The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 17, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 13.
John Michell, Editor and Proprietor
Professional Cards.
V Physician and Surgeon
Booms over Dalle National Bank. Cfflo hours, 10
mUl! m, and from 2 to 4 p in. Resi
dence We t End of Third Street,
. Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
; Physician and Surgeon, .
Rooms 3 snd 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Fractical Dentist
Office Over A. A. Brown's tracery. Second St.
All work guaranteed to give atisf action and all the
atest Unproved methods used in dental op erations.
& A. M. Meets
YV first sod third
P. M.
Monday of each month at 8 I
J Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
. each month at 8 P JL
nOLCMBIa LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets
J every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P.
Hall, eorner of Second and Court streets. Sojourn-
US brothers are welcome. u. plough, sec y.
nSlENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meet
X; every Monday evening at 8:00 o clock, in Schan
no's building, corner of Court and Second streets.
Sojourning Drotners are cordially invited
D. Vaoss, K. E. and 8. . F.
YV will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o clock
at tae ranintr room. All a., invtiwi.
Hood Camp, No. 69, meeta every Tuesday
evening of each week at 7:30 o'clock. In A. Keller's
Hall. All. brothers and sojourning brothers are
' nvi'sd to be present.
mEMPLK LODGE. NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meets
I in BLKellers Hall every Thuratiav evening at 7:30
'cloak. - PAIL KKEFT, M. W.
W. 8. Mtirh, Financier.
T AS. NESU1TH POST. NO. 32, G. A. R. Meets
O every Saturday at 7 .30 P. M. In K. of P. Hall.
D OF L. K. Meets every - Friday afternoon in
XJm a- of f. nail.
T Sunday evening In Kellers Hall
OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n K.
JJ. of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of
sen month at 7:30 P. It.
Partor. Bervices every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
P. M. Sabbath school immediately after the
morning service. Prayer meeting every inursuay
evening at s e . a.
H r E. CHURCH Rev. Jho. Wbislxr. Pastor.
I VI. Services every Sunday morning and evening .
Sunday School at ix:ai o clock r. h. a corauu um
Uttoe extended by both pastor and people to all.
XI fastor. services every Bunoay at ll a. m. ana
P. M. Banday Scheol after morning service.
OT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brohsssist
C3 Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High
Mass at 10:30 A.M. Vespers at ir.s.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.- Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Suteliffe, Rector. Services
every Sunday at ll A. M and 7:30 P. M., Sunday
school at SUM) A. M. Evening Prayer on rnuay al
7010 P. M.
tor. Preaching every Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock in the Congregational church. All are cor
dially invited.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance,
Airentforthe Scottish Union and National In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotlaud, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
oatce over Post Office. The Dalles, Or.
HER - -
millinery EstaisM!
The Beoond Door from Corner of Union
and Second Streets
Wbrehe has on sale
All'tlie Latest Styles of New Fall Goods
oiALta a -
Books anl Notions, Pianos mi Organs
FIANO and Organs sold on easy monthly
payment and all COMPET 1TION
(we are prepared to meet. Call or address
162 Stfoond Street The Dalles, Or
Saint Mary's Academy!
Rates per term of tea weeks, payable in advance:
Bosrd and tuition . . .-. 40 I
Entrance fee, payable but once. . ...... 6
Bed and tedding S
lnstiumeutal Music, Tvpe-writlng, Telegraphy,
Drawing and ranting form extra cnarges.
- French, German. Latin, Needlework and Vocal
Music t&uirht free to regular DUDils.
Rates fur Oav Pupils 96, 8, S or $10 per term.
aceor ding to grade.
For further particulars address:
Cigar Factory
Op posits the Implement Warehouse
ft I OH DO of the Beat Brand mannfact-
UlwtnnO nred. and ordeas from all paiti
of the country filled on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR
has become firmly established, and the de
mand for the home manufactnaed article is
increasing eyery day. A. ULRICA A SON.
Also Cigars and Tobacco c( the best brands retailed.
Manufacturer of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St,, near Mood v-'s Warehouse,
A Work
Isfaetlva -.
Unaraateed to lv Hat-
University of Oregon!
Next session begins September 17. 1894.
Tuition, free. Board. $2. 60 a week
Eire courses Classical, Scientific, Literary. En
glish ar-d business.
DORM rOKV The boardine- hall for vounar ladies
and tne boa -ding mil inr young gent'euien win u
under the personal supervision it Airs, aunra.
lady of refinement and large exp-nenee.
for catalogues sadres
J. J. WALTON, Sec.y Regents.
Wool - Exchange - Saloon.
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
Second Street East End.
p. m. m mmi,
Soecial Prices to Cash Buvers
Northwest Cor. Second and Washington St.
Hucceseors'to George Ruch. .
The Cheapest Place
Ail Kinds of Groceries,
We respectfully solicit a sh
Iv solicit a sh of the public pat
ronage and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac
tton to our customers both pin nd new.
'Charles A. Baldwin & Co.
40 and 43 Wall street.
New York. v
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received J
un utvuraoie terms.
Bonds and investment Securities.
Daily Financial Letter Mailed on Application.
The $ Merchant t Tailor
Suits Made to Order snd a Fit Guaranteed
Clothes Cle aied on the Snoit
esl Notice
Near Cor-LTbirdland Wasalrgton Sts.
Gunning & Hockman
In the new shop on Feeond htreet, first blacksmith
- shop east 01 f rench's nnck. Dloek.
Horse-rShoeing a Specialty.
All kli.tis of work In Iron, whether of aericultmal
implements or vemcies, aoue in tne most mecaao
ical style and satisfaction ruaranteed. ao2wky
Pake Osisitt Pills will reduce your weight
renasBHTii rrora n to 10 p-iunus a
mouth. No atarvmg sickness or injHry: 00 public
ity. Tbsy build up the health and beautify the
complexion, leaving no wrinkles nr flabbiness. Stout
abdomens sna aimcuit Dreatning surely relieved.
HWK&rKHinKlTliiit a sclentins and posi
tive rtlief, adopted only after years of experience.
All orders supplied direct from our office. Price
4.00 per package or three packages for $5 00 by
mall postpaid, testimonials and parucmars (sealed
All Cerrespoadeaee Strictly Coanaea-
PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
I will cut wood bv steam saw at the following
O ecut.. , , $.50 per cord
Taocuts .76 per cord
Two cuts, split and piled. 1.60 par cord
Mays orders at this emcet or at Keller's bakery.
Sample : Rooms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines,
Liquors and Cigars
Best Kentueky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes
ot wines.
English Porto Ale and Milwanke
Beer always on band.
DAN BAKER, Prop'r.
Keeps on hand the oest
Wines, Lipis and Ciprs.
Near the Old Mint, Second Street,
decks, Watches, Jewelry, Etc
AIwavB keep on tale the latest and beet style o
Tima-pievea, luuuond Rinfa, Bow-knot Riars, Sil
verware, etc, etc.
Second Street, rest door to A.
Williams & Co.'
20 Easily tVlade.
We want many men, women, boys, and girls to
work for us a few hours daily, right in and around
theirowa homes. The business is easy, pleasant,
strictly honorable, and pavs better than any other
offered agents. You have a clear Held and no
competition. Experience and special ability un
necessary. No capital required. Vie equip you
with everything that you need, treat you well,
and help yon to earn ten times ordinary wages.
Women do as well as men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the
work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim
ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring
you a great deal of money. Everything is new
and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full information. . No barm
done If you conclude not to go on wltU the
Ceorce Stinson &Co.,
Box 488,
First National Bank
Successors to
Transacts a Regular Banking Business
Buy and sell Exchange.
Collections carefully made and promptly accounted
lor. uraw 00 xew rors, Ban Francisco ana rori
land. Directors) s .'
D P Thompson, Ed M Williams, J S Schenck,
. George Uebe, HMBeaU.
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
Address; Lock Box 181. .
General Expressman!
Goods hauled with the greatest sare to all
oarts of the aty on short notice. , .
Children Cry
Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me. " ii. a. arcsir, ju. v..
Ill South Oxford 8U, Brooklyn, N. Y
I noe Castoria In my practice, and find It
tpeu&llf auupteu to anectiong ot cnuuren."
Alx. Robertson, 31. D.,
1057 W Ave., New Vo
"From rTsnni.l knowledge I can say trtit
itestoria is a :'iot execuene meoicine lor cnu
Jreu." ia. Q. O. Osooon,
Lowell, Maes.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
OTei-comes Flatulency. Constipation, Sour
Stomach. Diarrnoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Wellington, Hock Springs,
and Eoslyn Coal.
$13, sacked and
tbe city.
delivered to any part ot
At Moody's Warehouse
rue ours rum ourt
The Tables are Furnished with the BEST
market affords
Will be served In SBy style during the season
Second and Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor
The Dalles National Bank
Z, F. KOOflji I
.M. A. Koody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold on
It yon want cheap fencing-, use the hew wire najled
This will stretch 25 per eent further to the same
number of pounds th in any other wire in the mar
ket, and also makes the best fences. Stop and ex
amine it and you wfll be convinced that this is the
wire you want.
Sole agents for The Dulles. "
Manufacture the Best Articles of
Soda, Sarsapaiilla and Ginger. Ale
Leans Orders With Andrew Keller,
f T 4 Second street next door east of
J- J'st The Dalles Nat Bank
laving just opened in business, and having a full
assortment of the latest good. In my line, I da
sire a share ot the public patronage
Keqalem Services.
Washington, Not. 9 Profoundly im
pressive ceremonies were held at the Rus
sian legttion here today la memory of
Czar Alexander lit. President Cleveland
I and the entire cabinet, except Postmaster
Geueral Rissoll, attended, accompanied
by Mrs. Cleveland and the cabinet ladies.
The foreign, ambassadors aod ministers
with their extensive suite, wearing their
rich official and court dress, gave a bril -liaot
color to the solema occision. The
services began at 9 o'clock with a mass
celebration- by Bishop Nicholas, of the
Russian (ireok church, assited by a Greek
monk and two attendants. The services
lasted till 10 o'clock, and were private.
being attentiea only ny rnnce umiu-
cuseue. Kussian minister, ins aauuter,
snd officials of the Russian legation. At
10 o clock chants and prayers for the re
pose of the cztra soul began in the
presence of the president, members of the
cabinet and diplomatic corps. Each
participant in the ceremonies held wax
candles throughout the service.
Cleveland and a Third Term,.
Chicaoo, Nov. 9 The lla-ald Wash"
ington correspondent sends the following:
' Does President Cleveland look upon the
receDt tidal wave as a call for a third
term? Since Tuesday, two of the cabinet
officers, one of them in mj heating, have
suggested tbe possibility of a third term
for Cleveland as the only avenue of es
cape for tbe Democracy from the slough
of defeat in which it now finds itself.-
Whether these sneeestions were made in
an echo of tbe speaker's understanding of
bow tbe wind blows at tbe Wbite House,
or whether they were made in mere ex -cess
of loyalty, is cot known. Today a
third member- of tbe cabinet, Secietarv
Morton, in the course of a conversation
on tbe political situation, made use or
words which bad a rather significant
sound. "The day of machine politics is
at an end in this country," said tbe sec
retary. "The maculae is a failure, aad
in the future we shall have to look to
strong individualities for our success."
Merited Promotions.
Washington, Nov. 9 Brigadier-
General Alexander McDowell M;Cook
bas been appointed major-general of tbe
United States army, vice General How-'
ard, retired, and Colonel James W For
sytb, of tbe Seventh cavalry, has been
promoted to brigadier-eecera', to sue
ceed McCook. General McCook has been
for tbe past five years in command of the
new department of Colorado, with head
quarters at Denver. General McCook
comes of the fighting McCooks, being tbe
eldest ol 10 brothers in tbe army. He
was, nntil today, tbe junior brigadier-
general in the army, and by tbe presi"
dent's selection is promoted over Generals
Ruger, Merritt and Brooke. However,
be retires April 23, next year, on reaching
tbe age of 64, when tbe others will have
a chance to reach tbe highest erade now
in tbe service.
Tbe militia too Late.
Macon, Ga Nov. 9 Lee Lawrence, a
negro, wbo assaulted Mrs. Polk in Jasper
county and bad been 'brought to this city
for safekeeping, was taken to Monticello
yesterday. . He was tried at the Septem
ber term of tbe superior court, and
sentenced to be banged November 30.
The neighbors of tbe injured woman were
not satisfied, " however, and, taking tbe
negro from the officers, took him to tbe
outskirts of the town and banged him,
riddling bis body with bullets. Under
orders from tbe governor, one of the
militia companies was held in readiness
to so to Monticello, but later tbey were
not needed, as .the lynchers had already
done their work. ,-
A Heavy Anelcameat.
St. Louis, Nov. 9 The Scbulenberg
& Beckeler Lumber Company filed deeds
asiSDmeDt today, naming C F. Orth-
wim assignee ior local interests, wuu
Edward Milllnkrodt associate. Eugene
C Tillman is named general assignee.
fbe assets are $600,000 consisting of real
estate in St. Louis and lumber lands m
Illinois, Wisconsin, Kansas and Missouri.
The liabilities are unknown, but prefer
ences for $215,000 are recorded. Adolphe
Boeckeler, of the firm, died in Germany
October 21, assignment was precipitated
by tbe entanglements consequent upon
bis death.
Shanghai, Noy. 9 Tbe Chinese army
ot tbe north bas retreated to tbe moun
tains, where the -soldiers are reported as
starving and suffering severely from cold
and exposure, Tbe Japanese army is re
ported encamped at Leng Wang Cheng.
The Japanese are pursuing 15,000 Chi
nese, mostly new recruits. Port Arthur
is not expected to make a determined
stand against the Japanese. Admiral
Sir E. R. Freemontle, in command of tbe
British fleet, considers Port Arthur will
probablv be tbe scene of tbe last engage
ment of any importance between the
Chinese and Japanese.
Swlnd'lng; SIlnlnB Company.
Chicago, Nov- 9. A bill for a receiver
ior tbe Internal Nickel Mining Company
was filed in tbe circuit court today by
tbe Colorado iron works, on behalf of all
toe creditors. The complainant is a
judgment creditor, holding a claim of
$4629 and $3311. Tne capital stock ot
the defendant Is '$5,000,000, but it is
claimed tbe property owned bv it never
exceeded in value $100,000. Tbe scheme
was floated by Gillette & Taylor, of this
city, wbo purchased a claim covering 260
acres in Douglas county, (Jr., from selab
Reeve, for $5100.
pace at any Price.
Chicago, Nov. 9 A special to the Post
from Washington says: "This govern
ment bas again been asked to intervene
la tbe CLina-Japan war. It Is a request
from China that tbe United States co
operate with Great Britain, Russia, Italy,
Germauy and France to stop tbe war.
China sets forth at leogtn tbe present
status of tbe hostilities, and says she
always recognized tbe independence of
Cores, and is willing to continue to do
so; moreover, she will pay Japan an in
demnity to defray that country's expen
ses in the war."
Forest Firee.
- Memphis, Nov. 9 Thousands of dol
lars wortb of property were destroyed by
forest fires in west Tennessee yesterday.
Tbe town of Obion is in peril.
" Brownsville, Tens., Nov. 9 Several
days ago the woods in Hatcbie bottom,
eight miles west of Brownsville, caught
tire. Witb strong winds the fire spread
rapidly, and is now within four miles of
this ciiy, destroying all tbe timber, bouses,
and fences in its palb. " Everything is
as dry as powder.
London, Nov. 9 A Chee Foo dispatch
reprrts tnat hundreds of Caioese are ar
riving there from Manchuria,' whence
tbey are fleeing, frightened at tbo ap-
proach of the Japanese. Chinese troops
and such vessels of the Chinese fleet thai
are not cooped up at Port Arthur have
been ordered to attack the Japanese
wherever they meet tbem . It is reported
two of the Ions at Port Arthur have
been captured by the Japanese. Chinese
soldiers have deserted fromN ew Cbwang,
fearing an attack by tbe Japanese.
London, Nov. 8 A dispatch from
Shanghai says missionaries of tbe Pres
byterian church of Ireland, who have
been working in Minchuria, have left
tbe interior and arrived at New Cuwang
Another dispatch from Shanghai savs
tbe Japanese have undoubtedly captured
Tallen Wan, a short distance north of
Port Arthur. The Chinese fl.-et is re
ported arrived at Wei- Hai -Wei.
Dynamite Kxplmtioo.
Huntington, Iod., Nov. 9 Fifty
pounds of dynamite exploded at 7 a. m,
today on the Hollwood & Keifer sewer
contract. John Hartmin and Norton
Keffer were killed, and John Flynn la-
tally injured. The damage is many
thousands. Eleven men were warming
the dynamite when it exploded.
Fraud la Louisiana.
'Wasuinonon, Nov. 10 Chairman
Babcock, of the Republican cengrcpeirn
al campaign committee, today received
tbe following letter from D. E. Ferns,
secretary of tbe Republican state com
mittee of Louisiana:
"As I wired you in regard to tbe elec
tion, I desire to say tbat 'wo have taken
such steps as are necessary, and are ac
tively engaged in taking deposition be
fore notaries public on all cases of intim
idation, fraud and violence, " which
occurred election day, an.) are prepared
to present' an impregnable case to tbe
fifty .fourth congress as to tbe seating of
our congressmen. Never in the history
of tbe worst days of fraud io Louisiana
have they gone so far. Tbe Democrats
are admitting openly that tbey overdid
the thiui. sod also openly amdit tbal
Meyer, Buck and Pierce will not be
seated, but tbat our congressmen will
A new Terminus).
Tscoma, Nov. 10 -It is reported here
tbat Jobn D Rockefeller and tbe Stand
ard Oil Company, bave induced the
Amoor Steamship Company, which is to
be operated in connection with tbe trans
Siberian railroad, to locate tbe terminus
of its trans-Pacific line at Everett, Wash.,
in which town Mr. Rockefeller is largely
interested. The same authority says
that ajtangements have been made in
New York to Blurt tbe line immediately,
and that tbe new wbaleback steamer
City of Everett will be operated to Vladi
vostock, carryiog tbe building material
for the eastern end of tbe twos Siberian
railway. Tbe Great Northern railway is
supposed to be a factor in the combina
tion. The Fire living Oat.
Memphis, Nov. 11 The forest fires in
Arkansas and Tennessee north of Mem
phis bave about spent their fury. Tbe
flames bave burned to tbe banks of tbe
Mississippi river and stopped. The dam
age reported today-was small being con
fined to the destruction of a few fences
around plantations on tbe Arkansas side
of tbe river. There are still no signs of
rain and fears sre felt that fires will
break out in other regions. The St.
Francis basin is as dry as a chip, and
lumbermen fear that if the fires should
get a start in tbat section tbe losses
would be heavy. Tbe smoke is disap
pearing from the city, and river traffic is
For Fence.
Vienna, Nov. 10 Manager Scbejlcher,
an anti Semitic deputy, proposed in tbe
reicbstag today tbat Austria invite tbe
other European states to disarm. The
minister of war said in reply tbat Aus
tria did not lead in armaments, but could
only follow tbe other states at a distance.
He would like to decrease tbe war duo
get, but while tbe other states increased
their expenditures for defense, Austria
must do tbe same. The proposals to
disarm would not accomplish anything,
and consequently be would oppose it.
Scbejicher's motion was rejected.
Iled Friam at Uunahot Wound.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 10 Jobn Cav-
ler died at Bonner's Ferry today from a
gunshot wound received while bunting.
In stepping from tbe boat, tbe hammer of
tbe gun caugbt on tbe gunwale and the
load was discharged into Cavier's thigb.
He was on bis way to Spokane tor treat
ment, but blood-poisoning set in. A
atrange aeriea ot fatalities nave fallen
upon a trio of prospectors, of wmcb (Jav
ier wss one. E trly in tbe year one of bis
partners was killed by a snowslide, and
a few months later the second was blown
to pieces by a blast from prospect bole .
HmoecHiMA, Japan, Nov. 10 Tbe
cabinet - ministers yesterday discussed
important matters, iucludlng great diplo
matio questions. No official report of
tbe occupation ot Kin Cbow bas yet been
received, although it is supposed the
town is in possession of the second Japa
nese army. The Chinese telegraph line
from Port Arthur to Tien-Tain via Kin
Cbow bas been cut by order of tbe Japa
nese commander.
Feitttcal Vefeat.
. Chicago, Nov. 10 Contrary to bis
own expectations the coogressmanelsct
of tbe 16tb Illinois district is Finis E.
Downing, Democrat, Tbe election of
General . ' Rinaker,. ' Republican, was
claimed Thursday by bis friends on tbe
strength of Downing'a concession that be
bad lost Calbonn by 26 plurality. Tbe
official count shows Rinaker failed of
eleetion by 51 votes.
la Eaat AtYlea.- .
' Berlin, Not. 10 Advices from Dares
Sallam, German East Africa, dated Sat
urday, October 13, announces tbe Tabera
Company bas successfully engaged tbe
Wahebe tribe near Konto. Tuere was
some severe fighting. Lieutenant Both
mere was killed and Lieutenant Hat
liersch aid several others wounded.
Lieutenant Hatliersch bas since died of
bis wounds.
Kentorky'a Delegation.
Lexington, Ky Nov. 10 The official
count in the tenth district shows tbat
Joseph M Kendall, Democrat," is elected
to congress by 104 plurality over N T
Hopkins, Republican. Tbis makes Ken
tucky's delegation 6 Democrats and 5
Seattle, Nor. 10 Mrs. John Randall,
s very deaf woman, aged 52 years, was
ran down and killed . by a Northern
Pacific passenger train near Auburn this
afternoon, while walking on tbe track.
Sbe did not bear tbe warning whistle.
The Meat of War.
LiOndin, JNov. 10 t he Toklo corre
spondent says: Unofficial reports say
tbat Ueneral Oyama bas captured tbe
Talien Wan batteries and Kin Cbow
that Port Arthur bas been invested and
tbe two outer torts bave been taken, and
that a Chinese steam torpedo layer has
Deen captured.
A Ctiee Foo dispatch also savs Port
Arthur bas been captured. The dispatch
adds that five Chinese torpedo boats
paaaed Chee Foo early yesterday, steam
ing in tbe directlou of Wei-Hai-Wei.
England aud Canada.
London, Nov. 10 Sir Jobn Thompson,
Canadian premier, said in an interview
today that no steps bad been taken re
garding Canadian a flair which be was
at lltierty to announce. Sir Jobn Btartesl
for Paris this morning on important
business. He said on his return be
mignt be able to make public what bad
been done to regard to Dominion affairs.
In JHltmaurl.
New York, Nov. 10 The election of
Hall, Democrat, in the second Missouri
congressional disttict, and of Downing,
n the sixteenth Illinois district, give the
Democrats two more congressmen than
they apparently bad yesterday. These
changes make the status of tbe parties
n the fifty fourth congress: Republican
243; Democrat 102; Populist 11.
Turkey and Bsmla.
St, Petersrcbo, Nov. 10 It is
stated that the Turkish government bas
paid 50.000 -Turkish pounds in tbe Rus
sian embassy at Constantinople as tbe
tenth installment of tbe indemnity due
Russia on account ol tbe Russo-Turklsb
war in 18S7.
Port Arthur.
Washington, Nov. 12 The Japa
nese legation bas not received, up to noon
today, offieialy cooflrnjation of tbe cap.
ture of Port Autbur. Tbe legation
people say, however, it Port Arthur has
fallen, it will be tbe most disastrous blow
China bas received. Counselor Stevens,
of tbe legatiou, said Port Arthur bad
been pronounced impregnable by the na
val experts of Germany Li Hung Chang
had built there modern gun factories,
wbicb rivaled those of Krupns. It is in
soma respects similar to Brooklyn or
Norfolk navy vsrds, although three
times grrater. Moreover, Li UuogChaog
as centered there the pick of the Chi
nese armv. It is pointed out tbe cap
ture, it effected, is mathly important in
eivine tbe Japanese a fortification inside
f China, from which tbey cannot here
after be dislodged . Tbe Japanese sold
iers will undoubtedly make the place i
depot of operations, and it will also af
ford a protected shelter for tbe Japanese
fleet. Tne gun factories, wbicb have
been tbe chief reliance of Li Huns
Chang, would be henceforth be at tbe
service of Japan.
The nuns May Teach.
fiTTSBURG, JNOV..12 Tne supreme
court today, in a majority opinion,
banded down by Judge Dean, confirms
tbe decision jf tbe lower court declaring
tbat tbe employment of sisters of tbe
Roman Catbolio chnrch in tbe common
schools of Gallitzinboroach is not un
lawful, in-smuch as no proof has been
submitted that religious sectarian in
strnction is imparted by the sisters
during school hours. - The ooinion says
that tbe fact the women are Catholics
does not disqualify them under tbe con
stitution, and quotes from article 1 of tbe
bill of rights wbicb extends to all men
tbe right to worship God according to
tbe dictates of tbeir conscience. The
opinion further declares that tbe selec
tion of Catholic teachers by tbe school
board is not a violation of law, and says
tbe fact tbat tbese teachers contributed
tbeir earnings for a religious purpose bas
no bearing on the matter. Judge
Williams delivered a minority dissenting
opinion. .
A Heels I ve Victory.
London, -Not. 12 A Shanghai dis
patch says it is reported Port Arthur was
taken by the Japanese yesterday without
resistance. Tbe Japanese, alter bom
bardin'g the place a short time, made a
land assault upon tbe enemy's works
when tbe Chinese surrendered. Tbe
general in command and cbtef officers of
tbe Chinese forces at Port Arthur bad
abandoned the Forts November 6, and
disappeared. A portion of tbe Chinese
fleet is at Toku. Several European min
isters are preparing to leave Peking.
A Tokio conespondent gives additional
details of the capture of TalieoWan.
He says six forts on Talien-Wan bay,
mounting 80 guns altogether, with all
tbeir stores, ammunition, etc., were cap.
tured. Tbe enemy was . completely
routed, and fled panic stricken. Tbe
Japanese parliament bas been summoned
to meet in Tokio. in December. -
Attempted Harder.
Albany, Or., Not. 12 News of an at
tempted murder at Lebanon is just re
ceived here. Joseph Babl, a bopraiser
at tbat place, was returning from bis bop
ranch lest Digbt. About 7 o'clock, as he
was ciossing a bridge over a canal In tbe
outskirts of town, unknown parties struck
him over tbe bead with a club or sand
bag, robbed htm ol $215 and threw bis
body into the eanal. The cold water re
vived blm, and be managed to get out
and was helped home. A posse scoured
the vicinity until late at night, but found
no trace of tbe assassins. Buhl was
formerly engaged in the butcher business,
and is well known. - He says it was very
dark, aad be could not see the features
of bis assailants. They evidently be
lieved him dead. His injuries, it is '
thought, will prove fatal.
Body Found.
Astoria, Nov. 13-rThe body of Craw
ford, the mUsing Salvation Army
preacher, wbo disappeared two weeks ago
from Jewel, where be owned a ranch, was
found Sunday in the Nehalem river,
about a mile from 'be spot where he em
barked in bis boat. Tbe evening of bis
disappearance, Crawford bad preached in
Jewel, aud after services started for home.
The boat was subsequently found
swamped, but uatil Sunday morning
nothing could be learned of the occupant,
though a diligent search was instituted
at the time. When found, tbe body
stood in an npngbt position, and tbe
bands firmly grasping some willows and
the bead about a foot below tbe surface
of the water. Tbe remains were interred
at Jewel.
Japan flaa net Answered.
Washington, Nov. 12 Up to noon
today tbe Japanese government has not
accepted tbe offer ot tbe United States to
act as mediator io the war between
Japan and China. A cable from tbe
Japanese authorities was received this
morning asking tor more explicit details.
A lengthy answer was sent, giving not
only tbe desited details, but adding tbe
features which It is believed will show
tbe Japanese government tbe desirability
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
of the arrangement. China has already
notiDca sccrttary U res bam she will join
Japan - in acknowledging tbe indepen
dence of Corca, and will also pay a cash
indemnity. Tbe amount the will pay is
not specified.
An OlUclal IMspatch.
Washington, Nov. 12 Tbe Japanese
legation today received tbe following
cablegram from Hiroshima, headquarters
of the Japanese army and navy:
Marshal Oyama reports the first divis
ion of the army took Kin Cbow, Novem
ber 6, and took up a position in the
vicinity of Talien Wan, November 7.
The enemy's forces at Kin Cbow was
about 1000 infantry and 100 cavalry.
There were besides, at Talien Wan 8100
Chinese infantry, but they all fled to
ard fort Arthur. Our loss was 10
Tbe enemy's loss was also small.
A Violent Veafa.
Walla Walla, Nov. 12 Tbis morn
ing a convict, William Thompson, met
violent death at tbe jute mill at the peni
tentiary. Thompson was up among tbe
sbafting and in some manner bis clothing
caugbt on a revolving shaft. Belore
the machinery could be stopped, be was
whirled around several times. When
taken down, it was found tbat almost
every bone in bis body wai crusbed. He
only lived about half an hour after tbe
accident. Thompson was serving an
eigbt-year sentence from Wbitmsn
county for borse-stealiug.
Met Free.
l oi&oHAif a, Nov. 12 It Is reported
John Wild, the American, alias Hole, and.
Cameron, the Scotchman, alias Brofne,
arrested on the French steamship Sidney,
from Marseilles for Yokohama and Hong
Kong, charged with conspiracy to destroy
the Japanese fleet by tbe use of torpedoes,
have been released from custody, after
taking oaths not to resort to any action
to assist China during tbe war. The
Chinaman, C F Moore, recently translator
for the Chinese Ifgattan at Washington
arrested witb Wild and Cameron has been
sent to Hiroscbima.
. ..
Oakland, Cal., Not . 12 John Stitch,
jr., aged 24, was killed here last night
while attempting to board tbe outgoing
Oregon express train. Tbe unfortunate
young man, accompanied by his brother
Joseph, bad determined to beat his way
back bome to Stalliugs station, Madison
county, Illinois. Tbe brothers bad lost
tbeir money at tbe Bay District track,
and were penniless. .
Floods In England.
London, Not, 12 Heavy rains baye
prevailed in various parts of Great Brit
ain, causing floods, which in many cases
bave brought business to standstill
At St. Ives, Cornwall, the schools bave
been closed on account of tbe floods, and
boats are used to transport people
through tbe streets. Considerable dam
age has been done on the Isle of Wight
by floods.
The Boat Railway Survey.
In a few days the foroe ot government en
gineers will have finished surveying the
route for the boat railway between this eity
and C.-lilo. The lands through wbicb it
will piss will be purohaasd from tbe owners
and the deeds to the government plaoed on
reoord. These sre tbe purposes for whi .h
the appropriation was made, and no doubt
ean be entertained tbat the next session of
congress will grant farther aid so that the
work will be proseouted with the greatsst
vigor, The line will maks a detaar ot sev
eral miles from a straight coarse, and will
begin at a point in the riyer known as the
Big Eddy and end near the Taffa fishery.
Levels are being taken and grades meas
ured, and these are marked by stakei. Af
ter tbe next appropriation excavation will
be began, and this will give employment to
a large force of skilled and unskilled la
borers. The money expended on . this im
provement will be plsoed to the best advan
tage, relieving tbe producers of the . Inland
Empire from the railroad monopoly.
Land Transfers.
Nov. 10 D. J. Cooper and wife to Ore
gon Telephone Co.; right of way through
sections 36. 30 and 29, towns 2, torth of
ranges 14 snd 15; $65.
Nov. 9 Sarah MoA'ee, A. J. Swift, M
J. Swift, L. A. Richardson and A mas K:oh
ard son to Angelina Cantrell; nw qr of se qr.
n bf of sw qr, sw qr of nw qr.see. 22, town
4 sooth, rangs 12 esst;$l.
Nov. 9 Sarah McAtee, A. J. Swift, M.
Swift, L. A. Richardson and Amos Rich
ardson to Angelina Cantrell; e hf of se qr,
nw qr ol se qr snd sw qr of ne qr sea. 34, tp
2 south rsnge 13 esst; $1.
Nov. 12 W. G. Clelland and Minnie
E. Clelland to Christian Rind ;' s hf of sw
qrsec7 township 2 n, r 10 e; $1500.
Nov. 12 Amanda Sears et al to Robert
Rand ; 1 acres in sees 6 and 7, town
ship 2, n, r 11 e; $291.
. Sarious Acoideat. . .
Wm. Cantwell, jr., while cutting wood
i the timber some miles above Dofur,
drove an ax tall depth into the instep of bis
foot. He woald have bled to death in a
abort time but for the preseooe of mind of
two companions, John snd William Mo-
Atee, who knotted a handkerchief and
compressed the severed artery nntil tne un
fortunate oonld be brought to Dofur.
Dr. Kane, of Dufur, was called in and
succeeded in takiug op the artery and unit
ing the tendons that were severed. The
patient is doing well under the physician's
cure, bat it will be some time before he is
oa the street again.
The Coming Attraction.
At Myrtle hall last night a pleasant en.
tertaiument was given nnder tbe manage-
gement of Miss Marguerite Pater. One of
the most delightful events was tbe singing
of the Marseillaise hymn by Mme. Ferrari.
Her rich olear voice was well adapted to
snob a grand song, and she was frequently
interrupted by outbursts of applause. Io
response to an encore she sang "Tbe Star
Spangled Banner" and the applause she re
ceived was no leas enthusiastic than when
sbe rendered tbe French national anthem,
The following proceedings were had yes
terday and today, . i
J E Atwater vs E T Glisan; passed.
J E Atwater vs I n Taffe; paaaed.
Ed Henderson vs T A Ward and Jacob
Craft; passed.
Richard Banker vs Phillip Willig-t dis
missed for want of prosecution.
Mary Hartnett ?s E M aldrioh; passed.
The Sahmidt Label and Lithograph Com
pany ys I H Taffe; at issue.
Joshua Ilendy Maohiuery Co vs I G and
I N Day; continued on stipulation and est
for trial on second day of next term.
T G Mitenell vs O D Taylor; at Issue;
motion to file amended complaint.
Portland Ssyiags Bank vs P T Sharp et
al; at issue.
Portland Savings Bank ts J H Phirmao-
judgment for want of answer.
W H WiUoo, dist atty, vs Amos Root
et al; passed.
A M Williams A Co y Thomas Harnsj
Leon W Curbs ts J O Wsrner; settled.' -Mays
& Crows vs D MoKelvey; pa seed.
Johnson Bros ys J L and T M Bradley;
R E Williams, adm'r vs Mary E Bans et
si; settled. . -
A K Litourette vs William Vandevort at
al; passed.
Pelt in Piow Co vs C L and L Moors; de
murrer to complaint.
Geo A Liebe vs John J Ehrissman; judg
ment in vaoation.
Garrataon, Woodruff Pratt Co. vs A " A
Urqnbart; default and Judgment.
Geo A Liebe vs Wasoo county; review,
0 and M Fredeuburg vs Loreoso Fran
cisco; demurrer to complaint.
C W Dietzsl ys W F and E W Helm;
Chss F V Berger vs Oregon L-imber Co;
motion to make more definite and oertaiu
Joseph A Johnston vs O D Taylor; mo
tion to amend return of sheriff.
F C Brosius vs Knot Kuntson; settled.
M J Manning vs Matilda Baldwin st si;
Johnson Bros vs Joseph Barrills; passed.
Liz2ts Baubelor vs Reese Brathsr, Thos
Harlan and M Diohteomnller; review.
Thos Halliday vs J G and I N Day; peti
tion for removal to U S court.
W T Hantbary vs J A Soethe, J P, et al; -
E Wingate A Co vs Lmis Baxter; passed.
A Bettiogen ts John Cates; motion to set
aside service of summons. -
State of Oregon vs The Dalles National
Bank; passed. .
State of Oregon vs The Dalles National
Bank ; passed.
State of Oregon vs D M and J W Frenoh,
partners nnder the firm name of Frenou A
Co; passed.
Mr. J. Wingate vs. A. M. Williams A
Co.; passed. . .
Assignment of tbe O. E. Ce-operaUve
association of Patrons of Husbandry;
passed. '
Mary Denton vs. Thomas Denten; dis
missed. .
Assignment of Adolph Keller; passed.
Assignment of W.E.Garretsou; passed.
The solicitors' Loan and Trust Co. vs.
D. J. Cooper; passed.
Assignment of Frank vogt; passed.
Walter A. Anderson ts Jacob Allman ;
passed . 't
11. F. Glbons, executor, ts. W. v. ttn-
ner et al; default and decree.
Dalles City vs. Geo. Watkins et al;
services kaa uy punucauon.
Matilda Parish vs J. D. Parish; dis
Carl Burcbtorf vs. C P. Fough ; et ux ;
default and decree.
Carl Burchdorf ts. Francis H. LaMotte
and Jessie La Motte; default and decree.
Peter Godfrey vs. W. 8. Myers and T.J.
Driver; default as to driver.
Pacific Fire Insurance Co. ts Daniel J.
Cooper, et al ; passed.
J. R. Cunningham ts Geo. R. Snipes, ,
et al ; passed.
William Clark ts John W. Watson and
Carrie Watson; demurrer to complaint
Algernons. Disbrow vs H. C Coe and
Kitty Coe; default and decrse.
Peter Fournelle ts Maggie Fournelle;
divorce, decree granted.
V. Forrell vs C. W. Denton, et al;
laintiff ordered to amend complaint.
Joseph May ts. J. T. Delk et al ; con
tinued. '
Laura Sandoz, trustee, ts. Anna R.
Brown, Daisy Brown, A. Minor, Nettie L.
Reed and Maurice Reed ; passed.
Assignment of John F. Root; Hugh
Glenn ; continued.
Max Yogt Cs. vs A. Bunnell ; crJer
to sheriff to make deed.
Walter Breese vs Alfred Kennedy and
Caroline Kennedy; same order.
American mortgage Co. ts Geo. F.
Arnold ; same order.
L. J. Klinger, vs A. Mowery et al;
same deed.
Simon Mason ts F. A. Douglass;
same order.
American Mortgage Co. vs James
Doriss et al ; confirmation granted.
Caroline I. Breeze ts O. D. Taylor and
ParaU K. Taylor; motion to amend re
turn of sheriff.
E. C. Comstock ts Geo. VV. Hall and
Emily Hall ; confirmation granted.
At The Peitentiary.
A visitor at tbe penitentiary the other
ay was surprised to see sixty-four pris
oners stand op to be photographed at one
time. That lot means just so many coos
partaively new arrivals, because tbe pie-
tares are taken as soon after their arrival
there, as there are enough to pay Sunt, T.
O. Halohinsoo, of Dallas, who has the con
tract for the job, to come oyer aad take
them. Tbsy are taken to be plaoed in the
"rogaes gallery." Another fact about the
penitentiary, not gooeraliy inspected, is
tbat it is recognized by tramps as the snoat
reliable depot of supplies in the way ot east
off olothing, and a great many call to ge
warm garments for tbe winter.