The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 13, 1894, Image 4

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The Times-Mountaineer
: This ia what the Hillaboro Indepen
dent says oa the Bcbool Look question:
"Oae local issue that is before the
people, though they have' do voice in
its determination, is the selection of
school books to be used in the state
for the next 6 years' term. ' The vote
is taken this December by the county
superintendents, and lb result de
clared by the superintendent of pub
, Ho instruction in January next. If
" any change is voted it will tot be
made till October, 1895, a year hence.
The patrons of the schools ought not
- to be nervous. Th last change was
free. That is the old books were taken
b the dealers and new ones issued.
It made no difference in what condi
tion the old book was, so that it ap
peared to be the complete book, a new
one was 'handed out in its atead. The
change did net cost the patrons a cent
. or need not have done so had the old
. books been offered for exchange with
. in the time specified in the contract,
That time wai ample. - In case of
' change for next year, tbs same ar
rangement will no doubt be exacted.
But the' book trust does not want a
chng this year, and their emraissa
. ries are everywhere in the state indus
. trioonly working up a aentureit in
opposition to making a change thi
time. Why this solicitude, apparently
ia the interest of school patron? This
. much. Fully 95 per cent of the school
books used in the Btate are published
and sold by the American Book com
pany. The trnst does not hope by
change to furnish more books, and if
other authors are selected, thongb the
book be published by the combine,
free exchange will have to be made,
- and the expense will fall on the trust
and not on the people. The book
monoply has another schema - to be
worked in ita interest. An amend
- j
ment to the Btate school book unifor
mity law is to be proposed to the leg
Mature at its next session extending
the period from 6 tc 12 years for mak
. Ing a selection of books.
..' Some . of the books in use now
ought to be changed. One - reason is
now stated. The law permits districts
of 5000 inhabitants and over to select
their own ' books in certain cases.
Well, Portland finds some , of the
books in the list adopted by the state
uosuited to the schools in that city.
A better text has been chosen and is
nsed to the exclusion of the state ser-'j
iea. Now, is the boy at West Union,
.Washington county, to be compelled
to use a book unsuited to a Portland
boy?. How much better is Portland
boy than a Glencoe boy? If a book is
not suited to one it ia not to the other,
and ought to be changed." -
pot op about 700 gallons. He informs us
that the owners of the vineyards on Mill
creex ave lurnea their grapes i to wine,
and will have thousand of, gallons as the
result of this season's orop.
.The lotatet bid for wheat to be furnished
the Interior department, for the Sioux In
diaus kt Crow creek ao,uoy. Sooth Dakota,
was 1 01 per buahel and action secretary
riitna htd to pay it. It was lor No. 1 spring
60-lha to the bushel, for milling, and it waa
iwpnatiMe to get a lower rate and it waa
needed "tor the wsrrls of the government"
at ones. Considering price the world
around, thii appeara to be ptetty stiff,
right ia a wheat growing region.
A colt, tame and ' harmless, haa been
wandering around the atreet for the past
fe day a without au owner, anil laot night
some one bouaed bin) in tl-e oity marshal's
otficeVitb an abundance of bay; but this
morning he waa found locked in the office
of the engineer of the tire department, and
there was no doubt that the animal bad
considered himself at home, fie waa lying
in a comfortable position on the hay that
At a meeting of the Epworth League
which waa held last evening the following
officers were elej'ed for ensuing year: E
J. Call ins, pretiloDt; Mr. M Fowler, 1st
vico-president; Mrs, M. J. Willertou, 2nd
vice-president; Miss I. Adams 3rd vice
president; Mrs. D, M. French, 4'h vice
president; VV. A. Kirbv. secretary; E Jen
sen, treasurer; Miss L E Ruoft, or pan is';
Miss El Rindall, asa't o.-ginist; John Par
rot, cboi iater. '
The case of the St te of Oregon vs. A.
C. viorria, indicted before the recent term
of the circuit court in Sherman ounty for
assault with a dangerous weapon, was the
only criminal action on trial during th
session. The jury brought in a verdctof
guilty, and the efendant was sentenced to
one ye -r in the penitentiary. This waa a
very aggravated assault, in which Morris,
in a quarrel with .lake Brock, drew a knife
on him and stabbed him in tbe eye, the re
sult of which was that Brock lost the sight
of that member.
Tbe smallest paper in the world ia pub
lished in Guadalajara in exico. Its title
ia til T-legrafo, and' underneath ia the
announcement that tbe paper ia an inde
pendent weekly periodical of politics and
varied news. Th monthly subscript ou
ia four cents, by mail fje cents, for thia
weekly u a cent publication. It ia pr n ed
in eight columns, each four and one-half
inches long and me and one-balf inches
wide, on thick manilla paper. And yet
tbe aff inclndea an editor and director, an
administrator or business u anager, a re
sponsible man or capitalist, and a printer.
Among newspapers thia tiny Sunday journal
certainly occupies a uniuue position.
moroing train tor Portland to attend the
grand lodge in cession in that city I
The wheat wagona from Klickitat courtv
crowded the atreet yesterday in froot ot
Moody'a warehouse. This is of daily oc
currence, and bardly an hour pisbes that
tbe ferry does not cross two or more teams.
The west-bound train that paste i
through the city thia morning had fourteen
coaches attached, and was hauled by two
locomotive. Thia extra number of coaches
waa caused by delegations of Knights of
Pythisa visiting Portland to be in attend
ance on the grand lodge.
A movement ia on foot to organize a liter
ary society and debating club, in whiob
criticism and discussion will be had on the
subjacts in which tbe people are directly
interested. A meeting the purpose of
organization will be held at the' Congrega
tional church next Wednesday evening.
Gearge Herrall, of tbe firm of Herrall &
Zimmerman, proprietora of the United
States Brewing company of Portland, com
mitted soioide yesterday morning in the
yard hick of bia residence by abooting him
self through the head. Litigation and
financial embarrassment appear to have
been tbe cauaea.
. New York state ia to be the battle
ground of a fierce political contest this
: fall, says an exchange. Both nominees
for governor are prominent men before
the nation Ex-President Morton on
' the. Republican and TJ S. Senator
Hill on ' the ' Democratic ' aide. t Mr.
Morton has. money and hia record
shows that he ia , not at loggerheads
with the saloon; Hill is the figore
: head of tbe machine Democracy and
the slums of New York City will rally
behind the Tammany tiger toiia sap
port With the Democratic party
bearing the blame of the bird times,
low prices of labor, and also being
weakened by opposing factions of
Cleveland and Hill - the Democrats
have an uphill fight, although the Pro
hibitionists, who hold the balance of
power, may so weaken the Republican
party as to let Hill in. It will be a
close fight and tbe result will looked
for by tbe rest of the nation with con
aiderable interest.
The following from the Pomroy
' Independent . contains very strong
hopes of Populist success in tbe torn
ing campaign in Washington: "But
our paper ia not a vehicle for scienti
, -fio theses and we must close these
hints of real facts to predict the suc
cess of the Populists because every
- evidence in Heaven and tbe earth is
that God is on our side and all good
men are turning our way. Let Jor
dan ro'l till her billows entomb every
boodler that curses our state."
From Monday's Dally
Mr. Ivan Homason, of Portland, arrived
in thia city on the afternoon train.
Hon, Geo. - H. Williams, ex-attorney-general
of the United States, waa in tbe
city yesterday.
Elder J. N. Smith, of Monmouth, Or.,
will preach in the Christain church Tues
day evening at 8 P.M.
A marriage licence was granted by the
county clerk today to Miss Wyoming Cooper
and Mr. James A. Cook.
Mr. K V. Helm, who has been sojourn
ing on hia farm at Alanine lor several
weeks past, returned to the city yesterday.
Mr. R. J, Monroe, of Lewiston, arrived
in thia city "n the morning train. He ia a
son of Mrs. P. Craig, and came down to visit
his mother daring her illness.
The ferry is kept busy crossing wheat
wagona. lnese are coming over constantly,
and occasionally the streets sround the
warehouses are crowded with there.
Mr. E S. Waterman, of Athena, ar
rived in the city thia morning. Hs is a
delegate to the grand lode, K. of P.
wbib convenes in Portland during tbe
week. "
E ghreen members of Wasco Lodge, No.
15, A. F. and A. M left on the train thia
morning rnr Moaier to attend the funeral of
Hon. J. N. Moeinr, who waa buried there
thia morning at 10 o'clock.
Dr. Hunlock and Mr. J. W. Fox, of
Mitchell, gaye us a pleaaant call thia after
noon. Tney are delegates from the lodge at
Mitchell to tbe grand lodge, K. of P.,
which convenes in Portland tomorrow.
The police record yesterday was some
what increased, and three ahowed up thia
morning before tbe recorder for being drunk
and disorderly. After hearing their testi
mony a fine of $5 was imposed on eacb .
A bond of about 2500 sheep were eroased
on the ferrv todaw from Washington. They
were owned bv Mr. Thomas Fargber, and
were being driven from the summer range
nar Mt. Adams to the home pasture near
Hingsley. ...
The district fair of the society
togine tomorrow and continues five days.
There are quite a number ot pec pie in the
city from different points in the interior
an1 also from the Willamette valley, who
will be in attendance. .
Lottie, the eight-year-old dsoghter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wo. FrizzelL died at the
Lock", last nienr, after a brief illness of a
few days. Mrs. Frzzell is a daughter of
Mr. John fates ot this city sod a si-ter ef
Mr. D L- Catea, of he Looks The funeral
will take place at that town tomorrow.
Of all the people in the world On-gnnians
should tntte hard times the moat rjhi'oanohi
rallv. Where en stern s'atoa will hs visited
by cold blustering weather, reqniring tins
and tens of coal, Oregon will have mild
weather with very cheap wnnd (pX3ppt
where a debt ia paid with it ) Farmera are
generally miking the best of the situation.
The rol'owing new nnmlrs wer ao
nointed' Friday; G H Letillfer.' at Green
Bisin, Marino county; W T 8hiere, at
Knn, K'math ennntv; MrsMarh tTngan,
at Lone Rock, Gil'iam ennntv; J R KnVr
at Matahurg, Plickamaa ennntv; M ' E
Hotchnon. a Morton, Klmth oennty,
and Riley Shelter, at Scio, Linn county
The atookvards if Mr R E Saltmarah
& Co sra crowded today ih cattle and
sheep. There are about 300 head of the
former f 'mi Klickitat county in Washing
ton, a"d Crnnk ennntv, and the ahesp are
fmm poin in thia connty 8oma of theae
will go to p-irt. Towf atd and the ; remain
der to Troutdale. It will keep Mr. 8al
marsha'a employee buay loading today and
Mr. J. F. Eoot'a residence, about nine
miles aoutheaat of tbe city, burned to the
ground yesterday afternoon. The loss is
estimated at $1000. on which there was
$600 insurance. It ia supposed to have
oauvbt fire from the carelesane-s of children,
who started a fire in the stove and then
lett the house without a single occupant
J. H rJaatioga was arrest d ye.terdny at
Buod Ruer tor obtaining mo'iey niMHr
Mae pretenses. He drew a cheuk on The
Dalles National bunk for $5, which he
passed on Jaires Crate. It war. proved that
he had no money on deposit, and waa there
fore arrested on tbe above huge. He was
examined before Justice Davis thia after
uoon. Rav. A. Bronsgee9t left on the afternoon
train for tbe Cascade Locks, wn-re he will
look aft-r the matter of buiMiog a church
in that town. He haa two lota for build
ing purpose, one of which cost him $100
ud tbe other waa donated. Mr. Ono
K'eeman, the celebrated architect, hsa
drafted plans, and there is no donbt tbe
e litice will soon be under process of con
struction. While coming down McKay mountain
with a load of freight, Henry Bnrchtorf
had the misfortune to upset, says the
Prineville Review. Henry received some
severe cots and bruises, by the fall, and
had his property considerably damaged in
the bargain. Truly, the lot"of a freighter
ia not an easy one, when one reflects that
such acuideuts will happen when he ia
within ten miles of home after a trip of
240 milea.
TbeLakeview Examiner says: J. N
Watson, tne Reno mutton buyer and all
around hustler, was in last Friday and
informed us that he had just started his
sheep on their southern drive. He has
something over 9S00 head, in three bands,
and will reach lteno about the first of
November. He originally bought 10,000
head, aud made the summer's run on a
Joss of a 1 ml e more than one per cent.
He bought some yearling wethers at $1
and could have got more at f 1.25 but said
be didn't want them at that price. When
naked if the' mutton market was looking
np he said it whs not, because there was
a strong deposition on the part ot most
sheepmen to unload. -
Dufur DoU(8.
Dcfpa, Ore., Oct. 3, 1894.
Threshing is almost done in this neigh
borhood and as far as the farmera are con
cerned wheat may now advance in price to
a dollar per bushel.
The Johnston firm yielded nearly 19,000
bueb,els of graio.
Balcb, tbe druggist, contemplates the
building of sn addition to the south side of
his store where he will furnish office accom
modations for bis new doctor.
Mrs. Monroe Heisler, who waa injured in
falling from a wagon, is gaining rapidly.
Our doctor Dietrich haa been confined to
his room for several days. He is suffering
from rheumatism and we hops' to soon sea
him around again aa tbe community cannot
well get along without bim if a serious case
shonld turn up.
Mrs Warren, who is visiting in Port
land since two weeks, is expected to return
thia week. .; '
Dr. Dietrich performed quite a painful
operation on the limb of Uuy Marquam, son
of Geo. Marquam, and we are pleased to
aay tbe boy ia doing well.
- Mr. J. O. Tattle, who underwent a seri
ous operation at the hands of Dr Dietrich
several weeka ago, haa fully recovered ana
paid a visit to Tbe Dalles today. ,
Mr. Ed. Hinman, the competent young
schoolmaster, baa baen engaged to teach a
term in the Pleaaant Bidge district.
. A rumor says that a new shoe shop will
be started here soon, and we judge from all that it will ba a "waterproof
concern, - r
Mr. Ed. Bobua had many improvements
made in hia hotel, and we are pleaaed to say
that hia baaineae is iucreasiog from day
day. Mr. Bohuaia a genial host and the
kitchen over which Mrs. B'hna keeps a
strict supervision furnishes onoommon good
meals for a country hotel, and so the pros
perity of tbe Central House ia a natural
Jnst at closing this communication w
learn that Dufur may be blessed with an
other drug store in the near future. The
pirty coming from the valley was in
town today and it is aaid has made definite
arrangements. "Usclb Tom."
A Ride; Through tUe wneat Belt
. of Wasco County.
It is not quite the season of "theaer-,
the yellow leaf," but the mellow dayr of
early autumn, when tbe aky ia cioudln.
and the air is iu igorating wttb a fre-iu.e-
that ia the result of frott? nights. Enlv
mornings are cool, bat wben tbe tun
reaches a point near tbe ttuuh the atmoa
phere ia delightful, sod makes one think of
ciimatio perfection. Suob a day waa Sat
urday, and behind a team . of huraea,
whose powers of endurance and swifineaa
of movement in passing over suburban
roads would not force the imagination to
picture a scene of riding behind Pegasus,
the winged moaaenger of tbe muses, the
"we" of tbe Times Mocktaixekb was
aeated on that afternoon witb Hon. A. M.
Kelaay, the rounty clerk, holding the reins.
Tbe object of the journey waa aome busi
ness eoonrcted witb tbe clerk'a office, and,
aa Mr. KeUay ia a sociable man be invited
the pencil-pusher to accompany him, and
the invitation waa witb many thanks and
due appreciation accepted.
The tint few milea from The Dalles passed
over well-remembered scenes, whiah have
i.een familiar to the writer for over a quar
ter ot a oentury. Old Mt. Hood, snow
capped, atands eentinel Over mountains and
glens, forests and plains. In tbe foreground,
winds the sinuoua course ot the Columbia
river, golden in tbe aunlight and ailvery
bright in the rays of tbe moos. A ter
gaining tbe uplanda tbe fruitful fields ot
Wasco appear close at hand. Almost every
hill ia dotted with grain-fields, witb the
bountiful atraw stacks from the recently
threshed gram in the center. The road
crosaes Three Mile, Five Mile and E ght
Mile, and tbe scene ia varied but little.
Pleaaant farm bonaes on bottoms and billa,
witn orchards and pastures on the bank ot
the streams are constantly seen, nntil afcer
two hours' drive a atop is made at Dufur.
This is a flourishing country town, with
all the accessories to make life enjoyable.
The Fifteen Mile house ia presided oyer
by Mr. A. K. Dufur, and a more' genial
boat cannot be found in Eastern Oregon.
From bis large farm tbe table ia supplied
witb milk fresh from the cow, butter
ohurned on tbe premises, and steaks that
are juicy and invigorating. Guests are ac
commodated witb oldtime hospitality, and
are forced to tbe conclusion that they are
visiting' friends instead cf transient sojour
ners. Tbe leading merchants are Johnston
Bros, and they carry a complete stock o!
goods, and aell at pricea to auit tbe times.
That the gentlemen have been successful in
business is fully demonstrated by the beaut
iful homes they occupy, surrounded with
well kept lawns, beautiful ahade treea, and
orchards burdened with golden fruit. Dr.
Kane, graduated from Cooper Institute,
San Francisco, highly recommended by the
faculty, is tbe latest addition to the med
ical profession of the town. There is a well
supplied drug store, presided over by Mr.
C. P. Baich.a thorough druggitt Two
churches, Methodist and United Brethren,
with reaident ministers, are custodians of
the morals of the community, and a better
olass of people, morally and socially, do not
reside anywhere.
An hour's atay at Dufur, a beartb hand
shake with old acquaintances, and we are
speeding away to tbe Tvgh ridge. This
is the garden spot of Wasco eontty, and
grain fields follow each other continuously.
Tbe soil is black and loamy, and crops
never fait ' Here are situated the farms of
Mr. J." Brookhonse, R. Mays, Fargher
Bros., Rami and Leon Rondeau, all well
to do, with herds of cattle and horses in
paatnre, and droves of boga roaming
through newly cut' rain. Mr. Rami Ron
deau baa been a . eaideut of Tygh ridge
for twenty-one yeah , and was perhaps the
first settler. From the highest point the
view is grand beyond description. The
highlands ot Waaco and Sherman countios
are spread before the vision, and these
gleam in golden tints from tbe sunlight,
and the horiaon shows np boldly Hood'.
Adams and St. Helena, with tbe Catcade
range as the background.
The business waa aoon transaoted Satur
day night, and after a refreshing .sleep,
Sunday was devoted to the return trip to
The Dalles. Kingsley, the poetoffioe of
Tygb ridge, ia twenty-six milea distant,
and ' the early morning drive was truly
tracing.. Paaaing wsgona that had depes
fted tbeir loads' of grain at the warehouses
in thia. city, Eight Mile was reached in
three hours' drive, snd here dinner was
eaten at the inn kept by Mrs. Huott and
her daugbtera. )f one desire to fare sumpt
tuously he ahould sit dowo to Mrs. Huott's
table, snd have his appetite regaled with
roast betf, cooked to the queen's taste,
witn vegetables, rake and pastry as fide
dishes. An hour's drive brought us to the
onnfints of the .city, and an absence of a
single day afforded us a more extended
view of tbe country than could have been
had by any other means. 1 :
A Bright Lad.
Ten years of age, but who declines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
ot consumption. The doctor said Unit I,
too, would soon die, and all our neighbors
thought that even If I did not die, I would
never be" able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt ray finger and
't gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, i!
was sure to become a running sore. I had
'o take lots of medicine, but notliing has
lone me so much good as Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla. it has made me well aud strong."
r. D. M., Norcatur, Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co, Lowell, Maas.
Cures others, will cure you
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an aTacutton and ordr nf
sued out of the circuit court of the State cf Oregon,
for Waaco county, upon a d-cree a o Judgment
made, rendered ai d enteied hy raid coun on t a
lit day ot Kebruarv. 18S4. in favor of h ..l..nria
in a suit wherein hupene I'. hite was jlalntlff
and C r Heal.) and Wary P Heid were defend,
ante, and to me dir. cted aud de ivered. command
!'"'' levy uuon and ssll allihe land men
uoued aud eeibcd in aaid writ and (hereinafter
no nb d, I did on the 821 dy of August
189. duly ltvy upon, and wi i ae 1 at public anctlon
to the highest tudderforcash inhand, on Wednesday
the mh Uay of October, 18H, at 2 o'clock In J ha
afternoon of said day at th ft front door of the couny
court boufe In Dalies City, m Waaco cuntv Ore.
gon, a:i oi tne ian.a and premises de-cribed In said
writ and n rein described a fodowa, to wit :
O'mmenoing at the aouthrsat corner of the north
ease quarter .1 aectinn two (i), townabip two i)
wi.u w vru xvf, ant ,-i wMHmfite nit-rid
urn, runnirnr inence w. n one nundr d, reventv-one
ami su-iuu .in tu) rods to a po'nt; running h i r.
north foriy-aiic v.a one-haif (e ft) rods j, a pjint;
runnimr ineiice -aat on; hundred a-d seTenty-on
and 80-100(171 80) roda Vi a point, and running
thence wuth forty-ai . and one-h.if 4B H) rod. to
tne piace oi Dexin-uug: also beulnninir .t the ..orh.
east earner of the northwest quarter of the aouth
eaat quarter of section two 02). toa-nshin la., in
north of range ten (10). east of tbe Willamette
meridian; running thenca south thirtv-two 18 'iroda
to a point; runnh g thence west thirty-two (32) rooa
to a point; running thence north thirty-two (82)
rods to a point ; running thence ease eighty 180 i oda
to tne place el Deginoipg. together with all the im
provements thereon, aud ammrtenancea thrwimtn
belonulng, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient
satisfy the sum i f live hundred and ninety eiht
;H8 00 dollars now due on aaid Judgment with in
terest tnereon at the rate of teu per cent per an
num on 8200 aud eight per cent per annum on the
balance of aaid judgment from the 14th cav of
r eoruary, 18U4. and tbe lurtber a'ttn of twenty Ave
im is-iw isso. jzi auiiara costs in aaid tmt to
gether with costs of said wr.t and accruing coats ot
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon,
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, Sept, 15th, 1894
Harper's Weekly.
Death of Lot ile Prlzzell.
Little Lot'-ie Frizzall, age 7 years, 10
months snd 7 days, died ot pneumonia, at
tbe family reaidence, Casoade Locks, Ore
goo. October 7 1S94, at 6:30 p.m.
Tbe deoeased was the youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Wm, FrizzelL and had
been aick only two days. '
"It was so sudden," our white Hps said,
"How ws shall miss her, tbe beautiful dead,
Who takes the place of the precious one fled f
- But God knoweth best,
..We know He watches the sparrows, that fall,
Hears the sad cry of the grieved ones that call,
Fother, mother and sisters, Ho loveth them all.
Seattle papers please copy.
A River King.
Mr. F. S. Foster, one of tbe oldest boat,
men on the river, is in the city today. He
haa studied a flat boat like an admiral doea
his flagship, and it makes little difference
bow violent the wind may blow if a scow
makes a landing without, the least trouble
yon may be assured that "Mont" Foster is
at the helm. For over twenty years 'he
baa navigated the middle Columbia, and
you can see his bosom swell witb pride
wben fair winds swell hia sail sod his boat
is making a landing with tbe preciaion of a
royal craft. He is a river king, and, like
the old vikings, he is never in hia happiest
hnmor except when hs sees the waves
swell under hia bark, and the demons of
the angry storm howl around bis mast
cu a zueuicuie, la
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
And, because ot
that, there's some
thing unusual in
the way cl soiling
it. Where every
other medicine of
its kind only crom-
ises, this is guaran
teed, n it ever
X Oregon, lor the County of tt asco.
In the matter of the guardianship es- l
tate of Nancy Stanley, an aged and V Citation.
infirm person. )
To Nancy Stanley and Hans Lage, guardians of
Nancy Stanley, an aged and iiflrm peiaon, and
all other betre and leaateea, known aua unknown.
ui tfuuu owuiiey, ueceasea: ureeung :
In the name of the State of Oiearon. von are here.
bv cited and required to appear in the county couit
oi toe aura oi uregon , lor tne count of Waaco, at
the court-room thereof at Dalles City, in aaid
county, on Monday, the third day of eeptember,
1894, at 10 o'clock In the forenocn of that day, then
and there to show cauae, if any there be, why the
following described real property, to-wit: Lots
number one (1), two (S), three (S) and four (4), of
section thirty-two (82), in townnhip three (8). north
ot range eleven (11). eaot of . Willamette meridian,
contoiuina 189 45-100 acres and situated in Waaco
county, state of Oregon; should not be sold for the
support of Nancy Stanley, widow of said John Stan
ley, deceased.
Witness, the Hon. Geo. C. Blakelv,
Judge of the said county court, with
Mi-T or at ui gaia court amxeo. una
20th day of Jul v. A. D. 1894.
W. M. KF.LSAY, Clerk.
By E. MARTIN, Deputy.
Lin Omcs at Vaxcoitvb, Wash.,
July 27, 1894.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named set
tler haa filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof In support of bis claim, and that said
groof will be made before Commissioner United
tates Circuit Court, district of Washington, in
Qoldendale, Wash., on October 15, 1894 , viz'
H E 6274, (Indian), for the lot 1, and S KEt, arc
4, Tp 8 N, R 13 E W M .
He names tbs following witnesses to prove his
conlinuoui residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vis: Bill Charley, Wm Spittia. Mirtiu Spedis
and Frank Silotsi. all ot Klick'tat county, Wain
Lasd Orncs At Vascouvir, Wash.,
juiy in, ism.
Notice ia hereby given that the following-named
settler haa filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before Commissioner oi United
States Circuit i:ourt for district of Washington, in
Gcldendale, Wash., on October 16, 1894, via:
H E fft'S. (Indian), tor the SU NEt NWt NPi
SElN,,sec24,tp2 It, E 13 E W M.
ne names tne following witnesses to urove hia
continuous residence upon aa i cultivation of said
land, viz: Bill Charlev. William Rnitn. s.hi.
opeuis ana ran Biloui. all si Klickitat county.
i mm mini
HKPER"S WfcEKI.Y is bfyond all question the
eautug Journal in Ameri. a, in lis aplemud illusfa-tion-,
in it corp. of ti.winuis 'd c nttibnto s. ai'd
in ita vast army of readers. In special lines it
draws on the highest order of talent, the men bt-st
fitted by positiou and 'main to treat tbe leading
topics of the day. In fiction the most popular storv
writers contribute to its columns Superb draw
ings by tbe fo emost artists illustrate its special
tirtlcles, its stories, and every notab.e evrnt of pub
lic interest; it contain, portraits of the distineuiohed
men nd w men ho are muking thp history of the
time, wb le special attention ia given tc the -truiy
and Navy, Amateur 8 port, and uai- and the
linuna. h 'litiniruwhod experts In a word. Har
per's Weekly combines th news features of the
daii piper and the rtisnc and iter try qualities w
ch- mngazine with the a Ud criuual character of the
PK Ysaz:
Harper's Magazine S4 00
Harper's Weekly ' 4 no
harper's Bazar 4 00
HaTf-era Young People I','.'., t 00
Pottage free to all SubierOten in'.the United States
Canada and Mexico.
The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
numher for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num
ber current at the time of receipt of oruer.
Bound Volumes 01 Harper', Weekly for three
fears back. In nent cloth binding, will be sent by
mail, postage paid, or hy express, free of expense
ipruti.ieu irtutui. oea not exceed one Collar per vol.
-It IVI VI (Ml 11MUU1C
Cloth cases for each volnme. .nif.KU . Kinrft
will he sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of i each
Remittances' should b made bv posteffice money
,ub, v. uia., w mum unauce OK lofs.
xtwfpapert are not to copy t advertisement
miiunu ine expra order of Harper & Brother.
Address: HAKPEK & BUOIHERS, New Yoik.
We can fit jou in siie.
We can pleae you ii. style.
NY can nuit you iu prid.
If you will give at in pportan'ty.
Overcoats unci Ul-t ei h.
Rarper's Bazar.
HAKrEKs BAZAR is a Jonmnl for the home. II
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iona, and its nnm. rolls illurtntions, Paris designs
uu nM,iru-niic-ei supplements are indispensable
alike to the heme Irene-maker and the Drofeaainnal
modiste. No ex pe is it spared te make its artistic
attractiveness of ib highest order. Its bright
if-, Buiuamy coineuiea aaa tnougnuut essays
satisfy all tastes, and iu last page is famous as a
budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues
vervthing is included which is of Interest to women.
The Serials for 1894 will be written by William Black
and Walter Besant. Short atones will be written by
Mam C M.' 1 1 L . l ; Y ' .. .. . . J
' - limns, juwti LWD, r-ooi, tiuio jaccnery
Stuart, Marion Har'and, and ntbors Out-Door
Sports and lu-Door Games, Sodsl Entertainment,
Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive
constant attention. A new series Is promised of
Paa Ysab:
narpers Magazine S4 00
Harper's Weekly .
Harper. Bazar . . .
Harper's Young People
4 00
4 On
S 00
Postage free to all subscribers in tht United States,
The Volumes cf the Bazar begin with
number for January of fact- year. Whe . no time la
mcuuoneu, sunscriptinns will begin with the Uum-
vuncufc at tne tuns oi rtceipt of order
Bound Volumes of Harper's Bator or three years
hack, in mat cloth binoing. win be sent bv mail
p. sUjKe bj exp ess, free of expense (pro
Tided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol-
..-,( .v. . . ,. ... iviuuiK
ni.V, v , .. ... . . ..
. Wt-" o'ume. suitaoie lor binding,
will be sent bv mall, post-paid, on receipt of SI each.
Kt mittancee ahould be mane by puatofflee money
w.wc. ... u,bi, iv avuiu cnance oi loss.
?f"e?aJri not U C0Py f't odmrtiaenunu
u.t vywm uruer or aarper es Brothers.
Address: HARPER BROTHERS Hew York.
fails to benefit or cure, you have your money NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.
,(!', CO.
McNEILL, Receiver
It's the only guaranteed remedy for nvsr
used by a disordered liver or im-
disease cai
pure blood. Dvsrjerjsia. Bilinnanm tw
most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous
affections, even Consumption (or Luna
scrofula) in its earlies stages, alt are cured
It purifies and enriches the blood, rouses
every organ into healthful action, and re
stores strength and vigor. In bunding up
both flesh and strength of pale, puny Scrof
ulous children, or to invigorate and brace
np the system after " Grippe," pneumonia,
fevers, and other prostrating acute diseases,
nothing can eg oaf the " Discovery."
You pay only for tbe pood you get.
.free Watyj-.
Tbe free watering Jtrongb in the East
End, which was erected by the city for the
benefit of farmers and others, the water
commission charged $5 a month to supply.
As the oonncil considered it a benefit to the
public that body wisely refused to pay tLe
amount, and the commission proceeded to
shot off the water; but Joles, Collins & Co.,
at the oorner of whose store tbe trough is
situated, paid tbe amount charged, and th
water trough will remain free to the public
as heretofore. Joi.ES, Collins ft Co.
Laho Omcs ai Vaxoodtkr, Wash.,
AumlHt 20 1KS4.
Notice la hereby given that the followirur-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make mud
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before W. R Onnbar, Commissioner
U. 3. Circuit Court, for district of Wuhimrbm .t
his ortice in Qoldendale, Washington, on October S,
HE, NO 6245. for the Wri of SEl and Nl at REIS
Sec iB, Tp 8, N R IS E W M. ' '
He names the following witn eases to prove his
land, viz: '
Marlon M Splawn. Robert Struther. John Kun
irtunuu. uitruer, an ov nartiaml r. u., W aah. 1
L. GEOGHEOAN, Register.
Lans Omcs ai VAHcotrvia, Wash.,
July 47 1MU
Notice is htreby ghen that the foliowing-oamed
settler nas meo nonce ot kla Intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof, will be made before commissioner United
owes circuit voura lor AMStrict of Washinfirton
t U7 .. ,. 1 . r . 1
H E 6272 (Indian), for the lota S and a, and 81 NWlt
sec 2, Tp 8 N, R 13 E W M. --
Be naraea the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence uuon and cultivation of said
land, viz. John Siiotri, Bill Charlev. Wm Spittia
muu i iNMwiuwi, an v nueattar county, nasU.
3B S T!
Choice of Two Trancontinental Bontes
VI. .
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
A -
X from any one that doea not belong to Uie Aaaoeiatlon. aud I hav a better claas of goudaT HaNlnJ
taketi the necessary coune of instruction in embalming, I am prepared to attend to overyUiing pertaining
. f,LAPE F BUSINESS-Corner of Third and Washington streets. RESIDENCE Corner of Fourth
and Vtasuington streets. All oruers promptly attended to.
' WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Maimer
The Ofo Eno Wine Eooms
Best Grade Califoroia Wines and Brandies in tie City
No. OO Second door from
the corner of Court Street . . .
S; IF. MflD'OflW,
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET
(Adjoining Railroad Depot)
Consig'nments Solicited
Promp Attention to tnose who rvor m witb their patronae
Corner Third and Washington Streets.
area Hams
Dried Beef
and ToDgues,
And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and
Veal Outlets in tbe market
' PatQtiti ' Panta; IAaiia ,
If you want a good pair of all woo pacta
cheap, Robert E- William caa fit you in
both quality aud prioe.a A good aaaortmeot
to aeUct from. Call early before the rneit
deairabla patterns are taken,
t Rosibt E. Williams .
The Eaat Eud Clothier.
4 , From Saturuar'a Daily. :
B L- Forinau, ot Wapinitia, is in town
Mr. A. Nultoer, of the Portlaud Dlepaleh,
ia id th city.
J. C Johnatoo, ot Dufur, apent tbe day
in tbe oity on busiacai. .
lion. A. A. Jayce, proaecating attorney
tor thia dutrior, ia in town today.
Oak 6 U 8. to Wm. O. Clellanrl. Honte
ausad 2036. aw ar, aeu. 7. t 2 u, r 11 e, U!.l
' hroat could be discerned this morning by
' any one Mho ia troubled hy iuaomuia, but
- the day waa very delightful.
Deputy Sheriff Kally returned from
. Tygb rjilge thia . morning and reports an
rihtb f an inch of ion oa the wafer there
thin mOTDiuK.
Nr xt week ia fair week, and a large at-
teodanoa ia eapeote 1 aa a Rooa exmbitioa
: of agricultural produutt, woiki of art aud
. cf handicraft.
The weat bound train did not paaa
through the city thia moraine; antil half
past 8 o'clock. It waa delayed somewhere
east of Umatilla. -
Jadge Bradshaw retorned from Moro
jeeterday afterooon. The aeaaion of oir-
cuit court waa very short, and it would
have adjourned two daya earlier but for a
trial jury failing to a((ree on a yerdict Until
they had been out two daya,
H. Lloyd waa confined in the county ja-l
laat night for aellit'K liquor to Indiana and
the aborigines to whom tiie whisky waa aolii
were hrld aa witneaaea. On rxaminatio''
before' the. U. S. coonm sai ner L'ovd aa
rwnnd over to anawer the charge be ore the
V. S district coort id Portland.
Serious tiouble ia said to exist in th
Centenary M. K. church ef ortland, ac
oordin to a telegram to tbe Examiner. At
the recent conference the bishop appointed
Her. J. N. Deuniaon, an Oregon man, aa
paatorof the church. Tbe people wauted
an eaatern man, some one new and frea b
li"e aome of the other churchea. Hence
the trouble. ,
Mr. J fa. Knebel, who baa a farm about
three miles south of Tbe lallea, ou which
he raised an abundant crop of fruit tbia
yea, has a very productive v neyard. He
will not market bia trapes tlis season, but
will manufacture wine, and has already
The Sayrea mnHer mvcrv In Portland
ia crat'ng cocaidrab! Pxeitamnnr, and
Chief Minlo and ShoHff Seira are nainsr
river? pnmvhU clue tt ferret ont the erimx.
'Bn"i". Kellv anil a m-n by the name
of Garthn-ne have bfB arretted for the
crime, and while it is not known what evi
dence there ia again"-, them it ia conaidrr-d
vervatrone Pu.h a brtual crime shonld
not eo nnpnniahed.
Rev. B. O 0 een. for the pat vear
travelina mi aooarv for th ChnVian
rhnnh in Lane eonntv. la miaainp. The
lt kro n of him he left the residence of
Thnma Hardy, at SnrinpfielrT, where b
onk dinnr Sol-emher 15. Fie atarred
from there, riding a rem pony, to go to the
Mek' hop vard east of Junction. R-nne
then hia fnenda can ttnil no trace of hi-.
ai thou eh he had aevxral app-intmenta to fill
and had p revioualy been very prompt.
Iwt week an E'fc U:'y man, writes
'AIta.M ran no against a curion enjanHe.
Ten vears ngo this man lived at E'k City,
and near bim lived a neighbor. One dav
the neighbor pulled sralrea and remove')
his family to Walla Wa'la. Last week
there came to the Elk CUv man thrnneh
the mail a letter eoclnaing a postal order
for fiitv "enla, and anion nber thing" it
aai l: '-B-fore left Et Uitv 1 atole 60
cents worth of nails from von and my con-
Hnce an trouble me that I ennnot reat.
The end of time if near mni want to
make all wrospa righ-. snd pet rendu to
meet my Uod. Enclnaed find pnatal order
to lay for vour oHa," Corva'lia Timet.
About 2 n'cloi-k yeaterdav afternoon s fire
waa liacnvered horatine from the roof of
the Cosmopolitan hotel. Columbia iioe
Ca. attachod ita hose to the ping on the
corner of Front and Washington soon after
the alarm waa sounded; hut the water
would not reach the pTaoe. The bova then
climbed on the roof, banled the hose nn,
and hv this meana put ont the fire.. As
the fl imes hnrt ont rv ansrilv at first it
was feared that The Dal'es was doomed to
another visitation from th fire fiend; but
Unjctr, effective work stopped its progress.
The dames are supposed to have fsuglit
fmm the sparks nf a psaanir locomotive.
sni the riamagea snstnmed are bnt slight.
' 4 Qood Appointment.
Mr, Monroe, ment oned in the following
slipping from the Lew Ston Teller, is a son
of Mrs. P. Craig ol this city, and well
known to some of our citizens: "R. J .
Monroe haa received an appointment, from
Attorney General 'Paraons, to act as at
torney for the state of Idaho, in all con
tests and other legal proceedings before the
United States land! office at Lewiston,
Idaho, in abiah the state is a party. The
commission waa received by iir. Monioe
last week . The appointment is a good one,
aa Mr. Monroe has bad an extensive
practice in land caees, bas served . eighteen
years as receiver in the United States
land office at Lewiston. He was appointed
first by Grant during bis first term and
received bis second,-appointment at Grant's
bands. President Hayes continued him
for bis efficient work. During the first
Cleveland administration Mr. Monroe was
an attorney practicing before tbe general
land office and department of the interior.
On tbe return of the Repub icans to power,
President Harrison gaye te Mr. Monroe his
fourth commission, which has just expired.
Tbe fonr lull commissions and the bold
over tactions of terms has made the
eighteen years of ancient service which ia
placed to Mr. Monroe's credit. He haa
been a careful student of all land laws and gan to run. One of the children, a little
ta rendered aervice in eonie of the moat I daughter of Mr. Gerllnir. lamoad tn ih
.ceieDraea ot put contested cases
bly maintain the interests pf tbe state in
Sttabblag at Uiicneil.
News reached Prineville Thursday even
ing of a stabbing aflray that occared at
Mitchell last Tuesday, says tbe Prinevilie
It seems that W. L. Carqpbell, a carpen
ter, was engaged at work on a new build
ing near tbe residence of Dr. Hoack.
Henry Brown rode in and dismounting
left bia borse standing near where Campbell
was at work and entered the physician's
reaidence on an errand. For aome reason
Campbell obirroped to Brown's horse and
the animal atarted aa if to move away.
From tbia the men engaged in a quarrel
that led to a fight. Cimpbell ran at Brown
to clinch bim, and the latter used hi
pocket knife with such eflct tbat Camp
bell received a wound about two inches
deep 'and nine inches long below ooe
shoulder, a cut dowo the breaat and a gun
through the upper Up. Campbell bled pro
fueely, bat hia wounds recsiviag promyt
attention wU hardly result fatally. Brown
furnished bonds in the sqm of $2Q, and
was released Campbell was a reaideut fit
Grant county. ' -
Berlona) Accident. -,
Klickitat Leader.
Aa the children who attend the school
taught by S. H. Mason at Sand Spring
wee going borne oa the evening of Sep
tember 26lb the borse that was ridden by
two little glrla became frightened and be-
Anotber Call.
All county warrants registered prior to -January
1, 1891, will be paid on presenta
tion at my office. Interest ceases after
September 10, 1894.
Wm. Michmjv
' County Treasurer.
By virtue of an execution sb4 order of sale, is
sued out ol the eirouit sourt ot the state of Orovoa
for Waaco county, upon a decree and judgment
made, rendered and entered by said court on the
14tb day ot February, 1884, In favor of the plaintiff
in a suit wherein Eugene D White wia p alntiff and'
O P HeaW, Mary P Heald and I J
Ferguson ware defendants, and to me di
rected and delivered, commanding me to
levy upon and seU el the land mentioned and
decrihed in aild writ and hereinafter described. I
did on the Sid dav of Aua-ust. lssa. dnlv i.t, '1
and will sell at public aueuon to the highest bidder
for cash In band, on Welnesdav, tbe 17th dav of Oc
tober, 1894. at e'clock in tbe afternoon of said
day at the front dior uf the county court hous in
Dalle City, in Waaco county, uregon, all of the
lands and premises described iu said wait and hers
in described aa follows, to wit: '
Commencing at the southeast eoraer f th .u
east quarter ol section 3 (two), townablp 2 (two)
north of range ten 110J, east of Willamtte merid
ian; runningthence wear one hundred, seventv one
and moo (171 30 rods to a point; running thence
north forty-six and ene-half 46. 6J roda to a point
running thence at one hundred and seventv one
and 80-100 171.30) iods to a point, and running
thance MJUth for. air A ,,n..l, .l uo r.i -. j . -
tbe place of beginning; alao beginning at the north
east corner uf the nor hwaat quartor of tbe unitli.
east quarter o( section two tow..bip two 21.
north of rann ten ia .,! ,, aim
, . , 'if ' ' v v bm vv iiiatlAssvafO
merldiaq; running ttouce oili thirty-two 182 roda
to a, point; running tbence west thirty -tw. 82 rons
to a paint; tunning thence north h rtrn r
rods to a point: rnunlpg thence -sat eighty (8 1) rods
Hwti'iuiuK, ujgeiner witn a'l 'be lm
prwrementi thereon, and aonur e nance. thtmnL,
Delonging, orso mucb thereof aa ana 1 1 be ulfici.nt.
iivauiu ui wuneea nundred and siatv
tmv (132) dollars, witb leterot thai eon at the at.
.w wi. ,r annum si ice April 27, l&H and
one hundred and thirty-six and 20 100 (1136.20) doi
tors attorney's i fees, and aity alx and 26 100 (5o 26)
dollara, cost of suit and acoruiug casta In said su I
" "" csw oi sua writ and accruing costs
-e.wa.J. UH., CMTMllUDr 19, XOV.
By virtue of an order made l y the County Court
ui naacu euuoiy, Oregon, at tne July term thereof.
18t4. to me directed, as tbe exauitor of the estate
ui m. m'jL mwis, aeeearea, 1 will after the- 16th
day of October, 1894, proceed to sell for cash in
hand the following described lands of the said
estate, to-witr
Tne west half of the northwest quarter, the
northwest quarter of the southwest qnarter of sec
tion twenty; the northeast quarter of the north
west quarter of section nineteen In township 6 south
of range 12 east; the north half of the aoutheaat
quarter, northeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and southeast quarter of northwest quarter ol seo
lion twenty -one township 6 south, racre 12 east ol
niuuuaw tuariuiau in vvasco oountv. Oraran
- - ww mishit purcuaser
Dated this July 6, 1894.,
Eiecutor pf the estate ot W. atoD. Lewis, de-
t '-a ' - Sep8-5t
Lah Omcs At Tna Dallks, Orsoos,
Notice Is hereby gien that the following. named
Settler has filed notice nf hia intention m ,
Dr?' in support of his claim, and that said proof
Th lifn """i1" f'ore Kegiater and Receiver at
viniuii, uu wner . lens, via
JHHK 9 unvr '
lie names the following witnesaa to prove bis
iiT j " cultivation of said
s.5ar0,,i r..wlS- Spencer and WUliam
"r" w 4a aiwiea, ur.
JA8. P. MOORB, RegjgtCT.
rrel mare," VrLTd M on rtgh, 28. j
. ; 4u uwuit can nave tbe sain by
h Vk . Y?ra. lor. Be oliarges of
, ,7 . , "a wtrerasament.
long Hollow, Oct. a, fcft,. 0 F USBDRNE.
STEAMERS leave fort'aod every
days for
For full details call oa 0.
DAl.Ujj, or address
.Portland, Oregon,
R. AN. Agent at THE
Orders Delivered to Anv Part of the City
Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices.
Clocks, Watclies, Jewelrj, Etc
AlWaVfl kaWDai Ml ifa Iaaf anJ kt
Time-piowjii, umoud Kinxa. How-knot Kisra, 8U-
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
AH brands ot Imported Liquors, Ala snd Porter, '
and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of
walve-year-old Whisker, Istrlotly pure, for medidual pur.
, noses. Hah Liquor. Columbia Dmrarrtoear on draught. ,
' ,
04 Second Street, TIIK DALLES, OO
163 Serord SlieH. prxf tloor to A.
. Williams fc fo.'
Us will I ground safely, and the r'ther $ade the j I"be clrcolt 01 M"e Sfct of Pregoa, Jot
bis new poaition.
A Hardy sfcotchman.
Mr. M. Xbourbourn, nf K'nifsley, drove
into town Isst Sunday 600 mutton sheen
From TuearTars Daily.
The fair op-ned tniav
Mr A Mflrnd. nf Kingsley, is ia town
- fToD. M. A. Woody retorned from a trip
to Dayrille fnnday night.
Tb raofs thin afternoon attracted eon-
siderahle attcn-'oo from thrwe intereataol.
Ve'V many Kniphts of Pythias naaaed
thr-mgn tbe city thia morning to Portland
to attend the grand lodge.
X. N Steeree, a lawyer, was arrested in
Portland resrerdsy for complicity in the
murder of 0oreeW. Sayera, who was re
cently killed in rtat city.
Col. George T Thompson, C K Bayard,
Fiaok Menefee and D W Vause left pa tbe
from bis farm on Kingaley. He ia one of
thoae hardy Scotchmen who have proved
themselves good pioneers and nation build
ers in all quartera of tbe globe, snd they
seem to be adapted to making homes ia tbe
forest, tending flocks in tbe mountains,
statesman in the balls of leirisUtion, pre
miers of empires, historian, philosoulura
sod poets. Mr. Thourboarn is S typical
member of thia hardy and kingly race, an1
it ia jr-fry eptett linin to sit and hear him
rehearse b'S experiaaos in th-. sril la of New
Z a snd during tbe Maori say, sbare, with
bis trusty claymore, ho fought bia way out
of a gang of oaqnibala, and bia adventure
in E is tern Oregon, where be has camped
with bis sbsep in saow and ioe for days
witb little food and aoant bedding, fja has
not only inrvived these hardships but be
can wslk as many miles as any young man,
ai.d never forgets the native heaths . and
lochs ef grand, old Caledonia.
same ai tempi qui ner toot bang in the
stirrup, and the wa dragged anq tramped
under foot by the horse until Earnest
Gerling arrived qn the pot And succeeded,
iacatpbing the horse ap 4 resonlng the
child, who was taken to her home in an
insensible condition by Uessrs Qerling
and Ueeks.
The Injured child is the ten year old
daughter of Mr. Mobley, and sbe now lies
at her home in a very precarious candi-
uuu, uciu irampiea ana oruisea in a
tearful manner, her left arm broken in
two places and tbe dual result is in great
donbt. The little sufferer and the entire
family bare ihe sympathy of tbe neigh
' - ':
pr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum.
parr MI Htsf
Wben your old one is worn out and yon
think a" Ubw bat will be becoming to yon
remember tbst I have ast received a toll
line of tbe latest fall and winter styles.
wnion must gn regardless of price. (Jail on
Sobers J. Williams,- East Eud bargain .
Wasco county.
J. B. Condon,
"io -eai" ai-e
Sf( beTV When
tnade with
San i Francisco i Beer i Hall
IV LEMp; I'roprietor,
, plaintiff, va. OMm Witlin -h
mmisiratorol ibe eitata el Louisa Ooidatelo. da-
ceased and Clara h. genuine, Charles P. Uichel-
uacu, lams n. Micnelbach, William 1. ilichelbach
w vomi n. Aiuuejpacn, Uelendauta.
By virtus of an execution and omW nt i
out or the circuit eonrt of tbe state cf Oieyon for
-r w weals uay oi reptemoer, 1894.
linAn 111., irm nr.. .A 1 . . . . . . I
-r- - mu umor u, mis renaereu in
fayor oi the above named plaintiff and airalnst the
above named defendant for the sum hereinafter set
forth, which judgment haa been duly aaaigned to
a, proaeni owner and bolder tbereof
aa shown bv the reoorda of w
, ---., w.uer uuiiaa. oraerea tne
sale of the lands hereinafter described to saliafv
saiu sum, 1 did levy upon and will sell on Saturday. I
the 20th day ol October, lkoi .t th. 1
uur ,u via jiiy, m aaia county and state, at tbe
f "I 'J H100 ,p- f of aaid day, at pub ic auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, tut feet to
r dsmpuon, all of tbe following-describe! land,
to-wtt- -
A certain p ect or oaroel nf land, situated at the
southwest corner of block 0, in Treviw'e addition to
Oallea City, Oregon, aud bains; elsrhty-tour (84) feet
0 Wioth on O or KO'irlb atrml. and aa hnndri
4nd twelve lisi fyet in J nin tax Qarriu streat, in
;al DullrS City, and bei g tbe rams pro pert v con
vaved by Thomas mic' and wife to Jonn Micbei
bach. of date February 11. 1H6 and convened by
Jonn Micheiba h to Lui-e Miehelnach. of dat - De
cern oer Slat. 1887. ann aituated m a id Travitt'a
ditlou to Kalles City in W. eo oountv, uie of Ore
son, turether with all and alnrular the tenements,
herditaments and api urtenauces thereunto belomr
Inr or appertaining, belay and aituated (n Dalles
City. Waaco oounty, Orejoo, to satiafy the sum of
2.747 70, with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per pant per annum since September 21st, 1894, and
the further sum of S4.aS costs of suit and tbe ac
cruing coau herein. T. J. DRIVER, -Sheriff
of Wasco County Oregon.
Tated this 22d day of September, 1394.
fbrihej are
Hhc( are eas'y di-
Shortening, and all
(otToitZHG, IS $1Tl-
nd frurcp tw lard.
Genuine made only by
Easily &1ade.
We want many men. women, bova. nnrl o.iu ,,
" "rus a tew nours ditilr. rich! lumiri.m.i
thel-own homes. The business i eusy, pleasant,
strictly honorable, and pavs better thuu any other
uncrea agents, you hare S clear field and HQ
competition. Experieuce and special ability un.
.rj. -NO capital required. We equip you
with evcrvthlug tluit you need, treat you well.
""-'Hi you to earn ten times ordinary wages.
Women do as well ss men, and boys and girls
make good pay. Any one. anywhere, can Co the
wura.. au succeed who follow our plain and sim.
pie directions. Earnest work will surely bring
7 - gicu ueai oi money, r.veryuiing Is new
and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet
""""i nlu receive iuii iniormation. Ko harm
done if you conclude not to go on with the
Georce Stinson&Co.,
The One Price Cash Housef
I -aaaa.&AH,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods
Hata and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
Agent for the Buttenck Patterns: also for the Ball Bazaar Dress Forms
xke lamest. Fastest and Timtrt ra tke World.
0SAVT Hatnivla.
lltei On InirMt lAnni b, mnA .. , 1. 7 T
motob, ikoush, mra eouimzHtu, wnr
.,A.f Pir to any of onr focal Agenu or to
Thbl sTPttAl VsMSktahlA
Tl.- i , i ,
Won of a famous French pnyalcian.will quickly oure7oiTrrf iTn.Vl
vona or dlaewea of tht ,em,rattv; "rjiawnioat MaVirlrf"
Insomnia. I'alna In theBuck.Ueminai Lril,,niTmM Di?P
mp eaTVnflineM to Marry, tohauatlu dS S'vSKJSt'l
,lP" ' 'osea by day or night, prevenu onW-t
IFi strengtheni
snnrer are l
I1.00 a box. U fir SS.00. bymall. Send for rB circubir dmS? ttoe' t ewe.
Address tA Vol. SllICI9iK to., F. O. Hoi Mt, San irauclaco. Cal. JwauUl
BEFORE ano AFTER 'oenorrpraol Impotency. CKRIOESEcleaiiaestbellvir. lias
The reason snrTerera are not nnnvl l,v i. i-Jf.... t
tt2;rPJ?K1LB ! 'heonly tnown remed tcreVlVnoit an opVrVt
lllJ5r.R'?Lslvn n1 money returned If six boxes doesf not StES ,
Pros tall
ala, A writt
ara trrmMerl wlta
operation, tuutoailmonl-