4, am, .h. -" r i i ii Ibe Times-Mountaineer SA I UROAY. ..AU'JlH1 25 1-84 ITFM1 IN RRIKK From Wodnwday'a Daily. Mr. Tliom9 Hurgess, of Bakeoren, was in the city ttnlKy. The city Jail received no new OCCU luat ni iht. and those who were ar - rented the tirevious nuht have left he This has been a very warm day, and the thermometer was cavorting around 100 degrees above zero soon after the noon hour. Seufert Bros, sent a force of men to day to Cehlo to put their wheela in or der for the ' September run of salmon, which is expected will be quite large. The office hours of the Pacific Express company in this city on and after Sept. 1st will be from 8 to 11 noon and from 1 t 6 p. m. The office will not be open on Sundays. : - The anDUftl conference of the M. B church convened in this city this morn . ing. There are a large number of min isters in altendauce, an'I some very aole pulpit divines. Mrs. W. C. Phelps and daughters. Gracie and Katb, accompanied by ber son, Mr. G. Wi Phelps, left yesterday morning for an outing on ihe headwaters ot Fifteen Mile creeK. They will be ab jsent several days. . Elder G. H. Barneti returned from the Ti.im i-.onntr iSundav. after a sojourn of six weeks in that region, lie brought mik him mina fln BUMimfllU nf Oil V X WIUl UIHI uuw '- . - . stor.e whu li were f nn1 about thirty five miles from North Takim. . The forest adjoining the wigwam of Wasco tribe was scouted for pale faces last night, and one was foun I on the trail and adopted as a Bed man. Other Ie faces have entered the forest, and scouts will hunt their trail at a future eleep. Eider Barnett says the hop harvest in 1he Yakima valley will begin about the lOih of Septemlier, and the yield will be Terv abundant: bnt (he price at present rauL-es oolv -'roui 8 to a cents The hop fields, he save, are very beaulilul, ana me lines of poles stretch for a distance of quarter of a mile in p-rfect strait-lit lines A large fleshy lady was bathing at Xnh Beach the other day. when a thin fiDinster exclafmed : "Look out now for Professor Falb's tidal waves." The fat lnrlv ssirl nothing. The next day the thin old maid . donned her suit and plunged inlo the sea The fleshy lady was present, and was heard to remark, "telegraph poles don't make much of a ' "ripple, do they?" At Waitsburg, last Monday evening, the little two-vear-old boy of Mr. An drew Storie was drowned in the mill race Mr. Stover, the head . miller. found the corpse at the gate, and medi cal aid was promptly summoned; but it was too late. .Lite haa departed several minutes before the physician arrived. A large number of friends sympathize with the grief-stricken parents. J: formation has beeu received that Sunday morning, jusl insi e the door ot Hebron church, eight miles from ;oivai lis. Lane Snortridge, a young man 23 years of age was found, with a bullet - hole through his bead. He was in love with a Miss Powell, and upon her refusal to marrv bim he determined to Rill him self. Sunday he purchased some lauda num, but evidently decided later to do the worn with a pistol, rue can enierea the right temple and lodged in the Upper partot theleltjaw. .Walla Walls SUwm: It is learned that on Sunday evening George .W. Hunt passed through the city en route from Portland to Spokane and the Pa louse country, where he will make ar rangements for the shipment of a large number of horses to be used in the con struction of the railroad in Mendocino county, Calif., the contract for which was awarded to Mr Hunt There are quite a number in Walla Walla who an ticipate procuring situations on the new railroad and Mr. Hunt's arrival in this city is anxiously awaited. Rev. H. K. Hines, D. D., of Portland, is in the city, in attendance on the M. . conference. He is one of the ablest methodist mini ters of Oregon, and has preached in nearly every Methodist pul pit in the state. About thirteen years ago he was stationed at The Dalles, and be has many warm personal friends in this city. Threshing is in operation in certain portions of the county. In the vicinity of Dufur the yield is not as good as was expected, and the average yield is from ten to fifteen bushels to the acre. The kernels are' plump and well-filled, and w jll command a high price in the nar ket Tygh ridge is considered the best .land ii? Wasco county, but threshing will not benn here for some days. The yield per acre will be much larger than in the vicinity of Fifteen Mile creek, and some place it as high as thirty to ininy-nve Dusneis to nie acre. A young woma-i of Crab Creek, Ore gon, indulges in frequent freaks of som nambulism. One of her recent exploits was as follows : She arose from her bed about 3 o'clock in the morning and was seen to approach Crab creek in her night robe. Upon reaching the stream, the young woman waded in for a short dis tance as if feeling her way, and swam safely across. Upon reaching the oppo site bank she awoke, half frightened to death, dripping wet and shivering from the cold, and made her way to the house of a neighbor, where she waa cared for aud taken to her home. From Thuraday I Daily, warm sraatbsr ooatiams The. zephyr is very maun des ired. The ftrerts and alleys are being clanei "in good shape hy the street commissioner The Dillea will be well represented at the annual convention of firemen at Oregon Oity. Tiie fall term ot the pahlio schools in thin " citv will btgin on the fitit Monday in Sep tember. .. Dr. Shackleford, who has been quite sick at his residence in this city for soins weeks past, ia improving. The apportionment of school money for this district was made yesterday, and mounted to $2042 from tht state fund. The members of the Colombia Eiver an nual conference haye received a very warm reception in thU city daring the past few days. . Jackson EnDe Co., Columbia Bore Co. and the East Eud Hone Co. will send dele gates ! Oregon City. Mt. Hood Hose Co. has not beeu heard from yet. A human sknll was recently found at Milton, Oregon, hy a' man who was dig ging an irrigation ditoh, and brstde it waa a broken whitky bottle. Comment ia un necessary. The Rioehart residence property on the bluff waa sold by sheriff1 rale this morning , This was done on f. rec oaure of mortgage. The property ' purchased by Mis. W. E. Biuehart for (2500 Dr. Keene, io connection with the Meth odist conference, conducts revival services every morula between the hoars of 8 and 9 o'clock and 4 to 5 lu the afternoon; also a song service in the eveniog. The Vancouver Independent has passed into the hand of E. M. Hands, editor ot the Oiegot. City Enterprise, and L. W. Dubois, of Vancouver. Waan. The present editor haa ha.fl nharora nt tha I niinn1nf. minn 1677.- - We receive 1 a call this morning from Rey. John Uren, of Moscow, llano. He is in attendance on conference. Mr. Uren waa formeily an employe at the railroad company' shops in this city uutil he entered the ministry. The bicyclists are having their annual outing and cooventioua throUtiHout the country with the result that reooids are b.-iutr ruthlessly smashed . Lighter and better wneels aud smootn track are great fas or in these contests. TLe O'lumbii Commercial Company died articles ot incorporation yesterday with the erretarv of state wicit a napital stock ot (3000 The priucipat oltic will be ai B'KK Shermto comity. E O. McCoy, C R, Hone, W, H. Moors, incorporators. Mr. Ernest F. DuBrul, "nf Cincinnati, Ohio, and a olaasraace ot Mr. R iger Sinnott at Notrs Dams university, stopped in ti e city this morning to pty him a visit. He is en route to Alaska, where he will viit the plaoiera and wonderful curio i.ties of that regu n Dr. Hartxell, of C oeioniti, delivered lecture on tha Preedma i's Aid Society sod Education in the south last eveuiog at the Meihortist Church in this city. Ha very ably presented the matter to the audience, and spoke in very earnest manner of the imp irtat.ee of this an j ct. The Methodist church has rloue a good v o k in hia mrter. and usiffor s will e omen o-l with unbitrd vigor. Pu 1 u n I- niaiiir -o pinch iae a roval ti Io f.ir in- 'auh er K or-in:e. He m gT b tter reiinoe the ex to. ii nat re- cha-ged lor the U e ut our ut lii t U iK, or a at the wage of hta wi.rkingtiieii tb n tuua recklea-l aate ht moiiev . What 1 trio respect the A nerican p-.. pie la a fo m rly a.-corded him hi lei iithiiawii iinw. Tuc effect ot put fill in" is hect.ming llcrabla) I our m -u too -trenail and nun mure strings 1 -uoi d b- ji d it d etifo ce l. f .ihi.l.hn the nkiu; of tr.m lor itie pn p 8 O soling Oar ninunCan s'.'e,m re ii w well so avil wi'h ir u bul t.m iuroada ut "uol-ti-'lera lor a IcW yeirs will sadly depopulate tiem. Tne chiefs, warriors, banters and braves o Wasco trirw will meet for drill this sleep n their wigwam at the eighth rnn. There are nale faces lu the torett who aesire adoDtion into the trible. and the war clubj, tomahawks and sciluing kuives must be Handled skillfully. Let every Red Man ap near at the door of the wigwam at tue eighth run promptly. There were two "runaways" this after- noun, and tneirittiil nea animus mane mat. t, ra live V along the streets lor a time rue last u.. was uaused bv the team at aul.ad to the E. O S lie ruuuiug at a breik-beck soeeil du n S court street. Iso d-imtge v. as done, bu-. articles on the wagons were catterei promiscuously on the screen A v-r sad accidtno happened at Golden oale Tueid v toreuoon, wh:cn On c.meil ii.fenae sorri.W in Oue tamilv L'ttle R.ta B In"', daughter ot Mr. gniiei-u Boicou, a uu'y an Mi vr, age I about 5 ' a m sse I I o u "e nuuie a snori iniie, wue.i iter huiri g f -r h r iT a mie 'una ne waa nun I in the oei . ami lite -a (X met tteii -tie 4a t -ken out. O i Dem c 'lo oe-rapei. at ea-t, l ce.l b, the llelul S, h.pesa B' d hopaie.' .viitrl 'inn of the nnrtv to tell the truth The N w irk Sua sayst The AKtt.iui tariff ia. unblBmiahe.i by an ifooinu fax, 113:1. cil. a ill ire desirable, moie wn Jesi.no at.il ttior Am -ticao ma Kution. and lucoiii ..r.l.lu ni.ir D -ilinci at'O III Its I ftUI e ih III the W llsou-O .rman tctteme with Its income tax. An Albany paper says: There is a China mm. , A.hauu who ia becoming Quite a ar tier, a well as pl ing hla yocanou a- inutlrvmau. Hi name 1-Bn Va fie !.-H a vear or two IT 115 acres of lain' tv 1.1 near Sjring Hui. ami IO bjs 40 - ores ot h"pii' tn- reiiiti.id-r in caw. p' : .Altie arid garden. He Bay-it will co t h rn SI500 f Ui -rket hi- b p and expects e. e. l 10 n'a oer p'nu.f IQ clear oyer 11000 -n tn 40 . Tn. Pdndleinii 7V101UM says: "Conduc tor B-"ni1ey" ty ti-i n aud B nkeman Wri:h . i jureit in the Altc bridge railtoao 11 a-ti-r. are getting along u.Ctiy in the t.i.npi al at Walla Walla, Urakemao Har-ri.-o i is not ef jeut-.Q to rec iver. It whs thought at first that be was the least in i.irsd of the thre bat ba was hurt juler u.lly. The doctors i-erfu'ined so opera t 00 on oce of h:a shoulders Mond, and removed tha conteuts of a turn ir. He i very weak, having pearly bled to deatfc li.uii the opt-ration." E -a iio 'oro be.n nind to account win nbeet'Sneariiig inacbin r', a d 00 we h ar ot another oso it i pit tt on the -tck ranges A novel system of branding horse', cattle snd i-h-ep is reported trim Au-iraiia. The b and is kept at the r , quired beat by ele tneitv f otn stor g ' b it- leries. i.omi these a nexinie rutmer tune carriis the electric energy to the brand. whiun ia heated from within. I" la cVtned that this brand is perfectly safe, that it mark" without a blotch and is kept at a uniform temperature. Silvertou Appeal: Tb old engine boiler used hy Mr. il. Johnson, to bis saw mill on lirilt creea aeverai years ago, wb brought tn tnis city, tb.s week by Mr. fi i- ger. !ur. vv. rotter, 01 tnis city cut in boiler tn tup and will make it int 1 hnp stoves. J nia 0111 q uier nan 4'iim3 a nnuti v At nne time It wn on a Wi8isippi river steamboat aud his been in severs,! mills in this state. The old boiler will ba taken to Brownsville and used for drying hops, and after its time has b?en aery-d as a hop Hrte- the Lord only koows what it will be used for next. j Thfie is a difference between "brok"and hn-ted" si t-.e following from the Fom-r Journal wi'l demonstrate: "'H. Stt-veDS, t ie fuOTacr who was "fl t broke' at Ante- and whrrn Walt Silvertooth, one of Mr Sbutt'a backers, took to the railroad ont of charity, made a try at Curley K01' O hnk while wai'ing for the rnrtland train Friday evening of 'at week, ht ba ng the evening he retched Arlington from Antelope, II 3 seemed to be 8 ish,' aud ilr -pp-d (60 before the tuck turned, bun when bn tram arrived he quit tne game i to the good." Grants Pas CottriV: A petrified womin was on xhibttiou 111 th a oity last wiek. The exhibitor sid t e tigurehnd been found in M- X n", but the features were not Mti- uan or Judian, but Uanca-sian The aff ur had evidently been mmufaetnred by c'- ng from a mould produced by mo st clay in ainch a livirg woman h id rema-n-d long enough to h ive a p-rtect 10 mid of her nnde bguta made. The anatomy wa p-rtectlv tmed of sand Bnd jement ai d weighed 540 pionds The owner was traveling bv tr-in frnm ton to town anti nts njnre win pn b.blv net him a good living at ttp cents head. ( Wm McMeeku. and Ifnoj Huston mad report in the Prnieville Neu$ of a prelim arv narvey m de by tnem lor 4 wagon ad from Prineville t the O-egoo Paeiho The route would go throuht tb old Be - nett and Hunt camp, up the vv V an.i O M road to this ai.le 1 1 the summit of the Ciche creek hill, to the head of anow crrek. thence along 'b radroad survey to Inde pendence prairie, 90 miles from Prine le A good road i-onld b built for $10,000 A road could als he made over the Mintn trail, wlii'-h ta 15 o 20 miles nearer; but it is i.early 2000 tee-, higher, and there was snow on it Aucust 8 They consider the former the better route. From Friday's Dally. The steam shovel is at work on the rail road near Arlington. Hon Geo. H. Williams, of Portlaod. ex attorney general, was in the city yesterdsy. Today has been more bearable than usual. A r eze has con.e not of the west. The west-bound passenger train parsed through the city Ibis morning abjut 8 o'olo k. Bicycling on sidewalks sad atieets is gen eral recreation with oar citizens. Why not form a bicycle club? - A great deal of the wool now being shipped by the Sequlator will be sent by the Southern Pacific ti Boston. The clerk's and sheriff's offic s are very quie these days, and the item-gatherer reaps no reward 10 these places for hisjabor. A le more days of etjoytnent for the small boy, and the school house will attract his attention for aeveral hunrs duriug the day. The small boy enjoys himself at the mouth of Mill creek this hot weather, and they bathe almost every hour during the The zephyr which blew this morning in creased to a hurricane this afternoon, and the Columbia appeared like a miniature ocean. Mr. C. M. Fonts, who has tho contract, to remove the Union Street school house to Thompson' addition, will begin work to morrow morning. The Salvation Army still continue their stieet services. Io cot'juontion witb the clarionet and violin the members have lately added a large drum. Almost every day witnesses some persons leaviug for the mountains. High attitudes, close to the snow line, are delightful re treats these days. One or two loada of wheat were received from K'ickitat county yesterdsy. It was in a very go d condition; but tne price quoted is very low. If the bair has been made to grow a nat ural color - n bald beads in thousands of cases by using Hall's Hair Kenewer, why Will it not in your case? One unfortunate inebriate fonnd bis way into the city j ait last night. Tne mayor judicially atten led to his vase this mTuing. aud imposed a tine oh bim fur the violation. A large traction engine waa crossed 00 the ferry tn the Washington side of tne river yesterday. J. wib be naed in connec tion witb the harvest in &uckitat county. The Women's Foreign Missionary society will bold a meeting in the Methodist ohurch this eyeuing. A foresees will be delivered by several prominent ladies who are at tending the conference. The services last night at the Methodi-t church wete conducted by Dr. Keene, tiie revivalist. Toe hou-e waa crowded to its utmost capaii.y, aud all appeared inter ested. The O. R. & N Co, have reduced round trip ticke.s fr.uu The DJIes to . Partial. j daring tne five dais. of the Finm -uV tour- nameut at Oregon City to $3. This Vul ! go in f ree, we pr sume, on Sept 2d. Tne death sentence ot E A. R -rdslin, nf K ng cnuutv. who waa to l e h g'd today at Seattle, waa net awe by CiH Justice Du bar upon an np-al m the ,uprtme court ou the gruumls of nt gU arity ot in die men t. Vany bodily fills result from habtaal oonstipition, anil a hue constitution may be we kened aud ruined by simple neglect, I here ia uo medicine for regulating the bowels and restoring a natural action to the digestive orgaua equal to Ayer a fills. Not one complaint has ever been made y those using A er s saparilU according to directions. Furthermore, we have yet to learn of a case in w uch it has tailed to af ford benefit. So say hundreds of druggists all over the country. Has cured others. will cure you. Sueriff Driver returned last evening from taking Mrs. Neelv to the insane asylum He bad difficulty in inducing the Orphans' Hume to tkn the five months' old baby; bnt Mrs. Z. V. Moody and Mrs, McEiroy became interested in tha matter and the child was received into the home. A Southern Oregon paper blasted of the vonneest taxuaver in the state, a boy of -even yearn who paid taxes on 8250. In the assessor's office in Umatilla couuty they av they can liwer tne reioni. Willie Cook, son of W. T. Cook, deceased, is seven years old and pavs taxes 00 30110, whi e his brother is hiii: f'iar years of ae and his a-se-ament is $1123. It is reported ,iht a few riay ago a hop grower in Clack imts cm ity, oeir the line between it and Ma-ion couuty, engaged J pauese hlp to gather hit coming crop. 9 ,.1 t pe night after the fact got well circn a ! some j. ersnu or persons eutered h place and cut down live air s of vines. Th .iticera are unrking on the c se ai d thu k th. y have a due to the perpetrators. Vitas Margaret R ger-, a 23 year- .Id g rJ . f .Moi.terev county. C lif'irma. naa a ru iv ij.a te a lortu ie in the boise at d cattle busi ness, say- so excuange. oue ruuuua up cmle, breaks hsuw. can p ow, sow and harvest, and is wit Ail a retlie t wqnan wn abhors loudness $iie is a charming hos- tess, a goo-i fjorfoi jji T 011 the piano, aud haa an excellent e.iUAfetiuq. A correspondent of the P-ndleto Tii' bunt denies an item going the rounds of the press stating that the hrst hopyard in Ure on was pi i tart by Mr. Well, of Polk county, in 1867 Tne correspoident olmna that honor for Mr. VVeisuer, now of Wis- , j,. ; eiiisip. Who, ne sail, piaucen iu acres in tne t vl of l$U7i 'ha' tri'l -" lie nr- -a i, and, nsn, tint )i-. Wei-oef bisiU tjl.e lirst lryer at till-m Vista. VA'e have received an invitation from the man igement 01 the .North went Interstate lair, to be tield at tiie lair grounds, Tacoma, WHsh , to bn pnsoit at a pnva e view ot the same to bi given to newspapermen ex- c osively on Tuesdiy afterno,u auil evemug ugust 23tb Ic would aflird o much pleasure 1 1 Visit the City of Destiny on thi. o. canon; b it th-re iil )a qig-mt demands cony in a certain newspaper nines at Xhe Dalies which we shall attend to in stead , Po8tuister (general Qisaell has issued an orler mollifying the postal laws and regula- lou- so as to a loilt to the mat's alive an n-eut knoan as tha "Au-trtliao Ijiov Bird". Tne reamn giv-n t ir t l action Is hat, "thi- li s ct has b e i incroduoed m o bii JOniJtiy trom Auitralii by fruitgrowers for 'hi pur o-e ol Clearing 8;ile insects put fruit trees, and it is r g .rted has prove. I a very FBeutlve remedy f-ir that great scourge ta fruit trees." Mr. S 9. Qiird, a former resident ot Arjingtop, has been pro pectiog op the hoad waters if the John Dav, about five miles below the in u'h of G aniie creek, aaya the Arl ngtoo Record, tie an iwa 1 us about hilt an ounce of very preifv gold du-t th it hj got tor two d iys wor. He too id that a great deal was wasted and stopped woi k unt l better apparatus can be procured tor saving it. He also informs us C:' there is a great iltial pf prospecting being done in that oouutry ana many good claims are being found. Ihe following teachers will have charge of The Dallea public schools for the next year; J il.n G.vio, principal, M. N Mtrat tan, assistant principal. Court Street schoo ; Miss Minnie Micneil, Qjurt fjtreei; Miss Meh88 Hill, Court S reef; Mi s Tens S n toul, Un on S'fee : Vlin Lm S lell. Union Street; Mian E. ale Bui. Uuion S.reet; Miss Grace M Holllster, Uaion S rest; Mi S Liuise Hintoul. Aca'laipv Park: Miss Mtg gle Flinti, Ajademy P.rki Miss Sillua Pliir. man, Aialeiny Park; Misa Frinnes E Rowe, U 11011 Street aouex; Miss Nan Cooper, East Hill primary. . A story is tot i in the G ildendale Sun) int pf Joe H x.ker. who was thrown from his borae aud a'tterwar-ls fcicke by the animal, cansing a tno ure of both bines of the leg. The yen g man bound up his limb the beat he could uuder the circumstances, , oaugir hi- horse after two hours of a very painful chase, inouutel hun aoJ rode seven miles to Mr Gdmore'e house, and then was brunht five triUg firtner before he dull receive nnd'O 1 attention Jc was twelve hours from tha tune the accident bs pened htore he waa properly cared lor, but Mr H joker is doing well aud will suou be able to be arouud I.i-orauce A j i-ter F.' nk H Svert, i.f Sin Francisco, is lying at the Coei- d'A ei.e hotel in Spikaiie. uuder the 1. finance 01 Oi iit.es, aiiffs ing from a frigntful uuu shot wound iu tne hip apil leg. . He was aiming 1 0n the St Joe .river 111 a tsm.ll boat. Mis party h d b en h ni'ing an I b, .ning l..r two wi-ks. A ih y n-ared the Bead ot navigation, oue or n s comuamous picked up a han merles shotgun Jf was die charged and the contents entered Swett'a hip, carrying with it gua wada and slue Is ot his could 'g The mass ranged down waid, and ia sill l.urji d IP the fl-'sh just sla ve the knee N iih ot the bones are fracturn, and if b..od poisoning doei-n't k t in, Swett will recover without the loss ot bis leg. Ieitert. A4vrtiet) The followiug is thu list "f letters re? maiuing in The Dalles postodiiie uncalled for S.tur.lay, Aug. 25, 1394. Persous call ing tor theja letters will pUiao giva the dita on which they were advertised: Brown, Mm VV VV Brown, Tom Bnckly, Cbaa Bruer, F Li Bryant, Prank Bvug, P T Campbell, W A Catter, John Cimpbell. J W Cails n, N U Cooper, yir. 2 Davis, Mrs S Davidsoo, Mrs M -Danger, F E Deper, D DeOuire, Miss E lith Dinvir, J D E liotf, J F 2 Scott, Geo Stokes, S P fonder, E O Smith, WO Poster, Anton Gasaawav. Ijrena Gillispi, R-v. Geo Hays, Mrs Clara Harding. Mrs E. F Hamilton, Mra Hazelt ir, J H.ru, Wm3 Hu.t, A Kiogor, S A Larder), Wm Lane, C F Morris, Miss Waaer Olsen, Frauk Phillips, J S Nyman, J Q St era, Lu Schist, Card Thornton, Uagh Thornton, M Ward. E I Watson, (J Wright, Mrs Wm 2 Whitely, J T J A. Cbosskx, P. M. Taylor, J N 2 A noatlnjf Kxcnrslon' Ed. M Patterson and James Fisher re turned yesterday from their boating excur sion on the Columbia and Willamette rivers. They haye been absent about six weeks, and have occupied the biat during the whole time.' When they left Tbe Dallea tbey took enough provision? to last them for several weeks, and in their journeying if a towu was not oooveaient thsy simply ran their boat ashore aud cooked tneir meals. At night they invariably slept on (he boat, and the quarters werJ very com fortable. The portage at the Cascades was made by wagon and rail, and at Oregon City they put their craft on board a steamer and passed tbrough the locks to dead watar above. The bays went np the Willamette as far as Salem, and intended to go down the Columbia to Ast iria, but their vacation was prolonged to such an extent that they did not have the time to carry ont this programme. They found excellent hu iting along the banks of the WilUme.ta, and some fidhiug in small streams. : Notice, All city warrants registered prior tq January ii, 1893, are qow due and payable at my office. Interest csasea after this date, I, I. Up$GET. City Treasurer. Dalles City, Ore., Auff, 1, 1894. Dry Wood We now have large supply of strictly dry fir wood for family use lor sale at the lowest rale. , Jos! T. Peters & Co. ' For- went. Five room house' b-low the bluff, nuitabl for su.a.1 family. - Apply at this office. 1- Weatber-Bnreau. Following is crop-weather bulletin, Xo. 21, of the Oregon state weather service, tor the week ending Monday, Aug 20, '94, by 8. M. BUudfiird, observer: EASTERN OBEOOS. Wea-her I be temperature averaged six degrees warmer than the normal daily. There was an excess of sunshine and a deficiency of precipitation. Crops Ia the Colamiim and Walla Walla vullevs the headers have made rapid progress, so that three-fourths ot tiie irram croo bus been harvested. All the rep rta are cheerful. The constant warm weather caused the late grain to ripen rapidly, and though rapid ripening of grain tends to decrease the size ot the berry such is not the case in the present instance There has not been a great amount of threshing done, but the result so far is highly satisfactory, realizing the expectations ot all. The correspondent trom Heppner, Morrow county, slates that the quality is as good or probably better tbau was expected. He also states that the quality of barley and voluntoer wheat is especially good. Throughout Morrow, Wasco and Sherman counties and the Walla Walla yalley there is a large crop of grain. There has not been a report received dissenting from the opinion that tne grain is 01 exceuem quality, plump mid yielding an average The potato crop is suffering fur rain j the ground is baked so hard thit the avengi yield cannot be expected Pisturc are dry and grass ia getting scarte." In the interior and eastern coun ties the weather having been warm crops matured rapid ly and progress made jn harvesting the grain crops, also the second cr"p of alfalfa. JTearly the en tire crop of fall griiiq baa been cut aud much Qt the soring sown grain. Tb esh mj has commenced ant the yields are very satisfactory Stock oontiques to do well, but am not gaining flesh oq account of troublesome flies. The honey indus try, which was started at Dell, Malheur cpunty, Is proving a success, An Oregon Cave. Oregon is a great state. It has the highest mountains, largest rivers, most fertile sqil, and bids fair to have very many natural curiosities. Here is what the VeUyram says about a cave recently discovered : JJetjry Steele, and William Howell, of Washington clairn to have discovered a cave in the Cascades which surpasses anything ever reported. Sfr. Steele said to a Telegram reporter that on last Monday night, while camp-? Ing in the Cascades, they saw brilliant rays of light shoot out from tbe side of an almost perpendicular mountain, and after watching this phenomenal illum ination and satsfyng themselves that it was not an optical illusion, they pet sb?t;t tQ investigate its causes and ori gin. They fqund a huge boulder partly covering what at the first glance ap peared to be a large crevice in tb.e mounr tin s'de. from which tbe rays were emitted, and it required their combined strength for 20 minutes or more to re move the Jionde-ous rock. Upon the pompletion f that work they Saw all aperture in thp mountain just large enough to comfortably admit, two well-r developed men. Mr. Steel continued: "When we effected an entrance the light that struck us was so brilliantly piercing that it Jestroye4 our vision, fully a minute. When we recovered our sight we partly explored the cave, and at a rough guess, we estimated it to be 150 feet wide, 70 feet high and half a mile In length. The interior of this im mense grotto is arched like an old Gothic church, supported "by large alabaster pillars, entwined with native silver wire like ivy, of the dimensions of a man's finger, and in a style of grandeur and magnificence such as never could have beeu produced by the most artistic hu-: man hands, even in a generation. These pillars seem to have been placed in posi tion by provident nature to support the heavy vault of the grotto incrusted witb, thousands of tons of pure silver. "Besides th's incalculable treasure of silver, tbe vast cave con tains chambers and domes of the most grotesque archi tectural designs, marvelous avenues and little lakes, the latter alive with fish of every hue jn the rainbow. -a gorgeous and indescribable sight indeed. One of the most unaccountable features of the cave is the unnatural light at night which, I am sure, is phosphorescent and its impenetrable darknegs during the day." - It is safe to predict thai this story will not be believed The men though as sert that this is B fact and will be veri fied as soon as they have made the nec essary filings. New Teachers. The following new teacher have been added to the corps at the public schools: Melissa Hill, Elsie B ill, Leoa Suell and M X. Strattan. Miss Hill graduated from the University of Oiegoo iu June. She attended the uni versity two years, having previously taught in The Dalles schoo's and resigned her posi tion to attend .the university. She ia well known by tbe majority ot our readers as a ucces-ful teacher. Miss Ball completed the publio rchool work in Janiary, 1891, with an excelleqt scholarship record, 8ioce then she haa had three terms' experience teaching. Miss Snell arrived in the city Tuesday, She is a well known teacher of Gilliam county, having taught there eight or nine years, and having served on the county board of examiners. Mr. If. Strattan, the assistant principal, haa lately completed a year's atudy a", the Valparaiso, Indiana, normal school. He is a teacher of six years' experience, four years in Nebraska and the last two years in the high school at Dth'auce, Iowa. Mr. Strattan ia expected in The Dallea next week. Fire Department Meeting;. At a meet ng of the tire department last evening in the council chambers Mr. Judd Fish was elected chairman and Mr. R J. Sinnott, secretary. ' A committee, consisting of H. J. Maier, C. L. Phillips, W. Lochhead and Captain Keller.waa appointed to mike arrangements for transportation. The delegates who attend the convention at Oregon City were requested to act in a body as representatives of The Dalles fire department. It was also ordered that the old hand fire engine be taken to Oregon City, the ex penses to be paid hy delegates attending the firemen's conventipa. A special meeting was railed for' next Wednesday evening to hens r- pirts nf com mittees and to make Hpal arrangements. Tfce population. From the abstract of tbe eleventh census, recently reoeiaed it is learned that tbe total population of Ore.on at the time the Net eous was taken was 313.767. while in 1880 it was 174.768 and in 1870.90,923. Of the 313,767. 181,840 were males and 131, 927 females. Of the males ' l8.g27 were ingle, 56,262 mar-tad, ,838 widowed, 752 divorced and the' conjugal condition of , 1'46 was unknown. Of the female 73,129 were single, 52,312 married, 5,874 widowed, 537. divorcad and the conjugal condition of 75 waa unknown. The foreign born popula. tion wa- 57 317. as follows: Norway 2.271, Sedet. 3.774. D nmark I 239, France 842. I alt 689 Greec- 78, Kusn 2 583. Bo. - gar 73 B henna P -'and 9G .Spsin 24, P.irtutfal 115. China 9.540. Jpan 29 The npgto popnlat'O i wa 1.1S6. while the nam hr f I idisn was 4 971 The 'number of dwelling in Oregon wa- 61,925. making the av-rage du nbir of persous Jj- a dwelling 5 07 O. R. & 7i- w age Scbednle. Tne'new wage auln d Jie proooard lor the O B. & X. engineers and firen ea has not been accepted by the committee ot fifteen representing the men. Buys the Wada Walla Statesman O. W. Vroman, chairman of tne grievance committee of the Federation of Union Pacific employes, is in Portland, and has been in conference witb the men. Mr Vroman, as chairman, conducted the case of the Union l'icitij employes against the receivers at Omaha. The O. R & X. men were at that time a part o! the Feder ation, the case being Drought and a?ted upon prior to the appointment of a separate receiver. Mr. Vroman comes fresh from that victory over the Uuion Pacific a- d while the men will not Commit thein-tlve-, ic is now believed that Mr. Vroto 10 is urg ing them to appeal to the court, with a view of securing an order restraiuing R . oeiver MeNill from making the proposed reductions. onutrqiug the sitUitiju Mc Neill says; , 'We do nt rec gn.zs Mr. Vroman in ih matter. Tne question is oue betweeo o ir ives and ont employes. We ibii k o. j men ate wen ante to repreieut in m-e te. without th- belpof reprtaotatives of other 0 irporatloos. We are dealing direct with them and desire to arrange a schedule with them that will be liberal in every respect and one that tbey will aocept. It is a right the employes haye to appeal tj the court, but we expect to arrange a schedule that Will be accepted by our men without re sourse to Ihe court," A Portland dispatch ot Wednesday even ing states that the engineers and firemen will take the matter into the court. Tfte 3J- 13. ponfetreiuie. The annual Columbia Kiver conference of the M. E. Church convened in this city this morning, Bishop Joyce presiding. ' Rev. V". C Evam, of Walla Walla, was elected secretary, Tbe principal business this morning was appointing committees on matters pertaining to church work, aud passing op the characters of naiuistera. There are about 75 miuistera, members ot tbe conference, present, and a number ol visitors from Portland, The limits of th confisrince. compre hends the districts bordering oa the Jo lunibia river, extending as far as Spokane and LewisloQ on the north, and terminat ing at the Cascade L ck3 ou the soulh. Every evening during the week public servb-es will be held in the Methodist church, at which one nf tbe ministers in attendance qn the conference will preach. Jijaterloasly Disappeared, Rjgene Guard, Ou Sunday morning, las Aug. 19, L?- roy, the 17-ycr-oM son of E, J. Crow, wr.o lives near Spencer butte, started rishio g with a neighbor lad ou the headwaters tf Spencer creek. K it returning, Mr. Crow became alarmed, and hunted all th?t night, and has siui.'e seoqred the countcy In all directions in aearoh ot the lad, witb no re sult bat to learn that Mr. Lockard, a neigh bor living a abort distance b.daw, had seen him Monday morning, . The home relations of the boy were pleas ant, bJt be had exprtsieJ a desire to see more of the world; when being remonstrated with, appeared to have beep content to let the sui ject drop When l8t seen he wore a black vest a id slouch hat; had a silver watch and donble chain, and a new, 45-60 Winchester rill . Ia 17 years ol, light complexion, no beaid, 5 feet 10 inches h'gh and weighs ISO pounds. Sot ce o Taxpayers. The 'county boatd of tqoal sationrill mett in the assessor's office on September 24ch and continue in session nne week for the purpose of rqualizing the tax r 11 of Wasco county for 1894- AH paities who have not been interview el by the assessor will please call at the office on Tnurud iy, Friday or Satnidiy of each week, aa ad property must be assessed. Joel Koontz, County Assessor. As Old anl Well-Tried Rembdv Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty tyeai' by millions of mothers tor their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes tne child, softens the gums, allays ail pain, cures wiud colio, and is the best remedy fot diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by all druggists jn every part of the wnrld. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and ask tor Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup, and take do other kind, Uya' awtt Vina Aid Society. Boys may be bad (and sometime- girls) (l)or ordinary service at wages; (2) upon indenture, fto work, attend school, and be brought np somewhat as your own; and (3) children may be bad for legal adoption. Address, J. H. Misener, Superintendent Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port and, Oregon. Clubbing: Rates. The regular subscription price of the Times-Moustaweeb is $2, and tbe regular subscription price of the weekly Oregonia is $1.50. Anyonesnbscribing for the weekly Times Modntaineeb and paying one year in advance, can get both the Times Mountaineer and tbe weakly Oreqonia for $2 SO. AH old subscribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer. Isanti Transfers. Aug. 21 Qeorge Peterson and Ellen Peterson to Lewis Clark Baker; sw qr sec 21, tp 2 n, r II eist; $1000. Aug. 22 Henry yanassell et ox to Mary E Chandler; w bf of ne qr sec 10 tp 2 n, r 10 east, save aud except there -Irom two acres; $1400. JOHN PASHEK The i Mercliant Tailor Suits Made tn Order and a Fit Guaranteed Clothes L leaned on tha Snoifc esl notice ' Near Cor- Third and Washington Sts. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION, Laid Omcx at Tahcopvsr. Wash., -1 July 2i, ISM. Notice Is hereby given that the following-uamed settle' has Sled notice of bis Intention to make final proof In am port of bis oiaini, and that aaid proof will be' made before Oanmisaiiaier of United States Circuit I. 'ourt for .liatrict of Washington, in Ocldendale, Waah., on October IS. 189. viz: - JoH.V HtiTSI. H E P273, (Indian), tor the 814 NE. NW1 ME1 and 8E1 N WJ, aee 2. Tp 3 S, B IS K W M. He names tha following wiuiesssa tn provo his e mtnu"us residence upon an i cuMv.tion of said land, viz: Bill Clt"ey, William Spiuis, Martin SpedlaaU'l Frank Siioui, all ot K kkitat count)-, lVaakiugtoq, JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. KOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. " Lard Omca at VAUcourrtt, Wsh., July 27, 1$4 Notice is hereby "riven that th fol ov'infr named set tler haa filed noUoe of his intention ' to1 make final rrco( in auplxirt of hie clRitri, and that aa'd .ronf ifl be DiaaV before' Commissioner United ma n Circuit Court, district 0' Waxhington, in Goldendaie, Wash., n Octob r IS, 1894, viz- JIM CODNEV, H E 6274. (Indian), for tne lot 1, and BA sec. , Tj S , R is E W t He names tha 'cllowinar witnenea to prove hta continuoui rarii Tenca upon and cultivation of said land, vis: ' Bill Charier, Wm Kpittis. Martin 8 pedis' and Frank dllo'si. all of K i -k .tat county, Wa-.lL JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, EeirUter. A Gentleman WTio formerly resided in Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes: Tor 20 years past, my wife and tliave used Ayer'a Hair lgor, mid we attribute to It the dark hair which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen yonrs younger than we, are cither cmy-heatled, white, or bald. 'When " avfvljjal a3ficu nuwuurnair na3 IWlf tt fHl retained Its color and MS w5- fullness, we reply, Ity me use 01 AVer's Hair Vigor-nothing else.'" "In 1868, my affianced was nearly bald, and f- i 'i.. - wn m ' the hair &msM&kiW fell ing ont every day. I Induced llpr tn naa iVyer'fl Balr Vigor, and very soon, it not only checked any further loss of balr, but produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that it is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrua, Bastrop, Tex, AYER'S R VIGOR flRKTOV In this cty An?. 221, to the wife ot Mr J. P. Benton, a -laughter: CHRI-MAN In this atv, Auguit, lSt.li, to the wife m jpi i.cvi uo'is i an, a aatrtiter. tS'JBW TO-nAY. SherifF's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution an.l order of ale, Is sued out ol the l itcuit court of tha State cf Orriron, for Wasco county, upon a dVcree a d JudVment made, rtndere.1 and ente-.ed hv aalii no.:., r. 14t day of t-cbruarv, 1ICJ, m favor of fne plaiDllif In sate Vnerein Uqiraaa D. White was jlalntlS and O P. Hoal l an1 Mary p. rlsald were defantl- aina. uu v mi uireisu ana ae ivered. commaa.l 1 (IH)ti ln'V uoon and all alkha ln,la tl.ne-l and resenbed In said writ and hereinafter de-r-ribed, I did on the 221 day i Augijaf ISM, duiy hvy upin, and vi I s 1 a pqulto aucthq to tha hit-best bidder dash in fia-n, an Monday, the 2i:t dy of aepteuiher, I84, at a o'oloek In tiie afternoon or said day at the front door of tic coun' y oourt houe In Haliaa Citv. m Waacn onntv . gon, all of the lan.is nd premises de-crilxd in ssij wru. anu uvrein aescnoea a xo.lowa, to n'at I Commennnz at tne outheaat aoiiiu nt tha anrtk. east quarter ,.f Sect)n two (2), township two i!3i riCftb ot ranee ten (101. eat nt Win, .....! ten; running Whence w-at one hundr d, terentv-one .ndS..100(t71 S0)rdao . pomt; ruUfoT.het ... .u,..-..a.uone-naii(4ua) roda to a point: mm thence east nn hiinrir.! and 3100 (.r,.Sll) od, . poi,7t, "d ninin" th6nt,e.i.lVforti'-3i and one-h.if aa5) ruda to the place of bedin.iingj l80 botnnini; nt the nor'h eat comer of tbe nrthwaat quarter of the south east quarter oi sectMii two (i), town-hio tw-. (-2) nortu vf K-s ten (10). east of the 'A'illamette meridian; nnntn tb-.uca aanth thirnr-tu to a p int; rum.ii ir thut.ee west tnirty-two (a;) rois lo pamt: itvif.iiDf thence north thir y twi. (Si!) rois toapuin ; ruuiiing thence east eighty iSOl ods io tne i.iuee ol l euluniiiir. togeth ,r w.th all the im provemei.U ther.ua, and appnrtenancea thereunto belonuinir, or no much thereof aa shall ha an tw.... aattsly the anm f five hundred and uinety eight -598 00J dollars now due on said Judgment with in terest tnerem at tha rate of teL per cent per an. Hum qo 30tJ and eiitht p t cent per annum on the paiance ot said Judgment from the 14th aav ot jbruary, 804, aiid the further a itu of twenty-five A 12-100 Uii. 1-2 dullara ooata in aaid mt tn getiitr with casta of said wr.taud aoctuina; co-ts o sale. T. J. DRIVER, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Oregm, August 25th, 18U4. Saint Mary's Academy! THE DALLES, OREGON BSOrEXSl SSprEMBEH S, 1894 BOARDING AND DAY BCHOOL FOR GIRLS Fates per term of tea week, payahle in advance; Bo rd and tuiti n $40 Entrance fee, payable but once , , 5 Bed and , edning 8 Instiumental .Music, Tvpe-writing, Telegraphy, Drawiinrand Painting form extra chart ea. French, Uerman Latin. Needlewoik and Vocal aiusic taugnt free to regular pupils. Kate fcr Dav Pupils 5, $8. S3 or $10 per term acrording t.i grade. Fur further particulars address: BISTER SUPERIOR, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laho Ovnca ai Vatoodvks, Wash., August SO, 1894. Notice ia hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notioe of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before W. R Dpnbar, Commi-sluner V. 3. Circuit Court, for district of Washington at hia o ce io Goldeadale, Washington, ou Uotober 1, 1694. via: UABRIE . HARBISON, H E, No 624S, for the EH of NEi and NJ of SEV. hec .8, Tp 3, N R M E W M. He named the following witnesses to prove his oontinuous reaiuence upon, and cultivation of, said land, yiz: Marion M Pplawn, Robert Struther, John Kure and William Garner, all of HartUnJ P. O., Wash. JoHS Ti. GEoGUhiiAN, Register, NOTICE FOR PDBLICATION. Lass Omca At Vakoouvkr, Wash., July 27, lSBt. Notice is h teby gh en that the fol owing-named aettl.r has filet1 uotics of his intention to make fiu -1 proof in support if his claim, and that said prxif will be mule before commiseionei United btatrs Circuit Court for District of Washington, at Goldendale, Wasb., on October 15, 189, via, liICK TOM HUr, H E 8472 (Indian), for the lota 8 aud , and 81 SWii sec 8, l'p S N. R 13 E W M. He names the following witneves to prove his eon'inuuus re,tdcnee upon and eiiltivatiau of aaid land viz. John Silotti, Bill Charlet. Wm gpiitis and Frank biloui, ad of Knokitat county. Wa-b. JOHN D. UKuGHEUAN, Register. Application for Lienor License. Cascadi Locks, Falij Prkcixct, Waaco County, btate ot Oregon. faJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, TUOS. 8cu.ly t f said precinct and county, will, 00 the gd aay of beptember, 1891, apply to the Couuty Court of the above-named county for licenae to ael spirituoua. matt and vinous liquors in . leas quanti tiea tbao on gallon. Falls Precinct, Wasco County, Stat of Oregon, Jul ii, im. Cascadi Locks, Fa li b Pricikct, Wasco County, btate of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court of Wasco Coupty, Oregon: We the undersigned taxpayere and legal voters of Falls Precinct, county and state aroreaaid, icapect inlly p- tition your honorable court to grant a li cense to Thomas Scully to sell spirituous, vinouos and malt liquors at the town of Cascade Locks, aa:d preeinct, in leaa quantities than oue gallon for the period of one year. - KAM&g. Dan Sullivai C W Bergman G Hurpban A E IWk P McAlaney H Waifh W M Fralne RS Aldricb Thomas King J H McDonatigh 8aro Moi-ary T V Lewis CBLee W A Caivan Aug Neiaon J W March bank H O Art's N McKet.zie 8 Iveraon Geo McCauley T H Wil-am, Wm Day D A Lowuey D 8 Mi Kay J C tle.i i L A Grant Dan Keeder O Huoier W N iuarkui Jamea Clark William Crahb William Coutts I-a trick iSoUai Frank Dueloa Olivier Fleuiy Duncan Chaitpsrs Charles Dij o Peter Dugan kahrs. Peter Valentine Pa WeKh . P H 8ulivan P M Ken -her M Fitzgerald 0 Lund W o'Hrien H A L-atvens DLCat . G Hickook Ai Hall W C Johnston Fraa.k Pozzi C A blewsrt JMMcIsaac Tim Brennan Jamea. Kennev W B Hergatoo . Ihos Ma ion G J McAuly J F Daly 1 Mordsirom Pet r linnott N Neiaon T Tnieser Uai Morin W T Kettner Swan Iveraon, George S oery F. Kelson Harry Gray , Chaa Olaen Martin Johnsnai J r Trana G J Divis All Parkins . . Zoil Garnian I E Sorbin J hn Sullivan Nick Webber Pat Sullivan C E M.Uer Matt Weber A W Vau.e C HTrask H T Krogen E A bweetlaud Application for Liquor License. Cascadi Locks, Falls Par gives, Wasco County, 'State of Oregon. VTOTipS 3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, PAT IN rick McAllenv of said pr dnct anil cnuntv. will, on the 3d oar of September, 189. apply to tho County Court of the above-named, coiuity for H-. cent to sell sjiirttu .fl., mult and vhioua liq,uors la lesa quantities than ona foaliou.' . Falls Precir.ct. tfasco fount j, State of Oregon, July Si, Xitiif. vaacaya ia:c&a, r alls ritacLaur, Wan co aunty, at .te of Oraaron. To the Honorable County Court et Wasco Oountv, tiregon: Falls Precinct, count) and state a oresaid. reaoeet- fnliv peutiun your hon able court to arrant a li. cense to Patrick McAlleny to se I spirituous, vinous and malt liou ra at the town of Caaoada: Locks, said precinct. In leas (Quantities than one gallon for iwiiwi 11 utiv rear; XAjna. Ir C J Candi ma Wm Pa Pro'e anr J C a Favievr HUP ikins II.OSCUIlv I Nordatrizn T W tenia W A Cuhn Nt laun Wm McKtuzIs A J Ku Khtlr 1 HA.h EBaok A U Olazi T CHna o.a. n PW Notiiclc Carl J K Carlnon John Tr.ana HrC r T ana Kenneth McKenIa Oro enry P Pna . n Yahn e son A -ri jt -M ,t Wrlwr 'ihos Kdjecnmb A KtJona O K.iek n John Teisoii Thmaa W ztadder J F Stout K Douglas. C BLre Jack Amelia J W M rah hank H A Lenvena Slapa Wo ch n a Ai.ir.cn J K rt in Tno.i as Williams O H Tr B A Ai'Wick Alex Watt S J llrjlirr Ol vi.-r lury Hanv P Krowp S M Irerson A M Barrett Application k Liqn&r License. Cascad Locm, Falls Pbicixct, Vat?o Cituntr, StftTao sxf I lr-ff.n 7 Oi ICS IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, J H. 11 JUeDonnugh, of sain precinct and county, will, on the Sd Aiy of September, 189, apply to the tuutu, u'un w uw aoore- amca - ouiitv ror 11 censa Q ael) spirituous, malt and v nous liquors in I trim lauiniiLiua iDiui one gallon. Fall. Free net, Wasco eountv, State of Oiegon Ju y SI, 189J. ' CascAos Locks Flw Prscixct. waacn county. Kute of 'artgoo To the tronorrble County Court uf WabCo Couuty, We, the u dercignrd taxpayers and legal voters of Falls Precinct, county an ,tate aforesat!, re-pect fully pntitioti yiwar honorable cou.'a to grant a li cense to J. it McUonoum to salt spiritu ma, Tinu ous and mdt liqu rb at tna town ot Cascade l.(M..a sa.u precinct, in lest quantities than oae gallon lor, mi'ivn in wis J o i . KavBS, Aiua T w Lewis - J E. So-blu k n ijce . tii( Dug Jitlson HE Witej VV a Oainia A E ITk Geo MoCanlex G SHeury a W Vance W C Johnrton Carl J E Carlson A B An.irews Gen Haines f tter Dumian M R Taj kvr J M He ta-io Cona Miles Jo.fin C.-ru?en J C iltirp5;y An -v Kehher H Y Hung Vfai Gaairley John The-aan 1) McKay H D Parkin Tim H n-n P H Dnraa V SUk ?,'.51v,ton Eo Manning C G Iiiekok F J Brucman Jauie Slaltery Jaa P Daly HALeiveus bl.Ceyraiaer f t Catca i Haley J Owena - A J Knightly A C&elM'iii J Hadeboo YC i.'Wls' II E Wiley Goo IVtcrkln H L AMrl.b II Hughes E P Ab Patricn Walah Z ol (limaa.n MJ i!liams 'it Wiliiaoi W M Fraii u p Pul.en Ft n )K9z R,.ht Mills riancto conion J li Shannon Application for Llpr Lictnse. Cascadb Locks. Falls Prkcixct. Wasco County, State of Oregon, XTOTICE 13 HERRBV GIVEN TH T Wii. T. W XI Lewis and D. Nelson of sod nreeinct and county, wi I. on the Sd day nf Reptemher. I8M4. apply to the County court of the a'-ove-named county for l.oenae to sell api ituaua, malt srd riu oua liqu.-ra in less quantities than one gallon. Fall Precinct, Wasco County, State uf Oregon, a-uiv zz, istH. Cascaiis Lock, Falls Pescinct, Waco County, titixt of Oretron. To the IToncrable County Court of Wasco Oounty, Oregon: We, the underaigned taxpayers and cga! voters of rai a i-recinet, county and atitai atoresalil, respect- ruuy pein.ion your non-'ratiio no n so grant a li cense to T. W. Levia and l. Nalsnn to sell aoiritu. ous, vinous and malt 1 quors at tbe town of Cascade Lock aaid preeiiiot, in leas quantities than one gauou i'.r me penoo 01 one year: kaubs. CB Lee W A C-lrio JOMelia w o Williams Tim Brennan , E L Weaa'er E Scmnton W E Duffer D Hunter J W Marchhank J Tead. ta -Jamea Kenney W C Johmton Peter Trana I Nordstram A FMclutire Tboa Manion H D Purn ns W r Baxtor A J Mcauly J M M Isaac W McLennon Auuut Engestrom A J Kntghtlv August Peterson A G Hall P bherlncer A F Co lis A K Durr Harvey F Kroger f H Bums 1 D LCates H A Leavens A B Giazier J H McDonongh EP Art 8 M Iveraon Abel Thorin E L Wasphan J A Xlacdoq&4 Gov Uny Pat McLanv Wm McKeiials James Ciark Andy Kelher W U O az er A J Jaeger J C Murpby F T Burcktnan -John Carape 1 Geo 8 Henry Clias Maiander XAUKS. A B Andrea's D J Honney W It Hunt W B Hergatun Mike Cnujoti San Mecdpy Ki.tit Hills U I Aldri h W J G ruon W M Kmine Krick Nelnon August Funelius C.'iarles G Broat 8J D. ydoo Swan Peterson William Bennett C G Hickok Carl J K Carlson C'hss Gray John 'I hieaeu J E Sorbin Geo McCaulcy Duncan Chalmers J r Shannon . C D Merwin H E Wiley , Hal Morln Joaeph Shank Noah Houbx Wilte KL-k PatOnffen 4 1 Koberteon N K Murphy Wm Day II P Kkaadin A H Paruell E U HaUlod J W K an Patruk Walsh T Scutes J F Dalv DS McKay 'L A Granc Dan Reeder J F. Stout William Houtts Anorew Laraen H T Rialug Willian: Gourly Thos J Kelly P Sinnott J D Lundli A W Vauae John F Trana C E Miller Application for Liquor License. CiiCAM Locks, Falls Precuct, Wasco C ainty, btate of Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEH THAT I, T. n Williams of said pramec and couuty, will, on the Sd day of September. 189. apply to the C iuntr Couttof the above-namd ountv fur licenae to sell pirituona, malt and vinous liquors In leaa quanti ties than one gallon Fallen Precinct, Wasco Couity, State of Oregon, July 22,11:94. Cascadb Locks, Falls PbecIsct, Was o County, Siatai of Oregon. To the Honorable County Court uf Wasco Couuty, Oregon: We, the undersigned taxpayers and legal voters of Falls Pivcinct, county and state aforeaaln, reatajct fully petition your honorable court ta a rant a li cense t T. H Williams to sell spiriluour, tinous ano melt liquors at the town of Cascale Lo ka. said prec'net. In .ess quantities than one gallon for tue peaiod of one a oar: HAMas. Namzs. Duncan Chalmers H E Wiley Jamea I lark William Crabb Harry Gray a Goo Gray Jamea blattcry W Lynch LComfui ' Chaa Merwin w c Johnston Andy keleber D L Catea - WW Larkln C F Kershaw J M Mclaaao Nick Weoer Tim Brennan John W Haley Zoel uarnear u W Ser,rmaa Fred T Burcktnan A M Barrett Morgan Williams M Fitzgerald Thos Manion 14 Mo. in DSLowmy A J Jordan T W Lewis U S McKay C B Lilt Thos J Kelly W A Caivan Wm Coletts Aug Neiaon J Pullivau U D Pe ktoa I'om Scully D Cunningham Wm Mckenzie William Thomas W Day Wm..ycock A E Sarant P Paulsen Ed Err.iner . . William Uourley F McDjuad J'jh'i Watkiua Patrick .tullivan " K Black , Patrii a K'llbers E P Ash RSAld:ich, ' C A Stewart NStokal v BARBED WIRE If you want cheap fencing, use the new ail re nailed ' XVa.XTI33C3ravlr This will stretch 25 per cent further ta the uae pttmberof pounds th tn any otner wire in the mar ket, and abao makes the best fences. Stop an I ex amine it and you wf ii be coaviniud that this is tha wire you waut. JOS. T- PETERS & CO. Sole agents for Tbt Dalles, HEN11I L KUCK, 'Maxtufaoturer oi and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moodv's Warehouse THE DALLES, OREGON A. lYark lantetlsui Usiaranteett tt xlwi Hat- NOTICK TheU. 8. Land Offce, The Dalles, Or., June II. 18U4. Complaint having been ent red at tnis ornee by Gilbert 8 Mano againsi Joseph Stoedter for shand oning his homesteaal enlivNo '), dated June 18, 18m, upon the ow or aoc 17, tp 1 s range 10 east, in Waaoo county. Oregoo. with a view to tha ca e -lia-tio ot said et.try, the aaio parties ars heteby aum moned to appea at thia i.nice on tha 26th lay of July. 188 , 1 10 o'clock a m, to respond and furnish teatimony conceriiiug said al eged bandoiment. JOHN W. LEWIS, RegiiUr. tte j 7VVISS PETGR 5 COMPANY. Second St. The flew Umatilla House, T E DALLES. OREGON SINNOTT & r icarf f.ii s :Pafl"tF,1W, aiaV-lirrrtaawWaa f-r-r -i aap--rr: ,.o,.wt.vi --vr.- 5 ---law i ia -"-timiiiiiv IHE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON Free Bus to and from tbe Hotal J. 0. FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS- PABST CELEBRATED BEER FRENCH'S BlOCKa 171 Second Street, TIIE DALLES, OREGON. THE GERMANIA, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars All brands ot Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES' -welve-y ear-old WMskey, frtrictly pare, for meaidiial rmr- Jiaii laiquor. oiuniDut iJrewery ocr on oiuugaw 94 Second Street, Sam Francisco Beer HaU 1? LEMRK Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. ALL KINDS OF COLUMBIA BREWERY WASHINGTON 8TREE T, BETWEEN 8ECOND AND THIRD Gener 1 ission Coffim 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET " (Adjoining Railroad DepoL) Consignments S olicit e d Promp Attention to tnoae who ravor ma with their patronatra COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Ootner Third and Washington Streets. Cored Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues, And tbe best Beefsteaks, Mat ton Chops and Veal Cutlets in tbe market. Orders Delivered to Anv Part of tL.0 Citv Fresh Vegetables on sale at tbe Lowest Prices. MERCHANT TAILORING. MR. PAT. FAG AN, At his establishment on tbe corner of Third and Federal streets fo prepared to make Spring and Slimmer Suits THE DALLES, Or. TISH, Proprietors Mii 1'?; rr, , ,ii -. KCa.: : Fire Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. I DOMESTIC and KEY WEST CIGARS. TIIK DALLES, OR BOTTLED BEER. BEER ON DRAUGHT t or o iilfa ytrur.-v .- v',3 - ii-.i t ..c-. -at PMC and Kiirwanim till IS. X U A I I Ul Ulll