The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 06, 1894, Image 3

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    ' - i x-xl
" " - l I
The Times-Mountaineer
..OCTOBER 6. 1894
Fram Wednesday1 Duly.
Circuit court convene in , thU city i;
November. '.
The foliage from forest trees hare fce
run to fall.
Mr. M. Sichel, the leading merchant of
FrioeviUe, ta tn me cujr.
ITie erand lodge. K. otP. for Oregon
convenes in Portland next Wednesday
- Th regular monlhrt meeting of the
'. common council will be bald in the coun
i cil chambers this evening.
- The run of salmon still continues good,
'. ana 1891 will be a phenomenal jer for
- iisb in the middle Columbia.
Hon. N. B. Brooks, and Mr. II. C.
PhilliDf. of Ooldentlale, Wash., are reg
istered at the Umatilla House.
fipupral Lew Wallace will visit the
northwest this month.- and deliver a
" course of lectures in different cities
The vhesit market at Pendleton has
Hnvn to 20 cents a bushel, and
dealers think it has touched bottom.
Wheat continues to arrive in large
quantities, and a large portion ol the crop
in rUir.kiml couoiv will o ui a,c.
this city.
Tha rrr for October is on sale at
M. T. Nolan's news depot This is one
or the most excellent numbers of this
. celebrated magazine.
Nttsithstauding the fact that the
weather continues moist the air is Clear
and invigorating. The tall is a delighllul
season in this latitude.
Mr. Q. W. Lucas, of Wnmic, is in town
today. . He is one ot the Dioueer settleib
"" ot 1 he Dalles, and dates his residence
.here in the eurly sixties.
In the harvest fie'ds in this and ad-
Sain in 2 counties prairie chickens are
verjr plentiful, and in many instances
jurnjjn good sport tor nimroas.
The police court did not have the sol
itary drunk and disorderly individual to
line today. There was i change in the
usual proceedings, and peace and quiet
reigned in this temple of justice.
Wasco Tribe, No. 16, I. O. R. M.,
adopted two pale faces last night There
re several more in the forrest desiring
an entrance into the wigwam, and work
will be done every meeting for some
. time.
M. Dnty. and . J). Hogan, of Hood
Itiver, had an examination before the U.
S. commisssoner yesterday afternoon for
cutting timber on government land. They
were held to answer the charge before the
U. 8. district court
Mr. Julius Wiley gave a very pleasant
progressive whist parly at bis home last
..evening. Mrs. I. J. Norman and Air. T.
Ward, captured the prize for the best
playws. and Miss Iteatrice Sterling and
Mr. Wm. Kelly were awarded the ua
Uucky booby prize.
The Advance, of Lebannon, pro roe ea
'.henceforth to publish the names of the
.dead beats who, after taking the paper
' ior years and newer paying a cent, have
- their postmaster notify them that it is
"refused." They will not only expose
tthe bilks, but propose to 8tan4 some of
them a law suit.
A Clackamas ennnty mlllman, instead
of building a dam and digging a race to
carry water to his mill, has bored a lun
nel from the foot ot a series of rapids to a
point beneath bis mill, through which he
Jeads the water away after it has turned
Ins wheel. Thus he aveids the expense
,ot maintaining a dam.
The hillwdts and highland around The
DalUs are well adapted to tba cuttuie of
jjrapea, and a crop may be raised almost
.every year. In the future the vintage of
Eastern Oregon, end the fruitful hills will
ush with the rich, red blood of the life
giving grape.
If there is any duplicate of the woman
who recently approached a poor young
man at Binghampton and informed him
that she was bis mother and the pos
sessor of $2,000,000, to which he was
heir, we ean put her on the trail of a
deserving young man who is willing to
be found by just sucn a mother. -The
corner grocery in the Masonic
hmlriinff haa rroened out in good shape.
Md Mr. Crossen, in his brand new de-
it;? wagon is busy delivering gooas
-every hour of the day. Being lately
.purchased these groceries are fresh, ani
.the feleetion consists of many kniear
iknacks that cannot be procured else-
"where.. -
"'Tis the last Rose -of summer left
blooming alone ;" but this does not ap
ply to this climate; for flowers spread
their pedals at all seasons of the year.
If Mr. Moore lived in Oregon instead of
Ireland be would, never have written
about the "last roBe;" for here there is
'perennial summer, and there is no "las
- Not far from The Dalles a minister of
the gospel was met by a boy, who in
quired where he was going. The cleri
cal gentleman was riding a derriptt cay
use that could not make over three
miles an hour, and to the question
asked answered that be was a follower
of the Lord Jesus Christ. To this the
boy, with a broad grin on his face re
plied, well you will never overtake him
on that plug.
The Baker City Democrat says : the al
leged cattle thieves, the Turners, Fish
e and Prescott, arrested by Union
-county authorities last Saturday at Sand
Hollow in Umatilla county are said to
be connected with some of the most
' prominent families of the southwestern
.oportin of Union county, and their ar
. rest and iruplicition in cattle stealing
ilia ceated considerable stir in " the
.neighborhood where they are best
iknown. .
The masses are now supporting their
cows instead of having their cows sup
port tbem, says Orange Judd. Lack
; of feed is the secret of their condition.
An engine with just enough fuel fur
nished to keep it running is like a poorly
fed cow. Give the furnace more fuel and
' the engine will work. Give the cow in
, milk Dlenty of feed and her milk making
machinery will work. No matter how
good the fall pasture may be it will not
make darying profitable if the dairy con
sists of dry cows.
It bas been suggested that the exten
sion of the Oregon Pacific into Eastern
Oregon be raada by prison laber. Ho
moch of the suggestion as is applicable
to wagon roads is worthy of considera
tion. Oar convicts should be employed
and until something mere practicable
- offers tbay could do the state good service
in the construction of highways. Salem
Stattmna. All such propositions will
e nd in smoke. Oregon as a .state has
nothing to do with the 0 Pand will net
The Boy? and Girls Aid Society has
' 33 children at its home, a greater num
ber than can be cared for at this time.
"The county icr helping in the matter by
paving board '- at private families.
" Among the children for adoption or in
denture now on band are very desirable
girls from 4 to 11 years of age ; also
;.boys the same age, and one baby girl
rand one baby boy. Applications for
Any of these will be thankfully received
by the superintendent of the city board
of charities between 9 and 10 a. u.lbt.
This Is one of the unique exbibitlpns at
the VFssbldgton slate fair: F.K. Wilson,
of North Yakima, is in charge of J. R.
Patten's herd of Shetland ponies. This
department was the one which attracted
the ladies and children. "Bob Ingersoll,"
a S'cllioo, is 85 inches in height Others
. in the herd are: lone, four-year-old
- mare, measuring 82 inches; Ianthe, four
veai-old. Uli, inches : colt out of lone by
Bob Ingersell, two-year -old, 81 inches;
Alex and Minnie warren, sucking colts,
20 inriM each. The ponies were lor
ale at $150 to 200.
' xhe Toledo Leader contains this
very exceptionally pointed edi
tonal, as follows: "The tug Rohan
hardly makes a trip from Coos or Sin
elaw counties without bringing up a lot
of batter, sometimes bringing as bighas
i nnfl sounds- This butter comes from
' the creameries and alway 3 commands a
vnaA nrice. Meantime, our people, who
live in just as good a dairy country, are
buying this butter at a good price and
' letting their own cattle run over the
hills and valleys and grasses go to waste,
We have received an invitation to be
present at tbe Pioneer Ball to be given at
Xeavens' Hall, Cascade Lock, Saturday
evening, October 13, 1894. Tbe supper
miu he arivea at Tor tool's midwinter cafe.
thai mnn ia aoite elaborate, and con.
..i nt nunr dirTerent dishes. If we are
not privileged br being present oa the
aKCuiOB w f ball neyertfaeteas extend, io
the pioneers our earnest wishes for long
iiml Imnnv lim. The committee of in
vitation are M. Ar Leavens. John D.
Woodward. Jos Latourelle, J. G. Iman,
Amos Underwood and Judge Thomas,
From Thursdays Iai v.
haa been nearly perfect in every
J. B. Golt and wife, of Wapinitia,
registered at the Umatilla Honae,
The Editorial Association at Pendleton is
larzelv attended bv representatives of the
different pi per a in tbe state.
Mr. Win. B:nne. who resides n?ar Rock
land. Wub.. took to his farm today seven
line iiriDOrtrd Detain bock which be will
mix with his flocks.
Mr. C. VV. Hiizht. of Cow doyoo. In
this county, came in town today. He aays
irrasa ia better than it haa been lor ten
veara. and cattle are in exoellent condi
Tbe Eworth League of the Methodist
church in this city will g ve an entertain
ment durina fair week consisting ot tablenx,
vocal and iottrnmental music and a scarf
There was the nanal applicant for jud
ioial elemenev before tbe recorder tbis
morning. He had been drunk and diaor
derly, waa arretted and brought before the
recorder to receive bia punishment, which
waa S3.
Dr. O. D. Doaoe returned last night
trom attetidiDi? the sovereign grand lodge.
1. O O. F., at Chattanooga, Tent.. Tbe
of tbe greatest interest te tbe order were
session was verv harmonious, and matters
H.nry Webber, aged 71, one of the oldest
mnneera in the eorthwea'. ana wno took a
Drominent osrt in behlf of the Uoitel
States n 1859, to prevent Great Britain an
nexirg Sin Joan r h-pel g", was Hccia--'".
jiiv Siil'd veteraiv morning hi run j
coverv, Wa-ni'itoo, ov a runaway.
Abraham L'ncolo waa nnrl. nhted'y h
allest nreairlent: h was ix feet four in
h-a in heiffht. Thi horteat w probibly
Reniimin Harrison, although Vn Buren
nd John Al-m w.ra verv anon m-n P--id" w-fS William H-n-y
Harrison. 4 h i VI 63 wars aud 1 m 'b
Id when iniugur tel. rn von"gei w
Grant, who was not qirite 47 years old
There is an enormous area of public land
still euhipct ti atrv in the Unite t
Of th- 600,000 000 acr t least 200.000
000 are incaobl of prodesiog crops with
nt irrign'foii But wb'ire tneae lands have
ben brought an ler the aer snpplv ay-
em the desert has been nwle to bud ani
hlnasom as a rose. And much waste and
ntfe-brush p'aio is coovertti into b-utifu
A rlesnnrarlo at 10:20 last evening walkad
into the Mng saloon at Seattle, and ordered
the dotin men present to throw op their
handa. Charles H. Birdell. the barkeeper.
reached for bis pistol, bat the desperado
was too quick, and shot htm through toe
heart. Birdell fell dead, abd tbe desperado,
still covering tbe orowd wita bis gun,
backed out and escaped. It is rumored that
he is tbe Puya,llup murderer.
Cresent Oity Beeord: Another party ho a
been organized to aeareb for tbe wreck of
the steamer Brother Jonaikq.. Like for
mer searchers, they are cont'deat of findiog
her. Searching parties abonld take ic eon.
aideration tbat there is a wide faeld to go
over sod there are hundreds of rocks thit
lie deep in tbe water. It is an easy matter
to eraDoie on to tnors roeaa, ana lnaioa
tiona point to having tfee Jong oat vessel
and treasure. The only wav the resael
will ever be fonnd if it is in I thn 9
fathoms will be to have diver along sod
make an examination as aoon as aa object
is fastened on to. To make a thorough
aearch weald reouire months, aa the
weather is not always favorable.
Mrs, Waltfeer, whose death i memtioned
elsewhere, waa former resident of Tbe
Dalles, and ia tbe wotner of Mr, W. ' K
Waltber, who is employed ia tbe store of
Mess it. Maya 4c Crowe. Some tfrne since
Mr, Walther heard tbat bia mots) r a
sick in Calitoroia, but later intelligence jnr
formed him that aha waa recciveriBg. The
news of her death came by letter, asi was
a sad and sodden blow to Mr. Walther,
who would bave been at her bedside if he
had known she was seriously sick. Her
death was very unexpected, as she was
usually healthy and robust, and fear illness
was not considered or a aenons character.
The female inebriate, of whom mention
was made in these columna yesterday morn
ing, sajs tbe Baker City Democrat, was
again to be seen yesterday preambulatiog
tne streets in an intoxicatea scita, fftj fjae
walka being hardly wide enongb to aeeomor
date tbe fallen woman. She was aeeooa.
panied in ber wanderings by ber little girL
whose aad mission seemed to be to cre i r
her mrfortanste motiw.'- Ic is a pitiable
condition and tha hand of ovarity should be
extended to the atrangers.
An accident oooorred at the Clataoo mills
at Astoria yesterday morning, as a reanlt of
which Ole Higen will, it is feared, lose bis
life. Hagen was employed at the "Vaakee
Fireman," which conveys sawdust, etc., to
the dump fnrnace, and through asreleaaness
allowed his coat sleeve to bi ssngbt in the
chain which carried the sawdust to th"
damp He was dragged into the abate,
and, b'tore the machinery oould be
stopped, his right arm was humbly man
gled, and almost torn from the ahoalder;
Amputation at tbe -hoalder joint was fonnd
necessary, and-the victim, now lies io a
precarious condition. -
From rriday's Dally. '
Mr, L. Bondeaq, oue of the most success
ful farmers on Tyh ndge, ia in town today.
Mr. Ed. Maya left during the week for
Portland, where be will pursue the study
of law.
The wind blew very violently tods , aod
tilt old Columbia U in an angry mood ana
shows ita teeth.
Chief B aser inters to place a railing
around th ciatern at the ioleroeetion of
Uourt and Second.
Mrs. J. Whuler, wife of Rjv. J. Whialer,
p-ishir et the M U. church m his city, ar
rived be e from Denver last night.
Mr. and Mrs, Gallagher left this morn-
1 g on tbe delayed traiu for Portland, where
they will remain about two weeks visiting
Mr. C, M. Fonts has raised tbe Dehra
dwelling bouse on Third atreec aeverat feet.
This was neneaaary to get it above the grade
of tbe street.
The autumn tints are beginning to form
on toreat foliage. Jbesa are pacnjurly
beautiful in tbia latitude, and cannot be ex
celled anywhere in tha country.
Mr. J. R. Beegle, of the St Helens Wat,
waa elected president of the litorial As
sociation, recently in seaaion in Pendleton,
Albert Toiler, saoretary and Chis, Niokell,
The delightful weather of yesterday
changed today to one of blustering winda
and light rains. But we are satisfied witb
climate, for there are no death-dealing cy
eyloocs or devastating tornadoes in Ortgou.
The members of tbe Editorial Aesocia-
tion paaaod through tbe city tbia morning
on the delayed Wain. They apeak in very
complimentary terms of tbeir entertaiam-nt
bv tbe citizens of Pendleton, and appeared
to have enjoyed a very pleasant time.
Tbe address of Senator Dolph before tbe
Fiditorial Associatiojs was the great event
of tbe session. Jt was able in every re
gard, tbe senator appearing in hia proper
role, and the facts stated m cboioe language
will have a lasting impresaion oa those
preseri t.
There are missing from the library of tb
editor of tbis paper two yolomas of tbe En
cyclopaedia Bntanmca, Vola, J.V aod JVL,
Anyone having true will confer a favor by
returning tbem to this office It is a plea
sure for one to loan books, bat it la very
annoying not to have tbem returned.
Quail are reported unusually numerous
in Josephine county this year. In tact, it
is said Jacks are frequently seen within tba
limits of the corporation of the oity ot
Grant'e Pass. During the hard winter of
dye years ago, quail were well nigh exter
minated as tbe euow oorexed tbeir feeding
grounds f r aevaral weeks.
Spokane will save 115.000 by altering
tbe new court bocse plus in the line ot
economy. Tamarack, which takes a beau
tiful polish, will be substituted for oak, pine
will take the place of Puget- doood br iu
tb roof, domestic glass will be substituted
for pint glass, and some of tbe wate
closets will be est ont,
It is reported tbat an 'g ah orhcer
named Harrington has discovered in Iud
a working telephone between tha two tem
ples ot Panj, about a mile apart. Tbe y
tern ia said to hVe been in operation '
Pauj for over 3000 years Egyptologist
have found unmistakable evidenee of W"
communication between some of the tem
ple of the earlier Egyptian dynasties, bu.
whether these served a telegraphic, trl -phonic
or other purpooe ia not stated
News was raueivad in this city yeaterday.
aays tbe Salem Statermin of tVednesda).
of tb death of Wm. Cbattio, who was fam
ily manager as tne state reform school dar-
I ing M,
v. smitn a time aa superintendent.
I Mr. CbsUuuras traveling in N
J olia jd nmvpi injurjtesia
North Car-
acoident which ended in his demise on
Anirust QQncl. Hia age was about 65 and
he leaves a wite now residing a Tom'
River. New Jeraey.
Veaterdav afternoon a ateer in a band of
cattle beinif driven to the slaughter house
of the Colombia facking Co. fell and ex
pired on tbe street Tbey were in good
fleah. and bad been stall fed by tbeir own
era on Camaa prairie. The drive to tnia
citv anneared to have exhausted tbeir vi
tality, and tbe one that died was pnrtico
larlyso. He attempted to enter two or
three buildings, and. fiaallv, when in front
of Joles. Collin's & Co. 'a atore on Second
street, fell on the sidewalk and died in a
ahott time.
A horrible botcherv occurred at the
countv iail at Moscow. Idaho. Wedneidiv
evenins. Jo Roberta, a United States
inaane criminal, literally cnt tn piece witb
a knife John Witte. another Uuited States
prisoner, awaiting trial for selling liquor to
Indians. Witte waa arrested at Loeir
d'Alene a abort time ago. Roberta killed a
fellow soldier at Fort Sherman two years
aa-o and waa adiudsed inaane. A United
States marshal left with Roberts for the
Washington. D C . insane asylum Thurs
day morning. The inquest waa held yes
terday afternoon.
Accounts of live places are refreshing
these aniet times. The MarshUeld Mail
tells of one: Cant. Dunham came oyer
from Bandon on Monday and reports tbe
town aa lively beyond belief. Un Friday
night at W. H. Thomas' hotel 107 took
aupper, and on Monday about forty persons
eame up on tbe Antelope. The black sand
mine men are getting ready for operations.
and it ia reported tbat the private secretary
of James Hill, the railroad magnate, was at
Bandon last week. The woolen mill lust
received a new order for 1000 blafk-ta.
Articles written bv M. Pracht, of Ash
laud, and published in seme of tbe New
York pipers have raised the irr of Califor-
iih n-wspipers fttUX states tnat every
var Oregon orchards are visited by Cah
f rcU havers, who rack and ship he prod-
net under the name of C-liforn'a fruit Tbe
Sn Fraaciaoo Chronicle ridicubs tbis and
i-scrts tht the name don I count for any
hing What's hurting the Orlifornians,
rhei.f Th statement was a fact and evi-
lenelv srrack a tender plrae,. tven if Max
occasionally, converses through hia milli
Yeaterday morning Grover Bmrland,
age'i about three yeara and a halt old.
v mngest aon of Mr. and Mrs. Uinriano,
who resHe on Chenoweth creek snout five
miles southwest of the oitv, died from an
attack of diphtheria. he mother, aged
about 15 vers, died in the afternoon from
be aame disease. Medical aid waa sum-
noo' eo; hat i$g late to aave either ot fae
sufferer. There are tlve other ohildren in
tbe family, and jt is feartd that the dis-
tae may make further ravages. There is
notbfsg is the situation of the bona that
would ioduse the prevalence of the diaeaae.
aad it must have resulted from exposure.
Judge 0. JT. Danny was in Arhngton oa
Wednesday last looking after "bis bosuieea
intereats. While bere w tgok occaa ion to
get his views on the senatorial fluestioo io
Oregon. We fonnd that b regarded tbe
contest in June but as being batwaen Pen-
noyer aod Dolph, and as Feonover failed,
Mr. Dolph is fairly entitled to tbe senator-
ship Arlington Recori fba usue waa
foread on the Republicina last Jane, and
Up ticket awept Xbe state bv 2li p ma
jority. Mr. Dolph Will Jte elected on the
n-ac oauot, sua tne axe coaia 901 ao set
ter, as be is a statesman among statesmen
in the highest braeub of tha national legis
lature, and Oregon never bad a more faith
ful representative in congress. .
The lwyera' aaaooiation of Salem met
afibterdajr. among those present being
Judges Burnett sod Hewitt. They discos-
sca legal matters, nQ their Qiutftntnp will
te a surprira to ma wbo tbink lawyers
want to oincb everybody, (he Journal
says: I he general trend of tbe discussion
was to reach tbe most feasible way of mak
ing lU.stion leaa expenaive to tbe parties
and criminal trials jess expensive to the
taxpayers. Koth judges epojeJ the de-
ternna.tion to set trials at positive eutes so
tbat wUiuaaes would know' when' to be
Present and tp see t ii tbat oases are tried
t i(uo tijpew fof ynujn iny up set. nis
will probably do away with oontinoaoces
for flimsy eieoaes tfid wil) Dake lawyer and
client otrUin to be rssdjr ftb their testir
Hid And Wheat.
In a eontrerittioo witb a farmer tolay in
reference to feeding begs on grain he ex
pressed some sensible and practical ideas on
the subject He says if one bas bogs given
him, sad counts tbe oost of pasture, cat
ting, threshing and harvesting the wheat
they will eet bria" him 30 oeqts a bushel
for his grain. The q jeation was asked bim
if they would pay better thao - tbe market
nric for wheat if tbay were turned into the
field and allowed to feed on the nncut
grain. His answer was 19 tha affirmative,
for by tbis means pasturage would be saved
and the cost of harvesting, which amounts
to nearly Z0 centa a bushel. Tbis is ths
only way for hog-feeding to be made pro
fitable, and tb" land wiU rejly be improved
io richnea. To follow his advice the baud
ofh.g ahoull be driven into tb grain
field, and a portion enclosed by a cheap
panel fence. Ai tbe grain is de oured this
psnej fence should be removed to another
part of the field, f nd this proceeding shonld
be tept uu until the grain hia been all
eaten. Tbis ia the way to mike hpgt pay,
and by whioh farmers would make more
than by cutting ani aaokiog grain and
hauling it to inarfc; t t any prioe lea than
50 cents
Letter Advertlae4
The following u tho hat of lettera re
maining in Tbe Dalle poatoffioe uncalled
for Saturday, Oct 6, 1894. Persons oall.
ing ror theae letter will plaaj give the
date 00 which thay were advertiaed:
Apfel, W A Johnaon, G W
Anderson. Aljx ?8lly, Miss Grace, 2
Armstrong, W M, jf Kervin, James
Barlow, H L, 3 Kite, Shorty
Bulson, D U King, WE
Bold, F D Liuroirob, St M
Bosnell, G F Leonard. JO
Brown, V Maher, Miss N
Burgees. W R Moulban. SamT
Cramer, Miaa Kate. 2 Martin, G L
Carpenter, Mrs A Marshall, M E
Clsweon. AS Millap. H N
Crane, Miss Nellie Meier, C D
Conroy, H W . Morton, Mrs Ins
Couohran, Misa MattieUorriaon, Jack
Davidson, Mrs L 11 Nelson, Miss L M -
Davis, LP Oreodoif, LJ
Esmond. H A Olson, J
Forner, Mrs Martha Oborn, Mrs Soula
Foley, Mrs L J
Roberts, Ed A
Gadwopd, Fred, $
Gammel, H
Gardner,' Miss H
Gleason, B
Roberts, W L
Korsell. G H
ftorsell, f
WbippU, fJhas L
Wmiogar. Mrs it
Whittle, Mias Myrtle
Johnson, Martha.
J. A Caossxx, P. M.
HoBger, ti
Hummell. J M
James, Dean
Johnaon, Annie
Coaiatt rfit)ter'a Tools).
Treha JurnaU Sheriff Walker bas part
of the Ewiog aod Johnson connterfeiting
outfit, apured at the new creamery in
Soott V allay, where tb cpunterfeiters had
been at work as aarpenters, when tfwing
was arras tad, wbil Jobasoa eaoaped. Tbe
outfit comprises a lot of nickel and com;
position used for the silver coins; together
with an alcohol lamp, apoon, jar, glass and
Other little traps, indicating tbat tbe matal
waa melted in a table spoon and poured in
to a die. No dies were found, whioh being
iail, could be secreted easier from dis
covery, ujvernmeot de.eotive xlrna
knew when hs left this country, where he
would be ljkely to swore Johnaon, and pro
ceeded direct to Half Moon Bty in Sin
Mateo county, where he arre ited his man ,
and xpeet to round op the entire gang of
15 before long,
A Bsy Vlselng
Robert Ryan, s ten year old sou of Mr.
John Ryan, wbo li eaoo Five Mile, and wbo
oa been living witb - Mn Burger and at
tending school, nae not bden seen ainoe
about half-past fi o'clock last evening. He
waa playing in tha y rd at that time, and
it 9 o'clock wbn Mrs. Brgar went to cad
him to tapper be had disappeared and baa
or beau seen since. The boy is intelligent obeditnt, and n var leave toe boa
here he is stopping except by per
mission. Tbe oity has been banted all over
oday, and aa trao of him eaa be found
Sometime be go to his father's ar u Bale's,
bat the places be has not visited, aad hi
, disappearance is Vary mytjerioas.
Tbe regular monthly meeting of the com
mnn ronneil waa held St the council Cham
bars last evening.
Present the mavor and a full board of
Minntoaof the nrevioua meetings were
read and approved.
Tbe petition of E. J. CJlina and others
asking for a sidewalk six feet wide from the
oortb aide of Academy street,beginning at
the intersection of Union atreet and running
thence 75 feat was read, and it was. ordered
of the netitioners be
The petition of K. M. Williamt and
others, aakir g for a reduction of theater
license to $2 for single nights aad $7 60 per
t waa rt&l and referred to tha com
mittee on finance with inatrnotions to
port at tbe next meeting.
A petition of Jeai Simonaon and others,
asking for the improvement by grading
Union atreet 30 feet m width from the in
teraection of Tenth to Thirteenth atreet,
thence west to Liberty, thence south to
Fourteenth, thence west four blo-ks to
Trevitt, tbence south to Fifteenth and
thence weft on Fifteenth two blocks and
terminating at tbe intersection of Mt Hood
street, waa read and ordered tbat the
prayer of the peticionera be granted.
An oral petition of George Dirsch for an
arc light on Fourteenth street was made be
fore the oonncil, and the matter waa referred
to the committee 00 streets and public
property witb power to make the necessary
contract with the electric light company.
Tbe report of the committee on streets
aod public property was read, accepted and
plae d on file.
Ic was ordered that the recorder aiver
tiae for bids for the construction of atot
Wo-sings on 3 end street.
Tne regular monthly reports of tbe mar-
hal, recorder, treafurerand atreet car,
mmsioner were read ana pisceq op pie.
The claim aga'.nst the city were then
read and warrama ordered drawn for the
It waa ordered that tba bill of Water
C-immieaioo for (5 to supply the Eiat Eod
water trough be not paid, aod tha recorder
was instructed to notify the superintendent
tbat if the commission are not willing to
furnish wter to tbe trough, free, that it
may be shut off.
- The mayor waa instructed to confer with
an attorney and have an ordinance drawn
in conformity to the charter to compel
property-owners to bnild and repair side
On inotiqn it yaa ordered tht (he street
oomnjiaaioner collect the road tax due fonj
oitleens before November lit,
The judiciary eommittee was ordered to
consult with an attorney and take th nee
tajary steps to collect the money due from
the county lot this road district.
Th committee on street and publio
property was ordered to construct brick
I le m the gut End and Mt Hood hot
The marebal was instructed, if eentidersd
necessary, to procure bulls' eye lanterna for
tbe night officers.
The following bills were allowed:
Donflsa 8 Dufur, recorder's salary ...I 71 00
i aaieey, marshal's salary
geo i grown fntrthepr. fir depsrtuisut
W H Butts, street coipmliisjofllSr's saUry....
I I Burgst, tnaw)rer salary,,.,,,
John Blaasr, fir sinlso...,,,
J K Page, la or ,,
J Like, labor
Burt Eaton, labor
f Bmais!la.".,."."..."rr."r"'V!'"T""
James H Blskeney; hsUUsf
Baksley ai'Boaghton, mass...
D Bennett labor. . . . '. . .'i...
J Wattle, ba ling...;
E B KoC, Ir, bauUng...:
Paika tnnjbwmg Go, sad v.........
Tiifsf MoDSTAiHiia, friniliJr.... ;
Maier Benton, mdae..
Mays crowei mdss ............
Wm McCrum. lbof,.....
H Lsnin, labor
Dalle 1 Lt Tal P Oo. lilfhU Ore iaot......
snipes st AioDeraiy, moae ,
c iMBton, W9QU
Maier A Beuton, mdsa
& 6 Hood, Jr. banUne engin.... ........
John Pbares, aawiuf BooU
John Bluer, mde
Jas Blakeney, hauling
sain A Swev, painting engiabausa.L.
AO Long, Bra bell
yrTe) A Tgrpb Co, telephone rent....,..,
Fain BWey, painting recorder's offlj..
Staler BenUnJ6na s&a.V.
Dalles Wster Worf. water rent Bart.'.. .',
IT Nichols, groung rant..'.
Dalles ElUTeltP , office lights, Bfft
Dalles El Lt Tel P Co, street light.....
Fain Swey, painting 141
t W L Skibbe, boarding Coxey officer
Maier a Buteu, labor...
H p Hood u, naming
ba Flavuer, bread
B B Hood sir, 9ns safe. u
snipes a Kinteraly, ' medicine , . .
CF ataVens, muse
Palles Lumb rinc Co, wood. . . . . .
R V Oisboos, niybt watchman...
f O Cunnellj, niytit watchman.. .
The council adjourned anfcieot to tb
caij 01 tne mayor,
A Sbocklogr Sawmill Accident.
About two o'clock Tuesday afternoon a
very ssd accident occurred to tbe big saw
Uiill of the Grande Roods Lumber company
at Perry, aays the Li Grande Chronicle.
James Robertson, a young man 19 years
of age, waa the victim. He was assisting
in replacing the big band saw with a
trefhiy l)r peoed one, and aa be eti work
ing near, the saw before it b)l been fully.
stopped, he slipped and fell, and his left
foot came in contact wt 1 the saw's erne
teeth, wbiob corop etely shattered tbe arob
of hia foot and tore a frightfd Vh in
the ankle. Djctors Baoon an'nr-f olitor
were haatily summoned, bat they had th
wounded man brought to to this oity,
where they could give him steady surgical
attentinn. These physicians dreaaed his
wounds, and found it necessary to remove
fifteen pieces Ot bone from, the jqiared toof.
Tho anfortnnsts young njan It raating easr
ily in a room at tbe Sommer jiosse, and be
eides ths presenoe of bis father and mother
be is leceiving the moat attentive ear
and the oonatant watohfnlnaas of tb two
attending snrgeons. It is hoped tbat th
abock of hia icjiry will not bays a senoas
- - 1 'gs
ncaiit af Pioneer,
Septimus Haelat, a well-known number
of the Oregon City bar, died at that city
at o'olock Tnsd.y evening, aged C7
years. H bad Buffered some month from a
disorder of the bladder, and the disease fie-
ally Bxbansted bis vitality. Mr. Haslet same
to Oregon from New Vork in 1847 aa super,
cargo oa tbe brig Htmry, of which Captain
William K. Kilboau-a, a aoted pioasr. was
master. H was in Salboaraa servi la
ths mercantile koala ia Oregon City sev-
ami rears. Engsgiag ia politics b was
elect 1 sheriff of Clackamas eonaty, holding
affioa two ferms. Tbis directed his mind
into legal ohannela, and after the c)oe of
his seccal term b atnded law in tj) of
fice of Wait 4c helly. and iraa admitted to
the bar, -
When Baby wa sick, we gave her Castor!.
Wben she waa a Child, she c-ied (or Castori.
When she became Uias, she clon to CutorU.
TOmi she had CWVi"1h r""11" i
pooltcel t Her Eyrfjall.
A qieer aacidept happened to the two-
year-old daughter of Caunty Rei order Watt
tera lkt week, says tbs Qorvallis Ttmet.
She aod ber elder sister played while . th
latter buttoned her shoes, and by accident
the end of the 10-inch button hook- ah
nsed penetrated the little one's eye - to the
depth of an mob or more, and th book
faetene4 into the tisane cf tb eyeball. Tha
elder aistar tried to disengage it, bat fail
ing, scream? 1 for ber mother, sod when
tb latter entered toe room the younger
child was running arosnd trying to pull tbe
book oat' tt waa aereral miaut before
tba book waa disentangled. Tb ey was
ponltioed, aad after a fw day was a wall
a iuoal.
A BU ef History.
In ad article published in the Pendle.
ton Tribune regarding Oregon journalism
a mention ia made of Tbe Dalles Moun
taixeer as the third paper in age now In
1 xistence in lhe state ; but the author. said
be did not know who was the first editor.
Early In the spring of 1860 Capt. Jor
dan afterwards quartermaster general of
the-Confederate army began the publi
cation af a small paper at the garrison
which he called The Dalles Journal. This
was afterwards purchased by Mr. W. H,
Newell, who on April 1, 1860, issued the
first number of tba Mountaineer, and it
bu been published continuously ever Mr. Newell continued aa prop
rietor of the naiser until 186. when he
sold out to Messrs. J. F. Halloran and E.
G. Cowne, wbo remained in charge of tbe
plant until 186, when it was purchased
by Mr. Wm. M. Hand. Mr, Hand died
in the fall of 1831, and tha paper passed
into the hands ot a joint-stock company,
Un August 14, 1882, tbe present proprie
tor consolidated t with tbe Tbnu, naming
the combined paper the Times-Mouji
taineeb. The editors of the paper have
been: Capt. Jordan, W. H. Newell,
Lieut. Halloran Lieut, Catley, Henry
Miller, Wm. M. Hand, Geo. B- Curry
Cel. Tbos. 9. Lang and the present in
cumbent af the position ; ana among Its
correspondents it has had Joaquin Miller,
Minnie Myrtle Miller, M. Aubrey An.
gelo and other well-known literary cele
brities of the Pacific coast.
Am Ezpestalye Furl ugh.
Mr. John Garbade, an inmate of tbe
Soldera Home, t Rosebqrg, cgme to
Albany on a furlough and put up at the
Rugs House. He became acquainted
with a Swede named Vergnos, a cook
traveling through the valley. Together
they djd Albany, taking on a cargo of
liquor at stations along the streets.
Garbade becarne quite fypsy and, was
put in a room occupied the previous
nigbt by Vergnos, Vergnos was seen
in bs roorft Wbile be was taking a sjeep,
gnd afterwards disappeared Qabadeon
awakening claimed to have been robbed
of $35 dollars, and it was surmised Verg
nos did it, an effort was made io find the
gyede; but be bad disappeared. Tbe
Soldier's Home was notpea and Gabade
wii return to it tomorrow, much sooner
ihan he had intended, but probably no
wiser. bomf people never learn by tx-
Tfsrlenca. Albany Vtmocrat,
Free y$ter.
The ar trough t tb IJast End was
pot in at ttjs expense of tbe city for the
jtenefit of the termers, and at the last
meeting ot tba council tbat body refused
to pay ths $5 per month for th supply.
Today Jolea, Collins & Co,, at th corner
of whoa store th trough is situated, patu
the vatsp rentf and tb trough will be
fcept in pperatin'tt. the fme"as before.
Tbia trough will be free to all, and farmeif
and all othera may avail thmalv of tb
privilege of watering tbeir snimala without
charge. Joles, Colli s's A Co.
Tl rTnpmM-CRFesus
San Psancisco, OjI. 4 The trsaty of
alliance between Japan and Core waa
arranged at Seoul August 86, and is as
Article I Tbe object ol the alliance is
to rpaiptain the Independence of Core on
a firm footing and Q promote the respec
tlye interest ot Dotn ,apo an 14 Lrea dj
efpsb'ipg the pbincae agldiefs from
Coreea teiritpry.
Article II Japsn will nndertskt all
arlike opsrstions against China, both
offensive aod defensive, while Cores will
undertake to give every possible facility
to tbe Japanese soldiers regarding tbeir
movements and supply all provisions.
Article III Tbia treaty so all cease soil
determine at the conclusion of the treaty
of peace with Pbina '
Ckicaro, Oct. 4 It is annouced today
tbat Judge Lyman Trumbull U is sym
pathy witb tbe populist party, and will
deliver aa address at a mm nueticg in
Central Music ball Saturday night on
"The rights of Han as affected by tbe
Aocumulatien of Wealth aod Favored
Monopoly." Judge Trumbull bas long
been regarded aa a ptauncb Pemocrat.
r. plenty, of sitting
( dowo'tod not
L'V much exercise.
ought to bave Dr.
Pierce's x Pleasant
r' -r x-eiieis to go wun
Jt Tbey absolutely
i"v5aud permanently
. cure uonsnparion.
One tiny, suga
'coated Pellet ia a
corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxative.
They're the smallest, the easiest to take,
an4 tl)e rflQst natural remedy no reac
tion afterward. Sick Headache; Bilious;
Headache, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
and all storpneb and bpwel derapgenieptl
are prevented, relieved and cured. -
quickly cured by Dr. Sage'a Ca
tarrh Remedy. Bo is Catarrhal
Headache, and every trouble
caused by Catarrh. So Is Ca
tarrh itself. Th proprietors
offer $600 for any case -which
tbey cannot Rife.'
Pr, Pries)' Creant Baklff Fow4p
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any caae of Catarrh that cannot be
enred by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
f. J. Cheney & Co , Props , Toledo.,0.
We, the nndersigqed, have known F.
J Cheney tor tbe last IS years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable ip. all busi
ness transactions and financially able to,
carry out any obligation made by their
West t TKHax, Wboleaale DrngglsU,
Toledo; o,
VfUb&Q. Kinnaa Marvin, Whole
sale DrnggUU, Toledo, '6. '
Hall't Catarrh Cure is Ukn internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces or the system, rnee 75c.
per bottle Sold by all pruggisU. Tes
timonials free.
Net ce to Taxpajera.
'The county board of tqualixation will
mectj in tbe aaaeaaor'a pc on g ptember
24th aod continue in seaaion one week for
tbe porpoaa of eqnafijflng 'thf ta roll of
Waaoo county for ififrt. AU parties wbo
haye not beep, interviewel by tha assessor,
will please call at tbe offioe 00 Thuraday,
Friday or Saturday of eaob week, aa all
property-must be asaesaed.
JOSL ivoohts, loonty asseaaor.
Th regular subscription price of tb
Times-Mount AI5XKB is $2. and tb regular
subsoriptioa price of th weekly Oregonia
s $1.50. Aayooesobacribing for the weekly
TlMX MopNTlSM and payiag on year
in "adyanoe, ' 0a get both the Tmbs-
MonsTiira and tb weekly Crreooaaoa
for 2.S0. AU Old aobeoribers paying tbeir
anbsoripUons for One year in advance will
b entitled to tb same effer.
Traveler must not forget that the O.
R.K. line is thoroughly repaired and
all trains are running without transfer or
delay. Through service to Omaha, San
aa City, tt. Louie and Chicago; Pullmans
sleepers, free reclining pJir cars, uphol
stered tourist sleepers and modern day
coaches. Call on O.R.$ ft, agent b
fore parchasiag tickets, or address W. H.
Bulb art, general paaaenger agent, Port
land, Oregon.
8 peaks through the Booth bay (Me.) SeaUter,
ot tbe beneficial results hs has received from
a regular use of Avar's Pills. He says : " I
was feeling sick and tired and my stomach
seemed all cut of order. I tried a number
ot remedies, but .none seemed to give me
relief until I was Induced to try the old relia
ble Ayer's Pills. I have taken only one
box, but I feel like a new man. I think they
are tbe most pleasant and easy to take of
anything I ever used, being so finely sugar-
coated tbat even a child will take tbem. I
urge upon all who are In need of a laxative
to try Ayer's Plus. Tbey will do good."
For all diseases i tbe Stomas), I4vrf
and Bowels, take
Prepared by Dr. l.Q. Avar fc Co., Lowell, at ass.
Every Dose Effective
rARMF.R-lB this o!tv, Oit. Sd. ta tb Wile of
air. own rarmsrj aaaayDes.
WALTHER At El Cjon, Calll., Sept. 29th, Mr
wiiMiBUna wanner, el.vd sUe ol air. Gi
waiuxr, aged M year.
NEV Ti .I)A.
4 AfB! Ct?.
Came to the nremtsss of th subscriber. In Lons-
Hollow, about 14 miles snuthrast of Che Dalles, boa
sorrel niare. branded M on rich shoulder, two
whUe hind tea, white (trip In (ace. She bus a po)
u.wmw .us ssius. im uwii.u osn uavs liio same dt
prorui prqpMrby 400 mvins ior a enargef ci
espius; an me con of una irmament.
LB Hollow, Oct. 4. lb. D, F. O8B0RKE.
Of Fanny Kentucky Pets Kept by Peopl
pn the Fork of Fork,
They bavs aorno strange peta in
eastern Kentucky'. It is nothing un
common to find pet foxes, coons,
squirrels owhj ftiid'rabbits. But the
pneekiest pet I evef saw was on the.
eft band fork of tbe nght nana fork
pf J?otter's fork ot thP POi-tb. fork of
rb lent-ucky river,
Judga Mulliken of Nashville aoa
myself were looking after coal lands
in the fall of 1889, and we stopped at
little dilapidated log cat-- or dlD.
tie?. Aiiere was plenty of CubbSKi
and other vegetables griwing i the
garden, an4 wo had learned from ex
perience to take these- things into
consideration, for sometimes we
stopped at ceibins where there was
no garden and found rations rather
Everybody in the mountains re
ceives travelers and makes them wel
come to what he' has. . We weye fifed.
an4 tqojf pur geata under the front
porch that had a good smooth dirt
floor and were eating some delicious
apples, and right here let me say that
the best tasting apples in the world
grow in the mountains of eastern
Kentucky. While eating andj drop
ping hQ peejigga around the chairs
big, long, gaunt bog of the razor
back brand came up and commenced
eating the peelings. I thought hs
yraa rather familiar on puch abort ao-
SjUtxintanoo, aa he walked over our
eet and tried to root over our chairs,
ao finally the judge got disgusted and
gave the hog a kick.
Imagine his surprise when the hog
turned and charged him, knocked,
over bis chair, spilled our snake med;
icine put pf our saddlebags. a.Pd com
menced to do us up pn short notice.
We managed to get to the fence and
lea ve tat hog monarch of aU be sur
veyed. The Jady of the house finally
came out and put bim out of the
yard. She said he waa a pet pig and
had been in the family so long they
oould not think of killing him. I
think they .called him Billy, maybe,
MUy Breckinridge.
When dinger was ready, we found
that the table was nailed up around
the legs so we could not get our feet
tinder it, and when wet&skedthe rea
son for it we were told it was done
to keep Billy and the dogs from get
ting tinder there while they were eat
ing, when they would fight and turn
the table over. That table would
have been a curiosity at he World's
fair. It bad a little round turntable
i the middle of the big table, on
which the victuals were placed, and
it worked so nicely that when it waa
started it went round like a merry
go round, and if you were a good
baseball catcher you could snatch
what you wanted as it sailed by.
This would be a splendid plan to
adopt when servants are scarce.
While eating the bread gave out, and
our host reached over in the skillet
near by and picked out a pone pf
corn bread built pn the plan o a.
pric'k,bftt, except thicker and harder
on the outside, and threw it down on
that merry go round dumb waiter
with the remark i
'Help yourself, gentlemen. No
darn quality cuts here." Louisville
The Engine Driver's Warning.
"By the bye," said I, "there seems
to be quite an epidemic of "railway
ghosts, judging from the papera, No
wpnder, I ehpiUd think, considering
the number of men killed on the rail
ways." '-'Yes," said fodgon, ''Ihave
noticed -these railway ghosts. One
quit) recently was very well authen
ticated. . Tbe itory is to the effect
that an engine driver waa driving his
train along a certain railroad. He
heard the voice of bia fatherdistinct
ly warning him to stop. He heard
the voice so plainly that he felt there
must be some danger ahead. He
stopped his engine, got out and
walked for half a mile, when he
came upon a bridge which bad beeij
burned dqwia. But for the warning
he wpv44 hft?e driven right into the
river. Tbe voice of "his father saved
him and bis train. The stoker, who.
waa in the cabin along with the driv
er, confirms the story aa to the driv
er stopping the engine, declaring
that be bad beard the voice of his
father,- and of tbe finding of tbe
burned bridge." W. T. Stead in Bor
derlsni jyynttia eevsw tsmaai
careful investigation haa been
made by Uffelmann to determine;
positively whether typhoid fever
ggrmsmay be transmitted through
the air. e finds, that the dried ba
cilli may be conveyed to tbe air from
garbage and clothing, and that they
retain their vitality tor from several
days to two wfeeks.
The lists or nghsh authors and
their works give the titles of over
800 poems and essays on "Solitude."
PAtqUtsaT Isstena
alias Bessie Holeomb will reoeiye pupils
in painting and drawing. Private lesson,
SO eenta. Lessons In alaaaaer of two or
three thirty-five eents Address, Muni
Bessie Holeomb, .
Application fir Liquor License. .
CucsDS Locas, Fan Pbbcikct.
Weo OtMtntr.
- , , . SUte of UnDil.
Oil till riAVs.r i . um . .
I- - --- -- H.v ..-s- aauicu OUItlV lor U
dvnw o sell apirituuui, Mid v uoiu iiuuera in
ItfW QUinritltttl Chan nnm an.ll.n
FailL Pf not U .eM ... sa. A.
!fent,mh.;Tr iaa. -WOO.
J . BI.
CAbbCABI IiVIl Pat f a Panrtvit.
.h. n V.,. """?' V?1'""" J
I oVm- uoun or nasoo bounty.
We tl. n ifl...firn. ... . j i ,
Palls hi. .To. voters oi
cense to J H UrJlr,7... Xn. , - U-
mot liestTh. "Tol SiSS-Ji'L"-SSia
precinct. In lea. . ,:!... .,..
tbflliri.l.infnn..r,: s""'08 ,0r
I J Bk4,
T W Lewis
C B Lee
Diur Nelson
W A Osbur
Tliomos Williams
M L Keltner
- Jubo sIcOnv
hw -n Ouerroo
No.h Ut.ula
Th imsscoyle
A Watt
P Olivier
S Muntoros'ell
11 Lsmont
Thwmaa King
L Domini
Dr C i Candiana
Pat Lably
Uspa Welch
K B Ciswford
E B Crawford
W Lynch
Wm Winters
Ihos Uslllday
H Olai er
T Ularler
John Tr.ns
PeUr T ana
O S McKay
P Moi in
B Qanovan
S u McC'ary
b Ciark
Jas H-art
K A McDonsM
John I) Anderson
W Smith
Michael Do' an
Jaoies Mcliua
C A Stewart
W E Duffer
I-ai M.irin
Fred Bruckman
Joel Qtrneaii
Pat fu.livaa
W 34 FreszeU
J U Dix, m
Pa MuUiauey
Jim filil
Auk Tumellua
P W OrilBn
M Cvnion
Wm Layeock
Wr (iordoil
Wm Houto,i
f F.oneifu
H A leiveos
Th Williams
H Huirbes
D L Catea
Prink Pozzis
R L Aldrirb
Wm Gnnrlfv
John Theaaaa
Rnbt Milla
1 F Shannon
P H Burns
C O Hleltok
W ii Frair.s
H E Wllsv
J M Mc'ia.10
A B Andrews
C Wile)
A E TrM.k
J ESoiuia
Francis Conloa
A Ol sicr
LrOn Fratresn
T 11 D.k
R Black
0j 3ray
nanv urar
RJ 111 lun
0 f rnj iaw
M Jnniiann
Win bay
P Lillusra
i Thomas UaJdar
K Nelson
C Mslauchey
M Leavens
td Beiveran
T ili.ler
Frank Hsll
W M Railcar
J Sullivan
T SS ,liy
Aloert Kleischhaner
! hd Manning
J L'smpbell
u.r I'rana
J for
J C K Falrvjew
Application for Liquor License.
CascAus Loci, Falls Parciucr,
. 'aseo (lounty.
Stale ol Ursiron.
rick McAlleuy ol said nrcclnct and cnuntv.
will, ou the 16ih dav of October. 1894. sodIv to the
County Court of the above-n-uned county fur ij,
eeuao to sell spirituj us, malt aad vinous liaumrs t
leu quantities than one (rallon,,
Fsll Precinct. Wasco Qoqqty, 8tate of Oregon,
September 1, j. r
Cascadb Loess, Falls Pb,ioixct,
Wco i ounty, state af Onsron.
To (he Honorable Coiipty Court oi Wasoo Oounty,
We, tne nndesjiwed taxpayer and lefral voters b
Falls Precinct, count) and state aforesaid, soect
fully petition your honorable coiu to irraiit a li.
cense U Patrick McAilenv MU spirltucus, Tlnotis
and mut hqiijrmi ;n. Lunn .j c,i iA-. .Ta
Ptacb.iu lee quantities than on) yuilun for Vu
J W Attrell
L Boasi
laii Murln
Juaepn Shank .
J Dir. k
A J Knwhtly
T Hicko k
H P aarham
Chas Le BuOu
Mik bisk
Patrick Sullivan
lian Sullivan
Wm FltSKerald
Sam Hartley
Joseph Ou er
T H Williams
Wm Alstoalf
Fred Hefty
L Hoffman
U Dixoa
M Welch
F Pij1
0 U Illokok
f Mnntsroatelli
J Pirn
D Cunningham
W M Korkau
Martin borkan
TO Benson
A T Scu ly
1 sullivftu
Aug Peterun
J ttchnud f
L Peterson
F Anderson
K Neiaon
J F shannon
Thomas Coyie
Z Gsnieai
1'eb.r Valentine
H Loruoui
M Johnson
H schnu l
i M Kellihrr
J F HcGnth
Peta Conroy
Jobu U Brown
- L Camini
H Black
M J Williamt
W A Calvin.
T W Lewi
Ana Nelson
J M Mclsaae
it 8 Aldrich
J E Sorhiu
Harry F Uroger
t P A-ii
Tiios Alsnion
Thomas W Hd J
Tuoa Scully
Wtn McKimis
H U parkins
H F Kljitm
J w Haley
J C Jones
Patrick Noland
Pat fAhv
Lewis Oebherd
T Shiner
M Hi.eld.
A Hiring
MFCo..ner .
A 0 Hull
Wm Dry
A W Cran
Patrick Walsh
D at HwUngi
1 ttobint
A 4 Jaeger
Peter Bo k
B A McDonald
'I bomaa Kli.g
C K HUler
N F Murphy
T W Water
W Duffer
B Scrantnn
J Stewart
H Harness
Dr C J Candiant
J C Fairviesr
F Conlon
M Conlon
C M Carlson
W M Frsiue
J Tbienoz .
. -X
Application for Liijaor License.
. CasOABi Lotis, Fails PRiaicr,
Wasco Cjunry,
titate of Oregon,
William of said pronnct and county, will, on
tne 16th day of October, 1894, apply to the Cyuntv
Coun of the above-named county for license to se 11
spirituous, malt and vinous liquor In less quaotW
ties than one gallon.
Falls Precinct, Wasco County, Stat of Oregon,
September Is, 18M.
Cakadi Locks. Fall Fkscuict,
Was. o County, ti tats of Oregon.
To the Honorable County Uourt of Wasco County,
We, the underabrned taxpayer and local voters of
Fall f reciuct, county and state sjoressia, respeci
fullv petition your honorable court to e-rant a li
cense T. H. William to sell spirituour, i inous
and nult lionors tt th town of Ciscale Locks, said
precinct, In lea quantities thau on gslloo lor tne
period of one )ar:
William Oourly ' P Paulson
John 'ibieaen W Lococjc . -
John F Trans N 8u ksl
J F Dalv - c A Stewart
J M Mclsaao Th Scully
D S McKay J Sullivan
W O WillLuna A Kelliher
Wm Day W Gonrlsy
H E Wiley A Barren
isai Moriu P MoriH
H A Leavens D L Uate
TiioaManioR F Aide. sou
PterTnuut P McLaney
fed Kanning P Yettick
KJ William Peter Dutrgan
D Stewart P Shinnxrr
J Q Brown Wm Coutu
f Hacdonald W Lynch
R H Birnie J bUwsrt
H 0Neil John Sullivan
M L Ksltrer Ed Bergeron
A Watt R A HcDonough -
Geo Haines K B Cunningham
PatLahey K Boulse
A E Lanod bf E P At-h
Aug Petenoa Frank Hall
J a. Bill Francis Conlon
J E Sorbin M Cunlon
JasCiark R Blaek
Nic Weber it Conners
FT9rucB'n P M K el Inner
Tom Kdy . J W ti tone man
E D E rainier B P Skaadm
A S Ssnwt A J KnUfbtly
D a Lowuey T Coul
W ThowM PA Finegan
L Gebhafii H Gray
AHPanwU Zoel Garosau
V H Traua S Mo terostelli
J Campbell Henry Harknesa
Cnaa Aleivrio KB Clara
Joho D Anderson Dr C J Csndianl
llaU Wetsh H L Tarbet
Ja Kaoaey Tbona Kin;
Oe fctarkia Frank Poxsi
WmMcKaaisie V Valecttos
Tun firennan Jno Foy
A Molvera A J Me Auk J
J W Haley K L A'drkh
J B autbrU M Fltixarald
TB Lewis- ' J W AttweH
OB Lob- C WdlsWMU
W A CsJv'an E4 Halpln
Auk 1oW Khss Lsrl oa - -
T Hslliday bwan Ir laoo
C B MUiel ' Wm v. liters
M Walsh CM Csilaoa
CFKersbs? TMill-i
J C Jeues Jos 8! sole
Byay mm Ulna Aid Hoeieiy.
Boy may be had (and aometimea Rirls)
(l)or ordinary aeryioe at wages; (2) upon
indenture, to work, attend achool, and be
brought np aomewbat aa yonr own; and
(3) ohildren may be bad for legal adoption.
4ddreea, J. H. Miaener, Superintendent
Oregon Boya and Oirla' Aid society, Port
and, Oregon.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WwM'a Ftlf tllgbeat Medal and Olfdoma.
- Anotlier Call
All county warran ta registered prior to
January 1,-391, will be paid on presenta
tion at my office. Interest ceases after
September 10, 1894.
Wm, Michell.
County Treasurer.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder
Contain) an Aanmoeta or Aluaa.
Hat I Hatst! Hatat
' When yonr old one ja worn ont aod yon
think a new bat will be becoming to yon
remember tbat I bave just received a lull
Una of tb latest f-11 and winter styles,
which must go regard!ea of price. Call on
Robert S. Williams, Etet Sad bargain
-a V -
J. 0.
171 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
the flew Umatilla House,
SINNOTT & FISH. Proprietors
Free Bat to and from
tha Hotel
Stone man
Dealers in and
Two Doors West of The
We have again on hand an abund
ance of Strictly Dry Fir Wood
which will be sold at
the Lowest Rates.
Clothing and
Everything That Is Carried in
Oppolt Dl-jatond Flonl MUl
At bia establishment on the corner of Tnird and Federal itreeta la
prepared to make
Spring and Summer Suits
bide n2iiiLipir,
Second St. THE
' fire Proof Safe ror the Safety of
all Valuable.
& Fiege
Makers of
Dalles City National Bank
Stock Is a Genuine Bargain y