1- V- The Tiles-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .OCTOBER 520, 1894 THE KKYSOTE. Governor ulcKinley is baying a tri ' noipbal, march through the transmis siaippl middle western states, says the Sin Francisco Chronicle. CoinmeD- -cihs; at St.- Louis, whtre hi was re ceived with great enthusiasm, he pro "ceeded to Kansas City, where alike reception was tendered to him. But these Missouri meetings were put in the shade by the gatherings in the old Rppuhhcau state of Kansas. There ha;tM3h-ftft-outpourir)g of the masses to receive McKiuley all along his line of travel.. The' dispatches epeak of assemblages of from 20,000 to 30,000 ; people, ii ! . There is a doable signi6cance in this Republican uprising in Kansas. It indicates firat that the people of the middle west are awakened to the nec essity of saving the American indus trial systeni the policy of protec tion from destruction at the hands of the free-trade Democracy. Mc Kinlev's name is identified with this struggle, and therefore the outpouring of the Keoablican masses to receive him. But the scenes witnessed in Kansas have another significance.. That state. always so reliably Republican unti recently, has been the chief encour ageoient and principal seat of the so called PoDulist party, lbe signs now are that curious political. conglotnera tion which never had any reason for existence js about to be dissipated. It was never anything but a brevet Dem ocratic party anyway. The old Ra Dublicans. ' whose enthusiasm for the national idea has been again aroused are retusmng to the fold. McKinley struck the keynote of the political situation in his speech at To- - peka. We might as well u dentand, said he, that one or the other of the two great parties either the Republi can party or the Democratic party is going to conduct the policy of this ' governnienr, "and it is fijr you," he cried, appealing to the people,- "to de termine which." . McKinley understands, as does very intelligent and right-thinking man, that there is no logical place as there . is no necessity for a third party in our American system of government. ' Third parties are mere temporary aberrations and must inevitably toon pass away. It sometimes happens, of course, that there is a party revolution. A new party arises, progressive and militant, inspired by some stirring and paramount idea, and sweeps one of the . old parties away takes its place. Such was the origin of the Republican party, which took the place of the old Whiz party and absorbed the. free dom-loving"' Democrats. But the Populist party is not such. It is " merely a. loose gathering . of the fol- . lowers of forty isms.. It is already going to piece s. . i ' The political campaign now -being inaugurated is one of great signifi cance. For two years the country has been testing free trade, and the stag nation in business has become more marked than ever. In November, IS92, the people decreed a change cf policy, and, fter two years of trial, it is their duty to express at the ballot . whether they are satisfied with Democ ratic tsriff reform. ' This will be the question of questions this fall, an ' the lasue of protection or free trade , will be forced upon' the consideration . of voter. - Sovereignty rests with th -people, and (bey mast decide all ques tiona that enter into the administra. tive policy of the nation. 'The Re publican party has always advocated protection for American industries, and it has no reason to change its po sition. It points with pride to th history of thirty years during which it controlled the republic, and raised it from bankruptcy to . wealth and prosperity. Republicans have practi cally demonstrated tneir ideas ol na tional government, and they do not theorise on the great questions now agetating the public. . " From Sacurdav'a Daily.. Mr.' Theidore Cartwright returned this - morning from a visit to Pumeroy, Wash Mr. KraLk Lee, cf the Pacific Farmer of Portland, gave us an agreeable cull this afternoon. . Mr. Ed. Crate was ii town today." He came from Portland yesterday on the sor rowful mission of attending the funeral of ' bis father. The uttendauce at the fair this year has - beeu much teller thau formerly, aud the receipts are cousideiahly iucreated. Ihe meeting of the congregation of St Paul's cLuruu last evcuiug adjourn d to meet agaiu on Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock. The weather during the week baa been all tnat could be ue.irrd tor the fair, there has beeu no rain,. and the tempetalure ba b eu as mild aa spring. . There was inly one arrest made last niiihe, aud that Has ut an individual who l al become lutr-xicated. lie ' waa brouuhi b. tore the recorder this moiuiug aud tiutd The funeral of Mr. Edward Crate, sr., took place this morning from St. Pet r's Ca holiu church iu this . ity, aud was lari; ly attended by members of the family aud lrienils 01 the Ueutased. Some of the fruits that mere exhibited in the (aviliou were shipped today to laooii.a, where they will ba placed on exhibition i the interstate fair, and will advertise the products of .Eastern Oregon to reaideuta on the cound. List Welnedly, about 10 o'c'o-k, while George Wlker was leaving Jones' saw mil , about, three miles from C Uge tirove, iu Line crunty, with a load of lumber, he ran over J E Lewi' 2-year-old child. The child lived only about two hours. A sad accident occurred about 4 o'clock Sundiy afternoon, at a point about four miles a est of P mile too, when V freight rain ran over aud killed a little g rl bat-y ol atjont B-xicju mouths of age. . The little one was near ihe crostiog and was not ob served until the train was within abjut tive car lengths. Tua body was cut in two and the entire train passed over it. Mumfor as the name of the child's p treats. The attendacc; at the pavilion last nigLt waa the largest of any time daring the fair. The exhibit of painting and of p oduos of the gard u aud orchard attrsottd con eidernb'e attention, and the musical .rendi t.o were very exuetlsnt. Tonight thr I grand bail wiil take place at the pavilii u, and hi promises to bt tne crowning eveut 4 th- f "r A l-iegn nnm'iwnf tickets have been sold, and the music ond'T the ilireo i.i.u bt Prut. li.ryiVId, will be very choice. From Monday'! Daily Mr. Thoa. H. Williamson, a merchant of Cascade Locks, is in the city today. Mr and Mis Cha. G.tHiRher retnrned oo the train last night troin a vi it to the interstate fair at Tacoma. These dlif htful davs make life very en joyable, other matters being couformat U to that condition ot existence. Hfl Ciiiy rle la Celle, who hat been teach- in? Frencli in this cirv for son-e weeks past, left this morning for Sin Francisco. The ball Siturday night was very largely attended, and a very erjj lyarle time waa had by the lovers of the mazy dance. An adjourned term of the county court is being held today, and the county ju ie and the to commissioners are in attend ance. Mr. Maddox, formerly tn the banking bamneas at (io'dendale, was a passenger from Seattle, on the tram last night, to Grants. Around the Sinters' A'ademv a b'ick wall has tweu Duur, wmcn win us sur rrouned by an iron fence. ' The, board in- Insure wi damaged dutiug the recent flood. There were two candidates .for the re corder's clemency this morning. Bith were arrested for d-moi! drank and disor derly, and they were found pmlty of the crime and Hoed in the lowest sum. Theexnre'B robbery has been the princi pal tnpie of oonver'a'ion, and tb-re are mi'T rumors about the recurrence. It was Lent verv auiet for some time and there ia no doobt that the matter Is beioa investi gated by competent detectives. The board of government engineeis were exi octed to be at the Licks to examine the work done nndtr the contract system today. It is expected that they wi'I adopt some plans for the enlargement of the work ren dered necessary uy the recent ijooq. Mr. J. JacksoD. of sherar a Bnilge, s in town todi y. He b driven his sheep frin the sommer range in Crook county to the winter pasture near the Deschutes. He sava bis band of 2000 shrr-p are in excellent condition, nnd he has not ar of any appro ciable loss during the winter. Mr. Huz'itt. commonly known as the "Pilgrim." d-oppd into the ctfice today, He came from Tillamook, and was follow ing his usoal method ot tramping frcm one place to another. - Haz'itt i setttii a old. an4 it cannot be expected that he M con tinue hia j urocvs iiiach longer. A. M. Williams & Co. have received a stock of school shoes of the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., which theysare selling at very low figures. Th se are the cheapest and most reliable shoe for the oicney in the market.. They have also the Kangtcall school shoe. Thov give a premium with every pair sold. The I'rineville Hevirw has an account of two accidents, in one of which A. J. Ptzr, of Upper Trout, had both bones nf his rCqht fure.rm broken and in the other I idtan Sam of the Warm Springs had one bone of the tame limb fractured by his borse stepping into a badger hole and falling. The former occurred on Tuesday laBt a d the latter on Tnursday. A fatal shooting affaay is reported from Like county. Is seems that two farmer, Kd. Donnovau anl John ir.eyarrl. in Warner valley, quarrelled over some trmnl matttr', wl.ei Vineyard pulled a revdvrr and Djnovan shot him dead i'h a rifl? that w..s leaniog again t a stack. Tni o cuired cu Thursday, aud Donovan rode into Likeview and gav6 h uuelf op to the authorities. A coroner' inquest was held aud the verdict (imply recouuted tne facts, but did not state whether a crime was oom- .mitti d or not. CoUage G rove he adt r: Two bricks val ued at about S5U00, one mouth's run of a 5 stamp mill by the Bohemia .Miniog and Milling Co., were shipped to the mint in San tf'raocisco by Eikio & Bristol-, of this city, the first of the week. For want of water, the mill has not run oo full time, Cottage Grove does m t lose anything by such operations, and if there were 50 such enterprises in' 15 ibernia, where there is plenty of rich cold ore for such business, our paople should not be disposed to kick Quite a serious accident sccurred on the Flat Thursday of last wuek. S muel Rich ard, a 19 year-old youth living north ot Pine Grove, being the victim. Bays the Elgin Jiecorder. He was helping thresh on the farm of S. S. Thompson and in stepp ng over the tumbling rod his overalls was caught by a bolt in a knuckle, Trad as the cloth was ttrong hi leg was quickly wound round the rod, dislocating tne ankle and breaking the bine tour limes between, the ankle and the knee, besiies skinning and bruising the limb quite severely. From Tuesoav's Daily. Summer weather and autumn' tints on foliuge. Judge L. Davenport, of Mosier, was thec.ty yesterday. Tr.e railroad commissioners arnyed in the city lust uight. they came ou -a special. Mrs. A. d. iiennett and cot dren re- lurutd yesterday from a visit to her par ents at Dayton, W asli. Tho river barges are bringing to the city the usual tail loads of wood, i'hise are being piled ou the beach until it is almost covered. Indian Policeman Dave Leno tells the Dallas Obervcr there are only thirteen pure Wool i.d au families at Uraud KonUe, and a total iopulutuin ot out). Detectives are so plentiful iu the city mat every stranger is considered as a member ot some agcocy, aud at -work ou a clue to the express robbery.. A meeting of the city council will be held tomorrow uight to consider the question ol the inauguration or a general bj stem of sewerage aud other matters. juun LUirynipie waa niaaa a lull citizen of the United Stales yeter.lay, by tne county court, and thereby severed tor- ever bit a legiauce to the queeu of Great Britain aud e.n press of the ladies. Mere I orses have beeu shipped out of the Malheur country this season iban for the past tive years Several carloads lia.'e bjeu atiip.ed tu Kentucky,' where the ouers ex peut tu secuie some lood slock to ship to iklailieur county lu return. I ne cjinjie says: "iiiie ue ii will in a short time recover fiom the etl' C-m ot the recent cyc.oue. We have a gjod school aud that will have a tendency tu resioie former prosperity. Budding sues are very cheap ana now is tne nine Id invest. Baker City Biade: Mr. L. P. Kimball, ot raia lity, Utah. UOi his departure Fri day for t euor.h fork ut the Jolin Day to ake the inun ig. m?nt tit tne gravel mints juat puichaed i J the Utah t,yudicale I ruin je an. (luiliiide & Ihoruburg. The uiiuea wilt be'operluit uu.ll void weather teU lu. N.ariy every tou lu ihe Wiliauiettu yaney is induing a Cd.l for a meeting to get the beet sugar factoiy. At rwil buio a cad was issned iur the li b, a week ahead, in order lu give tt.e tanneis au opportunity to be pieseul, which la tne proper thing 1c lutereata tnt- farmer aa muuii s the resid. n:s ot the city. The Seattle P. I. says : It is reported ibalG. W. Hunt, builder of the lluui railroad By slum 10 .eastern Wuslnugioii, receiiliy M.ippeq nia grading ouint to Memlociuo couuty. Cal., where it is now held tor I'reigul It ia understood that tluut was about to commence the coa siruclio j ol a road. Mr. M. Willis and the parties who went with him to Ihe hop tit-Ids, of Yak ima returned ho.ne .Aiouday, Sajs the Hood Itiver (.linear. Tney had pieasaul weather ou the way, but llie uigbts were cool, aud iu some oliices lrosi aud ice weie eui-ountered. lbe party, men, women ami children, uveruired a dollar a day while at work. They saw a . good ileal of new country, hud a pleasant out- lug, and come hoiuej with more mouey thau they started wuh. Luther Milicr, Joe Krt.ier, Dick Ga ligau aud 'rauk Evans were among the young men who stayed with Mr. W illis to tue cud aud returned with him. Tut 2 y.ar-old child of Clay Newman, residing teii mile e.ai of Albauy, died bout 3 a c.uck baturday tuoruiug from be ing scalded. Oj Thursday a tub ot bulling water was knocked liou lbe stoVd. Tue child standing near received the splash and fell m the water spilled ou tne floor, sen Id - ug all the lower part iu m dangerous mau- uer. Dr. AlHstou wai cailtd, but tna burn waa too severe to save tne cuild. The police court today bad a clear record. There waa not eveu au arrest made for being uruuk aud disorderly. Notwithstanding the express robuery and ihe hard times being ee tiered there id very litt'e mischief being concocted, aud lie Dalies is comparative y tree irom UureputuO e characters. This condition I allairs will remain, H is lo be hoped,' nd that property and iite will be sale lu tms portion ul the stale. Major Harper, the agent for the Um-tilla Indians, stated to a reporter of the Tribune mat aniie several leasees of lauds from the Jud mi -on the reservation were experi encing d ffi.nlty in securing the miney with which to meet rental dues, nevertheless. for farming tracts. Old leases are being renewed aud new peo ple sre negotiating tor land all ot wnicn goes to show that the Umatilla county funner is not easily discouraged. We have received a copy of The Sun, the new morning paper printed in Portland. It ia an eight page, eix column piper, verv neat in typographical appearance and ably edited. "Ic starts with a full press report. and the many friends of the new venture in urnalism will wish it success. There should be room enoujh in the city of Port land for two tirst-c!a diily papers, and there is no reason that The Sun shcnld not be a pTmanent exponent of the best inter- eats of the metropolis. There is considerable disonsaion now go ing nu respecting the propriety of the gov ernor pardoning, fc-aundeis, the murderer ol Chirlev CHmpbell. The editor of the Si- Jem Indrpenilent, who believes in the drath penalty, says: "From all we can learn from tho?e who do not sympathize with crime, and who believe in the righti of mn and the vindication of law, the verdict U that Saunders richly d STyed death for his crime, and that his miserable life is too short to attone for the crime be committed." That whs indeed an enthusiastic cisci- l p e of I-aok Waltorj, who, lu his will, left all his fishing tackle to his two uephews, if they should be bom, except one set tor himself, which was to be placed in bis coffin, in order that "if there is fishing iu the other world, I will be provided with tae!le to euj ) the sport, which has af forded me uiucti de'ight m the present mode of existence." We certainly do hear of the rivers ol 1'nraclisft, but can any one recall any reference to cele.niiil salmon, heavenly halibut, St Peter perch, empyrean bluefish, trout, or any oilier sort of li any prey, though there are mor tals who lmye seen an angel lUh. Mr. V. Moretti. a graduated artist from an Italian school, has opened an aitstudio upstairs, the second door south of the Times - Mountaineer office. He haa frescoed the ceilings of the chapel ot ihe Sisters' academv iu thisc ty, and his work . ' ... ' : A .1.. tallows mat carciui couuepiiun. uu uo liocattou of figures tutit always indicate the thorough artist. It has quite an ac cession to Ihe Dalles that he has con eluded to remain here, and it will be a rare opportunity for those desiring tuition in the highest style of art. He has quite a number of students, and when his coin netencv becomes known, very many of our people will avail liieuoselve ot the privilege. Dufur No e by "Kmo." Ddkur, Oet. 11. This is not an a iver- tisemeut of doctors nor of doctor shops! and if anybody wants to have the rheu inatics at convenient times it is none of. my business, It has been many days since I used any of your valuable space, but having cap tured a stray item, showing bow records ate made and lost, I write Hon G. W. Johnston aud G. P. Ealch have returned from a very successful duck bunt over in Washington some place (they don't s;em to know just where it was), and brought home a large number of mall ducks and an unlimited number of large duck stories. A day or. two after their return the following letter was found near tb des't of one of the hunters where it had beeu carelessly dropped: Rockland, Wash, "Mr. Ballech inklosed youll find a Bill of them duks I sold you and it is bout time to settle up. youll find alUo that my Koushence trubbled me and I nocked of $1.50 for t he ten mud bens 1 sold you for Kaqvas back duks. The turkey, Gobler you shot by mistake for a sandhill Krane is some better but hasn't gobbeled. any sence you put the lead iuto bim. of course I know it was an axedent that ou hit him because Lsaw you shootin at mudhens, so wont charge anything uulesshe dyes. 'I The rest of the letter was torn, and could not be deci phered, but the bi 1 is probably paid. - - Dufur is steadily improving despite the number of thoroughbred imported - dogs that have been brought here. -New build ings are in process of erection and many more are on paper. A mong the latter are a distillery, brewery, drug store and a hos pital, all the result of the energy of "Our" Dr. Dietrich I use the. "Onr" in the same sense as Uncle Tom ns d it list week, kind of paragorically, if I may so speak . The long train of grain' wagons passing daily 'rora Tygh ri.lge speaks well for that well-known wheatbelt and even at the present low price will put a great deal of money in circulation. The threshing season is ever and has he n a very lively one iu this vicinity; just enough cloudy weather to make the Tanner rein inber last year's experience and get a move ou. ' - ' There is one little matter about harvest ing that, in the opinion ot your truly, should have the attention of the legislature this winter. In many instances the farmer is obliged to give a niortgege on growing crops in trder to live. . At the p oper time the harvesting and threshing is done; the farm r assuming the expenses and the hoi er of the mortgage taking ihe graiu. At the present low prices there is often nothing over the mortgage and no matter how honest the farmer uiiy be, he can't pay tor the labor, leaving the men who have done the work out in the cold; the law should make the grain ood for all ex penses of harvesting, no matter who holds the crop. Secure th3 laborer for his work, which is usually of more vital importance to him than is security to the holder of the mortgage. Secure the t'iregher payment for every bushel of g ain cleaned aud thi expense of threshing wiil be much less. This can be made right by the coining legis lature; would interfere with no present contracts and would work no injustice on anyone. - Kkno. Accident at Bigs ' E'iarly last. Tnursday morning at B'ggs in Sherman couuty the cii'iog of the roi.ai.up Bfairs at tue hotel fell with a terrible crash, and one' mani who was asle. p'at the time, as buried iu abjut to f jet aud a half of sand, Fortunately he kept the blanket over hie mouth; aud by this means preven ted fatal - coi s quenccf. The mau with whom he was sleeping was awakened by the noise and jumped out cf bid, and was struck by some of the bjards of the ceiling. He alarmed the house, and the ldrnates went to work immediately to retcua the it in who was buried in the sand that had ac. uinnlated on the ceiling and had fallen into the roon. Ojx iufirinant states that the muii4 rars and nose wire filled with Band, and that Ins escape from death wjs almost miraculous. There were two b -da a the room, but only one was occupied. Biggs is renowned for dr fcfng sand, and it has gradually encroached on the hotel uutil it is nearly buried. A Peculiar Tliefc. The Salem Independent has the following account of the lirceoy of a church organ: "Some unprincipled wretcl.ei broke into the school house at Hazel Green last night and deliberately stole the organ,, used for the church, and it is thought they have gone in tbe direction of Monmouth, as the officers have got on track of it that far. Tbe organ was purchased of Mr. Will about tour years ago, and was ia good condition. It is an Etrhuff, style ISO, No 22,029. It is andoubtedly the intentioo of tbe thief or thieves to run the organ into Pjlk county. where communication by telegraph is not to be bad, and then to dn-poae of it for any amount they oan realize. This is tbe first time we have ever beard of a chnrc'i organ being stolen, and it is a bold thief that will make tbe attempt. Eye Specialist. Dr. M. Kaufman, late from Germany, fcientilio optician, wiil be at the Pavilion during this week and will furnish glasses to suit any eye at tbe lowest prices. Don't misa to baye your eyea examined free of charge. nV-f i ft i ,. i i i i i i Dufar Doings. Editor Tuin-MorsiAittEB: DcFPn, Or , O.-t. 14. 1S94. "Uncle Tom" puzzled some of onr Dutnr-. it-:8, and' cousidernb'e guessing wan fcOtDg on as to who t e or she might he N it on the right track, bjjs More buildings are goina up in our b-i-g this autumn. Mr. El Himiiiii has com menced ro build a good-aized dwelling house. U P. Bilch and George 'Johnston spent last Sunday on a duck hunt, ami it if re ported that they were very successful. As to their field of opertioi s your correspond ent ii'iul I learn nothing definite. Mis. Euhi-r Menefee is going back to Shermin county to resume hur oi l school. It sptaks well for her ability aa a teacher that the directors have re-engaged her. List Saturd ty evening a dance w-.s held at lb. J hall aui everything went eff pieas autly. DjgB sre quite numerous in our city. Some assert that they counteibalui.ee the number of human inhxbitauts. Tne ex quisite nightly ser nadea are a woudertul production of canine scieoce. Mr. Will Vauderpool baled a lot of fne hay and has now 150 tons for the market. Mr. Vanderpool is known as one of the most progressive farmers in iur neighbor hood aud his ranch Is 'One of the finest in the court. . " v The lat threshing of this seisoo in our neighborhood was completed lust Monday. Ac the same time e have observed that some are commencing -to put iu the r win ter graiu. The soil is iu a fair condition. Dr. Dietrich and Mr. Tut.le took in the county f lir on Wednesday. Presiding Eider Parker is holding tne qn-rterly confeieice in the U. B. church He preached an eltqaent sermon ou Thurs day eveuiog. The attendance was good. Hog buyers hayc bsen through Ihiscoun try aud it appears that rork will command a good price this fall. A little son of Mr. Cantrell was accident ly struck with a ba-e ball bat an 1 slightly injured. Dr. Kane attended him. The dilghttul weather manufactured nowadays meets the aproval of our farmers. Key. lturiirigame is prepiriug to move ioto toivn fcr a winter's stay. The lumber yard of Ward & Sons ha beeu put into fine shape and is now 'sup plied with a good assortment of luinher of all descriptions. Air. W. A. Moore is the manager of the yard and deseryes credit fur tne work he has done so far. A Tale of tbe Sea. Mr. Harry Landers, an old sailor, who has b?en in tbe city for the past few days, serve! tin ee years on the Charleston, aud afterwards shii p-'d before the mast iu Vic toria, B. C, ou a three-masted merchant man, bound for Sydney, Australia. 1I called at the office this afternoon and" gave us a graphic description of a shipwreck he suffered on the last vessel. Fur sixteen days and nights no one on board bad any rest or sleep, and, finally It trry looked to the masthead and saw the St. E ma light. He immediately went to the captain and told him that he had experienced three ship wrecks, but in twenty tour hours th ship would suffer a very severe . disaster. During tbe fcl owirg night the hurricane became terrific, and he and that captain, mate and skipper could hear the peals of thunder. Finally a wave swept over the deck, clearing it of all obstacles. Harry got the lifeboat, and hitmelf and the ship's omcers drifted on the ocean tor three days and nights, when thoy were picked up by a steamer bound troin Australia to San Francisco. Fur acts of gallantry Harry re ceived a gold medal, but he got out of charge and "soaked" ' it tor liquid, it is very thrilling to hear an old sailor relate his experience, and, being ont of "copy," we have j itted down a brief synopsis of his tale of the sea. A Cuttle XlJlefs Escape. Tbe Salem Independent says: Fred Smith, of Gervais, who was indicted in this city by tbe grand jifry Wednesday for stealing cattle and who was trying to leave tbe country, came face to face with tbe officers who were pursuing him, near Highland in Cl.icK8.nius county yes terday afternoon. Deputy Sheriff Mickel carried a gun, and when he saw Smith be called to him to surrender or be shot. Smith happened to be with George ..Ogle, of Mo!alla, who did not understand the situation, and the two wheeled their horses and fled; A3 soon as it was safe to fire witboul danger of shooting Ogle, the officer blazed away, but tbe fugitive slackened not bis pace. A second shot was fired, but was also without effect. Smith was mounted on a racehorse that be owned at Gervais, while the officers bad a jaded team and hack, so they could not pursue bim and be escaped. Yesterday's Raioes. An immer se crowd was lu attendance at the f iir grounds yesterday, aud wit-.essed t: e most interesting and hotly contested races of the meet. The first event was a frce-for all trot, and it took five 'heats to decide it J. U. Mack's Anita took, the (second, third am fifth heats, and succeeding in lowering the best previous time for this track to 2:2SJ Hamrock won in the first and fourth heats and ran Recond in the other three. It was all through a most exciting race. The h .lf-mile handicap for named horses was run in 0:51 by I Don't Know; Tampa, second; blue .lay, third; Jim fow, fourth - The bicycle iace was interesting, any body's race up to the wire. Ed. Bigs came in first by ab ut two feet, and Hal French fecond. '" The races for today were a mile and a half novelty; a half a de for roadsters, best three in five, and a th;ee quarter handicap. THE WAT SHE LOOKS troubles the woman who is delicate, run-down, or overworked. She's hol low -checked, dull -eyed, thin, and tiale. and it (3 worries her. JNow, tho way to loot well is to oe well. Alia tho way to be well, if you re p.ny such woman, is to faithfully use Dr. Pierce's Favorito Pro scriotion. That is tha only medicino that's purt'ranfeed to build up woman's strength and to euro woman s ailments. In every "female complaint," irregularity, or weakness, and in every exhausted condi tion of the female system if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you bavo your mouey UtXK. There is only one medicine for Ca tarrh worthy the name. Dozens are advertised, but only the proprietors of ur. fcage's Catarrh Keraedv say this "If wo can't cure you, vc"il nati you 8auu iu casn i " Free Water. The frpe watering trough in the Eirt End, which wis erected by the city for the beoeiit of farmers and others, the watir commission charged $5 a month to supply. A the council considered it a bonefic to the public that bidy wisely refused to pay tl.e amount, and the commission proceeded to shut tff thewater; but Jobs, Collins 4 Co., at the oorner of whose store the trcugu is aitcatcd, p.id the amount charged, and the water trough will remain free to th- publio as heretofore. Jolsx Collins & Co. N'tfrr Auot Uer call. AH.county warrants reg:stered prior to Janu .ry 11891, will be paid on preeeuta- tfon at my office. Interest ceases after September 10, 1S04. Wm. Mich ell. County Treasurer. A Gentleman Who formerly resided In Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For 29 years past, my wife and 1 have used Ayer'i Ilalr Vigor, and we attribute to it the dark bair which she and I Cow have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed, white, or bald. When asked how our hair has retained Its color and fullness, wa reply, Ey the use of Ayer'a Hair Vitror nothing else.' ' "In 186S, my affianced was nearly bald, and induced her to use Aycr's Hair Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It is all that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarruu, Bastrop, Tex. AVER'S MR VIGOR SHERIFF'S SI I.E. Bv virtue of an exf cntion an.l order of sale, is sued out ot the circuit court ot the Slate ot Orojon, for Waco eonnty, upon a tlecrec Mid judgment inula, rei.di-red an I entered by Raid c.urt on the 11th day of Felirilari, loD4, in fnvor of the plaintiff, m Kilit uhproul Eugene 1 Vl'h'tf w:s p nint ff and (J H llenl.l. M:rv P Hcild and 1 J Fonru-on were defen'lauts, and to me di rected anil delivered, commanding me to levy upon aud bell a 1 the land- mentioned and de-cril.ed in s ,i-l writ and hereinafter d'wrihed, I did on the ii t dav of Auyust, 1891, duly levy upon, an J wM e 1 at public auction k i'e highest bidder T for cash in hand, on We lues lav. Ihe 17:li dav of Oc- fr'bt-r, Iftlil, at 2 oclt'ck in the alternoon of taid tlav at the Iront di or of the emintv court lions t in DuliiH C'tv. in Wseo lioutdv, orejron, all of the land anil preini-HBdcscrilieil in said uiit and here in described at folinwii. to uit: Comtutnehiirat llie soutlicaiit corner ot the north- eiyit i uarter of ae; tion (Iwo), tnwni-hip Z (two). no. tli of raiiL'e ten I Ml. east of Willamette imria- lau; ruunini; thence wcr one hundred, seventy one and Sj-loo lil SOjroilsto a rnunt; running' tnence north forty-six and uue-half l-tti.5 rods to a point; rnunin tlietiee t a.t one hundred ana seventy-one ni.1 V-ioo 171.3') rods to a point, and running: thence outh forr-y-six ai d one-h:ilf 146 5 roda to the place of btirinnunr: aluo beirinninir at tne north east corner of ths northwest quarter of the hcuth eaat quarter of section two 12J, township two 2, north of rniri ten (10) east of the Willamette meridian; running thence south thirty-two 32 rods toa.polnt; running thence west thirty-two 3-f roos to a point; luninuir thence nonn th rty-two :t'2. rods to a point; ruuning thence east eiirhtv (8) rods to the place of betrinniUK; together with ad the im provement? thereon, and appur.enaticcs thereunto belonging;, orso mucn tnereor as snau oe tumcieni. to satisfy ihe sum ot thirteen hundred and sixty two'(la2) doliais, with interest theieon utthe latj of 10 per cent par ionium Hi:ice April 27, 1&4. and one hundred and tbirtv-six and 20-100 (-SlSd.20) dol Uts attorney's fees, and rhty-six and 2a-lou (?:-3.2S) dollars, cost of buit and ncemiuir costs iu said su t together with cost of saiuwiit ind aecming costs of sale. T J DlilVfc.lt, Sheriff of Wai o County, oritfon. liatrd at Dalles City, Ore., beptetnber lu, lsui. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, Wiikrco county, J. B. Cordon, nlaintitf. vs. Oeorsre WilMims. .is ad- minisirator uf the Opiate of Louise Godwin, dd- coaped. a;d Clara L. lchulze, Charles F. Michel- hach. Louts H. Mit'lulhach, HilJiHin J. Micheibach and Cecilia M. ihehelbach, dcfendiuts. Bv .rtue of an executiou an'l order of stfe issued out of th-circuit court of the sUte cf Oregon ft.r Wasco countv on the 2It day of fcntamhur, )byi, upon a ju gment and u ordir of sale1 rendered in fivoro ih uIiovh name-i plaintiff and aaiiat tha above named iifentlaiiu for tha sum hereinafter net forth, which judgment has been dulv assigned to M A. Mootiy, the i resent own r and holder thereof as shown uv the rrc ros oi naco county, ureon. and wliie decree, aoionir other things, ordered the pale til ine mt-Ut bcreu-alter oescrioett to satwv said sura, 1 did levy upon and will sell on S itnrdav. the 20th day of (tctober, 1&94. at the courthouse door in italle City, in said county and state, at the hour uf 2 o'clock P. M of said day, at pub ic auction to the highest bidder fur earth in hand, t-uVjeet to t nempuon, ail ol tne toiiowmK-oescriDet land. triwit: v A certain p eoe or naroel of land, sitnated at ths , southwest comer cf blick4J, in Trevitt's addition to , Dalles City, Oregon, ami buinif eighty-tour (W) feet ; in midtn on u or rourtn street, ana one nuuureii and twelve (112) feet in dfpth on Ourrisou street, in paii unties city, and being tne name property con veyed by Thomas tuith aud wife to Jouu Michel- bach, of date February 11, IKti'J. and. conveyed by aohn Alu'heibach to Louise Mu-heloach. of dat1 De cember 31st, 1887, and situated in b id Trevitt's ad dition to Dalles City, in .fco count, ntate of Ore gon, tocetht-r with all and singular tho tenements. lier.ojtHiiieutsaniJ apt. urtenaiices thereunto belong Ingor appjrtainiiiir, beicg and situated in Dalles Citv. WaMco county. Oreeuii, to salify the sum of z,'M wtt.n interest thereon at the rte of ten per cnt per annum since tSopU mbcr 2lst, lS'H, and tlie fur-her sum of 49.55 costs of. suit and tint ao ci-uing costs herein. T. J. DRIVE... bher;ttoi Wasco county, Oreou. Lated Uita day or fcepte.ubor, is. SSlierifT's Sale. By virtue of an execution anil order of pale. sued out of the circuit court of the State of Oreffon. for Wasco county, upon a decree a. d Judgment mule, rendered and enteied by said court on the hid day oi reoruarv, isd-i, in favor of the plaintiff in a suit wherein itutrenc D. White was ,iluintiff aimu. I . Heaio ana Mary F. Hcald were defend, ants, and to mi directed and delivered, command it.j roe I" levy upon and sell allthe lands men- tiuued and described in said writ and herr infi.r oe.i'no ii. i am on tne til day of Aimiwt 1S:)I, duly levy upon, and ni l ae'l at Duhlfraiirtinn so tue nignehi oiuuenorcan innand. on Wednesday tne ivin any or uctouer, imh, at z o clock in the aiternoon or hu'iaiuv at inelront lioor of the coun y court house lu Dul'tM Oily, iu Wasco ounty. Ore gon, all of the lums and premises described in said wntanu ntrein uescriuca ai follows, to-wit : Cuinnuni-.iiiL' at the southeast corner of the north. east quarter of section two (2), township two i2l north of ranire ten (lo), east of Willamette mend. iau; runninir thence tvtst oue hmulr. il, revciity-one and 30-100 (171 30) rods to a pofnt: runninir ihenee nonu niriy-six nu oue-iiail (4t ai rods to a p.nnt; runuin-theuce enst oii3 hundred ar.d Revent i .nn.1 and 30-100(171.30) rods to a point, .anil runninc thence iUlh forty-six. and one-h.lf 40 S) rods to tue uim'o ui ueiiii'iiii, swu esrinninir at the nor'h. east corner of the northwest ihiarter of the snnih- cast quarter of section two (J),' townrhin twj (2) north of ranire ten (10), cant, of the 'A'illametle inerioian; runuini; in.nca soutli tlurtv-two (:ti) rinil to a pefnt; runnii g thence west thirty -I wo (ai) rata lo a point: lutu.in thenec nonh thir'.y-1 wo (:i) rols to a poin- i runniiii; thenee east eirrhty i8U)ods to tile pl ol hetiuning. tojfeihcir w.th ah the iin-' provcinents thereon, a-.d aiurtennnei therrr.nm belonitinir, orso mneh thereof as shall ho FiiUeient lutialy the sum . f five hundred mid ninety ekht oi l aouai now riue on sum jii'lLrnieiit with in. tereat tnerean at tha rate of lei. per cent per an num on ',0 and ei.bt pir cent r anm:m on the balance of said Judgment from the 14tli cay of Kcliru.iry, 1S94. nnd tlio lurther s iru of twenty-five nuu li-i'w icsa.jzj u"IIrs costs in stud mit to Itetber with costs of said wr.t and accruing C0:t3 o'. T.J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco C junty, Oreiron. Dated at Dalles City, Orce in, Sept, 15th, 1S94 CITATION. I S TiiE COIJXTV COURT op THE &TKTE OF JL uietrun, lor in uouaty of asco. In the ma'ter of the euardianr-.tp es- 1 late of Kaocy Stan.ey, an Dj(ed aud vCitation. II; firm person. ro Nauov Stanley and nm Laire, g-iinrdians of ianey at nie.v, an aed and l:.linn neison. uud ah other beir and legatees, known arm unkuown, lu the name or ti e state of Oireon. you are here by cited and required to appear in tbu county cou.t vi vnv p.i.m n uirif'iii.iiii inc county or nasco. at the Court-iooin thereof at flaliel C'Xy, in said eouil'y, on Mi). Htm, tbe third day cf eeiteml.cr, lSllt . at 10 o'c.ocli in the forenoon of tint day, then and there to nho' caus, if any ihire be, why tile following described real property, to-wit: Lots iiuun.tr one (1), two (S), three (3) and four (4), of section thirty-two (32). In town.lmi three n,.r h of ranue eleven (11), ea t of Willatnet'e meridian. it'iimm .in.- ign nun ami aitua:ca lu a-co enuutv. siatjof nreon; slitiild not hesodf.rthe suppoit r,i .saucy Stanley, widow of said John Stan ley, ueceativa. Vhtnksk, the Hon. Geo. C. Clakelv. Jialgi f the said county c tirt, with , ' thewal of ald eourt eftixed thu bbai. zutn aay ol July, A. D. lbOt. , ' 1 AtUt W. M KEI.SAV, Cleric. By IS. MAhllN, Drpntv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrics at Vancouvkr, Wash., Juiv 27. Ikiu Notice In hereby elven that the fol owinu-uamtd not. tier nan men noucj oi nis intention to miLka Unai prooi in support ot nis ciuim, and that said proof will be mule before Cointuinaloin r United staies tarcuic umn, amtuct oi Wa-hiinrtou, Uoldemlaiu, Wash., on Ocob r 15 ii4 v. iru fiiiivvv - ' If V. 0274. (Indinn). for the lot 1. and S'i NKl 4, Til X N II IS K W to lie niunus tne touowing witnesses to prove his conllliuoui rm.nce liiHin and cultivtiun of and huui. vis: Bill C'htrlcy, Win Snittis. Mirtin Sum lis ftuu rr.uia oii'iu.1. mi i n'i''K.i:ti eoiuity, wai.n. JOHN 1). UHXMJ1IK0AK, Reirii.ter. NOTICK l'XIR PUBLICATION. 1 LAKH Om R at Vanooi vhr, WAn., July ii. luat. Notice la hereby itlven Hint the followinrr-namod settler l" fllud m-tltw of bl intenlioii tu make final proof In 'l; )iort of Ida claim, and lhat said proof will hs mads before Uiiumllciii-r 01 t'niud suites uircuit 1 ouri lor iniinci 01 v aahhurton. in ucidnndaie, yan., on I'ctoiier ir, 184, via: JOHiv l-ll,"T.1l. H E T27S. (Initlsn), for the i4 NE1. NW1 NE1 and SE1 NVH, aw M, I'p li, H IS IC W M. lie names lint fohiiwina wltneNwa to provo hia eoniinunuii rcFiiir-ni iqiuu ait.i cuilivntlnn or. said land, viz: Hill Clntrlev. William S nit tin. Murllii hpedin.l rrana siioui, all ol Klickitat county. nillLluull. JU1IH II. UMIU1IKQAN, RtKlstor. 1'.KK. IT. Cams to tbe piTrr.l"os ol tli subsrrilicr. i- Lor,? Hollow. aioutl4 oUleswrntliratt ol l'ne DnllM. onn sorrel uiar, branue4 M on rl'ht shoulder, two white hind feot, wliltr atrip In fau). Hhe ha a colt bnndud ths stime. The own'tr ou have the same bv nrovlnif nnirty ami puvlnir (ir the cliarires of Icerplng and the vimI of this tttlvertUement. mm H day. I Lour Hollow, un, , 11. r . DSlJUItNE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Omca at VaTCorvFit, Wakh., Auru-l 20, 1S94. Korlce ts hereby given that the followinir-named settler ha tiled uotice of his intention to make final proof tn support of hi claim, and that Raid proof will be made b--fnre W. U Dunbar. Commi-siuecr C -. Circuit Ci-urt fir diiitrift if W-ishiinrton at iiU o c-e iu Ool..eu,lak', W..t int .n, on October 6, 1j94. viz: ' UABRIE . HARPISON, H E, No 6J45, f"r the );, nf SE and KJ of SEVi. Sec .8, Tp 3. S K 13 K W 11. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid Kud, viz: Marion U PpUwn, Ribert St-utber, John Kure and William Gnrncr. alt of Harrland P. O.. Wunh. J.dlX f. CKoGUKiiAN, Rc!Sttr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasb Oftics at Vascouver. wsn., July t, lrtii. Ifoffoe is hitehy irien that the fol owiatr-uamed sotthr ha9 hltt' notice of his intention to make fin d proof in snppoit of hU claim, and that said proof will be made before couimi.sionel United fttatt-s Circuit Court for Di-triet of Washington, at Ooldendaln, Wash., on October 15, 1S!4, viz, DICK TOM liVl', H E 6172 (In liar), for the Iota 3 aud 4, and S S WJi sec i, I'p 3 S. K 13 E W 11. He names the fullowiui: witnesses to prove hlr continuous re-.ideeo ujion and cultivati iu of snid land, viz. John Siioui. Bill Charles. Wm sptttis and Frank siiotjii, ml of Kiickltiit county, Wasn. JOHN D. OKuiillliUAN, Kteister. EXECUTOR'S NOTICK Bv virtue of n order trade 1 y ho County Court ; of WHftcn cituntv, u refill, at The July ter-i: thertiof. lb'.H. t nie ilirccUd. iu thu txeruior of tha estnU nf W. M-.1J. Lewis, .ie-:cift;il, 1 wil; rtft.fr the lutlt I (lav of October, proee tl to nuJl for cfsh in lnuul tho foltowiii Oebcribe:! lanud of the twid estate, to-wit: Ttie west half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion Twenty; the northeast quarter oi tne norin west quarter of section nineteen i i township 6 south of rai.jfti eHt; the nith haif nf the southeast quarter, t:ort)ua9t quarter of the ioU'h 'fst quarter and foutheast quarter of northwest quirtor cf sec- ton twenty-one louusutpa south, runir-j easi oi WiliuiueUe' niendian in Wawo county, Oteicon. The land will be sold in lots to suit purenusers. Abated tins July o, ISM. Z K. MOODY, Executor of the eatte of VV. McD. Lewis, dt ceastnj. sep a-at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkics at The Dalles, Oregon, Geptemhct II, lsul. Notice is hcrebv el.'en that the following named Settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final nroof in sunnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ReBUter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oreeon, on O-rtober 24, 18D4, vn: JOH.V S. HOYT. H E No 35P6, for the VV$ SEJ and E4 SWJ, Sec 11, Tn IN. R 1-2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his couiinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: H Paroiii, L Lawfcr, Jese Spencer and William Spencer, all of The Dalles, Or. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. D. W. YAUSE -(Successor to P. KREFT & CO.) Dealer fn Mali pappr, Oils anb A tis'd' Ma'rrial nnd Pa nt'ra? Sil plW Asent for MASURY'S LIQUID PAINT AH orders for pain'mc, pflpsrinp; and kalsomininf promptly attended to , OREGON : BAKERY -AND- W A. KELLER Prop'; I am p. epored to furnish families, nottlsand red tan rants with tne eboxcest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh isters Served in Every Style. Hoeourt HxreeU Next door to The Dalles Na tional Bank, o eat are Still better Vieri L "lev are from Q?ElSE Sth are easily di- , horTemnj 7 arwf all (offpLEwe is better Unci Jbu.rer- fnaix lard REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Genuine made only by N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON AMSTRICHy TTftSTCLAte ....tun... afjutnun(s I'll Urtnt, Fastest and Finest In the World. l..SouriKer AcomrMlntioiui unexcelled. MEW tOBK. 10HDCH0ERRY AND GLASGOW. KTfirr PatnrdaT. "JPainh, (Jfass D ia no For NCW TOBK, GIBRALTEK and NAPLES, At recular Intemil. 8A100N, SECOND-GLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle 3C0T0H, maUSH. WSl ft ALL COTL-'ElTTiL POmia Kxcurslon ttckuvta arailHble to rrturn by either the pie tarMqae Clvde A North or Ireland or KHples A GlbraltM Dr&fti tnd k?Dr (Men Uf taf Amount at Icwtst Ziitt, Apply to any of our local Agents or to 0SflBUN llliOTHKliS. Chicago. Tlf ISM. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED HMiTER'S WtEKLT is txyond all iJcstion th lewiinic journal in An.erua, iu its iplennid illutitia tior.n, in its corp of oiHtinuii ied e ntr:bito s. and in its vast army of readers. In sp-ciul lines it ilraws on the hit;hent older of talent, the men h-st fitted by potitiou and 'raining to treat the leading topics of the day. In fiction the most jiopular storv writers ontitribut to its columns fcuperb draw. intra by the fu emost artists illustrate it? special ttrticles, its t'iric. and every nntab.e event of pub lic intercut; it contains portraiNof flic distintniinhed men . nd men who are making- the history of ihe time, wh le tpeci.il attention ia given to the Army and Navy, Amateur Sport, und Yusl.- and the llnuua. by i'1-tiiiauihed experts In a word. Bar i-r's Weekly ciiiliiues thr news features of the daily piper and the . rtiatic and dteriry qualities of the magazine with the s lid critical character of the review. HARPER S PERIODIC A L3. Pia Tut: Harper's Magazine g4 00 Hnriers Weekly 4 00 .larper's B;izar 4 00 Uurf-fr's Vouug People 2 00 Postage free to all Stducribert in.tAs United Statu Canada and Mexico. The V"lumes of Ihe Weekly begin with the flrrt numlier for Jiincsry of ench year. When no time is mentioned, sulicriptions will beirin with tbe num bcr .current at the time of receiptof oroer. Bound Volumes 01 Harper'! Weekly for three fears back, in nent cloth binding:, will be sent by muil, tKiauiire paid, or by express, free of exnenxe (provided freivht. oes not exceed one dollar per vol ume!, for 7 per volume. Cloth caKes for .each volume, suitable for binding will ! sent by mail, post-paid, ou receipt of tl each. Remitt'tncoa- should l made hv postotlice money rder or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Aevsfaiers are not to eopu t ailrertixement untlwut the exjrcxs order of Uarper dr Brother. Address: IIAKPKK & BU011IEK3, New Yoilc 1MD4. harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED IIARPEU'S BAZAR is a journal fur the home. It crives the fullest uiil latest information aliout Fash ions, and its nnrrn roils tlliit.rtions, Paris desiens and iiattem.slnet supplements are indispensable alike to the home JreN-makir aud the professional modihte. Noe.eif i parl to make its artiMic attractiveness of th highest order. Its bright stories, ainusinir comedies and thouehtful essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous aa a budget of wit and humor. In iu weekly issues vervthinir in included whii-h is of interest to women. The Serials for 1MH will he written bv William Black and Walter Besant. Short stories will ho written by Marv E. Wilkins, Maria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Mariou Har'and, and others Out'Door Sports snd In-Door Games, Socii-1 Entertainment, kmhroidery, and other interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new sorios Is promised of "Coffee and Repartee. M HARPERS PERIODICALS. , FnTui: Harper's Mrarazine $4 00 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Baz.tr 4 00 Harper's Young People 2 00 Pottage free to all mbscriberiin the United State; Canada and Mexico. - The Volumes of the Bazar begin with t t Number for January of tact- year. Whe i no time la mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num. wt current at tne lima 01 rtceipt or order. Bound Volumes of Harper' 1 Bazar or three years hanlc. ill mat ilnth l.inni.nr will k. u... n .1 p suge paid, or by exp'ens, free of expense (prr viueii me ireujiift uoes not exceed one aouar per vol ume, iur ?i per toiunie. Cloth capes for ench volume, suitable for binding, kiii ue km ay nuui, posvpaia, on receipt of yi eacli. Remittances should he made by postoffloe money oruer ur aruir, ro avoiu cnanee Ol loss. Aewpapen are not to copy thii advertisement wuioui me exprea oroer of uarper it Brothrre. Address: HARPER ot BROTHERS Sew York. - MoffElIX, Receiver- -TO THE- S T! G1V3 THE CMce of Two TrancontinentaJ Boates VIA VIA DENVER OMAHA . AND KANSAS CITY SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL Low Rates to All Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMERS leave Tort'and every Five days for SAN FRANCISCO, CALA. For full detail call oa O R A. K. Awnt ot T1IR W. H. HTTRLBURT, Ocn. Pass. AgL, Portland, Oregon. HARRY HEBE, Mslioal walcmnalei AND DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewtliy, Et: AIwnvH kectM on aile th tntt and Kct ifi-UA Time-pieces, tsuniond hings, Bow-knot llicrs, Sil verware, etc., etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, 102 Secord Stieef. rxt door fo A. Williams & To.' J! TLE DALLES, OREGON CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Prourietor PER DAY EasHy Pelade. Wo want many men, women, Loys, nnd girls to work f rus a U vr hours d;:ilyf riglit in nnd around their o wn homes. The business is eti&y, plea?ant strictlhonoruhle, nnd pav better thnn anyotlter DDI TO oiK-reJ agcntK. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ubiiity un necesdary. Xo capita! required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, ant help you to earu ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well us men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can o the work. 'AU fiicccrd who follow our plain and eim pie direction-. Karnct work will surely bring you a great deal nf money. Everything is new and in grnt demand." Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full iuforriiatlon. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. Ceorce Stinson&Co.. Box 488, PORTLAND. MAINE. OUR FALL STOCK CLOTHING IS NOW We can fit jou in eizn. We can please you ii. stylp. We can huil you iu price. Overcoats A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. THERE IS NO COFFIN TRUST' I WILL FURNISH ASYTHI.NO NEEDED KROM AN UNDERTAKER as cheaps can hs piuvliled from ny oue that does not belong- to tlia Aswciation, and 1 hivj a butter class of roods. Having taken the necessary uour.e of instruction in enibalminir, 1 am prepared to attend to everytliinir lierUiolns; to the business. CAJS HE CALLED, PLACE OF BUSINESS Corner of Third and Washinirlon streets, and VVaamngton streets. All orcers promptly attended to. ICTURE3 FRAMED TO ORDER, AND AT bHORT NOTICE. The Oro- Fino AD. KELLER. Grade California Wines and Brandies io tho Ciiy -A COMPLETE LINE OF- IMPORTED and DOMESTIC LIQUORS and CIGARS No. OO Second door from the corner of Court Street . . . Gener Commission and Forwarding Mercliant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Solicited Promp Attention to those who fuvor me with their patronaore COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Washington Streets. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried hi and Tongues, And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Outlets in the market. Orders Delivered to Axiv Part of the Citv Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices. THE GERM A NI A, STU3LING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars AU brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale snd Porter, . aud GcDuioe Key West Cigars. A (all lius of CALIFORNIA : VINES : AND : BRANDIES welv-rr-old WMskcv, ttrMj pure, for mediclual por Doses. Halt Liquor. Uuluiubia firKwerrbssr on draugnU 94 Second Street- TIIK TAL1L,JE!?, OR ian t Francisco t If. LEAIIi-K. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF COLUMBIA BREWERY WASIIINGTON STREET, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD . fuM'GDD RESTORED n Rrrnnr . n acxro " menormnw impoipucj-. i eieuusta Uielivcr, ma I BE.rvr& MUD Mr I ere bj.lnova.nd tU llHnarTnrffAliattf Mil imnurll The rt-anon sufTcrfr are not cn.-ed by Ixx-lora Is because ninety per rent are tmnbled with Proatsttltla. CITPIDENEIs the only known remedy tociirewiilioutun oixTaiion. 'litlmil. als. A written auiirsntee given and mnney relumed If six boxes does not eildcl a ueriuaueatcursv tl.00abox,six forei. by mail. HendforrREecirculnraud testimonials. Address DAVOL JHEDICINE C'OP. O. Box OKt, Son Franclaco. OoL J-Sale If The One Price Cash House, DIRECTLY NORTH OF METHODIST CnVPCH. P. IcIIEMY, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &a Ajjeut for the Uattenck 1'atterns; alto for tbe Dall Bazaar Dreti Forma COMPLETE. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY If you will give u ib" opportunity. and XJlteis. DAY Oil ISIGIIT. UESIDENCE-Coruer of Fovmh i, UnderMer and Hi Wine Eooins MANAGER. THE DALLES, OREGON Proprietor. BOTTLED BEER. .BEER ON DRAUGHT CUFIDENF- I ThhirraAtVosfitiihl' I VI taluser.t a DrpficriD. Been Hall uon oi a luuioun r rvm-u fuymciHii, win quit-Kiycureyouor all ntr voas or ilisi-ast- ol Uie griirrutive orean, sucn a.t Levi Maitfinod, ' Itisumula, I'nlns lo tlieB 'Ck, benihial tunstlnnii, Ncrrons Ix-tUitv, rimplPN. Unllinrss to Harry, Exliausliun Drnliia, Varlivirels and Constipntlon. It stops all lease by dav or rl?ht Pi-evmts quH k Di as ol di scltarn, wliicb 11 not chfYkfr lendfi to 8rMrmatorrha)a and