The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, August 18, 1894, Image 4

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    The Times-Mountaineei
....AUGUST 18, 1894
T3S ASlAXWAP.. - . -
A London telegram of A.uRnat 1st
present a curious and interesting con
dition of affair in political circles in
England arising out of the war between
China and Japan, say a San Fran
cisco exchange ; It is said in the dis
patch that the government of Lord
Rose be ry will be held responsible by
ihe English people for having allowed
8 of the world tt rrcb
ffcngland the armu:f&twuic
Jor military, destinies of the
worlo? Ibe sozeestion indicates that
-tin? cowmprcial, the trading spirit mil'
Uant, of England ha again run mad.
. The interest which the English hive
in Asia, aside from their Indian Era
pire. is sole v that of trade. Bat this
interest actually assumes the right to
dictate the political policy of the na
tion. .-' And it is not the first time, that
British commerce assumed that impu
dent attitude. -.During the American
rebellion "the mercantile class would
have forced the British government
to intervene and raise the blockade of
the southern ports but for the friend
shib towards the United States dis
played by the masses of English work
men. But notwithstanding this re
straint; notwithstanding 1ha fact that
the government whL-h was friendly
enough to the southern confederacy
was forced - by. public sentiment in
England to desist from its, purpose to
recognize the belligerent rights of the
south, the builders of armed vessels
and the vendors of arms were permit
ted to supply the rebels with guns and
ships of war. . ' - .
Oddly enough, the blunder made by
England in this regard cornea op for
serious-' consideration in connection
with the Asian war.' It seems that
Cuina had a number of order in Eng
land for ironclads. Negotiations i
about completed for .the purchase of
three powerful vessels now lying in
English shipyards. But tbe declara
tion of war by Japan has led the gov
ernment to hastily issue orders to pre
vent the delivery of any sbip-of war
to either "belligerent. "' "England, the
dispatch states, 'wiU be extremely
careful to avoid a repetition of the
Alabama affair. - The most strict in
structions have been sent broadcast by
the foreign office." v':
It would hardly be pretended that
England would be justified in interfer
ing, now that war has been declared.
nor will the jiogos demand tbe adop
tion of that course. It may be possi
ble that Russia, which has the most
apparent political interest in the con
flict, will invite England to co-operate
with her in putting an end to the war,
as indicated in a dispatch from St.
Petersburg this morning. But unless
snch joint intervention is attempted I
Jbjngland will be compelled to pocket
ber commercial losses and make tbe
best of it..'. :. J e .5 1 -, ' .
. - Nevertheless, Lord Rosebery'a gov
ernment and the Liberal party may
suffer politically at the hands of the
jingo sentiment in England. Rose-
berry's position is anomalous, anyway
The Liberal party -under- Gladstone
was opposed to a jingo foreign policy,
Kosebery in the foreign office at
tempted, to reverse this policy, and
; there is no doubt that he dragged Mr,
Gladstone . along with him againsc the
wishes and better judgment of the old
commoner. . But - the - Gonservatives,
under Salisbury s pretense of a vigor-
bus foreign policy was all a .'sham.
Jingoism is easily arroosed. . Every
tradesman who finds his profits shrink
ing from tbe Toss of business with th
f.reast wilLhold tbe premier and hu
3 party responsible. ' iln the end th
Asian war may prove more disastrois
to the Liberals than Irish borne rule.
. - ; Frosa Sanudav's Daily. ' '
Prof. A. Frazier. of the (ublio schools tl
udtur, is in town tocay; . -.-
Sheriff Driyer baa been shwnt seveHl
days this week at bis farm at Wamio.
Mr. and Mn Andrew Keller left on a
visit to San Fran iaco daring tbe week.
. Some of our utmrods paid a visit to the
L Ji earl waters of Mill creek this afternoon to
spend unday fiahing and hunting. ...
- Mr. B. F. Langhlin, wl o has been man
ager of the D. P. & AN. to. since its for
mation, resigned his position yesterday.
- 1 he annual circus is picking up the loose
half-dullarj in the V illamette towns. Jt
will be a blessing if the circus d esnt come way. - --. " x . i . .. ?. r
The eon'ract for building tbe new. school
bouse at Hood Kiver has been let to Lan
ille & Cox f that town, and work will be
begun very soon. " . .
JThsf?gfStctoidiinct leave, her wbar
i8am9 K uam arobeing made to Ihe port-
e load, and th, uiny trips, will be post
poned uo til this is in lunnitg order..
Ihe Fruit Growers Union shipped enly
3000 crates of rioo t Biver strawberries tu
season realizing therefor only $100. . Last
)ear the shipment amounted to 8160 crates.
1 he Oregon State Editorial aaeociatioii
will hold the annual meeting in feud le ton
in Septembers .1 hat city is making exten
sive pr parations to receive the pencil
pushers. . . .
Next year is tbe regular census year fot
this state, which is taken every ten - year
by tbe assessor. J!. very acre cultivated,
every bushel ud p and of everything raised
is to be enumerated. , . .
- The rrcord of the marshsi'a arrests wa
increastd last night, ai d tbis morning tbr.
greeted ihe viaiou of tbe recoider. Tbe
elicited the judicial clemency of tbe official
and were each mulcted in a line. .
1 be dry grass along tbe line of tbe rail
road tra k has been set on fire iu several
place during the week by sparks from pass
ing locomotives. In some instances tbest
fires have endangered fields of grain. -
Mr. W. J, Hamilton,' of Casced, Wash.,
is in th city today. A bout tea years ago
be was in tbe employ of the railroad com
pany at the s ops in tbis eity, and Stopped
over tod y to take a look over the city.
: CoL F. J. Parker, of the W alia ' Walla
BSateman was a passenger on tbe n erning
train, en route to Yaquiua bay...,He says
bis experiences at Pasco with tbe strikers
are sufficient to last him during tbe century."
Mr. Robert Smith, of Grass Valley, gave
ns an agreeable call last -evening, tie is a
sbeep owner and pastorea-hia flocks in Sher
man county in winter; but in summer tbey
range in'the foot bills of the Cascades in
Crook cinnty.
' M. J.Xt. KoonU, Orle Cooler nd Mrs.
McDonald arrived in town yesterday morn
ing from a camping tour in tbe mountains
about eight niUes from Hood Eiver. Tbey
were absent about a week and brought hack
with tbetri about thirty-tire gallons of black
berries. Meibotbst Episcopal church Fev. J.
Wbisler, pat tor. Presorting hy the pastor
at 11 A M.and 8pm; Suuday school after
the mi miag service; Junior League at C;
Epwortb Lane at 7; claaa meeting at 6
r M. Tuesday and 10 A. M Sunday; prayer
nesting Tnnrsday evening at 8 o'clock. AH
are cordially invited.
The anarchists are much like the res' of
mankind, after all, say the New - York
Tribune. . Kewspapers are denied the young
anarchist who tried to assassin e Premier
C'rispi the other, day, and he sends frfemhis
to a conipaliTTvpiCST?
phy, of Portland, as consummated
week. - The property was bound a nie
months ago to the company which now
buys it for $12,000. It is a valuable mine.
and the consideration named in the deed
Irora Jtnrpuy to the-farmer flat Mining
Co. is $40,000.
- The Ijonirreeational ehnrch, corner of
Court and Fifth streets Sunday aervices as
usual. At 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. worship and
a sermon by tbe pastor, tV. C. Curtis.
Saoday school immediately after tbe motJ-
ug service. Meeting ol the Young reo
plea' Society of Christ i in Endeavor at 6:30
Topic "Whole Hearted Service." Eph
vi :5 18. All persons not worshiping else
where are cordially invited to unite with
US. .:-.;' ' . : !; . '
United States District Judge Morrow is
sued an order Monday at San Francisco
commanding tbe United States marshal to
sell the steam WiilamiUe Valley, to sat. .
isfy a claim of K. 1 Cnandler for coal fnr-
niahed ber owners, lb; Uregon itaveiopmeoi
Con.ptny. The order is made under a libel
tiled against tbe stesmer December 19 last.
Tbe steamer is lying in tbe stream there nn-
cared for, and Judge Morrow decided that
t would bo inianoua to the property to
longer keep the vessel in the hinds of the
receiver, (Jhariea Ul-tra,
The hose tournament of the volunteer fire
companies of the state will be held Sept. 3d
and 4th at Oregon City. r Last year it was
held in this city, and the visiting companiet
came to The Dalles with flying colors and a
band of music. No action has yet been
taken by our tire department as regards
sending a delegation to the meeting,- and
hia ahnnlfi nnt Ha netTletetl . Anv Innopr.
... . . , .
The vtaitars mmn inwinbiri the onteirao citv
by attending in lar.e numbers, and our tire- f tinued be shoald have taken another direc
men should take sufficient interest in the I tion nd procured glass eye.
annual couvention to send representatives
to Oregon City. ,
Arlington Record:' Deputy Sheriff John
son was in t wn a tew days ago. - vv e team
from him that the sheriff had deposited
some $1100 that be bad collected a taxes in
tbe Kirst Nati nal Mr. Wilcox promptly
replaced the money to the conn y out of
hia private mnda, so thai tbe connty is at
no loss or inconvenienee, and the loss, if
any, will be sustained by Mr. v llcox . . to
much lor having a responsible atentt. .
From Monday's Dally .
The river is rapidly receding to tbe nor
mal atage. ' -. .. . .
Sheriff Driver returned yesterday from
bis trip to the osjntry- .
Mr. J. P. Mclnerny returned . Saturday
sight from a few days' ontii.g on tba coast.
Tbe beach in tbe rear of the Umatilla
Bonse ia orowded with - wood,- and -river
barges are constantly onloading lumber.
Mr. Arthur Kennedy, the foreman of tbe
Arlington Record, arrived in tbe city yes
terday on a visit to relatives and friends. ;
The wharf bonse of tbe 'Regulator eom-
psov washed out during tbe ilojd. The
water is sufficiently low now for.; this fact
to be discernible. ' . '
There is a report current today that Cant.
SborV of tbe Regulator, has resigned his
position. We did not learn when tba res
ignation will take effect. , . ; .- - .-
Mr. A. Scberoeckau, of Astoria, is in the
city.-" lie was formerly a resident of this
ouuotv, and bas property - interests in
iiaatern Oregon which require bis attention;
Satisfaction ' of judgment was entered Sat
urday in tbe records it tbe county clerk in
tbe case of H. K. McElrov aaainst H. C
of a. c. McKimy against
Con for tbe sum of $2500 and $250 attorneys'
Considerable activity is manifested bv
tbe railroad company tu -putting the track
in good (.oodiliou. .Trains ran over it as
soon as tbe benta of the" Mill creek bridge
were replaced, bat tbe track required bal
lasting. ' ' . ;-
Sberiff Driver visited the camps of the
ssen at work oo the Clear Lake Ditob Co.
daring bia trip to the country, and learned
(bat tbs three prieooers who est a Did liou
the Oregon City jail bad pasted' there tbe
previous day.
It has been computed that the death rate
of the globe ia t8 per minute, 07.790 per
day. or 35.717,790 per year. The birth
rate ia 70 per uuauce, 100,800 per day, -or per year, rt cloning tbe year to
be 3051 daya in length. '.
- Tbe record of the police coart was largely
inci eased tuia aauruiDu, aad aix penoaa.
charged witb being drauk and disorderly,
were brought be! ore Recorder Dulur ana
each waa lined $3 To settled the amount,
and tbe others weie tamed over to the
street commissioner. - v -
Judue iwaiuxer ' bas held that sellina
liquor to an ludianr who ja in charge of a
Uuited States ludian agent :a not pouiaha-
oie uudtr the, United S'ateV atataua, The.
decision will have tbe tffout 01 Vary in -Serially
lessening tbe incomes of Eastern Ore
gon deputy U. S. marsbala. . . ' f -
An expert gives the folloalog opinion re
garding the recent discovery ot sold in the
artesian wells of Pullman: , 'There is no
question bat that the find, is a nob one.
Pullman ia thoronsblv excited over the dis
covery, and claims are being located in all
direuuoua. A number of companies with
ample capital to make development were
ormed last uiicbt and it will be but a lew
lava uotil tbe lead will be uncovered. Alex
Kowe, owner ot tbe land where the die-
nwy waa made, is regarded as a verv iur.
tunate man.' - ' ,-.
An Oregon City minister has undertaken
b , joh. The HwrprUe says: Rey. J .
v. . ljwan wuhes mi know , wbv the
cburchs of this city are not attended by
tbe men, and to get at this roas ta as near
as bs can, baa addressed a letter, to a Bum
ber of tbe ba-ioeaa eoeu asking them their
owe raaajo, and to obtain Irjoi , other men
their reason for not atteiidma cburoh. The
lbjeot will be tbe theme of bis sermon
aext Sunday eveuiog.and be hones to secure
aad throw some light on tbe snbj ot, with
out bowevtr, using anyone's name. - i -
Tbe Clear Lake Ditch Co. have about 160
men employed, and are bushinj the wbra
as rapidly as possible. There are three
camps established along the lioe . ot tbe
itch. I no first is about twety miles from
the edge of -the timber, and the others are
oove nve mie apart. It m tbe. intention
of tbeoompany to have the ditcb completeo
ia sixty daya, when water wilt be turned
into alcOubbea's galcb, which wiU form a
natural Canal to Juniper flak With irriga
tion this belt of laud will be rendered
fertile ia- the growth of grain, and wdl be
me ot the most desirable portiona of Waaco
county, For many ytars the' settlers have
sameatly aeaired soma mean of irrigation.
ana ineir wisaea win oe gratinad in two.
Independent: Maggie Scott, seven vear,
id. a uaugnter of W m. 8oott. Who lives on
he 8eo t'a Mills road, five miles from Sil
vortou, t dreadlully barned on Monday
inoroing. Tbe little one was alone at a di.-
anoe trom tbe bouse, and it is auppoaeu
ne was handling matches. . In some wav
iter apron took fire and ane started, scream-
oa, towara the noaae. but beina overcom.
.y the heat she tell face down and waa an
b.e to rise. When help reached her tut
ire bad badly barned ber back and lowei
xtretnities. A physician from this eiti
Waa summoned as quickly as possible,: ou .
little could be done tor tbe sufferer . save t
alleviate ber agony and death same . to hei
relief on i'aeaoay. ----- - - . .
.. from Toesdaj's Daily.,' -r
Mr. Larry Hayes, of Portland, la in the
city today. . . i-
Mr. Ueorge J?och returned last evening
from few days' visit in Portlaud. - -
PioteesorJ. Gavin returned yesterday
froja several wee as' ooiing on the coast
Sheriff Driver left this morning .for". Wa-
pimua.oo buainsas ... conneotea witb hu
tbae. if .
The weet-bound passenger train passed
down the road this morning' about 8
o'clock. .
Mrs. A. H. Jewett, of White Salmon,
osme up on tbe boat last evening and re
turned this morning,
The timbers are being hauled and prep
arat-ont are bncg made tor moving the up
per Lnion street sccoal bause,
Mr. Walter Frsiue 1 fc this morning for
his borne at tbe Cascade Lock. He bas
been in the eity on basineas for tbe past
two dsys.
A carload ot cattle left tbe stockyards
of It. B. Salnnarsbe & Co. yesterday for
Portland. Tbey came from one ot the
interior counties.
- Hon E. B. Dnfur, wife and familr, who
have been camping for several dsys past
a few miles west of tbe town of Duiur,
returned yesterday,
The f clKji ! a.-'ta filed for record
-to James L.
few qr sec 12, tp
t Vancouver, was
beat last night, and left
morning for a visit to
e near Goldendale, Wash.
-wheels in this vicinity were
of the water Saturday, tod
so until alter September 10th
our citizens believe that tbe latl
uion will be very large.
fit. Wiegle,Vic. Marden and Harry
iee, returned Saturday from a week's
canning on the headwaters of Fifteen
Mile creek. They report having an ex
cellent tune, and to nave enjoyed an
abundance -of fish aud game.
Tbe proprietors of tbe distillery at Grant
naye ottered to establish it at reodletnn if
it will give tbe ctmpsny a bonus of $25,000,
including the value of a tea-acre building
site. So far tbe titiz;na of Pendleton do
not appear favorably disposed to the propo
sition. ;
Governor McGrav has issued a procla
mation offering a reward ot $500 for the
recovery of the body of C. P. Gleystein,
tbe man mysteriously murdered in Siio-
fcane county, and an additional reward of
$o00 lor the arrest and conviction ol the
Ibe police court record was down to
low wale mark this morning, and one
solitary and ionely individual appeared
before the recorder, charged with
being' drank and disorderly. Tbe
recorder was as pleasant as usual when
be imposed the $5 fine on him.
. Klickitat Leader We understand that
tbe management of the Sentinel has been
cnsogea, HUgn uourlay bas been re
tired from tbe editotu) chair and W. A.
Maxwell takes bis place. It is said that
tbe whole force will -be re-organized with
W..1T. Jiyars as lore an an of the printing
department.. f
One of the jnen who escaped from tbe
Clackamas ooaoty jVil a few days ao made
bis way over tbe nioontains and reaohel
Umatilla oouoty. Hs waa easily identihed,
having one eye, and tbe sheriff soon had
bim in sua tody. Hia freedom waa verv
. j u- : o j . . .
I. , luwuutu iur IB to nave COU'
I Por;tand Teletiram: rtamael Gomners
I who is at UeheaJ of the federated
i raaee, coniriounas so interesting article
to the current number of tbe Aorta Amer
icon Review in which be coincides with
the late opinion expressed by Debs that
the ballot is a more effective weapon than
tbe strike or boycott, ia settling labor dis
putes. ! . . .
At Oakland yesterday, about 3 P M.Fred.
Kincaid, about 2i; years of age, waa sbot
and killed by SamT Brown, nearly the same
age. - The weajpoo ned was a bull-dog pis
tol, and Kiuoald was walking in the direc
tion of Brows) when tbe later pu'led hia
revolver and ishot him. He died in ten
minutes after tbe shooting. Both were
p.yingatteotibns to the sasse girl, and this
was tbe causeof tbe tra ady.
-The Weiser Signal says tbe will ot tbe
late-Hfohn Mcuullough, of that place,
gives the widow of the deceased $10,000.
while ' $13,000 was distributed among
other reiatives. - In addjtioa to the .be
quest fosMrs . McC'ullougX the deceased
made-bis wife a present of 425,000 in
cash before the will was executed The
estate amounted to about $80,000. vs
. A wildcat with six kittens was discov
ered iai tne para at aprague during a Sun
day school picnic, by several small boys,
who Had gone some distance from tbs
main bedy of picnickers. Tbe old cat
showed fight, whereupon one of the boys.
agea io, -puuea- a revoiyer and killed
the animal. This is not exactlv "mnscu
lar" Cbribtianity,but quite as sensational.
' Tbe, heavy wheat shipments are going
td put a good aeal of money into circnla
Uon where it is needed. There will be no
profit to tbe farmer on the crop, but it
will be money in hand at a time when
dollar looks as big as a cartwheel. At
all events, it is a time when a dollar in
hand is worth two bushels in the bin
Let tbe wheat go out and tbe dollar come
in, regardless ot the price.
' The O. E. & X. Co.'s coal bunkers at
Pendleton caught fire Saturday night ani
were completely consumed. Bv atienuoaa
enorts oi tne nremen and citizeos adjoining
buildings were ssved from the destructive
flames. Tne loss to tbe company is esti
mated at $5,000, there having been de
stroyed about titty tons of coal, four freight
cars, tne coal canters and tramway and
small quantity of oil and waste.
Die man Morton - Green, one of those
who tooK JTrencn leave or the connty jail
In Oregon City a few dys ago, bas been
located at Oak Grove in tbis county. He
formerly worked tor a half-breed in that
vicinity, and as soon as be was free of the
prison liars be sought his eld haunts.
Mr. Driver received a letter from Sheriff
Haddock, ot Clackamas, notifying him
of the fact, and Mr. Green will soon be in
durance yile.
Mr. De La Salle, who resides at Tenth
and Union streets, made a dangerous mix-
take yester lay in taking what be supposed
to be castor oil. Oo discovering that be
bad ioatead drank a mixture of boracio
acid and glycerine he immediately sought a
pbvsicisn who administered an emetic, and
besides a oiora'otanly fright and as un
pleasant burnirg feeling,- be is none the
worse for . his experience. He declares,
however, be will look at - tbe label here
after before imbibing.
AUorian: Ki-h Commm-ioner McOnire
veitardav - received information that tbe
Washington commissioner, Mr. - Crawford,
proposed to allow the traps to continue
bahing during tbe close season. Laat night
be went over to Baker's bay, a d if be
bads any of the traps fiabing he will tele
graph Uovernor Pennoyer for instructions.
As t .e law prohibiting the fishing for
salmon ia tbe Columbia for tbe next tbirtyf
J nr.., . r - I
. y i jtf,u MiiniaKiB-vreKUD measure
it is probab'e that Commissioner MoUuire
will be instructed to make arrests of tbe
offendirg parties. -
. At Hell's Half Acre, near tbe mouth of
tbe et. Mary's river, Idaho, on Tuesday
afternoon, Thomas Collier was shot and
killed by Thomas Campbell, in a dispute
over the location of fence lines. - Collier
and. Campbell were formerly partners in
a sawmill, and later. they purchased Ihe
Swanlake farm, each taking a ha'f inter -est.;
The brotuor of the deceased, J. B
Collier, was convicted of horse stealing
in Whitman county, aad is now serving a
term in the Walla Walla penitentiary.
Thomas was tried twice for the same
crime, but waa set free for lack of evi
dence, t . . ' '- j .
Residence Bnumed.
The residence of Mr. Charles E. Hay
ward, on Juniper flat, burned to- tbe
ground last Saturday, afternoon., Mr',
Hay ward and a hited man had" been
hanhng gram during the day, and after
the noon hour had started, to the barn
with another load when .'Mrs. Hay ward
came' out and gave ''the alarm of fire.
They and several neighbors worked very
diligently, and managed to save a large
portion of the furniture and bedding;' bnt
the building was a total loss, as no water
was available, and the flames bad a good
start before tbe alarm was given. The
cooking stove had been moved that aay
from tbe kitchen to the woodshed, and u
18 supposed a coal of fire must have
dropped trom the stoye into tbe dry fuel
The loss will be trom $300 to $400, and
there was no insurance. Fortunately Mr.
Hay ward's barn and straw stacks did not
take fire, although at one time it seemed
aa though a clean sweep would have been
made of everything.
Land Transfers). t -.
Aug 11 H F MsElrov to Kittie Coe;
Part of the. donation land alalia of H C
Cjo, in sees 25, 28, 35 and 30, tp 3 n, r 10
asst. $3230. . - . . . . -' . ...
August 11 Q C Cos and Kittie Coe to A
S Blowers; 15 acres m sees 25, 26, 96 sod
36, tp 3 n, r 10 east; $12,000
mkuWeummmaUu' 1 .
'i Drowned 1st tbe Oceaa.
. Yesterday's Portland TeUjratm has ; the
following account ot tie drowning of Judge
E. A. WiswslI, at Clatsop beach:
Persons returning tbis morning from Clat
sop report iht it was at Grimes' and not at
Seaside that Judge E. A. WiswalL of the
superior coart of Washington, was drowned.
About 10 o'clock yesterday morning Judge
Wiswall, who was an expert swimmer ani
in the habit of venturing beyond the break-
era, went out beyond tbe life lines, aud, it
is supposed, was seized with cramps. Ha
sank io full view of hundreds of persons.
Seyeral of the bathers near him made an at
tempt to rescue him, bat it was futile, an 1
tbe body was not afterwards seen.' An ef
fort was made to get outaide the breakers
in a boat; in hopes of picking him up, but
each time the biat was . swamped and the
lives of the boatman endangered - in the
heavy surf. Mrs. . Wiswall stool on tbe
beach and watcbed her husband ' drowo.
She was frantic with grief, and for several
hours walked tbe beach with ber child in
her arms, refusing all offers of comfort.
Judge Wiswall was a native of Iowa,
about 35 years of age. He attended Grin-
nell college and wa; a graduate of the lows
state university. Immediately after grad
uating he came west aad aomovnetd the
practice of law at Vancouver. Wab , where
he soon took a high rank in bis profession.
and two years ago was ' nominated and
elected judge of tbe superior court of the
Vancouver district, as a Democrat, though
the district was Kepublisan. Hi was mar
ried to Miss Loretta Ney, whom be met
while attending the college at Grinnell,
She aad their one child are now at the
beach. '
Suicide Near Astoria.
Mrs. Joseph Petty, formerly a resident
of Portland, committed suicide by drown
ing a lew days ago, on Her ranch near
Astoria. She was the wife of Joe Petty,
late in the employ of the Oregon Transfer
Company, and who in the earlier days
was known In tbe metropolis as the "man
with tbe iron jaw," an acrobat at the old
Elite theatre. The suicide is attributed
to her husband's fondness lor strong
drink, which rendered her very unhappy.
Some time ago she is alleged to have said
to mm mat in tne event be ever went on
another spree be -would not find her at
home on bis return Tbe Petty family
are well known in Oregon, and some of
tbe sons formerly resided at The Dalles.
If we are not mistaken "Joe" was quite
notorious in tbis vicinity, and figured
quite prominently in justice court while
here. .
Surely at Xlstake.
Two little waifs, one bv the name of
John Hamilton tbe other Stanley Robinson,
aged respectively 13 and 14 year-, are now
in charge .of Sneriff Combs, who has ar
rested and is holding tbem waiting for. an
otfioer from Lioa county to arrive au4 take
charge of them, says tbe Prineviile Newt
The charge alleged againat them ia larceny,
it being said that tbey stole a pony and sad
dle apiece and struck out for their h imes
near Waterloo in Linn county. Tbe boys,
while ragged and dirty,seem to be ordinarily
bright little tellows, and claim that they
did not intend to atel the outhca, bat mere
ly took tbem from the pasture of a relttive.
and aa we taled tbe matter over with them
it appeared to ns that thny must have
thought it no harm to do ao It ii scarcely
credible that soon ohildren should be f ull-
fledged borse thieves.
A Long Fast.
. ' Antelope Herald.
It Is wonderful how long seme animals
can exist without food or drink. -The fol
lowing is true and beats tbe record so far aa
we know. Not long ago C V. Line took a
trip' to- The Dalles, leaving on Tuesday
about coon and returning oo th following
Monday at noon. Before leaving, oo Tues
day, by accident, ha loukel Monte, his dog,
in the barber sbop north of bis saloon, and i
he remained there until the next Monday j
at noon, without a bite to eat or anything
to drink When discovered be was lying
n tba barber's chair, and ass almost frao- I
tie with banger and thirst.- When let to
the water, he did not lap it. but actually
sacked it up like a horse. He was given
some ligbt food at fiist, ai.d is now as good
a dog as ever. - Tbe thermometer that week
registered about 90 degrees,-, and the dog
endured this for 6 dsys an 6 nights. -
. The Sorrow of a Poor Indian.
: Orsgon City Courier.
,. Indian George, one ot the . last aged sur
vivors of the Clackamas tribe, came here a
abort time ago from the Stlett reervation to i
inquire into tbe reported desecration of - tbe
bones of. the members of his family by tbe
Vandal bands of white men. When he
saw, on, the banks of tbe Clack imaa, how l
the graves of those dear to bim bad been
rooted up ani tbe skulls and long bones I
scattered about, the grief and indignation i
that .took ' possession of the wrinkled old
man almost deprived bim of reason. But i
what oould be do? His tribe bad gone to
its everlasting1 home and the white men who
bad sent it there were meeaorgum. -what
oould be do bat submit to fate?
'. .Wants taa Iease Causcelled.
; A Portland dispatch of the 11th insunt.
savs: . "ltceiver McNeill today filed In
the United States coart a petition praying
that the lease of the Oregon Railway Ex
tension company and the Washington and
Idaho llailway company be set aside and
the1 receiver released from payment of
rentals for these lines under the terms of
the lease. -The Oregon Kail way Exten
sion company u owner of two lines, one
running trom'it Grande to Elgin and the
other from Winona to Seltice. The Wash
ington & Idaho owns the line from Tesoa
to .WarUner. None of these lines have
nearly paid operating expenses, and the
Oregon Railway St Navigation- receiver
wishes to be released from tbe terms of
the lease"
"' .i- .- A Pterw Crop. --
- - - '. - : . a. .
The following fr wa the JS. O. Republican
show the result of tobacco culture io Duiou
connty: ' "Wm. Frasier, of Cove, brought
to the Republican otboe yesterday a ssmple
af ' tobacco be is raising oo his place The
plant measures sboat 8 feet igh in the
field, and leaves on the sample masor- 14
inches wide and 2 feet long Mr Frxirr
sya be baa little over a - quarter of an acre
of tbe weed and that he wdl bave ab-mt
1000 pouods of tobacco w ban cured ' H
says it m as Sua tobacco as can be grown in
old Missouri, and proves that the climate is
well adapted to the culture of tobtceo. Tb-
plant is air ady' beginning to : I ipen, ami
there is oo danger, of its being injured by
frosts tbis fall"
Beware f Olartaagif far Cattarrk that
'-'.v"i.".", '-'Caiasaulsi alecesirjr, '.: :
As mercury will sorely destroy tbe sense
of smell snd completely derange tbe
whole system wbea enterioa; It tbroagb
ibe macoua surfaces. 8uch articles
shoald never be used except on prescrip
liens from reputable physicians, as tbe
damage they will do is ten fold to tbe
good you can possibly derive from tbem.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F
J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, cod tains no
mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
face of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Care be sare jou get tbe geaaine
It, is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. . Uieney & Co.
Testimoniala fre. ; ; - .'.
fJTBold by Druf guts, price 75c per bottle-
; -. '': -V- '
r : Children Cry
for riXOH'
Castaria Is so well adapted to children that
1 recommena a aa superior to any preacripaoa
known to me." U. A. Anan, H. D
- -j 111 South Oxford Bu, Brooklyn, M. T
"I use Castoria In my practice, and find It
specially aaaptau to anecnons ot omiaren."
. A T w IA
: u . 1067 Sd Ave'liew Sorfi
, "From perannsJ knowledge I can say tit it
astona is nam eaoeimBi medicine lor ecu
I v. UBMiu,
" --. . Lowell, Kaaa.
' Castori promotes Digestion, and
Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrncea, and Feverishneaa.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep aattnrsd. Castoxiat contains no
Morphine or other n&rcotio property.
First National Bank
Successor to
Transacts a Rezulir Bankinir BasLaess
Buy and Veil Exchange.
Collections carefully mads anil nromntlv acnonnted
tor. iwaw oa .ew nor, Ban t rancisco sod rort-
' . ' Directors) t
OP Thompson, Ed M William i, J S Schenck,
George Liebe, H at BealL
UniYersily of Oregon
Next session besrins September 17, 1894.
Tuition, bee. Bo-rd. S2 60 a week
Eive courses -Classical. Scientific Literarv. n-
fflish and business.
DOR Mi rOBY -Ths baardins; hall for young ladies
ana cne aos iwg nui lor young gent'emen win Be
under tne personal supervision of Mrs. Moora,
lady of refinement and large experience.
For catalojnes address
J. J. WALTOS, Secjr Begenta
mm mu mm
Soscial Prices to Gash Bisvers,
j auvnn, . .
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Arent tor tba Scottish Union aiH National In
surance company et Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital . .
Valuable Farms near the Citr to sell on easv
Otfioa over Post Office. The Dalles, Or. .
Wellingtons' Eock Springs,
' and Eoslyn Goal
$12, sacked and
tbe city.
delivered to any part ol
At Moody's Warehouse
Mount Hood Satnble Rooms
THE DAT.T.ff.3. 03KQ0N.
Best Ken tucty Whiskey
rROM x,ovs uxn
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bea
. - of Wines, - .
'.ghah PorVr AJe and Mils-ante
. . Beer always on band.
Harness iand Saddlery,
second St,, sear MoodVIt Warsbooas, :
- Work
atmaraatsaMl te CMwo Bsu
Second and Union Street.
A. L. KEW1IAIJ'. Proprietor
Wool - Mwe - Salooo.
vVines, Liauors Cigars
BeeonJ Street East End.
nV" u 1 1 in i in
Chicago. St. Louis,
East Brand..
West Bound .
. 8:46 A. M
From ths East. .
From the West .
. 3:40 A. H
.11:10 P It.
Steamers from Portland to SFnr, Isco
B. H. H. CLARK, )
vuv -K w. H1MK,
For rates and trencral mtormatlon call on E.fE.
I.IXLJS, uepot Xicket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon.
W. EL HTOLBCRT, Asst. Got. Pass. Art,
264 Waebintton hi.. Portland, Or
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool Commission Merchants
610 Atlantic Ave Boston.
Clocks, Watctes, . . Jewelrj, Etc.
Alwars keens en sale the latest and hert atvlpa o
iius-pieees, wiamona rungs, now-amt mars, BU
verwvv, utCt wc.
183 Second Street, neat door to A.
Williams fcfo.V
R.E; Saltrpapcnn
East End STOCK YflEDS,
HighestCashPrice for
Hay and Grain.
C' aaasss. -JLT ' HE!
Isparssl te furulsh nuailles, Betels aad rt
. saiuants with the ehoiosst - - . .i: ;
Bread, Cakes and Pies:
Fresi fysters Sened ia Eiery Styla.''
treaael Street. Hext door to The Dalles Na-
... - - . v tkmsl Bank, . ,v
Andrew Velarde,
' The Dalles.
Iddress; Lock Box 181.
Harper's Weeldy.
- HARPER'S WEEKLY IS beyond all qnentlOB ths
leadinfr journal in America, In lta aplen.lid iliatit'a
tioo, In its corp of atstioguis-ted contrlbaco-s. and
In lta vast srmr ot readers. In special lines it
draws on the highest order of talent, the men best
fitted by positiou aad 'raining to treat the leading
topics of tba day. 1b fiction the most popular aterv
writers contribute to lis column Superb iraw
inra by -the foiemost sxtists illustrate ita special
articles, ita atoriea, and every notab.s errnt of pub
He interest; it contains portraits of the diKtiogutahed
men nd w.-men who are making the history ef ihe
time, while special attention ia given to the Army
and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the
Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word. Har
per's Weekly combines the news features of the
daii - piper and tlte artintte and itertry qualities of
tb- magazuis with the s lid critical character of ths
review. .
Harper's Magazine... .....34 00
aarper'a Weekly 4 00
Jarper'a Bazar ..... 4 00
Harrer's Youug People t 00
Pottagt free to all Subtcribert mth United Stattt
Canada and Mexico.
Tbe Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first
number for January of each year. When no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the num
ber current at the time of receipt i f oraer.
Round Volumes of Earpet't Weekly for three
fears hack, in neat cloth bind'ne, will be sent by
mail, nonage paid, or by expre-a, tree of exnenee
I provided freight oes not exceed one dollar per vol
umeh for 7 per volume.
Cloth oases for each volume, suitable for binding
will hs sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of f 1 each
Remittances should b made bv poeteffice money
rder or draft, to avoid cnance of iota.
Sempavert are not to eopg t advertisement
without the expreet order of Harper 4c Brother.
Address: HARPER A BRO 1 HERS, New Yoik.
Harper's Bazar.
- HARPER'S BAZAR is a Journal for the home. It
eivee the fullest t-nd latest information about Faah
iona, and its nnnv roue illuatr tiona, Paris designs
and pattern-aht-et supplementa are indispensable
alike to the borne Iress-maker and the professional
modiste.. Poexpeu? i' spared te make ita artistic
attractiveness of cb highest order. Its bright
atoriea, amusing couiediea aad thoughtful essays
satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as s
budget of wit and humor. In its weekly issues
vcryf hitig is included wbith la of interest to women.
The Serials for lb4 will be written bv William Black
and Walter Besant. Snort stories will be written by
Mary E Wilkins, Maria Louise Pool, Ruth McEnsry
Stuart, Marion Harand. and others Out Door
Sports and in-Door Games, Social Entertainment,
Embroidery, and other interesting topics will receive
constant attention. A new series Is promised of
"Cjffee and Repartee.".
Paa Ysa:
Harper't Magazine. S4 00
Harper's Weekly 4 00
Harper's Bazar 4 Oo
Harper's Young People 3 O0
Postage free to all subscribersjin the. United States,
Canada and Mexico. . ,
The Volumes ef the Bazar begin with t
Number for January of earl' year. Whe no time is
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Num
ber current ai the time of receipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar or three years
bsck, in neat .eloth binding, will be sent by mail,
postoge paid, or hy exp ess, free of expense (pro
vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol
ume), for 17 per volume.
Cloth cases for each volume, snitable for binding,
will be sent bv mail, post-paid, oa receipt of 81 each.
Remittances should be made by postoffiee money
order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. .
Netsspaven are not to copy this advertisement
without the express order of harper A Brothers.
Address: HARPER BROTHERS Hew York. :
First Clam
S luni.-
ae fenest. Tastes aad Ttt lm the WesU.
rasuenger aceomooationa unexcelled.
hurt RatnnlAV.
At regular intervals.
rxtfta on InrHt tnrmn to and from the principle
Excursion tiokata atTsvilabla to return br either the Dt
eareeaoe Cide A Nortti of Iiuud or Naoiea t aibraluaf
finfto iai MoDtf W for siar siaout at lomt -UUf,
Apply U muf of our local atgem or to
Still bemr WAe n
fbr lhev are
JS jg from Qr EISB
and , are eay di-
gisted or Trying
korten ijy . and all
otto t-en e is bwer
3lhc( fjurtlr Vn. UreL
: Genuine made only by '
Truths Sick.
SPELLS depend on Sulphur BiU
ten; it never fails to cure. .-
DO YOU SUFFER vlth. that
tired and all-gone feeling? If so nse E
ompnnrxsuters; it -will cure yon.
Don't be without a bot
tle. -..You will not regret It
of a fair face is a berfuti.
fnl skin. Sulphur Bitters
If you do not wish to L
makes both.
suffer from RHEUMATISM, nse a
botUe of Sulphur Bitters; it never
fails to 'cure. ...
Are you constipated? If so.
g Sulphur Bitters is just whatyouneed
'Poor, weak, and weary mothers
Sulphur Bitters will make them
strong, hearty, and healthy. .
Cleanse the vitiated blood whon
you see its impurities bursting
Rfilv An Klllnlinr
Bitters and health
HI'lll VlAyHlfJlvllsjiisjisj
Send 2 2-oerit stamps to A. P. Ordwav & Co..
BoauuyaUsa., tor beat mnJical WOTkpubU&be4
25c - 50c
$1.00 $1.25
PEATUEKBONK Is made (nm 0.
aatoreB ewn toQarhest eaaterial. beef ahtna maiw a '
tbs nice. Oneap, Durable, ALL STYLES, aa
Brtees, ssk roar Healer (or a VP I rrir nrtBP
o -eat are
rOBaAIBB? - luau -'llJJi
OrPOsiTE Diamond
tlOBEIlT'-E.' WILLIAM,; Proprietore
: For -the Nert Thirtv Davs. to fllose OutSome of Our'
-. . , ljines, win
'. "-."'. r Having Purchased Oup Goods at
Can Give Customers the
y It. -,:
!' ,
' . Hats :
We kiep the Largest and Best Assorted Line in '
the city, of Dry Goods and-' Notion,' Grants' Fur
nixhing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Fine Shoes -.'." 4 "
Of course wa will pat Prices to suit.1 Always do ' '
that. Nobody undersells us. Gome around and ' " ;
iivestigate. .":
' - . ' :;'.- ; - , M r.'
Yoii Know ISffl
Bee Smokers, -V - V '
Fishing Tackle, '
' - " Post Hole Augers,
. . Spray Pumps,
Force Pumps,
. Sheet Iron,
; , Wire Netting,
- Garden Tools,
Iron Pipe, ; . : . '." ' . 1
Tinware, - .;''.
Graniteware, ;
v Powder and Shot,
Revolvers, Guns, . V
.; . Loaded Shells, .
Building Hardware, '
V." .."' -". Wringers,
MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles.
Tlie One Price
, .'.''-.' :. DIEECTLT NOBTH OF
Foreign and Domestic D17 Goods
- Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &a : -'
, '. 1 . : : 1 ! " . , , ' .. -,
Agent for the Buttenok Fatternai also for the Hall Bazaar lres i Forms. , '-
TNTfflTTirTl'l'r'T' ! ITfHI "TT. A. - sV V! ff ?f"
" 1 4 . '- A Shower Roona in Each- Bath Boom, .:. . - '. -
A Bootblack Stand Connected with oar shop, and especial attention paid to all
"' ' '. K - :. 110, Front Street," Opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel, '
,L - ' ' THE DALLES, OREGON. ' .
TELEPHONE NO, 45, .V'" ', '
Th e Oro Fino
Best Grade f atom Wines
3Vo. OO Second door from
ihe corner of Court Street .
nuipirsi i. iiuiiiran
Lxinaupauon. i
Ors of diarhantc,
a armor .-n arrro a" tuenorroraoi imioirnrr. Ui"I n: r.c causes UioUvur. Ilia
j BEFORE SNO AFTEH kidncysand thniary onransof sOJ tmpunOes. .
s,rSTSrnv.srY? atmnarthenaand rmUirMamall w:.k orirana.
' The reaaon mafferen are not enred by Doctors la twnuiie ninety per cent are tronhled wftH
PlsilalllK. CUPIDKNEIsthPODly known iraxlr to wire wllhoul an operaUun. SouUK-stlmonl.
ala. A writto KUrantHeg1en and money returned If six boxes does not Mfaut a psruianvut uurau
LaOabox,sixiurSi.(,bymalL Sendforynsaclrcalaraaa teailmonlals. . . "-"'"
;. Address DAVOli II ED I C IS E C'O P. O. Box 270, Ban FraiK-o, Cal.' SaJe - -
Flouring Mills, -
ben uppaa at - ;
Advantage of the Same.
n 50
; i o',
50 ,
. u '
00 r
75 :
1 10 .
2 00
Yoiir Dry -Goods
" '"- . "" - .- -v ......
Your Patronage
Stoves, Steel Ranges, " 7-"
j'v ' ' -Scythes, Snaths, - ;
Axes',; Wedges,
Barrel Chums,"-
Tin Churn?,. . :', ''
1 i J 1 . Wheelbarrows, '
; "'." "- Cross-cut Saws.
Wire Cloth.. ; ': I' : " '
;. Cutlery, .,' .... : .,.,"
, - i Plumbing Goods ,
' :-.'. - ' - . Chimney Pipe
Wife" and Cut Nails,
; Barbed Fruit Box Nails,
Terra Cotta Sewer Pipej
- ; . Uarden and Jf leld beed '
Cash House, -
Wine Eooms
and ten dies in e . Cily
Thin rreftt VttftAfal
Virsailz-r lhsTrua..rli.
- . . . j....
tion of jsruotm FrentMi phyakian, will qusckir cure Ton of aJI nr
votu or awfiuiea of the m-rtttiv n. f
ui aa nrry
Kaliallftliiitf I )r.i . v.rfHwi. J
atoiia an owm hv dnv
wliich If notchMVpl Inuia U Kprrmatorrhmi ami