The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, September 01, 1894, Image 3

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Tbe Times-Monntalnesr
From Wednesday Daily.
Next Monday is Jjtbor day a legal
holiday in tnis state.
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh, of Hood
Kiver, is in town today.
The term of the county court for Sep
tember will begin in this city next Tues-
- Mrs. E. C. Price, and daughter, of
Ellensburg, Wash., are visiting relatives
and Irienda in the city.
Harvest is progressing very encourag
. ingly In this county, aua the yield is
equal to expectation
The street commissioner has one man
at work under his charge today, and he
has kept him busy.
The weather experienced an agreeable
change yesterday, and there was less
profanity used in speaking of the beat
Mill Creek termers are shipping Urge
quantities of tomatoes to Portland. The
Dalles leads Oregon in iruit and vegeta
bles. . Mr. S. Blumaur, in business in this
city for many years, but lately residing
in f ortland, is in the city today, shak
ing bands with bis many old friends.
Several of our sheepmen bare their
flocks in the neighborhood of Mt Hood
for summer pasturage. The grass is very
good on high altitudes, and sheep are in
line condition.
The barber shop at Hood Eiver was
burglarized last night, and razors, clip
pers and scissors stolen. In fact, the
shop was cleaned out, and the barber's
occupation, under the . circumstances, is
Mr, R. B. Hood returned from a short
visit to Portland last night. While ab
sent be purchased the complete furni
ture of a lodging house, which be will
offer for sale in this city about Sept 3d.
in parcels to suit purchasers.
Prof. Gavin, C. Leroy Phillips and H.
Stoneman returned today from their !
camping excursion on the headwaters of
.bight Mile. They had en enjoyable
time, and lived like princes on game and
, nsn. Mr. rniuip8 will take a "day oil"
. .10 aeuver nis oruera ior trout.
-There was one person before the
mayor this morning wbo was charged
-with being runk an ddisorderly, and he
-was nned the sum ot ziu, which he paid
This was bis second offence, and the
two "sprees" bas cost him $15, besides
the price of the stimulants.
Mr. Max Vogt, of this city, planted a
hop field on the banks of Fifteen ile
creek last spring, and- has an excellent
crop. We congratulate Mr. Vogt on his
enterprise, and hope that others will
-iaUow bis example, as we believe Wasco
county is adapted to the growth of hops
We are informed that Mr. Hilt Morris
while working with a threshing micbine
t Vvapimta yesterday, had bis arm caught
in the machinery someway and before the
thresher could be stopped die mem Iter
was literally torn from the body. Mr.
.Morris lives at Tj gh, and was one of the
"crew engaged in threshing grain in that
" tieighborbood.
Mr. E. B. Hood will open a collateral
Dan tt opposite ward s Kern's stable on
Second street, and will deal in all secur
ities. He will bny and sell second-hand
furniture, implements,' etc His sale
days will be every Saturday from 11 a
m. to 2 p. m., at which fie will dispose of
at public auction any goods placed with
.111111, ah a small commission,
The accident to the Regulator was not as
serious as at first apprehended, and the
bole caused by collision with, the pile
- was oaiy 4 incbes by 12. Four hours
elapsed before she began to sink at the
stern, and by that time the passengers
-and freight had been landed. The in
jur will be repaired today, and she will
. be expected at her whart in this city this
We learn from today's Oregonian that
last evening A. Tilzer, a druggist at
Huntley's drug Btore at Oregon City,
was severely burned about the face by
- the explosion of about two drachms of
ether that be was using in tilling a pre
scription, his ciotning was also set on
lire, and it was only by great presence
ot mind mat a catastrophe was averted.
jMr Tilzer was formerly a resident of
The Dalles, and has many steadfast per
sonal mends, who will deeply deplore
me accident mat nappenea to mm
Under the column of "News of the
r northwest" in the Sunday Oregonian, the
scribbler wbo furnishes the "copy"
says: "The Dalles editors are living
high these days. Their method is to go
put among the threshing crews, where
tli.-"V fare Sumntnonslv at the 'cook want
ons.' "Asa matter of fact we do not be
' lieye an editor in tbis city has been with
"threshing crews" for many years. Per
sonally we can say we have not been in
-, a threshing field since boyhood days in
Wisconsin, over a quarter ot a century
ago. The poor fellow evidently became
mixed in bis locations, and used "The
Dalles" when he intended Dalla3.
The Palouse is a great country, accord
ing to the Colfax (Satrttt. Many won
derful things are to be seen there. That's
what Joseph Oakes, of .hndicott, thinks,
and be has good reasons for h's opinion.
On Friday evening last his little child of
two or three years was missed by the
mother. She finally heard the child
crowing and laughing in ih yard, and
" m. t .1 1 . i 1 : -. .
gvruig out luuuu uus nuie one eiHing on
the ground, while twined about its neclf.
and shoulders, and partially coiled in its
lap, was an enormous rattlesnake, whose
triangular bead was swaying and vibrat
ing about the child s lace. The snake
was snatched away and dispatched when
it was found that the baby was entirely
tember, and will be a month or six weeks
in making the trip.
E. Rankin was granted a license by the
county judie today to operate a ferry across
the Ooiutubia riyer from a point near uona
Rivar to Rankin's landing in Klickitat
The injury to Mr. Milt. Morris.publisbed
in yesterday s paper, wsa not as serious as
6rst reported. The flesh was torn from tbe
mnscle of the right arm and his side in
jured; bat the arm was not broken.
At tbe meeting of the tire department
held last evening it was ordered on motion
to take the old hand engine to Oregon City,
and a committee of arrangements was ap
pointed consisting 01 John Blxsen, chief en
gineer; Mat. Schoren, asaistant; Jndge
Lobe, Mr. Henry Whitmcreaud Mr. C. C.
Morris Reirly, tbe 15-year.old son of Mr,
snd Mrs. J. V. Reidv, was drowned in tbe
Willsmette river yesterday afternoon oppo
site Albina. He with other boys were 10
bathing, and young Reidy as afflicted with
cramps and sanK neiore nis companions
could reach him. Mr. and Mrs. Reidy
were formerly residents of this city, aud
ihev will receive tbe sympathy of the com
munity in their sad bereavement.
Mr. Geo. F. Wells, well known in Ext
ern Oregon, died at his residence in Port
end yesterday morning, at tLe age of 52
years. Me was loimeriy engsgea lu me
oht-ep busmts-i in tnis city, ana is wei
known to many of our citizens. D or some
time he has bee 1 affljied with consumption,
ud, although he tried many ways to rem
bis beaitn, all effults were of no avail, tie
ia tbe uncle of Mr. W H. Weils, of this
oitv, and leaves wi low ana daughter in
There are now nine men in the jails of
Columbia and Garneld counties, Wash.,
awaiting trial for complicity 10 the viiriou-
--nttie stealing raids wbicb Uually culmi .
ated in the arrest of youi-g fettiionu,
Lloyd and others ami the serious wouu.11 g
I he former, who is now lu St. Mar oh-
pital in Walla Walla. Three of the prison
ers baye made confessions implicating the
others, which will be made public upon trial
next month.
Tbe resxrvoar at the head of Pine creek.
Baker county, was opened nn Saturday.
This reservoir was bout iu 1889 by tbe Nel
son Placer Mining Company It is high np
in the mountains, being 7500 feet above tbe
sea level, ana is a natural level place con
taining about 75 scrvs witn a dam 20 feet
high. They catoh tbe melting snow in tbe
spr ng, and when the water gets low in tbe
summer, open it, which tiiein plenty
of water.
Biker City Pemoerati The meagre par-
ticnlara of ibe euactinent of a tragedy in
the quiet neighborhood of ftigle Valley,
Union county, was received in this city yes
terday brought here by a gentleman who
got his information io Sparta, while passing
through. As stated by oar informant, a
dispute arose between tw ueighbors, -young
aud Murphy resulting in the former shoot
ing the latter, alao his wite, and tbe woman
wa supposed to be fatally wounded.
Prineville Review: W. T. Casey informs
u that on nis ranch as roweii nones a
water-pout occurred last spring, digging a
trench through one of ni held. Tbe
tre- oh was so djsep tbt it exposed the bed
rock in a number of places. At one of ihrae
points a nice cool spring of water flows,
where there was 00 sign Ot water before tbe
trench was dug. Theie appears to ba veins
of water uer the surface ad through the
desert, f one only knew wheie to dig to
strike tbeaa.
Cure ib a sure antiiote for the ajni. is per
fertly safe to take, and ia warranted to
Mrs. Robert Hunter died at her residen e
in Albina last Wednesday after a lingering
illness, having been afflicted for some time
with consumption, she leaves a nuaDaua
and two children, one of whom ia almost
helpless. Mrs. Huuter neeReed was for
merly a resident of this city, where she was
universally respected for amiable traita of
character. Mr. Hunter is a well-known en
gineer on the railroad between this city and
Portland, and no one eninya a better rep
utation as a neighbor or citizen. His sad
bereavement will elect for bim the sympa
thy of this community.
Times: Donglaa and Josephine connties
have two big men George Dement, of Myr
tle creek, and Lou H-bevile, cf
P, m aud the scales were brought into re
auisition one dav this week to deoide who
was tbe biggest laon old nis oeac ana
tiDDed the beam at over 300 pounds, but
George went bim 40 pounds better and now
wears the medal
Exchange: During these times, when
business bas to be forced, the rewards ot
rade so to those who have tbe energy and
enternrise to reach after them and deserve
toem. It is during such a connition 01 af
fair that tbe sagacious bnsitess man per
ceives tbe advantage ot mating irequeni
appeals to the public. He reacons well
hat when trade is alack what there is 01 n
goes to those who have the courage and en
ergy to ask for it.
Travelers must not forget that the O
ft. & N. line is thoroughly repaired and
all trains are running without transfer or
delav. Through service to Omaha, Kau
as Citv, St. Loins aud Chicago; Pullmans
sleepers, tree reclining chair cars, uphol
stered tourist sleeoers and modern dav
coaches. Call on O. R. & N. agent be
fore nurchasine tickets, or address W. ri.
Hu hurt, ireneral Dasaenger aaeoi, rori-
aud, Oregon.
School Blatters.
Dcfcr, Aogubt 29. 1894,
Editor Tiacs-SlouxTAiNssa:
Should the following appear too much
like an advertisement, you will please re
flect that what is true of Dufur is true of
other places, in part or in whole :
Within the past few weeks we baye had
several inquiries with regard to board
for the coming fall and winter, for pupils
who wish to attend school. Our answer
has been: "Tbe rates for board range
from $2.50 to $3.50 per week in our town,
Younger pupils might secure better
rates." I have also presented the idea 01
sell-boarding, where two or more clnb to
gether. Young men and youths of good
intentions and steady habits will find this
by far the most economical way. At
present there are quite a number of rooms
in town here, that can be secured at from
-2 to S3 rjer month in suits of two to
four. Bread can be procured at ordinary
baker's rates, and by bringing beading
and ordinary supplies from home it would
be exiravagance that would make the
weekly outlay exceed ' $1, in addition to
the borne supplies. We believe that all
expenses in way nf reut aud board may
be kept much below this limit.
The hard times of which so many are
comDlaining should not rob our youth of
their opportunities to be educated. Any
given year comes but ouce in a lite time.
If that year is wasted it will not return
its failure is marked, and the next follows
with its responsibilities, its successes pr
failures. Aabos Fbazier,
Here is a description of the ilets Reser
vation: 'The aonthern border of ttu res
ervation is about six miles noith ot Ya-
qnina Bay. At its aonthern end it is seven
eeu Blues in width ai d at tbe northern nmi
fourteen miles; i s length measures, along
the Srbech about twenty-two mile. Tne
Silets Lap loea form a l'-d locaed brb.r
pun able tor coa teis. The main Stream
are: t he salmon, scnooner, inri aun air
letz rivers, tbe latter ben g tne iarge-it Tha
(enervation embraces, approximately, nine
At Middleton, Yamhill county, tbere is a
pickle and sauerkraut factory. Tbe stock
holders are tbe neighboring farmers, who
raise cucomb-r snd cahbage for the busi
ness, t he stuck aunao lb d waa X5UUU. and
half of this went fcr "igu.a and rxtnres.
The main building i- 66x50 besides the en
gine room aud cooper shop. There are 40
acres in cucumbers. Picking hss just com
menced, and tnrnisbea employment to tne
yourg people ot tbe neignbornood. lu
barrels and kega are made in the cooper
chop, and the timber cut in tbe immediate
neighborhood- Aliogetber, it is quite
flounabing home industry.
An Oregon girl in an exchange saya in
very sound kind of a way: "Why do the
young men do so mucn loafing; uo to
workl Posh ahead! I am nothing but
young girl; I have clothed my.elf and got
money in the bank, and only sixteen years
old. 1 ly np mre money every year than
any boy or young man within a radios ot
three miles ot my noma, vvneo they get
dollar they go to a dance and gi home
dollar ont. My father is able to -oppor
me. but I choose to support myself. I ad
vise all girls to cut clear of loabng hoys.
Give i hem a wide berth, and never marry a
man unless be is able to support yon. . And
never put your arm through the, handle of a
rum jug,
Front Friday's Daily.
G. Condon, of Antelope,
From Thursdays Dai j.
Tbe weather is delightful.
Tbe city jail is srf:bout an occupant.
arrest were made yestrdav.
Tbe Dalles sill be well represented at
Oregon City at tbe tournament to pa giyen
next week.
The Regulator did not arrive at her whart
last bight as expected. Tbe repairs were
not finished.
,Mr. M. N. Strattan, the new assistant
principal of the public schools ot this eitv.
arrived from Iowa yesterday.
Miss rarreiiv, ot rortland, arrived 00
last evening's train, and is visiting bar lis
ter. Mrs. . F. Sharp, in tbis city.
From developments made during the lait
two days the justice court 10 this eity will
. do a land othce business in tn near future
Ang. 30 Kate R Henderson and Louis
F Henderson to Catherine L. Henderson;
; neqr of se qr and ebf ot se qr of ne qr, aeo
.94 tp 3 o irtn, range iu east; 91.
Frank H. Sharp, U. S. deputy surveyor.
returned today on tbe local tram, having
competed me survey ot tp a s, r 7 w, tp Z s,
r 2 e and tp 35 s, r 5 w, sitnated in Southern
Oregon and coaat range.
Tbe Indians who were arrested yesterday
for the larceny of a afah did not stop at
tbe time piece; but purloined two pairs of
pantaloons trom one ot our merchants.
These were found inside of a pair of over
alls that one of them waa wearing.
)( Mr, Unas Shuster, a fornuir resident ot
The Dilleu, arrived in town from Ooldeo
dale today, where he hss been attending to
business connected with his deceased father's
-estate. Mr. Ahuster has been in business
in Seattle for tbe past twelve years.
Both Bradstreet'a and llun'a commercial
agencies report increased activity in all
lines of business. Manufacturers are start
ing op all oyer the country; the bonded
-warehouses are fall of imported goods: snd
feeling of general relief seems to pervade
the entire business world.
Governor McGraw, of Wssbingtoo, has
appointed A. L. Miller, of Vancouver, su
perior judge for the counties of Skamania.
-"Clarke and Cowlitz, to succeed Judge Wis
- wall, recently drowned. Miller received
?the endorsement of every member of tha bar
in th, tbree counties, irrespective of paity,
with two exceptions.
Mr. John Marlio, who hss lived in this
viciuitv for a long number of veara. and
wbo ia well known in Eastern Orsgon ss a
knight of the whip and reins, lett tbe first
of the week for Honolulo, where be will
follow his old vocation, and drive a stage
from that citv to tbe summit of one of the
Mr. T
town today,
The grain product of Klickitat county
eatimated at 1,000.000 bushels this year.
Some shipments of fruit have been made
east; but tbe returns are not very euconrag
The thermometer at Moro has registered
as high as 104 degrees in the shade during
this month.
Farmers are generally yery besy in tha
harvest fields, and very few have time to
oome to town.
The armory ocoupied before the fl od is
again in order, and the .0- Si. it- baa
roumy drill ball.
Astorian: Mrs. Tbornbury and Mrs Hod-
son ere tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Gritho a few aaya this week.
August 31 Dalle- Citv to Emily Mary
Prewe; lois 10 11 and 12. block 25. Gates'
aoaitjop to Dalles Oitj; $1.
Smoke from forast fires has clonded the
atmosphere, and objects eight or ten miles
distant can scarcely be discerned.
The Union street school house is now in
tbe center ot the academy grounds, en route
to its destipftfjpp in Thompson s addition.
Prof. s tidal wave nor earthquake
did not materialize ye&tsrday. and ha will
be placed hereatter with the celebrated
There were seven airloads of cattle
shipptd from the stockyards of R. iC Salt
marhe & Co. yesterday evening: nese
were destined for Troutdule.
Qu and after Septemi-er 1st the Pacific
express omce will be open lor business trom
8 to 12 onlocg, toon, and trom 1 to Sr. g.
It wilf not be open pa Sunday.
Baldness is often preceded or accom
panied by grayneas of t e hair. To prevent;
potn baldness an grayneas use Hall tia-F
Kenewer, an honest r medy.
Some losds ef wheat haye brn receivi d
at Moody's warehouse, but tbe bulk of the
crop bas not been moved yet. Tbe price
quoted is only 4J cents a buihsl.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Powers. Mrs. Dr.
Wells, and Mr. Jameson, who .have been
with ns for several weeks, returned home
today, s-iys Wednesisy's Astorian.
Mr. F. Drews hss erected a new side
walk in tbe block sooth of tbe Christian
church. This will be an improvement that
w 11 be appreciated by anoonligbt ramblers.
The firemen intending to vitit Oregon
City during the tournament next week w ill
leave nere Sunday morning on tbe passen
ger train, which arrives, if 00 time, at 3:45
A. St.
The city recorder, Mr. D. S. Dofnr. re
turned last night after an onting in the
mountains of several days. He reports hav
ing an excellent time; but the cougar scare
made him nervous.
The weather has been delightful for the
psst two days. It bas not been as warm as
it was, and a gentle zephyr plays with tbo
tree tops aud toys with the down on the
cheek of beauty,
There was only one person anxipns to in
terview the recorder t is morning, and it
resulted in a fine of 810 being imposed on
bim for being drunk and disorderly, it
being the second offense. ,
No appetite Then do not trv to foma
food down; but ne the most scientific
means for restoring tone to the stomach.
How? Why, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and in a surprisingly short time, yourappe-
f volcanoes. Eo route he will stop some days tite will come again, and come to stay,
in Sju Francisco and pay a visit to rela
Mr. Peter Nelson will leave in a few day
for South Africa, where he will be in the
employ of the Cape Colony government in
extending a line of railroad through the
Mahabalee country. He will go to New
Yore and trom there to Southampton, where
be will take steamer direct tor (Jape Town.
Be intends to leave about the 10th of Sep.
the Parke & Laov Machine nnnnr
one of the bst known business houses in
the northwest, importers and dealers in
mining, wood and iron-workimr and
ral mill machinery, failed VAatordai, in
Portland for something like $125,000.
Arsenic aud quinine are danerons rlnum
to accumulate- in one's system, and it ia to
ba hoped that these poisons,- aa a remedy
for ague, have bad their day; Ayer's Ague
Following is crop-weather bulletin, No,
22, of the Oregon state weather service,
lor the week ending Monday, Aug. 27, '94,
by S. M. Blandford, observer:
Weather Remarkably warm weather
prevailed throughout the week, averaging
sixteen degrees warmer than the daily
normal in life Walla Walla and Columbia
riyer valleys, and from t7?lye to fourteen
degrees warmer south and east of t!;e
Blue mountains. Tbe sunshine exceeded
he average, and (be precipitation was
deficient, only a trace occurring.
CroDS In the Columbia and Walla
Walla valleys flje weather has been fav
orable for harvesting and threshing oper
ations, and grain is yielding entirely sat
isfactory and the quality is good. A cor
respondent states that il s np longer a
question of crops, but of price. All crops
have done wel) and there will be an
abundance of produce for sale; but tbe
price offered is discouraging, Thu dy
weather bas hurt tbe potato crop consid
erably. An electric storm occurred on
tbe 23d. Lightning struck neir Ella
Marrow county, burning 100 acres ot
buncbgr&8j but no other damage was
done. Tbougb tbe pastures are dry stock
bas done very well. The disease wbicb
was fatal to horses in Morrow county is
In the interior and eastern counties
harvest is neanug completion, and nearly
all grain bas been stacked. The second
prop of alfalfa has been cut. Threshing
is proceeding in earnest A correspondent
at Vale, Malheur county, states thai' tbe
music of tbe threshing machine can be
heard in ail sections, and reports of good
yields are being received almost in every
instance. Tbe grain aphis failed to reach
this section except in a few fields Farly
apples are beiug picked, and tbe plums
are plentiful and of excellent quality,
There is little demand for beef cattle,
though all kinds of stock are in good
condition and owners anxious to sell at
fair prices.
Washed ly tl Wter,
The fljod in June changed many old land
marks in this region, and many historic rel
ies baye been obliterated. Among these,
and one of great interest to tbe people, is
the old garrison spot opposite Bonneville.
This was the fort in 1856, from which Lieut.
Pbilip Sheridan marched with bis regulars
to tbe relief of tbe people at the Middle
Cascades, where the Indians had killed sey
eral iooffending settlers. The history of
the fight has been published several times.
and is well koown to many pioneers. Ever
since tbe old boil-lings at tbe LowerCsa
cades have nmained, and, although tbe
county seat of Skamania county was located
there, the structures were not disturbed,
From Bonneville the tourist bas frequently
admired the historic scene, wit 1 its beauti
ful grassy plot melting into the deep shades
of tbe neighboring forest. Tbe high water
of tha Colombia riyer completely covered
tbis place daring June, and the garrison
bnildings have been washed away, Not 1
vestige of tbem remains, and tbe green,
grassy snot is now covered with sand and
rocks. It is a picture of desolation, and
one unacquainted with the former surround
iags would never imagine it had so many at
tractions. Time works many changes, and
with another flood like the one experienced
this year the contour of tbe region on the
banks of tbe .Columbia will be completely
All city warrants registered prior to
January 8, 1893, are now due and payable
at my office. Interest ceases after this
(Jaf e. ' 1. 1. Buroet,
City Treasurer.
Dalles City, Ore., Aug. 1, l&S.
Insane -Asylum Building:.
Salem Stateanian.
The state board Pf trustees of the state
insane aaylnn) have ordered the construction
ot a Isandrv buildiqg and water tower on
tbe asylum farm about four miles east of
Salem. This struotnre is to be 108 teet
long and 32 feet wide, and the center por
tion or tower will be 3? feet square. To
tbe base of the tank the height ia to be 50
feet, and to the roof 85 feet. Tbe wings
will cootain two stories one of 14 feet,
snd the other 1J feet. The tower will con
tiin fonr tanks, each capable of holding
5000 gallons of water, to be pumped from
cistern nnder tbe engine-room. Tbe
lower flior of the wings will be nsed for
laundry, engine and storerooms, wbila the
space above will consist of the dryrooms.
Jt will be a frame sfrnoture and the de
sign will 000 form to that of the other state
fitters Advertised
Tbe following is tho list of letters re
maining in The Dalles poetothce uncalled
for. Saturday, Sept. 1, 1834. Persons call-
jog for these letters will please give tbe
date 00 which tbey were advertised:
Appel, jy A 2
larsoo, a w
Downing, H
Fuller, J D
Fulton, f rank
fieeney, Mary
Hill. O
Jackson, H W
Banes, M M
Davis, H D
Divers, J D 2
Fulton. J F"
Hall, E M
Heagg,' Linra
Hedseo, W
Johnson, Jcq
Jordan, Mrs Catherine Kaissr, Wj
elly, Deol
el I v. J K
McConnell, Mrs
McNallt. Frank
Scammon, Qto
Keeley, Jas
Lrabo, J no
McLaughlin, Geo
' Osbnrn, A J S
Tharntoo, Mrs E6
J, At CaossKlf, P. M.
An Old anh Well-Trikd Remedy
Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrnp baa been
used for over fifty .year' by millions of
mothers ior their children while teething
with perfect success. It soothes tie child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind oolio, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tbe taste. Sold
by all druggists in every part of tbe world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs.
Winslow'a Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind, ' "'
peatn .f sir. J s pn Asnty.
At aiem, in this state, Mr. Joseph
Ash by died on August 20th, aged about
69 years. He lived at the time on the
Rickey farm, which be purchased about
four years ago. Mr. Asbby owns prorerty
near this citv, and leaves an estate worth
nearly $30,000.
Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ashby.and a widow and eight children sur
vive the deceased. Tbe following are tbe
children: Mrs. H. P. Steers of Fossil,
Mrs. D. 8. Kimsey of Antelope, Hf?
Humphrey of al era.Geo. Asbby of Salem
Grant, William and Boyd Ashby of Antel
ope, and Miss Nettie Ashby of Salem
A 11 were around tbeir father's deathbed
except Uraot and William. Besides those
mentioned, deceased leaves a brother in
Pomeroy, Wash., and many other rela
tives in Pregpn and California.
Nr. Ashby was .well known and univer
sally respected throughout lbe state. He
has beep a member of the Methodist
cbur;h from his yputh, and WW an hon
ored member pf lbe First Methodist
church pf rialera when be died.
larceny pf w atclt.
v Two Indians were arrested yesterday
by the police force of the city for stealing
a watch from Mr. Victor Marden, wbo
works in Mr. G. J. Farley's harness shop.
The larceny was committed about a week
ago, and the Indians were seen handling
a coat and vest that young Harden bad
laid aside while at work. They came to
purchase some materials, and as soon as
Mr. Marden put on his coat and vest he
found that his watch bad been stolen.
Suspicion immediately rested on the In-
discs ; but they had crossed the river to
their home in Klickitat county. Yes
terday they came in town, and Mr,
tiiDons arrested tnem. one was con
fined in tbe city and. the other in the
county jail. sy this means tney were
not able to converse together and guard
their secret, and the one in the city
lock-up confessed the crime and said he
would go over tp his home today, if per-
.'u. j j , . ,
iputeu, qna procure too water). .
last week, and caused some of those wbo
were en jo ying the onting to be afflicted with
nervous m-oatratfon. That beast was not
killed, but. ha I his fun with the boys and
departed to his native haunts in the forest.
The engine will take a prominent part iu
the paiade, at Oregon City next Monday
aid following it will be a pet bear that is
reported to have floated in the Umatilla
Hous3 dnrins the flood on a wrecked fish
wheel, and was captured by Mr. Jud Fish
ex-chief engineer. This report is not con -
firmed, and we will not vonch for the truth
of tbe story. Accompanying the engine to
tbe tournament will be two members of
Jackson Engine Co., who helped organize
the comoanv in 1863, and have been
members ever since, lheee gentle
man are Judge G, A. Liebs and Mr.
Henry Wbitmore, the former of whom was
a member at the date or organization of
Diligent Hook and LidJer Co. HSo. 1, Jan-
nary 6, 1S60. Tbis makes Judge Licbe one
of the oldest fireman in the state, as there
are few now living who were members of
organizations tbirty-four years sgo.
Motes From Dufur.
Difor, Aug. 30, 1894,
Editor Tisks-Mocktaisesk:
Nimroda are highly displeased at an error
in tbe value of a hunting outfit, where your
type made me say $15 in dogs. Tbis was a
mistake of a cipher, but one-tenth is not
enough even in these bard times. Had it
been $7p, it wonld have be n a sort of gold
silver compound that is bothering the brains
of our financiers and iqlitioia ra of the pop
gun f-rdir
But hsun to the facts: Mr Johoatoi.'s
dog, "D ic-J do," bred iu Jedburgn, R x-
bnrgh Co., Scotland, on the waters of the
Tweed, where for generations his anoestors
were trained as setters and retreivers in
the Cbeyoit Hills, is no common dog, and,
perhaps, in all America, taking all the
points of excellence, bis equij can scarcely
be found. The other, Mr. Balche's Caudia,
(proLOuced Kada) bred in LiMsnohs, Spain,
possibly a direct dticendant of Don Kohota,
all noee aud ears, could not be reckoned as
any second class dog. These dogs have
won honors ia oilf community, of which
they should not be robbed by any common
curs, aud far one I should feel sshamed of
any attempt ip that direction. Why only
a few days sgo I stole away from town with
gun and all the appertetaoces thereunto ap
pertaining, except a dog, intent npon game,
especially bipeds, feathered. . . After a
weary search of some'houra we bad killed a
crippled crow. Only think of it no do,
one crow. Place those dogs at 250 or $S00.
P. S; Tt)eae bquters are indent qu Plac
ing a record, and doubtless yoq will noon
bear from tbem aga;n,
BUFFINGTON In thia city, August 30th, to the
vus of Mr 0. Bumogvon, a son.
RON DEAU At Kinglcy, Aug-. 25tb, to tha wile
01 nr. 1,, itouaeau, s sou.
TOTTERDELL-Id tbis city, Aug-. 25th. to tie
wile 01 sir. J. u. 'lotterdell, a cuunter.
McCONNELL-In this city, Auvust JSth, Alpha
Omega, infant daughter of J. R and Alice lie
Connell, aged 8 nonths and 8 davs.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale, is
sued out 01 tne circuit court 01 the state of Ororon.
for Wahco county, upon a decree and Judgment
made, rendered and entered by said court on tha
14th day of Kobrunry, 1S94, in favor of the plaintiff,
in ssuit wherein Euzene l Whit wis n aiiitiff and
C P Heald, alary P Heaid and I J
Ferguson were defendants, and to me di
rected aud delivered, commanding me to
levv upon and sell ail the land mentioned anH
de-cribed in add writ snd hereinafter described, I
did 011 tbe S21 dav of Aun list, ISM, duly levy Un,
and will se 1 at publio auouon to the highest hiriir
for sash in band, on Mond y, the 1st d&r of Oc
tober. 1804. at 2 'clock in the afternoon nf ih
day at the front dtor of ths county court bpus- in
Dalle- Citv, in Wtsco county, uregon, all of tha
lands and preasists described iu said jit and hero
in detcri ed as folio's, to wit:
lowincncii.g at the southeast corner of th nnrii,.
es-st quarter of section i (two), town-hiD 2 itwn
noun or range ten 110J. east .f Willamette nicrid
isn; runningtherics wear one hundre.l. uvAntv
and 3-j 100 171 SO rods to a point; running thence
nortn lony-six and ane-balf roda to a joint;
and 30-100 171.30 rods to a point, nd run nine
thence oouth forty-six a. d ne-hi!f 46 5 ruds t-.
tbe place of btihntiin: also beirinniuir at th north
east corner of the n-ir-hwds-, quarter of the tenth-eastquar-er
of section two ai, township iwa
north of ran?. ten (lq) wt of the Willamette
fueri W1 runuing thence south thirty-two 3aj rods
to point; running thence west thirty-two 82 rous
to a utint: lunmnir thence north th Hr.tWA ra
rods to a point: running t- enca nut eirhtr m n -i.
to th pl -ee af beginning; together with a'l ihe im,
pr..rements the on, and appnr epineoa theteunta
selonglnir, orso much li.e.e i as atuili oo n.m.-i. ,
to satisfy i he sum of thirteen hundred and sixty,
two (1321 dollars, with inturiut t.ho, Ka ..; .
of 10 per cent par annum since April 27, 1894. and
one hundred and thirty-six and 30-100 (136.20) dol
lars attorney's fees, and fifty-six and 25 loo (5u.2&
do.lara. cost of auit and accruing pn-tt in' oM " ..V
together with eosti of said writ and anirhlnv iwut.
-I""" TJUhlVSR.
Sheriff of Was o County, Oregon.
vtMiea v. 1 1 y , wrv., orutenioer I, 11.
JnT;,lIS!.n!t W Coan. of Oregon, j
Cascade; Locza. f.i i....
i it Wr-eo ''ounty, bt.te nf Oregon.
Oregon" V an " Wmco Co"".
Fah.d"1fT.?,5W' voter, of
fully petition Iwr &nr"0
n oi aacaue locks, said
precinct .in less quantities than one gallon for tha
period of one year: suon ior u,e
Dr C J Candiana
Professor JGU Farrlnw
Thos Scully
I Nora strain
T W Lewis
W A Calm
ack Amelia
J W Mnrahbank
H A Leavma
Vlapa Woich
Lew C McCarv
J H alclionough
R S Aldrich
E Sorbin
Thomas Williams
K A Allwick
Alex Watt
8 J Drrder
01 vier Kleury
Harrv F Kroner
8 M lrerson
A M Barrett
Win Day
H D Harkina
Wo McKemie
A J Knightly
H Black
A B Glazier
Chis Olsen
P W Neuick
Carl J K Carlson
John Trans
Peter T.ana
Kenneth HcKenala
Cleo 8 Henry
P Pauls, n
Yahn Kelson
A Syring
M.t Weber
'Ihos Edgecomb
A FColis
O Erickson
John Teisou
Thoraaa W Baddet
J F Stout
F Doulaa
Second St. THE DALLES, Or.
The to Umatilla House,
SINNOTT & PISH. Proprietors
Application fur Liquor License.
Cascads Loess, Fall Pbfcixct,
Wasco County,
State ef Orion.
i tl.'Don-.ngh, of aal.i precinct and outitv
II. on the 3d d.y of September. 18H4, apply to the
lunty Court of the above- amed .-auiity for 11-
oense o sell spirituous, mut and v nous liouoraln
CaWABs Locks. Falls Prkcikct.
T ... , , " co county, Stalo of Oregon
To the Rooorrble County Court of Waseo Couutv
( irmrnn ' '
b ! V" u-derMgned taxpayers and legal voters ot
- rm -ufi, tuun.y an ,tac- aioreaai!, re-pect-fully
petition, your honorable c-iU's to grant a li
ene to J. H Mclwnoiuo to aell spiritu-ma, vinu
ousan.l liqu.itsat tn town of Caacade Locka,
sam precinct, iu leas quanUUea than one gallon for
tbe period of one year.
Sheriff's Sale.
Berfous A-Cfcent.
Yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock
Mr- Jlobert McDonald, a member of a
threshing crew at work in a field near
Eight Mile, south of the Canyon City
road, waa struck in the bead by tbe rope
attached to lbe derrick and on the should
ers Dy a piece or timoer, Tbe blow on
the bead produced concussion of the
brain, but tbe one en tbe back only
caused bruises. Dr. Qollister was called
snd applied the usual remedies, and it is
hoped- tbe patient will recover. He
wag unconscious for some time, but
If hemorrhage does not result the injury
will not prove fatal.
Sanders and Stardevant, Dentists.
Pr. Sanders has associated with him
in the practice of dentistry, Dr. Sturde
yant, a graduate of the dental depart
ment of Michigan university. IJe has
been si? years in practice, one year qf
wmch he was in business for himself.
The doctor lately arrived in the city
from Colorado, and, being well pleased
with the location, has formed a partner
ship with Dr, Sanders. He is in every
way competent to do any work in the
line of dentistry, to which he has de
voted tbe best years of his life.
A Live Place.
Aeeordiog to the Kiddle Eattrprise, Cot
tage Grove must be tbe livelist place in
Drfgon: Cottage Grove baa been furnish
ing a good deal of sensational reading in tbe
last fortnight. Io the first plaee tbe Bo
hemia mtess are "booming." Not long
since a popular ti D and wife leit a tine
new home for parts unknown, rather nn
ceremoniously. Next the Bohemia hotel
Koes np in smoke mysteriously, and this
week a deputy sheritf proems to arrest
one John Aolfrich, formerly proprietor of
Cottage Grove hotel, for burse stealing but
Helfricb was on the alert and escaped while
the wary officer dfschad his ''shooting
iron" after him. Again pn Wednesday we
were startled by dispatch stating that
young Sbortridge repaired to Hebron church
and blew his brains (?) out all beeanse his
finance Miss Powell, refused to smile on him
as of yore. And now Cottage Grove will
pnt in a system of gravity works. It seems
10 ns that it wonld be a wiser and mre
practical plan to station a company i f
Pinkertons at that place. At any rata
Brother Thorp has no canse to comnlain of
scarcity of news in those ptrts.
. The Braucn Asylonf.
The case of the "State of Qregon npon
relation ot A. p. Taylor, respondent, vs.
Sylvester Pennoyer, Phjl Metschao, and
George W. McBnde, in tbe capacity as tha
board of commissioners of publio buildings
of the state ot Oregon, appellants, appeal
from Marion county," better known as tbe
injunction anit against the location and
erection of the E is tern Qregon branch, in
sape asylum, Trill be heard by the supreme
court on Thursday, September . This case
was appealed to the supreme court after
the February, 18D4, term of the cironit
cqurt for Marion county. The papers were
filed with Clerk Murphy about the 22d of
March and the matter will come up iq its
regular order. Tqi Is an important case,
and the final decision will be awaited with
much interest. Burhsm i Holmes, H. J.
Bigger aqd James McQaio are attorneys for
the respondent aqd A, H. Tanner and J- C.
oioreiana ior tne appellants. I pi
Tne Old Hero.
The old hand engine, ainoe Mr. Brown
has finished painting it, ia "a thing of
beauty and a joy forever." It is the pride
of the fire department, as it has dons good
service in tbis city since 1S63, and bas
saved The Dalles from many disastrous con
flagrations. Surmounting it will be a foil
sized cougar that bas gone" through the
hands ot a taxidermist and cams. out in
good shpe. This is not f he animal that
disturbed tbe camp at Summit Meadow
- Tie Regulator A ccident,
This is what the Sxmtnia Pionzsr says
of the sooident to tbe Regtfaior at the
Locks: "The river staa-ner Regulator, be
longing to The Dilles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Compiny, was snnk at Cascade
Locks, fuesday morning. The steamer
was just making the landing en arriving
from Tbe Dilles, when oauirht by the win !
prevailing, the boat was blown against the
piliog. A big hole was knocked in the bull
and fifteen D)ioite ffer (hg accident oc
enrred the steamer sank and lies in tbe
water with her wheel bouse about two
thirds nnder water. As soon as the boat
began to sink, the master drove her ahea
as iar as possioie, ana per dsw is now
entirely out of water. The extent of dam
age done could not be ascertained at the
time, but from appearance it will require
week or ten days before she will be able to
resume ber regular trips.
finance sefalr
ine Spokane Vnrqiucie says the co-oper
atiye colony at White Silmon, Wash., bas
disintegrated, and only aeven of the colon
ists remain, the remain tdar having departed
for other regions with all their earthly
goods. Our qstemporary states that the
division was caused by the attempt to in
augqrato woman suffrage, and turn tha
management over to the ladies. Same ef
the ''lords of oreation" would not stand
mis, ana so picicea np ana lett. We are
not fully assured that the breach is as wide
as the article in our cotemporary would in-
dioate, and it may ba bridged over and all
progress in peace aqd harmony again
There was an excellent opportunity to carry
ont Bellanry's idea in this schema origins-
ted by Mr. A. H. Jewett, and it may be
successful yet. If tbe experiment does not
succeed no further attempts should be
made for come time.
pnfar fnbllc Scnoql.
The fall term of tbe Dufnr pnblio school
will open September 17, 1804, and continue
twelve weeks
Aaron Frazieb, Principal.
It is the aim of this school to afford rea
sonable opportunities in the ordinary aca
demic or high school course.
Tbe course of study is arranged to in-
olude all branches that are r.qnired in ex
amination tor state life certificate in Oregon.
Special attention is given to the preparation
of teachers.
Board can be secured in private families
at from $2 50 to $3.50 per week.
A few houses are available for such
may aesire to move to town, or rooms can
be secured for BeRrbcarding.
Xne sohool will continue three terms in
the school yeap.
Tuition, $5 per q carter.
O. W. JohkstoS, Diet. Cierk
. .. i
Death of Hon. f. B. pates.
nou. reter, a. uates, ot Lafayette, was
instantly killed Tuesday night while 43
miles west of Hillsborn. In company with
J. J. Kn-glt, of Hillshoro, and two other
gentleman, Mr. Gates left Sunday morning
tor a two weeks' outing. About 12 o'clock
Tuesday night a violent wind storm swept
over tbe vicinity of their camping ground,
and a huge limb fell from a tree, and, strik
ing Mr. Gates on the head, smashed bis
skull, killing him instantly. The other
members of the party were not it jured.
His companions dug a temporary grave and
placed the body io it for preservation, white
Mr. Knight started for McMionville to ob
tain help. He arrived tbere Wednesday
night, and seyeral friends of the jead man
itartad for the aamp immediately.
Balids) Another Road.
6. W. Hunt is preparing to go to Cali
fornia with his big grading ontSt, the big
gest and best equipped on tbe cjaat. He
wil, as soon as arrived there, begin the
grade work on, the Qverlaqd JUoiHo Railway
Tbe out ijt is being loaded an cars at Spok
ane and Eureka Janction. There are 123
milles to be constructed nqw and Mr. Hunt
will work 50Q to 1000. men. H has never
employe4 Cbiqameo and will probably net
use tbem no this job. The country through
which tbe. new road is is exceedingly
rough, but tbere is a profit behind the road
when once bm)t and it wil) be built as soon
possible. Mr. Hunt will be at home
when he begins to build a railroad. He baa
ut down many miles and understands tbe
lVT bigness.
Boys' and Cilria Aid society.
Boys may lie bad (and sometimes girls)
(l)or ordinary seryice at wages; (2) upon
indenture, Tto work, attend school, and be
brought np somewhat as your own;) and
(3) children may be bad for legal adoption.
Address, J. H. Misener. Superintendent
Oregon Boys' aqd Grla" id society. Port
ay virtue or an execution and order of sale, is-
..uou vu u win circuit court oi tne state of Oregon
for Wasco county, upon a decree a..d judgment
made, rendered and enteied by said court on tl'e
uy ui reoruary, m lavor of the plaintiff
in s suit wherein uvene T) w hit., ,i !..-
mACl r U .... 1 . 1 j .1 n r ,
,u v. . . uwiv ,uu v r. neaiu were deier-d-snta,
and. to me dlreotcd and delivered, o&iojaaii
(i.g m f levy vpon ud self atiihe lauds' men.
tionedand deM-fbed in said writ and 'hereinafter
o.criueu, nia on tne saa day rf August
1694, duly levy upon, and wi'l se'l at publio snciion
to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand, on Jdondar
the 8th day of October, 1894, at o'clock in tb
afternoon of mid riavat t.h Ar ,T. ;". ?
.., - -... pimue uo-orioea in s d
writ and herein described a follows, to wit : "
at tbe southeast coner OI the north
east Ijiiarter o. section two (2), township two 19)
north of range ten (10). east of Willaiatw merlo
" i icirw w- uie nunurvu, evcnty-one
and su-liio 171. ifl) rods to a point; running thence
port!) forty-aix and que-balf (46 5 rods to 1 point;
runnin-f thence east on i hundred and seventy -one
and 30-100 (171.801 rods to a point, and suSoilir
thence s- uth snoj ohe:n,!l 416) rods to
(Its place of jjegiihiing; also beginning at the north
fast earner of the northwest quarter of the south,
east quarter of section two (2). townahlp tw.. (2)
north of rasga teq (Q), east oi the Willamette
meridian! running th.nca south tbirtytwo (Sjiroda
to a point; running west thirty-two (Si) rona
to a poiutj thence north thirty.two (.n
rods to a poini j runuiug thence east eighty 80 lods
to the plaee of beginning, together all the im
provements thereon, aud appurtenances thereunto
belonging, orso much thereof as shall be suifipi(,rt
satisfy the snm f Ave hundred aj.d meaty ef-ht
,598 00) dollar WV di.e oa eatf IgmeA wit
tert fnoMjDB t the 'rate of tea.' per cent per an
hum on 2G0 and eight per cent per annum on the
balance of said judgment from the 14th day of
t cbruary, 1894. and tbe lurtber a m of twenty-Are
a..d 18-100 12) dullara easts in said tut to
gether with costs of said writ and accruing co.-ts o(
8herl of Wasco County, Oregon,
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, August 26th, l&M.
Laud Orncs at Vascoiivkr, Wash.,
July 27, 1894
Notice is hereby giyen that the following Jiamed set
tler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support ef his claim, and that said
proof will be mule before Commissioner United
B tales Circuit Court, district ol Washington, in
Qoldendale, Wash., on October 15, 1864 . vis-
H E 274, (Indian), for the lot 1, and SX SEi. see
4,Tp 3 N, RISE WM .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon snd cultivation oi said
lanq, vis: Bill Charley, Wm Spittis. Mtrtin 8pedis
and Frank Silolsi. all of K'ickitat county. Wash.
T W Lewis
DW Kelson
w A Oabur
Geo McCanley
A W Vance
Carl J E Carlson
Geo Haines
M R Taylor
Gona Miles
J C Murphy
H F Mi-nog
Jobn Tbeasan
H O Parkins
P H Burns
w B Hsrgaum
C O Hicnok '
Jamea Siat(bry
A Leaveua '
gf Cats,'
F J Owens
A Caiel'u.1
VC Lewis
Ceo Peterkin
II riiurhbs
Wtucic Walsh
H J Williams
W M Frair.e Pozzis
f isncis Conlnn,
J E Sorbin
J K Hill
11 E Wilej
A E Trask
G 8 Henry
W C Johnston
A B Andrews
Peter Duggan
J M Mc'saac
John Conen Keliher
Wm Gnurley
1 S McKay
Tim B'chnan
H:ke Sisk "
E 9 MinlioT
; atrucmaii
? tUly
A J Knightly
J Hadeboe
H K. W(l8y
B L AldrTcb
K P Ash
9 ail Graneaa
Th Williams
P Paulsen
Rnbt Mills
J 8hannon
n r
Application for Liquor License.
Cascapb Locks, Falls Precinct,
Wasco County,
KttLtA tt Ornonn
Lewis snd D. Nlnon of tuid ntvmirtfft mA
county, wi 1, on tne ttd dny of September. 1H4.
apply to the County Court of the afove-uatned
iwunty ior license o aeii Buiiituana. malt svn.i vin.
oua liquors in less nuantitiea thun aha uaiinn
FaJU Preninct, Wiuco County, fctete oi Orcjron.
To the Honorable County Court of Wasco Coumy,
We. the underitflrned taxoavora and Im
cwiiriwiun, auaMa state aforesaid, respect
fully petition your honorable ro-irt to grant a II.
cense to T. W. Lewis and D. Nelson t aell ,ni,n.
oua, vinous and malt I quota at the town, of Cascade
Locks said precinct, in less quantities than one
ganou i'.r tne perioa ot one year)
A B Andrews
I J Honnev
W B Hunt
W B Hergaton
Alike Cnnlon
Ha-n Meedry
Bobt Mills
B L Aldri'h
W J Gordon
W M Praine
Frick Nelmn
August Funelius
L'li irles u Urou
LAUD Orncs at Vakcocvsr, Wash.,
JuIt 97. isoa
Kotice is hereby given that the fnllnwln..amu4
settler has Sled notice of his intention to make
uiuu yiwi in support 01 nis claim, and that said
proof will be made before Commissioner of United
States Circuit Unurt ior district of Washington, in
u.-utuvui nwai wii uuwuer id . IWS, VUU -'
H E R2T3. (Indianl. for the Bt NEl NV1 nri
SE j NWJ, sec 24, Tp J N, B 13 B W M.
Hs names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon an I cultivation of said
ina, yiz. niu unaney, willnun Spittis, Martin
Bpeais ana r nuut Buowi, an 01 Klickitat county,
taxo Omci ai Taxcodvsr, Wash.,
Auiruat SO IMOl
Notice Is hereby given that the fnllrwino-.r..msH
settler has filed notice of his intention to maka final
proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof
will be made before W. R Dnobar, Commissioner
u. o. urcuu uourc. zor district ef Washington at
his ott-ce in Qoldendale, Washington, on October 1,
H E, No 6245, for the EX of NEJ and Nl of BEJi,
Sec i8, Tp 3, N B Jij E YfM-
He names the following witnesses to prove his
wuiiuuuit, roaiueuve mnui, anu cultivation oi, said
land, yiz:
alanon at Bnlawn. Robert Struthea. John irr.
wiu w liiiaiu uamer, an or nartiand r. U., Wash.
juiui it, UsIUGHKGAS, Register.
Lairs Omci AT YAKCotrvxa, Wash.,
Julv 97 101
Notice is hteby giien that tha f-il mwi M jr 11 a m.H
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
uuai proor in support 01 nis claim, and that said
praof . will be made beforo commissioner United
Dtaiea circuit ujun ior anstrict of Washington,
at Goldendalfl, Wash., on October IS. 1394. vis?
H E 0372 (Indian), for the lots 8 and 4, and 81 NWU
sec 3, Tp 8 N, B 18 E W M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cnltivjtl of said
land, viz. Jobn SiloUi. Bill Charim. Wm Rniitia
. .1 r r. t : 1 x. - - . . . ' . -x--.
w,u . ui-uu,, v, nucaitai county, W a-.ll.
yua a,. ui-aiunwAfl, cteglster.
Application for Liquor License.
Case apb Locas, Falls Paicixer,
Wasco County,
State of Oreirnn
1 Scully of aaid precinct and county, will, on
the Sd oar of September. Ig84. aonlv to the Coumv
Court of the above-named county for license to set
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in leas quanti
ties than one gallon.
Falls Precinct. Wasco Conntv. Stai ef (irwna
Julj 22, lel. -
Wasco Countv. State of ft ranyn
To the Honorable County Court of kaco Couny,
We the undersigned taxmvers and ien-al vira nt
Falls Precinct, countv 'and'&tate afoseaiH imiu,i.
rultv netitioh vqut hdnorable cmrt an omn, . il
cense to Thomas Scully to sell spirituous, vinouos
and malt liquors at the town of Cascade Locks, said
precinct, in leas quantities than one gallon for the
period of one year. '
Dan Sullivan
C W Bergman
G Hurpnaa
A E Trask ,
P McAlanev
S Walsh
W H Fntins -R
S Aldrich
Tnomas King
J H HcDoojugh
Sam McCary
w Lewis
B Lee
Aug Nelson
w alarcuoanz
H Q Ar(is
Geo McCanley
T a wuina
Wm Day
A Lowuey
A Grant
Dan Beeder
O Hunter
W N l-srkia
James Clark
liliam Crabs
William Coutts
Patrick Nolan
Frank, Du&loa
uiiviar rieuiy
Duncan Chalmers
Charles Dfjoa
reser uugxan
w ran. 9
H Trask
T k.rogen
A Sweetlaud
Peter Valentine
Pa Wekh
PH Sullivan -P
M Ken.her
M FiUtsreraJd
0 Lund
W O'Brien
H A Leavens
D L Cava
1. G Hickook -A
U Ball
WC Johnston
Frank Porsi
C A Stevsft
Tim Brennan
James Kenney
W B Hergaton
Thos Ma ion
G J McAuty
1 Nordstrom
Pet r Sinnott
N Nelson
Isai Morin
W T Kettner
wan Iverson
George 8 Venery
K Nelson
Harry Gray
Chas Olsen
Martin Johnsoa
J r Trana
G J Davis
A 1) Parkins
Zoil Garniaa
J K Soibir,
Jobn Sullivan
Nick Webber
Pat 8ullivan
C E Miller
Matt Weber
0B Lee
JO Melia
W O V.' Hame
Tim Brennan
E L Weaver
E Scran ton
W E Duller
D Hunter
J W Uarchbank
J Tead-box
James Kenney
w o jonmton
Peter Trana
A F Mclntire
Thos M anion
H D Parrnns
W T Boiler
A J McAuly
J M M lsaao
W McLennon
Auguft Engestrom
A J Kn;ghtly
August Peterson
P bheringer
A F CoiUs
A E Durr
Harvey F Kroger
P H Burns
D LCates
HA Leavens
A B Glasier
J H MoDonough
BP Art
8 M Iverson
Abel Thorin
E L Waspban
J A Macdooald
Gov Gray
Pat McLany
Wm McKenzie
James Clark
Andy Kelher
W H er
A J Jaeger
J C Murphy
F T Burckman
Jobu Campell
Geo 8 Henry
Cbas Halander
CE Miller
8 J Drydon
Swan Peterson
William Bennett
C G Hickok
Carl J K Carlson
Chcs Gray
John 'I hiesen
J E Sorbin
Geo HcCauley
Duncan Chalmers
J F Shannon
C D Merwin
H E Wiley.
Isai Morin
Joseph Shank
Noah Itoubx
Wike Siak
a I Koberteon
N F Murpby
Wm Day
U P Skaadln
A H Parneil
E G Kaillod
J W Kean
Patrick Walsh -T
J F Dalv
D8 McKay
L A Grant
Dan Reeder
J F. Stout
William Houtts
Andrew Larseit
H T Rising
William Gourly
Tbos J Roily
l Lundll
A W Vause
John F Traqa
Application for Liqar License.
CASCAns Loess, Falls Prsciuct,
Wasco Cwnty,
State of Oregon,
IN Williams of said nreonct snd county, will, on
the 3d day of September. 1894. anolv to the Countv
Coutt of the above-named countv for licen.e to sell
pirituous, malt and vinous liquors in leas quanli-
ues inau one gallon.
Fa lea Precinct. Wasco Countv. State of Oreiran
July 22,16111,
Waao Countv. State of GraTon.
10 tne nonorapie oounty court ot Waseo County,
Oreimn: -
We. tbe undersigned taxnarera and lesal votara of
Falls Precinct, county and state aloreaaid, respect
fully petition your honorable court to grant a li
cense to T. H. Williams so sell spirituous, linous
and mrlt liquors at the town ot Caacaie Lo ks, said
pree;uct, In less q nan ti ties than one gallon for tbe
period of one year:
ahs. Nahss.
Duncan Chalmers H E Wiley
James Clark William Crabb
Harry Gray Geo Gray
James blattery W Lynch
LComfui Chas Merwin
W C Johnston Andy Keleher
D L Cates W N Laraln
C F Kershaw J M Mclsaac
Nick Weoer Tim Brennan
John W Haley Zoei Uarnear
0 W Bergman Fred T BurclnnaA
A M Barrett Morgan Willisana
M Fitzgerald Thos Manion
Isai Mo. in DSLownev
A J Jordan T W Lewis
D 8 McKay C B I. all
Thos. J bly W A Oil ran
Wm Cjleits Aug Nelson
t Pullivau H D Pe.kius
Todj Scully D Cunningham
Wm McKenzie William Thomas
W Day Wm Vycock
A E Sar-rant P Paulsen
Ed Err.iner William Gourley
F HcDoua'd John Watkina
Patrick sollivau R Black
Patrick Killhara E P Ash
RSAId.rivA ' O A Stewart
J atonal
Free Bus to and from
the Hotel
Fire Proof Safe for tlia Safetr of
all Valuables.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter,
and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of
welve-year old Whiskey, (strictly pure, for medicinal pur
suit uquor. voiuniuia crewary.twer on draught.
04 Second Street, TIIK DALLES, OR.
Gener I Commission and Forwarding Merchant
891, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET
(Adjoining Railroad Depot)
Consignments Solicited
Promp Attention to thos9 who favor ma with their patronage
When Ion Have' School Boots to Purchase
Who always sella as low as the lowest in tbe city. On account of a circular
quite generally distributed through this section by tbe agent of tbe American
Book Company, tbe price list of school books published in September, 1891, is
hereby withdrawn; allj tbe prices in tbat list being lower than tbo
agent claims re theproper retail prices. For new prices inquire at his stor
148 Second Street, TIIK DAXJUEM. OlJJS01N
Application lor linsp License,
Oascadi Locks, Faui Pbscikct,
Wasco Qounty,
Stale a Oreeon.
rick McAlleuT of said pr cinct anil county
will, on the Sd dav of September. ISM. iodIt to tha
r-j-ni - r a a-. . iwuniy uurc oi ma aoove-nunea oountr fur 11-
ut. price s Cream Baking Powder nso to seii sPirituns mait and tiuous liquor m
Awaraed uold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. 1 ' quantities uan one gauon.
Wellington, Kock Springs,
and Eoslyn CoaL
$12, sacked and delivered to any part oi
tbe city.
At Moody's Warehoase
The New Columbia Hotel
This large and popular house does the principal hotel busi
ness, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accom
modations of any house in the city,
and atUhe low rate of
81 Per Day.
First-Class Meals, 25 Gents
Office for all STAGE LINES leaving The Dalles for all points
in Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington,
is located in this Hotel.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Proprietor.
Cor. Front and Union Sts The Dalles, Oregon
Books and Nte, Pianos and Organs
yiAJJOH and Organs sold on easy monthly
payments and all COMPETITION
wa are prepared to meet. Gall or address
1$3 Soad Street The Dalle, Or
from n one that does not belonir to the AssociationNand I havj a betw class ol roods. IlavinaT
taken the necessary oour.e of instruction in embalminir, I am prepared to attcad to srarytuiug partaauins;
to the business.
oyvrv he called, day ok night.
PLACE OF BUSINESS Corner of Third and Waahlnatoa streets. RESIDENCE Corner of fourth
sad Washington streets. All on era promptly attended to.
II. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer
At hia establishment on the corner of Tnird and Federal itreetr ur
prepared to make
I Spring and Summer Suits