The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, January 05, 1895, Image 3

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    The Tlmes-Mountainetr
i Front W3na.4v'i Daliv.
V 1896.
Good sleighing.
Coasting galore.
The concealed element.
Now is Hie winifr nf our discontent.
Mr. Ed. Mays returned to Portland
this morning on the passenger train
If tha mnow continues a blockade on
the railroad between tills city and Port
land may be exr.ud.
Wasco tri te. No. lrt, I. O. R. M., will
install It, nfflcrr for the ensuing term at
its reeulsr meeting i'iis evening.
Prof. Gavin and wife returned Sa'ur.
day night from Portland, where they
- bad been in attendance on the state
teachers institute.
Mcl'artj ,; who wss arrested Monday
afierniion for disturninir the re'ice, wh-
tried before Keroriier Dutar ami flneil $",
vMMt he Daid and was released Iroiu
custody. T-
Misees Minnie Michell, Nan Cooper
and Salina Phirman returned Monday
nisiht from attending the state teachers
institute in Portland. A very interest
.' ing session as held
Quite a number of our young men
went to Dufur last evening to attend the
masqueraae ball A most enjoyable
time was had. and the. party was suc
cessful in every particular.
New Year's day passed without any
thin f importance to break the usual
mnnotnnv. Several Calling hurtles were
ont in tha afternoon, and pud lue cum-
nliments of the season to their friends!
Mrs Alice Rush committed suicide in
Pendleton Sunday by taking an over
dose of morphine. The only reaso as-
ii?np4 for the deed was that the woman
was troubled with toueilitis and perhaps
despaired of recovery
Blelirliinir Hurtles villi row he io nrOer,
and social viBi.s mav lie made to frieufls
in the country. The mads will be in ex
celled condition mad-.yor s, and the
prince ot wloier sports, sleighing, will be
eD loved 10 tbe iuiiest ex;eni.
A little son of Mrs. Christians, about
three years old, resiilind In the Bluff ait
ditinn to this ci.v fell frwraachnir ye
terday, causing a fracture of the right leg
above the ante. JJr. tlouisier was cauuu
and reducea the fracture.
TheNewY ar's edition of the Or.
" goniaa consisted of forty pages, and was
a very full description of the rewources
of different portions of the state. It was
well illustrated throughout, and was a
good advertisement ot the enter rise of
the leading paper in the northwest.
E. L Minis, deputy internal revenue
collector, has retur ed to Pendleton
from a trip to Portland and other cities
Preparations are being made to collect
the imoine tax, and all persons wh re
ceive $WOD or more each year will be
compelled to pav to the government a
one per centum" tax The deputies will
begin be work on Marin nrsi anu nave
until 'une first to make collections. All
the blanks necessary to this feature of
bis department have been received by
Collector Henry Blacktnan, at the cen -'
tral office in Portland. -
One hundred new desks have been re
ceived and ate being placed in the public
schools during this holiday vacation.
At a special board meeting D c. Si,
Misses l.ura Welch and Ella Cooper
were chosen as additional teachers, and
will begin their duties tbe first day of
the spring term. Jan. 21 -A
PDecial meeting of the common
council was held Monday evening to pass
npun the applicatio a for licenses, and
. these were granted o the different per
one engage in the saloon business in
this city. This was all the business
transacted, and the council adjourned
to the time for holding tbe regular
' monthly meeting.
A sheriff's sale of the D. J. Cooper
. property, on a judgment in the circuit
Court in favor of the Pacific Fire In:ur
ance Co. for (10,000 principal, $5,692 in -terestand
$i,2oo attorney's fees, took
place this afternoon at the couit house
door. - The property was Bold to the in
surance company for 13,000, the highest
- bid made.
Cottage Gfove L'ndv: "It is said
tha a Eugene lady has cured her hus
band of slaving out late at nights by
going to tbe door and whispering through
the key hole. "Is that you Willie?"
ae three felt deep, ami h rra nd w n
pluuged through ti.e drifts with groat dif-
Dca ty.
The regular meeting of the Ur.-Z"x-e'a
has hern postponed notil next week. M,
K V.
The rotary mow plow came thronah from
Portland yesterday, arriving in the city at
7 o'clock
Reports from ths country stite that snow
lie on the ground to tbe depth of irom
three to four feet.
The snow west of Bonneville is reported
Use and "X feet rleen. and the feathery
flikea Mill deaci-nilini;.
The sno in reported verv dD near the
Licks, and fait as the annw p'nw cleared
tne ro-i.l the winl would nil 1C eain,
The wtst-hnnnd paseeneer train arrivei
this morninu; b it no truni from the west
have reached the city for the oast two days
The line of the Western U lion b-twee
The Dalles ami Portland 1 dvn for a dis
tance f ten mil' and msei are sent bv
r vi. - i w- u "
Sleighing ws iiinulved io to a consider
h'e extent todav, an I 'he merry i nle of
HnlU furoinh mnwio which make the heart
jo u' d re'tonds tins f former days,
Buckingham's Pye for the Whiskers can
be applied when at home, and ii uniformly
successful in coloring a brown or black
Hence its great popularity.
A hook and Udiler comptny has bren or-
Kifiig'i in toe city. rM isa commedahle
nnvenient, as no nruanizition of this kini
been iu extioa; in tne city for several
A message from Bonneville rr-pivd 'at
h a'ttri oon ata'es that the river is
blT'kd with ice a- far as can he seen to
'rr B thi t'. This will not be cleared
fix a day nr so.
Grind Master PtrkT, I. O 0 F , was
xpectel to be in ill- city tonight to install
he orficri of.C ilun.b a lol No-. 5. of thi-
cit: bat. bv reaon of blockaded trains it
wis impissihle for him to reacn The Dilles.
Tne Retviator will leave her wharf to
mo ro -v iiiiironii at y o tii-trk tor the IJs-
i-a e L fk. hrp sne wdl cnn-ct wih 1
the Dafl City . if that stuimr can rfacn
the nmutn ot the locks from Portland
Th overe tn"v tall dnr-'nj the last
S orm wa- 3 'eet 2 inches. I his la mo
hsn osuadv f il'a i?nrn the wftit -r, hu' it
u ill do a vreat d,l f a- od to f irmprs. a
will furnish an abun lauce of inoiature for
X'. year a crops.
By an ordinance pspsd by the council
I ist nitihl pmnertv owners are required to
clean the sieewslks of snow. Th s should
be attended to ht once, as the m irhsl will
entorce tie hcvib'Cls ot the ordinance
Street Commissioner Butts has heen
bii'iii encrsi;-d all day clean ns the om-s
wilks of the accumniatjon of snow. Th
geo'l'into is very vgl ut and antiv; bit
u will uke s me time beiore he w II be ab e
to reach evety crosswalk in the city
Or. Shields, an eminent physician of
I ennessee, savs' I regird A vers Sarsap-
arula as the nesc olooa medicine on earth
and I kiio of many wonderful cures ef
fected by its nae." I'hvaici.ins all over the
land have made similar statements.
i olds, oueha, bronchitis, and all throat
and lung diseases are effectively treated
with oyer's berry Pectoral. Io neglect
the I'se of proper remedies for these ail
meuts, is to .induce consumption, whicQ is
iaid to cause one-sixth of the- mortality iu
all civilized countries,
8uf p.euieiiitr ariicies of incorporations
have been riled w-th the .ouuty vitra by
iha Pen ilrto.i W O: Sj mr ug & Paoug
Hi n-e. lliOreaa.liK 'l e capital clock lrui
12.000 $20 Ht 0 u jh I. o a iu be rep-re-,
uietl b, lb"0 nare-, makiug a total of
400 shrtrei., Vdlueil aLJt'dOcauU.
I . ' vr isue f l td'i-nay e gave the
uiii.e Aiw.Jl- Jf.auel- Ji.iit as pe suu.uug
M s.-Go V a .fui.jf.uu allhj tutqjeraUo
bill Muiid eeuin4 Tills wum a una
uLe a libs- Eieft wasitoi orutnt. Tne
none ua tgiven the- Trourier ui tins P-tOLr
by a niembcr f ihi uuiuunttej if ariauc-
Toe last heard fmm the snow plow it had
arrv'd t a tnueviiie, and tne wet -bjuod
lrt.iu waa at the L ) ks. Tins w.a ac 12
o'clok today, and. pel hup-, tile plow
eleuieit the crack to Pjrna ii b a eveijij.
The snow is quite havy witn uuiatur, a d
the road mauo by the plow reuiaiua, iu
atead ol filling with auo as it did yester
day. dumbs lodge, N. CI 0 0. F., aill
have a pub 10 luslal t ou ut ulbjeis touint
at K of P. hall. After a pr grsin of lit
erary txercises has be-D reheaised aud the
services f tbx ritual are h'uUh d cne mem
bers aud guests will repair to the Vacant
room aoj inokj Mr Jihu C. H ris' sm.e,
where a bi quet will Le seiVeU by tit. An
drew Keller.
The reputation of Mr. Rankin is
well known to all lovers f tne liuintts
dram i. Ue his Jeliynied au tleaceaiu eveiv
Ths Mftsqurada Ball Given
Waioo Tribe, No. 16. I O. R. M
A. Cirand xnooesa Namaa
ot Maikers-Prises
Awarded, to-
The masquerade ball given on Monday
niirhtat Wingaie hall by tblocal tribe
of lied Men in this city was one of the
most successful parties ever held in The
Dalles. At ao early bour the' Iare hall
which hid beeu properly oroameuted for
Ihe occasion, and three arc lights placed
io it to give an abuDdauce ot light, was
crowded to its utmost, capacity wi'b
guests aod soou alter 8 o'clock tbe mark
ers begun to arrive. These contioued to
arrive until a motley group of masked
persons filled tbi center of the room
There were Jews, Turks, Indiau chiel and
common aboriginees, Hudson Bey trap
per, cowboys, tailor aua a Yankee at King
Aribur's court. '1 he merry maskers
amused i lionise: vc-s nud the audience by
deliueatiug the characters they assumed
by suggestive gestures fir some tune, and
then the slraius of music began and
daucing commenced.
Soon aftvr tbe prizes were awarded un
masking took place, and tbe following
are the names Willi the characters as
NUiued: Gipsv, Mrs. Bjrns; oerfjclion
Miss V Weber; clon, j Ed tleroux;
chiwn, h'loyd llinnin; .luck of Spades,
VV Vanbiblier; s in 11 iwer, Mrs Geo
Adams: do, Mrs l Bunnell; admiral, W
Normau; Topsy, Lizzie Qites; pr'est, Kd
West; siiring, Miss Uilricb; Holland
Dutcbman, 3 E Wiite; a Tinkce in
Eioir Arthur's court, Gjo Hmhu; tramp,
E l Deckerl; sailor, Julius Wiley; huot
ress, Pauline Buu iler; biaer. VV fj
Hauler; DUles I'lilE-i-MonSTAlNEKR,
r 11 s Bucb'er; S.vUs cook, .Mamie liuch
ler; liberty, EIU IXice; clon, K A S'au
ials; cowboy, YV Stout: Tark, G E Snow
den; soldier, V B Gilmer; night,' Mrs
Kraaner; aged eqjiw, W McC'iiy; Hud
son Hay trapoer, J Ullrich; aged Indian,
B Ullrich; dude. It T Marshall; YVash
lugton, Fred Archer; gentleman of tbe
17lh century. J Folco; cowboy, H Lons
dale; do, Vic Marden; colored geotle-
m in, Jos II VV liika; hussar, D Carey;
Turkish pasha, Jos S:udentcker; zouave,
J Hampshire; Uncle Sam, Air Hogers;
domino, Ed .Mays; do, It .Mays, J r; do, E
Wnrdon; Jew, A Slubliog; artist, Mrs J
Filloon; clown, Chas frank; Uraaner's
"hash sltnger," VV H Bulls; domino,
virs Jones; do, Mrs M UTuoiuis; tailor,
J Filloou; postilion, K Frauk; clulch
mao, M Schoren; base ball player, G
Bartell; do, YV Buschke; forget-me-not.
of lsud 400 or 600 acres io extent. Ths
work will involve a oompantivo small ex
peoditure, estimates placing the amount at
$3000 but will afforl employment for sev
eral weeks to a dozsa or more man and
t-ami. "
comuon councils.
Safar Nates.
Dctfca, Jan. 2, 1896,
Editor Tnin-UotmAiKUs:
Chrtrtmas has come and gone, and to has
the first day of tie new year,
"Just as uf old the moments come and so
Toe Sprinic wita lis flowers the Winter wi'b. Iu
Tbe years pass away, the wum and oold
And dma moves along today Just as uf old."
Eider Bryan of the M. E ennroh is hold
ing protracted meeting here, la en ter
moniziug be is earnest clear and loeital
Thus far the meeting has made no additions
to 'he church but the awakening among tbe
brethren argues well for the future
Snow is falling rapidly, aod soon the
noises of the STeet will be mingled with
the merry e'eigh bells.
The misqa-rsde hall list night was
argely attended, and pisiel off to the sat
isfaction of m toagars and participants.
Mr. N. Neal reonrts that a drove of n ht
hundred hotja passed throng'i town early
his iron i s. Mr. Nal is a truthful man
when you pet at bottrm f icts, yet his head
is full of fan and fio I in. Just why there
hiu!d bavo been so many hoia in tbia drove
we are at a lo-8 to determine, ror we are
Quite sure some factor of trath Das been
ropped or evaded.
B i i and chopped feeds are scarce here,
here a short time ago bran was selling at
eight dollars per ton. Q. R .X.
Her. husband's name ia-iohn, and he cit i i the cuuutrv, and stands m the f -one
stays at borne every mgnr now ana
sleeps with one eye op n and a revolver
under nis pillar."
From Thursdi's Daily.
' now-tound.
Clean your sidewalks.
Ciulltctioo todtiy waa maae anuer oildcui-
ties. .
Cant. John StumD. of the steamer Al-
tnota, is io town today.
Tne river is full of fljtlirz ice, and will
be doted completely tonight.
The meat markets in this city will close
hereafter at 7 o clock la the evening.
Prof. W. Birui-'ld rtnrned yesterday
afternoon from a short visit at Portland.
Cleaning snow frorx. rofs was quite Iucra
tint todav. Aa hiuh aa S2 waa aak- d for
dianing a root that woula have taken an
boat's time. "
The football game between the Portland
Port Towosend clubs resulted in yiutoiy f r
the former by a s. ore of 26 to 0 The web
feet are ahead this tune
Two days of snow, sod the people are be
eomiog tire i of tieoongetled etemoac. ' I;
may o. ntinuefor a niomh et, and our cin
xens hould exercise paiieme.
There was a buriame raging near Bonne
ville yeeterduv, Tne wind blew witn the
greatest velocity, and nothing was discern
ible io the immeuiata vicinity. '
Mr. L. W. Dirling, of Goldend.le,
Wash., arrived in tbe city on the mnrmng
train. He -a,s he e wera ab ut five iuubes
of aoow w hen Le left G-1 leudale.
Toe Se.ulator a-riyed io ths city this
morning about 10 o'clock. She tied up at
Crate's point last night, and a ill make no
more trips if the snowy wffatber continues
. Snow continued to fall all ntght an I
nearly all day. It is about three leet deep
on a level, and undoubtedly this portion ol
the country is doomed to suffsr a snow
blockade. .
A rotary snow plow ha started east from
Pnril-iod, and will npau the road at the
earliest possible time. Suo-v on tha route
is piled up in places to tbe height of oyer
tofen'y feet.
i here are two carloads or oattle ana one
of sh ep bi n f-l at th sto kyar is or tt.
Stuojoshe & Ci. iu thisoity. The roi
ia blocked at pieient, and ireinht Oiuaot be
movea either east or west.
ine west -Don nu irajo, wnicn arrived nere
this m iroing, did nut attempt to mvlte the
trip to Portland, but stopped in this city.
Tne snow ho el will be put at work im
mediately, and if posaib e will op n the
track between this oitv a id Portland tod-y.
Governor Poo oyer Monday evening
pardoned fsut. Wirt Smodera from the
penitentiary, on condition that he leave
tbe state and nut rein-n. He left f. r Spo
kane where he wi 1 be married ami will
then gj to TeX rts de. He hs heen iu
tbe pen ainie 18S7 for kil'ing Uias. Cmp
ball, over a gin uained Mi s Mittie A 1 son
The three bo it- on the upper river. Lew
istoa, Almota aod Spohan; aie now iu w. li
ter quarter. Tney nave done a good busi
ness during the summer aud fa t season in
removing the wh-t and fruit crop of that
region. Abott 150 orloada of fruit have
been vxporud fruui tbat region during the
aeaaon .
Prof. Birgfeld has mode arrange-aeots
With ibe calibrated actor M :lvee R,uk o to
Appear at tbe Kaldwin opera bous - ou Jan
nary 7'h ai-d 8 h io the dramas of tbe
0oirea" and Canock " Mr' Siskin
stsods li lh-front rank of the proles u.n.
aod ia a areat favorite with tbe lovers ot
the leg tirnate drama everywhere. He never
falls ti draw a crowded house, aod hia ap
pearance before a DiHea audience h mid be
ooosiderea the gnat event in the dramatic
season- . -
rank of tbe p oft a -ion. Hia visit; will b
aneveptlorg io be remeuibsrpd In Che
D 1 es, auo will fumirb Ojt ciix na with a
rare opportunity uf witnessing the drama in
the highest pel lection of modem interpreta
tion, '
An excaange has the following sound ad -vn:
V h ther you. tiht or work,, dou't
make too muei fuss abnj. it. Tni h-n
onckles after she haa fud her eggs Tne
noise aO'i s 7X'e of the locon o iyes are nor.
force. A 1 tcsue ia silent. The bee baw of
the mule may ataitle yon, but it is not
nearly so dang-rous aa hia htud legs. B.-ar
in unud tbit it is the empty wagon that
rattles inot hen io mutioii Tne noise of
the drum is dne to the fot that there ia
nothing in it. B r in mind that you can't
startle the world by jumping up and hollar
ing. "Bool" Thoui't ia the great motive
power, aud don't ou fall into the mistake
o believing otherwise."
A-nong those who went to Dufur on New
Ye r's evening a id participated in the Mas
querade ball were Messrs J M and C E
Smith, G:en A'len, J.ihn Vliheranl Jones
S m-inaun aud Miasea E nma aod J Ssie
rVher. A hue and Jackson an 1
Mis-El ol Tbe manigtrs of the pirty
treated ih-ir visitors witn the most gentle
manly courtesy, and did everything pitaihle
for their enterrsinmnc. Muoc was fur
nsned by the Vande'D'iol baud, aud was all
that could bi desired f ir dtnctng -purposes
A very pi j yable ttma was had by all, and
the occasion will long be remembered by
every one present
The river is full of fl aiiug ioe, but it is
not completely closed yet.
At last accounts the lower river . waa
blocked wita ioe befaw BoooevilieT
'Sidewalks' are being oleaned in good
shape, and traveling is much easier than it
Milkmen and others who rnke their
it bt ds early la tbe moraing h.d a ditfica't
tiaae yesterday la filling wders, Xtts aoow
State Normal Schoo'.a-
bnFOB, Dej. 31,
Editor Tuia-M icsnisiaa :
At the Slate Teaohcra' Institute we were
pleased to hear fiom a committee on pro
pea id leylalation, a recommendation that
the priviliga to grant certificates by our
normal schools be taken away and that all
wno teach in the sta'.e of Oregon be sub
jected to the same ordal, Tnese "Fly up
the cie k iuatitotions" have for some years
been pampeied by the state, without any
just claims of being stale n-Ji utioos. Tiue
our legislators have voted them some money
and gmnted them privilege. Yet who is
it that b-lieves that either the privilege or
the money allowed is fonnded in exact
j isticebut wS a means to an end; and
that end was a supply ot teachers eduoated
op to a reasooable stan lard.
Wa now hear the cry that the supply nf
teachers is beyond the demand. Where did
this over supply come iromT Monmouth,
Drain, Weston, eto. His 'he s.ate an in
vestment in these in stitutions worthy of tl e
im- ? Aod if not need the state be forth, r
taxed to mamtaia ibese fiction-? Has a few
teachers or professors or presidents of fav. r
ably located schools any rig'it to these leg
islative pnvi'eg-s when it is manifest that
they are not a public oeoes it?
To the last question' we. say, TSo. There
priv.l gel schools have advertised them
selves, and reaped benefits beyond any ex
pense or ffrt they have pnt forth, aod
(rem the start the law ba been mischievous
aod unfair Tbe' e is not a well regujited
school in the state, nut of the ring, that haa
not suffered from this ring oorsoy.
With much respect fur our ex state school
superintendent, wbo no doubt recommended
tbe expenditure of money on these institu
tions aud ths grantii g of powers held bv
them, we must sav that the power of eer-tiri-tipg
teachers is too great and the eUiin
of the insti'utioni as state normal schools
ton ins'gn fijant to lay any claim to appro
pna'loua Irom our legitlifors.
Aaros FbiZIZB.
Miss Drews; almighty dollar, Mrs E
Uyan; city girl, Mrs Hendricks; base
ball plaier, iid Porter; Spaniard, J
Uichurdsnu; Salvation Armv, Fred Wei
gel; organ grinder, II Licbe; farmer, J
Boun; do, K Kowland; domtno.Mrs Job
Crate; ao, rt A Bills; two little girls
biue, Misses 11 and G Aiken; jockey,
Cbas Green; Pocahontas, Miss Tillman
youug Uncle S-tin, G Johns; Mrs Due!
Sain, Uollie Jobnsou; Unman soldier,
Elireu Korteo ; Indian chief; vlrs George
YVtshingioo, Miss Francis Kreft.
Tlie Judges selected to award tbe prizes
were T A 'ard, L IS Crowe, I J Norman
Mrs Hilton aud vlrs Puillips. Mr Julius
Uilricb received the first prize for Ihe best
sustained gentleman a character, a fine
fancy shaviug set; Vlrs Geo Ad tins, f ,ncy
fruit slaod, for tue best sustained lady
character; Arthur Stubliug, fancy carving
set, for tbe mos comical gentleman's
character; Miss Frances Kreft, for the
most comical lady character, a maoicure
set. Ben Uilricb, a blanket, fir tbe beat
representation of a gentleman akoriginee
and W McCoy for tbe best represenlation
of a lady aboriginee a similar prize,
Danciug was kept up ' until after
o'clock, aod everyone appeared well sat
isfied with the party It was undoubtedly
one of the most successful ever given in
The Dal'es.
. Notice),
AU city warrant registered prior to
Feb. 8-1892, are now due aud payable at
my office. Interest cesses after tbi
data. 1-1. Bobget,
City Treasurer.
PatodatDftUef Uty.Jan. 1st, ig?5.
Text Book Lazlslation-
Editor Tutus-Mi UMAUiba: ,
Perhaps there is no question of more vital
importance to the people of Oregon than
the one to determine wbat text toika shall
be used iu our schools. The cry of uniform
ltv give us our preeit law; a law that haa
given as some of the poorest text boeks
that could possibly b) touud; a law that haa
demonstrated its corrupting ii flieuce npon
those whose duty it ia to execute it.
I this age of dollars and cents it is folly
for the pronle to delegate to forty or fifty
mm a power that shall determine the ex
penditure ot millions when it Involves a
certain gain i f from 49 to 500 per cent.
Tnere is perhaps no one thing in onr na
tion that the pa pl- io general are so much
imposed upon as this. A book ot from 100
to 200 psges io ordinary binding represents
a cost of a very few cents; ao addition of
more pages makes more jost aod calls for
firmer binding. But I am safe in saying no
school b ok in gsoeral uae represents an
original coit of 60 cents.
No wonder then that book agents have
bjeu around, and no wonder that a cry of
corruption and a general hubbub has dis
turbed book-sullers for the ptstfew months.
A school text book in Uregoo, like a
United States seoatorahip, is chosen by a
fe, and like the senatorship represents
much prolix and honor. Thep-esent choice
will deoar.d upon a msj rity of 41 votes or
21. These 41 ought to be good, wound, in
corruptible citizsos; so ought all voters, bat
we know they are not. Book publishers
aod agents ong'it not to wiel 1 a corrupting
influence; but tney do, and thereby hangs
many "talea" 6f scandal. - .
Now what shall be done? If uniformity
can be developed ff im diversity, then re
peal our text oonk )a, and tbroagh tbe
-ttte board of eduottion arrange ths topics
constituting s course for oar lorarnoo
schools, that will give uniformity and at
the same tim.3 tbe use of any oae or several
different t xt books. Add to this a law
giving the dietric s precinct or county the
right to adopt text book, then the work
will ba uniform tbroushoat the state, and
the vexed text book que tioo settled the
beet possible wiy. Aaao.t KbaZIXb
Sudden Death of na Engine.
Mr. Stmnel Tucker, a railroad engineer,
died on his looomotiva this morntng at
Bridal Veil. He left Albina at 2 o'clock,
in good health apparently, bat when he ar
rived at the station named, complained o'
being sick and in a few minutes was dead.
Mr. Tuoker was well knewn in this city,
having been on the roite for a number of
years. He leaves a widow and one daugh
ter, with whom the community will avmpa
thixs in their aid bereavement. Mr. Tucaer
has been in continuous service for a long
time and eoj ive i an ex tellent reputation.
Be was generous to a f mlt, aod every one
with whom he as0iiated entertained a high
opinion of him. Tna body was taken to
Albina, where his futn ly reside, and where
the last sad rites will be paid to trie it
mains. Mr, Tucker was aged about 83
years, aod formerly resided in Tha Ddles.
Aaotbir Irrigating Project
Pendleton Tribune, ..
Construction work on ths irrigating diroh
projected by Bothchi d and others, and to
take its supply from the waters of tne
Umatil a river near Foster will probably be
commenced in a soupte of weeks. Mell
Ko'b will go down in a few days to go over
tbe line surveyed and make eole of the
stakes, preliminary to taking charge of the
ub'i quest operations. Tbe ditob will be
four or live miles in length aod will re
claim to a' high state of cultivation a body
We the members of Independent
Workers Lodge No. 7, Independent Or
der of Good Templars,as8embled in reg
ular session, wish to express our torrow
in regard to the recent death of our
brother Thomas N. Joles, therefore be
jReoved, That we extend our sincere
sympathy to his afflicted family, in this
their hour of grief and sorrow.
Hmoivrd, That our charter be draped
appropriately for the next 30 days as in
expression of our esteem.
Brr.,ivfd, that in the death of our
brother, our lodge and the order gen
erally loses a faithful worker in the cause
of temperance.
Resolved, That we express our high e-
teem and appreciation for the faithful
manner in which be has filled the office
of lodge deputy. .
Rtto'ved, That a copy of these resolu
tiona be presented to the family, also i
copy be sent to the press of our city for
publication and spread upon the minutes
of our lodge.
. Taos. E Ward,
E. H. MasBiix,
Committee on Resolutions.
The regular meeting of the ootsmon ooun
oil was held 'last evening at the eouocil
Present A fall board except the' mayor
and T N Joles, deceased.
M T Nolan was appointed chairman pro
Minutes of meetiLgs held daring Decem
ber read and approved,
The council then prooeedei to tbe elec
tion of a councilman to fill the yacaney
eaused by the death of T S Joles, wbicb
resulted as follows:
L. Butler was placed in nomination by
B B Hood and seoonded by S SJ Johns, and
a ballot was had as follows:
Butler, 3; blank, 1; LE Crowe, 1.
The chair declared there was no election.
Thereupon G C Eshelman protested
against the ruling of the chair, and on his
m ition seconded by B B Hood, the marshal
was ordered to call npon tbe mayor and re
quest bis pretence.
On motion of G 0 Eshelman, seoonded
by B B Hood, it Wss ordered tbat the elec
tion be postponed until other business be
The regalar monthly reports of the re
corder, marshal, treasurer and street com
missioner were read and placed on file.
VV H Lochhead, aa seoretary of the boaid
of fire delegates, reported that a suffiVieit
number had presented a petition for the or
ganization of a hook and ladder company,
aod be had tiled the papers with the re
Ordered that the report be accepted ard
ths action of tha fire delegates re approved.
Tbe reports of C J Craodall and H A
Baker, engineers on the propo.-ed sewer
system, were read, and ordered tbat the
same bs accepted and plaoed on file. '
The report of C J Crandall on the pro
posed Union street improvement was read
ud ordered accepted.
I- was moyed aod oarried that the grade
of Union street be established in accord
ance witn the report of V; i Craadall.
8pjcial ordinance No , being an ordi
nance granting to T J Saefert and J W
Condon a franchise for a telephone system
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided in CouMeUest, but
who bow resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
years past, my wife
mao i nave used Avar's
Bate Tlfor, and we
attribute to it the dark
hair wnicn she and I
now have, wuile hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
yean younger than we,
are either gray-headed,
white, or bald, men
1 asked how our hair has
retained Its color and
fullness, wa reply,' By
tne use ei Ayers Hair
Vlgos-Dothiog else."'
was nearly bald, and
the hair
kept fall
ing out
day. I
Ayer1 Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not
only checked any further less of hair, but
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all
tbat It is claimed to bo."-ADtonto Alasmn
Bastrop, Tex.
l ftrftt WEHi
piiEEB mm,
Northwest Cur. Seouod andWakhington5Sfea.
bi ii n, mn
8ucceasors Geor Bncn.
Tbe Cheapest Place
raVsaun tea
The Wonderful Clairvoyant Medium gives
advice oo Business, Love and Marring, Io
oatee mines, tells of absent friends, divines
the fuiure and gives Msgnetie treatment for
Boom 12, Union Block. The Dalles, Or.
Ciroles Thursdays and Saturdays. aoS
Stocbholdwrs' Meetlng
The annu 1 meeting ot tbe Stockholders of The
first National Bank, ol Th- Dalles, will bs he'd at
the offleeof said bank, on Tuesdav, Jan. 8 a, 1896,
at 10 a. a. (or the election ot d recbn for tha en
ulnyoar. J. M. PATTERPON.
Buy a Home Cheap-
i A ACBED ot rood fannlna; and fruit laad four
tx) m Us from 1 be Dalles, on Chenowetn cr k
with good hou e nadv luinshed lorfannlr barn
and oUkr buii-Jlngs. Paitljr fenced, plenty c f Wat. r
Will be told cheap, adores or lad at place
FrTta Foto-ii.LS,
Ths Dalles, oreiren.
BT tha subscriber, nstdlna- on Plftaen Mile creel,
about Pecen.ber 1-t. one nd and whita aow.
with crop and swallow mark on right ear; also one
red vearllng bailor, with crop oS nvnt ear. Ths
owner can have the same by proring property, pay
ing enst of keeping and also of this advert sa
me-. t. h. HAEUEaTY.
fifteen Mile Creek. December 28, 1894.
Assignee's N ctloo of Fiiutl As-oant
NOTICE ia hereby irlreu that Charles J. Stubllna;,
assignee of tue estate ot Adoloh Keller, an in.
solvent debtor, haa Sled hit final account with raid
estate, with tl clerk of the circuit court of the
state ui o efron, ror Wasco ciunty, aud that said
final acoount will be beard and paaed iidi1 bs add
circuit court on the Arse day of the next regular
term of said con t, to-wit; on Monday he 11th dj
of February. 1866. at S o'clock In tha af rr..nnn nf
said day, or ut inch other tune as the court mav then
appoint, and that said hearing will be bad in tbe
circuit court room, at the oouuty court bouse, in
imKa vnj, nueg voumy, urelroo.
Asshrnse of tha estate of Adolsh Keller, an lnaol"
rent debtor.
waa rean aua passeo. rii tt Jam a
Ai ordinance IraBsferriDK moneys to,dif- All KlliflK fil llfAPPriPQ
fereot funds was read and passed. v MXVUVXIUU
The claims airaintt the oity were then
Beautiful Snow
Snow began faiiinir early this moroloe,
and' has contioued all day. The flakes
are not large; but they are compact, and
appear as though they have come to stay;
This Is the proper season for winter, and
our people will be satisfied to bavo cold
weather this mouth and an early spring.
The frown ot winter that has been suf
fered in tbe last purt ot February Is no1
at all agreeable. It appears more appro
priate for the new ear to be ushered in
with snow and frost, and then for tbe old
man ot the seasuns to give' way, after a
few wieks of uninterrupted sovereignty,
to buddina!, blushine spring. We hope it
will be so this year, and tbat February
will be a month ot wild flowers. Cattle
men are well provided with feed, and a
heavy fall of snow will cause no loss of
livestock, as they are now in good ccndi
lion and can keep their flssn much better
than later in tbe season.
read aod all ordered paid exctpt those tbat
had not been property vouched for bv the
Ordered that the city dis continue tbe use
of tbe lot heretofore rented for the purpose
of tying borse, situated at tbe corner of
F. urtb and Washington, and the owner be
notified of the same.
It was ordered that tbe oh air appoict a
committee of three for tha purpose of as
certaining whether other premises oould be
procured for tbe same purpose. Chair ap
pointed Cnunoilineo Elhelmeu, Hood and
Lauer as such oumaiittee.
Ordered that when the council adjoani it
adjourns to one week from next Saturday
- The street commissioner was ordered to
use the prisoners for tha purpose of cleaning
off the sidewalks.
On motion of G. C. Eshelman, seoonded
by R. B. Hood, it was ordered that the
election of coonoiltnen be postponed until
the adjourned meeting.
Tnere appealing no further business the
eouncil adjourned.
Letters) AtlvertlaaMl
The following ia the list of letters re
maining in The Dalles postoffioe uncalled
for Saturday, Deo. 29, 1894. Persons call.
ing for these letters will please give the
date oe which tbey were advertised:
rxorjB, cuuiir, willow waeix to.
Of th MlUL, Ml.
roBagv and shall endeavor to aive entire sa&afaa
son io our customers both old ad new.
The celebrated Beautifier, Magnetic
and Electric healer and Bust developer,
has just arrived in the city, and can be
found at Boom is, Union Lodging House;
She carries a full stock of all kinds of la
dies' toilet articles and the celebrated Dr.
A. Dow's Magnetic Belts.
Past, Present and Future revealed by
cards. Consultatiod free. Come and
icarn now to De Deautilul. It will cost
you nothing. jan3
For Horses, Cattle or Sheep,
Farming Property in Kansas I
There Is one MOO Aere ranch la Grant county
mim. win l traueu I or anv or ue aoire Stock.
Most of this lano Is fenced, has good sprines, ahuod
W n or. IWO BrvmHD DOUBa. fthflria
spring; bouse, correU a d ate. Oia cut too tans of
ha i a this land. Five miles from count mi
Alas 0O Aera close to Kansas City, all under I
inn. one-nail bbiiv irom eoun nonsa. wit ata riia
all fenosd and cross-fenced.. This is a good farm
and close to market. Will taka SSS ner arra for I
mis nun aua wui aa norses at waat tbey are
For further particulars apply to
Dufnr, or.
This Well-known Brewery ia now turning out the best
Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances
for the manufacture of good healthful Beer have beeu intro
duced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the
East Second Street.
The Dalles.
J. 0. IM.
(iVo. of Bank, 3441.
Cigar Factory
Opposite tbe Implement Warehouse
Not Known
Says tbe Eatt Oregonitu: Frar.k M artel I
wss not so employe of tbe itilroad oompsny
and he had no tims-otieok whiob referra 1 to
seotion work. The paper in qieitioo could
not have been a seotion time cheok. I; read
'62J days." All railroad tim-chacks are
for time from the first to the 33sh, or the
15th to the 15 :b, being for no mire thin 33
is. Some railroad men mike overcirna
and 'requen'Iy their ohe.-ki show a oredit
if 40 days, tbe ta dvs beintr oertimi.
In order to haves timvehetk raad "82"
days, one would bs oompePei to get in
about 50 hours for the 24 hours of each day,
Suudays and all. Anyone will see that no
man could endure working all his time, even
with large pay for overtime, ae the cheok
cannot refer to seotion work.
Applicants Tot 01erkhip
As the assembling of the legislature draws
near, members are being so continuously
importuned for olerkships, that life is be
coming bordensomr and excitable, members
are liable to consign the aforesaid legisla
ture and all in connection therewith to
heaven. Iu relation to the olerk business,
a Linn county member is said to have an-
wered an over-pressins i-nportnnity in the
following strain: "Ssio, Oregon. My Dear
Mia: I wilt ba over at Salem about Jan
usrv 5, prepared to endure a siege of appli
cants for clerkship. The young lady who
cures my endorsement for a position must
be very homely. Cross-eyes or a wart on
the nose will not di qmlify. 8be mast not
flirt with me. That will not he permitted.
I am not suiting myarlf in these require
ment by any means. My wife ia the party
to be suited, of coarse. It will be an awful
oross to bear, but I mast be brave nnder
the circumstances. I trust I have your
sympathy in my ease "
vt. nerce's uoioea
Medical Ducoverr.
-And when you bear
mat a cores so many
disfinBee, perhaps you
think ''it's too good
to be true."
- But it's only rea
sonable. As a blood
cleniMwr, flesh-boilder,
and strength-reatorer,
nothing like the "Die-
em a y " Is known to medical science. ' The
diaeaees that it cures come from a torpid
liver, or from impure blood. Fo everything
of this nature, "it is tha only guariaUetd
remedy. In Dyspepsia, Biliousness ; ail
Bronchial. Throat and Lung anTecaons: ev
ery form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or
Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, and in
the most stubborn Skin and Bcsud Diseases
if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
The worse yonr Catarrh, the more von
need Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its
proprietors oiler $500 cash for a case of
Catarrh in tbe Head which they cannot
t I in ' IP
Adams, J E
Bartion, S P
Florin. J A
Oihsoo, Mm L
Hilurin. CNrar
Kuhoke. Wm
Kielp, Mi Kttie
Morris, C L
Newman, Miss M
Piggott, Rov J
Tailor, Rived
Wagner, Miss C
Adims. Mrs M
Elk ns Mrs Alios
I Orav, John
Harris, J P
Johnson, 3 N
Kmk wood. A J
Miller, B F
Mon'gomerv, M E
Parson. L J
Stroud, 8am
Thnnborg, Frank
Wilkirson, Ray
J. B. Cbossih, P. M.
the Best Brands manufact
ured, and ordeas fro.n all puts
of the country filled on the shortest notice
The reputation of THIS DALLES CTUAK
has become firmly established, and the de
mand for tbe home manufaotoand artiole is
increasing every day A. CLRlCfl SON.
at Tha Dalles, is ths SUt) of Oregon, at the doss of
business, December 19, 18M.
Loans and discounts a S4.SS7 78
Hrerdralte secured and unsecured... 1 ha i
U. r. Bonds to aecurt circulation 1J.600 0 1
Pmniuma on U. 8. bonds l.eoo oo
Stocks, Securitias, etc 6 820 6ft
Banking house, furniture, and fixtures.. 1,681 eft
iue irom nauonai nana tnot reserre
nt ) 18,809 98
true irom r-tat Banks and Rankers wis 8
Ilue from approved reserve agents 1,177 it
Checks and other cash items 176 84
Notts of other national Banks 7a 00
i notional paper currency, nickels, and
cents T 80
specie ,20 96 I
neuempuon tuna wua v a. xreasurer a
per cant, of circulation) MS 60
Total Sl6S,99 18
Capital stock paid in I 60,000 00
surplus runa 12,000 00
untuviaea pronts less expanses ana taxes
171 Second Street, THE DALLES, 0REG01T.
paid ft AO) na I
National Bank notes outstandlnf 10.850 00
Individual deposits subject to check. .... 49, SM 6
Demand certificates of deposit it 728 68
Total 8158,899 IS
Stats of Oreron I
County of Wasco j
I, J. K. Patterson, Cashier i,f the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear tbat t he above statement
Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. Jt. rATTsaeva?, uashler.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 h dav
Of December, 1894. F ANK MB EKrJC,
notary fuDUs for Uregoo,
CoaaacT Attest: J. 8. Scamcs, . )
En. JL Willi aks, V Directors.
Oao. A. Ijsss, t
When Baby was sick, we nave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she c-ied tor Costorla.
When she became lllas, she clung to Ca loria.
F"asn she had Children, he gave them OasterUt.
At his establishment on the' corner of Third and Federal streets Is
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits
yyyiss hnnh Pf tgr & co7tphny
sup niiifLiiKiiy,
Second St. THE DALLES, Or.
A Good Csvlendar-
"Winter and Summer' were never more
eharmingty pictured than they are this sea
son on Hood's Saraapa ilia Calendar. This
oaleodar is made in the shape oi a heart
and ia ornamented with two child . faoea.
lithographed in bright and natural colors,
one peeping ont, amid the snow flakes, from
a dainty esp, aod the other lighted np with
all tbe s'ory of the summer sunshine. Tbe
nsnal information about the lunar change
and other astronomieal events ia given, and
tbe calendar, besides being a "thing of I
beauty" is also useful every day in the year.
It may be obtained at the druggist's, or, if
his snpply is ezbanated, six, cents In stamps
should be sent to C. I. Hood & Co., propri
etor Hood's 8rsaparilla, Lowell, Mass.,
who will forward a calendar free. For ten
cents two calendar will be sent.
not at cost The Hew Umatilla House,
But at a Very Small Profit
SINNOTT & PISH. Proprietors
ENGLISH-SMITH At ths study of the Congrega
tional church, in this dty. un becembsr sis, ey
Rev. W. O. Ourti , Coristophrr U. Xogiiab and
Mrs. Mary Smith, both of ine liauss.
WIL-.ON BYkR3 At tha Umatilla Boose Wed-
n sd.y evening- Dec. 6. by Bev. W. O. Onrtis,
Bentimin Wilson, and Mrs. Nellie Bysrs, both uf
The Dalles
Men's Kipp and Calf Boots.
Men's Kipp and Calf Shoes.
Men's Light Shoes.'
Boys' Light and Heavy Shoes.
Youths' Grain and Calf Button Shoes.
Ladies' Calf Shoes.
Ladies' Low Calf Oxfords.
Ladies' Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Kid Button Shoes.
Misses' and Children's Grain and Calf Button Shoes
r, ;
SILVEBTOOrH In this elty, Dscembar Slat, to tbe
true ot j. w. Biivertootn, a oauanwr.
A Large Selection of Infants Shoes; Arctio and Rubber
Overshoes of all sizes; Leather and Findings; Iron Lasts, Etc.
Free Bus to and from
tbe Hotel
FlrProof.8fe for tbs.cUfety of
aU Valuables.
Portlautd Exposition
Opens Deo. 1st, ISM, and closes Jan. 18,
1S95. During this time Tbs Dalles Port
land ft Astoria Navigation company, will
sell tickets from Dalles to Portland and re
turn, including two meals oo 8tr. VaUet City
at 82 60. Tickets lirr.iteoT to tea days from
date of sale. efflalor will leave at 7 A. at.
aod Dalit City will arrive st Portland at
3:30 r. u. Quick transfers st the locks.
V. C. AuawAT,
General Agent.
Shoe Shop in Connection With Store
100 Reward. 8103-
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn (bat there is at least one
dreaded disease tbat science bas been
ble to cure in all its stages and tbat is
caiarrb. Hall's Catarrh Care is tbe onlr
positive car now sngwn to tbe medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
isease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh ('are is taken in
ternally, so' Uig dlre-lly npin tbe blood.
mucus-surfices of tbe system, thereby
destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease,
and giving tbe patient strength by build
ing up tbe consiitutinn and assisting na
ture io dolot- us work. . Tbe proprietors
have so much faith in its curative powers,
tbat Ibey oiler One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it fails to care. - Send for
list of testimonials. . : -
-' r. J. -CnxjrgT tt Co., Toledo. O.
t&&olA by 4ruggiu, 7Ba. . . ,
totUc inapsc:or.
- Tbe following Is tbe list of ttok
tors for Wasco eoantyt
T Cartwngbt, Tbe Dalles,
A. 8. Roberts, Deschutes,
W. R Cantrell, Dufur,
P R H in ton, bskeovea,
Zaoh Taylor, Antelope,
J. H. 8herar, Sh-rar's Bridge.
San i Francisco i Beer i Hall
1?. LEMHI; Proprietor.
... O T7 - '
a ( ) N K M A N CSr r l Ha t K all kinds of bottled beer.
the dalles, or. 1(1(11 IIMRIA RRFWFRY RFFR ON I1RAUCHT
0 av Wmkw m m Saw mm mmw m m um m m a wm ssaat m m mw m mm w v m m w
Travelers must not forget tbat tbe O-
R. fc N. line is thoronghlv repaired and
all trains are running without transfer or
delay. Through service to Omaha, Kan-
as City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullmans
sleepers, free reclining chair cars, uphol
stered tourist sleepers and modern day
coaches. Call on O. R. & N. agent b
fore purchasing tickets, or address Vf. H
Bulburt, ft-eneral passenger sgeot, Port
land, Oregon.
Por tbe Universal Exhibition to be beld
at Portland December 1st to January 16,
1899, the Oregon Railway Navigation Co.
will sell excursion tiokets at rate of one aod
one uftbfare for tbe round trip, plna fifty
oents fotvtwo adiniasioa coupons to the es
bibition. . Tickets erill be on sale for trains
am vin at Portland oa Toeadays and Fri
days of aaoii week Kovsmber 28th to Jana-
ary Utb
Rubber Boots
' And Arctio Overslioes
A Shower Room in Each Bath Room.
A Bootblack Stand Connected with our shop, and especial attention paid to all
110 Front Street, Opposite Cosmopolitan 11 o tel.
1 yeaiai Tlasiatrl Ylewrlmf HSU