J .7 THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1894. NO. 8. ' - 4 - - , , r j i i ! i si . i ' i - . . i . . i ' PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY :. . BT , ,3HH MlCHELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR - ProfMaiono.1 CuiU. O. C. HOLLISTER, , . 1 Physician and Surgeon Room over Dalle. National Bank. Office hour, 10 a m ti 12 in, and from 1 to 4 p m. Keu dence We.t End of Third timet. . DUFUR & MENEFEE, Attorneys at .Law Room 42 and 43 Chapman BlocK, The Dalles, Ore. j SUTHERLAND, II D, CM Physician and Surgeon, Rooms S aod 4, Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. w M. TAOEJiAN Practical Dentist ' Office Over A. A. Brown's rroceiv- Second St, . AU work guaranteed to give ' atisf iction and all the ateat improvea metnoas usea in ueuuu uinun, SJOC1KTI K w P.M. ASCO LODGE, MO. 15. A. F & A. M. Meets lint and third Monday of eaca montn at o TJTHE DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 6. Meet, ill Masonic Hall the third Wednesda each month at SF M. COLOMBIA LODGE, NO, 8, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 730 o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Second and Court streets. Sojourn mr brothers are welcome. . H. CiotrsB, Sec v. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Sohan oo'i building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning brother an cordially invited D. Vacas, K. H. and S. F. MENEFEE, C. ' TJJOMEN"8 CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION VY will meet every Friday afternoon at S o'clock at tbs naduur room. AU are invited. . MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mi. Hood Camp, No. 69, meets every Toeedav . evening of each week at 730 od'ick, in A. Heller's Hall. All brother and sojourning brother, are v cvited to be prewnt. TEMPL LODGE, NO. 8, A. O. O. W.- Meets in KKelier'. Hall every Thutsuav evening at 7 JO - o'clock. PaTL KREFT. M. W. -' W. 8. Mtmss, Finanoier. J A3. NESMITH POST, NO. Si, O. A. R Meets .very Saturday at 730 P. M.'in K. of P. HalL B" OF L. E. Meet, every Friday afternoon in . K. of P. Hall. ij GE8ANG VEKE1N HABMONIE. Meets every Sundav eveniiw In Keller's Hall . - r OF. L. F. DIVISION. NO. 167 Meeis n K. .' p, of P. HJ1 tbs first and nird Weuneday o aui month at 7:iu f. M THE ( llt'KCHKn. 1 IhbT BW1T CHLhcli h. i. 0. Tatlo-, a rafter, bervwef rver Sabbath at 11 A M. p. M. sabbath school Immediately after the nxwniDg service. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveninz at 8 P. M Me, OHLKca Ke. Jso. WmsLia, t-a.ur. Service eerv buna) morning and eveninir Sunday school at 130 o'olock P M. A cordial invi : tatior ox tended by both pastor and people to all. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH -Rev. W.C. Curtis Pastor, service every aunuav at ii a. . P. M. Sunday School alter morning service. ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bsoaeussrt Pastor. Low Mas every Sunday at 7 A. M. High Mass at 10:80 A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M. C?T. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite f Flttin-luw. iUl . baUHSrv, Hnv. Si-iricea. iverrsundayVtUA. M and 7:80 P. M., Sunday - SKtlQOf St W-HI A. as. ttVWiuiH , . 7 JO P. M. - CHRISTIAN CHURCH RiT. J. W. Jsxaus, pas tor. Preaching every' Sunday afternoon at. o'clock In tne vongregauonai gouicu. sliaUy invited. . Real -Estate, Loans and Inscraiicc. ; Agent for the Scottish Union and Nwtlopal In surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 30,000,000. i . Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy Aerms. . ' oince over Post Office. The Dalles, Or.-1 - HRS.H.LeBALLISiER HAS 'REMOVED Estal TO Jhe Second Door from Corner of Union ' and Second Streets When ah has on tal AU ftfl Latest,Styles of Hew FaU Goods Branner's - Restaurant SFCOND STREET . i re con. ram oun MEMS ARE tEEYED AT ALL HOURS ONIA 25 CTS. A The Table ass Fumlahed with th BEST the .. . ntarkst affords OTSTBRB : Will be served in any style dur.Dg the ssaaon E. JACOBSEN ' i f '" BjoIs aal Notion, Pian s. ul Organs STATIONERY. PIANOS and 'Organs sold on easy monthly payments Mi(illCOMPETITl)N we ar. prepared to meet. Call or address 162 Soond StrMt Th Dallss, Or Saint Mary's Academy! . .THE DALLES. OEEGOJT SEOPENS SEPTEMBER S, 1894 SCABDIKQ AND DAT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS - Rate oer term of ten week, payable in advance: Board and tuition 40 Entrance fee, payable but snce i DmI and keddinv. 8 Inattumental Music, Tvpe-writing, Telegraphy, Frenoh, German Latin, Needlework and Vocal Mm MUSie laugui iree w rcnui kh Rate for Oar Pupils 5, 6. 3 or J0 per term .according t grade. Jor further particulars address: . .. , aUTEB SUPERIOR. HENRI L KICK, - Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St,, near Hood! Warehouse, THE DALLES. OREOON A Work ItifnetloB taUBranteed t lve Sat- Dniversity of Oregon! EUGENE. Next aession begins September 17, 1804. Tuition, free. Board, 2 60 a week Eive courses Classical, Scientific, Literary, En irlinh and bnsinea. DORMITORY Hie boarding hall for young l.-uiie. and the boa-ding hall for young gentlemen will be under the personal supervision of Mrs. Munra, a lady of rennement and large exp'rience. For catalogues address J. J. WALTON, Secjr Regents. DAN BAKER, . PROPRIETOR OF THE Wool - Exchance - Saloon. BEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liauors Cigars. Second Street East End. A. A. BROWN LL. ASSORTMENT urn m mi mmi, AND PROVISIONS, Scscial Prices to Cash Buyers 170 SECOND STREET, ' Northwest Cur. Second and Waanington Sts, 1 IB. J Successors. to George Ruch. ' ; . Xlie Cfieapest Place TOT DALLgA FOS Ml Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLQ.W. WAREE TC.- Ve respectfully solicit , sh . of the public pat- ronaira and .hall endeavor to give entire satuuac tion to our customers' both plit.. sd new. ' ssssjsSssSajeeitliiry iM i , O , fg 1 unarles A.. Baldwin & Co BANKER5, 40 AND 43. WALL STREET New York, Accounts of Banks 'and Bankers recelved on favorable terms. ' T Bonds and Investment Securities. - f Dairy Financial Lsttei MsTled on ADollcstlon. R.E. Saltmarsh'e AS TEE East EBiJ STOGK TfiHBS; XhL tAY THE '- r HighestCash Price for DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. . THE. DALLES Cigar: Factory . 'SECbjDrSTsXEET- ' Opfiosiu the Implement Warehouse ' ' FACTORY NO. 105. p ip I HQ of the Beat Brands manufaat UlUAllu nred, and ordess from all parts of the conn try filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of 1UK DALLtSS (JIUAK has become firmly established, and the de mana lor sne iioiiib iuwjuiau.ubcii mi mi;ki ia increasing eyery day. A. ULRICA & SON. Also Cirrs and Tobacco of the best brands retailed. FAT PEOPLE. VisK Obssttt Pills will reduce your weight PLKltA!tKTl from 12 to In p Ml mis a month. Mo starving sickness -or iniurv: no public Ity. They bniid up the health and beautify the complexion, leavinef no wrinkles or hsbthneas. Stout abdomen ana aimcuit breathing surely relieved. t KXffr.HlliE.N'Tbut a scientia. and posi tive relief, adopted only after years of experience. all orders supplied a tract rrom our omce. rrlce $i.M per package or tbree ' packages for 95 00 by mail postpaid. Testimonial and particular (sealed Set. AU Correnpondene Htrtotly Coaflden-tlal. I uiiiiiprn." iiiiiirn n i -11 lUilLLII UIIUULIIE. j - r- - . , ' - .'. , rj PAKE ItEMECY CO., Boston Mass Sample: Rooms, (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK. PROP. The Best Wines. Liquors and Cigars COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentue y Whiskey FROM LOUSTLLXE. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes or Wines. English Porfrr Ale Rnd Milwaokp Beer tlways on band. MAETZ & PUNDT. : PROP'S I1 8ALQON, DAN BAKER, Prop T. Keeps no hnd the oest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVERY EVENING. Near the Old Mint, Second Street. THE DALLES. : : uEEQON 0MMERCIAL.1 EX. WISEMAN & MARDERS, Hortheast Cor Second and CourtlStreet , The Dalles r ""ff Wines,, .'. "Ijifliiorsi ' and' C2ig"erS Always on Sale Coiunxbia' Brewery ' Beet i bn Gimning & Hockman Cm EnKK BLACKSMITHS: In the new shop on Second (street, first blacksmith . shop eust of French t.Co.'s brick block. '. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. All kind of work in Iron, whether of agricultuial tnpjement or .vehicles, done in the most mechan. cal stvla and satisfaction ruaranteed. 1an2wky LESSONS' IN" FRENCH; AND LATIN. Mr. Guy de la Cplle -. WILL GIVE LE80NS IN TKBt LANGUAGES r TO PUPILS- ': S Twenty Lessons fo? Five Dollars PRIVATE LESSONS OOc Vr. De la Celle 1 Graduate of The University of Paris. Address Tenth auad Union Streets BARBED WIRE If you want cheap fenUng, ass th new wire nailed .-;" ' .. XrrsXTBBG-tKr j r .'.,-' This willsrtretch 25 per cent further to th same number of paund thin any other wire in the mar ket, and also make th best fence. Btop and ex amine it and you will be convinced that this is the Wire you want. , , i. , JOS: T. PETERS a CO. Sol. agents for The Dalles. A. GEHRES PROPRIETOR OF THD PIONEER' WORKS SECOND STflEET, THE DALLES, OR. . ; slanufacturcs the Best Articles of Soda, arsa aiilla and I Ginger . Ale- L mmn i Tnr SODA Leau Older With Andrew Keller, Ooufectiooer. ,. , - ' Cliildren Cry for BlICBBB'S CASTORIA Castorla Is so 'well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arcbkb, M. 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. X I nn Castoria In my practice, and find It specially adapted to affections of children. n Atw Robertson, M. D., 1057 Sd Ave., New Yorii 'From persona! knowledge T can say th:i itostoria is a Moat excellent medicine for cull, iren." ila. O. C OsoooD, Lowell, Mass. rn..,Jr, .Mmnln TJifrestloii. and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, and Feveriahnesa . Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narootio property. The Dalles National Bank OF DALLES CITY", OR. President,. .Z.F. Cashier, M. A. Moody General BanMng Bnsfc?ss Transacted. Sight Exchanges so! 1 on NEW YORK, 8AN FRANCISCO. J8 SIHEN0K, J M PATTERSON Cashier,' THE First National Bank OF THE DALLES. Successors to SCHENCK ' AND BEALL, BANKERS . . IF 1 ' ' -- - A mess lllliltwiu n Mtaui .: ' t ; Buy and elL-Exchuige. L v. ; - : :- '...'; -. UcoMeclions carefully nude and promptly accounted Kir., urn on p. ew xors, nan sranciiHw anu rurt land. . - " ' : "-:''', ' 1 ,: '-. ' I . ., . r : Xtreotorat s : , D P Thompson, Ed II Williams, J S Schenclc, i .iji. Oeorge Liebe. fl M RealL ,' ;';',. 0. F. STEPHENS DEALER , .IB . RY GOODS, GENTS' v FURNISHINGS HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES - ryt Second ftreet nest door east of A :.... .The Dalle Nat Bank . 1 lavinfr just opened in business, and having a full assortment of the latest goods in my line, I do sire a share of the public patronage. '. . .. CP STEPHENS. JAS. -FERCUSQN; Goods hauled with the greatest aare to alf oart of the city on short notice. , May lie in paying too much" or. too little for an ' article: ... .. ; ; If you buy groceries for less than we ask, you'll not get as good quality - ' That's -poor economy 'k T. If you pay more, you pay too much, because we sell -the best there is ":. .. ' . ' : " ..- Your economy shall le our pleasure.. J. B. CROSSES" THE. GROCER. ' ', FISE GOODS. A. CLEAN STORE. PROMPT DELIVBRT. BODES, MUSIC ASDITATI0EH7 -AT PJANOS AND ORGANS Silverware, Jewelry and Watcbes ' at bed-bock prices . Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants D i 610 Atlantic Ave- Boston. TELECRAPH1C , N EWS. Boned la ike Balna. Detroit, Oct. 6 Fire ,w discovered in to basmeot if tDe furoitare store of Keeunn & John si 7:30 o'clock luis mum log. Wbea I be eogtatsa armed the fire bad run op the elevator abaft. Tbe en tire upper floors were flame when tbe first stream was thrown on . Tbere were 60 employes most ot wbom bad great difficulty in escaping Tbe buildiog, an old Ave storv structure, was soon suited and tbe stock roiotd. At 9 o'clock tbe front wall tumbled into Woodward av enue. Tbe firemen were warned, and re treated as rapidly as possible. Some got from under, but a dozen or more were uuable to do so. A yell of horror went up simultaneously liom tbe tbroats et thousands m tbe streets, aod then there was a crash like aa earthquake. Tbe air was filled with dust, sheets ot fit me sod smoke. Tbe tailing walls broke tbe heavy electric fluid and trolley wires. A flash of sputtering electnc fluid lighted up the sceoe, and people crowded and surged to get into stores aod down tbe side streets, A number ot men, women and children-' were trampled under toot by tbt frightened spectators, bnt none Seriously hurt. Lieutenant Michael Dooogbue, pipemaa Richard Del- and Pipeman John Pagel were taken out dead. Frederick A. tiastey, a spectator. was taken to tbe hospital and died. Mike Gray was to badly injured be may die. Michael Bail, a pipeman. is still in the rui'DB and certainly dead, Julius Cummings, still in tbe ruins. Tbese are injured; Lieutenant O'Rouke, Pipeman V. Stack, Pipeman C. CronintJobn Newell, Injured about tbe iiead; Thomas Garry, badly bruised; Leslie McNamara, Harry, Kimberlj, Henry Herigma, The aggregate lots en the buildings and stock is estimated at $80,000; tally insured . China and Japan, Sau Francisco, Oct. 5 Rev. W . B. White aod ReT. R. O. Hayden, who come Irom tbe interior of Coma, arrived on tbe Gaelic. 1 bey say that tbe Chinese in the localities' where they weie barely known tbere Is a war, take no interest in it and have no patriotic leaning. "If it is true the emperor is in danger, ai re ported by tbe dispatches silcb we lelt," said Hayden, "and if be should fall, there nould be no hope nf saving tbe mission aries, or any otber European or American people. Tbe prejudice against foreigner wou.ri break 'oat and sweep tbe country. Ti.ere would be no escape rkcept for people who could take asylum aboard foreign gunboats. Even tbe people at tbe ppen ports woud not be safe." The Powers Are Intereateot ; '". Lr'KPOH, Oct. 5 St. Jamti Gasette sjs iuterests f England, Trance and rtuaaia are closely involved in the possible break ing np ot tbe Chinese empire, and it is btlieyd Russia bas signified sbe cannot any longer regird tbe progress of events iu tbe tar eaxt with indifference. Tba Manchester Guardian is in.ormrd Russia and Great Britain-, bave definitely de cided tbe settlement of tbe war' must be international and not a Japanese affair. Germany and Fiatrce are said to have acaoiesced to this ' decision, while the gsrded as uncertain .A, T,usi, aeceruq? to tbe Uuaraian, 1.&9 aireaoy warneu Japan that tbe futurfr of Corea concerns tbe Russian government. , : Jteal Beaaoa ttlveav Manchester,; England, Oct. 5 The Guardian, "in its jssne today, says the ministerial council of yesterday was sum moned lor tbe purpose of authorizing a show of force on the part ot Ecglaod o compel Japan in case ot tbe collapse ot China to make the settlement oi itie trouble between Japan and China aa in ternational one. and - not ' merely Japanese affair. In this stand England is backed op by ttusaia, uermany ana France. Japan, that paper say, in tier present mood, will pay BO heed to tbe representations pf tbe powers unless backed up by tangible evidence ot an intention to force tbem. Tbe Globe and Gazette also say tbe Guardian article give tbe real reason for the meeting of cab-net counpjl, ' .. . r . May Caaae a tteaeral Biw. Paris, Oct. SLe Qauloi asks if; British, intervention in the Corean trou ble might not constitute a repetition of the famous coup of 1878,' which enabled Admiral Lord JobB Hay to take posses sion of the island of Cyprus. Fiaaro. referring to the name subject. remarks tbe British pnpe laqded In Chins would not be able to resist the desire to eitrcise pressure upon ibe Japanese to prevent them depriving all tbe advantage of victory." Troubles may then, com mence and ' tbe peace, of Europe be tbreaiened, tor Russia, France, and even America, will certainly intervene. ' Committed (Inielde- - v .. . .. Saleh, Or.," Oct. 6 Hans Nielson, a patient, committed suicide last night at the insane asylum farm by banging bim Fe'f to an apple tree. He was 24 years old, and admitted from Wasco county April 13, last. He was trusted every where, bad given no- trouble during tbe past fonr motba and his action it a great surprise, tie was at supper last evening. but disappeared jost sfter. dark, and could not be found This morning be was found in tbe orchard. Tba coroner's jiry brought in a verdict in accordance vim ids iprenniqg anu esurrou tbe asT'OB) officer, from blame, Nie'soo' relatives live at Tbe . Dalies. Caught Thrraher. . Goldendale, Wash., Oct. S Frank Peoniogtoo, a 15-year old lad, aid tbe sob of tbe old veteran, Bon. Riley Pen nlngton, met yitb sp accident recently near Hart'and, that nearly cost biqf'bi life.' While workipg near a threshing machine, tbe boy's clotbes were caught in tbe tumbling rod near tbe feeding stand aod bis whole body was parried around several times before his cries were beard aod tbe machine stopped . When found be was senseless, and remained so for s a hour. No bones were broken, and it is believed ho will recover. , ' Burner of th raar'a Death. . Amsterdam, Oct.5- A raport reached tbe bourse today tram Paris that tbe czar was dead. As a result there was a fall in prices of Russian securities . - London,' Oct. 5 Officials of tbe Rus sian embassy discredit tbe report the c?ar has suflered a relapse. a " " JjOsdon, Qct. Alarming reports reached the stock ecbaoge today aboot the czar's health. Tbey bad little effect upon- tbe market, as tbey were denied. '- ' '. . -t -" A Uveal Causal Btrlke. Cairo, Oct. 8 The Egvptian: Gatette ays it is rumored the Suez Canal Com pany has applied to tbe French govern ment for the protection of its property in Egypt, where trouble bas arisen on ac- couut of strikes. The commander of the French cruiser Freud, is Port Said, is said to bave prepared to disembark marines and bluejackets to protect tbe property. Plat aMaeawered. Paris, Oct. 5 -Tbe Journal says that a plot was discovered early in September to assassinate tbe snltan of Turkey, but tbs affair was kept quiet. Two Turks embarked on tbe steamer IHtmmah, a Salooica, havirg in their possession car tridges and materia1 for making bombs. Tbe men were arrested, confessed, and were banded over to the authorities. A Female Anarchist Arreated. ChicauO, Oct. 5 The police arrested a woman today at tbe Union depot wttb a bundle of anarchist literature and several circulars siaroed Lizzie LoftUi, oneen of tbe soarcbists, ordering the de struction of Chicago on or about October 0. Tbe woman was plainly dres.ed and of middle age. She refused to give an account of herself, and was locked np. He Waa lrit-Banded. ' ObeoOR Citt, Or Oct. 5 Edward Cooke, who was accidently shot while out banting np tbe Tualiiin river, bad bis arm amDOted at tbe shoulder today. Tbe careless hand! ng of a gun by a com panion was tbe cause of the acciqeut. The Da) 'a Ending. Tacoha, Oct. 8 George C Chaodler. general agent of the Northern Pacific railroad in this city, was killed' la a street-car accldept tonight at : o'clock. Those, injured in tba same accident are: James F. O'Brien, deputy county clerk, right leg. m&ngled; Ed R Hsre, left shoulder dislocated ; M Sidney, a real es tate agent, hurt about tbe face; Mrs. M Sidney, bruised and cut in several placet; Miss Bertha Laughton, rendered in sen ;:bie and cut abpqt the beadi 4 W&it bam, a book- keeper, bruised. Mrs William H Uoton, of Portland, was sliebtly icjured, aod was taken to tbe Fife hotel. No other t'oit'and people were injured. Mr, Chandler's face was mangled beyond recognition. So com pletely was be disfigured that for some minutes after tbe wreck bis identity was in doubt, and was only settled by an ex amination of bis watch, on which bis name was engraved. Tbe car on wblcb tbe accident occurred was No. 20, of tbe Old Town line It was returning from the interstate fair, and was crowded with people. Cbpd er, Q Bnep, flare and a number cf others were standing on the front p'stiorm, behind Motorman W J Mugrovs. Aa the wheels struck tbe east crossing of North Second street tbe axle of tbe front truck broke Lear tne light, wheel. Tbe car left tbe track, plangfd along at an acute angle to the right of the track for a tod, and tbeo (ell op its left side. Mr puandler, who was standing on the steps, fell underneath, and Ibe heavy wood and iron work of (.he cr stinck bim full in the face, crushing out hi life sod leaving hli bead is a shapelnsa mats. O'Btien went down in the struggling mass of humanity and tbe iron roof of the car fastened down upon bim, tearing tbe C?sh and horribly mangling tbe ealf ot bis leg. 'The others were all injured etthnr by hill lug from the platform or by . .,r tin- ii ." i a i.n'li -sjaiuM one; ao-j dice aui-dst the breaking glass ot Ibe wiiidovs.. Doctors were summoned sad every assistance rendered the In jured. Mr. v Chandler's body bas been taken to tba coroner's morgue, Police -men have been stationed about tbe wreck to guard it, until the coroDer's inquest, which if to Hie held Monday. . It was an accident, pur and simple, sod proTe.d a ternu'e ending of the splendid, peleftat(op of the dJ aid eyeing (p honor of the TlsiTof Portland's mayor and a thousand citiscns to the Interstate fair. leath af Oliver Weadell Halmes. Boston-. ; Oct. 7 Oliver - Wendell Holmes, tbe 1 well known poet aod eur tor, died at his borne on Beacoq street, at 12:15 r. j. toda,y. H,ert, failqre was (ha immediste caqre of death, though tbe doctot bas slowly failed for the past four or fife-year. An asthmatic difficulty also assisted in' tba final breaking down of tbe aged "Autocrat Ten day s ago Dr. Holmes returned ta bis Boston resi dence from b's summer home at Beverly Farm. Bv'e that slight symptoms of lmproveniewt in bis condition were noted, and tbe removal was thought advisable. It appears, however, to have been' very fatiguing and the doctor did not regain bis fotmer condition. - List Friday be had an attack of heart fsilqre, which, with bis - long-standing asthmatic trouble, prostrated, him, but this morning he had' apparently recovered.':. Alter bis physicians bad done, however, tbe doctor was seized with a severe npagm and before medical , aid could be called, be bad passed sway. : He was unconscious for a snort time previous to bis death,, rouud bis bedside were gathered tbe members of bis family. Judge Oliver Wendell 'jr the only surviving son; Mrs Oliver Wen dell Holmes, jr . and E j Holmes, nephew ot the poet. Alt booh bis death occurred soon after midday, it did not become known until late hour toolgbt. The bouse was darkened, and polioe guarded tbe entrance to prevent tbe household from being disturbed. Maleide. .. , Seattle, Oct. 7 Dr Wiilism F. Gid ding, one of tbe leading dentists in tbe United States, and ex president of the State Dental Association, was fognd ia his office at 9 o'clock this morning wi-h the whole left aids of bis besd b own off with asbjtgon. He had at an early hour la the morning placed tbe muzzle of the goo in his month aod when the shot wit off blond and. brains were scattered over the ceiling aad tbree walls of the room . Tbe shot was fired about 4 o'clocfe this morning, and was hfrd by a passing messepger boy. bat the body was not discovered until 8 o'clock. The doctor was wealthy and bad a beautiful borne sod an affectionate wife aod ton, bat bis health 'bad been broken down by tbs excessive use of cocaine. He was certain ly insane. He has appeared painfully emaciated lately r aod bad frequent lapses of memory, fltraek e hie Head. . Jacksonville, Or., Oct. 6 Last Saturday atternooo, as Nelson Grimsley and Jacob Clevioger were driving from Ceotral Point to tba r homes cm the des ert, a team cams no behind tbem and. in passing tbeir wagon, tbeir horses took fright and ran away. .They were both thrown out, and Mr. Grimsley struck on bis hesd, receiving a serious concussion of the bra n from which he has not vet fully recovered consciouaness, hit. Oler Roger's ankle was dislocated. . Oil Wild Be treat. New York, Oct. 6 A special cable dispatch from Shanghai says telegrams from Moakdeo report that thousands of Chinese soldiers are passing tbrongh tbat city ia wild retreat. , The Japanese army is believed to have arrived tbere now. aided by 10,000 armed .Coreans Tbs empress dowager is exercising supreme power ia Peking. TELEGRAPHIC. The Part af Use Power. London, Oct. 6 It can be atated on authority that the developments of tbe past week in eastern sffaira will lead to concerted action on tbe part of tbe Eu ropean powers. Monday last Mr. M. H. O'Connor, the British minister at Peking, warned tbe foreign office by cable that the condition of atftira in Chins was such that the government was not able to guarantee protection to tbe foreign resi dents at the treaty porta and tbe mis sionaries in ibe interior of the country Tbe minister, in tbe same dispatch, states that the Chinese imperial council vis disorganized, and that tbe collapse of tbe government was not looked upon as an impossibility, and advised that instant action be taken for the protection of the lives and properly of British subjects iu Coioa. Tne substance of this dispatch was at once communicated by Lard Rose- bery to the governments of France. Rua- sia and Oeimaoy, with the suggeation that tbe powers o operate iu increasing ne goara at toe treaty ports, and IP measures for tbe protection oi the mis sionaries. When the cabinet met last Thnradav. friendly reapontes dom all tbree of tbe powers named bad been received, and these so thoroughly cleared up that sit uation as to enahlo tbe ministers to give toe premier ana the Eirl of Kim bed v. secretary of state for foreign affairs, tree uana to take whatever steps in tba matter tbey might consid r necessary. No question of intervention between Japan and China baa arisen, however. It is re ported that preparations are being made to send 10.000 troops to occupy the lead ing treaty ports, aod, if tbe present inten tion is carried ont, parliament, on reassembling, will be asked to grant a credit of 1,000,000 to cover the expenses of the expedition. - Tbe offers of media tion between Colon and Japan are all widely divergent. The troth of the mailer Is that it is the general belief in official circles tbat tbs members of the cabinet are unanimously a?aint any for eign interference, and, so far as Great Britain is concerned, favor allowing the upapeia to reap the full fruits of tbeir victories, unless, oi course, tbey seek to tr jure tbe commercial Interests of Europe. Kg-aa Abaadoned. Shanghai, Oct. 6 Tbe Chinese war ships stationed off tbe ports in tbe Can ton river bave been instructed to exeraise tbe u'moat vigilance agd to overhaul any suspicions vessel that arrives in tbe river. mtive reports from the Corean frontier say that the Chinese bave abandoned their position at Ngan aod retired upon Ktr chan. . There is a vague rumor that the Chinese officials coatempiate totally blocking Woo Snog bat;. The Chinese goyernmeot has authorized a firm in. Tieo-Tslii to raise a loan of 10,(100,000. Tbe sum of l,000,OOQ tja already been raised privacy, - la IMasraeev London, Oct 8 A Chinese dispatch says a rebellion bas broken out. in Jebol . . Tien-Tsin dispatches report tbat Sheng, Ibe taotai of tbat city, is in disgrace for charging tbe government over fonr times as mtjcti as b paid for some discarded rifles bought in Germany. He also bought a quantity of useless cartridges. U Hung Conng discovered the fraud, andi in an : interview with Sheug la said to have slapped gheag's face. Sbeng bes been gran'ad s leave of absence. A Cue Foo dispatch says seven Japa nese warships were sighted oi Wei' Hai Wei, steaming westward- - - A Tieo-Teia dispatch aajs tbe steamer ffa Cipyf. just arrived, reports sighting a japnese squadron ) 9 miles south of Obe-Fx She was bailed aod questioned concerning tbe whereabouts of tbe Chit neke southern squadron. ; A tiOKKer'a Disappearance. Aberdeen, Oct 8 -Thomas McCullom, a logger, bas disappeared and it is feared by ' Ms companions and friends that be has been drowned. He arrived fere Thursday last with a party of men from the woods, The next moroiag he did not show np, but nothing was thought of it, ss it was supposed be bsd visited some of the oeighboriog towns, but as be did not "appear when the men were, paid off, inquiries were made, and it was learned tbat be had no money, and bad not visued . near by places. ' The general opinion is tbt, while under the inflonces of liquor, be' walked off me of tbe docks into the river He was about 50 years of age, light complexion, light moustache, was about 5 feet 11 inches, aod weighed about 205 pounds. i , . kUwt fey a Masked Aasaeal. Blaine, Wash., Oct. 8 Edward Holts beimer, a farmer living firs miles south of this city, was shot aod serious!; wounded last nigbt by a. masked assas sin. The shooting took place between tbe farmhouse , and the bara. Holtz beimer was carrying a bundle of clothing noder hia left, arm, aod 't is to this fact he owes bis lite. 'The assassin lay in hiding behind a stomp,' and as tbe un suspecting farmer passed be raised op and placed the moszle of a doub e-barreled shotgun almost agilnsr bis vicitim's breast and fired. The charge passed through the bundle of clothing causing a slight flesb wound. ". ' Bobbed aad siardered, ,- Birmingham,, Ala , Oct 8 Wuiie J. R Barns, s wealth J farmer, was en route borne Sainrday n'gbt from" Eittabogi, where be bad sold a large lot of cotton, he was mat in a forest by three masked men. Tbey demanded his money or hi life. Burns quickly drew bis pistol aod fired twice at tbe robbers.- sod then at tempted to drive tbem off They seized bim and dragging bim from bis buggy they tied bim to a tree sod robbed him, slter which each man fired two shots st hrm, all of wh cb took effect. Burns was found half an hour later by a man who beard bis groans. Burns lived long enough to tell tbe story of tbe murder. Meateaeed for Life. Sah Francisco, Oct. 8 Dennis Moore, Cjrnelius Gerio snd James Donnelly, not one of wbom is over 23 years of age, were sentenced to state prison, for life this morning by Judge Wallace. Tbe robbery for wbicb tbe trio will soend tbe rest of tbeir days in tbe penitentiary wa committed last Fourth of July A friend named Tnomas Howard came from Tuo lumne county and treated 'benj to the exposition. .That afternoon whea tbey left the grounds, the three took Howard to a secluded spnt assaulted bim, and ster beating him tied his bands and legs S'o'e $30 and lelt him in a help'ets condition. . . ll evr Theaaaelvea Up Ban- Fbancisco, Oct. 8 Max sod Meyer Livingston, brothers, in the employ of tbe city street department, discovered a gasoline generator while working in the sicin ty of tbe new city hall this morning. Tbey held a lighted torch too close to tbe generator, and the exo osioo which followed burled bo'b -meo into tbe air snd shook all tbe buildings in the Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report Km ABSOUUTELY PURE vicinity. Both men are in tbe receiving hospital. Max's eyesight is probably lost, and Meyer may lose both of bis legs. Slaved la Time. Mas9IL-n, O., Oct. 8 A mob of citi zens of D-ltoo secured a man named Herman Saturday night and p aciog a rope around bis neck bad all but banged bim when tbe moro timorous weakened Bd be was given over to the marshal. aucr having cob teased tbat be bad made four attempts to burn bis own dwel lino- Just one month ago tonight half of the village was destroyed bv fire, and 40 families rendered destitute." Tbe repeateo acts at Herman's bouse directed suspi cion agaiust bim, and on Saturday night oe was caugot in tbe act of attempting to set bis house, on fire. Caar Growing Wo rue. Bhbblad, Oct. 8 The ScMi,ich Zeit- ting publishes a dispatch from St. Peters. burg which says a sudden change for the worse bas taken place in the condition of tbe rzar and the. minister of war has ordered prayers for tbe preservation of the lire of tbe rzir to be offered bp in all the garrison and regimental churches. tainting bti are reported to have super vened and rendered an operation imme diately necesarv. Court dignitaries aod other high Russian officials bave hurriedly started or Livadu. - Kaffirs. London, Oct. 8 A dispatch from Jobuannesburg says a report Is current tbat tbe inhabitants of Looreozo Marques, Delagoa bay, are in . fear nf an immediate attack by Kaffirs. Hostile Mahozlas are now ssid to be within a mile of the town. Alt the stores are closed. Everybody capable of bearing arms bas been oroered to take part in the defeats. Barricades bave been strength eneJ. : y . Fatal Exnlssloa. Chicauo, Oct. 8 William Miller and A. B. Shsrrow were killed today in the II mois steel works by the explosion of a steam pipe. Tbe injured are: John Hol atrom, Thomas Doraev, 0car Wagner, Joseph Todbunter Mod Peter Moxey. Tbeir recovery is doubtful. John Ho1 Strom died later,' Tbe room -in-which the accident occurred was filled with Steam, and almost .every one ot tbe 5Q men at work1 there wera mote or less burned, . . ' ,. PrklBjr ta tie Attacked. t NW Yob;, Oct. 8 A Shanghai dls- patou,- via ; LoiuluiiJ say a - United States Minister Denny - his wsrned American reaideet tbat Puking city is certain to be attacked by the Japanese, and advising tbe worsen and children to be sent to places of salety. Already many of tbe wealthier natives are departing and mady ethers are making preparations to follow. , Aaaexatlott af Xadaxasear. Paris, Oct. 8 In a letter Deputy De-. lonel declares Great Britain bas tbe lov. alt; of the convention of 1385 snd says be believes England will not slter her policy la regard to Madagascar. Figaro opposes a- French annexation of Mada gascar on the grounds it will' be too costly and tbe si vantages extremely doubtful. . Aa laferaal Si aehiaa Feaad. Milan. Oct. 8 An internal machine has been found upon a window sill at tbe police barracks. v Tbe fuse was extin guished before an explosion occurred. Several arrests bave been made. ' a .BaasswaBs saTiaar PeklaK, . London, Oct. 8- A dupatob from Cbe Foo ibia afternoon says that tbe British and Russian ministers started for Peking yesterday. The object of beir virit is oat known. All the women and children belonging to foreigners bave lelt Peking for places of safety. -- Plot Olseavered. Rome, Oct. 8 Tbe police are said to bave discovered an anarchistic plot ex tending over tbe wDole of Italy, organ ized by Albany, a notorious anarchist. !' -- Cralsera tor Chlaa.' ' ' Cbonstadt, Oct. 8 The Russian cruisers Djigit Vladimir snd Monomaeh; bave been ordered to proceed to tbe far east. , A Typical Oregoa Story. Tbe Astoria Budget tells the following story of Clatsop commercial sffiirs: "A farmer living near Olney brought to tawn over 100 boxes of apples whiob be de sired to sell to a grocery man with wbom be bad been dealing and wbom he owed a bill of about forty dollars. No; tbe gro eervman didn't want tbe apples. Finally th farmer sold the apples to Mr. C B. Smith the candy store man, for 73 cents pr box. Mr. Smith got iW of a few boxes htreand the rest be shipped to Portland and sold for one dollar par box. After tbe apples had resided in a . commission stall at ftrtland about 24 hours they were sold to the Astoria Bond street grocery company and shipped back here to be add. What the Astoria groceryman paid for them we do not know, but it is not at all probable thai he buaght them tor the same prioe the Portland dealer paid. D sib ef Hon. j. H, Master. Hon. Jonah U. M osier, who. has been sick for some time, died at his residence at M osier testerday afternoon. He was born in 1831, and has liyed in Oregon since 1353. In that year he came to The Dalles, work ing at hi tra 'e of carpen er. Soon after ward he settled on the place which was named after him and where he resided nu il be died. In 1874 be Was tlectedto the legislature from this county, serving as sens or during two sessions. Mr. U osier leaves a large family of cliildren, nearly all of wbom are married. Aa a neighbor and citizen Mr. M osier was generous aud hon est, and . be bad a 1-rgo circle of frie da among those with whom he was ac quainted, , He was a meuiber of the Ma sonic fraternity' under whose auspices tb funeral will take place at bis home, ab ut IS miles west of this city, at 10 o'clock Monday morning. AORICl'tTtRAl, EXHIBITION Tbe Annual Pair of ihe Second ' Eastern Oregon IMstrlvt Aaauclatloa. The fair opened this' morniug, and It was very encouraging to tee so many people in the cily from the country. It seems the prooer Interest is being taken in tbeso annual exhibitions, and their beneficial effects are being felt ia tbe stimulus given to industries of all kinds. A very advisable movement this year is ' transferring tbe exhibits from the pavilion on the grouuds to Wingate's ball ou Second street. This is more accessible tu the public, and wisely separates the exhi bitions of speed in race horses from the display of art, fruits, vegetables aud skilled handiwork. This moro ing a reporter of tbe Timea- Uointaineeb took a walk through the pavilion, and made a few passing nate. In entering the ball the first exhibit tbat attracts attention is tbe collection of photographs taken by D. C. Herrin. These are very excellent, and . show to a good advantage the skill of the artist . - The next division consists of a set of doylies in silk embroidery, with crochet mats, chair bolster, sifa cushion, by Mrs. M. R. French. Tbese are very artistic In every regard, and fully display the skill of the lady In unique designs. Then Hows some drawn work by Mrs. Esbelman, di&ulaylng patience, skill and unt'ring energy. Tbere are also an Af ghan robe and two quilts by the same lady. Tbe designs are beautiful, tbo work carefully done, and tbe whole giv ing evidence or cultured taste, t Miss Hholtls has a very commendable. exhibition of silk embroidery, which is yery creditable. It is of different designs, and consists ot many useful articles. Il has been feared that since the advent of the sewing machine the hand sewing that our mothers did, and the nice mats, quilts aod samplers tbat tbey were taught at school a half century ago, were a lost art This is not so. Handiwork still survives, and, altboug tbey spend more time in reading French novels, the works of Ouida aod other trashy, sensational . literature, they still posses some of the elements that mode borne so attractive to our fathers. 1 " ilut this is a digression. Further on are two very well finished ijuilts, male of cotloa and worsted fabric, such as the quilting bees produced in auld laog syne, . the work of Mrs. Perry Morgan. . Tbere IS good atnl-earet'tl XOtk. "iu ilifcae, 1 nod , . tbey are well worth, the exam I put ion. -.. Ner.r this hangs a quilt made in 1954, in good preservation, aod tbe work shows that, although tbe present generation baa advanced ia some particulars it bas not improved in the art of band sewing. On the left hand side of the pavilion are some "very flae copies rroin nature in Wster colors from Miss Clara Story. The colors are excellent, tbe blending artistic, and foreground, perspective and back ground nearly perfect, Miss Story is an artist, whose reputation Is well iknewn In this city. Tbe next in order are some embrossed embroidery In chencllle, which Is on ex- hibitlon by Mrs, L. L. DaWolfT This i very pretty, aud displays excellent anility. . For beauty aud ornament these are rarely excelled. Miss Florence P. Sampson, a youug girl only 14 yeurs old, has some very beautiful samples of pastelle work, cou sistlng of landscapes, in which this styls , shows to tbe best advantage. She uo- ' doubtedlwiTas the true artlstld tempna- ment and taste, which should be devel oped. Miss Welsh bas some fine oil paint ings, which poscss msny of tbe character istics of true art. The csnception is good, colors very natural and none of the ac cessories of a picture lacking. Miss Peulau Patterson bas sn exblbi- ' Hon of oil paintings of considerable merit They are representative ot still life, and are very correctly drawn. !" ' ' A bundle of axe bandies are ou exhibi tion by Mr. D. D. Garrison. tThey are well made, and show considerable skill in this department of handicraft. There is also au exhibit or preserved Insects In a glass case, which show a ' great variety of species that inhabit .this Vicinity. Messrs. A. snd L. F. Saudoz, from tbelr gardens on Mill creek, have some mam moth products iu the sbspe ot squashes, , egg plants, potatoes, Egyptisn rye aod fruits. The soil is very fruitful on tbelr . farms, and they lully understand how to maks it produce to its fullest extent. ' 1 Mr. Wyckbam bas an exhibition cf corn, bops and wheat, which are the very choicest, and tbey were grown on high land, without the least irrigation. The pavilion Is not nearly full, sod many articles will be placed on exhibi tion during tbe day, ot which there will be a report tomorrow. '. MUSICAL PROGRAMME. The following is tbe programme of music tbat will be rendered at tbe Pavll- lion-this evening: Mann Ovsiturs.. Walts. Selection.. Overture.. Selection.. I.yka Marcn :...'PlcaJor "A MjrhlOir" "FroU of lb Nymphs" .."Joliy Brotbsr" "A Trip to Chinatown- Intermission. , ; "Martha" , Hunrartan Dane" , ThaT'"-!"!! , "fillof th BU" , AlUrsbj" Nearly an Asrcldent. Savt the Antelope Herald: A shooting sorape occurred in towa Ut Saturday, in which C. V. Lane was tbs victim. We forgot to state that the shooting was purely accidental. Delta New too, a lad about IS years ot age, was trying to Shoot a ouiuken with a rifle near his father's bouse in tbe north end of town, and jast as Mr. Lane -was stepping onto a board walk near his own bouse he wss struck by a stray ball on the back part of tbe left ankle. At first it felt like a serious wound, and C V. wss pretty badly scared, bat op in axammatiou, it was found to re only a slight Qesh wound. It was' a vry closo call, - and should be a warning to boys to b- more ortul hnr hey hadla a gun, especially within tta .own limit, ' ' -