Tlie Tlmes-Monntaineer SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1S94 ITEMS IN BRIEF From Wednesday's Daily. Miss Maude French returned borne tbia morning from Chicago, where she has been for the past two Tears studying mnsic, Mr. W. S Geary, the piano tuner, will be in the city next week. Orders left at either of the mnsic stores will receive prompt atteatioa. Today baa been wet and disagreeable ; but the rain did not pour down in such copious quantities as it does in the region of the Willamette valley. Mr. V. 8. Myers returned this morning ' form an extended trip east, during which time he visited New. Hampshire, New .. .York, South Dakota and other points. Mr.I . C.Richards, of Hartland, Wash., - came in town today with a drove of hogs from Ins farm. Klickitat county fur nishes, good pasturage for hogs, and Derhaps as good pork is raised there as anywhere in the northwest. Two handred men are working at the npper part of the Cascade .locks aud are m&king good headway. The gates have all arrived and will be put in as soon as the masonry in completed. Arrangements Iihva Iwpn ninrlA fnr keeninir the maftrmtt at work until high water drives them out Malheur is not such an unfortunate county as the price of horses might lead one to consider. Several Malheurians claim that there is profit in selling hor ses for $10 a head, aud that many have been sold at that price. Thousands of cattle, too, have been sold, and, altogether things haven't gone to the "demnition bow-wows" by a long shot. Frank Rets, a one-armed man of Mount Hood, should be given a medal . of some kind for his proficiency in the manly art. ' Arthur Disbrow, a neighbor, made as though he would thrash lteis, but the one-armed man broke his cellar-bone with one blow of bis single fist,, and his jaw bone with another. Disbrow is pretty badly hurt and is in the hands of a Hood ltiver doctor. Clermont, a little town in, Florida rev els in the luxury of two mayors. Last June Mr. Todd was elected to the office without a dissenting vote. He was away from home at the time and did not rohim fnr ton Hnvn. The ordinances re- ". quired the mayor to qualify within three days after the election. Mr. Good enough, who was mayor last year, holds on to the office. - A habea? corpus case was heard be fore Judge Bradshaw in chambers this morning, in the case of the state of Oregon vs. Charles Deckert, who was imprisoned for larceny of a pair of spurs and a pair of gloves, and for which he was sentenced to the county jail for . j , i , a . : I f . iriniv uavH, oy a couuiy juoulo, jiwr hearing argument in the case, and from the authorities produced, the judge found that there were no legal grounds to hold the defendant and ordered his release from custody. . ' The first of a series of soirees was given at Chrysanthemum hall last night by the members of the club recently or ganized in this city. No one but the members, accompanied by their ladies, were admitted, and the way they all en joyed themselves proves the young men to be royal entertainers. In the course of the evening the ladies were called upon to name the club and from hence forth it will be called "Myrtle Social." Hoping to meet again next Tuesday night the ladies extend our best wishes to the members of myrtle Social. Victor Moretti, the artixt, returned troui Portland last night, and will hereafter te main with us. His studio, in that cry, was broken into about two weeks ago and almost all of his property stolen, in eluding bis designs and artists' material in value to the amouol of about $30u He is better satisfied than ever with The Dalles, and is perfectly contented to be come a resident of the city. The celebrated Baring estate is ap proaching final liquidation. At one time the liabilities were largely over $100,000,000, now they are but $12,500, 000. With the improvement in all as sets the world over, the bank of Eng land will not need a long time to close out the collateral they hold. A large surplus is expected. In history this u-;n ht.fl.nd as the greatest financial ex ploit ever accomplished in business. It must have been a mistake on the fart of our boys removing gates, etc., ust night the.usual accompaniments of a celebration of all Halloween. On the church calendar the day is marked as the last of October and tonight would be time for boyish freaks. The young Americans who inhabit this vicinity are never be hind the times, and usually stride for ward ahead of the front rank antici pating events. v From Thursday! Daily. Clean the sidewalks of fallen leaves. . Dr. .Tekv'l and Mr. Hyde at the Baldwin Opera House Monday night ' Mr. J. H. ' MeDobongh. a merchant of Cascade Lo;kB, ia in the city. Sheriff Driver left for Salem this morn- Hlg Willi ucu. uuim judged insane. -One hobo founc his way into the city Jail last night, and was fined $5 this morning by the recorder. Chrysantbtmuns are in fnll bloom, and j there are very many beautiful varieties in the gardens in the vicinity of The Dalles. Archbishop Grosse, of Portland, will be in the city next Sunday, and administer the ordinance of conferination to several appli cants at tbe morning service at half -past 10 o'clock. Last nipht being Hallowe'en gates were removed in different psrta of theoity. There was a partial celebration on the previous evening; but tbe programme was fully car ried out laat night. Today, according to the church calendar, is All Saint's day, and waa properly ob served in this city by services at St. Peter's Catholic church at 9 o'clock in the morning and at 7:30 in the vning. Mr. Ralph Giboes has been arrested on a United States warrant for robbing the U. S. mails, nnd has been placed under $1000 bonds to answer the charge before the U. S. district court. A. J. Thomblt-y, the man who skipped with goods belonging to S P. Conron, was arrested in rort aaa yeswraav ana urougnc to the oity by an officer last night. He waa tried before Justice Dana thia afternoon end sentenced to thirty days in the county jail. Rev. E. J. Van Deerlin who has been oc cupying the pulpit of Trinity eboroh in Portland during tbe abaenoe of Rev. .Trios Cole, tbe rector, a in tbe east, will hold services in St. Pa l's oburch, this uitv no next Sunday at 11 o'olouk a. m. and 7:30 r. it. The young ladies of the Congrega tional Sunday school will give a Bubble and Pumpkin party Tuesday evening, Nov. 6th, in Pease & Mays high-water building, on Washington street. Ad mission, 15 cents. - No extra charge for refreshments. C W. Johnson, formerly register of the land ncfice at Kosebnrg, but for several month spacial ageot of the treasury depart ment, baa been promoted to the charge of a new collection district to be formed out of the states of Montana, Idaho and that part of Washington east of the Cascade moan tains. Freighting on the Upper Snake between Lewiston and Riparia is reported lively. Large quantities of grain and late fruit are moving, and the two boats, Spokane and Aimota, are kept very busy. Work on the new boat, Lewiston, is progressing rapidly. She is expecting to be ready tor service by November 6. . Mrs. Wesley Matlotk, of Pendleton, dis turbed from ber slumber by burglar in the house, let fly at him with a Winchester. The shot missed tbe burglar, bat tore an ngly hele in the window casing and outer wall. A second shot at a aeoond burglar re- anlted no better, but saved the family treasure from spoliation. In 1860 Horace Pettigrew was sent to the penitentiary from Dallas, but was after wards found to be innocent of any crime rl na.jlnnail Ha lffc K t f J inil . has never been heard from until a few days ago, when a former school mate received a letter from hiai dated at Rio Janet 10, where be bad amassed a fortune. At Prmeville last week Marie L. Hanson, nee Marie Parrish, a daughter of the late Uncle Jack Parish, secured a divorce from Albert Hanson. Monday evening of this week this young lady rode into Fossil accora psuie I by Dr. H unlock of Mitchell. Toes day morning both aent oat on tbe Arling ton bound stage, with the intention of crossing the Columbia ioto Washington and there beinz uoit-d in marriage. This be cause the Oregon law ios not pefmit a divorcee to wed within six months from the time the divorce was graDted. We are requested by Mrs. Kleic, tha mother of Fnuk Klein, to state that before Fiauk confessed his guilt he was offered the reward ot $1500 to restore the stolen tpwie; due reioaecl to accept. Us realized the enormity of his crime, and was determined to make an open and tall confession wituout taking a reward for so doing, The literary society. lately organized in this city, held a ery. interesting meeting last evening in the Methodist church. Is was Ling fellow's evening, and each mem ber in to roll call responded with a quotation irom that author, the essay treated ot the life and genius of this great poet, and the declamation was a selection rrora nia writings. After these exerciaea a debate was bad on foreign missionary work from a religions stand point. Mr. R. E. French is a well-known actor. and the leading part he takes in Dr. Jekvll and Mr. Hyde U adapted to his dramatic acquirements. Tins play has become very popular all over the country, and haa at tracted large sulienaes ia some of the larger cities. Tbe scenery is adapted to the different attractive features of the play. and are very unique in design. Monday night, JNov. 5th, will be the only rendition ot the play in thia city, aud this should re ceive a liberal patronage. Miiinw-even or Halloween, the name popularly given to the eve nr vigil of All Hallows, or festival of All Saints, which is . the 1st of November, today. Halloween is the evening of the 31st of October. ' In England it was long customary to crack nuta, duck for apples in a tub of water and- perlorm! other harmless riven-ess, and in Scotland the ceremonies partook of a more superstitious character, taking, among the maths, the form to discover who should ba his or her partner for lite. From Friday'a Daily. Collection day. Mr. T. A. Hudson is gradually improving. I. C. Richards, of Goldendale, ia in tbe oity. Mr. J. B. Manley of Wapmitia, ia in the oity. A. J. Zawalt, of Tygh valley, ia at tbe Umatilla. E May, of the Pcrtlaod Meat Co., is at the Umatilla, Mr. Beckwitb returned to Portland on tbe morning tram. E. Sichel, of Prineville, went to Portland on a business trip. Mr. A. K, Dufur, and wife, and Mrs. C. P. Balch, of Dufur, are in the city. Mr. Mark Vaubibber, who has been sick for over a week, is much improved. Dr. Jekvll aud Mr. Hyde at the Bald win Opera house next Mouday evening. Ex-Oov. D. P. Thompson, of Idaho, pats-U through tbe city, this morning. Mr. .inlle scbanno was a passenger on the boat thia morning for Caeca le Looks. A marriage license was issued to John Rogers aud Miss Susan John this morning. Some very larg timbers tor Winau's new hah wheels were nauted through, the city to day. Mr. J. D. Gardcr of Seattle and EJgar Wallace were up looking at tbe proposed route tor tbe ship railway. The regular monthly meeting of the common council will be held tomorrow evening at the council chambers. The 94 dancing class wilt begin a series of soirees at Wingate.s hall next Saturday evening, and will organize a school. On account of some trouble east of Hunt ington the west bjuud passenger was 4 hours aod 15 minutes late this morning. Geo. N, Caufield and wife ot Colnsnbus, Wash, came up on the Regulator j esterday and prooeeded home on tbe evening train. One of those gentle zephers for which this region is renowned blew today, and it bad a good effect in drying tbe mud in tha streets in places. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers ia a popular preparation in one bottle, and colors evenly a brown or black. Any person can easily apply it at home. We have been informed by reliable au thority that Qibou'a bond for the post-office robbery was considerable more than $1000. It was nearer $5000 than $1000. Tbe new cannery building on Front street is rapidly approaching completion, aud the next season's run of salmon, however large. will have plenty of facilities for shipment. Major and Mrs. Morton, leaders of the Northern Pacific division of the Salvation Army, will be in the city Tuesday evening, Nov. (ith. aud will lead the meeting of the local army at their hall on Front atreet. There were three arrests made last night by the efhoers of persons drunk and disor derly. They were confined in the city jail, and were brought this morning before toe recorder, who imposed a Due 01 90 on each of them. Papera in the following cases were Fled with Justice Davia: Mrs. L. Story vs. Ed Poley; Mathews vs. Williams, tor the re covery of money ; Sherman Baley vs. Lizzie Baxter; b W. L. Seilibe ys. Otis Savage, to recover on a promisary note. Allen Calif, who is being sued for breach ot promise, by a young lady of - Portland, formerly lived in The Dalles, and attended school at the Wasco Independent Academy. He was eiitor of tbe Wasco independent, published by the studeuts of the W. I. Academy. ' Editor J, L. Montgomery, of Marshall, (111.) Democrat, states that for many years. be Buttered untold agony irom JJyspepsia. At last he began to take Ayer's Sarsapanlla, and by the time he nsed six bottles, he waa as well as ever. Cures others, will curs yOQ. Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts directly aod promptly, purifying aod enriohiug tbe blood, lmpiovingtiie appetite, strengthen ing the nerves, and invigorating th6 system. It is, therefore, in tbe truest sense, an al terative medicine. Every invalid should give it a trial . Don't forget the fair Saturday evening. Nov. 3rd. Admission in the afternoon from 2 to 6 p. in. will be free. The pro gramme in the evening begins at 7:30. only 15 oents will be charged, this if for ouarity in general. Come one, come ail, and bring yeur friends. Refreshments will be aeryed and it will close with a danca. Frank Klein waa taken to Portland on the afternoon train bv Sheriff Driver. The officials were very reticent about tbe mu ter. When our reporter asked the sheriff what he was g ing to do with Klein, he an swered, "I don't know yet." It is reported that Klein was taken t.) Portland for the purpose of making a statement before the United States commissioner.. Albany Herald. Word was received here that the youngest son of Engineer B. N. Case, a lad aome eight or nine years old, was drowned in the mill race at Salem yesterday. Mr. Case nsed to run tbe en gine on tbe Lebanon branch, but is now employed on tbe switch engine in Salem. Deep sympathy will be tel. lor the family under this severe bereavement. Says the Albany Democrat: Particulars were received at Oakland, Or., this after noon of a terrible tragedy at Kellogg, twenty miles diatant, last night. Two brothera named Kenael got into a quarrel, when one of them grabbed a shot gun and tired twice at his brother, following it np with five shots from revolver, some of whioh took effeot. At last reports tbe young man was alive, bt with no hopes of his recovery. Several passengers who undertook to view the beauties of our city, wbile the train waa held for breakfaat are still with ns, but their baggage ia probably in Portland by this time. So delighted were they with our environments that they forgot about the train for tbe time being; but wben tbe train waa thought of they returned to the Umatilla House in time to see the last car go through tbe cut Ashland Tidings: Major C. E. Worden, the allotting agent, wrote to his son, Will, laat Friday stating that he had been to tbe grave ot the man murdered near the Lake county line on Sept. 25th last, to ascertain if tbe viotim waa bis friend, Major Hart wig, who had lust finished allotting lands for the Warm Springs Indiana. Major Worden writes that be caused the body to be disenterred, bnt the remains were so badly decomposed that they were uurecog ntzable. He - has written to the Warm Springs reservation to find out if his friend is safe. Says the Ashland Tidings: The Oregon State bar association haa undertaken to purify tbe bar, and its committee has begun proceedings for tbe disbarment of three Portland lawyers, named, O. P. Mason, U. S. Grant Marquam and C. C. Thompson, who are charged with unprofessional con duct, fraud and corruption. - there are more lawyers than three in Oregon wbo should be disbarred; and tbe association has begun a good work. If it will take another step, and declare it "unprofessional" for an attorney to perpetrate a manifest and mis chievous fraud and injustice upon the pub lie by turning loose unquestioned criminals throogb ohioanery and sharp manipulation of technicalities, it will do a still better , work. I THE EXPRESS ROBBERY. The Preliminary Examination Otis Savage and Ralph Giboiis For tbe Crime. Wednesday's Report. Justice Davis, yesterday afternoon, adjourned the "examination of the ex press robbers from the building in which he usually considers his temple of jus tice to the court room. As soon as the ex tortion case was disposed of the case of the state vs. Otis Savage was called, and, after some legal sparring on technical ties, an order was made by the court ex cluding all witnesses from the court room, both for the state and defendant, except the one who was testifying. The state was represented by District Attorney Jayne and the. defendant by H. S. Wilson. After all preliminaries were arraigned the court adjourned un til half past 7 o'ciock when the exami nation was continued, The first witness on the stand was Mr. F. N. Hill, the agent of the Pacific Express Co. in this city. He recounted the facts of hauling the treasure box on the night in which the robbery was committed from the train to tho office, placing it inside the door, and then proceeding to the pott- office with the mail. There was nothing new drawn out in his testimony, with which our people are not already familiar. Mr. James Blakely was next called and he Was followed by Mr. M. A Moody. The testimony of these wit neases was in- reference to the time of the robbery, footprints leading from the office, and that these were measured and patterns cut. from them. This ended the examination last night, and the court adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning. This morning, when tbe case was called, the justice held a preliminary ex amination of both defendants at the same time, Otis Bavage and Ralph Gibons Judge Bennet was counsel for Gibons and Zera Snow of Portland was added to the counsel far the state. - Chas. Tibbetts was the first witness called, and he gave testimony regarding his duties in the express office. He was followed by Mr. Simmons, the detective, who detailed his experiences in tracing the stolen specie to its hiding place. At about ll:30 Frank Klein was called in by the state. After being sworn in he told how Otis Sayage, Ralph Gibons and himself had planned tbe robbery- Ralph Gibons was at first not inclined to take any part in the robbery because, as he said, he had a family to look after. Then Frank testified that Gibons said, "Well I have to rob some one before spring." The signals which Gibons was to give in case tusney was in the treasury box were agreed, upon. On the night of the robbery Frank testified that be went to bed about V o'clock, and that Savage woke him shortly alter ten, and informed bim that coin was to arrive that nigul by ex press and that they could get it. After hearing this Frank got up and they both proiteeded east 00 Third street until they came 10 Court street,when they proceeded north. Otis stopped in at Wisemans for a few moments, and Frank went down near Maelz & Pundt's. They again met near the corner of Second and Court streets. While there Frank says that Ben Eben and some one else passed them, but Frank did not know who this other person was. After these two had gone by,Mr. Allaway, of the D. P. and A. Co. went pasC Then they proceeded ea&t in the alley bacK of the old Sun office until they came to the walx across the ailey on Washington slreet,where they got the iron with which the box was opened. After waiting a short time the express wagon came up with Frank Hill and Ralph Gibons on the seat. After the express matter bad been put in the express office Ralph Gib bons gave the signals agreed upon, and he repeated them as the express wagon drove off. As coon as the wagon was out of sight Frank and Otis came out of hid ing and proceeded to . the express office. Frank unlocked the door of the express office with a key which he had fashioned after the one given him by Gibons. Once inside the office they hunted up tbe treas ury box, and alter two attempts broke it open, t here were five sacks of coin in the box. Klein and Savage took four sacks and went north on Washington street until they came to the alley, which one of them ran up and dropped a card back of J. O. Mack's. They then went around the Cosmopolitan hotel to an old shanty where the money was thrown. After doing this they went to Frank's home and retired. Frank was asked about tbe iron he used in prying open the box, wben court adjourned till 1 :30. At 1:30 Frank Klein was again placed on the stand. He identified the iron and also tbe shoes he wore on the night of the robbery. He threw the shoes nnder the sidewalk back of Stabling & Williams' because they were worn out. The state here turned the witness over to the defense. The cross examination was taken up by Attorney Wilson. On cross examination Klein testified that he made tbe iron about three weeks after the trip to Badger lake and the bar was under the cross walk for about five weeks before the robbery was committed. He hid part of the money in his father's yard, but no one knew it -was there ex cept himself. He knew nothing about the $200 which was missing. Just as we go to press Klein ia relating where the money was hid. ' Thursday's Beport. Klein waa on the stand yesterday wben we went to press, fie was not cross ex amined very severely by the defense; all his answers were straight for a word but he seemed to besitste a little before saying anything. Tbe prosecution wound np by asking the following question. " JUein nave you told everything yon know about this robbery in court." Klein immediately answered, "Yes, sir." Chris Bills waa then called in. He testi fied that he held no official position at the time of the robbery, had lived in The Dalles a number ot yeara and was well acquainted with both Savage and Gibbons. When he was asked in regard to a conversation he had heard between Savage and Klein he stated that about a week ago he waa de livering milk in the vicinity of Second and Liberty street when he saw Savage and Klein coming towards him irom Klein's house. Bills then went Into Al Bettingen'a yard and listened to what. Savage and Klein were talking about. When aaked what he beard, he replied that Klein said, "I am afraid they are onto ua" that waa about all of the conversation that be could catch Thia happened more than a week ago, or about a week after the robbsry waa com' mitted. On cross examination Bills said that he was in the northeast corner of Bettingen'a yard lying down, that it waa very dark that night, bnt that be could easely recognize Sayage and Klein. He even heard the conversation at about 8 o'clock in the even ing. He was then asked if he had told everything he knew abont the robbery, and answering that be had he was dismissed. Mrs. Klein was tbe next witness called. She testified that she was tho mother of Frank Klein and that be went to bed some time between 8 and 8:30. Savage came about 10 JO and woke Frank. They went 1 away together. On cross examinatian she and that Savage had been staying at ber house for some time bat, did not remember of jait how long. The first she knew that her son was implicated in the robbery, was after his confession last Sunday. She did not know- that any money was buried in her yard prior to that time. She neither saw it buried nor taken away. Did not know the men were searching for the money when they first came to tbe house. She was then asked in regard to Savage s prop erty and stated that abe knew nothing about it. Then tbe following question waa aaked: ''Do vou hold title to any of Savase'a Dronertv" She answered "No sir; not that 1 know 01. one am noi y claim to any of his land on thia side of the rivor or on he other aide, neither did she ay claim to any of his notea or horses. Sh was asked if she had any feeling in tbe case outside of her son, and she answered. I have no feeling only for my aon to get out of this as easily as possible." Mr. Allaway was then called. He came np on the train from Portland the night of the robbery. He got off on the aouth aide and went east on First strtet to the east side of Court, wben he turned north on Conrt street and saw Savage and Klein near Second street, standing with their backa ud against Harris' store. Thev were near aome empty dry goods boxea. They were about a hundrei feet from the alley Mr. Lvtle was then examined, and said that he was agent for the O, R. 4 N. Co., and understood that Kalph Gibona had a kev to the exoress office. Sunday, after the robbery, he asked Gibons for the key, but he said be did not have it. Frank Hill was recalled and tis'ified that Gibons was given a key to the office so that he (Uibousl could Bit into toe office to wake Tibbeta for the trains. He told the court about the number of pack ages that arrived that eyeoing, and that Gibona helped him unload. Then he re peated tbe story about the dropping of the treasury box by Gibons, and other things that happened in the office on the night of the robbery. Sheriff Driver was the next witness, After telling what be did when he was notified of the robbery, the prosecution asked him to describe tbe manner in which he obtained the length of Savage's foot This, he said, be did by placing a stick on the sole of Savage's foot, wbile ha (Savage) was lying down on a bencb. On cross examination Bennet held a shoe in front of Driver.'and ssked him if be could by plaoing the stick along the sole, tell whetl erit was longer or shorter. Driver said it was shorter. The sheriff described the footprints left in the alley. M. A. Moodv waa called and he also described tbe footprints. Beckwith and Simmons were both re called, bnt neither-one remembered what became of the papera with which they measured the footprints. A. S. Bonnet, attorney for the defense, waa then called, but as he did not possess the articles which were supposed to be in his po'ses-iioo be was dismissed. Tbe defense did not oall in any witnesses. Both the State and the defense rested the case without argument. Gibons and Savage's bail was reduced to 83000. Thus ended one of the greatest preliminary examinations that was ever held in Tbe Dalles. Death am Old Pioneer. Mr. Henry Ulerisb, aged about 63 years, died at the county hospital thia morning. He came to The Dalles in 1863, and baa been a resident of ' this city ever aince. When he first came to the northwest he was in the army, and had the meat distinct re collections of Gen. Coik and his campaigns against the Snake Indians in this region. Of late years he had a bootblack atand in front of Frazier & Wyndham's barber shop on Front street, and he alsa attended to the baths in that establ shment. . This was light employment, and for aome time he has! not er.joyed robust health. Mr. Clerish waa a pioneer member of Jackson Engine Co., and always took a great interest ia fire department matters. A few days ago be was taken quite sick, and waa removed to the hospital where he could receive proper attention; but the sands of life had nearly run down, aod after a short illness be died tliu morning. What Oregon Got. Oregon has done herself proud at the Interstate fair at Tacoma, getting the five diplomas of honor and the highest awards for field grain, vegetables, fruit in jars, native grasses and grains ; three diplomas of first awards for minerals, apples, pears and quinces, fish and fish appliances. Diplomas of honor and highest awards were also given to the Corvalli8 Agricultural college ; O. Dicken. son Seed company, of Salem; . N. Morgan, of Portland, wools and cereals ; Carson & Sons, Grant's Pass, fruit dryers ; A. F.Miller, Portland, display of products of Oregon ; East Portland Mill & Fixture Company, school desks ; Leach & Bowen, Portland, paste and cereals ; James Wittycomb, Hillsboro, wool ; R . Scott, Milwaukie, wool, and Corvallis Wagon Company, wagons. Hoaue Seekers. A Scotlrnd, South Dakota, dispatch of the 23tn says: Paddozk Bros, ft Sorr's ex cursion will leave Scotland, 3. D., for Union, Or., by special train Oat. 30, via the Great Northern to Spokane and then over the Oregon Railway & Navigation to Union. W. S. Faddocs will be in charge of the ex. cursiou party. The prospects for a large immigia ion to the Pacific coast from South Dakota in the next 12 months is very flit tering. There will be at least 123 passen gers on the first train, nearly all of whom will be home seekers. They will make, a thorough examination, of the oountry from Kalispeh mountain west. During the win ter mother excursion will be ran to Port land and Eugene. On the laat exoursion, Sept. 18, to Union, there were several home seekers wbo purchased fine homes and are. Well pleased with Kaatern Oregon. - la.nd Transfers. Oot. 31 United States to George F. Wells, n bf of aw qr, sw qr of nw qr and nw qr of se qr, sec, 34, tp 1 south, range 14 east; timber culture. Oct. 31 United SUta3 to Lsopold New stadter; w ht of nw qr, tw qr and a hf of se qr sec. 11 tpS south, range 15 east; oash purchase. Oct. 31 United States to Hayden O'Neal; sw qr sec 14, tp 3 south, range 14 eaat; oash purchase. Oct. 31 United States to Hayden O'Neal; ne qr of sea. 9 tp 3 south, range 14 east; cash purchase. Oct. 31 Uoited States to Stephen Ham ilton; aw qr of ne ar the n hf of se qr and se qr of se qr sec. 4 tp 3 south, range " 14 east; homestead. Nov. 1 Marion F. Loy to W. P. Wat son; w hf ef nw qr and w hf of aw qr sec 22 tp 1 north, range 9 east; $1. Ilr. JekyU and Mr. Hyde. Mr. Louis Stephenson's great work was the creation of the dual charaotara Dr. JekyU and Mr. Hyde, illustrative of the good and bad in each human being. Perhaps one can see every day an example of this donble ness in humanity, and Mr. Stevenson baa surrounded his creation with snob intensely interesting incidents that tbe romanoe is the most ' attractive reading matter. Mr, R. E French's interpretation of the charac ter ia all that could be desired, and the manner in which it is placed on the boards shows that an artist is at ' the head of the management, It will be played one night only in this oity,' next Monday, Nov, 5th. ITEMS IN BRIEF Eugene Qaard: A few days since a man and woman, giving toe name or Davis, hired a team at the livery stable of Morse & Son, at Springfield, saying he wanted to go to Waterville, where he bad an uncle, As he did not return in a couple of daya the proprietor became alarmed and informed the officers of the affair. Constable ?Lint n haa learned that the man passed Mc- Kenzie bridge on his way to Kaatern Oregon Tbe officers in Eastern Oregon hays been informed of the matter and descriptions furnished, and the I allow will piobably be arrested in due time. Constable Randle acid out the effects of the "Oregon Cave Improvement Co." at Grant's Pass last Sautrday for JC0 These consisted of a lot of camping ntensils and the right, title and loteiest to the land ab nt tbe entrance to the caves. "This cave enterprise," remarks the Courier, "thus adds another link to the chain of en terprises built on j iwbone which have gone to the wall at the expenses of our business men. There can be no question about these caves being a wonderful sight, but the lies told about them h&ve only retarded their development, and it will probably be aome time before a railroad is built to them. Tidings. The Northern Pacific has issued an order defining the territory of general freight agents, as follows: "S. G. F ultou, first as sistant general freight agent, Portland, Or,, in charge of traffic west of the Idaho-Wash ington state hue, including lia,bo points reached via the opokane & f slouse branch; J. B. Baird second assistant general freight agent.-St, Paul, in charge of Asiatio tr the and such other duties as may be assigned to him as general assistant. Robert Rintoul. division freight agent, St. Paul, in charge of traffic in North Dakota west of the Mis souri river, Montana and Idaho, except; points in Idaho reached via tbe Spokane & Palouae branch," Mr. J. S. Fish, N. J. Sinnott and Walter Klindt retnrLed yesterday from a tew days' hunt up Hood River valley. Their return without any large game was a sore dissa- poinment to their many friends. Saturday when they started 00 the bunt, we were told that we might expect to see tbe deer and bear market flooded, but as yet we haye not seen any sign of either, although Nick claims to have seen some signs of bear wbile in tbe mountains. Whenever any of the parties wbo made np the hunt are asked about it they act like the detectives, before Klein's confession. It is whispered around tout a couple of birds and a few fish were brought home, but we cannot vouch for that. Jos. H. Hunt's Close Call. Fossil Journal. Jas. S. Hunt had a narrow eFcape from drowning in the John Day Tuesday laat, while returning home from Sboofly with D. C. Gilliiand, constable, V. T. Matlock of Lone Rock and Harry Johnson. The party excepting Harry, wbo is a partner of Mr. Hunt's, succeeded in fording the river at tbe mouth of Horseshoe. Harry, who was formerly a sailor in the British navy but bad neyer learned to swim, was riding a colt, aod both were just a little bit skit tish about tackling the treacherous John Day, Mr. Hunt started back to Harry's rescue, with the intention ot changing horses with him, bnt when nearly acroas Jim's horse stnmbled on the rocks and fell over in the riyer. Although not oyer belly deep, the current was very strong, and Jim was carried down 50 yards or so when he succeeded 10 getting hold of a large rock. Mr. Matlook suooeeded in crossiog back farther np tbe riyer, and riding rapidly down till opposite Mr. Hunt, threw a rope to him and another on to his floundering horse and dragged both out of the river, unhurt, but scared out of a winter's growth. The Reward Given- Seeing an item in Yesterday! Telegram by detective Sam Simmons, to the effect that no one received the reward offered by the Pacific Express Company for the ap prehension of the robbers and the recovery of the money stolen, our reporter called on Sheriff Driver and aiked him the same question that was asked detective Simmons i. e. "Who will get the rewarJ?" Sheriff Driver answered,. "I have received all the re ward that has been given; but Mr. Sim mons did not know thia wben he gave that statement to tbe Telegram." Mr. Driver went on to state that aa soon as any persona, bound over to appear before the grand jury, were convicted he would receive tbe addi tional reward of $230 for each oooviction. Thus it will be seen that if Klein, Savage and Gibons are convicted Sheriff Driver will leceive a reward of $2250. DOJI'T BE FOOLED by the dealer wno brings out some thing else, that pays hiui better, and says that it ia "just as goed." Doctor Pierce's Golden Medieal Discovery is guar anteed. If it don't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. No other medi cine of its kind is so eertain and effective that it can be sold so. Is any other likely to be "just as good"? As a blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and strength-restorer, nothing can equal tha "Discovery." It's not like the sarsapa rillas, or ordinary "spring medicines." At all seasons, and in all cases, It puri fies, invigorates, and builds up the whole system. For every blood-taint and disorder, from a common blotch or erup tion, to the worst scrofula, it Is a perfect, permanent, guaranteed remedy. abetters Advertised The following is tho list of letters re maining in The Dalles postofhoe uncalled for Saturday, Oot. 26, 1894. Persons call ing for these letters will pleaao give tbe date on which they were advertised: Borrow, 0 U Cary, Miss Maddi Davis, Miss L Davidson, W L Edwards, W (J Fogel. L Harris, Mrs J D Jory, A' Maloney, F C Moore, H P Odell, Miss L Khoads, S Ranker, Mr Stoat, PM Stout, J Wigstein, Chas Williams, Mrs N Brown, H Chusnev, H S Davis, Henry Davis, Lour Fitzgerald, C C Guytoo, W F Haverly, J H Johnson, Mrs H Masterson, L H McCormick, Miss B Odell, C J Rusie, Cwen Stanford, Miss R Schroder, C Ward. C D 2 Wood, W -Williams, RS .T. A. Cbossek, P. M. Extensive Placer Mine- A company of Pendleton-gentlemen .has recently secured valuable holdings in the Greenhorn mining district, in Grant county, and arrangements are now being made for inaugurating extensive operations . next season. Messrs. B. F. Renn, Robert Renn, E. E. Craig, Everett Rcicher and A, J. Dennison, recently secured,, both by loca tion and purchase, 240 acres of placer ground in one solid body, on Oliye creek, 8 miles beyond Granite, and about 100 miles due south of Pendleton. With the claims purchased they secured a ditch three miles in length, together with a hydrsulio plant and a little eiant. Pendleton Tribune. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. ID IX- CREATE MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei from Ammonia, Alum or ny other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. AYFff-v 5AR5APARJLU HAS CURED OTlifi WILL CURE YOU - bright Lad, Ten years of age, but whodeellnes to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, ..uuuemim autieuienc iu us: of oCoK "Elf waK be .. .. ."'" KBiiiering formed ai auic in ueconie a running sore I hH to take lots f.r i,,o,ii7,i : .. 'iaa nr.. a .. . . - , - -- - .-in. ,11 c anni. done me so much good as Aver'a fiaiNn rilla. It lias made me wii f t.-?."H;d T. D.M.. Nonutiir v.... AYER'S Sarsaoarilia Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you New Product for Oregon. Professor Shaw, chemist at the agri cultural experiment station at Corvallis, i3 delving into the problem what can- aigre will do for Oregon farmers. The experiment began last week, and in due time will be reported in a bulletin. Can- aigre is a duid tnat tormerly grew in a wild Etate in Arizona, but more recently haa been cultivated with indifferent suc cess. It is used for tannine leather for which it is equal if not superior to oak or hemlock bark, and sells in this coun try at 20 per ton, in Vienna at fC5 per ton. Ten to 15 tons per acre is the pos sible yield, and it costs $20 per acre to grow it. A warm climate with plenty of moisture is necessary to successful cultivation, and for this reason the pro fessor thinks that in Eastern Oregon, where, irrigation is possible, the bulb may be successfully grown and become one of that section's exports. The "ex periment will include a trial in all por tions oi the state. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she c-ied tor Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to CacterU. Vben she bad Children, & tie gave them Castoria. I MR I). LAWSON Id thia city, Oct., Lawson. aged 44 vears. Slst, Mrs. J. D. Oeafnttee Cannot Ue Cared By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucuous limning of the Eustachian tube. When this tube is lnnamea you have a rambling sound or imperfect bearing, and when It is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases ont often are caused by catarrh, which -is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Handred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. BSold by druggists, 75c. Travelers must not forget that the O. R. & N. line is thoroughly repaired and all trains are running without transfer or delay. Through service to Omaha, Kan- as City, St. Louis and Chicago; Pullmans sleepers, free reclining chair cars, uphol stered tourist sleepers and modern day coaches. Call on O. R. & N. agent be fore purchasing tickets, or address W. fl. Hulburt, general passenger agent, Port land, Oregon . ' Pants! PantsI Pants! If yon want a good pair of all wool pants cheap, Robert E. Williams caa fit you in both quality and price. A good assortment to select from. Call early before the most desirable patterns are taken. Robert E. Williams, Tbe East End Clothier. For Sale. Best grade of bran and shorts at Joles Collins & Co., at f 13 per ton. Lost. Black shawl, on Ninth street. The finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Mr. Dan Maloney. NEW TSS-DA.Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land omci at Thb Dalus, Okssoh, Octnbei 27, ISM. Notice is hereby ftren that the following; named Settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bt made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 12. 1394, vis: JOSEPH WO DFOKD, B K No S0S0, NWi, Sec 19, Tp S 8, R 12 E, WM. Be names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: F H Thompson. William Staata, Daniel Woodford, all ot Dulur, Oregon, and J B Jackson, The Dalles, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. A. GEHRES wssr FIONEEE SODA ff0R,B SECOND STrlEET, THE DALLE8, OR. Manufactures the Best Articles of Soda, . Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale Leans Orders With Andrew Keller, Confectioner. COAL! COAL! THE BEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal $12, sacked and tbe city. delivered to any part ol At Moody's Warehouse JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Goods hauled with tbe greatest sare to'all oarts of tbe city on short notice. A E 1 Ri & ii CD. E- McNElLL, Receiver- I 1 j mjm 'TXT I G1VS THE Choice of Two Tranconlinental Routes VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL Via. DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS irava Fort'and every Five days ror SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For full details call on O. R. It N. Agent at THE UALLtS, or address W. H. HURLBCKT, Gen. Pass. Agt, Portland, Oregon. 11s, in: Mp mm -AT I. C. IS I C I v 1L IS TV " S PIANOS AND ORGANS Silverware, Jewelry and Watches AT BED-ROCK PRICES EXTFiflVHGflNGE .. May 'lie in paying too much or too little for an article .. .. If you buy groceries for less than we ask, you'll not get as good quality Thai's poor economy .. If you pay more, you pay too much, because we sell the best there is .. .. Your economy shall be our pleasure. J. B. CROSSEN THE GROCER. FINE GOODS. A CLEAN STORE. PROMPT DELIVERY. L. Rorden & Co. To introduce their Grocery Department Will Give to Everyone Buvfne; One Dollar's worth of Groceries before Nov ember 15th, a chance for a handsome China Dinner Set Now on exhibition in our window. New Stock - Low Prices L Rorden & Co. HUi MRS. H. FRASER, Proprietor ses suetn ONLY 25 CENTS A MEAL. Tables always aupplhd with the best meats in the market. No Chlneese employed, sod the cooking; is dons by Orat-cUss caterors and altar tha familr style. COAL! GOAL! amj now prepared to deliver Roslyn Coal To aoy part of the cltj for $3 25 per too. This is much cheaper than wood, and a great deal more convenient. Ap ply to E. E. Lyttle, Agent for O. R. & N. Co. H (Commercial i ex Vsa-S) WISEMAN & MARDERS, PROPRIETORS. Northeast Oor Second and CoartStrs ets. The Dalles Liquors 0d ClffCrS Always on Sale Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave,, Boston, r sip? J!S"'" 1.'.'.:' i,xt. i ft v:S.y.jt.rT,"i!i'.'-. --' "-VV ' ..) 1 " in ii 11 ,,,, it" r-i " QLL we ask is to call and examine our prices and you will be convinced that our prices are the lowest in the city. terms: cash H. Herbing. The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES, OREGON SINNOTT .& PISH. Proprietors if aV Hmp$Ww sx.. ? THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON Free Baa to and from tbe Hotel j. 0. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS- PABST CELEBRATED BEER FRENCH'S B10CK. 171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. MERCHANT MR. PAT. At his establishment on tbe oorner of Third and Federal streets is prepared to make Spring and Summer Suits ffllSS HNNH PET6R 8 COMPHNY. Fip HJILHip$T, Second St. THE CORD WOOD We have again on hand an abund ance of Strictly Dry Fir Wood which will be sold at the Lowest Rates. YOD CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK THIS In anticipation of a revival of business activity we bought an enormous large line of MEN'S UNDERWEAR and OVERSHIRTS for fall and winter which we have placed on the market at prices to suit the times. J. C. HERTZ Gloated AND Jackets FOR LfflaGs, misses am Cfilreii AT POPULAR PRICES FULL STOCK OF s. j Dry Cools, N Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes Fire Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. m DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. TAILORING FAG AN, DALLES, Or. The Dalles. Or.