HvlJCTAIXEKK, Velue XXXT TISlBS-HOUaTAUIEEB, " XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1894. CONSOLIDATED 1882. NO. 18. PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY- John Michell, Editor and Proprietor JProfasaionjtl Cards. O. C. HOLLISTER, : Physician and Surgeon Boom over Balls National Bank. 0)9 os houra, 10 a m t 12 m, and from 2 to 4 p m. Resi dence We t End of Third Street, DUFUR & MENEFEE, : Attorneys at Law Rooms 42 and 48 Chapman Block, The Dalle, Ore. SUTHERLAND, It D, CM Physician and Surgeon, - Room 8 aod 4, Chapman Block, The Dalle, Ore. TAOKMAM- Practical Dentist Office Over A. A. Brown' rrocerr. Second St. All work guaranteed to give latlsf ction and all the latest improved nietnoas usea in aenuu operations. AS. BENNETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlc, . in achaano' buildipg, uy stairs. Toe Dalles regop. atoClETlRM. "1TTABOO LODGE. NO. 10, A. r ft A. M. Meet T tot and third Monday of each month at 8 P.M. mBI DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. NO. 9. J Meet lu Masonic Hall the third Wednesday UBUUlHir . OLUMUU LODGE. NO. S. I. O. O. F. Meet I J avarv FridaT evenbu.- at 7:S0 o'clock. In K. of P. Hall, corner of Second aod Court street. Sojoura- ar brother an welcome. a. txosaa, bee y. rTBJESDSHIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meet JJ every Monday evening at KM oclooa, in cnan oo'i building, corner of Court and Seoond streets. 1 Cjojourning nrotners are eoroiauy umwa D. Vac, K. K. and 8. F. MENEFEE, C. "ITTOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION y y will meet every r nuaj iiwnuga a w urn at the readme- room. All are mviten. ill Hood Camp, No. 60, meet very Toesday evening-of each week at 7:80 o'clock. In A. Keller's Halt All brother and sojourning brother ate Ml nvlted to be present. FUEMPLK LODGE. NO. 8, A. O. UY W.-MeeU I inKKeller'sHall every Thursday evening- at 7:30 'iiockv PATL KUKFT, M. W. W. S. Mvsas, Financier. r AH. NE8M1TH POST. NO. 82, G. A. R.-Meets I every Saturday at 7 JO P. M ua.ur. nan B, OF L. K. Meet every . K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon In j i ESANG TEKEIN HABMONIR.- Meet every TOT Sunday evening in Keller Hall T OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meet n K. , X of P. Hall toe first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P. M. THE I HCKCHB. FI Puior. . Services everv Sabbath at 11 A. au p. M. Sabbath scnool immediately arter we morning service. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 P. M. E. CHURCH Rev. Jmo. Wbdu.ee. Pastor. ill. Services every Sunda; ftntwl.v fcj-hnn! .t 12:20 o'doc ar morning and evening. Aundav School at 120 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi- Utioo extended by both pastor and people to all. SiGNGBEGATlONAL CHU RCH Rev. W.C. Cdrtm I Pastor. Service every Sunday at 11 A. M. and t. M.' Sunday School alter morning service. Eras Mat 10:30 A.M. Vesper. at J P. M. C1T PAUL'S CHUECH.- Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. LU1 D. Sutclifte, Rector. . Services STery Sanaay stU A. M and 7:80 P. M., Sunday school at SUM A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday el 730 P. M. - CHRISTIAN CHUKOH Rv. J. W. Jskxiks, paa- i tor. Preachioa-everv Sunday afternoon at 9 o'clock in the Congregational church. All are cor- dkUly invited KOONTZ, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. i Rnnrtl.h TTnlan an-1 Nktlonal In surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 30 000,000;- . Valuable Farm near the City to Mil on easy term. Office over Post Office. The Dalles, Or. JOHN D. GE0GHEGAN, (Register U. S. Land Office, 18801881.) Business before - United States Land . - nffif-o a SJnprialtv. Wall' Block Main St. Vancouver. Clark Co., Wash. Do You Want vson. If aO,send II, and ilie of uur ou . wife'.ahoefortwo uulii-of -, Reynold's always-Ready Half So?cs itber sole. Mut postpaid. oa c. Sm Z yoir .hoe. U. s "'aai-!l aUpping-wtll IteepyonrfeetwaiTOmnddp 100 percent profit for aeenw-Order X gro pairs C. O. D. and 1 will give you ex ehulve ancv in your city and town.hlp. MAH EI. KOlll,Srt.Owr 6' 1& Walaat U t'fckeo, 11L Dissolution Kat'eo . This 1 to notify all person interested that th firm of Lee Yuen, Slog Lee Lee Ping, in the gar dening business on Mill creek, hue ieen this day dissolved by mutual consent, Lee Yutn and Sing Lee retiring from tbe firm. AU dent due the late Arm will be collected by Lm Ping and all liabilities settled by him. Ls Ycim, Sins Lit, Lu Pus. TheDalles, Oregon, November 24, ISM. Practical .. watGHmaKer AND DEALER IN Clftck Watches. Jewelry, Etc , . - Always keeps on sale the latert and bet slylet o Time-pieces, Diamond Rings, Bow-knot RlDra, Sil verware, tc etc. repairing a specialty. 162 Second Street, reit dcor Williams fc 'o.' u A 1. tlb Dalles, OREGON pioheeb mm, orthwest Cor. Second andWuhtngton3te. 1 i . 8acoessors) George Bach. The Cheapest Place (HsJsAuaa roa All Kinds of Groceries J FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WAREE TO. w. nactfiillv aoUoli a ah of th public pat- nam nu. and shall endeavor to give entire aatiafae sea to ouf eutomr both old ad new. HENRI L KUCK, ' Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery; Seoond St,, near Hoodv's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON A Work Uaaranteed to lve Sat- Isflsetloat I Tie European bobsbq M Kb. n. rKAbLK, rropneior. vs? Union Street, Between Viirv Second and Third Streets ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL Tables always supplied with the best meats in the market. No Chlneeae employed, and the cooking is done ! In flrst-clas caterer and after the family iv e. DAN BAKER, : PROPRIETOR OF THE fool - Exchange - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigars. Second Street East End. A. A. BROWN LL ASSORTMENT AND PROVISIONS, SDBCial Prices to Cash Buvers - - 170 SEOOND STREET, 'Charles A. Baldwin & Co. BANKERS, 40 and 43 Wall street, new York. Accounts of Bank and Bankers received J on uivoraDie terms. Bonds and Investment Securities. Dally Financial Letter Mailed on Application CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. rSvSwi JOHN PASHEK The t Merchant t Tailor Suits Made to Order and a Fit Guaranteed Clothe Cleaned on th Shott ed Notice. . Near Cor Third and Washington St. Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles, Address; Lock Box 181. JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman! Goods harried with the createst care to all oaxt of the nty on short notice. j, E. Saltmarshe -AT THE East End STOCK H tXX PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. ' DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. FAT PEOPLE. Pake Obesity Pill will reduce your weight PEKHAMKNT1.V from 12 to 10 p.mnd, a mouth. No starving sickness or inry; no public ity. They build up the health and bautily th complexion, leaving no wrinkles or flabbinees. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved. r..rr.uinKii urn a soientins sua post tivs nlief, adopted only after year of experience, all orders supplied direct from our office. Price .00 per package or three packages for SS 00 by mail postpaid. Aesumonuus ana particular, (sealed Sots. Alt Correpondeer BUrtetly CvBfldea- uai.. I PAEK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass Sample : Rooms, FRONT T (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FEANE. PROP. The Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars mr mini & tprwrpv ppr ON DRAUGHT THE! DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentueky Whiskey FROM LOUSTIXXE. Very Best Key West Cigars, aod Bes of Wines. . EriKiish PorrT Ale and Milvankp, Beer always on band. MAETZ & PUNDT. : PROP'S 5 TO PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We wont many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hour9 duily, right in find around tlielrown home. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pars better tliun any other offered agents. You have a clear ntld and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capitul required, vie equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and bora and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who lollow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done If you conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. J 8 SCHENCK, J M PATTERSON Cashier. THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. Successors to SCHENCK . AND BEALL, BANKERS . Transacts a Regular Banking Business Buyand'tell Exchange. Collection carefully made and promptly accounted for. Draw on iew l orn, san Francisco ana rori land. , Director DP Thompson, Ed M William, J B Schenck, George Liebe. H II Veall. Branners Restaurant SECOND STREET ree oor rom . ours MEALS ARE SERVED AT ALL HOtRS ONIA 25 CTS. A MEAL. The. Tables ar Furnished with the BEST th market afford OTBTiBRS Will be Served In sry ityle dnnrg tbe The Dalles National Bank, OF DALLES CITY. OR. President,. ...Z. F. Moody, Cashier, .1. A. Moody General Banting Business Transacted. Sight ETohsnges sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRAN0IS0O. CITY BAKERY Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN, Proprietor FAMILY GROCERIES Children Cry for PITOHSB'8 Castoria Castoria !s so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription kiiowu to me.1 H. A. Archer, St. T. 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y " t use Castoria In my practice, and And IS peels uy auapiea to anectious oc cnuaren. 1007 2d Ave., New Vorli 'Prom persnntl knowledge I can say th.it iiastoria is a :io&& exceuenc ineoicine lor cuu lren," tin. (i. U. OsoooD. Lowell, Jlass. I Caatoria nramotes Slseatloil. 8J11 Btoraach. Diarrhoea, and Feverislmeas. Thus the child is rendered healthy and ita sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. si SALOON, DAN BAKER, Prop,'r. Keeps on band tbe oest Wines, Liauors and Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVERY EVENING. ' Near the Old Mint, Second Street, THE DALLES. : : OREGON D. W.YADSE (Successor to P. EREFT & CO.) Dealer in Artists' Material and Painters' Supplies A.eent for MASURyS LIQUID PAINT All orders for paintiofr. papering and kalominicsr promptly attended to. A. GEHRES PROPRIETOR OF THE PIONEER gODA m 8ECOND1STHEET TBE DALLES OR. Maoulactures the Best Articles of Soda, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale Leau Orders With Andrew Keller, Confectioner. "The Re The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co THROUGH Freigfif ana PassenaerLine Through Bailv trios (Sundavs ex cepted) Detween the Dalles and Port land. iteamer regulator leaves ine Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m,, connecting with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PASSENGER RATES: One way 2 00 Round trip 3 00 Freight Rates Creatly Reduced Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings mast be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address, IflZ. C. HLLHMHY. Craaeral Agent THE DALLES, - OREGON- COALJCOAL! I am now prepared to deliver y Koslyn Coal To any part of ibe city frr J8.25 pe too. This is much cheaper than wood and a irreat deal more convenient. Ap ply to E E. LYTTLE, Agent for O. R. & N. Co COUNTY WARRANTS. To Wham it Jfay Concern: All eonnty warrants ma- out on and after Dacember 1st will be lsrued by the county eierk payable -to o-der, and no eonnty warrant will be atamped or thvted by tbs county treasurer unlets endorsed by th party to whom the said county warrant 1 jfMMd. By order, O. C. Bcaucr, County Judge1. Tbe Dalle, Ore., Nov. 30, 1394. WOOL nvmi 7nr mnmh r wv tp 0h Hn& ulator Line TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Guilty a) Charged, Chicago, Dec. 14 "Guilty as chargf d was tbe Boding announced today by Fed era! Judge William Woods against President Eugene V Debs, ef tbe Ameri can Railway Union. The same finding was reached against American R til way Uulon leaders on trial with Debs. Judge Woods' opinion overruling the claim of the defense that the injunction agiiost the American Railway Uuion leaders was invalid on tbe ground the court bad n 'jurisdiction to determine a case in which an injunction was ordered and that though possessed of such juris diction, ttie court lacked organic power to make tbe order in question, wis very long and cited many authorities. Tbe court bold the same protection given com merce on rivers can be x tended under tbe existing law to commerce 00 railroads Referring to the contention that tne act ot July 2, 1890, was directed wholly at trust and not against orgaoizitioos of labor in any form. Judge Woods pointed ont that workingmen, if they cooepired with capitalists to prevent tbe moving of Pullman cars would be gnilty of con spiracy, auu 11 wonia tie aotora 10 say tbey should not be equally gnilty if tbev did tbe same without tbe aid of tbe cap! taunts. Judge Woods beld tbat tbe de fendants did deliberately violate tbe or der of tbe conrt, by directing the strikers to intimidate tbe men from taking their places. Admonitions against violence were sent out by tbe defendants, but it was not intended they sbold be beeded Attorney Darrow, representing tbe de fendanta, asked tbat bis clients might retire fur consultation regarding what they should say, and after a briet recesr. tbe strike leaders died back into couit, angiog themselves belore tbe bench. Attorney Darrow, speaking for tbem, said tbey bad no wish to make separata speeches, but felt tbat tbey bad done no rong, Ibe attorney advised tb6 court bat Director Mac Venn, one of tbe de fendants, was out of the city during tbe strike. A lengthy argument betweeu tbe attorneys followed over the propo sition to discriminate in MacVean'a favor, which tbe court terminated by suspend' ing sentence on Mac Yean. Jn sentencing tbe others defendants Judge Woods said: "Tbe punishment shall be neither via dictive nor trivial.. These men .were in wilful contempt onder what legal advice I should like very much to koow. Tbese men were leaders in a great measure of lawbreakers, aod are responsible as leaders. Tbe ignorant men who followed them bave been punished. Debs is more responsible than any of tbe others. He is a man of marked ability and power over men. I feel constrained to dis criminate between him and tbe others . Tbe puniabraent against all tbe defend ants except Debs is three months in jail, and against Debs six months." Tbe defeaaants did not appear particu larly crushed by the punishment. Debs bowed bis tall, gaunt form and whispered a few words to bis sister, who set cear, and tbey both laughed heartily. How. ard aod Hogan eicbaoged smiling glanecs and Keiiber grasped his attorney's band, and appeared to offer congratulation. It was evident ail expected much more severe sentence. Debs drew bis peooie to one side and instructed tbem to say nothing lor publication, setting them tbe example by refusing to discuss tbe case at ail. Accused nf Undue Hante. Washington, Dec. 14 There- was a spirited incident before tbe hanking and currency committee today. Representa tive Walker, of Massacbuse ts, said be understood programme had been quiet ly arranged by which a currency bill ould be considered by tbe Democrats ot tbe committee tonight, by tbe tun committee tomorrow night, aod to bs presented to tbe bonse Monday. Chair man Springer said this programme was a mere surmise. All the committee bad actually done was to agree to a meeting Sunday night, it being understood a final vote on the bill could then be taken. Walker thereupon moved tbe committee should not consider such agreement. He said : 'We bave been turning over tbls cur rency question for the p.t 10 months, and at tbe end of tbat time Secretary Carlisle comes in with a bill whicb he tells us be dictated hurriedly to a sten ographer before coming to tbe committee room. JNo man living could prepare a measure affecting sncb vast interests in less than a week. Yet tbis is tbe bill tbat is to be reported off-band. This haste is not becoming to us as legislators. There should be a full consideration of tbe question without limit to time." Walker's motion to reconsider was voted down by a strict party division. Ayes. Walker, Brossius and Johnson (Indiana), Republicans; noes, Bnerry, Cox, EHia, Cobb (M'ssouri), Warner, Black (Georgia) and Springer, Democrats Jobnsoa added bis protest to mat oi Walker. He said be had first agreed to a meeting tomorrow uignt oecanse ne knew tbe majority had virtually agreed on a bill, and was ready to pnab it through tbe committee so it wa useless to resist the baste. ' FederMtva ' tJtbor. Deiiver, Des. 14 A red bot fight broke out in tbe convention of the Ameri ca a Federation of Ltbor today over tbe Political Programme" snbmitted by tbe last previous convention to the various unions. John F Tobin, of the boot and sboewoikers, assertei that the presidents, secretaries and other officers of the labor organizations used tbeir positions to se cure political election and appointment. Objection came at once from a dozen men, including President Gompers and Sacre-, tary Evans. Mr. Tobin remarked that such a show of fee'iog was all the proof be wanted tbat bis shot bad bit tbe mark. President Gompers denounce as a lie a general charge wbicb included bim, and defied Tobin or any other delegate to point to a vulnerable place in bis career as to booesty. He charged tbat it was a cowardly, covert attack upon organized labor. After a spirited debate the preamble to tbe political programme w struck out by a vote ot 1869 to 801. Plank 1 da daring for compulsory education was adopted. Planks 2 and 11 were consoli dated making tbem read, "direct legiaia tion through referendum, amended, were adopted. aod ss Hew) Fran the Orient. London, Dec. 14 A New Cbwang dis patch says tbe Japanese are within 18 miles of tbe south port. A Nankin dispatch says Li Hung Chang's nepbew, Chang Bin, bag been asseated for peculations, and bia property has been seized. A Tien Tsio dispatch says tbat an or der has been issued for the arrest o' Li Hung Chang's son-in-iaw. for fraudulent practices. Sbiog, taotai of Tien-Tsin, is reported to bare been dismissed from of- Bee on account of bis inability to raise a wa- loan. He will be succeeded by Wang Feb Woonir. A dispatch from Shanghai says General Wei.'who was supposed to have'been ex ecuted for cowardice at 1 log 1 aog, is I prison at Pekin. He admits tbat tb man beheaded as General Wei was pro cured at bu lostigulion to represent bim A ratal Accident. A i. bant. Or , Dec. 14 This morning, while rouaifed in clearing a grain sbnte, Ahoer (! Simpson Inst his footing, fallio a distance of 15 feet, striking directly upon his head, causing coocussion of the brain, lie was picked np unconscious and conveyed to his borne, where be lies between life and death. Very Utile hopes are enienasned lor his recovery. He is a sou ot O P Simpson, a wealthy grain speculator of tbis city. His father is prostated over tbe sad accident . A Sew Canadlaa Mlolatry. London, IX'C 14 Tbe Timet today an ounces that Mackenzie Howel', Cana dian minister of trade and commerce, has consented to form a ministry lor tbe Do minion of Canada. Prince Holtealotae III. Berlin, D.-c. 14 Prince Hobenlobe, chancellor, If ill in bed. Hi caught cold Upon the occasion of the dedication of the new reicbstag palace. nUTleltrn Wlih Key-r. Astoria, Dec. 15 At 10:30 tbis morn log, the Belief towed tbe Bittisb ship Marion BaUantynt, 20 days over-due, from Acapulco, inside and dropped her at anchor off the Fort Stevens dock, then proceeded te sea with another vessel About 4 o'clock a boatsmsn brought woid from the Ballantyue tbat tbe health officer was needed on board, as a number of tbe crew were down with malarial fever. A launch was procured at once and Health Officer Walker and Deputy United Siates Marshal Smith started for tbe vessel. The sight of a half dozen pallid faces peering over tbe bulwarks of the ship, as tbe launch came alongside, told only too plainly tbe condition ot the hip's crew. Dr. Walker w$nt on board lone aod made an examination ot tbe sick. He reports not an able bodied man on board, 10 of whom are down with fever, tbe boatsw.ain being seriously ill. He placed tbe ship In quarantine and I ft Deputy Smith in charge, t ilot Dan Mc- Yickor was compelled to remain on board. As soon as tbe health officer left, the tng Relief returned and towed tbe Ballanlyne to anchor off the Seaside cannery. Dr. Walker says he cannot tell it there is any contagious disease on board, but thinks it is only a violent type of malarial fever. If tbe latter, tbe whole crew will be taken to the hoepital tomorrow, after another examination. Medicine was lett with tbe captain by tbe officer and the Invalids were made comfortable for tbe night. Debs and his outer. CHiCAGO,Deo. 15 Tbe convicted offi cers and directors of tbe American Rail way Union bad a conference witb their attorney, Clarence Darrow, in the latter office yesterday afternoon as to tbe best way of proceeding now tbat tbey have been sentenced to spend a term in jail. Attorney Darrow said he did not think there was any doubt they bad tbe right to appeal, althongb an appeal is not usual in such pases. The matter is one for ar gument, and as tbe question would bave to be argued before Judge Woods, tbe defendants smile grimly when tbis method ot obtaining tbeir release is men tioned. Another plan, and the one that will probably be adopted, is to ask the supreme court .for a habeas corpus. Tbis cao be done, Mr. Darrow says, without goiog through tbe intermediate court of appeals, or a writ of habeas corpus can be asked from any United States circuit judge, and, if be decides not to grant it, an appeal can do tasen te toe supremo court. It is by no means certain yet tbat the mea will bave to gp to. jail, and it is asserted that tbey will' not have to go until Dec. 20, which is tbe expiration of tbe 10 days given tbem by Judge Woods. Before tbe 10 days have expired, Attor ney Darrow will bave mapped ont some line of procepure, aod while it is pending the men have tbe right to go free on bail wbicb they will avail themselves of. Immediate Actlou Advisable. London, Dec. 15 Mr. Graves, tbe British' consul at Erzeroum, has for warded to tbe foieign offica a statement in wbicb be urges the government not to put off interfering in tbe Armenian affairs until the report of the European com mission appointed to inquire into tbe cir cumstances oi tbe outrages snail nave been presented, as that report will nec essarily be delayed until spring. He sta'es tbat immediate intervention ts ad visable. Lord Eimberley, upon receipt of Mr. Graves communication, at ouce commnnicased with the French foreign office, witb tbe result lbt it baa finally been agreed to Instruct tnt f resco ana Russian consuls at Erzeroum to jo, a Mr. Graves and start witbout delay upon their mission of inquiry. The foreign office denies special commission of only British, French and Russian consuls im plies tbat a speciul entente baa been es--Ublished between tbe three powers mentioned, and says they were appointed because tbey were tbe only European consuls at Erzeroum. . It a Mtevenaoa Tora. AceKLAND. N. Z., Dec. 16 Advices from Apia, Samoa, ot December 8, are to the effect that tbe well-known novelist, Robert Louis Stevenson, bad died sud denly from apoplexy. His remains were interred on the summit of Pala mountain, 1SU0 leet high. At tbe time of bis death Mt. Stevenson bad half completed tbe writing of a new novel. Some time ago Mr, Stevenson, who was suffering from long trouble, went to tbe South Pacific for nis health. He became enraptured with the Samoan island, and decided to take up his residence and spend tbe rest ot bis days there.-- He took a close in terest tn Samoan affairs, and bss written many letters to tbe newspapers in favor of tbe natives asagainBt tbe treaty powers, under whose direction the government of tbe islands is conducted. The Outrages) CoaUane. Athens, Dec, 15 Armenian refugees today received information to tbe effect that Bakri Pasha, Kurd governor of Van, went on November 14 to tbe district of Eredjeki, and laid the Armenian villages of Babazekezn and Haze-ray in ruins. His troops, it is also said.committed excesses, then seized and cruelly maltreated 124 peasants and imprisoned tbem on tbe ground tbey were insurgents. flas Left the Order. Chicago, Dec. 15 Geerge W Howard, vice-president of the American Railway Union, bas resigned and severed nis con nection witb tbe organization. It appears tbere was some friction between Howard and tbe other members of tbe board of directors, and be decided to withdraw in the interests of harmony . TELEGRAPHIC. Landi-d at Tillamook Kork. Astoria, Dec. 15 The Columbine went ont today to Tillamook rock and, after much difficulty, succeeded in land ing Assistant-Keeper Hanson, with small quantity of provisions and blankets Sbe also took off Assistant-Keeper Bur. chell, whose eyes were injured in lart Sunday's storm. Tbe sea was very rough and a fresh stonu seemed to be brewing from the southwest. Tbe light was made ready to burn last night, but inav be sub ject to some interruption, until it can be thoroughly repaired, owing to the fac tu-tt a number ot panes of glass are cracked aod may be driven in. Tbe fig signal is again in working order. The lour keepers now on the rock are in good spirits and well supplied with every needed comfort. Lieutenant liiish state tbat the tender will go down again to morrow morning, wenther permitting. aod will continue her trips until the sta tion is in Brsl-clasa order aod amply supplied witb everything neceisary. Keeper Burchell went to Portland tooight on tbe telephone, to nave his eyes treated, The Armenian IaeattKtlen. Constantinople, uec. 13 Tbe pro posal tbat the consuls of Great Britain, R-iasia aod France sball act with the Ar menian commission, appcinted to inves tigate the reported atrocities of tbe Turkish soldiers in Armenia, emanated from tbe porte in consequence of Great Britain's representations on the subject. Bat it is now stated tbat tbe consuls of the three powers will only follow the commiiSiou s deliberations and make suggestions regarding tbe presence and examination ot witnesses. Tbe consuls ill not sit with tbe commission, but tbeir pretence witb tbe Turkish commls tion is expected to reassure the popula tion. Tbe porte will be officially in- foimedoftbe instructions wbicb will be given to the consuls by tbeir respective governments, and a formal request to the porte for permission to send the consuls witb tbe Turkish commission will also be made by the powers interested iu order to facilitate their task. Howe Kuond Cial ty. Jacksonville, Or, Dec. 15 Tbe case of W E Howe, ex-treasurer of Klamath county, indicted for embezzlement, which bas been on trial here tor the past three days, on a change of venue I rom Klamath, was given to the jury yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. After being out a short time, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. I nis case bas excited much in terest, mainlr. perhaps, on account of our own treasurer aod tbe status of the case now belore tbe supreme court. Tbe case was contested with great energy and determination on both sides, many legal technicalities being introduced and many exceptions taken. Counsel for delense asked until Monday next to file a motion lor a new trial. Atroeitlea at Part Arthar. Washington, Dec. 17 The Japanese legation today received another telegram from Matsu, minister of foreign affairs, regarding tbe reported atrocities by Jap anese soldiers at the fall of Port Arthur. Tbis dispatch says tbe government is not yet in possession of the full facts, but bas ascertained the following circumstances; Many Chinese soldiers, both at Port Ar thur and those who came in from the outlying fortifications taken by Japanese soldiers, discarded their uniforms and It now known to be certain tbat nearly all tbe Chinese killed in plain clothes were soldiers in disguise. Tbe Chinese nbaoitants (presumably a msjonty) of Port Arthur, left before the engsgement thoueb a few remained, having'- been armed and ordered to resist tbe Japanese and fire upon them. This tbey did, and in tbe contusion of the fight it was im possible to distinguish them from Chi nese soldiers. Tbe Jspanese army en tering Port Arthur was greatly excited by tbe sight of tbe fearfully mutilated bodies of their comrades, some et whom bad been burned alive and some crucified : Notwithstanding tbis, tbe discipline of tbe army was maintained. Numbers of Chinese prisoners were taken and kindly treated. Tbe wounded wbo cou d be moved are on the way to Tokio and will arrive in a lew days. . A Sheepman tttory. Obbgon City, Dec. 17 John Page, a sheepman, from Klickitat county , Wash., reported to the sheriff tbis morning that be bad been held up on tbe wagon road just above Canemab about 8 o'clock last night aod robbed of $60 and a guld watcb and chain. Tbe two men who robbed bim, be says, came with bim from Tbe Dalles, being lively and csngeoial companions, tie loaned one oi tne men $5, and. tonic tbe protlered watcn and cbatc as security. He did not expect, bis new- found friends to accompany bim fur ther tban Portland, bnt tbey kindly vol unteared to come to Oregon City, where Page bad some business tn attend to, and tbey did tbeir sbare to make the trip en tertaining. Tbe three went for a walk last evening, and it was then tbe robbery is alleged to bave occurred. Still Pae said notblog to aoybody about it till this morning, notwithstanding he was directed by a policeman to a lodging- house at 2 o clock this morning, toe men wbo registered Saturdsy night at the bote! with Page wroto tbe names ef J B Lewis aod George Lewi, and claimed to bailed from Helena, Mont. Warrants for their arrest bave been issued,' and of ficers are looking for tbem. Catherine tjiiaa'a Marderera , Minneapolis, Dec. 17 It is not like ly tbat C A Rlixt, tbe self-confessed murderer of Catherine Ging, will be hanged. He will be brought before Judge Hicks, of tbe distnet contt. tedsy, where he will enter tbe plea nf guilty. Sentence will not be passed, however, until be bas been used. as witness for tbe state ia tbe Henry Hay ward case, and then it is exoected that be will be given a life sentence. Tbe court bas appointed Judge J R Sbaw, W A Hahn -and F H Carlton,' three able criminal lawyers, to defend bim, but when tbey attempted to bold a consultation with bim yesterday, Blixt refused to bave anything to do witb tbem. He is still in tbe St. Paul jail, and continues to protest that be is innocent, and claims tbat wben be tells his story there will be some sensational disclosures. Claus A Blixt, tbe self-confessed mur derer ot Catherine Ging, was arraigned in tbe district court tbis morning and in a weak voice pleaded not guilty. Tbe case was set for trial January 7, In spite of Attorney Odell's demand tbat it be. not set earlies tban January 27, The German MeelalUta Bebun, Dec. 17 The governor of the Zwickau district baa dissolved tbe social Democratic organization within bis juris diction on tbe groond that it is a society witbont the rights of a corporation. Wil belm Stolle Is tbe social Democrat wbo aits In tbe reiohstsg for the constituency . Tbis summary action, witb Mr. Koebler's defiant utterances in the reichstag, are Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report f 1 C7 ABSOLUTELY PURE taken by many radicals and social D.-mi crats to indicate that the government lv steetiog straight for a parliamentary conflict. Several oooosition deputies sav that the emperor evidently seeks to gov ern with a federal council as suifves'ed by Councillor K msUt in a rereht pam phlet, but without a reichstag. Tbe anarchist meeting called to pro test against tne ant;-4ocialist, bill was a Q.zle. Waroenecke, the mechanic who got a permit for tbe meeting, was arrested yes'eiday for writing a virulent article in Der Sozialiol, and nobody could find a nail for those wbo responded to bis sum mons . Two Biood-Ihlraty Kdttora. St. Louis, Mo, Dec. 17 8 D Perry publisher of tbe East St. Louis Her aid. aod L'oyd R R Fayling, ex-editor ol tbe Herald exchanged courtesies according to tbe duel code last Friday, and were to meet on tbe field of honor early yester day with pistols. The story tot into one ot the newspapers, and fear of police in terterence pnstoooed tbe encounter. A publishers' notice Id a recent copy nf the same paper caused Fayling to send tbe ballenge, which was promptly acc pted by Perry. Tbe sending or acceptance ot challenge to Bght being a penitentiary offense in Illinois, the principal are keeping in tbe background today . Both men are of spirit, and tbe encounter is only postponed. At ttlueAelda. New Yobk, Dec. 17 A' special from Kingston, Jamaica, says: "New aod imoortant developments tn tbe Bluefiehla affair may soon be looked for. For several days past there have been secret conferences between ex-Cbief Clarence, some of bis followers aod the British representatives here. Great Britain, it is reported, has determined to restore Clarenca ro power at Binefields, and arrangemeots to tbat end, it Is be lieved, are now being perfected. Tbere is reasoo to believe tbat the American consul and tbe commander of tbe Colum bia are alive to what is going on, and bave doubtless informed tbe authorities at Washington." Itaii 'a Political Crlaia. Roue, Dec. 17 -1'be political crisis continues to absorb public atteotioo. Ex-Premier Gioletti bss gone into the country, where be is followed and watched by detectives. Tbere is no doubt tbe news proroguing parliament has crested a bad impression throughout I'aly. It is interpreted as indicating tbat Premier Crispi intends to remain In pow er in spite of tbe opposition. Ex-Premier Rudini. in a letter to the electors, accuses Premier Crispi of hav ing purposely avoided debate in tbe chamber of deputies on tbe Banca Ro mano scandal by forciog prorogation. - A lira vert bUer Nhot. Cinoinkati, Dec. 17 From Mount Hope, Ky., a small village 12 miles from Walton, comes tbe oews of a shooting Saturday night of a graverokber caught la the act. V There bad been robberies at the cemetriiy, and wben Mirs Morris was buried her betrothed determined to watch her grsve. . A dozen shots were fired at tbe robbers, and "Smiley" Jordan a colored farm hand, was shot desd. His white companion escaped. Veedlac Horace ta hla Hose. Sioux City, Ia, Dec. 10 P W Scheock, who has large interest a no Montana, is In the city, aud tells of a'u acquaintance of his buyiog 1000 range boraes in Fergus, Monf, for 98 a head, killing them, boil iog tbe meat in a buge caldron and using it to feed a large number of hogs on bis ranch. The ranchman claims he will get more for bis bogs tban he would if be bad invested tbe amount be paid lor the horses in corn. Halclde at Taroma. Tacoua, Dac. 17 TE Ogllvie, agd 25, a mechanic in the employ of the Ed ison car shops, was louod dead In bis room this nv-rniog with a bullet through his breast. It was evidently a case of suicide. He was in love with a woman wbo ia to be married Thursday to another man. Ogllvie was despondent tnrougn tbat, also from tbe fact be had jost dis covered be had consumption. Horse Sold ta Pay FretKht- A couple of Crook county hoisaoiao, Jt eobs A Allen, recently shipped a tew ear loads of horses to South Carolina, aod in adjusting the height tariff the railroad com pany charged op the entire smoant to Mr. Jaoob, aod he. kicked beeaoaa ho wanted the other stockman to pay his share of the freight. The railroad company, as usual, got np on its ear aod refused to alter its freight bill.and proceeded to sell the horses, while the owner of them began proceeding-! for damages. The people who handled tbe wild bron chos must bave had no end of fun, judging from the following which we clip from ths Charleatoo, S. C, New. "Most people rrs familiar with the amus ing incidents of 'ld boss sales,' as they are ca led. Ureeoville has iast had a noyel ex perience in a 'yoang hoW sale. Sheriff Gil- reath sold on last Thursday at auction 156 wild hones, from an Oregon stock farm, which had bin attaehed for freight by a railroad company. Tbe ranchmen in charge of the drove refuted to deliver the goods The sheriff undertook to deliver them him self. The horses pluoged, feared, kicked, fell dowo and got op, tangled themselves in all kioda of queer ways and jerked the arms of people who endeavored to hold them almost out of tbeir sockets. By hard work, lasting the whole afternoon, thirteen were 'out oat,' haltered aud delivered, Most ot. them disappeared on various road leading out of the city with a whoop aod a oload nf dust, and witb from two to six-ait. izens trailing along behind -them at high rates of peed." IE was the most fan tbr has been here in years." For the Universal Exhibition to be beld at Portland Deoemker 1st to January 16, 1895, the Oregon Railway A Navigation Co. will sell excnrsion tickets at rate of one and one-fifth fare for th round trip, plus fifty cents for two admission ooupom t i ths ex hibition . Tickets will be on sale for trains arriving at Portland on Tuesdays and Fri day of oaon week November 29tb to Janu ary Sih0 I . Dnfar Dotnam. Difcr, Deo. 17, 1894. . Editor Tmits-MovxTAiKK: I have not aeen aoy onrrespoodnoc from this town tjr some time, and I thought I would jot down a few item. The weather baa been delightful so far for wiuter; but thi inoruiog th ooogsaled element began falling, but it oeaisd before the ground wa covered. A you are aware, Mr. Editor, Fifteen Mile oreek is the oldett Settled farming por tion of Wasoo county, with Mrbapa, th exoeptlon of the old Iryioe farm below your city. We have now living here Mr. W. R. Uenefee, who baa been a resident of thi vicinity for some thirty years. Ho is still halo and hearty, aod he baa a fund of early renuninscenes that ar yery interesting. Grandpa Dufur has very much improved, and is now shle to he around. Tho old gentlemen has passed the eightieth mil. post on the j lurney of life, and, liks tits mellow twilight of a summer's day, la happy and contented with his lnt With his sods and daughter and grand-children, Mr. Du fur appears to eojoy a perennial youth) Al ways good-natured, wrth'a smile and joks for every one, it is really refreshing tor any one to meet him, Ooe renews his lift by talking with grand -pa Dufur, aod in his heart of hearts he wishe that th shade of ' evening may fall on him with th same be nign influence. There is a beauty in the sunset that tb dawn of day oanoot excel, and there ia a calmness in th avenlog of life, when the toil snd turmoil is over, that eclipses any period in th age of man. Social matters are quiet; but evry Satur dsy a dancing party is given at the Odd Fellows' ball, aod light and fairy feet trip to the strsins of soul-stiring music. It is not necessary for me to quota Byron regarding the waltz, bot a portion of oar citizens and believe ladies ar included in this term enjoy themselves very muoh. Mr. A. 1. Dufnr, jr., aod Hon. W. H. H. Dufur will engage in the creamery busi ness to a large extent hereafter. Tbey will place on th market a good quality of cheese whioh should compete with aoy now offered for sale. A large number of our resident left for The Dallas today to attend the oriminal ao tion again! Dr. Dietriob. Ths gotlemau appear to be a scholar of olssaioal acquire ment; but as wo are never sick w hav had ao experience with him as a physioiao, W simply say he i an tduoated man. But this has bean lengthened out beyond our expectations, aod will therefore olose. -More aoou. : ' - Totrm. , Snow aad Slelgblatj- While delightful spring weather prevails in thi viotnity, on the Tygh riJg in th neighborhood ot Kingaley the ruideot are ojoying good slaigbiog, and tbe merry jingling of bell may be,-heard any hour in the day. The' soow is about six inches deep on tbs ground, aod this has beooma packed and hard so that sleighs elide over it with the greatest facility. This is the season of reft and recuperation for farmers, and as the soil has produced abundantly daring the laat year they ar in a proper mood for enjoyiog themselfoa. Winter i 'oat of joint' without suow, sad there is oo amusement equal to being warmly wrapped and being driven rapidly over tbe gluten- ' ing mrfaoe of tbe earth, made white and beautiful by soow behind a "spanking team of horses. Our Kiogsley Deihuor have this royal enjoyment while the otifor- tuoat residents of thii city rlod through mod and mock nearly ankle deep. - A Flying Machine. - The Goldeodale Republican sys: E I). Parrott of Ellensburg,. ha written his brother Elgin that he has iovented an air hip that ha fully expect to revolutionise the passenger traffic of the world. He has been working oo the invention for the put ten year and now at length see the fruition of his hopes. He is making arrangements to pat his invention to th test by buildiag a trail ahip that shall measure 100 feet in length by 6 foot beam and bave cspaoity for carrying 00 passengers witb a reasonable amount of baggage. A chemical engine, also apparently the invention of Mr. Par rott, whose dimenaious are only four feet in height by thirteen in diameter and whose , weignt i ooly 180 poaada, will generate 120 horse power and aetiog on a sufficient num ber of fore and aft propellers will drive the ship through the bine empyrean at tbe rate of 150 mile an hoar. A Hnatnaaa'i Paradlae- , The Mongolian pheasant and California and Oregon quail wbicb were let loose Oh -Fifteen Mile creek two years ago bave multiplied wonderfully, and tbey can be seen almost any hour In tbe day. They have not been molested since they bave been turned loose, and tbe sporting men of Dufur have not disturbed tbem la their haunts. Ia a few years Flfteeu Mile creek will be a paradise for game, and Dlmrods will bave plenty of sport In that vicinity. Seme of those interested in game, among tbeui Johnston Bros, and C P. Balcb, at Dufur will send to Iowa tor some Bob White quail this winter, and let them mingle with tbe former den. izens of the woods and glens around Fif teen M lie creek. The sportsmen in tbat neighborhood have imported dogs and other means tor royal bunts in the future, and they are good shots. i 1 ' Awarded! ' Highest Honors World Fair. 'DEI' mwm MOST PERFECT MADE, A pure Crape Cream of tartar Powder. FrM from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THS STANDARD, - CREAM MHDN6-