The Times-Moontaineer SATURDAY.... f .OCTOBER. 27. 1S94 SILVER VS. UONESTY. There are Democrats and Repub licaaa who appear inclined to the be' lief that the cause of all the stagna tion in business and hard times that have been suffered for the past two years has been the failure of congress to pass a lav providing for the un , limited coinage of silver. ' While we '- give these free silverites credit for , ' honesty in their convictions we are firmly convinced that they are mis- taken in their conclusions. t There is no more reason for believing that the United States could adopt a different standard in , weights and measures from tne remainder of the world and still be prosperous . than there h that it can create a double standard re garding the circulating medium and : Htill maintain its credit in the mar kets of the world and retain commer cial relations with other nations. If we sell our wheat, ' corn or beef at a less weight thau the standard in Earopp we should expect to lose there- i -i i i Ti ' oy, ana ii we Benu .cugiauu, rruuco ' or Germany a deDreuiated dollar and expect them to receive it for onejiun- , , dred cents we are attempting, a dis ' ' honest practice that will operate great ly to our injury. if we .could sur , round the country wita ,an impreg nable wall, isolate ourselves irom tne l.iariA rf ffrtroiirn nafiina hlrA annmnt .. , --- ; sparta, perhaps we could soiva cue - problem of ' riches and poverty by stamping iron, rocks or wood as coin , and thus make money so burdensome that no one would desire its accumu lation. Bat this cannot be done The Atlantic cable connects Europe Ann America, with ft onnnr.ftnt niftana . of communication, fleets of trading vessels as .well as palatial steamers keep both hemispheres in touch with , each other, and the markets of the old world control the prices of .pro , ducts in the new. This inseparable anion makes a complete and sensitive nervous system among nations, and ' the least jar or disturbance in one is lasmuiij ieib iu an tut) piuers. iue harbinger of the present hard times was the failure of the great firm of Baring Bros, in England, and there ' was nervous prostration in the entire ' system when this was followed by the : closing of. the banks in Austialia. When the mints of India closed down the Drice of the silver Droduct of the United States depreciated, the same as wheat would if the Liverpool mar kets were-glutted by an extraordinary :" supply from Egypt, India or Russia. , - j.u ib guvarueu uy supply ur uouuuu tne same as wool or otner proaucts, oe cause the commercial world trades on . a gold basis, and this is the only true representative of value anywhere. England alone cannot change this, , neither could the United States, and the experiment would only result in injury to the nation making the experiment. : There are certain invariable rules which govern all commercial trans actions, and which are simply the 'result of experimental efforts in trade. These cannot be changed any more than hflair - ma Y imo . anI avinmo - of mathematics. ' , Two times two make four the world over, and this means honesty ' in all trans : . wl:. i v-i .1 j Gold is the measure of value, and the market value of silver is variable. This is also'unchangeable, and honesty in our relations' with other countries ' demand that no attempt be made ."' to cheat those with whom we deal by paying them a dollar for one hundred cents when it is only worth eighty The rules governing the market value : of honesty and fairness as the funda mental rnlpfl nf nnt.hmRtin ' nnrl nt .deviation is evidence of chicanery and unfairness, and will injure any nation ; that makes the aHeniDt. margin of profits. This is a radical change from conditions that have ex isted on this side of the Atlantic for nearly a century, and our citizens are forced to learn the lessons of thrift and economy in the school of bitter adversity. This country has hitherto been the land of promise for the op pressed people of Europe; for here they could not only enjoy a larger degree of fredom but receive better pay for their labor. The result of free trace has been seen during the past two ynars. Hundreds of thou sands have been thrown out of em ployment, and families, who once en joyed the comforts of life, have been brought to the verge of starvation. Want and the most abject misery have been suffered bv the poorer class es, and the demands for relief have become urgent in every city in this broad land. Instead of a nation, in which the people were contented and prosperous, the sympathy of the world has been elicited for our industrial classes. ThesRare the two sides to the picture of Democratic tariff reform The benefits have accrued to Englishmen, Frenchmen and Germans, and the disasters have been suffered by our own citizen. ' la it patriotism, justice or honesty to continue a national policy that will throw our people on the streets homeless and penniless and drive them to the highways as tramps for the benefit of ' the subjects of a European monarchy, with whom we can have no special sympathy? It is not, and there is an urgent necessity that we should return to the old doc trine of protection, under which the United States haa enjoyed the most unexampled prosperity. ated and overlooked, and that by both Protestants and Catholics. He was a nineteenth, or rather a twentieth, cen tury reformer, of whom the word is still unworthy. JAMES ANTHONY FROUDE. -.'.' PrTnflDD A 1T71 A J tXTiTSI A Vnitnr whn havp iiwnfc tha anm trier months in Europe says busi ness is brisk and that times were never better. ' ' The passage of ' the Wilson bill at the last session of con gress has thrown open the markets of . another country to their products and this will insure the sale of more of their fabrics, and consequently the more coustaut employment of wage' earners. In the United States there in) o'r.nllt 7ft ftftft OflO onnanmnra nnI . these are liberal buyers. The - old ' countries understand this, and manu facturers have anxiously looked to ward America, hoping that the walls of protection would be thrown down, . and they would have the opportunity ...:u A : j While the duty on wool has been re pealed it will remain on the manufac- a. 1 a I T. . 1 t r lureu aruuie onui uanuary I, 1030, J .1 XT 1 f - a ana tne iew x.ngiana lactones nave a few months iu which to make sale, nf their goods before they are forced to compete with foreigners. To any one . WUU U0 DIUULCH LUO BlbUttllUU III manufacturing districts in the old world, where there is no opportunity for diversified employment for wage earners, the advantage of free trade in America is apparent at a glance. An open market means increased trade, and increased trade gives laborers better wages. It follows as a natural sequence the betterment of the 'con dition of the laboring classes. As a . i ... natural result manuiacturers win ie- ceive greater profits, trade will be brisk and all classes will be benefited thereby. This is viewing the situation from the European standpoint; but how is it from the American? Free trade forces our people- to the level of the old world. Toe laborer must be con tent with the same scale of wages that prevail in the countries across the ocean and the trader and manulactarer, sb git be satisfied with the same small The death of James Anthony Froude, a historian whose name has been familiar on both sides" of the Atlantic for more than a t-eneration, is announced. Although, past the al lotted age of man, the general public, however it may have been to his per sonal circle, was not prepared for the intelligence, says an eastern exchange. Only a few weeks ago a new book from his pen, -'The Life and Letters of Erasmus," appeared in London and New York, and it is perhaps the most valuable of all his contributions to literature. It certainly lacks none of the wealth of research, depth of thought' and virility of style which have madeis name famous. Mr. Froude came into prominence as a man of letters in 1S5G, when he published the first two volumes of his History of Eusland from the Fall of Wolsey to ,the Defeat of the Spanish Armada." Fourteen years later' the twelfth and last volume of that great work was published. Few literary productions ever created so much bos- tile criticism. , All recognized its strictly literary merit and its thorough ness of research, but it was an attempt to reverse what is usually called "the verdict of histpry'" in sev eral respects, but more especially as regards Henry VI1L He was an ar dent admirer and a bold apologist of a sovereign whose name bad always been held in detestation for his gross Beesuality and cruelty. . The last of the Henrys is the Blue Beard of roy alty, and when Mr. Froude undertook to present in clear and overshadowing outlines the better side of his character and reign there was a loud, shrill cry of indignation. The English-speaking people every' where cling to their pet detestation in a way suggestive ot devil worship. J. hey hai an ideal monster . en shrined in the temple of sovereignty, and thuy resented the attempt to over throw and abolish him. Bravely did Mr. Froude hold his ground. His ad versaries assailed him with all the weapons of criticism, but he never wavered or was vanquished. ' It cannot be said, however, that Froude succeeded in reversing the general verdict of mankind as to the father of Elizabeth ' and the slayer of her gracious mother. The friend of his latter years, Mr. Carlisle, was far more successful in his kindred effort to reverse the popular verdict on Oliver Cromwell.. 'It is no longer good form to repeat the opprobrious epithets once so freely heaped upon the great Couoniouer, mourn, over the first Charles as a martyr, and rejoice oer the last of the name on the throne of England as a national blessing. The hammer of Thor . which the doughty Scot wielded with such - tre mendous force was , too' heavy for Froude. No doubt a good many his torical details have been corrected as the result of Froude's researches and pen, but tne eld sentence ot condem nation which he tried so hard to hava set aside still stands. Incidental reference has been made to the friendship between Carlyle and Froude. That friendship strength ened with the old 'age of the sage of Chelsea. Durin the later years of bis life, the friends of his youth, nearly all gone, the intimacy became so great that the two were almost inseparable, and to the yomnger, but still far from young, Froude, was intrusted the re sponsibility of being Carlyle's literary executor. In the discharge of that trust be gave the world several very readable volumes on the private and domestic life of the Carlyles. To many his exposure of the weaknesses of his greater friend was severely cen surable. Certain it is that it would have been better for the reputation of Thomas Carlyle if James Anthony Froude had never been born. Incidental reference has also been made to Froude's Erasmus. This latest volume consists of a series of lectures recently delivered at Oxford. These lectures are of exceedingly great value, Tbey throw a search light of remarkable power upon one of the giandest characters of all ages. The services of Erasmus as a religious and ethical reformer have been uneetim- P0LITIC3 AND POLICY, During a speech a few days ago Professor Wilson was asked bow much English gold he had returned with to aid in his re-election, to which he replied in substance that bad he wished to be dishonest he could have secured all the gold he wanted on this side. The inference being that his love for the dear people was what prevented him from selling out to the sugar t.rust. In commentini! on this the Pendleton Tr'ibwne says: It was the interest he has in the wel fare of the "common people" that caused him to place wool on the free list, but when it comes to cut nails, which is an important industry of Wheeling, West Virginia, we are told that the duty was actually increased from 18.6, as it was in the McKinley bill, to 25 per. cent on an ad valorem basis. No provision of the tariff bill evidences the insincerity of the tariff tinkers more than this evident boost to a southern industry. It is quite evident that ' after all the professor realizes that it is less hurtful to his own political interests to put into practice his theory in the wool grow ing sections of Oregon than in the "cut nail city" of. West Virginia. An eastern exchange, in calling the pro fessor to task for his hypocrisy, says that he either believes that a reduction of tariffs is a good thing for this country, or he does not. In his public speeches or he says he believes it. If he be lieves it, he must believe that it would benefit the chief city of his state, Wheeling. Why, then, did he seek to raise instead of lower the tariff or. Wheeling's principal industry? If he doesn't believe that the tariff reduction is a good thing for all industries, he is a hypocrite, and bis endeavor to exempt his own city of Wheeling from tariff reduction while imposing it on the industries of other cities and sec tions is pure cold-blooded selfishness. THE NEXT RULER. The Grand Duke Nicholas, who is the heir apparent to ;he czar of Russia, is a good deal of an unknown qnantity, says the West Coast Trade. He is young, under oU, has never taken any prominent position at the court of his father, and has been de barred from politics and the army by official etiquette and inclination. . He is said to be something of a student a,nd iB said to have lead a tolerably cleanly life for a Russian Prince, but not to impress observers as a man of ,a hieh order of intelligence or much force. ' Politically his leanings are said to be toward Germany and Aus tria rather than France, and toward England because of his alliance with the royal house of that coantry he is about to make by marriage.' . Princess Alex of Hesse, daughter of Princess Alice of England, and grandaughterof the queen, is to be the future empress of Russia, and she waa to .have been received into the Greek church this week as a preliminrry to the marriage. The illness of the czar has caused the suspension of all wedding preparations, it is said. The doubt seems to be general whether the czarewitz hes force of character enough to reign successfully over the great empire which his father rules, and this doubt is not the least of the causes of the widespread anxiety which ' the ' ap proaching death of the czar is causing throughout Europe. one of the proprietors of the Seattle Post Intelligencer, was one of the passengers, and there were two or three other prominent citizens on hoard. By orders from the secretary of the navy one or more revenue cut tsrs have been dispatched to make a search for the missing vesael. It. may bs expected in a few days that the mystery surrounding the ill-fated ves sel will be cleared up. The loss of the large raft of piles which left the mouth of the Columbia river for San Francisco will be very discouraging to the residents of the heavily timbered regions in the west ern portions of the state, who expected bv this means, to have an available market for their lumber. As the weather was very stormy it is con fidently expected that under other circunistanceRgthe venture would have been successful. " It is hoped that another attempt may yet be made, and that the next one will be under more favorable conditions. It may be true that business is im proved somewhat on the unsettled condition in which it was . when the tariff measure was before congress. Of course matters have become certain, and there is at least a knowledge of the policy that will be pursued by the Democratic party during its control of national affairs. Business men, in the exercise ot common sense, are adapting themselves to circumstances, and they understand that margins are smaller and that. sales ruuat be in creased, lrade must be done on a different basis than heretofore, and transactions must be readjusted to the altered conditions. There are protection breezes blow ing in many states, end Democratic deraagogism cannot ward off the ap proachmg cyclone, ihe people are hungry and must have bread. They expected it of the Democratic party; but instead of it they received a stone. Next month will show that the trend of public opinion is in favor of the old party and protection to American in dustries. A change has been tried, and it has resulted very disastrously lake the prodigal son, the American people have eaten husks given them by foreign free traders locg enough. They dexire to return to their father's house, and be fed on the fatted calf. The death of the czir of Jiussia, which may be expected any day, will have its effects upon the politics of Europe. Like his father, the present ruler has been very conservative, and while Russia's boundaries has been increased in Asia, it cannot be said that either of these potentates were as ag gressive as their predecessor, Nioholas. The father freed the serfs, and the son has been the idol of the peasantry. Although generally receiving the blame for arbitrary and cruel acta the policy of the empire has been dictated more frequently by the tuibisters in charge of the government than by the czar himself. To change rulers at this time, and place one at the head of the empire with less conservatism, will endanger the peace of Europe. The monarchies of the old world are thoroughly equipped for war, and the least unskillful move on the political chessboard 'may impel a bloody and lasting i'ocflict. "Old men for coun sel" is a truthful proverb, and when the crown of Alexander falls on the czarowitz the fire of youth and inex perience may cause hasty action which might be prevented by conservative diplomacy. - -' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Prince Alix at Livldio. Lividia, Oct. 23 Princess Alix, of Hesse-Darmstadt, the betbothed wife of the czarnwitch. arrived here at 5 SO yes terday, accompanied by Graod Duchess Serai us. of Russia. The princess W4 met at the Russian IroDtier by OraDd Duchess Uergius. At Aluslha the bude eiect was welcomed by the rzirowitcb and bis uncle, Grand Duke Scrgius. A the princets and party drove through Yalta, the czarowitch and his intended wife, seated side by side, were heartily cheered by crowds. The imperial cas tle was reached at dusk, aod Prince6S Alix was immediately conducted into the presence of the tzar and czarina. Ihe imperial sufferer greeted the princess with every mark of affection. The bride elect, accompauied by the czarina sod other members of the imperial family, proceeded to the chapel of the castle. A solemn religious service was then con ducted, Princeea Alix kneeling beside the empress", joiniDg in long and fervent supplications offered for the recovery of the czar. Alter the religious ceremony the princess and imperial party returned to the room occupied by the czar. The Grand Duke and Duchess Viadiimr, the former a brother of the emperor, atrived Suuday, and the king ol Greece is on bis way from Vienna. 'Professor McrzchjW9ki, specialist in nervous diseases, who was supposed to have been summoned to attend the ozar ina, has returned to St. Petersburg, from which it is presumed there is no troth in the sensational stories circulated regard ing the health of ber majesty. ew York louoornt. . New YonK, Oct. 23 Senator Hill visited the Democratic headquarters to day. He received a number of callers, among them Senator Faulkner, who will consult with the Grace and Tammany wings ot the Democracy, regarding the congressional nominations Other callers were E. Ellery Anderson and Bonrke Cockran. Senator Faulkner, after bis conference with Hill, said the latter agreed with bim that if there was to be a Democratic congressional delegation returned from New York city, it waa im perative only one Democratic caoditate run in each district. Hill thought Tam many ought to compromise in the in terest of Democracy. At noon General flcklcs withdrew as the candidate of Tammany hall in the tenth congres sional district. At the Democratic headquarters It Is said that arrangements have been made regarding the congressional nominees, whereby General Sickles and J. S. Walab, Tammany candidates, wiil withdraw, and Amos J. Oumminga and Jacob A. Cantor wilt remain on the ticket. A Crank. New York, Oct. 23 A man named Reilly, who says be is a marblecutter, has been arrested in Newark, where be was seen .with the striking cloakmakers who went to attack the bouse of a man named Gillard, where work was being done for a New York factory. In his pockets were found letters addressed to Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Cuauncey M. Djpew, Gaorge Gould and Superin tendent Byrnes. He said the one to Byrnes was simply a query whether be received a letter lrom Reilly about a recent mysterious murder, in which a description of the murderer was given. The others were of a rambling1 nature, half begging and half threatenirr. He told the police be would do anything to help the strikers and down the capitalists. and the last few .days he patrolled the avenues near Vanderbilfs home watching for an opportunity to kill some of the family. He says be has written several letters to President Cleveland. Juiio L mcT'iro. v ni ed t : a ranch '" Francisco Per z. near (he vil age ot Ju stotimlao, this district, and killed Mr. Perez and tour ot nis employes A force of rural guards pursued them aod cap tured three, including Longoro. All ol them will be shot." Blown l'p. St. Locib. Oct. 23 H W D-immes-grocery, on B ddle and Ninth streets, was blown to ruins by a myftnr ions explosion just before noon, and five persons badly nurt, the injuries of one being thought fatal. The Tone Hako Chemulpo, Corea, Oct. 24 The paci fication of the country is seriously im peded by the Tong Haks, who, although unarmed, are a standing menace to Jap anese interests on account of spreading a propaganda of mistrust of th Japanese. The latter are scattering silver about the country with the object of purchasing the favor ot the people, and it is slated 100,000 yen haB been distributed about Seoul alone. On the battlefield of Ping are many dead Chinese psitially putrified, and the stench is terrible. It is now repotted the Cninese infantry cut through the Japanese at PiDg Yang, bur it is said the Chinese cavalry were easily destroyed, as the horses stuck in the mud and the riders were shot before tbey could ex tricxte the animals. Many Japanese are suffering from dysentery, and numoers have been brought to Chemulpo, where they were landed at night. Additional forces of Japanese and Coreans left Seoul October 15, going southward to quell the disturbances raised by the Tong Haks. War prices prevail here. Henutorlal Room. Winchester, Ky ., Oct. 24 The boom for Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge for United States senator seems to be fairly underway, The Indications are that be will develop streugth that will surprise bis enemies. There are many who are willing to forgive and to forget now that be is rebuked, and his candidacy will re. ceive favor in quarters where it failed before. At a meeting in Winchester yes' terday, be spoke to several thousand peo pie. Hundreds were turned awav from (be opera-house becaue tbey were uoahl to gain admisrion. The people of Mar- tiDsbnrg, where Colonel Breckinncg spoke lust Saturday, have instructed the prospective members of the legislature from Carter atxl Elliott counties, to vote far Co'.ouel Breckinridge. TELEGRAPHIC. .HDch fleaned. St. Loch, Oct. 24 Vice-President Stevenson and party reached here this morning. Stevenson expressed himself as delighted with his trip through Mis e'iuri. He estimated that be addressed 80.000t people dur'cg the trip. After breakfast S'eveneon left at 8 o'c.ock tr New l'ork. Will Accept Paris, Oct 24 L ilotm, commenting on the situation in Madagascar, says the Hovas are likely to accept the conditions presented by France. The natives prefer that the French should achieve a diplo matic victory rather than a conquest of the island. Port Arthur. London, Oct. 24 A Yokohama dis patch says that fighting took place near Port Arthur on the 23d instant. It is believed that the Japanese troops en gaged were 30,000 men who recently left Hiroshima. . ttoac Mwauped. Astoria, Or., Oct. 24 The storm last ugbt aod this morning was one of lb most severe that has been experienced here iu many years, but, fortunately both life and property escaped without injury. But one mishnp waa reported, boat, belonging to George Kaboth, seiner, having been swamped in Catb lamet bav, where the full fury of the Storm was felt. Kaboth s large Dsbin sdow, on wb'ch were accommodations for both men and horses, was on the wa down with a seining ciew and five horses from the owners seining grouod at Be Bacon sands, in tow of the steamer 0. K when the storm was encountered. . The waves washed completely over the deck bouse and those on board almost despaired of reaching tbtir destination A TELEGRAPHIC. . SIMPLY A SOLDIER. General Miles is a soldier, and a brave one; but he is' not accustomed to the ordinary criticism that public men receive in civil life. In his an nual report on the Chicago riots, he used the expression that the discipline and forbearance of the regular soldiers bad saved the country from a serious rebellion,'' when one had been publicly declared to exist by the one most res ponsible for its existence." ' The gen eral manager of the Associated Press telegraphed him for an explanation, , whether he referred to President Cleveland or Debs as the one who was "most respon sible for its existence." His answer is very unsatisfactory, and he says the language in his annual report "does not warrant any such absurd miscon struction as is contained in the dis patch." ThiB will not satisfy the public as regards the import of Gen. Miles language regarding tne one responsible for the existence of the disturbance, and either President Cleveland or Debs could be considered the subject of the sentence. A cour teous explanation could have been made by Gen, Miles, and no further publicity of the matter would have been had. Aa it is, the language will be construed to suit the desire of the critic. In Venrzaela- New York, Oct. 25 A special from Caracas, Venezuela, s&jb: "It is reported that the cabinet, feeling that it is Impos sible to sustain President Crispo, will resign. Early yesterday a crowd gathered near the prison to liberate General Pi- nasgo. A figbt ensued witb the police and several persons were killed. The mob was finally driven off by troops. More newspaper editors have been arrested for criticizing tbe government. Five of a band organized to kidnap President Crispo, were killed in a riot at Maricaibo and seven were captured. Tbe latter divulged a plot to proclaim a provisional government with General X. Pinango at tbe bead. The government has ordered tbe seizure of all arms and ammunition on sale in shops. Many houses, are being searched lor . suspects. The streets are patrolled by troops. Warrants bave been issued for the arrest of seven high military officials. ' .' . ; Warned. London, Oct. 23 A Shanghai dispatch ays the Chinese fleet which recently left Port Arthur, has reached Wei Nei. Tbe taatai of Shanghai has requested foreign consuls to warn tbe subjpets of their governments to avoid localities where large bodies of Chinese are sta tioned. He also requested that all Japanese residents of China, to whom be refers as "Fawning pigmies," shall register at the city of Tien-Tern by tbe zutn prox . Reports have been received in Shane nai mat two boats connected with the torpedo service have been blown up at laku and eight persons killed and two wounded la the disaster. Boundary Dispute, City of Mexico, Oct. 25 Advices from Guatemala received in this city con firm tbe report that President Barrios it trying to make a scapegoat of Miles Rock, tbe American engineer, responsible for tbe present boundary between Chiapas and Guatemala. Tbe American Land Com pany, in which Barrios is interested, would lose heavilv on its property if Mexico should gam ber point. . Tbe JapaneHe Uiet. Hiroshima, uct. Z3 a. special .seS' sion of tbe Japanese diet closed yester day. Every measure, presented was unanimously passed. A memorial was adopted urging the government to ex. ecute tbe desire of the mikado witb view to the- restoration of peace in the east, the increase of the glory ot Japan tue punmumeni. oi unina ana the pre vention of future disturbances of eastern peace. Tbe memorial concludes witb tbe declaration toat Japao will not tolerate interfereuce by any notion to prevent ber obtaining tbe ultimate objects of the war which she has been waging against China. . . . lie Knew tbe Worxt. Berlin, Oct. 25 A St. Petersburg dis patch says that tbe czar heard the inti mation of bis physicians that bis case was hopeless, with great bravery. He at once ordered the settlement of the matter of the succession to tbe imperial throne. and expressed a wisb to bestow his bless ing upon the czarowicth and Princess Alix. ' Ta Ke Hanged. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 23 Jack Bla don, one of Tillman's dispensary con stables, who killed the first man, a negio for violating the dlspeosary law, in Soar tanburgn county last April baa since been found guilty of murder, and sentenced to be hanged Bladon tried to arret! the pegro, who fled, whereupon Elan don shot and killed him, Bladon bad been shot in tbe figbt which proceeded tbe arrest by one of the negroe's friends. 8 nee tbe deed Biadon has been returned on the force, and be took part in the Darlington riot, . It is believed his sentence will be commuted by Governor Tillman, EDITORIAL NOTES. President Cleveland, when asked to join the European powers in a friendly intervention in the China-Japan war, used the choicest diplomatic language to convey the impression to the Euro peans that Uncle Sam had grown great and rich by keeping his fingers out of other people s affairs, and that he in tended to keep up that policy. Gov. McKinley has calked protec tion over tbe country, and gave an address on this question one day this week in New Orleans. The south, for a number of years, has been tbe home of free traders, and McKinley liter ally carried the war into Africa, But the change that took place in 1892 has educated the people all over the country to the benefits of protections, and hereafter this economic policy will be national in a more emphatic sense than it ever was before. No intelligence has been received of tbe Jvanhoe, and it is feared she haa been wrecked. Hon. f. J. Grant, - Fall of a Handing. Chicago, Oct. 33 A 6ve story brick building 428 Wells street, in process of construction, couapsea today, burying several woramen in tne rums. Two men could be heard calling for helo from .under tbe debris, and it is thought five or pix more' were caugnt. All the work men escaped except Michael Rose a carpenter, and an Italian named Garoni. Tbey were soon rescued, aod though badly crushed, will probably recover. Catarrh in the Head An Unfortunate Inheritance How It Was Destroyed. "Spokane, Wash., Aug. 9, 1883. C I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I wish to add my testimony to the worth of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little girl has been cured by it of inherited catarrh. She had colds continually every month and yel low discharge, but since taking Hood's Sarsa- FOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES pari Ha has been entirely cured. Hood's Sar saparilla I hav found of great help to my other children." Mrs. L. JL Gillette, f Hood's Pills are baud made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c per box. Bura'.ic Humor. Drain, Or., Oct. 23 John McMahon, tbe Southern Pacific Company' track walker, left Comstock, nine miles north of here, about 11 o'clock Monday night. tie was oeia up by nvn whese faces were blicked, but when tbey attempted to stop him, be drew bis gun, stood them off aod came to town aod reported to the company. Parlies tent out to tbe place learned that the hold-up was dnno for a joke by men in the country near by. Brlgandx. - Panama, Oct. 23 Advices from Lima Peru, state that a vandal act has been perpetrated on Arequipa observatory. Brigands are reported to bave stolen all of tbe valuable instruments and de stroyed tbe buileings. Tbe observatory was established by Harvard university. and wag one of the finest equipped in tbe world. It is believed the United States will demand reparation. For Harmony. New Yobk, Oct. 24 Very little was said at Democratic state baadquartera to dav about the efforts of Senator Fau'k oer to Induce harmony in this city between tbe Democratio factions. Tbe general impression seems that Tamm my will not asK any of its candidates withdraw. Congressman Cummins said to a reporter today that General Sickles and himself would obey the orders .of the party. This statement is taken to indi cate that Sickles may not be withdrawn if Grace demaada it. Ao official inlor million has been received at the bead quarters as to Cleveland . Relieved by Operations. LiOitdon, uct. 554 A medical corre spondent telegraphs from Lividia this afternoon saying the czar bas been much relieved by the puncture of his legs, which is reducing the oedema. Prepara tions are being made for an operation of thoracentesis to relieve tbe effusion into the thoracic cavity which will doubtless relieve the distressed breathing of tbe patient. Oxygen inflations bave already strengntenea the action of the heart and tbe czir bas enjoyed many hours of rest, but, says the correspondent, there is little or no improvement in bis malady The C'xar Vry Drowsy. London, Oct. 24 A Moscow corre spondent telegraphs that tbe drowsiness with which tbe czr hag been affected is increasing, and that it is almost impos sible for bis majesty to keep awake excent when be attacked by1 nervous spasms which frequently seize , bim Nevertheless, he is able to take and retain .food . ; - The- wedding of the czaro witch and Princess Alix depends entirely upon the condition or bis majesty, but will take place either today or tomorrow. ' , Orenionlea Becnn. Paris, Oct . 24 A telrgram from Odessa says the marriage of tbe czro witch to Princess Alix of Hesse-Darm stadt begun this morning at Livadia. A telegram bas been received at Darmstadt announcing the conversion of the Prin cess Alix to tbe Greek faith, took place yesterday in tbe presence ot tbe procur ator general of the holy synod Pobedooo teff, in the strictest privacy. In Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Oct. . 24 Thomas B. Reed arrived bere today. Ha was fhown about tbe city, and made a brief speech to the high school students and on Change complimentary to the city and tne iNorinwesc. ai I ociock he was driven to Senator Wash bum's residence, at Fair Oak 8, for lunch. Tonight he' speaks at exposition bail. Against Malays, Madrid, Oct. 24 A cablegram bas benn received by the government from the governor ot tbe Philippine islands, saying 1000 men of the expedition sent against the Mai ay g of the island of Mindo bave reached tbe left bank of the river Agul, where they are erecting fortifications. rtiB dispatch also says tbe Dowerful Chiefs have submitted. Blown l'p. ' Aberdeen, Scotland, Oct 24 A dis patch from Peterhead, a seaport 25 mile from bere, announces the Swedish schoon er Alene, loaded with gunpowder, bad been blown up. Within two minutes after the explosion nothing waa seen on the surface of the water but splinters from tbe schooner. - All the crew per ished . Unreliable War Slews. Yokohama, Oct . 25 -It is reasserted that the army corps under Field Marshal Count Oyama, formerly minister of war, has effected a landing at Seikicsso, near Port Arthur. It is also again asserted that tbe Japanese army under Field Mar shal Yamagata bas successfully crossed the Yalu river and entered Manchuria. It was announced September 2C that Field Marshal Connt Oyama sailed from Hiroshima with tbe 'second Japanese squadron. Since then it bas been repeat edly asserted that tbe Japanese bad effected a lacding near Port Arthur, and it bas been stated a report waa current that this important place bad been captured by tbe Japanese. Oa tbe other band, tbe Japanese bave several times been reported as having crossed the Yalu nver and also as" having been repulsed. For instance, October 9 Shanghai dis- patch stated that Field Marshal Oyama bad crossed the Yalu river, and tbe last time be was reported repulsed was October 23, when it was asserted that both sides lost 3000 men in an engage inent, which resulted in tbe Japanese being driven southward. If tbe Japa nese have been so uniformly successful in tneir operations against tbe Chinese, it is difficult to understand bow they bave so many ot their soldiers wounded and sent to tbe rear. A dispatch sent from Chemulpo, October 22, announced that loOO wounded Japanese had arrived tbere. It is asserted there was a large oumoer oi Japanese wounded at Seoul. and it is stated '2100 wounded Japanese soldiers bad already been sent back to that country. Supposing a large number to mean another I'OOO, this would show tbat tbe whereabouts of about 6000 wounded are already known at Chemulpo, and it is safe to assume this number does not include those engaged in tbe recent tights said to bave occurred about the Yalu river. Veasel Monk. Southampton, Oot. 25 A collision between tbe steamship Paris, Captain Watkios, which arrived here last nigbt lrom New York, and an unknown ship, which sank soon afterward, as cabled, is the subject of an investigation by agents of the line. The collision took place be tween 1 :30 and 2 a. M. Wednesday, dur ing thick weather, accompanied by i heavy rain.' As Boon after tbe collision as possible tbe Paris was put about aod search made lor tbe ship, wbicn, although sighted lor a moment, disappeared before a lifeboat could be lowered, and nothing more waa seen of it, although the Paris searched for the ship until daylight. Tbe liner was eventually compelled to proceed lor this port without having sighted tbe wrecked vessel again, cr hav ing saved any of tbe crew. The Pvris was injured wben she arrived bere. It was reported the vessel with which the Paris collided showed a signal of distress after the collision, and screams were heard aboard ber. She displayed a white light about three minutes before the collision. It was added, however, that no red or green light was visible after the steamer struck the unknown ship. Victory Reported. London, JOct. 25 A dispatch from Wi-Ju says the commander of tbe Japa nese forces in Corea reports to bis gov ernment that Oetober 24, with a detach ment of 1600 Japanese, be met a body of Chinese at Snkocbin, across tbe Yalu nver. me uninese tied, leaving two cannon and considerable arms. Tbe Chi - nese lost 20 killed and wounded. Tbe Japanese suffered no loss. The Japanese seized the fort near tbe scene ot tbe en gagement. The main bodv of the apanese are now crossing tbe Yalu river. The Japanese forces which crossed th Yalu river at Suko-Chin captured the Chinese works with a rush. The Chinese took refuge further down the river. . The passage of tbe main body of Japanese across tbe river will probably be made tbe 25th . A report is current that tbe entire effective Chinese force is en trenched close to the Yalu river on Moukden road . Tbe main attack on the Chinese will be made Sunday. Improperly Treated. London, Oct. 25 A St. Petersburg dispatch tbii morning says there it a general feeling of indignation against Professor Zarscharin whose mistaken diagnosis in tbe first place, it is claimed, was rended more injurious to the pa tient by the protestor's negligence and lack ot medical skill. Professor Zr scbaria will be severely blamed accord ing to these advices, by Professor Leyden, aod it is aserted that should tbe czar die it will be because proper treaiment was not undertaken in time. The dispatches add tbit since the crisis, tbe cztnaa bat been subject to continual trembling and syncope, lesterday the condition of the czar varied between drowsiness and com parative cheerfulness. During one r latter penodt the caar said hn had been left alene with the czarowitcb an hour, and bad directed tbe leaving of message of farewell to Russia, which will be issued upon his death. WE AEE STILL II 4S IT AID YOU MOW IT We are selling more Goods than ever OUR PRICES ARB RIGHT We are paying More for Produce Than any other Dealer in The Dalles CONSULT YOUR INTERESTS AND TRADE WIIILanaHa JOLES, COLLINS &' CO, JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OP Rubber Boots, Ladies, Misses, Child's Rubbers And Arc-fin OvArclinAa AT PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO SELL THEM. ROBERT E. Oppooita Diamond Flooring MUla WILLIAMS THE DALLES, OR The lew Columbia Hotel This large and popular house does the principal hotel busi ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accom modations of any house in the city, and at the low rate of 81 Per Day. First-Class Meals, 25 Cents Office for all STAGE LINES leaving The Dalles for all points in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington, is located in this Hotel. 1 T. T. NICHOLAS, Proprietor. Cor. Front and Union Sts The Dalles, Oregon Portland Uiiiyei'sity Location Beautiful, Healthful and Free From All Places of Temptation. Best instruction in College, Preparatory, Normal and Business Courses, also in Theology, Music and Art. ' State Diplomas for Normal and. Diplomas for all courses. Board in West Hall, Club-Houses or private familes. Hundred to Two Hundred per year for board and tuition. . One Fall Term Opens September 18. i ' 1 1 Catalogues sent free. Address : ( ,C. C! STRATTON, D. D., President. " Or TH0S. VAN SCOY, Dean. of - Jjonrenao narqora. ' Locreszo Marqckz, Delagha Bay, Oct. 23 Tbe dbamber of commerce bat cabipd tbe Portncneee snvtromect tbat tbe condition of affairs bere is unbear able. Ba8ioe8t is ruioed and aa epidemic threatened. Portugal in ured to bave tbe Traasraal government send troops. Cmptnreet. KewTcbk, Oct, 23 A special from Tepititan, Mexico, sajs: "A bund of hrigandf, led by tbe notorious outlaw, Franre and HnMNta. Paris, Oct. 24 La Yeriie publishes a positive statement, said to be on the authority of H Roossel, to tbe effect tbat secret agreement exisu between France nd Russia as to the terms upon wbicn the two countriea .will take joint action in view ot possible contingencies. Ornwned, G1.OUCE8TEB, Oct. 24 Captain Jame son, of tbe scnooner Dora Lawton, from Grand Banks, today, reports tbe loss of four men by tbe capsizing ot dories while attending tbe trawls. lylnr. Loudon, Oct. 14 A St. Petersburg dispatch says tbe death of Grand Duke George, second son of tbe czar, who is suffering with lung trouble, is a question of a few days. A tante in a rhnrrh. St. PETEitsBuo,; Oct. 25 During tbe consecration of a church in tbe village of Trokh, near Ostdoviansky, in the Don province, a lamp was upset. A erf of tire was raised and a Dime followed ijunng ine rusn for the doors two women aad tbre children were tram Died 10 u emu auu at seriously injured. - Drawn the Line., Oct. 25 A Livadia dispatch confirms the reports that Princess Alix steadfastly refused to anathematize ber former faith id obedience to tbe rites of the orthodox Greek church.' Even the efforts of the czar have not shaken ber determination. Awarded Highest Honors World Fair. ISrO mm V MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fnt from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, HO ID'S Collateral Bank and Auction Eoom SECOND STOKE!. OppodU Ward, Kwnt Bobarton'a Urvy BUblf Second-Hand Furniture Bought and Sold Money Loaned on Jewelry and Other Valuables. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY property placed with me at a raMuxuble eou.mliloo. Give me a sail. K. B. HOOD. Yfiii Ham Minn) Ms to Pirnta. EEMEHBEE H. X. NOLAN, Who always sella as low as the lowest in the city. On'account of a circular quite generally distributed through this section by the agent of the American Book Company, the price list of school books published in September, 1891, is hereby withdrawn: all the prices in tbat list being lower than thor aent claim) are the proper retail prices, for new prices inquire at bis sto 14S3 Second Street. THK DALLEH, OKJCOOISf YOUCANNOTAFFORDT 0 OVERLOOK THIS In anticipation of a revival of business activity we bought an enormous large line of MEN'S UNDERWEAR and OVERSIIIRTS for fall and winter which we have placed on the market at prices to suit the times. J. C. HERTZ The Dalles, Or,