ro y si. I i l ft ,7iS Jl njTAlXErtlt. Volume XXXV rm (.IKIHSTA1EEB, " X.1H jcONSOLIDATED 1882. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1894. NO. Ail EEINTED EVERY SATUBDAY Jikn MicHEiL. Editor and Proprietor Professional Cara.. O. C. HOLLISTEK, Physician and Surgeon Boom over Dafles National Bank. Office boar., 10 a m t 12 id. and from!! to 4 p ro. Resi dence We t End of Third street. CONDON & CONDON, Attorneys at Law Office on Court Street, opposite the Old Court Houbc A. S. BENNETT, 'Attorney at Law Office In Schanno's Building, up su'rs. Tbs Dalles Oregon DUFUR & MENEFEE, Attorneys at Law Room 42.and 43 Chapman Block, The Dalles, Ore. j bCTHERLaKD, M D, CM Physician and Surgeon, :RooJns S and 4. Chapman Mock, Tin Dalles, Ore. w it. TAJKilAN Practical Dentist rfl!c Over A- A . Brown's grocev, Secon! St All work fi-uaratJief d to sr re atisf ctinn and all 'he atest in proved methods use-' in denta' oterat'nns WASCO LODGE. NO. IS, A. F & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 8 t.H. ' . fTTHB DALLES ROYAL AROHXHAPTER, NO 8. L Meets lu Masonic liall the third Wednesday aea month at 8 F M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO, S, I. O. O. F.-Mwita every Friday evening; at 7:Sd o'clock, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Kecond and Court street. K-ifonm-inr brothers are welcome. H. Clocoh, bee v. riRIEKDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meet J? every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock, in Sctiaii oo's building-, corner of Cour. aud Second fitreots. .Sojourning brothers are cordially invited I. VADtia, K. U. and -8. F. HE EFEE, C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at & o'clock at the reaalnar room. Ail are invited. ivr ODEBN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Mt. Hood Camp. No. 69. meets every Tneadav evening of each week at 7:30 ocl--ck, in A. Keller's nail. All brothers and sojourning brothers are Invited to be nreeot. . TEMPO LODGE. NO t. A. O 17. W.- Meets in KBeUersHall ever- Thursdav evening at TiSO o'clock. FA IX. KHEfT, M. W. W. 8. MrRna, Financier. f AS. 1E8MITH POBT. NO. 42. G. A R Meets O every Saturday at 7.S0 P. M. in E of P. Hall ft OF L. B. Meets every Friday afternoon in K. of r Hall. ,-4ANQ VERE1N HARMONIB. Meets every tyjr Aavndav evening In Hellers Hall Tk -F. L. F. DIVISION. U. 167 Mee'S n K, jt. " of V. Bill the flrst and 'bird Wednesday of acn month at 7:30 r. m THE I Hlltt HrX "fiH!T BAtTlbT CBL'RCH Uev. O. D. Tavlok, 1 I'sxtor. Services every Sahbath at 11 A M. P. M. -ftabbath school immediately after the ; snor n jf service. Prayer meeting every Thursday ,emi, o r. M ME. CUL'KCH Kev. Jho. Whisieb. raster. , Services everv Bundaj morning and evening. Suiidv bcbool at 12:20 o'clock P M. A cordial invi txtioe evttnded bv both pastor and people to all. CH'SOKEOATJONAL CBlivtH -Kev. W.C. CCKTI8 Pastor. Services e-ery Sunday at 11 A. M. and P. M. finnday School after moruinic service. rjT. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Beohsoeikv Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. Higb lias, at 10u A.M. Vespers at 7 P. M ' CVt. PAUL'S CHURCH. Union Street, opposite . S3 Fifth. Rev. E!i D. butciiffe. Rector. 8trvice very Sunday at H A. M and 7:3b P M., Sunday cbool at 90 A. M. Evening Praver on Friday at 7SWP. M. CHRISTIAN CHCROH Rev. J. W. JEKKisa, pas tor. Preactd-itf every sundav attcrnoon at 9 'n'clnok In the OanKU-ati'onal cbur.h. All are cor dially invited K00NT2, I $cal fslate, Loans acd knrance. A rent for the" Scottish Union an- Natioral In surance compmy of Edinburgh, Scotland,. Capital - Valuable Farms near Om City to cell on easy I vi nje .. 4ffio 6ver Post t ffloe, Tb Dalles, Or. PIOflEEB GBOGEUY, Mortlnraat Cor. Becvnd and Waalilngton Sts.- mm i wm, prof '9 George Ruch. fhe CTheapest ,l?lace ' TBI DXLLMi rOE All Kinds of Groceries, '"FLOUR. GRAIN, WILLOW WAREB TC. ' We respectfully solicit a sh of the nubile pat rtue and .nail endeavor to give entire satisfac don to our customers both old nd new. BARBED WIRE It yon want cheap fencing, use the new wire nailed "This will stretch 85 per cent further to the same rnasberof i pounds thin any other wire In the m-vr-k and alo mikes the best fences. S'op anJ ez aiae it and you wi.i be convinced that this is the w, ts you waul. : JOS. T. PETERS ZL CO. -V j - . Sole agents for The Dalles. Vthe dalles ' SEC03D-6TISEET - Opposite the Implement Warehouse FACTORY NO. 105 CIOIRQ of h Best BraDrls mararct rJnuO ureii, and ordras from all part "of "nintTV filled on th shortrwt. nnlio iharepatitiou of THE DALLKS CIGAf ha- beoome irmly estaMished, and the dV r and for tie home manu'actnafKl article i , inoeaa-ing eyery day, A. ULKXCU-& SON . Juto Cfsx and Tobacco ft the best brands retailed. D. W.VAUSE (Successor to P. EREFT CO.) Dealer Ar'IatB' Material and Painfors' Snnn'ts Agent for MASURY'S LIQUID Pa I NT AH ordprs for pnfn'mo'. papprino; a nd kn'nminir.e prompllv aftendert fo , IREGON : BAKERY -AND- c A. KELLER Prop'; I am p. epared to furnish families, notels and re Unrante with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fresh i ysters Senel In Every Style. 4-rs.t1 fttrert. Next door to The Dalies Na tional Bank, THE DALiLES. ORES ON. Best Kentue y Whiskey FROM LOVS IX. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bes English Portyr Ale and Milwauke Beer ilways on band. MAETZ & PUNDT. PROP'S COAL! GOAL! -THE JJEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, lacked and delivered to any part Ol the city. At Moody's Warehouse HENBT L KUCK, -Ilannfactnrtr of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Mood Vs Warehouse, THE DALLES, OEEOOS Uaarantaed to 6iv Sat- iMfaetloa Dniversity of Oregon! KUON, Next session begins September 17, 1S94. Tuition, fieo. Bo.rd, n2 ail a week E've Caaiicil, scientific Literarr. El fflish a d hu-iinejs. II RMI I ok Y The boarding hall for vonnir ladies and the iKa liuj hill fur voun; xrnt nam trill he undt-r the per-winal supervision cf Mrs. Munra, a iMiy of rerlnemenl and Urs rspfrisnca. r'or catalogues .ddre-s J. J. WALTON, Sec.y ReKsnta. Andrew 7elarde, HQSJSErViOVER. The ralks. A.ddres; Lock Bisi 131. SUMMONS IN THE CIPCUiT Court of the State of Oregon for the t.ouutv ul Wascj The AnitrricMn M-nrtee CftmDanT of Scotland. I ini' ite , h Corpji atmn, p'miit.ff, vs. Jnmes Doiri and Th maa W Olavey, adminiftr 'tor of the entile of Patrl-k Donls i. defjudants. To James Dotria, the above named d fentiant: In the name oi the -taie f Orevon. yon u c here b rq lretl fc aptieir no answer the oi:i l nt flied aa-insr. you in ti e above en'ittfd stiir, on t-r hef ro Monday the itatli day o Alay, 1SH4, that being the nrs di.v -f the nxr reuu'ar term of aula uouri, aim u v u i-ai r"""t'' tsere f, the ,t iniiff ii apply to sa A Court fi-r the relief demaririeii in i's cmi a nt, tu-wit: To foreclose plaiiitin'e morUaje .made, executed and delivered o PauicK I ornt, now d-ct aoe 1. u or ubout tnu 10'h dy of Le einher, upon ihe ja-t hull of ihe no .theaot qu rte and the -t h tlf of tliC n rtheast. quuritr of nt-c i..n IS i.- tuwn-nip 8 couth, or ru go 14 east, of he W'ilimuette Uerid 1 n, in Wn c j Cou-tty, retron, a..d to h ive said prtntir-ei s Id aoordi'g to law and the prartiea t f-e a o-e i-niit ed Court to ust.sfv p! .in iff s de m tnds to-wit, to piy tho mm of ?:i50 and intertsi u iaid um B.uee .mbvr 1: t. 1Sw2, at tli rnt of 10 pr tent per anuuin, toether wiili pai" tiff't costs and di-burn m nre niaie and expended in thib cu t. Inel'iuiiijf subifqiien-c tsts u'.. evpenses or tale; that upon urh f.nct-ioaure and decree and sale ail tt your rUnt, titie and interest ami nil -r sun- claim mr. or to c airn, by, thru-'h or under you. or bv, thrujrh. or under sui-i Patrick uorris, n w deceased in and v said premise, be forec -ed ami forever barr-d frm the equity of edeuipthin; that pl unt-U be aIIoeit 10 purciia, e s on lai.os aim preuiisea at its option; th-At the purch ters of saji. preruirtea have the immediate p isnet-s on f said lreLnie4- and every part a d parcel tin ref, and for feueh other anu fur her rd:ef au to the Court iu;ty see u unable and just. The rvic of this summons w ma'ie uron yon ny publ;CAtion -f in Tne times M'-otaIXRRii, a news ap -rof ireticral circnlatioo, pub i?hed wo-ky t The Ualfes, wasiro onnty, ureyon, it Deing tne naner most li elv to convey uot ee to you, by order of ihe Hon. W. L. ErjjNhaw, Judije of the above en titled Cour , win- b order was amy made on tne aid dny of April, 101, at chambers, iu LaHcs City, W aboj Count j. Ore.on. ap" ",- Ati.cvs fur Pia.nitff. CITATION. 1 3f THE COUNTY COURT op THE STTE OF 1 Oiegn, or th Cuutv of wasuo. In the matr of tie cuardUosbip es- i tat t-f Nancy Stanly, au aged and Citation. infirm person. ' ) To Nancr Stanley and Tlwe hzc, guardians of Nancy St niry, an aged and it firm peison, and ah other he r- and legatees, known anu unknown. of John Stanley, decea ed: Greeting : In the name of ile state of Oieirnn. you are here by cited and required to appear in the county couit ot tne Rtto 1 1 i t ton, ior tne cuni ui rt nxw, h.l the court-ioom thereof at Oalle-i Csty, in said ennn'v. on Monday, the third day cf fceptemi-er. 1394 at 10 oc vek in the forenccn of th..t d:iV. tlien and there t how caus- if anv ihtre be, why the folio. vine desciibd ri-l ip pertv. to-wit: Lots numner oi-el), two (i), three (3) and four (4), of section thirtj-tw-t (o2), in toplm three (S nnnh of ranye eleven (11), ea t of Willairet'e meridian, c ntil in. 139 45-100 ores and situated in wa-co county, statu of re;on; sb uid ntt be so d f r the snppoit of ancy Stanley, widow of sid John Stau ley, deceaitd. . Witness, the Hon. Ono. C. Blafcelv, j-M-g i tht- said county c -urt, with . . . tneal oi ai ' court a-tllxed tfcis EAl. J S0thdav-f Ju-y, A. D. ictH. ssyw' AtUet W. if KFLAY, Clork. By E. JttAii'ilN, bpMiy. Administrator"? Sale. WH RE AS Ihp Hot. t,iunty Court of the State of Orfif'", f r t Coutitr of Waco on the Cth day ot November, duiy mirie an order di rectiiiti me, ti e uy appoiiited, qualitl jd and acting adinMiistntor of he estate f truest 8. II nee, de ceased, to sell tiie and and premises he; on ting to sai i e-t'U, and hereafter purlieu arly described, at public auetioii, to the hiiiieat bidder, for cutfh iu handj Uow. therefore, by virtue of such nu'hor ty, and in pursuance of Vaid oruer, 1 will, on Saturday tho 10th day of Februx v, 1S9 , at the hour of ten o'clock in the furenouti of said day. ::t the front dour ot tie t-ounty Cn t lioufe in Utiles City, u awn County, Oieifon, r-eil, at pU 'U c au tiin. o tjio b'trh- r-t bidder, for c an in cai:u, tite taiui ana p emii-ea belOiiftitiK' to Mid estate, ana particularly described as fo kiwi, to-w t: The southwest quarter (sl) and the southeast fluarier of the orthwe-t quater (-et of i.wj) of ectioa fifteen. (i5 in towih p one (1) ruih, of Tnife f"urUtjD (J 4 ea-t. of the Willamette Meridian in Wusco ouuLy. Ufeon, containing two hunored acres of la d. aid ale wd fcy niadt subject to ap proval and confirmation of the said Ccuhty Court, j Dated at Dalle city, Wasjo 'kiuiit, Ocou, this Oih uiv of Januarv. 1894. 1. H. JOHNSTON, Adni'rcf Uie r state of Ernest 8. ilate. deceased. ADMINISTEATOR'S SALE. NOTICK IS HEPFBY GIVEN tht the unler six ed, administrator uf the rsrate of Haxn ron Corum dtaa ed, bv v rtue of an oracrof the ounty Coutt uf tho State f Oregon for vatco County, in probate, tnaue on the 6 h day of beptea. bcr, A. D. 1893, &id a jpp.t-nientarv older inadt9 by saiit court of date I'cc mber 22, 1S93. will on -utur-$ayt the 27 Lh diy of J anu try, 1S94, at the hour of 2 P. M, .of n id da, at the Oou t House diK in L Ilea City; in Vtnfco Coiitv, SUi e of ur- gon, fell at pub Yr. virtion to rw liiiret hntdor for ca-h in Jiand, hi ct fc the con fir mat ion of said Court, all of the foiii'Wmfdecrl)ed real es ate and watur right-, be longing to the estate i the said deceased, to-wit. 1 ne west half of the noi tf.e at quart r, nnd the norihtv'st qnarter of the Sou r heist quarter of sec tiou twent-(aVo. in townehm two n nti f range Urn east ot tne Wiitauinte mundionontuniu X 0 irrrua and nuuatJd in asco County' , tite of region; aud iheeau- ialf of Uie east half of s.-cl;oh .o. tveuty-flra in tuwuship two north of r.ine ton east uf ihe Willamette meridian, containing 160 acres, and situated in Waco County, bute oi Oro Krn, toifeth r with the tenenienm. herouitum nts and appurtenances and water right tU.roto beioii iiif, aid be ouurinir to sail enttte All tt.e above described property, iacIuJinjr Uie watr rtuhts, to be told iu one iurcvl. lUitod. December lUdi. J. w. coxpoy. Adaiioibtrator f the estate of ilarrisou Coruui, deceastd. Aduilnlsti at )f s Notice of Final Account XT OT1CE IS HERFBY GIVEN THAT THE UN il ceraujntd, adoiinistr tof of the estate of William A. il!enf deccbscd, has II ed in the ffic? of the County Clerk of WasfO Counly, Orjfon, his Una' account ith sad estate, and thut Moi d:y, the 7th day of Hay, 894, at tO o'clock in the forenoon of said day, st the County Cour: room in the County Court bouse, Dai lea I'lty, Oregon, lias been, bv lion. George 0. lilakeley, County Jurie, fixed and a pointed as the Uine and place for examining Maid acvuuutand hen ring ohjectiona, if aiy. thereto. f)9Ud at Dalies City, Wasco County. Oregon; this 30th day of March, l-94. GEO. A. hlt.BE, Aomr. of the Eaiate of Vim. A. Ailen, deceased. GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Conn'y Court of the btntc of Oregon, for Wa8tX Coun ty, io drobate, guaroiau of th prsju and es tate of IN amy fitanlo , an agd nnd in Jinn person. All ersons hvng clai na against si'd eaiateare hereby notifif-d ard required t preent them to me at the law otfi w uf CoiUd s Condo r, iu Dalles City, Oregon, with proper poucbtra thereof. UANH LAOE. iSuardian of th- person and estate of ISaucy btan ley. an aged aid infirm prison. Dalles City, Oregou. March 17, 1894. Attention, Freighters! BIDS WANTED for bnullug 100. 00" pounds of woo! (more or lets) snd i5,u00 to 10.000 p-.unds of back fr-igm; said wool to bn tiautsd from Littie Front crok, about fifteen milfs suthea of Ante lope to The Dal es, the back f eight to be hauled from ihe Cal'os to Mudot station, atn ut elenUe . miles southeast of Ant- Mre Ail w.iol and freight to be welt protcelcd wth wiiron-ebee s and deliv ered In good crder aud condition Bids will be opened May 1st aud the award made known at Ho dy's warehouse. Terms: t ne-nalf will be paid on the deliver of each load, if desired; balance ou completion if contract, .a duress all biua to IlENY HAHN, Bec'y, ' Care AA'adhams & Co., -nich31-4 Portland, urexou. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: I have iliHp-'Ml of all my intereat in the st'oon, enrner Fron- and ourt streets, to r. A Baldwin, wno win nereaiter C"n duct the husinrss in h s own name All bills due and or ng up to June 2Gth will be collected by me, and 1 wi.i be responsible for all indebtedness to ths date. A. BtTll.sGhK, In. NOTICE. The U. S. Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or., June 11, 1S94- ... Complaint navine oeen enterea at mis omen oy tv w Nan .rt a ainst lonv P:amb-ck lor aiianrion- ing his homesthad en'rv No. 44i7, oated June 2, 1 bz upon tne ne qreec n, tpi. iouks w... ,u WaMi ' county. Oregon, with a vk-w to the cancella tion of sa.d entrv, the sali parties are hereby sum mined to appe -r at this office on the 26th day ol July, le-94 at 10 o'clock am, to respond and fur nish tesdmouy voucruiu said alleged abandon aunt. JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. l-l' trji-l.OHT. TBR RECEIPT I8SUED FY RECEIVER OF th U. . land o i ce at The Dillrs. Oregon, to L K Pr tt May 7. 1891, for sWj of Sec 85, lap 1, N oi K 15 E.anJ l.i s 1 a d 2 and 64 of Sec E. 1 wp 16. of K IS , has been lt or minlaid and bus n t b en reo ded or transferred to an3' one. Hv right, title a d uterest rtmtiu- the -ame as when wived, and tbat "on the Hd d y of feeife mber, 684. wiU apply at the US Land tffice at Ibe Dilles tor j pxirnZC h. B. PttATL 1 Children Cry - for PiTOHER'S ASTORIA " Catorii i' so well adapted to children that I lvci'inmcii'l itaa bupeii-r to any prescriptioa known U me.1' 11. A. Archer, 31. 1., Ill iSouth Oxford St., iirooklyn, N Y " I no Onstor'a In my practice, and find 15 peciaily aduiea to uffections of children. " Al.HX. KOBBUTSON, JL D., 1057 id Ave., Kew Vorll "From rwwni.i bnowlodge I rnn say instoria in ii :noat excellent medicine for cliil treu." Ci. C. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. Casioria promotes Digestion, and ovei-oouiea Fltitulency, Constipation, Sour Ktoinach, DiannoEa, nnd reverishness. Thus tho child is rendered healthy and ite steep natural. Castoria contair.3 no Alorptiiue or other lurcotio property. .gg-A.-.-ysa R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THE M Eg STGGK ISIS, lXI.-xAY THE HiffhestCasli Price for i Hay and Grain. DEALER IN ' LIVE STOCK, N0T1CK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oleics at The Dallkh, Oreoon, Julv as. i9i. Notice is hercliv eiven that the followine-nanied metier his filod notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tl.a said proof will he maile before the Register and Keceiver ot tie u. s. land omee at Til Dulled, Or., on septtnioer i'j, inu4, v z: tllGAK ULKLl.NGAME. H c, ao2.ui , tor tne ea uwi-i. and s noK. sec 6. tp 5 s, r 12 e. lie names the following witnesses to prove his iniiLiiiiiuuB resiueuue ufiun anu cititlViitlou oi aam land, viz: T J br'mr. of Die Dulics. Or: John O Hudron. Alhert basire aid Janus Ciiriiiiirinie. of Mamie. ui eon. )yii JAS. f. MOORE, Resistor. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lad Office at The Dalles Ob,, J'llv as. isat. Notice - is hereby jriven that the foitowinir-uamerl settler has Sied notice of liU-iutention to make nnil proof in support oi l is claim, and ih t said proof will be made before the rt-gister and receiver st ibe Pa-led, Oreiron, on Neptem er 12, la'Jl, viz: JOHN O. HUDSON, B E No 8117. for ihi- nt i. s c 31. tu 4 . r 12 e. He names the followini; witneartea to prove his continuous resiuenco upon, ana cultivation of, said land, viz: A be.-t Savacre. of Wairic. Or: T J Driver, it Th fiaijes, r; Jims Curiiusame and daar Burlin- iiami , o. nunc, Vf. VH JAS F. MOOBE, Ecgieter. EXECDTOE'S NOTICE. By virtue of an order made ' y hc Conn'v Court oi nasco c ur.ty, ureirrn, at the Juiv tcr thereof. 1694 to me direct- d. as the executor of th estat ot w. Mct Lswu. dedeired. 1 wil after the 10th day of Aneus , lb94, pnc-d to sell for cth in hard the foliowiLg dcecritieJ lauds of tne sail es ate, to-wit: Tne west half -f the northwest qumor, the tiorthwt-s' quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty, tho northeast quarter of tho north- aest Quarter of 8-ctih nineteen i to'nshin 5 south of Mr.fc l! st; the t.eilh hi f of the soiithoa-t quarter, i.nrthrast quirterof tne .ou'hvest quarter ami outheat quarter of northwest oai irter i.f suc tion twenty-oiu oansliip 9 south, rane 12 east of wniinietto iner.aian iu hsoco coun'y, Oregon. &aiu laud will be sold m lots tu uqrenasers. Dated this July . 1SIH Z F. MOQIy, Executor of the esute oi W. MoD. Lewis, de ceased. ju7-4t KOTICE FOR TUBUCATION. Land Omci at Tiie DaLLM, Obboo, Ju v 2. lout. Notice is hcrebv llien that the followimr ntmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof win ne nu'de before the Ktjrister snd Receiver at liic Dalles, Oregon, on Auaus-. 14. ljs-4, viz: C11AFLES E. IIAYVVARD, Hd 2S39, for the lie qr sec 23, tp 4 s, r 13 e. lie names the followinsr -witnesca to urove hi con 'ini:ous residence upon and cultivation of said janu, viz: A. Stnsrsdill, Robert Bii'ts, R, D. pitcher and weurKe AMirun. 01 Apn y.iiev, umron. J AS. F. JIOORE, Rctlister. NOTICE. ITIMbER CULTURE. The C. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June 11, 1S94. U'lUiplaiut having been entered at this offico by Louis belcore against Edw in Stfievtr for f uture to c:uipiv with law :s to timber culture entrv dated Jm.e 22, IfcSd, up n tho s I f nv qr and s hf sc qr, sec iu, ipfts raucje IU ea-t, in Wusco county. O exou, with a view to the cancellation of aid en1 ry; contestant aliening that said Kdwin Stoever falled Ui plant in timticr, seeus or cuitins the third 3 ear sf tcr uiakine said entry, and that said failfre sun exists; tne sain parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 25th day ot Julv. ISM. at 10 o'clock a in, to respond and furnish testimony couceruiujr saio aiiena taiiure. JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE. The U. S. Land Off ce. The Dalles, Or., May 21, 1801. Complaint having: t'een entered at this ofce by Frank Malone aea nst John Vredt for abandoning his buniesteaJ eniry o. 4S33, dated Mareh 23. 1S92. upon the e hf sw qr, nw ur sw qr snd sw qr nw qr sec 10, tp 8 s range IS east, in Waso county, die ton, with a view to the caneelfati n of said entry, tliK sni'i parties are hereby summoned to spp sr at this oltten on tbe 21sf day of Ju y, 1894, a": ID o'clock a m, to reMpoud aud furnish testimony concerninx sa'd aileited abnnnonment. K. M. tihutt, U b Com- iseioner is authorised to take testimony in this case at Antelope, Oregon, at 10 a in. July 14. 1804. JOHN W. LEWId, Register. NOTICE. The V. S. Land tfllce, The Dalles, Or., June 11, 1894. Complaint having- been entered at this office by Wvatt A. Stark uiiust heirs of Ge- E Lamtille far sbaodonins; homestead eutry No 8912, dated July 29, 1891. upon tne w hf of se qr and s hf of sw qr. sec 22, tp 2 n ramie II east, in Wasco Count)-, ore eun, with a view to tbe cancellation of aid entrv, the stid nartles are berehv summoned to appear at tlii. i.ffice on tne 25 n dav of Julv. 1894. at 10 o'clock a m, to reepund and furnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE. Tbe U. 8. Land Office. The Dalles. Or .June 11. 1894 CnmpMiit having been entered at this office by H S Richmond sg.l'is Ira V. Atiller 1-r a' andon Ine his homestead eutrv No. 4488, dated July 22, 1S92. upoi. tne s nf of se qr and s bf of sw qr Bee 5. to 1 s range 10 east. In Wasco c untv. Oregon, with a yiew to the cance lat'on of said entry, the said pirties are he--ehy summoned to apper at this office on tbe 2o'h nay of Julv, 1394, at 10 o'cio k a m , to rerpnnd and fur ish tuetiuiony concerning said alleged abandonment JOHN W. LEWIS, Reis'er. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby (riven (hat the nnusrslgned has been duly appoi- ted by the County Court oi the Mate of Oregon, for Wasco County, in Probate, al mlnistrator of the estate of A K. Bonify, dec- ased. All pet-ons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and r quired to present them to me with pr-per vouchers at the law office of Condon and Condon, in D.lies City, Oregon, w.iuiu tlx months from the date of this notice, slay 12, 1S94 R, O. CL0STER, Administrator of the estate of A St Soneey, mal2 deceased. SALE OP BONDS. T 1 lt94, o.0u0 in bonds ot Hood River chool pist-iet, bearing 7 percent interest, payable scini an ualrj. They will either he sold in paits of 91,0 0 each, or the entire s,00O st one time, or any number of the eubt bond of 81,000 each, to tbs highest bidder for each. These b mds are redeem able in twenty ears, ir afer to y-a-s W conte n.vnl for tne district. - WILLIAM 'ICd LI. L, . The Dalles, May 21,1894. county treasurer. TELEGRAPHIO NEWS. Kllli'd by Chinese. L''Kdon, Aus. 24 The Central Nevct baa advices from S'laoghal to the tfl;ci that a Tokio d spa'cli received then slates that a small detachmeu: of Jap anese scouts met. a force of Cli'mcse at Oung Ho on thp 17 h, hdJ in the en gigt:n)eut luat eosued live scouts were wounded and a ileutenaut killed. The same dispatch saja that a serious battle is txoected to occur daily The sama paper lias received inform tion that the tmne.e goverument has warned foreieners not 'o loner on the liver near Kium'tuD arsenal or the fac tory at Shuoghai, under pain of being ur rested as fpies . Another disoatch from hanybai states tht James VVvlie. a Scottish mifsionary, murdered tv Chinese soldiers at JNe Chwang, la connrrucd oy later an vices Thes? advices assert the attack on Wviie wft3 entirely nnuiovoked. The mission ury was clubbed, kicked and etahbed to death iu a public street. A demand was ma le upon the authorities that the per pons concerned in the commission of the crime he turned over to the civil magiS' trale, but the officials refused m sur render the guilty parties. The British residents of New Cb waug will, it is stated petition their minister to send a war ves sel to the scene of trouble. It is also as-erted in these advices that the report of severe fightiutr at Pmg Yang is without touudatson. 1 he only en gngement that has ocenrnd there lias been an attack DpoD a Jspnncse picket bv a small dctitcbmeut of Chinese cav alry. England Septra!. San Frakcisco. Aug. 24 L'eu enant Francis L. C. Harden, late ot the B;i'iah naval resolve of New inland, wu0 wa9 deported from Hawaii fur aiding the rev o utionists, aud who recently eff.-red his serviciH to me- uninese, naa oecn com pelled to abaudon bU belligerent plans. lie was yesterday called cefnre the Brit ish coi.sul and given warning to keep out of the Corean affair. In spt-akiog of (he incident last night, he esid, "1 was called belore ibe consul and shown a royal proc lamutioa which the queen ana privy oouncil Uncd frm the pa ace at Odburoe on Auuxt 17 It is directed, 'To all her loving suijects,1 apd it recites that a state of war ejfista betwem l er royal couns, he emperor of China and the emperor of .IhIImiI HTllI It (TH U fitlPrlMl Ul tchhllll til the provisions of Ihe loreiirn en istment act of 1854. by which all British suljecfs sreloibidden to aid ou'side betiigerents .Us...0 or ou.K.e ... terr.iory. it . ij . 1 i i. -. ... v.l recites that absolute neutrality will be preserved at all cost. An Adjournment Tuesday. Washi.not. n. Aup. 24 If possible the seouu; wore a more deserted atpect than yesterday, despite the fact that one Ro- puDiicun, tli gyms, and two Littnocra'a, Camden and Butler, had reiqrQed G oige obtaiotd iodtfloite leave of ao serjee lor lilt co'legne, McLaurio, on an count of the serines illness of bis family. rlirris, wit bout testing the oreseoce ot a quorum, moved tho aenale proceed to the coosideratioo ol txecuti.e busiutsa Tcis was agreed to. After executive sefsion the senate Hdopttd ihe house resolution for adjourn ment Tuesday. 15 acHbuin tried o g't np bis resoia tiou lusitucting the committee on rules to sit during rectsa for the puruose of a revisiou ot the rults. B'nnchard ohlectod and a single ol j cti&D kills any Diotioo. U:nchard leu a ilie ru es will be so re' leed tbat debate will be cut off and the free-sugar bill passed at the next session. Ibe eenate adjourned until Monday. Drath In tne 3Ilnen. Seattle. Aug. 24 A special from Franklin, Wasb., says: At 15 minutes to 12 o'clock, a fire was noticed' bv some of I the drivers on the sixth level, north, and notice was at once given to the men in side, who were working la different places, some in the breast above tbe level and others along tbe gangway. Many ot tbe men in the gungways rushed back to notify the nnutrs, while othtrs rushed out ana reached the maio sbutt. It is certain that all the men in tbe breasts reached the gangway in gaiety. In all. about i0 men were at work in the sixth level, north, and tbat number, about 40 lingered at the breast, where the fire originated, and made an attempt to put out the fire. The breast wan burning fiercely, and before the miners knew n. tbe fire bad communicated to breasts GO and Gl, and smoke began to itsne from breast 02, in tbe immediate vicinity. Several ol those who lingered at the burn ing breats took warning and fled, but all who remained were overcome and as phyxiated. a Unfl.v Un. bAN Francisco, Aug. 24 The British sh p Sluir.bon arrived m port last night tar . r v. i ... t vessel left for her trip across tbe Pacific wi h a curgo of gunny sicks 164 days " I ago. Not long after she left Singrrar some of the crew mutinied, and Captaiu Harris bad great difficulty in navigating bissbiD. Added to tbe trouble on board were coutrary winds and troublesome i Bales, which kept the vessel back, and when the passage wag only about half Qisbed tbe provisions sbowtd sigoa of I oiviog out. Tbe ve.-sel was beaded for Honolulu, and tba food was doled out sparingly. By tbe time tbe islands were reached the gitlley was bare and the men bnd to assist to furl the sails. Tbe muti neers were transferred to a British man- ol war then in port, wben they were dealt with accordiug to admiralty laws of England, and new men were taken iu i heir pieces. A lresh supply of provis ions was taken on board, and the vessel again beaded fur San Francisco. At BlneOeldB. Colon, Aug. 24 A schooner baa are rived here with 70 refugees from B ue fields. Mosquito territory. Tuey say tbe Nicaraguans imprisoned eight American Ciiizena and several British subjects, iu eluding the Bnt sh vice-consul. The country is described as depopulated, and business stopped. Tbe relugeeg al.o re port more Nicaraguan troops are arriving at Blnelle da. This d;sp ay of fqfee is annouueed to be caused by tbe deter minations of the Nicaraguans to resist foreign interference in tbeir affa'rs. . rpanene Prince Uotng Borne. New York, Aug. 24 Prince Komat sur, of Japan, left town last night on tbe 6 o'clock train of the Nw York Central He was profuse in bis thanks for its cour tesy, and said tbat tbe recognition given to the Jai.ane-e caUre io her wr with China by the newspapers ofthi civ wss a mitt'-r in which his ioudT took great pride. The pnece, his ecre'ary, M. . Na gasaki, and two Valets made up tbe party, ihe prince will spend ball a day at Ado Arhor, Mich., lrnm whose university Mr. Nagasaki was graduated War NnpplieH far China. London, Aug. 24 Tne ( frictrs of the Hong Kong &Shnghai bank in tbiscitv entirely discredit the repo-t that Cltina attempted to raise a lom of 1.000.000 taels upon the security of the C lina mer- chaDts Beet. It is reported Cniua is na go'tatiuor wjtij B:rminaham firms for a large supply of war material, and the agent intends to ship the Eiipplirs to some Ppin'sh or South American pore and from there transport them to China. Ki.fllr t lii r Nurreiirters. Cape Town, Aug. 24 Advices from Pretorii say tine uuexpec'ed submissinn of Chief Malaboch has beenjiyfully re recdved throughout liansvaal. Mala bocb, under rover of a white fl ig, acc m panied by his brother, two young sons, and four Ioduois, emerged from tho caves in winch thev sought refuge and surreudered totbeBieis. Ma the lloq e. Washington, Aug 24 A resolution for adjournment till Tuesday at 2 P M, has been adopted by the house. After the pasfugi of the resolution the house adjourned till Monday. If. bx and 'iinpei'S. Chicago, Aug. 25 President Djbs was called again today by the strike com mission. Iu'reply to qutstions, he stated be did Dot tavoi compulsory arbitration in settling labor troubtes. lie did not believe such a method would prove uni versally satisfactory. Debs said. Ijtforo the strike he bad been among the tele graphers, acd the statement that there were not more than 200 Americau Riil- way ynioc ran on the B, ick Jslund road witne a said was atiunl. Siuiuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, was the next witness. He prefaced his testimony with an outline of the aims and principles of the federation and gave figures show ing the membership. G.irnpers reviewed the proceedings oi Ihe conference. Pres ident Cleveland, be said, had paid not the f lightest -attention to a message askiog his aid in a settlement of the strike. Gompers told of the conference of the v,h ik .... .: . : rn.s o . es ' Ue 8aid tbat f'r deliberation Ihey dfl- cided to request President Cleveland to settle the strike. ..We tl,ouht Mr G-.mner. said i..hat if Mr. Gladstone could do go in the Bag- hsb strike, such aa attempt would not be beneath the d.gni'y of the presidaot of the Uaite.i Slates. Accordingly, a telegram was sent to Sir. Cleveland ask' log his aid To that he did not deign to reply. Io fact, he took not ibe s.tgbtest police ot )t, "We cou.-ideicd the strike carefully, and finally decided that we couid not or der a general strike; that it would be an usurpation of power, and would lor man; reasons be Unwise. Ibe fie legates ex pressed ttieir sympathies with tne move ment, and soon atttrwards adjourned." Air. Uompers then read from the secre- Qry'a report a detailed statement ot the piuueeuiugs 01 too conference. Lrompers Implied tnat in the event tf a general Strike of all the Union, ail must agree op the action, and he said it would have been impossible for the conference to have declared a sympathetic strike. He wag asked his opinion as to tbe methods of preventing strikes. "I do not condemn strikes, heartily as do most men," he snd. "I believe that so long as the present conditions exist i In: y are nece-sarv, and I believe ail strikes do good iu calliog attention to the tact tbat the labormg men will nut be driven further down iu'.o poverty. I think the action of the strikers lu paraliz- my the railroads of the country was justifiable Ttic witness wus rather frank and un- cocpplemenlary regarding, the strike com mission ' I think this thing is rather late in the day," be said. ''This examination by tbe commissioners is rather in the nature ol an inquest on a dead body. I do not an tictpate good iron tbe pieseut lnvtstiga' lion. The witness had something he wnntcd to aa? about tbe iriunctiins issued by the court, lie he.d these injunctions were not rightly based on :l)e interstate commerce law; tbat ihe law was not in tended to apply to labor organizations. He said the injuuciiona were based upon court made la we, upon decisions giveu in the absence ot law, VVuen (ion) per bu ished, tbe com in ssion adjourned until Monday An error crept into last n'ght's report of the proceedings before; tbe coraumsion investigating tbe Pullman strike.. The statement was made that Mr. Sr. John, rr.noral mitnivnrhr nf tha Kiwi: Taianrl tea. B . . ri ubed that a list of names bad been pre pared for the General Managers' Astocia Hon containing the names ot the most active strikers Mr. tt. John made no ei,.. .tutamont ll II f teBtitlwH 111 al HDlt M I. r tne Is;a,;d or tbo B9Soeiotion ha(1 ever Kept a blac'ilist, or had such at the present time. At Blueflelds New York, Aug. 20 Tbe World special from Managua, August 25 sajs The bundita grow hourly more bold. There is fighting -near tbe city. Firing can be heard. Tbe government volun tcers have been forced back. The ban dits are burning bouses on tbe outskirts ot tne city. A numner ol armed men were captured near the city and brought in. Some were publicly whipped and others were imprisoned. N ew Yobk, Aug. 25 At dispatch from Panama says; Refugees Irom Bluefields, wbo have reached Colon, say tbe Nicar aguan officials their bave been guilty of inlainous brutalities. Indians bave been driven into tbe forest and shot on sight, and tbe Nicaraguan soldiers bave been assaulting the helpless Mosquito women and "braining infants' iu their charge. Ady ces from Greytovn are tbat tbe Brit ish warship Sluhamk baa offered to take tbe Mosquitoes to Be iz and tbat an other Bruii-b man ol-war-is expected soon at tbat station From Managua it is reported that British capitalists bave secured the contract ot tbe Nicaraguan canal and Nicaragua will ask Eugland to protect Cen'ral American states against a Mexican invasion. Futlniau Employee. Chicago, Aug. 26 A meeting of abont 40 Pullman mechanics was bcld this af ternoon to consider the project of moving IU a bady'tc ganaas, where, it is claimed, work has been offered them . It was stated again at the meeting tbat tbe men believed they would be given employ ment in th ear works to be built especi ally for them by a capitalist at Hiawatha. Kau. The leaders aooouoccd that the step neresvirv for each, emp oye of the Put man Company wanting work Wis to seenre a recommendation from tbe fore man of the departments. TELEGEAPHIC. Orrat Mill IvtrikA. Nkw Bedeord, Mass., Aug. 26 The second week, of the great mill strike will commence tomorrow morn log. The sit uation is practically unchanged, and the mill managers uud operatives are appar ently 9 lar ii ever fiom reaching a set tlement. Toniglii the police were noti firfd by the management of the Bristol mill that their attendance at the mill gales tomorrow morn ns will not be needed, as no attempt would be made to run the mi l$. it is almost an assured fact that three more of the larga yarn corporations will start up t'jis week at the Old wages. Dovek.N. ILr Aug 20 The spinners of D.ivtr, Great Fl s aud Salmon Falls held a meeting in this city today. Sec retary Hoss, of New Bedford, was pres ent. The outsiders urged the Djter spinneis to strike, and they finally con- scn'ed. 1 hey -ecuiud not to co to work tomorrow. JuputieMC Npirs. Shakgqai, Aug. !;5 -Seven Japanese spies in Chinese costum-.s were arrested here today, aud will be expelled from China. Nobodv will he surprised if thev were treated with more severity. Ac cording to advics from Formosa, 500 Japanese will be decapitated alter having been arrested as spies. In order to ruihe money to pub operations, the govern ment has increased the transit dus on yaru. A letter from Chemulpo, Corea, re ceived at Foo Che yesterday, announcing the deleat of the Japauesu force and the killing of 1300 Japanese soldiers, is much commented upon btre. I' the report of the Dattle is correct, the Chinese cavalry. id dividing the Japanese forces id two parts, did excellent service and displayed generaiship of no mean order. Getter al Yrh. Jnfarit the Main ltiidy. Lond n, Aug. ?5 Advi-es firm Tien. Tsiu says: General -Yeb's force cf 4000 men joined the main body of Chinisc troops at Piog Yung on the morning ol Augurt 23. The retreat from Yasban was a brlliunt leat. The heat was lnteuse and the roir.e lay through difficult country, la addition to these obstacles the co niiio was harrassed along the whole distance by bodies of tho enemy, but notwithstanding all this, the march of o.')0 miles was arreted m tjood order, the Jipaqeae dues at Oiiuag Cuow being broken. Ineome Tax. Washington, Aug. 25 While the sen ate Was considering business behind c'r-sed doors yesterday, there elipped ihrough tbe important bill to effect tbe in come lax provisiBn of the tariff, which baa been held cp under objection tor a lew d.iya. Thia ends all cou'roversy as to tbe preliminary arrangements for col lecting the income tax. A Hero In Ilea,! .ite Hoserpro, Or., Aug. 2T About 0 o'clock this evening a party, consisting ot Mrs Cuarles Graham, Mrs. J. M. Morri son, Mrs. Allie Sheridan and three chil dren, went in bathing in the Umpqua river, about a milA north of town. A daugliti r of Mrs. Sheridan was wading and went into deep wuter. Mrs. Morrison rushed in after tbe eirl, who threw her legs around Mrs Morrison's neck and both went to the bottom in deep water. Mrs. S:ierjdan and Mrs. Qrabum also went beyond their depths, when Cash Trask, a young raao, happened to pass near by and beard tbe ladies screaming. He rushed into the water and rescued Mrs. Morrison and the girl, who were at the bottom ot the river. Mr Sheridan saved herself by climbing upon some rocks. Mrs. Giaharu went over the rapids into deep water, ISO feet below. Tra?k took a boat and brought Mrs. Graham safely ashore, she having been bruised by the rocks. She was taken home in a wagon, not having entirely regained con sciousness. At this place there is - a strong undeicurrent. Had it not befn for the timely arrival of Trask, no doubt the four would have lost their lives. Opposed ro f he l"rl. London, Aug. 27 Tbe Wettminister Gazelle today fairly voices tbe government opliiion when it says the demonstration in Hyde Park yesterday afternoon of the Nttiooul Luaaae for tbe abolition of the honse uf lords was a damp political eqaabblo. The Gazette says tbe feeling against the lords iu all parts of the conn-. try is aa s'rong as ever, but the moment is inopportune. Ihe conservatives are delighted with the feebleness of the radi cals' first gun, and are mskirg much of the tact tbat some banners carried in the procession bore obscene mottoes. O'Biien's speech wag as much an attack upon the government as upon Ihe house of lords. Dr. Charles K. Tanner, mem ber of parliment for the middle division of Cork, an antUParnellite, emphasized his remarks by waving a sb:llelan. While flourishing tbe stick be asserted tbe bouse ol lords was composed ot bastards. ''Not all of them," be cxpluiued, "and to tliose I apologize. China aud Japan. Londin, Aug. 7 Advices from Shanghai 8'a'e General Yula, military governor of the province of Sbing King, reported to have been appointed high commissioner of the north and governor general to assist Vicersy Li Yun, former ly Chinese resident in Corea, has been given command ot tbe Chinese forces aud will at once proceed to tbe seat of war. One hundred more Japanese left Sbang hai for their native coun'ry, and the Uni led States consul is using bis utmost en deavors to persuade those remaining to persuade those remaining to depait, fear ing tbeir presence may cause complaint and endanger the safety of the city. The Chinese flei left Port Aitbur tor Wei-Hai-Wei on tbe 221. Csptain Van Hao aackee, formerly aide on the staff of Vice roy Li Hung Cnang, has been appointed asuHtaut to Admiral Ting, commander ot the Chinese See:. 81 thousand troops landed at Coem.ulpo on the 22 J, .. ' Whiskey Trout and Taxes. Peoria, 1 1 Aog. 27- It was reported this morning the whiskey trut would pay taxes to the amount of $3,000,000 at 11 o'clock, but un to 11 o'clock officials ot tbe revenue cflloe tiad received no ad viceg. At 1 r. St. only $l,7u0,000 bad been deposi:t-d 10 the New York banks for the payment of $3,0(10,000 tales. New Yoke, Au. 27 In view of the failure ot negotiations bere it is rumored the whiskey trust is endeavoring to secure a loan uf $5,000,000 in Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 27 Inquiry of bankers in Chicago indicates it will be impossible for the whiskey trust to secure a loan of 5,0U0,0U0. Knlguta of Pvthma. Washinomon, Aug." 27 The flag over Camp George Washington was lowered at ba frnasr today on account of the death of Condresasmao G. B Shaw, of Eua Claire, Wis., past supreme chancvllir of tbe Knights of Pythias. Three hucdrt:d Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report ABSOHJTELY additional tents from the war department were ra sed today, making the number 2000, but there were still reports over crowding, tnd the Washington divisions wnicn have tented with the visitors crave their quarters to the Michigan men. The numirr in camp it about 10,000. The crack companies drilled on the monu ment grounds before hundreds ot spec s tors. Arrnsoit of Murder. Patter-:oit. N. J.. Aug. 27 Augnat Miller, a leader in thb recent strike ol silk dyers here, was arrested last night and committed to tbe county jail, charged with having murdered Max Ohleaschaleger at Allendale, Bergen county, on the night of May 28. The murdered man took an active part at tbe meetings and praceasions of strikers Towards tbe end of the labor troubles OJilenschalegor was suspected of being in league with the bosses and re porting the proceedings of the meetings to the president of the Jacob Weidman atlk Dyeing Company. He was selected by his associates to collect money for the strikers, and on one monirng, after start ing on ns mission, big dead body was d und near the Erie railway. It is be lieved that his death was planned by tbe anarclnsts, and I'rosccutor (iourlev it in pi-st-esilon of evidence to couple Miller wun tne crime. Iln'-lillaxia lu llanfrr. Elkhart, Ind., Aug. 27 It wag no. ticed last Thursday thai a crack about three inches wide bad started back from the SJUtb bank ol the St. Joseph river, and tbat it extended to a considerable dsptd. Nothing wag thought of tbe mat ter until it was discovered the crack was rapidly increasing bmb in depth and width. At this time it is between 50 and GO leet in depth and three feet wide, and is still growiug Iu length it i. 400 feet A portion oi the foundation of the stone bottling works building baa fallen into tbe fissure. If it continues its course fo any length of time great damage, must rd-u!t to property, and that part of tbe city is thickly settled. No one has ever koon anything of tbat kind to occur here bef re, and gome attempt to explain it the theory that an underground stream branches off from tbe river at tbat point. Itobbi-ra at Work Sacramento, Aug, 27 Tbe jewelry store of Frederick F. Plielpt, in Gilt, was robbed yesterday during the absence of Phelps, and a number of gold and silver watches, ritga and chains were carried away. Constable Heefcr arrssted Albert R sales on suspicion, and the gto en jew elry was louod on him. Ho confessed to tho crime, and showed wbere be had bid den the property. Last night three masked men entered tbe saloon at Tbirtv-first and M streets. conducted by one Miller, and presenting pistols forced him to yield np what money he had, amounting to $50 After the robbers lelt tbe saloon. Miller seized a revolver and fired a shot at thein, but without effect. Britannia Out el votmulitalan. LoNiXiN, Ang. 27 Iu consequence of tbe cupsiziog in Portland roads of the ffrilannia'i dingy, through which two of the crew were drowned, the Prince of Wales has canceled all the cutter's en gagements on the western coast. The bodies of the drowned sailors have not been recovered . Tbe Central Neui It authority for tbe statement tbat the cut ter will land her guests at Torquay, and proceed to Cowes, where she will go out of commission, unless the Vigilant com pels her to contest for tbe Cape May cup September 9. Captain Carter, of tbe Britannia, is deeply grieved by the loss oi Mate Simons, one of the two men drowned in Portland roads, who, the cap tain declares, was bis most useful officer. Jn Japan. Yokohama, Aug. 27 Tbe war feeling is growing more intense every day, and there is a popular demand for the trana fer of warlike operations from Corea to China. It is suggested that Japan unite all her available troops and march upon Peking .immediately. The commercial treaty between Great Britain and Japan wag ratified Saturday. A Runaway. About 7 o'clock this mo uing the city io tha vicinity of Court and Third streets was a little excited over a runaway h irsa at tached to a wgon, a id nsed by some Chi nese farmers on Mill creek peddling vegeta bles. The horse turned tbe corner of the Masonic builiinvr at a very rap d rate of speed, and the Celestial was thrown very violently to the grooml He was rendered noooofcious for a time; but iu a few min utes be mounted the seat (f the wsgnn agsio, with the obstreperous animal in front. The horse, after throwing the veg etables and driver promiscuously around on the stret, made the circuit of a block and becatna cl 11 and quiet. As soon as the reins were placed in the hands of the Cni namm, the animal again showed his ire, and started at a break-neck r peed towards Onion street. Betcre he reached the corner of ThirJ and tint thor. uhfare, he hid ncain thrown the Chinaman to the ground and overturned the wagon, bre iking the forward wheels. This time tbe Chinaman appeared to be seriously iijareil, and he was for some time in a semi conscious con dition. He was finally carried away on the back of a countryman. lion 'a Tills.! We offer One Hundred Dollars RewarJ for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenet & Co , Propg , Toledo.,0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the Woo J and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 73c. per bottle Sold by all Druggists. Tes timonials fret. wder PURE An Outing. Among those who have fled from, the heat of the city to the cool shades of the mountains none had a more thoroughly enjoyable time than did Messrs. Frank Mcuefee, Wm. Young, D. 8. Uulur and H. If. Hiddell, who thoroughly equipped with camp equipage and guns and rods started tor the headwaters of Filteen Mile creek, s few days since, behind the strong teamot Deacon llindman of Dufur. It evening a snug camp was made on tbo batiks of the stream about twenty mile above Dufur, aud in the heart of the mountains; and in a short time the finny beauties were being rapidly assisted out of thoir native element and into a frying- pan. After a couple of days spent In that most beautiful of camps they made prep arations for a visit to U-tdgar lake, which was jual over a lofty snow covered ranee that separated the headwaters of Fifteen Milo from B idger and Tygh creeks. J un before sterling they were joined by Messrs. Ualph Giboos, Pundt. Frank Klein and Otis savage, who accompanied them to the most famous of all res arts for trout. Street Commissioner Butts and U liaker came up with them just as they were lashing the packs on their horses for tho trip, and accompanied them la their camp at the head of Kigbt mile, where they spent Sunday night camped 00 a beautiful meadow, through which flowed a small stream of ice-cold water, led by a spring which wag the source of Eight Mile creek. The strange electrical phenomena of that night were clearly seen, and in the clear atmosphere of tho high mountains was very beautiful. Mod- day morning Messrs. Butts and Baker re turned to Tbe Dalles, while the others climbing the snow-covered slopes of Gungewhack range, made the steep and rough descent into the canyon at the bol- . torn of which Btdger lake lies hemmed about by very high mountains. Tbe first night M Badger, after all had retired anil were telling camp yarns before going tu sleep, one of the number waa telling bow a panther hid frightened him on tbe same spot a few years ago, when tbe cracking . of a dry twig a few yards from their bed drew their attention, and the muffl id foot falls of some animtl could be heard. A moment later the fiery eyeballs of a large panther were seen glowing in the dark ess, which, caused a stampede in undress r.niform for the rifles; but one of the party, in order, as he said, to have light to shoot by, throw an armful of dry brush on tbe fire, which blazed up quickly and frightened the panther away before any one could get an aim. After a few days spent revelling in lake trout and mosquitoes, the steep slopes of Gungewhack were again climbed, and the party returned to. tho creeks that flow from the north slope, and fishing and hunting worked their way down, to Dufur. where their team was awaiting them, and returned home, reaching The Dalies late Saturday night, after a royal time bnd in, good trim to again resume work. Ddfor, August 23 1894. Editor TlaES-Moc KTif.tssa: A dog and gun craze bat seized upon sorntifng, and huothunt, hunt. Is the business and tbe cry. Last week Mr. G. W. Johnston and C. P. Balch armed with $15 worth of dogs and more than $100 in guns, bagged 40 or more chickens in less than a day. A day or two after the irrepressible and untiring Balch or ganized soother bunt with Mr. Anderson, some dogs, but another and probably a better gun. The- report of this hunt Is stunning, and were it not known tbat in hunting and fishing these hunters are monumental liars it would be overwhelm iugly so. Wagon loaded dawn iuiotli ered with feathers .exhausted in carry ing in I2A birds. (Probably something over GO.) Smile Nimrods. The earth is not yet despoiled. Mr. Pea'oody returned home yesterday from Bakeoven, where he lm been en gaged for some time painting. The temperature between the hours of i3 x. and 6 P. M, bere at Dufur, has. ranged from 80 deg. to 100 deg. Fab re n belt, for the last ten days. Generally it has been close to Oi deg An educational meeting will be bcld at the M. E. church in Dufur on Saturday evening, Sept 1st. Good singing, a lec ture, a number of speeches and the awarding of diplomas earned here in tho Dufur school will constitute the pro gramme. These diplomas should have been deliyered at the graduating exercise, but were unavoidably delayed . " Q. It. X. The Regulator Beached Ab mt 10 o'oloek this morning a telephone menace was received at the eeutr d otfioe in this city from Cascade Licks stating tbat the Regulator had struck a pile on her starboard side, and the stern had sunk so as to be submerged by the river. Several message were received bv parties io thia uity duriug tlie day, and it wag ascertained that all paaaeogers had bien safely landed. The boat had on board a loed of baled wool, which, we understand, wag rcmoyed with out much damage. At last aocooota th steamer was beached, and will be easily got afloat again. Thia accidant may oause a de lay of a few days but la a little while the Rejulator will again be in tha trade of th middle river. Drain of an Old Settler, M ra. Gordon, who went to Portland a few days ago to tbe hospital to subnit tu an operation for tumor died on Thursday afteruoou last Th d.iutort at th hospi tal successfully removed th tumor; but th lady never rallied after being placed under n. i.D ii.ini nf t.i.4 an esthetic . Har re mains will arrive in this city this evening, and she will be burned tomorrow morning. Mrs. Gordon was a pioneer resident of Wasco county, baviug lived here since 1862. She leaves a family of two sons and four daughters, who will receive tbe sym pathy of the community in tbeir tad be. reavemeut.