The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 27, 1894, Image 1

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NO. 10.
r -
-',! A
7 ?. '
lT A AAjV-? ifXT .AA- VMAAiU "
John Michell, Editor and Proprietor
Professional Cards.
Physician and Surgeon
Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours, 10
a m to 12 m, and trom z to 4 p m. ueu
deoce Weit End of Third Street,
- Attorneys at Law
Rooms 42 and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
' . Physician and Surgeon,
Booms 8 aod 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore.
Practical Dentist
Office Over A. A. Brown's grocery. Second St.
All work guaranteed to give tatisf-ction and all the
a Lest improved metnoas useu in aentai operations
p. II.
ASCO LODGE, NO. 15. A. F & A. M. Meets
first and third Monday of each month at S
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wedliesda)
, each month at s P M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, 5, I. O. O. P. Meets
every Friday evening; at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P.
1111, corner of Second and Court street. Sojourn
n? brothers are welcome. H. Clouoh, Sec y. .
FtlENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 0., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Sen an
no's building, corner of Court and Second streets.
Sojourning: brothers are cordially invited.
D. Vaimb, K. H. and S. F. MENEFEE, C.
will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the reading- room. All are invited.
XVL Hood Camp, No. 60, meets every Tuesday
evening" of each week at 7:30 o'clock, in A. Keller's
Hall. All brothers and sojourning- brothers are
nvited to be present. ,
mEMPLR LODGE, NO. S. A. O. U. W.-Meets
J in KKeller'sUaU every Thursdav evening at 7:30
o'clock. ' ran. uusri, ai. w,
W. 8. Htbrs, Financier.
AS. NESM1TH POST. NO. .12, G. A. R Meets
I every Saturday at 7 .30 P. M. in K. of P. HalL
OF L. E. Meets every Friday afternoon in
a. of r. nail-
ajT Sunday evening in Kellers uau
1 . OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167. Meets n K.
Jjt of P. Hall the first and third Wednesday of
acn month at 7:30 r. u.
Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M.
P. M. Sabbath school immediately after the
' morning service. Prayer meeting; every Thursday
evemiig at s r. . .
ME. CHURCH Kev. Jxo. WmsLEa, Pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning and evening.
Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. M. A eordial invi
tation extended by both pastor and people to all.
i Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sunday School after morning service.
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brokbskjbtt
Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High
sat 10:30 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M.
CfTrTAOTS CHURCH.-- Union -Street, opposite
O Fifth. Kev. lUi El Sutclifie, Rector. Services
' every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M., Sunday
school at V-JSQ A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday si
730 P.M.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Kit. J. W. JaNxlsa, pas
tor. Preaching every Sunday afternoon at a
o'clock in the Congregational church. Ah are cor
tally invited.
Real Estate, Loans and karance.
Agent for the Scottish Union and Notional In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
- terms.
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
Hip Eslafili
The Second Door from Corner of Union
and Second Streets
Where she has oa sale
All the Latest Styles of Hew Fall Goods
ree oors rom ourt '
The TaMes are Furnished with the BEST the
market affords
Will be served In say style during the season
Baoks an! Notions, Pianos and Organs
PIANOS and Organs sold on easy monthly
pymU and all COMPETITION
we are prepared to meet. Call or address ,
162 Sacond Street The Dalles, Or
Saint Mary's Academy!
Bates per term of tea weeks, payable in advance:
Board and tuition ...t0
ntranee fee, payable but once S
Bed and tedding 8
instrumental Music, Type-writing, Telegraphy,
Drawing; and Paintiuc form extra charyea.
French, German. Latin, Needlework and Vocal
Music taught free to regular pupils.
Bates fcr Day Pupils 6, $&, S or flO per term.
' according to grade.
For further particulars address:
Manufacturer of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse,
A Work narauteed to tlvi Sat
DniYersity of Oregon!
Next session begins September 17, 1894.
Tuition, free. Board. 2 60 a week.
Eive courses Classical, Scientific, Literary, En
glish ard business.
DORMITORY The boarding hall for young ladies
and the boarding hall for young gentlemen will bo I
unaer tne personal supervision or Mrs. Munra, a
lady of refinement and large experience..' .
For catalogues address
1. 1. WALTON, Sec,y Regents.
. 1
Wines, Liauors Cigars.
Second Street East End.
Snecial Prices to Cash Buvers
Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Bta.
8uecessorato George Buch.
The Clieapest , Place
All Kinds of Groceries,
We Kspectfullv solicit a sh of the public pat
ronage and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac
tioa to our customers ootn rin aa new. .
S1Vr1tSSV'"i' VrV'
Charles A. Baldwin & Co.!
9 ta A m T W -.-.
L 4 and 42 Wall street,
New York.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received d
w on lavoraDie terms.
. Bonds and Investment Securities.
f Dallv rinnnfnt I ,4iu ua:i.w a it
j. 1 . ............. .un maiicu ihi npiiyanun.
R. E. Saltmarshe
. w J AT THI i '
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
Gunning & Hockman
In the new shop on Pecond 'tstreet, first blacksmith
snop east oi trench tlUo.'s brick block. .
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
AH kinds of work in iron, whether of aericultuial
implements or venicies, done In the most mechan
:cil style and satisfaction guaranteed. Jan2wky
Pakk Obssitv Pn,u win reduce your weight
PERHANKNTLV from 12 to 15 pounds a
mouth. No starvina; sickness or inlary; no public
ity. They build up the health and beautify the
complexion, leavine no wrinkles nr flabbiness. Stout
abdomens and difficult breathing; surely relieved.
NO BXPhRinEJITbiit a scientific and posi
tive relief, adopted only after years of experience.
All orders supplied direct from our office. Price
$2.00 per package or three packages for $5.00 by
mad postpaid. ' Testimonials and particulars (sealed
All Correapondeaief) Strtetly CoBflden
Ual. PABK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
Sample : Rooms,
' (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.)
The Best Wines.
Liquors and Cigars
Best Kentueky Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes'
. of Wines,
English Fortor Ale and Milwauke
Beer always oa band.
DAN BAKER, Prop'r.
'. Keeps on band the oest
fc, Lipors and Cigars.:
Near the Old Mint, Second Street,
; - '. -
hi : :
Northeast Cor Second and CourtStrsets , The Dalles
' 1
I The BE3T of -TrrS , .
nd CJigerS Always on Sale '
Columbia Brewery Beer on
Draught. ;
Cigar Factory
Opposito the Implement Warehouse
PJP ADO f De Be8 Brandg manafact
UlUAlsO ured, and ordeas from all parts
of the country filled on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CIUAK
has become firmly established, and the de
mand for the home manufactoaed artiole is
increasing eyery day. A. ULR1CH 4 SON.
Also Cifrara and Tobacco c( the best brandu retailed .
Clacks, Watches, Jewelrj, Etc
Alwavs keeps on sale the latest and beat styles o
Time-pieces, Diamond Rings, Bow-knot Binvs, Sil
verware, etc,, etc.
163 Second Street, next door to A.M
Williams fcfV x
TtE dalles, OREGON
- Second street next door east of
A - The Dalles Nat Bank
Javintr just opened in business, and having a full
assortment oi tne latest frooai in my une, 1 de
sire a share of the public patronaire .
If you want cheap fencing;, use the new wire nailed
This will stretch 25 per cent further to the same
number of paunds than any other wire in the mar
ket, and also makes the best fences. Stop and ex
amine it and you will be oonvinced that this is the
wire you want. .
Sole agents for The Dalles.
Children Cry
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
1 recommena it as superior to any prescription
known to me-1 H. A. Archer, M. D.,
ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T
"I use Castoria In my practice, and find It
specially adapted to aiTectioiis of children."
Axxx. Kobirtsom, M. D.,
1057 2d Ave., New Vorli
"From personal knowledge I can say thrit
liastoria is a roost excellent medicine for chii
Jren." . Da. G..C. Osoood,
Lowell, Mass,
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
First National Bank
Successors to
Transacts a Regnlar Banking Business
Buy and sell Exchange.
Collections carefully made and promptly accounted
for. Draw on Aew lorK, Ban rrancisco and rori
land Directors!
D P Thompson, Ed M Williams, J 9 Schenck,
George Liebe, HM Beall. '
A. KELLER Prop'r
I am pepared to furnish families, notels'and res
lansants witn tor cnoicest
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh Oysters Sened is Every Style.
8eeomd Street. Next door to The Dalles Na
tional Bank, ;
(Successor to P. KREFT CO.
Dealer in
Artists' Material and Painters' Supplies
All orders for paintincr, papering and
kaliorjainir.g promptly attended to .
The Dalles National Bank
President, I. F. Moody,
-Cashier. 1. 1. Moody
General Banting Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold 00
- Manufactures thelBest Articles of
Soda, Sarsaparilla and Ginger . Ale
. Lsaue Orders With Andrew Ksller,
Confectiooer. ,
Kansas Crrr, Oct. 19 The following
telegraphic correspondence in reference
to a mooted paragraph in General Miles'
annaal report is self-explanatory: .
Kansas Crrr, Oct. 17 General Nelson
A. Miles, U. S. A., Fort Sill, via Rush
Springs, I. T. This paragraph in your
recent annnal report is being much
quoted aod commented upon by the press
and public: "The conduct 'of tne troops
in restoring order and confidence, where
mob violence and a reign of terror ex
isted in Chicago, was marked by great
forbearance, fortitude and excellent du
cipline, and tbeir presence and action
here very greatly contriouied to tbe
maintenance of civil- law, aud, in my
opinion, saved this country from a very
sorioaa rebellion, when one had been
publicly declared to exist by tbe one
most responsible lor its existence." It
bas been said the ene you refer to is
President Cleveland, and it baa been ex
plained by your friends that yon proba
bly meant EuBene V. Debs. Will you
please wire a statement about tbe matter
to tbe Associated Press at Kansas City,
Mo., for dissemination throughout the
country, and thereby favor us.
Melville E. Stone,
General Manager Associated Press.
Anandaree, O. T., Oct. 19 Melville
E. Stone, General Manager Associated
Press, Kansas City, Mo.: The language
in my annual report does not warrant
any sucb absurd misconstruction as is
contained in your dispatch. Tbe earnest
desire and purpose of tbe president in
maintaining the supremacy of tbe law
and tbe civil government and tbe restor
ation of peace with tbe least, possible
delay, is too well known to be misunder
stood or lightly appreciated.
.Nelson A. Miles,
Msjor General.
The Japanese Parliament.
HriioscHiMA, Japan, Oct, 19 Bills
ntroduced at the extraordinary session of
parliament convened by tbe mikado, in
clude, first, a bill calling for a special
accountancy of the extraordinary war
expenses; secondly, a bill empowering
tbe government to borrow money to
defray tne expenses of tbe war. the
maximum amount being placed at
100,000,000 yen, and thirdly, an
extraordinary budget providing for tbe
expenditure for tbe war ef a total of
150,000,000 yen, of which 26,000,000
will be defrayed by tbe surplus. Tbe
president of tbe diet. M. Kusumoto,
replying to the speech of tbe mikado,
thanked' bis majesty for advancing with
tbe imperial standard and for personally
taking charge of the war, saying the vic
tories were tbe natural results of this
action. M. Kusumoto added "Your
majesty might have considered China
was tbe enemy ef civilization, and we
obey .tbe imperial desire to destory its
barbarouB obstinacy."
ttrowlbaT Worse.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 19 There
seems to' be no longer any reasonable
doubt that tbe czar is rapidly approach
ing bis end. A dispatch from Lividia
today announces that his condition has
changed for the worse since yesterday,
and tbe imperial family is alarmed. A
special difpatch received subsequently
from Lividia says the czar last evening
suffered from a sudden spasm of tbe
heart, which compelled him to lie down.
His condition became so critics! that bis
confessor, Father Tamscbew, was hastily
summoned. It is reported here this
afternoon an imperial - edict will be
published Monday entrusting the regency
to tbe czarowitz, General Count Voront
zoffdacboff, aide-de camy to tbe emperor,
and minister of tbe Imperial honae; K.
P. Pobiebcnastieff, procurator-general of
the holy synod, actual privy councillor;
Witte, minister of tbe interior, and lien-
eral Vannouski, minister ef war.
It is announced here this afternoon the
condition of tbe czar is desperate.
Washington, Oct. 19 Assistant
Secretary Hamlin today received a tele
gram from Senator Squires and Editor
G H Hilbron, of Seattle, Wash ., saying
that Frederick J. Grant, ex-minister to
Bolivia, and one of tbe owners of the
Pott-Intelligencer, was a passenger on the
ItanJioe, supposed to bave been lost 50
miles sontbwest of Cape Flattery, on tbe
Washington coast, September 88, and
asking that searching parties be sent
north . - Senator Squise says it is possible
the crew ot 18 men of tbe Itanhoe and
Mr. Grant may bave taken to tbe boats
and bave been carried to the north coast
of Vancouver island. Tbe assistant
secretary sent telegrams to Captain
Tozier, of tbe revenue cutter Grant, now
at Port Townsend, and to Captain Mon
ger, ot the Corwin, at San Francisco, to
proceed immediately to searco lor toe
lost crew and passenger. Secretary
Herbert also may send a vessel to join in
tbe search.
The Japanese Fleet. '
Tien-Tsin, Oct. 19 The Norwegian
steamer Peik, from Shanghai, was re
cently overhauled and searched by a
Japanese warship off Sbang Tung prom
ontory . Nothing which could be classed
as contraband of war was found. The
csptain of the Norwegian steamer reperts
he sighted a fleet of Japanese warships
30 miles off TaKu. The Chinese fleet,
wbicb had been undergoing repairs at
Port Arthur, was ordered to leave tbat
port yesterday, Oct oner 1. Tbe Japanese
are expected to cross tbe Talu river at a
point SO miles northeast of Chuleang
Cheng, where the Chinese army head
quarters is situated. General Sing is in
command ef tbo Chinese forces at tbat
The Bevoiatloiilsjta.
Montevideo, Uruguay, Oct. 19-Ad
miral Saldana Da Gama banquetted Bra
zilian officers last night. All drank to
the success of tbe revolutionary cause,
and pledged themselves to take an active
part if the Brazil committee here decided
to continue tbe struggle alter an inau
guration ot Dr. Morales as president.
Sympathizers with tbe Brazilian revolu
tion are jnbilant over victories in Rio
Grande no Sul. General Saravia is now
pushing northward with a considerable
body of men, intending to attack tbe
government forces in Matto Grosso.
Sixteen officers have left here to join tbe
A Chinese Vprlslnsr.
London, Oct. 19 -A Shanghai dispatch
reaffirms the statement that a small up-
rising bas taken place st Kualo Hwei, in
which two officials were killed. Tbe
same diapatch says that tbe peculations
of Sbeng, tbe taotai of Tien-Tin, have
been well known throughout China, but
certain persons in exalted positions bave
endeavored to suppress all mention of bis
irregularities. .
' Hansred.
St. PAUiOct. 19 At 5:16 tbis morn
ing Charles Ermish and Otto Wenigkeit
were banged. These desperadoes, weam
ing masks, about 9 o'clock on tbe night
of May 2, eutered tbe saloon ot L. R
Kohlman, demanded drinks, and shot
and Killed Lindholf, tbe barkeeper
Ermish was but 19. and Womgkeit less
tban 21. While under death sentence,
Ermish secured a revolver from bis
mother, shot and painfully wounded tbe
deatb watch and escaped part way
through the jail. '
M nesting 1 heir Forces.
London. Oct. 19 A Shanghai dispatch
says 500 troops accompany tbe viceroy of
Hu-Kwang province to Peking.
A letter from Tien-Tsin reports that
30,000 troops bave arrived there from
various provinces. It is expected by tbe
end ot tbe month 100,000 troops will
bave arrived. Forty-eight thousand
cavalry are arriving frem different prov
inces, especially Sbin K'ng and Kino.
Tbe nrst installment of German rifles
has ariived at Tien-Tsin.
France and Egypt.
Paris, Oct. 19 The Steele, discussing
the eastern war, says France cannot
discuss the Corean question while the
British hold Egypt.
The Doctors aMsaxree.
Paris, Oct. 20 A council of ministers
was held at Elysee palace today
Premier Dupny notified tbe council be
was in receipt of telegraphic advices
stating there was a slight improvement in
tbe czir's condition .
Early this afternoon a dispatch from
St. Petersburg announces tbe latest re
ports received tbere from Lividia state
that although the czar is still alive, he
has rapidly weakeued. A striking fact
n connection with the czar's illness is tbe
difference of opinion regarding the exact
nature of the malady from which he is
suffering. J?igaro, for instance, today
declares tbe symptoms disagree with tbe
usual symptoms of kiuney disease.
Professor Sacbarjin was convinced it was
cancerous and impossible to operate
upon. Tais was bis ground for recently
Informing tbe czar he could not possibly
live, as the disease was incurable.
Professor Leyden. however, was more
optimistic, aod, after a careful study ot
tbe symptoms of the czir's trouble ex
pressed tbe belief it was true a tumor
listed, but be added it was of a benign
nature and curable. Figaro makes- tbe
tartling statement tbe czar bas been
badly nursed, and the arrangements for
is care were quite of a primitive nature.
Tbis statement is somewhat unkind as it
is known tbe czar's most assiduous Durse
bas been tbe czarina, who, according to
rumor, bas broken down under tbe strain
of attending continually upon ber dying
husband. L Tempi says tbere is not a
corner of France where prayers bave not
been offered up tor the recovery of the
czar. The czar, since tbe tetes at Toulon
following tbe arrival tbere of the Russian
spuadron under Admiral Avillan. bas
everywhere in tbe French reoublic been
I considered as a life-ally of France. '.
Tbe National Zeitnng says M. Hano
taux, minister of foreign affairs, bas
received news tbat the czar died last
night, and tbat be is withholding tbe
dispatch nntil tbe news is confirmed by
the Russian embassy here. Tbe officials
at the foreign office declare tbat no sucb
dispatch bas bean received.
' Seattle, Oct. 20 Thomas Blanck was
sentenced to death by Judge Humes to
day and fully bore out his' reputation as a
desperado. He was brought into court
with "twisters" on bis wrists, a detective
on each Bide, while Jailer Monroe fol
lowed closely behind. Wben Judge
Humes asked Blanck if he bad anything
to say why sentence should not be
passed, the prisoner, who was near tbe
stenographer's desk, arose, tilted up a
chair with one foot, leaned over tbe back
of it, placed one manacled hand under
bis chin, looked steadily into tbe eyes of
tbe jndge, and said in a voice full of
"I'll come back and haunt you. I
won't have one gun then, but two, and
wben I tell you to put up your bauds,
I'll plug you pretty quick."
As be referred to tbe weapons, he
threw both bands forward, after the
manner of a highwayman. Tbe man
seemed like a wild beast at bay.' Judge
Humes then prononced the sentence,
closing with tbe accustomed formula tbat
wben tbe day of execution is set a war
rant will issue. Blanck, who still leaned
defiantly over tbe chair, quickly said:
"I want it pretty damned quick."
He was tben taken to bis cell, and
went quickly.
Repulsed. -
Shanghai, Ok. 29 Accordicg fo Chi
nese advices a severe battle has been
fonght on the lower portion of The Talu
river. Tbe Japanese are said to have
crossed tbe river and attacked the Chi
nese, but, after fierce fighting, tbe Japa
nese were repulsed. Both sides are said
to bave lost heavily. Tbe Chinese do
not claim a conclusive victory, but de
clare tbat they still maintain their
position. No confirmation of the dis
patch is obtainable, but it is thought
probable tbat fighting bas actually
occurred .
It is believed tbat tbe Japanese will
claim an effective blockade of tbe Gulf of
- A Tien Tain-dispatch reports tbat large
quantities of munitions of war are arriv
ing there from Germany, wbicb are being
forwarded to New -Cbang and Port
Five Dead.
Joliet, 111, Oct. 21 One of the most
disastrous explosions tbat has occurred
on tbe drainage canal happened tbis
morning about 4 'clock, by which three
men were killed ontrigbt and three sen
riously injured. Tbe explosion took
place at Rickers & Lsan's camps, near
Summit. A gang of men were at work
putting in a blast, wben tbe giant powder
exploded, blowing three men to pieces
Wben the explosion took place tbe other
men van for tbeir lives, and tbe dead
conld not be identified. Last evening
another explosion took place at tbe same
camp, where two men were killed and
wounded. None of them have any rela
tives or friends here.
Olney'n Decision.
Washington, Oct. 20 Attorney
General Olney has rendered an opinion,
said to be substantially tbe same as tbat
of Solicitor Reeve, of tbe treasury depart
ment, on the power of a state to itsue
bills of a small denomination for circu
lating purposes. Solicitor Reever held
tbat a state bad sucb right, but be went
still further and held that such issue of
bonds was not subject to the J0-per-cent
law as currency. Neither Secretary
Carlisle nor Attorney-General Olney will
make public tbe exact text of tbe decision
which Secretary Carlisle received this
London, Oct 20 A Tokio dispatch
says tbat 40.000 Japanese troops, under
command of Marshal Count Oyama, have
left Hiroshima on a fleet of 33 transports.
Tbeir destination u not known.
Other airmbera Slot.
Vienna, Oct. 20 A special dispatch
from St . Petersburg says that tbe czarina,
who bad watched constantly until today
at her husband's bedside, bas had a stroke
of apoplexy. Tbe Grand Duchess ,
Xenia, her eldest daughter, bas broken
down under the nervous strain and is
obliged to pass most of tbe time in bed. i
It is also reported her son, Grand Duke
George, is dying. Tbe czar was tapped
today for dropsy. It is improbable ibat
tbe Princess Alix will reach Lividia in
time to be married to too czarowitch
before tbe czar's deatb .
The Ivanhoe.
Seattle, Oct. 20 The Canadian
steamer Quadra arrived at Victoria today.
after a cruise along tbe west coast of
Vancouver island, and reports ne signs
oi me missing ship. The othcers of tbe
Ouadro believe tbe Ivanhoe to be all
right. The failure of Captain Tozier, of
tbe revenue cutter Grant, to cruise down
the Washington coast Monday last, to
look for wreckage, is meeting with severe
criticism. Tbe cutter bas again been or
dered outside and will make tbe search
in connection with tbe Corwin and tbe
tug Pioneer.
- Chinese Mqaadron.
Shanghai, Oct. 20 Four vessels of
tbe Cbmese southern sqadroa have ar
rived at WeiHai-Wei. Tbe Chinese
steamer Tuna Chow, which bas arrived
here, repoits two Chinese ironclads and
one Chinese cruiser, which bave been
undergoing repairs at Port Arthur, have
reached Wei- Hai-Wei. It is added tbe
other Chinese warships will require more
extentive repairs, and consequently tbe
departure from Port Arthur may be de
layed for some time.
The Other Passengers.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 20 Among the
passengers from Seattle on board the
overdue ship Ivanhoe, besides Hon. F. J. j
Grant,-ex -prime minister to Bolivia and
managing editor of the Past -Intelligencer,
of this city, were two ladies, one Mrs.
Mamie L. Bard, whose mother resides
here, and tbe other a friend ot Mrs. Bard,
name unknown. A student of naviga-
tion, Allen P. Folger, was also a passen
ger. Mrs. Keile, mother of Mrs. Bard, is
prostiated and ber life is dispaired of.
A Fire.
Ntack, N. T., Oct. 22 Four graod-
cbildreu of Rev, William Taylor, Metho
dist missionary bishop of Africa, perished
in tbe burning of tbe elegant house of
tbeir father, Rnss Taylor, at South Ny
ack, early today. In addition one man
was so badly burned be can scarcely re
cover, and two others were seriously
It was a little after 4 o'clock when
Mrs. Taylor was awakened by smoke.
She aroused her husband. Rev. Rots
Taylor. He found the balls filled with
smoke, tbe fire having obtained great
headway. Mr. and Mrs. Tavlor groped
through tbe suffocating smoke to the
outer air, without having been able to
extend a helping band to tbeir six chil
dren or others ot tbe household. As Mr.
and Mrs. Tavlor emerged, tbe fire de
partment arrived. Tbe energies 'of all
were directed toward tbe rescue of those
who remained in tbe doomed strncture.
Tbe two eldest Taylor children, Stewart
and William, were aroused, and jumping
from tbe window, were caught without
being seriously injured. Harriet, aged
11; Ada, 9; Arthur, 7; and Scbultz, 5,
perished. Tbeir bodies were recovered
tbree bonrs later. Michael Mo lady,
laborer, and Edward Link and William
Ruth, bouse-decorators, sleeping in the
third story, jnmped for tbeir lives.
Mulady was fatally hurt; Ruth and Link
sustained serious injuries, but will prob
ably recover. Tbe bouse bad been
recently built, and the interior decora
tions were still incomplete.
The tnneral 01 tne lour children was
held at 11a.m. today. Tbe four charred
bodies were placed in one casket. Rev.
J B Taylor officiated, and Rev. Ross
Taylor, tbe bereaved father, made a few
remarks, telling several pathetic inci
dents. Many Wounded.
Chehttlpo, Oct. 22 A detachment ef
1800 wounded Japanese bas arrived here.
Tbere are a large number of wounded at
Seoul. In addition, 2100 wounded
Japanese bave been sent to Japan. At
Ping Tang there are 1200 wounded Chi
nese in tbe hospitals. Tbe rebellious
Tong Haks of southern Corea are restless,
and only tbe fact tbat tbey are not pro
vided wi:b arms prevents them from
breaking out into open revolt and mov
ing upon Seoul, far wbicb many or tbem
bave started.
Four hundred Japanese soldiers have
been stationed at the king's palace at
Seoul, as tbe king's brother is believed to
be leagued' with the Tong Haks, Tbe
Chinese are mobilizing a force at Kiern
and gathering a strong force at Pow
Ting Fo.
Tbe second son of ' tbe king of Corea
left bere October 15 aa a special envoy to
tbe mikado, in order. It is supposed, to
return tbe visit of the Marquis Sloulo, a
Japanese envoy. The king's son took
him a quantity of presents.
Many letters to Europeans In Corea
have been opened by tbe Japanese
autberities. Tbe British consul's mail-
bag was detained tbree weeks.
Oregon City, Oct. 22 Ross L Spen
cer, constable of this precinct, shot and
killed bimtelf bere tbis morning. He
went to tbe sheriff's office about 9 o'clock
and borrowed a revolver from the sheriff.
He tben went down to Justice Dixon's
court and finished up some work he bad
to do. About 10 o'clock be was found
with a bullet hole clear through bis head
alive, but unconscious. A physician
was called, who, upon examination, pro
nounced tbe wound fatal. He lingered
until noon, wben he died without having
regained bis consciousness. Mr. Spencer
was about 60 years of age, and leaves a
widow and six children. He was elected
constable on tbe populist ticket last June,
and bas made a very efficient officer. He
bas been quite despondent lately, saying
the office did not pay enough to support
bis family. He owned a bouse and lot
at Canemah, where be resided.
Talk of a Revolution. '
Qukzeltenanuo, Guatemala, Oct. 23
It is known tbat the opponents of
President Barrios have distributed over
500 rifles in tbe rural districts within a
fortnight. Tbe concentration of troops
by Mexico on tbe frontier has aroused
fear among the people. Tbe reports of
spies sent bere by Barrios bave evidently
f.ightened bim. '
It is positively known tbat President
Barnes Is sending agents throughout the
country to pacify the people, who are
tired of bis government.
Tbe movement of troops toward tbe
frontier continues, notwithstanding de
nials by tbe ' government. If war is
declared between Mexico and Guatemala,
revolution undoubtedly will break out
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
at three different points, and President
Barrios will be among tne first to be
Fire in a: to llexleo.
Bom it an, Mexico, Oct. 22 Many peo
pie are arriving from Guatemala to
avoid tbe horrors ot war, which is con'
sidered certain. It is reported that
President Barrios, determined on having
war, is recruiting men throughout Cen
tral America to serve against Mexico.
He bas been swindled by an enterprising
Yankee, who obtained a large sum of
money en agreement to bring filibusters
from Texas and Louisiana, aod who, it is
discovered, is a fraud, and is now safe in
A Cyclone la Kansas.
Arkansas Crrr, Kan- Oct. 22 Gueda
Springs, 10 miles from here, was struck
by a cyclone Saturday evening, which
did $10,000 damage. No one was killed
tbougb a nur&ber were severely injured
E Welter got bis family into a eyclone
cave and bad just closed tbe door wben
tbe bouse toppled over on tbem. Tbey
were imprisoned 12 hours. Tbe storm
was about two miles wide, and destroyed
crops and farm buildings along its course,
Preparina for War.
O ax AC a, Mexico, Oct. 23 Official ad
vices bave been received bere that tbe
government of Guatemala is dispatching
large forces of troops to tbe frontier along
the Mexican border. Tbe Mexican gov
ernmunt bas ordered several thousand
troops to Acapulco and Tebauntepec
These evident preparations for war are
causing great excitement in tbe state of
Tabasco and Cbiapos, and many foreign
ers are leaving.
' Slot bollty.
Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 23 Tbe tiial
of Dr. Minkler, which began in tbe su
preme court last Wednesday, was fin
ished tbis afternoon. Tbe .jury, alter
being out 15 minutes, brought in a
verdict of not guilty. This ends tbe
prosecutions growing ont ef tbe deatb of
old man Wright at Centralis in December
1892 Tbey have cost tbe county about
Critical Condition.
London, Oct. 22 Tbe papers this
afternoon publish a dispatch frem Pans
saying that the ezarina bad a bad attack
of bvsteria vesterday. She never leaves
tbe sickroom of tbe czar, and can hardly
be induced to take repose. 1 It Is feared
she will lose ber reason if ber anxiety li
protracted any considerable time.
Japanese Warships.
London, Oct. 22 A dispatch from
Tien-Tain savs a report is current tbat
17 Japanese warships, under Admiral Ito,
have assemblod at Ping Yang inlet
Thornton baVen, it is said, has never been
occupied bv the Japanese. The Chinese
fleet is reported at Wai Hai-Wai.
. Dispatches Opened.
London, Oct. 23 A Shanghai dispatch
says tbe opening of dispatches addressed
to tbe British consul at Seoul by Japanese
authorities tbere bad resulted in sharp
diplomatic correspondence between
England and Japan.
Peace Wanted.
Tien-Tsin, Oct. 23 It is stated from
reliable sources tbat negotiations for
peace between China and Japan are pro
ceeding at seoui. ,
South Omgha Market.
A market review from South Omaha
tbe week ending October 13, says:
"There has been something of a decrease
in receipts tbis week, but there has been no
corresponding improvement in values for fat
cattle. In fact, notwithstanding ihe ample
supplies, the proportion of desi'bble beef
steers bas been small. Tbere has been a
good demand all week for tbe riht kind of
stock, and prices for anything at all de
sirable have held tbeir own fairly well . On
the poor to fair rough thin stock the mar
ket has shown neither life nor strength,
and if anything prices have shaded off as
compared with last week. An unusually
active demand for feeders the past day or
two has rather helped the market for low
grade beef steers, but the general toue to
the trade is weak. '
"The stocker and feeder market has im
proved right along in spite of heavy re
ceipts, aod a comparatively drill cattle
tiade. There appears to be an unusual
urgent demand from all parts of the country
for stackers aud feeders, particularly tbe
former, as they will'not have to be fed corn
the coming season. Values in general
bave advanced 1525c, the light cattle and
yearlings showing tbe most advance. The
volume ef trading bos been large."
The cascade shocks.
The Oregonian says: The board of Coited
States engineers, convened to consider
modifications of the original plan for the
Cascade locks, have completed their inspec
tion of the locks and were preparing their
report for tbo chief of engineers yesterday.
Tneir report cannot be made publio at
present, bat it is understood1 that the mod
ifications, if any are to be made, amount to
very little. Tbe principal thing desired is
the speedy completion of the woik, whioh
is progressing favorably. Colonel Craighill
and Captain Marshall, of the board, will
leave for the east at once. Colonel Mendell
has gone to Yaquina bay with Captain Sym
ons to look over the jetty work in progress
Death of Miss Rose Heater.
On Wednesday morning; Oct. 17th, Miss
Rose Heater who baa been suffering from
consumption for the psst five months, at
last succumbed to that dread disease, and
ber funeral, which was largely attended by
relatives aod friends, took place Thursday
afternoon. Rev. Wm. Michell performing
the last sad rites. Miss Heater was born in
Tbe Dalles and was 17 years of age. Dar
ing her long illness she showed much forti
tude and patience, and although realizing
that ber ' days were nam Wed, appeared
very hopefal for the sake of those who were
constantly with her.
A rreot ot" Cel. Morgan.
Col. Chat. E. Morgao, formerly a resident
of this city and the impelling; motive of the
organization of the Third regiment O. N. G.,
was arrested in Portland on a charge of em
bezzlement Saturday evening in Portland.
Since leaving this city be bas bean sngsgsd
in real estate and insurance basinssi in the
metropolis. Of late years be has boss a
constant drinker and has gambled. In
interviews with persons interested in the
companies whose money he has embezzled,
tbe Oregonian publishes the following:
"Morgan seemed to work indastnoasly
for some time," said Mr. Arnold, "bat got
into trouble daring the flood of this year.
He went oyer to the East Side, and for
several weeks I did not hear from him.
Finally when the waters had subsided suf
ficiently to allow me, I drove over there te
look him up1. This was on July 1. . I found
Morgan in a saloon, and learned that bo
had been on a continuous spree, Wbsn I
asked bim for the money he bad collected
on several polices he had issued, hs pot me
off, saying he would settle later.
"The long and short of it all is," con
cluded Mr. Boyd, "that I found be bad
collected several hundred dollars, and when
confronted with the oondition of affairs he '
acknowledged his crookedness. I asked
him to settle with me, and as be did not
have any money, I told bim to try and se
cure me. ibis be did not do, and several
months having sinoe passed, daring which
time he bas avoided me, I concluded hs
wonld not try to settle. So far as I know,
he has embezzled $033. My real reasons
for haying him arrested are the result of re
ports I have received that be was getting
ready to leave tbe oity for California."
The Dreamer.
The celebrated individual In Portland
who, in tbe midst of the visions of the night
saw the express robbery in this oity arrived
hers on the train yesterday. He located
the place, and with the consent ot the
owner began to dig tor the boned treasure.
With'spade and pick be went at his work
with a foil consciousness of snoeess crown
ing his efforts, and the whole became deeper
and deeper. After three hours' arduous
labor his pick struck against something
which gave forth a aharp aound, which be
thought must be the golden specie. He
satisfactorily rested, and smoked his pips
in tbe firm belief that he would unravel the
mystery and win the $1,500 reward. . With
renewed energy he continued and soon ax-
posed to visw an old piece of iron that had
been imbedded in tbe ground for the best
part of a century. He dag on for a little
while, and then gays np in disgust. It is
presumed that he will place himself in
proper condition, and, like, "Peter Ibbet-
son," dream straight next time. In tbe
meantime tbe mystery will remain unsolved.
Sale of Sheep.
The Fossil Journal says: "Mr. George
Wright, better known ss Winnipeg Wright,
returned Wednesday from Crook County,
where be bas been looking for mutton shep
for several weeks. He wanted' 10,000 or
more, bat only aocoeedsd in baying bs
tweerii.OOO or 6,000, and says those bar
ing mutton sheep held them entirely too
high. He bought 850 two-year old
wethers, 150 yearling wethers and 400 dry
ewes of Z. T. Keys at 11.60 all round; 1,000
head of yearling wethers of Root. Keys t
$1.25; 1,000 yearling at the same prtoe
trom R. N, Doonolley. The Prineville
company would not accept his offer of f 1.75
for two and three year old t wethers, bat
old him a lot of dry ewes, Mr. Wright
bought about two hundred head from Dave
Ball, of Fossil, aod 400 from Ed. Cummings,
of Fossil, paying $1.25 tor dry ewes and
yearling wethers, and f 1 for 124 lambs that
were in Mr. Cummings' band. Mr. Wright
ill ship the sheep to Victoria, li, (J.
Fran Snow Mountain.
Joflonie Stram, Aaron White. Thomas
Jones and W. E. Loom is retoraed Monday
from a prospeotiog trip to Snow mountain
st the head of South Fork of John Day,
says the Prineville Review, la that vicinity
tbev seoursd a number of both gold and
silver bearing quartz, from well-defined
ledges, which will be easily subject to de
velopment, if the test ot tbe rock proves it
sufficiently rich to warrant tbeir working. ,
Samples of the ore will be forwarded for ex
amination. On their return they discov
ered a ten-inch vein of bituminous coal.
located well up toward the headwaters of
Crooked river, to which find they brought
home samples tbat in practical tests bave
proyen of good quality. In regard to the
quarts ledges, the prospectors are enthusias
tic, but are not prepared to estimats tbe
extent of the eoal find.
Finishes! Ills work.
Prineville Review.
Major Hartwig, who for tbe past year
baa been engaged allotting the lands of the
Warm Spring agency to tbe Indians under
the Individuality act as amended in 1891,
has finished bis labors. Every Warm
Spring Indian, big, little, old or young,
now has allotted to him, aooording to his
ohoice, either 80 acres of agricultural land,
or 160 sores of grazing land, 40 acres of
agricultural and 80 acres of grazing land.
One feature of these deeds is that the In
dian cannot part title with the land for the
term of 25 years. At the expiration of
this time they get a warrantee deed.
Major Hartwig informs ns thst Lieutenant
Farber bas arrived at tbe agenoy and taken
charge, in place of Lieutenant Benjamin, re
called. --. Varnished Plants).
Oregonians are peculiarly susoeptible to
hambaggery, and tbe following, from the
Oregon City Courier, is tbe latest method
employed to "gall" them: "A sliok
tongaed stranger baa been traveling around
the country in tbe vicinity ot Springwater
selling what be oslled japonic plants at $1
each. The agent is very careful of the
plants, which he carried in a basket, and
insisted on setting them out himself when
sold, and gives explicit instructions in re
gard to their oars and calturs. After a day
or so ths plants die and on examination it is
fonnd tbat tbey are ths common salal bosh
varnished. At one place where he stopped
be sent to town for soma sbellao varnish,
and afterwards wss Seen making more $1
salal bushes."