. XancUou Stockton, laultet dc KUla Stsw Ban frauciico, vsa. Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles. Aldreas: Lock Box 181. E. JACOBS EN DEALS. OI Biefo&DaKofiOitf, Pianrs Organs STATiOXERT. E1 ANOH and Organs void on easy monthly payments andi-ll COMPETITION we are prepared to meat. Call or addresa 162 Seen Street Tbe SsvJlea. Or HENKY L UCK, H&d Lkfaurturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St,, near Hoodv'a-Warehouse, TBE DALLES, OREGON 4 Work Uasranteed te ! Mstt- ararrlAa COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- WeLlington, Eock Springs, and Koslyn CoaoV f 12, sacked and delivered to'any part'ot the rtty. At Moody's Warehonse ji STEPHEKS D RY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS HATS, CAPS. BOOTS SHOES IOf Feeoi d treat next door enst of i-4- The I alles Nat Rink laing jaet open d In t rclneea, anl havinr a full aa-ortment 01 tne tareat po a. in ray une, J da air a alure of th i ubll. patronaa CF STEPHENS. .Sill. CO. MCNEILL RecelTer. -TO TH1- OITE9 TBE Choice of Two Transcontinsiital Bootes VIA TI SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AUD AND ST.PADL - KASSSA Low Rates to All Eastern Cines .OCEAN BTEAafERS leave Fort and ; .- dare for ' ire SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For fall details call oa O. R. ft H. AgeatUTBK DaXLLS, oraddreaa T W. H. BUBLBtTBT, Oea. rasa. Aft., Partauid, Oraxoa. . . mm mm 0.R TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Dl- From Oild sad Hnscer. Denver, Coin., Jho. 4 Special dia- patcbee from Western N.-brurka tell ol tbe deatituiioo and distress previiiiog amoog tbe iobahitauts of tbe drooght rickea district. A aispatch from Hi'iugs savs: Terrible desti ntioo exists Id Perkins, Cnase. DJody. L'ocoId, Mays. Ili'ch- cock and Frutitier coaoties, and tbe worst feature is tnat pejple la several localities ale atn.c ca wi.d scurvy ior want o nbulebotni: food Tbe state relief com' inittt-e and tliem-elvrs unauie to retiev. all lti ueop k in uisirees, to ureal are tot demands for aid " Toe railroad meu report tbat since the cuid soup no lees tban a d zn perrons Dave perished in tbe above counties foi i be want of wood nnd faei. Hundreds ol ininiiits are w toout coal, and id the bor 1er coUQ'its, where do tite or brush n ist. 'be poor Deople bave a hard time to keeo from IreeZiDg to death. In Perkio county Uettitu;ion is complete Over 600 fx mi ies are aupualiug tor help. iNrs L bboo the wife anil two cbi dren of 8et i,er Burns Buffered tor went of proper nuur sbuieut aud cloti.iLo; to covt r tbetn la H tcbcock couutv tbe wile of one of ttie seiner, gave birth to twins during tbe eiorni, and before tbe neighbors cou d rracli the home the poor .woruau expired tor want uf sumulcDt fond aud aiteo'ion Tbe twins are suh liyng and la charge ot cbantadie neighbors. Coal in most needed in tbe drought dig t net. and Air luldeP, ol tne stale rellel r-ommittee and G, nera' Manager Hoid- ridge ni tbe Birnogtoa & Missouri River are doing everything id tneir power to lorard euipues to tbe more destitute lo cali ties. Very few of tne farmers in the border couoiies have any stock Itft, bav iug let their cattie and horses roam at large. Stock is being driven out of the etale to Teveot starvation. Corn planted Id eight or ten of tbe western counties never rescued a height of over six inches and eonta'os do more nourishment than aigebrush. Ptop e sre easing lu covered wagons oy tbe hundreds rat Per than face starvation and I ft no to dtatb. 31 a at Have Here Sleeey. . Washington. Jan. 4 Tbe cod tinned exossof expenditures over tbe receipts cf tbe government and tbe continued de pletion of the gold reserve are censing tbe anministratton great anxiety. With the possible failure to pnt tbe income tax. Into operatioo and tbe possible reduction of the tariff on sugar, made necessrry oy tbe reisliatury action of foreign countries, tbe administration is caetins about for some mtsDS of incrtasiog reveuues and meeting expenditures. It is reported ibat Chairman Wilson and some of bi Democratic col -'eagues on the wsvs and means committee are con - sidenot; the propos tioo to place so sddi t iot, a i $1 per barrel lax upon titer. It Is said that a bill tor that purpose will be mirndoced ebortly It is estimated tbat a tax npoo beer, as above souRes'ed. would vield a revenue of 1 30.000. 000 jesr. ' Dur-ng the last six mnhs there bas been an excels ot some $2S.O0U.OUU in expenditures over receipt. Tbe ad- miois' ration realizes this sort of thing cannot continue much longer The plan ot issuing bonds to make good thx deficit is nut a popular one and already tbere are indications that tbe credit of tbe gov erpinent is threatened Tbe simple prin mple advocated bv R publicans tbat an exctss of receipts over txpeBdl'ures means the highest government credit and tbe greatest confidence in government curreucv ia maki ng aome impression up on the Democrat, and the proposition to increase the national revenues is likely to proye a popular one. WI I not Uraw Bark Salaries). Washington, Jan. 4 Tbe three new senators who will be elected to fiil tbe Vacancies in tbe s'ates of Wyoming, Wasl.itgton and Montana will probably cot be paid tbe back salaries which bave heretofore been pa'd to senators elected or spuolnted to fill vacancies. Tbey. were cut out by an express pro vision in the legisia'ire appropriation hill of the last session,' whicb. ft is be lieved, will put an end to this practice lor the lutnre. Under tbe system which haa prevailed heretofore ' eacb man chogea would have received the pay for the entire teim of six jeaia, notwtth stsnding two tears af the term bss alieady elapsel. Tbe new. prevision will. th-refore. work a savins; to the govern meat ol $30,000 io ibis instance and larger sums to th future. Tbr new law providra mat the salaries of senators shall lieein on the date ot their election or ppotn mi nt. -r .. Burned ae Frvaea. . Resin A, N. W. T., Jao. 4 -Jbe boose of William Thompsoo, a farmer twentv five miles north ot tb a place, burned las Friday morning. Mrs. Thompson and two children were badly burned, aud one child died shortly after being taken from the bonse. Piactog bis wife and the remaining cbi d io a henhouse Thompson set out for a neighbor a a mite and quarter awav, having only some rags around bis head and feet, being otherwise nude at though the thermometer was 80 degrees below zero. He reached wnbio 100 yards of ihe neighbor's . boute, wnen te eil exhausted and almost IroEeo st'D He was Been and was earned iota tbe house: and cared for. When assistance reached Mr. Thorn pron red chi'd tbe frost. had added to tbe torture of their burns, aud it is doubtful whether tbey can survive. Thompson is also in a criti cat condition. Mra tr iter d te Drain. Wellington, Ky., Jan. 4 Anderson Gray was yesterday given death sentence by Ju ige Burnett, accord log to tbe ver dict of tbe jury finding bim guilty ot mnrder Id Ibe drst dearer, for tbe killing of Thomas atton. Thorns. MrDonalo, whie under the hynop'ic toflaente of Gray, did tbr kiliine. hnt was discharge d fer trial. Grav is a well to do farmer. Patton his incurred hi enmty and Grei hypno izt-d McD nald, a tatm band, and while the latter Was in tba' condition compelled bim to commit tbe murder. - A K-ntarky Uoid"r. Haubodsbubg. B . Jan. 4 -At 11. -SO today Jobn P Van Orsdall shot and al most iostaoily killed Dr. F L H-rrod in Lawyers' R .w.jtbert- Dr. Harrod bsd his tflce. At a recent election a crcolar aa sent ut which i harged Van Oisdali w tb throwing a bucket of water on bis sick wife to order to make her get up and rn k breakfast. I' a so charged that be nnmert-ifully ahioped his groan ni daughter ith aculi. Y-tn Or-dall r-S nelra'ed I' at cnarifeo thai Dr Har rod was the author of the circular. S.raraawa Caeal Bill. Washington, Jan 4 Io the judgment of tnnee senators wbo rrmai.ted io tbe tit j daring tba holiday recess, tba If .cur agoa bill cannot pats this session. I' not a favorable time to nrge such a meas ure." Bud Senator Davis of tbe foreign relations committee. "The times bave been so bard that the people do not like the prospect of increasing ibe expense creating additional debt. Actually Mtarvmg. St. John's. N: F.. Jan. 5 Theinvesti. gation wbicb has btguo into tbe con dition of tbe work ng classes of St. John's reveals maDy cases of extreme destitutioD, several hundred people actu al! v s arviug. Lad; O'Brien, tbe wife of Governor O'Brien, of this place, bas issued a call to the ladies of this city to meet Monday to discuss the situation, the outcome of which will probably be the esiab'ishmeut "I soup kitchens Id d ffereot parts of tbe city, and other practical means of relict. Tne populace is euraged agiiost the government, which, it is claimed, is tak ingnos eps whatever to provide assist ance for the needy Meanwhile, tbe belief in the tfikacy of a royal commis sion is becoming general, and tbe gov ernor has as-ured a deputation o ritizcci that be wil! do all in bis power to secure tee appointment et one to look into var ious matters, t-ounected with the admin istration of tbe province. Tbe bill providing for tbe winding for the sus oeoded Commercial bank passed through all its stages in the assembly today. Tne bill contains tbe objectionable dance which gives the government por 'isl control ot tbe liquidation of to bank. Sir Ambrose Shea, governor of tbe Ba hamas, arrived nere today. In an inter view, be said tba: be considered the ap pointment of a royal commission abso lutely necessary. He w.s summoned to London. A Proper f ardon. Dknyek, Jan. 0 Governor Waits bas granted a paidon to Jacob M Ferober, wbo was sentenced to tbe penitentiary in this state in 1874 for mnrder bat escaped Irom custody before einp; taken to tbe pen". Fcteber sbot and killed a Mexi can wbo was one of a party tbat broke into bis cabin In ibe mines. He was convicted, and sentenced to seven years. Tbe sentence was considered uciuat by FereDei's fi lends ana une night tbe fail door was purposely left open. The pris oner walked out and fled to Mexico where fe pioapered He bas been mayor ot Magdalena and financial agent of ibe Mexican government, one of tbe big best offices tbat can be conterred by tbe presi dent ol tne republic. Fereber again isbes to live in tbe United States. narderou Mexieaae. TCCSON, Ariz., Jan. 0 The stage which arrived tois evening brings meagre details ot a douuie murder on Friday night at Alma, a small settle ment 60 miles fiom Tucson. Two Mexi cans entered the store ot F M Dull, post master, and deliberately sbot him and bis on George, aged 23, aud lata.ly wounded Mra. Doll. Tbev would probably bave killed ber too bad cot tbe noise ol an approaching sieoo scared tbe murderers away Ibe motive ot the deed ia oe-ieea to nave been robbery. Iudigaant taochers are in pur.nit aud will baug tbe Mexicans to toe nearest tree it tbey capture tbtm. A Pacific texnw. San Francisco, Jan. 0 Tbat San Francisco will bave an investigation oi corruption and crime similiar to tbe Lex ow crmmittee is now almost assured. Tbe civic federation is quietly gathering strength. It is proposed by tbe minis ters wbo started tbe bait rolling and by laj men wbo bave ' already identified themselves with tbe movement, tbat the federation shall embrace every secular society in the interests of tbe public wel- lare along particular Hues, Irom ibe good Kovernment club and merchant's associa tion to tbe society Ior tbe prevention oi cruelly to children and all churches and individual cinzens who are willing to co -operate. A Sad Maietde. Pendleton, Jan. 0 A reoort reached here lb s afternoon tbat W O Wanen, living aix miles from Feauleton. sbot himself ss officers Were arresting bim for embezzlement. Warren was clerk oi tbe school district at Warren station and was short $50. He bad been sued to recover tbe mosey and then a criminsl action was instituted. Tbe showing on bis own books left no hope for acquittal. Heia a wneal outer ana a weu-to-ao larmer. and was a delegate to tbe last state he- publican coo vent ion. This is tbe tbird suicide bera in tbe last ten days. - Walked ta aer Death. Ashland, Or., Jan, 0 Northbound oasaenver train JSo. 10. arrived nere bout 8:80 A. x, elsven cours late. When the train waa about nine miles from bere a lady, Mary J Jasons, waa I missed from one of tbe sleepers. Tbt ladv waa sick and she waa supposed lo bave walked Ire m the car while deletions An engine left here witb tbe lady's bus band about 8 :30 A. X. to search for ber, and body was touod about taenty ml ea south, near Coles, badly mangled by tbe ttaia. A aew Slide. SissoNa, Cal., Jan. 8 Today's north bound Oregon ex pi ess. No IS, baa been cancelled n tbis division, on account of a big tnow slide near tbe eighteenth crossing, seven miles soutn ot otssons. Tbe rotary snowplow is hemmed in be tweeo this place and Dunsmutr. Une hundred and fifteen abovelers were sent to tbe scene ot the slide from bere this afternoon, ibday's toubbouna train la reported 10 boors late out of Asbiand It bas commenced to snow heavily again this evening. Oraaca Crea Dasaased. New York, Jao. 6 Tbe Fruit Ex change bas advices tbat tbe orange crop of Fionda la a complete failure, owing to the Iretce ol tbe last few days. Tne tern peraturr bas been tbe lowest in 12 years. Fully 2.500.000 cases nf oranges are reported froz-o. Early vegetables have rii-eo in once here from about $1 60 case to $4 50. Three flra Droweed. San FbancifCs Jan. 5 Three men were drowned In tbr wreck of tbe wreck er garrison. Baker and O an entered a ioat. and lour others went to follow. Tbe boat waa swept awav and no trace touBd. Johnsou was of the somber lefr behind, aud later, wss washed oat ol tbe rigging. L . - - Tbr Ba' carina Axltater. Sovia. Jan. 5 Z to It off, tne oottirioor -agitator and leader of tbe' Ru-sopliile i migrants, arrive bere today. Io Sliv pice be was warmly received, lo a public speech re said that a reconcUia tioo bet wet n Rutsia snd Bulgaria coo o be effectt d now, hat tbe first conditi-.n , woa.d be aa orthodox Bu.gexian dynasty. is TELEGRAPHIC. A CoMtcrfrlter. Albany, Jan. S A special from Le or banon says: "Last night Deputy United States Marshal George Humphrey, assisted by Joseph Smith and D D Shaw, arrested 'Doc" Davenport at bis residence eight miles Iram here, on a charge of counter feiting one dollar silver coins. The de fendant has served a term id tbe Oregon penitentiary for the same offense. Sev eral plaster of paris moulds wera found on his premises and considerable money ol bis manufacture is now in possession ot tne omcers. Iiong-Diatauee Fdestrianiam. Chicago, Jan. 5 Pedestrian Henry Submel let: for New Orleans last night, In about two weeks he will start from that city and walk to Chicago on a $1000 wager witb Charles Bash that l.e will not cover tbe distance, V60 miles, in 23 con s' cutive -days. Scbmel challenges al pedestrians ior $1000 to $5000 a side that he will walk them and arrive at the city ball bere Drst. Klhed In a Quarrel. ViSALtA, Cal., Jau. 5 Frank Storer was sbot and killed tbts afternoon by Frank Gribble. Tbey quarreled over a debt. Correaey la Caaraa, Washington, Jan. 7 It bas bee found necessary lo change tbe genera plan of action on tne Carlia'e currency bill iu consequence of the death of Rep resentative Post. Tbe bouse Democratic caucus ensembles at 2 p. it., instead ot 8 as announced previously. Tbe caucus is expected to take into consideration tbe unexpected interruption and give tomor row to general debate. Tbis will post pone tbe final vote until late in the week. Springer calculates tbat it will be taken Saturday. Tbe programme for the can cut is pretty well outlined. Springer will submit a resolution reciting in subyi stance tbat it is tbe judgment of tbe Democratic caucus that the Carlisle cur rency bill should pass. It will also di rect tbe committee on rules lo prepare a rule anangiug future debate and fixiug tb lime lor tbe fioal vote. Tbe Springer resolution is likely to be the main issue, as it embodies tbe views of tboe support log tbe bill. Springer conterred witb Secretary Carlisle tbis morning, and it is understood outlined a plan of procedure. Springer and others connected witb tbe management of tbe bill discredited the report that an entirely new correncv bill is to be framed witb the administration's approval. Washington, Jan. 7 The house Dem ocratic caucus on the Carlisle cutrencv bill assembled at 2 o'clock today with ISO members present, including all tbe lead- era. Assuranres wete given that tbe caucus was advisory and not bind'ng. A resolution prepared by Springer was of fered by Bpeaket Crisp, declaring the currency bill should be psst-ed substao tially as it is, and requesting tbe com-. mi'tee on rules to brlug it to a vote. Speaker Cr.sp said the caucus wss to test whether tbe currency bill sbou'd pass. Information on tb's sarj-ct was necessary, the situation beiog grave atd importaot. Representative Bland op posed ibe resolution . "We bave now reached a point." be said, "when for the first time the Democratic party is assed to become tbe advocate of state-banks." Springer ures unanimity of actlou for the sake of the party and tbe country Cockran thought be question was an economic oue, not political, and could not be settled lo party caucus . Charsre At tlant Bleka. Washington, Jan. 6 Charges of a sensational nature against United States Judge Ricks, of Cleveland, are contained in a memorial presents i te tbe bouse to day. Representative Johnson of Ohio, secured immediate consideration for the resolution, instructing the judiciary com mlttee to investigate tbe charges, and without debate tbe resolution wss adopted The charges are made ncder oatb by Mr 8 J Ritchie, of Akron. O , a wealthy mtizen and capitalist While directed mainly igaiost Judge Rteks. thev indirectly affect Judge Burke and ex United States senator Payne, of Cleve land. Ritchie gives tbe names of a formidable airay of counsel in Washing ton, Cleveland and Akron retained in bis behalf. The charge involve losses reacbiog $6,000,000. Ritchie claims to bave sutTsred in decisions made by Judge Ricks affecting tbe Canadian copper and nickel mines. Bartrd Chder aa Avalanche. - Paris. Jan. 7 la addition to tbe ava lanche at Orlu, in tbe canton of Aix les Tbermes, Pyrenees. Saturday, there baa been a similar accident at B.zerques, in tbe canton of Aude, department of Anege. Tbis avalanche killed three persons and seriously Injured three others. In addition, o a rubers of small bamleta bave been overwhelmed witb snow and avalanches and many bouses bave been swept away in tbe mountain districts of the southwest and east of France. The inhabitants were generally warned and escaped, bat there have been several fa alitles ia addition to those already re corded. Ip tbe isle of Cosica there bas been great loss to live stock, awing to "be heavy snow, and communication between Ajaccio and Bartia bas been cat off. The Pepe'a Decree. Boston, Mass. Jan. 7 Archbishop John J Williams bas sent out tbe follow log letter to be read in all tbe churches ot tbe aicb-diocrse of B-wtoo. "We leara by letters from Rome, for wa-ded by bis excellency tbe apostolic delegate at Washington, tbat tbe most holy father bas forbidden C .thol es join ing the societies of Odd Fellows, Koigbts ol P ft hi as or Sons of Temperance. A to tbose wao bave. already joined any of tbese societies, they are to be admooisbed to withdraw from tbem, and if tbey re fuse to do so they aio to be denied tbe sacraments." London, Jao. 7 Tbe papers today published a rumor tbat Sir William Ver non Harcoart,cbancelorof the exchequer and liberal leader of tbe boui-e of com mons, bas resigned, and a dissolution uf parliament is imminent. It is believed ibe report is bssed on the fact tbat Post master General Arnold Mor ey and Pre in dent ot the Local Government Botrri Shaw-Lefevre, both of whom are cabin- minieters, have been summoned trom Monte Oarlo to attend tbe cabinet coup ci to be held bere Thursday. A Rraittilua er 1SS4. Bellaire, O, Jan 7 The indication today are the great fi.iod ot' 1834 will l repeated. Tne river is riog rapidlv. The ic n the Otiio river and triba'aeiee broke ap and out 'eat night. Severe barges were lost. Two bridges oa tbe Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Cleve'and, Loraioe & Whe i'ig railwsy were washe I away. Traffic oa the road is completely blocked. All the snow bas melted and is gone. The lowlands will be flooded by tomorrow morning. Tbe people are moving to higher ground Secretary Paralysed. Osborne. Isle of Wight, Jan. 7 Gen eral Right Hon. S r Henry Frederick Ponsoobv, G. C. B private secretary of Queen Victoria, was stricken with pa' ralysii at Osboroe cottage today, and is in a C'-mcal condition. 8 r Henrv ron on by dined with her msjcs'y last even log. l-te was born In 1023, and wi formerly secretary to Prince Albert, Ibe prince consort.. Heavy Kala la Weat Virginia. Pabkbrsbcrg, W. Va , Jin, 7 Riln has fallen bere steadily for 46 hours and tbe river is rapidly rising. At Grants vil'.e, up the Kanawba river, tbe water Is 23 feet, and rising. Timbermen predic immense damage. Tbe steamer Oneida a river packet, was snok bere at midnight 1 he ice knocked a hole in ber, and abe rill be a total loss. Prla- arrs Captured. Sacramento. Jan. 7 It is now be- 'ieved tnat Mr, aud Mrs. F. H. L. Weber wbo were so brutally murdered a week ago last night, were killed bv ex convicts It has been ascertained tbat tbe blood stained clothes fouod in tbe rear of tbr premises, and whicb bad beea discarded by the murderers, are such as are meno factored at tbe states prison. Ueav) KMaMtl. Cincinnati, Jo. 7 Tbe anprrce dented rainfall of 8.47 inches in 24 boors endinir at 7 a. m.. and of 8 81 inches in hours, bss bad the effect of carrying off tbe Ice from tbe river without any dam age, whatever. River men aay they never saw a safer break-up. The river here Is exoecte 1 to go above 40 feet, bat no dis astroas flood is expected. Gladstone and Hie Ax. Lonkon, Jan. 7 Mr. and Mra. Glad' stone arrived in London this morning on their way to Biarritz. Herbert G aditone says bis lather's health bas improved to the extent to enable him to resume hi. favorite pastime of choppiog down trees. BXIliKSJ. Gladys -Mamma, my teacher was talk ing about synonyms today. What is a sy con j rut Mrs Catherwood A synonym, darling is a word you can use in place of another one when you do not know bow to spelt tbe other one. ''Crsmptr it going away for tbe win ter." Can'! stand the cold, eh?" "No; It's the heat that troubles him. "Ureal Scot 1 1 What kind of a man is hef "Oae tbat never pars bis coal bills. That riches take wings we all well know, Hut ttuly we wish that They'd leave the wings and take tbe plumes And great wide, spreading hat. "Ticknor's new bouse cost bim $5,000." "What! Tbat little, plaia cottage! Impossible. ' "No, sir. the houss cost $1,000 and tbe broken water pipes were cheap at $4,000." "Who is tbe new boBrderi" "He's one oi tbe greatest Inventors ot the age." "In what line!" "Excuses for not paying bis board." Robbed and Murdered- Fred , Rsmssy, an old ssttlsr living at Ramsey's landing, on the Columbia river, 13 miles from Portland, waa murdered on Wednesday night, and bis body burned in bis own bouse. He wss well known in Oregon, where he has lived since 1841, on a donation eUim Ha as a baohelor of 70 year, reputed to be worth $100 000, and lived alone in comfort. A near neighbor of his notioed a btsse in the direction of Ramsey's bonea Wednesday avenio about 7 o'clock bat as it listed ooly a few minute, no'hing was thought of it. Yesterday a orniog be bad occasion to go oear Ramsey's bouse and saw thst it bad lisappeared, and ran to its site, oolv to find it In ashes. Pushing his feet through the still warm a hes, be disclosed the charred remains of his neighbor and at bis feet tne burnt body of bis faithful dog. That trie murdered man yery foolishly kept a consid erable amount of money in his house wn generally known, bat as the place -was re mote, exoept to a few neighbors, whose rep. ntations were above qaestion, no ens sus pected thst any harm would ever some from it. Tbis fact being known, a careful search of the burned buildirg was made, without finding a trace of anything that reieoihled money. It was then readily seen that if he had retired and the house acoidontall caught fire the dog would have awakened him, but even if this had not bsppenei the body waa found enti-ely in a different pert of the bouse from where his b;d was lo cated. The popular Ih-orv is tbat he was shot through the window and then tbe mar derer, .after being compelled to kill tbe dog also, rifled the bouse and before leaving set it sfire. Beaatifal Snow- Snow began falling early this morning, and bas continued all day. Tbe flaxes are not large; but tbey are compact, and appear as though tbey bave come to stay. This is tbe proper season for winter, and our people will be satisfied to have cold weather this mouth and aa early spring. The irown ot winter tbat bas been suf tered In the last partot February is not t all agreeable. It appears more appro priate for the new year to be ushered in with snow and frost, and then tor tbe old man ot Ibe seasons to givs way, alter a ew w.eks of uninterrupted sovereignty, buddioet, blushing spring. We hope it will be so this year, and tbat February will be a month ot wild flowers. Cattle men are well provided with teed, and a teavv tall of snow will cause no loss of livestock, aa tbey are now to good condi won and can keep their flesh much better bao later in the season, . mug tr WW What Are Teaohera Doing? -Dofub, Jan. 5, 1895. Editor Tntis-M ntTjisnjt : - Many teachers io Wssoo county have just had the benefit of two institutes, the oounty institute held at The D-tllos and the state institute held at Portland. In both these meeting many good things were said that will nerve us for our work, and tend to make it more eiEuient; yet to my view a very important matter in our work was passed over lightly except in a single lecture at the state institute? I mean moral oulture or cbtracter buildimr. Tsars aa-o when I was teaching in Normanria, a small . villsge in Iadiaos, a boy of 7 or 8 years osme into sohool tor the first time in bis life, and took his seat among fifty tr sixty other hopefuls. After arrsoKiog some olaeses I went to him and entered into eon- Ver.ation to determine his standing and to start bim on the royal rosd. I asked him if he would like to rsoite; bs replied promptly thst he would, I told him to get his slate and go with ms to my desk. With out hesitation bs went with me, when I ex plained to him about short lines, long lines. vertical, oblique and other lines. I thsn made the letter A and talked abont the tine, that composed it. I then asked bins f ha kn.w what to 011 thst? He said no. told him tbat waa a. The little fellow -ttraightesed himself op and with mneh iignity declared: "I'll be damned if I kuew tbat was a." Of ooorss there was a .light outburst of marrintent osused by this s:unmng oonfession ol ignoranee. . I did not blame the obild for this oatb. It aim tly wss a stream from a fountain thst bad beep forming perhaps all tbe years of his life. I told bim thst he must not use swear words, that their use was wroog. I bad tome little trouble to show him this, and to iftow me thst it could not be wrong; he said. My father swears." At considerable risk v I told bim to ssk bis father and mother if it was not wrong for little boys to swear at acbool? Following op this instruction it was but a short time until the eharaoter of this boy was change vt hue in his treatise on moral oonauos ssys: "Ubsraoter is tbe power tbat lies back of oonduot," and ia its soorcs. Cnar toter is tbe foautain, conducts the outflow- - ing stream." The borne, soeiety. and the sohool give caste to the eharaoter. ef our youth. Good parents living in a pure sooiety aided by faithful teachers seldom fail to' send out yuan? men and womea actuated by worthy motives and capable of self government, A teacher thst aims to govern his sohool through snd bv those influences tbat build ood chsracter is tbe only tsacber tbat is a-orthy of the name, and is the only one bat bas the highest and beat help that is available in government. Snob schools ia ibe, main are self governing and send out slf-governing citisabS to bleu our nation and the world. We reoommend to teachers a earefal study of the chapter on "Moral Training" touoa in White's sohool mausgemeot. This s one of the books used the present year by .be Teaoher'a Resdiog Circle of Oregon. foe book can be procured by mail, from the American Book Company, 289 Xamhill St. Portland, Ur., price $1. Tbe whole book is excellent. Aabon Fbazif.b. Stage Drive 'a Experieaoe Review. Dive Rogers, who drives the Prineville jtage between Trout creek aud haaeoven, bad one of tbose experiences one night this sreek that illustrates some of the hardships if winter stage driving thst are all but plea.aut. He was north-bound, having dis jirded the thorooghbraos at Trout oreek 'tad sab.titated a sleigh. A heavy snow it in aa soon as the top of Cow canyon bill was reached, and coutioaea an ins way across tbe 15-mile plateau from there to ttakeoven. Just beyond Cottonwood he could follow the rosd no longer, and struok out for his destination without any guide. Io due time night earns ou, and nothing ia tight lut one vast expanse of snow iu every Jireotion, and not a stiok of wood nearer ban the Caeetde .mountains. After wan- iaring around in the dark for a time, be nought bis team to a standstill, unhitched. ook a hatchet from the jockey box. shopped bis sleigh into wood, limit a Ore tne sat by it uotil morning, As soon aa isy Came, ba begin to look abont htm to ind oat "where he was at," and found he was near Ocboco gulob, bat two miles from Bakeoven, and had just brokao esmp and started in, when a relief party came tu Degree ol Honor- Wednesday evening, being the regular ivening for tbe installation of ofBoers of Kern lodge, a goodly number of members ere present to witness the ceremony. srhlch was ably performed by Mrs. Mary i. Myers, post chief of honor. The follow mg officers were duly installed for the co ming terrr-r Mrs. B. . Russell, chief of ionor; Mrs. Maggie Herrio, lady of honor; sir. Alios Kunyoo, chief of ceremonies; Vlrs. Evelyn Ethelmsn, recorder; MirsCora loles, financier; Mrs. O.lie Stepheos, re ceiver; Mrs. Annie Urquhsrt, usher Miss Mabel Sterling, inside watchman; Miss Emms Jscobson, outside watohman. The Degtee of Honor is a social organicttioB for he wiyes, daughters, mothers and sisters of nembers of tbe A. 0. U. W. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. V pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pitt rom Ammonia, Aium or any outer aauiwrso. 40 YEARS THB STANDARD r Mm