AevNTAtSBKB. Volume XXXV Ti KEA-aOVSTAIXEEB, XIII THE DALLES. O It EG ON. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1894. NO. 17. CONSOLIDATED 1882. i PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY BY . John Michell, Editor and Proprietor Professional CaroU. O. C. HOLLISTER, '-' Physician and Surgeon Booms over DuIh National Bank. Office hour. 10 a m t 12 m. and from 2 to 4 p m. Real- denoe We t End of Third street, DUFUR & MENEFEE, -Attorneys at Law Rooms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. j SUTHERLAND, at D.Cat Physician and Surgeon, Rooms S aod 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. w X. TAOKMAN Practical Dentist Office Over A. A. Brown's R-rocer-. Secon-I St All work vuaranteed to r'.ve atisf etinn and all 'he latest improved methods used in dental operations. AS. BENNETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offe, . in echanno's bnildir-c, ni. suirs. The D-llis trecon. HOCIKHKO TTT, & A. at Meets V V first and third P.M. Monday of each month at 8 mBJ DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 6 X Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday acn moota at a r ml. nOLCMBU LODGE, NO, 6, I. 0. 0. F .-Meets J every Friday evening at 7X0 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of second ana ixmn sinew. Dojourn- as- brothers are welcome. H. CbOuaH, Secy. T71R1END6HIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meets P arerr alondav evening at 8:00 o clock, in Schau- f no's building;, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojnornunr brotners are cordially iiitom D. Vacbb, K. B. and S. F. MENEFEE, XTT0MEN"8 CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION T will meet every I noay aiternoon at s O doca at toe reauina room, ah are mviica. m rOCERN WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Mt. 1)1 Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Tuesday area ma; of each week at 7:90 o'clock, in A. Keller's HalL AU brothers and sojourning brothers are n vi tod to be present. mEMPLK LODGE, NO. 8, A. O. U. W.-Meets I in KKollor's Hail even- Thursday evening at 7:30 Mock. PATL KBEFT, M. W. W. & alTsma, Financier. ' r AS. NE8M1TH POST, NO. 82, G. A. R. Meets I every Satardar at USD P. M in &. of r. nau. BOF L. K. Meets every . K. of P. Hall. Friday afternoon in i ESANG YEKEIN HA RMONIB. Meets every VX Sunday evening In Keller's Hall Tk OF. L. F. DIVISION, NO, 167. Meets n K. j, of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of eacn month at 7:80 P. af THE CHURCHES. rMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D.TiTLOB, U faMor. Services every babuatn at li a. P. II. Nahhath achool tatmediatelv after morning; service, venifcc at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday -as K CHURCH Rev. Jvo. WmsLCB. Pastor. -111. Services everv Sundar morninr and evenins. Bundav School at 12:i0 o'clock P. M. A cordial invi- tatioc extended by both pastor and people to alL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W.C.Ccitb Pastor. Serviees every Sunday at 11 A. M. and P. at. Sunday Scheol after morning service. ST. P Sf PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Baomwstsv Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. au tugo 1030 A.M. Vespers at 1 f. m . (It. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite O Fifth. Rev. Ea I. ButcllOe, Rector, services very Sunday a 11 A. M aod 7:80 P M., Sunday scbool at 8:80 A. at. Evening Prayer on Friday ai IJOF.a. ftHRISTIAN CHURCH Rav. J. W. Jajrans., pas i tor. Preaching every Sunday afternoon at 8 'clock in the congregational cnuren. dially invited All are cor- ECONTZ, Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. a tfarOe Scottish Union an4 National In- orance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 80.000.000. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy Otfics over Post Office. The Dalles, Or. JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, iRrrhter 17. 8. Land Office. lf-90 1884.) Business before United States Land Office a Specialty. Wall's Block Main ot.. Vancouver, Clark Co , Wash. Dn You Want Money? If so, send II, and .ire of your u and wife's shoe for two pairaoi Remold s Always-Ready Halt Soles marie of hardened rubber outwear any leather sole. Sent postpaid. You can half-sole your shoes In minutes-prevent .llpplnir-wlll keepyourfeetwarm 'anddry. lOOpet cent protlt foragenta. Order H gross pain C. O. D. and 1 will gie juu elusive airenev In vonreltr and township. RAlTtL UETKOLBeVaal.Owan'uS lit Walaat 8U, Vhleaca, AH. Siaaolntiom Not'oev This la to notify all persons interested that tb firm of Lee Yd en, Sing Lee ft Lee Ping, in the gar dening business on Mill creek, hot een this day dissolved by mutual consent, Lee Yuen and Sing Lee retiring from the firm. All debts doe the late Arm will be collected by Lee Ping and all nihilities sealed by him. Lib Yuan. Bins Lit, Las Puts. The Dai ea, Oregon, November 14, 1884. HABET LIEBE, PI I AND DEALER IN Clocks, "Watches, Jewelry, Etc Always keeps on sale the latest and best styles o Time-pieces, inamond Rings, Bow-knot Binrs, Sil verware, stcq etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 163 Second Street, rut deer Williams fc l 'o.' 1- TLB DALLES, OKEGON E. JACOBSEN dsju.hi nt Books and Kohons, Pianos nd Organs STATIONERY. pi ANOS and Organs sold on easy monthly payments and all COMPETITION wa are prepared to meet. Call or address 162 Secern Street Th Dalle. Or JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest oars to all dstU of the etty on short notion. General Expressman! HENRI L KTJCK, Harness and Saddlery, Second 8t., near Moodv's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON ' A Work enaction UKnalMd ta itvr Hat- MRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor Union Street, Petween Second and Third Streets ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL. Tables always aupplhd with the best mtats in the market. No Chineese employeu, and the cooking is done I in first-class caterers and after the lamilr sit e. DAN BAKER, ; PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchance - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigars. Second Street East End. A. A. BROWN LL ASSORTMENT STAPlSuSI fMCI SEB, AND PROVISIONS, Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET. Denny, Rice & Cd. Woo! & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave- Boston. Charles A. Baldwin & Co. J BANKERS, 40 and 43 Wall street, New York. Accounts of Banks and Bankers received sj on lavoraDie terms. Bonds and Investment Securities. ' Daily Financial Letter Mailed on Application, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JOHN PASHEK The Merchant t Tailor Suits Made to Order and a Fit Guaranteed Clothes Cleaned on the Shut si Notice, Neavr Cor. TUrd and Wauliiiigtoa St. Andrew Velarde, HOUSEMOVER. The Dalles. Address: Lock Box 181. R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THE East EQU STOCK TUBUS, ILL iAY THE HigliestCashPrice for Hay and Gram.'' DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. FAT PEOPLE. Park Obssitt Pills win reduce your weight PKHHANKNTLY from 12 to 16 pws a mouth Mo starving sickness or injury; no public ity. They build np the health and b- entity the complexion, leaving no wrinkles or flahbineea. 8tout ahdowtens snd difficult breathing surely relieved. Nt fcXfKRISlBSII bnl ascientifieajidpoai tive rtlief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price S3 00 per packagt or three packages fur SS 00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed acts. AllCorrrpondeDC Mtrtetly Coafldea. tlal. PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass Sample : Rooms FllONT STh (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK. PRO The Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars COLOMBIA BREW Eh BEER ON DRAUGHT Mount Hood Saple Room THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentucky Whiskey FROM LOTJS IIXE Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes of Wines. Eelish Port Ale and Milwaukp Beer always on band. MAETZ & PTJNDT. : PROP'S 5 to PER DAY Easily Eade. We want many men, women, bors, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right iu and around their own homes. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. You hare a clear field and 110 competition. Experience and special ability on- necysaary. No capital required. e equip you wilh everything that yon need, treat you well, and help you to earn tell times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one. anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will- surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. AO harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. Ceorce Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. 1 Is the man who ought to have the best things to eat because his system requires it. WORKTNGHEN and everybody else who wrnts nice, wholesome groceries at very reasonable figures, will consult their own interests by dealing with . . . J. B. OROSSEN THE GROCER. FINE GOODS LOW PRICES A CLEAN STORE. THE DALLES Cigar Factory SECOND STREET Opposite the Implement Warehouse FACTORY NO. 105 pin A pQ of the Best Brands mannfact UlUnllO nred, and ordeas from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactnaeri article is increasing eyery day. A. DLR1CH ft SUN. A. 6EHRES vrzis pioneer SODA W0RKS SECOND1STEEET THE DALLES OB. Manufactures the Best Articles of Soda, Sarsaparilla and Girer Lmtm Orders With Andrew Keller, (kmfectiouer. Northwest Cor. Second and Washington St. J - Successors to George Rucb. rile Olieapest I7lace TBS VALLBS VO. All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUB. GRAIN, WILLOW WARES TC. We nspectfully eolidt ft eh of the public pat- ronure and endeavor to give entire satisfac ton to oar customer botfa oirf ad new. Bay a Home Chesp- A A AfRE'J of good famnogr ani fruit land four J m lea from - he Dalies, on Cheiiowit'i cr ek wilh rood bou e redv rum sbe4 or faunlr nam and other buildings. Partly fenced, plenty -f wafer Will be aold cheap. Address or ca'l at place. Prxsa Focq-Ium, 1 Th. Dallea, Oregen. Tne inan wno is PlOll EES GBOuthY Children Cry for riICESB-8 Castor. a Castori"; h no well adapted to children that 1 recouimenii it as aupeiiur to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N Y " I rise Cantor's In my practice, and find it specially aouuieu to anecnuns or cuiiuren. " a . t) i r - niil.i 1UIHHIWB) 111. U , 105? W Ave., Kew Yorl: "rrum pernonil knowledge I can pay th it astoria is 4i ricwi excellent meaicine ror cnuv Iren." 1)3. Q. O. Osoood, ixiwell, Castoria promotes Difjestlon, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Dianncea, and Fevenshness, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its Sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. MCNEILL. Receiver. -TO THE- GIVES THE Choice of Two Transcontinental Rentes VIA VIA SPOKANE MIMEAPOLIS DENVER OMAHA AMD AND ST.PADL KAJiSSA CITY Low' Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave fort aid , days for ive SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For full details calloaO K &N. Agent at THE DALLES, or address w. H. HTTRLBTJRT, Oen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Oregon. COAL! COAL! I am now prepared to deliver Eoslyn Coal To any part of tle 'rliy frr ?8-25 pe t'n.Xbi8- is much cheaper than wood and a great deal more convenient. Ap ply to ED E. Lyttle, , Ag-nt for O. R. & N. Co OREGON : BAKERY A. KELLER Prop'; am rp. spared to furnish families, notahfond re tan.-ants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh ysters Sened to Eiery Style. econdir"i t. Hex- door;to 7he Dalles Na iional Bnk. CITY BAKERY II Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor "WOOL EXCHANGE" 8ALOOJN, DAN BaaTTT'T? I JOt rjJsXL, Jr rOp la 1 Keeps on band the oest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVERY EVENIHC. Near tbe Old Mint. Second Street. THE DALLES. :: OREGON. COUNTY WARRANTS. To Whom it May Concern: All mnnhr nnsnfs FAMILY GROCERIES ma e out on a. d after D cemher It, wil' be ia-ued by the enu tv e era payable ts ,r, and n county warr in'a will be etamprd or iaedl by the eoem'y trea-urer unless end vsed bar a rnrty t whom the said couuty warrant is ia-usd. By order. S3. C Blault, County Judge. Tire Dalles, Ore., ov.0;.18. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Jiew Banking AVsw. WASHINGTON, LC. 7 TSe pro gmrame for the speedy noafci'leratioo of (he financial plan proposer by the presi dent and Secretary Carlisle was arranged by the boose committee 00 baukiDg sod correocy today. Turee lesolotioos were passed . The first specifies that Secretary Car" lisle and Comptroller of the Correocy Eckels shall be invited before the com' nutiee at 10 a. H, Monday, and the hear Iiib to close Saturday. Dt-rember 15 Toe si n1 'Dient nnioi p; Hie li mocruts whs i proce ding as fast as possible aud repur' u.g a bill bel:re the bolidas recess. T"C aeciibd resolution authorized Cna r iin Huringrr to lovue (he members nl the committee next week to give tbeir views. It vii cairieii. alibnugh Walker and JohoEoo, Republicans, opposed it The ttiiru rewMOtlun adopted aotbnri- Z';8 toe call or trie commi'.tee a' any time nid makes five a quorum. This is to prevent delay in the speedy presematiop it the bill. The meeting disclosed that thire will be no factious opposition from Kepuhhrans toward getting the bill be fore the bouse. Nearly Burned to Heath. Albany, U' JJiC. 7 Abram Jones, a homrsteader living stone on a claim on B elionbush river, near Detroit, was hor ribly buroed last night. He went to bed as usual aboot 10 o'clock, bot was pood sakened by his house homing. The tire bad csugbt Irom trie cbimoey aon spread to bis bed. completely surrounding him lie attempted to escape at the window, but tailing, was compelled to rush through the fltmes and break down a burning door, which te succeeded in doing, but was burned frigbttolly Clad only in a nightshirt, he walked a quarter of a mile through six inches of snow to tbe nearest neighbor, where help was given aod a physician summoned. The ends of bis fingers were buroed off. His back and thigba are blisteicd and bis face terribly disfigured. Will Result War, City of Mexico, Dec. 7 Tbe latest reports from tbe Guatemalan - frontier state a Mexican colonel, member of the staff of General Lullane, has been assas sinated by Guatemalans, and from unof ficial sources it is learned a company of 170 Mexicans had a skirmish with 400 Guatemalan guerrillas, in which two Mexican soldiers were killed. This par ticulsr body of mounted Guatemalans are reported still hovering about tbe vi cinity of the Mexican troops, but it is believed, after making tbe attack, tbey retired to tbe Guatemalan side of tbe in ternational line . Should official in formation confirm these reports it is highly probable tbe Mexican government will at once demand reparation in a sat isfactory manner for tbe outrages. A New Law Point. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 7 The text of tbe Connecticut supreme court opinion ordering a retrial of Dr J E Lee, aiter an acquittal by a jury' for murder, the first record of tbe kind in tbe stste, is given nut today. Its main argument is the point that the old English common law was so cruel that fbe juoges then wisely held that an accused, alter a jury st quital I could not be put in ieopardy a second time for tbe same nffense, bnt now that tbe old law 'has been relaxed a criminal I. ought not to benefit by lormer practice and justice be thwarted. The judicial ruling of the court of five judges was unanimous in the opinion, which was written by Judge Bamersley, of Hartford. Taeotna'n Liexow. Tacoma, Dec. 7 The several local branches of tbe Woman's Christian Tem perance Union today held a union meet log at tbe Methodist church and drafted an open letter to me mayor aon city council, demanding that the city authori ties stop all gambling, close tbe saloons on Sundays, and suppress prostitution. Tbe action is the result ot a movement toward reform started by tbe ministerial alliance and one or two ministers, who bave been sending agenta into the gam bling places aud bouses ef ill fame to secure, reports of tbe wickedness of tbe doings therein. . Newspaper Change. Seattle. Dec. 7 A bill of sale of the Seattle Telegraph to the Pott-Intelliyencer was filed with tbe auditor .today. The consideration i specified as $1 and other valuable considerations to assume a debt ol f 10.283 od. typesetting machines, other wise the Telegraph is to be delivered trie of all incumbrances lbe fottlhteiun g enter agrees to carry out the city print lug and advertising contract as tar as possible, but reserves tbe right te reject any. A nnr ege wig also Died today oy tbe Font Intelligencer lor $100,000 to Jtcoh Fun b, tiaulter, as trustee, on tbe Pott Intelligencer and Telegradh plants Tbe Pot-InUUigencer will Usue bonds for $100,000. Another Brent at Cleveland. Constantinople, Dec. 7 President Cleveland bas sent a cable message here, saying be bas reconsidered bis decision not t tend an Americn delegate with the Tarkisb commission appointed to in quire into' tbe Armenian outrsg- s, and will allow tbe American legation here to nominate a delegate. Tbe Turkish gov ernment is manifesting a great derire to show tbe powers that tbe United 8'aies was first asked to send delegate wi b the Armenian commission but declined. Tbe Eirl ot Kimberly. BritUb secretary of state for foreign affairs, was also re quested to nominate a de egate, and im mediately assented. , Old Treatira Supplanted. Washington, Dec. 7 Tbe convention between tba United States and Japan, sent to the senate yesteiday, supplants the treaty ol 1853, in which Japan wa dealt wi'h as barbarous nafon, and tbatot 1886, bv which tbe United Sta ei, Great Britain, France and tbe Net tier ands established Japan's customs tariff for ber. it stipulates was tne uniiea States will recognize the exclusive power ol ine japauese government to aojuri us customs tariff aud taxes, and establish regulations appertaining to foreign com merce in open ports ot Japan. Dynamite Kxpluhlon. Boston, Dec 7 Tfiis afternoon while excavating neir Ailm tlill avenue ana Severy street, s z men were badly injured, by an explosion of dynamite. A 'rain ol dynamite bad been fixed for blasting' rocks. Same exploded, but one or two sticks failed, and the workmen were dig King out tbe cartridges wnen one ex- ploded. At far Arthur London, Dec . 7-ASnanghai dispatch says ibe Chinese at Port Arthur are mas ing present, to tbe Japanese who recent ly captured that place. Tbey are giving dramatic performances for the entertain ment of the visitor.. The same dispatch says the Chineses merchants engaged in the shipping trade are transferring tbeir vessels to tbe protection of foreieo. flags, A strong anti foreign feeling still exists in Peking, hut despite that fact tbe fa mi Hie. of the British and Russian ministers are returning. 1st Utah. Washington, Dec, 7 Tbe secretary ot the interior has received a telegram from Governor West, of Utah, askiner for troops to drive out lbe Sou there Utes now in Ltah. and saying there is likely to be trouble between tbem and the white settlers. Tne request bas been sent to tbe war department. The Caar nairt ibe Clergy. Warsaw Dec. 7 It is stated here the czar has informed General Gourko, gov ernor of War-aw, that be must not inter 'ere with Cifholic clergy. General G'lUnko, who tendered his resignation on ho lt intt . is to be succeeded bv Count fusebkin, now governor ol Odessa. After the Holidays. Washiiioton, Dec. 7 Hoi man, chair man of the house Democratic cauca. said 'oday he did not think a Democratic cau cus would bo held until afttr the boli days. tl'lCIIG OK COBLESTZ. The Ex-Warden of the Htate Penitec liary at Walla Walla Taken Ills Own E. re us Have Himself Erom Uissr-en. Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 8 Tbe entire community was thrown into a fever of excitement about 6 o'clock tonight, when rumors were afloat that J H Cob- lentz, ex-warden of tbe penitentiary, bad ended his Ufa rather than face tbe bu miliatiun of answering to tbe charge ol ibelt of tbe state's property. He reached tbe city at 3 o'clock, and met lbe gov ernor aod directors, who confronted hjm with accusations tbat be failed to answer It is understood tbat tbe governor re proached him for bis ai tions. After tbe meeting, be seemed creat fallen and was not in bis usual mood. Tears could be seen and bis general actions proved that be appreciated bis posttion. He thought of tbe wife and four children who would suffer tbe disgrace. His wife was un doubtedly suspicious and watched him She, too, realized the disgrace tbat was to be heaped upon tbe family. Coblenlz had .ent to tbe Dank for $1000 casb, wbicb Convict Chandler brought bim, and be (Coblentz) handed it to his wife, asking tbat .be take it, and, with tbe children, go to their old borne In Arkansas. He said tbere would undoubtedly be trouble; tbat be would be disgraced, and tbat it would be best tbat they should be away. It looks as though be premeditated his awful deed. It was. a complete surprise. lor not a person bere thought be was tbe man to carry ont such a deed. Wben Deputy Sheriff Elliogswortb called at tbe penitentiary and asked for Mr. oCblentz, toe ex warden, wno was amiDg, was no tified by one of tbe guard?,. Coblentz came into tbe off ce, wbicb is part of tbe warden s dwclhug, where be found tbe of fleer. He said to bim: 'Helin, Eilingswortb, bave you a war rant for met" "Ye., Mr. Coblentz, I bave." "How much are tbe bonds?" Fiye thousand dollars." "Well, I don't know. Bill, whether I bave a friend In Walla Walla or not." 'You bave mote friend, than you think you have." "Well, can I bave about 15 minutes to finish my sopperf Certainly, take all tbe time you wish, Mr. Coblentz." At that Coblen'z retired and passed through a double door, closing it, and at that instant a pistol shot was beard Mr. Ellingswortb and Cnarles Berg, who were tbe only persons present, rusbed in io find Coblentz dead. Tbe gun was 44 caliber Smith & Wesson. Tbe ball entered just behind the right ear, came out of tbe left temple and struck tbe ceil ins and fell on tbe floor. Tbey immedi ately gave tbe alarm, and summoned tbe oroper authorities. iJoroner Stewart held an inquet over the remains. In tbe tes timony, Ricbard Lee stated tbat be was visiting Coblenlz and family. Coblentz asked bim to take a walk over to tbe prison. Lee waited outside wbile Cob lentz talked with Acting Warden Cam e'on Cameron says Coblen'Z bid bim good-bye and left. Upon returning to tbe dwelling, Coblentz refused to dine with bis family, saying tbat be did not feel like it. It was about this time tbat tbe sheriff called. Tbe family of Cob lentz is prostrated. i Tbe Chienjro Crime. Chicago, Dae 7a-Jobn B Kersey today confessed that be with Eiward Jordan, murdered A D Barnes, whose mutilated body wag found in a shipping case yes terday. IlMb Kersey and Jordan are under arrest. Tbey were employed by Barnes, and tbe motive for the crime is thought to have been rivalry between Jordan and Barnes for the chief janitor- hip of tbe Hiawatba building, wbicb po sltion tbe mudered man held, Jordan be ing first assistant. Jordan bas exhibited remarkable coolness throughout, having been the first to identity tbe body. Kersey said Jordan on the afteruoon of the murder gave bim some money and told bim to get a few driiiks and be back to work at 8 o'clock that night.' When he reappeared Jordan asked him to carrv out tbe shipping case, and in to oomg ome blood from the box ran out on Ker sey', sleeve. He asked Jordan what tb.t meant and tbe latter told him there was a dead man in tbe box, and be bad better keep quiet. He was badly scared. . He kept silent until tbe terrors ot the "sweat tox" wrung tbe story from bim. Colonel Taylor Dead. AsTOBiA, Or., Dec 8 Colonel James Taylor, one of tbe oldest and moat highly respected residents of tbis city died torUy at the residence of bis' sod-in-law, J W White, in Oakland, Caln at the advanced age of 86 yaers. Colonel Taylor's demise was entire'y unexpected, bis son, ex- Judge F J Taylor, and E A Taylor, bav ng received a letter from bim only an hour before tbe arrival of the diSDatcb wbicb announced his death. In his letter Colonel Taylor said he felt mueh atrooeer than be bad for many month past, sod spoke hopefully oi tbe luture. Armenian Oatracen. Vienna, Dec. 9 It is reported here that tbe Armenian Catholics will go to St. Petersburg to do homage to Nicholas II and to confer with M . de G era, as to the massacr in Armenia. A W Terrell, the United States minister in Constanti nople, bas been Instructed to protect the Protestant missionaries in Armenia. He has asked ibem to -pacify the Armenian Christians as much as possible. ' Paris. Dec (j The Armenian com munity ol Paris will send delegate to tbe masameeting to be held by tbe Armenian Society in London to protest against tbe Turkish outrages. TELEGftAPHIC. Harder Confessed. Minneapolis. Dec. 8 Ad ray Hay ward has confessed tbat Harry T Hayward planned tbe murder of Miss Catherine Ging, and tbat C Blixt, engineer of tbe Ozirk flit, committee tbe was arrested early this locked in the central committing the bloody turned to tbe city and d oi nis ciotMBg to a workhouse prisoner Lamed Ericson. Ericeon lelt the next morning for Iowa Falls, Ia,wheie hi. He 's employed in a botel, and there bad tbe clothing washed He returned to Minneapolis and sold of the clothing to a pawnbroker on Washington avenue south, Tbe remainder of he clothing was un louotedly burned id lbe furnace at the Ozirk flat. The motive for the crime was securing tbe insurance on Miss Ging's me. Home Again. Salem, Or., Dec. 8 Governor elect Lord and wife returned today from tbeir extended trip east, both iu excellent health . The governor, in speaking ol bis visit, said tbt the principtl cities be visited were San Francisco, Denver. St Louis. Chicago, Pniladelpbia, New York and Wilmington. With tbe exception of San Francisco, Denver aud, probably, St, L iuis, be thought there was a manifest improvement in business. He was nol in St. Louis during the trans-Mississippi convention, but met the San Francisco delegate, wno bad been in attendance for tbe purpose of offering a resolution upon the annexation of Hawaii, which the dele gate said bad oeen adopted. Bevond tins tbe governor did not know what was done at the convention, except what be saw stated in tbe newspapers. The Japaurse Treaty. Washington, Dec. 9 The full text of the new treaty between the United States and Japan, published today, his been tbe main subject of comment in diplomatic and official circles. It was scanned with greit interest, as it gave the first exact details of tbe Instrument by wuich tbe United States formally recognizes Japan as a first-class power in tbe sisterhood ot nations. Tbe provisions of the treaty. tbat it must be ratified within six months, makes it incumbent for tbe senate to act on it at tbe present session, or tbe treaty will fail. Ibere is every probability, however, tbat the senate will act prompt ly. Minister Kunno bas lorwarded a copy of tbe treaty to bis government. bere it will be considered and ratified by tbe privy council of Japan, Newfoundland finances) 8t John.'s N. F., Dec. 10- The Com mercial bank of Newfoundland, having headquarters in tbis city, suspended payment this month, owing to tbe fail-- ure of several of tbe largest fish exportiug houses to respond to liabilities to tbe bank. Tbis bas involved other banks. and has cripu'ed some concerns bere. Four bave closed their premises, and others will close tomorrow. Small de positors are demanding gold from tbe union and savings banks, and the gold reserve i. being steadily drained. If tbey are able to meet tbe run, everything is safe, but tbe chief danger is tbe diffl:u!ty in getting more gold into tbe couotry. At present tbe people are very peace ful, and some are unable to appreciate tbe gravity of tbe situation. Business men are trjicg to effect an arrangement ntb London bankers or witb Canadian concerns wbicb will be urged 10 extend business to tbis center. - Btrpben CSIrard'a Fortune. Toledo, O , Dec. 10 Mrs. Josephine Ritz, an aged woman of this city, bas discovered whit is believed to be con clusive evidence that she is the nearest of kin, and therefore, beir, to lbe immense estate of Stephen Girard, now held in trust in Philadelphia. Her father and Stephen Girard were first cousins, and ber brothers and sisters are all dead, most of tbem dying without issue. Tbe mstter baa been placed in tbe bands of leading attorneys, wbo, upon investiga tion, declare tbat tbe chain ot heirship is indisputable, and can be established. The estate ranees in amount from $5,000 000 to $8,000,000, and would be oividad among ooly six or eight heirs. A VlKht With Bobbers. Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 10 Four men implicated in the Beo Brooks' train- robbery by the coufession of Sam Evsdb, nephew of Captain Sam Evans, of tbis city, are now in jail bere and tbe officials claim to bave a. sure case against tbem all . Tbe four prisoners are Sam Evans, ol this city, who is hicrhly connected; John Ward, Walter Sullivan and Walter Gardiner, all young farmers, wbo live wil bin a mile of where the robbery wat committed, Eyans claims bis share of tbe plunder was large enongb to fix bim sll ritfbt after be got through with tbe trouble. . A Weak-Kn ed Marderer. Minneapolis, Dec. 10 Claus B Blixt, tbe contested murdered of Catherine Ging, is a pitiable object today. He weep continually and asys he wants to die. He says Harry Hay ward controlled him, as be did Miss Ging, by hypnotic power. A large crowd assembled in front of tbe municipal court todsy expecting Blixt would be arraigned, and ominous mntterings were heard. It was decided Blizt should De taken directly before tbe grand jury. After reading Blixt a con- fessioe, Hayward said tne story was a fake, concocted by Blixt to rave bis neck. An Iejnstiee te Washington. Washington, Dro., 10 Representa tive Wilson, of Washington, wbicb state is most seriously injured by a clerical error in tbe surveying provision of tbe sundry appropriation bill of the late ses sion, bas obtained from Chairman Sayres a promise tbe error will be corrected io the next bill. It bas been the custom to allow increased rates for surveys tbat have not been made at the close of tbe fiscal year. Several western sftes are interested in tho surveys affected by tbe error. The Wmlrapn Wreck. Auckland, N. Z., Dec. 10 A court of inquiry bas louoo mat tne steamsnip Wairapa, bound from Sydney, N. 8. W., to this port, which was sunk on tbe mgbt of October 28. on Great Birrler island. witb a loss of over 80 lives, was lost through ire fault of Captain Mclotosu, wbo wa among tbe drowned, lbe court also found the boat drill on board tbe steamship was a farce, and tbe crew failed to do all which might bave been expected of seamen in such an emer gency . A Riffle tn Canajtantlnaple.l Vienna, Dec. 10 All foieign dlplo matic relations at Constantinople bave been suspended on account of exchange of views on the initiative of Great Britain proceeding witb a view to taking joint action witb tba king on the Armenian station. After 1 nAori km vp va i ' at - mm i, posed of some I V . wwa ' i mm wa. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report deed. Blixt V HsT El morning, and I II XVy L I 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE question. Tbe porte is very anxious at this new turn of affair. The Turkish ministry, assisted bv Kiamii Bed an Cbakir Pasha, sat continuously Irom noon Saturday until noon yesterday. He Tnrned on the Gas. San Francisco, Dc, 10 Charles Johnson and Gustav Wen ner berg, owners of a cigar stand on Fourth .tree', were smothered to dealb this morning at tbeir lodgiugs on Stevenson street by illumine ing gas. Wben tbey retired late last mgbt one of tbem accidentally turned on tbe gas, after extinguishing the light, tbe gas bxture being detective. Both men were prominent in athletic circles, bav ing participated in many tug-of-war contests. Harder Trnonlea. Oaxaca, Mexico, Dec. 10 Reports have beeo received here ef & somber of kirmubes between Guatemalans and Mexicans en tbe border, and people are aroused to the highest pitch of excite ment. The Mexican troops are anxious for the war to begin, as tbey are conn dent of an easy victory ever tbe Guate malans. Tbe volunteer troop of Ibis state are being drilled daily and are ready to march to tbe front. He rSucreede d In Uylnar. Los AsiGRLBS, Cl., Dee. 10 Joe H Conrad, a former Helena meicbant, who songht to commit suicide by taking strychnine, succeeded in dying at bis botel wbsre be has been under tbe care of tbe ciiy physicians since bis attempt to take bis life Friday last. His wife was in tbe city at the time ef bis death Hotel on "!re. CHATTANoeuA, Tenn., Dec. 10 Tbe Southern botel, one of tbe leading hotels in tbe city, is on fire and will be total loss. Tbe fire was caused by the burst- ef a gas meter. There were 75 gueils, all of whom escaped. O S Todd, ticket agent of tbe Southern railway, was per haps fatally burned. Tbe building cost $75,000; partially insured. A Bittle With Barft-lars. Ottumwa, la., Deo. 10 Burglars robbed tbe Burlington, depot at Batavia last night, and taking a hand car started towards Ottumwa. Detective Harrison and etner officers pursued on aa engine. A battle was fought and one ot the bur giars was - kll ed and two escaped. Harrison received a flesh wound. District of Colombia Day. Washington, Dec. 10 Today being the second Monday in the mouth, under tbe rules, tbe boose devoted its time to consideration of District of Coin ml la bnsineas. On motion of Heard, of Mis souri, chairman ot the JJistrict 01 Uolum bis committee, tbe bouse went into committee of tbe wbole. Inferior Oil. Berlin, Dec. 10 Tbe government has instructed tbe Hamburg chamber Of com merce to inquire into tbe complaint of tbe inferior quality of recent importations of petroleum by tbe Standard Oil Com pany. It is charged tbat tbe Pennsylva nia oil fields are exhausted, and the oil recently Imported came from Indiana and Ohio. Tbey Celebrated. Berlin, Dec. 10 All Protestant Ger many celebrated tbe uuutn anni versary of tbe birth of Gustavus Adol pbus, the king of Sweden wbo, in 1630. look bis army to Germany to neip tne Protestants in their struggle witb tbe Catholic league. A Jan far Blnek. Washington. Dec. 10 Representative John C Black, ol Illinois, ex commission er of pension, bas beeo nominated United States district attorney at Chicago, vice Sherwood Dayton, deceased. Nes Faroe Indians- One of the most powerful tribe of Indians the northwest was formerly the Net Perce, of Northern Idaho. Tbey were well developed physically, and very intelligent. Several of their chiefs were educated and had adopted the customs of the white. Io 1878. after bein driven from the Wallowa valley, ooder Joseph, tbeir war chief, they inaugurated hostilities against the whites, and tbe battle, ot White Bird and others fought id the neighborhood ef Lewi.ton are still fresh in the minds of the people. Tbe troops under General O. O. Howard fol lowed them through tbe Bitter Riot valley, and finally overtook and defeated them Joseph and a few of hi. braves were sent to the Indian territory, and since that time th. numbers bays materially deoreased. The last report of Ctptato J. Robinson, agent for the Ner Perce, shows tbat the present number of Indians, is 1803. Tbis year 350 cultivated 10.000 acres of .wheat, 1000 acres of flax, 1000 aores of oats, and 500 acres of barley, besides corn, potatoes, fruit, etc Tbe Iudiana also own consid erable herds of horses and cattle, and are altogether contented and prosperous. The tint payment on their lands will give each one of them about $400 in cash, which will amount to from $1200 to $2000 to every head of a family, aod in some eases where multiplication has proceeded diligently, to several thousand dollar. Jjnjaigratlont . We received a pleasant call today from Capt. Craoe, editor of the Arcadia, Neb, Courier. He i here with the intention of publishing an imm gration paper m thin city, and will issue the first copy at an early date. There are now aix or seven familie from Arcadia who have made borne, in tlii. vicinity, and 500 or 600 familie are expected to immigrate to tni tate very m. I r J soon, lot immigration acnemo i. lavorea by tbe railroad companies, and by this mean they expect to increaie tbeir basi nets. Daring the last aeasoa drouth has prevailed throughout Nebraska, and farmer bave become discouraged. They are look ing elsewhere for homes, and very many bave a preference for O ejoa. We will ex tend a hearty welcome to these home- seekers, and believe we can offer them many opportunities ot making a living and accumulating riches not found elsewhere. Terrible rate of a Yomns; Man. A La Grande di.patoh dated Deo. 10th furni.hea tb following particular, of the auioide of Oliver Hearing: V.T 1 . . n ixews n.s just reached 1st Urand. of a trange happening in tb. mountain abmt nine mile north of Summervilla. Last July a yonng man named Oliver Hearing, left home near Elgin, taking a horse, rifl. aod other personal belonging, and started for tb mountains. Shortly afterward his hone returned riderles. Tbia was not considered trange, at hia brothers supposed be had fonod employm.ot somewhere and bad turned loose hi bom so tbat it might com. home. lime past and nothing wa beard of the absent man, inquiry started on foot by friend and relative proving of no avail. A few days ago a party of Looters ran across HMriog's bat, axe, e artridg poach, rifis barrel, etc Bot oould find no alga of bis remains. They returned to Elgin and reported the discovery. A Marching party was immediately organised at E'gin, and the scene thoroughly explored, The result solved the mystery. Hearing bad eat down rome trees, eat eff a big fallen log of pitch, nd built a tremendous fire. He then, it is .apposed, abot himself and fell over into the fire, baviog had the deliberate pnrpoae ef destroying every vnatipe ot hi remain. He nearly inoceeded. A few charred bones. eaoogh to half (ill a hat, and aoms remnant of elothiog were all tbat were found in the fire, which covered a apao of six by tea feet in dimension and had burned into the ground. Hearing wa2s year old, although he looked much yoanger, and was a .trong healthy man, standing ix feet two inohe high. Hews a hunter and trapper by profession and of a gloomy, taciturn disposi tion, loving to hunt alone in the mountain. The apot chosen for th. deed wa a desolate one on a wooded ridge far from human lite. Hearing lived a long time io Uoion county and wa well known. Tb new hi. caused t great seosstioo. No reason ean b as signed for tbe terrible deed. County Institute. Tbe MBQty teaobera' institute oonvenes Wednesday evening, tbe 12th iost., and continues tn Mission until the Saturday fol lowing, Tbeie will be three evening ses sions, esch well worth attending. Presi dent Chapman, of Kogane aniversity, te to leoture Tbursdsy evening and 8 tat Super intendent McElroy Friday evening.. Both tbeae e..ioo are to be held io th opera house," aod a crowded boose I. expected, there are also many other interesting items on tbe programme. The cantata on Friday evening rendered by forty children, repre- sentibg the different nations in costume, is fine entertainment. Beside this tbe school book question is to be discuaaed on Wednesday eveaiog in the oourt house, and lively interest in tbe subject is expected as the vote on tbe text book is soon to be taken whioh decides them for the next six year. The day aestioo. will be held in the Court street school building, and will eon-' sist of interesting p.per and discussions of the many phase, of achool work. All the meetings are free, and the publio Is oordi- 11 y invited. The people of Tbe Dalles and surrounding country should attend and how the iotereet in edaoatien whioh all of aa, at least, ought to have. Thousands Coming- Elitor Hofer, ot the Salem Journal, who recently returned from th middle west, peak in the following emphttio manner: The pres oi the .tat. i speaking quite freely of the growing tide of immigration from tbe ea.t to Cregoo. Tbe forerunner of an army of several hundred thoaeand people are now arriving on every train. Tba handred of thousand, undoubtedly are to oome in tbe next two years. No ooe ean doubt the popalatioa of the Willamette valley will double within five year and con tain a round half million of people. The Journal apeak from positive oowlerl? when it av thousands of fami lies la the Dakotas, Ijwa, Minnesota, We- brisks, Illinois, Missouri aod Kansas will oome to Wealern Oregon in tbe next aix month. These states have all been affiioted -more or lesi witb drouth, short erops and-, intolerable safft ring from hot weather the past year. In aome of them vast area ware literally burnt np by the beat and drouth, oaosing great offriog, destitution and de population. Tbe people in tboie sections have food for neither themselves nor itock, and bave no water or fuel." Terribly Barned- Albany Herald. Abram Jones, a homesteader, living on bi. claim on the Breitonbu.h river near De troit, wa horribly barned Thursday night aboat 10 o'olook. He went to bed alone aa usual aod was awakened by hi boat burn ing. The flame bad caught in hi bed and had completely aarrounded hia. Hs at tempted to effect an escape through tbe window aod failing in this, was compelled to rush through flames and break down a burning door which be euooeeded in doing althoogh he barned bi. bead frightfully in the attempt. Clad only in bu night clothe he walked 80 rod through the aix inohe ot .now to hi nearest neighbor, where help wa given and a doctor no mooed. Hi. fioger nail are barned off, hi back and thigh blistered and hi faee terribly disfigured. Tbia i th second time within two year Mr. Jones' boa has been destroyed by fire. He is an industrious and worthy citizen, and bis misfortune is greatly deplored. Imported Dogs. Dufdr, Ore., Dee. 8, 1894. Editor Tis us-U jcxTaiirssa t For some months there ha been consid erable rivalry among Dator nimrods as to thoroughbred dogs, bat the question ha been finally aettleJ by Mr. C. P. Btlch, . whose thoroughbred "Flos." (registered) has preseoted bim with fourteen "Ltvarao" ' English tetters,aecond to none on the coast,' so far aa pedigree and beauty are eonoeroed. ; Other dog fancier, are now taking a back seat, and Charlie's friends are sitting up nights with bim to see that he reoovera. Tbe prairie chiokea. and Mongolian pheas ants, as well as the imparted qaail, had better praottce borrowing with the sqairrels if tbey want to save their bidet next sea- V son. tfu(. 1